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Evolution® IP-20LH

Technical Description

March 2016
CeraOS Release: 8.3
Document Revision: A.02

Copyright © 2016 by Ceragon Networks Ltd. All rights reserved.

Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

This document contains information that is proprietary to Ceragon Networks Ltd. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, modified, or distributed without prior written authorization of
Ceragon Networks Ltd. This document is provided as is, without warranty of any kind.

Ceragon Networks®, FibeAir® and CeraView® are trademarks of Ceragon Networks Ltd., registered
in the United States and other countries.
Ceragon® is a trademark of Ceragon Networks Ltd., registered in various countries.
CeraMap™, PolyView™, EncryptAir™, ConfigAir™, CeraMon™, EtherAir™, CeraBuild™, CeraWeb™, and
QuickAir™, are trademarks of Ceragon Networks Ltd.
Other names mentioned in this publication are owned by their respective holders.

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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Ceragon Networks
Ltd. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damage in
connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this document or equipment supplied with it.

Open Source Statement

The Product may use open source software, among them O/S software released under the GPL or GPL
alike license ("Open Source License"). Inasmuch that such software is being used, it is released under
the Open Source License, accordingly. The complete list of the software being used in this product
including their respective license and the aforementioned public available changes is accessible at:
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Information to User
Any changes or modifications of equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment and the warranty for such equipment.

Intended Use/Limitation
Fixed point-to-point radio links for private networks.

Authorized to Use
Only entities with individual authorization from the National Regulator to operate the mentioned
radio equipment.
The equipment can be used in the following EU countries:
Austria (AT) - Belgium (BE) - Bulgaria (BG) - Switzerland/Liechtenstein (CH) - Cyprus (CY) - Czech
Republic (CZ) - Germany (DE) – Denmark (DK) - Estonia (EE) - Finland (FI) - France (FR) -Greece (GR)
- Hungary (HU) - Ireland (IE) – Iceland (IS) – Italy (IT) – Lithuania (LT) - Luxembourg (LU) – Latvia
(LV) - Malta (MT) - Netherlands (NL) - Norway (NO) - Portugal (PT) - Romania (RO) - Sweden (SE) -
Slovenia (SI) - Slovak Republic (SK) – United Kingdom (UK) – Spain (SP) – Poland (PL)

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Table of Contents
1. Synonyms and Acronyms .............................................................................. 15

2. Introduction .................................................................................................... 18
2.1 Product Overview ......................................................................................................... 19
2.1.1 Evolution Transceiver (XCVR) ..................................................................................... 20
2.1.2 Evolution IP-20LH Hardware Options and Scalability .................................................. 21
2.1.3 Evolution IP-20LH Highlights ....................................................................................... 22
2.1.4 Evolution IP-20LH’s No-Single-Point-of-Failure Architecture ...................................... 23
2.2 New Features in Version T8.3 ..................................................................................... 24

3. IDU Hardware Description ............................................................................. 25

3.1 Hardware Architecture ................................................................................................. 26
3.2 Front Panel Description................................................................................................ 30
3.3 Chassis Slots and Card Population Guidelines ........................................................... 32
3.3.1 TCC GbE Interface Limitations .................................................................................... 33
3.3.2 Multi-Carrier ABC Slot Requirements .......................................................................... 33
3.3.3 XPIC Slot Requirements .............................................................................................. 34
3.4 Traffic Control Cards (TCC) ......................................................................................... 35
3.4.1 TCC Redundancy......................................................................................................... 38
3.5 Radio Modem Card (RMC) .......................................................................................... 39
3.6 Ethernet Line Cards (LIC-X-E4) ................................................................................... 41
3.7 TDM Line Cards (LIC-T)............................................................................................... 43
3.8 Power Distribution Cards (PDC) .................................................................................. 45
3.9 Inventory Module (IVM) ................................................................................................ 48
3.10 Fans Module ................................................................................................................ 49
3.11 Filter Tray (Optional) .................................................................................................... 50

4. XCVR Hardware Description and Branching Options .................................. 51

4.1 Evolution XCVR Overview ........................................................................................... 52
4.2 Main Features of the Evolution XCVR ......................................................................... 53
4.3 Evolution XCVR Installation Options ............................................................................ 54
4.4 Space Diversity with IF Combining .............................................................................. 55
4.4.1 Combining Principles and Performance....................................................................... 55
4.5 Channel Arrangements ................................................................................................ 56
4.6 Evolution IP-20LH XCVR Branching System ............................................................... 57
4.6.1 Branching Block Diagrams ........................................................................................... 57

5. Activation Keys............................................................................................... 60
5.1 Working with Activation Keys ....................................................................................... 61
5.2 Demo Mode .................................................................................................................. 61

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5.3 Activation Key-Enabled Features ................................................................................. 61

6. Feature Description ........................................................................................ 66

6.1 Innovative Techniques to Boost Capacity and Reduce Latency ................................. 67
6.1.1 Capacity Summary ....................................................................................................... 68
6.1.2 Header De-Duplication ................................................................................................. 69
6.1.3 Latency ......................................................................................................................... 72
6.1.4 Frame Cut-Through...................................................................................................... 73
6.2 Radio Features ............................................................................................................. 75
6.2.1 Hybrid Multi-Carrier Adaptive Bandwidth Control (Hybrid MC-ABC) ........................... 76
6.2.2 Adaptive Coding Modulation (ACM) ............................................................................. 79
6.2.3 Cross Polarization Interference Canceller (XPIC) ....................................................... 82
6.2.4 ATPC ............................................................................................................................ 85
6.2.5 Radio Signal Quality PMs ............................................................................................ 86
6.2.6 Radio Utilization PMs ................................................................................................... 87
6.3 Ethernet Features ........................................................................................................ 88
6.3.1 Ethernet Services Overview ......................................................................................... 89
6.3.2 IP-20LH’s Ethernet Capabilities ................................................................................. 104
6.3.3 Supported Standards ................................................................................................. 104
6.3.4 Ethernet Service Model .............................................................................................. 105
6.3.5 Ethernet Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 121
6.3.6 Quality of Service (QoS) ............................................................................................ 130
6.3.7 Global Switch Configuration ....................................................................................... 157
6.3.8 Automatic State Propagation ..................................................................................... 158
6.3.9 Network Resiliency..................................................................................................... 159
6.3.10 OAM ........................................................................................................................... 165
6.4 Synchronization .......................................................................................................... 168
6.4.1 Synchronization Overview.......................................................................................... 169
6.4.2 IP-20LH Synchronization Solution ............................................................................. 170
6.4.3 Native Sync Distribution Mode ................................................................................... 171
6.4.4 SyncE PRC Pipe Regenerator Mode ......................................................................... 177
6.5 TDM Services ............................................................................................................. 179
6.5.1 Native TDM Trails ...................................................................................................... 180
6.5.2 TDM Pseudowire ........................................................................................................ 185
6.5.3 STM-1 Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 190
6.5.4 TDM Card and Interface Protection ........................................................................... 191
6.5.5 TDM Reference Solutions .......................................................................................... 193

7. Evolution IP-20LH Management .................................................................. 195

7.1 Management Overview .............................................................................................. 196
7.2 Automatic Network Topology Discovery with LLDP Protocol .................................... 197
7.3 Management Communication Channels and Protocols ............................................. 198
7.4 Web-Based Element Management System (Web EMS) ........................................... 200
7.5 Command Line Interface (CLI) ................................................................................... 201
7.6 Slot Management and Card Configuration................................................................. 202
7.7 Configuration Management ........................................................................................ 202
7.8 Software Management ............................................................................................... 203
7.8.1 Backup Software Version ........................................................................................... 203

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7.9 IPv6 Support .............................................................................................................. 203

7.10 In-Band Management................................................................................................. 204
7.11 Local Management..................................................................................................... 204
7.12 Alarms ........................................................................................................................ 205
7.12.1 Configurable BER Threshold Alarms and Traps ........................................................ 205
7.12.2 Alarms Editing ............................................................................................................ 205
7.13 External Alarms .......................................................................................................... 206
7.14 NTP Support .............................................................................................................. 206
7.15 UTC Support .............................................................................................................. 206
7.16 System Security Features .......................................................................................... 207
7.16.1 Ceragon’s Layered Security Concept ........................................................................ 207
7.16.2 Defenses in Management Communication Channels ................................................ 208
7.16.3 Defenses in User and System Authentication Procedures ........................................ 209
7.16.4 Secure Communication Channels ............................................................................. 211
7.16.5 Security Log ............................................................................................................... 213

8. Specifications ............................................................................................... 215

8.1 General Radio Specifications ..................................................................................... 216
8.2 Radio Scripts .............................................................................................................. 217
8.2.1 Frequency Bands and Supported SRMs ................................................................... 217
8.2.2 Supported XCVRs ...................................................................................................... 218
8.2.3 Supported ODUs ........................................................................................................ 219
8.2.4 Evolution IP-20LH Radio Options .............................................................................. 219
8.3 Radio Capacity Specifications ................................................................................... 220
8.3.1 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode (ACAP) .................................................. 220
8.3.2 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode (ACCP) .................................................. 220
8.3.3 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACAP – 256QAM) ................................. 220
8.3.4 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACCP – 256QAM)................................. 221
8.3.5 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACCP – 1024 QAM) ............................. 221
8.3.6 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACAP – 1024 QAM) .............................. 221
8.3.7 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode (ACAP) .................................................. 222
8.3.8 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode (ACCP) .................................................. 222
8.3.9 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACAP – 256QAM) ................................. 222
8.3.10 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACCP – 256QAM)................................. 222
8.3.11 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACCP – 1024 QAM) ............................. 223
8.3.12 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACAP – 1024 QAM) .............................. 223
8.3.13 56 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode................................................................ 223
8.3.14 56 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode –-256QAM .............................................. 224
8.4 Transmit Power Specifications (dBm) ........................................................................ 225
8.5 Receiver Threshold Specifications ............................................................................. 226
8.5.1 Receiver Threshold – ACM Modes ............................................................................ 226
8.5.2 Receiver Threshold – Fixed Modes ........................................................................... 229
8.5.3 Receiver Threshold 28 MHz Fixed Mode ................................................................... 229
8.5.4 Receiver Threshold 28 MHz ACCP Mode ................................................................. 229
8.5.5 Receiver Threshold 40 MHz Fixed Mode ................................................................... 229
8.5.6 Receiver Threshold 40 MHz ACCP Mode ................................................................. 230
8.5.7 Receiver Threshold ~56 MHz Fixed Mode ................................................................ 230

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8.6 Frequency Bands ....................................................................................................... 231

8.7 Branching Network Losses ........................................................................................ 233
8.7.1 RF filter loss ............................................................................................................... 234
8.7.2 Branching circulator loss B’-B .................................................................................... 234
8.7.3 RF-input return loss .................................................................................................... 234
8.8 Ethernet Latency Specifications ................................................................................. 235
8.8.1 Ethernet Latency – 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth ....................................................... 235
8.8.2 Ethernet Latency – 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth ....................................................... 235
8.8.3 Ethernet Latency – 56 MHz Channel Bandwidth ....................................................... 236
8.9 Ethernet Specifications .............................................................................................. 237
8.9.1 Ethernet Interface Specifications ............................................................................... 237
8.9.2 Carrier Ethernet Functionality .................................................................................... 237
8.10 TDM Specifications .................................................................................................... 238
8.10.1 E1 Cross Connect ...................................................................................................... 238
8.10.2 E1 Interface Specifications ........................................................................................ 238
8.10.3 Pseudowire Specifications ......................................................................................... 238
8.10.4 Electrical STM-1 SFP Interface Specifications .......................................................... 238
8.10.5 Optical STM-1 SFP Interface Specifications .............................................................. 239
8.11 Mechanical Specifications .......................................................................................... 240
8.12 Environmental Specifications ..................................................................................... 241
8.12.1 Environmental Specifications for IDU ........................................................................ 241
8.12.2 Environmental Specifications for XCVR ..................................................................... 241
8.13 Waveguide Specifications .......................................................................................... 242
8.14 Power Input Specifications ......................................................................................... 243
8.15 Power Consumption Specifications ........................................................................... 243

9. Standards and Certifications ....................................................................... 244

9.1 Supported Ethernet Standards .................................................................................. 245
9.2 MEF Certifications for Ethernet Services ................................................................... 246
9.3 Supported TDM Pseudowire Encapsulations ............................................................ 247
9.4 Standards Compliance ............................................................................................... 247
9.5 Network Management, Diagnostics, Status, and Alarms ........................................... 248

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

List of Figures
1RU Chassis ......................................................................................................... 25

2RU Chassis ......................................................................................................... 25

Chassis Management .......................................................................................... 27
Traffic Connectivity in 2RU Chassis with TCC Redundancy ............................ 27

IDU Block Diagram – 1RU Chassis ..................................................................... 28

IDU Block Diagram – 2RU Chassis with TCC and PDC Redundancy ............... 29
IDU Front Panel and Interfaces – 1RU Chassis.................................................. 30

IDU Front Panel and Interfaces – 2RU Chassis.................................................. 31

1RU Chassis Slot Numbering .............................................................................. 32
2RU Chassis Slot Numbering .............................................................................. 32

TCC ....................................................................................................................... 35
TCC-B-MC Interfaces ........................................................................................... 36
TCC-B2-XG-MC Interfaces ................................................................................... 36
TCC-B2-XG-MC Management Interface Pin Connections.................................. 36
RMC-E-STM1/OC3-RST ........................................................................................ 39
RMC-E-STM1/OC3-RST Interfaces ...................................................................... 39

LIC-X-E4-Elec (4x GbE) ........................................................................................ 41

LIC-X-E4-Opt (4x GbE) ......................................................................................... 41
LIC-X-E4-Elec (4x GbE) Interfaces ...................................................................... 41
LIC-X-E4-Opt (4x GbE) Interfaces ....................................................................... 42
LIC-T16 (16 x E1) .................................................................................................. 43
LIC-T155 (1 x ch-STM-1) ...................................................................................... 43
LIC-T16 (16x E1) Interfaces ................................................................................. 43
LIC-T155 (1 x ch-STM-1) Interfaces ..................................................................... 44
Single-Input PDC.................................................................................................. 45

Dual-Input PDC..................................................................................................... 45
PDC – Functional Diagram .................................................................................. 45
Standard PDC Interfaces ..................................................................................... 46
Dual-Input PDC Interfaces ................................................................................... 46
Standard PDC Polarity ......................................................................................... 46

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Dual-Input PDC Polarity ....................................................................................... 46

Power Distribution with Redundant PDCs ......................................................... 47
Fans Module – 1RU .............................................................................................. 49

Fans Module – 2RU .............................................................................................. 49

Fans Module Diagram .......................................................................................... 49
Filter Tray Sliding into Filter Slot (2RU Chassis) ............................................... 50

Evolution Transceiver (XCVR) ............................................................................ 52

Split Mount System, 4+0 ...................................................................................... 54
IFC Space Diversity System ................................................................................ 55

Adjacent Channel Alternate Polarization (ACAP) Mode .................................... 56

Adjacent Channel Common Polarization (ACCP) Mode .................................... 56
Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) Mode .......................................................... 56

Branching Diagram 2+0 ....................................................................................... 57

Branching Diagram 4+0 ....................................................................................... 57
Branching Diagram 4+0 Dual Polarized .............................................................. 58

Branching Diagram 4+0 Space Diversity ............................................................ 58

Branching Diagrams 8+0 ..................................................................................... 59
Header De-Duplication Potential Throughput Savings per Layer ..................... 70
Propagation Delay with and without Frame Cut-Through ................................. 73
Frame Cut-Through.............................................................................................. 74
Frame Cut-Through Operation ............................................................................ 74

Multi-Carrier ABC Traffic Flow ............................................................................ 76

Adaptive Coding and Modulation with Nine Working Points ............................ 80
Dual Polarization .................................................................................................. 82

XPIC Implementation ........................................................................................... 83

XPIC – Impact of Misalignments and Channel Degradation ............................. 83
Basic Ethernet Service Model ............................................................................. 89

Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) ..................................................................... 90

Point to Point EVC ............................................................................................... 91
Multipoint to Multipoint EVC ............................................................................... 91
Rooted Multipoint EVC ........................................................................................ 91

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

MEF Ethernet Services Definition Framework ................................................... 93

E-Line Service Type Using Point-to-Point EVC .................................................. 94
EPL Application Example .................................................................................... 95

EVPL Application Example.................................................................................. 95

E-LAN Service Type Using Multipoint-to-Multipoint EVC.................................. 96
Adding a Site Using an E-Line service ............................................................... 97

Adding a Site Using an E-LAN service ............................................................... 97

MEF Ethernet Private LAN Example ................................................................... 98
MEF Ethernet Virtual Private LAN Example ....................................................... 99

E-Tree Service Type Using Rooted-Multipoint EVC ........................................... 99

E-Tree Service Type Using Multiple Roots ....................................................... 100
MEF Ethernet Private Tree Example ................................................................. 100

Ethernet Virtual Private Tree Example.............................................................. 101

Mobile Backhaul Reference Model ................................................................... 102
Packet Service Core Building Blocks ............................................................... 102

IP-20LH Services Model ..................................................................................... 105

IP-20LH Services Core ....................................................................................... 106
IP-20LH Services Flow ....................................................................................... 107
Point-to-Point Service........................................................................................ 108
Multipoint Service .............................................................................................. 108
Management Service ......................................................................................... 110

Management Service and its Service Points .................................................... 112

SAPs and SNPs .................................................................................................. 113
Pipe Service Points ............................................................................................ 114

SAP, SNP and Pipe Service Points in a Microwave Network .......................... 114
Service Path Relationship on Point-to-Point Service Path ............................. 118
Physical and Logical Interfaces ........................................................................ 121

Grouped Interfaces as a Single Logical Interface on Ingress Side ................ 122

Grouped Interfaces as a Single Logical Interface on Egress Side ................. 122
Relationship of Logical Interfaces to the Switching Fabric ............................ 126
QoS Block Diagram............................................................................................ 130

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Standard QoS and H-QoS Comparison ............................................................ 132

Hierarchical Classification ................................................................................ 133
Classification Method Priorities ........................................................................ 134

Ingress Policing Model ...................................................................................... 138

IP-20LH Queue Manager .................................................................................... 141
Synchronized Packet Loss ................................................................................ 142

Random Packet Loss with Increased Capacity Utilization Using WRED ....... 143
WRED Profile Curve ........................................................................................... 144
Detailed H-QoS Diagram .................................................................................... 147

Scheduling Mechanism for a Single Service Bundle ....................................... 150

G.8032 Ring in Idle (Normal) State .................................................................... 160
G.8032 Ring in Protecting State ........................................................................ 161

Load Balancing Example in G.8032 Ring ......................................................... 161

IP-20LH End-to-End Service Management ....................................................... 165
SOAM Maintenance Entities (Example) ............................................................ 166

Ethernet Line Interface Loopback – Application Examples ............................ 167

Native Sync Distribution Mode ......................................................................... 171
Synchronization Configuration ......................................................................... 173
Native Sync Distribution Mode Usage Example .............................................. 175
Native Sync Distribution Mode – Tree Scenario .............................................. 175
Native Sync Distribution Mode – Ring Scenario (Normal Operation) ............. 176

Native Sync Distribution Mode – Ring Scenario (Link Failure) ....................... 176
Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE)......................................................................... 177
Hybrid Ethernet and TDM Services................................................................... 179

Hybrid Ethernet and TDM Services Carried Over Cascading Interfaces ........ 180
Hybrid Ethernet and Native TDM Services ....................................................... 181
1:1 TDM Path Protection – Ring Topology ....................................................... 182

1+1 TDM Path Protection – Dual Homing Topology ........................................ 183

All-Packet Ethernet and TDM Pseudowire Services ........................................ 185
1+1 HSB Protection for LIC-T155 (STM-1) Cards ............................................. 191
Uni-directional MSP for LIC-T155 (STM-1) Cards ............................................. 192

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Native TDM Trail Interoperability with Optical SDH Equipment ...................... 193
Native TDM Trail Interoperability with TDM Pseudowire-over-Packet
Aggregation .................................................................................................. 193
TDM Pseudowire Interoperability with Optical SDH Equipment ..................... 193

TDM Pseudowire Interoperability with Third-Party Packet Aggregation

Equipment ..................................................................................................... 194
Integrated IP-20LH Management Tools ............................................................ 196
Security Solution Architecture Concept........................................................... 207

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

List of Tables
Evolution IP-20LH Scalability .............................................................................. 22

New Features in Versions T8.3 ........................................................................... 24

Card Types Allowed Per Slot – 1RU ................................................................... 32
Card Types Allowed Per Slot – 2RU ................................................................... 33

Slot Limitations When Used with TCC-B2-XG-MC ............................................. 33

2 x FE Splitter Cable Marketing Model................................................................ 37
TCC Comparison Table ....................................................................................... 37

Activation Key Types ........................................................................................... 62

Capacity Activation Key Levels .......................................................................... 64
CET Node Activation Key Levels ........................................................................ 65
Edge CET Note Upgrade Activation Keys .......................................................... 65
Header De-Duplication......................................................................................... 69
ACM Working Points (Profiles) ........................................................................... 79
MEF-Defined Ethernet Service Types ................................................................. 93
Ethernet Services Learning and Forwarding ................................................... 109
Service Point Types per Service Type .............................................................. 115
Service Point Types that can Co-Exist on the Same Interface........................ 116
Service Point Type-Attached Interface Type Combinations that can Co-Exist on
the Same Interface........................................................................................ 117
C-VLAN 802.1 UP and CFI Default Mapping to CoS and Color ....................... 134
S-VLAN 802.1 UP and DEI Default Mapping to CoS and Color ....................... 135
DSCP Default Mapping to CoS and Color ........................................................ 135
MPLS EXP Default Mapping to CoS and Color ................................................ 136
QoS Priority Profile Example ............................................................................ 150
WFQ Profile Example ......................................................................................... 152
802.1q UP Marking Table (C-VLAN) .................................................................. 154
802.1ad UP Marking Table (S-VLAN) ................................................................ 155
Summary and Comparison of Standard QoS and H-QoS................................ 156
Native Sync Interface Options .......................................................................... 172

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Dedicated Management Ports ........................................................................... 198

NMS Server Receiving Data Ports .................................................................... 199
Web Sending Data Ports ................................................................................... 199

Web Receiving Data Ports ................................................................................. 199

Additional Management Ports for IP-20LH ....................................................... 199
Filter Loss – Standard Filters ............................................................................ 234

Filter Loss – Innermost Filters .......................................................................... 234

IDU Chassis Mechanical Specifications ........................................................... 240
IDU Card and Tray Weights ............................................................................... 240

Evolution XCVR Mechanical Specifications ..................................................... 240

Supported Ethernet Standards ......................................................................... 245
Supported MEF Specifications.......................................................................... 246

MEF Certifications ............................................................................................. 246

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

About This Guide

This document describes the main features, components, and specifications of
the Evolution IP-20 Long Haul (Evolution IP-20LH). This document applies to
CeraOS version 8.3.

What You Should Know

This document is applicable for countries that comply with ETSI standards
and specifications.

Target Audience
This manual is intended for use by Ceragon customers, potential customers,
and business partners. The purpose of this manual is to provide basic
information about the Evolution IP-20LH for use in system planning, and
determining which Evolution IP-20LH configuration is best suited for a
specific network.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

1. Synonyms and Acronyms

ACM Adaptive Coding and Modulation

ACR Adaptive Clock Recovery
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
ATPC Automatic Tx Power Control
BER Bit Error Ratio
BLSR Bidirectional Line Switch Ring
BMC Best Master Clock
BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Units
BWA Broadband Wireless Access
CBS Committed Burst Size
CCDP Co-channel dual polarization
CE Customer Equipment
CET Carrier-Ethernet Transport
CFM Connectivity Fault Management
CIR Committed Information Rate
CLI Command Line Interface
CoS Class of Service
DA Destination Address
DSCP Differentiated Service Code Point
EBS Excess Burst Size
EIR Excess Information Rate
EPL Ethernet Private Line
EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line
EVC Ethernet Virtual Connection
FTP (SFTP) File Transfer Protocol (Secured File Transfer Protocol)
GbE Gigabit Ethernet
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
HTTP (HTTPS) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Secured HTTP)
IDC Indoor Controller
IDU Indoor unit
LANs Local area networks

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LOC Loss of Carrier

LOF Loss Of Frame
LOS Loss of Signal
LTE Long-Term Evolution
LTE-TDD LTE Time-Division Duplex
MAID Maintenance Association (MA) Identifier (ID)
MEN Metro Ethernet Network
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
MRU Maximum Receive Unit
MSP Multiplex Section Protection
MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
MTU Maximum Transmit Capability
NMS Network Management System
NTP Network Time Protocol
OAM Operation Administration & Maintenance (Protocols)
OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access
OOF Out-of-Frame
PBB-TE Provider Backbone Bridge Traffic Engineering
PBS Peak Burst Rate
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PDV Packed Delay Variation
PIR Peak Information Rate
PM Performance Monitoring
PN Provider Network (Port)
PSN Frame Switched Network
PTP Precision Timing-Protocol
PW Pseudowire
QoE Quality of-Experience
QoS Quality of Service
RBAC Role-Based Access Control
RDI Reverse Defect Indication
RMON Ethernet Statistics
RSL Received Signal Level
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
SAP Service Access Point

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SD Space Diversity
SLA Service level agreements
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNP Service Network Point
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
SP Service Point
STP Spanning Tree Protocol
SSH Secured Shell (Protocol)
SSM Synchronization Status Messages
SyncE Synchronous Ethernet
TC Traffic Class
TDD Time-Division Duplex
ToD Time of Day
TOS Type of Service
UE User Equipment
UNI User Network Interface
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VC Virtual Containers
Web EMS Web-Based Element Management System
WG Wave guide
WFQ Weighted Fair Queue
WRED Weighted Random Early Detection
XCVR Transceiver
XPIC Cross Polarization Interference Cancellation

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

2. Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the Evolution IP-20 Long Haul
(Evolution IP-20LH), Ceragon’s next generation multi-carrier long-haul
solution. IP-20LH is designed for ultra-high flexibility and modularity. It is
optimized for nodal deployment, with a small footprint, high density, and a
high degree of scalability and availability.
Evolution IP-20LH enables operators to deploy high capacity, long haul
microwave systems in locations where rack space and shelter real-estate are
limited. Evolution IP-20LH supports multi-carrier solutions of up to 8+0 ABC
and IF Combining Space Diversity.
Lowering costs further, the system’s ultra-high power transmitter transmits at
one of the highest ranges of power in the industry, and can reach longer
distances using smaller antennas. For maximum power efficiency, the
Evolution IP-20LH incorporates a dynamic biasing technique that minimizes
the power consumption of the system to the minimum required to deliver the
required Tx power while, at the same time, reducing the unit’s heat
dissipation. In addition, installation labor cost and electricity consumption are
reduced, achieving an overall diminished carbon footprint.
The IP-20 series “pay-as-you-go” activation key models enable operators to
build for the future by adding capacity and functionality over time to meet the
needs of network growth without the need to add additional hardware.
Additionally, IP-20LH’s modular structure provides for the gradual expansion
of network nodes through the addition of line and radio cards, utilizing a
single 1RU or 2RU chassis.

This chapter includes:

 Product Overview
 New Features in Version T8.3

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2.1 Product Overview

Evolution IP-20LH is a versatile and cost-effective microwave radio solution
for long distance, high capacity telecommunication networks. Offering
superior quality and fast deployment capabilities, it is ideal for rapid and
economical network rollouts.
Evolution IP-20LH offers a highly modular and flexible architecture that is
optimized for multi-carrier and nodal deployment, with a small footprint, high
density, and a high degree of scalability and availability.
An Evolution IP-20LH system is based on the IP-20N chassis, which is
provided in sizes that fit a single rack unit or two rack units, and which
contains five or ten slots for any mix of traffic and up to eight radio cards. IP-
20LH supports any mix of Ethernet and TDM traffic cards.
Evolution IP-20LH features an advanced feature set for Carrier Ethernet
Transport, including a sophisticated Ethernet services engine, cutting-edge
header de-duplication techniques, frame cut-through, and more.
Evolution IP-20LH enables operators to maximize Quality of Experience with
an improved customer experience by providing TCP-friendly backhaul. The
system provides support for emerging services, standards, and networking
protocols (future proof). It also enables operators to reduce TCO by
supporting rich, revenue-generating services, simplified management for
reduced OPEX, and improved service availability and time-to-revenue.
Evolution IP-20LH provides an innovative TDM and packet backhaul services
aggregation solution that is designed to meet the challenges faced by
operators building next-generation wireless backhaul networks for delivery of
packet-based services. Meeting these challenges requires the ability to
maintain services with strict SLA by enforcing a services policy that
guarantees and monitors service performance. It also requires the ability to
manage the explosion of data by ensuring capacity allocation and traffic
management under wireless link congestion scenarios.
Evolution IP-20LH is optimized for multi-carrier and aggregation nodes by
means of its high modularity, scalability, and flexibility. IP-20LH maintains
high capacity at the aggregation network, with up to 1024 QAM modulation.
The IP-20LH aggregation solution is based upon rich backhaul services and
simplified management that are supported using personalized QoS (H-QoS),
superb service OAM (CFM, PMs, service activation), and carrier-grade service
resiliency (G.8032, MSTP).
Evolution IP-20LH’s flexibility offers both all-indoor and split-mount
installations. High power transceiver units with Space Diversity and
protection mechanisms make the IP-20LH an ideal choice for long distance
transport networks over any kind of terrain.
Evolution IP-20LH network elements include an embedded interactive Web-
based Element Management System (Web EMS) and can be managed and
operated via element and network management systems(NMS), including
Ceragon’s NetMaster NMS. Integration of fault and performance management
into third party SNMP Managers is possible using the IP-20 MIBs provided by

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

2.1.1 Evolution Transceiver (XCVR)

The Evolution IP-20LH system consists of an indoor unit (IDU) and one or
more Evolution LH transceivers (XCVRs).
The Evolution XCVR is a high transmit power transceiver designed for long
haul applications with multiple carrier traffic. Evolution’s patented dynamic
biasing technology enables it to deliver high transmit power with low power
consumption and lower heat dissipation.
Evolution IP-20LH XCVRs support Space Diversity by means of IF Combining.
The Evolution XCVR provides a range of modulations from QPSK to 1024 QAM
for single polarization and XPIC configurations.

For additional information:

 XCVR Hardware Description and Branching Options

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

2.1.2 Evolution IP-20LH Hardware Options and Scalability

The Evolution IP-20LH uses the IP-20N as indoor unit (IDU). The IP-20N
chassis is available in 1RU and 2RU versions, each of which supports a
common set of cards for traffic, radio interface, and management:
 Traffic/Control Card (TCC)
TCC-B-MC – Contains 2 x 1 GbE Ethernet combo interfaces (electrical
or optical)
TCC-B2-XG-MC – Contains 2 x GbE optical interfaces, 2 x dual mode
cascading or electrical GbE interfaces, and 2 x electrical GbE interfaces
 Radio Modem Cards (RMC):
RMC-E– Supports up to 1024 QAM (with ACM). RMC-E also supports
XPIC, with up to 1024 QAM modulation.
The RMC-E has two variants. It can be ordered either as an RMC–only,
or as an RMC integrated with an STM1/OC3-RST interface.
 Line Cards (LIC)
Ethernet – LIC-X-E4-Elec (4x GbE), with 1 GbE combo interface and 3
GbE electrical (RJ-45) interfaces
Ethernet – LIC-X-E4-Opt (4x GbE) with 1 GbE combo interface and 3
GbE optical (SFP) interfaces
TDM – LIC-T16 (16x E1)
TDM – LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1)
The 1RU chassis supports up to four high-power radios, with redundancy
options for radio and traffic, and a dual-feed power option for power
The 2RU chassis supports up to eight high-power radios, with redundancy
options for management, radio, traffic, and power.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Evolution IP-20LH Scalability

Interface Type 1RU Chassis 2RU Chassis

Maximum Number Maximum Number of Maximum Number Maximum Number of
of RMCs/LICs Radio/Line Interfaces of RMCs/LICs Radio/Line Interfaces
Radio (RFU) 4 x RMC 4 x RFU 8 x RMC 8 x RFU
Ethernet (GbE/FE) 1 x LIC-X-E4- 10 X GbE/FE1 2 x LIC-X-E4- 10 x GbE/FE2
Elec/Opt (4x GbE) Elec/Opt (4x GbE)
TDM – E1s 4 x any combination of LIC-T16 (16x E1) and LIC- 8 x any combination of LIC-T16 (16x E1) and LIC-
T155 (1x ch-STM-1) T155 (1x ch-STM-1)
TDM – ch-STM-1
TDM – STM-1 4 x LIC-STM1/OC3-RST (on the RMC-E) 8 x LIC-STM1/OC3-RST (on the RMC-E)

2.1.3 Evolution IP-20LH Highlights

 Highest capacity, scalability and spectral efficiency
 Space-efficient low loss branching system
 Low power consumption
 Specifically built to support resilient and adaptive multi-carrier radio
links, scaling to GbE capacity
 Modulations up to 1024 QAM
 Rich packet processing feature set for support of engineered end-to-end
Carrier Ethernet services with strict SLA
 Integrated support for multi-operator and converged backhaul business
models, such as wholesale services and RAN-sharing
 Best-in-class integrated TDM migration solution
 Future-proof with maximal investment protection
An Evolution IP-20LH system can be used in the following configurations:
 1+0
 2+0 Single Polarization/Dual Polarization (XPIC)
 3+0 Single Polarization/Dual Polarization (XPIC)
 4+0 Single Polarization/Dual Polarization (XPIC)
 5+0 Single Polarization/Dual Polarization (XPIC)
 6+0 Single Polarization/Dual Polarization (XPIC)
 7+0 Single Polarization/Dual Polarization (XPIC)
 8+0 Single Polarization/Dual Polarization (XPIC)

2 x GbE interfaces on the TCC-B-MC or 6 x GbE interfaces on the TCC-B2-XG-MC, and 4 x
GbE interfaces on the Ethernet LIC, for a total of 6 or 10 GbE interfaces per chassis.
When a second Ethernet LIC is installed, the two GbE interfaces on the TCC-B-MC are
disabled, leaving a total of 8 GbE interfaces per chassis. When using a TCC-B2-XG-MC, four
GE interfaces on the TCC are disabled, leaving a total of 10 GE interfaces per chassis.

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2.1.4 Evolution IP-20LH’s No-Single-Point-of-Failure Architecture

The Evolution IP-20LH is built according to a no-single-point-of-failure
architecture, with full support for the hot-swapping of cards.
The 2RU IDU supports TCC Redundancy, with two TCCs for full redundancy of
the unit’s control functionality.
Redundancy for both Ethernet and radio interfaces is available by using link
aggregation groups (LAG). LAGs can provide redundancy for Ethernet and
radio interfaces on separate cards as well as on the same card.
Radio redundancy can also be provided by Multi-Carrier ABC, which groups up
to eight carriers into a single group. In the event that a carrier goes out of
service, the remaining carriers continue to operate with graceful degradation
of service to ensure that data is not lost, but rather, a reduction of bandwidth
TDM redundancy is provided as follows:
 LIC-T16 (16x E1) – Redundancy is available using 1:1 or 1+1 Path
 LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1) – Redundancy is available using 1:1 or 1+1 Path
Protection, 1+1 HSB Card Protection, and Uni-Directional MSP Card
Evolution IP-20LH provides fully distributed power supply architecture, with
an option for power redundancy using two Power Distribution Cards (PDCs)
connected to independent power sources.
Evolution IP-20LH includes a set of redundant fans that can maintain
sustained operation in the event of a single fan failure.

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2.2 New Features in Version T8.3

The following table lists the features that have been added in CeraOS version
T8.3, and indicates where further information can be found on the new
features in this manual and where configuration instructions can be found in
the User Guide.

New Features in Versions T8.3

Feature Further Information Configuration Instructions in

the User’s Guide
Quick Link Configuration Wizard for N+0 Multi- Web-Based Element Management Section 3.2, Configuring a Link Using
Carrier ABC groups System (Web EMS) on page 200 the Quick Configuration Wizard
Support for 4 and 5 GHz frequency bands by the Frequency Bands and Supported n/a
following SRMs: 68, 69, 85, 128, 129, 132, 135, SRMs on page 217
Header De-Duplication Header De-Duplication on page 69 Section 5.4, Configuring Header De-

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

3. IDU Hardware Description

This chapter describes the Evolution IP-20LH IDU and its components.
Evolution IP-20LH uses the IP-20N IDU.
Two types of chassis are available for the IDU:
 1RU – Fits in a single rack unit, with support for a mixture of up to four
radio carriers or five line cards.
 2RU – Fits in a double rack unit, with support for a mixture of up eight
radio carriers or ten line cards.

