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Main Works of the MP MFP Federation

The Federation is the apex body at the State level and its main functions are as under:

1. To arrange for funds from various banking institutions and to make the necessary amount available to the District Unions.

2. To obtain accounts from the District Unions for the funds given to them.

3. To centrally purchase Hessian cloth, Bags and make them available to the District Unions.

4. To receive the Tendu Green Leafs at the godowns and to market them so that the Government/Societies got maximum profits. Later on,
when the Primary Societies became self reliant the work of marketing could also be slowly transferred to these societies or their District

5. The Federation and the District Unions get a token commission of Re.1/-. As result of the 73rd Amendment to the constitution, Gram
Sabhas have been given ownership rights on MFPs. The State Government has decided that the net income from the trade of MFPs will be
distributed as under :

a. 60% to the actual gatherers.

b. 20% for development of the resources.

c. The rest can be utilised for infrastructure development of the village or again distributed to the gatherers.

6. To issue guidelines to the District Unions for fixing norms of expenditure for collection, handling, godowning and purchase.

7. To make funds available to the Primary Societies and District Unions as above, out of the net receipts after deducting the revenue of the
Government etc.

8. To draw guidelines and instructions at the State level for proper collection and marketing of Minor Forest Produce.

Main Works of the District Unions

1. To implement the works of Tendu Green Leafs trade as per the policies of the Government.

2. To inspect the works of the Societies and to ensure that all the prescribed works are being carried out by them

3. To ensure that pruning was carried out properly and that the Hessian cloth provided by the Federation reached the
headquarters of the Society either as bags or as cloth for stitching bags.

4. To obtain the funds from the Federation for Tendu Green Leafs collection and other related works and to distribute it
to the Managers or Phad Munshis (a person appointed to keep accounts and control collection at the collection
centre) through banks, to get the accounts from Societies and other persons engaged in collection works and to
submit the accounts to the Federation regularly.

5. To transport the Tendu Green Leafs collected to the godowns either through the Societies or by their own

6. To ensure that the labourers were paid at the sanctioned rates.

7. To carry out similar operations in respect of Sal Seed, Chebulic Myrobolan and gums.

8. To Provide help and guidance to the primary societies in the collection & trade of non-nationalised MFP's.

Main Works of the Primary Societies

1. To carry out timely pruning.

2. To get the bags stitched in time on supply of Hessian cloth by the District Union.

3. To collect maximum possible quantity of good quality Tendu Green Leafs during collection season at the collection
rates fixed by the Government.

4. The collected green leafs are to be bagged after proper drying and the number of bundles, names of the Phad and
Society are to be written on the Bags.

5. In societies, where the godowns are situated within the area of the Societies, to get the Tendu Green Leafs
transported to the godown at the expense of the Federation.

6. If the godowns are situated outside the area of the Societies, the Tendu Green Leafs are to be transported by the
District Union or under the direction of the Union at the expense of the Federation.

7. To carry out similar operations in respect of Sal Seed, Chebulic Myrobolan and Gums.

8. To collect & trade in locally available non-nationalised MFP's for the maximum benefit of their members.

Collection of Tendu Leaves is done by the Primary Co-operative Societies of actual pluckers of Tendu Leaves. There are over
15,000 collection centres in the State. The collection work is seasonal. It lasts for about 6 weeks. Depending on the geographical
location of Districts, the season may commence any time from the middle of April to second week of May. The collection stops
ten to fifteen days before the onset of the monsoon, so that leaves can be cured, bagged & safely transported to godowns.

