Pawar M.R.
Final year student, S B Patil College Of Engineering, Indapur,Pune
Pawar M.P.
Final year student, S B Patil College Of Engineering, Indapur,Pune
Shinde D.V.
Final year student, S B Patil College Of Engineering, Indapur,Pune
Gaikwad N.D.
Final year student, S B Patil College Of Engineering, Indapur,Pune
Nalawade V.R.
Final year student, S B Patil College Of Engineering, Indapur,Pune
Katkar M.B.
Asst. Prof. S B Patil College Of Engineering Indapur,Pune
Abstract- This paper gives the review about the II. Previous Work -
existing solid waste management practices and 1.Nitin Mundhe, Ravindra Jaybhaye(Augast2014) et al.
present scenario of solid waste practices in Indapur In Pune city The total quantity of waste generated per day
city .The unplanned growth of the city has created the is about 1300 to 1400 metric tons (approximate
problem of waste generation . The per capita waste generation per capita per day is 500 grams) The proposed
rate in India has increased from 0.53 kg per day in work emphasizes on the assessment of detail process of
2001 to 0.68 kg per day in 2013; this increased solid solid waste management such as collection, storage,
waste made a huge impact on environment as well as segregation, transportation, treatment and disposal by
human life. So, there is requirement of proper solid using Geospatial tools like RS, GIS and GPS. It may help in
waste management to reduce the effect on of sustainable urban environment of Pune city. PMC lies
environment and human life. between latitudes 18° 25'N and 18° 37'N and longitudes
between73° 44'E and 73° 57'E and the geographical area is
Keywords— Municipal solid waste, Plastic, Recycling, around 243.84 Sq.Km with a population of 3.1 million
Waste Disposal, Waste Management. composed of 76 general electoral wards(according to
2011, Census of India). These wards were converted in 14
I. Introduction- administrative wards by Pune Municipal Corporation
SWM is the process of collection, transportation
,storage and disposal of solid waste in such a way that 2.Dr. Raveesh Agarwal, Mona Chaudhary( June 2015 )
it can save reduce the effect on public health, et al.
conservation, economics, aesthetic, engineering and The objectives of writing this paper is to study the current
other environmental considerations. Disposal of solid practices related to the various waste management
waste causes attraction of birds, and fleas towards the initiatives taken in India for human wellbeing. There are
waste site and causes unhygienic conditions. The few things certain in life – one is death, second is change
disposal of the solid waste causes the emission and the other is waste.” No one can stop these things to
harmful gases. The landfill site may causes the take place in our lives. But with better management we can
problem of leaching of water which further causes the prepare ourselves. There are about 593 districts and
disease like nausea, jaundice, asthma etc. approximately 5,000 towns in India. About 27.8 percent of
In Indapur city primary sources of India’s total population of more than 1 billion (as per
solid waste are local households, commercial Census 2001) lives in urban areas. The projected urban
establishments, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and population percentage is 33.4 percent by the year 2026.
markets. Indapur Municipal Corporation (IMC) is The quantum of waste generated in Indian towns and cities
responsible for collection, storage, segregation, is increasing day by day on account of its increasing
transportation and disposal of all solid waste population and increased GDP. The annual quantity of solid
generated in the city. In the present research work waste generated in Indian cities has increased from six
describes an attempt to assess the collection, million tons in 1947 to 48 million tons in 1997 with an
segregation, transportation, treatment and disposal of annual growth rate of 4.25 percent, and it is expected to
IMC land fill site. increase to 300 million tons by 2,047 (CPCB, 1998).
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Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
the menace of waste management and simultaneously
3.Rajendra Kaushal , Mayuri Chabukdhara(may 2013) solving the energy needs of the State.
et al.
Estimation on the quantity and characteristics of municipal
solid waste and its forecasting over the planning period is 6.Garbage Collection Management System
the key to a successful management plan. India, with a Pranjal Lokhande (Nov2016)-
population of over 1.21 billion account for 17.5% of the Introduction of adamantine problem for environment is
world population (Census of India 2011). According to the pollution that causes fickleness, instability, hard or
provisional figures of Census of India 2011, 377 million disquiet to ecosystem. Now days, there are a number of
people live in the urban areas of the techniques, which are used for the collection and
country. This is 31.16 % of the Country’s total population. management of thegarbage. Zigbee and GSM technologies
Generally in India, MSW is disposed of in low-lying areas are not only latest trends but also one of the best
without taking proper precautions or operational controls. combinations to use in the project. Set of carefully chosen
Therefore, municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is sensors to monitor the status of garbage bin. The smart
one of the major environmental problems of Indian garbage bin consist sensors namely ultrasonic sensor, gas
megacities. SWM involves activities associated with sensor and moisture sensor. Ultrasonic Sensor is used for
generation, storage and collection, transfer and transport, detect the garbage level. The ultrasonic sensor is placed
treatment and disposal of solid wastes. But, in most Indian inside the garbage bin at lead position, gas sensor will
cities, the MSWM system comprises only four activities, i.e., sense the toxic gases and moisture sensor will sense moist
waste generation, collection, transportation, and disposal. in bin then that indication will give to PIC micro-controller.