1RU Chassis 2RU Chassis

The IDU can be used with the following card types:

 Traffic Control Card (TCC-B-MC)
 Radio Modem Cards (RMC-E)
 Line Cards (LIC), including:
Ethernet – LIC-X-E4-Elec (4x GbE), with 1 GbE combo interface 1 GbE
electrical (RJ-45) interface, and 2 dual mode electrical or cascading
Ethernet – LIC-X-E4-Opt (4x GbE), with 1 GbE combo interface, 1 GbE
optical (SFP) interface, and 2 dual mode optical or cascading interfaces
TDM – LIC-T16 (16x E1)
TDM – LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1)
TDM – LIC-STM1/OC3-RST (1 x STM-1) (incorporated on the RMC-E)
This chapter includes:
 Hardware Architecture
 Front Panel Description
 Chassis Slots and Card Population Guidelines
 Traffic Control Cards (TCC)
 Radio Modem Card (RMC)
 Ethernet Line Cards (LIC-X-E4)
 Power Distribution Cards (PDC)
 Inventory Module (IVM)
 Fans Module
 Filter Tray (Optional)

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3.1 Hardware Architecture

The IDU is a modular unit based on a 1RU or 2RU chassis into which a variety
of cards can be inserted for traffic, radio interface, management, and power
supply. The IDU backplane provides connectivity among the slots in the
chassis for management, power distribution, and traffic aggregation.
The chassis and the cards it contains are managed by a Traffic Control Card
(TCC). A 2RU chassis can contain two TCCs for TCC Redundancy. TCCs also
include GbE Ethernet traffic and FE management interfaces.
Note: The optical GbE traffic interfaces on the TCC can be used
with TCC Redundancy in CeraOS version 8.2 and higher.
Radio Module Cards (RMCs) are responsible for the interface between the IDU
and the XCVR. A 1RU chassis can contain up to four high-power RMCs. A 2RU
chassis can contain up to eight high-power RMCs.
Line Interface Cards (LICs) can be added to provide additional traffic
interfaces. Ethernet and TDM LICs can be used. A 2RU chassis can contain up
to ten LICs, up to two of which can be Ethernet LICs. A 1RU chassis can contain
up to five LICs, one of which can be an Ethernet LIC.
Note: In a chassis with two Ethernet LICs, the GbE interfaces on
the TCC cannot be used.
The IDU receives an external supply of -48v via a Power Distribution Card
(PDC). For power redundancy, a 1RU chassis can contain a dual-feed PDC that
can be connected to separate power sources. A 2RU chassis can contain two
PDCs connected to separate power sources. The PDC or PDCs distribute the
power via the backplane to all the modules in the chassis.
The IDU implements internal chassis management via a dedicated channel
between the TCCs and each slot in the chassis, including the PDCs and the FAN

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The following figure shows the IDU’s internal chassis management

Chassis Management
2RU Chassis – Up to 8 RMCs/10 LICs
1RU Chassis – Up to 4 RMCs/5 LICs
(Any Combination)


TCC 2 (in 2RU
System with TCC
Backplane RMC or LIC

FAN Tray

PDC (2 x PDC
option in 2RU

Control lines for PDC and FAN Tray.

Black – TCC 1
Green – TCC 2

The IDU implements traffic connectivity via a star topology in which the TCC
serves as the main switch, aggregating traffic from all the LICs in the chassis.
In a 2RU chassis with TCC redundancy, a dual star topology is utilized to
provide full redundancy.
Traffic Connectivity in 2RU Chassis with TCC Redundancy

TCC Slot 11 Slot 12

Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 9 Slot 10

Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6

Path to active TCC

TCC Slot 1 Slot 2
Path to standby TCC

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The following figure provides a detailed block diagram of the IDU.

IDU Block Diagram – 1RU Chassis

System Backplane
TDM Sync Ethernet MC-ABC

48V PDC RMC-E Power Supply

Framer Modem IF XCVR
Power Supply XPIC

In/Out Sync Unit XCVR
Framer Modem IF XCVR
FE Management
Terminal STM-1 RST
Ethernet STM-1 Interface

Ethernet Services
GE Traffic
Processor RMC-E Power Supply

Native TDM
TDM Cross Services

ABC Engine

E1 Line Card
TDM Pseudowire
Services TDM
16 x E1
Services Framer LIU

Power Supply

Ethernet Services
TDM Pseudowire
ch-STM-1 Line Card
Services Framer LIU

Power Supply

Ethernet Line Card

Ethernet Line Interface

Ethernet Line Interface

Ethernet Line Interface

Ethernet Line Interface

Power Supply

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

IDU Block Diagram – 2RU Chassis with TCC and PDC Redundancy

System Backplane
TDM Sync Ethernet MC-ABC

48V PDC 1 RMC-E Power Supply

Framer Modem IF XCVR
Power Supply XPIC

In/Out Sync Unit XCVR
Framer Modem IF XCVR
FE Management
Terminal STM-1 RST
Ethernet STM-1 Interface

Ethernet Services
GE Traffic
Processor RMC-E Power Supply

Native TDM
TDM Cross Services

ABC Engine

E1 Line Card
TCC 2 TDM Pseudowire
Services TDM
(Optional) Services Framer LIU
16 x E1
Power Supply

Sync Power Supply

In/Out Sync Unit

FE Management
Ethernet Services
TDM Pseudowire
ch-STM-1 Line Card
GE Traffic
Network Services
Interfaces TDM
Processor STM-1
Services Framer LIU

Power Supply
Native TDM
TDM Cross Services

Multi-Carrier Ethernet Line Card

ABC Engine
Ethernet Line Interface

Ethernet Line Interface

Ethernet Line Interface

(Optional) Ethernet Line Interface

Power Supply

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

3.2 Front Panel Description

This section describes the IDU’s front panel. The following sections provide
detailed descriptions of the available cards and interfaces.
IP-20LH provides two basic chassis options:
 1RU – Fits in a single 19” rack slot, with one Main Traffic and Control Card
(TCC), five universal slots for a combination of up to four Radio Modem
Cards (RMCs) and/or five Line Cards for traffic (LICs). Additional slots are
provided for a Power Distribution Card (PDC) and a fans tray.
 2RU – Fits in two 19” rack slots, and can host two Main Traffic and Control
Cards (TCCs), with ten universal slots for a combination of up to eight
Radio Modem Cards (RMCs) and/or ten Line Cards for traffic (LICs).
Additional slots are provided for two Power Distribution Cards (PDCs) and
a fans tray.
Note: Ethernet LICs can only be placed in slots 2 and 12.
IDU Front Panel and Interfaces – 1RU Chassis

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IDU Front Panel and Interfaces – 2RU Chassis

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3.3 Chassis Slots and Card Population Guidelines

The figures below show the 1RU and 2RU chassis slot numbers.
1RU Chassis Slot Numbering

2RU Chassis Slot Numbering

The following table lists the card types that can be placed in each slot:
Card Types Allowed Per Slot – 1RU

Slot Number Allowed Card Type Notes

1  TCC-B-MC
2  Ethernet X-LIC
 TDM – LIC-T16 (16x E1)
 TDM – LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1)
3-6  RMC-E / RMC-E-STM1/OC3-RST
 TDM – LIC-T16 (16x E1)
 TDM – LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1)

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Card Types Allowed Per Slot – 2RU

Slot Number Allowed Card Type Notes

1  TCC-B-MC
2, 12  Ethernet X-LIC
 TDM – LIC-T16 (16x E1)
 TDM – LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1)
3-10  RMC-E / RMC-E-STM1/OC3-RST
 TDM – LIC-T16 (16x E1)
 TDM – LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1)
11  TCC-B-MC Only valid when TCC Protection Mode is

3.3.1 TCC GbE Interface Limitations

When a second Ethernet LIC is installed, the two GbE interfaces on the TCC-B-
MC are disabled, leaving a total of 8 GbE interfaces per chassis.
When using a TCC-B2-XG-MC, you should avoid placing any type of traffic
cards (Ethernet LIC, TDM LIC, and RMC) in certain slots. If you place a traffic
card in one of these slots, some interfaces on the TCC-B2-XG-MC cannot be
used, as described in the following table.
Slot Limitations When Used with TCC-B2-XG-MC

Traffic Card in Slot: TCC-B2-XG-MC Interfaces not Available for Use:

9 GbE5
10 GbE6
12  Ethernet LIC in Slot 12: SFP1, SFP2, GbE3/CS3, GbE4/CS4
 TDM LIC or RMC in Slot 12: GbE3/CS3 only

3.3.2 Multi-Carrier ABC Slot Requirements

The maximum number of RMCs in a Multi-Carrier ABC configuration is eight,
which can be arranged in an 8+0 configuration.
When using a TCC-B2-XG-MC in 2.5 Gbps mode, the following four slots can
only be used by RMC-E and LIC-STM1/OC3-RST cards. Other types of cards, or
radio cards in Multi-Directional mode, will not operate in these slots.
Therefore, to facilitate future upgrades, it is recommended to populate these
slots with RMC-E and/or LIC-STM1/OC3-RST cards that belong to or may later
be assigned to a Multi-Carrier ABC group.
 1RU chassis – Slots 3, 4, 5, and 6.
 2RU chassis – Slots 3, 4, 7, and 8.

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3.3.3 XPIC Slot Requirements

RMCs that are part of an XPIC pair must be placed in adjacent slot pairs, as
 Slots 3 and 4
 Slots 5 and 6
 Slots 7 and 8
 Slots 9 and 10

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

3.4 Traffic Control Cards (TCC)

The Traffic Control Card (TCC) provides the control functionality for the IP-
20LH unit. It also provides two combo interfaces (electrical or optical) for
Ethernet traffic and two FE interfaces for management traffic. IP-20LH utilizes
the TCC-B-MC, which is optimized to support multi-carrier operation.

Evolution IP-20LH offers the following types of TCC:

 TCC-B-MC – Provides 2 x FE Ethernet management interfaces and 2 x GbE
combo interfaces (electrical or optical) for Ethernet traffic. Supports Multi-
Carrier ABC with capacity of up to 1 Gbps.
 TCC-B2-XG-MC – Provides 2 x FE Ethernet management interfaces, 2 x GbE
optical interfaces, 2 x GbE electrical interfaces, and 2 x dual mode electrical
or cascading interfaces. Supports Multi-Carrier ABC with capacity of up to
1 or 2.5 Gbps (user-configurable).
The TCC is responsible for the following IP-20LH functionality:
 Provides the main CPU for the IP-20LH chassis
 Responsible for chassis management
 Responsible for switch aggregation
 Responsible for synchronization in the IP-20LH chassis3

Synchronization support is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

TCC-B-MC Interfaces

TCC-B-MC contains two GbE Ethernet interfaces and two FE interfaces for
For the GbE interfaces, you can choose between two optical (SFP) and two
electrical (RJ-45) physical interfaces. The electrical interfaces are labeled
GbE1 and GbE2. The optical interfaces are labeled SFP1 and SFP2. The optical
interfaces are located to the right of the electrical interfaces.
The FE management interfaces are labeled MGMT1 and MGMT2. These
interfaces are 100BaseT with auto negotiation and auto crossover.
TCC-B2-XG-MC Interfaces

TCC-B2-XG-MC contains two FE management interfaces, which connect to a

single RJ-45 physical connector on the front panel (MGMT).
TCC-B2-XG-MC Management Interface Pin Connections

RJ-45 Connector
Management Switch

TX+ 1
TX- 2
Port 1
RX+ 3
RX- 4

TX+ 5
TX- 6
Port 2
RX+ 7
RX- 8

If the user only needs to use a single management interface, a standard Cat5
RJ-45 cable (straight or cross) can be connected to the MGMT interface.

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To access both management interfaces, a special 2 x FE splitter cable can be

ordered from Ceragon.
2 x FE Splitter Cable Marketing Model

Marketing Model Marketing Description Part Number

SPL-ETH-CBL Ethernet split cable rohs WA-0245-0

TCC-B2-XG-MC contains two optical GbE interfaces: SFP1 and SFP2.

TCC-B2-XG-MC contains two electrical GbE interfaces: GbE5 and GbE6.
GbE3/CS3 and GbE4/CS4 can be configured as normal GbE traffic interfaces or as
cascading interfaces. When operating in cascading mode, these interfaces can
handle hybrid Ethernet and Native TDM traffic, enabling operators to create links
among multiple IP-20 units in a node for multi-directional applications.
Note: TCC-B2-XG-MC cannot be used with software versions prior
to T8.2.
All TCC models also contain the following interfaces:
 One RJ-45 terminal interface (RS-232)
 One DB-9 interface for external alarms, supporting four pairs of signals
 One RJ-45 synchronization interface for clock input and clock output
All TCC models contain the following LED:
 ACT – Indicates whether the card is working properly (Green) or if there is
an error or a problem with the card’s functionality (Red).
All TCC models can be used in both 1RU and 2RU IP-20LH chassis.
The following table summarizes the functionality supported by the various
TCC models.
TCC Comparison Table

TCC Type Ethernet Traffic Ethernet Sync External Supports Multi-Carrier

Interfaces Management Interface Alarms ABC
TCC-B-MC 2 x GbE combo (optical 2 x FE interfaces Yes Yes Supports single Multi-
or electrical) interfaces Carrier ABC group of up to
1 Gbps
TCC-B2-XG-MC 2 x GbE electrical 2 x FE interfaces, Yes Yes From CeraOS 8.2.5,
interfaces which connect to a supports single Multi-
2 x GbE optical single RJ-45 Carrier ABC group of up to
interfaces physical connector 2.5 Gbps
on the front panel
2 x dual mode electrical
or cascading interfaces

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3.4.1 TCC Redundancy

The 2RU IP-20N can have two TCCs for TCC redundancy. TCC protection must
be enabled in order for TCC redundancy to operate. The database and
configuration of the active TCC must be copied manually from the active TCC
to the standby TCC. All TCC models support TCC redundancy, but the two TCCs
must be the same model.
In a redundant TCC configuration, the TCCs share chassis configuration and
status information via the chassis’ internal management channels.
Activation key information, MAC addresses, and serial numbers, are stored in
the Inventory Module (IVM). In a redundant TCC configuration, both TCC
cards can access the IVM.
TCC switchover takes place automatically upon failure of the active TCC. TCC
switchover can also be performed manually by the user.
The optical GbE traffic interfaces are supported with TCC Redundancy, using a
Y optical splitter cable to connect to the relevant interfaces on the active and
standby TCCs.
T3 synchronization input via the TCC Sync interface is supported with TCC
Redundancy. A Y cable is used to connect to the relevant interfaces on the
active and standby TCCs.
The electrical GbE traffic interfaces on the TCC cannot be used with TCC
Redundancy. Also, T4 synchronization output is not supported with TCC

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3.5 Radio Modem Card (RMC)

The Radio Modem Card (RMC) provides the modem interface between the IDU
and the XCVR. The 1RU model of IP-20LH can accommodate up to four RMCs.
The 2RU model of IP-20LH can accommodate up to eight RMCs.
Evolution IP-20LH operates with the RMC-E. RMC-E supports up to 1024 QAM
(with ACM). RMC-E also supports XPIC, with up to 1024 QAM.
RMC-E includes an IF interface to connect to the XCVR (radio unit) and a STM-
1 interface for native TDM support.

RMC-E-STM1/OC3-RST Interfaces

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RMC_Es can be placed in slots 3 to 6 in a 1RU IDU and slots 3 to 10 in a 2RU

The RMC-E uses a TNC interface to connect to the XCVR.
The RMC-E-STM1/OC3-RST STM-1 interface is a SPF port.
RMC-E provides the following LEDs:
 ACT – Indicates whether the card is working properly (Green) or if there is
an error or a problem with the card’s functionality (Red).
 LINK – Indicates status of the radio link.
 XCVR – Indicates status of the XCVR.
 STM1/OC-3 - Indicates the status of the STM-1/OC-3 interface.
These LEDs indicate the following:
Green – The card is operating properly.
Blinking Green – The card is in “Standby” mode.
Red – There is an error or a problem with the card’s functionality.
Blinking Red – The card is in troubleshooting mode.
Off – There is no power to the card or the card is disabled.
Green – The radio link is operational.
Blinking Green – An IF loopback has been activated and the result is
Red – There is a Radio LOF or Radio Excessive BER alarm.
Blinking Red – An IF loopback has been activated and the result is
Green – The XCVR is functioning normally.
Blinking Green – An RF loopback has been activated and the result is
Yellow – There is a warning or minor severity alarm on the radio, the
XCVR is in TX mute mode, or the XCVR is in Standby mode.
Red – There is a critical or major severity alarm on the radio, or a cable
is disconnected or shorted.
Blinking Red - An RF loopback has been activated and the result is
 STM1/OC-3
Indicates whether the STM-1/OC-3 interface is enabled with no alarms
(Green), with alarms (Red), or with no interfaces enabled (Off).

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3.6 Ethernet Line Cards (LIC-X-E4)

IP-20LH offers the following types of Ethernet Line Cards (Ethernet LICs):
 LIC-X-E4-Elec (4x GbE), with 1 GbE combo interface, 1 GbE electrical (RJ-
45) interface, and 2 dual mode electrical or cascading interfaces
 LIC-X-E4-Opt (4x GbE), with 1 GbE combo interface, 1 GbE optical (SFP)
interface, and 2 dual mode optical or cascading interfaces
GbE3 and GbE 4 in LIC-X-E4-Elec, and SFP3 and SFP4 in LIC-X-E4-Opt, can be
configured as normal GbE traffic interfaces or as cascading interfaces. When
operating in cascading mode, these interfaces can handle hybrid Ethernet and
Native TDM traffic, enabling operators to create links among multiple IP-20
units in a node for multi-directional applications.
LIC-X-E4-Elec (4x GbE) LIC-X-E4-Opt (4x GbE)

In a 1 RU chassis, an Ethernet LIC can only be placed in slot 2.

In a 2RU chassis, Ethernet LICs can only be placed in slots 2 and 12.
LIC-X-E4-Elec (4x GbE) Interfaces

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LIC-X-E4-Opt (4x GbE) Interfaces

An LIC-X-E4-Elec (4x GbE) and LIC-X-E4-Opt (4x GbE) contain the following
 ACT – Indicates whether the card is working properly (Green) or if there is
an error or a problem with the card’s functionality (Red).
 Interface LEDs – Each interface has a LED that indicates whether the
interface is operational (Green), operational with traffic (Blinking Green),
or not operational (Off).

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3.7 TDM Line Cards (LIC-T)

Related topics:
 TDM Services
IP-20LH offers the following types of TDM Line Cards (TDM LICs):
 LIC-T16 (16 x E1)
 LIC-T155 (1 x ch-STM-1)

LIC-T16 (16 x E1) LIC-T155 (1 x ch-STM-1)

The TDM LICs can be placed in any slot except the TCC and PDC slots (slot 1
and, in a 2RU chassis, slot 11).
LIC-T16 (16x E1) Interfaces

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LIC-T155 (1 x ch-STM-1) Interfaces

Notes: Support for the synchronization interface on the LIC-T16

and LIC-T155 for T3 synchronization input and T4
synchronization output is planned for future release.
A model of the LIC-T16 is available without the
synchronization interface (Part Number: 24-L004-0). This
model cannot be used with software versions prior to T8.0.
A TDM LIC contains the following LEDs:
 ACT – Indicates whether the card is working properly (Green) or if there is
an error or a problem with the card’s functionality (Red).
 Interface – Indicates whether the interfaces are enabled with no alarms
(Green), with alarms (Red), or with no interfaces enabled (Off).
 Synchronization (LIC-T155 only)
Left LED – Indicates whether the interface is enabled and receiving a
valid signal (Green) or if the interface is disabled or no valid signal is
being received (Off).
Right LED – Indicates whether the interface is configured to export a
clock (Green) or the interface is disabled (Off).

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3.8 Power Distribution Cards (PDC)

Evolution IP-20LH receives an external supply of -48V current via one or two
Power Distribution Cards (PDCs). The PDC or PDCs distribute the power via
the backplane to all the modules in the chassis. Each module receives the 48V
input and regulates it down to the operating voltage required by that module.
XCVRs are powered from the PDC, via the RMC that is connected to the XCVR.
Single-Input PDC Dual-Input PDC

The PDC monitors the power supply for under-voltage. The PDC includes a
LED labeled ACT, which displays Green during normal operation. If the voltage
goes below -38V, the LED displays Red. When the voltage returns to -40V or
higher, the Red indication goes off and the Green indication reappears.
The PDC includes reverse polarity protection, so that if the positive (+) and
negative (-) inputs are mixed up, the system remains shutdown.
The PDC can tolerate up-to -60V, with a maximum current of 30A.
PDC – Functional Diagram


48V - External


A 1RU chassis includes a single power distribution card (PDC) with a dual-feed
option for power redundancy. With the dual-feed option, users can connect
two power supplies to the PDC for power redundancy.

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Standard PDC Interfaces Dual-Input PDC Interfaces

When connecting the power, it is important to verify that the wiring is

according to the correct polarity.
Standard PDC Polarity Dual-Input PDC Polarity

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A 2RU chassis can use two PDC cards for redundancy. Each PDC provides 48V
power to all modules in the chassis via the backplane, on different lines. A
diode bridge in the modules prevents power spikes and unstable power from
the two power sources.
Power Distribution with Redundant PDCs

-48V Input
from PDC 1

-48V Input
from PDC 2








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3.9 Inventory Module (IVM)

Each IDU includes an Inventory Module (IVM). The IVM is used to store
inventory information for the chassis. It is part of the basic chassis package,
and is located on the backplane of the chassis. There is no user access to the
Note: The same IVM is used for 1RU and 2RU chassis.
The IVM contains pre-programmed information that defines the chassis and
its slots, including:
 Module types that can be inserted into the chassis, per slot
 Product and card names
 Internal MAC addresses
 Serial number
 Hardware versions
 Activation-key-enabled features and capacities
Upon software initialization, the IP-20LH software accesses the IVM to
validate the chassis type and hardware revision, and to verify the activation
key for enabled features and capacities.

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3.10 Fans Module

The IDU uses a fans module in both 1RU and 2RU chassis.
Note: Separate fans modules are used in a 1RU and a 2RU chassis.
The fans module contains four 48V fans. The fans draw air into one side of the
chassis, and push the air out the other side.
Fans Module – 1RU Fans Module – 2RU

In the 2RU fan module, the fans’ speed is dependent on the internal
temperature of the IDU. The fan controller regulates the speed of the fans and
thus the airflow through the chassis, keeping the internal temperature within
the operating temperature range. The fans’ speed never decreases below a
minimum level of speed, and the fans do not stop completely at any
temperature range.
Fans Module Diagram

FANs Module

3.3V from TCC (1RU)
-48V from Backplane (2RU)

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3.11 Filter Tray (Optional)

IP-20LH offers a filter as optional equipment. If a filter tray is not ordered, the
IDU is delivered with a blank Filter Slot cover.
Filter Tray Sliding into Filter Slot (2RU Chassis)

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

4. XCVR Hardware Description and Branching

Evolution Transceivers (XCVRs) were designed with sturdiness, power,
simplicity, and compatibility in mind. These advanced systems provide high-
power transmission for short and long distances and can be assembled and
installed quickly and easily.
Evolution XCVRs deliver high capacity with configurable modulation schemes.
Modulations range from QPSK to 1024 QAM for single polarization and XPIC
The XCVRs support low to high capacities for traditional voice, mission critical,
and emerging Ethernet services, with any mix of interfaces, pure Ethernet,
pure TDM, or hybrid Ethernet and TDM interfaces (Native2).
High spectral efficiency can be ensured with XPIC, using the same bandwidth
for double the capacity, via a single carrier, with vertical and horizontal
The IDU and XCVR are connected by a coaxial cable RG-223 (up to 100 m/300
ft), Belden 9914/RG-8 (up to 300 m/1000 ft) or equivalent, with TNC
interfaces on the XCVR and the RMC in the Evolution IP-20LH chassis.
This chapter includes:
 Evolution XCVR Overview
 Main Features of the Evolution
 Evolution XCVR Installation Options
 Space Diversity with IF Combining
 Channel Arrangements
 Evolution IP-20LH XCVR Branching System

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4.1 Evolution XCVR Overview

The Evolution XCVR utilizes state-of-the-art technology to achieve low power
consumption and high reliability. The XCVR is connected to the branching
system by means of coaxial connectors.
An Evolution IP-20LH system can include up to eight XCVRs and the RF
branching system. The XCVR hardware is capacity and modulation
independent. The XCVR consists of the transmitter, including direct RF
modulation, and the receiver. It is tunable over the whole frequency band,
both high and low part. It can be mounted both indoor and outdoor.
The XCVR can be ordered with or without IFC Space Diversity.
Evolution Transceiver (XCVR)

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4.2 Main Features of the Evolution XCVR

 Frequency range – 4-11 GHz
 Frequency source – Synthesizer
 Installation type – Split Mount (Remote Mount), All indoor
 Diversity – Optional innovative IF Combining Space Diversity for
improved system gain
 High transmit power – Up to 31 dBm in All Indoor and Split Mount
 Configurable Modulation
Single Polarization: QPSK – 1024 QAM
 Configurable Channel Bandwidth – Up to 56 MHz
 Channel Arrangement – Supports ACCP, ACAP and CCDP
 XPIC and CCDP – Built-in XPIC (Cross Polarization Interference Canceller)
and Co-Channel Dual Polarization (CCDP) feature for double transmission
capacity, and higher bandwidth efficiency
 Transmitter power output control rate –> 50 dB/s
 Typical ATPC-range – 20-25 dB
 Guaranteed ATPC-range –20 dB 4
 RF Channel Selection – Via EMS/NMS

20 dB ATPC range is referenced to maximum output power. Link capacities with lower output
power will have a corresponding reduction of the ATPC range.

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4.3 Evolution XCVR Installation Options

In an all-indoor system, the XCVRs and IDU chassis are installed in a 19” or
ETSI rack and connected to the antenna or antennas by means of an elliptical
The split-mount version has an outdoor branching housing with capacity of up
to four XCVRs, with the options of IFC Space Diversity and XPIC. There is also a
configuration option for connecting two outdoor branching housings, enabling
the use of up to eight XCVRs on a single polarization. Another configuration
option is to use two housings with dual polarized antennas enabling up to
eight XCVRs with up to four XCVRs per polarization.
In split-mount configuration, the indoor and outdoor parts of the system are
connected via coaxial cable. This eliminates the need for expensive waveguide,
while still providing the convenience and interface accessibility of an all-
indoor system.
Split Mount System, 4+0

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4.4 Space Diversity with IF Combining

Space Diversity with IF combining (IFC) is available for all configurations, both
All-Indoor and Split-Mount. An IFC Space Diversity system includes a separate
branching system for the Space Diversity antenna and Space Diversity
transceiver units. An IFC Space Diversity system uses a transceiver unit with
one transmitter and two receivers. One receiver is connected to the main
antenna and the other receiver to the space diversity antenna. The system can
contain several radios for each antenna using the branching system. Space
Diversity can be used on difficult paths with fading and if one of the signals is
affected, the combiner will choose the better signal or combine the two signals
to one. The control functions are included in the transceiver unit.
IFC Space Diversity System

4.4.1 Combining Principles and Performance

The Evolution XCVR uses in-phase combining of the two receivers’ IF signals.
The effect of this combining is an improvement of the receiver threshold in
fading situations when input levels are low. The improvement is at least 2.5
dB for signals of the same level at an arbitrary phase difference.
The maximum difference of waveguide lengths between main and diversity
antennas is 30 meters for a standard space transceiver. The static delay
compensation is automatically adjusted during system installation. External
delay compensation or external instruments are not needed.

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4.5 Channel Arrangements

An Evolution IP-20LH system has a very flexible branching system which
allows for all operation modes; Adjacent Channel Alternate Polarization
(ACAP), Adjacent Channel Co-Polarization (ACCP) and Co-Channel Dual
Polarized (CCDP).
Adjacent Channel Alternate Polarization (ACAP) Mode

Adjacent Channel Common Polarization (ACCP) Mode

Co-Channel Dual Polarized (CCDP) Mode

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4.6 Evolution IP-20LH XCVR Branching System

The Evolution branching system is very flexible and supports adjacent and co-
channel operation in all frequency bands for 28, 40 and 56 MHz channels. The
low loss RF branching system combines up to 10 channels to one antenna
port. The branching system contains narrow band RF-filters for each channel
and circulators connecting the channels together. The branching system can
be split for transmission on both polarizations. In Space Diversity
configurations, two receive branching systems are used in parallel connecting
the two antennas to two receivers inputs for each channel.
If system expansion is planned, the branching should be delivered for the final
configuration. The branching system has the same branching loss for all

4.6.1 Branching Block Diagrams

Branching Diagram 2+0

Branching Diagram 4+0

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The following diagrams show only one terminal and refer to both channel
Branching Diagram 4+0 Dual Polarized

Branching Diagram 4+0 Space Diversity

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Branching Diagrams 8+0

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

5. Activation Keys
This chapter describes IP-20LH’s activation key model. The Evolution IP-20LH
uses the IP-20N activation key scheme. IP-20LH offers a pay as-you-grow
concept in which future capacity growth and additional functionality can be
enabled with activation keys. For purposes of the activation keys, each IP-
20LH chassis is considered a distinct device, regardless of which cards are
included in the chassis. Each device contains a single unified activation key
Activation keys are divided into two categories:
 Per Carrier – The Activation Key is per carrier.
 Per Device – The Activation Key is per device, regardless of the number of
carriers supported by the device.

This chapter includes:

 Working with Activation Keys
 Demo Mode
 Activation Key-Enabled Features

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5.1 Working with Activation Keys

Ceragon provides a web-based system for managing activation keys. This
system enables authorized users to generate activation keys, which are
generated per IDU serial number.
In order to upgrade an activation key, the activation key must be entered into
the IP-20LH. The system checks and implements the new activation key,
enabling access to new capacities and/or features.
In the event that the activation-key-enabled capacity and feature set is
exceeded, an Activation Key Violation alarm occurs and the Web EMS displays
a yellow background and an activation key violation warning. After a 48-hour
grace period, all other alarms are hidden until the capacity and features in use
are brought within the activation key’s capacity and feature set.

5.2 Demo Mode

The system can be used in demo mode, which enables all features for 60 days.
Demo mode expires 60 days from the time it was activated, at which time the
most recent valid activation key cipher goes into effect. The 60-day period is
only counted when the system is powered up. Ten days before demo mode
expires, an alarm is raised indicating to the user that demo mode is about to

5.3 Activation Key-Enabled Features

The default (base) activation key provides each carrier with a capacity of 10
Mbps. In addition, the default activation key provides:
 A single management service, with MSTP available for this service.
 Unlimited Smart Pipe (L1) services.
 A single 1 x GbE port for traffic.
 Unlimited Native TDM services (but no TDM pseudowire services)
 Full QoS with basic queue buffer management (fixed queues with 1 Mbit
buffer size limit, tail-drop only).
 No synchronization
 No TCC redundancy
Note: As described in more detail below, a CET Node activation
key allows all CET service/EVC types including Smart Pipe,
Point-to-Point, and Multipoint, and MSTP for all services, as
well as an additional GbE traffic port for a total of 2 x GbE
traffic ports.

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As your network expands and additional functionality is desired, activation

keys can be purchased for the features described in the following table.

Activation Key Types

Marketing Model Type (Per Carrier/Per Description For Addition Information

Refer to Capacity Per Carrier Enables you to increase your system’s radio Capacity Summary
Activation Key Levels capacity in gradual steps by upgrading your
on page 64. capacity activation key level. Without a
capacity activation key, each carrier has a
capacity of 10 Mbps. Activation-key-enabled
capacity is available from 50 Mbps to 500
Mbps. Each RMC can be activation-key-
enabled for a different capacity.
IP-20-SL-ACM Per Carrier Enables the use of Adaptive Coding and Adaptive Coding Modulation (ACM)
Modulation (ACM) scripts.
IP-20-SL-MC-ABC Per Carrier Enables Multi-Carrier ABC. Hybrid Multi-Carrier Adaptive
Bandwidth Control (Hybrid MC-ABC
IP-20-SL-Header- Per Carrier Enables the use of Header De-Duplication, Header De-Duplication
DeDuplication which can be configured to operate at L2
through L4.
IP-20-SL-XPIC Per Carrier Enables the use of Cross Polarization Cross Polarization Interference
Interference Canceller (XPIC). Each carrier in Canceller (XPIC)
the XPIC pair must be activation-key-
IP-20-SL-GE-Port Per Device Enables the use of a TCC/LIC Ethernet traffic Traffic Control Cards (TCC)
port in GbE mode (10/100/1000baseT or
1000baseX). An activation key is required for
each Ethernet traffic port that is used on the
device. An activation key can be installed
multiple times with dynamic allocation inside
the unit to enable multiple GbE ports.
Note: Two Ethernet ports are enabled in FE
mode (10/100baseT) by default
without requiring any activation key.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Marketing Model Type (Per Carrier/Per Description For Addition Information

Refer to CET Node Per Device Enables Carrier Ethernet Transport (CET)  Ethernet Service Model
Activation Key Levels and a number of Ethernet services (EVCs),  Quality of Service (QoS)
on page 65. depending on the type of CET Node
activation key:
 Edge CET Node – Up to 8 EVCs.
 Aggregation Level 1 CET Node – Up to
64 EVCs.
 Aggregation Level 2 CET Node – Up to
1024 EVCs.
A CET Node activation key also enables the
 A GbE traffic port in addition to the port
provided by the default activation key,
for a total of 2 GbE traffic ports.
 Network resiliency (MSTP/RSTP) for all
 Full QoS for all services including basic
queue buffer management (fixed queues
buffer size limit, tail-drop only) and eight
queues per port, no H-QoS.
IP-20-SL-Network- Per Device Enables the following protocols for improving Network Resiliency
Resiliency network resiliency:
 G.8032
 TDM Services 1:1/1+1 path protection
IP-20-SL-H-QoS Per Device Enables H-QoS.5 This activation key is Quality of Service (QoS)
required to add service-bundles with
dedicated queues to interfaces. Without this
activation key, only the default eight queues
per port are supported.
IP-20-SL-Enh-Packet- Per Device Enables configurable (non-default) queue Quality of Service (QoS)
Buffer buffer size limit for Green and Yellow frames.
Also enables WRED. The default queue
buffer size limit is 1Mbits for Green frames
and 0.5 Mbits for Yellow frames.
IP-20-SL-Sync-Unit Per Device Enables the G.8262 synchronization unit.
This activation key is required in order to
provide end-to-end synchronization
distribution on the physical layer. This
activation key is also required to use
Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE).

H-QoS support is planned for future release.

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Marketing Model Type (Per Carrier/Per Description For Addition Information

IP-20-SL-Frame-Cut- Per Device Enables Frame Cut-Through. Frame Cut-Through
IP-20-SL-Main-Card- Per Device Enables the use of a second TCC in a 2RU TCC Redundancy
Redundancy chassis for TCC Redundancy.
IP-20-SL-TDM-PW Per Device Enables TDM pseudowire services on units Pseudowire Services
with TDM interfaces. Without this activation
key, only native TDM services are supported.
IP-20-SL-Secure- Per Device Enables secure management protocols Secure Communication Channels
Management (SSH, HTTPS, SFTP, SNMPv3, and
IP-20-SL-Eth-OAM-FM Per Device Enables Connectivity Fault Management Connectivity Fault Management (FM)
(FM) per Y.1731/ 802.1ag (CET mode only). 6

IP-20-SL-Eth-OAM-PM Per Device Enables performance monitoring pursuant to

Y.1731 (CET mode only).7

Capacity Activation Key Levels

Marketing Model Description

IP-20-SL-Capacity-50M IP-20 SL - Capacity 50M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-100M IP-20 SL - Capacity 100M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-150M IP-20 SL - Capacity 150M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-200M IP-20 SL - Capacity 200M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-225M IP-20 SL - Capacity 225M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-250M IP-20 SL - Capacity 250M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-300M IP-20 SL - Capacity 300M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-350M IP-20 SL - Capacity 350M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-400M IP-20 SL - Capacity 400M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-450M IP-20 SL - Capacity 450M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Capacity-500M IP-20 SL - Capacity 500M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Upg-50M-100M IP-20 SL - Upg 50M - 100M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Upg-100M-150M IP-20 SL - Upg 100M - 150M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Upg-150M-200M IP-20 SL - Upg 150M - 200M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Upg-200M-225M IP-20 SL - Upg 200M - 225M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Upg-225M-250M IP-20 SL - Upg 225M - 250M, per carrier

FM support is planned for future release.
PM support is planned for future release.

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Marketing Model Description

IP-20-SL-Upg-250M-300M IP-20 SL - Upg 250M - 300M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Upg-300M-350M IP-20 SL - Upg 300M - 350M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Upg-350M-400M IP-20 SL - Upg 350M - 400M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Upg-400M-450M IP-20 SL - Upg 400M - 450M, per carrier
IP-20-SL-Upg-450M-500M IP-20 SL - Upg 450M - 500M, per carrier

CET Node Activation Key Levels

Marketing Model # of Bundled Management # of Pipe (L1) # of CET (L2) # of Native

GbE Ports for Service Ethernet Ethernet TDM
User Traffic Services Services8 Services
Default (No Activation Key) 1 Yes Unlimited - 512
IP-20-SL-Edge-CET-Node 2 Yes Unlimited 8 512
IP-20-SL-Agg-Lvl-1-CET-Node 2 Yes Unlimited 64 512
IP-20-SL-Agg-Lvl-2-CET-Node 2 Yes Unlimited 1024 512

If a CET activation key is not generated on the IP-20 device upon initial
configuration, the device uses by default a base smart pipe activation key
(SL-0311-0). If the operator later wants to upgrade from the base smart pipe
activation key to a CET activation key, the customer must use a CET upgrade
activation key. The following table lists the CET upgrade activation keys:

Edge CET Note Upgrade Activation Keys

Marketing Model Upgrade From Upgrade To
IP-20-SL-Upg-Pipe/Edge-CET NG Smart Pipe Activation Key (SL-0311-0) IP-20-SL-Edge-CET-Node (SL-0312-0)

IP-20-SL-Upg-Edge/Agg-Lvl-1 IP-20-SL-Edge-CET-Node (SL-0312-0) IP-20-SL-Agg-Lvl-1-CET-Node (SL-0313-0)

IP-20-SL-Upg-Agg-Lvl-1/Lvl-2 IP-20-SL-Agg-Lvl-1-CET-Node (SL-0313-0) IP-20-SL-Agg-Lvl-2-CET-Node (SL-0314-0)

Including Point-to-Point, Multipoint, and TDM Pseudowire services. An IP-20-SL-TDM-PW
activation key is also required to enable TDM Pseudowire services.

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6. Feature Description
This chapter describes the main Evolution IP-20LH features. The feature
descriptions are divided into the categories listed below.

