Heteronyms are words that are spelled identically but have different meanings when
pronounced differently. For example:
Lead, pronounced LEED, means to guide. However, lead, pronounced LED, means a metallic
Homographs are words that are spelled the same but differ in meaning, derivation, or
pronunciation. Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning,
derivation, or spelling. Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced the same but
have different meanings. There is overlap among these categories.
Heteronyms are specific types of homographs in which the different pronunciations are
associated with different meanings. Many heteronyms are the result of one pronunciation
being a verb and another being a noun.
Our lists of heteronyms are shown below. We are limiting ourselves to words commonly
used in the English language. Some of our heteronyms have completely different meanings
while others have somewhat related meanings. (We also list words that have nearly the
same meanings.) We also are including heteronyms in which at least one of the words is a
foreign word (as long as it is commonly used in English).
Browse our collection of word lists which allow you to examine words more closely. Provide
descriptions of words alongside dictionary definitions and a list of related words.
Alternate ALternit- the next choice; ALternait- switch back and forth
Are AHR- plural present tense of "to be"; AIR- 100 square meters (1/100th of a hectare)
[although may also be pronounced AHR]
Ares AIRS- 100 square meter units [plural]; AIReez- Greek god of war [capitalized]
Attribute ahTRIByoot- to consider resulting from; AHtribyoot- a characteristic of someone (12)
Axes AKsiz- more than one ax or axe; AKseez- the plural of axis
Bow BAU- to lower one's head or the front of a ship; BOH- used to shoot arrows
Buffet BUFFet- to pound or bump; booFAY- place where you serve yourself
Convert conVERT- to change one's belief; CONvert- one whose belief was changed
Drawer DROR- the compartment you pull out from the dresser; DRAWer- one who draws
House HAUS- a building that serves as living quarters; HOWZ- to provide with living quarters
Laminate LAMinate- to construct by adding layers; LAMinit [although both pronunciations are
listed]- the cover itself
Lather (rhymes with rather)- foam or suds; (rhymes with bath fur)- a worker who installs lath
(lattice work)
Number NUMber- one, two, three …; NUMMER- more numb [many dictionaries do not list this
use, which suggests that "more numb" is preferred; however, the listed use is given in The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition, Electronic version.]
Nun NUN- women in religious order; NOON- 14th letter in Hebrew alphabet
Pate PAIT- a bald head; paTAY- a minced food; PAHT- a porcelain paste [diacritics in pâté and
pâte don't count!]
Permit perMIT- to allow some event to occur; PERmit [although both pronunciations are listed]-
a document giving permission
Relay reeLAY- to put it down again, such as a carpet; REElay- a race by teams; rihLAY- to pass
along, such as information [One of our dictionaries gives these pronunciations, but does not
distinguish meanings among the latter two. The pronunciation may vary among individuals.]
Rerun reRUN- to race again or to repeat a show on television; RErun- a repeated TV show
Reside: reZIDE- to stay put; RE-SYD- [Slang] to change places (change teams) [usu.
hyphenated as re-side] (
Resign reZYN- to quit; reSYN- to sign again (e.g., a contract) [usu. hyphenated as re-sign]
Secrete seeKREET- to discharge; sehKRET- an armored skullcap [secrète, diacritics don't count!]
Secreted seeKREETed- having put out; SEEkrehted- placed out of sight
Sewer SOwer- one who sews; SOOwer- place for human waste
Slough SLUFF- the outer layer of skin of a snake; [rhymes with OW!]- a hole of deep mud or
mire; SLOO- a marshy pond
Heteronymic Sentences :
Mary & Harry Baldwin of San Diego are collectors of heteronyms. When they find a word, they
compose a sentence that uses the different meanings. For example:
When the brush fire was close, the authorities had to close the road.