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Advanced Secure Exam Management System Through QR Code Based Authentication

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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]

ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 10, Oct. -2017
M. E. Computer Engineering Flora Institute of Technology Pune, India [email protected]

Department of Computer Engineering Flora Institute of Technology Pune, India [email protected]

ABSTRACT: environments are such that the students can easily

M-Learning has enhanced the e-learning by exchange information over the network during exam
making the learning process learner-centered. time is an difficult task.
However, obligating exam security in environments
which are open, every student has devices or Laptop II. CORE SERVICES AND FUNCTIONALITIES:
connected to a Wi-Fi network or internet. Such The core services of the proposed Exam Engine are
environments are such that the students can easily discussed below.
exchange information over the network during exam A. Random Distribution of Exam Questions The
time. teacher must have to define a question bank and link
INDEX TERMS: Access control, m-learning, e- them to the appropriate / respective subject. There are
learning, proctor. many types of questions i.e. objective type questions,
descriptive kind of questions. In case of objective type of
I. INTRODUCTION: question Each question have a set of options. Teacher
Students mobile/tablet devices or computer/ laptop must have to specify those options and specify correct
are connected to the schools Wi-Fi or LAN network answer among them to enable the exam engine to
through which they may illegally exchange information evaluate student’s answer.
during an exam. Applying simple policies, such as B. Authentication of students
turning the network down during exams to cut off any C. Random Distribution of questions
possible communication between students, is not a
practical solution as students in different classes may not III. REVIEW OF LITERATURE:
take their respective exams at the same time. Moreover, Mustafa Yaci, Menderes nal [2] A new design and
the network has to be up during exams in order to be application of adaptive online exam system are accepted
able to submit student’s answers to the exam server. in this paper. Adaptive exam systems determine
There is a need of having dynamic network access policy dissimilar question sets automatically and interactively
and it should be applied on each student’s device for each student and measure their ability on a certain
according to predefined conditions. Employing an area of discipline instead of comparing their gains with
identity based firewall with dynamic access policy seems each other. Since questions are focused so that they can
to be a good solution to be adopted in such a scenario. allow making clear deductions about student gains, they
Learning Management Systems (LMSs), have been are able to notice student competencies more effectively.
adopted by many organizations to establish and provide Requiring less total time for calculating and being more
access to online learning services due to being essential flexible in the exam management system are among the
tools of e-learning. From student’s point of view, m- advantages provided by the system. Self-sufficiency of
learning could personalize their learning process as well the system in terms of arrangement, repeating and
as enable them to collaborate with other students or assessment of the measurement process especially
teachers. From teacher’s point of view, they could allows itself to be used in the individual education sets.
continue to use LMSs as their working platform, leaving Through this system, student competencies can be
mobile devices for students. The problem is that the determined more effectively in cases such as distant
integration of m-learning applications and LMS is not an learning, in which some challenges are experienced
easy task. Indeed, LMSs usually designed as monolithic frequently.
or layered systems and do not generally contain Ruth Raitman, Leanne Ngo, Naomi Augar and
interoperability standards to communicate with external Wanlei Zhou[3] This paper reports the role of security
applications; Hence obligating exam security in in the collaborative e-learning background, and in
environments which are open, every student has devices particular, the social aspects of security and the
or Laptop connected to a Wi-Fi network or internet. Such significance of identity. It also represents a case study,
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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 10, Oct. -2017
completed in Nov 2004, which was conducted to test the Management System (SEMS) that meets the distinct
logic of security that students experienced whilst using security requirements of m-learning environments and
the wiki platform as a means of online collaboration in to integrate it with the current Moodle/Moodbile
the tertiary education environment. The difference platform. This will result in a complete LMS that is both
between two wiki studies will be made whereby one equipped with secure exam services and suitable for
group employed user login and the other maintained mlearning. Our intention of integrating SEMS with a
anonymity throughout the course of the study. The well-known LMS such as Moodle is so to get the benefits
results consider the independent participation and of Moodles readymade services in other learning aspects
evolution of the work requirements over time, which in such as course material administration, documentation,
fact determines the no validity of administrative etc. which have been experienced and appreciated for
identification. the last 15 years. However, the proposed SEMS can also
NajwaHayaatiMohdAlwi and Ip-Shing Fan[4] work as a standalone secure exam management system
E-learning is a new system of learning and it depends on for m-learning environments without integration with
the Internet in its execution. Internet has become the Moodle.
place for a new set of prohibited activities and E-learning