This chapter includes:

 Innovative Techniques to Boost Capacity and Reduce Latency
 Radio Features
 Ethernet Features
 Synchronization
 TDM Services

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.1 Innovative Techniques to Boost Capacity and Reduce

IP-20LH utilizes Ceragon’s innovative technology to provide a high-capacity
low-latency solution. IP-20LH’s Header De-Duplication option is one of the
innovative techniques that enables IP-20LH to boost capacity and provide
operators with efficient spectrum utilization, with no disruption of traffic and
no addition of latency.
IP-20LH utilizes established Ceragon technology to provide low latency
representing a 50% latency reduction for Ethernet services compared to the
industry benchmark for wireless backhaul.
Another of Ceragon’s innovative features is Frame Cut-Through, which
provides unique delay and delay-variation control for delay-sensitive services.
Frame Cut-Through enables high-priority frames to bypass lower priority
frames even when the lower-priority frames have already begun to be
transmitted. Once the high-priority frames are transmitted, transmission of
the lower-priority frames is resumed with no capacity loss and no re-
transmission required.

This section includes:

 Capacity Summary
 Header De-Duplication
 Latency
 Frame Cut-Through

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.1.1 Capacity Summary

Each carrier in an IP-20LH system provides the following capacity:
 Supported Channels – 28/40/56 MHz channels.
 Frequency Range – 4, 5, L6, U6, 7, 8, 10, 11 GHz
 High scalability – From 10 Mbps to 500 Mbps, using the same hardware,
including the same XCVR.
 Modulations - QPSK to 1024 QAM with single polarization and XPIC.

For additional information:

 Radio Capacity Specifications

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.1.2 Header De-Duplication

Evolution IP-20LH offers the option of Header De-Duplication, enabling
operators to significantly improve Ethernet throughput over the radio link
without affecting user traffic. Header De-Duplication can be configured to
operate on various layers of the protocol stack, saving bandwidth by reducing
unnecessary header overhead. Header De-duplication is also sometimes
known as header compression.
Note: Without Header De-Duplication, IP-20LHN still removes the
IFG and Preamble fields. This mechanism operates
automatically, even if Header De-Duplication is not selected
by the user.
Header De-Duplication

Header De-Duplication identifies traffic flows and replaces the header fields
with a "flow ID". This is done using a sophisticated algorithm that learns
unique flows by looking for repeating frame headers in the traffic stream over
the radio link and compressing them. The principle underlying this feature is
that frame headers in today’s networks use a long protocol stack that contains
a significant amount of redundant information.
Header De-Duplication can be customized for optimal benefit according to
network usage. The user can determine the layer or layers on which Header
De-Duplication operates, with the following options available:
 Layer2 – Header De-Duplication operates on the Ethernet level.
 MPLS – Header De-Duplication operates on the Ethernet and MPLS levels.
 Layer3 – Header De-Duplication operates on the Ethernet and IP levels.
 Layer4 – Header De-Duplication operates on all supported layers up to
Layer 4.
 Tunnel – Header De-Duplication operates on Layer 2, Layer 3, and on the
Tunnel layer for packets carrying GTP or GRE frames.
 Tunnel-Layer3 – Header De-Duplication operates on Layer 2, Layer 3, and
on the Tunnel and T-3 layers for packets carrying GTP or GRE frames.
 Tunnel-Layer4 – Header De-Duplication operates on Layer 2, Layer 3, and
on the Tunnel, T-3, and T-4 layers for packets carrying GTP or GRE frames.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Operators must balance the depth of De-Duplication against the number of

flows in order to ensure maximum efficiency. Up to 256 concurrent flows are
The following graphic illustrates how Header De-Duplication can save up to
148 bytes per frame.
Header De-Duplication Potential Throughput Savings per Layer


Layer 2 | Untagged/C/S Tag/Double Tag

Up to 22 bytes compressed

Layer 2.5 | MPLS: up to 7 Tunnels (Untagged/C-Tag)

Up to 28 bytes compressed

Layer 3 | IPv4/IPv6
18/40 bytes compressed

Layer 4 | TCP/UDP
4/6 bytes compressed

Tunneling Layer | GTP (LTE) / GRE

6 bytes compressed

End User Inner Layer 3 | IPv4/IPv6

18/40 bytes compressed

End User Inner Layer 4 | TCP/UDP

4/6 bytes compressed

End User

Depending on the packet size and network topology, Header De-Duplication

can increase capacity by up to:
 50% (256 byte packets)
 25% (512 byte packets)
 8% (1518 byte packets)

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Header De-Duplication Counters

In order to help operators optimize Header De-Duplication, IP-20LH provides
counters when Header De-Duplication is enabled. These counters include real-
time information, such as the number of currently active flows and the
number of flows by specific flow type. This information can be used by
operators to monitor network usage and capacity, and optimize the Header
De-Duplication settings. By monitoring the effectiveness of the Header De-
Duplication settings, the operator can adjust these settings to ensure that the
network achieves the highest possible effective throughput.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.1.3 Latency
IP-20LH provides best-in-class latency (RFC-2544) for all channels, making it
the obvious choice for LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks. Refer to Ethernet
Latency Specifications on page 235.
IP-20LH’s ability to meet the stringent latency requirements for LTE systems
provides the key to expanded broadband wireless services:
 Longer radio chains
 Larger radio rings
 Shorter recovery times
 More capacity
 Easing of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) limitations

For additional information:

 Ethernet Latency Specifications

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.1.4 Frame Cut-Through

Related topics:
 Ethernet Latency Specifications
 Egress Scheduling
Frame Cut-Through is a unique and innovative feature that ensures low
latency for delay-sensitive services, such as CES, VoIP, and control protocols.
With Frame Cut-Through, high-priority frames are pushed ahead of lower
priority frames, even if transmission of the lower priority frames has already
begun. Once the high priority frame has been transmitted, transmission of the
lower priority frame is resumed with no capacity loss and no re-transmission
required. This provides operators with:
 Immunity to head-of-line blocking effects – key for transporting high-
priority, delay-sensitive traffic.
 Reduced delay-variation and maximum-delay over the link:
Reduced end-to-end delay for TDM services.
Improved QoE for VoIP and other streaming applications.
Expedited delivery of critical control frames.
Propagation Delay with and without Frame Cut-Through

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Frame Cut-Through Basic Operation

Using Frame Cut-Through, frames assigned to high priority queues can pre-
empt frames already in transmission over the radio from other queues.
Transmission of the preempted frames is resumed after the cut-through with
no capacity loss or re-transmission required. This feature provides services
that are sensitive to delay and delay variation, such as VoIP and Pseudowires,
with true transparency to lower priority services, by enabling the
transmission of a high-priority, low-delay traffic stream.
Frame Cut-Through
Frame 4 Frame 4
Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame Cut-Through Frame 5
Start End

When enabled, Frame Cut-Through applies to all the high priority frames, i.e.,
all frames that are classified to a CoS queue with 4th (highest) priority.
Frame Cut-Through Operation

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.2 Radio Features

This chapter describes the main IP-20LH radio features.
Multi-Carrier ABC enables separate radio carriers to be shared by a single
Ethernet port. This provides an Ethernet link over the radio with multiple
capacity, while still behaving as a single Ethernet interface.
Ceragon was the first to introduce hitless and errorless Adaptive Coding
Modulation (ACM) to provide dynamic adjustment of the radio’s modulation.
ACM shifts modulations instantaneously in response to changes in fading
conditions. IP-20LH utilizes Ceragon’s advanced ACM technology, and extends
it to the range of QPSK to 1024 QAM.
IP-20LH also supports Cross Polarization Interference Canceller (XPIC). XPIC
enables operators to double their capacity by utilizing dual-polarization radio
over a single-frequency channel, thereby transmitting two separate carrier
waves over the same frequency, but with alternating polarities. For XPIC, IP-
20LH provides a modulation range of QPSK to 1024 QAM.

This section includes:

 Hybrid Multi-Carrier Adaptive Bandwidth Control (Hybrid MC-ABC)
 Adaptive Coding Modulation (ACM)
 Cross Polarization Interference Canceller (XPIC)
 Radio Signal Quality PMs
 Radio Utilization PMs

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.2.1 Hybrid Multi-Carrier Adaptive Bandwidth Control (Hybrid MC-

Hybrid Multi-Carrier Adaptive Bandwidth Control (Hybrid MC-ABC) is an
innovative technology that creates logical bundles of multiple radio links
optimized for wireless backhaul applications. Hybrid Multi-Carrier ABC
enables separate radio carriers to be combined into a virtual transport pipe
for a high capacity Ethernet link and individual TDM links. Both the Ethernet
link and the TDM links will be available over radios with individual variable
capacity, and handled by a prioritizing scheme.
In Hybrid Multi-Carrier ABC mode, traffic is split over the available carriers
optimally at the radio frame level irrespectively of the traffic type.
For Ethernet traffic, Hybrid MC-ABC eliminates the need for Ethernet link
aggregation (LAG). Load balancing is performed regardless of the number of
MAC addresses or number of traffic flows.
During fading events which cause ACM modulation changes, each carrier
fluctuates independently with hitless switchovers between modulations,
increasing capacity over a given bandwidth and maximizing spectrum
utilization. In such conditions, the TDM links can be preserved by a
sophisticated prioritizing scheme configured by the user. The result is 100%
utilization of radio resources in which traffic load is balanced based on
instantaneous radio capacity per carrier.
The following diagram illustrates the Multi-Carrier ABC traffic flow.
Multi-Carrier ABC Traffic Flow

Service Engine
Ethernet Interface

Ethernet Interface
Ethernet Interface

Network Processor Ethernet Interface

Ethernet Interface

Multicarrier ABC PW
Engine E1

TDM Crossconnect
E1 Services



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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Multi-Carrier Configurations

In Hybrid MC-ABC mode, Evolution IP-20LH configurations of up to 8+0 ABC. Multi-Carrier ABC Operation

The MC-ABC engine divides the data flows into blocks of data. Each radio
carrier is assigned blocks at a rate which is based on the ACM profile of the
carrier. Once the ACM profile of a carrier changes, the rate at which the data
blocks are delivered to this carrier changes. The higher the ACM profile of a
certain carrier, the higher the block rate assigned to this carrier.
On the receiving side of the link, all blocks are synchronized, meaning that
blocks are delayed based on the last arriving block. The latency of the
aggregated data flow is determined by the slowest arriving block.
A low ACM profile means more latency compared to a higher ACM profile.
When all channels run the same radio script, the latency variation for the
aggregated data stream is determined by the latency variation of one radio
channel. This latency variation is slightly more complicated to predict when
the radio carriers runs at different radio scripts, since each radio script has a
unique delay distribution. Multi-Carrier ABC can tolerate a large delay
variance between the slowest and the fastest arriving blocks. Graceful Degradation of Service

Multi-Carrier ABC provides graceful degradation and protection of service in
the event of XCVR failure or carrier fading. In the case of carrier fading, the
system reduces the number of data blocks assigned to this carrier, until the
carrier losses the connection with the other end of the link. In this case, no
data blocks will be assigned to this carrier. In case of sudden hardware failure,
only data in data blocks that have already been transferred to the radio will be
lost. Once the carrier is lost, the system will stop assigning data blocks to this
The system determines which radio carriers contribute to the aggregated MC-
ABC link, based on the received channel qualities. Other criteria, such as ACM
profile and latency, are also considered. Adding or removing a carrier is
When all carriers are up and running, MC-ABC provides the maximum
available aggregated capacity. Even when one or more carriers are operating
at limited capacity or are totally down, the data path remains error free. In the
event of degradation in a particular carrier, the carrier is removed from the
aggregated link before bit errors occur, so the aggregated data flow is hitless. Multi-Carrier ABC and ACM

Multi-Carrier ABC automatically adapts to capacity changes that result from
changes in the current ACM profile. When an ACM profile change takes place
on a specific carrier, MC-ABC responds by changing the block size of that
channel. The process of changing the block size is performed dynamically and
is hitless. Since the ACM profile changes are also hitless, the overall Multi-
Carrier ABC traffic is hitless.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Ethernet Traffic Handling

Ethernet traffic, either from the Ethernet LICs (LIC-X-E4-Elec or LIC-X-E4-Opt)
or from the Ethernet ports on the TCC, are forwarded to the Network
Processor module on the TCC. The Network Processor implements the
Ethernet features described elsewhere in this document. TDM Traffic Handling

Three types of TDM services are supported by the system:
 STM-1-RST Services
 Native E1 Trails
 E1 Pseudowire Services

STM-1 RST Traffic

The Hybrid MC-ABC engine converts the Native TDM trails into dedicated
blocks. These Native TDM blocks are assigned higher priority than standard
blocks and are transmitted first, giving high priority to the Native TDM traffic.
In case of decrease in the link performance, the Hybrid-MC-ABC continues to
transmit Native TDM blocks while blocking other types of traffic. This priority
mechanism ensures the high availability of Native TDM trails.
Native TDM trails are forwarded directly from the STM-1 RST interface to the
Hybrid-MC-ABC engine.
Hybrid MC-ABC requires that one side of the link be defined as the
synchronization source for STM-1 RST traffic.
Any cross connect of the SDH traffic should be done externally.

Native E1 Trails
E1 services are implemented by the LIC-T16 or LIC-T155. The E1 services
enable use of the internal Cross Connect functionality of the system. E1
Service trails are passed from the TDM LICs to the Cross Connect function of
the system. From the Cross Connect function of the system, the E1 service
trails are forwarded to the Hybrid MC-ABC with specific VC marking.

E1 Pseudowire Services
Pseudowire E1 services using LIC-T16 or LIC-T155 LICs are handled by the
Hybrid MC-ABC as Ethernet frames.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.2.2 Adaptive Coding Modulation (ACM)

This feature requires:

 ACM script

Related topics:
 Cross Polarization Interference Canceller (XPIC)
 Quality of Service (QoS)
Evolution IP-20LH employs full-range dynamic ACM. IP-20LH’s ACM
mechanism copes with 100 dB per second flat fading in order to ensure high
transmission quality. IP-20LH’s ACM mechanism is designed to work with IP-
20LH’s QoS mechanism to ensure that high priority voice and data frames are
never dropped, thus maintaining even the most stringent service level
agreements (SLAs).
The hitless and errorless functionality of IP-20LH’s ACM has another major
advantage in that it ensures that TCP/IP sessions do not time-out. Without
ACM, even interruptions as short as 50 milliseconds can lead to timeout of
TCP/IP sessions, which are followed by a drastic throughout decrease while
these sessions recover. Up to Nine Working Points

Evolution IP-20LH implements ACM with up to nine available working points,
as follows:
ACM Working Points (Profiles)

Working Point (Profile) Modulation

Profile 0 QPSK
Profile 1 8 PSK
Profile 2 16 QAM
Profile 3 32 QAM
Profile 4 64 QAM
Profile 5 128 QAM
Profile 6 256 QAM
Profile 7 512 QAM
Profile 8 1024 QAM

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Adaptive Coding and Modulation with Nine Working Points Hitless and Errorless Step-by Step Adjustments

ACM works as follows. Assuming a system configured for 128 QAM with ~160
Mbps capacity over a 28 MHz channel, when the receive signal Bit Error Ratio
(BER) level reaches a predetermined threshold, the system preemptively
switches to 64 QAM and the throughput is stepped down to ~133 Mbps. This
is an errorless, virtually instantaneous switch. The system continues to
operate at 64 QAM until the fading condition either intensifies or disappears.
If the fade intensifies, another switch takes the system down to 32 QAM. If, on
the other hand, the weather condition improves, the modulation is switched
back to the next higher step (e.g., 128 QAM) and so on, step by step .The
switching continues automatically and as quickly as needed, and can reach all
the way down to QPSK during extreme conditions. ACM Radio SRMs

An ACM radio SRM is constructed of a set of profiles. Each profile is defined by
a modulation order (QAM), and defines the SRM’s capacity (bps). When an
ACM SRM is activated, the system automatically chooses which profile to use
according to the channel fading conditions.
The ACM TX SRM can be different from the ACM RX SRM.
The ACM TX SRM is determined by remote RX MSE (Minimum Square Error
rate) performance. The RX end is the one that initiates an ACM SRM upgrade
or downgrade. When MSE improves above a predefined threshold, RX
generates a request to the remote TX to upgrade its SRM. If MSE degrades
below a predefined threshold, RX generates a request to the remote TX to
downgrade its SRM.
ACM SRMs are decreased or increased in an errorless operation, without
affecting traffic.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description ACM Benefits

The advantages of Evolution IP-20LH’s dynamic ACM include:
 Maximized spectrum usage
 Increased capacity over a given bandwidth
 Nine modulation working points (~3 dB system gain for each point change)
 Hitless and errorless modulation changes, based on signal quality
 An integrated QoS mechanism that enables intelligent congestion
management to ensure that high priority traffic is not affected during link
fading ACM and Built-In QoS

IP-20LH’s ACM mechanism is designed to work with IP-20LH’s QoS
mechanism to ensure that high priority voice and data frames are never
dropped, thus maintaining even the most stringent SLAs. Since QoS provides
priority support for different classes of service, according to a wide range of
criteria, you can configure IP-20LH to discard only low priority frames as
conditions deteriorate.
If you want to rely on an external switch’s QoS, ACM can work with them via
the flow control mechanism supported in the radio.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.2.3 Cross Polarization Interference Canceller (XPIC)

This feature requires:

 2+0 configuration
XPIC is one of the best ways to break the barriers of spectral efficiency. Using
dual-polarization radio over a single-frequency channel, a dual polarization
radio transmits two separate carrier waves over the same frequency, but
using alternating polarities. Despite the obvious advantages of dual-
polarization, one must also keep in mind that typical antennas cannot
completely isolate the two polarizations. In addition, propagation effects such
as rain can cause polarization rotation, making cross-polarization interference
Dual Polarization

The relative level of interference is referred to as cross-polarization

discrimination (XPD). While lower spectral efficiency systems (with low SNR
requirements such as QPSK) can easily tolerate such interference, higher
modulation schemes cannot and require XPIC. IP-20LH’s XPIC algorithm
enables detection of both streams even under the worst levels of XPD such as
10 dB. IP-20LH accomplishes this by adaptively subtracting from each carrier
the interfering cross carrier, at the right phase and level. XPIC Benefits

The advantages of Evolution IP-20LH’s XPIC option include BER of 10e-6 at a
co-channel sensitivity of 5 dB.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description XPIC Implementation

The XPIC mechanism utilizes the received signals from the V and H modems to
extract the V and H signals and cancel the cross polarization interference due
to physical signal leakage between V and H polarizations.
The following figure is a basic graphic representation of the signals involved in
this process.
XPIC Implementation

V V+h V
H H+v H

The H+v signal is the combination of the desired signal H (horizontal) and the
interfering signal V (in lower case, to denote that it is the interfering signal).
The same happens with the vertical (V) signal reception= V+h. The XPIC
mechanism uses the received signals from both feeds and, manipulates them
to produce the desired data.
XPIC – Impact of Misalignments and Channel Degradation

IP-20LH’s XPIC reaches a BER of 10e-6 at a co-channel sensitivity of 5 dB. The

improvement factor in an XPIC system is defined as the SNR@threshold of
10e-6, with or without the XPIC mechanism.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description XPIC Recovery Mechanism

The XPIC mechanism is based on signal cancellation and assumes that both of
the transmitted signals are received (with a degree of polarity separation). If
for some reason, such as hardware failure, one of the carriers stops receiving a
signal, the working carrier may be negatively affected by the received signals,
which cannot be canceled in this condition.
The purpose of the XPIC recovery mechanism is to preserve the working link
while attempting to recover the faulty polarization.
The mechanism works as follows:
 The recovery mechanism is automatically activated when the unit detects
that one carrier is down (RMC power failure, RFU power failure, carrier
drawer extraction, carrier reset, etc.). When activated, the system switches
to “Single Carrier” state.
 The recovery mechanism causes the remote transmitter of the faulty
carrier to mute, thus eliminating the disturbing signal and preserving the
working link.
 As soon as the failed carrier goes back into service, the XPIC recovery
mechanism adds it back and XPIC operation resumes with both carriers.
The XPIC recovery mechanism is enabled by default, and cannot be disabled
by the user. Conditions for XPIC

In order for XPIC to be operational, all the following conditions must be met:
 Communications with the XCVR are established in both RMCs.
 XCVR type must be the same for both carriers.
 The frequency of both radios should be equal.
 The same script must be loaded in both RMCs.
If any of these conditions is not met, an alarm will alert the user. In addition,
events will inform the user which conditions are not met.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.2.4 ATPC
ATPC is a closed-loop mechanism by which each carrier changes the
transmitted signal power according to the indication received across the link,
in order to achieve a desired RSL on the other side of the link.
ATPC enables the transmitter to operate at less than maximum power for
most of the time. When fading conditions occur, transmit power is increased
as needed until the maximum is reached.
The ATPC mechanism has several potential advantages, including less
transmitter power consumption and longer amplifier component life, thereby
reducing overall system cost.
ATPC is frequently used as a means to mitigate frequency interference issues
with the environment, thus allowing new radio links to be easily coordinated
in frequency congested areas.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.2.5 Radio Signal Quality PMs

Evolution IP-20LH supports the following radio signal quality PMs. For each of
these PM types, users can display the minimum and maximum values, per
radio, for every 15 minute interval. Users can also define thresholds and
display the number of seconds during which the radio was not within the
defined threshold.
 RSL (users can define two RSL thresholds)
Users can also display BER PMs and define thresholds for Excessive BER and
Signal Degrade BER. Alarms are issued if these thresholds are exceeded. See
Configurable BER Threshold Alarms and Traps on page 205.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.2.6 Radio Utilization PMs

Note: Radio Utilization PMs are planned for future release.
IP-20LH supports the following counters, as well as additional PMs based on
these counters. These counters and PMs are calculated per Multi-Carrier ABC
 Radio Traffic Utilization – Measures the percentage of radio capacity
utilization, and used to generate the following PMs for every 15-minute
Peak Utilization (%)
Average Utilization (%)
Over-Threshold Utilization (seconds). The utilization threshold can be
defined by the user (0-100%).
 Radio Traffic Throughput – Measures the total effective Layer 2 traffic sent
through the radio (Mbps), and used to generate the following PMs for
every 15-minute interval:
Peak Throughput
Average Throughput
Over-Threshold Utilization (seconds). The threshold is defined as 0.
 Radio Traffic Capacity – Measures the total L1 bandwidth (payload plus
overheads) sent through the radio (Mbps), and used to generate the
following PMs for every 15-minute interval:
Peak Capacity
Average Capacity
Over-Threshold Utilization (seconds). The threshold is defined as 0.
 Frame Error Rate – Measures the frame error rate (%), and used to
generate Frame Error Rate PMs for every 15-minute interval.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.3 Ethernet Features

IP-20LH features a service-oriented Ethernet switching fabric. The number of
Ethernet interfaces is scalable, with a minimum of two GbE combo interfaces
(optical or electrical) and one or two FE interfaces for management on the
TCC. Additional interfaces can be added by adding Ethernet LICs.
IP-20LH’s service-oriented Ethernet paradigm enables operators to configure
VLAN definition and translation, CoS, security, and network resiliency on a
service, service-point, and interface level.
IP-20LH provides personalized and granular QoS that enables operators to
customize traffic management parameters per customer, application, service
type, or in any other way that reflects the operator’s business and network

This section includes:

 Ethernet Services Overview
 IP-20LH’s Ethernet Capabilities
 Supported Standards
 Ethernet Service Model
 Ethernet Interfaces
 Quality of Service (QoS)
 Global Switch Configuration
 Automatic State Propagation
 Network Resiliency

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.3.1 Ethernet Services Overview

The IP-20LH services model is premised on supporting the standard MEF
services (MEF 6, 10), and builds upon this support by the use of very high
granularity and flexibility. Operationally, the IP-20LH Ethernet services model
is designed to offer a rich feature set combined with simple and user-friendly
configuration, enabling users to plan, activate, and maintain any packet-based
network scenario.
This section first describes the basic Ethernet services model as it is defined
by the MEF, then goes on to provide a basic overview of IP-20LH‘s Ethernet
services implementation.
The following figure illustrates the basic MEF Ethernet services model.
Basic Ethernet Service Model

In this illustration, the Ethernet service is conveyed by the Metro Ethernet

Network (MEN) provider. Customer Equipment (CE) is connected to the
network at the User Network Interface (UNI) using a standard Ethernet
interface (10/100 Mbps, 1 Gbps). The CE may be a router, bridge/switch, or
host (end system). A NI is defined as the demarcation point between the
customer (subscriber) and provider network, with a standard IEEE 802.3
Ethernet PHY and MAC.
The services are defined from the point of view of the network’s subscribers
(users). Ethernet services can be supported over a variety of transport
technologies and protocols in the MEN, such as SDH/SONET, Ethernet, ATM,
MPLS, and GFP. However, from the user’s perspective, the network connection
at the user side of the UNI is only Ethernet.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description EVC
Subscriber services extend from UNI to UNI. Connectivity between UNIs is
defined as an Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC), as shown in the following
Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC)

An EVC is defined by the MEF as an association of two or more UNIs that limits
the exchange of service frames to UNIs in the Ethernet Virtual Connection. The
EVC perform two main functions:
 Connects two or more customer sites (UNIs), enabling the transfer of
Ethernet frames between them.
 Prevents data transfer involving customer sites that are not part of the
same EVC. This feature enables the EVC to maintain a secure and private
data channel.
A single UNI can support multiple EVCs via the Service Multiplexing attribute.
An ingress service frame that is mapped to the EVC can be delivered to one or
more of the UNIs in the EVC, other than the ingress UNI. It is vital to avoid
delivery back to the ingress UNI, and to avoid delivery to a UNI that does not
belong to the EVC. An EVC is always bi-directional in the sense that ingress
service frames can originate at any UNI in an EVC.
Service frames must be delivered with the same Ethernet MAC address and
frame structure that they had upon ingress to the service. In other words, the
frame must be unchanged from source to destination, in contrast to routing in
which headers are discarded. Based on these characteristics, an EVC can be
used to form a Layer 2 private line or Virtual Private Network (VPN).
One or more VLANs can be mapped (bundled) to a single EVC.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

The MEF has defined three types of EVCs:

1 Point to Point EVC – Each EVC contains exactly two UNIs. The following
figure shows two point-to-point EVCs connecting one site to two other
Point to Point EVC

2 Multipoint (Multipoint-to-Multipoint) EVC – Each EVC contains two or

more UNIs. In the figure below, three sites belong to a single Multipoint
EVC and can forward Ethernet frames to each other.
Multipoint to Multipoint EVC

3 Rooted Multipoint EVC (Point-to-Multipoint) – Each EVC contains one or

more UNIs, with one or more UNIs defined as Roots, and the others
defined as Leaves. The Roots can forward frames to the Leaves. Leaves can
only forward frames to the Roots, but not to other Leaves.
Rooted Multipoint EVC

In the IP-20LH, an EVC is defined by either a VLAN or by Layer 1 connectivity

(Pipe Mode).

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Bandwidth Profile

The bandwidth profile (BW profile) is a set of traffic parameters that define
the maximum limits of the customer’s traffic.
At ingress, the bandwidth profile limits the traffic transmitted into the
 Each service frame is checked against the profile for compliance with the
 Bandwidth profiles can be defined separately for each UNI (MEF 10.2).
 Service frames that comply with the bandwidth profile are forwarded.
 Service frames that do not comply with the bandwidth profile are dropped
at the ingress interface.
The MEF has defined the following three bandwidth profile service attributes:
 Ingress BW profile per ingress UNI
 Ingress BW profile per EVC
 Ingress BW profile per CoS identifier
The BW profile service attribute consists of four traffic parameters:
 CIR (Committed Information Rate)
 CBS (Committed Burst Size)
 EIR (Excess Information Rate)
 EBS (Excess Burst Size)
Bandwidth profiles can be applied per UNI, per EVC at the UNI, or per CoS
identifier for a specified EVC at the UNI.
The Color of the service frame is used to determine its bandwidth profile. If
the service frame complies with the CIR and EIR defined in the bandwidth
profile, it is marked Green. In this case, the average and maximum service
frame rates are less than or equal to the CIR and CBS, respectively.
If the service frame does not comply with the CIR defined in the bandwidth
profile, but does comply with the EIR and EBS, it is marked Yellow. In this
case, the average service frame rate is greater than the CIR but less than the
EIR, and the maximum service frame size is less than the EBS.
If the service frame fails to comply with both the CIR and the EIR defined in
the bandwidth profile, it is marked Red and discarded.
In the IP-20LH, bandwidth profiles are constructed using a full standardized
TrTCM policer mechanism.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Ethernet Services Definitions

The MEF provides a model for defining Ethernet services. The purpose of the
MEF model is to help subscribers better understand the variations among
different types of Ethernet services. IP-20LH supports a variety of service
types defined by the MEF. All of these service types share some common
attributes, but there are also differences as explained below.
Ethernet service types are generic constructs used to create a broad range of
services. Each Ethernet service type has a set of Ethernet service attributes
that define the characteristics of the service. These Ethernet service attributes
in turn are associated with a set of parameters that provide various options
for the various service attributes.
MEF Ethernet Services Definition Framework

The MEF defines three generic Ethernet service type constructs, including
their associated service attributes and parameters:
 Ethernet Line (E-Line)
 Ethernet LAN (E-LAN)
 Ethernet Tree (E-Tree)
Multiple Ethernet services are defined for each of the three generic Ethernet
service types. These services are differentiated by the method for service
identification used at the UNIs. Services using All-to-One Bundling UNIs (port-
based) are referred to as “Private” services, while services using Service
Multiplexed (VLAN-based) UNIs are referred to as “Virtual Private” services.
This relationship is shown in the following table.
MEF-Defined Ethernet Service Types

Service Type Port Based VLAN-BASED

(All to One Bundling) (EVC identified by VLAN ID)
E-Line (Point-to- Ethernet Private Line (EPL) Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL)
Point EVC)
E-LAN (Multipoint- Ethernet Private LAN (EP-LAN) Ethernet Virtual Private LAN (EVP-LAN)
to-Multipoint EVC)
E-Tree (Rooted Ethernet Private Tree (EP-Tree) Ethernet Virtual Private Tree (EVP-Tree)
Multipoint EVC)

All-to-One Bundling refers to a UNI attribute in which all Customer Edge VLAN
IDs (CE-VLAN IDs) entering the service via the UNI are associated with a
single EVC. Bundling refers to a UNI attribute in which more than one CE-
VLAN ID can be associated with an EVC.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

To fully specify an Ethernet service, additional service attributes must be

defined in addition to the UNI and EVC service attributes. These service
attributes can be grouped under the following categories:
 Ethernet physical interfaces
 Traffic parameters
 Performance parameters
 Class of service
 Service frame delivery
 VLAN tag support
 Service multiplexing
 Bundling
 Security filters

E-Line Service
The Ethernet line service (E-Line service) provides a point-to-point Ethernet
Virtual Connection (EVC) between two UNIs. The E-Line service type can be
used to create a broad range of Ethernet point-to-point services and to
maintain the necessary connectivity. In its simplest form, an E-Line service
type can provide symmetrical bandwidth for data sent in either direction with
no performance assurances, e.g., best effort service between two FE UNIs. In
more sophisticated forms, an E-Line service type can provide connectivity
between two UNIs with different line rates and can be defined with
performance assurances such as CIR with an associated CBS, EIR with an
associated EBS, delay, delay variation, loss, and availability for a given Class of
Service (CoS) instance. Service multiplexing can occur at one or both UNIs in
the EVC. For example, more than one point-to-point EVC can be offered on the
same physical port at one or both of the UNIs.
E-Line Service Type Using Point-to-Point EVC

Ethernet Private Line Service

An Ethernet Private Line (EPL) service is specified using an E-Line Service
type. An EPL service uses a point-to-point EVC between two UNIs and
provides a high degree of transparency for service frames between the UNIs
that it interconnects such that the service frame’s header and payload are
identical at both the source and destination UNI when the service frame is
delivered (L1 service). A dedicated UNI (physical interface) is used for the
service and service multiplexing is not allowed. All service frames are mapped

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

to a single EVC at the UNI. In cases where the EVC speed is less than the UNI
speed, the CE is expected to shape traffic to the ingress bandwidth profile of
the service to prevent the traffic from being discarded by the service. The EPL
is a port-based service, with a single EVC across dedicated UNIs providing site-
to-site connectivity. EPL is the most popular Ethernet service type due to its
simplicity, and is used in diverse applications such as replacing a TDM private
EPL Application Example

Ethernet Virtual Private Line Service

An Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) is created using an E-Line service
type. An EVPL can be used to create services similar to EPL services. However,
several characteristics differ between EPL and EVPL services.
First, an EVPL provides for service multiplexing at the UNI, which means it
enables multiple EVCs to be delivered to customer premises over a single
physical connection (UNI). In contrast, an EPL only enables a single service to
be delivered over a single physical connection.
Second, the degree of transparency for service frames is lower in an EVPL than
in an EPL.
Since service multiplexing is permitted in EVPL services, some service frames
may be sent to one EVC while others may be sent to other EVCs. EVPL services
can be used to replace Frame Relay and ATM L2 VPN services, in order to
deliver higher bandwidth, end-to-end services.
EVPL Application Example

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

E-LAN Service
The E-LAN service type is based on Multipoint to Multipoint EVCs, and
provides multipoint connectivity by connecting two or more UNIs. Each site
(UNI) is connected to a multipoint EVC, and customer frames sent from one
UNI can be received at one or more UNIs. If additional sites are added, they
can be connected to the same multipoint EVC, simplifying the service
activation process. Logically, from the point of view of a customer using an
E-LAN service, the MEN can be viewed as a LAN.
E-LAN Service Type Using Multipoint-to-Multipoint EVC

The E-LAN service type can be used to create a broad range of services. In its
basic form, an E-LAN service can provide a best effort service with no
performance assurances between the UNIs. In more sophisticated forms, an
E-LAN service type can be defined with performance assurances such as CIR
with an associated CBS, EIR with an associated EBS, delay, delay variation,
loss, and availability for a given CoS instance.
For an E-LAN service type, service multiplexing may occur at none, one, or
more than one of the UNIs in the EVC. For example, an E-LAN service type
(Multipoint-to-Multipoint EVC) and an E-Line service type (Point-to-Point
EVC) can be service multiplexed at the same UNI. In such a case, the E-LAN
service type can be used to interconnect other customer sites while the E-Line
service type is used to connect to the Internet, with both services offered via
service multiplexing at the same UNI.
E-LAN services can simplify the interconnection among a large number of
sites, in comparison to hub/mesh topologies implemented using point-to-
point networking technologies such as Frame Relay and ATM.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

For example, consider a point-to-point network configuration implemented

using E-Line services. If a new site (UNI) is added, it is necessary to add a new,
separate EVC to all of the other sites in order to enable the new UNI to
communicate with the other UNIs, as shown in the following figure.
Adding a Site Using an E-Line service

In contrast, when using an E-LAN service, it is only necessary to add the new
UNI to the multipoint EVC. No additional EVCs are required, since the E-LAN
service uses a multipoint to multipoint EVC that enables the new UNI to
communicate with each of the others UNIs. Only one EVC is required to
achieve multi-site connectivity, as shown in the following figure.
Adding a Site Using an E-LAN service

The E-LAN service type can be used to create a broad range of services, such
as private LAN and virtual private LAN services.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Ethernet Private LAN Service

It is often desirable to interconnect multiple sites using a Local Area Network
(LAN) protocol model and have equivalent performance and access to
resources such as servers and storage. Customers commonly require a highly
transparent service that connects multiple UNIs. The Ethernet Private LAN
(EP-LAN) service is defined with this in mind, using the E-LAN service type.
The EP-LAN is a Layer 2 service in which each UNI is dedicated to the EP-LAN
service. A typical use case for EP-LAN services is Transparent LAN.
The following figure shows an example of an EP-LAN service in which the
service is defined to provide Customer Edge VLAN (CE-VLAN) tag
preservation and tunneling for key Layer 2 control protocols. Customers can
use this service to configure VLANs across the sites without the need to
coordinate with the service provider. Each interface is configured for All-to-
One Bundling, which enables the EP-LAN service to support CE-VLAN ID
preservation. In addition, EP-LAN supports CE-VLAN CoS preservation.
MEF Ethernet Private LAN Example

Ethernet Virtual Private LAN Service

Customers often use an E-LAN service type to connect their UNIs in an MEN,
while at the same time accessing other services from one or more of those
UNIs. For example, a customer might want to access a public or private IP
service from a UNI at the customer site that is also used to provide E-LAN
service among the customer’s several metro locations. The Ethernet Virtual
Private LAN (EVP-LAN) service is defined to address this need. EVP-LAN is
actually a combination of EVPL and E-LAN.
Bundling can be used on the UNIs in the Multipoint-to-Multipoint EVC, but is
not mandatory. As such, CE-VLAN tag preservation and tunneling of certain
Layer 2 control protocols may or may not be provided. Service multiplexing is
allowed on each UNI. A typical use case would be to provide Internet access a
corporate VPN via one UNI.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

The following figure provides an example of an EVP-LAN service.

