1. A 14 month old child with spastic diplegia is standing on their tiptoes with curled toes, which is characteristic of a proprioceptive placing reaction.
2. For a 1 year old child with CP and strong extensor tone, the most appropriate way to carry them is with contact to the back of their head.
3. For a child developing knee flexion contractures from JRA, the least appropriate intervention is exercises to increase quadriceps strength.
1. A 14 month old child with spastic diplegia is standing on their tiptoes with curled toes, which is characteristic of a proprioceptive placing reaction.
2. For a 1 year old child with CP and strong extensor tone, the most appropriate way to carry them is with contact to the back of their head.
3. For a child developing knee flexion contractures from JRA, the least appropriate intervention is exercises to increase quadriceps strength.
1. A 14 month old child with spastic diplegia is standing on their tiptoes with curled toes, which is characteristic of a proprioceptive placing reaction.
2. For a 1 year old child with CP and strong extensor tone, the most appropriate way to carry them is with contact to the back of their head.
3. For a child developing knee flexion contractures from JRA, the least appropriate intervention is exercises to increase quadriceps strength.
1. A 14 month old child with spastic diplegia is standing on their tiptoes with curled toes, which is characteristic of a proprioceptive placing reaction.
2. For a 1 year old child with CP and strong extensor tone, the most appropriate way to carry them is with contact to the back of their head.
3. For a child developing knee flexion contractures from JRA, the least appropriate intervention is exercises to increase quadriceps strength.
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The document discusses evaluation and treatment of pediatric patients in physical therapy. It covers topics like normal developmental milestones, appropriate interventions for various conditions, and recommendations for parents/caregivers.
Prevention of contractures and determination of the best method of mobility
Refer for immediate medical follow-up
Take head circumference
measurements to compare at 1. When held in supported standing, a 14 subsequent visits month y/o child with spastic diplegia is up 6. When evaluating wheelchair positioning of on tiptoes with the tiptoes curled. This a child with cerebral palsy, the physical position is characteristic of a therapist should FIRST examine the position A. Proprioceptive placing reaction of the child’s B. Moro Reflex A. pelvis. C. Plantar Grasp reflex B. lower extremities D. Traction response C. head. 2. Which of the following methods is most D. spine. appropriate for handling a 1 y/o child with 7. A 14 month-old child with brachial nerve CP who exhibits strong extensor tone in the palsy has motor and sensory loss in the right trunk and extremities? upper extremity in the areas innervated by A. Carrying the child in a sitting position C5 and C6. Which of the following activities B. Carrying the child over one’s shoulder is MOST difficult for the child to accomplish C. Keeping contact with the back of the with the affected upper extremity? child’s head A. Pushing a wagon D. Picking up the child up under the extremities B. Carrying a teddy bear in the crook 3. An 8 y/o JRA is developing bilateral knee of the arm flexion contractures. Which of the following C. Holding a raisin in the palm of the interventions is LEAST appropriate? hand A. Exercises to increase joint mobility D. Grasping a cup B. US to the hamstring insertions to increase 8. A child who has cerebral palsy has been tissue extensibility receiving physical therapy 1 time/week for C. Progressive weight-bearing by walking in a the past month. During the fourth visit, the therapeutic pool to increase endurance physical therapist instructs the parents in a D. Exercise to increase quadriceps strength daily exercise program for the child, 4. For a child with Duchenne muscular including stretching techniques. The BEST dystrophy, the MOST appropriate physical method to ensure correct implementation therapy goal is: and carry-over of the program is for the A. prevention of contractures and therapist to: determination of the best method of A. Reassess the patient’s range of mobility motion 1 month after instructing the B. preservation of strength and muscle parents. tone. B. review the parents’ written notes on C. inhibition of abnormal muscle tone the child’s progress. and facilitation of normal movement C. demonstrate exercises for the and postural reactions parents and ask them to return for a D. Facilitation of normal movement program check in 1 week. and improvement of strength. D. ask the parents to demonstrate the 5. The parents of a 1 month-old child with exercises and to return for a program myelomeningocele report that the child has check in 1 week. been increasingly irritable and has changed 9. A 6 year-old child with spastic diplegia is sleeping patterns over the past 3 days. The walking in the parallel bars. The child walks child has also been vomiting. Which of the with increased trunk and hip flexion. What is following actions is MOST appropriate for the the MOST appropriate assistive device for therapist to take? this patient? A. Refer for immediate medical follow- A. Standard walker up. B. Forearm crutches B. Instruct the parents to monitor head C. Posterior rolling walker circumference daily D. Bilateral quad canes C. Advise the parents to watch the child for worsening symptoms. 