Poor collection and inadequate transportation causes the
accumulation of MSW at every nook and corner. The Data collection :-
management of MSW is going through a critical phase, due Indapur is a Municipal Council city in district of Pune,
to the unavailability of suitable facilities to treat and Maharashtra. The Indapur city is divided into 17 wards for
dispose of the larger amounts of MSW generated daily in which elections are held every 5 years. The Indapur
metropolitan cities. Municipal Council has population of 25,515 of which
13,252 are males while 12,263 are females. as per report
4.A Study of Literature on Solid Waste Management released by Census India 2011 Population of Children with
Mansi Khadke (2015)- age of 0-6 is 3027 which is 11.86 % of total population of
A Literature review on the subject of Solid waste Indapur (M Cl). In Indapur Municipal Council, Female Sex
Management(SWM) is yet in the formative stage as a well Ratio is of 925 against state average of 929. Moreover
classified and large quantum of information is not athand. Child Sex Ratio in Indapur is around 863 compared to
This paper summarises the literature and inferences Maharashtra state average of 894. Literacy rate of Indapur
gathered so far pertained to the topic. The main focus of city is 88.22 % higher than state average of 82.34 %. In
this research paper is on Financial Aspect of Solid Waste Indapur, Male literacy is around 92.82 % while female
Management (SWM). Area such as challenges facing SWM, literacy rate is 83.31 %.Indapur Municipal Council has total
sustainable SWM, Integrated approach to SWM, Financing administration over 5,228 houses to which it supplies
options,centralised – decentralised systems of SWM, basic amenities like water and sewerage. It is also
Environmental Audit of SWM system, Importance of Public authorize to build roads within Municipal Council limits
Private Partnerships in SWM, Financial performance and impose taxes on properties coming under its
analysis of SWM through Cost-BenefitAnalysis are covered jurisdiction.
in this paper. In Indapur city total waste generated is 7 tonnes
per day out of this 5.6 tons are generated from wet
waste,160 kg waste generated from hazardous waste
5.Management and Disposal of Municipal Solid Wastes (medical waste,etc) and remaining 1.4 tons waste
in Abakaliki Metropolis, Ebonyi State, Nigeria Patrick generated is total dry waste.
AkataNwofe (Feb 2015)-
In this study, the municipal solid waste management and Total waste generated from indapur city (7tonns/day)
disposal methods in Abakaliki Metropolis, Ebonyi State, 1. Wet waste :- 5.6 tonnes
Nigeria is presented. The characteristics and composition 2. Hazardous waste :- 160 kg
of these wastes and the environmental issues associated 3. Dry waste :- 1.4 tonnes
with its management are also investigated.Environmental I. Paper :- 640kg
and health issues arising from the unsustainable II. Plastic :- 640kg
management of the wastes were assessed from oral III. Glass bottle :- 160kg
interviews and field observations in the study areas. The IV. Other waste :- 160 kg
results indicates that the waste dump sites (designated and
non-designated) on the major streets and several open
spaces. The study strongly recommend that Ebonyi State Methodology :-
Environmental Protection Agency (EBSEPA) be made to sit 1) Collection Method
up on their functions while Government should strongly 2) Transportation Method
consider introducing "waste to energy" as a way of curbing 3) Disposal Method
99 | P a g e
Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
Flow chart of the solid waste management:- Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 100– No.10,
August 2014.
2) Dr. Raveesh Agarwal, Mona Chaudhary and Jayveer
Singh “Waste mananegment Initiatives In India For
HumanWell Being” European Scientific Journal June
3) Rajendra Kumar Kaushal, George K. Varghese , Mayuri
Chabukdhara “Municipal Solid Waste Management in
India Current State and Future Challenges: A Review”
4) Sharholy, M., Ahmad, K., Vaishya, R., Gupta, R., 2007.
Municipal solid waste characteristics and management
in allahabad, India.
5) Waste Management 27 (4), 490–496.
6) Akolkar, A.B., 2005. Status of Solid Waste
Management in India, Implementation Status of
Municipal Solid Wastes. Management and Handling
Rules 2000, Central Pollution Control Board, New
1.Collection Method :- 7) Environment Status Report of Pune Municipal
Corporation, 2001 to 2012.
1. House To House: small vehicals are provided with alarm 8) Gupta S., Choudhary N. and Alappat B.J.,
which visit each individual house to collect garbage. The (2007),”Bioreactor Landfill for MSW Disposal in Delhi”
user generally pays a fee for this service. Proceedings of the International.
2. Community Bins: Uses bring their garbage to community 9) Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management,
bins that are placed at fixed points in a neighborhood or Chennai, India. pp. 474-481.
locality. 10) Jha, M.K., Sondhi, O.A.K., Pansare, M., 2003. Solid waste
3. Self Delivered: Generators deliver the waste directly to management – a case study. Indian Journal of
disposal sites or transfer station. Environmental Protection 23(10),1153–1160.
4. Smart Bins with ultrasonic sensor are used to detect the 11) M. S. Lawand1, S.S. Bansode1 and Dr. P. D. Nemade2,
garbage level in bin. “A gis based route optimization for solid waste
management: a case study on indapur.
2.Transportation Method 12) municipality”,1assistant proff,2principal of SBPCOE
1) Functional element of transportation refers to mean
facilities used to effect the transfer of wastes from one
location to another usually more distant location.
2) Small collection vehicles are transferred to larger
vehicles that are used to the waste over extended distances
to disposal sites.
Source of generation → local transport →transfer station
→long distance →treatment or
disposal facility
3.Disposal Method
1) Open burning.
2) Sanitary landfids.
3) Biological digestion.
4) Composting.
In the present work an effort has been made to design and
develop an appropriate collection, transportation and
SWM plant for the Indapur city Municipality Corporation
1) Nitin Mundhe and Ravindra Jaybhaye “Assessment of
Municipal Solid Waste Management of Pune City using
Geospatial Tools’’ International Journal of Computer
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