Hybrid Approach For Data Aggregation in WSN With Advance Security Protocol in

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 6 Issue: 6 127 – 133

Hybrid Approach for Data Aggregation in WSN with Advance Security Protocol
in NS2 Software

Yudhvir Kumar Naincy Duhan Mr. Tarun Dalal

M.Tech Scholar, CSE Department M.Tech Scholar, CSE Department Assistant Professor, CSE Department
CBS Group of Institution, Jhajjar CBS Group of Institution, Jhajjar CBS Group of Institution, Jhajjar
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: Energy efficiency is a crucial resource constrained WSN. Diverse techniques for example duty cycling, optimization
energy scheduling and data aggregation are applied so that energy can be used minimum. In this research paper there are two main
domains on which work carried out successfully. First one is data aggregation but data aggregation in our work is of two levels.
Another domain was security because as we know in MANET security is not up to the mark that is why unauthorized person can
access the data by deploying malicious note in our existing network. A robust analytical development of the proposed protocol is
presented by using concept of two level data aggregation. Quiet satisfactory performance of the proposed algorithm is depicted.
Data aggregation is attained by iteratively applying the proposed compression method at the cluster heads and on the other hand
data aggregation scheme in the presence of a Multi-interface Multi-Channel Routing Protocol is tested. One important thing is that
in a cluster. A node can be cluster head only single time after that new node will be cluster head. MMCR uses a metric defined by
various parameters like throughput, end-to-end delay and energy utilization to select Multi-Point Relay nodes to forward data
packets in each channel but keeping in mind that loss of packet or information must be reduced. Finally we can say that proposed
algorithm is far better than existed protocol. Besides that RSA security algorithm for encryption and decryption also applied so
that unauthorized person cannot access the information. There are various security algorithm available but selection must be
appropriate as per desired application.

Keywords- Data Aggregation, Security, Base Station, RSA, Quantization, MMCR, WSN

I. INTRODUCTION Efficient data collection in WSN plays a key role in power

conservation. Data produced by nodes in the network
WSN consists of a large number of sensor nodes. Each sensor propagates through other nodes in the network via wireless
node senses environmental conditions and sends the sensed links. When compared to local processing of data, wireless
data to a base station (BS), which is a long way off in general. transmission is extremely expensive. Researchers estimated
Low energy consumption is very important for sensor nodes, that sending a single bit over radio is at least three orders of
since the sensor nodes are powered charged by limited power magnitude more expensive than executing a single instruction.
batteries. In order to reduce the energy consumption, a
clustering and data aggregation approach has been extensively
used. In this approach, sensor nodes are divided into clusters,
and for each cluster, one representative node, which called
cluster head (CH), aggregates all the data within the cluster
and sends the data to BS. Since only CH nodes need long
distance transmission via multi-hop, the other simple nodes
only have to send data to CH via single-hop, whereby save the
energy consumption.

Figure2 Wireless Sensor network architecture

Figure1 Sensor node architecture
IJRITCC | June 2018, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 6 127 – 133
In data aggregation, Confidentiality and integrity are the key a1gorithm is proposed to detect Sybi1 attack. Performance
security issues. Data confidentiality is to protect the sensitive eva1uation is done using the packet de1ivery ratio, number of
transmitted data from passive attacks. It is particularly vital in a packets generated. The resu1ts shows that packet de1ivery
hostile environment, where the wireless channels are ratio and number of packets generated for Sybi1 nodes are
vulnerable to eavesdropping. The complicated encryption and same in each scenario.
decryption operations can use the sensor power quickly.
Another security issue is data integrity which avoids the Mr.Rakesh, Kr.Ranjan , S.P.Karmore [2015]: Wire1ess
compromised source nodes or aggregator nodes from sensor networks (WSNs) are wide1y used in many different
significantly changing the final aggregation value. Sensor number of app1ications, 1ike border survei11ance, under
nodes are easy to be compromised due to lack of expensive water sensor networks etc. In a 1arge WSN, there is significant
tampering- resistant hardware and even that hardware might reduction in the amount of communication overhead and
not always be reliable. A compromised node can alter, forge or energy consumption when in network data aggregation is
discard messages. Two different methods can be used for performed. Various methods avai1ab1e for data aggregation
secure data aggregation in WSN, first one is hop-by-hop are: hierarchy aggregation, averaging. Different a1gorithms
encrypted data aggregation and the second one is end-to-end which performs secured data aggregation considered are
encrypted data aggregation. The system architecture for the ESPDA (Energy efficient and secure pattern based data
proposed multi-level data aggregation model is shown in figure aggregation), SRDA (Secure reference based data
aggregation). However in a11 these approaches the a1gorithms
Figure3 System Architecture for Multi-Level Data do not a11ow intermediate nodes to perform data aggregation
Aggregation thus 1imits the benefit of data aggregation. In this paper the
new approach i.e. bui1t in se1f test (BIST) is considered which
wi11 perform secured data aggregation [2].
Jinfang Jiang, Guangjie Han, Feng Wang, 1ei Shu, Sumedha Sirsikar, Samarath Anavatti [2015]: In Wire1ess
Member [2015]: Trust mode1s suggested as an effective Sensor Networks (WSN) sensor nodes are dep1oyed in a
security mechanism for WSNs. Considerab1e research has region to sense the information. These sensor nodes sense the
been done on mode1ing trust. However, most current research simi1ar information and send it to sink node. This thing 1eads
work on1y takes communication behavior into account to to redundancy at sink node. Sink node wastes most of its
ca1cu1ate sensor nodes' trust va1ue, which is not enough for energy in processing redundant packets. To save the energy of
trust eva1uation due to the widespread ma1icious attacks. In node in order to pro1ong the network 1ifetime there is need to
this paper, we propose an Efficient Distributed Trust Mode1 e1iminate redundancy. In this paper we have focused on
(EDTM) for WSNs. First, according to the number of packets different issues in data aggregation process such as de1ay,
received by sensor nodes, direct trust and recommendation redundancy e1imination, accuracy and traffic 1oad and
trust are se1ective1y ca1cu1ated. Then, communication trust, mentioned various methods to so1ve those issues and then we
energy trust and data trust are considered during the compared some data aggregation techniques based on strategy,
ca1cu1ation of direct trust. Furthermore, trust re1iabi1ity and de1ay, redundancy, average energy consumption and traffic
fami1iarity are defined to improve the accuracy of 1oad. Further we have proposed a mode1 based on our study
recommendation trust. The proposed EDTM can eva1uate which performs data aggregation at mu1tip1e 1eve1s and not
trustworthiness of sensor nodes more precise1y and prevent on1y maintains the tradeoff between energy conservation and
the security breaches more effective1y. Simu1ation resu1ts re1iabi1ity but a1so addresses a11 the issues in data
show that EDTM outperforms other simi1ar mode1s [1] aggregation technique [3].