10. The parent of a 4 year-old child who has C. Between the 24th and 37th week myelomeningocele is interested in obtaining D. Between the 20th and 37th week orthoses for the child’s gait training. The 15. A pediatric patient is referred to the clinic child has an L1 neurological level lesion. for the physical therapy. You have no Which of the following orthoses is the MOST experience in pediatrics or reasonable appropriate selection for the physical understanding of how to treat and progress therapist to discuss with the parent? this particular cerebral palsy child. Which of A. Hip-knee-ankle-foot with locked hips the following would be appropriate for you B. Reciprocating-gait to perform ethically and legally with this C. Knee-ankle-foot with a pelvic band patient? D. Ankle-foot A. A. Since you are not qualified to 11. A physical therapist is examining a 9 month- treat pediatrics, do not accept this old child who was born at 28 weeks patient gestational age. Which of the following B. Accept the patient, but do not activities should this child be able to promise overoptimistic results perform? C. Accept the patient. perform a A. Walking independently thorough examination and attempt B. Standing independently treatment to the best of your ability C. Creeping on hands and knees D. Refer the patient to a facility that D. Rolling supine to prone specializes in pediatric physical 12. A child is referred to PT from evaluation and therapy treatment of acute-onset knee pain. He 16. A physical therapist is working in an does not recall any injury and says he has elementary school system with a child who not even participated in physical education demonstrates moderate to severe extensor class at school for the last week due to spasticity and limited head control. The restrictions from recent removal of his MOST appropriate positioning device would wisdom teeth. On evaluation, he has be a: localized erythema, tenderness just above A. wheelchair with adductor pommel. the patella, and localized edema. He has B. wheelchair with a back wedge and also been running a low-grade fever. What head supports. primary pathology may be causing his knee C. supine stander with abduction pain? wedge. A. Patellofemoral pain D. prone stander with abduction B. Osteomyelitis wedge. C. Osteoathritis 17. The best predictor of ambulation in young D. Osgood-schlatter syndrome children with cerebral palsy is 13. You are working with a cerebral palsy child. A. Absence of primitive reflexes at 3 You notice that the child has great difficulty months reaching for an object with one hand. The B. Absence of tonic neck reflexes child prefers to reach for an object with C. Independent sitting by 24 months of both hands. What age would be considered age normal for a child to be able to reach for an D. Independent standing by 1 year of object with one hand? age A. 3 months 18. A 13 y/o girl has fractured the (L) patella B. 6 months during a volleyball game. The physician C. 1 year determines the superior pole is the location D. 9 months of the fracture. Which of the following 14. 54. An 18-year-old female having her first should be avoided in early rehabilitation? child went into premature labor and A. Full knee extension delivered a baby girl. Between which weeks B. 45 degrees of knee flexion of pregnancy is labor defined as C. 90 degrees of knee flexion premature? D. 15 degrees of knee flexion A. Between the 30th and 37th week 19. In children with osteogenesis imperfecta, B. Between the 28th and 37th week. fractures heal A. Within in the normal healing time C. Postural reactions and motor B. More quickly than normal milestones are developed slower in C. More slowly than normal patient who have Down’s Syndrome, D. Only with assistance of medication but with the same association with 20. The joint most frequently involved in a normal infants pauciarticular JRA is the D. Postural reactions and motor A. Cervical spine milestones are not developed with B. Lumbar spine the same association with patients C. Knee who have Down’s Syndrome as with D. Wrist normal infants 21. The most common onset type of JRA is 25. The spastic type of CP usually from A. Systemic involvement of the B. Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis A. Corpus callosum C. Polyarticular B. Basal ganglia D. Pauciarticular C. Motor cortex 22. During the examination of an infant, the D. Cerebellum therapist observes that with passive flexion 26. Which of the following statements is true of the head the infant actively flexes the regarding myelodysplasia? arms and actively extends the legs. Which A. Myelodysplasia is defined as of the following reflexes is being observed? defective development limited to A. Protective extension the anterior horn cells of the spinal B. Optical righting cord C. Symmetrical tonic neck B. Embryologically, myelodysplastic D. Labyrinthine head righting lesion can be related to either 23. A patient asks the therapist whether she abnormal nervous system should be concerned that her 4 month old neurulation or canalization infant cannot roll from his back to his C. Myelodysplasia is often associated stomach. The most appropriate response to with genetic abnormalities; however the parent is: there is no association with A. “This is probably nothing to be teratogens concerned about because, although D. Myelodysplasia refers to defects in It varies, infant can usually perform the lower spinal cord only. this task by 10 months of age” 27. Which of the following statements is true B. “This is probably nothing to be regarding progressive neurologic concerned about because, dysfunction although it varies, infants can usually A. Progressive neurologic dysfunction is perform this task by 5 months of age common during periods of rapid C. Your infant probably needs further growth bout does not occur once examination by a specialist, skeletal maturity is reached although it varies, infants can usually B. Deterioration of the gait patterns is perform this task at 2 months of age one of the last symptoms to be D. Your infant probably needs further detected examination by a specialist C. Symptoms include loss of sensation because, although it varies, infants and or strength, pain along a can usually perform this task at birth dermatome or incision, spasticity, 24. Which of the following statements is true in onset or worsens and changes in comparing infant’s with Down Syndrome to bowel or bladder sphincter control infants with no known abnormalities? D. Development of scoliosis will always A. Motor milestones are reached at the rapid same time with both groups 28. Fine synergistic control of neck flexors and B. Postural reactions are developed in extensors in the upright position typically the same time frame with both appears in the groups A. 2nd month B. 3rd month C. 4th month B. Constricting the degrees of D. 5th month freedoms used when performing the 29. In typically developing children, successful skill head turning in prone position with an erect C. Perfecting postural control and head is characterized by transitions between postures A. Hip extension, medial rotation, and D. Developing a single way of abduction performing the skill B. Cervical spine extension and 34. What is the strongest predictor of skill in rotation with weight-bearing on walking for children with typical upper abdomen development C. Shoulder flexion and abduction with A. Age weight bearing on elbows B. Duration of time since walking D. Caudal weight shift with load began bearing on lateral thighs and lower C. Weight abdomen D. Extent of walking practice 30. Development in children with CP is 35. It is typical of a 3 y/o child to characterized by A. Manage buttoning wheel A. Failure to develop reciprocal B. Alternate feet when a patterns of muscle activation C. Be unafraid of falling B. The appearance of fidgety D. Shows no dysmetria during black movements as defined by Prechtl stacking and colleagues at about 9 weeks of 36. After completing a development age assessment on 7 months old. Which of the C. The appearance of chorea at about following reflexes would not be integrated 6 months of age A. Galant reflex D. Failure to develop binocularity of B. Moro Reflex vision C. Landau reflex 31. Circling arm movements, finger spreading D. STNR and a poor of repertoire of general 37. A physical therapist working in an early movements are characteristic of intervention program is providing A. Down’s syndrome intervention to an intent diagnosed with B. Muscular dystrophy Erb's palsy This condition most often involves C. Spastic cerebral palsy what nerve roots? D. Dyskinetic cerebral palsy A. C2-C3 32. The movement of repertoire of the human B. C3-C4 newborn includes C. C5-C6 A. Projection of arm toward stationary D. C8-T1 objects, kicking and mouth to hand 38. A patient with an Erb’s palsy will have behaviors paralysis of all the following muscles except B. Projection of arm toward stationary the objects, reaching with grasping and a. Flexor carpi ulnaris neonatal stepping behaviors b. Rhomboids