Electric Power Research Institute
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Steam Turbine Mechanical
Hydraulic Control System –
Operation, Inspection, Setup,
Troubleshooting, and Maintenance
Guide, Revision 1
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are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
Copyright © 2009 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Principal Investigators
H. Parker
R. Militello
This report describes research sponsored by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
The report is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner:
This report describes the components of General Electric and Westinghouse steam turbine
mechanical hydraulic control systems and provides typical drawings. It focuses on systems
located on the front standards and valve enclosures of utility-sized fossil and nuclear steam
turbines manufactured by General Electric and Westinghouse. The report is intended to assist in
maintaining, calibrating, and troubleshooting these systems.
EPRI Perspective
This report provides information to give plant personnel a better understanding of the steam
turbine mechanical hydraulic control system, its components and failure modes, and
recommended maintenance practices. In addition, it provides a troubleshooting guide to aid in
determining the cause of particular problems and the appropriate corrective actions.
This report provides an overview of a steam turbine mechanical-hydraulic control system and its
primary components. It also describes outage planning, maintenance, calibration, and
troubleshooting procedures.
General Electric
Mechanical hydraulic controls
The EPRI Steam Turbine Mechanical Hydraulic Control System – Operation, Inspection, Setup,
Troubleshooting, and Maintenance Guide, Revision 1 was produced by EPRI’s Steam Turbines,
Generators, and Balance-of-Plant Program (Program 65) and Nuclear Steam Turbine Initiative
Principal Authors
H. Parker
R. Militello
Contributing Consultants
J. F. Byrd Jr.
R. Johndrow, Ocean Power Controls, LLC
A. Richardson
Contributing Companies
Principal Contributors
S. DeCrow
N. Goldsworth
Dynegy Northeast
EPRI would like to thank the following for their assistance during the development of this report:
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Maintenance Guide Scope ..........................................................................................1-1
1.3 Maintenance Guide Organization ................................................................................1-1
1.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................................1-2
1.5 Conversions .................................................................................................................1-4
2 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Control Fundamentals .................................................................................................2-1
2.2.1 Control Loop........................................................................................................2-1
2.2.2 Low-Value Gate ..................................................................................................2-3
2.2.3 Fail-Safe..............................................................................................................2-3
2.3 Steam-Turbine MHC System .......................................................................................2-3
2.3.1 System Function .................................................................................................2-3
2.3.2 Summary Description..........................................................................................2-3
2.3.3 Design Considerations ........................................................................................2-6
3 GE MHC COMPONENTS.......................................................................................................3-1
3.1 MHC Amplifiers ............................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 Function ..............................................................................................................3-1
3.1.2 Summary Description..........................................................................................3-1
3.1.3 Design Considerations ........................................................................................3-3
3.1.4 Details .................................................................................................................3-4 The Summer .................................................................................................3-4 Single-Acting Integrator ................................................................................3-5 Double-Acting Relay .....................................................................................3-6
10054972 Pilot Valve .....................................................................................................3-8 Limiters and Stops ......................................................................................3-18
3.2 Dashpots....................................................................................................................3-20
3.3 Mechanical Integrator ................................................................................................3-21
3.4 Trip-Latch Mechanism ...............................................................................................3-21
3.5 Function Generator ....................................................................................................3-22
3.6 Overriding Devices (Gates) .......................................................................................3-24
3.7 GE MHC Front Standard Elements............................................................................3-25
4 GE SPEED/LOAD CONTROL................................................................................................4-1
4.1 System Functions ........................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Summary Description ..................................................................................................4-1
4.3 Design Considerations.................................................................................................4-3
4.3.1 Three Laws of Steam Turbine Controls ..............................................................4-4 First Law of Steam Turbine Controls ............................................................4-4 Second Law of Steam Turbine Controls .......................................................4-4 Third Law of Steam Turbine Controls ...........................................................4-5
4.3.2 Speed Control Theory .........................................................................................4-5
4.4 Details ..........................................................................................................................4-8
4.4.1 Operating Speed Control ....................................................................................4-8 Speed Governor and Speed Relay .............................................................4-10 Speed Governor..........................................................................................4-14 Regulation...................................................................................................4-19 Control Valve Positioning Valves On Shell .................................................4-24 Control Valve Positioning - Separate Valve Chest......................................4-31 Speed/Load Changer..................................................................................4-34 Operation of an Operating Speed Control ..................................................4-40
4.4.2 Load Limit Control .............................................................................................4-40
4.4.3 Stop Valve Bypass ............................................................................................4-43 Operation ....................................................................................................4-43 Bypass Valve Control Mechanism ..............................................................4-44 Trip Throttle Valve.......................................................................................4-47
5 GE REHEAT TURBINE CONTROLS.....................................................................................5-1
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................5-1
5.2 System Function ..........................................................................................................5-1
5.3 Summary Description ..................................................................................................5-1
5.4 Details ..........................................................................................................................5-3
5.4.1 Basic Reheat Turbine Arrangement....................................................................5-3 First Line of Defense.....................................................................................5-4 Second Line Of Defense...............................................................................5-4
5.4.2 Purpose and Operation of Intercept Valves ........................................................5-5 Reheat Valves...............................................................................................5-6 Separate Intercept Valves.............................................................................5-6 Shell-Mounted Intercept Valves ....................................................................5-7 Separate Reheat Stop Valves.......................................................................5-9 Combined Reheat Valves ...........................................................................5-10
5.4.3 Two-Speed Governing Systems .......................................................................5-12 Pre-Emergency Governor, Relay, and IV Test Device ...............................5-13 Regulation of Pre-Emergency Speed Control.............................................5-15
5.4.4 Single-Speed Governing System ......................................................................5-16 Dashpot Breakdown Link ............................................................................5-17 Intercept Valve Relay..................................................................................5-18
5.4.5 Control Mechanism for Intercept Valves, Remote Positioning Device, and
Dashpot Linkage.............................................................................................................5-20 General .......................................................................................................5-20 Function ......................................................................................................5-20 Dashpot Breakdown Length........................................................................5-21 Hydraulic Positioning Transmitter ...............................................................5-22 Hydraulic Positioning Receiver ...................................................................5-24
6.4 System Details .............................................................................................................6-3
6.4.1 Overspeed Potential............................................................................................6-3
6.4.2 Normal Overspeed Operation .............................................................................6-5 Loss of Load .................................................................................................6-5 Normal Overspeed – Straight Condensing Unit............................................6-6 Normal Overspeed - Reheat Units...............................................................6-6
6.4.3 Emergency Overspeed .......................................................................................6-7
6.4.4 Second Line of Defense......................................................................................6-7
6.4.5 Trip Anticipator ....................................................................................................6-9
6.4.6 Probability of Overspeeds .................................................................................6-11
6.5 Main Stop Valves .......................................................................................................6-11
6.5.1 Older MHC Stop Valve Mechanisms.................................................................6-12
6.5.2 Newer MHC Stop Valve Trip Mechanisms........................................................6-13
6.6 Emergency Trip Valves..............................................................................................6-15
6.6.1 Overspeed Trip .................................................................................................6-16 Oil Tripped Ring-Type Overspeed Trip (3600/3000 rpm) ...........................6-18 GE 1800/1500 rpm......................................................................................6-19 Overspeed Trip Mechanism........................................................................6-20
6.6.2 Trip Valves in the Front Standard .....................................................................6-22 Trip Valves on Older Units ..........................................................................6-22 Manual and Solenoid Trips .........................................................................6-23 Trip Testing Systems - Older Types ...........................................................6-24 Trip Testing System for Newer Units ..........................................................6-25
6.6.3 Trip Anticipator ..................................................................................................6-28
6.7 Vacuum Trip ..............................................................................................................6-31
6.7.1 Scissor-Lever Vacuum Trip...............................................................................6-32
6.7.2 Adjustable Floating Lever Vacuum Trip ............................................................6-35 Solenoid and Back-Up Overspeed Trip ......................................................6-36 Main Shaft Oil Pump Trip............................................................................6-36
6.8 Thrust Bearing Wear Detector ...................................................................................6-36
6.9 Low-Speed Switch .....................................................................................................6-38
7 GE PRE-OUTAGE PLANNING ..............................................................................................7-1
7.1 Pre-Outage Preparation...............................................................................................7-1
7.2 Inspection ....................................................................................................................7-1
7.3 Calibration of the System.............................................................................................7-2
7.4 Hot Checks ..................................................................................................................7-3
8 GE MAINTENANCE ...............................................................................................................8-1
8.1 Preparation for Disassembly of the Front Standard.....................................................8-1
8.2 Front Standard Disassembly and Inspection ...............................................................8-4
8.2.1 Disassembly of Shell-Mounted CV Linkages ......................................................8-4
8.2.2 Cover Removal ...................................................................................................8-5
8.2.3 Removal of the Governor Table ..........................................................................8-8 Speed Load Changer Inspection ................................................................8-13 Speed Relay ...............................................................................................8-19 Rotating Pilot Valve and Bushing................................................................8-20 Gear Drive Inspection .................................................................................8-26 Control Rotor and Oil Pump........................................................................8-29
8.2.4 Control Valve Operating Cylinder......................................................................8-31
8.2.5 Thrust Bearing Wear Detector ..........................................................................8-32 Piston-Cylinder Assemblies ........................................................................8-33 Lubrication ..................................................................................................8-34
8.3 Reassembly of GE LSTG Front Standards................................................................8-34
8.3.1 Journal Bearings ...............................................................................................8-34
8.3.2 Main Shaft Oil Pump .........................................................................................8-34
8.3.3 Speed Governor Assembly ...............................................................................8-35
8.3.4 Sensors .............................................................................................................8-35
8.3.5 Thrust Bearing Wear Detector ..........................................................................8-35
8.3.6 Cleaning and Sealing ........................................................................................8-35
8.3.7 Replacing the Cover..........................................................................................8-36
8.3.8 Vibration Probe and Shaft Grounding Device ...................................................8-36
9 GE CALIBRATION .................................................................................................................9-1
9.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................9-1
9.2 Three Basic Rules for Making Adjustments .................................................................9-2
9.2.1 Levers Horizontal at Half Stroke .........................................................................9-2
9.2.2 Adjusting Zero Does Not Change Gain...............................................................9-3
9.2.3 Beware Of Gain Adjustments..............................................................................9-3
9.3 Calibration Procedures ................................................................................................9-4
9.4 Resetting Front Standard.............................................................................................9-4
9.5 Set Load Limit to Speed Relay ....................................................................................9-6
9.6 Intercept Valves ...........................................................................................................9-7
9.6.1 Intercept Valve Transmitter/Receiver..................................................................9-7
9.6.2 Intercept Valve Relay (Single Speed Governor – Mechanical Linkage) ...........9-12
9.6.3 Pre-Emergency Governor .................................................................................9-14
9.7 Control Valves ...........................................................................................................9-16
9.7.1 Control Valve Transmitter/Receiver ..................................................................9-16
9.7.2 Control Valve Mechanical Secondary Speed Relay Connection ......................9-23
9.7.3 Shell-Mounted Control Valves...........................................................................9-26
9.8 Stop Valve Bypass Valve...........................................................................................9-29
9.9 Limit Switches ............................................................................................................9-31
9.10 Motor Drives..........................................................................................................9-33
10 GE TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................10-1
10.1 Safety Rules for MHC System Work .....................................................................10-1
10.2 Control System Troubleshooting...........................................................................10-2
10.3 Examples ..............................................................................................................10-4
10.3.1 The Control Valves Have Been Oscillating. ...................................................10-4
10.3.2 The Control Valves Will Not Open After Resetting the Turbine. ....................10-4
10.3.3 When the Operator Asks for More Load, the Unit Either Does Not
Respond or Overshoots..................................................................................................10-5
10.3.4 The “Reset” Indications Do Not Return Following a Turbine Oil Trip Test
and Reset. ......................................................................................................................10-5
10.3.5 The Turbine Speed Increases When Conducting an Off-Line Overspeed
Trip Test. .......................................................................................................................10-5
10.3.6 It Takes a Considerable Amount of Time to Synchronize the Turbine to
the Grid Using the MSVBPV. The Turbine Speed Increases/Decreases Too Much. .....10-6
10.3.7 Problems Are Due to Boiler Controls Driving the SLC or Deadband
Between the SLC and the CV Response. ......................................................................10-6
10.3.8 The Problem Is Due to Apparent Gain Issues. ..............................................10-6
10.4 Governor Bobble ...................................................................................................10-7
10.4.1 Definition........................................................................................................10-7
10.4.2 Causes...........................................................................................................10-7
10.4.3 Investigations of Governor Bobble.................................................................10-8 Measurements to Be Taken......................................................................10-8 Detailed Items to Be Investigated .............................................................10-8
10.4.4 Correcting Governor Bobble ..........................................................................10-9
12.4.2 Throttle Valve Operating Mechanism.............................................................12-5
12.4.3 Reheat Stop Valve Operating Mechanism.....................................................12-7
12.4.4 Interceptor Valve Operating Mechanism........................................................12-8
12.4.5 Governing Control Valve Servomotor ..........................................................12-11
12.5 Trip Protection.....................................................................................................12-14
12.5.1 General ........................................................................................................12-14
12.5.2 Auto-Stop Valve...........................................................................................12-15
12.5.3 Overspeed Trip Mechanism.........................................................................12-23
12.5.4 Hand Trip Lever ...........................................................................................12-26
12.5.5 Operating or Trip Cylinder ...........................................................................12-26
12.5.6 Diaphragm (Sphero) Dump Valves ..............................................................12-34
12.6 Governing (Speed and Load Control) .................................................................12-35
12.6.1 General ........................................................................................................12-35
12.6.2 Speed Control Versus Load Control ............................................................12-37
12.6.3 Governor Impeller ........................................................................................12-37
12.6.4 Main Governor .............................................................................................12-38
12.6.5 Auxiliary Governor .......................................................................................12-40
12.6.6 Load Limit Valve ..........................................................................................12-42
13.2.4 Protective Devices (all 150# Systems) ........................................................13-28 Overspeed Trip Device ...........................................................................13-28 Thrust Bearing Trip Device .....................................................................13-30 Auto-Stop Valve Trip Device...................................................................13-31 Vacuum Trip Device................................................................................13-32 Low Bearing Oil Pressure Trip Device ....................................................13-33 Solenoid Trip Device...............................................................................13-34
13.3 Preparation for Disassembly of the Westinghouse 300# Front Pedestal............13-35
13.4 Front Pedestal Disassembly ...............................................................................13-36
13.4.1 Pedestal Cover Removal .............................................................................13-36
13.4.2 Governing Valve Servomotors .....................................................................13-37 Servomotor Disassembly ........................................................................13-38
13.4.3 Control Block Disassembly and Inspection..................................................13-39 Main Governor ........................................................................................13-41 Auxiliary Governor/Accelerometer Disassembly.....................................13-42 Load Limit Valve .....................................................................................13-44 Throttle Pressure Controller....................................................................13-45 Governing Emergency Trip Valve ...........................................................13-46 Auxiliary Governor Dump Valve..............................................................13-47 Throttle Pressure Regulator....................................................................13-47 Smoothing Device...................................................................................13-48
13.4.4 Protective Devices .......................................................................................13-49 Overspeed Trip Device ...........................................................................13-51 Trip Block Devices ..................................................................................13-53
13.5 Control Settings...................................................................................................13-59
13.5.1 Typical 150# Control System Settings and Requirements...........................13-59
13.5.2 Typical 300# Control System Settings and Requirements...........................13-61
14.3.3 Load is steady at certain loads, but tends to hunt at intermediate loads. ......14-5
14.3.4 The unit hunts at all loads with regularity.......................................................14-5
14.3.5 The unit hunts at all loads, but not with regularity..........................................14-5
14.3.6 The governor seems erratic at light loads......................................................14-6
14.3.7 A steam valve will not open to its limit. ..........................................................14-6
14.3.8 The governor valves will not open to its limit .................................................14-6
14.3.9 The unit tends to overspeed before the unit is synchronized to the grid
or when load is removed. ...............................................................................................14-7
14.3.10 The governor is overloaded or fails to carry full load. ....................................14-7
14.3.11 Operation is satisfactory at large loads, but the unit will not carry light
loads. .......................................................................................................................14-7
REGULATOR MAINTENANCE...............................................................................................16-1
16.1 Disassembly and Inspection of the MPR and EPR (General) ..............................16-1
16.2 MPR Disassembly and Inspection........................................................................16-4
16.2.1 Pilot Valve and Rotating Bushing Disassembly............................................16-6
16.2.2 Mechanical Pressure Regulator Servomotor................................................16-9
16.2.3 Rate Feedback Transmitting Dashpot ........................................................16-10
16.2.4 Rate Feedback Actuating Bellows Assembly .............................................16-12
16.2.5 Rate Feedback Throttle Valve ....................................................................16-12
16.2.6 Pilot Valve, Oil Supply Throttling Valve Assembly......................................16-13
16.2.7 Pilot Valve Bushing Drive Turbine Oil Throttling Valve...............................16-15
16.2.8 Steam Pressure Sensing Bellows Assembly..............................................16-16
16.2.9 Pressure Setpoint Adjusting Components..................................................16-18
16.3 MPR Reassembly...............................................................................................16-19
16.4 EPR Disassembly and Inspection ......................................................................16-19
16.4.1 Steam Pressure Sensing Bellows Assembly..............................................16-20
16.4.2 EPR Servomotor.........................................................................................16-21
16.5 General Maintenance Guidelines .......................................................................16-23
Figure 4-6 Speed governor assembly......................................................................................4-13
Figure 4-7 L-type speed governor............................................................................................4-14
Figure 4-8 Disassembled speed governor ...............................................................................4-15
Figure 4-9 Characteristics of an L-type speed governor..........................................................4-16
Figure 4-10 Flyball governor gears ..........................................................................................4-17
Figure 4-11 Speed governor and rotating pilot valve assembly ...............................................4-18
Figure 4-12 Speed regulation adjustment lever d ....................................................................4-20
Figure 4-13 13.5% speed regulation........................................................................................4-20
Figure 4-14 3% speed regulation.............................................................................................4-21
Figure 4-15 7% speed regulation.............................................................................................4-21
Figure 4-16 Speed/load changer input.....................................................................................4-23
Figure 4-17 Front standard ......................................................................................................4-25
Figure 4-18 Standard servomotor ............................................................................................4-26
Figure 4-19 Shell-mounted control valve .................................................................................4-28
Figure 4-20 Control valve cams ...............................................................................................4-29
Figure 4-21 Crosshead ............................................................................................................4-30
Figure 4-22 Control valve parts................................................................................................4-30
Figure 4-23 Control valves – separately mounted ...................................................................4-32
Figure 4-24 Separately mounted control valves ......................................................................4-33
Figure 4-25 Speed vs. power output with constant position speed/load changer ....................4-34
Figure 4-26 Speed/load changer adjustment at a constant 5% regulation setpoint.................4-35
Figure 4-27 High-speed stop ...................................................................................................4-36
Figure 4-28 Characteristics of MHC speed control ..................................................................4-36
Figure 4-29 Control area..........................................................................................................4-37
Figure 4-30 Small change in frequency – valve response .......................................................4-38
Figure 4-31 Large change in frequency – valve response.......................................................4-38
Figure 4-32 Reheat turbine load response for small change in frequency ..............................4-39
Figure 4-33 Load limit ..............................................................................................................4-41
Figure 4-34 Load limit device...................................................................................................4-42
Figure 4-35 Stop valve bypass mechanism .............................................................................4-45
Figure 4-36 MSV bypass valve ................................................................................................4-46
Figure 5-1 Arrangement of reheat turbine..................................................................................5-2
Figure 5-2 Reheat turbine overspeed protection .......................................................................5-4
Figure 5-3 Separate mounted intercept valve............................................................................5-7
Figure 5-4 Shell-mounted intercept valve ..................................................................................5-8
Figure 5-5 Reheat stop valve...................................................................................................5-10
Figure 5-6 Combined reheat valve...........................................................................................5-11
Figure 5-7 Two-speed governing system.................................................................................5-12
Figure 5-8 Two-speed governor...............................................................................................5-13
Figure 5-9 Pre-emergency governor........................................................................................5-14
Figure 5-10 Pre-emergency governor settings ........................................................................5-15
Figure 5-11 Single-speed governing system ...........................................................................5-16
Figure 5-12 Control settings for the front standard with a single-element governor ................5-17
Figure 5-13 Intercept valve relay .............................................................................................5-19
Figure 5-14 Mechanical function generator in feedback ..........................................................5-19
Figure 5-15 Intercept valve relay feedback cam ......................................................................5-20
Figure 5-16 Intercept valve transmitter ....................................................................................5-21
Figure 5-17 Control settings for the front standard with a single-element governor ................5-23
Figure 5-18 Hydraulic positioning receiver and intercept valve ...............................................5-25
Figure 6-1 Normal (typical) overspeed.......................................................................................6-4
Figure 6-2 Emergency overspeed on a “slow” unit ....................................................................6-8
Figure 6-3 Emergency overspeed of a “fast” unit with trip anticipator........................................6-9
Figure 6-4 Normal overspeed of a “fast” unit with trip anticipator ............................................6-10
Figure 6-5 Older stop valve mechanisms ................................................................................6-12
Figure 6-6 Newer stop valve mechanisms ...............................................................................6-14
Figure 6-7 Series valve ETS ....................................................................................................6-16
Figure 6-8 Principle of eccentric mass overspeed trip .............................................................6-17
Figure 6-9 Oil tripped ring-type overspeed trip ........................................................................6-18
Figure 6-10 1800-rpm ring-type overspeed trip assembly .......................................................6-20
Figure 6-11 Overspeed trip mechanism...................................................................................6-21
Figure 6-12 Trip mechanism ....................................................................................................6-21
Figure 6-13 Trip valves in the front standard ...........................................................................6-22
Figure 6-14 Manual and solenoid trips.....................................................................................6-23
Figure 6-15 Testable overspeed trip system............................................................................6-24
Figure 6-16 Trip testing on newer MHC units ..........................................................................6-26
Figure 6-17 Test valves ...........................................................................................................6-26
Figure 6-18 Trip/lockout mechanism........................................................................................6-28
Figure 6-19 Trip anticipator......................................................................................................6-30
Figure 6-20 Schematic vacuum trip device - scissor lever restored.........................................6-33
Figure 6-21 Actual vacuum trip device - scissor lever restored ...............................................6-34
Figure 6-22 Vacuum trip with adjustable floating lever ............................................................6-35
Figure 6-23 Thrust bearing wear detector and low bearing oil pressure trip............................6-37
Figure 6-24 Low-speed switch .................................................................................................6-38
Figure 8-1 GE MHC front standard with appearance lagging in place.......................................8-3
Figure 8-2 Main operating cylinder with shell-mounted control valves.......................................8-4
Figure 8-3 Front standard with appearance lagging removed ...................................................8-5
Figure 8-4 Shaft grounding device.............................................................................................8-6
Figure 8-5 Various sensors and instrumentation .......................................................................8-7
Figure 8-6 Thrust wear detector.................................................................................................8-8
Figure 8-7 Top view of a governor table ....................................................................................8-9
Figure 8-8 Governor table assembly rigged with nylon slings .................................................8-10
Figure 8-9 Governor table........................................................................................................8-11
Figure 8-10 Wear parts ............................................................................................................8-12
Figure 8-11 Newer governor assembly....................................................................................8-14
Figure 8-12 Older governor assembly .....................................................................................8-15
Figure 8-13 Linkage marked with a trammel............................................................................8-16
Figure 8-14 Speed/load changer .............................................................................................8-17
Figure 8-15 New threaded insert on left...................................................................................8-18
Figure 8-16 Fulcrum nut with oval hole....................................................................................8-18
Figure 8-17 Sharp land edges .................................................................................................8-20
Figure 8-18 Dull Land edges....................................................................................................8-21
Figure 8-19 Sharp vs. dull lands ..............................................................................................8-21
Figure 8-20 Sharp-edge field test ............................................................................................8-22
Figure 8-21 Lead and lap check ..............................................................................................8-23
Figure 8-22 Speed governor ....................................................................................................8-24
Figure 8-23 Before repairs .......................................................................................................8-25
Figure 8-24 After repairs ..........................................................................................................8-26
Figure 8-25 Worm gear............................................................................................................8-26
Figure 8-26 Worm wheel..........................................................................................................8-27
Figure 8-27 Adjusting worm wheel elevation ...........................................................................8-28
Figure 8-28 Checking gear backlash .......................................................................................8-29
Figure 8-29 Main shaft oil pump ..............................................................................................8-30
Figure 8-30 Operating cylinder ................................................................................................8-31
Figure 8-31 Piston with new rings............................................................................................8-32
Figure 8-32 Thrust bearing wear detector................................................................................8-33
Figure 9-1 Mechanical hydraulic assembly ................................................................................9-2
Figure 9-2 Turbine controls........................................................................................................9-5
Figure 9-3 Load limit to speed relay...........................................................................................9-6
Figure 9-4 Intercept valve transmitter ........................................................................................9-8
Figure 9-5 Control settings.........................................................................................................9-9
Figure 9-6 Receiver and servomotors......................................................................................9-11
Figure 9-7 Speed relay to the intercept valve relay .................................................................9-13
Figure 9-8 Intercept valve relay to servomotors.......................................................................9-14
Figure 9-9 Pre-emergency governor relay ...............................................................................9-15
Figure 9-10 Control valve transmitter/receiver.........................................................................9-17
Figure 9-11 Control settings graph for an intercept valve ........................................................9-17
Figure 9-12 Control valve receiver to secondary speed relay..................................................9-18
Figure 9-13 Control valve cam data.........................................................................................9-19
Figure 9-14 Secondary speed relay ratios ...............................................................................9-20
Figure 9-15 Control lever diagram ...........................................................................................9-24
Figure 9-16 Shell-mounted control valves ...............................................................................9-26
Figure 9-17 Cam/roller setting .................................................................................................9-27
Figure 9-18 Control valve expansions .....................................................................................9-28
Figure 9-19 Stop valve bypass mechanism .............................................................................9-31
Figure 9-20 Limit switch (LVDT) settings .................................................................................9-32
Figure 9-21 Rotation of SLC vs. Megawatt load ......................................................................9-35
Figure 11-1 Turbine control system – functional diagram ........................................................11-3
Figure 11-2 Governing control oil.............................................................................................11-4
Figure 11-3 Governing control oil pressure..............................................................................11-5
Figure 11-4 Developing control oil pressure ............................................................................11-6
Figure 11-5 Control block.........................................................................................................11-7
Figure 11-6 Protective devices ................................................................................................11-8
Figure 11-7 Governing valve servomotor...............................................................................11-13
Figure 11-8 Interceptor valve servomotor ..............................................................................11-15
Figure 11-9 Multiple orifice and check valve assembly..........................................................11-17
Figure 11-10 Reheat stop valve servomotor..........................................................................11-19
Figure 11-11 Throttle valve and pressure controller ..............................................................11-20
Figure 12-1 HP oil flow schematic ...........................................................................................12-2
Figure 12-2 Governing control oil flow schematic ....................................................................12-4
Figure 12-3 Throttle valve operating mechanism.....................................................................12-6
Figure 12-4 Reheat stop valve operating mechanism .............................................................12-8
Figure 12-5 Interceptor valve operating mechanism................................................................12-9
Figure 12-6 Typical governing valve’s servomotor ................................................................12-12
Figure 12-7 (a) Auto-stop valve trip oil flow schematic ..........................................................12-16
Figure 12-8 Multiple orifice and check valve HP oil flow with auto-stop valve latched...........12-18
Figure 12-9 Multiple orifice and check valve HP oil flow with auto-stop valve tripped ...........12-19
Figure 12-10 Simplified auto-stop valve.................................................................................12-20
Figure 12-11 Auto-stop valve (reset or relatched) .................................................................12-21
Figure 12-12 Auto-stop valve (tripped or unlatched)..............................................................12-22
Figure 12-13 (a) Overspeed trip mechanism (reset)..............................................................12-23
Figure 12-14 Overspeed trip weight oil test ...........................................................................12-25
Figure 12-15 Hand trip lever ..................................................................................................12-26
Figure 12-16 Typical low bearing oil pressure trip relay ........................................................12-27
Figure 12-17 Low condenser vacuum trip mechanism ..........................................................12-28
Figure 12-18 Thrust bearing trip device .................................................................................12-29
Figure 12-19 Solenoid trip device ..........................................................................................12-30
Figure 12-20 Interceptor valve trip system schematic ...........................................................12-32
Figure 12-21 Interceptor valve trip system schematic ...........................................................12-33
Figure 12-22 Diaphragm (Spero) dump valves at turbine oil reservoir ..................................12-35
Figure 12-23 Governing control oil schematic .......................................................................12-36
Figure 12-24 Governor impeller .............................................................................................12-37
Figure 12-25 Main governor outline and oil flows ..................................................................12-39
Figure 12-26 Auxiliary governor and main governor..............................................................12-41
Figure 12-27 Load limit valve.................................................................................................12-42
Figure 13-1 Westinghouse 150# MHC front pedestal with appearance lagging in place.........13-2
Figure 13-2 Westinghouse 150# MHC system front pedestal with a T governor.....................13-4
Figure 13-3 Hand trip and reset levers and auto-stop trip mechanism ....................................13-4
Figure 13-4 150# system front pedestal with appearance lagging in place .............................13-6
Figure 13-5 Sunnen box hone .................................................................................................13-8
Figure 13-6 Servomotor pilot valve elements ..........................................................................13-9
Figure 13-7 Sharp vs. dull lands ............................................................................................13-10
Figure 13-8 Fingernail shavings on a sharp land...................................................................13-11
Figure 13-9 Servomotor pilot valve relay ...............................................................................13-11
Figure 13-10 Relay piston and cup valve...............................................................................13-12
Figure 13-11 Relay body, cylinder, and sleeve......................................................................13-12
Figure 13-12 Motor-driven speed/load changer.....................................................................13-13
Figure 13-13 Governor transformer .......................................................................................13-14
Figure 13-14 Auxiliary speed/load changer ...........................................................................13-15
Figure 13-15 Governor valve servomotor I ............................................................................13-17
Figure 13-16 Governor valve servomotor II ...........................................................................13-18
Figure 13-17 Sunnen box hone .............................................................................................13-18
Figure 13-18 Pilot valve, bushing, and relay..........................................................................13-19
Figure 13-19 Sharp land edges .............................................................................................13-20
Figure 13-20 Dull land edges.................................................................................................13-20
Figure 13-21 Fingernail shavings on a sharp land.................................................................13-21
Figure 13-22 Servomotor pilot valve relay .............................................................................13-21
Figure 13-23 Relay piston and cup valve...............................................................................13-22
Figure 13-24 Relay body, cylinder, and sleeve......................................................................13-22
Figure 13-25 Main and auxiliary governors schematic ..........................................................13-23
Figure 13-26 Main and auxiliary governors............................................................................13-24
Figure 13-27 Spindle extension .............................................................................................13-25
Figure 13-28 Load limit valve schematic................................................................................13-26
Figure 13-29 Load limit valve.................................................................................................13-27
Figure 13-30 Throttle pressure regulator ...............................................................................13-28
Figure 13-31 Overspeed trip device.......................................................................................13-29
Figure 13-32 Overspeed trip device in the trip position .........................................................13-29
Figure 13-33 Thrust bearing trip device .................................................................................13-30
Figure 13-34 Auto-stop valve – trip device ............................................................................13-31
Figure 13-35 Low vacuum trip device ....................................................................................13-32
Figure 13-36 Low bearing oil pressure trip device .................................................................13-33
Figure 13-37 Solenoid trip device ..........................................................................................13-34
Figure 13-38 Westinghouse 300# MHC front pedestal with the appearance lagging in
Figure 13-39 Individually operated governor valves ..............................................................13-37
Figure 13-40 Servomotor schematic......................................................................................13-38
Figure 13-41 Control block.....................................................................................................13-40
Figure 13-42 Main governor...................................................................................................13-41
Figure 13-43 Cup valve..........................................................................................................13-42
Figure 13-44 Auxiliary governor.............................................................................................13-43
Figure 13-45 Load limit valve.................................................................................................13-44
Figure 13-46 Throttle pressure controller...............................................................................13-45
Figure 13-47 Governing emergency trip valve.......................................................................13-46
Figure 13-48 Auxiliary governor dump valve .........................................................................13-47
Figure 13-49 Throttle pressure regulator ...............................................................................13-48
Figure 13-50 Smoothing device .............................................................................................13-49
Figure 13-51 Protective devices ............................................................................................13-50
Figure 13-52 Protective trip device block...............................................................................13-51
Figure 13-53 Overspeed trip device.......................................................................................13-52
Figure 13-54 Overspeed trip device in tripped position .........................................................13-53
Figure 13-55 Low bearing oil pressure trip device .................................................................13-54
Figure 13-56 Solenoid trip device ..........................................................................................13-55
Figure 13-57 Thrust bearing trip device .................................................................................13-56
Figure 13-58 Low vacuum trip device ....................................................................................13-57
Figure 13-59 Trip valve ..........................................................................................................13-58
Figure 15-1 Vessel containing compressible fluid....................................................................15-1
Figure 15-2 Speed control and pressure control in a low-value gate.......................................15-2
Figure 15-3 Bellows pressure sensor ......................................................................................15-3
Figure 15-4 Inlet pressure control ............................................................................................15-4
Figure 15-5 Compound control mechanism.............................................................................15-6
Figure 15-6 Control valve relay................................................................................................15-8
Figure 15-7 Bypass relay .......................................................................................................15-11
Figure 15-8 Bypass valves.....................................................................................................15-13
Figure 15-9 Inputs to the force-stored pressure regulator .....................................................15-15
Figure 15-10 Mechanical pressure regulator I/O ...................................................................15-17
Figure 15-11 Mechanical pressure regulator response to pressure change..........................15-20
Figure 15-12 EPR signals ......................................................................................................15-21
Figure 15-13 Electrohydraulic pressure regulator (EPR) .......................................................15-23
Figure 15-14 Bypass valve opening jack ...............................................................................15-24
Figure 16-1 GE MHC mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator..........16-1
Figure 16-2 Mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator controls ...........16-2
Figure 16-3 Mechanical pressure regulator/electrical pressure regulator ................................16-4
Figure 16-4 Mechanical pressure regulator .............................................................................16-5
Figure 16-5 Pilot valve, bushing, and oil turbine ......................................................................16-6
Figure 16-6 Pilot valve and rotating bushing............................................................................16-7
Figure 16-7 Fingernail shavings on sharp pilot valve land.......................................................16-8
Figure 16-8 Mechanical pressure regulator servomotor ..........................................................16-9
Figure 16-9 Servomotor data sheet .......................................................................................16-10
Figure 16-10 Dashpot assembly ............................................................................................16-11
Figure 16-11 Rate feedback bellows assembly .....................................................................16-12
Figure 16-12 Throttle valve assembly....................................................................................16-13
Figure 16-13 PV throttle valve ...............................................................................................16-14
Figure 16-14 Drive turbine oil throttling valve ........................................................................16-15
Figure 16-15 Bean (needle) valve..........................................................................................16-16
Figure 16-16 Steam pressure sensing bellows assembly......................................................16-17
Figure 16-17 Pressure setpoint components .........................................................................16-18
Figure 16-18 Electrical pressure regulator.............................................................................16-19
Figure 16-19 EPR pressure bellows assembly ......................................................................16-20
Figure 16-20 EPR pressure bellows schematic .....................................................................16-21
Figure 16-21 EPR servomotor ...............................................................................................16-22
Figure 16-22 Servomotor data sheet .....................................................................................16-22
Figure 16-23 Heim joint..........................................................................................................16-24
Figure 16-24 Mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator Heim joints ..16-25
1.1 Background
This document includes a general description and typical drawings of the mechanical-hydraulic
components for each of the General Electric and Westinghouse mechanical-hydraulic control
(MHC) systems. The objective of this material is to document maintenance, calibration, and
troubleshooting issues with these systems.
The scope of this MHC maintenance guide is limited to components directly related to the
control systems found on the front standards and valve enclosures associated with utility-sized
fossil and nuclear steam turbines manufactured by General Electric (GE) and Westinghouse (W).
Section 2 of this guide provides an overview of a turbine speed control system. Sections 3
through 6 provide an overview of the mechanical-hydraulic systems found on a GE-
manufactured large steam turbine. These sections provide a description of the following turbine
• Section 3, GE MHC System Components
• Section 4, GE Speed Load Control
• Section 5, GE Reheat Turbine Controls
• Section 6, GE Emergency Trip System
Section 7, GE Pre-Outage Planning, provides facts that pertain to how the mechanical-hydraulic
controls should be included in the overall outage plan.
Section 10, GE Troubleshooting, offers insight into the process associated with troubleshooting
common operating problems on a GE-manufactured utility steam turbine.
Section 14, Westinghouse Troubleshooting, offers insight into the process associated with
troubleshooting common operating problems on a Westinghouse-manufactured turbine steam
Section 15, GE Reactor Pressure Control, provides information on mechanical and electrical
pressure regulators on nuclear MHC units.
Section 16, Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance,
provides detailed disassembly, inspection, and reassembly information on these systems for
nuclear MHC units.
Section 17, Nuclear Mechanical Pressure Regulator Troubleshooting, offers insight into the
process associated with troubleshooting common operating problems on nuclear unit mechanical
pressure regulator systems.
The acronyms and abbreviations used in this report are the following:
CE – closed end
CV – control valve
DI – dial indicator
EG – emergency governor
GE – General Electric
GV – governing valve
IV – intercept valve, GE
LL – load limit
OE – open end
SR – speed relay
TV – throttle valve
1.5 Conversions
1 lb (force) = 4.45 N
1 ft – 0.3048 m
1 mil = 0.0254 mm
1 lb = 0.4536 kg
2.1 Introduction
Three basic ideas that apply to practically all control systems are explained in the following
Turbine control systems use the basic principle of the control loop, which is like practically all
other kinds of control systems, governors, and many other devices. Figure 2-1 depicts the
• Demand signals “give instructions” to the system. There may be any number of demand
signals, and they may come from an operator, a computer, or input devices such as electrical
switches or pressure or temperature sensors.
• An output, which is the result of some control loop action, usually results in an action (such
as moving the control valves) that results in change of the controlled variable. The output
must be measured in some way in order to give an output signal.
• Feedback, which reads the output signal, reverses the sign or direction, and changes the
power to give a feedback signal.
• A summer, which adds, “sums,” or compares the input signal and the feedback signal and
sends the difference, called an error signal, to the amplifier.
• An amplifier converts the error signal into a force; motion, voltage, or whatever is needed to
produce the output. Amplifiers and/or transformers (transformer is the Westinghouse
nomenclature.) amplify or increase the power of the incoming signal. In MHC control
systems, the amplifier is almost always a hydraulic pilot valve or cup valve (Westinghouse
nomenclature) and cylinder combination.
Figure 2-1
Basic control loop
The loop works as it is described here. If the error signal is zero, the amplifier has nothing to
multiply, so nothing happens. If the input signal changes to “open 10%” (for example), the
summer compares it to the feedback signal (which is 0 to start with). The difference (in this case
“open 10%, minus 0”) goes to the amplifier. The amplifier does its force multiplication, sending
an output signal. The feedback “sees” the output signal and tells the summer what is happening
by sending a proportional signal of the opposite sign. When the output reaches “open 10%,” the
feedback signal says so. The summer sees that the input and the feedback signals are the same
but of opposite sign, and so the error signal again becomes 0.
Everything stops until there is again a difference between the input signal and the feedback
signal. At this point, the loop goes to work again. Very often in real life, there is a small error
signal nearly all the time (plus or minus), and the loop is controlling or regulating constantly.
The term low-value gate refers to any situation where two devices or systems are in series such
that the one calling for the lowest flow, travel, or opening is in control. As an example, consider
two switches wired in series; both must be closed for current to exist. Consider two valves in a
pipeline with the one having the least amount of opening controlling flow through the pipeline.
2.2.3 Fail-Safe
When a system or piece of equipment is built so that it will shut down in a safe way if any part
breaks or fails or if it loses power, pressure, or fuel; it is said to be “fail-safe.” An airplane in
flight is not fail-safe if it runs out of fuel; a lawnmower is.
When safety is important but a fail-safe design is not practical, a backup system or component is
normally used. The backup system/component is separate from the primary or main component
and automatically gives the needed protection.
The purpose of the MHC system is to regulate the flow of steam to the turbine by positioning
valves in the steam piping and/or turbine valve chests. Steam flow must be properly regulated to
do the following:
• Start and stop the turbine generator.
• Control turbine speed and power output.
• Prevent a turbine overspeed.
• Prevent damage resulting from certain steam-turbine abnormal conditions.
Powerful forces are needed to position the turbine’s steam valves because they are large, must be
able to move very fast, and may have to work against large steam unbalance forces. Powerful
springs are usually used to ensure closing; the controls (valve opening forces) must overcome
these spring closing forces.
The positioning force is provided by oil-operated (hydraulic) cylinders. Valves are usually
opened by increasing the oil pressure to the hydraulic cylinder, which must compress a spring as
it moves in the opening direction. Reducing the oil pressure causes the spring to force the steam
valve closed while the oil drains from the cylinder.
The hydraulic oil comes from the turbine-generator lubricating oil system, up to 250-psig
pressure on GE units and 150–300 psi on Westinghouse units. During normal operation, the
pumping is done by a centrifugal pump driven by the turbine shaft in the front standard
(pedestal). Motor-driven oil pumps provide oil for startup (when the shaft-driven main oil pump
has not yet achieved 90% speed) and for backup.
Figure 2-2
Speed sensors
Another critical input signal to the system is the speed or load demand from the power plant
operators. This signal biases (or is combined with) the speed signal in the rotating pilot valve
assembly. The result is the output signal to the hydraulic amplifiers for the valve actuating
cylinders. Other input signals modify or override the combined speed and operator-demand
signals under emergency or unusual conditions.
On most turbines, the speed control system will not function below 80% of rated speed;
consequently, the system must have another way to control the steam admission valves at low
If steam flow to the turbine was not properly limited, there would be more than enough steam
energy in the boiler, reheater, piping, and extraction feedwater heaters to drive the turbine-
generator to a destructive overspeed. This could happen in a few seconds if the electrical load on
the generator were to be removed by the opening of the generator field breaker and if the steam
controlling valves did not close quickly (as they normally would in answer to a signal indicating
an unwanted speed increase).
For this reason, all steam-turbine control systems are built with two “lines of defense” against
overspeed. That is, there are two independent sets of valves in series, each with its own speed-
sensing device and hydraulic amplifiers. Either set of valves can stop steam flow fast enough to
prevent a dangerous turbine overspeed; the first line is set so that the second line is not normally
challenged, and the second line is set to prevent reaching damaging speed if the first should fail.
In general, the governor/operator demand signals already mentioned work a set of valves (control
[GE] or governor valves [W]) that can be positioned accurately, anywhere between fully open or
closed. These are the first line of defense against overspeed. The second line of defense gets its
speed signal from an overspeed trip device on the turbine shaft. It is an OK/not OK or on/off
type of signal, and it works a set of valves (stop or throttle valve) that are normally wide open
when the unit is running and go full closed on a stop or trip signal.
Some other emergency conditions require fast, automatic shut-off of steam flow by the control
system. These are:
• Low condenser vacuum (in a condensing turbine) or high back pressure (in a noncondensing
turbine). This can cause rapid and serious over-heating in the low pressure turbine sections,
or even a dangerous over pressure. The vacuum trip or back pressure trip protects against this
• Thrust bearing failure. The thrust bearing holds the turbine generator rotors in the correct
axial position with respect to the stationary parts. If it should fail or wear excessively, the
rotor assembly would move axially, and there would be destructive rubbing between rotating
and stationary parts. The thrust wear detector protects against this danger.
• Electrical faults. Certain electrical faults within the generator or in the outside power system
could require an immediate shutdown to limit generator damage. The solenoid trip does this.
Many control systems are designed to protect against other unusual conditions that could cause
damage, but do not require a fast shutdown. In fact, continued operation might be necessary.
These are explained when individual units are described.
The control system also includes test devices, that is, ways to adjust or replace components,
alarms, and instrumentation as required for convenient and safe operation and for easy
adjustment, maintenance, and repair. There are other design features that guard against oil leaks.
Leaks are a serious fire hazard because so many oil-operated control system parts are near hot
steam pipes and turbine parts.
In order to perform properly, the control system must always sense these things:
• Turbine-generator rotor speed (rpm)
• Speed desired by the operators (when the unit is not synchronized to the electrical system)
• Power output (load) desired by the operators (when the unit is synchronized)
• Condenser vacuum or back pressure
• Turbine rotor axial position with respect to a stationary component, usually near the thrust
• Status of the generator’s electrical protective devices
Many MHC systems have additional input signals that the system must sense to do its job.
The system must then convert, combine, and amplify the input signals to position the hydraulic-
operated steam valves accurately and quickly, so as to do the following:
• Prevent, stop, or reduce steam flow to the turbine when any input indicates that it is
necessary to prevent damage to the turbine or generator.
• Regulate steam flow to the turbine as required to meet speed or load demands.
• Prevent overheating of steam path parts under certain unusual conditions.
The first basic MHC system component described here is the amplifier. The mechanical
hydraulic amplifier (MHA) is an important part of the control system.
Hydraulic oil is supplied from a lubrication system at reasonably constant pressure, usually
referred to as PO. The pressure varies, depending upon the particular unit. Operating pressures
can be somewhere between 50 and 240 psig.
Pressure variations of up to ±15% are typically acceptable. Larger variations may cause some
malfunction or, at least, inaccuracies.
3.1.1 Function
The function of an amplifier in any control system is to amplify or increase the power of an
incoming signal. The MHA does the following:
• Amplifies the power of the control signal (to increase the capability of doing work).
• Performs simple computing functions.
In an MHC amplifier, the incoming and outgoing signals are mechanical motions, and the
principles of hydraulics are used to increase power. It works on the basic control loop principle
discussed in Section 2.
The controlled multiplication of the force and travel of an incoming motion signal is done with
the three basic components that are used in any kind of MHA:
• An integrator, which actually does the force multiplication
• Feedback, which senses the output, reverses the sign or direction, and multiplies it by a fixed
amount to give a feedback signal
• A summer, which compares the input signal and the feedback signal and sends the difference,
called an error signal, to the integrator
GE MHC Components
Refer to Figure 3-1 to see these components put together in an MHA that might be used in a
turbine control system.
Figure 3-1
Mechanical hydraulic amplifier
The summer in this case is called a floating lever, because none of its three pivot points are fixed.
The input signal comes in on the left side, and the feedback signal on the right side. The error
signal is transmitted to the pilot valve between the input and feedback signal points. Note that
changing the ratio of a and b (that is, changing the position of the error signal pivot) changes the
relative effect of the two incoming signals. More information is provided on this later.
The output is the motion of point y. The feedback is the linkage between y and the right end of
the floating lever. The necessary reversal of the signal’s direction is done by the reversing lever.
Again note that changing the ratio of c and d (moving the pivot point of the reversing lever)
changes the ratio of output signal to feedback signal.
The force multiplier or integrator is the pilot valve and hydraulic cylinder combination, which
uses hydraulics to increase the power under the piston. The basic principle is, “The pressure
within a closed chamber filled with an incompressible fluid is the same at all points (neglecting
the force of gravity).” In other words, if the pressure were to be increased at one point in a closed
chamber (for example, at the inlet pipe connection), the higher pressure is equalized all over the
inside of the chamber (including the whole area of a large moveable piston).
GE MHC Components
A hydraulic jack operates on the same principle. The handle of the jack, usually with a good
lever arm on it, works a small hydraulic piston. The small piston pumps fluid into a much bigger
piston, and according to this principle, the force is multiplied in proportion to the area of the two
Note: The fluid must be incompressible. That is why air in an MHC system is a serious problem.
Air makes the fluid compressible.
When there is a zero error signal, the pilot valve just covers the oil inlet or “port,” and nothing
happens. This is called the null position. The pilot valve is always in the null position when there
is a zero error signal, no matter where the piston is located.
If there is a “plus” error signal, the pilot valve will be up and lifts the left side of the summing
lever, which opens the port to oil pressure. This oil pressure causes the output piston to move up.
When the piston moves, the feedback lever reverses the motion (reverses the output signal) and
transmits it to the floating lever (summer). This moves the pilot valve back toward the null
position. At the null position (zero error signal), everything stops moving, but of course, the
piston is in a new position.
If there is a “minus” error signal, the pilot valve will be down and opens the port to drain, which
causes the piston to move down.
There are three power levels found in the MHC turbine control system:
• Low level (1–10 in.-lb), used for measuring turbine speed or pressure. This level also
provides references for speed and pressure.
• Intermediate level (1000–10,000 in.-lb), used for pre-amplifier speed or pressure measuring
(speed or pressure relay).
• Power level (105–106 in.-1b), used by the steam valve servomotor.
GE MHC Components
• The amplifier must be able to work quickly, sometimes moving a steam valve a foot or more
in a second or two.
Note: Most valves must be able to go from full open to closed in a few tenths of a second, but
this very fast emergency movement is done through the trip system, not the MHC amplifier.
3.1.4 Details
This subsection provides additional details regarding the various types of pilot valves and
hydraulic cylinders used in MHC systems.
The summer is a device that performs the summation of two or more quantities. If any of these
quantities are added with a negative sign, the operation is now a subtraction, and a difference is
computed. The added quantities can either be variables or constant values. In addition, the
summer also multiplies each variable with some constant as the inputs are added. See Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2
Mechanical stroke amplifier
Y = KX = X Eq. 3-1
This amplifier has no time lag; its gain K is the lever ratio (b/a). It amplifies only the stroke,
while the energy level of the output is substantially the same as the input.
This summation is reasonably accurate as long as the tilt is not excessive. Generally, in this
design, the tilt should never exceed 30° from the horizontal.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-3 illustrates a single-acting hydraulic integrator (or relay as it is usually called). An
increase in pressure under the piston lifts the piston; similarly, a decrease in pressure lowers the
piston. The pressure below the piston positions the piston rod directly. The top side of the piston
is always connected to the drain. These facts result in the hydraulic relay being labeled as single
acting. The oil force pushes upward on the piston face (Fp).
FP is:
FP = AP x Pl Eq. 3-2
AP = The horizontal area of the piston face exposed to oil pressure below
Pl = The pressure under the piston
Figure 3-3
Single-acting integrator
GE MHC Components
The spring on top of the piston causes a downward force, acting against the oil pressure. The
spring is designed to cause the piston to go to half stroke when P1 is one-half of P0. This spring
gradient is made as low as possible. This produces the optimum vertical force margin to
overcome the closing forces on the output rod.
Figure 3-4 illustrates piston travel versus oil pressure. In this figure, the point made above is
repeated; for 50% travel of the piston, the pressure under the piston (Pl) is one-half the supply oil
pressure (P0). But note that the oil pressure needs to go only slightly above the 50% point to send
the piston all the way to the top and slightly below the 50% point for the piston to go all the way
to the bottom. Slight variations in oil pressure give full stroke. Also, there is plenty of margin in
both opening and closing directions. That is, the integrator continues to work when the oil
pressure is well below normal, but it definitely closes when the pressure falls below a certain
Figure 3-4
Pressure in single-acting relay
See Figure 3-5. A double-acting relay has controlled oil pressure (PU) applied to the upper piston
area (AU). In addition, another controlled oil pressure (PL) is applied to the lower piston area
(AL). In this design, since oil pressure is controlled and applied on both upper and lower sides, no
compression springs are required within the piston chamber. The use of no compression springs
results in an increase of available energy. The upper piston area is typically one-half the lower
piston area. There is no basic difference in linkages between single- and double-acting relays.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-5
Double-acting relay
Oil passages from the controlling lands to the piston chambers must cross to properly coordinate
piston movement with pilot valve displacement. This crossover poses some manufacturing
problems and makes it difficult to vent air from the oil. As already noted, air in the oil can cause
violent chattering of the piston.