Data of Tendu Leaves Trade

Year Collection Collection Collection Wages Quantity Stored Quantity disposed off Sale Price Expenditure Net receipt
Rate per S.B
1989 43.61 150 65.42 43.58 43.58 405.15 114.70 290.45
1990 61.15 250 152.88 60.57 60.57 248.47 209.12 39.35
1991 46.16 250 115.40 45.79 45.79 298.07 180.00 118.07
1992 45.06 250 112.65 44.64 44.64 285.99 201.47 84.52
1993 41.31 300 123.93 40.98 40.98 252.77 198.29 54.48
1994 42.38 300 127.14 42.08 42.08 299.40 210.95 88.45
1995 39.56 300 118.68 39.36 39.36 289.39 197.80 91.59
1996 44.60 350 156.10 44.43 44.43 338.85 269.38 69.47
1997 40.14 350 140.49 39.95 39.95 338.69 244.05 94.64
1998 45.47 400 181.84 45.23 45.23 407.66 280.39 127.27
1999 49.37 400 194.20 49.12 49.12 402.20 283.87 118.33
2000 29.59 400 114.78 29.49 29.49 176.31 160.08 16.23
2001 21.28 400 83.09 21.22 21.22 111.05 136.07 -
2002 22.74 400 89.04 22.65 22.65 165.77 143.83 21.94
2003 22.25 400 87.56 22.21 22.21 152.95 140.71 12.24
2004 25.77 400 101.61 25.72 25.72 167.71 145.86 21.85
2005 16.83 400 66.37 16.82 16.82 131.41 106.90 24.51
2006 17.97 400 71.88 17.97 17.97 151.33 100.56 50.77
2007 24.21 450 108.95 24.21 24.21 373.64 136.89 236.75
2008 18.25 550 100.35 18.25 18.25 211.26 136.57 74.69
2009 20.49 550 112.67 20.49 20.49 265.49 149.86 115.63
2010 21.24 650 138.11 21.24 21.24 332.89 179.71 153.18
2011 17.06 650 110.85 17.06 17.06 310.06 154.10 155.96
2012 26.06 750 195.45 26.06 26.06 618.40 245.94 372.56
2013 19.92 950 189.28 19.92 19.92 394.81 247.04 147.77
2014 16.99 950 161.42 16.99 16.99 310.09 217.39 92.70
2015* 16.05 950 152.47 16.05 16.05 329.27 183.19 -

* Figures for 2015 season are to be finalised

1) Quantity: In lakh Standard Bags (1 Standard Bag=50,000 leaves);

2) Amount: In Rs. Crores.

Collection Rates in Different Seasons

Collection Rate
Season Area
(Rs. per S.B.)
5 D.U.- Shivpuri,Bhopal,Chhatarpur, Tikamgarh & N. Sagar 300/-
1999, 2000 & 2001
All other D.U. 400/-
4 D.U.- Bhopal,Chhatarpur, Tikamgarh & N. Sagar 300/-
All other D.U. 400/-
3 D.U.- Chhatarpur, Tikamgarh & N. Sagar 300/-
All other D.U. 400/-
2006 All D.U. 400/-
2007 All D.U. 450/-
2008,2009 All D.U. 550/-
2010,2011 All D.U. 650/-
2012 All D.U. 750/-
2013 All D.U. 950/-
2014 All D.U. 950/-
2015 All D.U. 950/-
2016 All D.U. 1250/-

From 2000 season, figures are for the new state of M.P..

Group Insurance Scheme

A group insurance scheme for the Tendu leaves pluckers was
launched in 1991. It is the biggest insurance scheme of its kind in
the whole of Asia.All tendu leaves pluckers between 18 and 60
years of age (about 24 lakh) are insured free of cost under this
scheme. The scheme is run by the Life Insurance Corporation of
India. Following insurance amounts are paid under this scheme.

a. In case of death of any plucker covered under this

scheme, his nominee is paid Rs. 3500/-.
b. In case of disability due to accident, the plucker is
paid an amount of Rs. 12500/-
c. In case, the death or permanent disability caused is
due to accident, the amount of insurance is Rs.

The nominees of the pluckers are provided all help and guidance in
the submission of claims. The settlement of claims is also monitored
regularly. Till now, 226000 claims have been settled and an amount
of Rs. 91.01 Crores paid to the nominees of the deceased pluckers.
Yearwise breakup of the settled claims is given in the table below
Details of settlement of claims
Amount of insurance paid
Year No of claims Settled
(In Rs. crores)
1991-92 1194 0.36
1992-93 3235 0.99
1993-94 8238 2.48
1994-95 10699 3.37
1995-96 10361 3.54
1996-97 16522 5.75
1997-98 13249 4.69
1998-99 10215 3.76
1999-2000 15026 5.26
2000-01 18242 7.11
2001-02 16271 6.69
2002-03 10750 4.75
2003-04 11040 4.60
2004-05 10564 4.63
2005-06 4130 2.04
2006-07 13737 6.47
2007-08 8761 3.71
2008-09 10572 5.62
2009-10 6404 2.84
2010-11 8235 3.42
2013-14 8235 2.26
Total 226000 91.01

