Review Article: The AC and DC Conductivity of Nanocomposites
Review Article: The AC and DC Conductivity of Nanocomposites
Review Article: The AC and DC Conductivity of Nanocomposites
Journal of Nanomaterials
Volume 2007, Article ID 30389, 9 pages
Review Article
The AC and DC Conductivity of Nanocomposites
The microstructures of binary (conductor-insulator) composites, containing nanoparticles, will usually have one of two basic
structures. The first is the matrix structure where the nanoparticles (granules) are embedded in and always coated by the matrix
material and there are no particle-particle contacts. The AC and DC conductivity of this microstructure is usually described by
the Maxwell-Wagner/Hashin-Shtrikman or Bricklayer model. The second is a percolation structure, which can be thought to be
made up by randomly packing the two types of granules (not necessarily the same size) together. In percolation systems, there
exits a critical volume fraction below which the electrical properties are dominated by the insulating component and above which
the conducting component dominates. Such percolation systems are best analyzed using the two-exponent phenomenological
percolation equation (TEPPE). This paper discusses all of the above and addresses the problem of how to distinguish among the
microstructures using electrical measurements.
Copyright © 2007 D. S. McLachlan and G. Sauti. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
the MW/HS equations, the specific nano- (micro-) structure arc—the peak frequency of which is determined by the prop-
pertaining to the MW/HS equations [2, 21], as well as ob- erties of the components and the volume fraction of each
servations regarding its applicability to nanostructures. The [24]. When the insulating phase forms the matrix, there are
“rectangular” Bricklayer model [4], widely used in microce- two arcs, each characterizing the contribution of one compo-
ramics, which could be appropriate for rectilinear nanostruc- nent. The peak frequencies for the multiple component arc
tures, is not discussed in this paper. Section 2.2 describes per- (above ϕc ) and the two single component arcs (below ϕc ) are
colation media and some of the nanostructures which give given by
rise to ϕc ’s between 0.0005 [22] and 0.56 [23]. The TEPPE,
σ mr (ϕ, 0)
which is widely used to describe percolation systems, is in- fp = ϕ < ϕc ,
troduced in Section 2.3. This section is widely illustrated 2πε0 εmr (ϕ, 0)
by experimental results. Section 2.4 gives a brief discussion σ cr (0)
of what features in the nanostructure determine the values fp = ϕ < ϕc ; high frequency , (2)
2πε0 εcr (0)
of the percolation exponents, s and t, as well as discussing
charging effects. Ways of differentiating between effective σ ir (0)
fp = ϕ < ϕc ; low frequency ,
media and percolation media are discussed in Section 3. 2πε0 εir (0)
respectively. The subscript “m” refers to the properties of the
2. THEORY AND RESULTS composite, and “c” and “i” to those of the components. The
εxr (0) are the static dielectric constants. Above ϕc , the peak
The AC conductivity of the media (composites) (σ m ) is the frequency (ωp ) increases with ϕ. Note that in order to observe
sum of the real and imaginary conductivities, which is given all these arcs, the experimental apparatus must adequately
by σ m = σ mr + iσ mi . The conductivity of the more conduct- cover all ω values defined by (2).