MEF Ethernet Virtual Private LAN Example

E-Tree Service
The E-Tree service type is an Ethernet service type that is based on Rooted-
Multipoint EVCs. In its basic form, an E-Tree service can provide a single Root
for multiple Leaf UNIs. Each Leaf UNI can exchange data with only the Root
UNI. A service frame sent from one Leaf UNI cannot be delivered to another
Leaf UNI. This service can be particularly useful for Internet access, and video-
over-IP applications such as multicast/broadcast packet video. One or more
CoS values can be associated with an E-Tree service.
E-Tree Service Type Using Rooted-Multipoint EVC

Two or more Root UNIs can be supported in advanced forms of the E-Tree
service type. In this scenario, each Leaf UNI can exchange data only with the
Root UNIs. The Root UNIs can communicate with each other. Redundant
access to the Root can also be provided, effectively allowing for enhanced
service reliability and flexibility.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

E-Tree Service Type Using Multiple Roots

Service multiplexing is optional and may occur on any combination of UNIs in

the EVC. For example, an E-Tree service type using a Rooted-Multipoint EVC,
and an E-Line service type using a Point-to-Point EVC, can be service
multiplexed on the same UNI. In this example, the E-Tree service type can be
used to support a specific application at the Subscriber UNI, e.g., ISP access to
redundant PoPs (multiple Roots at ISP PoPs), while the E-Line Service type is
used to connect to another enterprise site with a Point-to-Point EVC.

Ethernet Private Tree Service

The Ethernet Private Tree service (EP-Tree) is designed to supply the
flexibility for configuring multiple sites so that the services are distributed
from a centralized site, or from a few centralized sites. In this setup, the
centralized site or sites are designed as Roots, while the remaining sites are
designated as Leaves. CE-VLAN tags are preserved and key Layer 2 control
protocols are tunneled. The advantage of such a configuration is that the
customer can configure VLANs across its sites without the need to coordinate
with the service provider. Each interface is configured for All-to-One Bundling,
which means that EP-Tree services support CE-VLAN ID preservation. EP-Tree
also supports CE-VLAN CoS preservation. EP-Tree requires dedication of the
UNIs to the single EP-Tree service.
The following figure provides an example of an EP-Tree service.
MEF Ethernet Private Tree Example

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Ethernet Virtual Private Tree Service

In order to access several applications and services from well-defined access
points (Root), the UNIs are attached to the service in a Rooted Multipoint
connection. Customer UNIs can also support other services, such as EVPL and
EVP-LAN services. An EVP-Tree service is used in such cases. Bundling can be
used on the UNIs in the Rooted Multipoint EVC, but it is not mandatory. As
such, CE-VLAN tag preservation and tunneling of certain Layer 2 Control
Protocols may or may not be provided. EVP-Tree enables each UNI to support
multiple services. A good example would be a customer that has an EVP-LAN
service providing data connectivity among three UNIs, while using an EVP-
Tree service to provide video broadcast from a video hub location. The
following figure provides an example of a Virtual Private Tree service.
Ethernet Virtual Private Tree Example

IP-20LH enables network connectivity for Mobile Backhaul cellular

infrastructure, fixed networks, private networks and enterprises.
Mobile Backhaul refers to the network between the Base Station sites and
the Network Controller/Gateway sites for all generations of mobile
technologies. Mobile equipment and networks with ETH service layer
functions can support MEF Carrier Ethernet services using the service
attributes defined by the MEF.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Mobile Backhaul Reference Model

The IP-20LH services concept is purpose built to support the standard MEF
services for mobile backhaul (MEF 22, mobile backhaul implementation
agreement), as an addition to the baseline definition of MEF Services (MEF 6)
using service attributes (as well as in MEF 10). E-Line, E-LAN and E-Tree
services are well defined as the standard services. IP-20LH Universal Packet Backhaul Services Core

IP-20LH addresses the customer demand for multiple services of any of the
aforementioned types (EPL, EVPL, EP –LAN, EVP-LAN, EP-Tree, and EVP-Tree)
through its rich service model capabilities and flexible integrated switch
application. Additional Layer 1 point-based services are supported as well, as
explained in more detail below.
Services support in the mobile backhaul environment is provided using the IP-
20LH services core, which is structured around the building blocks shown in
the figure below. IP-20LH provides rich and secure packet backhaul services
over any transport type with unified, simple, and error-free operation.
Packet Service Core Building Blocks

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Any Service
 Ethernet services (EVCs)
E-Line (Point-to-Point)
E-LAN (Multipoint)
 Port based (Smart Pipe) services

Any Transport
 Native Ethernet Transport (802.1q or Q-in-Q)
 Any topology and any mix of radio and fiber interfaces
 Seamless interworking with any optical network (NG-SONET, packet
optical transport, IP/MPLS service/VPN routers)

Virtual Switching/Forwarding Engine

 Clear distinction between user facing service interfaces (UNI) and intra-
network interfaces
 Fully flexible C-VLAN and S-VLAN encapsulation
(classification/preservation/ translation)
 Improved security/isolation without limiting C-VLAN reuse by different
 Per-service MAC learning with 128K MAC addresses support

Fully Programmable and Future-Proof

 Network-processor-based services core
 Ready today to support emerging and future standards and networking

Rich Policies and Tools with Unified and Simplified Management

 Personalized QoS (H-QoS)9
 Superb service OAM (CFM, PM)
 Carrier-grade service resiliency (G.8032, MSTP)

H-QoS support is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.3.2 IP-20LH’s Ethernet Capabilities

IP-20LH is built upon a service-based paradigm that provides rich and secure
frame backhaul services over any type of transport, with unified, simple, and
error-free operation. IP-20LH’s services core includes a rich set of tools that
 Service-based Quality of Service (QoS).
 Service OAM, including CFM, granular PMs, and service activation.
 Carrier-grade service resiliency using G.8032 and MSTP.
The following are IP-20LH’s main Carrier Ethernet transport features. This
rich feature set provides a future-proof architecture to support backhaul
evolution for emerging services.
 Up to 1,024 services
 Up to 32 service points per service
 All service types:
Multipoint (E-LAN)
Point-to-Point (E-Line)
Smart Pipe
 128K MAC learning table, with separate learning per service (including
 Flexible transport and encapsulation via 802.1q, 802.1ad (Q-in-Q) with
VLAN tag manipulation
 High precision, flexible frame synchronization solution using SyncE
 Hierarchical QoS with 4K service level queues, deep buffering, hierarchical
scheduling via WFQ and Strict priority, and shaping at each level
 1K hierarchical two-rate three-Color policers
Port based – Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast, Ethertype
 Up to four link aggregation groups (LAG)
Hashing based on L2, L3, MPLS, and L4
 Enhanced <50msec network level resiliency (G.8032) for ring/mesh

6.3.3 Supported Standards

IP-20LH is fully MEF-9 and MEF-14 certified for all Carrier Ethernet services.
For a full list of standards and certifications supported by IP-20LH, refer to the
following sections:
 Supported Ethernet Standards

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.3.4 Ethernet Service Model

IP-20LH’s service-oriented Ethernet paradigm is based on Carrier-Ethernet
Transport (CET), and provides a highly flexible and granular switching fabric
for Ethernet services.
IP-20LH’s virtual switching/forwarding engine is based on a clear distinction
between user-facing service interfaces and intra-network service interfaces.
User-facing interfaces (UNIs) are configured as Service Access Points (SAPs),
while intra-network interfaces (E-NNIs or NNIs) are configured as Service
Network Points (SNPs).
IP-20LH Services Model




Multipoint SNP SNP Multipoint
SA Service Service



Multipoint Multipoint
Service Service






The IP-20LH services core provides for fully flexible C-VLAN and S-VLAN
encapsulation, with a full range of classification, preservation, and translation
options available. Service security and isolation is provided without limiting
the C-VLAN reuse capabilities of different customers.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Users can define up to 1,024 services on a single IP-20LH. Each service

constitutes a virtual bridge that defines the connectivity and behavior among
the network element interfaces for the specific virtual bridge. In addition to
user-defined services, IP-20LH contains a pre-defined management service
(Service ID 1025). If needed, users can activate the management service and
use it for in-band management.
To define a service, the user must configure virtual connections among the
interfaces that belong to the service. This is done by configuring service points
(SPs) on these interfaces.
A service can hold up to 32 service points. A service point is a logical entity
attached to a physical or logical interface. Service points define the movement
of frames through the service. Each service point includes both ingress and
egress attributes.
Note: Management services can hold up to 30 SPs.
The following figure illustrates the IP-20LH services model, with traffic
entering and leaving the network element. IP-20LH’s switching fabric is
designed to provide a high degree of flexibility in the definition of services and
the treatment of data flows as they pass through the switching fabric.
IP-20LH Services Core

P2P Service

Port 1 C-ta 00 Port 7

SP C-tag=30
ta 20
g= to
Port 2 10 00 Port 8
C -ta
Multipoint Service


Port 3 Port 9
g= 2
S C-ta
Port 4 Port 10
SAP S-tag
=2 00
Port 5 Port 11
Smart Pipe Service

Port 6 SP SP
SAP Port 12

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Frame Classification to Service Points and Services

Each arriving frame is classified to a specific service point, based on a key that
consists of:
 The Interface ID of the interface through which the frame entered the IP-
 The frame’s C-VLAN and/or S-VLAN tags.
If the classification mechanism finds a match between the key of the arriving
frame and a specific service point, the frame is associated to the specific
service to which the service point belongs. That service point is called the
ingress service point for the frame, and the other service points in the service
are optional egress service points for the frame. The frame is then forwarded
from the ingress service point to an egress service point by means of flooding
or dynamic address learning in the specific service. Services include a MAC
entry table of up to 131,072 entries, with a global aging timer and a maximum
learning limiter that are configurable per-service.
IP-20LH Services Flow

P2P Service
User Port



P2P Service Network

User Port


SAP Port Ethernet Ethernet
traffic Radio

Multipoint Service

SAP SNP Network

User Port Port

GE/FE Port Port Ethernet Ethernet

traffic Radio

SAP SNP Service Types

IP-20LH supports the following service types:
 Point-to-Point Service (P2P)
 MultiPoint Service (MP)
 Management Service

Point to Point Service (P2P)

Point-to-point services are used to provide connectivity between two
interfaces of the network element. When traffic ingresses via one side of the
service, it is immediately directed to the other side according to ingress and
egress tunneling rules. This type of service contains exactly two service points
and does not require MAC address-based learning or forwarding. Since the
route is clear, the traffic is tunneled from one side of the service to the other
and vice versa.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

The following figure illustrates a P2P service.

Point-to-Point Service

P2P Service

Port 1 Port 4

Port 2 Port 5
P2P Service

Port 3 Port 6

P2P services provide the building blocks for network services such as E-Line
EVC (EPL and EVPL EVCs) and port-based services (Smart Pipe).

Multipoint Service (MP)

Multipoint services are used to provide connectivity between two or more
service points. When traffic ingresses via one service point, it is directed to
one of the service points in the service, other than the ingress service point,
according to ingress and egress tunneling rules, and based on the learning and
forwarding mechanism. If the destination MAC address is not known by the
learning and forwarding mechanism, the arriving frame is flooded to all the
other service points in the service except the ingress service point.
The following figure illustrates a Multipoint service.
Multipoint Service

Multipoint Service
Port 1 SP SP Port 4

Port 2 Port 5


Port 3 Port 6

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Multipoint services provide the building blocks for network services such as
E-LAN EVCs (EP-LAN and EVP-LAN EVCs), and for E-Line EVCs (EPL and EVPL
EVCs) in which only two service points are active. In such a case, the user can
disable MAC address learning in the service points to conserve system

Learning and Forwarding Mechanism

IP-20LH can learn up to 131,072 Ethernet source MAC addresses. IP-20LH
performs learning per service in order to enable the use of 1025 virtual
bridges in the network element. If necessary due to security issues or resource
limitations, users can limit the size of the MAC forwarding table. The
maximum size of the MAC forwarding table is configurable per service in
granularity of 16 entries.
When a frame arrives via a specific service point, the learning mechanism
checks the MAC forwarding table for the service to which the service point
belongs to determine whether that MAC address is known to the service. If the
MAC address is not found, the learning mechanism adds it to the table under
the specific service.
In parallel with the learning process, the forwarding mechanism searches the
service’s MAC forwarding table for the frame’s destination MAC address. If a
match is found, the frame is forwarded to the service point associated with the
MAC address. If not, the frame is flooded to all service points in the service.
The following table illustrates the operation of the learning and forwarding
Ethernet Services Learning and Forwarding

MAC Forwarding Table

Input Key for learning / forwarding Result Entry type
(search) operation
Service ID MAC address Service Point
95 00:34:67:3a:aa:10 15 dynamic
95 00:0a:25:33:22:12 31 dynamic
128 00:0a:25:11:12:55 31 static
357 00:0a:25:33:22:12 15 dynamic
357 00:c3:20:57:14:89 31 dynamic
357 00:0a:25:11:12:55 31 dynamic

In addition to the dynamic learning mechanism, users can add static MAC
addresses for static routing in each service. These user entries are not
considered when determining the maximum size of the MAC forwarding table.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Users can manually clear all the dynamic entries from the MAC forwarding
table. Users can also delete static entries per service.
The system also provides an automatic flush process. An entry is erased from
the table as a result of:
 The global aging time expires for the entry.
 Loss of carrier occurs on the interface with which the entry is associated.
 Resiliency protocols, such as MSTP or G.8032.

Management Service (MNG)

The management service connects the two local management ports, the
network element host CPU, and the traffic ports into a single service. The
service behavior is same as the Multipoint service behavior.
The management service is pre-defined in the system, with Service ID 1025.
The pre-defined management service has a single service point that connects
the service to the network element host CPU and the two local management
interfaces. To configure in-band management over multiple network elements,
the user must connect the management service to the network by adding a
service point on an interface that provides the required network connectivity.
Users can modify the attributes of the management service, but cannot delete
it. The CPU service point is read-only and cannot be modified. The local
management ports are also connected to the service, but their service points
are not visible to users. The first management interface is enabled by default.
The second management interface must be manually enabled by the user. The
management ports can be used to manage the network element or to access a
remote network element. They can also be used to manage third-party
devices. Users can enable or disable these ports.
The following figure illustrates a management service.
Management Service

Management Service
Port 1
Port 4

Port 2
Port 5

Port 3
Port 6
Local Management 1

Local Management 2


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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Management services can provide building blocks for network services such
as E-LAN EVCs (EP-LAN and EVP-LAN), as well as E-Line EVCs (EPL and EVPL
EVCs) in which only two service points are active.

Service Attributes
IP-20LH services have the following attributes:
 Service ID – A running number from 1 to 1025 that identifies the service.
The user must select the Service ID upon creating the service. The Service
ID cannot be edited after the service has been created. Service ID 1025 is
reserved for the pre-defined Management service.
 Service Type – Determines the specific functionality that will be provided
for Ethernet traffic using the service. For example, a Point-to-Point service
provides traffic forwarding between two service points, with no need to
learn a service topology based on source and destination MAC addresses. A
Multipoint service enables operators to create an E-LAN service that
includes several service points.
 Service Admin Mode – Defines whether or not the service is functional,
i.e., able to receive and transmit traffic. When the Service Admin Mode is
set to Operational, the service is fully functional. When the Service Admin
Mode is set to Reserved, the service occupies system resources but is
unable to transmit and receive data.
 EVC-ID – The Ethernet Virtual Connection ID (end-to-end). This parameter
does not affect the network element’s behavior, but is used by the NMS for
topology management.
 EVC Description – The Ethernet Virtual Connection description. This
parameter does not affect the network element’s behavior, but is used by
the NMS for topology management.
 Maximum Dynamic MAC Address Learning per Service – Defines the
maximum number of dynamic Ethernet MAC address that the service can
learn. This parameter is configured with a granularity of 16, and only
applies to dynamic, not static, MAC addresses.
 Static MAC Address Configuration – Users can add static entries to the
MAC forwarding table. The global aging time does not apply to static
entries, and they are not counted with respect to the Maximum Dynamic
MAC Address Learning. It is the responsibility of the user not to use all the
131,072 entries in the table if the user also wants to utilize dynamic MAC
address learning.
 CoS Mode – Defines whether the service inherits ingress classification
decisions made at previous stages or overwrites previous decisions and
uses the default CoS defined for the service. For more details on IP-20LH’s
hierarchical classification mechanism, refer to Classification on page 132.
 Default CoS – The default CoS value at the service level. If the CoS Mode is
set to overwrite previous classification decisions, this is the CoS value used
for frames entering the service.
 xSTP Instance (0-46, 4095) – The spanning tree instance ID to which the
service belongs. The service can be a traffic engineering service (instance
ID 4095) or can be managed by the xSTP engines of the network element.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Service Points

Service points are logical entities attached to the interfaces that make up the
service. Service points define the movement of frames through the service.
Without service points, a service is simply a virtual bridge with no ingress or
egress interfaces.
IP-20LH supports several types of service points:
 Management (MNG) Service Point – Only used for management services.
The following figure shows a management service used for in-band
management among four network elements in a ring. In this example, each
service contains three MNG service points, two for East-West management
connectivity in the ring, and one serving as the network gateway.
Management Service and its Service Points








 Service Access Point (SAP) Service Point – An SAP is equivalent to a UNI

in MEF terminology and defines the connection of the user network with
its access points. SAPs are used for Point-to-Point and Multipoint traffic

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

 Service Network Point (SNP) Service Point – An SNP is equivalent to an

NNI or E-NNI in MEF terminology and defines the connection between the
network elements in the user network. SNPs are used for Point-to-Point
and Multipoint traffic services.
The following figure shows four network elements in ring. An MP Service
with three service points provides the connectivity over the network. The
SNPs provide the connectivity among the network elements in the user
network while the SAPs provide the access points for the network.
SAPs and SNPs








 Pipe Service Point – Used to create traffic connectivity between two

points in a port-based manner (Smart Pipe). In other words, all the traffic
from one port passes to the other port. Pipe service points are used in
Point-to-Point services
The following figure shows a Point-to-Point service with Pipe service
points that create a Smart Pipe between Port 1 of the network element on
the left and Port 2 of the network element on the right.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Pipe Service Points

Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe

The following figure shows the usage of SAP, SNP and PIPE service points in a
microwave network. The SNPs are used for interconnection between the
network elements while the SAPs provide the access points for the network. A
Smart Pipe is also used, to provide connectivity between elements that require
port-based connectivity.
SAP, SNP and Pipe Service Points in a Microwave Network

Fiber Aggregation



SNP Network







Base Station

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

The following table summarizes the service point types available per service
Service Point Types per Service Type

Service point type

Service Type Management Yes No No No
Point-to-Point No Yes Yes Yes
Multipoint No Yes Yes No

Service Point Classification

As explained above, service points connect the service to the network element
interfaces. It is crucial that the network element have a means to classify
incoming frames to the proper service point. This classification process is
implemented by means of a parsing encapsulation rule for the interface
associated with the service point. This rule is called the Attached Interface
Type, and is based on a three part key consisting of:
 The Interface ID of the interface through which the frame entered.
 The frame’s C-VLAN and/or S-VLAN tags.
The Attached Interface Type provides a definitive mapping of each arriving
frame to a specific service point in a specific service. Since more than one
service point may be associated with a single interface, frames are assigned to
the earliest defined service point in case of conflict.

SAP Classification
SAPs can be used with the following Attached Interface Types:
 All to one – All C-VLANs and untagged frames that enter the interface are
classified to the same service point.
 Dot1q – A single C-VLAN is classified to the service point.
 QinQ – A single S-VLAN and C-VLAN combination is classified to the
service point.
 Bundle C-Tag– A set of multiple C-VLANs are classified to the service
 Bundle S-Tag – A single S-VLAN and a set of multiple C-VLANs are
classified to the service point.

SNP classification
SNPs can be used with the following Attached Interface Types:
 Dot1q – A single C VLAN is classified to the service point.
 S-Tag – A single S- VLAN is classified to the service point.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

MNG classification
Management service points can be used with the following Attached Interface
 Dot1q – A single C-VLAN is classified to the service point.
 S-Tag – A single S-VLAN is classified to the service point.
 QinQ – A single S-VLAN and C-VLAN combination is classified into the
service point.
The following table shows which service point types can co-exist on the same
Service Point Types that can Co-Exist on the Same Interface


MNG SP Only one MNG SP is Yes Yes Yes
allowed per interface.
SAP SP Yes Yes No No
SNP SP Yes No Yes No
PIPE SP Yes No No Only one Pipe SP is
allowed per interface.

The following table shows in more detail which service point – Attached
Interface Type combinations can co-exist on the same interface.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Service Point Type-Attached Interface Type Combinations that can Co-Exist on the Same Interface
Attached Bundle Bundle
SP Type 802.1q All to One QinQ 802.1q S-Tag 802.1q S-Tag 802.1q QinQ S-Tag
Interface Type C-Tag S-Tag
Only for P2P
802.1q Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No No
Only for P2P
Bundle C-Tag Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No No
Bundle S-Tag No No Yes No Yes No No No No No Yes No
Only 1 All to One
All to One No No No No No No No No No No No
SP Per Interface
QinQ No No Yes No Yes No No No No No Yes No
Only for P2P
802.1q No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No
Only for P2P
S-Tag No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes
Only for P2P Only for P2P Only for P2P Only one Pipe SP
802.1q No No No No No Yes No No
Service Service Service Per Interface
Only for P2P Only one Pipe SP
S-Tag No No No No No No No No No Yes
Service Per Interface
802.1q Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No No No
MNG QinQ No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No
S-Tag No No No No No No Yes No Yes No No No

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Service Point Attributes

As described above, traffic ingresses and egresses the service via service
points. The service point attributes are divided into two types:
 Ingress Attributes – Define how frames are handled upon ingress, e.g.,
policing and MAC address learning.
 Egress Attributes – Define how frames are handled upon egress, e.g.,
preservation of the ingress CoS value upon egress, VLAN swapping.
The following figure shows the ingress and egress path relationship on a
point-to-point service path. When traffic arrives via port 1, the system handles
it using service point 1 ingress attributes then forwards it to service point 2
and handles it using the SP2 egress attributes:
Service Path Relationship on Point-to-Point Service Path


Ingress Ingress
Port 1 Port 2
Egress Egress

Service points have the following attributes:

General Service Point Attributes

 Service Point ID – Users can define up to 32 service points per service,
except for management services which are limited to 30 service points in
addition to the pre-defined management system service point.
 Service Point Name – A descriptive name, which can be up to 20
 Service Point Type – The type of service point, as described above.
 S-VLAN Encapsulation – The S-VLAN ID associated with the service point.
 C-VLAN Encapsulation – The C-VLAN ID associated with the service point.
 Attached C VLAN – For service points with an Attached Interface Type of
Bundle C-Tag, this attribute is used to create a list of C-VLANs associated
with the service point.
 Attached S-VLAN – For service points with an Attached Interface Type of
Bundle S-Tag, this attribute is used to create a list of S-VLANs associated
with the service point.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Ingress Service Point Attributes

The ingress attributes are attributes that operate upon frames when they
ingress via the service point.
 Attached Interface Type – The interface type to which the service point is
attached, as described above. Permitted values depend on the service
point type.
 Learning Administration – Enables or disables MAC address learning for
traffic that ingresses via the service point. This option enables users to
enable or disable MAC address learning for specific service points.
 Allow Broadcast – Determines whether to allow frames to ingress the
service via the service point when the frame has a broadcast destination
MAC address.
 Allow Flooding – Determines whether incoming frames with unknown
MAC addresses are forwarded to other service points via flooding.
 CoS Mode – Determines whether the service point preserves the CoS
decision made at the interface level, overwrites the CoS with the default
CoS for the service point.
 Default CoS – The service point CoS. If the CoS Mode is set to overwrite
the CoS decision made at the interface level, this is the CoS value assigned
to frames that ingress the service point.
 Token Bucket Profile – This attribute can be used to attach a rate meter
profile to the service point. Permitted values are 1– 250.
 CoS Token Bucket Profile – This attribute can be used to attach a rate
meter profile to the service point at the CoS level. Users can define a rate
meter for each of the eight CoS values of the service point. Permitted
values are 1-250 for CoS 0–7.
 CoS Token Bucket Admin – Enables or disables the rate meter at the
service point CoS level.

Egress Service Point Attributes

The egress attributes are attributes that operate upon frames egressing via the
service point.
 C-VLAN ID Egress Preservation – If enabled, C-VLAN frames egressing
the service point retain the same C-VLAN ID they had when they entered
the service.
 C-VLAN CoS Egress Preservation – If enabled, the C-VLAN CoS value of
frames egressing the service point is the same as the value when the frame
entered the service.
 S-VLAN CoS egress Preservation – If enabled, the S-VLAN CoS value of
frames egressing the service point is the same as the value when the frame
entered the service.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

 Marking – Marking refers to the ability to overwrite the outgoing priority

bits and Color of the outer VLAN of the egress frame, either the C-VLAN or
the S-VLAN. If marking is enabled, the service point overwrites the
outgoing priority bits and Color of the outer VLAN of the egress frame.
Marking mode is only relevant if either the outer frame is S-VLAN and S-
VLAN CoS preservation is disabled, or the outer frame is C-VLAN and C-
VLAN CoS preservation is disabled. When marking is enabled and active,
marking is performed according to global mapping tables that map the
802.1p-UP bits and the DEI or CFI bit to a defined CoS and Color value.
 Service Bundle ID – This attribute can be used to assign one of the
available service bundles from the H-QoS hierarchy queues to the service
point. This enables users to personalize the QoS egress path. For details,
refer to Standard QoS and Hierarchical QoS (H-QoS)on page 145.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.3.5 Ethernet Interfaces

The IP-20LH switching fabric distinguishes between physical interfaces and
logical interfaces. Physical and logical interfaces serve different purposes in
the switching fabric.
The concept of a physical interface refers to the physical characteristics of the
interface, such as speed, duplex, auto-negotiation, master/slave, and standard
RMON statistics.
A logical interface can consist of a single physical interface or a group of
physical interfaces that share the same function. Examples of the latter are
Multi-Carrier ABC groups, protection groups, and link aggregation (LAG)
groups. Switching and QoS functionality are implemented on the logical
interface level.
It is important to understand that the IP-20LH switching fabric regards all
traffic interfaces as regular physical interfaces, distinguished only by the
media type the interface uses, e.g., RJ-45, SFP, or Radio.
From the user’s point of view, the creation of the logical interface is
simultaneous with the creation of the physical interface. For example, when
the user inserts an RMC in the chassis and enables it, both the physical and the
logical radio interface come into being at the same time.
Once the interface is created, the user configures both the physical and the
logical interface. In other words, the user configures the same interface on two
levels, the physical level and the logical level.
The following figure shows physical and logical interfaces in a one-to-one
relationship in which each physical interface is connected to a single logical
interface, without grouping.
Physical and Logical Interfaces

Physical Interface 1 Logical Interface SP SP Logical Interface Physical Interface 3

Physical Interface 2 Logical Interface SP SP Logical Interface Physical Interface 4


Note: For simplicity only, this figure represents a uni-directional

rather than a bi-directional traffic flow.
The next figure illustrates the grouping of two or more physical interfaces into
a logical interface, a link aggregation group (LAG) in this example. The two
physical interfaces on the ingress side send traffic into a single logical
interface. The user configures each physical interface separately, and
configures the logical interface as a single logical entity. For example, the user
might configure each physical interface to 100 mbps, full duplex, with auto-
negotiation off. On the group level, the user might limit the group to a rate of
200 mbps by configuring the rate meter on the logical interface level.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

When physical interfaces are grouped into a logical interface, IP-20LH also
shows standard RMON statistics for the logical interface, i.e., for the group.
This information enables users to determine the cumulative statistics for the
group, rather than having to examine the statistics for each interface
Grouped Interfaces as a Single Logical Interface on Ingress Side

Physical Interface 1 SP Logical Interface Physical Interface 3

Inte rface
Log ical

Physical Interface 2

SP SP Logical Interface Physical Interface 4


Note: For simplicity only, this figure represents a uni-directional

rather than a bi-directional traffic flow.
The following figure shows the logical interface at the egress side. In this case,
the user can configure the egress traffic characteristics, such as scheduling, for
the group as a whole as part of the logical interface attributes.
Grouped Interfaces as a Single Logical Interface on Egress Side

Logical Interface SP SP
Physical Interface 1 Lo
al I Physical Interface 3

Physical Interface 4
Physical Interface 2 Logical Interface SP SP

Note: For simplicity only, this figure represents a uni-directional

rather than a bi-directional traffic flow. Physical Interfaces

The physical interfaces refer to the real traffic ports (layer 1) that are
connected to the network. The Media Type attribute defines the Layer 1
physical traffic interface type, which can be:
 Radio interface from an RMC.
 RJ-45 or SFP from an Ethernet LIC or from one of the Ethernet ports on the
 E1 from a TDM LIC.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Physical Interface Attributes

The following physical interface parameters can be configured by users:
 Admin – Enables or disables the physical interface. This attribute is set via
the Interface Manager section of the Web EMS.
 Auto Negotiation – Enables or disables auto-negotiation on the physical
interface. Auto Negotiation is always off for radio, SFP, and TDM
(pseudowire) interfaces.
 Speed and Duplex – The physical interface speed and duplex mode.
Permitted values are:
Ethernet RJ-45 interfaces: 10Mbps HD, 10Mbps FD, 100Mbps HD,
100Mbps FD, and 1000Mpbs FD.
Ethernet SFP interfaces: Only 1000FD is supported
Radio and TDM (pseudowire) interfaces: The parameter is read-
only and set by the system to 1000FD.
 Flow Control – The physical port flow control capability. Permitted values
are: Symmetrical Pause and/or Asymmetrical Pause. This parameter is
only relevant in Full Duplex mode.10
 Media Type – The physical interface Layer 1 media type. This attribute is
only relevant for Ethernet traffic ports (RJ-45 or SFP). Permitted values
are Auto Detect, RJ-45, and SFP. When Auto Detect is selected, the system
detects whether the optical or electrical port is being used. Auto Detect can
only be used when the interface speed is set to 1000 Mbps.
 IFG – The physical port Inter-frame gap. Although users can modify the
IFG field length, it is strongly recommended not to modify the default value
of 12 bytes without a thorough understanding of how the modification will
impact traffic. Permitted values are 6 to 15 bytes.
 Preamble – The physical port preamble value. Although users can modify
the preamble field length, it is strongly recommended not to modify the
default values of 8 bytes without a thorough understanding of how the
modification will impact traffic. Permitted values are 6 to 15 bytes.
 Interface description – A text description of the interface, up to 40
The following read-only physical interface status parameters can be viewed by
 Operational State – The operational state of the physical interface (Up or
 Actual Speed and Duplex – The actual speed and duplex value for the
Ethernet link as agreed by the two sides of the link after the auto
negotiation process.
 Actual Flow Control State – The actual flow control state values for the
Ethernet link as agreed by the two sides after the auto negotiation process.
 Actual Physical Mode (only relevant for RJ-45 interfaces) – The actual
physical mode (master or slave) for the Ethernet link, as agreed by the two
sides after the auto negotiation process.

This functionality is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Ethernet Statistics
The Evolution IP-20LH platform stores and displays statistics in accordance
with RMON and RMON2 standards.
Users can display various peak TX and RX rates (in seconds) and average TX
and RX rates (in seconds), both in bytes and in packets, for each measured
time interval. Users can also display the number of seconds in the interval
during which TX and RX rates exceeded the configured threshold.
The following transmit statistic counters are available:
 Transmitted bytes (not including preamble) in good or bad frames. Low 32
 Transmitted bytes (not including preamble) in good or bad frames. High
32 bits.
 Transmitted frames (good or bad)
 Multicast frames (good only)
 Broadcast frames (good only)
 Control frames transmitted
 Pause control frame transmitted
 FCS error frames
 Frame length error
 Oversized frames – frames with length > 1518 bytes (1522 bytes for VLAN-
tagged frames) without errors
 Undersized frames (good only)
 Fragments frames (undersized bad)
 Jabber frames – frames with length > 1518 bytes (1522 for VLAN-tagged
frames) with errors
 Frames with length 64 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 65-127 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 128-255 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 256-511 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 512-1023 bytes, good or bad.
 Frames with length 1024-1518 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 1519-1522 bytes, good or bad
The following receive statistic counters are available:
 Received bytes (not including preamble) in good or bad frames. Low 32 bits.
 Received bytes (not including preamble) in good or bad frames. High 32 bits.
 Received frames (good or bad)
 Multicast frames (good only)
 Broadcast frames (good only)
 Control frames received
 Pause control frame received
 FCS error frames
 Frame length error

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

 Code error
 Counts oversized frames – frames with length > 1518 bytes (1522 bytes
for VLAN-tagged frames) without errors and frames with length >
MAX_LEN without errors
 Undersized frames (good only)
 Fragments frames (undersized bad)
 Counts jabber frames – frames with length > 1518 bytes (1522 for VLAN-
tagged frames) with errors
 Frames with length 64 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 65-127 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 128-255 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 256-511 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 512-1023 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length 1024-1518 bytes, good or bad
 VLAN-tagged frames with length 1519-1522 bytes, good or bad
 Frames with length > MAX_LEN without errors
 Frames with length > MAX_LEN with errors Logical Interfaces

A logical interface consists of one or more physical interfaces that share the
same traffic ingress and egress characteristics. From the user’s point of view,
it is more convenient to define interface behavior for the group as a whole
than for each individual physical interface that makes up the group. Therefore,
classification, QoS, and resiliency attributes are configured and implemented
on the logical interface level, in contrast to attributes such as interface speed
and duplex mode, which are configured on the physical interface level.
It is important to understand that the user relates to logical interfaces in the
same way in both a one-to-one scenario in which a single physical interface
corresponds to a single logical interface, and a grouping scenario such as a
Multi-Carrier ABC group, a link aggregation (LAG) group, or a radio protection
group, in which several physical interfaces correspond to a single logical
The following figure illustrates the relationship of a LAG group to the
switching fabric. From the point of view of the user configuring the logical
interface attributes, the fact that there are two radios is not relevant. The user
configures and manages the logical interface just as if it represented a single

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Relationship of Logical Interfaces to the Switching Fabric

SP SP Logical Interface Physical Interface 3

Interface 1 Physical Interface 1

LAG Radio Protection Group 1 SP SP Logical Interface Physical Interface 4

Radio Physical Interface 2
Interface 2

Logical Interface Attributes

The following logical interface attributes can be configured by users:

General Attributes
 Traffic Flow Administration – Enables traffic via the logical interface.
This attribute is useful when the user groups several physical interfaces
into a single logical interface. The user can enable or disable traffic to the
group using this parameter.

Ingress Path Classification at Logical Interface Level

These attributes represent part of the hierarchical classification mechanism,
in which the logical interface is the lowest point in the hierarchy.
 VLAN ID – Users can specify a specific CoS and Color for a specific VLAN
ID. In the case of double-tagged frames, the match must be with the
frame’s outer VLAN. Permitted values are CoS 0 to 7 and Color Green or
Yellow per VLAN ID. This is the highest classification priority on the logical
interface level, and overwrites any other classification criteria at the
logical interface level.
 802.1p Trust Mode – When this attribute is set to Trust mode and the
arriving packet is 802.1Q or 802.1AD, the interface performs QoS and
Color classification according to user-configurable tables for 802.1q UP bit
(C-VLAN frames) or 802.1AD UP bit (S-VLAN frames) to CoS and Color
 IP DSCP Trust Mode –When this attribute is set to Trust mode and the
arriving packet has IP priority bits, the interface performs QoS and Color
classification according to a user-configurable DSCP bit to CoS and Color
classification table. 802.1p classification has priority over DSCP Trust
Mode, so that if a match is found on the 802.1p level, DSCP bits are not
 MPLS Trust Mode – When this attribute is set to Trust mode and the
arriving packet has MPLS EXP priority bits, the interface performs QoS and
Color classification according to a user-configurable MPLS EXP bit to CoS
and Color classification table. Both 802.1p and DSCP classification have
priority over MPLS Trust Mode, so that if a match is found on either the
802.1p or DSCP levels, MPLS bits are not considered.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

 Default CoS – The default CoS value for frames passing through the
interface. This value can be overwritten on the service point and service
level. The Color is assumed to be Green.
For more information about classification at the logical interface level, refer to
Logical Interface-Level Classification on page 133.

Ingress Path Rate Meters at Logical Interface Level

 Unicast Traffic Rate Meter Admin – Enables or disables the unicast rate
meter (policer) on the logical interface.
 Unicast Traffic Rate Meter Profile – Associates the rate meter (policer)
with a specific rate meter (policer) profile.
 Multicast Traffic Rate Meter Admin – Enables or disables the multicast
rate meter (policer) on the logical interface.
 Multicast Traffic Rate Meter Profile – Associates the rate meter (policer)
with a specific rate meter (policer) profile.
 Broadcast Traffic Rate Meter Admin – Enables or disables the broadcast
rate meter (policer) on the logical interface.
 Broadcast Traffic Rate Meter Profile – Associates the rate meter
(policer) with a specific rate meter (policer) profile.
 Ethertype 1 Rate Meter Admin – Enables or disables the Ethertype 1 rate
meter (policer) on the logical interface.
 Ethertype 1 Rate Meter Profile – Associates the rate meter (policer) with
a specific rate meter (policer) profile.
 Ethertype 1 Value – The Ethertype value to which the user wants to apply
this rate meter (policer). The field length is 4 nibbles (for example, 0x0806
- ARP).
 Ethertype 2 Rate Meter Admin – Enables or disables the Ethertype 2 rate
meter (policer) on the logical interface.
 Ethertype 2 Rate Meter Profile – Associates the rate meter (policer) with
a specific rate meter (policer) profile.
 Ethertype 2 Value – The Ethertype value to which the user wants to apply
the rate meter (policer). The field length is 4 nibbles (for example, 0x0806
- ARP).
 Ethertype 3 Rate Meter Admin – Enables or disables the Ethertype 3 rate
meter (policer) on the logical interface.
 Ethertype 3 Rate Meter Profile – Associates the rate meter (policer) with
a specific rate meter (policer) profile.
 Ethertype 3 Value – The Ethertype value to which the user wants to apply
the rate meter (policer). The field length is 4 nibbles (for example, 0x0806
- ARP).
 Inline Compensation – The logical interface’s ingress compensation
value. The rate meter (policer) attached to the logical interface uses this
value to compensate for Layer 1 non-effective traffic bytes.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Egress Path Shapers at Logical Interface Level

 Logical Port Shaper Profile – Users can assign a single leaky bucket
shaper to each interface. The shaper on the interface level stops traffic
from the interface if a specific user-defined peak information rate (PIR)
has been exceeded.11
 Outline Compensation – The logical interface’s egress compensation
value. Any shaper attached to this interface, in any layer, uses this value to
compensate for Layer 1 non-effective traffic bytes. Permitted values are
even numbers between 0 and 26 bytes. The default value is 0 bytes.

