Concept Paper For Master of Science in Physics (Offering Research and Professional Options)
Concept Paper For Master of Science in Physics (Offering Research and Professional Options)
Concept Paper For Master of Science in Physics (Offering Research and Professional Options)
3 topical tracks
Research Professional
Physics Master's Physics Master's
Internship or other
experiential component
(6 SCHs)
Both program options provide students with the same advanced core knowledge that crosses the discipline of
physics, along with additional coursework in one of three topical tracks selected by the student. Initially, the three
tracks offered will be:
Courses will be delivered at a typical physics graduate level, hence entry into the program requires an undergraduate
degree in Physics or a closely-related degree containing significant undergraduate physics coursework.
The RPM Option requires a research thesis, whereas the PPM Option requires two courses aimed at enhancing
professional skills as well as an experiential component such as an internship. The skills courses and options for the
experiential/internship component will be identified and developed in consultation with School of Physics &
Astronomy advisory board members representing industry, business, government, and both K-12 and higher
education. Preliminary conversations have recently taken place with the Saunders College of Business, and Interim
Dean, Jacqueline Mozrall, has provided us with a statement expressing support for our PPM Option and for
identifying suites of MS business courses that would be professionally beneficial to students in our program. We
also envision availing students in the PPM Option with professional skills courses that enhance knowledge in
science, technology, and public policy, as well as courses that elevate proficiency in written and oral communication
The program requires that students earn a minimum of 30 credits in total, consisting of at least 18 course credits
and at least 6 credits devoted to either thesis research or a professional experiential component, and is designed to be
completed over a span of two years.
Here are more specifics on components of the program:
Common Core Courses: Students are required to complete the following four core courses:
Quantum Mechanics I (new course currently being developed and piloted)
Statistical Physics I (new course)
Classical Electrodynamics I (course already offered, PHYS-611)
Mathematical Methods for the Physical Sciences (already offered for the Astrophysical Sciences, i.e.,
ASTP-610, but is easily generalized to support Physics and Astrophysics)
These courses provide essential knowledge that underpins all three topical tracks within the program. The core
courses are each offered once per year and are normally taken during the first year.
Track-Specific Courses: Students enrolled in both the RPM and PPM Options must take at least two graduate
courses within their chosen track. Track-specific courses are made available at least every other year, and are either
offered by the program or by other RIT STEM graduate programs that are approved for the particular track. The
following new track courses (with the applicable track(s) shown in parentheses) will be developed by the School of
Physics and Astronomy:
The following track courses already exist at RIT at the graduate level. (Dean Harvey Palmer has relayed that he is
supportive of Physics MS students using KGCOE graduate courses as track-specific courses):
Professional Skills Courses (PPM Option only): During the second year, PPM students are required to take two
graduate courses that will enhance skills relevant to the student’s anticipated professional environment. These can
be courses in such areas as organization and leadership, managing research teams, promoting innovation and
technology, entrepreneurship and intellectual property, finance and accounting, teaching practice and pedagogy,
science/technology/public-policy, and communications. The Saunders College of Business, the College of Liberal
Arts, and the College of Science already offer a number of excellent courses in support of these goals.
Thesis Research (RPM Option only): In the second year (and/or during summer terms), RPM students undertake a
research project within their chosen track under the guidance of a faculty member. Students must defend their
thesis, and it is generally expected that they will aim to disseminate their thesis research in a peer-reviewed journal
or conference proceeding.
Internship or Experiential Component (PPM Option only): In the second year (and/or during summer terms), PPM
students undertake an internship or similar approved practicum experience in support of their desired career path.
With guidance and assistance from an advisory board and the RIT Career Placement Office, we will identify and
facilitate opportunities with industrial partners working in areas such as materials science, electronics and the
semiconductor industry, optics and photonics, energy science, computer/information technology, and scientific
computation/simulation. Excellent resources at the national level in support of industrial connections for the PPM
Option are the American Physical Society’s Forum on Industrial and Applied Physics
[] and the American Institute of Physics Corporate Associates Program
[]. In particular, the mission statement of the latter program states “We create unique
networking opportunities between leading industrial research executives and scientists at major academic
institutions and government laboratories.” We also anticipate that some PPM students will want to work toward
becoming high school physics teachers, which is nationally the number one area of need for teaching in US
secondary schools. We will develop attractive opportunities with regional colleges having schools of education such
as St. John Fisher, Nazareth, and Ithaca College to provide students paths toward teacher certification.
