The Importance of Tolerance in Multicultural Nation in Indonesia
The Importance of Tolerance in Multicultural Nation in Indonesia
The Importance of Tolerance in Multicultural Nation in Indonesia
Assalamu’alaikum wr....wb...
The honorable all of the judges and the audiences
First all i would like to say thank you to Allah almighty because of the blessing so i and all
of us can be here.
Shalawat followed by salam never forget we send for our great prophet Muhammad SAW
because of his ability, his effert he can brought us from the darkness to the brightness.
In this opportunity please give me a chance to deliver a message related to the value of
tolerance which is really needed in the daily life as social human.
What is the tolerance? The word tolerance means willingness to accept behaviour and
beliefs that are different from your own, althought you might not agree with or approve of
them. In other definition tolerance is an attitude to respect and appreciate each other between
group or individual in a society or another scope. Micheal Wazler views tolerance as a
necessity in individual space and public space because one of the goals of the tolerance is to
build a peaceful life among different groups of, people from different historical, cultural, and
identify backgrounds. Therefore, tolerance in this contect means the awareness to live
together without regard to differences in one nation.
Indonesia society is a society with a very complex level of diversity. Communities with
such diversity are known as multicultural societies. Multicultural in Indonesia should not be
used as a reason for the creation of division or separation but made into the the strenght and
wealth of the Indonesian nation to make it happen is easy because actually it only need
tolerance from each community and each tribe can live the meaning of Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
But lately there are many cases of riot cases those are mostly based on religious sentiment.
Those riot cases can damage the name of the Indonesian nation in the international world.
Conflicts in society are caused by many things and one of the reason is the low tolerance
between individuals and between groups. Conflict occur when a person or group is more
concerned with his ego and is unwilling to understand other feelings. In this case tolerance
has an influential role in the nation’s multicultural life of Indonesia. Among them are to
prevent the split or war in Indonesia, tighten the bond, and tolerance can cause a sense of love
for the country.
One of the reason why tolerance is important is to prevent the war or something, that
probably will split the society of the country. A high, tolerance attitude of mutual respect and
ignorance of differences can avoid the occurrence of hostilities, disputes, and divisions that
can trigger conflicts within the state. This condition can threaten the unity of the state of
Indonesia and not in accordance with our Bhineka Tunggal Ika motto. With the tolerance
society will control their selfishness and learn to respect each individual’s opinion. This can
be an important capital to avoid divisions in the life of the community. As president Barack
Obama said “tolerance and mutual respect must be upheld, otherwise it wil be wars of the
community. It can be seen from the united republic of Indonesia which has more than one
Beside that, tolerance is also able to strengthen the brotherhood, or friendship within the
nation. In this globalisation, where people of different backgrounds, cultures and religions are
living together, and where the world has become multicultural and full of diversity,
establishing tolerance many has become very crucial and important, and fastering mutual
love and effection has become vital. Without tolerance and harmony the lasting peace of
societies cannot be maintained, and loyalty for each other cannot be established. Exchanging
ideas and opinions to produce a decision is a sign that people can live a tolerant life.
Tolerance is needed in all spheres of life, and on every level and on every stage, because it
plays a vital role to establish peace and love, from the smallest unit up to highest unit society.
The last reason i can say is, tolerance be able to make the people love the country.
Tolerance is very influential in the life of the nation Indonesia. We must not forget our
history when it was in colonial times all united people come from different races, tribes, and
religions with the same purpose and passion for the independence of the nation and state of
Indonesia. With the spirit of unity and this unity that fasters a sense of tolerance that became
the driving force of independence of Indonesia. If a positive attitude of tolerance applied in
everyday life by all Indonesian. Society will increase the sense of nationalism to the nation
and state. Because the advanced nation is a nation that can accept the difference of one
person with another without having to feel the most true.
Tolerance is key in the lves of multicultural societies because multicultural societies such
as Indonesia have diserved cultures. So that tolerance will make the people live safely,
pacefully without any sibling warfare. For that let us now instill mutual respect among
fellow. We know that water and oil never united but we know also althought they can’t
unite, they can still side by side. There is a warmth in everyone. The importance of tolerance,
in society, cannot be emphasized enough and the only way to achieve true tolerance is trough
education and open-mindedness. It reminds me of a good quote by Hellen Keller. That will
be the closing of there speech, it’s “The highness result of education is tolerance”.