This double-acting relay is very suitable as the final power amplifier to position large turbine
steam valves. Hydraulic relays or integrators that provide the final, fully amplified force that
actually moves large steam valves are often called servomotors.
Figure 3-6 illustrates the pressure response of a double-acting pilot. Again, at the 50% position,
the oil pressures are such that the P/P0 ratio is 50%.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-6
Pressure response of a double-acting relay Principles
The typical pilot valve land, shown in Figure 3-7, moves vertically in a stationary bushing. The
pilot valve land that lines up with the bushing port is referred to as the controlling land. This
controlling land matches these ports within close tolerances.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-7
Overlap and clearances
The controlling land must be able to completely seal closed the port in the bushing. The depth of
the land exceeds the port opening by a dimension known as the overlap. This overlap dimension
is normally 0.006"–0.010". The overlap must be positive, that is, the land thickness must exceed
the port opening.
Another important measurement is the clearance between the controlling land outer diameter and
the bushing inner diameter, that is, the diametrical clearance. This clearance should be 0.001" per
inch of diameter. The controlling land edges must be sharp and clean. No burrs or nicks should
be evident on the edges.
GE MHC Components
Assume that all clearances are as described above. When the pilot valve lifts, oil flows (+Q) into
the piston chamber (from P0 to P1). As the pilot valve lowers, oil flows out (-Q) of the piston
chamber (P1) to drain. For small pilot valve movements, the oil flow is, for all practical purposes,
proportional to the pilot valve displacement.
Oil flow through the pilot valve is zero (neglecting any leakage) when it is in the null position
(see Figure 3-8). The piston remains still and is said to be in its steady-state position. In real life,
there is always some leakage past the piston in the hydraulic cylinder, but the integrator takes
care of this by itself. When leakage actually causes the pressure under the piston to drop so low
that it begins to drift closed, the feedback signal senses the motion and sends an error signal to
open the pilot valve just enough to maintain the pressure needed to keep the piston where it
belongs. The piston position is constant only when all forces acting on the piston sum to zero.
Figure 3-8
Null position of a pilot valve
With normal clearances, the pilot valve has characteristics as shown in Figure 3-9. For a pilot
valve with “normal” overlap, the total movement to change Pl/P0 from 0.1 to 0.9 is 0.008" (from
-4 to +4 mils). Note that in the figure, the zero displacement is chosen where Pl/P0 = 0.5. This is
the pressure that puts the piston at half stroke, but in real life, the null position can be at any
place in the piston stroke.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-9
Pressure response of a pilot valve
The main point of Figure 3-9 is that only a few thousandths of an inch displacement of a pilot
valve changes the oil pressure under the piston more than enough to move the piston through a
full stroke.
When, on downward motion, the relay piston reaches the bottom stop, the input can travel below
zero. Because the demanded feedback is not achieved, the pilot valve controlling land travels a
small distance below the null position. In this condition, P1 becomes equal to drain pressure. The
maximum distance the pilot valve can move below null is called closed end overtravel (CEOT).
CEOT is illustrated in Figure 3-10.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-10
Closed end overtravel
CEOT closes the turbine valves rapidly in emergencies. In addition, it keeps valves hard closed.
This design consideration is important if steam flow to the turbine must be positively shut off.
Open end overtravel exists when the piston is at top stop and the pilot valve is raised further
(see Figure 3-11) above its null position. Notice that in this position P1 (under the piston) is now
equal to P0 (supply oil pressure). Open end overtravel results in the steam valves being hard
opened when necessary, specifically when the valve in question is not expected to be regulating
steam flow.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-11
Open end overtravel
In Figure 3-12, note the addition of a balancing land on the bottom of the pilot valve. The
balancing land minimizes the force needed to move the pilot valve. Without the balancing land,
the inlet oil pressure would apply an upward force upon the controlling land. With the balancing
land, the inlet oil pressure applies force equally in both directions (upward on the controlling
land and downward on the balancing land).
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-12
Pilot valve balancing
Figure 3-13 illustrates the side forces on a balancing land. The top part of this figure shows the
pressure profile for a plain land. The pressure falls off much faster on the side of the land that
touches the bushing wall. The pressure falls off gradually on the side not touching the bushing
wall. The side force F1 is much smaller than the side force F2. The plain land is pressed hard to
the left, and the resulting substantial friction force resists axial motion.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-13
Balancing land
The grooved land, in the bottom part of this figure, has very little side-to-side force. The grooved
land, as seen here, is provided with circumferential equalizing grooves. All balancing lands
should have equalizing grooves. This, in effect, eliminates the side-to-side frictional forces and
results in much more responsive motion when demanded.
If the pilot valve shown in Figure 3-12 is displaced downward, the flow of oil to the drain can be
substantial for a short period of time (due to what might be unit reaction to a load rejection). The
pressure in the drain chamber (PD) can temporarily build up and exert a substantial force FK
downward. This pilot valve kick then would result in overtravel. It is a design deficiency that the
reader should be aware of because this design can result in rapid motion.
A balancing land may also be located on the drain side of the controlling land. (See Figure 3-14.)
Without a balancing land, there is a possibility of pilot valve kick. This kick occurs when
pressure builds up in the drain chamber. Any temporary pressure buildup applies a momentary
downward force on the controlling land (“kick”). A balancing land equalizes these kick forces
and creates a nonkicking pilot valve.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-14
Nonkicking pilot valve
See Figure 3-15. The double-acting three-land pilot valve shown has an oil-supply-controlling
land in the center. There is also a balanced discharging land on top and bottom. Assume, for the
moment, downward displacement of the pilot valve. Pressure is applied to the upper cylinder
chamber and is removed from the lower chamber. The piston moves downward.
Figure 3-15
Three-land pilot valve
GE MHC Components
Notice that in this design the oil passages do not cross. This double-acting three-land pilot valve
is used in sensitive pressure relay situations.
Figure 3-16 illustrates a four-land pilot valve. This type of pilot valve is used on the largest
mechanical-hydraulic amplifiers—often on larger steam turbines that require a larger servomotor
to drive the control valves. Notice there are two balanced oil admissions and a single balanced
drain discharge.
Figure 3-16
Four-land pilot valve
Assume upward displacement of the pilot valve. The lower pressure port provides oil to the
lower piston chamber while the upper chamber is drained. The piston moves upward.
GE MHC Components
The hydraulic relay is powerful, accurate, sensitive, and reliable. Very small pilot valve
movements put the piston through a full stroke. The piston is not sensitive to oil pressure
variations, yet it will fail safe on low pressure, and it is not very sensitive to leakage. On the
other hand, the pilot valve movement must be precise and correct. Even slight sticking, vibration,
lost motion, or air in the oil may cause improper operation.
A variety of devices that limit or stop flow or motion are commonly used in MHC components
and systems. Some of them are covered here.
The simplest kind of limiter for mechanical motion is a stop. A stop is exactly that—something
that causes a moving mechanical part to cease moving when it bumps against the stop. For
example, upper and lower stops are built into the piston shown in Figure 3-17. Notice how they
stop the piston movement at either end of the stroke but do not cut off oil flow—an important
design refinement. Most hydraulic cylinders are built so they should go through full stroke if the
output is disconnected and the pilot valve goes through its normal travel. You should feel and
hear the piston hit the stop at both ends of the stroke. When the output is restrained (on a stop),
this is referred to as position saturation.
Figure 3-17
Mechanical Stops
GE MHC Components
The adjustable mechanical stop shown in Figure 3-18 does its work by limiting oil flow through
the pilot valve. If the oil flow through the pilot valve were to be limited, it would limit the rate at
which the piston can open. This is a velocity limiter.
Another common way to limit oil flow is to put an orifice in an oil pipe or flow passage.
Note: Orifices do not cut off pressure when there is no flow, and they do not restrict flow until it
nears the limit of the flow that will pass through the orifice.
Figure 3-18
Flow (velocity)
A check valve is a good way to stop oil flow in one direction only, or you can put an orifice in
the check valve and thus restrict (but not stop) flow in one direction but not the other.
GE MHC Components
3.2 Dashpots
The rate of change of a certain variable can be measured by differentiating its value with respect
to time. In other words, how far did it travel in a specific time? The rate of change of position
(X) is a velocity as described by this equation.
= = v = velocity
dt Δt Eq. 3-5
The mechanical differentiator is typically known as a dashpot (at low input frequencies). See
Figure 3-19. In this dashpot, the output Y, as a function of input X, depends upon the ability of
the device to transfer fluid through the needle valve shown.
Figure 3-19
Look at this figure carefully. Notice that the output Y is a function of the rate of change of the
input X. If fluid cannot be transferred through the needle valve (on the left) as fast as it is being
squeezed, then the device moves as a solid link. The needle valve position determines the device
GE MHC Components
An integrator is a device whose output changes at a particular value over time, as a function of
the step-change input. In an MHC system, this is the combination of a pilot valve and piston as
shown in Figure 3-20. Note that there is no feedback linkage in this diagram.
Figure 3-20
Mechanical integrator
In this illustration it can be seen that if the pilot valve is lifted by a small amount, for example,
X1, above the neutral position, the piston starts to move upward. The piston continues to travel at
a particular speed until the pilot valve is returned to the null position or the piston reaches a top
stop (position saturation). The rate of travel of the piston is a function of the amount of oil flow
to that piston; therefore, the rate of travel of the output is a function of the dimension X1.
Figure 3-21 shows a trip-latch mechanism. When “latched up” as shown, the hand wheel screws
the threaded rod back and forth through the nut (which has internal threads). This allows the
right end of the output rod to be adjusted to any position. But if the oil pressure in the lower
cylinder drops too low, the spring overcomes the oil pressure, moving the piston to the left and
“unlatching” the latch. This causes the large spring at the left of the guide block to push the
sliding block to the right, within its outer guide, thus causing the threaded rod to snap quickly all
the way to the right.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-21
Trip Latch Mechanism
The only way to get the trip mechanism working again is to rotate the hand wheel all the way
closed (moving the sliding block all the way to the left and squeezing the spring at the left). Then
when oil pressure comes back, the latch catches, and everything returns to normal. The oil
pressure is typically available only when the unit is reset (with trip oil available).
A function generator is a device (mechanical or electronic) that gives a nonuniform output for a
uniform input. In MHC systems, the most common function generator is a cam. With a cam, a
uniform motion of the cam shaft can cause almost any kind of motion of the cam follower,
depending entirely on the shape of the cam.
Springs are sometimes used to as function generators. For example, a short spring can be placed
inside a long one. The combination is easiest to squeeze when only the long one is in action; it
becomes more difficult when the short one is engaged.
The most common use of cams in MHC systems is to compensate for the nonuniform flow
characteristics of steam valves. The amount of steam that will pass through a steam valve is not
in exact proportion to the valve stem lift. See Figure 3-22. The steam valve (a variable orifice) is
in series with the nozzle (a fixed orifice). As long as the steam valve is more restrictive, the
steam flow varies linearly with respect to valve lift. Eventually, however, steam flow becomes
more restrictive by the nozzle. Steam flow, as a function of valve position, falls off rapidly. But
the MHC system that is moving the valves is designed on the principle of linearity. The function
generator (cam) is the component that is used to bridge the gap between the linearity of the
controls and the nonlinearity of valve flow characteristics.
GE MHC Components
Figure 3-22
Steam flow versus valve lift
In the GE-designed MHC systems, these cams are used in the forward loop for positioning the
inlet control valves. See Figure 3-23.
Figure 3-23
Cam-operated control valve
GE MHC Components
This combination of function generators is represented in Figure 3-24 in block diagram form.
Figure 3-24
Block diagram for cam shaft and valve function generators
Notice that valve lift L varies as a function of servomotor stroke Y2, given the designed cam.
Steam flow Q then varies as a function of valve lift L. The result of this design is that steam flow
Q is intended to vary linearly with respect to servomotor stroke Y2.
An overriding device is a component that makes a choice between two signals, causing only one
of them to perform a controlling function. This is illustrated in Figure 3-25.
Figure 3-25
Mechanical overriding device
Note that each input pilot valve receives feedback as to the output position of the piston. When
one pilot valve is controlling the position of the output piston, the other pilot valve becomes
off-port, trying to take control based upon its input. The noncontrolling pilot valve is in position
saturation. The controlling pilot valve is on-port.
GE MHC Components
acceleration relay
The acceleration relay is used to close the control and intercept valves quickly if the rotor
acceleration exceeds an acceptable value.
The back-up overspeed device provides overspeed protection while testing the emergency
overspeed trip device. It is located on the speed governor of those units so equipped.
control rotor
The control rotor bolts to the HP shaft at the Number l bearing. Eccentricity is measured from the
control rotor. The control rotor is discussed in more detail later.
The differential expansion detector electrically monitors the relative thermal expansion between
the HP rotor and the HP shell.
eccentricity detector
emergency governor
The emergency governor trips the turbine if the speed (rpm) of the rotor exceeds a predetermined
The emergency trip solenoid valve/electrical trip solenoid valve releases the hydraulic pressure
during a turbine trip to stop the turbine.
governor drive
The governor drive is a worm gear (worm wheel) used to drive the speed governor.
The intercept valve relay is used for remote positioning at the intercept valves of those units
where the intercept valves are a great distance from the front standard.
GE MHC Components
The initial pressure regulator is used during startup to position the control valves on those units
equipped with an IPR. Its purpose is to prevent water carryover when the boiler is not producing
enough steam to load the turbine as required by the speed load changer or load limiter.
The intercept valve test device closes the intercept valves during operation to ensure that the
intercept valves are not stuck in the open position.
load limit
The load limit is used to set the maximum load that can be called for by any control system as
well as to start the turbine without main stop valve bypass valve control for full arc starting.
low-speed switch
The low-speed switch is a hydraulic device that is used to detect zero speed (zero turbine shaft
rpm) to initiate turning gear operation.
The main oil pump is used to supply turbine oil needs (both control and bearing lubrication). At
approximately 90% of rated speed, the main oil pump takes over, and the auxiliary oil pump is
placed in “auto start.” The check valves are used to control lube oil flow to and from the main
shaft pump.
The manual mechanical trip is used to release the hydraulic trip oil to zero and trip the turbine
The oil trip and reset solenoid valve is used to exercise the emergency governor and overspeed
trip device during on-line testing.
This device trips the unit at in an overspeed as a result of emergency governor action.
The shaft grounding device, in addition to grounding the generator rotor, prevents electrostatic
charges from arcing across the unit bearings, which causes bearing pitting.
GE MHC Components
The shell expansion detector electrically measures the axial motion of the front standard relative
to the foundation.
speed governor
The speed governor and rotating pilot valve assembly is used to mechanically measure shaft
speed (rpm) and provide a speed signal to the control system.
speed/load changer
The speed/load changer is used to change the speed and/or load setpoint of the control system. It
can be changed manually or with an electric motor.
Thermocouples are used to measure bearing feed and drain temperatures. On some units, they are
also used to measure bearing metal temperatures.
The TBWD hydraulically measures the axial position of the turbine shaft relative to the thrust
bearing. An alarm or trip results when the rotor position changes beyond set limits.
trip anticipator
The trip anticipator closes the main stop valves and reheat stop valves at a lower speed than the
overspeed trip device. If the overspeed trip speed is not reached, the trip anticipator opens the
stop valves and reheat stop valves as the speed decays below the setpoint.
vacuum trip
The vacuum trip releases the hydraulic trip circuit on loss of vacuum.
vibration sensors
Vibration sensors are located near all bearings to measure and indicate shaft radial motion. Some
systems have a shaft riding probe to make this measurement, whereas other systems may make
use of noncontact probes.
The speed/load control is a subsystem of the steam turbine-generator MHC system. One function
of the speed/load control is to control turbine speed when the unit is not electrically synchronized
to the system. Its primary function, however, is to control power output (kW) when the generator
is synchronized to the grid.
When the turbine generator is off-line, there is a definite need to control turbine rotor speed.
Speed is controlled from zero to the maximum normal speed, which is the overspeed trip setting
and is usually 110%–112% of rated speed. To facilitate governor testing, synchronizing, and
overspeed response, it must be possible to control the speed quite accurately from about 80%
rated up to the overspeed trip setting. Speed control does not need to be accurate below 80%.
Less than 5% of the normal full power steam flow is needed to drive the unit when it is not
When the turbine-generator unit is on-line, the speed is always exactly the same as the electrical
system frequency as a result of the very strong electromagnetic tie between the generator stator
and rotor across the generator “air” gap. The system frequency rarely varies more than a small
fraction of a cycle from the standard 60 Hz. Thus for practical purposes, the shaft speed is fairly
constant while the unit is synchronized “on the line.”
The power output or electrical load is almost directly proportional to the inlet steam flow and is
regulated by the positioning the controlling steam valves.
Most MHC units have three different ways to control steam flow to the turbine from the boiler
and, hence, control speed/load. Each has its special purpose, but they overlap and are
interchangeable to some extent.
• Operating speed governor
• Load limit
• Stop valve bypass
The first two position the control valves (CVs), and the latter uses a bypass through the main
stop valves.
GE Speed/Load Control
Many MHC units have a fourth way to control steam flow to the turbine, the initial pressure
regulator. The CVs are used to regulate turbine inlet steam pressure.
The operating speed governor input signal is shaft speed, measured by a shaft-driven, flyball-
type speed governor. It is effective between about 80% rated speed and the overspeed trip
setting. The setpoint or speed command signal is controlled by the operators. The operating
speed governor always overrides the other systems if they call for a speed greater than the speed
Power output (load) can be controlled when the unit is synchronized by varying the speed input
signal. If the governor “thinks” it should speed up the shaft because of an increase signal, it
opens the valves. The speed cannot rise (because the grid is controlling frequency), but the
increased steam flow causes the turbine to produce more power.
If system frequency should vary, even slightly, the governor senses the change in turbine-
generator speed and opens or closes the valves in response, thus increasing or decreasing the
power output.
If the electromagnetic tie in the generator disappears due to opening of the generator breaker or
for any other reason, the speed tries to increase very fast because the valves are passing enough
steam to produce output electrical power as well as to run the unit by itself. The operating speed
governor is designed to sense this speed increase and quickly close the valves, holding the
turbine speed within limits.
The operating speed governor calls for maximum steam flow when the speed is below about
80% rated. This makes low-speed control impossible and is not a failsafe condition; therefore,
at least one other speed control method is needed.
The load limit control can position the CVs at any point in their travel (from zero to wide open),
at the operator’s command. This allows speed control by the CVs below 80% rated speed. This is
done by placing the load limit control hydraulically in series with the operating speed governor.
Two hydraulic control devices in series are a low-value gate or limiter; the device that calls for
the least steam flow controls.
There are usually four, six, or eight turbine CVs arranged to open sequentially, one after the
other. The sequential opening is done to improve load control and increase efficiency. However,
the arrangement of steam passages between the individual CVs, through the turbine shell or
casings, and to the first stage of the turbine rotor is necessarily complicated. It makes it hard to
warm the turbine shells evenly when starting up, and this causes harmful thermal stresses. The
stop valve bypass is used to overcome this problem.
As mentioned earlier (and will be again), the main stop valves are normally part of the second
line of defense against turbine overspeed. The main stop valves are normally fully open or hard
closed, and are in series with the CVs, but the stop valves are sometimes used in the speed/load
control subsystem.
GE Speed/Load Control
When the unit is not synchronized or when it is lightly loaded (below about 25%), the CVs may
be opened wide, and steam flow is controlled by positioning a small valve built into (and
“bypassing”) one or more of the main stop valves, which are kept closed. This allows steam to
flow evenly through all the CV inlet passages, minimizing thermal stresses. When the turbine is
properly warmed up, the CVs are closed enough to take control, and the main stop valves are
fully opened. The CVs create a low-value gate, but this time, two entirely different sets of steam
valves and their controls are in series. The device that calls for the least steam flow controls.
The initial pressure regulator (IPR) senses main steam pressure. If the pressure falls below the set
limit, the initial pressure regulator begins to close the CVs. It keeps closing the CVs as pressure
falls until the valves are near the no-load position. If steam pressure rises back toward normal,
the initial pressure regulator reopens the CVs in proportion, until the pressure and valve position
are normal.
The purpose of the IPR is to help the boiler control system keep the steam pressure normal. This
function protects the turbine from sudden cooling or water carryover in case there is a serious
boiler problem.
Note: The operating speed governor senses speed (as always) when the stop valve bypass is in
use and overrides the stop valve bypass if the speed rises above about 105%.
As indicated in the summary description for the complete MHC system, some units have certain
control system features that modify or override the basic speed/load subsystem described here.
These features are described later.
As also indicated earlier, the speed/load subsystem has provisions for testing, alarms, and
instrumentation, and construction features that contribute to safety, reliability, and ease of
maintenance. These are also described later.
To perform the design functions properly, the speed/load control system must accomplish the
tasks listed here:
• Position the steam CVs quickly and accurately at any point between full closed and full open,
as dictated by a controlling signal.
• Automatically determine which of several possible incoming command signals should be the
controlling signal, and use that signal to modify or override the others.
• Be fail safe in that any component or system failure would cause the steam CVs to close.
• Provide valve position and other output signals to boiler control and other plant systems.
GE Speed/Load Control
• Operate for long periods with little need for maintenance or repair.
• Minimize the risk of oil leakage from the system.
• Allow for adjustments to compensate for manufacturing tolerance variations, specific plant
conditions, and wear to allow for correct operation for the life of the unit.
Steam flow through the turbine is always controlled by controlling valves that are positioned so
that the variables of the turbine system are controlled. These variables of most operating steam
turbines are:
• Speed (in rpm) or frequency (Hz)
• Load (MW or % maximum output)
• Steam pressure
The first law of steam turbine controls is that one valve can control only one of these variables at
a time. (The term “one valve” typically includes a multiple set of valves that is controlled by one
signal.) The turbine CVs, for example, can control turbine speed, load, or pressure (initial
pressure or back pressure).
If there are two sets of valves in series in the steam path (one set at the inlet and one set in the
middle of the steam path), two variables can be controlled. This is typically found in an industrial
single-automatic extraction turbine. One set of valves can control speed or load, while the other
set controls steam pressure at some point in the steam path.
First Law: One valve (or a set of multiple valves that is controlled by one signal)
can control only one variable at a time.
The second law of steam turbine controls states that the turbine-generator speed will be constant
if the sum of all the torques acting on the turbine-generator unit are equal to zero. On a steam
turbine-generating unit, two torques that are acting upon it:
• The torque generated by steam flow through the turbine. Thermal energy from the steam is
converted to mechanical energy through the turbine. This mechanical energy output is torque.
• Torque generated by the armature reaction within the generator. Mechanical energy from the
turbine (torque) is converted to electrical energy in the generator. This electrical energy
output is volts-amperes. The current output creates a magnetic field around the generator
GE Speed/Load Control
stationary armature bars. This magnetic field, as it sums within the generator air gap, opposes
the rotation of the generator rotor. This magnetic opposition is armature reaction.
Second Law: Turbine-generator speed will be held constant, if the sum of the all
the torques acting upon the unit are equal to zero.
The third law of steam turbine controls states that the turbine speed control must be capable of
overriding all other turbine controls to close the inlet valves when there is an overspeed situation.
Steam turbine generators are not capable of surviving a runaway speed situation.
Turbine manufacturers had to make a decision. Would they design steam turbines to survive
runaway velocities, or would they design a control system to prevent the runaway velocities from
occurring? The answer was the control system design; hence, the need for the third law as stated.
A runaway speed condition occurs if the load on the generator is lost while steam flow to the
turbine is greater than 5%–10% of the maximum steam flow sustained through the turbine.
Third Law: Turbine speed controls shall always be capable of overriding all other turbine controls to
close the inlet CVs in an overspeed situation.
The operating speed controls result in the positioning of the steam inlet valves so that the turbine
power is equal to the load demand of the generator at or near rated speed. Rated speed on a
2-pole generator in North America is 3600 rpm (1800 rpm for a 4-pole generator). In a 50-cycle
system, rated speed would be 3000 rpm/1500 rpm, respectively.
Figure 4-1 illustrates, in block diagram form, an operating speed/load control system.
Figure 4-1
Block diagram of an operating speed/load control
On the far left is a summer with a speed reference as a “+” input. This is an input generated by
the operator. It can be varied to control turbine speed during startup, and can be varied on-line to
control turbine-generator load output.
GE Speed/Load Control
The second input to the summer is the speed feedback signal as a “-” input. If the unit is
operating with the circuit breaker open, this signal represents turbine speed. If the unit is
operating with the circuit breaker closed, this signal represents generator frequency (although
turbine speed is obviously still being measured, the turbine speed must equal generator
The output of this summer, the difference between the speed reference and the speed feedback
signal, is speed error. It is easier to follow the signal flow if percent is used as the signal basis.
So a 100% speed reference signal, minus a 100% speed feedback signal, gives us a zero speed
In any speed control system, it must be determined how much the inlet valves should move in
response to a speed error. The function box labeled “1/Regulation” determines this valve
response. Speed regulation describes how much the valves move, given a speed (frequency)
change. See the formula representation below:
% Δf
Speed Regulation = Eq. 4-1
% ΔLoad
Speed regulation (sometimes called droop) is normally adjustable (per IEEE standards) between
2.5% and 7%. GE normally ships units with the controls preset at 5% speed regulation.
Assuming this to be the case, the function box labeled “1/Regulation” in Figure 4-1 would be
[20], 1 divided by 0.05. So the speed error is multiplied by a factor of 20, a 5% change in
frequency results in a 100% change in load (valve position), a 0.5% change in frequency results
in a 10% change in load, and so on. The effect of a 5% speed regulation on the CVs is illustrated
in Figure 4-2.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-2
Speed regulation
The modified speed error becomes the power demand. Assume the speed reference set at 104%.
The turbine speed is rated; therefore, the speed feedback is 100%. The speed error is calculated
to be 4% (104% less 100%). Multiply the speed error times 1/regulation, and the power demand
is 80% (4% times 20). The power demand must then be translated into a signal to the valve
operators so that the steam valves are moved in response.
As the steam valves move and steam flow to the turbine changes, the amount of torque being
delivered to the generator also changes. This power torque is summed with the amount of load
torque being applied to the generator from the system. The load torque is a result of current
demanded by and to the system. This “load current” sets up a magnetic field (called armature
reaction) that opposes the turbine rotation; so the load torque is opposite to the power torque.
If the power torque and load torque are equal, the accelerating torque is zero; therefore, speed
remains constant, our second law of steam turbine controls.
If the load torque were to be increased (the system load is increased), the accelerating torque
becomes negative, and the turbine speed slows. This operating speed control would detect the
speed decrease, and the valves would be opened until the power torque becomes equal to the
load torque. At this time, speed again is constant, but a new value. To adjust the frequency back
to its original setting, it would be necessary to increase the power torque above the load torque,
causing a speed increase. To do this, the speed reference would need to be increased.
GE Speed/Load Control
4.4 Details
The four parts of the speed/load system and their relationship to each other and to the overspeed
and emergency trip and reheat turbine control subsystems are described in detail.
The function of the operating speed control subsystem is to control steam flow to the turbine as a
function of shaft speed (rpm). That is, the operating speed governor moves the CVs
automatically to keep the turbine running steadily at the speed chosen by the operators.
The following basic components of an operating speed control system are shown in Figure 4-3:
• Speed/load changer
• Speed governor
• Speed relay
• Servomotor
• CVs
Figure 4-3
Operating speed control
GE Speed/Load Control
The speed/load changer, sometimes referred to as the synchronizing device, provides a speed
reference signal.
The speed governor provides a feedback signal as to unit speed (system frequency). This is the
speed feedback.
The floating lever shown is the summer; it calculates the speed error. The difference between the
speed/load changer input and the speed governor feedback is an error signal (speed error) that is
amplified and output as the speed relay position. The speed relay drives the servomotor (for
further amplification) and positions the inlet CVs, which determine the amount of power torque
developed in the steam turbine.
In this control loop, the input signal comes from the operators through the speed/load changer.
The floating lever is the summer. The feedback signal is rpm, given by the speed governor.
Notice how the pivots on the governor flyball weights reverse the direction of the feedback
signal (a speed increase causes the weights to fly out, providing a downward input on the lever).
The error signal is speed relay motion. The integrator or power multiplication comes from the
speed relay/servomotor/CV/steam flow/turbine shaft combination, which completes the control
loop. Note that the system is “fooled” into controlling load rather than speed when the unit is
synchronized. The system is fooled in the sense that when on-line the turbine speed is controlled
by the grid, so an increase in demand results in more valve, more steam flow, and more load.
In Figure 4-4, the block diagram discussion is combined with the components in the operating
speed control discussion. In other words, this is a block diagram that illustrates the MHC front
standard components. The input from operations is the speed/load changer that can be varied
from 95% (low-speed stop [LSS]) to 107% (high-speed stop [HSS]). Feedback is from the flyball
governor positions the rotating pilot valve. The physical range of operation of the flyball
governor is from 80% to 120% rated speed. Assume for the moment that the speed/load changer
input is 104% and the rotating pilot valve indicates 100% rated speed. The speed error
(difference) is 4%, and this is multiplied by the speed regulation to make a valve position
demand of 80%. Assume further that the load limit is set at 100%, meaning the speed/load
changer is in control. The speed relay is at 80% of its effective travel, 80% of 1.5" is 1.2", and
that equates to 80% load demand to the CV servomotor. The CVs are positioned at whatever
position is required to achieve 80% steam flow.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-4
MHC block diagram
All of these components are MHC components found in (or near) the steam turbine front
standard and are covered in this section.
Figure 4-5 shows a part of the complete control loop in more detail, but it is still an artistic
representation. A key point is that there is a loop within a loop. The output of the speed relay
becomes the input to the amplifier (servomotor), which is in the larger loop that was just
GE Speed/Load Control
1 inch = 25.4 mm
Figure 4-5
Speed governor and speed relay
Notice in the figure that the speed governor flyball assembly is driven by the turbine shaft and
drives a rotating pilot valve. The vertical position of the rotating pilot valve is a function of speed
only. The rotating pilot valve is always turning in proportion to the shaft speed. At any specific
turbine speed, the rotating pilot valve is always at a specific vertical position and never at any
other. The rotating pilot valve vertical position changes as turbine speed changes.
GE Speed/Load Control
The rotating pilot valve rotates inside a sliding bushing (crosshatched in Figure 4-5). The sliding
bushing slides up and down inside the main frame of the governor assembly, which is stationary.
Both the sliding bushing and the governor assembly have oil passages drilled and machined in
them. The sliding bushing is positioned vertically by a connection to the center pivot of the
floating lever, which is at the top of the figure.
Figure 4-5 shows the rotating pilot valve in the null position; nothing is moving. Suppose the
speed governor slows down. The weights move inward, drawn together by the spring. The pivot
arrangement moves the rotating pilot valve up. Oil flows from the supply P0 through the port and
below the rotating pilot valve’s upper land into the space between the two lands (surrounded by
the sliding bushing). From there, it flows through the pipe to the area Pl under the speed relay
The speed relay is a single-acting relay with a spring pushing the piston in a valve-closing
direction (downward). The spring force is such that the lower-side chamber pressure is
approximately one-half of the oil supply pressure when the piston is not on a stop.
The speed relay motion causes steam flow to increase (this is explained later). The increased
steam flow increases speed, moving the rotating pilot valve back to the null position. Of course,
the control system works in reverse if the speed increases too much. Oil flows out from the speed
relay and past the bottom land of the rotating pilot valve to drain.
Consider a different example. Again, nothing is moving to begin with. Then the operator turns
the speed/load changer in the “increase” direction, down as shown by the 0–100 scale in Figure
This causes the sliding bushing to move downward. The rotating pilot valve does not move (at
first), but the downward motion of the bushing opens the port below the top land, allowing P0 oil
to flow to the speed relay as before. Again, the speed increases, and the rotating pilot valve
moves down. This action closes off the flow of oil. In other words, the sliding bushing position is
the setpoint. The control loop automatically “settles out” the speed as needed to put the rotating
pilot valve back into the null position. A lower sliding bushing position gives a higher set speed.
Again note that the speed governor can be fooled into controlling power output (load) when the
unit is on-line with no speed change by changing the sliding bushing position. The governor
thinks it should change speed and changes the steam flow accordingly. The turbine speed does
not change, but load does (due to an increase in torque from the turbine).
As Figure 4-5 shows, the speed relay position is fed back to the floating lever by a linkage
arrangement. If the speed relay strokes upward, then the floating lever, pivoting about the left,
lifts the sliding bushing into position. When the controlling land is on port, the speed relay is in
the demanded position. You can picture the error signal as being oil flow to the speed relay (to
or from). The summer is not simply the floating lever, but is instead the relative position of the
rotating pilot valve and sliding bushing. There are really two input signals: the speed/load
changer and the speed governor. Either can cause an output change. The speed relay position is
the output that is fed back to the bushing/pilot valve combination by the linkage shown.
GE Speed/Load Control
Note that there is an adjustment in lever d. The position of the center point in that lever (that is,
the ratio of dimensions d to c) determines the speed change necessary to move the speed relay
through full stroke. That is, the dimension d changes the sensitivity of the whole control loop.
The sliding bushing travel (B) that corresponds to the effective speed relay travel, usually 1.5",
is determined by this equation.
B = 1 .5 (inches) Eq. 4-2
If the sliding bushing travel were to be 0.144" (as indicated in Figure 4-5), it would take a 5%
change in turbine speed to put the speed relay through full effective travel (1.5").
This assembly can be seen quite well in Figure 4-6. Notice the horizontal worm gear that is
driven by the turbine shaft at 3600 rpm. Behind it, you can just see the bronze worm wheel gear
that is driven at 581 rpm. The flyball weight assembly is just above this gear. The summing lever
can be seen as well. On the left is the feedback from the speed relay, on the right is the input
from the speed/load changer, and in the middle (immediately above the flyball weights) is the
physical connection to the rotating pilot valve.
Figure 4-6
Speed governor assembly
GE Speed/Load Control
There are four different governor types found on GE turbines: D, T-1, E, and L. The L-type
governor has been used on some GE turbines since around 1930 and on practically all of them
since 1942. The other types are not discussed in this report.
The L-type speed governor is based on the summing of two forces: a spring restoring force and a
centrifugal force resulting from two flyweights (see Figure 4-7). The output position of this
governor is strictly a function of speed. Given a constant speed, the governor output position is
always the same. It changes only if there is a speed change. As the speed increases, for example,
the centrifugal force FC exceeds the spring force FS, and the flyball weights fly outward. As the
weights fly outward, the mechanism pivots about the shown pivot points, meaning the position
(output) goes downward.
Figure 4-7
L-type speed governor
Figure 4-8 shows the L-type speed governor disassembled so that you can easily see the flyball
weights and return spring.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-8
Disassembled speed governor
The characteristic of the L-type governor is illustrated in Figure 4-9. The arbitrary zero in this
figure represents rated turbine speed. For a speed change from 100% to 105% rated, the output
travel of the governor is 0.144". Notice that this graph is curved slightly because centrifugal
force is a function of the square of speed. At turbine speeds less than rated, you should expect
less governor travel with a 5% speed change. At the other end of the range, you should expect
more than 0.144" with a 5% change in speed.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-9
Characteristics of an L-type speed governor
Rated speed of the L-type governor is almost always 581 rpm, and this guide does not discuss the
few exceptions. The 581-rpm rated speed is achieved through the choice of ratios in the worm
gear that drives the governor from the turbine shaft. The choice is based upon physical
restrictions and a design goal for equal wear of the gear teeth, which means that if the driving
gear is not perfect, any wear transmitted to the driven gear (which is made of softer metal) results
in equal wear. Again, given physical restrictions, 581 rpm is the speed that results in one of the
drive teeth making contact with each of the driven teeth before the process is repeated. The gears
are illustrated in the photograph seen in Figure 4-10. The horizontal drive gear is rotating at 3600
rpm as driven by the turbine shaft. The vertical bronze gear rotates at 581 rpm.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-10
Flyball governor gears
The governing range is ± 20% from rated. Therefore, on a 3600-rpm turbine, speed can be
governed only from 2880 to 4320 rpm. The flyweights operate freely only in this speed range.
Below 80% rated speed, the flyweights are on an inner stop, thereby defining the highest position
of the rotating pilot valve. The lowest position of the rotating pilot valve is defined by the outer
stop at 120% rated speed. When running at the outer stop, the weights spin at their maximum arc.
All piping and linkages in the front standard must be such that nothing interferes with the
rotating governor weights. The maximum weight diameter is typically 10".
The rotating pilot valve (see Figure 4-11) is connected to the output of the speed governor by
means of a flexible assembly made up of a connecting spring, a “dog bone,” and a governor
spring plug. These components together can accommodate minor misalignment between the
governor body and the rotating pilot valve assembly.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-11
Speed governor and rotating pilot valve assembly
Design data for this L-type governor used on many GE turbines is given in the list that follows:
• Rated governor speed: 581 rpm
• Stroke from 100% to 105% speed: 0.144"
• Speed range: 80% to 120% rated
GE Speed/Load Control
The lands of the rotating pilot valve are smooth because the rotation of the rotating pilot valve
within the bushing maintains an oil film that prevents metal-to-metal contact, thereby eliminating
axial friction. Look closely at the sliding bushing surrounding the rotating pilot valve. It can be
moved up and down by the feedback linkage from the speed relay. This brings the bushing
control ports into the null position relative to the rotating pilot valve when the controlled
pressure in the speed relay piston chamber causes the speed relay piston to be still.
The sliding bushing tracks the rotating pilot valve in the null position if the speed relay is not
hitting a physical stop. In other words, for every rotating pilot position (that is, every shaft speed)
the sliding bushing can be adjusted so it just covers the ports. This creates the null position or
setpoint. Regulation
As already explained, the combination of speed governor output (the rotating pilot valve
position) and the speed/load changer position (speed demand signal) produces a speed relay
position S proportional to the desired steam flow through the turbine. Speed relay position is
therefore nearly proportional to turbine load.
As shown in Figure 4-5, the speed relay is a single-acting relay with a spring biasing the piston
in the valve closing direction. As discussed earlier, the spring force is such that the low-side
chamber pressure is approximately one-half of the oil supply pressure when the speed relay
piston is at half effective travel.
Speed relay feedback to the sliding bushing is via a set of levers and linkages (levers c, d, e, and
f). Lever d is adjustable. The adjustable lever d ratio determines the speed range necessary to put
the speed relay through its effective stroke.
If you were to adjust lever d to realize an effective speed relay travel of 1.5" and bushing travel
of 0.144", you would have set speed regulation at 5%. See Figure 4-12 for a speed regulation
adjustment. A knurled knob is rotated, which rotates a threaded rod, which in turn moves a
traveling nut that alters feedback to the speed relay.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-12
Speed regulation adjustment lever d
The speed change (in %) needed to put the speed relay through its effective travel (assume no
change of speed/load changer position) is called regulation, or speed regulation, or droop. Full
effective travel of the speed relay puts the CVs from zero (no load) to full open (or vice versa).
The approximate adjustment range of regulation is from 2.5% to 7%. Normally, regulation is set
at 5% because it is a standard.
Figures 4-13 through 4-15 show three nomographs that illustrate the three regulation setpoints
mentioned above. In these nomographs, the lever length d can be represented as changing the
speed governor with respect to the single lever used.
Figure 4-13 illustrates 5% speed regulation. With the speed/load changer set at 100% load, a 5%
change in speed drives the CVs from full open to full closed.
Figure 4-13
13.5% speed regulation
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-14 illustrates a 3% regulation setpoint. With 3% the CVs are far more responsive to
frequency change. If the regulation setpoint were any lower, it might become a concern that the
CVs are responding so quickly that an overshoot is possible; therefore, the minimum setting
allowed is 2.5%.
Figure 4-14
3% speed regulation
Figure 4-15 illustrates a 7% regulation setpoint. With 7% the CVs are far less responsive to
frequency change. If the regulation setpoint were any higher, it might become a concern as to
whether this particular unit is going to respond to meet the demand; therefore, the maximum
settings allowed is 7%.
Figure 4-15
7% speed regulation
GE Speed/Load Control
The algebraic definition of steady-state regulation is given below. This equation assumes no
change in the position of the speed/load changer.
(N o - N)
Rs = * 100(% ) Eq. 4-3
RS = Steady-state speed regulation
No = No load speed in rpm
N = Full load speed in rpm
Nr = Rated speed in rpm
A second definition of regulation is the speed change (%) necessary to move the valves from full
load to no load. The two descriptions of regulation are actually the same. You can use the second
definition to measure the actual speed regulation by following the steps below:
1. Run the unit off-line on stop valve bypass control (explained later) at 100% rated turbine
speed. Set up a dial indicator so that it shows the CV servomotor stroke at the upper (valves
wide open) end.
2. Set the speed very accurately at 100% using the synchroscope, a strobe light, or other device.
At the same time, move the speed/load changer by hand so that the CV servomotor is just
hitting its top stop as shown by the dial indicator. This gives the value for N (full load rpm)
in the above formula as 100.0%.
3. Reset the dial indicator to show the servomotor stroke near the closed end, or use a
machinists’ scale, which is sufficiently accurate for this measurement.
4. Raise turbine speed by opening the stop valve bypass. Do not move the speed/load changer.
As speed increases, the CVs close until, finally, they are controlling speed. The stop valve
bypass may be opened wide, and the main stop valves open.
5. Record the speed, and measure the lift (opening) of the CV servomotor. The speed is No for
the above equations. Note that for best accuracy, measure No with rated steam pressure. If the
pressure is lower than rated, the valves are farther open than they should be, and No is lower
than it should be. If the test is done with steam pressure much below rated, make a correction
by comparing the servomotor opening measured at this time with the servomotor opening
(measured at some other time) at full steam pressure and determining a correction as follows:
True N o =
(Measured No )(Measured Servo Opening ) Eq. 4-4
Servo Opening in Full Pressure
6. Enter the values for No and N into the equation, and calculate the speed regulation for this
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-16
Speed/load changer input
As illustrated in Figure 4-16, the speed/load changer is simply a traveling nut that can be raised
or lowered by the speed/load changer hand wheel on the turbine front standard. Practically all
speed/load changer hand wheels are operated remotely through a reversible dc motor. Some units
may have upgraded this reversible dc motor to a hydraulic device or a step-motor drive.
The speed/load changer traveling nut is connected to a floating lever that positions the sliding
bushing in the center and is positioned by the speed relay feedback at the opposite end (right
Summarizing to this point, the assembly shown in Figure 4-16 has done the following:
• Produced an input speed signal, the vertical position of the rotating pilot valve. The rotating
pilot valve does no work, has practically no friction, and is not affected by temperature, oil
viscosity, or anything else. The rotating pilot valve simply advises the control system as to
what the turbine speed is.
• Provided a way to compare the speed signal with a speed/load demand signal as set by the
operators. The difference, if any, is an error signal that results in oil flow to or from the
governor to the speed relay.
• Provided a way to amplify the error signal (with the speed relay). The speed relay has a force
output of about 800 pounds and a travel of 1.5".
• Has an adjustable regulation normally set at 5%. That is, a speed change of 5% moves the
speed relay through full stroke.
This speed/load changer input is very accurate by 1960 standards. In the 2000s, when this
speed/load changer is operated by a plant’s distributed control system (DCS) to achieve an
expected valve position, the speed/load changer often does not meet the plant’s needs. Industry
standards have changed along with technological changes.
GE Speed/Load Control
At least one engineering firm has designed a replacement for the existing speed/load changer that
incorporates a stepping motor, along with improved gear ratios, for far better responsiveness and
The original speed/load changer has a significant amount of backlash, momentum (when
moving), and thrust. These undesirable variables were not noticed before, but now they cause
inaccurate responses and overtravel leading potentially to control system oscillations or, at the
very least, operating complaints.
When the CVs are mounted on the turbine shell, the speed relay output is the input to the CV
main servomotor. Figure 4-17 shows a typical servomotor and CVs. This servomotor produces a
force of 7,000–10,000 lbs and typically has a stroke of about 14". Follow the operation of these
devices. Assume that there is upward motion as an input from the speed relays. This action
results in the left side of the pilot valve lever being lifted, pivoting on the right. Oil is ported to
the bottom of the servomotor (and from the top of the servomotor). The servomotor strokes
upward. As the servomotor strokes upward, there are two results:
• Rod D (and E where there are CVs mounted on the lower half shell) lifts and drives the rack
and pinion gear. This action rotates the camshaft and opens the CVs.
• The feedback linkage is lifted and reversed through the reversing pin, and the pilot valve is
put back on port as the CVs achieve the demanded position.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-17
Front standard
Notice the pilot valve stop located on the servomotor pilot valve summing lever. This stop
restricts pilot valve deflection in the upward (valve opening) direction. The stop prevents the
system from demanding an excessive amount of oil by restricting the velocity of opening the
servomotor. Pulling an excessive amount of oil could put the unit at risk.
Figure 4-18 shows the servomotor mechanism from an actual front standard located in a service
shop. Notice the servomotor on the left side and the pilot valve linkages shown on the right.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-18
Standard servomotor
The servomotor operates a cam shaft through a system of push rods and a rack and pinion
arrangement. This action positions each CV individually by a cam. The cam is used to
compensate for the nonlinear characteristics of the CVs. The cam can be thought of as a mirror
image of this nonlinearity so that steam flow is proportional to servomotor stroke. In other
words, the cams are function generators.
These cams were designed and machined (unless your unit was recently upgraded) by 1960
standards, as discussed earlier. Some operating units have experienced “flat spots,” that is,
operations has complained that the unit is not responsive to changes in load demand.
One solution is to reengineer the steam flow versus the valve lift characteristics. A number of
engineering companies offer this service. To determine the incremental regulation on your unit,
it is necessary to run a controlled test over as wide a range in load as possible. During this test, it
would be desirable to keep variables such as throttle pressure to a constant or to collect further
data to compensate for the effects of pressure change on unit output. A typical incremental
regulation test would consist of starting at one end of a load range and moving to the other end in
controlled steps. The goal would be to accurately determine the input-to-output characteristics of
the cams installed.
Before committing to re-engineering of the cam, it is important to clearly recognize the source of
an incremental regulation problem. In some cases, the regulation can be improved by merely
adjusting the timing of the bottom cam shaft in relation to the upper (on that type of machine).
Sometimes, the best results are achieved at values other than the original design values.
GE Speed/Load Control
Assuming that there are concerns over linearity, the cams can be redesigned and machined using
modern computer numerically controlled (CNC) milling processes. The result is smooth
operations at all loads and linear response for all changes in demand. This is especially important
for those units operating often at partial loads.
On occasion, an operating unit has been known to experience “stalling.” This is where the
following roller is not perpendicular to the cam surface. If the vertical component of the lifting
force is lessened enough (by this lack of perpendicularity), it may not be able to overcome the
opposing springs, and a “stall” is the result. Reengineering of the cams can also address this
Figure 4-19 illustrates a shell-mounted CV. The rack-and-pinion gear driven by the servomotor
rotates the camshaft, lifting the left side of the shown lever. The lever in turn, lifts the dog bone
(or lift pin). When the lift pin makes contact with the inside of the crosshead assembly, that
assembly lifts. The CV stem is screwed (and pinned) into the bottom of the crosshead assembly.
Therefore, the CVs are opened as the crosshead lifts.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-19
Shell-mounted control valve
Notice the clearances: 3/16" between the cam roller and cam surface, and 3/64" between the cam
roller and bottom inside of the crosshead assembly. These clearances are typical for when the CV
is on its seat.
The shown pull-down pin and hook do not normally make contact. If, in the closing direction
however, the valve stem did not close (via spring action alone) following demand from the cam,
the pull-down pin would make contact with the pull-down hook and mechanically force the valve
stem to follow the demand.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-20
Control valve cams
Figure 4-21 illustrates these major components making up a CV assembly. Locate the crosshead.
The lever normally passes through the inside of this crosshead assembly, and the lifting pin
connects the lever to the crosshead assembly. At the very top of this crosshead, notice the hole
where the valve stem is assembled to the crosshead.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-21
Figure 4-22 further illustrates the lever, cam roller, and the location where the lifting pin fits to
the lever.
Figure 4-22
Control valve parts
GE Speed/Load Control
Some operating units have experienced what might be considered an excessive number of CV
stem failures. This can be attributed to the design of the valve disk and/or the design of the
crosshead assembly. An engineering firm can analyze the modes of failure, that is, determine
the weakness of existing designs and work to improve upon these weak points. These design
enhancements can be summarized as follows:
• Reduce the stress riser effects of the thread roots.
• Reduce the bending forces on the stem-to-crosshead connections.
When the CVs are in a valve chest separate from the turbine shell, the speed relay output acts on
an arrangement of mechanical linkages to transmit the motion to the CV hydraulic enclosure.
This enclosure is mounted next to the CV chest and has in it all the hydraulic equipment needed
for the CVs. See Figure 4-23.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-23
Control valves – separately mounted
GE Speed/Load Control
Inside the enclosure, the mechanical linkages work a pilot valve called the secondary pilot valve.
It controls the oil flow to an M-H amplifier called the secondary speed relay. The output of the
secondary speed relay accurately follows the speed relay in the front standard.
The secondary speed relay uses a rack-and-pinion arrangement to rotate a cam shaft (function
generator). There is a cam for each CV; the cam follower moves the pilot valve of the main
servomotor (the final M-H amplification in the system). Thus there is a separate servomotor for
each CV instead of just one for turbines with the CVs on the shell. The cams are in the
“upstream” side of the main servomotors rather than on the “downstream” side.
Figure 4-24 shows a typical servovalve enclosure. It includes the compression and tension rod
arrangement used so there is a straight upward pull on the valve stem as it opens. The push rod
link is lifted from the actuator assembly (on the right side of the drawing). This action lifts up on
the right side of the lower lever. The lower lever pivots about the connecting pin on the far left.
The crosshead assembly is, therefore, lifted an amount that is proportional to the push rod link
travel. The valve stem is lifted. On the left side, the link is fixed in the vertical direction (it can
and does swing about the upper pin). The upper lever transfers the reactionary force to the
tension rod and back to the stationary portion of the actuator assembly. This results in more
linear output and a transfer of mechanical stresses back to the power actuator, rather than the
valve chest.
Figure 4-24
Separately mounted control valves
GE Speed/Load Control
The characteristics of the entire control system are illustrated in the following figures. Figure 4-
25 is a graph of turbine power output versus speed (percent rated). The three diagonals illustrate
separate speed regulation setpoints: 2.5%, 5%, and 7% regulation. Notice the dashed curves
along the 5 % regulation curve. The dashed curve represents actual CV movement relative to a
speed change. Each curve arc represents a single CV as the CVs open sequentially. This 5%
regulation diagonal is the base line for the set of 5% diagonals drawn in Figure 4-26. Figure 4-25
is drawn with a constant speed/load changer position.