Scholarship, Research, and Creativity: All students enrolled in the RPM Option, under the guidance of a research-
active faculty member, are required to perform an original thesis research project with the goal of disseminating the
work in a peer-reviewed journal or conference proceeding. Such research dissemination will strengthen the ability
of faculty to attract external sponsored research funding, which in turn will increase the number and quality of
research projects made available to students by the faculty.
Innovative Teaching and Learning: The curriculum will make use of technological resources. This includes having
an electronic presence for all program courses, embedding computation and simulation components as part of
pedagogy, and employing technology that is germane to track-specific courses containing a lab or practical
component, as appropriate. Alternative distance delivery opportunities, for example, via Adobe Connect, offered by
the professional physics community (such as the Oak Ridge Cyber-Enabled Graduate Education course listed in the
previous section) will be encouraged as a way for students to partially fulfill track-specific course requirements, and
at little or no cost to the program. Also, having our program faculty become directly involved in the delivery of
these courses presents an excellent opportunity for extending the reach and influence of our program and RIT to
venues beyond the campus.
Experiential Learning: The thesis research requirement fulfills the experiential learning expectation for students in
the RPM Option, and the internship or similar experience fulfills this expectation for students in the PPM Option of
the program. All thesis projects are applied to real-world problems relevant to the physical world and the betterment
of society, and all internships directly support developing the student’s practical skills and experience relevant to
success in the workforce.
International and Global Education: The discipline of physics, historically and by its nature, is an international
enterprise involving numerous collaborations between and among academicians, government agencies and industrial
partners, including the long-term planning and sharing of state-of-the-art facilities, around the globe. The faculty
and students in the MS Physics Program will unavoidably participate in these conversations and will continue to
engage with international collaborators. The aforementioned alternative distance delivery opportunities for program
faculty with national labs and other entities will inherently bring about connections with the international scientific
community. A memorandum of understanding is currently being arranged between RIT and Universidade Federal
Do Rio Grande Do Sol (UFRGS) in Brazil to forge research and educational connections between the RIT School of
Physics and Astronomy and the UFRGS Institute of Physics—our proposed MS program will no doubt benefit this
initiative. Similar articulated agreements between other potential international partners such as France, India, Japan,
and Sweden are currently being actively pursued by the School.
Synergy and Interdisciplinarity: Because physics provides the underpinnings of all natural and applied sciences, as
well as engineering, it crosses all STEM disciplines. Specific interdisciplinary synergies between the proposed
program and other academic units and research centers in both COS and across the campus are described in the
section on “Synergy with Other Programs” that follows. Courses offered through the program can also easily be
used to create an RIT graduate minor in Physics
Inclusive Excellence: As emphasized previously, based on national data collected by the American Institute of
Physics which shows that nearly one-quarter of Physics master’s recipients are women, we expect that the proposed
MS Program in Physics will positively impact attracting women students to Physics and the general graduate STEM
population at RIT—and more so than would a physics Ph.D. program. COS’s Women in Science program will
contribute to career mentoring, networking opportunities, and general support for female students in the program.
Graduate students in the program can also act as effective role models and mentors for STEM undergraduates from
underrepresented populations engaged in physics research in our school, for example, those supported by the RIT
McNair Scholars Program. An added goal of the Physics MS Program is to act as an effective academic bridge for
underrepresented minority students. This goal connects to a recent initiative by the American Physical Society
promoting such bridge programs that provide minority students with graduate coursework and academic mentoring
that would help them thrive and gain entry into PhD programs
Here are some of the program features contributing to the fit of the Program to the four APB criteria:
Centrality: The program will enhance RIT’s overall reputation by contributing in a significant way to RIT’s stated
mission aimed at developing and delivering curricula and engaging in scholarship and research that plays a role in
advancing emerging technologies and improving conditions within society. This is true even beyond the confines of
the proposed program in that a portfolio of graduate-level physics courses being requested by a number of STEM
programs and students around the campus will become available. There is an increasing demand at RIT for more
advanced courses in physics and, in some cases, these turn out to be an essential component for the graduate
education of students in certain programs (for example, Microsystems Engineering, Astrophysical Sciences &
Technology, and Imaging Science). Just as importantly, the projects associated with the research component of the
program almost always tend to be interdisciplinary in character, producing natural and lasting collaborations with
faculty colleagues in almost every college at RIT.