C. Projection of the arm toward moving c. Brachialis objects, reaching and grasping and d. Teres minor light-avoidance behaviors 39. An 8-year-old female was admitted to the D. Projection of the arm toward moving hospital with hepatomegaly; low grade objects, mouth to hand and kicking from; and swollen and stiff ankle, knee, hip, behaviors elbow, and wrist joints. What is the most 33. Once a new motor skill is obtained further likely diagnosis? development entails a. Systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis A. Performance with more use of (IRA sensory feedback b. Polyarticular JRA c. Pauciarticular JRA d. Oligoarticular JRA 40. Children who utilize training programs will D. "'This is probably nothing to be not improve concerned about because, A. Strength although it vanes, most infants can B. Anaerobic conditioning sit unsupported at 5 months at age." C. Balance 45. Using tests of neurologic status and motor D. The ratio of "fast twitch. muscle fibers motor action, an experienced physical to slow twitch muscle fibers therapist or pediatrician should be able to 41. Which of the following is false for the child accurately diagnose cerebral palsy in all vans the adult? but the mildest cases by a. Children have less tolerance for exercise in A. 3 months of age the heat B. 6 months of age b. Children have similar nutritional C. I year of age requirements. D. 2 years of age c. Children need more hydration in all 46. You are performing an examination on a 2- situations. month-old infant diagnosed with Klumpke’s d. Children should follow the same weight- palsy, The classic physical findings of a training routines. Klumpke’s Palsy 42. A physical therapy examination of an infant A. Lack of forearm supination, elbow with osteogenesis imperfecta should include extension, and wrist flexion all of the following except B. Lack of forearm supination, elbow A. Pain flexion, end wrist extension B. Passive ROM C. Lack of shoulder external rotation, C. Caregiver's handling elbow flexion, and wrist extension D. Active functional movement D. Lack of elbow extension, forearm 43. A child loses balance and falls doom pronation, and wrist flexion whenever she tries to catch a ball thrown in 47. An infant is able to transition from her direction, otherwise the child can sit, quadruped to sitting, demons.te protective stand, and walk well. The physical therapist extension reactions in all directions except would determine that the child has problem backwards, and pivots on belly in a prone with position. This infant is demonstrating gross A. Development of higher-level motor skills at what chronologic age? balance skills A. 3 to 4 months B. Protective reactions B. 5 to 6 months C. Anticipatory postural control C. 7 to 8 months D. Labyrinthine head righting D. 11 to 12 months 44. A mother comes to a therapist concerned 48. A two-month-old infant is diagnosed with that her 4-month-old infant cannot it up left congenital muscular torticollis, which has alone yet. Which of the following responses resulted in plagiocephaly. This would result in is the most appropriate for the therapist? A. Flattening of the left frontal and left A. "Your infant probably needs further occipital regions examination by a specialist B. Flattening of the right frontal and left because, although it varies, infants occipital regions can usually sit unsupported at 2 C. Flattening of the right frontal and months of age,' right occipital regions B. "Your infant probably needs further D. Flattening of the left frontal and right examination by a specialist occipital regions because, although it varies, infants 49. A therapist is examining a 3-year-old child, can usually sit unsupported at 3 who is positioned as follows: supine, hips months of age." flexed to 90 degrees, hips fully adducted, C. "This is probably nothing to be and lames Bated The therapist passively concerned about because, abducts and raises the thigh, applying an although it varies, most infants can sit anterior shear force to the hip joint. A click unsupported at 8 months of age." at 30 degrees of abduction is noted by the therapist. What orthopedic test is the therapist performing, and what is its C. Extending the head and neck in significance? prone, and controlling the pelvis A. Ortolani's test, hip dislocation while using the upper extremities in B. Appley’s compression/distraction supine test, cartilage damage D. Crawling and creeping C. McMurray test, cartilage damage 55. A physical therapist completees a D. Piston test, hip dislocation developmental assessment and identifies 50. The therapist is examining a patient with a that the infant is unable to roll from supine to diagnosis of cerebral palsy. The therapist side. Which of the following reflexes could notes that all of the extremities and the trunk interfere with the action of rolling? are involved. Further