Figure 4-25
Speed vs. power output with constant position speed/load changer
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-26
Speed/load changer adjustment at a constant 5% regulation setpoint
The HSS and LSS are hard limits on the speed/load changer travel. On some GE turbines, the
stops are set with no load. The HSS is set at 107% rated speed. With 5% regulation this ensures
that the unit can be operated at valves wide open, even if the system frequency is slightly high
(up to 102%).
The LSS is set at 95% rated speed. This makes it possible to synchronize a unit when system
frequency is below normal, which might be very important in a system emergency.
Note: The amount of time a unit can operate below 99% speeds at considerable load is limited
due to damaging resonant frequencies that affect the turbine buckets.
The HSS and LSS on the speed/load changer are seen in Figure 4-27. These stops are typically
calibrated (tested) during a restart.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-27
High-speed stop
The combined characteristics of speed/load changer, speed (frequency), and valve position (load)
for an L-type speed governor are illustrated in Figure 4-28.
On the LSS, the regulation is 5.5%–6%. As always, consult the control diagrams for the
particulars regarding the unit on which you are working.
Figure 4-28
Characteristics of MHC speed control
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-29 illustrates a steam turbine-generator operating on the grid with many others.
If one of those other operating generators were to be lost, the frequency on the grid would
rapidly change. This would be due to the load that was previously met by that lost
generating unit being redistributed to all the operating units. A situation such as the one
that occurred in August 2003 illustrates how widespread this control problem could
Figure 4-29
Control area
The speed control system of each turbine connected to this grid would react in an attempt to
counteract this frequency change by adjusting valve positions and, therefore, the steam
flow/torque to the generator.
The speed control system would first attempt to bring the valve position in line with the new
system frequency. A balance would be known to have been achieved when the frequency stops
changing. The valves would continue to open until the frequency stops decaying (or they would
continue to close until the frequency stops rising).
The small response for an average control system is shown in Figure 4-30. It assumes a
frequency drop of one-half of 1%, from 60 Hz to 59.7 Hz. Figure 4-30, the following can be
• Because the frequency change is small, the turbine control system adjusts the valve position
without being limited by saturation; that is, a pilot valve limit or a position limit will not be
• The rate of valve position movement is fast at the beginning. The rate of position change,
however, slows as it approaches the final position. This action minimizes (or eliminates) the
potential for overshoot, which can cause another oscillation. A stable response is the result.
• The final valve position is achieved in about 1.5 seconds.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-30
Small change in frequency – valve response
Unit response for a large frequency change is illustrated in Figure 4-31. In this case, the
servomotor pilot valve strikes the pilot valve lift limit. This action prevents excessive drop of
hydraulic pressure, which would put the unit at risk. Figure 4-31 shows this slowed response for
a frequency drop of 2.5% down to 58.5 Hz (on a 60-Hz system).
Figure 4-31
Large change in frequency – valve response
GE Speed/Load Control
There are a few other considerations to keep in mind when examining unit response to a
frequency decrease:
• First, as illustrated earlier, the steam generator will probably be unable to keep up with
demanded steam flow by valve movement. How well the steam generator is able to respond
varies significantly by unit.
• On straight condensing turbines with CVs mounted on the shell, the steam lags are almost
negligible. If the CVs are mounted on separate chests, the lag may become as much as one-
half second.
On reheat units, it is necessary to build up steam pressure in the reheat section of the boiler to a
new steady-state value before the load on the turbine again corresponds to the valve position.
Figure 4-32 illustrates the load response with respect to the CV position on a reheat turbine with
a reheat time constant of 5 seconds (reheat time constants typically vary from 3 to 8 seconds).
Figure 4-32
Reheat turbine load response for small change in frequency
GE Speed/Load Control
The three operating modes of the operating speed control subsystem are:
• Control of no-load speed (circuit breaker open). This is used to synchronize the generator to
the electrical system and for preoperational tests:
– Minimum oil trip
– LSS and HSS setting
– Overspeed trip tests
In either case, if a load is applied, the unit speed slows. The speed governor responds by opening
the valves a predetermined amount (based upon the setpoint of speed regulation).
The function of the load limit control is to allow the operator to position the CVs at any point.
As we have seen, the speed governor is not effective below about 80% speed. In fact, when the
speed falls below the governor’s effective range, the governor “calls” for more speed or valve
opening. This is not a fail safe condition; further, there must be a way to control speed from zero
up to the effective range of the governor.
This control requirement is met by placing a hand- (or motor-) operated pilot valve hydraulically
in series with the rotating pilot valve of the operating speed control subsystem. It is called the
load limit or auxiliary pilot valve. The pilot valve (rotating or load limit) that is passing the
smallest amount of oil (that is, the one calling for the least valve opening/steam flow) is in
control. This is the low-value gate principle described earlier.
GE Speed/Load Control
See Figure 4-33. When the load limit is controlling, the oil from the load limit pilot valve passes
right through the rotating pilot valve (which does not restrict it) and into the speed relay. From
there, the force amplification that actually moves the CVs uses exactly the same hardware as the
rotating pilot valve.
Figure 4-33
Load limit
Note: There is no automatic feedback signal to the load limit pilot valve. It simply positions the
valves in a set position that the operator decides. Thinking of a control loop “black box,” the
input signal is the operator’s positioning of the load limit pilot valve. The feedback signal is the
indication of speed, load, or CV position that the operator reads from the instruments. The
“summer” is in the operator’s mind; he or she judges whether what he/she sees is what he/she
wants. If not, his/her mind says there is an error signal and adjusts the load limit accordingly.
However the speed governor is always sensing speed, and if it should rise too much, the
operating speed control would come into action.
When the unit is carrying load, the operators can choose which pilot valve they want to have in
control. They can then position the other one anywhere from just slightly above the controlling
one up to its wide open position.
GE Speed/Load Control
When the load limit is controlling, the CVs do not respond to the slight normal variations in
system frequency. The valve position and hence the unit output stay constant as long as steam
pressure is constant. This “insensitive” operating mode is generally easier on the unit, but it
means that the unit is not carrying any part of system load variations. Thus the operators must
make some choices when they decide whether to operate on load limit or on operating speed
The hand wheel and motor mechanism that positions the load limit pilot valve usually has a trip-
latch mechanism on it so that the load limit pilot valve trips closed on an emergency or normal
shut down (when the hydraulic oil pressure drops). This safety feature means that the unit must
be reset and the load limit control must be run all the way closed and then “latched up” before it
can again be used to open the CVs.
Figure 4-34 is a photograph of the load limit mechanism set on a workbench. The latching
mechanism is the piece in the center. This latching mechanism is seen just above and to the right
of the reset piston (pressurized with emergency trip [ET] system oil).
Figure 4-34
Load limit device
GE Speed/Load Control Operation
The function of the stop valve bypass is to allow operation of the turbine at steam flows up to
about 25% of rated (assuming rated inlet steam pressure) with the CVs wide open.
As mentioned in the Summary Description, there are usually four, six, or eight steam CVs.
Normally, they open sequentially, one after the other. More load, more valves open. This is done
because it is more efficient; it reduces the energy wasted when steam is throttled through a valve
and also allows the turbine designers to make the steam flow passages more efficient.
Unfortunately, this means there must be some rather complicated steam passages in the heavy
steel castings of the turbine valve chest and shells. These parts must be warmed evenly and
gradually when the turbine is started up from a cold condition; otherwise, there might be harmful
temperature differences that could cause cracking. The best way to do this warming is to start up
with fairly cool low-pressure steam going through all the passages at the same time. Then the
steam pressure and temperature can be raised in a controlled way until all the metal is hot enough
to go into normal operation (valves opening in sequence). This is done by using the stop valve
bypass subsystem.
In this system, the CVs are all opened wide before the turbine is started, using the load limit.
Remember that with the unit on turning gear, the minimum speed demand from the speed/load
changer is 95%, and the minimum turbine speed as seen by the flyball governor is 80% (the inner
stop). This means that the speed governor, with the unit on turning gear, is demanding the CVs
wide open. The load limit is what keeps the CVs closed until the operator demands that they
With the CVs wide open, a small bypass valve built into one (or sometimes two) of the main stop
valves is used to control steam flow while the unit is brought up to running speed, synchronized,
and loaded up to perhaps 20% or 25% of full load. In this way, steam flows through all the
passages until the turbine is properly warmed up. Then the CVs are closed down until they are
controlling flow, the stop valves are opened wide, and flow is controlled either by the operating
speed control or the load limit, as already explained.
Remember that the stop valves are in the second line of defense against overspeed and are
normally fully open or fully closed. In fact, they are unbalanced valves so they cannot go from
closed to open if there is a difference in steam pressure across (through) them. This is a safety
feature in that the stop valves cannot be accidentally opened unless the CVs are controlling flow.
The bypass is really a small valve that controls steam flow through a passage through the main
disc of the valve. Unlike the main disc, the bypass can open against full steam pressure, and also
its position can be controlled accurately through its full stroke.
GE Speed/Load Control
You can see that as long as the CVs downstream are wide open, the pressure never equalizes
across the main disc, and it never opens (the bypass being much smaller than the CVs). When the
CVs are closed down sufficiently, the pressure equalizes, the main disc opens, the bypass within
the main disc closes, and the whole stop valve bypass subsystem is out of operation. Please note
that an exception to this statement of never being able to open the bypass valves exists if the
main steam inlet pressure is very low.
The whole subsystem is really a low-value gate in series with the CVs; the set of valves that calls
for the least steam flow controls. Again, the control loop “black box” has no automatic feedback.
Like the load limit, there is no automatic feedback or regulation. The stop valve bypass is
positioned by the operator, and he/she must use his/her judgment to decide if the position is
correct for the operating condition he/she wants to have.
An electronic acceleration indicator is an important part of the stop valve bypass subsystem. It
shows the operator how fast the shaft rpm is changing and helps him/her judge the correct valve
The bypass valve position is controlled by a reversible dc motor operated from the control room.
A trip-latch mechanism similar to the one on the load limit is used for the same reason—so that
the stop valve bypass can be tripped closed by the emergency trip system; therefore, it must be
run closed and reset before each start up.
Air valves are mounted on the mechanism to provide automatic operations as required. The
mechanism may be operated locally using the hand wheel to turn the lead screw for adjustment
purposes, but it is not normally operated in this way during operation of the turbine. A position
transmitter is provided to monitor the bypass valve position for full-arc admission operation. The
transmitter may be mounted on either the bypass control mechanism or a rod connected to the
valve stem at the coupling. See Figure 4-35.
GE Speed/Load Control
Figure 4-35
Stop valve bypass mechanism
Input is provided from the operator via the stop valve by-pass control mechanism. To operate
this device (as with the load limit), the unit must be reset (establishing a positive trip oil to the
reset piston), and the control mechanism must be backed to zero to permit the latching
mechanism (shown to the right of the reset piston and below the control mechanism) to latch.
Once latched the stop valve by-pass control mechanism pulls the vertical lever to the left,
pushing down on the floating lever above the shown pilot valve. If the stop valve were to be
closed (it is shown open), the downward motion of the floating lever would push down on the
pilot valve, admitting oil to the bottom of the main stop valve piston. As the piston strokes
upward, the left side of the floating lever (held in position by the restoring arm breakdown [not
the open end rigid stop]) follows (as the restoring arm breakdown lifts). The pilot valve spring
pushes the summing lever back to the null position.
GE Speed/Load Control
When the bypass valve approaches full open, the floating lever makes contact with the open end
rigid stop. This cancels out any further feedback as the main stop valve actuator strokes, and the
main stop valve integrates into the full open position.
To test the closure of the stop valve, the solenoid valve SVT-2 is energized. Plant air is ported to
the piston, which pushes up on the floating lever. The right side of the floating lever moves
upward (note that the vertical lever does not move as the angle connection to the right separates).
The pilot valve is lifted off port, and oil is drained from underneath the power actuator. The stop
valve strokes closed. When SVT-2 is de-energized, the spring on the right pulls the floating lever
back into position, and the stop valve reopens.
The gear box and torque shaft bearings are provided with grease fittings. These, together with
other moving parts, such as the lead screw thread and sliding block trunnion, should be
lubricated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Figure 4-36 is a photograph that identifies the visible components of a stop valve bypass valve
control mechanism.
Figure 4-36
MSV bypass valve
Again, in today's environment, operation of the original equipment is sometimes now found to be
unacceptable. On units that are cycled heavily, the inaccuracies of the stop valve bypass valve
control mechanism (due to the same causes of inaccuracies as the speed/load changer) result in
an excessive amount of time being consumed in the process of matching unit speed to the system
frequency. On some units, it may take nearly an hour before frequencies are matched.
Considering the high cost of fuel, that one delay, had it not occurred, could have paid for a new
GE Speed/Load Control
control mechanism. Some engineering firms have designed upgrade replacements similar to the
speed/load control upgrade.
A few very old units still in service have a speed/load control system quite different from the one
described here; however, the principles are the same. This system uses a trip throttle valve in
place of the on-off unbalanced stop valve with a built-in bypass.
The trip throttle valve is opened and closed manually with a large hand wheel. However, the
hand wheel arrangement is really a large trip-latch mechanism. To start, control oil pressure must
be normal, and the hand wheel closed manually all the way. This “latches up” the valve. It may
then be positioned accurately any place in its travel, just like any manual globe valve. But if the
control oil pressure should fall for any reason (such as an emergency trip signal), the valve
unlatches and slams closed. It must be manually “relatched” to open again.
When the turbine is stopped, the speed governor “calls” for valves wide open, just as in the
modern systems. There is no load limit. As soon as control oil pressure is turned on, the CVs
open wide. Then the trip throttle valve is opened slowly, controlling speed up to the point where
the governor takes over (begins to close the valves).
Note: During this time, steam is flowing through all the CVs, warming the turbine evenly as in
the stop valve bypass mode in the modern system.
When the speed governor takes over, the throttle valve is opened wide, and thereafter, the unit
runs on the speed governor for synchronizing and carrying load.
5.1 Introduction
Reheat turbines produce most of the electrical power in the power generation industry. The
presence of the reheater introduces special control functions that are not present on straight
condensing turbine controls. This section of the guide describes the two distinct types of reheat
turbine control systems. Both groups are widely represented.
The heat rate of producing electrical power by a reheat cycle is approximately 5% better than
with a straight condensing non-reheat unit. Heat rate is, of course, the heat energy (in BTUs)
that is needed to produce one kWh of electric energy.
The function of the reheat turbine control subsystem of the steam turbine MHC system is to
control the flow of steam from the reheater (reheat boiler) to the main turbine unit. More
specifically, the reheat controls control steam flow from the reheater during abnormal operating
events such as an overspeed.
Refer to Figure 5-1. During normal operations, the high pressure (HP) turbine (downstream of
the control valves [CVs]), cold reheat piping, reheater, and hot reheat piping contain enough
steam energy to drive the turbine generator to a dangerous overspeed. Consequently, turbine
speed must be controlled according to the basic rules of (1) fail safe and (2) two lines of defense
against overspeed.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-1
Arrangement of reheat turbine
The first line of defense or primary control system uses the intercept valves (IVs) to control
steam flow. They are positioned by a speed signal from the main turbine shaft that is
hydraulically amplified to gain the needed power. On some units, the speed signal comes from
the same speed governor that positions the CVs; on older units, there is a completely separate
flyball governor/rotating pilot valve.
The system keeps the IVs wide open during normal operation since they have no controlling
function. When speed rises to 102%, the IVs begin to close. If the speed continues to increase,
the valves continue to close until they are full closed at about 107%.
The second line of defense against a turbine overspeed due to steam flow from the reheater is
the reheat stop valves. Like the main stop valves (MSVs), they are open at all times except when
tripped closed by the overspeed governor working through the ET system.
Many larger modern units require special provisions to hold the speed below 120% of rated
speed during an emergency overspeed. This is done through a trip anticipator, which closes the
reheat stop valves below the overspeed governor trip setting (in anticipation of a possible trip),
but allows them to reopen if a trip does not actually take place.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Like the other MHC subsystems, the reheat turbine controls subsystem has ways to test the
intercept and reheat stop valves without any effect on operation. It also has instrumentation
and alarms for the operators’ guidance and ways to replace parts, adjust for wear, and so on.
In order to fulfill its function, the reheat turbine subsystem must do the following:
• Provide two lines of defense against overspeed by steam from the reheater.
• Control the flow of steam from the reheater under certain emergency conditions.
• Be fail safe.
• Provide valve position and other output signals to the boiler control and other plant systems.
Like most other MHC subsystems and components, it must also do these things:
• Provide for testing of various components with the least possible effect on operation.
• Provide instrumentation and alarms for the operators’ guidance.
• Operate for long periods with little need for maintenance or repair.
• Minimize the risk of oil leakage from the system.
• Allow for adjustments to compensate for manufacturing tolerance variations, specific plant
conditions, and wear so as to allow for correct operation for the life of the unit.
5.4 Details
Review Figure 5-1 in more detail. High-pressure steam is admitted to the high-pressure turbine
(HP) section through the MSVs, often two or more in parallel.
From the MSV, the steam flows through the CVs, four to eight in parallel.
Steam exiting the high-pressure turbine is routed to the reheat section of the boiler, where the
steam is again heated to the inlet steam temperature. This reheated steam is then returned to the
reheat section of the turbine (intermediate pressure [IP] turbine) via reheat stop valves (RSVs),
usually two in parallel.
From the RSVs, the hot reheat steam flows through the IVs, one in series with each RSV.
As mentioned earlier, entrained steam in the reheat system has the potential of overspeeding the
turbine by 25%–60% above rated speed on loss of full generator load. Therefore, the two lines of
defense against overspeed on a reheat turbine are as described below (see Figure 5-2).
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-2
Reheat turbine overspeed protection (two lines of defense)
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
During normal operation, the IVs are wide open. This keeps the pressure drop in the hot reheat
line at a minimum. While open fully, the IV stem seal is also closed tightly to prevent steam
When generator load is lost, the turbine rotor accelerates at its maximum rate of speed change.
Because the IVs control the largest portion of the energy flow into the turbine, they must be
closed quickly to limit the peak rotor speed to the lowest possible value.
When speed control has closed the CVs and the IVs, the rotor will continue to accelerate. This
acceleration is due to the expansion of entrained steam in the CV steam leads, the HP turbine
bowl, turbine, IV steam leads, reheat bowl, crossover, and extraction piping. The speed increase
from entrained steam can be as high as 8% of rated speed.
When all the entrained steam has expanded, the rotor will have reached its peak speed. Given
any turbine generator and its design parameters, a design engineer can calculate this expected
peak speed. The overspeed trip is then set 1% higher than this calculated peak speed. Therefore,
if all the controls are working properly, the turbine will not trip on loss of full load.
After achieving peak speed, the turbine rotor will begin to decelerate at approximately 0.2%
rated speed per second. At this time, the reheat pressure will still be at the value prior to the load
rejection. The IVs must be capable of opening against this pressure; therefore, the IVs are
When the rotor has decelerated to approximately 105% rated speed, the control system will start
re-opening the IVs, admitting a no-load steam flow to the IP turbine section. This no-load flow
slowly blows down the steam stored in the boiler reheater. (The no-load flow is approximately
2%-4% of the maximum steam flow.)
After 5–7 minutes, the reheat pressure will drop to the no-load value, and the IVs will be at least
half open. At this time, the CVs will start to re-open and control no-load speed by means of HP
steam. If all has gone well within the plant, the unit is now ready to be resynchronized.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Never resynchronize a unit after a loss of load or a trip until the reason for the incident is known
and a determination has been made that operation at load is safe. By the same token, if there is to
be any significant time delay in resynchronizing, it is usually recommended that the steam
turbine be manually tripped.
Note: A loss of load is not the same as a turbine trip. A turbine trip results in complete valve
closure, and they will not re-open automatically. The operator must reset the unit.
The turbine reheat valves are considered to be intercept and reheat stop valves.
The IVs are balanced valves that can do all of the following:
• Open against 110% of maximum load reheat pressure
• Position themselves to blow down the reheater while under speed control
• Be tested to the fully closed position
The RSVs, unlike the IVs, are not balanced. They can do the following:
• Open against only a 15% pressure drop across the valve seat.
• Be either open or closed (they cannot throttle).
• Be testable to the fully closed position in proper sequence with the IVs, that is, the reheat
stop valve must be closed after the IV and re-opened before the IV re-opens.
On some turbines, the IVs and RSVs are separated from each other, that is, they are in series but
are not physically connected. On other units, these valves are contained within a single chest and
share a common seat (combined reheat valves). On some units, the IVs are mounted on the
turbine shell, whereas on other units, they are not.
A cross-section of a separate IV is shown in Figure 5-3. Reheat steam enters through the steam
strainer, above the disc, and flows to the IP turbine through the below seat outlet pipe.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-3
Separate mounted intercept valve
The IV uses a balanced valve disc that can open against 110% of full load reheat pressure (even
with vacuum below the disc).
Notice the stem seal. In the open position, a shoulder on the stem seats against a seat in the
bushing. Steam cannot leak past the stem when the valve is fully opened.
The servomotor is single acting. The position actuator has a large pilot valve for fast closing and
positioning to blow down the reheater while under speed control.
Figure 5-4 illustrates the shell-mounted IV including operating mechanisms and the pre-
emergency governor found on units manufactured built prior to 1958.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-4
Shell-mounted intercept valve
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
• The fully closed test is the same as that described for the separate IVs.
• The operation of the IV is via the pre-emergency speed relay by linkages and torque shafts.
The pre-emergency governor is in the front standard and will be discussed later in this
The equalizer valve pipe shown goes to the downstream side of the valve, below the disc, with
the air-operated equalizer valve in the pipe. Air switches actuated by the pre-emergency
governor linkages open and close the air supply to the equalizer valve so that it opens with the IV
closed. This equalizes the pressure in the chamber above and below the valve disc so that the
hydraulic cylinder has enough power to open the valve against 110% rated reheater pressure.
Often a separately mounted reheat stop valve is of the flapper-type arrangement as illustrated in
Figure 5-5. It is an in-line valve that is welded to the hot reheat line upstream of the shell-
mounted IVs. The primary features of the separate RSV are the following:
• Venturi-shaped inlet and outlet connections allow for minimum pressure drops across the
• A stem-sealed valve stem actuates the valve disc inside the valve casing. No rotating stem
seals are required.
• The open/closed operating mechanism is very similar to the MSV. The reheat stop valve is
• The reheat stop valve is testable to the fully closed position if the test is conducted in
conjunction with the IV located in the same steam line. The valve test sequence is interlocked
with the IV test through either pneumatic or electrical circuits.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-5
Reheat stop valve
Figure 5-6 illustrates a typical combined reheat valve. Notice how the IV disk and reheat stop
valve disk share the same seat within the valve casing.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-6
Combined reheat valve
The IV is a balanced valve operated from above through levers by a single-acting servomotor.
Input is shown on the lower-left side of this figure. The roll bar would rotate clockwise and the
vertical link would move upward upon a command to open the IV. This action lifts the pilot
valve, and oil is ported to the servomotor. The servomotor stroke results in the IV being opened.
When the IV gets to the commanded position, the pilot valve is put back on port. Typically, the
IV is commanded to be hard open in normal operation; this means that in normal operation the
pilot valve will go to open-end overtravel because the desired feedback is not achieved.
The reheat stop valve is an unbalanced disk valve operated from below by a single-acting
open/closed operating mechanism. The trip mechanisms are covered in a later section.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Both valves have a stem seal. Both valves are testable in sequence to the fully closed position.
From the valves open position, the IVs are closed fully. When they are closed, the reheat stop
valves are closed fully and then re-opened. After the reheat stop valves have re-opened fully,
the IVs are then permitted to re-open to the original full open position.
In a double-lever IV system, the effects of thermal expansion and bending moments are taken
care of within the design. To the technician this means the hot and cold valve settings are the
Figure 5-7
Two-speed governing system
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
The main speed governor operates the CVs via a main speed relay and the main servomotor.
Operation of the main speed governor can be forced closed via the load limit hand wheel in a
low-value gate configuration.
The pre-emergency governor operates the IVs through a pre-emergency speed relay and IV
servomotors (IVSMs). The two branches of the speed control system are completely independent
from each other.
The pre-emergency governor is located in the front standard. It is driven by the same worm gear
as the main governor and is identical to the main speed governor in terms of physical
construction. Two-speed governors are seen in one front standard, driven by one worm gear, in
Figure 5-8.
Figure 5-8
Two-speed governor
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-9
Pre-emergency governor
Biased by the position of the IV test device, the pre-emergency speed governor positions the pre-
emergency speed relay, which positions the IVs through the IVSMs. An increase in turbine speed
results in the weights going outward, the rotating pilot valve moving downward, oil draining
from the IV relay (IVR) (at the right of the governor), and a closing signal being forwarded to
the IVSMs.
The purpose of the IV test device is to test the function of the pre-emergency governor, the
linkages, and the IVSMs. This test is recommended to be performed weekly. At the “test stop”
(similar to the low-speed stop on the speed/load changer), the IV will be at half stroke with the
unit at rated speed.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
When at the IV test device “running stop” (also called the high-speed stop), the IVs will start
closing at 101% speed and will be closed fully at 105% rated speed. This is where the IV test
device is set during normal operations.
In order to run an overspeed trip test (which will be discussed later), the speed at which the IVs
start to close must be increased to about 110% rated speed. This is done by pulling up on the
overspeed button and turning the hand wheel in the increase direction as far as it will go. The
overspeed button will have to be pulled up several times (once for each full rotation of the hand
The IV test hand wheel must be returned to the running stop after the overspeed trip test has been
The pre-emergency governor settings are summarized in Figure 5-10. The pre-emergency speed
control is set typically for 4% regulation. The effective stroke of the pre-emergency speed relay
is 1.5". Therefore, the bushing travel corresponding to the 1.5" pre-emergency speed relay travel
will be 0.115".
Figure 5-10
Pre-emergency governor settings
The lever ratios of the feedback linkage are adjustable only in discrete steps by changing pin
locations in the linkage. Select the pin location giving the closest to 0.115" of bushing travel.
Adjustments must be made when the unit is shut down and the auxiliary oil pump is running. The
jacking device may be used to put the pre-emergency speed relay through a 1.5" stroke. Always
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
measure the travel of the sliding bushing with a dial indicator. It is not recommended to check
the regulation of the pre-emergency speed control with the unit running because it involves some
difficult maneuvers.
The single-speed governing system for reheat units was introduced in about 1958. This single-
speed governing system positions both the control and IVs through one speed governor. The
device that makes this type of control possible is the dashpot breakdown link. Figure 5-11
represents a simplified diagram of this system.
Figure 5-11
Single-speed governing system
On startup, when the HP steam flow is controlled by either the control or MSV bypass valve, the
IVs should be at least halfway open to prevent any reheat pressure from building up. When the
unit has been synchronized and loaded to about 10% rated load, the IVs must be wide open to
minimize pressure drop and to have the stem seal seating (to prevent steam leakage along the
stem). The IVs must lead the CVs in the opening sequence. By opening first, the IVs pass off any
reheat steam before the CVs inlet more steam into the system.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Follow this opening sequence in startup, the speed relay is opened by the load limit. This
provides input to the dashpot breakdown link, and this link moves upward with the speed relay,
providing an opening signal to the IVR and IVs. (The dashpot breakdown link is not at the top
stop, that is, not in contact with the dashpot stop, during this operation). Shortly after the IVs are
wide open, the dashpot breakdown link output contacts the dashpot stop. Now, as the speed relay
continues to stroke upward, an upward force is put on the bottom of the dashpot breakdown link.
Oil is squeezed from the bottom of the piston, through the needle valve (on the upper left of the
dashpot breakdown link), to the top of the piston. The dashpot breakdown link spring is
compressed, and the dimension L is decreased.
On loss of load, the IVs must close without delay in order to prevent the rotor speed from
increasing too high. Recall from other discussions, the IVs control 70%–75% of the energy flow
into the turbine (all turbine sections except the high-pressure element). On a loss of generator
load, the IVs must lag the CVs in closing. After the turbine speed has peaked, the system needs
to prepare to blow down the reheater through the IVs. This must be done with the CVs closed.
To blow down the reheater, the IVs must lead the CVs in opening.
Figure 5-12
Control settings for the front standard with a single-element governor
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
During start-up and low load operation, the length L is maximum. The dashpot breakdown link is
solid; that is, the piston is against the top of cylinder due to spring forces. At no-load, the IVs are
about halfway open.
At about 10% load (at rated boiler pressure, the CVs will be about 10% open), the IVs will be
wide open. The speed relay stroke will be approximately 0.85", and the IVR will be on the top
stop. The IVR pilot valve will be at an open-end overtravel (OEOT), measuring about 0.02". The
IVs will be full open, the stem seal will be sealing, and the IV pilot valve will be in OEOT. At
this point, the dashpot stop will engage the dashpot rod to hold the dashpot piston in place. This
is true regardless of the speed relay stroke. Oil will be sucked into the dashpot chamber through
the needle valve.
Note: The dashpot breakdown link is self filling with turbine oil.
At full load, the speed relay is at 2" stroke, and the CVs will be wide open. The measurement L
will be Lmax less 1.2" (the compression of the spring).
If maximum load is lost from the generator, the unit will accelerate at a maximum rate. As a
result, the speed relay will descend at a maximum rate (from 5" to 7" per second). It should take
the speed relay less than about 0.5 second to go from wide open to zero effective stroke.
The dashpot needle is set to let the piston rise at 0.125" per second under spring force only (see
Figure 5-11). During the closing time of 0.5 seconds, L will increase by approximately 0.05"
(0.124 x 0.4), which is small compared to the length reduction of 1.2".
The IVR will call for the IV to be closed at about 1.3" (2.0" less 0.7") speed relay stroke. The
IVR pilot valve will go into approximately 0.6" closed-end overtravel (CEOT). In the next 10
seconds, the dashpot breakdown link will squeeze the oil out of the dashpot chamber and come
back to Lmax.
The linkage is now set to open the IVs first to blow down the reheat section of the boiler when
the turbine speed comes back to about 105% rated.
The input to the IVR is the output of the dashpot breakdown link. See Figure 5-13 for one such
relay mounted on a front standard.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-13
Intercept valve relay
Used with permission of RPM/MD&A
The output of the IVR is a position signal that is proportional to the IV lift. A nonlinear feedback
is used in order to make the steam flow approximately proportional to the dashpot breakdown
link. A cam mechanism is used to accomplish this task. See Figure 5-14 for the mechanical
function generator of the IVR. The feedback nonlinearity has the same shape as the valve curve.
See Figure 5-15 for a picture of this mechanical function generator.
Figure 5-14
Mechanical function generator in feedback (intercept valve relay)
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-15
Intercept valve relay feedback cam
5.4.5 Control Mechanism for Intercept Valves, Remote Positioning Device, and
Dashpot Linkage General
On the largest of MHC units, the IVs are positioned so far away from the front standard that the
standard linkages and levers are unable to transmit the positioning signals. This is always the
case on nuclear installations and sometimes the case on larger fossil units. Function
Under governor action, the valve opening and positioning requirements for the IVs, in relation to
the CVs, are accomplished by means of the hydraulic positioning transmitter and receiver and
the dashpot linkage, which fulfill the following basic functions:
• Convert the governor speed relay signal (that is, position) to a pressure signal, then convert
this pressure signal to a piston position at the IVs.
• Provide the proper nonlinear valve-opening characteristic with relation to the CVs, which can
be adjusted to initiate an IV cracking point ahead of the CVs.
• Hasten closure of the IVs in case an instantaneous turbine speed acceleration occurs. (This is
an inherent characteristic and is realized as a result of setting the control mechanisms in
accordance with descriptions in the instruction book.)
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
See Figure 5-16. The dashpot assembly is connected to the linkage, which acts between the
speed relay piston and the hydraulic positioning IV transmitter (IVT) pilot valve. It is contained
in the transmitter housing. The dashpot assembly consists of a dashpot piston in a cylinder
loaded by a spring under sufficient compression to hold the assembly together as a solid member
and making the top clevis on the piston stem a fixed point. Thus, the speed relay is capable of
freely positioning the transmitter pilot valve in either the opening or closing direction. The
cylinder of the dashpot breakdown link is the fixed member and is bolted to the transmitter
housing. The dashpot piston is connected to a lever in the linkage from the speed relay to the
IVT pilot valve.
Figure 5-16
Intercept valve transmitter
Initial travel of the governor speed relay in the opening direction lifts the IVT pilot valve
linkage, which in turn lifts the transmitter pilot valve to supply hydraulic oil pressure to the
operating cylinder of the transmitter. This positions the operating piston upward against the
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
compressive force of a closing spring. The pressure under the operating piston is transmitted to
a receiver by means of a pipe. Here, the pressure is converted back to a position signal with
sufficient output force to operate the hydraulic servomotors, which will open the IVs.
When approximately 10% rated load is reached, the IVs are fully open, and the remote
positioning transmitter operating mechanism engages to stop, which prevents the transmitter
piston from being positioned any farther in the opening direction. The dashpot breakdown link is
thereby restrained in the opening direction so that further travel of the governor speed relay to its
fully open stroke is obtained by compressing the dashpot spring. This compresses the dashpot
linkage assembly without affecting the IVR travel.
A gradual decrease in load (traveling the speed relay in the closing direction) first raises the
dashpot piston to open up the dashpot spring to its original compression and telescopes the
assembly into a solid linkage before a lever is capable of moving away from the open end stop
to start closing the IVs. The IVs, therefore, remain fully open until the CVs have reclosed to
approximately the 10% load point.
Rapid closing of the main governor speed relay cylinder, when above the 10% load point, causes
the compressed linkage of the dashpot assembly to act momentarily as a solid linkage in the
compressed length. This is because the oil trapped above the dashpot piston does not allow the
dashpot spring to telescope the linkage until the oil is forced out to the bottom of the dashpot
piston. The passage of oil between the top and bottom of the dashpot piston is regulated with a
fixed orifice that restricts the flow of oil. The dashpot linkage will, therefore, operate to get the
IVs closed earlier during rapid movement and provides pre-emergency closing control of the
The IVT, which is located on the governor bracket in the turbine front standard, is a device that
converts position of the speed relay into an oil pressure. This pressure is then transmitted through
piping to the hydraulic position receivers, which are located on the IV hydraulic assemblies.
There, the hydraulic position receiver converts the oil pressure back into a position of an oil
piston. Thus, the hydraulic position transmitter, in conjunction with the hydraulic positioning
receiver, performs the same function as a linkage system.
The hydraulic positioning device is shown in Figure 5-16. The left end of summing lever, the
input end, is positioned by the speed relay through a linkage system, a part of which is a dashpot
breakdown link. Any changes in position of the input end of the summing lever temporarily
bring the pilot valve off port. Assuming the input end of the summing lever to be raised by a
definite amount, this will bring the pilot valve above the on-port position, and hydraulic oil will
be admitted to the cylinder chamber, causing the piston to move upward. The feedback lever in
turn, will lower the right end of the summing lever. The motion of the piston will be terminated
as soon as the feedback lever has brought the pilot valve back to the on-port position. If the input
end of the summing lever is lowered in position, this will cause the pilot valve to discharge oil
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
from the chamber and cause the piston to move downward until the pilot valve is restored back
to the on-port position. Any change in the position of the piston is reflected in a change of the
load to compress the shown springs.
Since the springs are the only elements creating a load on the piston, the oil pressure in the
chamber must change in accordance with the spring load. The spring load, on the other hand,
depends in broken linear fashion (represented by the intersection of two straight lines) on the
position of the piston and, therefore, on the position of the input end of the floating lever. The
result of these interrelations is that the oil pressure in the chamber is related to the position of the
speed relay as shown by the curve in Figure 5-17. This oil pressure is then transmitted to the
bellows assemblies of the hydraulic position receivers located on the IV hydraulic assemblies.
Note that the piston rod is guided by special low-friction ball bushings and the piston is
assembled so that it does not touch the cylinder walls.
The hydraulic positioning transmitter is normally operated by the speed relay located on the
governor bracket in the turbine front standard. When the speed relay moves in its first 1/8" of
travel, the transmitter does not respond at all, and its piston remains at the bottom end position of
the built-in travel. When the speed relay lift exceeds 1/8", the transmitter piston starts to move up
and, from this point to a speed relay lift of 0.630", rises linearly with the speed relay. During this
portion of the transmitter piston travel only, the spring is applying a load to the piston.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-17
Control settings for the front standard with a single-element governor
When the speed relay has moved 0.630", the second spring starts to be compressed, and the
piston load is a function of both springs. This piston loading of the second spring gives a
“dog-legged” relationship between the transmitter pressure and speed relay position (similar
to what can be seen in the cam feedback from the previous discussion).
At a speed relay travel of 0.825", the transmitter piston arrives at the uppermost position and
stays there for any higher lift of the speed relay. This results in the IV incremental opening that
precedes the sequential opening of the CVs. In referring to the curve in Figure 5-18, it is noted
that a definite “break” exists in the remote positioning receiver stroke characteristic, which
causes the IVs to have a larger incremental travel-versus-speed relay travel for the latter part of
the valve stroke. It is important that this point of the remote positioning receiver stroke
characteristic be adjusted so that the correct valve opening, relative to no-load steam flow, in
conjunction with speed relay travel (that is, turbine speed), can be obtained. This should be done
thereafter so that the IVs are positioned to handle the larger steam flows of light load operation
until they finally are fully open (at approximately 10% load) and remain so for the remainder of
the load range.
The proper setting of the hydraulic positioning transmitter is illustrated on the curve seen in
Figure 5-17. See Figure 5-17 for the settings on your unit. To obtain these settings, the following
adjustments must be made.
• The outer spring has to be compressed by means of the lower spring plate so that the proper
initial pressure take-off point is obtained. Then the inner spring seat has to be adjusted so that
the inner spring gives the proper lift pressure characteristic in accordance with the curve.
• The mechanical ratio of lever as well as length of links has to be chosen so that the
relationship between the lift of the transmitter and the speed relay is in accordance with the
above-mentioned setting curve. Note that the lever is composed of two pieces bolted
together. These two pieces can be shifted relative to each other to change the lever ratio.
The hydraulic positioning receivers are located on the IV hydraulic assembly. This receiver is to
convert the oil pressure signal received from the hydraulic positioning transmitter (in the turbine
front standard) into a position of a piston element that is part of the hydraulic positioning
receiver. This piston element acts directly on the input lever of the IV hydraulic cylinder pilot
valve that positions the IV. In a somewhat broader picture, the hydraulic positioning receiver is
an element in the system that permits the speed governor to position the IVs. Figure 5-18
illustrates this device.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
Figure 5-18
Hydraulic positioning receiver and intercept valve
The chamber is connected to the line, which transmits the controlled pressure from the hydraulic
positioning transmitter. The bellows is submerged into this chamber and subjected to the
transmitter pressure on the outside. A rod is welded to the bottom plate of the bellows. This rod
carries the compressed spring and is also connected to the pilot valve by a link.
In the state of equilibrium, the compression force of spring, in conjunction with the force due to
the transmitter pressure acting on the bellows, keeps the pilot valve in the “on-port” position, and
the piston consequently stays in a steady-state position.
As the transmitter pressure rises, the force acting on the bellows will rise accordingly, and the
spring and bellows will be compressed, resulting in the pilot valve being moved above port. The
upper land of the pilot valve will discharge hydraulic oil from the upper piston chamber, and the
middle land will admit oil to the lower piston chamber. This will then cause the piston to move
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
upward. As this happens, the restoring lever pivots counterclockwise, causing the pilot valve to
return to the on-port position, at which time the piston stops moving and assumes a new steady-
state position.
The above description makes it clear that there is a definite relationship between the transmitter
pressure and the output position of the piston.
The hydraulic positioning receivers are operated by the pressurized oil, which comes from the
remote positioning transmitters in the turbine front standard.
A pressure change from 30 psig to 130 psig in the sensing line to the receivers bellows will cause
the receiver output piston to travel through its 1.500" stroke, that is, when the receiver bellows
senses 30-psig pressure, the receiver output piston will start to move away from its bottom fixed-
stop position, which is determined by the stop on the receiver output arm. When the receiver
bellows senses 130-psig pressure, the receiver output piston will be against its top stop.
Make the following checks on the receiver assembly to ensure that it is adjusted properly.
The pilot valve bushing in the receiver is equipped with a small oil turbine drive. A needle valve
is provided in the oil feed line to the turbine through the nozzle to regulate the rotational speed of
the bushing. The needle valve should be adjusted so that the bushing rotates at approximately 60
rpm. By causing the pilot bushing to rotate, friction between the pilot valve and bushing is
substantially reduced, and the receiver mechanism is more sensitive to any pressure changes
from the transmitter.
Note: Any air in the pressure sensing line between the transmitter and receiver or in the bellows
chamber may cause the remote positioning device to act in an unstable manner. It is very
important, therefore, that the air be carefully bled out of the transmission line.
Slowly raise the transmitter piston by means of the speed relay so the pressure sensing line is
under a pressure of approximately 40–50 psig. Slowly open the air bleed valve (not necessarily
all the way) until it is certain that all the air has been bled out of the pressure sensing line.
Remove the plug from the receiver casing, which permits a visual observation of the oil stream
coming out of the bleed valve. Any air bubbles in the oil may be easily seen. When it is observed
that all the air has been bled out of the sensing line, close the bleed valve tight. It is suggested
that this air bleeding be done any time the hydraulic system has been shut down for a length of
time, that is, two or more weeks.
GE Reheat Turbine Controls
The receiver output lever should hit the fixed stop, thus preventing the piston from hitting the
bottom of the piston bore in the receiver casing. Turn off all oil pumps, and disconnect the
linkage from the receiver output lever to the IVs. Move the receiver piston through its limited
stroke, that is, from the fixed stop position to the full stroke position. Measure this valve with a
dial indicator that measures piston stem movement. This valve should be at 1.500".
Disconnect the pin then, and move the piston through its full casing bore stroke by hand. This
movement should be approximately 1-5/8".
Adjust the clevis or stop so that the piston travel can meet the limited stroke requirements
mentioned above.
When 30-psig oil pressure is applied to the bellows, the bellows should be lifted off its bottom
stop from 0.010" to 0.020".
Install a pipe with a shutoff valve and a pressure gage into the air bleed valve through the plug
Mount a dial indicator to measure the bellows stem movement. Turn a nut to compress the spring
and push the bellows against its bottom stop. With the oil pump on, move the speed relay until
the transmitter is transmitting 30 psig, as measured on the pressure gage at the receiver.
Then adjust the nut until the bellows and stem are off their bottom stop from 0.010" to 0.020".
The receiver piston should just start to move with 30-psig transmitted pressure applied to the
bellows, and the bellows is 0.010" to 0.020" from the bottom stop.
After Step B is completed, adjust the link or clevis so that the pilot valve will be on port, and the
piston just starts to move from its bottom fixed stop as determined by the stop on the receiver
output arm.
A pressure change on the bellows from 30 psig to 130 psig should cause the receiver output
piston to travel through its 1.500" stroke.
Vary the transmitter pressure by means of the speed relay from 30 psig to 130 psig. With a dial
indicator, check that the receiver piston goes through 1.500" travel when hooked up to the
receiver output arm.
6.1 Functions
The function of the overspeed and emergency trip system is to limit and control turbine speed
during conditions of potential overspeed. The system also closes steam valves automatically
when necessary during emergencies.
A hydraulic oil manifold is connected to two or more “trip” valves. The trip valves direct
hydraulic pressure to a hydraulic relay at each steam valve. This manifold pressure is likewise
directed to any other device that needs to be closed (“tripped”) during emergencies. During
normal operation, the header is under full control oil pressure at about 200 psig.
The trip valves are on-off devices. When reset (in the running position), the trip valves allow oil
to pass into and through the manifold. When tripped, the trip valves block off incoming oil and
open the manifold to drain, dropping the manifold oil pressure to near zero.
When the manifold pressure falls, the relay at each device (to be tripped) senses the change and
acts to close or trip the device in question. One of the trip valves is always actuated by the
overspeed trip, which senses turbine speed.
The other trip valve is always built into the low-vacuum trip on condensing turbines or senses
exhaust pressure on noncondensing turbines. Either trip valve may be tripped by other incoming
signals. Additional trip valves may be provided on some units. Thus, a trip signal from any
source causes the steam valves to close.
The system must be reset to open the valves. This usually means going through the complete
startup sequence.
GE Emergency Trip System
The turbine-generator will overspeed when there is any electrical load rejection. This is because
the steam flow needed to run the unit without any load is considerably less than what is needed
to run the unit plus carry load. The tendency to overspeed is greater when there is more load on
the generator.
Consider a 200-MW unit in service carrying full load. Steam flow is perhaps (taking an easy
number to work with) 1,200,000 lb/hour (544,311 kg/hour). That same unit operating at full
speed, no load (FSNL) requires about 2% (or a little more) steam flow. In this example, that
would be about 25,000 lb/hour (11,340 kg/hr). So if there were a full load rejection, the instant
after the main generator circuit breakers open, the unit has 1,175,000 lb/hour (532,971 kg/hr)
steam flow too much!
The control system is built to take care of this situation. When it works properly, it limits the
overspeed to a safe value, and when conditions have stabilized, it leaves the unit running with no
load and in a condition where it could be synchronized and loaded quickly and easily if desired.
This kind of an event is called a normal overspeed. In a normal overspeed, the control and
intercept valves (IVs) close quickly enough to contain the steam flow so that the overspeed is
not thought to be an emergency.
If the control system does not work properly, on a load rejection the speed will approach a
dangerously high level. Then the overspeed trip will work, closing all the steam valves through
the trip system. The system will need to be reset before normal operation can begin again. This
kind of an event is called an emergency overspeed. The first line of defense evidently failed, and
the second line of defense against overspeed was enacted.
In reality, many systems are set up so that the unit will be tripped by some other device in a load
rejection because the boiler or other plant equipment may not be able to “ride out” the event.
This is a decision by the plant designers and does not change the way the turbine control system
is built and described above.
6.3 Features
GE Emergency Trip System
• Accept and act on signals from all devices and sensors that might signal an emergency
• Be testable with the least possible effect on operation of the unit to be sure that all parts are
working properly and to ensure that the devices will function in the future if demanded to do
• Like all control system components, the system hardware must have a long life, take little
maintenance, and have ways to replace parts and adjust for wear.
This subsection contains more information regarding the tendency for overspeed in a generator
load rejection. Exactly what happens? How must the control system be built to take care of it?
The loss-of-load situation almost always starts with the unexpected opening of the main breaker
that connects the generator to the external power system—where the load is. This, of course,
happens instantly, in a few hundredths of a second. If the control system works correctly (normal
overspeed) and the unit was near full load, it takes between 1 and 2 seconds for the system to
close the control valves (CVs) (and IVs if it is a reheat unit). By this time, the speed is typically
about 108%–109% of normal (the number varies by unit). If the electrical load was less, it may
take a few seconds longer for the speed to rise, and the top speed depends on where the
speed/load changer was set.
In any case, the speed rises several percent above normal in a few seconds before the control
system closes the valves.
After the valves have closed, all the steam downstream of the closed valves must still expand
through the turbine to the exhaust. As the steam expands, it accelerates the unit to higher speeds.
Where is this steam and how much is there?
First, there is the steam actually in the steam leads and/or chests downstream of the CVs and in
the steam paths of the turbine itself.
If it is a reheat turbine, it also includes the steam in the reheater and the piping to and from the
reheater. This is a large amount of steam. Also, it includes the steam in any extraction piping
leading away from the turbine and in any feedwater heaters fed by extraction steam.
In the feedwater heaters, steam extracted from the turbine is condensed, giving up heat to the
feedwater within the heater tubes. This condensed steam is at saturation pressure, so if the
pressure in the extraction pipe drops, the water turns back into steam and flows back into the
turbine and down through the rest of the steam path. This also could be a large amount of steam.
GE Emergency Trip System
The steam in the reheater and the extraction piping and the hot water in the feedwater heaters
have more than enough energy to drive the turbine generator to a dangerous overspeed even if
the CVs close as they should. Consequently, it is necessary to control these sources of steam, as
well as stop the flow of steam from the main boiler. That is the purpose of the IVs on a reheat
turbine and the check valves in the extraction steam piping.
The overspeed potential or the energy in all the steam that is downstream of the CVs depends on
the load that the unit was carrying at the time the breaker opened because pressure varies as a
function of load.
Figure 6-1 shows how the speed varies with time during a normal overspeed condition on a “fast
turbine.” The dotted line shows when the steam valves have closed. To the right of that line, the
speed continues to increase due to the expansion of the steam downstream. When this steam has
expanded fully, the speed peaks and begins to drop off.
Figure 6-1
Normal (typical) overspeed
The peak speed is calculated by the engineers who designed the turbine, and by accepted
industry code, the overspeed trip setting must be at least 1% above the calculated peak. If the
calculated peak is 109% or below, the trip is almost always set at 110% rated speed. If the
calculated peak is 110% or 111%, the trip may be set for 111% or 112% (1% above the
calculated peak speed).
The purpose of setting the trip speed above the peak speed is to comply with IEEE Code 122,
Paragraph 1:
“Upon sudden loss of maximum guaranteed load .... the speed governing system ..... shall be
capable of controlling overspeed of the turbine to a value that is less than the specified tripping
speed of the emergency governor.”
GE Emergency Trip System
Because the unit did not trip on an overspeed, the operating steam turbine-generator unit is
capable of meeting station load requirements during the transient situation. This way, the unit is
available to be resynchronized to the grid in the shortest period of time.
Note: There are significant steam turbine operational concerns regarding operation of the unit for
extended periods of time at minimum load when the unit components are hot and the steam is
cold (throttled). Thermal stresses and the potential of a water induction incident are real.
Figure 6-1 shows that the peak speed is reached (in this example) in 1.6 seconds after the load
has been lost. Most units are close to this value, ± 0.2 seconds. After the unit speed peaks, it
decelerates at about 6 rpm per second, assuming that no load remains on the generator. This, of
course, also assumes that a plant “all fuel trip” has not occurred.
When the speed has dropped to a point where the speed control starts to reopen the CVs to the
no-load position, the speed becomes constant. The operator must readjust setpoints to prepare the
unit for synchronization.
If the speed rises to above 120%, the chances are good (unfortunately) that there will be some
kind of damage. At least, it would be necessary to take the machine apart for a complete
inspection. The designer must therefore design the system so that the second line of defense
limits the speed to 120%.
How can a turbine “lose the load”? As previously mentioned, opening of the generator circuit
breaker is almost always the cause. This can happen:
• By operator action, on purpose or by mistake (opening the breaker on purpose when the unit
is carrying load is not usually a good idea).
• Failure of the breaker.
• Automatic tripping of the breaker by the action of protective relays. The electrical load could
also be lost through some type of transmission system failure or a breaker opening at some
distance out beyond the generator breaker.
• Failure of the coupling or shaft between the turbine and generator. However, this type of
accident is extremely rare, and if it happens, there are usually other problems so it is not dealt
with here.
GE Emergency Trip System
If a straight condensing (or any nonreheat) turbine generator loses load and the control system
works correctly (normal overspeed), the speed will rise very quickly.
If the load was being controlled by the operating speed control, the speed governor immediately
senses the speed increase and begins to close the CVs. If the load was being controlled by the
load limit or the stop valve bypass, the speed rises uncontrolled until it reaches the point where
the speed/load changer is set, then the speed governor starts to close the valves.