environment is now uncovered to the threats. In this
paper the advantage and growth of e-learning is
explained. This paper deliberates the security elements
desired in e-learning. In addition, explains the
circumstance and existing research on security in e-
learning. Information security management is advised to
contribute in preparing the secured e-learning
Yong Chen and Wu He[5] This paper describes
a survey of online education which attempts to
determine online education providers awareness of
potential security hazards and the protection measures
that will reduce them. The authors use a mixture of two A. METHODOLOGY:
methods: blog mining and a traditional literature search. 1) Step1: In this first phase every candidate or user has
The findings identified diverse security hazards and have to register themselves in order to give an exam.
proposed solutions to mitigate the security threats in 2) Step2: After registration they will get a QR code image
online education. The modifications shown in the survey that actually is encrypted information of user. The same
results generated by the two different methods check information will be stored at the server side for admin/
that online learning sources and practitioners have not examiner record.The secret key K is send to admin
considered security as a top priority. The paper also record, which is used for decryption purpose.
deliberates the next generation of an online education 3) Step3: user will bring that QR code image while
system: a safer personal learning environment which coming for exam then, admin. Examiner will scan that QR
needs a one-stop solution for authentication, assures the code image to check whether authenticated candidate
security of online assessments, and balances security has come for exam or not, the verification process done
and usability. by that user information stored on server or examiner
record, upon verified the admin will send the question
IV. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE: paper Q to user account.
The main objective of this research work is to 4) Step 4: user will login to system, to attempt an exam.
identify various low moral acts or vulnerabilities that
can violate exam security in m-learning environments B. MATHEMATICAL MODEL:
and to design the appropriate security services and Let S be the set of whole system i.e. S=input, process,
countermeasures that can be put in place to ensure exam output
security. Where, - Input is the set of inputs given to the system. –
It also aims to integrate the resulting secure Process is step or techniques applied to the system. –
exam system with an existing, open source and widely Output is outcome of the system.
accepted Learning Management System (LMS) and its 1) Input: Input = U, QR, K, Q. Where, - U be the user. - QR
service extension to the m-learning environment, be the QR generated from users details. - K be the secret
namely the Moodbile Project. To design a Secure Exam
32 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 10, Oct. -2017
key to decrypt the encrypted QR code. - Q be question
2) Process:
Step1: This is the registration phase here every
candidate or user has to register themselves in order to
give an exam.
Step2: After step 1 they will get a QR code image that is
actually encrypted information of user . The same
information will be stored at the server side for admin/
examiner record. The secret key K is send to admin
record, which is used for decryption purpose.
Step3: user will bring that QR code image to exam then, VI. CONCLUSION:
admin examiner will scan that QR code image to check The design of a new Secure Exam Management
whether real/authenticated candidate has come for System (SEMS) has been carried out to reduce threats to
exam or not, the verification process done by that user the exam security that exist in m-learning environments.
information stored on server or examiner record, upon In addition to this the SEMS also offers many services
verified the admin will send the question paper Q to user like: secure and random distribution of examination
account. questions and turbo-mode assessment. This will also
Step 4: user will login to system, to attempt an exam. help in preventing the issue of unattended questions.
3) Output: Secure Exam Management System (SEMS) to The QR code based authentication system prevents
reduce the exam security threats that exist in m-learning students from exchanging their devices during an
environments. examination, conducting exam securely through online
or offline strategies and auditing.
1) It has a Service Oriented Architecture. REFERENCES:
2) Provide better security. 1) Mustafa Kaiiali, Armagan Ozkaya, Halis Altun,
3) Can be access more lightly. Designing a Secure Exam Management System
(SEMS) for M-Learning Environments, IEEE
V. RESULT ANALYSIS: Transactions on Learning Technologies ( Volume: 9,
Input Here, Whole System taken many more Issue: 3, July-Sept. 1 2016 )
attribute for the input purpose but here author mainly 2) Mustafa Yaci *, Menderes nal, Designing and
focuses on the Time and performance of system. implementing an adaptive online examination system,
Considering few attributes like Unauthorized logins and 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences -
access., confidentiality, Paperless work and time WCES 2013.
predicted analytical results of proposed system with 3) Ruth Raitman, Leanne Ngo,Naomi augar, Security in
respect to existing system. A. the Online E-learning Environment, Advanced
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A = Unauthorized logins and access. International Conference on 5-8 July 2005
B = Confidetionality. 10.1109/ICALT.2005.236.
C=Paperless work 4) Najwa Hayaati Mohd Alwi; Ip-Shing Fan,
D = Time. ”Information security management in e-learning,”
2009 International Conference for Internet
Technology and Secured Transactions, (ICITST)
Existing Proposed(Implemented)
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A 3 5 in Online Learning: A Survey, IEEE Trans. Autom.
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B 6 10 Kissinger, The Social and Mobile Learning
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