assessment also reveals A. Asymmetric tonic neck reflex that the lower extremities are more involved B. Moro Reflex than the upper extremities and that the right C. Landau reflex aide is mom involved than the left. This D. Symmetric tonic neck reflex patient most likely has which classification of 56. Proper supportive positioning of an infant cerebral palsy? with osteogenesis imperfecta is important A. Spastic hemiplegia for all of the following reasons except B. Spastic triplegia A. Keeping extremities immobilized to C. Spastic quadriplegia prevent fractures D. Spastic diplegia B. Protection from fracturing 51. An infant with Erb's palsy presents with the C. Minimizing joint malalignment and involved upper extremity in which of the deformities following positions? D. . Promotion of muscle strengthening A. Hand supinated and wrist extended 57. A therapist is ordered to fabricate a splint for B. Hand supinated and wrist flexed a 2-month-old infant with congenital hip C. Hand pronated and wrist extended dislocation. In what position should the hip D. Hand pronated and wrist flexed be placed while in the splint? 52. When reviewing a patient's chart, the A. Flexion and adduction therapist determines that the patient has a B. Extension and adduction condition in which the cauda equina is in a C. Extension and abduction fluid-filled sac protruding from the hack. D. Flexion and abduction What form of spina bifida does the patient 58. A 6-month-old infant with acetabular most likely have? dysplasia of the right hip diagnosed by A. Meningocele radiograph, with a history of a dislocatable B. Meningomyelocele hip at birth, would usually be treated with C. Spina bifida occulta A. Arthrogram and closed reduction D. Lipoma B. Spica cast 53. A therapist is scheduled to treat a patient C. Pavlik harness with cerebral palsy who has been classified D. Open reduction as a spastic quadriplegic. What type of 59. You an performing an examination on a 2- orthopedic deformity should the therapist yen-old patient diagnosed with leukemia expect to see in the patient's feet? who has been hospitalized for I month and is A. Talipes equinovalgus currently undergoing chemotherapy. Upon B. Talipes equinovarus observation, you notice that the patient has C. Hindfoot valgus difficulty with transitioning from low to high D. Abnormally large calcaneus kneel. You would suspect which primary 54. What is necessary for an infant to have muscle is weak? mastered before sitting independently on A. Biceps Femoris propped upper extremities can be B. Gastrocnemius achieved? C. Gluteus maximus A. Rolling prone to supine and supine to D. Iliopsoas prone 60. A PT is working with a child who has cerebral B. Translation of grasped objects from palsy. The child has limited range emotion hand to hand (ROM) in bilateral upper extremities and is unable to reach out for objects. The PT hydrocephalus tells the PT that her daughter provides intervention that focuses on vomited several times, was irritable, and is allowing the child to participate in play now lethargic. The therapist's BEST course of activities. The best position to place the action is to: child in is A. Call for emergency transportation A. Side-lying and notify the pediatrician B. Prone immediately. C. Supine B. Give the child a cold bath to try to D. Sitting rouse her 61. A child diagnosed with cerebral palsy has C. Place the child in a side-lying severe spasticity in the bilateral upper position and monitor vital signs. extremities. The occupational therapy D. Have the mother give the child referral states “fabricate splints to prevent clear liquids because she vomited. hand deformities." The theoretical approach 66. An I8-month-old child with Down syndrome for splinting should emphasize placement of and moderate developmental delay is the bands in the being treated at an Early Intervention A. Intrinsic minus position Program. Daily training activities that should B. Anti-claw position be considered include: C. Resting hand position A. Stimulation to postural extensors in D. Reflex inhibiting position sitting using rhythmic stabilization. 62. A therapist is treating a patient with a spinal B. Locomotor training using body cord injury. The therapist is discharging the weight support and a motorized patient after completion of all physical treadmill. therapy goals. One of the completed long- C. Holding and weight shifting in sitting term goals involved the ability to dress and and standing using tactile and bathe independently with assistive devices. verbal cueing. This would be a most challenging but D. Rolling activities, initiating obtainable goal for which of the following? movement with stretch and tracking A. C5 quadriplegia resistance. B. C7 quadriplegia 67. A therapist is examining a child with a history C. T1 paraplegia of primary lymphedema of the right lower D. C4 quadriplegia extremity that was diagnosed at birth. 