For example, if the unit were carrying less than full load controlled by the load limit and the
speed/load changer were rotated to its high-speed stop, the speed would rise uncontrolled to
102% rated, and then the speed governor would start closing the valves. In other words, the
turbine speed increases 2% before the valves start to close. For this reason, it is good operating
practice to set the speed/load changer only a little above the load limit or stop valve by pass
when these other devices are controlling the load.
In any case, the speed governor completely closes the CVs at some speed no more than 107%
rated speed (the high-speed stop no-load setting). After the valves close, the speed rises a little
more (not more than 2%) as the steam in the steam path and the extraction lines on the turbine
side of the check valves expands through the turbine. This takes only a few seconds. Then the
CVs gradually open and hold the speed at FSNL for whatever position the speed/load changer
happens to be in. On some units, an automatic run back takes it down to near 100%.
When the speed has settled, the unit can be synchronized at the operators’ convenience. This
whole normal overspeed sequence does not take more than a minute on a straight condensing
unit. However, many plants cannot ride out the shock of losing a substantial load instantly, so
often the turbine is tripped automatically by the solenoid trip, even though the turbine generator
is ready to go back on-line.
If a reheat turbine-generator loses its load and the control system works correctly, it will also
settle at a turbine speed near 100% and be ready for synchronizing. This takes a little longer than
a nonreheat unit (a few minutes). The situation is more complicated because of the need to shut
off and then blow down the steam in the reheat section of the boiler. The exact workings of the
control system during this event were described earlier.
GE Emergency Trip System
How can an emergency overspeed happen? What could make the control system unable to
control speed as it should on loss of load? Your list should include some (or most) of the items
listed below:
• Sticking CVs
• Sticking IVs
• Failure of the governor drive
• Failure of control system levers or links
• Failure or sticking of a servomotor, pilot valve, or other hydraulic part
The first two items in this list are the main causes of an emergency overspeed.
Once the turbine emergency trip system has been tripped by an overspeed (or any other trip
signal), the unit coasts down to a standstill. This is the case unless the operator decides to reset
the unit earlier.
The unit should never be reset and restarted after an emergency trip until the reason for the trip is
known and understood, and careful study proves that unit operation is safe.
As mentioned earlier, there is a second line of defense to protect against a dangerous overspeed
if the normal speed control system fails. It has an independent speed-sensing device and a
completely separate set of hydraulic amplifiers and steam valves. The whole second line of
defense is basically an on-off, open-or-closed type system.
A speed versus time trace of an emergency overspeed trip device is illustrated in Figure 6-2. This
is for what is described as a “slow” unit.
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-2
Emergency overspeed on a “slow” unit
This is an emergency overspeed trip. It is called an emergency overspeed because the second line
of defense was required to shut off the inlet steam flow. This is referred to as a “slow” unit,
because the peak speed, when operating off the trip mechanisms, was less than 120%.
It is not permissible to run a test to measure the emergency overspeed. Performance Test Code
20.2 –1965 of ASME states under Guiding Principles:
“It is not prudent to disable the speed governing system and dump full load so that the emergency
overspeed may be determined experimentally. The emergency overspeed must be calculated by
use of design values and test data .... Such a calculation is described in Section 5 of this test
The emergency peak speed should never exceed 120% rated speed. Once the emergency trip
system has tripped the unit, the turbine coasts down to a standstill unless an intentional reset and
restart routine is initiated by the power plant operator. The unit does not reset itself.
GE Emergency Trip System
Never reset and restart a unit until the reason for the trip is fully understood and you have
determined that it is safe to continue to operate the steam turbine-generator. Also, do not reset
the emergency trip until the turbine has slowed to 102% rated speed or less. To reset earlier will
result in mechanical damage to some of the protective equipment (this situation is described later
in this section).
If the CV and the main stop valve (MSV) both failed to close (and shut off steam flow), the
boiler would deliver enough steam to force turbine speeds in excess of 120% rated. This speed,
for all practical purposes, should be considered a self-destruct speed. For this reason, no unit
should be operated if there is any reason to believe either line of defense against overspeed is not
working properly. Shut down as soon as possible and correct the problem. Not to do so puts the
unit at greater risk.
On larger steam turbine-generators, the calculated normal overspeed is much higher than 110%
rated speed. As a result, the overspeed trip setting has been correspondingly raised to 113%–
114% on these units (1% above the calculated peak speed assuming the first line of defense
functions as designed). See Figure 6-3.
Figure 6-3
Emergency overspeed of a “fast” unit with trip anticipator
GE Emergency Trip System
As seen in this figure, with this trip speed on a “fast” unit, there is no way to keep the emergency
peak speed at a value less than 120% rated. The trip anticipator is introduced to limit this
maximum speed to a value less than 120% rated.
As illustrated here, the trip anticipator is a device that gives the main and RSVs a signal to close
at a speed significantly below the trip speed. Given a fully loaded unit, this setpoint is normally
at 108% rated speed.
If an emergency overspeed were to occur, the trip anticipator gives the main and RSVs a chance
to close soon enough to limit the peak speed to 120%. But the overspeed trip devices will have
tripped (at 113%–114% rated speed), and the turbine will shut down. The valves were just closed
If an emergency overspeed is not at hand, in other words the first line of defense functioned
correctly; the peak speed remains below the trip speed. The trip anticipator closes the main and
RSVs in anticipation of a trip, but if the trip does not occur, the trip anticipator is intended to
reset and reopen the main and RSVs when the turbine speed has coasted to a value below the trip
anticipator setpoint, 108% in this example. See Figure 6-4 for a graphical representation.
Figure 6-4
Normal overspeed of a “fast” unit with trip anticipator
By not tripping the steam turbine, the unit is capable of producing auxiliary power to the plant if
all generator and auxiliary equipment is functioning properly. A full recovery could also be
accomplished as stated earlier.
GE Emergency Trip System
It is important for plant personnel to keep the two lines of defense against overspeed in proper
working order. If these defenses work as intended, there is a low probability of an overspeed
exceeding 120% rated speed. Low is good, but it is still not zero.
The way to minimize the probability of high overspeed is to follow the OEM-recommended
operational tests, which include:
• Test the MSVs, IVs, and RSVs to the fully closed position, and do so daily. This action
cleans valve stems and lubricates hydraulic components.
• Test CVs, at least those that can be tested, to the fully closed position, and do so weekly.
Weekly is typically recommended instead of daily as a result of the thermal impact on the
turbine stages.
• Exercise the overspeed trip device on-line with lockout valves. Do so weekly. Lesser
frequency results in increased probability that the device will not function. Greater frequency
results in potential for damaging the trip finger. Again, all of the devices are lubricated.
• If any part of the two lines of defense is known to be inoperative, shut down and fix the
problem. Not to do so could be at great cost. Understand the risks.
• Never ignore danger signs:
— A valve that does not move smoothly is about to stick.
— Unexplained load changes or valves not moving as demanded can indicate governor
• Always investigate danger signs until you understand the situation and have acted upon them
• Sling-shot starts can indicate excessive leakage past the closed valves.
The steam valves that are part of the second line of defense are the MSVs and the RSVs (on
reheat units). The MSV is in series with the CVs in the main steam inlet to the turbine. The CVs
are in the first line of defense. On many units, there are two or more MSVs in parallel. This
permits testing of one valve at a time to the fully closed position. The MSV is an unbalanced
valve in that the steam flow it is shutting off helps to close the valve disc and keep it closed.
The RSV is an unbalanced valve of either a flapper or disc type. There is one RSV in series with
each IV (in the case of combined reheat valves, the RSV is in the same body as the IV). Again,
the IVs are in the first line of defense.
There are two different types of trip mechanisms used to operate these valves. One design is
typically found on older units; the other is on more modern units.
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-5
Older stop valve mechanisms
GE Emergency Trip System
Assume that the unit is reset. ETS pressure is high (about 200 psig). This 200 psig is applied to
the bottom of the relay piston, moving upward until the relay dump valve seats as shown.
Pressure is now allowed to build under the stop valve piston because of two actions:
• Oil can no longer escape the piston chamber to drain.
• Operating oil is admitted to the chamber through the test pilot valve and orifices. The orifice
size (not adjustable) controls the rate of stop valve opening (and closing during a valve test).
When ETS pressure is low (near zero), the spring pushes the relay piston to its bottom stop. The
relay dump valve, now unseated, allows oil pressure to drain rapidly from underneath the piston
chamber. Also, oil flow is closed off from the operating oil feed line.
In a valve test, the test pilot valve is first pulled upward. Oil pressure under the piston chamber
drains through the orifices as a result of this action. The valve closes slowly. Releasing the test
pilot valve once again applies operating oil under the piston, and the valve reopens at the
controlled rate.
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-6
Newer stop valve mechanisms
The disc dump valve is a high-flow trip valve. It can dump such a large amount of fluid to drain
that the steam valve goes full closed in approximately two-tenths of a second. The positioning
pilot valve is used on units with full-arc admission requirements. It can position the valve
actuation up to the lift of the bypass valve.
Assume the unit to be reset. ETS pressure is high and pushes the disc dump valve upward until it
seals underneath the piston chamber. Some of this ETS pressure gets under the test pilot and
shut-off valve. The shut-off valve is moved into its reset position, and operating fluid passes
through to the positioning pilot valve. The positioning pilot valve applies pressure underneath the
piston (above the disc dump valve) as a function of amount of lift desired. The positioning of this
pilot valve is discussed under the section on speed/load control.
GE Emergency Trip System
When the turbine is tripped, the ETS is reduced to near zero. Likewise, the pressure beneath the
disc dump valve goes to zero. This causes a pressure unbalance from above to underneath the
disc dump valve, and it is forced downward. The downward movement of the disc dump valve
results in a loss of oil pressure beneath the piston, and the piston and its valve close rapidly with
the sizeable spring forces. At the same time, there is a loss of pressure below the test pilot and
shut off valve, causing the shut-off valve to be lowered due to its spring forces. This new shut-
off valve position prevents flow from continuing to enter the piston chamber from the operating
oil supply. This action is important for two reasons. First, it is a good practice to deadhead the
pressure at the pump discharge if oil is not required. Second, oil pressure applied at the top of the
disc dump valve must be removed if you expect to be able to reset the disc dump valve at a later
Testing of the stop valve is performed via the shut-off valve described previously. The shut-off
valve this time is positioned by a force atop the valve (as opposed to the ETS below the valve).
This external force is applied by an air piston, which forces the pilot valve downward against the
ETS pressure. The speed at which the steam valve closes is a function of the amount of travel of
the test pilot (shut-off) valve. Adjustable stops, which limit pilot valve travel and, therefore,
steam valve opening and closing rates, are found in the air piston.
As explained earlier, the ETS is the way that trip information is relayed from the detection
devices to the turbine valves. When the turbine is reset, the ETS pressure is high (equivalent to
pump discharge pressure). This high ETS pressure is applied to all turbine steam valves so that
they will be opened and remain open.
If any one of the trip valves trips, the ETS pressure is lost, reduced to zero. All steam valves
close rapidly as a result of this action. The steam valves cannot be reopened until ETS pressure is
once again re-established (the unit is reset).
Typically, on GE large steam turbine generator (LSTG) units, the trip valves are a series of three-
way valves (no continuous flow when tripped).
Figure 6-7 shows the series valve ETS. Notice that there is a vacuum trip circuit in series with
the overspeed trip device. In this configuration, both devices must be reset in order to obtain the
required high ETS pressure to reset the turbine. Either one of the trip valves, in the tripped
position, results in zero ETS pressure, and the turbine is tripped.
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-7
Series valve ETS
The overspeed trip is the speed sensor for the second line of defense against overspeed. In all
cases, it is a bi-stable device that snaps into the tripped position decisively at a preset speed (the
trip speed) and returns to normal operation at a substantially lower speed (the reset speed).
The principle of the eccentric mass/spring overspeed trip is illustrated in Figure 6-8.
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-8
Principle of eccentric mass overspeed trip
A mass M (either a bolt or a ring) is located on the shaft so that the center of gravity is offset
with respect to the center of rotation by a small amount (0.22" for a ring). A spring with a
precisely adjusted initial force Fsr and a precisely known gradient is holding the eccentric mass in
its reset position er.
Where is the angular velocity and N is the shaft speed (rpm), the centrifugal force of the mass
M is:
Fc = M e
At the trip speed t, the centrifugal force is equal to the spring force Fsr in the reset position.
When turbine speed reaches the trip speed, the centrifugal force Fc on the mass equals or slightly
exceeds the spring force Fs, and the mass accelerates in a direction to increase the eccentricity of
its center of gravity. With increasing eccentricity, the centrifugal force increases more than the
spring force, the mass very quickly (within 30–50 milliseconds) flies all the way to the tripped
position et and strikes the trip finger that then initiates the trip action.
GE Emergency Trip System
Once the trip has occurred, the eccentric mass is locked in the tripped position by the excess
force. The speed must now be reduced to below 102%. At this point, the spring force again
equals the centrifugal force, and the mass starts moving toward the reset position (closer to the
center). Now with the decreasing eccentricity, the spring force decreases less than the centrifugal
force so that there is an excess force accelerating the mass toward the reset position, and the ring
(or bolt) quickly snaps in the reset position.
This style of overspeed trip mechanism is called a bi-stable device. It is stable only in two
positions, the reset and tripped positions.
A cross-section of this overspeed trip assembly is shown in Figure 6-9. The eccentric mass
consists of the trip ring, spindle, plug, and cotter pin. The cotter pin in typically 1/8" in diameter
and 2" long (cut off even). The helical spring holds this assembly in the reset position while the
unit is operating below the trip speed. The spindle slides axially within two bushings held in
place by snap rings. These bushings may be made out of brass, Teflon, or Chemloy. Brass
bushings were used originally and were found to fail frequently because of fretting corrosion.
Teflon eliminated the fretting corrosion but was not always dimensionally stable. Chemloy
evolved to be the best choice for this bushing. Chemloy is a special Teflon-like material that has
excellent sliding and dimensional stability characteristics.
Figure 6-9
Oil tripped ring-type overspeed trip
GE Emergency Trip System
When reset, the distance between the center of rotation and the center of mass is approximately
0.22". When the trip speed is exceeded, the travel of the ring assembly (0.312") results in a
tripped eccentricity of approximately 0.532". The trip ring hits the trip finger, which initiates the
entire turbine trip sequence.
In this design, when oil is admitted for an oil trip test, the oil collects in the oil pockets shown.
With oil in the oil pockets, the center of gravity of the assembly is approximately 0.29" away
from the center of rotation. This change results in a reduced trip speed (approximately 95% rated
speed). When the oil supply is shut off, the oil quickly drains out of the oil pockets through two
drain holes, and the trip speed is restored to normal.
To adjust the trip speed, the turbine rotor must be at a stand still, and the cotter pin shown in
Figure 6-9 must be removed. Be careful to not drop the cotter pin. Use wire to pull it out, not
pliers. Adjustments in the spindle and plug can be made in one-half turn increments only. All the
threads are right-hand threads on the spindle and the plug. Coarse adjustments are accomplished
on the spindle. One-half turn on the spindle changes the trip speed by about 144–180 rpm.
Intermediate adjustments are made on the plug. Cutting 1/8" off the small end of the plug
changes the trip speed by about 30–36 rpm.
Fine adjustments are done by a one-half turn on the plug, which changes the trip speed by
6–9 rpm.
Note: If it is necessary to replace the cotter pin, be sure that the new pin is of the same size and
weight and is cut off even (both ends the same length). A new cotter pin alters the trip speed a
considerable amount if it does not match the original pin.
The 1800 rpm overspeed trip assembly, as illustrated in Figure 6-10, is very similar to the
3600-rpm overspeed trip discussed previously, except this type (1800 rpm) has much larger
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-10
1800-rpm ring-type overspeed trip assembly
The trip ring is a riveted construction enclosed half-way around by a shroud to form the oil
pockets including the two drain holes. The spring is enclosed in a casing that forms the axial
sliding guide for the ring with a circular section of the ring riveted together with two distance
pieces/spacers. The threaded plate containing the spring is used to adjust the spring tension.
On the opposite side, there is a guide pin, and its matching bushing is riveted to the ring. In this
bushing there are two holes to accept balancing weights to get the center of gravity of the
assembly into the right location. A 30o turn of the spring plate (corresponding to one cotter pin
hole) changes the trip speed by 12 to 16 rpm. A reduction of the length of one balance weight by
1/16" increases the trip speed by 6 to 8 rpm (these balance weights are found only on very old
trip mechanisms).
The overspeed trip mechanism changes the tripped position of the overspeed trip discussed
previously into a tripped position of the trip rod (see Figure 6-11). In the reset position, the end
of the trip rod engages the trip latch of the trip finger by which the trip spring force holds the trip
finger firmly in the reset position. The trip finger clears the reset diameter by the trip finger
clearance (usually 1/16", but not always)
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-11
Overspeed trip mechanism
See Figure 6-12 for a photograph of the overspeed trip mechanism. In this figure you can see the
adjustment screw and barely make out the cotter pin. To the right of the trip ring is the top of the
trip finger.
Figure 6-12
Trip mechanism
In the tripped position where the trip ring (or bolt) is extended by the trip travel, the trip finger
disengages the trip latch, and the trip spring pushes the trip rod toward the trip finger, pushing it
away from the overspeed trip by means of the inclined plane on the tripped finger. Before
resetting, be sure that the overspeed trip has returned to its reset position, the speed is less than
GE Emergency Trip System
102% rated, and the oil trip oil is shut off. When the trip rod is retracted to reset the trip, the trip
finger first gradually moves clockwise under the force of the return spring. When the end of the
trip rod clears the trip latch, the trip finger snaps back to the reset position.
Note: If an attempt to reset is made when the overspeed trip is still in the tripped position, the
ring (or bolt) hits the trip finger violently with each revolution. Damage to the trip finger may
The turbine trip valves in the front standard are operated by a trip rod. The trip valves switch the
emergency trip system pressure from reset to tripped or vice versa. Pressure exists when the
turbine is reset. The emergency trip system pressure should be at drain level when the unit is
On GE units prior to approximately 1956, the trip rod operates a three-way valve (see
Figure 6-13). This three-way valve is either reset or tripped.
Figure 6-13
Trip valves in the front standard
GE Emergency Trip System
When reset, the trip valve is open, and the oil supply is connected to the emergency trip system
(ETS). In the reset position, the passage to drain is closed for the ETS. When tripped, the trip
valve closes, and the closing disc opens. The emergency trip system pressure goes to
approximately zero psig (drain pressure).
A manual turbine trip is provided by a trip handle, which operates the manual trip rod by a
rolling rod as shown in Figure 6-14. On most units, there is a solenoid trip as well. It is designed
as part of the manual trip rod action. On many units, the solenoid trip acts on the vacuum trip in
much the same way.
Figure 6-14
Manual and solenoid trips
The trip solenoid has a high current pick-up coil and a low current holding coil. A mechanical
switch switches to the holding coil at the top of the stroke of the solenoid (the plunger extends
through the top plate as shown). Never restrict solenoid plunger travel because the pick-up coil
will burn up in a few seconds if transfer to the holding coil does not occur according to the
design described above.
The solenoid trip allows the unit to be tripped through the ETS system from any electrical signal
that the plant designers choose to trip the unit. In most cases, there is a trip button in the control
room so that the unit can be tripped from that location.
GE Emergency Trip System
The solenoid trip is almost always used to trip the unit through an electrical signal from the
generator protective relays. These relays usually sense generator winding short circuits and loss
of field excitation current. There are often other relays to sense reverse power (when the
generator is acting as a motor), transformer short circuits, and other electrical problems that
could seriously damage the generator.
This system, illustrated in Figure 6-15, is found on GE turbines dated 1957 to about 1962. The
purpose of this system is to test the overspeed and trip valve functions while the unit is on-line.
The system also provides a back-up overspeed trip for a second line of defense against overspeed
while trip testing.
Figure 6-15
Testable overspeed trip system
Included in this system are a trip valve (described earlier), a lock-out valve, an oil trip plunger,
and a back-up overspeed trip device. The lock-out valve has two positions: normal and locked
out. In the normal position, oil from the vacuum trip goes through the trip valve so that if the trip
valve tripped, so would the unit. In the locked-out position, oil from the vacuum trip bypasses
the trip valve and isolates it hydraulically (tripping the trip valve does not trip the turbine).
GE Emergency Trip System
The oil trip plunger admits oil to the overspeed trip and trips the unit while it is at rated speed.
The back-up overspeed trip is represented by a small pilot valve on top of the rotating pilot
valve. This pilot valve removes oil pressure on the trip piston at the vacuum trip at and above the
trip speed.
Note how this procedure is conducted by the turbine operator. (Although it is recommended that
two operators be there—one to perform this test sequence and one with a radio to the control
room in case something should go wrong.) There is no automation involved.
If the trip valve fails to trip during the test, there is good reason to suspect that the unit is no
longer properly protected against overspeed. The unit should be shut down so the malfunction
can be corrected. Whenever trip protection is questionable, the operator should verify reverse
current on the generator before removing the unit from the line. In this way, the operator can be
assured that the turbine valves have shut off steam flow.
“Newer” GE units (see Figure 6-16) are defined as those placed in service around 1962 or later.
See Figure 6-17 for a view of the front standard pull-out handles.
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-16
Trip testing on newer MHC units
Figure 6-17
Test valves
Note there is very little linkage involved in the operation of this system, but there are several
valves in series or in parallel, depending upon the valve function. The test sequence is the same
as described previously.
GE Emergency Trip System
In the reset position, oil pressure is applied through the master trip valve to pressurize the trip
valve piston. A latched trip finger permits oil from the vacuum trip to flow through the trip valve
to the emergency trip oil line shown. A loss of pressure to the trip piston valve results in the
plunger operating the trip finger and, therefore, the trip valve. The trip valve dumps the ETS
fluid to drain, which trips the turbine immediately. This trip valve can be moved to the tripped
position by the overspeed trip or the trip piston. The trip piston is moved by either the trip
solenoid (MTS) or the master trip.
If the lockout valve is operated, however; the drain position of the trip valve is altered so that the
trip valve can no longer drain the ETS. Follow the hydraulic line from L2 on the lockout valve to
the trip valve and ETS, and notice that the lockout valve is moved to the right, moving the drain
valve position relative to the trip valve piston.
Use Figure 6-16 to follow the sequence of an oil trip test again:
1. Rotate clockwise and pull the lockout valve handle. This puts pressure on the left side of the
lockout valve bushing and moves the lockout valve to the right (moving the drain port). A
limit switch provides the operator with confirmation that this valve has moved to the locked-
out position.
2. While holding the lockout valve in the locked-out position, pull the oil trip handle. This ports
oil to the overspeed trip ring. The weight flies out and strikes the trip finger, unlatching the
trip valve. The trip valve moves to the tripped position, but it cannot move far enough to
drain the ETS. A limit switch provides feedback that the trip valve has moved to the tripped
position (the trip lamp lights, and the reset lamp goes off).
3. While continuing to hold the lockout valve in the locked-out position, slowly release the oil
trip handle.
4. Wait 6 seconds or so (for the oil trip oil to drain) and while continuing to hold the lockout
valve in the locked-out position, pull the reset handle. This action pulls the trip rod out of the
path of the trip finger. The trip finger returns to the reset position. Operations will know that
the trip rod is in the reset position because the trip lamp goes off and the reset lamp goes on.
5. Wait 6 seconds or so (for the trip rod to be positively latched), and while continuing to hold
the lockout valve in the locked-out position, release the reset handle.
6. Wait 6 seconds or so, observing that the reset lamp remains lit, and then release the lockout
valve handle. Verify that the lockout lamp goes off.
In this design, the trip valve and lockout valve are arranged inside a single housing. See Figure
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-18
Trip/lockout mechanism
On some large modern reheat units, there is enough steam downstream of the steam valves to
cause up to an 8% speed increase after all the valves have closed properly. If engineering
calculations show that the turbine overspeed trip needs to be set above 112% (to meet the normal
overspeed plus 1% rule) and then the speed rises 8% more after the valves trip closed, it is clear
that something additional must be done to limit the top emergency overspeed to 120%. This is
done by adding a trip anticipator to the system.
Suppose, for example, a new unit was being designed, and calculations showed that the turbine
speed would increase by 6% after the control and IVs closed. These valves are not closed until
the speed is about 107% (if full load is lost with the speed/load changer at the high-speed stop).
Add the 1% Code margin, and the overspeed trip should be set at about 114% rated turbine
speed. Given an emergency trip at 114% rated speed, the turbine speed increases another 1 or
2% before the main/RSVs are seated. Now there is that 6% to contend with. This means that the
turbine speed would peak at a value greater than 120% rated. This is not acceptable, and
something must be added—that something is a trip anticipator. This dangerous situation is
described in the sequence that follows:
1. The unit is running at full load, rated speed.
2. Full load rejection occurs.
3. The turbine speed increases, and at about 107% rated speed, the control and IVs are seated.
GE Emergency Trip System
4. The turbine speed continues to rise due to entrained steam in the steam path. This rise is
about 6% above the speed at which steam flow was shut off.
5. The peak speed is about 113% rated speed in this scenario.
6. The overspeed trip, therefore, would be set at 114% rated turbine speed.
7. Now, assume a failure of one of the IVs; an IV failed to close as designed.
8. The RSV, in series with the IV, gets a trip signal at 114% rated speed.
9. The RSV and MSVs are seated at about 116% rated speed.
10. The peak speed is 6% above this calculated value of 116%, making the peak speed at 122%
rated speed. Damage is likely.
If, in the previously described scenario, the first line of defense did its job, the sequence of
events would be revised as follows:
1. The unit is running at full load, rated speed.
2. Full load rejection occurs.
3. The turbine speed increases, and at about 107% rated speed, the control and IVs are seated.
4. At about 108% rated speed, the trip anticipator acts to cut oil off the main and RSVs, fast
closing these valves.
5. The turbine speed continues to rise due to entrained steam in the steam path. This rise is
about 6% above the speed at which steam flow was shut off.
6. If the first line of defense functions as designed, the peak speed is 107% + 6%, or 113%.
7. The overspeed trip setpoint is at 114%, so this trip never occurred. The turbine speed would
start to decay from this 113% value.
GE Emergency Trip System
Remember, the trip anticipator closed the main and RSVs at 108% (just in case). As the speed
decays below 108%, the trip anticipator resets itself, allowing the main and RSVs to reopen.
(This is the only time when the main and RSVs are reopened without an operator command.)
Turbine speed continues to coast down until the speed load control takes over or operations
manually trips the unit.
The trip anticipator is illustrated in Figure 6-19. The trip anticipator governor is identical to the
main speed governor described earlier, except as noted below. The vertical position of the
rotating pilot valve is a function of turbine speed. An increase in turbine speed results in the
rotating pilot valve’s vertical position going down.
Figure 6-19
Trip anticipator
There is an extension on top of the rotating pilot valve for a permanent magnet generator. This
permanent magnet generator (PMG) along with a trip anticipator relay (TAR) detects failure of
the trip anticipator governor drive (such as speed being below one-half rated while the unit is
GE Emergency Trip System
on-line). Such a failure results in an alarm sounding and an automatic runback of turbine load to
a “safe” value (typically about 70% rated). Safe means that the concerns for damaging overspeed
are not what they are at full load; the expected peak speeds are less.
As the turbine speed rises (above about 3938 to 3974 rpm in the figure), the oil supply is cut off,
and the oil to the trip anticipator trip valve is drained. The trip valve rises (as the spring pushes
up). In doing so, the trip fluid to the main and RSVs is drained, and these emergency valves
close. It is worthwhile noting that the emergency trip supply (ETS) is still pressurized; the
overspeed trip mechanism is still reset. The emergency valves were closed, but the unit was not
tripped. This is how the trip anticipator can recover as the speed decays.
The bushing of the trip anticipator governor is positioned by button C to permit overspeed
testing. The oil supply to the trip anticipator trip valve contains a check valve with a 0.5" orifice
in the disc. This design permits fast tripping and restricts the inrush of oil when resetting so that
a dip in pressure does not occur in the oil supply.
The condenser vacuum is measured in inches (or mm) of mercury (Hg) with respect to the
atmospheric pressure. Typical operating conditions are described in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1
Vacuum conditions
Recognize that these values are typical, but they will vary significantly by unit design and
The vacuum trip is the trip device which is in series hydraulically with the overspeed trip valve
discussed previously. The vacuum trip device can dump oil pressure on low vacuum or upon the
receipt of other trip signals. Because it is in series with the overspeed trip valve, the vacuum trip
trips the turbine downstream of the overspeed device just as if the unit tripped on overspeed.
Once tripped, the vacuum trip must be reset manually. It can be reset either locally or remotely.
GE Emergency Trip System
The trip functions and features most frequently present on the vacuum trip are listed below:
• The vacuum trip must be capable of resetting with no vacuum. This permits pre-operational
setting and testing. It also permits units unable to pull a vacuum until a minimum speed is
achieved to be able to reset.
• The device must arm the trip function automatically (if reset with low vacuum) once vacuum
increases beyond the trip setpoint.
• The vacuum trip must provide an alarm by closing an alarm switch.
• The vacuum trip must trip at an adjustable setpoint.
• The vacuum trip must trip by solenoid remotely as well.
• The vacuum trip must trip on a back-up overspeed trip signal.
Figure 6-20 shows the vacuum trip that was located on the oil tank units until approximately
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-20
Schematic vacuum trip device - scissor lever restored
The condenser vacuum is applied to the inside of the bellows of the bellows assembly. The input
X of the MHA shown in Figure 6-20 is connected to the bellows lever by a link. The position of
X is proportional to the absolute pressure (goes down when the vacuum increases).
The feedback point Y of the floating lever is connected to the feedback lever. Note the following
• Trip discs
• Connection link
• Trip lever
• Click spring
• Trip finger
• Toggle
• Trip spring
GE Emergency Trip System
Caution: The floating lever and the feedback lever act like powerful blunt shears. Keep fingers
away from this lever as long as hydraulic pressure is present.
The device operation sequence is as follows (see also Figure 6-21 for the device):
1. A loss of vacuum results in an increasing pressure on the bellows, and the bellows assembly
pushes up on the bellows lever.
2. The bellows lever pushes up, pivoting on the pivot pin to the right of the lever.
3. This pushes up on the link X.
4. The floating lever moves up, pivoting on Y; the floating lever then lifts up on the pilot valve
to admit oil on top of the vacuum trip piston.
5. The vacuum piston strokes downward.
6. As the vacuum piston strokes downward, it provides feedback via the feedback lever, which
lowers Y, pivoting upon X, and puts the pilot valve back on port. The vacuum piston’s
vertical position is then a function of vacuum drawn.
7. As the piston strokes downward, the trip disc operates the trip finger.
8. The trip lever pivots and lifts the trip valve.
9. Oil to the overspeed trip device is drained through this trip valve.
Figure 6-21
Actual vacuum trip device - scissor lever restored
GE Emergency Trip System
A typical vacuum trip with a simple floating lever is shown in Figure 6-22. The input end of the
floating lever is continuously adjustable to obtain the proper vacuum stroke relationship with the
operating piston. The vacuum trip is equipped quite often with a solenoid trip, a hydraulic trip
piston, a low vacuum alarm switch, electric pneumatic reset with monitor switch, and a trip valve
position monitor switch. In this drawing, there are two vacuum trips as typically found on units
with multiple exhaust hoods. The exhaust hood with the worse vacuum is controlling the position
of the vacuum trip piston. On units with only one condenser, there is only one bellows assembly.
Units with three condensers have three bellows assemblies.
Figure 6-22
Vacuum trip with adjustable floating lever
A loss of vacuum means a rising bellows assembly and lifting bellows rod. The right side of the
bellows rod contacts the input linkage to the pilot valve (the bellows with the worse vacuum
controls the input to the pilot valve). The input to the pilot valve positions the vacuum trip
operating piston. The vertical position of the operating piston is a function of vacuum drawn
when operating piston feedback puts the pilot valve back on port. As the vacuum trip piston
moves through its operating range, it first picks up the low vacuum alarm switch (contact closure
relays the alarm electrically). Continued movement results in the operating piston making
contact with the trip lever mechanism that rotates the roll bar clockwise (as seen in this drawing).
This movement unlatches the dump valve, and the dump valve strokes upward to the tripped
GE Emergency Trip System
position. In this tripped position, the dump valve dumps the discharge oil to drain. Remember
that this discharge oil is the feed to the overspeed trip mechanism. So, if this discharge oil
pressure goes to zero, the ETS goes to zero, and the unit is tripped.
The solenoid trip rotates the roll bar and trips the unit upon any electrical trip. The back-up
overspeed trip cylinder can cause the same rotating of the trip lever mechanism and, therefore,
trips the turbine through the same action. Remember that the back-up overspeed trip is supplied
from a pilot valve assembled onto the main governor. The purpose of this device is to provide
overspeed trip protection while the emergency governor is locked out and being tested. To do
this, the back-up overspeed trip device needs to trip another mechanism other than the trip valve
associated with the overspeed trip, the back-up overspeed trip device trips the vacuum trip device
that supplies oil to the overspeed trip device.
On some units, there is also a main shaft oil pump trip. Oil is provided to this operating piston
from the main oil pump discharge on the pump side of the discharge check valve. This means
that this device does not sense auxiliary oil pump discharge pressure. Upon loss of main shaft oil
pump pressure, this device trips the vacuum trip dump valve as stated earlier. Please note,
however, it is the purpose of this device to protect the turbine from the consequences associated
with failure of the front standard control rotor. The availability of discharge oil from the main
shaft oil pump points to the integrity of the control rotor and the associated speed control devices
driven by that rotor. The trip finger, with a click spring, deflects out of the way of the piston
lever as the piston rises to the reset position during turbine startup. This action arms the trip once
the turbine is approximately at speed.
Resetting of the vacuum trip is accomplished via a reset air CV which, when positioned, applies
air pressure under the air reset piston. This air reset piston movement forces the vacuum trip
dump valve into the reset latched position. It is permitted to stay in this position as long as the
back-up overspeed trip or solenoid trip are not in the trip position.
Note that the vacuum trip device can be reset without vacuum. When vacuum is drawn, the
vacuum trip automatically rearms itself, so if vacuum is lost, the unit will trip. This rearming
device is similar to the one discussed with the main shaft oil pump
The purpose of the thrust bearing wear detector (TBWD) is to detect axial movement of the rotor
that is indicative of a thrust bearing failure. Bearing oil enters through a strainer, then enters an
orifice passage through the follower piston, and creates a wedge on the rotating collar. The
spring-loaded follower piston rides on this oil wedge. If the rotor thrusts to the left, the follower
piston moves upward. If the rotor thrusts to the right, the follower piston moves downward. See
Figure 6-23.
GE Emergency Trip System
Figure 6-23
Thrust bearing wear detector and low bearing oil pressure trip
There is a pilot valve connected to the top side of the follower piston. Any follower piston
movement, therefore, results in pilot valve travel. In a normal mode, bearing oil (sometimes
hydraulic oil) is provided through the leakage of the pilot valve to two pressure switches, usually
PS-11 and PS-12. These pressure switches experience full oil pressure in normal times. Assume
that the thrust is to the left, the pilot valve travels upward. In doing so, the pilot valve ports the
oil off the lower pressure switch (PS-11). As this pressure decays below a pre-determined value
(often about 8 psig in a bearing-oil-supplied unit), the pressure switch contacts make and relay a
trip signal (electrically) to the mechanical trip solenoid. Thrust travel in the opposite direction
results in oil draining from the upper pressure switch.
This device can be tested in service without tripping the unit. Operate the test hand wheel. Its
operation makes contact with a limit switch that defeats the trip (TWTS in Figure 6-23). Once
the turbine trip has been defeated, the operator turns a hand wheel that moves the bushing
(surrounding the pilot valve) and changes porting of the oil. This bushing travel drains oil off the
pressure switch; which switch is selected is dependent upon the direction of travel of the
bushing. Operations observes the travel of the bushing in each direction (there is usually a scale
marked on the hand wheel). By doing so, a technician can confirm the present device position
relative to the trip points. Test lights (TWTL in Figure 6-23) indicate the travel of the device
when the unit is being tested.
GE Emergency Trip System
The toothed wheel of the low-speed switch is mounted in the front standard. See Figure 6-24.
Bearing oil is brought up to the ejecting nozzles. When the rotor is rotating, the toothed wheel
prevents oil passage from the ejecting nozzles to the receiving nozzles. There is no pressure
under the timing cylinders, and the cylinders are down as shown in the figure.
Figure 6-24
Low-speed switch
When the rotor stops, there is passage for the oil between the teeth of the toothed wheel in one
set of nozzles or the other. This allows a pressure buildup under one of the timing cylinders. The
timing cylinder strokes and picks up a limit switch. The limit switch, usually referred to as the
low-speed switch, starts the turning gear motor and engages the turning gear. Once the rotor
starts turning (on gear), the timing cylinders start to rise and fall slowly as a little oil passes
through the toothed wheel.
7.2 Inspection
GE Pre-Outage Planning
– A pin supported on the sides through a lever with a bearing should have the pin restrained
on both sides. Therefore, the pin to bushing is a critical fit.
– Dual levers with rod bearings on the end should be made parallel.
• Any functional testing of a device to some degree should be performed. The inspection
should include:
– Assemble the pistons without springs to verify bump-to-bump full stroke.
– Assemble all lever arrangements, and verify the desired degree of freedom before final
– Set the levers level at mid-stroke when possible during the inspection.
• Just as important to the inspection of the basic components, such as pistons, bores, pilot
valves, bearings and bushings, are the following:
– Always inspect and repair the adjustment connections to ensure that they will be
available at calibration.
– To prevent multiple problems with activation if it is not in proper working order, ensure
the proper working order of the activation linkage for limit/air switches.
• If possible, send the table (the entire governor stand assembly) to a reputable service shop to
verify governor operation in a test stand.
GE Pre-Outage Planning
Before the start of a front standard (see Figure 8-1) outage, there are some key points that are
worth mentioning. These points are stressed throughout the following procedures, but their
importance is such that emphasis needs to be placed on them from the beginning and throughout
the disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of components:
• Pictures – Take plenty of pictures before and during disassembly. Wondering where a part
belongs is not an option when the front standard components are being reassembled.
• Match marks – Along with pictures, match marking of the attachment location of the
components, as well as piping, electrical, and instrumentation connections, is imperative to
the success of the outage. If the component or connection already has a permanent, indelible
match mark, make note of the mark (capture an image of the mark), but do not make another
permanent mark. This will save confusion at reassembly and will prevent any possible
damage or destruction of the components.
• Operational logs – How was the unit running before the scheduled outage? This should have
been discussed long before the outage, back in the outage planning stages; but it is worth
mentioning due to its importance. The operating logs are an invaluable source of information
and may point to areas of concern, areas that will require a closer-than-usual examination of
the potentially involved components. Items of interest would be:
– How well did the unit respond to load changes, both up and down?
– Were the controls quick to react or sluggish?
– Was the transition smooth or jumpy?
All of the operating log observations tell a story about how the controls are
responding/operating or, more accurately, their condition.
Note: This does not mean that if the unit is running well, you do not have to pay attention to
the front standard components. This is especially true with outages being scheduled at longer
• Lubricating oil system – The lubricating oil system on MHC units is the same oil that is used
by the hydraulic control system. It is imperative for the oil system to be maintained as clean
as possible. This is even more important when it comes to the hydraulic controls portion of
the unit.
GE Maintenance
The running clearances for the turbine-generator bearings and oil pump wear ring range from
0.010" to 0.040", depending on the diameter at any given location. Some of the hydraulic
controls clearances are as tight as 0.0005" to a maximum of 0.006". The hydraulic
component clearances leave little room for suspended particulates in the oil.
Cleanliness of the lubricating oil and, therefore, of the hydraulic control oil is of the upmost
importance and should be the number one preventive maintenance activity for the oil system.
• Parts storage and identification – All components and their associated parts must be clearly
marked, tagged, or otherwise identified and stored in a location where they are protected
from potential damage and accidental loss.
• Wear points – Every pivot point, contact point, pilot valve and bushing, and other sliding
contact points in the mechanical linkage and hydraulic cylinders are a potential wear point
and, as such, should be closely inspected upon disassembly.
• Main operating cylinder – On those units that are equipped with shell-mounted control valves
(CVs), the main operating cylinder piston stroke must be measured and recorded prior to its
disassembly. This means that the auxiliary oil pump must be in service (running) in order to
stroke the piston.
CAUTION: At the completion of the stroke measurement, the oil pump must then be shut
down and the system cleared for work (lock-out, tag-out procedure) prior to beginning the
disassembly process.
Even with the oil pumps off and the system cleared, the potential exists for an accident. Some
of the hydraulic components may still have oil pressure keeping them open or closed, and
closing spring tension on valves and/or operating cylinders should be disassembled with
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-1
GE MHC front standard with appearance lagging in place
In addition to the above, the first group to start removing components in preparation for
disassembly are the I&C technicians. Instrument wiring and instrument air lines must be
separated. The original design has provisions for separation to allow the upper standard cover to
be removed.
Special attention must be paid to any later additions around the area. Over the years, there may
have been many design changes or additions, which may have included the addition of junction
boxes. The design changes may be associated with the conversion to non-OEM turbine
supervisory instruments. Many plants have added fire protection systems as well. The concern is
that many of these installations did not make provisions for ease of disassembly, and it may
involve significant work to move systems (wiring, air lines, pipes, sensors, etc.) out of the way.
It is recommended that the outage plans include a single point of contact for the MHC systems.
This assignment might best be made to a machinist. This person should document all work
activities as they are performed. Documentation should include, as mentioned above, all as-
found orientations and application of match marks that will be used for reassembly. Although all
methods necessary should be used to aid in the inspection and reassembly, the best way to ensure
competent performance is to have one person responsible for the MHC system maintenance.
There can be rack-and-pinion-driven cams for the limit switch mounted on top of the standard
cover that have a connection to a device inside the standard. Those connections, which include
the CV operating cylinder and the IV relay position, must be separated. Since the machinist will
be responsible for the inspection and repair of these devices, it is best if he/she makes those
GE Maintenance
Prior to the removal of any inspection door to gain access to the internals, detailed procedures
must be in place to ensure foreign material exclusion (FME). Tools used near any openings must
be properly secured for retrieval (in case the tool is accidentally dropped). Exercise great caution
as pins are removed, especially near any of one of these openings.
On those units equipped with shell-mounted CVs (see Figure 8-2), disassemble the linkage
between the CVs and the CV operating cylinder. If the turbine is being inspected, the upper rod
ball is disconnected and pulled out of the upper CV arm cup. The upper arm can be pulled back
out of the way to allow the rod to be removed by unscrewing from the lower section of rod
internal to the standard. Since the lower section of rod also has a ball and cup connection inside
the piston, a wrench inside the standard is needed along with one external wrench. When the rod
is separated from the lower section, it can be lifted out of the standard.
Figure 8-2
Main operating cylinder with shell-mounted control valves
The method used to pull the CV arm out of the way can depend on the work scope of the outage.
For example, if the CVs are being inspected, the spring cans can be removed, which removes the
cam-driven closing force. If the closing force is not removed, the rigging to pull the arm back
must be sized to pull the arm out of the way against the closing force. A rule of thumb is that the
maximum expected closing force on the actuator rod is the operating oil pressure times the lower
piston surface area. An oil pressure of 200 psig operating on a piston with a 10" diameter would
result in a 16,000 lb. force, which should not be underestimated.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-3
Front standard with appearance lagging removed (separately mounted control valves)
Due to the variety in construction of front standards on units, there is no one standardized
procedure for opening a front standard. There are, however, some general procedures which
can be identified, and some overall precautions that should be observed during these
The first major item which must be removed on a front standard is the front standard cover or
On newer units, the front standard has a horizontal joint on the shaft center line. Before
removing the front standard cover, you must remove the horizontal bolts and dowels. Some
bolts may be hidden inside the cover. Jacking bolt holes are provided to aid in separating the
Before beginning to separate the joint, you must remove the shaft grounding device(s)
(Figure 8-4) and the vibration probe(s), and store them in a designated and controlled
location. Bolting and other hardware must also be stored in a readily accessible area for use
at reassembly.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-4
Shaft grounding device
2. After removing all horizontal joint bolting, use the jack bolt holes provided to raise the upper
half of the standard high enough to ensure that the cover is free of any restraints.
CAUTION: During the jacking phase, watch for mechanical linkages, as well as electrical
and hydraulic connections, that may have been missed during the initial inspection.
GE Maintenance
3. Jack the front standard cover up approximately 2", and rig for lifting with the crane.
Safe rigging procedures are extremely important in the handling of any turbine-generator
component that is lifted with the aid of the crane. Careful planning, strict adherence to safe
practices, and the use of recommended rigging procedures will help to ensure safe and
efficient component handling.
4. Once the standard cover has been removed and transferred to its storage area, block it so that
the maximum amount of the horizontal joint is exposed. This practice will make joint
cleaning easy and will avoid repeated lifting during maintenance. It will also help to apply a
preservative to the joint for extended periods of outdoor storage.
5. Use appropriate dry wood blocking (cribbing) only. Isolate the standard cover from the
cribbing (blocking) with a graphite-based gasket material to prevent any moisture in the
wood from etching or corroding the horizontal joint.
CAUTION: Some electrical termination points inside the front standard may remain
energized, so be sure to take the necessary precautions to protect personnel.
With the cover off, you can remove the small sensors (that is, the eccentricity detector and
the differential expansion detector) and mounting brackets that are around the rotor (see
Figure 8-5). If the thrust bearing wear detector (TBWD) is in the front standard, it must also
be removed.
Figure 8-5
Various sensors and instrumentation
6. CAUTION: Take care to prevent the snout of the TBWD (see Figure 8-6) from hitting the
rotor during removal. Cardboard or graphite-based gasket material can be used as a
protective cushion during the removal of this detector.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-6
Thrust wear detector
7. The method and extent of internal standard disassembly depends on several different
conditions, including job scope, machine operating history, and the type/vintage of the
controls. The degree to which the front standard components/elements will be disassembled
and inspected should have been determined prior to the start of the outage in the outage
planning stages.
8. When the upper cover is removed, use the FME procedures to secure the standard drain
openings. This is normally accomplished by carefully wrapping approved blankets around
the openings and securing those blankets in place. Any time that work is not being
performed, the standard should be covered and closed with (at a minimum) clean, dry plastic
In most inspections, the entire governor table assembly will be removed. It is essential for each
governor assembly component/connection to be properly marked for identification at
The top of the governor table is located inside a gasket cut out in the top of the standard cover
(see Figure 8-7). Any device that passes through or crosses the plane of this cutout as the
standard is lifted must be removed or positioned back. On most units, the load limit hand wheel
passes across this plane. Normally, a coupling is provided to allow the separation. This
disconnection must be completed.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-7
Top view of a governor table
Note: Due to the critical nature of the governor assembly control functions, the physical
disassembly of the governor assembly components should be undertaken very carefully and by
experienced personnel only.
Some of the components will have indelible permanent alignment or match marks. In these
cases, it is not necessary to make new assembly marks because they may, at the very least, make
for confusion at reassembly or may cause damage to the component if not done with extreme
care. Take pictures and any pertinent measurements before loosening and subsequently removing
any component.
The first device to be removed for inspection could be the governor table. There will be several
oil connections either with tubing or pipe couplings. These oil connections should have a secure
locking mechanism, which will need to be removed (normally welded straps). There will also be
mechanical connections to the devices that are external to the standard. Torque tubes going to the
CVs and IVs will need to be unpinned in a convenient location.
To remove the quill shaft from the worm to the control rotor spur, remove the tachometer stator
and rotor from the end of the worm. The tachometer rotor is a strong magnet, and extreme
caution should be taken not to degauss the magnet by striking any metallic objects. A preferred
storage method is to wrap the rotor in paper sized to the thickness of the air gap and place the
rotor in the stator.
With the tachometer rotor removed, slide the quill forward to disengage the control rotor. A key
point to document is whether the quill can be completely removed or just disengaged.
Take a sweep of the control rotor rim and face to determine the as-found alignment of the worm
to rotor. When the governor table is lifted, measure and log the shims. Take the table to a clean
work area for further inspection and/or disassembly.
GE Maintenance
A question that usually comes up is “How much inspection can be performed without removing
the table?” The thought of performing any inspection or repair to a table still in the standard
needs to consider the effort to remove the governor table versus the retrieval of possible dropped
items into the front standard and piping.
After removal, a conventional method of securing the control rotor alignment shim pack is to use
bolts and secure the shims to the base plate.
Most governor assemblies have no jack bolts holes or eyebolts, so they pose a problem in lifting.
The use of nylon slings is shown in Figure 8-8. A further complication in lifting the governor
assembly is that it must be moved horizontally away from the control rotor in order to gain
access to remove the quill shaft.
Figure 8-8
Governor table assembly rigged with nylon slings
Disconnect the bearing feed line, and unbolt the base from the front standard, again taking care
to keep track of shims. Both the upper half of the oil pump and the #1 bearing must be removed
before the HP rotor and the control rotor can be lifted.
With the governor table removed, inspect the front standard internals and document any unusual
findings. This inspection looks for any accumulation of metal dust (or filings), any discoloration
of gears and bearings, and any grossly loose connections.
Figure 8-9 illustrates a governor table that has been completely removed and located in the repair
shop. After the governor table has been relocated to the work area, as-found checks should be
made. These as-found checks should include the worm, wheel thrusts, and quill backlash. There
is only one setting that cannot be verified during the zero speed calibration—the setting of the
GE Maintenance
low-speed-stop (LSS) and the high-speed stop (HSS). Therefore, it might prove to be very useful
to record the relative position between the rotating pilot valve and the rotating pilot valve
bushing at the LSS and HSS positions.
Figure 8-9
Governor table
An inspection method that limits the number of disassembled parts is recommended. This
process would be removing, inspecting, and repairing a device, and then putting that device
aside, once complete, and continuing with another device until the governor table is cleared.
The governor table can then be thoroughly cleaned, either with a steam power washer or by
hand. Replace the inspected, repaired, and cleaned devices, reversing the order in which they
were removed.
Disassemble each device removed as near completely as possible with the exception of the
flyweights. Do not remove the weights from the bracket or the weight connection spring unless
it will be sent to a shop that is capable of spinning and balancing following the repairs.
As the levers and links are removed, confirm the dimensions from the lever diagram. Drawing
dimensions of the link lengths are usually not available. It is advisable to document the length of
the links from center-of-pin to center-of-pin. If a link is to be disassembled to change a worn
connection end, measure the length of the link and record it prior to disconnecting. However, do
GE Maintenance
not worry if a discrepancy occurs; restoring the length of any link is just a matter of setting all
levers level (and links vertical) at mid-stroke. Typically, links that are to be used later for timing
adjustments are loosened, and it is verified that the link is adjustable in acceptable increments.
A close examination of the known wear parts is another important phase of the front standard
disassembly and inspection process. Repair or replace worn mechanical connection devices if
they fall outside the OEM specifications. A number of these devices are shown in Figure 8-10.
Figure 8-10
Wear parts
Reassemble linkage in a way that allows verification of proper travel. This should be given high
priority to ensure that every connection is made correctly. Any bolt that requires a reduced
assembling torque to ensure freedom of movement is unacceptable. All bolts should be able to
receive full assembly torque with a wide variance, particularly the bolts on the rotating pilot
valve bushing summing lever. Once the assembly has been tested on the bench, disassemble it
and replace it in the governor table, ensuring that the bench configuration is repeated.