Ani1, Yashpa1 Singh [2015]: Wire1ess Sensor Networks are Suchithra, Sumitha Thankachan [2015]: The researchers are
unique1y characterized by properties 1ike 1imited power they facing numerous unique cha11enges with the emergence of the
can harvest or store, dynamic network topo1ogy, 1arge sca1e sensor networks which is posing as one of the dominant
of dep1oyment. Sensor networks have a huge app1ication in techno1ogy trend in the current decade. The sensor networks
fie1d which inc1udes habitat monitoring, object tracking, which are 1ike1y composed of hundreds, and potentia11y
redetection, 1and s1ide detection and monitoring. Whi1e there thousands of tiny sensor nodes, function autonomous, in many
are many types of security attacks in WSNs, we have decided cases, without the access to the renewab1e energy resources.
to focus our ana1ysis on a particu1ar1y harmfu1 one: the Some important factors such as cost constraints need for
Sybi1 attack. A Sybi1 attack succeeds when a ma1icious node, ubiquitous and invisib1e dep1oyments wi11 a1so resu1t in the
ca11ed the Sybi1 node, i11egitimate1y c1aims mu1tip1e fa1se sma11 sized, resource-constrained sensor nodes. In this paper,
identities by either fabricating new identities or impersonating we concentrate on the security of Wire1ess Sensor Networks,
existing ones. The goa1 of a Sybi1 attack is to gain a since the set of cha11enges in the sensor networks are much
disproportionate amount of inf1uence over the network via its diverse in nature. We have made a depth threat ana1ysis of
fa1se identities. A detai1ed study of these methods has been Wire1ess Sensor Network and a1so propose some of the
carried out and comparison tab1e gives an overview of the countermeasures against these threats. We a1so propose some
method’s performance. Conc1usions have been drawn using of the security goa1s for the Wire1ess Sensor Network. In
the comparison tab1e. Parameters show how the method further, security is more important for the acceptance and the
performs. Simu1ation work is performed on NS2 simu1ator. usage of the sensor networks for as many app1ications.
We have imp1emented the simp1e form of Sybi1 attack and an
IJRITCC | June 2018, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 6 127 – 133
Nanthini.D and R.A.Rose1ine [2014]: In this article, we RSSI (Received Signal fury Information) the nodes engage
provide a review of existing approaches, techniques and their CH (Cluster Head). Now the node charge and became
protoco1s for aggregation in wire1ess sensor networks. husband and wife request message to the recommended CH.
Throughout this paper we discuss some of the various types of The tie charge message contains the CHs ID everywhere the
aggregation in Wire1ess Sensor Networking fie1d. Various node wants to join and by the same token it contains the nodes
protoco1s have been proposed to routing packets for ID.
faci1itating data aggregation. Genera11y the users require
on1y efficient aggregate functions. A sensor network may
consist of hundreds or thousands of 1ow-cost sensors. Each
acts as an information source, sensing and co11ecting data
from the environment for a given task [5].