ing component is given by σ c = σ cr + iσ ci or simply σ c = σ cr The MW/HS equations ([2] and the references therein),
if ideal conductivity (σ cr σ ci ) is assumed. For the insu- derived directly from Maxwell’s equations, for the spherical
lating component, the conductivity is σ i = σ ir + iσ ii , where isotropic microstructure shown in Figure 1, are
σ ii = ωε0 εir . σ i is often approximated as σ i = iωε0 εir (i.e,
σ ir iσ ii ). In practice, σ ir incorporates both, a usually very σm − σc (1 − ϕ) σ i − σ c
small, DC conductivity and the dielectric polarization loss = , (3a)
σ m + 2σ c σ i + 2σ c
term (ωε0 εii ). The expressions for σ c and σ i can be disper-
σm − σi ϕ σc − σi
sive and/or temperature-dependant. Although, to the best of = . (3b)
σ m + 2σ i σ c + 2σ i
the authors’ knowledge, it has never been attempted for an
experimental system, Nan [20] showed how a granular com- The MW/HS media can be visualized as built up out of a
ponent can be modeled as consisting of both a core and a space-filling array of coated spheres, with an infinite range of
coating. The theory given in this paper definitely applies to sizes, as illustrated in Figure 1. In (3a), σ c is the conductivity
micro- and macromedia and most nanostructures, but there of the coating or matrix material, while σ i is the conductiv-
are some special features regarding nanostructures which ity of the spherical core. In (3b), σ c is for the core while σ i is
must be considered. In nanostructures, the coating matrix for the coating (matrix). Note that the model has been widely
component thickness and the interparticle distances will of- and successfully applied to systems which differ from the ide-
ten be 10 nm thick or less. From 10 nm or less, the coatings alized microstructures shown in Figure 1, for instance, the
are below the tunneling distance for electrons, which would electrical conductivity results and the complex impedance
mean that the bulk conductivity (σ ir ) of the insulating phase plane plots for sintered polycrystalline yttria stabilized zir-
cannot be substituted into the expressions given below, but conia. With values of ϕ close to one (ϕ ≈ 0.999), micron-
should be obtainable by fitting the results. sized grains (σ c ), and grain boundaries (σ i ), a few nanome-
ters thick (3b) and the BLM are found to successfully fit ex-
2.1. Matrix media perimental data provided that suitable dispersive expressions
are substituted for σ c (ω) and σ i (ω) [25]. Suitable dispersive
In matrix media, the conductivity results are often presented expressions include the universal dielectric response function
using both the complex impedance (Z ∗ ) and modulus (M ∗ ) [26] and an expression due to León et al. [27].
representations. The notations adopted for Z ∗ and M ∗ are Other effective media theories are discussed in the fea-
Z ∗ = Z − iZ and M ∗ = M + iM , where M ∗ = iωZ ∗ , ture article by McLachlan et al. [2] and the review article
and Z and Z are the real and imaginary impedances, re- by Meredith and Tobias [28] which gives expressions for the
spectively, while M and M are the corresponding modulus electrical conductivity for a wide variety of other structures.
parameters. This leads to the following equations:
2.2. Percolation media: critical volume fraction
M = ωZ , M = ωZ . (1)
If conducting spheres (discs), of just sufficient size to touch
Note that the results are often presented as complex plane their nearest neighbors, are placed at random on the sites of
(Nyquist) plots (Z − Z and M − M ) or Z -frequency 3D (2D) Bravais lattices, it is found that ϕc is 0.16 ± 0.02
and M -frequency plots. When the more conducting phase (0.50 ± 0.02) [2, 29]. If equally sized conducting and noncon-
forms the “dominant” matrix, these plots show only a single ducting spheres are placed at random in a container, ϕc is also
D. S. McLachlan and G. Sauti 3
Figure 4: Percolation network of random sticks in two dimensions.
Bundle: L/W = 20 100
σ(φ, 0) (Ω cm)−1
φc (random orientation)
Random sticks
10−2 in 3 dimensions
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
SWNT: L/W = 2000
Volume fraction φ
101 102 103 104 Figure 6: DC percolation results for Graphite-hBN discs. ϕc =
Length/width 0.150 ± 0.001, s = 1.01 ± 0.05, and t = 2.63 ± 0.07.
100 2
5 −10
101 103 105 107
ω/2π (Hz) −12
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 8: Dielectric constant plotted against frequency for a loosely Conducting component volume fraction (φ)
packed Graphite-hBN mixture. The range of ϕ values is between
0.112 and 0.123. The top curve is for a sample marginally above ϕc . Conductor-host MW/HS
Insulator-host MW/HS
neous (nongranular) conducting phase. A model for granu-
lar conducting systems which gives rise to t > tun was pro-
10−12 posed by Balberg [38]. This model is based on the dominant
10−13 resistances in the current carrying links and blobs (now con-
10−14 sisting of a granular conductor) being due to a large range
10−15 of interparticle tunneling contacts. Due to the characteris-
10−1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 tic dimensions of nanostructures, the intergranular distances
Frequency (Hz) will often be 10 nm thick or less, that is, below the charac-
teristic tunneling distance. This means that the Balberg [38]
Figure 9: AC conductivity of loosely packed Graphite-hBN in ul-
tra dry air. The straight line is the calculated contribution from the
model will probably be the most appropriate for nanostruc-
percolation clusters and the lowest plot shows the total dielectric tures, where values of t greater than two are to be expected.