One consideration during the rebuild is the level of precision that is desired. Worn and sloppy is
usually the way things are found and should not be the desired condition at reassembly. Although
exceeding the original tolerances is beneficial in providing a more precise control, it can also
encounter failure more readily if not maintained during later inspections.
The devices that will be removed from the governor table and inspected include:
• Speed load changer
• Speed relay
• Rotating pilot valve and rotating pilot valve (sliding) bushing
• Gear drive (worm and wheel)
GE Maintenance
Twelve critical clearances are listed in Table 8-1to reference as you disassemble the governor
assembly. If any of these clearances are exceeded, the components involved should be repaired
or replaced.
Table 8-1
Critical clearances
4. Diametrical clearance between auxiliary pilot valve and bushing 0.0015–0.004 in.
8. Lap of back-up overspeed pilot valve and bushing size-on-size +0.001–0.000 in.
The two basic governor assembly designs are illustrated in Figures 8-11 and 8-12. The later
design has the fulcrum nuts that travel up and down a stationary lead; on the earlier design, the
fulcrum is attached to the bottom of a lead that travels up and down. The easily recognized
distinction is the large (6" diameter hand wheel) versus the smaller that fits the palm of the hand.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-11
Newer governor assembly
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-12
Older governor assembly
GE Maintenance
Tram mark the links (as shown in Figure 8-13), and record the measurements for all governor
components prior to disassembly.
Figure 8-13
Linkage marked with a trammel
During disassembly, check pivot points for wear, and mark link connection points for
identification at reassembly. Due to the complexity and variety of linkages, there is no
standardized procedure for disassembling links.
The speed/load changer (SLC) is used by the operator to input either a speed reference (when
off-line) or a desired load reference (when on-line). The elevation change of the fulcrum nut is
the input into the summing lever of the rotating pilot valve bushing (see Figure 8-11). The
mechanical gain of the linkage connected to the speed load changer is such that 0.144" will fully
stroke the CVs (100% load). Therefore, it is easy to understand why any loose connection, with
friction, can cause very large problems in controlling load.
As the dc motor is removed, there is a worm on its shaft that will roll its mating gear. The motor
worm drives a second worm shaft that is supported by two journal bushing housings that are
removed from the side of the assembly. The inspection of the journal bushings should have
minimum radial and axial clearance, but be free to spin. One improvement that could be made
here is to replace the one-piece brass gear-driven worm (see Figure 8-14) with a composite
assembly that uses a press-on gear and a worm on a steel shaft with needle bearing supports.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-14
Speed/load changer
Remove the spindle by unbolting the upper bearing and lifting the spindle with its gear clutch out
of the assembly. The clutch is simply a free-spinning gear that is spring loaded against two
flanges attached to the spindle (or spindle sleeve for the early design). The spring is unloaded
and the lower keyed flange is removed to allow the brass gear removal. If there has been
excessive amount of time when the motor was driven with the spindle against a stop, the brass
gear will be worn so that it looks like a recess was machined into the gear face. Install a new
For the early design, where the lead travels up and down, the spindle is 6 TPI left-hand acme
thread. The brass acme nut section in the lower assembly can wear. This wear results in spindle
wobble and poor repeatability in positioning the linkage. The lower section can be repaired by
boring out the old threads and making a threaded insert as shown in Figure 8-15. When tapping
the acme thread, the engagement class should be kept as tight as possible, but with minimum
rotation frictional torque. Before the old threads are bored out, it could be used as a lapping
block to polish the spindle threads.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-15
New threaded insert on left
The fulcrum nut on the bottom of the spindle must not allow any free play, but still allow the
spindle to freely rotate. The faces of this nut are usually found worn. If the faces of the nut are
machined, the retaining spacer must also be machined to remove clearance to the nut faces. An
interesting feature of the fulcrum nut is that the hole for the spindle to rotate is oval. See Figure
8-16. This is not wear and must not be corrected. The oval clearance is to allow the lever
connected to the limit switch activation rod to arc in and out as it travels up and down. The levers
for the limit switch activation also serve to prevent the fulcrum from rotating with the spindle
and must be rebuilt with that in mind
Figure 8-16
Fulcrum nut with oval hole
The latter design has the spindle elevation fixed to the clutch gear. As the spindle is rotated, the
upper and lower nuts travel up and down. The upper nut is to provide limit switch activation and
provisions for stops. The lower fulcrum nut is the summing lever input connection. Besides wear
in the threads causing repeatability problems, this design has a guide that prevents rotation of the
fulcrum nut that must be maintained with minimum clearance. Since only a few degrees rotation
is an expected significant input demand, the losses due to the nut rotating must be minimized.
GE Maintenance
One of the problems with this design is synchronizing the upper to the lower nut to allow a full
range of adjustment. It is not unusual that the timing off but the unit is operating satisfactorily. It
is recommended that the full travel condition be established even if it involves resetting the limit
switch brackets. Additionally, the limit switch bracket should also be completely disassembled,
and repairs made to allow for exact repositioning of this switches after LSS and HSS speeds are
When the linkage from the speed load changer to the rotating pilot valve bushing to the speed
relay has been replaced, check the linkage for repeatability by mounting a dial indicator on the
rotating pilot valve bushing and a degree wheel on the speed load changer. Observe the rotating
pilot valve bushing stroke as the speed load changer is rotated. Making several revolutions and
then returning to the original position should bring the rotating pilot valve bushing back to its
original position. If you know (for example) that the speed load changer pitch is 1:6, the
summing lever dimensions are 4.75" and 6.12", the rotating pilot valve bushing lift would be 5
degrees per 0.001". This would represent an approximate 1% change in rated load.
The speed relay is the first mechanical-hydraulic amplifier (MHA) in this control system. The
two basic designs are illustrated in Figures 8-11 and 8-12: the early simple piston (see Figure
8-12) and the later one (see Figure 8-11) with an internal dashpot breakdown link for the
intercept valve relay (IVR).
A feature of the speed relay is the piston stem above and below the piston. This feature is to
provide minimum friction by preventing the piston from dragging its cylinder walls, and it
allows for the connection of multiple input and output levers. The auxiliary pilot valve linkage is
connected to the upper stem, and the rotating pilot valve linkage is connected to the lower stem.
To remove the speed relay for inspection, the upper and lower linkage is disconnected. The
speed relay is bolted to the underside of the table top; thus, the speed relay is lowered to be
removed from the table. The speed relay is spring loaded to close: therefore, when unbolting the
lower head to remove the piston, the bolts are unloading the spring. If the lower clevis is still
attached to the stem, it may stop the plate from being removed enough to fully relieve the spring.
The upper and lower stem bushing adds to the complexity in assembling this piston in that there
are now three points that define the line, with the cylinder and piston as the third point. The
piston-to-wall clearance must be keep at a minimum to reduce leakage from the lower piston
area. The original design was to make this piston float on the stem so that it could self-center and
still have a very tight fit. If the clearance and leakage increase, the available power of the piston
decreases, and it might not be able to stoke the linkage to the CVs.
The inspection should include micrometer measurements of the stems, the bushings, the piston,
and the bore in the speed relay body. After cleaning and inspecting the components, install the
piston without the spring. This is to verify the alignment of the stem bushings and piston bore.
Then measure and record the total stroke.
GE Maintenance
Take the radial clearance of the rotating pilot valve, its bushing, and its fit in the table with a
micrometer and telescopic gauges. Compare these clearances to those in Table 8-1. These
measurements are generalities to ensure that the components were machined properly. It is
impossible to take measurements at the exact area of wear, and good observation is required to
determine acceptability for continued use.
The areas where the pilot valve lands wear the bore of the bushing are at the two controlling port
locations. When you look through the bore with good ambient light and a vertical reference such
as the side of a window frame, the reflected image should be a straight line across those areas. In
most cases of wear, the reflected reference line is not needed because there will be two visible
rings worn into the bushing.
The pilot valve lands must be checked for sharpness. The next series of figures (Figures 8-17 and
8-18) show the differences between a pilot valve with sharp land edges and one where the edges
have worn and can no longer facilitate the desired shutoff at the bushing ports. Figure 8-19 is a
drawing that shows the effect of sharp versus dull edges inside a bushing.
Figure 8-17
Sharp land edges
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-18
Dull Land edges
Figure 8-19
Sharp vs. dull lands
A pilot valve with dull, rounded edges may not close off the port sufficiently and may cause the
governor to hunt for the correct position based on the feedback it receives. An easy, field-proven
method of checking the sharpness of a land edge is to draw or drag your fingernail across the
edge of the land. If the land scrapes material off the fingernail, it is sharp enough. This is shown
in Figure 8-20.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-20
Sharp-edge field test
Use caution when cleaning the pilot valve lands to not dull the edges. Do not wrap the valve in
abrasive and rotate it. A method to perform minor sharpening and aid in making wear more
obvious is to paint the lands with layout blue. Lay a sheet of extra-fine abrasive cloth on a
surface plate. Now, with both lands on the cloth, rotate and slide the valve like sharpening a
knife. Continue this motion with very light pressure just until the blue has been removed. The
land can then be inspected to see if a ring of blue is visible where the land is worn.
GE Maintenance
The overlap of the rotating pilot valve to the ports in the sliding bushing is shown in Figure 8-21.
Figure 8-21
Lead and lap check
The distance between the lands of the rotating pilot valve are machined to tolerance. The port
distance is hand-filed after heat treatment and checked with a hardened plug gauge. Figure 8-21
is a representation of the expected dimensions.
Take this lead and lap measurement by setting the sliding bushing with the pilot valve assembled
on a “v” block and flat plate. Set a 1" travel dial indicator on the right side to measure axial
motion of the pilot valve. Move the pilot valve to the left so that the left land is to the left of its
associated port.
Next, insert a 0.010" feeler gauge through the port. Move the pilot valve to the right until the
pilot valve land hits the feeler gauge and the pilot valve stops moving. Zero (0") the dial
indicator, and move the pilot valve to the left just enough to remove the feeler gauge. Move the
pilot valve to the right until the right-hand land is to the right of its associated port. Insert the
0.010" feeler gauge through the port, and move the pilot valve to the left until the pilot valve
land hits the feeler gauge and stops moving.
GE Maintenance
Read the dial indicator and subtract 0.020" from the indicator reading. The resultant number is
the amount of overlap and should be within a 0.006"–0.008" range of overlap. If the overlap is
too large, hand-file the flat of the port and recheck the overlap until the desired amount of
overlap is attained. If the overlap is too small, replace the pilot valve and sliding bushing. There
is more than just one port in the sliding bushing, and all of the ports must be checked.
A particular wear point on the speed governor is the “dog bone” shown in Figure 8-22. The
hollow center of the rotating pilot valve provides important oil lubrication to the upper portion of
the dog bone (the dog bone cup). Drifting of the governor setting and erratic operation caused by
pressure point wear results if this location is not kept lubricated.
Figure 8-22
Speed governor
GE Maintenance
The dog bone cup is lubricated by a groove and lubricating holes in the lower land of the pilot
valve, and the cup must be inspected when the components are disassembled. Beginning in 1960,
pilot valves have had air venting holes in the upper land to eliminate air bubbles from becoming
trapped in the chamber connected to the speed relay. Inspect the holes in both the upper and
lower lands to ensure that they are not plugged.
When disassembling the connecting spring from the rotating pilot valve, clamp the smaller
diameter of the pilot valve in a vise equipped with “soft jaws.” Do not clamp on the lands
themselves. Use a punch and light hammer to tap the top end of the spring, and unscrew it from
the rotating pilot valve.
The top of the rotating pilot valve slides in the damper bushing, which produces a dampening
affect, hence its name.
If the clearance between the rotating pilot valve and the damper bushing is too small, the
governor may act sluggishly or become unstable. If this clearance is too large, it may result in
governor bobble. A clearance range of from 0.022" to 0.024" is good and should give
satisfactory operation. The clearance should never be less than 0.020".
Note: The cause of governor bobble is more likely to be a worn or poorly made governor drive
gear than excessive clearance between the rotating pilot valve and the damper bushing.
Another option would be to send the entire governor table out to a qualified vendor to make the
necessary repairs and/or refurbishment of the front standard components. One such example is
shown in Figures 8-23 and 8-24.
Figure 8-23
Before repairs
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-24
After repairs
The components that provide turbine speed input to the MHC system consist of a quill shaft,
worm gear (see Figure 8-25) and worm wheel (see Figure 8-26). Close inspection of these
components will ensure that the gear train provides a consistent input to the flyweight governor.
Any inconsistent meshing of the worm and worm wheel gears introduces noise into the control
loop. The gear ratio from the worm to worm wheel reduces the turbine rotation speed of 3600
rpm to 581 rpm for the governor.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-25
Worm gear
Figure 8-26
Worm wheel
The quill shaft is installed through the center of the worm gear and into a spur gear attached to
the end of the HP rotor. The quill shaft transmits rotation to the worm gear and allows for slight
misalignment and the normal growth offset between the rotor and the worm gear. The as-found
and as-left checks should include the amount of axial travel and the combined backlash of the
rotor and worm tooth mesh. When it is disassembled, visually inspect the quill shaft spline(s)
for damage and/or wear.
Perform an as-found coupling check between the worm gear and turbine rotor and record the
results. Perform as-found checks of the governor drive worm gear and worm wheel before
disassembly. Check the axial movement (thrust) of the worm gear by mounting a dial indicator
and bumping the worm gear back and forth. Check the axial movement (thrust) of the worm
wheel by mounting a dial indicator, pushing up on the drive nut underneath, and then pushing
back down. Take both of these axial movement checks a few times until a consistent indicator
reading is achieved.
The worm gear and worm wheel inspection is best performed after all other components have
been removed from the governor table. This would include removing the flyweight governor
from the wheel drive spindle.
Take care during the disassembly and reassembly not to damage the components. Disengage the
worm gear from the worm wheel by partially rolling the lower half of the worm gear bearings to
allow the worm gear to move away from the worm wheel. This is especially difficult when the
unit has two governor wheels.
GE Maintenance
When clearing the governor table for inspection, there is no need to remove the worm gear
bearing bracket unless it is determined to not be aligned to the wheel bore. If it is difficult to
establish correct worm-gear-to-worm-wheel backlash, the alignment should be suspect. Check
the alignment by installing a mandrel in the bore for the wheel spindle bearings and in the worm
bearing bracket and measuring the gap. The centerline distance is normally 4.579". Any
deviation here will be seen later as a deviation in the worm-gear-to-worm-wheel backlash.
With the mandrel installed in the bore for the wheel spindle bearings, mount a dial indicator on
the mandrel, and sweep the bore of the rotating valve bushing at the top and bottom of the bore.
An indicator reading that is greater than 0.006" could result in a once-per-governor-revolution
pulse in the MHC controls (~ 10 hertz). Repeat this alignment sweep later as an as-left check
using the installed worm wheel spindle with its bearings. While the two-piece governor tables
can be moved to establish a proper alignment, any misalignment of one-piece governor tables
will be more difficult to correct.
When the worm gear, its bearings, the worm wheel, and its bearings have been installed
satisfactorily (with proper radial and thrust clearance), perform a check of the worm-gear-to-
worm-wheel mesh. The gear mesh checks are to determine if either a single gear tooth has a
problem or if there is an accumulation of deviations (usually caused by wear) in the teeth. Either
scenario introduces a speed fluctuation in the flyweight governor.
The first check is to determine if the worm wheel and worm gear are meshing at their centerlines.
Since the worm gear elevation is fixed, the elevation of the worm wheel can be changed by
adding or removing shims under it so that its center is located at the worm gear centerline. See
Figure 8-27. The centerline is midway between the maximum and minimum elevations that the
gear mesh will allow. If the as-found shim does not have the wheel on the center-line, use a
temporary shim to take a backlash check. If the backlash is not acceptable at the gear centerlines,
there is either deviation or wear that should be identified and evaluated. Backlash will be the
greatest with the gears at the centerline. Changing the elevation of the worm wheel centerline
reduces the clearance and thus the backlash. Intentionally setting the worm wheel off centerline
can be used as an interim/temporary fix to reduce backlash; however, it is recommended that
every effort be made to replace the gears while the unit is disassembled.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-27
Adjusting worm wheel elevation
The wheel has 31 teeth and the worm has 5 teeth; consequently, a complete backlash will have
155 measurements (see Figure 8-28). A ding or a single bad tooth is detected as a single-point
deviation from the norm. An off-center rotation or accumulation of teeth deviation in the wheel
can usually be determined with a single rotation of the wheel. By having five rotations, this
eliminates the possibility of a wheel deviation being in opposite phase as the worm for that set of
measurements. A deviation in the worm centerline rotation requires compiling a worm rotation
using the same wheel tooth, therefore, it requires five worm gear rotations to check worm wheel
tooth #1.
Figure 8-28
Checking gear backlash
The torque to rotate the worm and drive the flyweight governor should be minimum (just oil
viscous drag). When the governor table is reassembled to the front standard, perform a quick
check to ensure that no damage occurred during transportation and installation. Set the governor
table somewhere between 0.006" to 0.010" high to the turbine shaft to account for the rise at the
#1 bearing.
When the quill is installed, verify the orientation of the notches in the end to allow lubrication
through the bore of the quill to the rotor spur gear, and verify the quill float.
It has been formally reported that between 1970 and 1980, on the average, one control rotor per
year failed. These failures were due to cyclic bending imposed by the steady bearing to the shaft.
GE Maintenance
This cyclic bending eventually resulted in failure of the control rotor in service. These failures
resulted from an inability of the steady bearing to realign itself with normal shaft movements.
The specific causes of control rotor shaft failures and the necessary corrective actions are
covered in great detail in General Electric Company, GEK-72340A, “Recommendations for the
Prevention of Front Standard Control Rotor Shaft Failures.” GEK-72340A outlines a number of
control rotor checks that should be made prior to disassembly and recommends necessary
corrective actions that might have to be taken before continuing pump disassembly and at
GE’s TIL 927-3, dated May 12, 1981(with the same title as the above GE publication) also
makes reference to the problem. TIL 927-3 also addresses the use of lock washers rather than
lock plates on main shaft oil pump horizontal joint bolts. If locking the tabs is done too
aggressively, it might be possible to move the pump case slightly.
When opening the pump, measure and record opening (as-found) clearances on the appropriate
data sheets. Make a determination of any corrective actions for clearances that appear outside
specifications. These corrective actions may include new parts, remachining, or realignment of
the existing components as required.
Once the front standard has been opened for inspection, remove the HP rotor when the couplings
are broken and the bearings are opened.
Disassemble the main shaft oil pump (see Figure 8-29), which is always mounted in the front
standard, when the standard is opened for inspection, prior to removing the HP rotor or control
rotor. Measure all as-found clearances and record them on the appropriate data sheets.
Figure 8-29
Main shaft oil pump
GE Maintenance
Like anything else in the front standard, the main operating cylinder must be disassembled and
inspected during the turbine outage, if the front standard is being opened and inspected as part of
a unit maintenance outage (see Figure 8-30). Exercise caution during this lift due to the angle at
which the cylinder is mounted inside the standard. When the piston is lifted beyond the top of the
cylinder, it has a tendency to swing out of control toward the turbine if provisions (for example,
use of a tag line) are not made to maintain proper control.
Figure 8-30
Operating cylinder
The cylinder and piston usually develop axial scratches because the axis is not vertical. If the
scratches become deep enough, they can cause operational problems for the CVs and/or oil leaks
at the front standard. Minor scratches can be honed out using a box-type hone (a hone that does
not create a taper in the bore of the cylinder). Repair major scratches (those too deep to hone) by
either sleeving the cylinder, or welding and machining the scratches and then honing the cylinder
for the desired finish.
Purchase or manufacture new piston rings with the correct amount of ring gap (0.030" per inch
diameter) to fit the piston and the new diameter of the cylinder. New rings mounted on the
operating piston are shown in Figure 8-31.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-31
Piston with new rings
Depending on the size and vintage of the turbine you are overhauling, you may find the thrust
bearing and TWBD mounted in the front standard. See Figure 8-32.
GE Maintenance
Figure 8-32
Thrust bearing wear detector
Place a softener between the TBWD nozzle and the rotor to prevent any damage to the nozzle
during the lift. Lift the wear detector prior to removal of the upper half of the number one
After several years in operation, all MHC piston-cylinder assemblies contain some sludge, and
the clearances may decrease as the result of plating on cylinders and/or pistons. If the lube oil
was ever acidic, the stainless parts may be pitted. Clean and inspect all MHC components during
a major outage to prevent forced outages later.
GE Maintenance Lubrication
As you reassemble the governor assembly, use a general purpose grease on all the fittings. Check
all moving parts for excessive wear. Check that all cotter pins are properly bent, and all items are
properly secured. Keep the governor table assembly covered until the HP rotor is installed and
you are ready to install the governor.
With a few minor differences, assembling the front standard is the same as disassembling it, only
in reverse order. Add a sealing compound, such as Tite-Seal, to horizontal joints during
reassembly. It is preferable to apply the sealing compound to the upper half of the horizontal
joints so that nothing that might fall on the lower half of the joint becomes stuck to the surface.
A quick wiping of the lower joints just prior to contact with the upper half removes anything that
might have fallen on the joint while maneuvering the upper halves in place.
The number one journal bearing is a major item to be reinstalled. Ensure that the following two
checks are completed:
• Fit of the bearing ring to the pedestal
• Pinch or torque check
Install the lower half of the main lube oil pump, being careful to tighten the bolts evenly to
prevent cocking or even worse, breaking the pump mounting flanges. Make up the pipe flange by
pulling the bolts lightly and then torqueing the bolts at 1/3, 2/3, and final torque values, using the
prescribed bolt-tightening sequence.
After the rotor is installed and aligned, make a sling check (coupling alignment check) on three
bearing sets. Perform journal bearing twist and tilt checks to ensure a correct journal-to-bearing
Measure the thrust bearing components (stack check), assemble the thrust bearing, and take
bump checks (thrust checks). The bump check is performed by using a magnetic base indicator
that is set up to record the axial movement of the rotor. The rotor should be bumped back and
forth three or four times, and the movement of the indicator should equal the thrust stack check
within 0.002".
GE Maintenance
Record the lube oil pump as-left readings (closing clearances) on the appropriate inspection
form. Apply a light coat of sealing compound on the horizontal joint, and install the upper half.
After assembling the steady bearing, check the break-away force (as you did during
disassembly). The support bolts are lock wired, and the lock wire should not interfere with
bearing movement.
Install and align the speed governor assembly next, along with the quill shaft. After the speed
governor assembly is bolted and doweled to its stand, reconnect the linkage and tubing.
Referring to the tram measurements taken at disassembly, install the linkage. Secure the linkage
with lock nuts, and check the direction of the oil sprays.
8.3.4 Sensors
Mount and gap all small sensors to the control rotor. Gap speed pickups at 0.045" + .005". Gap
the eccentricity detector at 0.040". Because each unit’s setting is different, set the differential
expansion detector to gap according to the Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation section of the
OEM manual.
Secure all bolting inside the front standard with lock-plates, lock washers, or lock wire. Be sure
to check all locking carefully before closing the front standard. The lock-plates can be used twice
(once for each corner around the bolt), and they should have no cracks. Check sensor lead ends
for cleanliness prior to connecting.
8.3.5 Thrust Bearing Wear Detector (on units with the TBWD at the front
Bolt and dowel the TBWD with a gap of 0.188" at reassembly. Use a cardboard insert to prevent
damaging the snout during reassembly.
Set the overspeed trip finger to the emergency governor gap to 1/16"–1/64". Ensure that the trip
finger is still aligned to the emergency governor.
Recheck all bolt locking, and ensure that no high spots have been raised on the front standard
horizontal joint while it was apart or thus far during reassembly. File and/or stone off any high
spots. After the installation of all components in the front standard, clean the inside of the
standard of all foreign material in preparation for closing. As stated earlier, apply a light coat of
sealing compound on the upper half of the horizontal joint, especially inside the bolt circle.
GE Maintenance
With the front standard cover in the air, level it before attempting to set it in place. Remember
that on those MHC units so equipped, the main operating cylinder rod is sloped toward the
generator and protrudes through the front standard cover. With this arrangement, you must move
the cover forward as you lower it in place, and do not forget to replace the rod seal.
At the beginning of the disassembly process, the first two items disconnected were the vibration
detector and the shaft grounding device. These two items are also the last to be installed at
The vibration probe has a Teflon tip that rides on the journal. The probe is spring-
loaded/pretensioned 1/8" with a new tip to maintain contact. A stop, set at installation, prevents a
worn tip from allowing the metal holder to contact the journal.
CAUTION: On reassembly, it is important not to increase the spring loading because this could
cause journal damage.
Set the probe shaft to the engage mark on the rod. The shaft grounding device also has a spring-
loaded silver shoe contacting the rotor, with a stop to prevent excessive shoe wear from
damaging the rotor. With new shoes, the spring load is 1/8". When installing the device, match
the curved portion of the shoe to the curved portion of the rotor. Reconnect any other elements
through the cover that were disconnected for disassembly. Reconnect the operating rod to the
valve gear, making sure that the match marks on the pinion and the rack gears are aligned.
After completion of the assembly, the control system must be calibrated before the turbine can be
rolled on steam.
9.1 Introduction
The GE instruction book provides setting instruction that can be used with the information found
in the linkage diagram, control mechanism drawing, and specific assembly drawings. If you
apply the basic mechanical hydraulic amplifier principles and your knowledge of the controls’
purpose, you can compile the calibration work scope.
For example, here is a work outline and comments for a calibration following an outage.
1. Reset the unit.
2. Set the load limit (LL) to speed relay (SR).
3. Set SR to intercept valve relay (IVR).
4. Set IVR to intercept valve servomotor (IVSM).
5. Set IVSM to IV stem disc.
6. Set SR to secondary speed relay (SSR). Note: only larger units have an SSR.
7. Set SSR to cam rotation.
8. Set control valve servomotors (CVSM) to cam.
9. Set CVSM to CV stem disc.
10. Set stop valve bypass valve (SVBP).
11. Set limit switches and indications.
12. Test the motor drives.
13. Determine deadbands.
14. Determine incremental regulation.
On units with shell-mounted control valves, steps 6–9 can be replaced with the two steps listed
6. Set SR to control valve servomotor (CVSM).
7. Set CVSM to CV stem disc.
GE Calibration
Refer to Figure 9-1. This familiar graphic will be used to cover three basic rules that apply to
many MHC assemblies when you are making adjustments for troubleshooting.
Figure 9-1
Mechanical hydraulic assembly
Figure 9-1 shows the piston at half-stroke (Y is at 50%). In this position, the summing lever and
the feedback lever are horizontal, and the connecting links are all vertical, at right angles to the
levers. This is an important design feature of all MHC components, so when everything is as it
should be, the assembly looks like Figure 9-1. There is a theoretical and practical reason for this
The theoretical reason is that this design contributes to linear response. As the angles between
links and levers get farther away from 90%, a given travel at one end of a set of links does not
give quite the same travel at the other end of the set. Designing the 90° angle point at mid-stroke
reduces this source of nonlinearity.
GE Calibration
The practical reason is that there is often a space problem around the control parts. A great deal
of piping and hardware needs to fit into a crowded standard or enclosure. All this was designed
with the “levers horizontal or vertical at mid-stroke” rule in mind. If hardware is moved too far
away from this with adjustments or fixes later on, there is a risk of links and levers hitting other
components near the ends of their travel.
“Zero” adjustment means changing the position only of output compared to input. Suppose for
example, X (the input) was at 0.5 as shown, but Y (the output) was at 0.6. You would expect that
by moving X to 1.0 (full open), Y would go full open, and hit the open and stop. Moving X to
zero (full closed) would cause Y to move near closed, but it might or might not hit the bottom
stop. You would also expect to see the summer and the feedback levers not quite horizontal.
The correct first adjustment would be to shorten or lengthen one or more of the vertical rods to
put Y at 0.5 when X was at 0.5. This should also make the two levers horizontal.
One rule says that adjusting the vertical lengths will not affect the gain. That is, if a 0.1 move of
X caused a 0.5 move of Y before the adjustment, it will after the adjustment. Another way to
look at this is: if one takes measurements that prove a 0.1 movement of X results in a 0.1
movement of Y, full stroke should be realized by adjusting vertical rods only. This, of course, is
the kind of adjustment that is made to be sure that a steam valve is opening at the right time
(crack point) and will go through full stroke. If, however, this does not happen, corrections may
be required.
Still referring to Figure 9-1, what if the summing and feedback levers are horizontal at mid-
stroke, X goes through full stroke, but Y does not travel full stroke? In other words, a 10%
movement of X gives something other than a 10% travel of Y.
The problem here is that the gain of the mechanical hydraulic amplifier is not correct. Examine
the figure carefully. The gain is adjusted by changing the ratio of a to b on the summing lever or
c to d on the feedback lever, that is, by changing the position of the middle pivot on one, or both,
of the horizontal levers.
Very few gain adjustments are built into the MHC systems. The only one that is certain is the
regulation adjustment on the operating speed governor. This is because the designers can
calculate the gain quite accurately and position the pivots on the levers accordingly.
Note: If the gain is changed, it may change the zero adjustment as well. Always recheck the zero
adjustment after changing the gain.
GE Calibration
If it appears that a gain adjustment is needed where none is provided, be careful. It is likely that
one of the items listed below is the real problem:
• A lever was put in wrong (reversed), or the wrong lever was installed.
• Some kind of interference or sticking is stopping full stroke of Y.
• Something is bent or broken.
• Incorrect measurements were taken that led to this conclusion.
If the “Setting Instructions, Front Standard Control Mechanism” (SI-FSCM) are being used,
typically the first six steps are preparation for stroking the hydraulics. The instructions tell you to
verify that the front standard, oil tank, and valves are assembled and start the auxiliary oil pump
(AOP), which is the hydraulic power source for stroking valve actuators.
When operating the SR, it should be understood that this SR will drive the servomotors in the IV
and CV systems. If it is not intended for these valves to stroke, the valve servomotors must be
disconnected from the valve operating levers and stems.
To set the turbine controls, the first thing you will need to do (and it is not mentioned in the
Setting Instructions) is to latch up (reset) the front standard. See Figure 9-2, because emergency
trip system (ETS) pressure is required to operate the turbine control devices.
GE Calibration
Figure 9-2
Turbine controls
1. To reset the front standard, the mechanical trip solenoid (MTS) must be defeated. The
mechanical trip solenoid is energized to trip and de-energized to reset. Lifting the mechanical
trip solenoid terminations at the junction box will de-energize the MTS. Even if the MTS is
currently de-energized, always positively defeat this solenoid to protect against the MTS
being inadvertently energized while the control components are being worked on.
2. The vacuum trip also has to be reset. Some vacuum trip devices can be reset manually by
simply operating the reset lever; others are reset via a solenoid. If electrical or air power is
not available, the vacuum trip reset solenoid will not work. In this case, the vacuum trip can
be reset with a crowbar.
3. Use the test handles to latch the emergency trip valve.
GE Calibration
For most of the calibration, the load limit (LL) hand wheel will be the input mechanism, so it is
worth the time and effort, as a first step, to make sure that the load limit is functioning correctly.
The load limit hand-wheel, via the auxiliary pilot valve, positions the speed relay (SR).
1. The first consideration is that the initial pressure regulator (IPR) may be in a condition that
overrides the load limit to keep the CVs closed. This limiting condition will need to be
bypassed. Figure 2-1 illustrates one such linkage diagram with the initial pressure regulator
limiting the load limit. The H lever is a low-value gate arrangement with either the initial
pressure limiter (IPL) lever G or the load limit lever A positioning the SR. Set the IPL so that
it does not interfere with initial calibrations by disconnecting link <6>. See Figure 9-3.
Figure 9-3
Load limit to speed relay
GE Calibration
2. Determine that the load limit hand wheel overtravel is adequate. The Setting Instructions
covers this subject by specifying the load limit hand wheel overtravel. The load limit hand
wheel overtravel describes the number of hand wheel turns after the SR is at its bottom and
its top stops. Typically, this load limit hand wheel overtravel is described as:
a. 75% of the total hand wheel overtravel is to be available at the closed end (CE).
b. There should be at least 1/4 turn at the open end (OE), but no more than one turn.
c. Thus, applying the 75% total requirement, the minimum closed-end overtravel would be
3/4 turn and no more than three turns.
3. Mount a > 2" travel dial indicator (DI) on the SR (see Figure 2-1). This dial indicator setup
must be accurate and stable because it will be used throughout the calibration procedures. If a
>2" travel dial indicator is not available, then you must be careful when rezeroing a dial
indicator of less available travel. You will need to know the SR’s full bump-to-bump travel
that was obtained during inspection.
4. The “Setting Instructions” specify that link <1> should be used to adjust the load limit hand
wheel overtravel. As confirmation of the setting, however, you must ensure that levers B and
C (that connects the load limit to the SR) are level at mid-stroke of the SR. The SR stroke is
typically 2.125" (see the linkage diagram for the actual number). An adjustment to either link
<3> or <2> may be needed.
5. With the timing between the load limit and the SR set, the next step would be to check the
timing to the CV and the intercept valve (IV). The tendency is to proceed with the more
accessible CVs; however, you might want to do the IVs s first because they seem to have
more problems and are more difficult to access.
On larger machines, where the IVs are distant from the front standard, an IV transmitter (IVT) is
used to position the IVs. On most units, a transmitter is not used, and the valve positioning signal
is transmitted via mechanical linkage. This was described in Section 6.2.
1. For the transmitter/receiver, refer to Control Setting Curves in the OEM manual. The same
calibration information can also be found on the unit linkage diagram in Table 1 (see Table
9-1 as an example). The settings would be as indicated here (taken from Control Setting
a. The SR at 0.125" (from the bottom stop) will have the IVT at 0.00".
b. The SR traveling an additional 0.700" (0.825" total travel) will have the IVT at 2.00"
c. The SR traveling an additional 1.300" (2.125" total SR travel) will have the SR at the
OEOT position. The IVT does not follow, however, because it is limited by the dashpot
GE Calibration
Table 9-1
Speed relay settings for intercept valve transmitter
0.125" CEOT
2. See Figure 9-4. Set the IVT levers J, I, and M level at mid-stroke of the output piston by
using the first input link <11>; however, sometimes the most accessible link is used. Adjust
the linkage for crack point, with the SR at 0.125" (from the bottom stop). Then verify that the
IVT is full open with the SR at an additional 0.700" (0.825" from the bottom stop). If the
IVT open end is off, adjust lever J to change the gain between the SR and the IVT. When a
gain change is made, set the SR zero position.
Figure 9-4
Intercept valve transmitter
GE Calibration
On units with an IVT, there is a control pressure that is transmitted from the IV transmitter to
each IV receiver (IVR). See Figure 9-4 for a graphic illustration of the IVT, and see Figure 9-
5 for an example of the control settings graph.
Figure 9-5
Control settings
The initial spring compression determines the initial pressure and is adjusted to be 30 psig.
To provide the desired nonlinear lift relationship between the transmitter and the IV receiver,
the IVT uses a second spring. At approximately 1.4" lift of the IVT (see Control Setting
Curves for your unit), the second spring is engaged, and there is a significant increase in
pressure versus continued lift. This second spring causes the “knee” in the IV receiver curve.
There is an instrument connection location at each IV receiver so that this control pressure
signal can be measured.
Each IV receiver relay is set to lift just before 30 psig so that the bellows is up 0.015" at 30
psig. Adjust the links (not numbered) on the IV receiver summing lever so that at 30 psig, the
piston begins to stroke and is at full open lift of 1.5" at 130 psig. The available stroke from
the bellows must satisfy the fixed summing lever gain. This lever ratio is not provided on the
linkage diagram, and measurements should be taken during the inspection to supplement the
linkage diagram. By making the measurements of the levers, you can use the available
overtravel of the bellows to further define adjustments.
GE Calibration
3. The relationship between the CVs and IVs on a rapid demand to close is modified so that IVs
begin to close along with the CVs. This is extremely important for turbine overspeed
protection. The rapid closing sequence modification is a function of a dashpot in the SR-to-
IVT linkage at the pivot point for lever M (see Figure 9-4). When the SR is less than 0.825"
stroke (from the bottom stop), the M pivot is held on a fixed stop with spring force and acts a
fixed reference. At the <7> link side of lever M is a limiter that prevents that end of M from
going up when the SR strokes beyond 0.825"; thus, M compresses the pivot point dashpot.
Now as the SR total stroke exceeds 0.825" to stroke the CVs, the pilot valve overtravel is
staying constant, but the dashpot is compressed and filled with oil. If the SR slowly closes
the CVs, the dashpot spring forces the oil to drain through an orifice and returns to the fixed
stop, and at 0.825" SR total stroke, it then starts closing the IV. If the SR closes quickly (as in
a turbine overspeed), the filled dashpot hydraulically resists returning, acts as a pivot point
temporarily, and forces the IVT closed. The setting of the limiter has a very significant
impact on overspeed protection.
To set the IVT dashpot, operate the load limit (slowly) to put the IVT just at the full open
position. Now close down on the IVT test device until the IVT piston starts to close. At this
point, the IVs are just open. The IVs need to be properly back-seated. To do this, continue to
adjust the test device until the pilot valve is set in an open-end overtravel position by about
0.015–0.020". Since access to this pilot valve is difficult, the amount of overtravel at the test
spindle can be calculated using the lever ratios. Set the open end stop at this point.
4. This limiter (test device) is also used to test both IVs partially closed, with the maximum
open stop setting as the normal running position and the retractable pin stop setting as the IV
test stroke position. The test stop with a retractable pin allows the IVs to be fully closed for
shell prewarming. See Figure 9-6 for the IV receiver and IVSMs. Each IV receiver piston
strokes its intercept valve servomotor (IVSM). According to the IV setting instructions,
disconnect the tension turnbuckle rod (link <15>) to the IV disc. Using the load limiter, drive
the IV receiver until the IVSM is at mid-stroke. Now use link <16> to set the levers
GE Calibration
Figure 9-6
Receiver and servomotors
Accurately determine the IVSM closed stop. With link <15> disconnected, the IVSM can be
positively verified to be closed.
5. The IVSM zero setting is done by referring to the linkage diagram to find dimensions X and
T (see Figure 9-6). X is the elevated zero setting of the IV receiver piston at 0.15" so that the
IVSM will be at dimension T (1.06" on the sample linkage diagram).
The IVSM are usually in a very difficult place to access, and communications with the
personnel at the front standard can become hampered. Using your knowledge of the lever
ratios and the function of the mechanical hydraulic amplifiers can help. For example, you
GE Calibration
could disconnect link <16>, and position the IVSM by hand. The pilot valve null can then be
observed with a dial indicator. If you perform the lever ratio calculation for zero, this would
actually have the IV receiver at 0.035" with the IVSM at 0.000". Then adjust link <16> to
provide a calculated IV pilot valve CEOT (0.073") when the link <16> is reconnected.
6. Put the IV receiver piston through its full 1.5" stroke. The IVSM stroke should be no less
than the full stroke of the IVSM indicated on the linkage diagram (13.5"). This step verifies
that the IVSM stroke from closed to the maximum demanded from the IV receiver exceeds
the stroke from the seat to the back seat of the IV disc. Thus, the servomotor overtravel can
be determined, 13.5" – 11.6" = 1.9" total overtravel.
7. Now that the IVSM is verified to follow the IV receiver, the steam valve linkage can be
pinned. To accomplish this task, turn the hydraulics off, and reconnect rod <15> so that the
IV operating piston is at the T dimension from the closed-end stop (IV disc closed). With the
hydraulics off, however, it can be difficult to make up this physical connection. You cannot
push a valve disc harder into the seat to make up this connection or sledge hammer this pin
into position. By turning on the oil pumps, the control mechanic should carefully use the
hydraulic pressure to position the IVSM to slip this pin in. The quality of the thread
inspection for this turnbuckle will become obvious as the turnbuckle is adjusted to set the
desired cold CEOT for 1.06" of the connected IVSM.
8. Measure the connect stroke of the IV disc, and record the connected cold closed and open
relative measurement. Excessive stroke from seat to back seat must be addressed. If the
design has been compromised, the stem may not back seat. The closed end must not be
reduced since a portion will be lost to thermal offset.
Use the linkage and the principles of the MH amplifier to determine how much excessive
stroke of the IVSM exists when the IV disc is at either seat or back seat. This would be the
pilot valve overtravel lifts. Record the cold pilot valve overtravels.
The IV valve settings are not finished. The limit switch settings and valve tests must be verified;
however, this usually involves electricians or I&C techs, so you might want to wait until all
turbine limit switches and instrumentation is ready to check.
The IVT to IV receiver had a linear mechanical lever ratio from the SR to the IVT, but the
double spring of the transmitter provided a nonlinear pressure signal to the receiver to open the
IVs—gradually at first and then quickly, as speed decayed from a reheater blowdown overspeed
1. When the connection between the front standard and IV is levers and links, the lever ratio has
to provide this nonlinear relationship. The linkage from the SR to the IV relay (IVR) uses a
cam as a “link” to do so. The same SR to IVR timing is set so that 0.125" SR just lifts the
IVR using link <8> (see Figure 9-7). The adjustable cam adds to the enigma of this adjusting.
One method is to plot SR versus IVR and determine the two lines, and rotate the cam to
match the desired curve. Once the cam is set to provide the proper stroke, it is recommended
that marks be stamped for the initial roller contact at closed so to add future calibrations.
GE Calibration
Figure 9-7
Speed relay to the intercept valve relay
The IVR is connected through a series of levers, torque tubes and links from the front
standard to each IVSM, see Figure 9-8. From a visualization of setting, the levers and links
seem much easier, but the maintenance to ensure no loss motion and friction is much greater.
2. The IVR mid-stroke position is the setting that provides the mid-stroke of each IVSM. So by
placing the IVR at mid-stroke lift of 1½", the levers from the front standard down and across
to each IVSM can be made level, or at right angles to the links. If link adjustments are need
for the torque tubes across the pedestal, it might be advisable to disconnect links <16> (one
to each IV) so the IVSM are not violently stroked.
GE Calibration
Figure 9-8
Intercept valve relay to servomotors
3. Once the linkage from the front standard to each link <16> is acceptable, reconnect <16>.
The IVSM input at <16> sees no difference as whether it is being positioned by an IV
receiver or an IVR and the IVSM is set the same as described with IV receiver.
4. During setting of the timing between the IVR and the IVSM, the measurement of the IVSM
pilot valve should be used. This reduces the need to coordinate the operation of the load
limit, the SR, the IVR and IVSM lifts. Any discrepancy between actual total over travel and
calculated will be a measurement of the lost motion in the levers and links.
In this control system, the CVs are being controlled with the primary governor and the IVs are
being controlled with the second governor called the pre emergency governor. The primary
governor input from the speed load changer will allow it to control speed off line between 95%
and 107% and when online, position the CVs from closed to wide-open. The pre-emergency
governor is set to start to close the IVs at 102% rated speed and is not routinely adjustable. The
pre-emergency governor test hand-wheel, the equivalent of the primary governor speed load
changer, does provide for partially closing the IVs for testing and setting the closing speed higher
to allow testing of the emergency governor trip speed.
GE Calibration
Figure 9-9
Pre-emergency governor relay
Like the primary governor, the pre-emergency governor cannot position the pre-emergency
governor relay when turbine is below near rated speed. When the turbine is reset on turning gear,
the pre-emergency governor opens. Therefore to put the pre-emergency governor relay at mid-
stroke to check the levers from the front standard to each IVSM for right angles to links, a
jacking device is used to force the pre-emergency governor relay closed. The IVSM settings
would be the same. See Figure 9-9.
The maintenance for the linkage from the front standard to either the secondary SR or the IVSM
is just as important as any inspection of pilot valve or piston. During a recent inspection, to assist
with meeting schedule, turbine mechanics performed the inspection and repairs to these torque
tubes and links while the machinist rebuilt the front standard and local actuator linkage. The
machinist was assured the linkage was free and had no lost motion. When the machinist
performed the calibration, the condition of the linkage was poor. The hysteresis measurements of
the IVR showed several hundred pounds of friction, and the available total overtravel at the
IVSM pilot valves was marginal. To plant management and the operators, the system was
working acceptably. Later, the unit experienced a boiler leak, and during that forced outage, the
linkage was rebuilt, the friction reduced to a minimum, and the pilot valve overtravel was
GE Calibration
Setting the timing from the front standard SR to the CV hydraulic enclosure secondary speed
relay (SSR) is the first task. The example here is a unit that uses a control pressure signal from
the transmitter to the receiver to drive the SSR.
1. This setting is described in the “Setting Instructions.” The intent is to adjust the linkage on
top of the CV transmitter (links <7>, <8>, <11>, and <13>) to obtain the relationship
between the SR and CV transmitter piston in accordance with the linkage diagram. From
Table 1 of the linkage diagram (Table 9-2), the following representative data for setting are
obtained. This information is also found on the control setting curves diagram.
Table 9-2
Secondary speed relay settings
0.125" OEOT
1.500" 10.87" secondary speed relay stroke For secondary speed relay
0.500" CEOT
a. SR at 0.500" (from the bottom stop) represents SR travel to have the CV transmitter at
0.00" (this is where the CVSM starts to open).
b. SR at 1.500” (an additional 1.500" from effective zero or 2.0" from the bottom stop) will
have the CV transmitter at a 2" stroke, and the CVs would be full open.
c. SR at 2.125" (an additional 0.125" from the full open position) will have the SR at the
OEOT position.
The control pressure signal used to relay the desired travel is generated by a compression
spring that acts on the transmitter piston. The desired pressure at initial lift is set by the initial
spring compression. The pressure at CV transmission full open is determined by the spring
rate and is not adjustable. See Figure 9-10 for the CV transmitter/receiver.
GE Calibration
Figure 9-10
Control valve transmitter/receiver
Figure 9-11 illustrates the control settings graph for the CV transmitter, receiver, and
Figure 9-11
Control settings graph for an intercept valve
GE Calibration
2. Control pressure signal is converted back to piston travel by the CV receiver bellows acting
against a spring. The initial spring compression sets the desired pressure at initial lift. The
pressure at CV receiver full stroke is determined by the spring rate and is not adjustable.
a. The CV receiver at 0.00" will have the SSR at 0.00".
b. The CV receiver at 1.500" will have the SSR at 10.870" (full stroke on the example
To verify this, perform a lever ratio calculation, and determine if there is any overtravel
available. See Figure 9-12 and locate the feedback lever from the SSR to the pilot valve and
the input levers to the pilot valve from the CV receiver. Now, perform the lever ratio
calculation as seen here.
There should be 0.100" CV receiver extra stroke than what is required to stroke the SSR.
If the SR were connected to the SSR, the linkage would be set as follows:
– The SR at 0.500" will have the SSR at 0.000".
– The SR at 2.000" will have the SSR at 10.870".
Figure 9-12
Control valve receiver to secondary speed relay
GE Calibration
3. The rotation of the cam shaft needs to be timed to the SSR stroke. Normally, there is an
adjustment between the SSR piston and rack that sets the piston on the bottom cam at 0
degrees. Determine the cam at 0 degrees from the cam key or from a specified machined
Consult the control valve cam setting data table, which is usually found on the turbine control
mechanism diagram. For this unit, the CV cam setting data provided a very useful check to
verify that the cam is timed to the rack. See Figure 9-13. Notice that the CV #1 crack point
(0.073" stem lift) is given as a cam height of 1.017" with an SSR lift of 1.290". If the cam
rotation has any error with respect to the SSR, correct any reference to the SSR stroke for
setting the CV intercept points.
Figure 9-13
Control valve cam data
A hole in the enclosure just above the rack is used to insert a dowel rod so that the SSR
stroke measurements can be taken and used for CV curve plotting. It is recommended that
you take detailed data of each cam lift, as measured at cam follower lever, versus SSR travel
(or cam rotation). These data can be used in a simple spread sheet to show the effects on CV
curves when an adjustment is made.
It is recommended that a local method be developed to provide the input stroke for the SSR
so that a mechanic can operate and observe the SSR stroke on the inserted dowel rod.
4. Connected to the rack is an auxiliary rack that is external to the enclosure in order to activate
several air solenoids and limit switches. In addition to making sure that the switches activate
at the proper SSR position, set the switches to operate with minimum force against the cam
rotation. These switches can be a source of erratic CV response, even stalling the SSR. If a
switch is no longer being used, the switch arm should be removed.
Construct a table similar to the one in Table 9-3 that shows the switch state at the SSR closed
and open positions and the activation stroke. For example, given the ventilator valve (VV),
the limit switch contacts should be closed when the switch if off the cam, contacts open when
the switch is on the cam, and the contacts should change state at 1.0" travel of the SSR.
GE Calibration
Table 9-3
Sample table
5. Disconnect the CVSM from the CV stem linkage. Mark the piston on the bottom; you might
use the anti-rotation arm and guide to make a hacksaw scribe line. Also take a reference
measurement from the limit switch bracket to the cylinder head.
6. Set the CVSM at mid-design stroke by rotating the cam with the SSR (see Figure 9-14).
Observe and make linkage adjustments as needed to make the two levers level. The design
mid-stroke would be 7" for CVs #1, #2, and #3, but 6.375" for CV #4 (see Figure 9-14).
Figure 9-14
Secondary speed relay ratios
Given the lever ratios in Figure 9-14, the following might represent a detailed alignment
a. Put a level on lever A, and position the CVSM (using the SSR) until lever A is level.
Assume that the CVSM stroke was only 6.5". If you continue to lift the CVSM to a 7"
stroke, lever A will be high on the CVSM side.
b. Close the SSR and, thus, the CVSM. Pull the pin from link <1> at lever A, being careful
not to lift the pilot valve above the null position, and make link <1> 0.500" longer
c. Replace the pin at <1> A.
GE Calibration
d. Using the SSR, position the CVSM to verify that lever A is level at a 7" stroke.
e. Put the level on lever B.
f. Assume that B is high on the <2> side of lever B; adjust the SSR to lower the CVSM
until B is level. Note that the lift is now 6.250".
g. Close the SSR and close the CVSM. Pull the pin at <2>B, and make it 0.250" shorter
h. Replace the pin at <2>B.
i. Verify that A and B are level at a 7" stroke.
j. Assuming that you are taking measurements on CV#1, set the SSR lift to 1.290" for the
crack point. Verify that this cam rotation lifts the roller 1.017". If this SSR stroke did not
provide the correct cam rotation, then adjust the timing between the SSR and the rack.
k. With the cam at the crack point, the CVSM should be up 1.250" + (0.073” x 5) = 1.615".
l. Assuming that it is only 1.300", close the SSR and CVSM. Pull the pin at <3>B, and
adjust the link to be 0.105" shorter [(1.615"-1.300")/3]. Assuming that these are 5/8–18
NF threads, one and one-half turns on the turnbuckle would be 0.084", and two turns
would be 0.112". Thus the resolution of one-half turn at <3> will be about 0.084" at
CVSM. You may have to make a decision at this point. Consider the following:
– You could disturb the A level at mid-stroke if you wanted to compensate by adjusting
<1> slightly.