Egress Path Scheduler at Logical Interface Level

 Logical Interface Priority Profile – This attribute is used to attach an
egress scheduling priority profile to the logical interface.
 Logical Port WFQ Profile – This attribute is used to attach an egress
scheduling WFQ profile to the logical interface. The WFQ profile provides a
means of allocating traffic among queues with the same priority.
The following read-only logical interface status parameters can be viewed by
 Traffic Flow Operational Status – Indicates whether or not the logical
interface is currently functional.

Logical Interface Statistics

RMON Statistics at Logical Interface Level

As discussed in Ethernet Statistics on page 124, if the logical interface
represents a group, such as a LAG, the IP-20LH platform stores and displays
RMON and RMON2 statistics for the logical interface.

Rate Meter (Policer) Statistics at Logical Interface Level

For the rate meter (policer) at the logical interface level, users can view the
following statistics counters:
 Green Frames
 Green Bytes
 Yellow Frames
 Yellow Bytes
 Red Frames
 Red Bytes
Note: Rate meter (policer) counters are 64 bits wide.

This attribute is reserved for future use. The current release supports traffic shaping per queue
and per service bundle, which provides the equivalent of shaping per logical interface.

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Link Aggregation Groups (LAG)

Link aggregation (LAG) enables users to group several physical interfaces into
a single logical interface bound to a single MAC address. This logical interface
is known as a LAG group. Traffic sent to the interfaces in a LAG group is
distributed by means of a load balancing function. IP-20LH uses a distribution
function of up to Layer 4 in order to generate the most efficient distribution
among the LAG physical ports, taking into account:
 IP DA and IP SA
 Layer 3 Protocol Field
 UDP/TCP Source Port and Destination Port
 MPLS Label
LAG can be used to provide redundancy for Ethernet interfaces, both on the
same card (line protection) and on separate cards (line protection and
equipment protection). LAGs can also be used to provide redundancy for radio
LAG can also be used to aggregate several interfaces in order to create a wider
(aggregate) Ethernet link. For example, LAG can be used to create a 4 Gbps
Up to four LAG groups can be created.
LAG groups can include interfaces with the following constraints:
 Only physical interfaces (including radio interfaces), not logical interfaces,
can belong to a LAG group.
 Interfaces can only be added to the LAG group if no services or service
points are attached to the interface.
 Any classification rules defined for the interface are overridden by the
classification rules defined for the LAG group.
 When removing an interface from a LAG group, the removed interface is
assigned the default interface values.
IP-20LH enables users to select the LAG members without limitations, such as
interface speed and interface type. Proper configuration of a LAG group is the
responsibility of the user.

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6.3.6 Quality of Service (QoS)

Related topics:
 Ethernet Service Model
 In-Band Management
Quality of Service (QoS) deals with the way frames are handled within the
switching fabric. QoS is required in order to deal with many different network
scenarios, such as traffic congestion, packet availability, and delay restrictions.
IP-20LH’s personalized QoS enables operators to handle a wide and diverse
range of scenarios. IP-20LH’s smart QoS mechanism operates from the frame’s
ingress into the switching fabric until the moment the frame egresses via the
destination port.
QoS capability is very important due to the diverse topologies that exist in
today’s network scenarios. These can include, for example, streams from two
different ports that egress via single port, or a port-to-port connection that
holds hundreds of services. In each topology, a customized approach to
handling QoS will provide the best results.
The figure below shows the basic flow of IP-20LH’s QoS mechanism. Traffic
ingresses (left to right) via the Ethernet or radio interfaces, on the “ingress
path.” Based on the services model, the system determines how to route the
traffic. Traffic is then directed to the most appropriate output queue via the
“egress path.”
QoS Block Diagram
Rate Limit (Optional)
GE/Radio Port Classifier
(Policing) Queue Scheduler/
Manager Shaper
Port GE/Radio
Standard QoS/ H-QoS

Rate Limit (Optional)
GE/Radio Port Classifier
(Policing) Queue Scheduler/
Manager Shaper
Port GE/Radio
Standard QoS/ H-QoS

Ingress CET/Pipe Marker
Rate Limit Services (Optional)
GE/Radio Port Classifier
(Policing) Queue Scheduler/
Manager Shaper
Port GE/Radio
Standard QoS/ H-QoS

The ingress path consists of the following QoS building blocks:

 Ingress Classifier – A hierarchical mechanism that deals with ingress
traffic on three different levels: interface, service point, and service. The
classifier determines the exact traffic stream and associates it with the
appropriate service. It also calculates an ingress frame CoS and Color. CoS
and Color classification can be performed on three levels, according to the
user’s configuration.

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 Ingress Rate Metering – A hierarchical mechanism that deals with ingress

traffic on three different levels: interface, service point, and service point
CoS. The rate metering mechanism enables the system to measure the
incoming frame rate on different levels using a TrTCM standard MEF rate
meter, and to determine whether to modify the color calculated during the
classification stage.
The egress path consists of the following QoS building blocks:
 Queue Manager – This is the mechanism responsible for managing the
transmission queues, utilizing smart WRED per queue and per packet
color (Green or Yellow).
 Scheduling and Shaping – A hierarchical mechanism that is responsible
for scheduling the transmission of frames from the transmission queues,
based on priority among queues, Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) in bytes
per each transmission queue, and eligibility to transmit based on required
shaping on several different levels (per queue, per service bundle, and per
 Marker – This mechanism provides the ability to modify priority bits in
frames based on the calculated CoS and Color.
The following two modes of operation are available on the egress path:
 Standard QoS – This mode provides eight transmission queues per port.
 Hierarchical QoS (H-QoS) – In this mode, users can associate services
from the service model to configurable groups of eight transmission
queues (service bundles), from a total 8K queues. In H-QoS mode, IP-20LH
performs QoS in a hierarchical manner in which the egress path is
managed on three levels: ports, service bundles, and specific queues. This
enables users to fully distinguish between streams, therefore providing a
true SLA to customers.
The following figure illustrates the difference between how standard QoS and
H-QoS handle traffic:

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Standard QoS and H-QoS Comparison

Standard QoS

Service 1 Voice

V Data
D Eth. Ethernet
Service 2 S traffic Radio
Service 3 S


Service 1 D Service 1
Service 2 Service 2

Service 3 D Service 3
S QoS on the Ingress Path

IP-20LH supports a hierarchical classification mechanism. The classification
mechanism examines incoming frames and determines their CoS and Color.
The benefit of hierarchical classification is that it provides the ability to “zoom
in” or “zoom out”, enabling classification at higher or lower levels of the
hierarchy. The nature of each traffic stream defines which level of the
hierarchical classifier to apply, or whether to use several levels of the
classification hierarchy in parallel.
The hierarchical classifier consists of the following levels:
 Logical interface-level classification
 Service point-level classification
 Service level classification

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The following figure illustrates the hierarchical classification model. In this

figure, traffic enters the system via the port depicted on the left and enters the
service via the SAP depicted on the upper left of the service. The classification
can take place at the logical interface level, the service point level, and/or the
service level.
Hierarchical Classification

Service point level

 Preserve previous decision
 Default CoS

Port Logical Interface

Logical interface level Service level
 VLAN ID  Default CoS
 802.1p-based CoS  Preserve Service Point Decision
 DSCP-based CoS
 MPLS EXP-based CoS
 Default CoS


Logical Interface-Level Classification

Logical interface-level classification enables users to configure classification
on a single interface or on a number of interfaces grouped tougher, such as a
LAG group.
The classifier at the logical interface level supports the following classification
methods, listed from highest to lowest priority. A higher level classification
method supersedes a lower level classification method:
802.1p bits.
DSCP bits.
MPLS EXP field.
Default CoS
IP-20LH performs the classification on each frame ingressing the system via
the logical interface. Classification is performed step by step from the highest
priority to the lowest priority classification method. Once a match is found, the
classifier determines the CoS and Color decision for the frame for the logical
For example, if the frame is an untagged IP Ethernet frame, a match will not be
found until the third priority level (DSCP priority bits). The CoS and Color
values defined for the frame’s DSCP priority bits will be applied to the frame.
Users can disable some of these classification methods by configuring them as
un-trusted. For example, if 802.1p classification is configured as un-trusted for
a specific interface, the classification mechanism does not perform
classification by VLAN UP bits. This is useful, for example, if the required
classification is based on DSCP priority bits.
If no match is found at the logical interface level, the default CoS is applied to
incoming frames at this level. In this case, the Color of the frame is assumed to
be Green.

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The following figure illustrates the hierarchy of priorities among classification

methods, from highest (on the left) to lowest (on the right) priority.
Classification Method Priorities

VLAN ID 802.1p DSCP MPLS EXP Default CoS


Interface-level classification is configured as part of the logical interface

configuration. For details, refer to Ingress Path Classification at Logical
Interface Level on page 126.
The following tables show the default values for logical interface-level
classification. The key values for these tables are the priority bits of the
respective frame encapsulation layers (VLAN, IP, and MPLS), while the key
results are the CoS and Colors calculated for incoming frames. These results
are user-configurable, but it is recommended that only advanced users should
modify the default values.
C-VLAN 802.1 UP and CFI Default Mapping to CoS and Color

802.1 UP CFI CoS (configurable) Color (configurable)

0 0 0 Green
0 1 0 Yellow
1 0 1 Green
1 1 1 Yellow
2 0 2 Green
2 1 2 Yellow
3 0 3 Green
3 1 3 Yellow
4 0 4 Green
4 1 4 Yellow
5 0 5 Green
5 1 5 Yellow
6 0 6 Green
6 1 6 Yellow
7 0 7 Green
7 1 7 Yellow

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S-VLAN 802.1 UP and DEI Default Mapping to CoS and Color

802.1 UP DEI CoS (Configurable) Color (Configurable)

0 0 0 Green
0 1 0 Yellow
1 0 1 Green
1 1 1 Yellow
2 0 2 Green
2 1 2 Yellow
3 0 3 Green
3 1 3 Yellow
4 0 4 Green
4 1 4 Yellow
5 0 5 Green
5 1 5 Yellow
6 0 6 Green
6 1 6 Yellow
7 0 7 Green
7 1 7 Yellow

DSCP Default Mapping to CoS and Color

DSCP DSCP (bin) Description CoS (Configurable) Color (Configurable)

0 (default) 000000 BE (CS0) 0 Green
10 001010 AF11 1 Green
12 001100 AF12 1 Yellow
14 001110 AF13 1 Yellow
18 010010 AF21 2 Green
20 010100 AF22 2 Yellow
22 010110 AF23 2 Yellow
26 011010 AF31 3 Green
28 011100 AF32 3 Yellow
30 011110 AF33 3 Yellow
34 100010 AF41 4 Green
36 100100 AF42 4 Yellow
38 100110 AF43 4 Yellow

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DSCP DSCP (bin) Description CoS (Configurable) Color (Configurable)

46 101110 EF 7 Green
8 001000 CS1 1 Green
16 010000 CS2 2 Green
24 011000 CS3 3 Green
32 100000 CS4 4 Green
40 101000 CS5 5 Green
48 110000 CS6 6 Green
51 110011 DSCP_51 6 Green
52 110100 DSCP_52 6 Green
54 110110 DSCP_54 6 Green
56 111000 CS7 7 Green

Default value is CoS equal best effort and Color equal Green.
MPLS EXP Default Mapping to CoS and Color

MPLS EXP bits CoS (configurable) Color (configurable)

0 0 Yellow
1 1 Green
2 2 Yellow
3 3 Green
4 4 Yellow
5 5 Green
6 6 Green
7 7 Green

Service Point-Level Classification

Classification at the service point level enables users to give special treatment,
in higher resolution, to specific traffic flows using a single interface to which
the service point is attached. The following classification modes are supported
at the service point level. Users can configure these modes by means of the
service point CoS mode.
Preserve previous CoS decision (logical interface level)
Default service point CoS
If the service point CoS mode is configured to preserve previous CoS decision,
the CoS and Color are taken from the classification decision at the logical
interface level. If the service point CoS mode is configured to default service
point CoS mode, the CoS is taken from the service point’s default CoS, and the
Color is Green.

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Service-Level Classification
Classification at the service level enables users to provide special treatment to
an entire service. For example, the user might decide that all frames in a
management service should be assigned a specific CoS regardless of the
ingress port. The following classification modes are supported at the service
Preserve previous CoS decision (service point level)
Default CoS
If the service CoS mode is configured to preserve previous CoS decision,
frames passing through the service are given the CoS and Color that was
assigned at the service point level. If the service CoS mode is configured to
default CoS mode, the CoS is taken from the service’s default CoS, and the
Color is Green.

Rate Meter (Policing)

IP-20LH’s TrTCM rate meter mechanism complies with MEF 10.2, and is based
on a dual leaky bucket mechanism. The TrTCM rate meter can change a
frame’s CoS settings based on CIR/EIR+CBS/EBS, which makes the rate meter
mechanism a key tool for implementing bandwidth profiles and enabling
operators to meet strict SLA requirements.
The IP-20LH hierarchical rate metering mechanism is part of the QoS
performed on the ingress path, and consists of the following levels:
 Logical interface-level rate meter
 Service point-level rate meter12
 Service point CoS-level rate meter13
MEF 10.2 is the de-facto standard for SLA definitions, and IP-20LH’s QoS
implementation provides the granularity necessary to implement service-
oriented solutions.
Hierarchical rate metering enables users to define rate meter policing for
incoming traffic at any resolution point, from the interface level to the service
point level, and even at the level of a specific CoS within a specific service
point. This option enables users to customize a set of eight policers for a
variety of traffic flows within a single service point in a service.
Another important function of rate metering is to protect resources in the
network element from malicious users sending traffic at an unexpectedly high
rate. To prevent this, the rate meter can cut off traffic from a user that passes
the expected ingress rate.
TrTCM rate meters use a leaky bucket mechanism to determine whether
frames are marked Green, Yellow, or Red. Frames within the Committed
Information Rate (CIR) or Committed Burst Size (CBS) are marked Green.
Frames within the Excess Information Rate (EIR) or Excess Burst Size (EBS)
are marked Yellow. Frames that do not fall within the CIR/CBS+EIR/EBS are
marked Red and dropped, without being sent any further.

Service point-level rate metering is planned for future release.
Service point and CoS-level rate metering is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

IP-20LH provides up to 1120 user-defined TrTCM rate meters. The rate

meters implement a bandwidth profile, based on CIR/EIR, CBS/EBS, Color
Mode (CM), and Coupling flag (CF). Up to 250 different profiles can be
Ingress rate meters operate at three levels:
 Logical Interface:
Per frame type (unicast, multicast, and broadcast)
Per frame ethertype
 Per Service Point
 Per Service Point CoS
Ingress Policing Model

CoS 1

Service Frame
CoS 2 Ethertype
Point Type

CoS 3

At each level (logical interface, service point, and service point + CoS), users
can attach and activate a rate meter profile. Users must create the profile first,
then attach it to the interface, service point, or service point + CoS.

Global Rate Meter Profiles

Users can define up to 250 rate meter user profiles. The following parameters
can be defined for each profile:
 Committed Information Rate (CIR) – Frames within the defined CIR are
marked Green and passed through the QoS module. Frames that exceed
the CIR rate are marked Yellow. The CIR defines the average rate in bits/s
of Service Frames up to which the network delivers service frames and
meets the performance objectives. Permitted values are 0 to 1 Gbps, with a
minimum granularity of 32Kbps.
 Committed Burst Size (CBS) – Frames within the defined CBS are marked
Green and passed through the QoS module. This limits the maximum
number of bytes available for a burst of service frames in order to ensure
that traffic conforms to the CIR. Permitted values are 2 to 128 Kbytes, with
a minimum granularity of 2 Kbytes.

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 Excess Information Rate (EIR) – Frames within the defined EIR are
marked Yellow and processed according to network availability. Frames
beyond the combined CIR and EIR are marked Red and dropped by the
policer. Permitted values are 0 to 1 Gbps, with a minimum granularity of
32 Kbps.
 Excess Burst Size (EBS) – Frames within the defined EBS are marked
Yellow and processed according to network availability. Frames beyond
the combined CBS and EBS are marked Red and dropped by the policer.
Permitted values are 2 to 128 Kbytes, with a minimum granularity of
2 Kbytes.
 Color Mode – Color mode can be enabled (Color aware) or disabled (Color
blind). In Color aware mode, all frames that ingress with a CFI/DEI field set
to 1 (Yellow) are treated as EIR frames, even if credits remain in the CIR
bucket. In Color blind mode, all ingress frames are treated first as Green
frames regardless of CFI/DEI value, then as Yellow frames (when there is
no credit in the Green bucket). A Color-blind policer discards any previous
Color decisions.
 Coupling Flag – If the coupling flag between the Green and Yellow buckets
is enabled, then if the Green bucket reaches the maximum CBS value the
remaining credits are sent to the Yellow bucket up to the maximum value
of the Yellow bucket.
The following parameter is neither a profile parameter, nor specifically a rate
meter parameter, but rather, is a logical interface parameter. For more
information about logical interfaces, refer to Logical Interfaces on page 125.
 Line Compensation – A rate meter can measure CIR and EIR at Layer 1 or
Layer 2 rates. Layer 1 capacity is equal to Layer 2 capacity plus 20
additional bytes for each frame due to the preamble and Inter Frame Gap
(IFG). In most cases, the preamble and IFG equals 20 bytes, but other
values are also possible. Line compensation defines the number of bytes to
be added to each frame for purposes of CIR and EIR calculation. When Line
Compensation is 20, the rate meter operates as Layer 1. When Line
Compensation is 0, the rate meter operates as Layer 2. This parameter is
very important to users that want to distinguish between Layer 1 and
Layer 2 traffic. For example, 1 Gbps of traffic at Layer 1 is equal to
~760 Mbps if the frame size is 64 bytes, but ~986 Mbps if the frame size is
1500 bytes. This demonstrates that counting at Layer 2 is not always fair
in comparison to counting at Layer 1, that is, the physical level.

Rate Metering (Policing) at the Logical Interface Level

Rate metering at the logical interface level supports the following:
 Unicast rate meter
 Multicast rate meter
 Broadcast rate mete
 User defined Ethertype 1 rate meter
 User defined Ethertype 2 rate meter
 User defined Ethertype 3 rate meter
For each rate meter, the following statistics are available:
 Green Frames (64 bits)

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 Green Bytes (64 bits)

 Yellow Frames (64 bits)
 Yellow Bytes (64 bits)
 Red Frames (64 bits)
 Red Bytes (64 bits)

Rate Metering (Policing) at the Service Point Level

Users can define a single rate meter on each service point, up to a total
number of 1024 rate meters per network element at the service point and CoS
per service point levels.
The following statistics are available for each service point rate meter:
 Green Frames (64 bits)
 Green Bytes (64 bits)
 Yellow Frames (64 bits)
 Yellow Bytes (64 bits)
 Red Frames (64 bits)
 Red Bytes (64 bits)

Rate Metering (Policing) at the Service Point + CoS Level

Users can define a single rate meter for each CoS on a specific service point, up
to a total number of 1024 rate meters per network element at the service
point and CoS per service point levels.
The following statistics are available for each service point + CoS rate meter:
 Green Frames (64 bits)
 Green Bytes (64 bits)
 Yellow Frames (64 bits)
 Yellow Bytes (64 bits)
 Red Frames (64 bits)
 Red Bytes (64 bits) QoS on the Egress Path

Queue Manager
The queue manager (QM) is responsible for managing the output transmission
queues. IP-20LH supports up to 8192 service-level transmission queues, with
configurable buffer size. Users can specify the buffer size of each queue
independently. The total amount of memory dedicated to the queue buffers is
4 Gigabits.
The following considerations should be taken into account in determining the
proper buffer size:
 Latency considerations – If low latency is required (users would rather
drop frames in the queue than increase latency) small buffer sizes are

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 Throughput immunity to fast bursts – When traffic is characterized by

fast bursts, it is recommended to increase the buffer sizes to prevent
packet loss. Of course, this comes at the cost of a possible increase in
Users can configure burst size as a tradeoff between latency and immunity to
bursts, according the application requirements.
The 8192 queues are ordered in groups of eight queues. These eight queues
correspond to CoS values, from 0 to 7; in other words, eight priority queues.
The following figure depicts the queue manager. Physically, the queue
manager is located between the ingress path and the egress path.
IP-20LH Queue Manager

In the figure above, traffic is passing from left to right. The traffic passing from
the ingress path is routed to the correct egress destination interfaces via the
egress service points. As part of the assignment of the service points to the
interfaces, users define the group of eight queues through which traffic is to be
transmitted out of the service point. This is part of the service point egress
After the traffic is tunneled from the ingress service points to the egress
service points, it is aggregated into one of the eight queues associated with the

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specific service point. The exact queue is determined by the CoS calculated by
the ingress path. For example, if the calculated CoS is 6, the traffic is sent to
queue 6, and so on.
Before assigning traffic to the appropriate queue, the system makes a
determination whether to forward or drop the traffic using a WRED algorithm
with a predefined green and yellow curve for the desired queue. This
operation is integrated with the queue occupancy level.
The 8K queues share a single memory of 4 Gbits. IP-20LH enables users to
define a specific size for each queue which is different from the default size.
Moreover, users can create an over-subscription scenario among the queues
for when the buffer size of the aggregate queues is lower than the total
memory allocated to all the queues. In doing this, the user must understand
both the benefits and the potential hazards, namely, that if a lack of buffer
space occurs, the queue manager will drop incoming frames without applying
the usual priority rules among frames.
The queue size is defined by the WRED profile that is associated with the
queue. For more details, refer to WRED on page 142.

The Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) mechanism can increase
capacity utilization of TCP traffic by eliminating the phenomenon of global
synchronization. Global synchronization occurs when TCP flows sharing
bottleneck conditions receive loss indications at around the same time. This
can result in periods during which link bandwidth utilization drops
significantly as a consequence of simultaneous falling to a ”slow start” of all
the TCP flows. The following figure demonstrates the behavior of two TCP
flows over time without WRED.
Synchronized Packet Loss

WRED eliminates the occurrence of traffic congestion peaks by restraining the

transmission rate of the TCP flows. Each queue occupancy level is monitored
by the WRED mechanism and randomly selected frames are dropped before
the queue becomes overcrowded. Each TCP flow recognizes a frame loss and
restrains its transmission rate (basically by reducing the window size). Since
the frames are dropped randomly, statistically each time another flow has to
restrain its transmission rate as a result of frame loss (before the real
congestion occurs). In this way, the overall aggregated load on the radio link
remains stable while the transmission rate of each individual flow continues

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to fluctuate similarly. The following figure demonstrates the transmission rate

of two TCP flows and the aggregated load over time when WRED is enabled.
Random Packet Loss with Increased Capacity Utilization Using WRED

When queue occupancy goes up, this means that the ingress path rate (the TCP
stream that is ingressing the switch) is higher than the egress path rate. This
difference in rates should be fixed in order to reduce packet drops and to
reach the maximal media utilization, since IP-20LH will not egress packets to
the media at a rate which is higher than the media is able to transmit.
To deal with this, IP-20LH enables users to define up to 30 WRED profiles.
Each profile contains a Green traffic curve and a Yellow traffic curve. These
curves describe the probability of randomly dropping frames as a function of
queue occupancy. In addition, using different curves for Yellow packets and
Green packets enables users to enforce the rule that Yellow packets be
dropped before Green packets when there is congestion.
IP-20LH also includes a pre-defined read-only WRED profile that defines a
tail-drop curve. This profile is assigned profile number 31, and is configured
with the following values:
 100% Yellow traffic drop after 16kbytes occupancy.
 100% Green traffic drop after 32kbytes occupancy.
 Yellow maximum drop is 100%
 Green maximum drop is 100%
A WRED profile can be assigned to each queue. The WRED profile assigned to
the queue determines whether or not to drop incoming packets according to
the occupancy of the queue. Basically, as queue occupancy grows, the
probability of dropping each incoming frame increases as well. As a
consequence, statistically more TCP flows will be restrained before traffic
congestion occurs.

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The following figure provides an example of a WRED profile.

WRED Profile Curve
Probability to drop [%]

Yellow max Green max

threshold threshold

Yellow max
drop ratio
Green max
drop ratio
Queue depth [bytes]
Yellow min Green min
threshold threshold

Note: The tail-drop profile, Profile 31, is the default profile for
each queue. A tail drop curve is useful for reducing the
effective queue size, such as when low latency must be

Global WRED Profile Configuration

IP-20LH supports 30 user-configurable WRED profiles and one pre-defined
(default) profile. The following are the WRED profile attributes:
 Green Minimum Threshold – Permitted values are 0 Kbytes to 8 Mbytes,
with granularity of 8 Kbytes.
 Green Maximum Threshold – Permitted values are 0 Kbytes to 8 Mbytes,
with granularity of 8 Kbytes.
 Green-Maximum Drop – Permitted values are 1% to 100%, with 1% drop
 Yellow Minimum Threshold – Permitted values are 0 Kbytes to 8 Mbytes,
with granularity of 8 Kbytes.
 Yellow Maximum Threshold – Permitted values are 0 Kbytes to 8
Mbytes, with granularity of 8 Kbytes.
 Yellow Maximum Drop – Permitted values are 1% to 100%, with 1%
drop granularity.
Notes: 1 K is equal to 1024.
Users can enter any value within the permitted range. Based
on the value entered by the user, the software automatically
rounds off the setting according to the granularity. If the
user enters a value below the lowest granular value (except
0), the software adjusts the setting to the minimum.
For each curve, frames are passed on and not dropped up to the minimum
Green and Yellow thresholds. From this point, WRED performs a pseudo-

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random drop with a ratio based on the curve up to the maximum Green and
Yellow thresholds. Beyond this point, 100% of frames with the applicable
Color are dropped.
The system automatically assigns the default “tail drop” WRED profile (Profile
ID 31) to every queue. Users can change the WRED profile per queue based on
the application served by the queue.

Standard QoS and Hierarchical QoS (H-QoS)

In a standard QoS mechanism, egress data is mapped to a single egress
interface. This single interface supports up to eight priority queues, which
correspond to the CoS of the data. Since all traffic for the interface egresses via
these queues, there is no way to distinguish between different services and
traffic streams within the same priority.
The figure below shows three services, each with three distinct types of traffic
 Voice – high priority
 Data – medium priority
 Streaming – lower priority
While the benefits of QoS on the egress path can be applied to the aggregate
streams, without H-QoS they will not be able to distinguish between the
various services included in these aggregate streams. Moreover, different
behavior among the different traffic streams that constitute the aggregate
stream can cause unpredictable behavior between the streams. For example,
in a situation in which one traffic stream can transmit 50 Mbps in a shaped
manner while another can transmit 50 Mbits in a burst, frames may be
dropped in an unexpected way due to a lack of space in the queue resulting
from a long burst.
Hierarchical QoS (H-QoS) solves this problem by enabling users to create a
real egress tunnel for each stream, or for a group of streams that are bundled
together. This enables the system to fully perform H-QoS with a top-down
resolution, and to fully control the required SLA for each stream.

H-QoS Hierarchy
The egress path hierarchy is based on the following levels:
 Queue level
 Service bundle level
 Logical interface level
The queue level represents the physical priority queues. This level holds 8K
queues. Each eight queues are bundled and represent eight CoS priority levels.
One or more service points can be attached to a specific bundle, and the traffic
from the service point to one of the eight queues is based on the CoS that was
calculated on the ingress path.
Note: With standard QoS, all services are assigned to a single
default service bundle.

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The service bundle level represents the groups of eight priority queues. Every
eight queues are managed as a single service bundle. There are a total number
of 1024 service bundles
The interface level represents the physical port through which traffic from the
specified service point egresses.
The following summarizes the egress path hierarchy:
 Up to 16 physical interfaces
 One service bundle per interface in standard QoS / 1024 service bundles in
 Eight queues per service bundle

H-QoS on the Interface Level

Users can assign a single leaky bucket shaper to each interface. The shaper on
the interface level stops traffic from the interface if a specific user-defined
peak information rate (PIR) has been exceeded.
In addition, users can configure scheduling rules for the priority queues, as
 Scheduling (serve) priorities among the eight priority queues.
 Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) among queues with the same priority.
Note: The system assigns the rules for all service bundles under
the interface.
RMON counters are valid on the interface level.

H-QoS on the Service Bundle Level

Users can assign a dual leaky bucket shaper to each service bundle. On the
service bundle level, the shaper changes the scheduling priority if traffic via
the service bundle is above the user-defined CIR and below the PIR. If traffic is
above the PIR, the scheduler stops transmission for the service bundle.
Service bundle traffic counters are valid on this level.
Note: With standard QoS, users assign the egress traffic to a single
service bundle (Service Bundle ID 1).

H-QoS on the Queue Level

The egress service point points to a specific service bundle. Depending on the
user application, the user can connect either a single service point or multiple
service points to a service bundle. Usually, if multiple service points are
connected to a service bundle, the service points will share the same traffic
type and characteristics. Mapping to the eight priority queues is based on the
CoS calculated on the ingress path, before any marking operation, which only
changes the egress CoS and Color.
Users can assign a single leaky bucket to each queue. The shaper on the queue
level stops traffic from leaving the queue if a specific user-defined PIR has
been exceeded.
Traffic counters are valid on this level.

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The following figure provides a detailed depiction of the H-QoS levels.

Detailed H-QoS Diagram

Priority 4 (Highest)
Priority 3
Priority 2
Priority 1 (Lowest)

Queues (CoS) Service Bundle Port

Service Point

CoS0 Rate

CoS1 Rate
Service 1 CoS2

CoS3 Rate
CoS4 Single Shaper

CoS5 Rate

CoS6 Rate WFQ

CoS7 Single


CoS0 Rate
CoS1 Rate

Service 2 CoS2

CoS3 Rate
CoS4 Rate

CoS5 Rate WFQ
CoS6 Rate

CoS7 Single

Service Point

H- QoS Mode
As discussed above, users can select whether to work in Standard QoS mode
or H-QoS mode.
 If the user configured all the egress service points to transmit traffic via a
single service bundle, the operational mode is Standard QoS. In this mode,
only Service Bundle 1 is active and there are eight output transmission

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 If the user configured the egress service points to transmit traffic via
multiple service bundles, the operational mode is H-QoS. H-QoS mode
enables users to fully distinguish among the streams and to achieve SLA
per service.

Shaping on the Egress Path

Egress shaping determines the traffic profile for each queue. IP-20LH
performs egress shaping on the following three levels:
 Queue level – Single leaky bucket shaping.
 Service Bundle level – Dual leaky bucket shaping
 Interface level – Single leaky bucket shaping

Queue Shapers
Users can configure up to 31 single leaky bucket shaper profiles. The CIR value
can be set to the following values:
 16,000 – 32,000,000 bps – granularity of 16,000 bps
 32,000,000 – 131,008,000 bps – granularity of 64,000 bps
Note: Users can enter any value within the permitted range. Based
on the value entered by the user, the software automatically
rounds off the setting according to the granularity. If the
user enters a value below the lowest granular value (except
0), the software adjusts the setting to the minimum.
Users can attach one of the configured queue shaper profiles to each priority
queue. If no profile is attached to the queue, no egress shaping is performed
on that queue.

Service Bundle Shapers

Users can configure up to 255 dual leaky bucket shaper profiles. The profiles
can be configured as follows:
 Valid CIR values are:
0 – 32,000,000 bps – granularity of 16,000 bps
32,000,000 – 1,000,000,000 bps – granularity of 64,000 bps
 Valid PIR values are:
16,000 – 32,000,000 bps – granularity of 16,000 bps
32,000,000 – 1,000,000,000 bps – granularity of 64,000 bps
Note: Users can enter any value within the permitted range. Based
on the value entered by the user, the software automatically
rounds off the setting according to the granularity. If the
user enters a value below the lowest granular value (except
0), the software adjusts the setting to the minimum.
Users can attach one of the configured service bundle shaper profiles to each
service bundle. If no profile is attached to the service bundle, no egress
shaping is performed on that service bundle.

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Interface Shapers
Users can configure up to 31 single leaky bucket shaper profiles. The CIR can
be set to the following values:
 0 – 8,192,000 bps – granularity of 32,000 bps
 8,192,000 – 32,768,000 bps – granularity of 128,000 bps
 32,768,000 – 131,072,000 bps – granularity of 512,000 bps
 131,072,000 – 999,424,000 bps – granularity of 8,192,000 bps
Note: Users can enter any value within the permitted range. Based
on the value entered by the user, the software automatically
rounds off the setting according to the granularity. If the
user enters a value below the value (except 0), the software
adjusts the setting to the minimum.
Users can attach one of the configured interface shaper profiles to each
interface. If no profile is attached to the interface, no egress shaping is
performed on that interface.

Line Compensation for Shaping

Users can configure a line compensation value for all the shapers under a
specific logical interface. For more information, refer to Global Rate Meter
Profiles on page 138.

Egress Scheduling
Egress scheduling is responsible for transmission from the priority queues. IP-
20LH uses a unique algorithm with a hierarchical scheduling model over the
three levels of the egress path that enables compliance with SLA
The scheduler scans all the queues over all the service bundles, per interface,
and determines which queue is ready to transmit. If more than one queue is
ready to transmit, the scheduler determines which queue transmits first based
 Queue Priority – A queue with higher priority is served before lower-
priority queues.
 Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) – If two or more queues have the same
priority and are ready to transmit, the scheduler transmits frames from
the queues based on a WFQ algorithm that determines the ratio of frames
per queue based on a predefined weight assigned to each queue.
The following figure shows the scheduling mechanism for a single service
bundle (equivalent to Standard QoS). When a user assigns traffic to more than
a single service bundle (H-QoS mode), multiple instances of this model (up to
64 per port) are valid.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Scheduling Mechanism for a Single Service Bundle

Interface Priority
The profile defines the exact order for serving the eight priority queues in a
single service bundle. When the user attaches a profile to an interface, all the
service bundles under the interface inherit the profile.
The priority mechanism distinguishes between two states of the service
 Green State – Committed state
 Yellow state – Best effort state
Green State refers to any time when the service bundle total rate is below the
user-defined CIR. Yellow State refers to any time when the service bundle total
rate is above the user-defined CIR but below the PIR.
User can define up to four Green priority profiles, from 4 (highest) to 1
(lowest). An additional four Yellow priority profiles are defined automatically.
The following table provides a sample of an interface priority profile. This
profile is also used as the default interface priority profile.

QoS Priority Profile Example

Profile ID (1-9)
CoS Green Priority (user Yellow Priority (read Description
defined) only)
0 1 1 Best Effort
1 2 1 Data Service 4
2 2 1 Data Service 3
3 2 1 Data Service 2

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Profile ID (1-9)
4 2 1 Data Service 1
5 3 1 Real Time 2 (Video with large buffer)
6 3 1 Real Time 1 (Video with small buffer)
7 4 4 Management (Sync, PDUs, etc.)

When the service bundle state is Green (committed state), the service bundle
priorities are as defined in the Green Priority column. When the service
bundle state is Yellow (best effort state), the service bundle priorities are
system-defined priorities shown in the Yellow Priority column.
Note: CoS 7 is always marked with the highest priority, no matter
what the service bundle state is, since it is assumed that
only high priority traffic will be tunneled via CoS 7.
The system supports up to nine interface priority profiles. Profiles 1 to 8 are
defined by the user, while profile 9 is the pre-defined read-only default
interface priority profile.
The following interface priority profile parameters can be configured by users:
 Profile ID – Profile ID number. Permitted values are 1 to 8.
 CoS 0 Priority – CoS 0 queue priority, from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest).
 CoS 0 Description – CoS 0 user description field, up to 20 characters.
 CoS 1 Priority – CoS 1 queue priority, from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest).
 CoS 1 Description – CoS 1 user description field, up to 20 characters.
 CoS 2 Priority – CoS 2 queue priority, from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest).
 CoS 2 Description – CoS 2 user description field, up to 20 characters.
 CoS 3 Priority – CoS 3 queue priority, from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest).
 CoS 3 Description – CoS 3 user description field, up to 20 characters.
 CoS 4 Priority – CoS 4 queue priority, from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest).
 CoS 4 Description – CoS 4 user description field, up to 20 characters.
 CoS 5 Priority – CoS 5 queue priority, from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest).
 CoS 5 Description – CoS 5 user description field, up to 20 characters.
 CoS 6 Priority – CoS 6 queue priority, from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest).
 CoS 6 Description – CoS 6 user description field, up to 20 characters.
 CoS 7 Priority – CoS 7 queue priority, from 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest).
 CoS 7 Description – CoS 7 user description field, up to 20 characters.
Users can attach one of the configured interface priority profiles to each
interface. By default, the interface is assigned Profile ID 9, the pre-defined
system profile.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ)

As described above, the scheduler serves the queues based on their priority,
but when two or more queues have data to transmit and their priority is the
same, the scheduler uses Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) to determine the
priorities within each priority. WFQ defines the transmission ratio, in bytes,
between the queues. All the service bundles under the interface inherit the
WFQ profile attached to the interface.
The system supports up to six WFQ interface profiles. Profile ID 1 is a pre-
defined read-only profile, and is used as the default profile. Profiles 2 to 6 are
user-defined profiles.
The following table provides an example of a WFQ profile.

