Question Bank Subject Code/title: 515CST02/Microprocessor and Microcontroller With Its Applications Two Marks Unit - 1
Question Bank Subject Code/title: 515CST02/Microprocessor and Microcontroller With Its Applications Two Marks Unit - 1
Question Bank Subject Code/title: 515CST02/Microprocessor and Microcontroller With Its Applications Two Marks Unit - 1
Two marks
Unit -1
10 marks
Unit -1
1. Explain the functions of different registers in 8086. Also discuss the flag register contents.
2. Discuss the maximum mode and minimum mode of operation of 8086.
3. Explain the addressing modes of 8086 with examples.
4. Discuss the architecture of a 8086 processor with neat diagrams.
5. Explain the interrupt structure in 8086.
6. Describe the instruction set used in 8086 in detail.
7. i) Explain the following assembler directives.1) EXTRN,2) GROUP,3) PUBLIC,4) DW
and 5) GLOBAL.
8. Write an ALP of 8086 to addition and subtraction of two 16-bit numbers.
9. Write an ALP of 8086 to multiplication and division of two 16-bit numbers.
10. Describe the functional units present and their functions in BIU and EU of 8086.