63. A physical therapist is examining a 5-nay-old Thickening of skin folds of the toes is evident. infant with cerebral palsy. The infant has an The therapist documents these findings as: abnormal amount of extensor tone. Which A. Positive stemmer sign of the following is incorrect positioning B. Pitting edema advice for the family and nursing staff? C. Dermal backflow A. Keep the infant in a supine position. D. Secondary Edema B. Keep the infant in a prone position. 68. A G-year-old boy has a diagnosis of C. Keep the infant in a right side-lying Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, with more position. than a third of lower extremity muscles D. Keep the infant in left side-lying graded less than 3/5. The child is still position. ambulatory with assistive devices for short 64. Which of the following is the moo important distances. The MOST appropriate activity to goal in treating pediatric patients with include in his POC would be: postural reaction deficits? A. Progressive resistance strength A. Age-appropriate responses training at 80% maximum vital B. Automatic responses capacity. C. Conscious responses B. 30 minutes of circuit training using D. Lower extremity control before resistance training and conditioning upper extremity control exercises. 65. During a home visit, the mother of an IS- C. Recreational physical activities such month-old child with developmental delay as swimming. and an atrioventricular shunt for D. Wheelchair sports. 69. A physical therapy plan of care for a child B. Prone stander. with spastic cerebral palsy who is 3 years old C. Tone-reducing AFOs. chronologically and cognitively, but at a 6- D. Posture-control walker (posterior month-old gross developmental level would walker) include: 73. A physical therapy functional goal for a 5- A. Reaching for a black and white year-old child with a high lumbar lesion object while in the supine position. (myelomeningocele, L2 level) and minimal B. Reaching for a multicolored object cognitive involvement would be: while in an unsupported standing A. Community ambulation with position. HKAFOs and Lofstrand crutches. C. Reaching for a multicolored object B. Household ambulation with a while in an unsupp0l1ed, guarded reciprocating gait Orthosis (RCO) sitting position. and Lofstrand crutches. D. Visually tracking a black and white C. Community ambulation with an RCO object held 9 inches from his/her and Lofstrand crutches. face D. Household ambulation with KAFOs 70. A 2-week-old infant born at 27 weeks' and rollator walker. gestation with hyaline membrane disease is 74. A PT is treating a 2-year-old child with Down referred for a physical therapy consult. syndrome who frequently uses a W sitting Nursing reports that the child "desaturates to position. The main reason to discourage W 84% with handling" and has minimal sitting in this child is that it may cause: secretions at present. The PT should: A. Abnormally low tone because of A. Provide suggestions to nursing for reflex activity. positioning for optimal motor B. Femoral antetorsion and medial development. knee stress. B. Perform manual techniques for C. Developmental delay of normal secretion clearance, 2-4 hours daily, sitting. to maintain airway patency. D. Hip subluxation and lateral knee C. Put the PT consult on hold, because stress the child is too ill to tolerate exercise. 75. A child with spastic cerebral palsy is having D. Delegate to a physical therapy difficulty releasing food from the hand to assistant (PTA) a maintenance the mouth. Once the child has brought the program of manual techniques for food to the mouth, it would be helpful for secretion clearance the caregiver to: Choices: 71. The therapist is treating a I-year-old child A. Slowly stroke the finger flexors in a with Down syndrome at home, and notices distal-to-proximal direction. decreasing strength in the extremities, with B. Apply a quick stretch to the finger neck pain and limited neck motion. Upper flexors. extremity deep tendon reflexes (DTRs) are C. Slowly stroke the finger extensors in a 3+. The therapist suspects: proximal-to-distal direction. A. Upper motor neuron signs consistent D. Passively extend the fingers. with Down syndrome 76. A young child with newly diagnosed cystic B. Atlanto-axial subluxation with spinal fibrosis is being seen by a PT in the home. cord impingement. Which intervention should be considered for C. Lower motor neuron signs consistent this patient? with Down syndrome. A. Teach the parents secretion removal D. Atlanto-axial subluxation with techniques to all segments of all lemniscal impingement. lobes of both lungs once or twice a 72. A 4-year-old child with moderate spastic day. diplegia is referred to physical therapy for B. Teach the child active cycle of an adaptive equipment evaluation. Which breathing technique (ACBT) to be device/apparatus would be done once or twice a day to clear CONTRAINDICATED? retained secretions. A. Bilateral KAFOs. C. Teach the child use of the acapella prematurity at birth. The child is now 8 device in postural drainage positions months old and is just learning to sit. The BEST to be performed once or twice a choice for training activity is: day. A. Standing tilting reactions. D. Teach the child autogenic drainage B. Sideward protective extension in for secretion removal to be sitting. performed once or twice daily C. Prone tilting reactions. 