WFQ Profile Example

Profile ID (1-7)
CoS Queue Weight (Green) Queue Weight (Yellow – not visible to users)
0 20 20
1 20 20
2 20 20
3 20 20
4 20 20
5 20 20
6 20 20
7 20 20

For each CoS, the user can define;

 Profile ID – Profile ID number. Permitted values are 2 to 6.
 Weight – Transmission quota in bytes. Permitted values are 1 to 20.
Users can attach one of the configured interface WFQ profiles to each
interface. By default, the interface is assigned Profile ID 1, the pre-defined
system profile.

Egress Statistics

Queue-Level Statistics
IP-20LH supports the following counters per queue at the queue level:
 Transmitted Green Packet (64 bits counter)
 Transmitted Green Bytes (64 bits counter)
 Transmitted Green Bits per Second (32 bits counter)
 Dropped Green Packets (64 bits counter)
 Dropped Green Bytes (64 bits counter)
 Transmitted Yellow Packets (64 bits counter)
 Transmitted Yellow Bytes (64 bits counter)

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 Transmitted Yellow Bits per Second (32 bits counter)

 Dropped Yellow Packets (64 bits counter)
 Dropped Yellow Bytes (64 bits counter)

Service Bundle-Level Statistics

IP-20LH supports the following counters per service bundle at the service
bundle level:
 Transmitted Green Packets (64 bits counter)
 Transmitted Green Bytes (64 bits counter)
 Transmitted Green Bits per Second (32 bits counter)
 Dropped Green Packets (64 bits counter)
 Dropped Green Bytes (64 bits counter)
 Transmitted Yellow Packets (64 bits counter)
 Transmitted Yellow Bytes (64 bits counter)
 Transmitted Yellow Bits per Second (32 bits counter)
 Dropped Yellow Packets (64 bits counter)
 Dropped Yellow Bytes (64 bits counter)

Interface-Level Statistics
For information on statistics at the interface level, refer to Ethernet Statistics
on page 124.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Marking refers to the ability to overwrite the outgoing priority bits and Color
of the outer VLAN of the egress frame. Marking mode is only applied if the
outer frame is S-VLAN and S-VLAN CoS preservation is disabled, or if the outer
frame is C-VLAN and C-VLAN CoS preservation is disabled. If outer VLAN
preservation is enabled for the relevant outer VLAN, the egress CoS and Color
are the same as the CoS and Color of the frame when it ingressed into the
switching fabric.
Marking is performed according to a global table that maps CoS and Color
values to the 802.1p-UP bits and the DEI or CFI bits. If Marking is enabled on a
service point, the CoS and Color of frames egressing the service via that
service point are overwritten according to this global mapping table.
If marking and CoS preservation for the relevant outer VLAN are both
disabled, marking is applied according to the Green frame values in the global
marking table.
When marking is performed, the following global tables are used by the
marker to decide which CoS and Color to use as the egress CoS and Color bits.
802.1q UP Marking Table (C-VLAN)

CoS Color 802.1q UP (Configurable) CFI Color (Configurable)

0 Green 0 0
0 Yellow 0 1
1 Green 1 0
1 Yellow 1 1
2 Green 2 0
2 Yellow 2 1
3 Green 3 0
3 Yellow 3 1
4 Green 4 0
4 Yellow 4 1
5 Green 5 0
5 Yellow 5 1
6 Green 6 0
6 Yellow 6 1
7 Green 7 0
7 Yellow 7 1

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802.1ad UP Marking Table (S-VLAN)

CoS Color 802.1ad UP (configurable) DEI Color (configurable)

0 Green 0 0
0 Yellow 0 1
1 Green 1 0
1 Yellow 1 1
2 Green 2 0
2 Yellow 2 1
3 Green 3 0
3 Yellow 3 1
4 Green 4 0
4 Yellow 4 1
5 Green 5 0
5 Yellow 5 1
6 Green 6 0
6 Yellow 6 1
7 Green 7 0
7 Yellow 7 1

The keys for these tables are the CoS and Color. The results are the
802.1q/802.1ad UP and CFI/DEI bits, which are user-configurable. It is
strongly recommended that the default values not be changed except by
advanced users.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Standard QoS and Hierarchical QoS (H-QoS) Summary

The following table summarizes and compares the capabilities of standard
QoS and H-QoS.
Summary and Comparison of Standard QoS and H-QoS

Capability Standard QoS Hierarchical QoS

Number of transmission queues 8 512
per port
Number of service bundles 1 (always service bundle id equal 1) 64
WRED Per queue (two curves – for green Per queue (two curves – for green traffic
traffic and for yellow traffic via the and for yellow traffic via the queue)
Shaping at queue level Single leaky bucket Single leaky bucket
Shaping at service bundle level Dual leaky bucket Dual leaky bucket
Shaping at port level Single leaky bucket (this level is not Single leaky bucket
relevant since it is recommended to
use service bundle level with dual
leaky bucket)
Transmission queues priority Per queue priority (4 priorities). Per queue priority (4 priorities). All service
bundles for a specific port inherit the 8-
queues priority settings.
Weighted fair Queue (WFQ) Queue level (between queues) Queue level (between queues)
Service Bundle level (between service

Marker Supported Supported

Statistics Queue level (8 queues) Queue level (512 queues)
Service bundle level (1 service bundle) Service bundle level (64 service bundles)
Port level Port level

WFQ on the service bundle level is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.3.7 Global Switch Configuration

The following parameters are configured globally for the IP-20LH switch:
 S- VLAN Ethertype –Defines the ethertype recognized by the system as
the S-VLAN ethertype. IP-20LH supports the following S-VLAN ethertypes:
0x88A8 (default)
 C-VLAN Ethertype – Defines the ethertype recognized by the system as
the C-VLAN ethertype. IP-20LH supports 0x8100 as the C-VLAN ethertype.
 MRU – The maximum segment size defines the maximum receive unit
(MRU) capability and the maximum transmit capability (MTU) of the
system. Users can configure a global MRU for the system. Permitted values
are 64 bytes to 9612 bytes.

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6.3.8 Automatic State Propagation

Related topics:
 Network Resiliency
Note: Automatic State Propagation is planned for future release.
Automatic State Propagation (ASP) enables propagation of radio failures back
to the Ethernet port. You can also configure ASP to close the Ethernet port
based on a radio failure at the remote carrier. ASP improves the recovery
performance of resiliency protocols.
Note: It is recommended to configure both ends of the link to the
same ASP configuration. Automatic State Propagation Operation

ASP is configured as pairs of interfaces. Each ASP pair includes a Monitored
Interface and a Controlled Interface. The Monitored Interface is a radio
interface. The Controlled Interface is an Ethernet interface. Only one ASP pair
can be configured per radio interface, and only one ASP pair can be configured
per Ethernet interface.
The following events in the Monitored Interface trigger ASP:
 Radio LOF
 Radio Excessive BER
The user can also configure the ASP pair so that Radio LOF, Radio Excessive
BER, or loss of the Ethernet connection at the remote side of the link will also
trigger ASP.
When a triggering event takes place:
 If the Controlled Interface is an electrical GbE port, the port is closed.
 If the Controlled Interface is an optical GbE port, the port is muted.
The Controlled Interface remains closed or muted until all triggering events
are cleared.
In addition, when a local triggering event takes place, the ASP mechanism
sends an indication to the remote side of the link. Even when no triggering
event has taken place, the ASP mechanism sends periodic update messages
indicating that no triggering event has taken place.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.3.9 Network Resiliency

IP-20LH provides carrier-grade service resiliency using the following
 G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS)
 Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)
These protocols are designed to prevent loops in ring/mesh topologies. G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS)

ERPS, as defined in the G.8032 ITU standard, is currently the most advanced
ring protection protocol, providing convergence times of sub-50ms. ERPS
prevents loops in an Ethernet ring by guaranteeing that at any time, traffic can
flow on all except one link in the ring. This link is called the Ring Protection
Link (RPL). Under normal conditions, the RPL is blocked, i.e., not used for
traffic. One designated Ethernet Ring Node, the RPL Owner Node, is
responsible for blocking traffic at one end of the RPL. When an Ethernet ring
failure occurs, the RPL Owner unblocks its end of the RPL, allowing the RPL to
be used for traffic. The other Ethernet Ring Node adjacent to the RPL, the RPL
Neighbor Node, may also participate in blocking or unblocking its end of the
RPL. A number of ERP instances (ERPIs) can be created on the same ring.

G.8032 ERPS Benefits

ERPS, as the most advanced ring protection protocol, provides the following
 Provides sub-50ms convergence times.
 Provides service-based granularity for load balancing, based on the ability
to configure multiple ERPIs on a single physical ring.
 Provides configurable timers to control switching and convergence
parameters per ERPI.

G.8032 ERPS Operation

The ring protection mechanism utilizes an APS protocol to implement the
protection switching actions. Forced and manual protection switches can also
be initiated by the user, provided the user-initiated switch has a higher
priority than any other local or far-end request.
Ring protection switching is based on the detection of defects in the transport
entity of each link in the ring. For purposes of the protection switching
process, each transport entity within the protected domain has a state of
either Signal Fail (SF) or Non-Failed (OK). R-APS control messages are
forwarded by each node in the ring to update the other nodes about the status
of the links.
Note: An additional state, Signal Degrade (SD), is planned for
future release. The SD state is similar to SF, but with lower
Users can configure up to 16 ERPIs. Each ERPI is associated with an Ethernet
service defined in the system. This enables operators to define a specific set of

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G.8032 characteristics for individual services or groups of services within the

same physical ring. This includes a set of timers that enables operators to
optimize protection switching behavior per ERPI:
 Wait to Restore (WTR) Timer – Defines a minimum time the system
waits after signal failure is recovered before reverting to idle state.
 Guard Time – Prevents unnecessary state changes and loops.
 Hold-off Time – Determines the time period from failure detection to
Each ERPI maintains a state machine that defines the node’s state for purposes
of switching and convergence. The state is determined according to events
that occur in the ring, such as signal failure and forced or manual switch
requests, and their priority. Possible states are:
 Idle
 Protecting
 Forced Switch (FS)
 Manual Switch (MS)
 Pending
As shown in the following figure, in idle (normal) state, R-APS messages pass
through all links in the ring, while the RPL is blocked for traffic. The RPL can
be on either edge of the ring. R-APS messages are sent every five seconds.
G.8032 Ring in Idle (Normal) State

Ring Node 1

Wireless Ring IP-20LH

Ring Node 4
(RPL Owner)

Ring Node 2


Ring Node 3
R-APS Messages


Once a signal failure is detected, the RPL is unblocked for each ERPI. As shown
in the following figure, the ring switches to protecting state. The nodes that
detect the failure send periodic SF messages to alert the other nodes in the
link of the failure and initiate the protecting state.

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G.8032 Ring in Protecting State

Ring Node 1

Wireless Ring IP-20LH

Ring Node 4
(RPL Owner)

Ring Node 2


Ring Node 3
R-APS Messages


The ability to define multiple ERPIs and assign them to different Ethernet
services or groups of services enables operators to perform load balancing by
configuring a different RPL for each ERPI. The following figure illustrates a
ring in which four ERPIs each carry services with 33% capacity in idle state,
since each link is designated the RPL, and is therefore idle, for a different ERPI.
Load Balancing Example in G.8032 Ring

RPL for
Ring Node 1
RPL for
Wireless Ring IP-20LH
Ring Node 4
RPL for
RPL for
Ring Node 2


Ring Node 3
ERPI 1 Traffic

ERPI 2 Traffic

ERPI 3 Traffic

ERPI 4 Traffic

G.8032 Interoperability
G.8032 in IP-20LH units is interoperable with bridges running standard
implementations of G.8032.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)

MSTP, as defined in IEEE 802.1q, provides full connectivity for frames
assigned to any given VLAN throughout a bridged LAN consisting of arbitrarily
interconnected bridges.
With MSTP, an independent multiple spanning tree instance (MSTI) is
configured for each group of services, and only one path is made available
(unblocked) per spanning tree instance. This prevents network loops and
provides load balancing capability. It also enables operators to differentiate
among Ethernet services by mapping them to different, specific MSTIs. The
maximum number of MSTIs is configurable, from 2 to 16.
MSTP is an extension of, and is backwards compatible with, Rapid Spanning
Tree Protocol (RSTP).
IP-20LH supports MSTP according to the following IEEE standards:
 802.1q
 802.1ad amendment (Q-in-Q)
 802.1ah (TE instance)

MSTP Benefits
MSTP significantly improves network resiliency in the following ways:
 Prevents data loops by configuring the active topology for each MSTI such
that there is never more than a single route between any two points in the
 Provides for fault tolerance by automatically reconfiguring the spanning
tree topology whenever there is a bridge failure or breakdown in a data
 Automatically reconfigures the spanning tree to accommodate addition of
bridges and bridge ports to the network, without the formation of
transient data loops.
 Enables frames assigned to different services or service groups to follow
different data routes within administratively established regions of the
 Provides for predictable and reproducible active topology based on
management of the MSTP parameters.
 Operates transparently to the end stations.
 Consumes very little bandwidth to establish and maintain MSTIs,
constituting a small percentage of the total available bandwidth which is
independent of both the total traffic supported by the network and the
total number of bridges or LANs in the network.
 Does not require bridges to be individually configured before being added
to the network.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

MSTP Operation
MSTP includes the following elements:
 MST Region – A set of physically connected bridges that can be portioned
into a set of logical topologies.
 Internal Spanning Tree (IST) – Every MST Region runs an IST, which is a
special spanning tree instance that disseminates STP topology information
for all other MSTIs.
 CIST Root – The bridge that has the lowest Bridge ID among all the MST
 Common Spanning Tree (CST) – The single spanning tree calculated by
STP, RSTP, and MSTP to connect MST Regions. All bridges and LANs are
connected into a single CST.
 Common Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) – A collection of the ISTs in
each MST Region, and the CST that interconnects the MST regions and
individual spanning trees. MSTP connects all bridges and LANs with a
single CIST.
MSTP specifies:
 An MST Configuration Identifier that enables each bridge to advertise its
configuration for allocating frames with given VIDs to any of a number of
 A priority vector that consists of a bridge identifier and path cost
information for the CIST.
 An MSTI priority vector for any given MSTI within each MST Region.
Each bridge selects a CIST priority vector for each port based on the priority
vectors and MST Configuration Identifiers received from the other bridges and
on an incremental path cost associated with each receiving port. The resulting
priority vectors are such that in a stable network:
 One bridge is selected to be the CIST Root.
 A minimum cost path to the CIST Root is selected for each bridge.
 The CIST Regional Root is identified as the one root per MST Region whose
minimum cost path to the root is not through another bridge using the
same MST Configuration Identifier.
Based on priority vector comparisons and calculations performed by each
bridge for each MSTI, one bridge is independently selected for each MSTI to be
the MSTI Regional Root, and a minimum cost path is defined from each bridge
or LAN in each MST Region to the MSTI Regional Root.
The following events trigger MSTP re-convergence:
 Addition or removal of a bridge or port.
 A change in the operational state of a port or group (LAG or protection).
 A change in the service to instance mapping.
 A change in the maximum number of MSTIs.
 A change in an MSTI bridge priority, port priority, or port cost.
Note: All except the last of these triggers can cause the entire
MSTP to re-converge. The last trigger only affects the
modified MSTI.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

MSTP Interoperability
MSTP in IP-20LH units is interoperable with:
 Third-party bridges running MSTP.
 Third-party bridges running RSTP.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.3.10 OAM
Evolution IP-20LH provides complete Service Operations Administration and
Maintenance (SOAM) functionality at multiple layers, including:
 Fault management status and alarms.
 Maintenance signals, such as AIS, and RDI.
 Maintenance commands, such as loopbacks and Linktrace commands.
IP-20LH is fully compliant with 802.1ag, G.8013/Y.1731, MEF-17, MEF-20,
MEF-30, and MEF-31.
IP-20LH End-to-End Service Management

Carrier Ethernet services (EVCs)




Tail site Aggregation site Fiber site Connectivity Fault Management (FM)

Note: This feature is planned for future release.
The Y.1731 and IEEE 802.1ag standards and the, MEF-30 specifications define
SOAM. SOAM is concerned with detecting, isolating, and reporting connectivity
faults spanning networks comprising multiple LANs, including LANs other
than IEEE 802.3 media.
Y.1731 Ethernet FM (Connectivity Fault Management) consists of three
protocols that operate together to aid in fault management:
 Continuity check
 Link trace
 Loopback.
Evolution IP-20LH utilizes these protocols to maintain smooth system
operation and non-stop data flow.
The following are the basic building blocks of FM:
 Maintenance domains, their constituent maintenance points, and the
managed objects required to create and administer them.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

SOAM Maintenance Entities (Example)

 Protocols and procedures used by maintenance points to maintain and

diagnose connectivity faults within a maintenance domain.
CCM (Continuity Check Message): CCM can detect Connectivity Faults
(loss of connectivity or failure in the remote MEP).
Loopback: LBM/LBR mechanism is an on-demand mechanism. It is
used to verify connectivity from any MEP to any certain Maintenance
Point in the MA/MEG. A session of loopback messages can include up
to 1024 messages with varying intervals ranging from 1 to 60 seconds.
Message size can reach jumbo frame size.
Linktrace: The LTM/LTR mechanism is an on-demand mechanism. It
can detect the route of the data from any MEP to any other MEP in the
MA/MEG. It can be used for the following purposes:
Adjacent relation retrieval – The ETH-LT function can be used to
retrieve the adjacency relationship between an MEP and a remote
MEP or MIP. The result of running ETH-LT function is a sequence of
MIPs from the source MEP until the target MIP or MEP.
Fault localization – The ETH-LT function can be used for fault
localization. When a fault occurs, the sequence of MIPs and/or MEP
will probably be different from the expected sequence. The
difference between the sequences provides information about the
fault location.
AIS: AIS (defined in Y.1731) is the Ethernet alarm indication signal
function used to suppress alarms following detection of defect
conditions at the server (sub) layer.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Ethernet Line Interface Loopback

Evolution IP-20LH supports loopback testing for its radio and TDM interfaces,
which enables loopback testing of the radio and TDM traffic interfaces as well
as the IDU-RFU connection.
In addition, the Ethernet Line Interface Loopback feature provides the ability
to run loopbacks over the link. When Ethernet loopback is enabled on an
interface, the system loops back all packets ingressing the interface. This
enables loopbacks to be performed over the link from other points in the
For example, as shown in the figure below, a loopback can be performed from
test equipment over the line to an Ethernet interface. A loopback can also be
performed from the other side of the radio link.
Ethernet Line Interface Loopback – Application Examples
Loopback on
Radio Link


Loopback from Test

Equipment to IP-20LH
Ethernet Interface


Ethernet loopbacks can be performed on any logical interface. This includes

optical and electrical GbE interfaces, radio interfaces, and LAGs. Ethernet
loopbacks cannot be performed on the management interfaces.
The following parameters can be configured for an Ethernet loopback:
 The interface can be configured to swap DA and SA MAC addresses during
the loopback. This prevents Ethernet loops from occurring. It is
recommended to enable MAC address swapping if MSTP or LLDP is
 Ethernet loopback has a configurable duration period of up to 2 ½ hours,
but can be disabled manually before the duration period ends. Permanent
loopback is not supported.
Ethernet loopbacks can be configured on more than one interface
When an Ethernet loopback is active, network resiliency protocols (G.8032
and MSTP) will detect interface failure due to the failure to receive BPDUs.
In a system using in-band management, Ethernet loopback activation on the
remote side of the link causes loss of management to the remote unit. The
duration period of the loopback should take this into account.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.4 Synchronization
This section describes IP-20LH’s flexible synchronization solution that enables
operators to configure a combination of synchronization techniques, based on
the operator’s network and migration strategy, including:
 Native Sync Distribution, for end-to-end distribution using GbE, E1, and/or
STM-1 interfaces for input and output.

This section includes:

 Synchronization Overview
 IP-20LH Synchronization Solution
 Native Sync Distribution Mode
 SyncE PRC Pipe Regenerator Mode

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.4.1 Synchronization Overview

Synchronization is essential to ensuring optimal performance in
telecommunications networks. Proper synchronization prevents packet loss,
dropped frames, and degradation of quality of experience that can adversely
affect end-user services.
Synchronization is particularly critical to mobile networks in order to ensure
successful call-signal handoff and proper transmission between base stations,
as well as for the transport of real-time services. If individual base stations
drift outside specified frequencies, this can cause mobile handoff delays,
resulting in high dropped-call rates, impaired data services, and, ultimately,
lost subscribers. Mobile base stations require a highly accurate timing signal
that must be shared across the entire network. If any base station drifts
outside of the specified +/- 50 ppb threshold, mobile handoff performance
degrades, resulting in a high disconnect rate and poor data-service quality. Types of Synchronization in Mobile Networks

Synchronization in a mobile network involves frequency and phase (time)
Frequency synchronization maintains consistency between the frequencies of
clock signals to ensure that all devices operate at the same rate. Information is
coded into discrete pulses through pulse code modulation (PCM) and
transmitted on the data communication network. If the clock frequencies of
two digital switching devices are different, the bits in the buffer of the digital
switching system may be lost or duplicated, resulting in a slip in the bit
Phase synchronization, also known as time synchronization, adjusts the
internal clock of a local device according to received time information. In
contrast to frequency synchronization, time synchronization adjusts the clock
at irregular intervals.
Phase synchronization involves two major functions: time service and time
keeping. Time service adjusts the clock according to the standard time. By
adjusting the clock at irregular intervals, a device synchronizes its phase with
the standard reference time. Time keeping refers to frequency
synchronization, and ensures that the difference between the time on the local
device and the standard reference time is within a reasonable range during
the interval of clock adjustment. Additional Synchronization Requirements of LTE Networks

LTE imposes additional challenges with respect to synchronization.
Synchronization solutions must meet the rigorous LTE timing and delivery
requirements that ensure network quality and availability.
While TDM networks were able to exploit GPS for synchronization purposes,
LTE enables deployment of small cells in locations where access to GPS is not
reliable. Without the GPS signals that are traditionally used to provide
accurate frequency and time-of-day synchronization information, LTE
networks must find other means for synchronization.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

There are additional difficulties with ensuring proper synchronization in LTE

networks. For example, the LTE downlink radio interface relies on an OFDMA
transmission technique in the downlink. OFDMA presents tremendous
benefits in terms of high spectral efficiency, support of advanced features such
as frequency selective scheduling, MIMO, immunity to multipath interference,
and interference coordination. However, these advantages require that the
orthogonality between OFDMA subcarriers be strictly preserved. The
orthogonality between the subcarriers prevents overlapping of the
subcarriers’ spectra which would result in interference between subcarriers.
A frequency offset can also lead to dropped calls during handover between
base stations. During the handover procedure, user equipment (UE) must
determine the timing and frequency parameters of the base station in order to
be able to demodulate the downlink signal and also to transmit correctly on
the uplink. The frequency-stability tolerance of the UE oscillator is typically
maintained at 0.1 ppm to minimize cost. Its stability is maintained by tracking
the base station carrier frequency, a critical synchronization requirement.
In addition, in LTE-TDD systems, downlink and uplink transmission occur in
the same channel but in different time slots. Both frequency and phase
synchronization are required in LTE-TDD to avoid interference between the
uplink and the downlink transmissions on neighboring base stations.

6.4.2 IP-20LH Synchronization Solution

Ceragon’s synchronization solution ensures maximum flexibility by enabling
the operator to select any combination of techniques suitable for the
operator’s network and migration strategy.
 Native Sync Distribution
End-to-End Native Synchronization distribution
GbE/FE/E115/T3/STM-1 input
GbE/FE/E116/T4/STM-1 output
Supports any radio link configuration and network topology
User-defined clock source priority and quality level
Automated determination of relative clock source quality levels
 SyncE PRC Pipe Regenerator mode
PRC grade (G.811) performance for pipe (“regenerator”) applications

E1 input is planned for future release. However, E1 via T3 from the synchronization interface
on the TCC is supported.
E1 output is planned for future release. However, E1 via T4 output from the synchronization
interface on the TCC is supported.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.4.3 Native Sync Distribution Mode

In this mode, synchronization is distributed end-to-end over the radio links in
the network.
No TDM trails or E1 interfaces at the tail sites are required.
Synchronization is typically provided by one or more clock sources (SSU/GPS)
at fiber hub sites.
Native Sync Distribution Mode

Eth IP-20LH


Native Sync Distribution mode can be used in any link configuration and any
network topology.
Ring topologies present special challenges for network synchronization. Any
system that contains more than one clock source for synchronization, or in
which topology loops may exist, requires an active mechanism to ensure that:
 A single source is be used as the clock source throughout the network,
preferably the source with the highest accuracy.
 There are no reference loops. In other words, no element in the network
will use an input frequency from an interface that ultimately derived that
frequency from one of the outputs of that network element.
IP-20LH’s Native Sync Distribution mechanism enables users to define a
priority level for each possible clock source. Synchronization Status Messages
(SSM) are sent regularly through each interface involved in frequency
distribution, other than radio interfaces, enabling the network to gather and
maintain a synchronization status for each interface according to the system’s
best knowledge about the frequency quality that can be conveyed by that
Note: Radio interfaces can be assigned a frequency quality level
manually, but the quality level cannot be adjusted
dynamically as with other interfaces.
Based on these parameters, the network assigns each interface a quality level
and determines which interface to use as the current clock source. The
network does this by evaluating the clock quality of the available source
interfaces and selecting, from those interfaces with the highest quality, the
interface with the highest user-defined priority.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

The synchronization is re-evaluated whenever one of the following occurs:

 Any synchronization source is added, edited, or deleted by a user.
 The clock quality status changes for any source interface.
 The synchronization reference is changed for the node. Available Interfaces for Native Sync Distribution

Frequency signals can be taken by the system from a number of different
interfaces (one reference at a time). The reference frequency may also be
conveyed to external equipment through different interfaces.
Native Sync Interface Options

Interface Available for Input Available for Output

STM-1 Signal Yes Yes
Ethernet Interfaces Yes Yes
Traffic E1 No No
2MHz via T3 input from Sync Interface on TCC, Yes n/a
supporting both 2048 Kbp/s and 2048 KHz
E1 via T3 input from Sync Interface on TCC Yes n/a
2MHz via T4 output from Sync interface on TCC n/a Yes
E1 via T4 output from Sync Interface on TCC n/a Yes
Radio Carrier Yes Yes

It is possible to configure up to 16 synchronization sources in the system. At

any given moment, only one of these sources is active; the clock is taken from
the active source onto all other appropriately configured interfaces. Configuring Native Sync Distribution

Frequency is distributed by configuring the following parameters in each
 System synchronization sources. These are the interfaces from which the
frequency is taken and distributed to other interfaces. Up to 16 sources
can be configured in each node. A revertive timer can be configured. For
each interface, user must configure:
Its clock quality level. The quality level may be fixed (according to ITU-
T G.781 option I for E1 systems, option II for DS1 systems) or
automatic. When the quality level is automatic, it is determined by SSM
Note: Radio interfaces cannot be assigned a quality level of
Its priority (1-16). No two interfaces may have the same priority.
 For each interface, the source of its outgoing signal clock. This can be:
Local clock: Causes the interface to generate its signal from a local
oscillator, unrelated to the system reference frequency.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Synchronization reference: Causes the interface to generate its signal

from the system reference clock, which is taken from the
synchronization source.
Loop Timing: Causes the interface to generate the signal from its own
 The node’s synchronization mode. This can be:
Automatic: In this mode, the active source is automatically selected
based on the interface with highest available quality. Among interfaces
with identical quality, the interface with the highest priority is used.
Force: The user can force the system to use a certain interface as the
reference clock source.17
By configuring synchronization sources and transporting the reference
frequency to the related interfaces in a network, a frequency “flow” can be
achieved, as shown in the example below, where the reference frequency from
a single node is distributed to a number of base stations.
Synchronization Configuration

Sync Source
Radio Link
IP-20LH Node
Ethernet Interface Signal Clock = Reference

E1 Interface Sync Source

IP-20LH Node
Signal Clock = Reference Signal Clock = Reference

Sync Source Sync Source

Signal Clock = Reference IP-20LH IP-20LH
BTS Converter Converter
Signal Clock = Reference Signal Clock = Reference Signal Clock = Reference

Sync Source Sync Source Sync Source

Converter Converter Converter
Signal Clock = Reference Signal Clock = Reference Signal Clock = Reference


The following restrictions apply for frequency distribution configuration:

 An interface can either be used as a synchronization source or can take its
signal from the system reference, but not both (no loop timing available,
except locally in SDH interfaces).
 The clock taken from a line interface (Ethernet, E1, STM-1, T3) cannot be
conveyed to another line interface in the same card.
 The clock taken from a radio channel cannot be conveyed to another radio
channel in the same radio.
If the signal driving the synchronization fails, an alarm will alert the user and
the system will enter holdover mode until another synchronization source
signal is found.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description SSM Support and Loop Prevention

The SSM mechanism provides reference source resiliency, since a network
may have more than one source clock.
The following are the principles of operation:
 At all times, each source interface has a “quality status” which is
determined as follows:
If quality is configured as fixed, then the quality status becomes
“failure” upon interface failure (such as LOS, LOC, LOF, etc.).
If quality is automatic, then the quality is determined by the received
SSMs or becomes “failure” upon interface failure (such as LOS, LOC,
LOF, etc.).
Note: Radio interfaces cannot be assigned a quality level of
 Each unit holds a parameter which indicates the quality of its reference
clock. This is the quality of the current synchronization source interface.
 The reference source quality is transmitted through SSM messages to all
relevant radio interfaces.
 Each unit determines the current active clock reference source interface:
The interface with the highest available quality is selected.
From among interfaces with identical quality, the interface with the
highest priority is selected.
 In order to prevent loops, an SSM with quality “Do Not Use” is sent
towards the active source interface
At any given moment, the system enables users to display:
 The current source interface quality.
 The current received SSM status for every source interface.
 The current node reference source quality.
As a reference, the following are the possible quality values (from highest to
AUTOMATIC (available only in interfaces for which SSM support is
G.813/8262 - default
Failure (cannot be configured by user) Native Sync Distribution Examples

The figure below provides a Native Sync Distribution mode usage example in
which synchronization is provided to all-frame Node-Bs using SyncE. In this
illustration, an IP-20LH at a fiber node is synchronized to:
 SyncE input from an Ethernet uplink
 External synchronization input via an E1 or STM-1 interface

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Native Sync Distribution Mode Usage Example




Sync Input

Node-B Eth
(with SyncE)
sync distribution
RNC or
IP-20LH at fiber node synchronized to:
Distributed clock is provided to Node-B • SyncE input from Ethernet uplink
using SyncE or dedicated Sync interface. • External Sync Input (From GPS, SSU, etc.)

The following figure illustrates Native Sync Distribution in a tree scenario.

Native Sync Distribution Mode – Tree Scenario

IP-20LH with SyncE and Native

Sync Distribution support.

Packet Based
MW Radio link




FE/GE interface with SyncE


Tail Site #3 Aggregation Site Fiber Site

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

The following figure illustrates Native Sync Distribution in a ring scenario,

during normal operation.
Native Sync Distribution Mode – Ring Scenario (Normal Operation)


Tail site #1 Packet Based


Tail site #2 Ring site #1

Carrier Ethernet Ring BNC/RNC

Fiber site
IP-20LH FE/GE interface
with SyncE
Ring site #2


Ring site #3

Tail site #3

The following figure illustrates Native Sync Distribution in a ring scenario,

where a link has failed and the Native Sync timing distribution has been
restored over an alternate path by using SSM messages.
Native Sync Distribution Mode – Ring Scenario (Link Failure)


Tail site #1 Packet Based

Tail site #2 Ring site #1

Carrier Ethernet Ring IP-20LH BNC/RNC

Fiber site PRC

Native 2
IP-20LH FE/GE interface
with SyncE
Ring site #2
Alternate path using IP-20LH
SSM messages
Ring site #3

Tail site #3

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.4.4 SyncE PRC Pipe Regenerator Mode

Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) is standardized in ITU-T G.8261 and G.8262,
and refers to a method whereby the frequency is delivered on the physical
layer. SyncE delivers a frequency reference, but not ToD or phase
synchronization. It is used to distribute timing to applications that rely on
precise frequency synchronization, such as wireless backhaul.
SyncE is based on SDH/TDM timing, with similar performance, and does not
change the basic Ethernet standards. The SyncE technique supports
synchronized Ethernet outputs as the timing source to an all-IP BTS/NodeB.
This method offers the same synchronization quality provided over E1
interfaces to legacy BTS/NodeB. SyncE is not affected by Path Delay Variation
(PDV) and Packet Jitter, which are inherent in Ethernet networks.
The primary disadvantage of SyncE is that it since it is a physical-layer
technology, it cannot be deployed in legacy Ethernet networks without
upgrade of all hardware and interfaces in the network, since synchronous
timing circuitry is necessary at every node.
Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE)

IP-20LH supports SyncE PRC pipe regenerator. In SyncE PRC pipe regenerator
mode, frequency is transported between two GbE interfaces through the radio
PRC pipe regenerator mode makes use of the fact that the system is acting as a
simple link (so no distribution mechanism is necessary) in order to achieve
the following:
 Improved frequency distribution performance, with PRC quality.
 Simplified configuration
In PRC pipe regenerator mode, frequency is taken from the incoming GbE
Ethernet or radio interface signal, and used as a reference for the radio frame.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

On the receiver side, the radio frame frequency is used as the reference signal
for the outgoing Ethernet PHY.
Note: You can only configure a SyncE pipe on one interface per
Frequency distribution behaves in a different way for optical and electrical
GbE interfaces, because of the way these interfaces are implemented:
 For optical interfaces, separate and independent frequencies are
transported in each direction.
 For electrical interfaces, each PHY must act either as clock master or as
clock slave in its own link. For this reason, frequency can only be
distributed in one direction, determined by the user or by external

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.5 TDM Services

This feature requires:
 One or more of the following TDM line cards:
LIC-T16 (16x E1)
LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1)
IP-20LH provides integrated support for transportation of TDM (E1) services
with integrated E1, STM-1, and ch-STM-1 interfaces.
Two types of TDM services are supported using the same hardware:
 Native TDM trails
 TDM Pseudowire services (enabling interoperability with third party
packet/PW equipment)
IP-20LH also offers hybrid Ethernet and TDM services. Hybrid services can
utilize either Native TDM or pseudowire.
Hybrid Ethernet and TDM Services

Services engine

TDM cross-connect (VCs)

ch-STM-1 TDM
TDM Radio
Network processor (EVCs)


Hybrid Ethernet and TDM services can be transported via cascading

interfaces. This enables the creation of links among multiple IP-20LH units in
a node for multi-carrier and multi-directional applications.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Hybrid Ethernet and TDM Services Carried Over Cascading Interfaces

TDM cross-connect
- (VCs)

Cascading Port TDM
Port Radio
Ethernet Services (EVCs)


TDM cross-connect (VCs)

ch-STM-1 Port SAP
Cascading Port


User Port Ethernet Services (EVCs)




Note: In addition, native STM-1/VC4 traffic can be carried via an

RMC-E-STM1/OC3-RST and IP-20LH’s Hybrid-MC-ABC
engine. For details, see Hybrid Multi-Carrier Adaptive
Bandwidth Control (Hybrid MC-ABC) on page 76.

6.5.1 Native TDM Trails

IP-20LH provides native TDM support, utilizing a cross-connect module to
support up to 512 TDM trails.
IP-20LH also supports hybrid Ethernet and native TDM services, utilizing
cascading ports. The following figure shows an example of a hybrid service
package that includes a Point-to-Point and a Multipoint Ethernet service, along
with a TDM trail utilizing virtual connections (VCs) via IP-20LH’s cross-

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Hybrid Ethernet and Native TDM Services

TDM cross-connect (VCs)

E1/ch-STM-1 Port SAP

Ethernet Services (EVCs)

User Port PtP Service

Traffic Hybrid
GE/FE Port SAP SNP Radio
SAP SAP Packet

Multipoint Service

User Port SAP SNP Network

(UNI) Port

GE/FE Port Port GE/FE

SAP SNP Native TDM Services Provisioning

The IP-20LH Web EMS provides a simple and easy-to-use GUI that enables
users to provision end-to-end TDM trails. The Services Provisioning GUI
includes the following trail-creation end points:
 TDM interface
 Radio interface
 Cascading interface TDM Trails and Synchronization

Synchronization for TDM trails can be provided by any of the following
synchronization methods:
 Loop Timing – Timing is taken from incoming traffic.
 Recovered Clock – Clock information is recovered on the egress path.
Extra information may be located in an RTP header that can be used to
correct frequency offsets. Recovered Clock can provide very accurate
synchronization, but requires low PDV.
 System Reference Clock – Trails are synchronized to the system
reference clock. TDM Path Protection

TDM path protection enables the operator to define two separate network
paths for a single TDM service. Two different kinds of path protection are
available, each suitable for a different network topology:
 1:1 TDM path protection is suitable for ring networks that consist entirely
of IP-20LH elements with two end-point interfaces for the TDM trail.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

 1+1 TDM path protection is suitable for dual homing topologies in which
the IP-20LH elements are set up as a chain connected to the third party
networks at two different sites. The ring is closed on one side by the IP-
20LH elements and on the other by third party equipment supporting
standard SNCP. In this case, there are three end-point interfaces in the IP-
20LH section of the network.
1:1 TDM Path Protection – Ring Topology

Third Party

Path 2
Path 1


End-Point IP-20LH
Third Party

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

1+1 TDM Path Protection – Dual Homing Topology

Third Party
SNCP Equipment SNCP
Path 1 Path 2

Third Party
Third Party Third Party
TDM Network

Interface 1
Interface 2


Path 1 Path 2

End-Point IP-20LH
Third Party

1:1 TDM Path Protection

1:1 TDM path protection enables the operator to define two separate network
paths for a single TDM trail. Each trail has the same TDM interface end points,
but traffic flows to the destination via different paths. Bandwidth is utilized
only on the active path, freeing up resources on the standby path.
For native TDM services TDM path protection is done by means of configuring
active and backup path at the TDM service end-points.
1:1 TDM path protection can be configured to operate in revertive mode. In
revertive mode, the system monitors the availability of the protected path at
all times. After switchover to the protecting path, once the protected path is
operational and available without any alarms, the system waits the user-
configured Wait to Restore (WTR) time and then, if the protected path
remains operational and available, initiates a revertive protection switch. A
single WTR time is configured for all the TDM trails in the system.