– If you were to adjust <3> one-half turn in excess and set the push rod for the exact
SSR to crack point relationship, then the total CV stroke would be 0.017" short
(0.084/5"). The expected CV stroke would be well within ± 0.010" or 0.5%
m. Connect the push rod.
n. Set the SSR to 1.290", and adjust the servomotor push rod for a 0.073" lift on the CV
7. Calculate the CVSM lift at the CV crack point, and mark the guide. This would be the sum of
the CEOT (1.250") plus the CV stem lift at the crack point (0.073" for CV#1) times the lever
ratio. From the CV cam setting data, the CVSM lift at the crack point would be 1.250 +
(0.073" x 5) = 1.615". Make a scribe line on the antirotation guide at the crack point lift. For
this unit, the cam height at the crack point was provided as 1.017". A machined "V" block
can be made to provide the crack point cam lift at the crack point and should be kept for
future adjustments.
8. Using the information provided in the CV cam setting data table (see Table 9-4), make an
SSR versus CVSM checklist.
GE Calibration
Table 9-4
Cam setting data
Set the SSR to lift for each valve crack point, and adjust the cam follower link to provide the
CVSM crack point lift. Verify that the intercept point lifts when setting the #3 and #4 crack
points. Remember a link adjustment is only a zero shift in the cam curve. The resolution of
an adjustment will be one-half turn of a NF thread times the lever ratio of (A x B).
Each CVSM is connected to an auxiliary rack and a cam that is external to the enclosure with
limit switches for open and closed.
9. The CVSM can be positioned to a CEOT lift of 1.250" to assist in inserting the connection
pin for the push rod. Once the CVSM enclosure has been set, there is no reason to think
about making adjustments there for the crack point and intercept point. The input link to the
CV will be the push rod, and that is where adjustments should be made.
Consequently, it is extremely important that the threads for the clevis and the lower ball cup
are in good condition. In the event that the push rod will not adjust, the tension rods could be
used. Position the SSR to the crack point stroke, verify that this puts the CVSM at the crack
point lift, and adjust the push rod to set the CV stem lift at the crack point.
10. Make an SSR versus CV checklist, and verify the valve settings (see Table 9-5).
GE Calibration
Table 9-5
Cam setting data
Stroke #1 #2 #3 #4
11. Once the crack point has been set, close the CVSMs, and observe that the actual closed initial
CVSM lift is less than the CEOT of 1.250". Record this value for reference. Properly
adjusted tension rods and push rods should have the upper levers level and the lower levers
closed at the same angle. Thus, a straightedge placed across all four levers would touch all of
them. However at full open, the lower arms will be at different heights due to different total
CV strokes. It is recommended that reference markers (colored tape works well) be placed on
the tension rods to indicate the closed and open position of the lower arm.
With the CVs closed, a permanent witness mark should be made on the lower arm so that a
measurement is made from the mark to the top of the enclosure with the unit running and the
CVSM stroke determined. This could be used for taking incremental regulation data and
determining the deadband of the system.
In comparison to the unit with CV transmitter and receiver, a unit with linkage from the front
standard to the CV enclosure is set to provide the same response. Although the linkage
interconnection appears easier, the linkage system does have its disadvantages. The first is that
the distance from the front standard SR and the CV enclosure SSR changes as the unit heats up.
Thus, there must be consideration for the links to swing and a method to compensate so that the
growth does not affect timing settings. The second is the maintenance of the pivot and rod end
bearings, which follows:
1. Using the lever diagram shown in Figure 9-15, place the SR at mid-travel of its 2.125"
stroke, and adjust the links from the bottom connection to make the levers level that go
through the front standard wall to lever F. The phase level at mid-stroke may need to be
approximate for the levers from the front standard to the CV enclosure, and link at right
angle to lever becomes the desired setting. This proceeds from lever F to lever R. It is
preferred and recommended that this system of levers and links be inspected, repaired, and
GE Calibration
then set during the outage when the governor table is removed. The level at mid-stroke
condition is established by holding lever R level and then working up from the enclosure to
the spring link <9>. With no SR, there is only the weight of the levers to deal with.
Figure 9-15
Control lever diagram
GE Calibration
2. The importance of using plant-specific instructions can become apparent if the person
performing the calibration tries to apply the rule of MHA setting level at mid-stroke after a
past calibration where they were not as particular. What should be observed from reading the
instructions and reviewing the graph is that the mid-stroke of the output (secondary speed
relay) does not occur at mid-stroke of the input (SR). The SSR is stroked with a SR travel of
0.500"–2.0" (an effective travel of 1.500"); thus, the SSR will be at its mid-stroke at 1.250"
total SR travel (0.750" effective).
3. Appling the rule for MHA, the 7" lever inside the enclosure would be made level when the
SSR was at mid-travel of its 10.870" stroke. If R is also level, the timing between the SR and
the SSR will be off from the desired graph. To correct for this discrepancy, the instructions
recommend adjusting link <10>, the link that goes through the pedestal.
4. It is possible to maintain the rule for setting a MHA by making the timing adjustment at link
<9> instead of <10>. When the table is installed and link <9> is connected, it would be good
to finalize the timing now prior to starting the lube oil system, taking a measurement,
hanging a clearance, and adjusting. The level at mid-stroke SR can be easily determined.
A little trigonometry could be applied to levers E, D, or F. Using the lever ratio given at F,
the mid-stroke SR travel at F would be 3.400". Using the 10" length of F, the angle at closed
for level at mid-stroke SR would be Tan-1 (3.400"/10) = 18.8º. For comparison, if you wanted
the levers level at mid-stroke SSR, the lift at F would be (1.250"/2.125") x 6.8 = 4", and the
angle of F would be 21.8º.
5. To check and adjust the timing between the SR and SSR, two dial indicators are needed.
Mount on the SR a dial indicator with a stroke > 2" and that is capable of measuring the
2.125" total stroke. A 1" or button dial indicator will be used at the SSR to see when it begins
to move. The desired timing is—with the SR up 0.500" from the bottom stop—the SSR
should just start to move. When determining the definition of when the SSR just starts to
move, the lever ratio is 7:1, so a 0.015" SSR lift corresponds to a 0.002" SR lift.
For example, assume a SR lift of 0.400" (from the bottom stop) is witnessed to be where the
SSR begins to lift. The timing is 0.100" off at the SR (the lift should be 0.500"). If link <9> is
to be used since it is a direct connection to the SR, it will be made 0.100" longer. If link <10>
is to be used, the lever ratio is 3:1, so link <10> would be made 0.320" longer.
6. Once the zero setting of 0.500" SR equals 0.0" SSR, the CV wide open setting should be
checked. Take the SR to a maximum lift of 2.125" (hard open), and the SSR should be hard
open. Measure the SSR total stroke as well as possible to ensure 10.870". Mount the dial
indicator on the SSR to determine when it first goes down from this hard open position. Now
reduce the SR position slowly until the SSR starts to close. The lever ratio should have this at
an SR lift of 2" (or 1.500" from zero effective).
7. A valuable test to determine the condition of the linkage from the SR to the SSR would be to
check the SR hysteresis. The first part would be to determine the hysteresis of just the SR, so
the link <10> at F is removed. This provides the SR spring constant and friction. When the
link <10> is connected and hysteresis is performed, the weight and the friction of the linkage
are determined with the available SR force margin to overcome deterioration in the linkage
GE Calibration
In the previous example, the SR was used to stroke the SSR, which rotated the cam shaft, which
stroked separate CS servomotors for each CV. These CVs were mounted separately in the steam
leads to the turbine. Another example would be the shell-mounted CVs. Here, the SR strokes one
CVSM (see Figure 9-16), which pushes several racks, the racks rotate the cams, and the cams
stroke the CVs.
Figure 9-16
Shell-mounted control valves
A lever with a cam follower is used to lift the CV stem. See Figure 9-17. The lever ratio and cam
profile are fixed. Follow these steps to set the control valves:
1. The cam-to-valve timing is set by setting the cam-to-roller clearance. Inside the cross head is
a link (lift pin) in a cup that is adjustable with respect to the lever. Thus, the cam-to-roller
clearance adjustment is a zero adjustment. The cam-to-roller clearance is given typically as
3/16". This is made with the cam at minimum radius dwell position. It is very important that
the minimum dwell position be verified because it could be possible that the setting of rods D
and E could have the cams rotated in the open direction. The cup is locked with double set
GE Calibration
screws that must be loosened before adjustment. Use a large flat-blade screwdriver to turn
the adjustment cup. Place a 3/16" shim between the roller and the minimum cam dwell radius
and adjust the cup until the roller is tight against the 3/16" shim.
Figure 9-17
Cam/roller setting
2. Check to verify that the cam-to-roller clearance is set correctly, and measure the total valve
lift of each. Compare these measurements with the design values. The total stroke is a
function of the total cam radius minus the crack point radius (3/16") times the follower arm
lever ratio. This is not applicable to the last valve on each camshaft because the design is not
to operate all valves on the open radius dwell position. By having the last valve still on a cam
slope, the CV spring applies a closing force to the CVSM in case oil pressure is lost to this
double-acting piston.
3. The knockdown pin is a setting between a pin on the stem and the lever; this pin serves two
purposes. One is to prevent the upper roller from contacting the cam when it is in the closed
dwell. The second and primary purpose is to establish a dimension so that if the CV stem
sticks and the cam rolls towards close, the roller will leave the cam. Not shown on the lever
diagram are hooks that engage with a pin through the cam that knock down the roller and
should knock the stem free to close. This gap is set at 3/64" when the cam-to-roller clearance
is 3/16".
GE Calibration
The one disadvantage of this arrangement is that the thermal growth of the turbine changes
the cold timing settings. Although making cold offsets is possible, verify the final hot
settings, and allow time for adjustments. The expected thermal offset is sometimes given on
the linkage diagram. For example, in Figure 9-18, it is given as the different CVSM strokes
for the #1 crack point; however, no information is provided for setting the offset between the
upper to lower rack. The only way to know this is to measure.
Figure 9-18
Control valve expansions
If you want to set shell-mounted CVs, the maintenance department must commit to freeing
and cleaning the adjustments. Refer to Figure 9-16. The cam timing is with the D and E rods;
consequently, the threads must be cleaned so that adjustments can be made. The D and E
rods are turnbuckles so they can be adjusted and set exactly as needed.
4. To set the timing between the CVSM and the two cams, the control diagram setting
instructions typically state:
a. Move the hydraulic piston to the closed end stop, and adjust rod D until the pointer on the
upper bearing bracket is in line with mark A on the pinion.
b. Move the hydraulic piston until the upper pointer is in line with mark B. Adjust rod E
until mark C on the lower pinion is in line with the pointer.
These are timing witness marks. Mark A is the closed mark to adjust the D rod between the
CVSM and the upper cam. The B to C mark is a 60% open position to adjust the E rod
between the upper and lower cams. If the pointers are correct, the crack-point-to-intercept-
point relationship will be correct (as shown in Table 9-6).
GE Calibration
Table 9-6
Crack point to intercept point relationship
Valve No. Total Stem Lift Valve Stem Lift (Turbine Hot)
Note: The roller does not reach the top of cams 5 and 6.
If the pointers are off, adjust the E rod to time the upper to lower cam, and correct the crack-
point-to-intercept-point relationship. Then adjust the D rod to set the #1 crack point “hot.”
Now set the upper and lower pointers so you can use them to make hot adjustments.
The cold versus hot values provided on the linkage diagram are the expected thermal offset.
The D rod can be adjusted to provide the #1 crack point “cold”. Unfortunately, there is no
expected thermal offset provided for the E rod. Thus, the CVs are set in a cold condition for
the timing they need to be at when the unit is running.
5. After the unit has been in service and shell expansion is near normal growth, then repeat the
cam to roller settings and the D and E adjustment. A good opportunity is during the
emergency governor test. If the pointers have been set, adjust the D rod with the CVSM
closed so that upper A mark lines up. Then open the CVSM to about 60%, and precisely set
the upper B mark to the pointer. Go underneath and adjust the E rod until the lower C mark
lines up.
The A, B, C method can be greatly expanded by mounting two degree wheels on each cam
shaft. By setting each degree wheel to indicate cam zero, you can observe the amount of
offset between the upper to lower valves at any time. If a turbine cold condition should be
observed following a hot timing, record the actual offset for each cam shaft for future valve
inspections. For example, the cold settings could be upper rack at 21 degrees and lower at 14
degrees cold.
There are typically no instructions for a stop valve bypass (SVBP) valve mechanism. The
mechanism drawing notes, however, should provide guidance (see Figure 9-19) for following
this procedure:
1. Mount a dial indicator on the limit switch arm and on the pilot valve.
2. With the valve tripped, zero the dial indicator mounted on the limit switch arm.
GE Calibration
3. Reset and open the hand wheel until the stop valve (SV) opens as seen on dial indicator. This
means that the pilot valve is just below null (admitting oil to the power actuator).
4. With the pilot valve near null, set the dial indicator (mounted on the pilot valve) to half travel
so measurement can be indicated in either direction. In this position, re-zero the pilot valve
dial indicator.
5. Return the hand wheel to the closed position. Set the pilot valve up 0.062" (in the closing
direction) with the lower stop (see the mechanism drawing notes for this setting value).
6. Adjust the gap in the breakdown link for 3/8" (see the mechanism drawing notes for this
setting value). This should put the SV crack point of 0.062" stem lift very near seven turns on
the hand wheel.
7. Open the hand wheel six turns, and fine-adjust the breakdown link to lift the actuator
<0.562". The 0.562" is because the dial indicator is on the limit switch arm, and the actuator
lifts 0.500" before lifting the stem. The 0.062" is typical travel of the stem before the bypass
valve cracks.
8. Open the hand wheel fully, and set the pilot valve down 0.120" with the upper stop. This puts
the pilot valve in a slight overtravel position in the opening direction.
GE Calibration
Figure 9-19
Stop valve bypass mechanism
This is the time to involve the electricians and I&C techs. Many of the problems experienced
over the years are the result of the inaccurate setting of indication devices following the
mechanical setting of the controls. Therefore, the mechanic should observe and assist the setting
of the indication devices. When developing plant-specific procedures, be sure that the setting is
based upon the observation of the component being monitored. For example, one station’s I&C
department would spend days trying to set the SVBV indications while observing the SV
GE Calibration
Figure 9-20
Limit switch (LVDT) settings
GE Calibration
To review, the MHC linkage has been set to provide the proper zero and full strokes of the
turbine valves. The indication devices have been set, and it has been verified that they do not
interfere with the valve performance. Therefore, it might seem to the mechanics responsible for
calibration that the controls work is finished; however, there are still several things not though of
as being part of stroking valves that can make the controls erratic and problematic.
The operator’s interface with the running unit will be through several motor drives. It should be
verified that these drives run in the direction requested; the speed at which they run becomes the
response of the unit.
A good example of this issue is the SVBP motor drives. To synchronize the unit on-line, very
small changes to the SVBP valve must be made to control steam flow. To make these changes,
the SVBP motor drive has two speeds, normal and slow. For units where the SVBP changes were
erratic, thus taking a long time to synchronize, the slow speed of the motor drive may be
Table 9-7 is an example of the as-left documentation of the SVBP motor drive speeds
Table 9-7
SVBP motor drive speeds
The most used motor drive and the one with the most significant input into the MH controls is
the speed load changer (SLC). The speed of the SLC is a very significant part of coordinated
control stability. To measure the magnitude and repeatability of a load change, attach a large
degree wheel to the SLC spindle.
You can determine the motor’s running RPM by knowing that the gear ratio to the spindle is
1500:1; thus, for an SLC to make one revolution in 22.5 seconds, the motor speed would be 4000
rpm. SLC characteristics, such as motor inertia coast, are a large part of the motor wiring control
arrangement. It is possible to have circuits with dynamic braking, which makes changes more
repeatable. Changing the motor a few hundred rpm can make significant differences in
repeatability. Document the SLC speed, and verify that it agrees with past values that were
The expected SLC rotation is 650 degrees for full load. Measuring the change in rotation can
help analyze and eliminate coordinated control complaints. For example, on a 600 MW the boiler
tuner complained the MHC was inaccurate since he was getting 20 MWs per change. After
measuring the SLC rotation at 20–30 degrees per coordinated control change, the expected MW
GE Calibration
change for this amount of rotation was calculated as 25/650 X 600 = 23 MWs; the MHC system
was providing exactly what it was supposed to. A station-coordinated control pulse constant was
the problem.
Following the calibration, a deadband test should be performed. The majority of the system can
be tested from the SR to the CV stems. A deadband test is simply setting a CV near the top of its
lift, slowly reducing the SR in several 0.005" increments, and recording the CV stem lift change.
Slowly increase the SR using the same 0.005" increments, and determine the hysteresis in the
CV stem lift.
The deadband testing can be expanded to hysteresis testing the relays. This would be a plot of
position versus pressure under the relay as the relay is increased and then as it is decreased. The
friction in the relay would be the difference in pressure at a given lift. A hysteresis test of the
SSR would also show the force margin available.
When the unit is running, perform the deadband test with the SLC by rotating it in 5º increments.
Using the linkage diagram to note which links and levers have been adjusted to the proper
dimensions, you will see that three levers related to the rotating pilot valve (RPV) and SLC have
not been addressed. Changing the setting of these three levers in any way that affects the position
of lever F by more than 1/4" completely disables the function of the governor. Prior to an
inspection, determine the relationship between the RPV and its bushing (RPVB) attached to lever
F and restore this relationship after the inspection.
Even as little as a 0.060" change in the position of F must be corrected for the turbine to run
correctly. This is re-establishing the high and low speed stops (HSS and LSS). The setting of
these stops is performed during the off-line emergency governor (EG) testing. Because the
turbine will be on-line for at least 4 hours (and sometimes longer) prior to EG testing, check and
adjust the setting of the HSS and LSS before the testing. A change in the position of F could
result in the pre-inspection HSS limiting the CV opening so that full load in partial arc could not
be reached. If in the opposite direction, it may not be possible to take the unit to reverse power
with the CVs.
If you know the governor relationship of speed and load, you can verify the HSS while the unit is
synchronized on the SVBP. The HSS is set at one-half turn of the SLC position that has the CVs
100% open. The LSS is then set four and one-half turns from the HSS. The setting of these stops
should be performed at speed, but the above procedure will have the SLC so that it will have
sufficient load and speed range.
If the MHC system is in good condition, a plot of the SLC will be a straight line with the SSR,
and CV stem lifts will duplicate the CV curves. While this proves that the maintenance program
has achieved its objective, there still might be a problem for operations. The CV cams are
supposed to make the steam flow linear so that when the operators change the SLC, they get the
same MWs no matter what the load range.
GE Calibration
Although collecting data does not provide an immediate remedy, it quantifies the magnitude of
the problem and provides information for the design and manufacturing of a new set of cams,
should this be required. Figure 9-21 shows the results of such a collection of data. The graph’s x-
axis is the rotation of the SLC, the left is the percentage of full load (in MWs), and the right is
the incremental regulation (IR)
IR is the slope change of the %MW line and would be a correction factor to modify the expected
MW change. For example if a load change is supposed to be 4 MWs, if the IR were 2, then the
actual MW per change would be 4/2 = 2 MWs. If operating in a region where the IR is 0.2, the
actual bump would be 4/0.2 = 20 MWs. Figure 9-21 shows that midrange operation would be
Figure 9-21
Rotation of SLC vs. Megawatt load
“Safety First” is a rule to be followed by everyone. Your company’s safety rules must be
followed; they were carefully thought out with the company’s particular situation in mind. Even
more important is the right mental attitude.
Certain safety ideas are especially important for those working on MHC controls. These ideas
also fit into the larger picture of company rules and a safety-minded attitude:
• Use the regular clearance procedure faithfully. This procedure is sometimes frustrating to
those trying to get a job done on the controls under time pressure, and there is a temptation to
take short cuts. Do not be tempted to shortcut.
• Do not continue to run a unit if there is any doubt regarding the functioning of both lines of
defense against overspeed.
• As a general rule, the generator breaker should not intentionally be opened when the unit is
carrying load. Never allow it to be opened intentionally if there is any suspicion of stuck
valves or control system trouble.
• Stay clear of all control system moving parts when the hydraulic oil pressure is on or about to
be turned on, and keep everyone else away. If the system is not tagged out, treat it as if the
components can move at any time. Very fast, powerful, unexpected movements are a serious
• Never disconnect or connect an MHC mechanical joint, link, etc., when the hydraulic
pressure is on. Even when it is off, spring tension, bearing header oil pressure, or simply a
head of standing oil could provide enough force to be dangerous. Be sure there is no
“tension” on the connection when you separate it, and be alert for sudden movements.
• Avoid making disconnections in the feedback linkage between a hydraulic cylinder and the
pilot valve. The loss of feedback with oil under pressure could cause violent and powerful
• Many MHC system components and practically all steam valves have powerful springs in
them. Be sure that you understand and follow the correct procedures when disassembling any
spring-loaded device.
• Never leave a test pressure gauge in the system unless it is inside the guarded drain system.
GE Troubleshooting
• Fire prevention should be a high priority for everyone, and plans for responding to a fire
should be part of work planning any time, whether the unit is on-line or off-line.
• Environmental protection should be in place to contain possible oil spills
All too often if you are troubleshooting a MHC problem, you are probably on the critical path,
and pressure is severe (not on the unit, but on you). It is exceedingly important that you do not
get let your focus become too narrow. These comments are intended to help focus your way out
of the problems:
1. Stay cool and think your way through the problem. There is nothing mysterious about MHC
systems. There is a logical reason for everything and a solution to all problems. Consult the
OEM manual, think before you act, and avoid guessing. Stay with it, and the problem can be
2. Safety first! The MHAs are fast-acting, powerful equipment that can do serious damage. See
the special list of safety rules in Section 10.1.
3. Problems seldom solve themselves. Never ignore signs of trouble.
4. Be sure that you have all the “evidence” and that it is correct. You must understand the
problem before it can be solved. Things are not always what they seem or as you first hear
about them.
5. Will the “problem” repeat? Is it still here? If possible, see if the alarm or device will reset or
operate correctly now before you do anything further. Of course, if it does, there is most
likely still a problem (see item 3 above).
6. Study the instruction book, control diagram, block diagram, lever diagram, and so on.
Consider past history. Be sure you know how this device is supposed to work and how it can
be adjusted. Remember the “levers level and perpendicular at mid-stroke” general rule.
7. Look for a change. Did this device work correctly before? Are you sure? When was that?
What could be different now? If there is a problem now and there was none before,
something has changed, and you must define that change.
8. Up to now, you probably should have done very little or no disassembly, adjustment, etc. If
you have come this far and (a) understand how this device should work, (b) understand what
it is (or is not) doing that is wrong, (c) do not know what the cause and cure are, then it is
probably time to start troubleshooting.
9. What is in control? In other words, for example, if the control valve response is an issue,
what is controlling the control valve position? Is it the load limit, the initial pressure
regulator, or the speed governor? A classic example of not knowing what component is in
control is thinking that the valves were not responding because the speed governor was
controlling, but actually, the load limit was controlling.
10. If the problem seems to be a specific component, a good first step is to check the inputs to
that device. When your car will not start, you usually check the three main inputs first: fuel,
spark, and air. Start with the obvious.
GE Troubleshooting
Most MHC components have at least one oil pressure input and one mechanical motion
input. Usually, the mechanical motion inputs are easiest to check, so start here. Disconnect an
input link or joint, set up dial indicators (or whatever you need) to measure, start the oil
pump, and do whatever is necessary to “work” the input mechanical signal.
Caution: Remember the safety rules about disconnecting links and starting pumps.
The mechanical motion input must go through full travel and have enough force; evidence of
sticking or jerking should not be present. To check oil pressure inputs, you must prove that
they are on and off when required and that the on pressure is correct. Remember that there
must not be air in the oil. Air is a problem that must be fixed before proceeding.
11. In this way, work backward until you find the component or device that has all the inputs
correct and an incorrect output. Clearly, the problem is within this component. Disassembly
and inspection of the problem component is usually next.
12. The causes of most MHC problems usually come down to a few simple things:
– Sticking or binding caused by rust, dirt, galling, misalignment, tight clearance, paint
(where it should not be), bits of Teflon tape, etc.
– Excessive friction that includes frozen linkage/pins, galling/scoring, improper lubrication,
a worn SSR rack and cam pinion, and not using properly fitted shoulder bolts.
– Too much play or clearance caused by wear, incorrect assembly, loose bolts, poor
adjustment, etc. Includes worn linkage, worn pins, worn bushings, loose hiem joint rod
ends, worn bearings, loose fits, loose or worn keyways, worn rack and pinion, and not
using properly fitted shoulder bolts.
– Not enough oil flow or pressure caused by leaks, incorrect assembly, or blocked flow
passages (rags, dirt, Teflon tape, etc.).
– Mechanical damage that includes parts bent, broken, cracked, etc.
– Incorrect adjustment. Be careful here. Things do not often get out of adjustment by
themselves. Do not be fooled into making an adjustment to cure a problem that is really
something else. What might be thought to be incorrect adjustment could be any of the
others in this list or pilot valve wear, wear of the rotating pilot valve cup and strut pin (in
the governor), and contaminated oil.
– Air in the oil. Entrained air makes system controls erratic and unrepeatable.
– Interference. A device cannot move through full travel because it is hitting something.
– Change in requirements. In the 1960s an MHC system was thought to be very accurate
and responsive. It is equally accurate and responsive today (assuming that it has been
properly cared for), but in most plants, the definition and requirements for accuracy have
changed. Consequently, the cams could be the source of problems today as well as the
speed load changer and MSVBV motor drive.
When you think you have solved the problem, check the final operation of all of the involved
parts of the system as completely as you can. There might have been more than one difficulty.
GE Troubleshooting
10.3 Examples
a. Yes. You know that the problem is related to the speed governor’s input to the SR. What
is the frequency of the oscillation? If the frequency is 581 rpm, see Section 10.4.
b. No. You know that the speed governor is not the cause. The problem is in the SR or
downstream to the CVs.
3. Does the problem occur at this load only?
a. Yes. The problem could be due to a cylinder wall or valve stem sticking. It could also be
due to the cam surface and/or design.
b. No. The problem may be associated with the integrity of the linkages, connections, and
the pilot valve.
For a properly vented MHA to oscillate requires both loose motion (and spring) and friction.
Neither alone will cause an oscillation.
10.3.2 The Control Valves Will Not Open After Resetting the Turbine.
a. No. the issue might be due to the trip/reset mechanisms. Consider the state of the
mechanical trip solenoid or the vacuum trip. Observe the linkage movement in the dry
pocket for correctness.
b. Yes. Maybe the latching mechanism for the load limit failed to latch.
– If it failed, then investigate and fix it.
– If it latched, the problem could relate to the oil supply. Is this following an outage? If
yes, investigate the work performed in this area. If no, trace the oil supply back from
latching mechanism.
GE Troubleshooting
10.3.3 When the Operator Asks for More Load, the Unit Either Does Not Respond
or Overshoots.
a. If the problem always occurs at the same load, the problem could be a result of a change
in friction due to servomotor travel, stem travel, speed relay travel, etc.
b. If the load is not a variable, it might be due to the SLC drive mechanism. Investigate the
SLC motor drive (see Section 9).
10.3.4 The “Reset” Indications Do Not Return Following a Turbine Oil Trip Test
and Reset.
10.3.5 The Turbine Speed Increases When Conducting an Off-Line Overspeed Trip
GE Troubleshooting
10.3.7 Problems Are Due to Boiler Controls Driving the SLC or Deadband Between
the SLC and the CV Response.
The calibration and performance of the MHC system is simple math and geometry. If output
does not equal input times the gain, then you forgot something. A related example is a unit that
“lost” CV stem lift following an outage. After years of speculation, failed attempts to adjust, and
CV inspections to get the stroke back by all known local experts, a measurement of the lever
GE Troubleshooting
ratios and the height of the new cams installed during that outage showed that the CV was
opening as far as the incorrectly machined cam called for. Not being able to identify and correct
this problem cost this base-loaded plant approximately 1% loss from full load for over five years
10.4.1 Definition
Governor bobble is defined as small vertical oscillations seen on the RPV. These oscillations
occur usually at 581 cycles per minute (the rotating speed of the speed governor). It is one of the
more common MHC system maintenance problems.
Governor bobble starts to become a problem typically when the movement exceeds 0.003".
Amplitudes of 0.015" at the input arm of the control valve hydraulic enclosure indicate a definite
need for corrective action.
10.4.2 Causes
For a basically good governor with small pilot valve oscillations, the input arm of the control
valve hydraulic enclose could be showing high levels of vibration due to one of these reasons:
• The friction of the SR could be so low that with a small pressure fluctuation from the RPV,
the SR would bobble.
• Clearance in the control valve linkage could be amplifying small oscillations of the governor
into appreciable movements at the CVs.
GE Troubleshooting
c. RPV pivot point, strut pin cup and pivot point, and governor weight cup
4. Check the backlash between the governor drive worm and the worm wheel. This should be
0.006"–0.013" as measured at the pitch line of each wheel tooth. Also important is the
amount of backlash, which should be uniform for all wheel teeth. Blue check the wheel teeth
for proper contact and proper wheel elevation.
5. Check the alignment of the governor bracket to the stub shaft.
6. Check all design clearance in accordance with these guidelines.
7. Check shaft grounding brushes periodically to determine that they have not worn out.
GE Troubleshooting
In many cases, the problem is related to improper motion transfer between the worm and worm
wheel. Listed below are some corrective actions taken in the past:
• Replace the bronze worm wheel only. Replacement of the steel worm is rarely needed.
• Replace worn bearings of the worm and worm wheel. If they are not within tolerance,
considerable improvement may be realized by taking this action.
Other fixes used to correct the basic cause of bobble are listed below:
• Replace a worn RPV and bushing. Rounded lands decrease the effective overlap of the
bushing-pilot valve combination, making the governor more sensitive.
• Eliminate looseness in feedback linkage.
• Reduce the thrust clearance of the vertical shaft.
• Realign the governor bracket to the stub shaft.
• Eliminate excessive looseness in the CV linkage.
11.1 Introduction
The purpose of the steam turbine is to convert the steam thermal energy to mechanical
(rotational) energy to drive the generator. That steam thermal energy enters the high-pressure
(HP) turbine through the throttle and governing valves as seen in Figure 11-1. The throttle valve
provides an emergency shutoff of steam flow from the superheat section of the boiler to the HP
turbine. The governing valve regulates the amount of steam flow through the turbine during
normal operations. The governing valves, therefore, maintain turbine speed when the generator is
off-line and determine the turbine load when on-line. The throttle valves and governing valves
each have their own servomotor for positioning of the valves. Notice that the input to the throttle
valve servomotor is via the protective devices listed below. This is auto-stop oil, which is used
for emergency shutdown of the turbine.
The governing valve servomotor receives input from the governing devices. The servomotor,
therefore, is positioned by the load limit valve, main governor, or throttle pressure regulator;
whichever is calling for the most closed valves.
Steam flow exhausting from the high-pressure turbine passes through the reheat section of the
steam generator, where the steam is reheated to inlet steam temperatures. Steam flow from the
reheater to the immediate-pressure (IP) turbine is regulated by two other series valves. The first
is the reheat stop valve (RSV). The RSV receives input from the same protective devices that
input the throttle valve. The RSV shuts off steam flow from the reheat section of the boiler to the
IP turbine in an emergency. The RSV is either open or closed, nothing in between.
The second reheat valve is the interceptor valve (IV). The IV receives input from the governor
devices as did the governing valves. In this case, however, the IVs do not regularly throttle steam
flow; they are normally open. They close only in an overspeed and that is in recognition of the
vast amount of energy that exists downstream from the governing valves in the HP turbine,
steam piping, and the reheat section of the boiler. In recovery from an overspeed (assuming that
the unit has not tripped), the IVs will open before the governing valves and control speed while
blowing down this trapped thermal steam energy. Once there is no more steam ahead of the IVs,
the turbine speed will continue to decay, and control will be relinquished to the governing
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Figure 11-1
Turbine control system – functional diagram
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Governing control oil pressure is used to determine governing valve and IV position. There are
three controlling signals that can determine this governing control oil pressure. These signals are
illustrated in Figure 11-2 and are from the load limit valve, the governor, or the throttle pressure
regulator. Oil pressure is supplied from the main oil pump via an orifice. The three controllers
are connected to this same header with check valves so that the controlling signal is the one
calling for the lowest governing control oil pressure.
The fourth and final device connected to this governing control oil pressure header is the
auxiliary governor, shown in Figure 11-2. The auxiliary governor has no control function, but
simply dumps the oil pressure through a drain if the turbine speed exceeds some set point.
Figure 11-2
Governing control oil
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
The governing control oil pressure is transmitted to the governing valve and IV as a position
demand signal. Figure 11-3 illustrates how the governing valve and IV respond to this demand.
Figure 11-3
Governing control oil pressure
The figure is a plot of valve position versus the governing control oil pressure. Notice that, as the
control oil pressure is increased, the IV opens first at about 15 psig and is full open at 26 psig.
The governing valve begins to open at 20 psig and is full open at 45 psig. (Note: Every unit has a
controls setting drawing; always refer to that drawing when setting controls).
All turbine controls are operated hydraulically. The control system uses the 350-psig oil supplied
by the turbine-driven main oil pump, which is referred to as HP oil in many of the drawings. The
350-psig pressure is used to obtain the necessary force to actuate the servomotor pistons. This
same 350-psig pressure line contains an orifice and is regulated by various controllers to obtain
lower pressures necessary to regulate the position of the servomotors. See Figure 11-4.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Figure 11-4
Developing control oil pressure
Notice that the HP oil is provided to the header via an orifice. Connected to this header via check
valves (a dump valve for one) are (from left to right) the governor and speed changer, the
auxiliary governor, the load limit valve, and the throttle pressure regulator. As stated earlier, the
control device asking for the least governing control oil pressure controls.
The governor impeller oil pressure is typically 30 psig at rated turbine speed. This pressure is
applied to bellows sensing devices for the governor and speed changer and for the auxiliary
governor. An upward force is applied on the summing lever for each of these two devices. This
force is dependent upon turbine speed (governor impeller oil pressure). In each of these two
cases, the opposing downward force is determined by a pre-loaded spring. The demanded oil
pressure is a function of the sum of these two forces.
The throttle pressure regulator has as inputs a manual set point (spring force) and throttle
pressure in a Bourdon tube that provides an opposing force. Again, the sum of these two forces
results in a throttle pressure regulator header pressure.
The load limit valve manually sets a header pressure for comparison to the control oil pressure
Figure 11-5 shows a drawing of what is called the “control block”. This drawing is similar to
Figure 11-4 with a little more detail included.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Figure 11-5
Control block
Locate the oil line labeled as Control Oil to Servomotors. This oil pressure is normally set by the
governor by positioning the cup valve that is connected to the summing lever. One input to this
summing lever is the hand wheel or motor-operated threaded rod pushing downward. Impeller
oil pressure is applied to the bellows assembly, creating an upward force. The difference in these
two forces determines how much the cup valve is lifted and, therefore, the control oil pressure.
The load limit valve is shown on the left, and its cup valve is normally seated.
To the right are the auxiliary governor and the corresponding dump valve. The dump valve is
also seated, relinquishing control of the control oil pressure header to the governor.
If there is a rise in turbine speed, the governor impeller oil pressure increases. This puts a greater
upward force on the bellows assembly, lifting the summing lever. The cup valve rises and drains
oil from the governor control oil header. Note: As the summing lever is lifted, it compresses the
speed changer spring creating a downward force that counters the increase in oil pressure
beneath the bellows. Equilibrium is achieved.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
In the meantime, the governor control oil header pressure has decreased, and the governing
valves close in response. How much the governing valves close depends upon the amount of
speed change, the exposed surface area of the bellows, and the spring constants. All components
are usually sized so that a 1% increase in turbine speed (from rated) results in the governing
valves traveling 16%–20% in the closing direction (5%–6% speed regulation, or droop).
11.4 Protective Devices - Low Vacuum, Low Bearing Oil Pressure, Thrust
Bearing, and Solenoid Operated Trips
In addition to the overspeed trip mechanism, the turbine is provided with safeguards against
various possible contingencies that might cause injury to the unit if it were not promptly taken
out of service. These protective devices include a low vacuum tripping device, a low bearing oil
pressure trip, a thrust bearing trip, and a remote-controlled solenoid-actuated trip. These devices
operate independently and are arranged to actuate the overspeed trip valve. The trip device body
is mounted on the bearing pedestal base and enclosed in the cover (see Figure 11-6). The piping
necessary for the operation of these devices is mounted in the bearing pedestal.
Figure 11-6
Protective devices
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
The protective devices (seen in the upper-left corner of Figure 11-6) consist of three spring-
loaded diaphragms, each clamped on its outer edge between the body and a diaphragm flange.
Each diaphragm is clamped in the center between a retainer and a plate. Any motion of the
diaphragm due to a change in pressure acting on the lower side of the diaphragm is transmitted
through its trip rod and trip rod seat to the operating plate that pivots on the pin that is mounted
in the support. The support is bolted and attached with a dowel to the body.
The trip valve is connected to the operating plate through a link so that counterclockwise rotation
of the operating plate raises the trip valve, thus releasing the pressure in the chamber above the
overspeed trip valve to drain. Release of this pressure allows the overspeed trip valve to open,
releasing the auto-stop oil to drain and shutting down the turbine.
This mechanism consists of an eccentric weight mounted in the end of the turbine shaft. The
weight is balanced in position by an opposing spring until the turbine speed reaches about 111%
rated. At this speed, centrifugal force overcomes the spring, and the weight flies out, striking a
trigger that trips the overspeed trip valve. This trip action then releases the auto-stop pressure to
The auto-stop pressure is connected to the governing emergency trip valve that released the
control oil pressure. Therefore, all valves capable of admitting steam into the turbine close. An
air pilot valve is used to operate the extraction nonreturn valves. This air pilot valve is also
triggered from the auto-stop pressure.
Provision is made for testing the overspeed trip mechanism without actually overspeeding the
turbine. The operator pulls and holds the test handle shown to the right of the overspeed trip
mechanism in Figure 11-6. This pulls the pilot valve into the test position that shuts off the oil
supplied to the bottom of the pilot valve from the oil being supplied to the top of the pilot valve.
Next, the operator opens the oil trip valve, admitting oil into the overspeed trip ring. This oil
pressure pushes the weight out at a turbine speed less than rated. The weight strikes the trip
finger, which moves the trip cup valve to the right. This action drains oil from the top of the
auto-stop oil mechanism through an orifice. The supply side orifice, however, supplies make-up
oil faster than the trip cup valve drains the oil, meaning the auto-stop device does not function,
that is, the overspeed trip mechanism functioned (was tested), but the unit did not trip.
Operations next closes the oil trip valve, pulls the reset handle, and then after confirmation of the
reset action, releases the test handle. The overspeed trip test gauge should be monitored to
determine the oil pressure that existed when the overspeed trip mechanism functioned. This
pressure can then be compared to historical values.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
The low vacuum tripping device is designed to shut down the turbine in case of a serious rise in
exhaust pressure.
The spring-loaded diaphragm is exposed to exhaust pressure in the condenser through suitable
drilled passages in the block. When the exhaust pressure rises above a preset value, usually about
20–23 in. Hg., the diaphragm moves upward, lifting on the trip lever and opening the trip valve.
The result is draining the oil pressure on the auto-stop relay, draining the auto-stop oil, and
tripping the unit.
A trip latch handle is provided to prevent tripping the unit during the starting period when the
vacuum may be less than the trip setting of the vacuum trip. When in the latched position, a cam
on the end of the latch contacts a groove in the lower end of the latch rod. This action holds the
operating plate down against the spring retainer. This prevents the action of the compression
spring from operating the vacuum trip. However, the vacuum trip will operate when latched if
the exhaust pressure exceeds 2–3 psig.
The latch disengages when the vacuum has reached a value of 23–25 in. Hg., and the trip handle
drops to the unlatched position. With the handle in the unlatched position, the vacuum trip shuts
down the unit when the vacuum decreases to 19–22 in. Hg.
A proximity switch supported on the mounting plate is actuated by the trip latch handle to give
an indication that the vacuum trip is latched.
In the case of an automated unit, where operations wants to relatch the vacuum trip from a
remote point, a fin is mounted on the trip latch. With the latch in the unlatched position, air is
admitted to the chamber beneath the fin from a solenoid-operated valve, causing the latch to
rotate from the “unlatched” to the “latched” position. In a manually operated turbine, the fin may
be omitted.
The proximity switch and its mountings are also omitted on a manually operated unit.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
The low bearing oil pressure trip is designed to shut down the unit if the bearing oil pressure
decreases to 6 psig during operation.
The spring-loaded diaphragm is exposed to bearing oil pressure through suitably drilled passages
in the block. When the bearing oil pressure decreases to a preset value (approximately 6 psig),
the diaphragm moves downward. This action pulls down on the trip lever and opens the trip
valve to shut down the unit.
HP oil is provided to the thrust bearing trip mechanism through two orifices (one on the active
side and one on the inactive side) and to a nozzle that has a specific gap between it and the
rotating collar. The side of the thrust bearing trip mechanism (active or inactive) that is closest to
the collar has the higher pressure, and this higher pressure is transmitted through a ball-check
valve and becomes the thrust bearing trip control oil pressure.
The thrust bearing trip device is designed to shut down the unit when the thrust bearing trip
control pressure rises to the value indicated in the OEM manual.
The spring-loaded diaphragm is exposed to the thrust bearing trip control pressure. When the
thrust bearing trip control pressure rises to the value indicated in the “Control Setting
Instructions,” the diaphragm moves upward, opening the trip valve and shutting down the
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
If it is found in checking these trip devices that adjustments are required to the settings, they
should not be made while the unit is carrying load, but after the generator is disconnected from
the line.
The solenoid-operated trip coil is mounted on the protective devices body. When energized, its
pin moves downward, rotating the operating plate that opens the trip valve, thus shutting down
the unit.
The solenoid trip switch is used to indicate to the operator that the solenoid is energized.
The purpose of the governing valve is to regulate steam flow to the turbine so that speed or load
is controlled.
A servomotor (see Figure 11-7) is mounted on the side of each steam chest and operates the
governing (steam inlet) valves. The piston rod is connected through a pair of links to the
governing valve operating lever, which is connected in such a manner that upward movement of
the operating piston opens the valve and downward movement closes it.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Figure 11-7
Governing valve servomotor
A small drilled hole in the relay plunger connects the HP oil inlet to the chamber above the relay
plunger. The central hole through the entire length of the relay plunger connects the chamber
above the relay plunger to a drain port by way of the four ports in the stem of the relay piston.
The oil pressure in the chamber above the relay plunger is maintained by the ports in the relay
piston stem so that the force of the spring and the force of the oil pressure are balanced. Since
there is a continuous flow of oil through the small drilled hole to the chamber above the relay
plunger, there is also a continuous flow through the ports in the stem of the relay piston to a drain
port in order to maintain a balanced relay plunger. Therefore, it is evident that upward movement
of the relay piston increases the flow through the ports to a drain, thereby decreasing the pressure
above the relay plunger until it also moves upward. Conversely, downward movement of the
relay piston decreases the flow through the ports to a drain, thereby increasing the pressure above
the relay plunger until it also moves downward. These pressure changes above the relay plunger,
together with the spring force below it, cause the relay plunger to follow all movements of the
relay piston, essentially as though they were connected to each other.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
The control pressure is admitted to the chamber above the relay piston and exerts a force that
tends to move the relay piston downward. This force is opposed by the tension of the spring that
tends to draw the relay piston upward. Therefore, any change in control pressure unbalances the
forces on the relay piston and causes the relay piston to move until the spring force again
balances the control pressure force. This movement of the relay piston in turn produces a
corresponding movement of the relay plunger.
When the relay plunger moves downward in response to an increase in control oil pressure, HP
oil flows through the ports to the chamber beneath the servomotor piston, causing the piston to
move upward to open the governing valves. The cam mounted on the piston rod then permits the
following lever to move the relay bushing in a downward direction to close the ports and stop the
piston motion as soon as the relay plunger stops moving. Thus, for each governing control oil
pressure, there is a corresponding position of the relay piston, the relay plunger, the servomotor
piston, the relay bushing, and the steam chest governing valves.
In case of a decrease in oil pressure, the relay piston moves upward because of the tension of the
spring and decrease in the oil pressure in the chamber above the relay plunger, which moves
upward because of the compression spring. This opens the passage for the operating oil beneath
the servomotor piston to go to a drain port, thus allowing the servomotor piston to move
downward until the relay bushing has been repositioned by the following lever to control the
servomotor piston in a new position. In order not to overload the drain when the servomotor is
closed rapidly, an internal passage (not shown in Figure 11-7) permits the oil from beneath the
servomotor piston to discharge through the relay plunger and bushing to an area above the
servomotor piston as well as through the drain. Thus, the operating oil removed from under the
operating piston has sufficient drain area for rapid closing.
In order to prevent a large vacuum from developing in the drain cavity of the servomotor, an air
filter is supplied that vents the cavity to the atmosphere and prevents dirt or other foreign
material from accumulating in the oil.
The servomotor (see Figure 11-8) consists of the operating piston controlled by a pressure-
responsive relay. The relay admits HP oil to the chamber below the operating piston to open the
IV or releases it to permit the closing springs mounted on the IV to close it.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Figure 11-8
Interceptor valve servomotor
The principal parts of the servomotor are the operating piston, the relay piston with four ports
machined in the stem, the relay plunger, the relay bushing, the cam, the follow-up lever, and the
follow-up lever roller. The central hole through the entire length of the relay plunger connects
the chamber below the relay plunger to a drain by way of the four ports in the stem of the relay
The HP oil, controlled by an orifice, is supplied by the small drilled hole to the chamber below
the relay plunger. The pressure in this chamber is maintained by the ports in the relay piston stem
so that the force of the compression spring and the force due to control oil pressure are balanced.
Since there is a continuous flow of oil through the small drilled hole to the chamber below the
relay plunger, there is also a continuous flow through the ports of the relay piston to a drain in
order to maintain a balanced relay plunger. Therefore, it is evident that downward movement of
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
the relay piston increases the flow through the ports to drain, thereby decreasing the pressure
below the relay plunger until it also moves downward. Conversely, upward movement of the
relay piston decreases the flow through the ports to drain, thereby increasing the pressure
beneath the relay plunger until it also moves upward. These pressure changes beneath the relay
plunger, together with the spring force above it, cause the relay plunger to follow all movements
of the relay piston, essentially as though they were connected to each other.
The control oil pressure is admitted to the chamber beneath the relay piston and exerts a force
that tends to move the relay piston upward. This force is opposed by the compression spring,
which tends to move the relay piston downward. Therefore, any change in control oil pressure
unbalances the forces on the relay piston and causes the relay piston to move until the spring
force again balances the control oil pressure force. This movement of the relay piston in turn
produces a corresponding movement of the relay plunger.
When the relay plunger moves upward in response to an increase in control oil pressure, HP oil
flows through the ports to the chamber above the operating piston and causes the piston to move
downward to open the IV. The cam mounted on the piston rod then permits the follow-up lever
to move the relay bushing in an upward direction to close the ports and stop the operating piston
motion as soon as the relay plunger stops moving. Thus, for each control oil pressure, there is a
corresponding position of the relay piston, the relay plunger, the operating piston, the relay
bushing, and the IV.
In case of a decrease in control oil pressure, the relay piston moves downward due to the
compression spring. The relay plunger also moves downward due to the drop in oil pressure in
the chamber below the relay plunger. This opens the passage for the operating oil above the
operating piston to go to drain, thus allowing the operating piston to move upward until the relay
bushing has been repositioned by the follow-up lever to control the operating piston in a new
position. In order not to overload the drain when the servomotor is closed rapidly; an internal
passage permits the oil from above the operating piston to discharge through the relay plunger
and bushing to an area below the operating piston as well as through the drain. Thus, the
operating oil removed from above the operating piston has sufficient drain area even for rapid
Movements of the servomotor operating piston and the piston rod are transmitted through the
operating lever to the IV stem and valve, so that downward movement of the servomotor
operating piston opens the IV and upward movement closes it.
If you want to manually operate the IV during normal operation, a manual control is provided.
To manually close the valve, turn the hand knob in the clockwise direction. This moves the relay
piston downward, causing the servomotor operating piston to move in the closing direction to
close the IV.
After the test or check is completed, turn the hand knob counterclockwise to its limit, and lock it
in this position with a nut. This returns the IV to normal operation.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Two multiple orifice and check valve assemblies illustrated in Figure 11-9 are provided to
simplify piping of the operating oil to the throttle valves and RSVs. They also simplify the
connection to the overspeed trip valve so that when the overspeed trip valve opens, all of the
servomotors operating oil chambers are connected simultaneously to drain through a single pipe.
Figure 11-9
Multiple orifice and check valve assembly
In each multiple orifice assembly, HP oil is admitted through a connection at the bottom of the
block and flows through each of the three orifices arranged vertically around the HP oil chamber
to the throttle valve and RSV servomotor pistons.
The check valve is arranged to cover the vertical passage holes of the operating oil to the throttle
valve and RSVs. The check valve is held against the seats formed on the upper ends of these
three holes by oil admitted through the orifice. This chamber above the check valve is connected
to the overspeed trip valve, and with this valve closed, the pressure above the check valve is
higher than the operating pressure of the throttle valve and RSV and holds the check valve
against its seat.
Four solenoid-operated test valves, two in each body, are provided for testing the throttle valves
by relieving the operating oil pressure from their servomotors to drain. These test valves are
interlocked electrically to the IV test valve interlocks to prevent closing all of the IVs and RSVs
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
at the same time or a combination of the IVs and RSVs on opposite sides. They are also
connected so that the IVs being tested cannot be opened until the corresponding RSV has been
The other solenoid test valve in each block is provided for testing RSVs. These test valves are
interlocked electrically to prevent simultaneously closing both throttle valves or the governing
valves on one side and the throttle valve on the opposite side.
When the overspeed trip valve opens, the oil pressure above the check valve in each block
decreases below the operating oil pressure of the throttle valves and RSVs. This allows the check
valve to unseat and connects the operating oil of the throttle valves and RSVs to drain, thus
closing all of the valves simultaneously.
The RSV assembly is installed in the reheat line between the reheater and the IV. Its purpose is
to provide an additional safety device to prevent the turbine from overspeeding if the IV fails to
close when the overspeed trip mechanism operates.
When the overspeed trip valve is closed, auto-stop control oil pressure is established above the
relay valve piston (see Figure 11-10). This pressure overcomes the load of the compression
spring and moves the relay valve piston until its lower end contacts the seat and isolates chamber
A from the drain passage. Since chamber A is connected through a cored passage to the chamber
below the operating piston, operating oil pressure can increase and overcome the force of the
closing springs and move the operating piston upward. Upward movement of the operating
piston rotates the shaft and the valve disc to its open position against the stop.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Figure 11-10
Reheat stop valve servomotor
The purpose of this valve is to shut off steam flow from the boiler superheater in an emergency.
