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H1: Satisfaction related to HR strategies is significantly differs among the three groups of

employees (managers, supervisors and labors).

Descriptive - Satisfaction with Respect to HR Strategies

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

Manager 30 2.70 .364 .066

Supervisor 30 3.34 .315 .058

Labor 300 3.16 .283 .016

Total 360 3.13 .325 .017

The descriptive table provides descriptive statistics, including the mean and standard deviation
for the dependent variable (Employee Satisfaction with Respect to HR Strategies) for each group
(Manager, Supervisor and Labor ) as well as when all groups are combined (Total).

ANOVA - Satisfaction with Respect to HR Strategies

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 7.210 2 3.605 42.029 .000

Within Groups 30.620 357 .086

Total 37.830 359

The above table shows the output of the ANOVA analysis and whether there is a statistically
significant difference between our group means. The statistics shows that the significance value
is 0.000 (i.e. p = .000), which is below 0.05 and, therefore, there is a statistically significant
difference in the mean employee satisfaction with respect to HR strategies between different

From the results so far, it is observed that there are statistically significant differences between
the groups as a whole. The table below, Multiple Comparisons, shows which groups differed
from each other.
Multiple Comparisons
Satisfaction with Respect to HR Strategies
Tukey HSD

95% Confidence Interval

(I) (J) Std.
Mean Difference (I-J) Sig. Lower Upper
Designation Designation Error
Bound Bound

Supervisor -.647* .076 .000 -.83 -.47

Labor -.460* .056 .000 -.59 -.33

Manager .647* .076 .000 .47 .83

Labor .188* .056 .003 .06 .32

Manager .460* .056 .000 .33 .59

Supervisor -.188* .056 .003 -.32 -.06

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

From the above table it is observed that there is a statistically significant difference in Employee
Satisfaction with Respect to HR Strategies between Manager and Supervisor (p = .000), Manager
and Labor (p = .000) and Supervisor and Labor (p = .003).

There was a statistically significant difference between groups as determined by one-way

ANOVA [F (2,357) = 42.029, p = .000]. A Tukey post hoc test revealed that Satisfaction with
Respect to HR Strategies was statistically significantly lower for Manager (2.70 + .364)
compared with Labor (3.16 + .283) and Labor compared with Supervisor (3.34 + .315).

Result: Failed to reject null hypothesis and accepted alternative hypothesis. Thus, it can be
concluded that Satisfaction related to HR strategies is significantly differs among the three
groups of employees (managers, supervisors and labors).
H2: From the opinion of Managers, HR strategies used in automobile ancillaries significantly
affect employee retention.
One-Sample Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Employee Retention 30 3.5000 1.07479 .19623

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 4

95% Confidence Interval

t df Sig. (2-tailed) of the Difference
Lower Upper

Employee Retention -2.548 29 .016 -.50000 -.9013 -.0987

Table labeled ‘One-Sample Statistics’ presents descriptive statistics including meand and
standard deviations for the variable ‘Employee Retention. To validate hypothesis 2, researcher
has used t-test analysis. HR strategies used in automobile ancillaries significantly affect
employee retention,’ which means population mean is statistically significantly different.
Moving from left-to-right, above table, presented with the observed t-value (‘t’ column), the
degrees of freedom (‘df’), and the statistical significance (p-value) (‘Sig. (2-tailed)’) of the one-
sample t-test.

In the analysis, p < .05 (it is p = .016). Therefore, it can be concluded that the population means
are statistically significantly different.

Result: Therefore null hypothesis cannot be accepted. Thus, above table reveals that ‘HR
strategies used in automobile ancillaries significantly affect employee retention.’
H3: There is significant relationship between the group of employees (managers and supervisors)
and their opinion on problems faced by companies on implementation of HR strategies.
Chi-Square Statistics
Pearson Chi-Square
df p-Value
Designation * Failure to Understand Strategic
9.643 1 0.002
Designation * Inadequate Assessment of
26.786 1 0.000
Environmental Factors
Designation * Inadequate Assessment of
5.455 1 0.020
Cultural Factors
Designation * Development of Ill-convinced
0.48 1 0.488
and Irrelevant Initiatives

Designation * Wrong Analysis of Best Practices 2.052 1 0.152

Designation * No Business and HR Strategic Fit 9.317 1 0.002

Designation * Unawareness of Strategies among

0.606 1 0.436
Designation * Conflict between Labor and
2.455 1 0.117

Designation * Some Political Intervention 1.669 1 0.196

At 1 degree of freedom, calculated value of Chi-square (i.e. X2) for Designation * Failure to
Understand Strategic Need as a problem faced by companies on implementation of HR strategies
is 9.643 and table value is 3.84 at 5% level of significance. Table value is less than calculated
chi-square and hence there is a strong evidence to conclude that there is significant relationship
between the group of employees (managers and supervisors) and their opinion on problems faced
by companies on implementation of HR strategies where companies fail to understand strategic
need of it.
Likewise, while taking into consideration the factors like Inadequate Assessment of
Environmental Factors, Inadequate Assessment of Cultural Factors and No Business and HR
Strategic Fit, from the above Chi-square Statistics table, it has been observed that there is
significant relationship between the group of employees (managers and supervisors) and their
opinion on problems faced by companies on implementation of HR strategies.

However, while taking into consideration factors like Development of Ill-convinced and
Irrelevant Initiatives, Wrong Analysis of Best Practices, Unawareness of Strategies among
Employees, Conflict between Labor and Management and Some Political Intervention, it has
been observed that there is no significant relationship between the group of employees
(managers and supervisors) and their opinion on problems faced by companies on
implementation of HR strategies. Crosstab details for all parameters are presented in the

Result: Failed to reject null hypothesis. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no significant
relationship between the group of employees (managers and supervisors) and their opinion on
problems faced by companies on implementation of HR strategies.

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