1+1 TDM Path Protection

1+1 TDM path protection is used for dual homing topologies in which the IP-
20LH/IP-20G network elements are set up as a chain connected to third party
networks at two different sites, where one end-point is located on an IP-
20LH/IP-20G unit and the other end-point is located on third-party equipment
supporting standard SNCP.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

As with 1:1 TDM path protection, the operator defines two separate network
paths for a single TDM trail. However, unlike 1:1 path protection, traffic flows
through both paths simultaneously, thereby supporting standard SNCP in the
third party equipment. TDM Performance Monitoring

The following monitoring features are available for TDM trails and interfaces.
PMs are computed at the TDM card and reported at 15-minute intervals, with
one second granularity.
 PMs for the outgoing TDM trail:
Errored seconds
Severely errored seconds
Unavailable seconds
 PMs for incoming native E1 signal:
Errored seconds
Severely errored seconds
Unavailable seconds
 PMs for incoming SDH 155MHz signal:
Errored seconds
Severely errored seconds
Severely errored framing seconds
Coding Violations

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.5.2 TDM Pseudowire

IP-20LH’s TDM Pseudowire provides TDM-over-packet capabilities by means
of optional TDM line cards that process TDM data, send the data through the
system in frame format that can be processed by the IP-20LH’s Ethernet ports,
and convert the data back to TDM format.
IP-20LH offers the following TDM pseudowire line card options:
 E1 TDM Card – LIC-T16 (16x E1)
 Ch-STM-1 TDM Card – LIC-T155 (1x ch- STM-1)
The front of the LIC-T16 card includes an MDR69 interface for 16 E1 lines and
an RJ-45 interface for synchronization.
The front of the ch- LIC-T155 card includes an SFP interface for a 155MHz
optical connection and an RJ-45 interface for synchronization.
IP-20LH also supports all-packet Ethernet and TDM pseudowire services. The
following figure shows an example of an all-packet service package that
includes two Point-to-Point services and one Multipoint Ethernet service,
where the first Point-to-Point service carries E1/STM-1 pseudowire traffic.
This service package can be carried on any of the IP-20LH’s Ethernet ports.
All-Packet Ethernet and TDM Pseudowire Services

Ethernet Services (EVCs)

PtP Service

E1/ch-STM-1 Port SAP SNP


User Port PtP Service

200 Packet Packet
GE/FE Port SAP SNP Traffic

User Port SAP SNP Network
(UNI) Port

GE/FE Port Port GE/FE


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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description TDM Pseudowire Supported Standards

TDM Pseudowire supports the following standards:
 SAToP – RFC 4553
 CESoP – RFC 508618
TDM Pseudowire is compliant with the following encapsulations:
 Ethernet VLAN (MEF-8)
 MPLS (MFA8)20 Pseudowire Services

A Pseudowire service is a user-defined, bidirectional flow of information
between a TDM signal and a packed flow, which is always transported over
Layer 2 Ethernet. Such a service interconnects and makes use of the following
 TDM Signal
The TDM signal may be an entire E1 or a subset of DS0s (or E1 time-
 PSN Tunnel
A PSN tunnel is the means by which the frames containing the TDM
information are sent and received through a PSN network. The type of
tunnel to be used should match the relevant transport network.
Three types of PSN tunnels are supported: MEF-8 (Ethernet), UDP/IP,
and MPLS (MFA8).22
For IP tunnels, the pseudowire services make use of the TDM LIC’s
IP address, which is user-configurable. For MEF-8 tunnels, the
addressing is done through the TDM LIC’s MAC address, which is fixed,
but readable by users. MAC addresses are fixed per slot in each unit, so
that replacing a TDM LIC in a certain slot does not change the MAC
 PSN Tunnel Group
A PSN tunnel group is a grouping of two TDM tunnels, one of which will
carry the pseudowire service frames at any given time.
A PSN tunnel group is used when path protection is required for a
pseudowire service.
One of the tunnels is designated as “primary.” The primary tunnel
carries the pseudowire frames in the absence of any failures. The other
tunnel is designated as “secondary.” The secondary tunnel is used
whenever the primary path fails.
 Pseudowire Profile

CESoP mode is planned for future release.
IP/UDP (IETF) encapsulation is planned for future release.
MPLS (MFA8) encapsulation is planned for future release.
A subset of DS0 is supported in CESoP, which is planned for a future release.
UDP/IP and MPLS are planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

A profile is a set of parameters that determine various operational

settings of a PW service. A single profile can be used for any number of
The following is a short explanation of the main parameters:
 Payload size – In terms of E1 frames per frame.
 Jitter buffer – In milliseconds.
 LOPS detection thresholds.
 RTP timestamp usage details (for adaptive clock recovery).
 Payload suppression and transmission patterns in case of errors.
In addition, there are a number of parameters at the PW Card level that must
be configured properly to ensure proper operation:}
 Ethernet traffic port settings
Flow control
 TDM LIC IP address and subnet mask
 Clock distribution Pseudowire Services Provisioning

The IP-20LH Web EMS provides a simple and easy-to-use GUI that enables
users to provision end-to-end pseudowire services. The Services Provisioning
GUI includes the following service-creation end points:
 TDM interface
 Radio interface
 Cascading interface

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description TDM Pseudowire and Synchronization

Related topics:
 Synchronization
A key requirement of pseudowire technology is managing the synchronization
of TDM signals. IP-20LH’s TDM Pseudowire supports the following
synchronization methods:
 Absolute Reference Clock (Common Clock) – All E1 lines are
synchronized to the system reference clock.
 Adaptive Clock Recovery – Clock information is included in the frames
that contain the TDM data. Extra information may be located in an RTP
header that can be used to correct frequency offsets. The clock information
is extracted at the point where the frames are received and reconverted to
TDM. The extracted clock information is used for the reconversion to TDM.
Adaptive Clock Recovery can provide very accurate synchronization, but
requires low PDV.
 Differential Clock Recovery – A single common clock is given, while each
E1 line has its independent clock referenced to this common clock.23
 Loop Timing – The pseudowire output signal uses the clock of the
incoming E1 lines Timing will be independent for each E1 line. TDM Pseudowire Path Protection

For TDM pseudowire traffic redundancy, IP-20LH offers 1:1 TDM path
protection, which protects the traffic along the path.
1:1 TDM path protection requires the use of SOAM (CFM) at both end-point
TDM-LICs. The TDM LIC sends two data streams to the TCC. Only the data
stream for the active path contains actual traffic. Both data streams contain
continuity messages (CCMs). This enables the TDM LIC to monitor the status
of both paths without doubling the amount of data being sent over the
network. The TDM LIC determines when a switchover is necessary based on
the monitored network status.
In order to achieve TDM pseudowire path protection, different provisioning
should be made for the Ethernet service corresponding to each of the two data
streams. In order to do this, it is recommended to map the corresponding
Ethernet services to MSTP instance number 63, which is meant for Traffic
Engineering (ports are always forwarding) and to map the two different
transport VLANs over two different paths.
1:1 TDM pseudowire path protection uses CFM (G.8031) to monitor the
network paths. Because SOAM (CFM) is configured on the TDM LIC level, the
TDM LIC can determine the status of the entire network path, up to and
including the LIC’s TDM interface.

Differential Clock Recovery is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description TDM Pseudowire Performance Monitoring

The following monitoring features are available for TDM Pseudowire services
and interfaces:

Standard PM measurements are provided for each configured service:
 Number of frames transmitted
 Number of frames received
 Number of lost frames detected
 Number of frames received out-of-sequence but successfully reordered
 Number of transitions from normal state to LOPS (loss of frame state)
 Number of malformed frames received
 Number of frames dropped because the receive buffer exceeded the
maximum allowed depth (jitter overruns)
 Maximum deviation from the middle of the jitter buffer (maximum jitter
buffer deviation)
 Minimum jitter buffer usage registered during the prior one second
(current minimum jitter buffer count)
 Maximum jitter buffer usage registered during the prior one second
(current maximum jitter buffer count)

TDM Pseudowire Signal PMs24

PMs are computed at the PW card and reported at 15-minute intervals, with
one second granularity.
 PMs for the recovered E1:
Errored seconds
Severely errored seconds
Unavailable seconds
 PMs for the pseudowire Ethernet connection:
Frame Error Ratio (FER) performance
 RFC 5604 PMs:
Lost frames
Reordered frames
Buffer underruns
Misordered frames dropped
Malformed frames
 PMs for incoming native E1 signal:
Errored seconds
Severely errored seconds
Unavailable seconds

Support for TDM signal PMs is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

 PMs for incoming SDH 155MHz signal:

Errored seconds
Severely errored seconds
Severely errored framing seconds
Coding Violations

6.5.3 STM-1 Interfaces

The LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1) card is meant to provide a convenient interface
for numerous TDM signals (E1).
In the ingress direction the SDH signals and headers are all terminated at the
card, and the E1 signals contained within the SDH signals are extracted. From
this point on, they are treated the same as the TDM signals in the LIC-T16 (16x
E1) card.
In the egress direction, the E1 signals are mapped onto SDH signals which are
generated at the card.
The following standard signal mappings are used for SDH configurations: VC4
mapping (VC-12->TU-12->TUG-2->TUG-3->VC-4->AU-4->AUG).
The following SDH functionality is supported by the LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1)
 J0 and J2 trace identifier support (transmitted, received, expected) for all
standard lengths.
 VC-11 VT-AIS standard signaling and detection.
 SSM (S1) support (transmitted and received value)25
 SDH – Level LOS, LOF, excessive BER, Signal Degrade alarms.
 SFP alarms: SFP exist, SFP tx failure.
 SFP mute/unmute support.

SSM (S1) support for the LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1) card is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.5.4 TDM Card and Interface Protection

Notes: TDM card and interface protection is only applicable for LIC-
T155 (1x ch-STM-1) cards.
Two different schemes are available for card and interface protection:
 1+1 HSB
 Uni-Directional MSP
Both schemes provide full protection against hardware failure. Uni-Directional
MSP also provides full protection against interface failure due to cable
disconnection or failure of the far-end equipment, while 1+1 HSB provides
protection against interface failure due to cable disconnection at the IP-20LH
side of the link.
In both schemes, configuration of the active card is automatically copied to the
standby card. The entire configuration can also be copied and stored for
maintenance purposes.

1+1 HSB Protection

1+1 HSB protection offers full redundancy for LIC-T155 cards. This form of
redundancy is appropriate for connections with third party equipment at
which a single STM-1 interface is available.
1+1 HSB Protection for LIC-T155 (STM-1) Cards

STM-1 Active Interface

STM-1 Optical
Port Splitter
STM-1 Standby Interface
Port (TX Muted)

Third Party

In a 1+1 HSB configuration, the single port on the third party equipment is
connected to two STM-1 interfaces on the IP-20LH through an optical splitter
cable. This ensures that an identical signal is received by each STM-1 interface
on the IP-20LH. The IP-20LH determines which interface is active, based on
traffic loss indications such as LOS, LOF, or other errors.
While both interfaces on the IP-20LH receive traffic, only the active interface
transmits. The standby interface is automatically muted.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Uni-Directional MSP
Uni-directional Multiplex Section Protection (MSP) is implemented in the LIC-
T155 card.
Uni-directional MSP is a standard procedure which provides equipment
protection for LIC-T155 cards, as well as for the STM-1 interfaces in third
party equipment. Uni-directional MSP requires two STM-1 ports in the third
party equipment, each of which must be connected to the IP-20LH.
Uni-directional MSP for LIC-T155 (STM-1) Cards

Port Port

Port Port

Third Party

In Uni-directional Multiplex Section Protection (MSP), the element at each end

of the STM-1 link transmits traffic through both connections. On the receiving
side, each IP-20LH element unilaterally decides, based on traffic loss
indications such as LOS, LOF, or other errors, from which interface to receive
the traffic, and declares that interface the active interface. There is no need for
a protocol between the two connected elements.
Each LIC-T155 is connected directly to separate ports in the third party
network element. There is no need for a splitter or Y-cable. This ensures
protection to the optical ports in the third party equipment and to the optical
fiber cable, as well as to the LIC-T155 in the IP-20LH.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

6.5.5 TDM Reference Solutions

This section provides several examples of how IP-20LH’s end-to-end TDM
service solutions can be used in various migration scenarios.
Native TDM Trail Interoperability with Optical SDH Equipment
Native TDM Trail
Native E1 Trail (VC12)

Hybrid Hybrid
Radio Radio
SDH Optical
Evolution IP-20 Evolution IP-20 Evolution IP-20
Tail site Aggregation site Fiber site

Native TDM Trail Interoperability with TDM Pseudowire-over-Packet Aggregation

Native TDM Trail TDM PW

Hybrid Hybrid
Radio Radio
Fiber Packet
Evolution IP-20 Evolution IP-20 Evolution IP-20
Tail site Aggregation site Fiber site

TDM Pseudowire Interoperability with Optical SDH Equipment

Native E1 Trail (VC12)
TDM Pseudowire

All-Packet All-Packet
Radio Radio
SDH Optical
Evolution IP-20 Evolution IP-20 Evolution IP-20
Tail site Aggregation site Fiber site

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

TDM Pseudowire Interoperability with Third-Party Packet Aggregation Equipment

TDM Pseudowire

All-Packet All-Packet
Radio Radio
Fiber Packet
Evolution IP-20 Evolution IP-20 Evolution IP-20
Tail site Aggregation site Fiber site

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7. Evolution IP-20LH Management

This chapter includes:
 Management Overview
 Automatic Network Topology Discovery with LLDP Protocol
 Management Communication Channels and Protocols
 Web-Based Element Management System (Web EMS)
 Command Line Interface (CLI)
 Slot Management and Card Configuration
 Configuration Management
 Software Management
 IPv6 Support
 In-Band Management
 Local Management
 Alarms
 External Alarms
 NTP Support
 UTC Support
 System Security Features

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.1 Management Overview

The Ceragon management solution is built on several layers of management:
 NEL – Network Element-level CLI
 EMS – HTTP web-based EMS
 NMS and SML –PolyView/NetMaster platform
Every Evolution IP-20 network element includes an HTTP web-based element
manager (CeraWeb) that enables the operator to perform element
configuration, performance monitoring, remote diagnostics, alarm reports,
and more.
In addition, Ceragon provides an SNMP v1/v2c/v3 northbound interface on
the IP-20LH.
Ceragon offers the NetMaster network management system (NMS), which
provides centralized operation and maintenance capability for the complete
range of network elements in an IP-20LH system. IP-20LH and other Ceragon
network elements can also be managed via Ceragon’s PolyView NMS. To
facilitate automated network topology discovery via NMS, IP-20LH supports
the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP).
In addition, management, configuration, and maintenance tasks can be
performed directly via the IP-20LH Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI can
be used to perform configuration operations for IP-20LH units, as well as to
configure several IP-20LH units in a single batch command.
Integrated IP-20LH Management Tools

Northbound OSS/NMS
CLI Interface

Client NMS
TCP, Secured
SSL Channel Platform



Craft IP-20LH

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.2 Automatic Network Topology Discovery with LLDP

Evolution IP-20LH supports the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), a
vendor-neutral layer 2 protocol that can be used by a station attached to a
specific LAN segment to advertise its identity and capabilities and to receive
identity and capacity information from physically adjacent layer 2 peers. IP-
20LH’s LLDP implementation is based on the IEEE 802.1AB – 2009 standard.
LLDP provides automatic network connectivity discovery by means of a port
identity information exchange between each port and its peer. The port
exchanges information with its peer and advertises this information to the
NMS managing the unit. This enables the NMS to quickly identify changes to
the network topology.
Enabling LLDP on IP-20 units enables the NMS to:
 Automatically detect the IP-20 unit neighboring the managed IP-20 unit,
and determine the connectivity state between the two units.
 Automatically detect a third-party switch or router neighboring the
managed IP-20 unit, and determine the connectivity state between the IP-
20 unit and the switch or router.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.3 Management Communication Channels and Protocols

Related Topics:
 Secure Communication Channels
Network Elements can be accessed locally via serial or Ethernet management
interfaces, or remotely through the standard Ethernet LAN. The application
layer is indifferent to the access channel used.
The NMS can be accessed through its GUI interface application, which may run
locally or in a separate platform; it also has an SNMP-based northbound
interface to communicate with other management systems.
Dedicated Management Ports

Port number Protocol Frame structure Details

161 SNMP UDP Sends SNMP Requests to the network elements
162 Configurable SNMP (traps) UDP Sends SNMP traps forwarding (optional)
25 SMTP (mail) TCP Sends NMS reports and triggers by email
69 TFTP UDP Uploads/ downloads configuration files (optional)
80 HTTP TCP Manages devices
443 HTTPS TCP Manages devices (optional)
From 21 port to any FTP Control Port TCP Downloads software and configuration files.
remote port (>1023) (FTP Server responds to client's control port)
From Any port FTP Data Port TCP Downloads software and configuration files.
(>1023) to any The FTP server sends ACKs (and data) to
remote port (>1023) client's data port.
FTP server random port range can be limited
according to need (i.e., according to the number
of parallel configuration uploads).

All remote system management is carried out through standard IP

communications. Each NE behaves as a host with a single IP address.
The communications protocol used depends on the management channel
being accessed.
As a baseline, these are the protocols in use:
 Standard HTTP for web-based management
 Standard telnet for CLI-based management
 The NMS uses a number of ports and protocols for different functions:

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

NMS Server Receiving Data Ports

Port number Protocol Frame structure Details

162 SNMP (traps) UDP Receive SNMP traps from network
Configurable elements

4001 Propriety TCP CeraMap Server

69 TFTP UDP Downloads software and files (optional)
21 FTP Control TCP Downloads software and configuration
Port files. (FTP client initiates a connection)
To any port (>1023) from any FTP Data Port TCP Downloads software and configuration
Port (>1023) files.(FTP Client initiates data connection
to random port specified by server)
FTP Server random port range can be
limited according to needed configuration
(number of parallel configuration uploads).
9205 Propriety TCP User Actions Logger server (optional)
9207 Propriety TCP CeraView Proxy (optional)

Web Sending Data Ports

Port number Protocol Frame structure Details

80 HTTP TCP Manages device
443 HTTPS TCP Manages device (optional)

Web Receiving Data Ports

Port number Protocol Frame structure Details

21 FTP TCP Downloads software files (optional)
Data port FTP TCP Downloads software files (optional)

Additional Management Ports for IP-20LH

Port number Protocol Frame structure Details

23 telnet TCP Remote CLI access (optional)
22 SSH TCP Secure remote CLI access (optional)

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.4 Web-Based Element Management System (Web EMS)

The IP-20LH Element Management System (Web EMS) is an HTTP web-based
element manager that enables the operator to perform configuration
operations and obtain statistical and performance information related to the
system, including:
 Configuration Management – Enables you to view and define
configuration data for the IP-20LH system.
 Fault Monitoring – Enables you to view active alarms.
 Performance Monitoring – Enables you to view and clear performance
monitoring values and counters.
 Diagnostics and Maintenance – Enables you to define and perform
loopback tests, software updates, and IDU-XCVR interface monitoring.
 Security Configuration – Enables you to configure IP-20LH security
 User Management – Enables you to define users and user profiles.
A Web-Based EMS connection to the IP-20LH can be opened using an HTTP
Browser (Explorer or Mozilla Firefox). The Web EMS uses a graphical
interface. Most system configurations and statuses are available via the Web
EMS. However, some advanced configuration options are only available via
The Web EMS shows the actual chassis configuration and provides easy access
to any card and interface in the chassis.
The Web EMS includes quick link configuration wizards that guide the user,
step-by-step, through the creation of:
 1+0 links with Pipe services
 1+0 repeater links (radio to radio) with Pipe services
 N+0 Multi-Carrier ABC groups
 TDM services
 Pseudowire services

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.5 Command Line Interface (CLI)

A CLI connection to the IP-20LH can be opened via terminal (serial COM,
speed: 115200, Data: 8 bits, Stop: 1 bit, Flow-Control: None), or via telnet. The
Terminal format should be VT-100 with a screen definition of 80 columns X 24
Note: Telnet access can be blocked by user configuration.
All parameter configurations can be performed via CLI.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.6 Slot Management and Card Configuration

Card configuration is stored by the slot. This means that card configuration
can be performed even before the card has been inserted into the chassis by
configuring the slot and setting the slot to disable mode. When the card is
inserted into the chassis, the configuration is automatically applied to the
card. In the event that a card is replaced by the same type of card, the
configuration of the previous card is automatically applied to the new card.

7.7 Configuration Management

The system configuration file consists of a set of all the configurable system
parameters and their current values.
IP-20LH configuration files can be imported and exported. This enables you to
copy the system configuration to multiple IP-20LH units.
System configuration files consist of a zip file that contains three components:
 A binary configuration file which is used by the system to restore the
 A text file which enables users to examine the system configuration in a
readable format. The file includes the value of all system parameters at the
time of creation of the backup file.
 An additional text file which enables users to write CLI scripts in order to
make desired changes in the backed-up configuration. This file is executed
by the system after restoring the configuration.26
The system provides three restore points to manage different configuration
files. Each restore point contains a single configuration file. Files can be added
to restore points by creating backups of the current system state or by
importing them from an external server.
Note: In the Web EMS, these restore points are referred to as “file
For example, a user may want to use one restore point to keep a last good
configuration, another to import changes from an external server, and the
third to store the current configuration.
Any of the restore points can be used to apply a configuration file to the
The user can determine whether or not to include security-related settings,
such as users and user profiles, in the exported configuration file. By default,
security settings are included.
Note: The option to enable or disable import and export of
security parameters is planned for future release.

The option to edit the backup configuration is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.8 Software Management

The IP-20LH software installation and upgrade process includes the following
 Download – The files required for the installation or upgrade are
downloaded from a remote server.
 Installation – The files are installed in the appropriate modules and
components of the IP-20LH.
 Reset – The IP-20LH is restarted in order to boot the new software and
firmware versions.
IP-20LH software and firmware releases are provided in a single bundle that
includes software and firmware for all components and card types supported
by the system, including XCVRs. When the user downloads a software bundle,
the system verifies the validity of the bundle. The system also compares the
files in the bundle to the files currently installed in the IP-20LH and its
components, so that only files that differ between the new version bundle and
the current version in the system are actually downloaded. A message is
displayed to the user for each file that is actually downloaded.
Note: When downloading an older version, all files in the bundle
may be downloaded, including files that are already
Software bundles can be downloaded via FTP, SFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
After the software download is complete, the user initiates the installation. A
timer can be used to perform the installation after a defined time interval.
When an installation timer is used, the system performs an automatic reset
after the installation.
Although XCVR software is included in the standard installation bundle, the
current software version is not automatically updated in the RMC/XCVR slots
when an installation is performed. To upgrade the software in an XCVR, you
must perform the upgrade manually, per slot. This enables users to manage
IDU and XCVR software versions separately.

7.8.1 Backup Software Version

Note: Backup software version support is planned for future
IP-20LH maintains a backup copy of the software bundle. In the event that the
working software version cannot be found, or the operating system fails to
start properly, the system automatically boots from the backup version, and
the previously active version becomes the backup version.
Users can also update the backup version manually. The Web EMS includes a
field that indicates whether or not the active and backup software versions are

7.9 IPv6 Support

Evolution IP-20LH management communications can use both IPv4 and IPv6.
The unit IP address for management can be configured in either or both

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Additionally, other management communications can utilize either IPv4 or

IPv6. This includes:
 Software file downloads
 Configuration file import and export
 Trap forwarding
 Unit information file export (used primarily for maintenance and

7.10 In-Band Management

Evolution IP-20LH can optionally be managed In-Band, via its radio and
Ethernet interfaces. This method of management eliminates the need for a
dedicated management interface. For more information, refer to Management
Service (MNG) on page 110.

7.11 Local Management

IP-20LH provides one or two FE ports on the TCC for local management. TCC-
B-MC includes two FE management ports. TCC-B2-XG-MC includes two FE
management interfaces, which connect to a single RJ-45 physical connector on
the front panel. The first port (MGMT1) is enabled by default. The second port
(MGMT2) can be enabled manually.
The two management ports give users the ability not only to manage the IP-
20LH directly via a laptop or PC, but also to manage other devices via the
second management port of the IP-20LH.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.12 Alarms

7.12.1 Configurable BER Threshold Alarms and Traps

Users can configure alarm and trap generation in the event of Excessive BER
and Signal Degrade BER above user-defined thresholds. Users have the option
to configure whether or not excessive BER is propagated as a fault and
considered a system event.

7.12.2 Alarms Editing

Users can change the description text (by appending extra text to the existing
description) or the severity of any alarm in the system.
This is performed as follows:
 Each alarm in the system is identified by a unique name (see separate list
of system alarms and events).
 The user can perform the following operations on any alarm:
View current description and severity
Define the text to be appended to the description and/or severity
Return the alarm to its default values
 The user can also return all alarms and events to their default values.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.13 External Alarms

IP-20LH includes a DB9 dry contact external alarms interface. The external
alarms interface supports five input alarms. For each alarm input, the user can
configure the following:
1 Alarm administration (On or Off)
2 Alarm text
3 Alarm severity
Alarm severity can be configured to:
4 Indeterminate
5 Critical
6 Major
7 Minor
8 Warning

7.14 NTP Support

IP-20LH supports Network Time Protocol (NTP). NTP distributes Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) throughout the system, using a jitter buffer to neutralize
the effects of variable latency.
IP-20LH supports NTPv3 and NTPv4. NTPv4 provides interoperability with
NTPv3 and with SNTP.

7.15 UTC Support

IP-20LH uses the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) standard for time and
date configuration. UTC is a more updated and accurate method of date
coordination than the earlier date standard, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Every IP-20LH unit holds the UTC offset and daylight savings time information
for the location of the unit. Each management unit presenting the information
(CLI and Web EMS) uses its own UTC offset to present the information in the
correct time.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.16 System Security Features

To guarantee proper performance and availability of a network as well as the
data integrity of the traffic, it is imperative to protect it from all potential
threats, both internal (misuse by operators and administrators) and external
(attacks originating outside the network).
System security is based on making attacks difficult (in the sense that the
effort required to carry them out is not worth the possible gain) by putting
technical and operational barriers in every layer along the way, from the
access outside the network, through the authentication process, up to every
data link in the network.

7.16.1 Ceragon’s Layered Security Concept

Each layer protects against one or more threats. However, it is the
combination of them that provides adequate protection to the network. In
most cases, no single layer protection provides a complete solution to threats.
The layered security concept is presented in the following figure. Each layer
presents the security features and the threats addressed by it. Unless stated
otherwise, requirements refer to both network elements and the NMS.
Security Solution Architecture Concept

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.16.2 Defenses in Management Communication Channels

Since network equipment can be managed from any location, it is necessary to
protect the communication channels’ contents end to end.
These defenses are based on existing and proven cryptographic techniques
and libraries, thus providing standard secure means to manage the network,
with minimal impact on usability.
They provide defense at any point (including public networks and radio
aggregation networks) of communications.
While these features are implemented in Ceragon equipment, it is the
responsibility of the operator to have the proper capabilities in any external
devices used to manage the network.
In addition, inside Ceragon networking equipment it is possible to control
physical channels used for management. This can greatly help deal with all
sorts of DoS attacks.
Operators can use secure channels instead or in addition to the existing
management channels:
 SNMPv3 for all SNMP-based protocols for both NEs and NMS
 HTTPS for access to the NE’s web server
 SSH-2 for all CLI access SFTP for all software and configuration download
between NMS and NEs
All protocols run with secure settings using strong encryption techniques.
Unencrypted modes are not allowed, and algorithms used must meet modern
and client standards.
Users are allowed to disable all insecure channels.
In the network elements, the bandwidth of physical channels transporting
management communications is limited to the appropriate magnitude, in
particular, channels carrying management frames to the CPU.
Attack types addressed
 Tempering with management flows
 Management traffic analysis
 Unauthorized software installation
 Attacks on protocols (by providing secrecy and integrity to messages)
 Traffic interfaces eavesdropping (by making it harder to change
 DoS through flooding

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

7.16.3 Defenses in User and System Authentication Procedures User Configuration and User Profiles

User configuration is based on the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model.
According to the RBAC model, permissions to perform certain operations are
assigned to specific roles. Users are assigned to particular roles, and through
those role assignments acquire the permissions to perform particular system
In the IP-20LH GUI, these roles are called user profiles. Up to 50 user profiles
can be configured. Each profile contains a set of privilege levels per
functionality group, and defines the management protocols (access channels)
that can be used to access the system by users to whom the user profile is
The system parameters are divided into the following functional groups:
 Security
 Management
 Radio
 Ethernet
 Synchronization
A user profile defines the permitted access level per functionality group. For
each functionality group, the access level is defined separately for read and
write operations. The following access levels can be assigned:
 None – No access to this functional group.
 Normal – The user has access to parameters that require basic knowledge
about the functional group.
 Advance – The user has access to parameters that require advanced
knowledge about the functional group, as well as parameters that have a
significant impact on the system as a whole, such as restoring the
configuration to factory default settings. User Identification

IP-20LH supports the following user identification features:
 Configurable inactivity time-out for automatically closing unused
management channels
 Optional password strength enforcement. When password strength
enforcement is enabled; passwords must comply with the following rules:
Password must be at least eight characters long.
Password must include at least three of the following categories:
lower-case characters, upper-case characters, digits, and special
When calculating the number of character categories, upper-case
letters used as the first character and digits used as the last character
of a password are not counted.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

The password cannot have been used within the user’s previous five
 Users can be prompted to change passwords after a configurable amount
of time (password aging).
 Users can be blocked for a configurable time period after a configurable
number of unsuccessful login attempts.
 Users can be configured to expire at a certain date
 Mandatory change of password at first time login can be enabled and
disabled upon user configuration. It is enabled by default. Remote Authentication

Note: Remote authorization is planned for future release.
Certificate-based strong standard encryption techniques are used for remote
authentication. Users may choose to use this feature or not for all secure
communication channels.
Since different operators may have different certificate-based authentication
policies (for example, issuing its own certificates vs. using an external CA or
allowing the NMS system to be a CA), NEs and NMS software provide the tools
required for operators to enforce their policy and create certificates according
to their established processes.
Server authentication capabilities are provided. RADIUS Support

The RADIUS protocol provides centralized user management services. IP-
20LH supports RADIUS server and provides a RADIUS client for
authentication and authorization.
RADIUS can be enabled or disabled. When RADIUS is enabled, a user
attempting to log into the system from any access channel (CLI, WEB, NMS) is
not authenticated locally. Instead, the user’s credentials are sent to a
centralized standard RADIUS server which indicates to the IP-20LH whether
the user is known, and which privilege is to be given to the user. RADIUS uses
the same user attributes and privileges defined for the user locally.
Note: When using RADIUS for user authentication and
authorization, the access channel limitations defined per
user profile are not applicable. This means that when a user
is authorized via RADIUS, the user can access the unit via
any available access channel.
RADIUS login works as follows:
 If the RADIUS server is reachable, the system expects authorization to be
received from the server:
The server sends the appropriate user privilege to the IP-20LH, or
notifies the IP-20LH that the user was rejected.
If rejected, the user will be unable to log in. Otherwise, the user will log
in with the appropriate privilege and will continue to operate

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 If the RADIUS server is unavailable, the IP-20LH will attempt to

authenticate the user locally, according to the existing list of defined users.
Note: Local login authentication is provided in order to enable
users to manage the system in the event that RADIUS server
is unavailable. This requires previous definition of users in
the system. If the user is only defined in the RADIUS server,
the user will be unable to login locally in case the RADIUS
server is unavailable.
In order to support IP-20LH - specific privilege levels, the vendor-specific field
is used. Ceragon’s IANA number for this field is 2281.
The following RADIUS servers are supported:
 RADIUS on Windows Server (IAS)
Windows Server 2008

7.16.4 Secure Communication Channels

IP-20LH supports a variety of standard encryption protocols and algorithms,
as described in the following sections. SSH (Secured Shell)

SSH protocol can be used as a secured alternative to Telnet. In IP-20LH:
 SSHv2 is supported.
 SSH protocol will always be operational. Admin users can choose whether
to disable Telnet protocol, which is enabled by default. Server
authentication is based on IP-20LH’s public key.
 RSA and DSA key types are supported.
 Supported Encryptions: aes128-cbc, 3des-cbc, blowfish-cbc, cast128-cbc,
arcfour128, arcfour256, arcfour, aes192-cbc, aes256-cbc, aes128-ctr,
aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr.
 MAC (Message Authentication Code): SHA-1-96 (MAC length = 96 bits, key
length = 160 bit). Supported MAC: hmac-md5, hmac-sha1, hmac-
ripemd160, hmac-sha1-96, hmac-md5-96'
 The server authenticates the user based on user name and password. The
number of failed authentication attempts is not limited.
 The server timeout for authentication is 10 minutes. This value cannot be
changed. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

HTTPS combines the Hypertext Transfer protocol with the SSL/TLS protocol
to provide encrypted communication and secure identification of a network
web server. IP-20LH enables administrators to configure secure access via
HTTPS protocol.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description SFTP (Secure FTP)

SFTP can be used for the following operations:
 Configuration upload and download,
 Uploading unit information
 Uploading a public key
 Downloading certificate files
 Downloading software Creation of Certificate Signing Request (CSR) File

Note: CSR support is planned for future release.
In order to create a digital certificate for the NE, a Certificate Signing Request
(CSR) file should be created by the NE. The CSR contains information that will
be included in the NE's certificate such as the organization name, common
name (domain name), locality, and country. It also contains the public key that
will be included in the certificate. Certificate authority (CA) will use the CSR to
create the desired certificate for the NE.
While creating the CSR file, the user will be asked to input the following
parameters that should be known to the operator who applies the command:
 Common name – The identify name of the element in the network (e.g., the
IP address). The common name can be a network IP or the FQDN of the
 Organization – The legal name of the organization.
 Organizational Unit - The division of the organization handling the
 City/Locality - The city where the organization is located.
 State/County/Region - The state/region where the organization is located.
 Country - The two-letter ISO code for the country where the organization is
 Email address - An email address used to contact the organization. SNMP
IP-20LH supports SNMP v1, V2c, and v3. The default community string in NMS
and the SNMP agent in the embedded SW are disabled. Users are allowed to
set community strings for access to IDUs.
IP-20LH supports the following MIBs:
 RFC-1213 (MIB II)
 Ceragon (proprietary) MIB.
Access to all IDUs in a node is provided by making use of the community and
context fields in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c/SNMPv3, respectively.

For additional information:

 Evolution IP-20LH MIB Reference

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Server Authentication (SSL / SLLv3)

Note: SSL and SLLv3 support is planned for future release.
 All protocols making use of SSL (such as HTTPS) use SLLv3 and support
X.509 certificates-based server authentication.
 Users with type of “administrator” or above can perform the following
server (IDU) authentication operations for certificates handling:
Generate server key pairs (private + public)
Export public key (as a file to a user-specified address)
Install third-party certificates
The Admin user is responsible for obtaining a valid certificate.
Load a server RSA key pair that was generated externally for use by
protocols making use of SSL.
 Non-SSL protocols using asymmetric encryption, such as SSH and SFTP,
can make use of public-key based authentication.
Users can load trusted public keys for this purpose.