It typically operates in a horizontal position with the body formed as an integral part of the steam
Figure 11-11 is a diagram that shows the relationship of the throttle valve controller, throttle
valve servomotor, and auto-stop to make the following descriptions more easily understood.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
Figure 11-11
Throttle valve and pressure controller
The principal parts of the servomotor are the servomotor piston, the relay piston with four ports
machined in the stem, the relay plunger, the relay bushing, the cam, the follow-up lever, and
follow-up lever roller. A small drilled hole in the relay plunger connects the HP oil inlet to the
chamber above the relay plunger. The central hole through the entire length of the relay plunger
connects the chamber above the relay plunger to drain by way of the four ports in the stem of the
relay piston.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
The HP oil controlled by an orifice is supplied by the small drilled hole to the chamber above the
relay plunger. The pressure in this chamber is maintained by the ports in the relay piston stem so
that the force of the spring and the force due to the oil pressure are balanced. Since there is a
continuous flow of oil through the small drilled hole to the chamber above the relay plunger,
there is also a continuous flow through the ports in the stem of the relay piston to drain in order
to maintain a balanced relay plunger. Therefore, it is evident that upward movement of the relay
piston increases the flow through the ports to drain, thereby decreasing the pressure above the
relay plunger until it also moves upward. Conversely, downward movement of the relay piston
decreases the flow through the ports to drain, thereby increasing the pressure above the relay
plunger until it also moves downward. These pressure changes above the relay plunger, together
with the spring force below it, cause the relay plunger to follow all movements of the relay
piston within a few thousandths of an inch, essentially as through they were connected to each
The throttle control oil pressure from the throttle valve controller is admitted to the chamber
above the relay piston and exerts a force that tends to move the relay piston downward. This
force is opposed by the tension of the spring, which tends to draw the relay piston upward.
Therefore, any change in control pressure unbalances the forces on the relay piston and causes
the relay piston to move until the spring force again balances the control pressure force. This
movement of the relay piston in turn produces a corresponding movement of the relay plunger.
When the relay plunger move downward in response to an increase in throttle control oil
pressure, HP oil flows through the ports to the chamber beneath the servomotor piston, causing
the piston to move upward to open the throttle valve. The cam, mounted on the piston rod, then
permits the follow-up lever to move the relay bushing in a downward direction to close the ports
and stop the piston motion as soon as the relay plunger stops moving. Thus, for each throttle
control oil pressure, there is a corresponding position of the relay piston, the relay plunger, the
servomotor piston, the relay bushing, and the throttle valve stem.
In case of a decrease in control oil pressure, the relay piston moves upward due to the spring.
The relay plunger also moves upward due to the compression spring and the drop in oil pressure
in the chamber above the relay plunger. This opens the passage for the operating oil beneath the
servomotor piston to go to drain, thus allowing the servomotor piston to move downward until
the relay bushing has been repositioned by the follow-up lever to control the servomotor piston
in a new position. In order not to overload the drain when the servomotor is closed rapidly, an
internal passage (not shown in Figure 11-11) permits the oil from beneath the servomotor piston
to discharge through the relay plunger and bushing to an area above the servomotor piston as
well as through the drain. Thus, the operating oil removed from under the operating piston has
sufficient drain area, even for rapid closing.
Movements of the servomotor operating piston and piston rod are transmitted through the
operating lever connecting link and guide to the valve stem so that downward movement of the
servomotor operating piston closes the Throttle Valve and upward movement opens.
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
The throttle valve controller is mounted on the control block; its purpose is to provide control oil
pressure that will position the throttle valve servomotors. The throttle valve controller must be
capable of setting the throttle valve control oil pressure at any desired level between 15 and 50
psig. Following an auto-stop trip, it must maintain a throttle valve control oil pressure which is
less than that required to open the throttle valve until after the controller has first been run to the
minimum pressure stop. The controller can be operated either manually, by means of a hand
wheel, or remotely, by means of the motor.
Oil is admitted to the throttle valve control line through an orifice in the multiple orifice check
valve and then enters the controller through passage A in the pedestal. Oil is also admitted to the
controller from the auto-stop line through passage B and through the orifice. When the auto-stop
is latched, oil flows into the controller. This oil flows through the center of the cup valve and
then to drain with a minimum pressure being maintained.
To reset the controller, turn the hand wheel in a counterclockwise direction, and the shaft moves
downward. As this shaft approaches the valve, it impedes the oil flow through the valve, and the
pressure gradually rises until the valve moves up against the shaft. At this pressure, the piston
moves upward, and as the stem holds the cup valve in a given position, oil flows around the
periphery of the cup valve and through the holes in the piston to drain. As the piston moves
upward, the cup valve port opening increases, and the piston moves only far enough to balance
the pressure under the piston against the load of the spring.
Rotate the hand wheel in a clockwise direction to allow the shaft to move upward, and the cup
valve follows because of the pressure unbalance. This upward movement restricts the flow of oil
through the cup valve and increases the oil pressure beneath the piston, which moves upward and
away from the cup valve. As the piston moves upward, it compresses the spring, which increases
the downward force on the piston. Therefore, in order to move the piston upward, the pressure
under the piston must increase.
If the auto-stop is tripped, all oil supply to the controller is dumped to drain. The spring-loaded
piston forces the oil in the controller initially out through orifice until the end of cup valve clears
the spring seat. At this point, the remaining oil is dumped to drain through the center hole in the
cup valve. When the auto-stop is reset, it establishes flow to the controller, but pressure cannot
be built up until the hand wheel is first rotated in the counterclockwise direction and the shaft is
returned to the throttle valve closed position. The spring is used only to counterbalance the forces
on the cup valve and to reduce the loading on the threads of the shaft.
When the throttle valve is being tested, the oil flow is interrupted when the test solenoid dumps
oil pressure to the throttle valve servomotor. The check valve in the line between the servomotor
and the controller isolates the controller, and the auto-stop control oil supplied through orifice
maintains the pressure in the controller. There will, however, be a disturbance in the throttle
valve controller oil pressure caused by momentary backflow through the check valve as the flow
reverses and the valve seats. This disturbance may be enough to trip the controller if the cup
Westinghouse 300# Operations Overview
valve has not entered the guide portion of the spring seat. Therefore, the throttle valve should not
be tested with the solenoid test valve unless the throttle valve controller is in the side open (max.
pressure) position.
12.1 Introduction
The turbine control system fulfills its functions by regulating boiler steam flow to the turbine.
Steam flow is regulated by a number of components that work together to position the four major
valves on a turbine:
• Governing (governor) control valves
• Throttle valves
• Reheat stop valves (RSVs) (reheat units only)
• Reheat interceptor valves (IVs) (reheat units only)
During normal startup and running operation, the governing control valves are usually positioned
somewhere between fully open and fully closed. The throttle, reheat stop, and interceptor valves
are full open and not regulating. Two exceptions to this rule are:
• The throttle valves are positioned manually to regulate speed on startup.
• The IVs are positioned to reduce speed on an overspeed condition before the trip limits are
After a turbine trip condition or a unit shutdown, all turbine valves are fully closed.
The valve control and trip functions are accomplished using hydraulic (oil) operated devices.
These devices either move the valves directly using the force of the oil or interpret turbine
conditions to move the valves indirectly based on oil control signals.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
The high pressure (HP) oil system receives oil from the main oil pump (mounted on the turbine
shaft) with the unit at or near turbine speed or from the auxiliary oil pump (during startup and
shutdown). A simplified flow diagram of the various elements that receive HP oil from the
discharge of either of these pumps is shown in Figure 12-1.
Figure 12-1
HP oil flow schematic
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Although there are some basic differences in the HP oil flow path, the major purposes of HP oil
for all units is to operate the devices listed below and shown on the figure:
• To open and close the throttle valve(s) through the valve operating mechanism. HP oil is
needed to open the throttle valves. Loss of HP oil closes the valves.
• To operate the governing valve servomotor (or servomotor operating piston). The servomotor
uses HP oil to open and close the governing control valves.
• On reheat units only, to operate the reheat stop and interceptor valves. HP oil is needed to
open the valves, and loss of HP oil closes the valves.
HP oil is also provided to various other devices for control and trip purposes. These devices
either process the HP oil to provide a reduced pressure output oil control signal or dump the HP
oil supply to drain (that is, to the turbine oil reservoir) for trip purposes. The devices, which are
described in detail, are listed here:
• Governor oil impeller
• Main governor (sometimes called a governor transformer)
• Auxiliary governor
• Load limit valve
• Throttle pressure regulator
• Common trip relay (activated by other trip devices in the turbine front pedestal, such as low
bearing oil pressure, low condenser vacuum, solenoid trip, and thrust bearing trip)
• Governing control valve emergency trip device
• Auto-stop (overspeed trip) valve and operating (trip) cylinder
• Interceptor valve trip system (reheat units only)
• Diaphragm (Sphero) emergency trip valves
Turbine speed (or load) is regulated by positioning the governing control valves in the steam
chest. This is done hydraulically with use of servomotors. A servomotor receives HP oil at the
operating piston to move the governing control valves. The amount of movement allowed,
however, depends upon the pressure of the governing control oil to the pilot relay piston chamber
of the servomotor.
As Figure 12-2 shows, this governing control oil pressure depends upon the source of the
governing control oil flow to the servomotor relay piston chamber. The devices which can
supply oil to the governing control oil header are:
• Main governor
• Auxiliary governor (not on all units)
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-2
Governing control oil flow schematic
The higher the governing control oil pressure, the more the governing control valves close.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Each of the six devices mentioned receives HP oil from the main oil pump at 120–130 psig with
the unit at speed. The devices (other than the auto-stop valve) use the supplied HP oil for an
output signal (that is, governing control oil) after reducing the pressure to approximately 10-50
psig, depending on the device set point (turbine speed, throttle steam pressure, speed changer
load setting, etc.). Because of the check valves in the discharge line to the governing control oil
header, the device with the highest output oil pressure controls the governing control valve
The auto-stop valve is normally closed. When opened (tripped), it sends the full HP oil pressure
(120–130 psig) to the governing control oil header, which causes the governing control valves to
close. Since this oil pressure is always higher than any of the other devices supplying oil to the
header, it is always controlling, when tripped.
Also note that governing control oil pressure is supplied to the IV operating mechanisms for
reheat units only. This oil pressure operates the IV only on an overspeed situation above 3600
rpm. It does not regulate the IV during normal turbine speed load situations.
12.4.1 General
Several types of devices can be used to adjust the position of the turbine valves used to control
the boiler steam flow to the turbine. On most turbines, the valve servomotors and operating
mechanisms are in reality hydraulic actuators. That is, HP oil is used to exert pressure to actuate
or move the turbine valve.
Each of the four turbine valve actuators (throttle, reheat stop, interceptor, and governing control)
is discussed briefly.
The throttle valves consist of two major items: the valve body and the operating mechanism.
The setup shown on Figure 12-3 is not typical for all units. For example, in this figure the
operating mechanism is located below the throttle valve body. However, many units have the
throttle valve operating mechanism located to the side of the valve body. There are numerous
other operating mechanism design differences not apparent from the figure. Figure 12-3,
however, will serve as a suitable example for the hydraulic principles common to all throttle
valve operating mechanism types, that is, HP oil is used to oppose the force of compression
springs and open the valve.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-3
Throttle valve operating mechanism
The operating piston on Figure 12-3 is acted upon by the compression spring forces. With no HP
oil force being exerted downward against the operating piston, the springs exert a force that tends
to close the throttle plug valve in the throttle valve body. There is no steam flow to the unit with
the throttle valve closed.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
HP oil is supplied to the valve operating mechanism at the area below the bottom of the pilot
valve piston. When the HP oil is admitted through the pilot valve piston to the space above the
operating piston, the HP oil exerts a downward force against the operating piston. This force is in
a direction opposite of the compression springs trying to close the plug valve. The force of the oil
against the operating piston is regulated by moving the pilot valve piston. The pilot valve piston
is positioned by the throttle valve hand wheel.
The hand wheel is connected externally via shafts and gears to the valve operating mechanism.
The method used by the hand wheel to regulate HP oil internally to the operating piston is
different for different throttle valve operating mechanism types. Basically, for all units, as the
throttle valve hand wheel is turned in the open direction, more HP oil is applied to the operating
piston to oppose the closing force of the springs, and thereby open the throttle plug valve further.
If the throttle valve hand wheel is turned in the closed direction, some of the HP oil applying
force to the operating piston is released to drain, causing the throttle plug valve to move in the
closed direction.
Although this schematic and description were overly simplified, these fundamental points remain
the same for all throttle valves:
• The throttle valve cannot be opened with the hand wheel unless HP oil is first supplied to the
valve operating mechanism.
• If the HP oil to the operating mechanism of an open throttle valve were removed (or dropped
below the pressure needed to balance closing forces of the springs and steam), the springs
would close the throttle valve rapidly.
• After a throttle valve closing, (that is, trip or shutdown), the throttle valve hand wheel must
be moved to the valve closed position before the throttle valve can be reopened with the
turbine relatched.
• The throttle valve hand wheel should be turned slowly when a throttle valve is opened.
Although not shown in the simplified schematic, opening the valve too fast with the hand
wheel bleeds HP oil from under the operating piston to drain, causing the throttle valve to
close rapidly. In such a case, the hand wheel should be turned to the closed position, the
turbine relatched, and the throttle valve opened again more slowly.
The RSV, like the throttle valve, has a hydraulic operating mechanism. See Figure 12-4. When
HP oil is supplied to the underside of the operating mechanism, the operating piston rises against
the spring forces. A rising piston rotates the RSV disc into the open position through the valve
counterlink and shaft mechanisms.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-4
Reheat stop valve operating mechanism
Loss of HP oil results in the disc stop valve being spring closed. As the valve rotates in the
closing direction, the steam flow further forces the valve closed. Thus, the flow of steam from
the boiler reheater is prevented from reaching the IP turbine.
When HP oil is supplied with the turbine relatched after a trip or shutdown, the valve opens
The IV operating mechanism is a little more complicated than the other hydraulic actuators
discussed so far. This is because the IV operating mechanism has two hydraulic oil circuits:
• Open-closed oil circuit
• Overspeed governing and trip relays
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
This oil circuit is similar to that described previously for the throttle valve operating mechanism.
During normal operation, HP oil is supplied to the area below a piston valve. See the left side of
Figure 12-5. As the IV operating hand wheel is turned in the opening direction, the piston valve
is raised, supplying HP oil to the area above the operating piston. This oil exerts a downward
force on the operating piston against the springs to open the interceptor spool valve.
Figure 12-5
Interceptor valve operating mechanism
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
If the IV operating hand wheel is turned in the closing direction, the piston valve moves
downward. As the piston valve moves downward, less HP oil is sent above the operating piston,
and more of the HP oil is routed underneath the operating piston to the oil drain connection. This
decreases the downward oil force on the operating piston, allowing the springs under the
operating piston to press upward, closing the spool valve.
Loss of HP oil to the piston valve of the operating mechanism on a unit trip has the same effect
as moving the IV hand wheel to the closed position. Loss of HP oil permits the piston valve to
move in a downward direction. As the HP oil drains from above the operating piston, the springs
close the spool valve.
Unlike the throttle valve, if the IV hand wheel is left in the open position, the IV opens
automatically when the turbine is relatched to provide HP oil after a trip or at restart.
A valve position indicator mounted by the IV hand wheel is actuated by linkage connected to the
operating piston shaft. This indicator shows the relative position of the interceptor spool valve at
all times. Generally (unless there is an overspeed condition as discussed below), the IV is fully
opened during normal turbine operation and fully closed on shutdown.
Thus far, the IV operating mechanism items on the left of Figure 12-5 have been discussed. Now
the two items on the right of the figure: the trip relay and the governing relay, will be covered.
These two relays are identical in construction, but they have different set points. The
fundamental purpose is to control turbine overspeed conditions, using the auxiliary governor,
before the unit overspeed trip point (approximately 3960 rpm) is reached to shut down the unit.
Governing control oil is supplied to both relays of the IV operating mechanism from the
governing control oil header. The source of the governing control oil can be any of the devices
discussed earlier. However, for practical purposes, only when governing control oil pressure is
being supplied from the auxiliary governor or auto-stop valve is the pressure high enough to
activate either of the two relays in the IV operating mechanism. The other devices on the figures
have an output oil pressure below the set points of the relays, (generally less than 35 psig) and,
therefore, have no affect on the IV position.
Assume that the generator main breaker opens suddenly on a loaded unit. The unit overspeeds
and accelerates rapidly above 3600 rpm due to a large volume of steam in the boiler reheat
section, but not rapidly enough to reach the overspeed trip point. The auxiliary governor should
take over to supply oil to the governing control oil header at a pressure of around 40 psig. At the
IV operating mechanism, this governing control oil pressure causes the relay piston of the
governing relay to lift. When the relay piston lifts, HP oil is removed gradually from above the
operating piston faster than it is supplied. This causes the interceptor spool valve to close slowly,
thereby reducing steam flow from the boiler reheater. The closing speed adjusting orifice shown
on the right of the operating mechanism is adjusted to limit how fast the spool valve closes. The
governing relay attempts to slow the unit until the speed increase stops and the main governor
again takes control.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
If the turbine speed increases very rapidly (greater than about 120 rpm/second) due to a load
loss, the auxiliary governor oil pressure reaches 45 psig or more. This oil pressure is sufficient to
lift the relay piston of the trip relay in the IV operating mechanism. This dumps all of the HP oil
being supplied below the piston valve to rapidly close the interceptor spool valve. Once the rapid
speed rise ceases, this trip relay resets. Then the IV opens, and the main governor takes control.
Check Figure 12-5. The normally closed auto-stop valve, when opened on a unit trip supplies HP
oil at 120–130 psig to the governing control oil header. This oil pressure also causes the IV
operating mechanism trip relay to lift, thereby closing the IV. However, opening the auto-stop
valve results in a unit trip, thereby closing the IV by dumping the HP oil supply to the piston
valve. In this case, the auto-stop valve has to be relatched before the IV reopens. It does not reset
automatically as did the trip relay.
The governing control valves are positioned hydraulically through mechanical linkage using a
servomotor. The servomotor is another type of hydraulic actuator; it allows hydraulic fluid forces
(oil pressure) to actuate (move) the governing control valves. On some units, there is one
servomotor for all the governing control valves in a steam chest. Other units have as many as
eight servomotors, one for each of four governing control valves in two steam chests.
Figure 12-6 shows a typical servomotor. It should be emphasized that the actual servomotors on
your unit may have considerable design differences than the servomotor shown here. However,
this figure can be used to explain the basic hydraulic operating principles common to all
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-6
Typical governing valve’s servomotor
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
HP oil is supplied to a servomotor from the main oil pump or auxiliary oil pump through one of
two supply connections. The normal HP oil supply connection is routed directly to the
servomotor from the main oil pump discharge through a check valve. The backup HP oil supply
connection is routed through the HP oil system piping in the turbine oil reservoir. Oil passes
through a filter and check valve on the way to the servomotor. This backup connection supplies
HP oil to the servomotor from the auxiliary oil pump during unit startup and shutdown.
At the servomotor, the HP oil is supplied to an operating piston. The HP oil is directed above or
below the operating piston by the proper positioning of a moveable servomotor relay. If the
servomotor relay supplies high pressure above the operating piston, the operating piston will
move downward. If the servomotor relay supplies high pressure below the operating piston, the
operating piston will move upward.
As the operating piston is pushed upward by HP oil beneath the piston, the servomotor relay
allows any oil in the operating piston chamber above the operating piston to drain. Similarly, as
the operating piston is being pushed downward by HP oil above the piston, the servomotor relay
allows any oil in the operating piston chamber beneath the operating piston to drain. In each
case, the oil removed from the operating piston chamber is referred to as “low pressure oil
drains” in Figure 12-6and is routed to the main oil pump suction header.
So far only how the servomotor moves the governing control valves has been discussed, not the
actual control of valve position. The amount of governing control valve movement is determined
by the pressure of the governing oil being supplied to the servomotor relay piston chamber.
The relay piston controls the movement of the servomotor relay described previously. This relay
is used to determine whether HP oil is admitted above or below the servomotor operating piston.
As the relay piston moves up or down, the servomotor relay follows. The position of the relay
piston is determined by the pressure of the governing control oil being supplied to the relay
piston chamber above the relay piston.
Figure 12-2 illustrated the devices that can supply governing control oil to the relay piston
chamber. A governing control oil pressure of about 10 psig (or less) results in fully open
governing control valves. A pressure of 35 psig or more results in fully closed governing control
valves. In other words, the higher the governing control oil pressure, the more the governing
control valves close.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Assume that the governing control valves are closed. Suppose that the governing control oil
pressure to the relay piston chamber were to drop to 10 psig. At this pressure, the relay piston
would move upward. The servomotor relay would then move upward also, opening the
governing control valves completely.
Now suppose that the governing control oil pressure to the relay piston chamber rises to 35 psig.
At this pressure, the relay piston would move downward. The servomotor relay would then move
downward also, closing the governing control valves completely.
Although not shown in Figure 12-6, there is a follow-up lever connected between the operating
piston rod and the relay piston mechanism via mechanical linkage. The purpose of this lever is to
return the servomotor relay to the neutral position after any change in the operating piston
position. It stays in this neutral position until there is another change in governing control oil
During normal operation, with the unit on-line, the governing control oil pressure is usually
provided by the main governor to control unit loading as desired.
12.5.1 General
Turbine trip systems are designed to protect turbines automatically during emergency conditions.
An emergency condition is a condition in which action must be taken immediately in order to
protect the turbine or generator from damage. The emergency action covered in this section is a
turbine trip, whereby the turbine is shut down by stopping the flow of steam to the turbine. This
is accomplished by closing the throttle and governing control valves rapidly. It is also done by
closing the reheat stop and interceptor valves rapidly on reheat units.
This section describes typical devices used to actuate such a turbine trip. The trip devices to be
covered are those that receive oil from the HP oil system and are shown in Figure 12-1. Before
these devices are covered, the auto-stop valve used to close the turbine valves on a trip condition
or unit shutdown is discussed.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
One of the most important devices for turbine trip protection is the auto-stop valve. This device
is sometimes called the overspeed trip valve. This auto-stop valve is responsible for closing the
turbine valves in an emergency; that is, causing the valves to close rapidly. It does this by doing
two things when the auto-stop valve is tripped:
• Routing the HP oil supply for the operating mechanisms of the turbine throttle, reheat stop,
and interceptor valves to drain. As discussed previously, since HP oil keeps these valves
open, loss of HP oil allows springs to close the valves rapidly.
• Supplying HP oil to the governing control oil header. As described in the previous section,
the governing control oil flows to the governing valve servomotor relay piston chamber. The
pressure of the governing control oil is sufficient (that is, well above 35 psig) after an auto-
stop valve trip to cause the servomotor to fully close the governing valves in the steam chest.
Figures 12-7(A) and 12-7(B) show the auto-stop valve trip oil flow schematic. Inside the auto-
stop valve are normally closed ports. When tripped, the ports in the auto-stop valve open to cause
turbine closing as described above.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Notice that the difference between Figures 12-7(A) and 12-7(B) is the HP oil piping to the
operating mechanisms of the throttle, reheat stop, and interceptor valves. Some units use an
orifice and check valve setup on the HP oil piping for each valve’s operating mechanism. On a
trip, this setup allows the HP oil to drain away faster than it can be supplied through the orifice in
the supply line, which allows the valve to fast close. The check valves prevent reverse oil flow in
the drain lines of the operating mechanism from interfering with valve closing operations.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
On the newer 150# units, a single multiple orifice and check valve assembly performs the same
functions, but much more simply. Figure 12-8 shows the HP oil flow through the multiple orifice
and check valve with the valves open and the auto-stop valve latched.
Figure 12-8
Multiple orifice and check valve HP oil flow with auto-stop valve latched
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-9 shows how the oil flows from the valve operating mechanisms through the check
valve to drain faster than it can be supplied through the multiple orifice and check valve device.
On some other newer units, there is an air pilot valve on the HP oil dump connection between the
multiple orifice and check valve assembly and the auto-stop valve. When the auto-stop valve
drains HP oil away from the valve operating mechanisms, it also drains the HP oil away from
this air pilot valve. This vents the air being supplied to the air-operated, nonreturn valve on
selected extraction steam lines. A loss of air closes the extraction steam supply.
Figure 12-9
Multiple orifice and check valve HP oil flow with auto-stop valve tripped
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
So far, what happens after the auto-stop valve is tripped to close the turbine valves has been
described. What causes the auto-stop valve to trip will be discussed here.
Figure 12-10 shows a schematic of a simplified auto-stop valve design. The moving parts of the
auto-stop valve are the shaft, sleeve, piston, and compression springs (that is, the valve
assembly). When tripped or unlatched, the compression springs move the valve assembly
upward. This connects the HP oil supply at the top of the auto-stop valve body to the governing
control oil header. It also connects the HP oil supply to the base of the auto-stop body to drain
(the turbine oil reservoir).
Figure 12-10
Simplified auto-stop valve
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Resetting or relatching the auto-stop valve is done manually after an auto-stop valve trip using
the relatching handle or reset lever. This relatching handle is located at the turbine front pedestal.
Relatching pushes the auto-stop valve assembly down against the upward force of the springs
until the trip trigger latches the valve assembly firmly in place. When latched, the auto-stop
valve assembly is in a position that blocks off the HP oil supply to the governing control oil
header and the HP oil supply to the turbine oil reservoir drain connection. See Figure 12-11. This
allows the turbine valve servomotors and operating mechanisms to operate normally.
Figure 12-11
Auto-stop valve (reset or relatched)
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
If the auto-stop valve is tripped (unlatched), the valve assembly again rises to close the turbine
valves as described previously. See Figure 12-12. The auto-stop valve is tripped or unlatched by
one of three methods, each of which disengages the trip trigger to unlatch the auto-stop valve
• Rotating the trip trigger by the overspeed trip weight of the overspeed trip mechanism in the
rotor extension (stub) shaft.
Figure 12-12
Auto-stop valve (tripped or unlatched)
• Rotating the trip trigger manually using the hand trip lever located by the relatching handle at
the front pedestal,
• Rotating the trip trigger by operating the operating (or trip) cylinder.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
The operating (or trip) cylinder will not operate as long as HP oil pushes down on top of the
piston to keep the springs compressed. Drain away this HP oil and the piston will move upward,
tripping the auto-stop valve via the trip trigger (see Figure 12-10 for a typical setup). The devices
that remove the HP oil supply to this operating or trip cylinder to cause an auto-stop valve trip
• Low bearing oil pressure relay
• Low condenser vacuum trip mechanism
• Thrust bearing trip device
• Solenoid trip device
• IV trip system
Most of these devices activate a “common trip relay,” which in turn drains away the HP oil
supply from the operating or trip cylinder, causing it to operate. All of the auto-stop trip devices
are described briefly in this section.
One method of tripping the unit is with the overspeed trip mechanism. It is activated on a turbine
overspeed of about 10% (approximately 3960 rpm). Coupled to the turbine, in the front pedestal,
is the turbine extension or stub shaft. Attached at the end of this stub shaft is the overspeed trip
body. Carried in a hole in the trip body is the trip weight or plunger. It is the task of this weight
to rotate the trip trigger and trip the auto-stop valve if the turbine rotor speed exceeds a preset
value of typically 10% rated. Thus, the overspeed trip mechanism should act only if the main and
auxiliary governors have failed to keep the rotor speed below 3960 rpm.
Figure 12-13(A) shows a cross-section of the trip body with the trip weight or plunger. Notice
that there is a gap between the trip body and trip trigger. This gap is normally about 1/16".
Within the trip body is a trip weight, which is off center. Because the weight is off center,
centrifugal force acts on it when the trip body rotates with the turbine rotor. This centrifugal
force tries to throw the weight out of the hole in the trip body.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Notice the spring in the hole with the trip weight. This spring prevents the weight from moving
out when the trip body rotates until the speed has increased beyond about 10% rated speed. At
this speed, the weight overcomes the spring force and moves outward. The weight strikes the trip
trigger and causes it to rotate. The auto-stop valve is unlatched as described previously. See
Figure 12-13(B). The end result is the closing of all turbine valves, thereby shutting down the
Once tripped, the unit can be restarted (that is, the turbine valves reopened) only after resetting or
relatching the auto-stop valve manually. A manual reset is done by using the relatching handle at
the front pedestal. In the case of an overspeed trip, however, the auto-stop valve should not be
reset until the turbine speed has decreased below 3670 rpm because the trip weight does not
return to the normal position in the trip body until the rotor has dropped below this speed.
The overspeed trip should be tested and exercised regularly. There are two test methods: one
involves an actual overspeed condition, and the other simulates an overspeed condition with the
unit off-line and at 3600 rpm. See Figure 12-14.
Figure 12-14
Overspeed trip weight oil test
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
The first step in the oil trip test is to prevent an actual unit trip. To do this, an operator or
attendant at the relatch handle exerts enough force on the handle to prevent the auto-stop valve
from actually tripping after the overspeed weight hits the trip trigger.
The next step is to provide HP oil to the back of the overspeed trip weight. This oil pressure
pushes the weight out without an actual overspeed of the turbine rotor; that is, the turbine rotor
speed stays at 3600 rpm during the test. To apply pressure, slowly open the oil test valve while
pushing in on the overspeed trip test knob. Remember to hold the relatch handle in the reset
position at all times. When the trip weight is thrown out against the trip trigger (indicated by a
chattering noise), observe this oil pressure on the oil trip pressure gauge. Over the long run, this
oil trip pressure should be constant. A change in oil trip pressure can mean a change in the
system trip speed.
When the test is completed, release the overspeed trip test knob, and close the oil test valve. Do
not release the relatch handle until it is certain that the auto-stop valve has relatched.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
In Figure 12-15 you can see the operation of the auto-stop valve by the hand trip lever. The lever
actually extends out of the front pedestal. In an emergency, this handle can be pulled down. The
lever is set up so that such an operation will cause the trip trigger to rotate and trip the auto-stop
valve. The hand trip is a device that is accurately described by its name. It is used to trip the
auto-stop valve manually to close the turbine valves.
Figure 12-15
Hand trip lever
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
The operating or trip cylinder is the focal point for the five turbine trip devices that affect the
auto-stop valve. In order for the turbine to trip, these devices cause in a loss of HP oil to the
operating or trip cylinder. This causes the auto-stop valve to unlatch as described previously.
In most cases, turbine bearings are designed to operate with an oil pressure in the 10–15 psig
range. If the oil pressure drops below about 5 psig, an insufficient quantity of oil is delivered to
the bearings. As a result, there is an inadequate film of oil to support a turning rotor. If lube oil
pressure is not restored to normal, the bearings could be seriously damaged. The function of the
low bearing oil pressure trip relay is to initiate a turbine trip if a low bearing oil pressure occurs.
See Figure 12-16. The low bearing oil pressure trip relay is simply a spring-loaded piston. A
spring is on one side and bearing oil is on its other side. When oil pressure is lost, the spring
expands and strikes a lever that moves other linkage and eventually results in a trip of the auto-
stop valve:
Figure 12-16
Typical low bearing oil pressure trip relay
Turbines are designed to operate under a certain main unit condenser vacuum (typically 28.5 in.
Hg). If this vacuum cannot be maintained and decreases to a low vacuum (around 16–20 in. Hg.),
problems can develop that can damage and overheat the turbine and cylinder in the low-pressure
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
turbine area. The vacuum trip mechanism is designed to trip the unit on such a low-vacuum
The vacuum trip mechanism is a bellows and spring assembly (see Figure 12-17 for a simplified
cross section). The amount of condenser vacuum is transmitted to the compartment containing
the bellows. The bellows sense the condenser vacuum and pull downward on the low-vacuum
operating lever. The spring under the lever opposes this force and tries to move the lever upward.
A decrease in condenser vacuum to about 16–20 in. Hg. causes the spring-loaded lever to rise
sufficiently to operate the common trip relay through mechanical linkage.
Figure 12-17
Low condenser vacuum trip mechanism
This action dumps the HP oil in the circuit to drain. This causes the loss of HP oil above the
operating or trip cylinder shown on Figure 12-10, which results in a trip of the auto-stop valve to
close the turbine valves.
It is possible to relatch the turbine (auto-stop valve) while there is a low vacuum on startup. The
low-vacuum (startup) latch is the device that is manually set with a latch knob to prevent upward
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
movement of the low-vacuum operating lever during startup conditions. It defeats operation of
the vacuum trip mechanism until a vacuum of 20–24 in. Hg. is established during startup. The
low-vacuum latch then drops out automatically. Once the latch drops out, the low-vacuum trip
mechanism trips the turbine if the condenser vacuum falls to 16–20 in. Hg.
The low-vacuum trip mechanism protects the condenser from a situation of a positive back
pressure at all times, even if latched out on startup. If the exhaust pressure should get to 2– 3 psig
(note that this is a positive pressure; it is not a vacuum), the vacuum mechanism trips the unit.
This pressure trip set point is well below the pressure value that can cause a rupture of the
turbine exhaust hood diaphragms.
The purpose of the turbine thrust bearing is to absorb the axial thrust forces that occur within the
turbine during normal operation. It thereby limits movement in the axial direction of the turbine
rotor. During abnormal conditions, such as the occurrence of water induction, these thrust forces
can become very large, and the thrust bearing can fail as a result. A thrust bearing failure means
that the turbine rotor moved in the axial direction beyond the desired limits. Excessive
movement in the axial direction can result in contact between rotating and stationary turbine
components, which is usually very damaging. The turbine bearing trip device is used to detect
thrust bearing wear and to alarm or trip the unit before the axial movement becomes excessive
and results in thrust bearing failure or turbine damage.
The thrust bearing trip device consists of two separate elements, each of which receive HP oil
from a different supply connection: a control block and a trip relay. On many units, these two
elements are physically separated. On some, both elements are mounted in a single device.
Figure 12-18 shows the single-element design, but the principles discussed below apply to all
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-18
Thrust bearing trip device
On the thrust bearing control block, there are two nozzles located at the turbine rotor eccentricity
disc or thrust collar, depending on the unit. One nozzle is located on each side of this disc or
collar, and they are aimed in an axial direction. HP oil is provided to these two nozzles through
an orifice, which restricts and regulates flow. A pressure-sensing line monitors the oil pressure
created at the control block nozzles, which will vary as the rotor moves axially in either
The pressure-sensing line is connected to an alarm switch and the area below the piston of the
thrust bearing trip relay. Normally, the spring above the piston is strong enough to force the
piston down against the oil pressure in the sensing line. This closes the drain port connected to
the trip relay HP oil connection.
If a thrust problem occurs, oil pressure builds under the spring-loaded piston of the trip relay. At
sufficiently high pressure, the alarm switch will actuate and sound an alarm. When this alarm
sounds, investigate it immediately. An alarm indicates a possible thrust problem.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
If the thrust problem becomes worse, the oil pressure will continue to increase under the piston.
Eventually, the piston will lift, opening the port that connects the thrust bearing trip relay HP oil
supply to drain. This trips the auto-stop valve to close the turbine valves.
The solenoid trip device is an electrical solenoid that, when energized, operates the common trip
relay through the same linkages and levers as does the low condenser vacuum trip. The final
result is a trip of the auto-stop valve by the operating or trip cylinder to close the turbine valves.
(See Figure 12-19.)
Figure 12-19
Solenoid trip device
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
The purpose of the interceptor valve trip system is to protect the reheat units from excessive
thrust due to any possible malfunctions of the reheat stop and interceptor valves. If either of
these valves should close or not fully open while on-line, the result would be to restrict steam
flow from the boiler reheater to the IP turbine section. This condition would result in an
unbalance on the thrust loading of the turbine. Depending on the severity of the thrust imbalance,
the eventual result would be thrust bearing failure and unit damage.
The trip system setups can be different. Two are described briefly here. See Figures 12-20 and
Some units monitor the differential steam pressure between the inlet of the reheat stop and the
outlet of the interceptor valves. Normally, the differential steam pressure across these valves is
less than 30–50 psig.
If a reheat stop or interceptor valve should close slightly, this differential steam pressure rises.
An alarm contact is set to alert the operator of a high differential steam pressure condition, which
should be investigated.
If the reheat stop or interceptor valves should close sufficiently or fully close to create a
dangerous thrust condition, the unit is tripped through an IV differential trip dump valve. This
dump valve causes a loss of HP oil to activate the auto-stop valve trip.
Other units have a hydraulic IV interlocking relay, which consists of three devices:
• Steam chest interlock
The steam chest interlock monitors the steam pressure difference across the boiler reheater to
the IVs outlet. If the reheat stop or interceptor valves should start to close to cause this
differential steam pressure to rise, the steam chest interlock sends an oil signal to the
governing control oil header. This signal causes the governing control valves to close,
thereby reducing steam flow to the unit. The effect on governing control valve position is
dependent on the amount of steam flow reduction needed to decrease the turbine thrust to a
safe value. Governing control oil pressure can reach 37 psig, which is sufficient to close the
governing control valves fully.
• Throttle trip interlock
The throttle trip interlock monitors the differential steam pressure between the HP turbine
impulse chamber and the HP turbine outlet. If the steam chest interlock fails to rapidly reduce
boiler steam flow to eliminate the dangerous thrust condition, the throttle trip interlock senses
no change in differential steam pressure. It then operates, causing HP oil to trip the throttle
trip relay. This trips the unit through the auto-stop valve.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-20
Interceptor valve trip system schematic
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
However, when the throttle trip interlock operates, it allows the oil pressure to build up
under the throttle trip relay piston. The piston then moves upward to compress the
springs, thereby opening the throttle trip relays drain port. This dumps the HP oil from
above the operating (trip) cylinder and trips the auto-stop valve. All turbine valves will
So far, all the tripping devices discussed are located by or at the turbine, and can cause the loss
of HP oil to certain devices (that is, turbine valve operating mechanisms and trip circuits). The
diaphragm or Sphero valves discussed here are located remotely at the turbine oil reservoir and
can also result in the removing or dumping of HP oil for most of the turbine control and trip
devices. (See Figure 12-22.)
The diaphragm valves are designed to allow tripping of the unit remotely in an emergency.
Operation of the valves maintains the oil supply to the bearings so that the unit can be brought to
rest without bearing damage. It also still allows oil flow as backup to the generator seal oil
The first diaphragm valve connects the main oil pump discharge to the turbine oil reservoir. This
valve is closed during normal operation and is opened only when dumping is necessary. Thus,
most of the main oil pump discharge oil is dumped to the turbine oil reservoir.
The second valve is in the main auxiliary oil pump discharge line. This diaphragm valve position
is just the opposite of the other diaphragm valve. It is open in normal operation and closed only
when dumping is necessary. It isolates the main auxiliary oil pump output from the HP oil
system, but still allows the main auxiliary oil pump to supply bearing oil from its own bearing oil
supply connection in the turbine oil reservoir.
12.6.1 General
Turbine speed or load must be regulated at all times at the desired value during turbine operation.
Turbine speed and load are determined by the steam flow through the turbine, which is largely
determined by how wide the governing control valves are opened.
The governing (speed and load) control for the turbines is composed of a number of hydraulic
components that work together to position the governing control valves. These devices are
shown in Figure 12-23.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-21
Governing control oil schematic
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
These devices are very complex, and there are usually several design differences from unit to
unit. These design differences reflect, for the most part, the changes or improvements made over
the years since the units were first brought on the line. As such, this section does not concentrate
on the internal design of the devices (that is, how they function), but rather on their fundamental
As Figure 12-23 shows, the device with the highest output oil pressure to the governing control
oil header is in control. This setup was not unintentional. It allows the various protective devices
to take control of the speed or load automatically in an emergency by overriding the normal
control oil signal source.
The turbine main governor feeds the governing valves the information needed to function
properly. A control oil comes from the main governor. The pressure of this oil is determined by
the speed error. The main governor sets the desired speed, records the actual speed, and feeds an
error signal to the governing valves. The governing valves respond to the error signal. If the
desired speed matches the actual speed (the speed error is zero), then the main governor control
oil pressure to the governing valves is 30 psig. With a control oil pressure of 30 psig, the
governing valves stay exactly where they are. A control oil pressure that is less than 30 psig
means that the actual speed is less than the desired speed. The governing valves respond to a
control pressure that is less than 30 psig with an opening movement. A higher-than-desired speed
results in a control oil pressure greater than 30 psig, and the governing valve movement is in the
closing direction.
The governor impeller itself is not used as a control device. However, it is used by both the main
governor and auxiliary governor to provide an input oil signal that indicates turbine speed. (See
Figure 12-24.)
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-22
Governor impeller
The turbine governor impeller is made integral with the overspeed trip body discussed previously
and is mounted on the shaft extension inside the front pedestal. The impeller of the main
governor is driven by the turbine. It, therefore, is operating at the same speed as the turbine. The
turbine main oil pump provides the main governor with an oil supply through an adjustable
orifice. The oil supply flow to the main governor is usually about 15 gallons per minute. The
governor impeller works much like a relief valve, with the excess HP oil going to drain (turbine
oil reservoir).
Once the oil gets inside the impeller, it is affected by centrifugal force. Centrifugal force is
proportional to turbine speed. Change the turbine speed, and the impeller oil discharge pressure
changes proportionally. Increase the turbine speed, and the impeller discharge oil pressure is
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
increased. The entire system is calibrated so that, with the unit operating at 3600 rpm, the
impeller discharge pressure is around 30 psig. General
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-23
Main governor outline and oil flows
The main governor in this case is in reality a pressure “transformer,” which magnifies the
changes in governor impeller oil pressure as the speed changes. The changes in governor
impeller oil pressure for changes in turbine speed are relatively small. HP oil (approximately
1201–30 psig at 3600 rpm) is supplied through an orifice to the main governor. The governor
impeller oil acts on this HP oil supply through a bellows and springs arrangement. This
determines the pressure of the oil supply going to the governing control oil header. The oil in the
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
governing control oil header goes to the relay piston chamber of the governing control valve
servomotor to control governing control valve position.
Normal output oil signals to the governing control oil header are between 10 and 35 psig. This
governing control oil header pressure value determines unit speed. A motorized speed changer
control knob is provided to select the speed (that is, governing control oil header pressure) that
the main governor will maintain. This control adjusts a spring that balances the governor
impeller oil pressure below the bellows. With a fixed setting of the speed changer (that is a
certain turbine speed is selected), changes in governor impeller oil pressure (resulting from
changes in turbine speed above or below the speed changer set point) vary the governing control
oil header pressure (to change governing control valve position to raise or lower turbine speed to
the speed changer set point).
The action of the speed changer control can be observed before the unit is on-line. Within a
certain range (about 3300–3900 rpm), the speed can be selected with the speed changer speed
control knob, and the main governor will control and maintain that speed. Turning the knob in
the increase direction increases turbine speed. Turning the knob in the opposite direction
decreases turbine speed.
When a main unit generator is on-line, the speed changer control becomes a load changer
control. This is true because, as discussed previously, changing the steam flow through the
turbine now changes generator load, and not turbine speed. Accordingly, there is a different load
for every speed changer position.
Mechanically, this means that the governor impeller oil pressure remains relatively constant
(approximately 30 psig). Now, for every speed changer position, there is a different governing
control oil header pressure necessary to balance the main governor hydraulic forces. For every
governing control oil header pressure value, there is a definite governing control valve position.
If system electrical frequency remains constant, for every governing control valve position, there
is a definite electrical load maintained by the unit.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
The auxiliary governor (Figure 12-26) is a protection device not used in normal operation. The
auxiliary governor protects against an overspeed condition from reaching the trip point
(approximately 3960 rpm) after a rapid speed increase. Better stated, it protects against a rapid
rate of speed increase to the trip point following a load rejection (that is, main generator breaker
opens suddenly).
Figure 12-24
Auxiliary governor and main governor
Turbine speed rises suddenly in the event of a rapid loss of load. This is because the main
governor speed changer set point during load control with the unit on-line is higher than the
speed changer’s 3600-rpm set point with the unit off-line.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
When the unit is operating normally at rated speed, the auxiliary governor output oil pressure is
lower than the main governor output oil pressure. It monitors turbine speed through governor
impeller oil pressure. However, if the turbine should accelerate (due to loss of load) in the 60–
120 rpm/sec. range, control of the unit is assumed by the auxiliary governor. This is because its
output oil pressure to the governing control oil header will now be higher than the main governor
oil pressure.
The governing control oil pressure from the auxiliary governor will be high enough (35 psig) to
close the governing control valves, which will shut off steam to the unit. If the acceleration was
fast enough to raise the governing control oil pressure to 40–45 psig, the IVs on reheat units will
also begin to close to regulate any remaining steam flow from the boiler reheater. If the
governing control oil pressure exceeds 45 psig, the IVs will rapidly close completely to shut off
all boiler reheater steam flow.
If the unit accelerates to 3960 rpm, the overspeed trip device trips the unit. Hopefully, however,
the auxiliary governor stops the turbine speed rise before this trip point is reached. When the
turbine speed peaks, the auxiliary governor governing control oil pressure drops after a time
delay. Control of the unit is then assumed by the main governor governing control oil pressure
A hand wheel is provided on the auxiliary governor to make it inoperative during an actual
overspeed trip test of the unit. When returning the auxiliary governor to service following an
overspeed trip test, turn the hand wheel slowly so as to give the oil pressure in the auxiliary
governor time to stabilize.
The load limit valve is also hydraulically connected to the governing control oil header through a
check valve. This load limit valve can be adjusted to maintain a governing control oil pressure
output value from no load to full load. The load limit valve can thus be used if you want to limit
the load to some maximum value. The load limit hand wheel is set at that value. The load limit
valve can also be used, if desired, for speed control if the unit is off-line, similar to the main
governor, except without feedback.
See Figure 12-27 to see how this device works. HP oil is provided, through an orifice, to a cup
valve. The cup valve is positioned according to the spring compression acting on it. The cup
valve throttles this HP oil to drain. The pressure under the cup valve is, therefore, less than the
HP oil and more than drain. This variable pressure is gated to the governing control oil header
through a check valve. This variable pressure is referred to as the load limit control oil pressure.
If and when the load limit control oil pressure becomes greater than the governing control oil
header pressure, the check valve opens. At that moment, the load limit valve takes control of the
governing control valves.
Westinghouse 150# Operations Overview
Figure 12-25
Load limit valve
The variable load limit control oil pressure is preset by the operator. Adjust the load limit hand
wheel (by motor or hand), and the spring compression acting on the cup valve changes. This
spring can be adjusted to anywhere between 0% and 100% load.
Before the start of a front pedestal (see Figure 13-1) outage, there are some key points that are
worth mentioning. These points are stressed throughout the following procedures, but their
importance is such that emphasis needs to be placed on them from the beginning and throughout
the disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of components.
• Pictures – Take plenty of pictures before and during disassembly. Wondering where a part
belongs is not an option when the front pedestal components are being reassembled.
• Match marks – Along with pictures, match marking of the attachment location of the
components, as well as piping, electrical and instrumentation connections, is imperative to
the success of the outage. If the component or connection already has a permanent, indelible
match mark, make note of the mark (capture an image of the mark), but do not make another
permanent mark. This will save confusion at reassembly and will prevent any possible
damage or destruction of the components.
• Operational logs – How was the unit running prior to the scheduled outage? This should be a
discussion long before, back in the outage planning stages, but is worthwhile re-mentioning,
due to its importance. The operating logs are an invaluable source of information and may
point to areas of concern; areas that will require a closer-than-usual examination of the
potentially involved components. Items of concern would be:
– How well did the unit respond to load changes, both up and down?
– Were the controls quick to react or sluggish?
– Was the transition smooth or jumpy?
All of the operating log observations tell a story about how the controls are
responding/operating or, more accurately, their condition.
Note: This does not mean that if the unit is running well, you do not have to pay attention to
the front pedestal components. This is especially true with outages being scheduled at longer
• Lubricating oil system – The lubricating oil system on MHC units is the same oil that is used
by the hydraulic control system. It is imperative for the oil system to be maintained as clean
as possible. This is even more important when it comes to the hydraulic controls portion of
the unit.
Westinghouse Maintenance
The turbine-generator bearings and oil pump wear ring running clearances range from 0.010
to 0.040 , depending on the diameter at any given location. Some of the hydraulic controls
clearances are as tight as 0.0005 (½ thousandth of an inch) to a maximum of 0.006 . The
hydraulic component clearances leave little room for suspended particulates in the oil.
Cleanliness of the lubricating oil and, therefore, of the hydraulic control oil is of the upmost
importance and should be the number one preventive maintenance activity for the oil system!
• Parts storage and identification – All components and their associated parts must be clearly
marked, tagged, or otherwise identified and stored in a location where they are protected
from potential damage and accidental loss.
• Wear points – Every pivot point, contact point, pilot valve and bushing, or other sliding
contact points in the mechanical linkage and hydraulic cylinders is a potential wear point
and, as such, should be closely inspected upon disassembly.
• Main servomotor – On units that are equipped with a T governor and some with a TA
governor, the main servomotor piston stroke must be measured and recorded prior to its
disassembly. This means that the auxiliary oil pump must be in service (running) in order to
stroke the piston.
CAUTION: At the completion of the stroke measurement, the oil pump must then be shut
down and the system cleared for work (lock-out, tag-out procedure) prior to beginning the
disassembly process.
Even with the oil pumps off and the system cleared, the potential exists for an accident. Some
of the hydraulic components may still have oil pressure keeping them open or closed, and
closing spring tension on valves and/or operating cylinders should be disassembled with
Figure 13-1
Westinghouse 150# MHC front pedestal with appearance lagging in place
Westinghouse Maintenance
In addition to the above, the first craft to start removing components in preparation for
disassembly are the I&C technicians. Instrument wiring and instrument air lines must be
separated. The original design has provisions for separation to allow the upper pedestal cover to
be removed.
Special attention must be paid to any later additions around the area. Over the years, there may
have been many design changes or additions, which may have included the addition of junction
boxes. The design change may be associated with the conversion to non-OEM turbine
supervisory instruments. Many plants have added fire protection systems as well. The concern is
that many of these installations did not make provisions for ease of disassembly, and it may
involve significant work to move systems (wiring, air lines, pipes, sensors, etc.) out of the way.
It is recommended that the plans include a single point of contact for the MHC systems. This
assignment might best be made to a machinist. This person should document all work activities
as they are performed. Documentation should include, as mentioned above, all as-found
orientations and application of match marks that will be used for reassembly. Although all
methods necessary should be used to aid in the inspection and reassembly, the best way to ensure
competent performance is to have one person responsible for the MHC system maintenance.
Prior to the removal of any inspection door to gain access to the internals, detailed procedures
must be in place to ensure foreign material exclusion (FME). Tools used near any openings must
be properly secured for retrieval (in case the tool is accidentally dropped). Exercise great caution
as pins are removed, especially near any of one of these openings.
On those units equipped with a T or TA governor mounted on top of the pedestal, disassemble
the linkage between the governor valve lift bar and the servomotor (operating cylinder). If the
turbine is to be further inspected, remove the remaining linkage to facilitate disassembly of the
HP turbine section.
When the servomotor (the speed changer and governor are attached to the servomotor) is
unbolted, remove it from the pedestal and move it to a clean area where it can be further
disassembled and inspected, including the speed changer and governor itself.
Figure 13-2 shows a Westinghouse 150 # front pedestal with a T governor. The governor,
servomotor (operating cylinder) and speed/load changer (SLC) are mounted on top of the
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-2
Westinghouse 150# MHC system front pedestal with a T governor
The hand trip lever is located on the front of the pedestal in Figure 13-2 and a schematic of the
trip mechanism is shown in Figure 13-3.