77. A 2 month-old child with bilateral hip D. Supine tilting reactions. dislocations is being discharged from an 81. A mother brings her 8-week-old infant to be acute pediatric facility. The PT has examined at early intervention because she developed a home exercise program and noticed that the infant was taking steps in now needs to instruct the parents. The MOST supported standing at 2 weeks, but is not important item for the therapist to assess able to do it now. The therapist should: before instructing the parents is: Choices: Choices: A. The financial reimbursement plan. 2. A. Recommend that a full B. Their degree of anxiety and developmental examination be attention. performed by the early intervention C. Their level of formal education. team. D. The home environment. B. Explain that this is normal and that 78. A 9-year-old boy with Duchenne's muscular the stepping was a newborn reflex dystrophy is referred for home care. The PT that has gone away. should BEGIN the examination by: C. Recommend that the mother bring A. Performing a complete motor the infant to a pediatric neurologist. examination. D. Explain this was due to a stepping B. Performing a functional examination reflex that will re-emerge around 10 using the weeFIM. months. C. Asking the child and his parents to 82. A therapist is examining a 24-month-old describe the boy's most serious child and observes that the child can sit functional limitations independently, creep in quadruped, pull-to- D. Asking the parents to outline the stand, and cruise sideways, but not walk boy's past rehabilitation successes. without support. The therapist concludes 79. The therapist is on a home visit, scheduled at that this child is exhibiting: lunchtime, visiting an I8-month-old child with A. Normal cephalocaudal motor moderate developmental delay. The development. therapist notices that the child and mother B. Delay in achieving developmental are experiencing difficulties with feeding. milestones. The child is slumped down in the highchair C. Normal gross motor development. and is unsuccessfully attempting to use a D. Slow maturation that is within normal raking grasp to lift cereal pieces to the limits mouth. Both the child and the mother are 83. An appropriate fine motor behavior that frustrated. The FIRST intervention should be should be established by 9 months of age is to: the ability to: A. Work on desensitizing the gag reflex. A. Pick up a raisin with a fine pincer B. Recommend that the mother return grasp. to breastfeeding for a few more B. Build a tower of four blocks. months. C. Hold a cup by the handle while C. Recommend that the mother feed drinking. the child baby food instead of D. Transfer objects from one hand to cereal for a few more months. another. D. Reposition the child in a proper 84. An infant is independent in sitting, including sitting position using postural all protective extension reactions and can supports. pull-to-stand through kneeling, cruise 80. The therapist is treating a child with mild sideways, and stand alone. The infant still developmental delay secondary to 7 weeks demonstrates plantar grasp in standing. This infant's chronological age is approximately: A. 5 months B. 6 months. C. 8- 9 months. D. 10-15 months 85. An infant who was 39 weeks' gestational age at birth and is now 3 weeks' chronological age demonstrates colic. In this case, the BEST intervention the PT could teach the mother is A. Stroking and tapping. B. Fast vestibular stimulation. C. Neutral warmth. D. Visual stimulation with a colored object. 86. Which is NOT considered a normal finding during an examination of a newborn infant? A. Symmetry in ROM. B. Response decrement to repetitive stimuli. C. Continuous tremulousness. D. Dramatic skin color changes with change of state 87. An infant demonstrates that the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR) is NOT obligatory when he/she can turn the head: A. To both sides and open the hand B. To one side and look at the extended arm on that side C. To one side and bring the opposite hand to mouth. D. And bring the hand to mouth on the same side.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Volume 147 Issue 5 2015 (Doi 10.1016/j.ajodo.2015.03.017) Salmond, N. - 100 Years of Publishing, 100 People of Influence