Hypertrophy Execution Mastery - Module 1 Workouts - Chest & Back - Week 1

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The document discusses a muscle building program called Hypertrophy Execution Mastery (HEM) which focuses on proper exercise form and technique.

The program aims to help users achieve their ideal physique through a focus on exercise execution and mind-muscle connection over 4 months of custom workouts.

The program includes over 100 video lessons, live coaching webinars, 4 months of custom workouts, and access to the MI40 Nation website.

Week 1

Ben Pakulski & Muscle Intellligence Present…




Legal Disclaimer

The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in
conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition
program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the
recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Pakulski Fitness International, there are risks of injury or illness which
can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information, and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you
may have against Pakulski Fitness International, or its affiliates, as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of,
the use or misuse of the program.



Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

(e.g; Mon) (e.g; Tue) (e.g; Wed) (e.g; Thur) (e.g; Fri) (e.g; Sat) (e.g; Sun)

Chest / Quads / Back / Hamstrings / Chest / Back / Cakves / Biceps / Chest / Quads /
Week 1 Off or Cardio Off or Cardio
Triceps Biceps Delts Triceps Triceps

Back / Hamstrings / Chest / Back / Cakves / Biceps /

Week 2 Off or Cardio Off or Cardio Chest / Quads Back / Hams
Biceps Delts Triceps

Chest / Biceps / Quads / Hams / Chest / Biceps /

Week 3 Off or Cardio Back / Delts Off or Cardio Back / Delts
Triceps Calves Triceps

Chest / Biceps / Chest / Biceps / Quads / Hams /

Week 4 Off or Cardio Back / Delts Off or Cardio Back / Delts
Triceps Triceps Calves

Week 1

Day 1 - Chest / Quads / Triceps Approx. Workout Time: 43 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)

> The goal this phase is improving execution and mind-muscle connection. ONLY take sets to complete failure where noted. The tempo DOES NOT change on sets to failure.

A1 Cable Flyes 4 10-12 3012 60

Last Set Shotgun

B1 Machine / Hammer-Strength Chest Press 4 8-10 4010 60

C1 Hack Squats 3 10-12 4010 60

Last Set Shotgun

D1 Leg Extensions 3 10-12 3012 60

Single-Arm Cross-Cable Tricep Extensions / Train both arms,

E1 6 10-12 3012 30
Pushdowns then rest

Week 1

Day 2 - Back / Hamstrings / Biceps Approx. Workout Time: 46 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)

> The goal this phase is improving execution and mind-muscle connection. ONLY take sets to complete failure where noted. The tempo DOES NOT change on sets to failure.

Rest between each

A1 One-Arm DB Rows 4 10-12 3012 30

Last Set Shotgun

B1 Seated Cable Rows 4 8-10 3011 60

C1 Lying Leg Curls, Body Extended 3 8-10 4011 75

Last Set Shotgun

D1 Seated Leg Curls 3 8-10 3110 75

Train both arms

E1 One-Arm High Cable / Lateral Cable Bicep Curls 6 10-12 3012 30
then rest

Week 1

Day 4 - Chest / Back / Delts Approx. Workout Time: 65 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)

> The goal this phase is improving execution and mind-muscle connection. ONLY take sets to complete failure where noted. The tempo DOES NOT change on sets to failure.

A1 Cable Flyes * 5 8-10 1 + 1/4 reps 3011 45

A2 Seated Cable Rows * 5 8-10 1 + 1/4 reps 3011 45

Last Set Shotgun

B1 Banded Inc. DB Press 3 8-10 3010 45

Lat Pulldowns with Slight Backwards Lean - Lean

B2 3 8-10 Last Set to Failure 4010 45
from hips, not spine

C1 DB Lateral Raises 3 10-12 3012 30

C2 Bent DB Lateral Raises 3 10-12 3012 30

* Perform the 1/4 rep in the short position AFTER the isometric squeeze

Week 1

Day 5 - Calves / Biceps / Triceps Approx. Workout Time: 35 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)

> The goal this phase is improving execution and mind-muscle connection. ONLY take sets to complete failure where noted. The tempo DOES NOT change on sets to failure.

Last Set Shotgun

A1 Seated Calf Raises 4 12-15 2112 60

Standing Machine Calf Raises (or Leg Press Calf Last Set Shotgun
B1 4 8-10 3111 60
Raises) Set

C1 High Cable / Lateral Cable Bicep Curls 4 8-10 3011 45

C2 Cross-Cable Tricep Extensions / Pushdowns 4 8-10 3011 45

Last Set Shotgun

D1 Machine Preacher Curls 2 10-12 3011 45

D2 Lying DB Tricep Extensions 2 10-12 Last Set to Failure 3110 45

Week 1

Day 7 - Chest / Quads / Triceps Approx. Workout Time: 39 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)

> The goal this phase is improving execution and mind-muscle connection. ONLY take sets to complete failure where noted. The tempo DOES NOT change on sets to failure.

A1 Flat DB Chest Press 5 8-10 3210 75

Last Set Shotgun

B1 Machine / Hammer-Strength Chest Press 3 8-10 4010 60

C1 Leg Extensions 4 10-12 3012 60

Last Set Shotgun

D1 Leg Press - feet low (Quad Emphasis) * 2 8-10 3110 60

If performing single-
E1 Lying DB Tricep Extensions 4 10-12 3210 60
arm, cut rest in half

Overhead Cable / Rope Extensions (facing away

F1 2 8-10 Last Set to Failure 4110 60
from apparatus) **

* Feet as low as possible on the pad before the heels begin to come up (if they come up)
** If you lack the external rotation to use a long rope, try using crossed cables


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
“Execution is(e.g;
the foundation
for all physique
(e.g; Tue) (e.g; Wed)
(e.g; Thur)
Hard work alone(e.g;
(e.g; Fri)
do it. First
(e.g; Sun)
you work smart, then, and only then, does it make sense to work hard.” ~ Coach Ben
Chest / Quads / Back / Hamstrings / Chest / Back / Cakves / Biceps / Chest / Quads /
Week 1 Off or Cardio Off or Cardio
Triceps Biceps Delts Triceps Triceps
There are hundreds of workout programs out there people try to sell you, but they all miss the point. Unless you
Back / Hamstrings / Chest / Back / Cakves / Biceps /
Week 2
understand how to Off or Cardio
precisely execute exercises Delts stimulate theOfftarget
to specificallyTriceps or Cardiomuscles,
/ Quads all just
a/ Hams
waste of time and money.
Chest / Biceps / Quads / Hams / Chest / Biceps /
Week 3 Off or Cardio Back / Delts Off or Cardio Back / Delts
Triceps Calves Triceps
The HEM program includes over 100 video lessons and live coaching webinars with me and my team, 4 full
Week 4 of custom
Off orworkouts,
Cardio and
Chest /an all / access
Biceps pass
Back / Deltsto the MI40 Nation website
Off or Cardio all designed
Chest / Biceps /
Back /to help you
Delts achieve
Quads / Hams /
Triceps Triceps Calves
the body you’ve only ever dreamed of.

Hypertrophy Execution Mastery is all about helping you to get better results in less time.

Take control of your muscle-building fate TODAY!

—> www.hypertrophymastery.com


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