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The Research Work of NRIET in Phased - Array

Radar Technology
Zhang Guangyi
Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology
P.0.Box 13 15 ,Nanjing, 210013, PRC

Abstract - This paper describes the main research work of transmission loss from antenna radiators to high power/low noise
W E T in phased array radar, digital beamforming, low sidelobe amplifiers and to improve reliability of PAR system. By now, a
phased array antenna and comformal array antenna. Some research series of TA7 modules at UHF, L,S,C frequency band have been
results in this field also described. developed. Two L-band T/R module prototypes are shown in Fig. 1
introduction and Fig.2.

Research activity in the field of PAR technology started in

NRIET since early 1960’s. It was related at first with the need of
developing new generation of 3D radars. Multitarget handling
capability, multifimction and high data rate are specific requirements
for a new generation of 3D radars. Phased array antennas and other
electronically scanning antenna are considered as the main measures
to meet these requirements. As a result of the research work a long
range S-band 3D radar was completed utilizing frequency scanning
antenna system, consisting of a serpent waveguide feeder line and a
planar antenna by the end 1960’s. The maximum detection range of
this radar for target with Im2RCS is more than 350km.
Later, in the middle of 60’s, research work in PAR technology is Fig. 1 L-band T/R module with output power of 40”
contributed to develop Long range PAR for space object
surveillance and satellite tracking. All microwave components such
as digital phaseshifter, power splitters, beam-steering control
computers, signal and data processing computers, high power
transmitter amplifiers with output average power of 50kw order,
Low noise multichannel receivers and computerized automatic test
system are homemade. The software for PAR operation
management, mutlitarget tracking and orbit parameters calculation
and prediction has been tested and certificated. This PAR has been
successfully used for predicting the impact point of space objects
reentering atmosphere such as “Sky Lab’ of USA, “Cosmos” of
preceding USSR, and some Chinese satellites.
Since early 1970’s, the research work of W E T in PAR Fig.2 L-band TIR module with output power of 200W.
technology was devoted to mastering the necessary technology used A typical example of APAR is YLC-4. It is a tactical mobile 3D
in advanced air defense tactical radars, civilian radars and radar operating at UHF band. The features of this radar are:
conmunication system. . Full solid-state transmitter and electronic scanning array in
Recently the research activities of NRIET in PAR technology are elevation angle;
mainly devoted to develop advanced phased array radar and Advanced signal processing capability, including full coherent
communication systems. pulse compressing, adaptive frequency hopping, CFAR processing,
FIR filter and DMTI;
Solid-state active PAR Modular design and BITE for easy maintenance and application;
Monopulse angular measurement with C,Acc,Afi beams;
In the field of solid-state active PAR technology the research and Low elevation tracking capability;
development activities of M E T are mainly aiming to reduce . Radio communication equipment integrated into the radar

0-7803-3232-6/96/$5.00 0 1 9 9 6 IEEE 78
system. Low sidelobe phased array antenna
The detection range of YLC-4 is more than 300km. The target
processing capability is IO0 batches. Some intensive efforts have been made in theoretical and practical
study to acquire low-sidelobe phase array antenna. Both amplitude
Digital beam fonning(DBF) technique and phase weighting are used.
In the study performed by Dr. Go and his colleagues in W E T ,
DBF technique is very promising to realize new type of PAR with some research on phase shifters and amplitude quantization have
higher functional capabilities than conventional ones as combining been done.
the phased array antenna theory with advanced real-time signal For one bit digital phase shifter, we can use it to reduce the
processing technique Since the early 198O's, we have paid much sidelobe level of the phased array ani:enna. For a linear array of 128
attention to this technique. The preliminary efforts are concentrated elements, the highest sidelobe level is-18.8dB which is obtained
to form multiple receiving beams with flexible shape. The real time from 1000 random samples. For a h e a r array of 256 elements. It is
adaptive space-time 2D signal processing €or PAR is the key -20.2dB. The decreased gain is about 1-2dB due to the inversed
research topic now. An APAR test bed with digital beamforming phases.
capability has been developed The main specifications of this test For two bit digital phase shifter, we can use it to steer the
bed are given below: mainbeam and reduce the sidelobe level. When there are more than
Frequency band L band two bits in the phase shifter, the nulls can be set up in given
polarization Horizontal directions in the antenna pattems.
Number of array radiators 16x36 If the random quantization are applied to the most low bit in the
Phase shifter 5 bits digital phase shifter, the quantiza1:ion lobe and the mainbeam
Number of receiver channels 16 deviation due to the phase quantizatitm can be reduced. We can use
The experimental DBF antenna patterns obtained from the test bed two probable value method.
are shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4. For amplitude quantization research, we proposed the multistep
quantization method. In a design, the sidelobe level of-35.5dB is
For phased array antenna with amplitude weighting by commonly
used methods computer-aided designing with considering the
mutual coupling between antenna elements, stringent control of
production tolerance and precise .measuring and calibrating the
amplitude and phase deviation, the maximum sidelobe level is less
than-30dB. The measured sidelobe level of a L-band phased array
antenna is show in Fig.5.

Fig3. Sum pattern for 16 channel receivers (Hamming weighting)

zol ll


-40 -
0 -50 -


Fig.5 SLL of L-banc PAA antenna

-100 -50 0 50 100 Conformal phased .Irray antenna

Fig.4 Difference pattern for 16 channel receivers The study of conformal phase army antenna is an important of

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-30 -60 -30 0 30 60 90
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Fig 7 Measured Pattern of 16-element Confomial Array for
Five Beams


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