Marketability: Based on available national and regional data, RIT’s Office of Enrollment Management and Career
Services projects that the program will realistically be able to reach and sustain a steady-state enrollment of 20-25
students, with about half of this population entering internally through a BS/MS Physics dual-degree program. As
mentioned earlier, national data indicates that the program may also attract some part-time enrollment in the
program. An MS Program in Physics also elevates the marketability of other RIT STEM graduate programs. An
example, although anecdotal, was relayed by a very strong woman applicant who respectfully declined admission to
the Astrophysical Sciences & Technology PhD Program: “…in order to succeed in research and academia, I feel
that I will need the opportunity to strengthen my physics base knowledge through graduate level physics courses.”
Program marketability information is provided in the included section on Enrollment Management Expectations and
Quality: The quality of this program largely hinges on the qualifications of our faculty to offer it. All of the current
22 tenure-track physics program faculty, as well as the 15 non-tenure-track faculty, in the School of Physics and
Astronomy have a Ph.D. degree in Physics or a closely related field. A large fraction of the current faculty have
recent experience supporting and supervising graduate students in other RIT STEM programs including
Astrophysical Sciences & Technology, Materials Science & Engineering, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics,
Microsystems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Imaging Science, Computer Science, and Sustainability.
Additionally, a majority of the faculty have acted as research mentors in support of the individualized senior
capstone research projects required for all students in the BS Physics Program. In a typical recent year, the RIT
physics faculty publish 60-80 peer-reviewed papers and attract about $2-3M in external sponsored research funding.
The School feels well positioned to launch the Physics MS Program.
Financial Viability: The program will efficiently make use of existing physical, financial, and faculty resources
currently available within the School, including many courses that already exist in COS and KGCOE. Resource
needs primarily associated with incremental faculty are detailed in the included cost model analysis, and are based
on the projected enrollment plan.
We intend to start the program for both the MS and the BS/MS students in fall 2017. Per the above email, a 35%
tuition discount rate would be applied in Year 1 of the program and a 27-30% discount rate would be applied in
Year 2 and beyond. Partial financial support will be available in the form of teaching assistantships funded by the
School and some students will receive full stipend funding and/or summer support from faculty-sponsored research
Impact on Resources
The base resources to support the MS Program in Physics will primarily come from the existing space and
facilities currently available within the School of Physics & Astronomy (SoPA) and the College of Science, as well
as from other existing academic and research infrastructure alliances and cost-sharing arrangements currently in
place with other colleges, laboratories, and centers around campus. However, in steady state, to annually offer the 2
new core courses, to offer a sufficient number of courses to support the three proposed topical tracks (where School
faculty teach at least 4 of such courses each year), and to supervise the MS thesis projects for students enrolled in
the RPM Option each year, there will be the need for 2 FTE additional tenure-track faculty (and associated office
space). Basic-level start-up packages are being requested for the two new faculty, but we do not anticipate
requesting incremental lab space to support their research efforts. Rather, the two new faculty will be incorporated
into existing research centers and laboratories or will be hired in support of computational, theoretical, or
pedagogical research areas. There will be a need for some desk space for the grad students we would be unable to
accommodate in research laboratories. Teaching release of one course per year is requested for the faculty member
taking on the role of MS Program Director. Administrative staff assistance will be provided by existing personnel in
the School.
The required cost model analysis template accompanies this concept-paper submission.
The MS Program in Physics will complement and be integral to supporting the existing and developing portfolio
of STEM graduate programs in science and engineering across RIT. The structure of the degree program allows
students to select either a research-based option or a professionally-focused option. Both options will produce
graduates having marketable training and skills known to be desirable in all sectors of the economy spanning a wide
variety of STEM fields. The program will also provide very strong preparation to those who decide to continue on
for PhD-level training in Physics and related fields. We expect that the existence of the three topical tracks at the
graduate level will have the significant additional benefit of boosting retention in and strengthening recruitment and
program marketability aimed toward our undergraduate population of physics students. This will be enhanced by
putting in place a BS/MS dual degree program in Physics. The MS program will add further vitality to the overall
research enterprise at RIT by elevating collaborations that cross disciplines and programs. Additionally, the mere
presence of a graduate program in Physics and the availability of physics graduate students in support of research
will have a positive impact on the success rate for faculty submitting proposals for sponsored projects.
MS in Physics
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Report‐Summary Cost Model Analysis for MS Physics_Concept Paper 02_23_15_FINAL