Chinese Taipei Society of
Ultrasound in Medicine
journal homepage: www.jmu-online.com
Bangladesh Specialized Hospital, Department of Radiology and Imaging, and University of Science and
Technology Chittagong, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and 2 Department of Radiology, Taipei Veterans General
Hospital and National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
KEYWORDS Abstract Leiomyomas or myomas of the uterus, also known as a fibroid uterus, are the
fibroids, most common tumors of the uterus. They are benign neoplasms of smooth muscle origin with
ultrasound, various degrees of fibrous connective tissue. These tumors can develop in any part of the
variants female genital tract where there is smooth muscle or fibrous tissue, even in the ovary, broad
ligament, and vagina. They need to be differentiated from adenomyosis and intracavitary
polyps. They mostly remain asymptomatic but sometimes they cause significant morbidity.
In such situations, hysterectomy or other surgical intervention is indicated. On ultrasonog-
raphy, most uterine leiomyomas typically appear as well-defined, solid masses. Their echo-
genicity is usually similar to that of the myometrium, but sometimes they are hypoechoic.
They often show some posterior acoustic shadowing. Variants of leiomyomas occur when
they undergo cystic degeneration, hyalinization, or calcification. In such situations, deter-
mining a diagnosis is sometimes difficult. Magnetic resonance imaging can be used in this sit-
uation for an accurate diagnosis.
ª 2016, Elsevier Taiwan LLC and the Chinese Taipei Society of Ultrasound in Medicine. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
0929-6441/ª 2016, Elsevier Taiwan LLC and the Chinese Taipei Society of Ultrasound in Medicine. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
4 S.Q. Rashid et al.
Figure 3 An intramural leiomyoma (large arrows) and a large cervical leiomyoma (myo, small arrow) on the transvaginal scan.
Leiomyomas that occur in the uterine wall can be the 1980s solidified this position by providing a closer and
submucosal, intramural, or subserosal (i.e., adjacent to more accurate ultrasound (US) appraisal of the uterus.
the endometrium) and can develop in the muscle layer or Since the 1990s, improvements in computed tomography
just beneath the serosa. The tumor can also pedunculate (CT) and hysterosalphingography (HSG), and rapid de-
with a stalk connecting the uterus (Figures 6,7). Submu- velopments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have
cosal leiomyomas are usually clearly visible and separate allowed these modalities to complement the traditional
from the endometrium on a TVS, but can be difficult to sonographic evaluation [4].
differentiate from polyps (Figure 8). Hysterosonography is Leiomyomas or fibroids of the uterus are common neo-
a technique in which sterile saline is instilled into the plasms and most are the conventional type and therefore easy
uterine cavity via a transcervical catheter while per- to diagnose. Throughout the years, several histological sub-
forming a TVS. This method allows better visualization of types have been described. Their importance is largely
the endometrium and is more accurate than the tradi- because of their resemblance in one or more aspects to leio-
tional TVS in detecting submucosal leiomyomas and in myosarcoma and the obvious potential for misdiagnosis [4].
differentiating them from polyps [5]. Most uterine leiomyomas appear as well-defined solid
masses. Their echogenicity is usually similar to the myo-
metrium, but sometimes the echogenicity is hypoechoic.
Ultrasonography The tumors cause the uterus to become bulky or may
change the uterine contour and make it irregular (Figure 3).
Since the late 1970s, clinical ultrasonography has been the Uterine leiomyomas often show some posterior acoustic
“gold standard” of uterine imaging. The advent of TVS in shadowing (Figure 3); this finding is more prominent in fi-
broids that have calcification (Figure 9).
Leiomyomas with cystic degeneration may have a com-
plex appearance (Figure 1). Color Doppler US typically
shows circumferential vascularity [6]; however, leiomyo-
mas that are necrotic or have undergone torsion will show a
lack of blood flow [7]. Transvaginal color Doppler US can be
used to study uterine blood flow and leiomyoma arterial
supply. The color Doppler US depiction of uterine vascu-
larity depends on several factors such as the sensitivity of
the scanner and the age and parity of the patient. In non-
medically suppressed women of childbearing age, myo-
metrial vessels and spiral vessels within the endometrium
during the luteal phase are present. Postmenopausal
women typically have a relatively hypovascular myome-
trium and endometrium [6]. Blood flow impedance
[expressed as the resistance index (RI)], pulsatility index
(PI), and blood velocity can be calculated. Increased blood
Figure 4 A longitudinal transabdominal scan of a largecervical velocity and decreased RI and PI in both uterine arteries
leiomyoma (arrows), which resulted in the patient’s inability to occur in patients with uterine leiomyomas. The same
empty the urinary bladder. U Z uterus; UB Z urinary bladder. technique has been used to study blood flow in the main
6 S.Q. Rashid et al.
Figure 5 (A) Longitudinal and transverse transabdominal scans of a leiomyoma (mass) on the vaginal wall. (B) Longitudinal and
transverse transvaginal scans also show leiomyoma (the arrows indicate the mass) on the vaginal wall. UB Z urinary bladder.
arteries supplying identifiable leiomyomas. Diastolic flow in undetermined uterine smooth muscle tumors that will
these arteries is always present and increased in compari- require additional diagnostic evaluation before treatment.
son to uterine artery blood flow. The difference in uterine Combined gray-scale and color Doppler US may help
artery blood flow between patients with leiomyomas and distinguish a uterine leiomyosarcoma from a leiomyoma [9].
healthy volunteers is statistically significant and may have A high vascularity score yielded high sensitivity (100%) but a
predictable value in growth rate evaluation of a benign low positive predictive value (PPV; 19%). Considering only
uterine mass [8]. It may be that detecting hypervascularity the presence of marked central vascularity achieved a
in combination with other sonographic findings can identify sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 96% with a 44% PPV.
Figure 6 Longitudinal and transverse transabdominal scans show a subserosal leiomyoma (arrow) on the fundus. UB Z urinary
Ultrasonography of Uterine Leiomyomas 7
Figure 9 (A) Leiomyoma (arrows) with calcific changes presents as bright spots within the mass on the transvaginal scan. (B)
Transabdominal scan of curvilinear calcification in the periphery of a leiomyoma (arrows) in a pregnant female. F Z fetus.
Ultrasonography of Uterine Leiomyomas 9
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