Intercontinental Specialty Fats Sdn. Bhd. (ISF) is one of the leading palm specialty
oils & fats manufacturers with refining and downstream processing facilities with
factories located in Peninsular Malaysia.
We specialise in producing quality grade palm specialty oils & fats to cater to the needs
of our global customers. Besides having the edge of being close to the raw material
supplies, we are concerned about the potential long-term environment and social
impacts caused by our palm oil production.
Based on our experience in the oil palm industry and in responsible sourcing, ISF have
decided to improve on our sustainable palm oil policy established in 2014, to
incorporate these lessons learned. We have taken steps to ensure that our raw
materials are sourced responsibly in line with our No Deforestation, No Peat, and No
Exploitation (NDPE) commitments. We are committed to supporting industry-accepted
sustainable palm oil certification schemes including the Roundtable on Sustainable
Palm Oil (RSPO), and committed to communicating transparently to our stakeholders
and upholding high ethical standards and corporate governance by our suppliers,
partners, and all our stakeholders.
We require all our palm product suppliers to comply with ISF Sustainable Palm Oil
Policy effective immediately. We understand the journey to sustainability can take time
and the support required by our suppliers will vary. Suppliers who fail the requirements
without any reasonable clarification may face discontinuation of business relationship
subject to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
This policy applies to all ISF-owned facilities and operations and our third-party
ISF is committed to build a traceable and sustainable palm oil supply chain and is
actively working with our suppliers to ensure all palm products are sourced responsibly.
We are committed to responsible sourcing in line with our No Deforestation, No Peat
and No Exploitation commitments as follows:
- No clearing of high carbon stock (HCS) forest and high conservation value (HCV)
We have achieved 100% fully traceable to the palm oil mills by 2016 for our palm
product supplies. We will continue to work towards establishing traceability to plantation
for our supply chain.
Smallholders Inclusiveness
ISF is aware of the important role smallholders have in sustainable palm oil production.
ISF also understands the challenges that smallholders face in terms of meeting
sustainability requirements, and the need to develop more appropriate mechanisms and
Certification Schemes
ISF supports the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) as a certification scheme
that is widely-accepted as an assurance system for sustainable palm oil. We actively
encourage our customers to source RSPO-certified palm oil through our fully
segregated capability that ensures full traceability to origin. All our facilities are RSPO
Supply Chain Certified. ISF also supports the introduction of country-specific and
mandated certification systems that are gaining wider acceptance, including the
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification. However, suppliers still need to
demonstrate compliance towards elements of this Policy that go beyond RSPO
Use of Chemicals
ISF has prohibited the use of paraquat and all WHO Class 1A and 1B chemicals by its
suppliers in the production of palm products since 2013 in line with its food safety
requirements and sustainability commitments.
ISF is committed to communicating transparently and continually with all its
stakeholders on its progress towards a fully-sustainable supply chain for palm products.
In line with this, ISF has published this Policy publicly on its website and will
communicate action plans for policy implementation to its stakeholders. We will also
report periodically on our progress and seek to establish methods for efficient
communication on our supply chain and related commitments via our website.
Grievance Management
ISF takes complaints and grievances against its own operations and those of its
suppliers seriously. ISF has established a complaint handling and grievance
management mechanism which is accessible to stakeholders, and allows ISF to resolve
grievances in a fair, timely and transparent manner, with relevant stakeholder input
where appropriate. As members of RSPO, we will follow the RSPO grievance process
for relevant grievances. We will communicate transparently on outstanding grievances
in line with our grievance management procedures.
Our full Code of Conduct will be made available publicly on our website.
We will ensure that all palm products that ISF sources, processes, and trades are in line
with these commitments through implementation of suppliers’ Code of Conduct, and
supplier engagement, and third-party verification. ISF continues to communicate and
engage with its suppliers on the progress and work together to resolve any challenges.
Toru Morino
Chief Executive Officer
Date: 21st December 2017