7.16.5 Security Log

The security log is an internal system file which records all changes performed
to any security feature, as well as all security related events.
Note: In order to read the security log, the user must upload the
log to his or her server.
The security log file has the following attributes:
 The file is of a “cyclic” nature (fixed size, newest events overwrite oldest).
 The log can only be read by users with "admin" or above privilege.
 The contents of the log file are cryptographically protected and digitally
In the event of an attempt to modify the file, an alarm will be raised.
 Users may not overwrite, delete, or modify the log file.
The security log records:
 Changes in security configuration
Carrying out “security configuration copy to mate”
Management channels time-out
Password aging time
Number of unsuccessful login attempts for user suspension
Warning banner change
Adding/deleting of users
Password changed
SNMP enable/disable
SNMP version used (v1/v3) change

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SNMPv3 parameters change

Security mode
Authentication algorithm
SNMPv1 parameters change
Read community
Write community
Trap community for any manager
FTP/SFTP change
Telnet and web interface enable/disable
FTP enable/disable
Loading certificates
RADIUS server
Radius enable/disable
Remote logging enable/disable (for security and configuration logs)
Syslog server address change (for security and configuration logs)
System clock change
NTP enable/disable
 Security events
 Successful and unsuccessful login attempts
 N consecutive unsuccessful login attempts (blocking)
 Configuration change failure due to insufficient permissions
 SNMPv3/PV authentication failures
 User logout
 User account expired
For each recorded event the following information is available:
 User ID
 Communication channel (WEB, terminal, telnet/SSH, SNMP, NMS, etc.)
 IP address, if applicable
 Date and time

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8. Specifications
This chapter includes:
 General Radio Specifications
 Radio Scripts
 Radio Capacity Specifications
 Transmit Power Specifications (dBm)
 Receiver Threshold Specifications
 Frequency Bands
 Branching Network Losses
 Ethernet Latency Specifications
 Ethernet Specifications
 TDM Specifications
 Mechanical Specifications
 Environmental Specifications
 Waveguide Specifications
 Power Input Specifications
 Power Consumption Specifications
Note: All specifications are subject to change without prior

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.1 General Radio Specifications

Frequency (GHz) Operating Frequency Range (GHz) Tx/Rx Spacing (MHz)
4 3.6-4.2 213, 320
5 4.4-5.0 98, 100, 300, 312
6L 5.9-6.4 252.04
6H 6.4-7.125 340
7 7.1-7.9 154, 161, 168, 196, 245, 270, 300
8 7.7-8.5 266, 310, 311.32
10 10.0-10.68 136.5, 350
11 10.7-11.7 490, 530
Standards ETSI, ITU-R, CEPT
Frequency Stability  5 ppm
Frequency Source Synthesizer
RF Channel Selection Via EMS/NMS
Tx Range (Manual/ATPC) Up to 20 dB dynamic range

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.2 Radio Scripts

8.2.1 Frequency Bands and Supported SRMs

LH ODU ETSI/ Adjacent Channel Frequency Bands (GHz)

SRM Modulation XPIC
MRMC MRMC ANSI Channel BW (MHz) 4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
28      
68 3068 2068 ETSI ACAP Fixed: 128 QAM Yes 29.65  V
30 
28      
69 3069 2069 ETSI ACAP Fixed: 256 QAM Yes 29.65  
30 
75 3075 2075 ETSI ACAP Fixed: 128 QAM Yes 40    
76 3076 2076 ETSI ACAP Fixed: 256 QAM Yes 40    
81 3081 2081 ETSI ACAP Fixed: 256 QAM Yes 56        
ACAP and
82 3082 2082 ETSI Fixed: 256 QAM Yes 56      
28      
85 3085 2085 ETSI ACAP ACM: 4-256 QAM Yes 29.65  
30 
86 3086 2086 ETSI ACAP ACM: 4-256 QAM Yes 40    
87 3087 2087 ETSI ACCP ACM: 4-256 QAM Yes 56       
106 3106 2106 ANSI ACAP Fixed: 128 QAM Yes 30        
107 3107 2107 ANSI ANSI Fixed: 256 QAM Yes 30        
114 3114 2114 ANSI ANSI Fixed: 256 QAM Yes 40        
123 3123 2123 ANSI ANSI ACM: 4-256 QAM Yes 30        
124 3124 2124 ANSI ANSI ACM: 4-256 QAM Yes 40        
28      
128 3128 2128 ETSI ACCP Fixed: 128 QAM Yes 29.65  
30 V
28      
129 3129 2129 ETSI ACCP Fixed: 256 QAM Yes 29.65  
30 
130 3130 2130 ETSI ACCP Fixed: 128 QAM Yes 40    
131 3131 2131 ETSI ACCP Fixed: 256 QAM Yes 40    

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

LH ODU ETSI/ Adjacent Channel Frequency Bands (GHz)

SRM Modulation XPIC
MRMC MRMC ANSI Channel BW (MHz) 4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
28      
132 3132 2132 ETSI ACCP ACM: 4-256 QAM Yes 29.65  
30 
133 3133 2133 ETSI ACCP ACM: 4-256 QAM Yes 40    
28     
135 3135 2135 ETSI ACCP ACM: 4-1024 QAM Yes 29.65  
30 
136 3136 2136 ETSI ACCP ACM: 4-1024 QAM Yes 40   
134 3134 2134 ANSI Yes ACM: 4-256 QAM Yes 25       
28     
139 3139 2139 ETSI ACAP ACM: 4-1024 QAM Yes 29.65  
30 
140 3140 2140 ETSI ACAP ACM: 4-1024 QAM Yes 40   
143 3143 2143 ANSI ACAP ACM: 4-1024 QAM Yes 30       

144 3144 2144 ANSI ACAP ACM: 4-1024 QAM Yes 40       

152 3152 2152 ANSI Fixed: 128 QAM No 25       

Note: When the user assigns an SRM to a radio carrier, the

modulation mode and maximum profile are determined by
the SRM itself and are not configured separately.
ACM SRMs function in adaptive mode, with no option to
select the minimum or maximum modulations other than
the minimum or maximum modulation enabled by the SRM
Fixed SRMs provide a fixed modulation, which cannot be
changed by the user.
ODUs SRMs are supported on 5 to 11 GHz only. 4 GHz is not
supported with ODUs.

8.2.2 Supported XCVRs

The Evolution IP-20LH system consists of an IP-20N indoor unit (IDU) and any
of the following transceivers:
 Transceiver ACM, High Power (PN FLxxAAB0B, FLxxAAB0C, FLL6AAB0E,
 Transceiver High Power, Space Diversity, XPAND IP/ACM compatible (PN

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.2.3 Supported ODUs

The following ODUs are supported:
 ODUs ACM, High Power (PN FUxxAEByz-xxLA, where:
xx: 05, 06, 07, 08, 11
y: 0, 2, 4
z: A, B
L: L, U

8.2.4 Evolution IP-20LH Radio Options

The Evolution IP-20LH system consists of an indoor unit (IDU) and any of the
following transceivers:
 Transceiver ACM, High Power (PN FLxxAAB0B, FLxxAAB0C, and
 Transceiver High Power, Space Diversity, XPAND IP/ACM compatible (PN
FLxxABB0B, FLxxABB0C, and FLxxABB0E)

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.3 Radio Capacity Specifications

The tables below specify Ethernet Layer 1 and Layer 2 throughput, maximum
number of E1s, and the minimum required capacity activation key for each
link capacity. The Ethernet throughput presents typical values measured
according to RFC 2544. Numbers are given for a fixed link with no TDM
capacity configured. When E1 is used, Ethernet throughput is reduced with
about 2.05Mb/s per E1. Inter-Frame-Gap (IFG) and preamble is removed from
all packets before they are transmitted over the link. At the far end, IFG and
preamble is reinstated. Due to the mapping method used, the Layer 2
throughput is independent of packet size. Ethernet Layer 1 throughput is
given for 64 and 1518 Byte packets.
For systems with ACCP channel plan with 28 and 40 MHz channel spacing (CS)
a special ACCP setup must be used for some modulations. See the tables below
for details.

8.3.1 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode (ACAP)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
68 128 QAM 150 65 161.344 162-198 163-239 170-616
69 256 QAM 200 73 183.36 184-225 186-272 193-701

8.3.2 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode (ACCP)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
128 128 QAM 150 61 153.536 154-188 155-228 162-586
129 256 QAM 150 70 174.464 175-214 177-259 184-667

8.3.3 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACAP – 256QAM)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
85 4 QAM 50 14 35.904 35-43 35-52 37-134
85 8 QAM 50 24 59.84 59-73 60-88 62-226
85 16 QAM 100 34 83.776 83-102 84-123 88-318
85 32 QAM 100 43 107.712 108-132 109-159 113-410
85 64 QAM 150 53 131.648 132-161 133-195 138-502
85 128 QAM 150 62 155.584 156-191 157-231 164-594
85 256 QAM 200 72 179.52 180-220 182-266 189-686

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8.3.4 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACCP – 256QAM)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
132 4 QAM 50 14 34.944 34-42 34-50 36-130
132 8 QAM 50 23 58.24 58-71 58-85 61-220
132 16 QAM 100 33 81.536 81-99 82-120 85-309
132 32 QAM 100 42 104.832 105-128 106-155 110-399
132 64 QAM 150 51 128.128 128-157 129-190 135-488
132 128 QAM 150 61 151.424 152-186 153-224 159-578
132 256 QAM 150 70 174.72 175-214 177-259 184-668

8.3.5 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACCP – 1024 QAM)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
135 4 QAM 50 18 45.056 44-54 45-66 47-169
135 8 QAM 50 27 67.584 67-82 68-99 71-256
135 16 QAM 100 36 90.112 90-110 91-133 94-342
135 32 QAM 100 45 112.64 113-138 114-167 118-429
135 64 QAM 150 54 135.168 135-166 136-200 142-515
135 128 QAM 150 63 157.696 158-193 159-234 166-602
135 256 QAM 200 72 180.224 181-221 182-267 190-689
135 512 QAM 200 81 202.752 204-249 205-301 214-775
135 1024 QAM 225 90 225.28 226-277 228-335 238-862

8.3.6 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACAP – 1024 QAM)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
139 4 QAM 50 19 47.872 47-58 48-70 50-180
139 8 QAM 100 29 71.808 71-87 72-106 75-272
139 16 QAM 100 38 95.744 96-117 96-141 100-364
139 32 QAM 100 48 119.68 120-146 121-177 126-456
139 64 QAM 150 57 143.616 144-176 145-213 151-548
139 128 QAM 150 67 167.552 168-206 169-249 177-640
139 256 QAM 200 77 191.488 192-235 194-284 202-732
139 512 QAM 225 86 215.424 217-265 218-320 227-824
139 1024 QAM 225 96 239.36 241-294 243-356 253-916

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.3.7 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode (ACAP)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
75 128 QAM 225 91 227.2 228-279 230-338 240-869
76 256 QAM 250 103 258.3 260-318 262-384 273-989

8.3.8 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode (ACCP)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
130 128 QAM 225 86 215.808 217-265 219-321 228-826
131 256 QAM 250 98 245.312 247-302 249-365 259-939

8.3.9 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACAP – 256QAM)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
86 4 QAM 50 21 51.84 51-63 52-76 54-195
86 8 QAM 100 35 86.4 86-105 87-127 90-328
86 16 QAM 100 48 120.96 121-148 122-179 127-461
86 32 QAM 150 62 155.52 156-191 157-231 164-594
86 64 QAM 200 76 190.08 191-233 192-282 201-727
86 128 QAM 225 90 224.64 226-276 228-334 237-860
86 256 QAM 250 104 259.2 261-319 263-385 274-992

8.3.10 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACCP – 256QAM)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
133 4 QAM 50 20 49.152 49-59 49-72 51-185
133 8 QAM 100 33 81.92 82-100 82-121 86-311
133 16 QAM 100 46 114.688 115-140 116-170 120-437
133 32 QAM 150 59 147.456 148-181 149-219 155-563
133 64 QAM 200 72 180.224 181-221 182-267 190-689
133 128 QAM 225 85 212.992 214-262 216-316 225-815
133 256 QAM 250 98 245.76 247-302 249-365 260-941

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.3.11 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACCP – 1024 QAM)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
136 4 QAM 50 25 63.232 63-77 63-93 66-239
136 8 QAM 100 38 94.848 95-116 95-140 99-360
136 16 QAM 150 51 126.464 127-155 128-187 133-482
136 32 QAM 150 63 158.08 159-194 160-234 167-604
136 64 QAM 200 76 189.696 191-233 192-282 200-725
136 128 QAM 225 89 221.312 222-272 224-329 234-847
136 256 QAM 250 101 252.928 254-311 256-376 267-968
136 512 QAM 300 114 284.544 286-350 289-423 301-1000
136 1024 QAM 300 126 316.16 318-389 321-470 334-1000

8.3.12 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode (ACAP – 1024 QAM)

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
140 4 QAM 50 27 66.56 66-81 67-98 69-252
140 8 QAM 100 40 99.84 100-122 101-147 105-380
140 16 QAM 150 53 133.12 133-163 134-197 140-508
140 32 QAM 150 67 166.4 167-204 168-247 175-636
140 64 QAM 200 80 199.68 201-245 202-296 211-764
140 128 QAM 225 93 232.96 234-286 236-346 246-892
140 256 QAM 300 106 266.24 268-327 270-396 281-1000
140 512 QAM 300 120 299.52 302-369 304-446 317-1000
140 1024 QAM 350 133 332.8 335-410 338-495 352-1000

8.3.13 56 MHz Channel Bandwidth – Fixed Mode

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
81 256 QAM 350 134 334.912 337-412 340-498 354-1000
82 256 QAM 350 142 354.048 357-436 359-527 375-1000

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.3.14 56 MHz Channel Bandwidth – ACM Mode –-256QAM

Minimum Ethernet throughput
Max # of
SRM Modulation supported Link Capacity No L2 Header De-
E1s [Mb/s] Compression Compression Duplication
activation key
87 4 QAM 100 35 88.32 88-108 89-130 93-335
87 8 QAM 150 53 132.48 133-162 134-196 139-505
87 16 QAM 200 71 176.64 177-217 179-262 186-675
87 32 QAM 225 88 220.8 222-271 224-328 233-845
87 64 QAM 250 106 264.96 267-326 269-394 280-1000
87 128 QAM 300 124 309.12 311-380 314-460 327-1000
87 256 QAM 350 141 353.28 356-435 359-526 374-1000

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.4 Transmit Power Specifications (dBm)

Note: The values listed in this section are typical. Actual values
may differ in either direction by up to 1.5dB. For branching
losses, refer to Branching Network Losses on page 233.
Modulation 4 GHz 5 GHz 6 GHz 7-8 GHz 10-11 GHz
QPSK 29 30 30 29 27
8 PSK 29 30 30 29 27
16 QAM 29 30 30 29 27
32 QAM 29 30 30 29 27
64 QAM 30 31 31 30 28
128 QAM 30 31 31 30 28
256 QAM 29 30 30 29 27
512 QAM 29 30 30 29 27
1024 QAM 29 30 30 29 27

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.5 Receiver Threshold Specifications

8.5.1 Receiver Threshold – ACM Modes

The following tables provide the typical down-shift thresholds in dBm in
reference point A for the various ACM modulation states. For the lowest
modulation, the typical BER = 10-6 threshold is given.
Modulation state is changed up or down based on SNR measurements in the
remote receiver. Switching to lower modulation is activated approximately 5
dB above what would have been the BER = 10-6 threshold in a corresponding
fixed mode without ACM. Hysteresis is approximately 1 dB. Receiver Threshold 28 MHz ACM Mode (4 – 256QAM)

Modulation Frequency band [GHz]
4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
QPSK -89.5 -89.5 -89.5 -89.5 -89.5 -89.5 -89.0 -89.0
8 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80
16 -78 -78 -78 -78 -78 -78 -78 -78
32 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75
64 -72 -72 -72 -72 -72 -72 -72 -72
128 -69 -69 -69 -69 -69 -69 -69 -69
256 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Receiver Threshold 28 MHz ACM Mode (4 – 1024QAM)

Modulation Frequency band [GHz]
4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
4 -86.0 -86.0 -86.0 -86.0 -86.0 -86.0 -86.5 86.5
8 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -79 -79
16 -78 -78 -78 -78 -78 -78 -77 -77
32 -76 -76 -76 -76 -76 -76 -75 -75
64 -72 -72 -72 -72 -72 -72 -72 -72
128 -69 -69 -69 -69 -69 -69 -69 -69
256 -66 -66 -66 -66 -66 -66 -66 -66
512 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63 -63
1024 -60 -60 -60 -60 -60 -60 -60 -60 Receiver Threshold 40 MHz ACM Mode (4 – 256QAM)

Modulation Frequency band [GHz]
4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
4 -88.0 -88.0 -88.0 -88.0 -88.0 -88.0 -87.5 -87.5
8 -79 -79 -79 -79 -79 -79 -79 -79
16 -77 -77 -77 -77 -77 -77 -76 -76
32 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -73 -73
64 -71 -71 -71 -71 -71 -71 -70 -70
128 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -67 -67
256 -64 -64 -64 -64 -64 -64 -63 -63

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description Receiver Threshold 40 MHz ACM Mode (4– 1024QAM)

Modulation Frequency band [GHz]
4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
4 -84.5 -84.5 -84.5 -84.5 -84.5 -84.5 -84.0 -84.0
8 -79 -79 -79 -79 -79 -79 -78 -78
16 -76 -76 -76 -76 -76 -76 -76 -76
32 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74 -74
64 -71 -71 -71 -71 -71 -71 -70 -70
128 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -68 -67 -67
256 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65
512 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62 -62
1024 -59 -59 -59 -59 -59 -59 -58 -58 Receiver Threshold 56 MHz ACM Mode (4 - 256QAM)

Frequency band [GHz]
Modulation 4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
4 -82.5 -82.5 -82.5 -82.5 -82.5 -82.5 -82.0 -82.0
8 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -74 -74
16 -73 -73 -73 -73 -73 -73 -72 -72
32 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70
64 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67
128 -64 -64 -64 -64 -64 -64 -64 -64
256 -61 -61 -61 -61 -61 -61 -61 -61

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.5.2 Receiver Threshold – Fixed Modes

Typical RSL values in dBm for BER=10E-6. Ref. Point A. Guaranteed values are
+3 dB. For branching losses, refer to Branching Network Losses on page 233.

8.5.3 Receiver Threshold 28 MHz Fixed Mode

Capacity & BW Frequency band [GHz]
4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
35Mb/s@28MHz -89.5 -89.5 -89.5 -89.5 -89.5 -89.5 -89 -89
83Mb/s@28MHz -82.5 -82.5 -82.5 -82.5 -82.5 -82.5 -82 -82
109Mb/s@28MHz -79 -79 -79 -79 -79 -79 -78.5 -78.5
133Mb/s@28MHz -76 -76 -76 -76 -76 -76 -75.5 -75.5
160Mb/s@28MHz -73 -73 -73 -73 -73 -73 -72.5 -72.5
182Mb/s@28MHz -69.5 -69.5 -69.5 -69.5 -69.5 -69.5 -69 -69

8.5.4 Receiver Threshold 28 MHz ACCP Mode

Capacity & BW Frequency band [GHz]
4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
103Mb/s@28MHz -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -79.5 -79.5
126Mb/s@28MHz -76.5 -76.5 -76.5 -76.5 -76.5 -76.5 -76 -76
152Mb/s@28MHz -73 -73 -73 -73 -73 -73 -72.5 -72.5
173Mb/s@28MHz -69.5 -69.5 -69.5 -69.5 -69.5 -69.5 -69 -69

8.5.5 Receiver Threshold 40 MHz Fixed Mode

Capacity & BW Frequency band [GHz]
4 5 U6 8 11
114Mb/s@40MHz -81.5 -81.5 -81.5 -81.5 -81.0
146Mb/s@40MHz -78.5 -78.5 -78.5 -78.5 -78.0
179Mb/s@40MHz -75.5 -75.5 -75.5 -75.5 -75.0
226Mb/s@40MHz -71.0 -71.0 -71.0 -71.0 -70.5
257Mb/s@40MHz -68.0 -68.0 -68.0 -68.0 -67.5

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.5.6 Receiver Threshold 40 MHz ACCP Mode

Capacity & BW Frequency band [GHz]
4 5 U6 8 11
215Mb/s@40MHz -72,0 -72,0 -72,0 -72,0 -71,5
244Mb/s@40MHz -68,0 -68,0 -68,0 -68,0 -67,5

8.5.7 Receiver Threshold ~56 MHz Fixed Mode

Capacity & BW Frequency band [GHz]
4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
199Mb/s@56MHz -77.0 -77.0 -77.0 -77.0 -77.0 -77.0 -76.5 -76.5
244Mb/s@56MHz -74.0 -74.0 -74.0 -74.0 -74.0 -74.0 -73.5 -73.5
294Mb/s@56MHz -70.5 -70.5 -70.5 -70.5 -70.5 -70.5 -70.0 -70.0
334Mb/s@56MHz -66.5 -66.5 -66.5 -66.5 -66.5 -66.5 -66.0 -66.0
350Mb/s@56MHz -63.0 -63.0 -63.0 -63.0 -63.0 -63.0 -62.5 -62.5

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.6 Frequency Bands

Note: Channel spacing is determined by the branching network.

Frequency Frequency Duplex Channel

Channel Plan spacing Bandwidth
Band [GHz] MHz (MHz)
ITU-R F. 635-6
4 GHz 3.6-4.2 320 30/40
CEPT 12-08
ITU-R F. 382-8
4 GHz 3.8-4.2 213 29/58
CEPT 12-08
5 GHz 4.4-5.0 ITU-R F. 746-5 312 28/56
5 GHz 4.4-5.0 ITU-R F. 1099-3 Annex 1,1 300 40
5 GHz 4.4-5.0 98 MHz Duplex 98 28
5 GHz 4.4-5.0 100 MHz Duplex 100 28
ITU-R F. 383-7
L6 GHz 5.9-6.4 252.04 29.65/56
CEPT 14-01E
ITU-R F.384-8
U6 GHz 6.4-7.1 340 20/30/40
CEPT 14-02 E
7 GHz 7.1-7.4 ITU-R F.385-7 Annex 3 196 28/56
7 GHz 7.1-7.4 CEPT 02-06 Annex 1 154 7/14/28/56
7 GHz 7.1-7.4 ITU-R F.385-8 Rec. 1-4 161 7/14/28/56
7 GHz 7.1-7.4 ACA Rali FX3 270 30
7 GHz 7.2-7.5 ITU-R F.385-8 Rec. 1-4 161 7/14/28/56
7 GHz 7.4-7.7 ITU-R F.385-8 Annex 3 168 28/56
7 GHz 7.4-7.7 ITU-R F.385-8 Annex 1,4 154 28/56
ITU-R F.385-8 Annex 1, 1
7 GHz 7.4-7.7 154 7/14/28/56
CEPT 02-06 Annex 1
7 GHz 7.4-7.7 ITU-R F.385-8 Rec 1-4 161 7/14/28/56
7 GHz 7.4-7.9 ITU-R F.385-8 Annex 4 245 7/14/28/56
7 GHz 7.1-7.7 “Korea” 300 30
8 GHz 7.7-8.3 ITU-R F.386-6 Annex 1 311.32 29.65/56
8 GHz 7.7-8.3 ITU-R F.386-8 Annex 4 310 40
8 GHz 7.9-8.4 ITU-R F.386-6 Annex 4 266 7/14/28/56
8 GHz 7.9-8.5 CEPT 02-06 310 7/14/28/56
10 GHz 10.0-10.68 CEPT 12-05 350 7/14/28
10 GHz 10.15-10.65 CFT Mexico 350 7/14/28

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Frequency Frequency Duplex Channel

Channel Plan spacing Bandwidth
Band [GHz] MHz (MHz)
10 GHz 10.4-10.68 136.5 7/14/28
ITU-R F. 387-9 CEPT 12-06
11 GHz 10.7-11.7 530 30/40/56
Rec. 1
ITU-R F. 387-9 Annex 2 CEPT
11 GHz 10.7-11.7 490 30/40/56
12-06 Rec. 3

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.7 Branching Network Losses

The branching system contains channel filters and circulators connecting from
one to ten channels to one antenna. For larger configurations, the branching is
normally split and dual polarized antennas are used. One part connects to the
horizontal and one to the vertical antenna port.
The branching flanges and loss are the same for both indoor and split mount
Total branching loss in dB from Tx port A’ to Rx port A. Including RF-filter and
branching circulator loss. Guaranteed values.
Freq BW # of Channels on common polarization
[GHz] [MHz]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
~28 3,8 4 4,4 4,8 5,2 5,6 6 6,4
4/5 40 3,4 3,6 4 4,4 4,8 5,2 5,6 6
56 3,4 3,6 4 4,4 4,8 5,2 5,6 6
~28 4 4,2 4,6 5 5,4 5,8 6,2 6,6
56 3,6 3,8 4,2 4,6 5 5,4 5,8 6,2
~28 5 5,2 5,6 6 6,4 6,8 7,2 7,6
U6 40 4,4 4,6 5 5,4 5,8 6,2 6,6 7
56 4,4 4,6 5 5,4 5,8 6,2 6,6 7
~28 5,4 5,6 6 6,4 6,8 7,2 7,6 8
56 5 5,2 5,6 6 6,4 6,8 7,2 7,6
~28 6 6,2 6,6 7 7,4 7,8 8,2 8,6
8 40 5,2 5,4 5,8 6,2 6,6 7 7,4 7,8
56 5,2 5,4 5,8 6,2 6,6 7 7,4 7,8
10 ~28 6,2 6,4 6,8 7,2 7,6 8 8,4 8,8
~28 7,2 7,4 7,8 8,2 8,6 9 9,4 9,8
11 40 6,2 6,4 6,8 7,2 7,6 8 8,4 8,8
56 5,8 6 6,4 6,8 7,2 7,6 8 8,4

For systems with adjacent channels on common polarization there will be an

additional 0.4 dB when a channel is reflected in an adjacent channel filter. If
this is the case both for Tx and Rx the additional loss is 0.8 dB.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.7.1 RF filter loss

Tx(A’-B’) or Rx(B-A) filter loss. Guaranteed figures.
Filter Loss – Standard Filters

Frequency band:
4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
28 MHz Filter 1.6 1.6 1.7 2.2 2.4 2.7 2.8 3.3
40 MHz Filter 1.4 1.4 - 1.9 - - - 2.8
56 MHz Filter 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.9 2.2 2.3 - 2.6

Filter Loss – Innermost Filters

Frequency band:
4 5 L6 U6 7 8 10 11
28 MHz Filter - - 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.9 - 3.5
40 MHz Filter - - - - - - - -
56 MHz Filter - - 1.7 - - - - -

8.7.2 Branching circulator loss B’-B

Circulator and filter reflection loss from point B’- B. Guaranteed figures.
# of Channels on common polarization
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Insertion loss
0.6 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2
B’-B →

8.7.3 RF-input return loss

RF-input return loss, within the RF-channel bandwidth, at point CC’: > 24 dB
(measured at the antenna interface at rack top).

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.8 Ethernet Latency Specifications

8.8.1 Ethernet Latency – 28 MHz Channel Bandwidth

ACM Working Modulation Latency (µsec) with GbE Interface
Frame 64 128 256 512 1024 1518
0 QPSK 154 169 198 257 373 484
1 8 PSK 130 141 162 204 286 363
2 16 QAM 109 117 133 166 231 290
3 32 QAM 105 111 125 152 204 252
4 64 QAM 101 107 119 142 187 228
5 128 QAM 95 100 110 131 171 207
6 256 QAM 89 94 103 123 160 193
7 512 QAM 113 117 126 145 179 210
8 1024 QAM 104 108 117 135 168 198

8.8.2 Ethernet Latency – 40 MHz Channel Bandwidth

ACM Working Modulation Latency (µsec) with GbE Interface
Frame 64 128 256 512 1024 1518
0 QPSK 194 206 230 278 373 465
1 8 PSK 147 156 173 208 277 342
2 16 QAM 120 126 139 165 216 267
3 32 QAM 108 113 124 144 186 226
4 64 QAM 100 104 113 131 166 201
5 128 QAM 92 96 104 120 151 181
6 256 QAM 95 100 106 120 149 177
7 512 QAM 100 104 111 124 151 178
8 1024 QAM 93 96 102 116 141 166

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.8.3 Ethernet Latency – 56 MHz Channel Bandwidth

ACM Working Modulation Latency (µsec) with GbE Interface
Frame 64 128 256 512 1024 1518
0 QPSK 94 102 119 152 216 275
1 8 PSK 83 89 102 127 174 218
2 16 QAM 72 77 87 108 146 182
3 32 QAM 69 73 82 99 133 162
4 64 QAM 66 69 77 93 123 149
5 128 QAM 65 68 75 90 116 140
6 256 QAM 61 64 71 84 110 132
7 512 QAM 69 72 78 92 116 137
8 1024 QAM 65 68 74 87 110 131

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.9 Ethernet Specifications

8.9.1 Ethernet Interface Specifications

Supported Ethernet Interfaces for Traffic Up to 8 x 10/100/1000Base-T (RJ-45) or 1000base-X (SFP)
Supported Ethernet Interfaces for
2 x 10/100 Base-T (RJ-45)
Supported SFP Types Optical 1000Base-LX (1310 nm) or SX (850 nm)

8.9.2 Carrier Ethernet Functionality

Switching capacity 16 Gbps
"Jumbo" Frame Support Up to 9600 Bytes
General Header De-Duplication
MAC address learning with 128K MAC addresses
Integrated Carrier Ethernet Switch 802.1ad provider bridges (QinQ)
802.3ad link aggregation
Advanced CoS classification and remarking
Per interface CoS based packet queuing/buffering (8 queues)
Per queue statistics
Tail-drop and WRED with CIR/EIR support
Flexible scheduling schemes (SP/WFQ/Hierarchical)
Per interface and per queue traffic shaping
Hierarchical-QoS (H-QoS) – 8K service level queues27
4Gbit packet buffer
Network resiliency
ERP (G.8032)
FM (Y.1731/802.1ag)
Service OAM
PM (Y.1731)28

Per port Ethernet counters (RMON/RMON2)

Radio ACM statistics
Performance Monitoring
Enhanced radio Ethernet statistics (Frame Error Rate,
Throughput, Capacity, Utilization)

Planned for future release.
Planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.10 TDM Specifications

8.10.1 E1 Cross Connect

E1 Cross Connect Capacity 512 E1 Trails (VCs)
E1 Trails Protection 1+1 / 1:1

8.10.2 E1 Interface Specifications

Interface Type E1
Number of Ports 16 x E1s per LIC
Connector Type MDR 69-pin
Framing Framed / Unframed
Coding HDB3
120 ohm/100 ohm balanced. Optional 75 ohm unbalanced supported using panel
Line Impedance
with integrated impedance adaption.
ITU-T G.703, G.736, G.775, G.823, G.824, G.828, ITU-T I.432, ETSI ETS 300 147,
Compatible Standards
ETS 300 417, Bellcore GR-253-core, TR-NWT-000499

8.10.3 Pseudowire Specifications

RFC 4553 – SAToP
Circuit-Emulation Modes
RFC 5086 – CESoP29

Ethernet (MEF-8)
Circuit-Emulation Encapsulations IP/UDP30
MPLS (MFA-8)31

Frame payload size Configurable – 1 E1 frame (256 bytes) to 64 frames (8192 bytes)
De-Jitter buffer size Configurable – 1 ms to 32 ms

8.10.4 Electrical STM-1 SFP Interface Specifications

Interface Type STM-1
Number of Ports 1 x STM-1 per LIC
Connector Type 1.0/2.3 on SFP
Framing Framed carrying up to 63 x VC12
Coding CMI

CESoP mode is planned for future release.
IP/MPLS encapsulation is planned for future release.
MFA-8 encapsulation is planned for future release.

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

Interface Type STM-1

Line Impedance 75ohms
ITU-T G.703, G.775, G.813, G.825, EN 300 386 V1.2.1, ES 201 468
Compatible Standards
V1.1.1 :2000-03, ES 201 468 V1.2.1 :2002-09, EN 61000 4-3

8.10.5 Optical STM-1 SFP Interface Specifications

Transceiver Name SH1310 LH1310 LH1550
Application Code S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2
Operating Wavelength (nm) 1261-1360 1263-1360 1480-580
Source Type MLM SLM SLM
Max RMS Width (nm) 7.7 - -
Min Side Mode Suppression
- 30 30
Ratio (dB)
Min Mean Launched Power
-15 -5 -5
Max Mean Launched Power
-8 0 0
Min Extinction Ratio (dB) 8.2 10 10
Min Sensitivity (BER of 1x10-
-28 -34 -34
42 EOL (dBm)
Min Overload (dBm) -8 -10 -10
Max Receiver Reflectance (dB) - - -25
Optical Path between S and R
Max Dispersion (ps/nm) 96 - -
Min Optical Return
- - -20
Loss of Cable (dB)
Max Discreet
- - 25
Reflectance (dB)
Max Optical Path
1 1 1
Penalty (dB)

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.11 Mechanical Specifications

IDU Chassis Mechanical Specifications

Height: 44.5 mm
1RU Chassis Width: 444.3 mm
Dimensions Depth: 245 mm
Weight: 3 kg (empty)
Height: 88 mm
2RU Chassis Width: 444.3 mm
Dimensions Depth: 245 mm
Weight: 6 kg (empty)
IDU-XCVR Coaxial cable up to 300 m, TNC connectors (male) to
Connection IDU and XCVR.

IDU Card and Tray Weights

PDC 0.3 kg
RMC 0.34 kg
LIC 0.5 kg
TCC 1.5 kg
Fans Drawer (1RU) 0.3 kg
Fans Drawer (2RU) 0.6 kg

Evolution XCVR Mechanical Specifications

Height: 230 mm
Width: 218 mm
XCVR Dimensions
Depth: 125 mm
Weight: 5.2 kg (excluding Branching)
Height: 519 mm
Outdoor Branching
Width: 600 mm
Housing Dimensions,
Depth: 632 mm
including XCVR
Weight: 50 kg (including branching for four channels)
Height: 308 mm
Indoor XCVR Shelf Width: 481 mm
Depth: 231 mm
2 channel system: 45 kg
Long Haul Indoor 4 channel system: 60 kg
Terminals 6 channel system: 77 kg
8 channel system: 106 kg

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.12 Environmental Specifications

8.12.1 Environmental Specifications for IDU

 Temperature:
-5C to 55C – Temperature range for continuous operating
temperature with high reliability.
-25C to 65C – Temperature range for exceptional temperatures,
tested successfully, with limited margins.
Note: Cold startup requires at least -5C
 Humidity: 5%RH to 95%RH

8.12.2 Environmental Specifications for XCVR

 Temperature:
-33C to +50C – Temperature range for continuous operating
temperature with high reliability:
-45C to +55C – Temperature range for exceptional temperatures;
tested successfully, with limited margins:
 For temperatures below 0C, the equipment must be switched on for at
least 10 minutes in order to operate according to the specifications.
 Humidity: 100%RH

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.13 Waveguide Specifications

Frequency band [GHz] 4 5 L6/U6 7/8 10/11
RF Branching Flange Types PDR40 PDR48 PDR70 PDR84 PDR100
Matching Flanges PDR40/ CPR229G PDR48 / CPR187G PDR70 / CPR137G PDR84 / CPR112G PDR100 / CPR90G
Matching Waveguide R40 / WR229 R48 / WR187 R70 / WR137 R84 / WR112 R100 / WR90

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

8.14 Power Input Specifications

IDU Standard Input -48 VDC
-40 to --60 VDC, with maximum current
IDU DC Input range
of up to 30A.
Evolution XCVR
-40.5 to -57 VDC
Operating Range

8.15 Power Consumption Specifications

The following table shows the maximum power consumption for each card in
an IP-20LH chassis. The maximum power consumption for the entire system is
the sum of the modules in the chassis and the XCVRs operating from the
Card Type/Configuration Power (W) Comments
Includes STM-1/OC-3 SFP
LIC-X-E4-Elec (4x GbE) 9W
LIC-X-E4-Opt (4x GbE) 9W Excluding SFPs
LIC-T16 (16x E1) 17W
LIC-T155 (1x ch-STM-1) 25W Excluding SFP
LIC-STM1/OC3-RST (1 x STM-1) 9W
Fan 30W max (6W typical at 25C) Kinetic energy.
Evolution XCVR 55-64W XCVR only
Evolution XCVR – Space Diversity 58-67W XCVR only

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

9. Standards and Certifications

This chapter includes:
 Supported Ethernet Standards
 MEF Certifications for Ethernet Services
 Supported TDM Pseudowire Encapsulations
 Standards Compliance
 Network Management, Diagnostics, Status, and Alarms

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

9.1 Supported Ethernet Standards

Supported Ethernet Standards

Standard Description
802.3 10base-T
802.3u 100base-T
802.3ab 1000base-T
802.3z 1000base-X
802.3ac Ethernet VLANs
802.1Q Virtual LAN (VLAN)
802.1p Class of service
802.1ad Provider bridges (QinQ)
802.3ad Link aggregation
Auto MDI/MDIX for 1000baseT
RFC 1349 IPv4 TOS
RFC 2474 IPv4 DSCP
RFC 2460 IPv6 Traffic Classes

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

9.2 MEF Certifications for Ethernet Services

Supported MEF Specifications

Specification Description
MEF-2 Requirements and Framework for Ethernet Service
MEF-6.1 Metro Ethernet Services Definitions Phase 2
MEF-8 Implementation Agreement for the Emulation of PDH
Circuits over Metro Ethernet Networks
MEF-10.3 Ethernet Services Attributes Phase 3
MEF 22.1 Mobile Backhaul Implementation Agreement Phase 2
MEF-30.1 Service OAM Fault Management Implementation
Agreement Phase 2
MEF-35 Service OAM Performance Monitoring Implementation

MEF Certifications

Certification Description
CE 2.0 Second generation Carrier Ethernet certification
MEF-18 Abstract Test Suite for Circuit Emulation Services
MEF-9 Abstract Test Suite for Ethernet Services at the UNI.
Certified for all service types (EPL, EVPL & E-LAN).
This is a 1st generation certification. It is fully covered
as part of CE2.0)
MEF-14 Abstract Test Suite for Traffic Management Phase 1.
Certified for all service types (EPL, EVPL & E-LAN).
This is a first generation certification. It is fully covered
as part of CE2.0)

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

9.3 Supported TDM Pseudowire Encapsulations

Certification Description Availability
VLAN (MEF-8) Circuit Emulation Services over Available.
native Ethernet frames
IP/UDP (IETF) Layer 3 encapsulation over Ethernet Planned for future release.
MPLS (MFA8) MPLS encapsulation over Ethernet Planned for future release.

9.4 Standards Compliance

Specification Standard
Radio EN 302 217-2-2
EN 301 489-4
EMC EN 301 489-1
FCC 47 CFR, part 15, class B
EN 60950-1
IEC 60950-1
UL 60950-1
Safety CSA-C22.2 No.60950-1
EN 60950-22
UL 60950-22
CSA C22.2.60950-22
Ingress Protection IEC 60529 IP56
Operation Class 3.1
Storage Class 1.2
Transportation Class 2.3

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Evolution® IP-20LH Technical Description

9.5 Network Management, Diagnostics, Status, and Alarms

Network Management System NetMaster/PolyView
NMS Interface protocol
XML over HTTP/HTTPS toward the NMS
Element Management Web based EMS, CLI
Management Channels &
Authentication, Authorization & User access control
Accounting X-509 Certificate
Management Interface Dedicated Ethernet interfaces or in-band in traffic ports
In-Band Management Support dedicated VLAN for management
The NMS functions are in accordance with ITU-T recommendations
for TMN
RSL Indication Power reading (dBm) available at XCVR32, and NMS

Performance Monitoring Integral with onboard memory per ITU-T G.826/G.828

Note that the voltage measured at the BNC port is not accurate and should be used only as an

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