Promotores Training
Why should we be concerned about
our water?
Problems persist after improvements:
There is still work to do
Tests from June 2015 show persistent pollution.
What is an Endocrine Disrupting Chemical
• Estrogen-enhancing
Synergizes estrogen action
• Testosterone-blocking
Decreases testosterone &
sperm production
What can you do about water quality?
• Become informed about your rights to clean
drinking water!
• Test your well.
• Filter your water.
• Buy water.
• Avoid buying water from a vending machine; it is
the same as the community water.
Look for a filter certified by the California
Department of Public Health : Registered Water
Treatment Devices
Don't flush drugs down the drain!
• Turn unused drugs in to
your pharmacy or your
local hazardous waste
disposal facility.
What can we do about water quality?
• Community Water Center provides organizing, education, and advocacy
assistance to communities seeking to secure safe, clean, and affordable
water in the San Joaquin Valley.
(559) 733-0219
Read the Community Water Center’s CWC Guide to Community Drinking
Water Advocacy
2. ¿Cómo se puede poner en práctica las ideas discutidas hoy para mejorar su
salud y la salud de su familia y la comunidad?
2. How can you implement the ideas discussed today to improve your health
and the health of your family and community?
3. In addition to what was discussed today, what other actions are you doing or
can do to address water concerns?