loss. One might expect the charging effect or coulomb block-
age in nanostructures because, for a 100 nm radius (R)
sphere carrying charge of one excess electron, the charging
energy, which is e2 /C or e2 /2πε0 R, is equal to the thermal
intergranular conductances of the conducting component in energy kT at 300 K. However, this will not affect the conduc-
a continuum system, have a very wide distribution, then t tivity of a bulk sample because, well below ϕc , there will be a
can be larger than tun . This distribution can be due to a large large number of hopping conductivity paths, with a number
range of effective geometrical resistivity factors in a continu- of different hopping lengths in each. This, combined with the
ous homogeneous conducting phase, as occurred in the Swiss fact that e2 /C will vary from site to site, will average out any
Cheese (random void (RV)) model and the inverse Swiss observable effects. Closer to ϕc , the hopping occurs between
Cheese (inverse random void (IRV)) model [32, 34]. In the random clusters which have larger and more varied C values,
Swiss Cheese model, a range of very thin and highly resistive which will again lead to a smearing out of charging effects. It
threads of the conductor (Cheese), between the large over- should also be noted that it has been shown by McLachlan et
lapping voids (air), give rise to a wide distribution in the al. [13] that the scaling results for percolation systems and
conductances between the more extended or bulky regions universal conductivity systems, which have been observed
of conductor. These models give values for t in the range of in amorphous conductors, ionic conductors, lightly doped
2–2.5. An extension to the RV model allowing still higher semiconductors, and other disordered systems, are very sim-
(apparently unlimited) values of t is given berg [35]. The ilar. As in some, but not all, universal conductivity systems,
links, blobs, and nodes model [36, 37] gives an upper limit coulomb blocking occurs; the presence of coulomb blocking
of 2.35. Note that all of the above models assume a homoge- does not necessarily invalidate the TEPPE.
D. S. McLachlan and G. Sauti 7
−2 1
−Z / − Zmax
log σ ((Ωcm)−1 )
−8 Above φc
0.00035 < φc < 0.00075
−14 Below φc 0
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
−16 log(ω) (rad s−1 )
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 φ=0 φ = 0.9
log f (Hz) φ = 0.1 φ = 0.9995
φ = 0.5 φ=1
φ=0 φ = 0.002
φ = 0.0002 φ = 0.005 Figure 12: The normalized impedance for an insulator-host
φ = 0.00035 φ = 0.01
Maxwell-Wagner/Hashin-Shtrikman system. For the ratio of com-
φ = 0.00075 φ = 0.02
φ = 0.001 φ = 0.05 ponent conductivities in the simulations, no peaks are observed be-
tween those of the insulating and conducting components. The sys-
Figure 11: The AC conductivity of SWCNT-polymer composites at tem is dominated either by the insulating or the conducting com-
various ϕ values. Note the big jump in the conductivity around ϕc ponent. For the simulations, σ cr = 102 (Ωm)−1 , εcr = 10, σ ir = 10−16 ,
[22]. and εir = 4 (For lower values of σ cr /σ ir two peaks are observed in
the spectrum).
1 1
0.8 0.8
−Z / − Zmax
−Z / − Zmax
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
log(ω) (rad s−1 ) log(ω) (rad s−1 )
φ=0 φ = 0.9 φ=0 φ = 0.2
φ = 0.1 φ = 0.9995 φ = 0.15 φ = 0.5
φ = 0.5 φ=1 φ = 0.16(φc ) φ=1
φ = 0.165
Figure 13: Normalized impedance for the conductor-host Figure 14: The normalized impedance for a percolation system.
Maxwell-Wagner/Hashin-Shtrikman model. Note that the single Note the peaks at frequencies in between those of the insulating
peak starts close to the ϕ = 1 peak, even for very low ϕ and moves and conducting components. For the simulations, σ cr = 102 (Ωm)−1 ,
to the right, closer to ϕ = 1 with increasing ϕ. For the simulations, εcr = 10, σ ir = 10−16 (Ωm)−1 , εir = 4, s = 1, t = 2, and ϕc = 0.16.
σ cr = 102 (Ωm)−1 , εcr = 10, σ ir = 10−16 (Ωm)−1 , and εir = 4.
are all superimposed onto the ϕ = 0 peak. However, just results for the composite using the MW/HS equations or the
above ϕc , the peak starts to move towards the ϕ = 1 peak TEPPE together with the best expressions for the dispersive
with increasing ϕ. conductivity of the other component.
Similar behavior as seen in Figures 12, 13, and 14 is
observed for smaller σ i /σ c with the only difference being REFERENCES
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