How Are You Feeling?
How Are You Feeling?
How Are You Feeling?
What Happened?
Not on task Not following directions
Not or hitting
following directions
Not using kind words Being disrespectful
Not using kind words
Not on task
Pushing or hitting Not on_____________
Other: task
What Happened?
Not on task Not following directions
Not or hitting
following directions
Not using kind words Being disrespectful
Not using kind words
Not on task
Pushing or hitting Not on_____________
Other: task
______________________ _____________________ ______________________
Teacher Signature Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent Signature
The student will color in the face at the top as to how they are feeling. They will then put an X on the box that
indicates what their behavior was. The teacher will sit down with the student and make sure they marked the correct box
and help the student to form a plan of action to improve the behavior. The teacher will write the plan of action in the space
provided for the student. The document will then be signed by the teacher, the student, and their parent/legal guardian.