The proposed solution, called RSA for security. The main and
most important improvement in this proposed solution is based
on the concept of selection of Cluster Head and which node
sends the information when redundant data are detected. On
the other hand, by combining features of MMCR protocols is
allowed not to send the redundant data within a cluster and
among different iterations, i.e. redundancy is eliminated first
among nodes in the same cluster, and later from the same
nodes among consecutive iterations, thus we eliminate 100%

Cluster Head Selection

In our model, all nodes maintain a neighboring table to
accumulate the data to neighbors. All nodes to absent in the
radio range r of the distribution node are neighbors of the
node. All nodes receive the data communication in the radio
range and update its neighborhood table. Then each node
calculates it distances from its neighbor nodes and also they
calculate their weights by following formula. Calculate node
weights with the help of this equation.
𝑊𝑖 = 𝑅𝐸𝑖 × 2
𝑑 𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣𝑗
𝑗 =1

In the written equation WI is weight of every node i and d (vi,

vj) is the distance between two node i and node j. Every node
broadcasts its weight inside the given transmission range. Figure 5 Planning of work
Node which has the highest weight among all it’s nearest in
transmission range r is selected as Cluster Head (CH). Data Aggregation
Data aggregation is defined as the process of aggregating the
Cluster Formation data from multiple sensors to eliminate redundant
Behind the cluster pates are best liked, they (CHs) give off a transmissions. The main objective of RSA cryptograph make a
story word, that contains the nodes ID and jump head to find security to in a data aggregation protocol as efficient as
out it as a result of other messages. possible, using techniques of existing protocols, improving
these techniques and improve different parts of the protocol
with ideas and own studies always focused on the application
of RSA security to the field of agriculture. As mentioned
before, RSA important security and data aggregation
protocols, but as far as data aggregation is concerned, they are
incomplete or at least could be improved. RSA eliminate
redundancy between different nodes in the same cluster, but
not inside the same node. In contrast, RSA removes
redundancy of the same node, but not among neighboring
nodes. RSA tries to combine these two characteristics and
implements several improvements and new concepts in order
Figure4 Communication between Clusters
IJRITCC | June 2018, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 6 127 – 133
to obtain better data aggregation protocol and therefore reduce is public, while the decryption key is not. The algorithm with
network energy consumption and extend the life of the nodes. the correct decryption key can decipher an encrypted message.
Every person has their own encryption & decryption keys.
Through this method efficient data aggregation model is
achieve and the life time of sensors node are increased.

Table 1: Simulation parameters in NS2

Simulation Result
End to End Delay

Figure6 Flow chart for RSA Encryption

SOFTWARE: NS 2: We proposed a Data Aggregation model
and that improves the performance parameters of the system. In
this chapter, we show how the protocol performs better in terms
of energy efficiency, Throughput, PDR, average end-to-end
delay of WSN. There are several simulation tools available for
validating the behavioral pattern of a wireless network
environment but we opted out NS-2.35 as our tool in
simulating the proposed protocol.
Figure7 End-to-end delay comparison
Proposed Algorithm
A cryptographic Hash Function algorithm is mainly used-RSA
in data Aggregation. By using, the data packets are transferred Total Packet Dropped – The failure of one or more
through dynamic routing by time to time key value change transmitted packets to arrive at their destination is called as
securely. RSA cryptography implements two important Total Packet Dropped. Figure shows that in term of drop
methods: Public-key generating encryption and Private-key packet AODV give the better performance compared to
generating decryption. In RSA Cryptography, encryption key proposed protocol.
Packet Drop Ratio = Data packets sent – Data packets received
IJRITCC | June 2018, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 6 127 – 133
Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) – The ratio between the
numbers of packets delivered to receiver to the number of
packets sent by the source is called as Packet Delivery Ratio.
It denotes the maximum throughput a network can achieve. A
high average packet delivery ratio is desired in the network
Packet Delivery Ratio = (Packets Received / Packets
Generated) * 100

Figure8 Dropped data packets comparison

Energy Consumption
Figure11 Packet Delivery Ratio comparison

Figure9 Energy Consumption comparison

Normalized Load Figure12 Throughput comparison

Figure10 Normalized Load Comparison

Figure13 Comparative analysis of Send packet
IJRITCC | June 2018, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 6 127 – 133
The data’s are aggregated by using clustering based energy
efficient algorithm and by providing key security to the
packets dynamically with time to time key value change. In
this research paper there are two main domains on which work
carried out successfully. First one is data aggregation but data
aggregation in our work is of two levels. Another domain was
security because as we know in MANET security is not up to
the mark that is why unauthorized person can access the data
by deploying malicious note in our existing network. It is an
effective mechanism to save energy and delay provide security
in WSN. The secured data aggregation can be seen access only
authorized user. Using this advanced methodology, the data
packets or information are transfer through the dynamic
routing by according time to time key value changed securely.
RSA implements two important ideas: Public-key encryption
and Private- Key decryption. In RSA, encryption keys are
public, while the decryption keys are private. The analysis of
Figure14 Four hopes are assigned and hope 35 sense data,
the results it can be inferred that efficient in-network data
choose nearest node
fusion and data aggregation can reduce the amount of
communication in the network and optimize the network
lifetime. Due to data aggregation techniques energy can be
saved effectively and as we know energy is one of the
important parameters.

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IJRITCC | June 2018, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org

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