Incentive Wages to Tendu leaves pluckers

Looking to the huge profit margin of 1989 season the State Govt.
decided to distribute Rs. 150 crores as incentive wages to the Tendu
leaves pluckers out of the profit of 1989 season . This amount was
paid in 4 instalment through accounts of pluckers opened in local
branches of Cooperative Banks or credit societies. This payment was
discontinued from 1990 season and was again started from 1995
season . For 1995 to 1997 seasons, nearly 20% of net income was
paid as incentive wages.
As a consequence of 73rd Amendment to the Constitution , the
State Govt. decided to pass on all the net income from the trade of
N.W.F.P. to the societies and the societies , in turn, distributed 50%
of this net income to the Tendu leaves pluckers as incentive wages
from 1998 season . From 2004 season the proportion of incentive
wages has been enhanced to 60% and again enhanced to 70% from
2011 of the net income.
The amount of incentive wages paid in various years is shown in the
table below .
Amount of
No of
Collection Incentive
Season wages paid
(in Lakhs)
(In Rs. crores)
1989 21.31 150.00
1995 15.76 10.76
1996 18.02 12.29
1997 22.41 15.30
1998 18.84 27.99
1999 15.50 48.22
2000 4.50 7.30
2002 5.23 8.22
2003 4.64 5.51
2004 8.21 11.80
2005 9.80 13.23
2006 10.86 27.41
2007 12.39 118.58
2008 9.15 38.73
2009 10.83 62.10
2010 11.30 82.57
2011 9.03 98.22
2012 12.17 234.74
2013 - 93.10
2014 - 58.40
Tend Mahu Nee Harra Kull Sal Ach Salseed La La Other Product
u a m u ai ar c c
Patta Flow Seed Gum Gum Guthl
er i

1. Collection ONLINE - - . Sort - -

Tender for Salseed -
Season TENDER Tender Collected & -
FOR Notice for Godowned Season
ADVANCE Advance 2016 be Opened 3
SALE OF Sale of Round on
TENDU Kullu Gum 23.08.2016,30.08.2
PATTA Season 016 & 05.09.2016
SEASON 2016 - Term and Condition OF
2017 TO 2017 to SALSEED
BE be
OPENED Opened 3
Ist Round Round on
on 18.10.201
30.11.201 6,
6, IInd 28.10.201
Round on 6&
28.12.201 15.11.201
6 & IIIrd 6
Round on Term and
25.01.201 Condition FOR
7 ...! ADVANCE

Term and
Condition FOR

M.O.U. 2003-04
Targets and Performance
The targets and achievements of M.P. State M.F.P. Federation as on 01.04.2004 are as under :-

S. Activities Targets Achievements Remarks

Financial (In Financial (In
Physical Rs. Crores) Physical Rs. Crores)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
A. Project Implementation
I Tendu Patta
22 Lac Std. 22.21 Lac
(i) Collection Bags -- Std. Bags --
Disposal of -- --
(ii) Tendu Patta
a. Balance 100% -- 93.79%
quantity of
Previous year --
b. Quantity of 67% -- 66.64% --
the year 2003
2 Sal Seed
(i) Collection 1200 M.T. -- 70.9 M.T. --

Disposal 1200 M.T. -- 70.9 M.T. --


3 Kullu Gum
(i) Collection 40 M.T. -- 22.76M.T.

Disposal 40 M.T. -- 13.50M.T. --


4 Developmental Works
(i) Training 200 persons -- --
MFP) --
(ii) Cultivation of 250 Ha. -- -- --
Medicinal Plants
on Forest and
private land by
motivating the
(iii) Establishment 5 -- -- --
of processing
(iv) Inclusion of 2 -- -- --
products under
(v) Inoculation of 4 lakh trees -- --
trees with brood --
5 General
(i) Target 14 lakh -- 14 lakh --
B Implementation of Central Govt. Scheme
(i) 10.00
Construction of 100 Godowns
godowns with -- --
the help of loan
sanctioned by
(ii) Implementation Training of 250 -- --
of Bamboo trainees
under SGSY
1. Nursery 500 No. 1.50 1.50
2. Plantation 300 Ha. 0.85 -- 0.85
3. Training 1300 No. 0.22 0.22
C H.R.D.
(i) D.P.C. Promotion will -- Promotion --
be done for the will be
vacant posts done for
the vacant
ACR ACR of all the ACR of all
Completion employees for -- the --
the year ending employees
March 2003 will for the year
be completed ending
D Customers/ beneficiaries satisfaction
-- 100% -- 99%
(i) Wage payments
-- 7.00 -- --
(ii) Distribution of
net profit to
collector (For
the year 2000)
(iii) Computerisation (i) Computerisation of 50%
works at the head quarter
-- -- --

level. (ii)Development of
package for monitoring of
collection works
-- --
(iv) Delivery of sold as per contract as per
produce conditions. contract
E Commercial
-- 170.00 -- 170.00
(i) Turn over
-- -- --
(ii) Percentage
decrease in
expenditure on
cost over
previous year.
F Financial
-- 11.75 -- --
(i) Trading surplus

Completion of acctts. of -- Completion of --

(ii) Compilation, 2001-02 and 2002-03 acctts. of 2001-02
Auditing and and 2002-03

approval of
acctts. of
Federation and
District Unions
from AGM
-- 2.50
(iii) Repayment of -- --
Loan to NCDC

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