Figure 13-3
Hand trip and reset levers and auto-stop trip mechanism
Westinghouse Maintenance
The majority of the mechanical hydraulic controls are located outside the front pedestal
enclosure; the elements located inside the pedestal are:
• #1 journal bearing
• Thrust bearing
• Thrust bearing trip device
• Main oil pump
• Spindle extension shaft
• Governor oil impeller
• Mechanical overspeed trip device
• Auto-stop trip valve
The control components/elements for the 150# control system mounted on the outside of the
pedestal are:
• Main governor (type T on the top of the pedestal) or (type TA on the top or right side of the
• Speed/load changer
• Governor servomotor(s) (operating cylinder[s])
• Load limit valve
• Auxiliary governor
• Vacuum trip device
• Throttle pressure regulator
• Low bearing oil pressure trip
• Solenoid trip
On units equipped with a T governor, like the one shown in Figure 13-4, the governor
appearance lagging, as well as the governor, servomotor and speed/load changer, must be
removed before the main front pedestal appearance lagging and front pedestal cover can be
accessed and removed.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-4
150# system front pedestal with appearance lagging in place
Unlike the GE MHC system, the majority of the Westinghouse MHC system is made up of
hydraulic devices with very few operating levers and/or fulcrums with multiple pivot points.
Other than the governor oil impeller, which is mounted on the end of the turbine extension shaft,
the remainder of the turbine governor system is bolted to the outside of the front pedestal. As a
result, these components can all be opened, inspected, and repaired without opening the pedestal.
However, you will have to remove the front pedestal appearance lagging for clear access to the
governor components.
Westinghouse Maintenance
CAUTION: During the jacking phase, watch for mechanical linkages, as well as electrical
and hydraulic connections, that may have been missed during the initial inspection.
4. Use appropriate dry wood blocking (cribbing) only. Insulate the cover from the cribbing
(blocking) with a graphite-based gasket material to prevent any moisture in the wood from
etching or corroding the horizontal joint.
CAUTION: Some electrical termination points inside the front pedestal may remain
energized, so be sure to take the necessary precautions to protect personnel.
With the cover off, you can remove the small sensors and mounting brackets that are around
the spindle extension shaft.
5. The method and extent of internal pedestal disassembly depends on several different
conditions, including job scope, machine operating history, and the type/vintage of the
controls. The degree to which the front pedestal components/elements will be disassembled
and inspected should have been determined prior to the start of the outage in the outage
planning stages.
6. When the upper pedestal cover is removed, use FME procedures to secure the standard drain
openings. This is normally accomplished by carefully wrapping approved blankets around
the openings and securing those blankets in place. Any time that work is not being
performed; the pedestal should be covered and closed with (at a minimum) clean, dry plastic
Note: Due to the critical nature of the governor assembly control functions, the physical
disassembly of the governor assembly components should be undertaken very carefully and by
experienced personnel only.
Some of the components will have indelible permanent alignment or match marks. In these
cases, it is not necessary to make new assembly marks because they may, at the very least, make
for confusion at reassembly or may cause damage to the component if not done with extreme
care. Take pictures and any pertinent measurements before loosening and subsequently removing
any component. Servomotor
The T and TA governor servomotors are double acting. Hydraulic oil is used to open and close
the governor valves.
Disassemble the governor servomotor; inspect the operating cylinder, piston, and piston rings;
and record the as-found dimensions and general condition of each.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Heavy scoring or scraping, or an out-of-round or taper condition of the cylinder walls requires
honing, machining, or sleeving the cylinder to restore it to an acceptable operating condition.
When honing is needed, use a hone that retains its shape while in use. A good quality hone, for
example, a Sunnen box hone (see Figure 13-5), should be used for this purpose.
Figure 13-5
Sunnen box hone
Note: Never use spring-loaded hones on any MHC components because they will not hold a
round, taperless shape.
Thoroughly inspect the servomotor piston and replace the piston rings, especially if any work to
the servomotor bore has significantly changed the bore diameter. New rings with the correct end
gap (0.0035" to 0.005" per inch of cylinder diameter) will be required. On a 6.0" diameter
cylinder bore, the ring end gap would be 0.021" to 0.030" (6 x 0.0035" to 0.005"). Servomotor Main Relay, Main Relay Bushing and Pilot Relay
Figure 13-6 shows the servomotor main relay and bushing (red ellipse) as well as the servomotor
pilot relay (green ellipse); all of which require disassembly and inspection.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-6
Servomotor pilot valve elements
The lands on the relay must be sharp (see Figure 13-7). The clearance between the relay and its
bushing should be should be from 0.002 to 0.004 so that control oil does not leak by and cause
operational problems with the servomotor and, therefore, governor valve positioning.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-7
Sharp vs. dull lands
The servomotor piston rod is equipped with bronze guide bushings (located in the purple ellipse
shown in Figure 13-6) as well as a bronze bushing in the end of the piston rod (orange ellipse).
Check all three bushings, and replace them as needed if they are worn excessively. The bushing
clearances should be between 0.002 and 0.003 .
A relay with dull, rounded land edges may not close off the port sufficiently and may cause the
governor to hunt for the correct position based on the feedback it receives. An easy, field-proven
method of checking the sharpness of a relay land edge is to draw or drag your fingernail across
the edge of the land. If the land scrapes material off the fingernail, it is sharp enough. This is
shown in Figure 13-8.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-8
Fingernail shavings on a sharp land
Use caution when handling and cleaning the main relay not to dull or nick the lands’ edges.
The T governor is equipped with an integral servomotor pilot relay as shown in Figure 13-9.
Figure 13-9
Servomotor pilot valve relay
Westinghouse Maintenance
After disassembling the relay, measure and record the diameters (OD) of the piston as indicated
in Figure 13-10 and the bores (ID) of the piston cylinder and sleeve as shown in Figure 13-11.
OEM specifications call for from 0.002" to 0.004" diametrical clearance.
Figure 13-10
Relay piston and cup valve
Figure 13-11
Relay body, cylinder, and sleeve
Westinghouse Maintenance
Perform a blue check on the cup valve (green ellipse in Figure 13-10) and its seating surface
(green ellipse in Figure 13-11) at the top of the main relay bushing. Lap the cup valve to its seat
to achieve 100% contact.
Additionally, blue check the ball check valve (orange ellipse in Figure 13-9) to its seat.
The speed/load changer accomplishes exactly what its name implies. With the unit operating off-
line, it controls the speed (rpm) of the unit. With the unit on-line, it controls the unit load (at a
fixed speed).
Inspection of the speed/load changer (see Figure 13-12) includes the motor-driven worm gear
and governor-driven worm wheel gear.
Figure 13-12
Motor-driven speed/load changer
Westinghouse Maintenance
Clean and visually inspect the gears for any obvious signs of wear, and check for 0.002" to
0.003" end play on the worm gear. After cleaning, grease the gears with a good lithium-based
Spring loading of the clutch assembly should be such that the operator can manually run the
changer from the high-speed stop (HSS) to the low-speed stop (LSS) and back without any
difficulty. A more scientific test would be to hold the manual hand wheel and run the speed
changer motor. The clutch should “slip” with a current draw of around 0.6 amps on the 1/30th
horsepower motor.
The governor transformer (see Figure 13-13) has a number of components that require close
inspection. Perform a blue check on the cup valve and its seating surface. Lap the cup valve to its
seat to achieve 100% contact.
Figure 13-13
Governor transformer
Check the bellows by turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol to test for
leaks. Place the bellows on a dry, white piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit for
approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows leaks, replace it.
Westinghouse Maintenance
A number of these governor components are assembled with gaskets and/or O-rings. The
replacement O-rings must be of an oil-compatible type (preferably Viton), and the replacement
gaskets need to be of the same thickness and material type.
Save the old gaskets as a pattern for the new ones, and be sure to match the gasket thickness. A
1/16 gasket may not work in place of a 1/32 one.
The auxiliary speed changer (see Figure 13-14) is equipped with a worm gear that meshes with a
worm wheel gear on the end of the governor transformer (red ellipse) that should be checked for
wear. The worm gear end play also should be checked and should be approximately 0.002" to
0.003 .
Figure 13-14
Auxiliary speed/load changer
The auxiliary governor is equipped with a revolution/turn counter, and its gears (green ellipse)
should also be checked for wear while the component is disassembled. Install new stem packing
on the auxiliary governor shaft. The packing gland is located within the green ellipse in Figure
Westinghouse Maintenance
CAUTION: During the jacking phase, watch for mechanical linkages, as well as electrical
and hydraulic connections, that may have been missed during the initial inspection.
4. Use appropriate dry wood blocking (cribbing) only. Insulate the cover from the cribbing
(blocking) with a graphite-based gasket material to prevent any moisture in the wood from
etching or corroding the horizontal joint.
CAUTION: Some electrical termination points inside the front pedestal may remain
energized, so be sure to take the necessary precautions to protect personnel.
With the cover off, you can remove the small sensors and mounting brackets that are around
the spindle extension shaft.
5. The method and extent of internal pedestal disassembly depends on several different
conditions, including job scope, machine operating history, and the type/vintage of the
controls. The degree to which the front pedestal components/elements will be disassembled
and inspected should have been determined prior to the start of the outage in the outage
planning stages.
6. When the upper pedestal cover is removed, use FME procedures to secure the standard drain
openings. This is normally accomplished by carefully wrapping approved blankets around
the openings and securing those blankets in place. Any time that work is not being
performed; the pedestal should be covered and closed with (at minimum) clean, dry plastic
Westinghouse Maintenance
Newer units equipped with type TA governors and all other type governors have two (or more)
governor valve servomotors. On units with only two governor valve servomotors, each
servomotor opens all of the governor valves on one side of the unit with three or four governor
valves per side, depending on the size and vintage of the turbine-generator set.
Disassemble the servomotors, and inspect the main operating cylinder, piston and piston rings as
well as the main relay and its bushing and the pilot relay. Record the as-found dimensions and
general condition of each. Figures 13-15 and 13-16 are typical of the governor servomotors that
would be found in an application where there are two servomotors that open three or four
governor valves each.
Figure 13-15
Governor valve servomotor I
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-16
Governor valve servomotor II
Heavy scoring or scraping, or an out-of-round or taper condition of the cylinder walls requires
honing, machining, or sleeving the cylinder to restore it to an acceptable operating condition.
When honing is needed, use a hone that retains its shape while in use. A good quality hone, for
example Sunnen box hone (see Figure 13-17), should be used for this purpose.
Figure 13-17
Sunnen box hone
Note: Never use spring-loaded hones on any MHC components because they will not hold a
round, taperless shape.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Thoroughly inspect the servomotor piston and replace the piston rings, especially if any work to
the servomotor bore has significantly changed the bore diameter. New rings with the correct end
gap (0.0035" to 0.005" per inch of cylinder diameter) will be required. On a 6.0" diameter
cylinder bore, the ring end gap would be 0.021" to 0.030" (6 x 0.0035" or 0.005").
Figure 13-18 shows the servomotor main relay and its bushing (green ellipse) as well as the
servomotor pilot relay (red ellipse); all of which require disassembly and inspection.
Figure 13-18
Pilot valve, bushing, and relay
The lands on the relays must be sharp, and the diametrical clearance between the relays and their
bushings should be 0.002" to 0.004" so that control oil does not leak by and cause operational
problems with the servomotors and, therefore, governor valve positioning.
Figures 13-19 and 13-20 are representative of relays (pilot valves) with sharp (Figure 13-19) and
dull (Figure 13-20) land edges.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-19
Sharp land edges
Figure 13-20
Dull land edges
An easy, field-proven method of checking the sharpness of the land edges is to draw or drag your
fingernail across the edge of the land. If the land scrapes material off the fingernail, it is sharp
enough. This is shown in Figure 13-21.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-21
Fingernail shavings on a sharp land
Use caution when handling and cleaning the relay lands not to dull or nick the edges.
The T governor is equipped with an integral servomotor pilot relay as shown in Figure 13-22.
Figure 13-22
Servomotor pilot valve relay
After disassembling the relay, measure and record the diameters (OD) of the piston as indicated
in Figure 13-23 and the bores (ID) of the piston cylinder and sleeve as shown in Figure 13-24.
OEM specifications call for from 0.002" to 0.004" diametrical clearance.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-23
Relay piston and cup valve
Figure 13-24
Relay body, cylinder, and sleeve
Westinghouse Maintenance
Perform a blue check on the cup valve (green ellipse in Figure 13-23) and its seating surface
(green ellipse in Figure 13-24) at the top of the main relay bushing. Lap the cup valve to its seat
to achieve 100% contact. Additionally, blue check the ball check valve (orange ellipse in Figure
13-22) to its seat.
The type of main and auxiliary governors for Westinghouse 150# systems varies by unit size
and/or vintage. The general disassembly, inspection, and repair of the governors are similar in all
Figure 13-25 is a schematic of one of the designs that might be found on your unit.
Figure 13-25
Main and auxiliary governors schematic
Figure 13-26 is a picture of this same type governor arrangement. Although the one on your unit
may look different, the functionality is the same.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-26
Main and auxiliary governors
The auxiliary governor is manually operated and is equipped with two bellows (one on the time
delay and one on the transformer) and one cup valve on the transformer. Leak test each bellows
by turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol. Place the bellows on a dry, white
piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit for approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows
leaks, replace it.
Perform a blue check on the cup valve and its seating surface at the top of the main relay
bushing. Lap the cup valve to its seat to achieve 100% contact. Place the feedback orifice located
in this device (if you remove it for cleaning) back in the same reamed hole, or the auxiliary
governor will not function properly.
The main governor is motor operated (it can also be operated by hand) and is equipped with one
bellows and one cup valve. Inspect the cup valve and bellows using the same methods described
in the auxiliary governor section above.
The main governor is also equipped with gearing including a worm gear (driver on motor shaft)
and a worm wheel (driven gear) driving/positioning the speed changer shaft. Part of the gear
drive assembly is a spring-loaded clutch assembly, which—along with the gears—will need to be
inspected as well.
Worm gear end play should be 0.002 –0.003 , and the clutch friction should be such that the
operator can manually run the changer from the HSS to the LSS and back without any difficulty.
A more scientific test would be to hold the manual hand wheel (so that it cannot turn) and run the
speed changer motor. The clutch should “slip” with a current draw of around .6 amps on the
1/30th horsepower motor.
Westinghouse Maintenance
The spindle extension (see Figure 13-27) comprises a number of components including the thrust
bearing along with its housing and the thrust bearing trip device, the emergency overspeed trip
device, the main oil pump, and the governor oil impeller.
Figure 13-27
Spindle extension
Although all of these components are important in their own right, the governor oil impeller
(located inside the red ellipse in Figure 13-27) is the main MHC device of interest here.
Check and record the shaft seal sizes. The seal clearances may need to be reestablished if the
wear is beyond the acceptable OEM specifications. The axial running clearance of the governor
oil impeller stationary sleeve (the perforated ring in the red ellipse) is tight by any standards at
from 0.0005 to 0.001 . The diametrical clearance between the stationary sleeve and the
governor oil impeller is from 0.002 to 0.005 .
Figure 13-28 is a schematic of a motor-operated load limit valve, and Figure 13-29 is a picture of
a load limit valve installed on a unit.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-28
Load limit valve schematic
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-29
Load limit valve
Disassemble the valve, and perform a blue check on the cup valve and its seating surface. Lap
the cup valve to its seat to achieve 100% contact.
As with any of the motor-driven valves, the worm gear end play should be 0.002 to 0.003 , and
the clutch friction should be such that the operator can manually run the changer from the HSS to
the LSS and back without any difficulty. A more scientific test would be to hold the manual hand
wheel (so that it cannot turn) and run the speed changer motor. The clutch should “slip” with a
current draw of around 0.6 amps on the 1/30th horsepower motor.
If this device is being used, check its bellows and cup valve. Most of the original equipment
throttle pressure regulators are no longer in use.
The throttle pressure regulator in Figure 13-30 is equipped with a bellows and a cup valve.
Check the bellows by turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol to test for
leaks. Place the bellows on a dry, white piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit for
approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows leaks, replace it.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Perform a blue check on the cup valve and its seating surface. Lap the cup valve to its seat to
achieve 100% contact. Check and clean the orifice at the oil’s entrance and exit points.
Clean the device with mineral spirits and then lightly lubricate it with clean turbine oil.
Figure 13-30
Throttle pressure regulator
When the unit reaches 10%–11% overspeed, centrifugal forces overcome the spring force on the
overspeed trip device (red ellipse in Figure 13-31), and the plunger moves out to engage the trip
finger (the green arrow is pointing to the trip finger in Figure 13-31).
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-31
Overspeed trip device
Test this device by actually overspeeding the turbine (Figure 13-32) prior to shutting it down for
this outage. If the device tests “good,” it should not be disturbed during the outage. Test it also
when coming back from an outage before releasing the unit to operations, regardless of whether
it was worked on.
Figure 13-32
Overspeed trip device in the trip position
Westinghouse Maintenance
Remove this device to allow removal of the HP turbine spindle or the spindle extension.
Under normal circumstances, the thrust bearing trip device (Figure 13-33) needs only general
cleaning and inspection of the ball check valves. The ball check valve seats have an intentional
groove machined in them. Do not attempt to remove (machine out) the groove.
CAUTION: Take care to prevent the sensor ends of the thrust bearing trip device from hitting the
rotor during removal. Use cardboard or graphite-based gasket material as a protective cushion
during the removal of this device.
Figure 13-33
Thrust bearing trip device
Flush the numerous oil passages of the thrust bearing trip device with an approved cleaning
solvent such as mineral spirits. Lightly lubricate the device then with clean turbine oil.
Westinghouse Maintenance
The auto stop trip device (Figure 13-34) is activated by a number of the unit protection devices
and, upon activation, dumps HP oil (oil that is holding the governor valves, interceptor valves,
reheat stop valves, and throttle valves in their open position) to drain.
In the governor valve servomotors, HP oil on the servomotor relay also helps force the governor
valves to close.
Figure 13-34
Auto-stop valve – trip device
The overspeed trip device described in Section also activates the auto-stop valve on a
unit overspeed.
Perform a blue check on the valve disc and seat of the auto-stop valve. Lap the valve disc to its
seat to achieve 100% contact. A general cleaning with mineral spirits should be all that is
required other than checking the valve seating surfaces. Lightly lubricate the valve disc and seat
with clean turbine oil.
Westinghouse Maintenance
The vacuum trip device (see Figure 13-35) is contains a bellows that, when it senses enough
vacuum in the condenser, holds the trip lever down against spring pressure and away from the
trip relay linkage. An actual trip device is shown (inside the red circle) installed on a unit.
Figure 13-35
Low vacuum trip device
Westinghouse Maintenance
Check the bellows by turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol to test for
leaks. Place the bellows on a dry, white piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit for
approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows leaks, replace it.
Clean the vacuum trip device with mineral spirits, and then lightly lubricate it with clean turbine
oil after the inspections have been completed.
The low bearing oil pressure trip device (see Figure 13-36) is made up of a piston, cylinder, and
spring arrangement. In a low bearing header oil pressure situation (falling oil pressure of 4–6
psig), the spring pressure overcomes the oil pressure, and the piston actuates a relay trip lever to
trip the unit on low oil pressure.
Figure 13-36
Low bearing oil pressure trip device
Westinghouse Maintenance
The piston to cylinder wall clearance should be between 0.002 and 0.004 .
Clean the low bearing oil trip device with mineral spirits, and then lightly lubricate it with clean
turbine oil after the inspections have been completed.
The solenoid trip device (see Figure 13-37) gets its trip signal from any one of several station
devices. An actual trip device is shown (inside the green circle) installed on a unit.
Figure 13-37
Solenoid trip device
Westinghouse Maintenance
This device receives an electrical signal that energizes it and causes the solenoid plunger to rise
and, through a common trip relay, trip the unit. Test the solenoid for the Ohm value that it takes
to activate the plunger.
After the testing and inspection is completed, apply a light film of clean turbine oil to the
solenoid valve linkage.
The Westinghouse 300# MHC system contains most if not all of the components found in the
150# system. They may be larger in the 300# system, and more than likely, they will be found in
a slightly different location, but it will be close to the front pedestal. The control and protective
devices, for the most part, are arranged in blocks.
The control block includes the main and auxiliary governors, governing emergency trip valve,
and load limit valve. The protection block includes the vacuum trip device, low bearing oil
pressure trip device, solenoid trip device, and thrust bearing trip device.
The components, as well as the front pedestal itself (see Figure 13-38), are larger than in the
150# MHC system and require some different disassembly procedures with regard to rigging and
Figure 13-38
Westinghouse 300# MHC front pedestal with the appearance lagging in place
As previously stated, a number of items need to be addressed prior to the start of a unit outage.
Please refer to Section 13.1.0 of this document for the information regarding the preparation for
disassembly of a front pedestal.
Westinghouse Maintenance
CAUTION: During the jacking phase, watch for mechanical linkages, as well as electrical
and hydraulic connections, that may have been missed during the initial inspection.
4. Use appropriate dry wood blocking (cribbing) only. Isolate the cover from the cribbing
(blocking) with a graphite-based gasket material to prevent any moisture in the wood from
etching / corroding the horizontal joint.
CAUTION: Some electrical termination points inside the front pedestal may remain
energized, so be sure to take the necessary precautions to protect personnel.
With the cover off, you can remove the small sensors and mounting brackets that are around
the spindle extension shaft.
5. The method and extent of internal pedestal disassembly depends on several different
conditions including job scope, machine operating history, and the type/vintage of the
controls. The degree to which the front pedestal components/elements will be disassembled
and inspected should have been determined prior to the start of the outage in the outage
planning stages.
6. When the upper pedestal cover is removed, use the FME procedures to secure the standard
drain openings. This is normally accomplished by carefully wrapping approved blankets
around the openings and securing those blankets in place. Any time that work is not being
performed; the pedestal should be covered and closed with (at a minimum) clean, dry plastic
Westinghouse Maintenance
Your unit may have two, six, or eight governing valve servomotors, depending on the unit size
and/or vintage. Regardless of the number of servomotors, they are operated and maintained in
the same manner. Needless to say, there are servomotors with different designs, also dependent
on the size and vintage of the unit.
Figure 13-39 shows a 300# unit with four individually operated governor valves, meaning that
there are four more valves on the other side of the HP turbine. With eight governor valves, there
will be an equal number of servomotors.
Figure 13-39
Individually operated governor valves
Westinghouse Maintenance
The governor valve servomotors may be of the design shown in Figure 13-40.
Figure 13-40
Servomotor schematic
The procedure for the disassembly of this design follows. The procedure for other designs is very
Westinghouse Maintenance
5. Remove the relay piston spring nut, and pull the relay piston bolt from the relay piston.
6. Measure and record the height of the relay bushing with respect to the relay piston housing
mounting surface.
7. Unbolt and remove the relay busing bracket, relay bushing, and relay plunger as one
assembly. Continue disassembling these items, and inspect the pin, bearing, and bushing for
8. Unbolt and remove the servomotor cylinder spacer. Measure the length of the cam on the
piston, and then remove the piston rod assembly from its cylinder.
9. Measure and record the clearance between the piston rings and the groove they are located in
(should be 0.001 to 0.002 clearance).
10. Remove the piston rings from the piston, and place them inside the cylinder one at a time.
Measure and record the end gap. It should be 0.0035"–0.005" per inch of cylinder bore
11. Using the correct type of hone (not a spring-loaded hone), hone out any high spots from the
cylinder bore, and record the finish bore size. Install new piston rings as required to maintain
the correct ring end gap as described in item 10 above.
12. Piston rod to bushing diametrical clearances should be 0.002 –0.004 , and the bushings
should be replaced if they exceed the 0.004 limit.
If the cylinder bore is scored badly enough, it may require more extensive repairs up to and
including placing a sleeve in the cylinder to attain an acceptable surface finish and size.
Installation of a sleeve requires boring (machining the bore of the cylinder) the cylinder out
to accept the outside diameter of the sleeve. The sleeve will be installed with a shrink fit of
approximately 0.002 –0.003 interference (shrink fit).
The installed sleeve size (ID) should then be checked and recorded and new rings acquired to
fit the new cylinder size.
13. Clean each part of the servomotor assembly thoroughly with an approved solvent, such as
mineral spirits, and lint-free rags. Whichever cleaning product is used, completely remove
(wipe or dry) it prior to reassembly of the servomotor.
The control block (see Figure 13-41) consists of the following components:
• Main governor/speed load changer
• Auxiliary governor/accelerometer
• Load limit valve
• Governing emergency trip valve
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-41
Control block
Reversing the normal direction of flow through the block with the cleaning solvent helps
clean out some of the more stubborn particles/deposits. Be sure to remove any residual
cleaning solvent from the passages prior to reassembly of the control block and any of its
attached components.
3. Where the control block mounts to its base and where the control block components bolt to
the control block, there are O-ring grooves machined into the components and/or the control
block mounting surfaces. Inspect these O-ring grooves for any abnormalities, and replace the
O-rings as part of the process.
As stated earlier, use Viton O-rings anywhere that petroleum products are present; in the
MHC system, that would be the system hydraulic fluid (turbine lube oil).
Westinghouse Maintenance
Follow these steps to disassemble the main governor (see Figure 13-42):
Figure 13-42
Main governor
1. Unbolt and remove the speed load changer motor from the governor, and check the worm
gear for excessive wear. Worm gear end play should be 0.002 –0.003 .
2. Unbolt and remove the bellows assembly from the governor, being careful not to damage the
bellows during the process.
3. Remove the friction clutch assembly, and check the worm wheel gear for excessive wear. On
reassembly, adjust the friction clutch to allow a 0.6 amp current draw on the motor while
holding the manual hand wheel to keep it from turning under power.
4. The main governor is equipped with one bellows and two cup valves. Check the bellows by
turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol to test for leaks. Place the bellows
on a dry, white piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit for approximately 30 minutes.
If the bellows leaks, replace it.
Westinghouse Maintenance
5. Perform a blue check on the cup valves and their seating surfaces, and lap to achieve 100%
contact. If a cup valve has a deep nick in the seating surface of the cup edge, replace it.
As shown in Figure 13-43, the cup valve seat contact point is 0.010 across, and it would not
take long to lap a 100% contact on a cup valve with fairly good contact. However, by the
time you lap a nick of any significant depth from the edge of the valve, its contact point
would be much greater than the OEM specs call for. Obtaining good contact and the amount
of time it would take to lap the nick out makes it obviously more efficient to replace the
Figure 13-43
Cup valve
6. Clean the main governor with mineral spirits, and lightly lubricate it with clean turbine oil
after the inspections have been completed.
The auxiliary governor (see Figure 13-44) is manually operated and is equipped with three
bellows (two on the time delays and one on the transformer), one cup valve, one relief valve, and
one diaphragm.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-44
Auxiliary governor
Westinghouse Maintenance
Follow these steps to disassemble the load limit valve (see Figure 13-45):
Figure 13-45
Load limit valve
1. Unbolt and remove the load limit drive motor from the load limit valve body, and check the
worm gear for excessive wear. Worm gear end play should be 0.002 –0.003 .
2. Unbolt and remove the load limit valve body cover
3. Unbolt and remove the load limit valve body, valve stem, and spring assembly.
4. Remove the friction clutch assembly, and check the worm wheel gear for excessive wear. On
reassembly, adjust the friction clutch to allow a 0.6 amp current draw on the motor while
holding the manual hand wheel to keep it from turning under power.
5. Remove the upper and lower diaphragm support rings, diaphragm, and cup valve.
Westinghouse Maintenance
6. Perform a blue check on the cup valve and its seat, and lap to achieve 100% contact. Replace
the cup valve if necessary.
7. Clean the load limit valve with mineral spirits, and lightly lubricate it with clean turbine oil
after the inspections have been completed.
Follow these steps to disassemble the throttle pressure controller (see Figure 13-46):
Figure 13-46
Throttle pressure controller
1. Unbolt and remove the throttle pressure controller drive motor from the load limit valve
body, and check the worm gear for excessive wear. Worm gear end play should be 0.002 –
0.003 .
2. Unbolt and remove the throttle pressure controller body cover
3. Unbolt and remove the throttle pressure controller body, valve stem, and spring assembly.
4. Remove the friction clutch assembly, and check the worm wheel gear for excessive wear. On
reassembly, adjust the friction clutch to allow a 0.6 amp current draw on the motor while
holding the manual hand wheel to keep it from turning under power.
5. Remove the upper and lower diaphragm support rings, diaphragm, and cup valve.
Westinghouse Maintenance
6. Perform a blue check on the cup valve and its seat, and lap to achieve 100% contact. Replace
the cup valve if necessary.
7. Clean the throttle pressure controller with mineral spirits, and lightly lubricate it with clean
turbine oil after the inspections have been completed.
Follow these steps to disassemble the governing emergency trip valve (see Figure 13-47):
Figure 13-47
Governing emergency trip valve
1. Unbolt and remove the governing emergency trip valve housing cover if it is not already off.
2. Note and record the location of the valve locknuts on the valve stem so that they can be
positioned in the same place at reassembly.
3. Remove the locknuts and spring, and remove the valve stem from its housing.
4. Perform a blue check on the cup valve and its seating surface, and lap to achieve 100%
contact. Replace the valve stem and seat if necessary.
5. Clean the governing emergency trip valve with mineral spirits, and lightly lubricate it with
clean turbine oil after the inspection has been completed.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Follow these steps to disassemble the auxiliary governor dump valve (see Figure 13-48):
Figure 13-48
Auxiliary governor dump valve
The throttle pressure regulator (Figure 13-49) has been taken out of service on most units as a
result of improved boiler controls.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-49
Throttle pressure regulator
NOTE: Upon reassembly of the throttle pressure regulator to its location on the front pedestal,
ensure that the Bourdon tube connection is tight because it is connected to a main steam pressure
The smoothing device (see Figure 13-50), sometimes referred to as the orifice and relief valve,
reduces the oil pressure from the main oil pump. Also through a series of both coil and reed
springs and an orifice (inside purple ellipse), it removes pulsations from the oil (hence the name
smoothing device) prior to the oil entering the governor oil impeller.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-50
Smoothing device
The following trip/protective devices trip the unit for reasons that are obvious by their
descriptive titles:
• Overspeed trip device
• Low bearing oil pressure trip device
• Solenoid trip device
Westinghouse Maintenance
The protective trip block, shown in Figures 13-51 and 13-52, is home to a number of these
protective trip devices.
Figure 13-51
Protective devices
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-52
Protective trip device block
In Figure 13-52, the protective device block is under the removable cover in the red rectangle.
The valves used to test the protective trip devices are located within the green rectangle.
Shown in the schematic in Figure 13-53, the overspeed trip device trips the unit in an overspeed
situation when the turbine rotor reaches 110%–111% of rated speed (rpm).
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-53
Overspeed trip device
Test this device prior to a scheduled outage by actually overspeeding the unit (with no load) to
ensure that the device is functioning properly.
As long as the device functions as it is intended, do not attempt to change the device setting
during the outage.
Figure 13-54 shows the overspeed trip device in the tripped position. Centrifugal force causes the
trip weight plunger to overcome the spring tension on it, and the plunger engages the trip lever,
thus tripping the unit.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-54
Overspeed trip device in tripped position
The low bearing oil pressure trip device (see Figure 13-55) consists of a bellows arrangement
that, when allowed to expand downward as the result of low oil pressure, pulls downward on a
fulcrum lever, thus raising the trip valve off its seat at the other end of the fulcrum lever, which
then causes the control oil to go to drain.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-55
Low bearing oil pressure trip device
Follow these steps to disassemble the low bearing oil pressure trip device:
1. Disconnect the bellows rod from the fulcrum lever.
2. Unbolt and carefully remove the bellows arrangement from the trip block.
3. Leak test the bellows by turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol to test
for leaks. Place the bellows on a dry, white piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit
for approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows leaks, replace it.
4. Clean the low bearing oil pressure trip device with mineral spirits, and lightly lubricate it
with clean turbine oil after the inspection has been completed.
The solenoid trip device (Figure 13-56) consists of an electric coil around a steel plunger. When
activated the coil acts as an electromagnet and pulls the plunger down to center of its magnetic
field. The plunger is attached to the left side of the fulcrum lever which in turn causes the right
side of the fulcrum lever to pull up on and unseat the trip valve.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-56
Solenoid trip device
The thrust bearing trip device (see Figure 13-57) monitors the axial position of the turbine
spindle. If the spindle moves excessively in either direction, it alarms and trips the unit by raising
the trip block fulcrum lever and unseating the trip valve.
Westinghouse Maintenance
Figure 13-57
Thrust bearing trip device
The portion of the thrust bearing trip device mounted on the trip block consists of a bellows
arrangement that, when pressurized with turbine oil, lifts the fulcrum lever.
Westinghouse Maintenance
The low vacuum trip device (see Figure 13-58) consists of a bellows arrangement that, under
normal operating conditions, pulls down on the trip block fulcrum lever, thus keeping the trip
valve on its seat.
Figure 13-58
Low vacuum trip device
On a decreasing condenser vacuum (22"–18" of vacuum), the bellows will move upward and
through the fulcrum lever, unseat the trip valve, and trip the unit.
Westinghouse Maintenance
The low vacuum trip device is equipped with a latch arrangement that keeps the device from
tripping the unit during startup when vacuum is low.
The trip valve (see Figure 13-59) is actuated (lifted off its seat) by any of the other protective
devices on the trip block. The trip valve consists of a cup valve and its associated linkage.
Figure 13-59
Trip valve
Westinghouse Maintenance
It is essential for all control components to be adjusted and functioning properly before placing a
unit in service. The intent here is to establish a guide for systematically calibrating the turbine
control system. Where possible, actual in-service operating conditions for checking control
system requirements should be simulated to avoid testing the devices with the unit in actual
Table 13-1
150# system control settings
Main oil pump suction – on auxiliary pump and turning gear. 30–50 psig
Governor impeller discharge – at speed – Set the impeller orifice six turns open
from the breakdown position. 29–31 psig
Auxiliary oil pump discharge. 80 psig
Westinghouse Maintenance
Adjust the hand wheel for two to three turns maximum beyond the wide-open
Trip Settings
Low bearing oil trip – reset 1 psi above trip point. 5–6 psig
Low vacuum trip - reset 2 –3 above trip point. 18 –22 vacuum
Pressure Switches
Westinghouse Maintenance
Pressure Switches
Table 13-2
300# system control settings
Governor impeller discharge – at speed – Set the impeller orifice six turns open
from the breakdown position. 29–31 psig
Auxiliary oil pump discharge. 250 psig
Westinghouse Maintenance
Closed. 20 psig
Closed. 17 psig
Trip Settings
Low bearing oil trip – Reset 1 psi above the trip point. 5–7 psig
Low vacuum trip - Reset 2 –3 above the trip point. 18 –22 Vacuum
Pressure Switches
Turning gear motor. 1–3 psig
Westinghouse Maintenance
“Safety First” is a rule to be followed by everyone. Your company’s safety rules must be
followed; they were carefully thought out with the company’s particular situation in mind. Even
more important is the right mental attitude.
Certain safety ideas are especially important for those working on MHC controls. These ideas
also fit into the larger picture of company rules and a safety-minded attitude:
• Use the regular clearance procedure faithfully. This procedure is sometimes frustrating to
those trying to get a job done on the controls under time pressure, and there is a temptation to
take short cuts. Do not be tempted to shortcut.
• Do not continue to run a unit if there is any doubt regarding the functioning of both lines of
defense against overspeed.
• As a general rule the generator breaker should not be intentionally opened when the unit is
carrying load. Never allow it to be opened intentionally if there is any suspicion of stuck
valves or control system trouble.
• Stay clear of all control system moving parts when the hydraulic oil pressure is on or about to
be turned on, and keep everyone else away. If the system is not tagged out, treat it as if the
components can move at any time. Very fast, powerful, unexpected movements are a serious
• Many MHC system components and practically all steam valves have powerful springs in
them. Be sure you understand and follow the correct procedures when disassembling any
spring-loaded device.
• Never leave a test pressure gauge in the system unless it is inside the guarded drain system.
• Fire prevention should be a high priority for everyone, and plans for responding to a fire
should be part of work planning any time, whether the unit is on-line or off-line.
• Environmental protection should be in place to contain possible oil spills
Westinghouse Troubleshooting
All too often if you are troubleshooting a MHC problem, you are probably on the critical path,
and pressure is severe (not on the unit, but on you). It is exceedingly important that you do not
let your focus become too narrow. These comments are intended to help focus your way out of
the problems:
1. Stay cool and think your way through the problem. There is nothing mysterious about MHC
systems. There is a logical reason for everything and a solution to all problems. Consult the
OEM manual, think before you act, and avoid guessing. Stay with it, and the problem can be
2. Safety first! The mechanical devices are fast acting, powerful equipment that can do serious
3. Problems seldom solve themselves. Never ignore signs of trouble.
4. Be sure that you have all the “evidence” and that it is correct. You must understand the
problem before it can be solved. Things are not always what they seem or as you first hear
about them.
5. Will the “problem” repeat? Is it still here? If possible, see if the alarm or device will reset or
operate correctly now before you do anything further. Of course, if it does, there is most
likely still a problem (see item 3 above).
6. Study the instruction book, control diagram, block diagram, lever diagram, and so on.
Consider past history. Be sure you know how this device is supposed to work and how it can
be adjusted.
7. Look for a change. Did this device work correctly before? Are you sure? When was that?
What could be different now? If there is a problem now and there was none before,
something has changed, and you must define that change.
8. Up to now, you probably should have done very little or no disassembly, adjustment, etc. If
you have come this far and (a) understand how this device should work, (b) understand what
it is (or is not) doing that is wrong, (c) do not know what the cause and cure are, then it is
probably time to start troubleshooting.
9. What is in control? In other words, for example, if the governor valve response is an issue,
what is controlling the governor valve position? Is it the load limit, the throttle pressure
regulator, or the speed governor? A classic example of not knowing what component is in
control is thinking that the valves were not responding because the speed governor was
controlling, but actually, the load limit was controlling.
Conversely, if the speed governor is in control and there is some valve instability or
oscillation, then the load limit should be put into control. If the problem goes away, the issue
is the speed governor (disregarding the potential for coincidence). If the problem remains, it
is not caused by the speed governor, and you should look at the valve mechanisms.
Westinghouse Troubleshooting
10. If the problem seems to be a particular component, a good first step is to check the inputs to
that device. When a car will not start, you usually check the three main inputs first: fuel,
spark and air. Start with the obvious.
The mechanical motion input must go through full travel, have enough force, and evidence of
sticking or jerking should not be present. To check oil pressure inputs, you must prove that
they are on and off when required and that the on pressure is correct. Remember also, there
must not be air in the oil. Air is a problem that must be fixed before proceeding. Furthermore,
accurate pressure gauges are required.
11. In this way, work backward until you find the component or device that has all inputs correct
and an incorrect output. Clearly, the problem is within this component. Disassembly and
inspection of the problem component is usually next.
12. The causes of most control problems usually come down to a few simple things:
– Sticking or binding caused by rust, dirt, galling, misalignment, tight clearance, paint
(where it should not be), bits of Teflon tape, etc.
– Excessive friction that includes galling/scoring, improper lubrication, wear, and not using
proper fitted components.
– Too much play or clearance caused by wear, incorrect assembly, loose bolts, poor
adjustment, etc.
– Not enough oil flow or pressure caused by leaks, incorrect assembly, or blocked flow
passages (rags, dirt, Teflon tape, etc.).
– Mechanical damage that includes parts bent, broken, cracked, etc.
– Incorrect adjustment. Be careful here. Things do not often get out of adjustment by
themselves. Do not be fooled into making an adjustment to cure a problem that is really
something else.
– Air in the oil. Entrained air will make the impossible happen.
– Interference. A device cannot move through full travel because it is hitting something.
– Change in requirements. In the 1960s a control system was thought to be very accurate
and responsive. It is equally accurate and responsive today (assuming that it has been
properly cared for), but in most plants, the definition and requirements for accuracy have
changed. Consequently, the motor drive assemblies can be a source of problems today.
When you think you have solved the problem, check the final operation of all of the involved
parts of the system as completely as you possibly can. There might have been more than one
Westinghouse Troubleshooting
14.3.1 The turbine does not respond to operator adjustment of the speed
Westinghouse Troubleshooting
14.3.3 Load is steady at certain loads, but tends to hunt at intermediate loads.
14.3.5 The unit hunts at all loads, but not with regularity.
Westinghouse Troubleshooting
d. The pilot relay may be binding. Move the emergency trip several times to see if the relay
e. Try adjusting the governor impeller orifice if hunting gets worse with large swings in
14.3.8 The governor valves will not open to its limit (auxiliary oil pump is in
Westinghouse Troubleshooting
14.3.9 The unit tends to overspeed before the unit is synchronized to the grid or
when load is removed.
14.3.11 Operation is satisfactory at large loads, but the unit will not carry
light loads.
15.1 Introduction
Figure 15-1
Vessel containing compressible fluid
V = Vessel volume
Mr = Mass of steam in the vessel at rated conditions, particularly at rated pressure (Pr)
GE Reactor Pressure Control
To regulate the internal pressure at a particular value, flow out of the vessel must equal the rate
of generation, Qout = Qin. In a reactor, the turbine control valves control Qout; the bypass valves
will assist in controlling Qout if, for some reason, the turbine control valves do not control this
pressure. In boiling water reactor (BWR) units, the control of pressure is critical to plant
As discussed in studies of speed/load control, the speed control of the turbine must be capable of
closing the turbine inlet valves in a turbine overspeed situation. Speed control overrides any
pressure control functions in the closing of any turbine inlet valve. This is accomplished by
arranging the speed control and pressure control devices in a low-value gate (LVG)
configuration (see Figure 15-2).
Figure 15-2
Speed control and pressure control in a low-value gate
An LVG is a device that will position the turbine inlet valves according to the one input signal
that calls for the lowest (most closed) valve position.
A pressure error signal is transformed into a mechanical position in the bellows pressure sensor.
This mechanical position is obtained by applying the controlled pressure to a bellows assembly
and opposing the resulting force with a spring force that is proportional to the pressure reference
(setpoint). Figure 15-3 illustrates a bellows pressure sensor. Steam pressure is applied on the
bottom side of the bellows, pushing up. The spring force, the pressure setpoint, pushes down.
The resulting vertical position of the device then represents the pressure error.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Figure 15-3
Bellows pressure sensor
Similar to the discussions of speed regulation, pressure regulation is built into the pressure
control system. A small amount of pressure change results in a change in steam flow (control
valve position).
Assume that a flow change of 33.3% rated, x 100 = 33.3%
Causes a pressure change of 1%. x 100 = 1%
The pressure change for a 100% change in flow is 3%. In other words, a 3% change in pressure
will result in a 100% change of the control valve position. The regulation of this pressure control
system is 3%. Steady-state pressure regulation is defined according to the following equation:
Qmin. - Qmax.
Reg (Pst. st.) = *( + ) x 100
GE Reactor Pressure Control
In order to be stable, however, the control system requires a broader instantaneous regulation.
For example, a sudden flow change of 10% would produce a pressure change of 1.5%. The
instantaneous regulation of this system would be 15% (1.5/0.1). Within 10–20 seconds, the large
pressure change would wash out by slowly repositioning the valves so that the steady-state
pressure change at the new flow would be only 0.3%: the steady-state regulation would be 3%
15.1.5 Deadband
The deadband is the width of the pressure band within which the control valve will not respond
to a pressure change.
Shown in Figure 15-4, the inlet pressure control holds pressure upstream of the control valves
within specified limits from minimum to maximum steam flow. The control valves close on a
pressure decrease. Minimum flow is no-load flow or more.
Figure 15-4
Inlet pressure control
GE Reactor Pressure Control
At BWR plants, the inlet pressure (BWR output) must be controlled at all times. This is a vital
control. Specifics are listed here:
• Pressure setpoint range:
– 150–1000 psig
– Typically set at 950 psig for normal operation
• Regulation:
– Steady state: 3%
– Instantaneous: 10%–15%
• Deadband: ≤ 0.01% (mandatory)
In the operation of a steam turbine at a BWR site, there are two “competing” control
requirements. First, the pressure must be controlled within the specifics described above. Second,
the turbine speed must be controlled at all times.
In normal operations, the steam turbine generator is operating on the grid, and the grid, in effect,
controls the turbine speed. Given that the turbine speed is being controlled by the electrical
system, the turbine control valves can be used to control reactor pressure as desired.
The risk to the turbine comes into play if and when the generator separates from the grid. One of
the greatest risks to the turbine generator is that of overspeed. The steam turbine must be
prevented from having the turbine speed exceed 120% rated speed in an overspeed event.
Although 120% rated speed sounds like a large number, it takes only seconds for this speed to be
achieved in a full load rejection scenario if the turbine valves do not close.
As a result of this need to protect the turbine, the speed control function can override the pressure
control function in a turbine overspeed. If this is the case, then a secondary means by which
pressure is controlled is needed. This becomes the role of the bypass valves. From a control
function, the bypass valve controller needs to know when the control valves are no longer
controlling reactor pressure, and this is the function of the compound control mechanism.
A compound control mechanism operates the control valves and bypass valves in proper
coordination in order to control reactor pressure and turbine load (or speed during startup) to set
values. See Figure 15-5.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Figure 15-5
Compound control mechanism
Reactor pressure is regulated by controlling the steam flow out of the reactor (into the steam
turbine) with the control valves. If the control valves were to fail to open as needed by pressure
control, then the bypass valves would open to control the steam flow from the reactor to the
The control valves are positioned by the control valve servomotor that receives a positioning
signal from the secondary speed relay that receives a positioning signal from the control valve
relay. In the compound control mechanism, it determines which controller is in control: pressure
control (mechanical or electrical), speed/load control, or the opening jack.
Examine Figure 15-5 closely. A pressure sensor (measuring steam pressure ahead of the main
stop valves) provides feedback to the MPR (mechanical pressure regulator) and the EPR
(electrical pressure regulator). These two regulators are gated such that the one asking for the
most steam flow (out of the reactor) will control. This high value gating provides a fail-safe
GE Reactor Pressure Control
mechanism from the reactor perspective. A command for more steam flow (less pressure) will
result in the compound control mechanism providing an opening signal to the control valve
relay. This command for more valve opening will occur, providing the Load Limit or the speed /
load changer are not limiting upward movement of the compound control mechanism
(speed/load system in control). In this illustration, if the “dark” part is moving upward as
commanded by the pressure regulators, but the control valve relay is not moving upward (speed
load changer limiting travel for example), then there is input to the bypass relay, to the bypass
Servo Motor, to open the bypass valves. If the control valve relay opened as demanded then the
input to the bypass valves would not have occurred. Signals to the compound control mechanism
are listed here:
• Input signals
– Reactor pressure setpoint (established by setpoint adjustment of pressure regulator)
– Load or speed setpoint (established by speed/load changer)
– Turbine speed
– Reactor pressure
• Output signals
– Position of control valve relay
– Position of bypass relay
• Special or overriding input signals
– Main load limit
– Reactor flow limit
– Bypass valve opening jack
– Control valve limit Function
The principal control intelligence for normal turbine reactor control is performed by the control
valve relay. The control valve relay is located in the front standard (See Figure 15-6). Inputs to
the control valve relay are:
1. From the right, demand from the speed/load control, more specifically, the desired total
steam flow into the turbine as represented by the speed relay lift, which is designated the S-1
2. From the left, the available generation of reactor steam as represented by the output of the
pressure control unit, which is designated the P-1 signal.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Figure 15-6
Control valve relay
Notice that the hydraulic supply must pass through V-3 (controlled by P-1), then through V-2
(controlled by S-1) to the control valve relay. V-3 and V-2 are auctioned so that the pilot valve
that is asking for the most closed control valve relay (V-1) will control V-1 and, therefore, the
control valves. In normal operation of a BWR unit, that most closed signal is derived from the
pressure control unit and P-1; therefore, V-3 controls the control valve relay (V-1).
Note that the feedback from the control valve relay is directed to both V-2 and V-3. Only one of
these two pilot valves (in series) can control travel of the control valve relay. Typically, during
startup, speed/load control devices are positioning the control valve relay. As a direct result, the
steam flow through the steam turbine will be inadequate as demanded by the pressure control
unit. It will be necessary to open the bypass valves then to regulate steam pressure.
In a turbine startup situation, P-1 has “asked” for more steam flow by porting more oil through
V-3 to V-2. In this case, however, V-2 does not pass the additional oil (V-2 is in control via the
speed/load controls). The control valve relay (V-1) does not stroke as demanded by V-3. This
means then V-3 is not returned to port. V-3 stays off-port in the upward direction. This continued
off-port operation becomes an input to the bypass valve relay.
Conversely, as in the case at some elevated load, if the amount of desired steam (S-1 signal) to
produce a certain turbine power output is greater than the amount of steam available from the
reactor (P-1 signal), then the V-3 signal is zero, and the corresponding magnitude of control
valve opening, as represented by the V-1 output signal, corresponds to the magnitude of the P-1
GE Reactor Pressure Control
The normal control signals to and from the control valve relay may be overridden as described
below. The main load limit can override the speed governor and call for a lower steam flow into
the turbine. In such a case, the S-1 signal is determined by the load limit setting. V-2 overrides
V-3. There is no overriding mechanism associated with the bypass relay proper. Thus, the output
of the bypass relay is always equivalent to the signal V-3 produced by the control valve relay.
There is, however, an overriding device, the bypass opening jack, associated with the pressure
relay unit with which the bypass valves can be opened beyond the amount called for by the
pressure regulators. Thus, the P-1 travel is determined either by the controlling pressure regulator
or by the bypass opening jack, whichever calls for the greater travel.
The reactor flow limit limits the output P-1 signal of the pressure control unit, thus limiting the
maximum opening of the control and/or bypass valves. The speed and pressure control units, the
control valve, and bypass relay units are part of the compound control system controlling turbine
load and reactor pressure in proper correlation.
Any turbine trip action caused by either the emergency trip valve (in the front standard) or
vacuum trip #1 does not trip the bypass valves. The only trip device closing the bypass valves is
vacuum #2, which is actuated only at an extremely poor condenser vacuum of 7–10 in. Hg, or by
energizing the trip solenoid. As long as the condenser vacuum is acceptable, the bypass valves
are retained in service during any turbine trip in order to dispose of the steam that the reactor
keeps generating following a turbine trip.
The control valve relay is a spring-closed hydraulic relay (See Figure 15-6) whose output piston
positions the secondary speed relay (not shown, but is the output of the control valve relay). The
lift of the control valve relay is representative of the required control valve flow. There are three
pilot valves, designated as V-2, V-3, and L, which will attempt to control the piston position of
the control valve relay unit. All three pilot valves are arranged in series in the oil feed to the
piston chamber. The pilot valve that calls for the lower lift of the control valve relay is in control
of the oil supply and, as a result, in control of the control valve relay piston proper.
The input end of the V-2 pilot valve floating lever is operated by the speed relay (S-1 signal),
and the input of the V-3 pilot valve floating lever is operated by the output torque shaft (P-1
signal) of the pressure control unit. The input end of the L pilot valve floating lever is operated
by the control valve limit handwheel.
If the V-3 pilot valve has control over the control valve relay, the control valve relay lift (V-1
signal) is proportional to the speed relay lift, and the V-3 pilot valve is some amount above port.
The amount of overtravel (V-3 signal) represents the amount of reactor steam that is not
absorbed by the control valves and, as a result, must be passed through the bypass valves. A
linkage system is directly connected to the V-3 pilot valve to transmit its position to the bypass
relay unit.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Conversely, if the V-3 pilot valve has control over the control valve relay, then the V-2 pilot
valve is some distance above port. Any amount of overtravel of this pilot valve (V-2 signal) is
significant because the permitted opening of the control valves does not pass sufficient flow to
carry the turbine load called for by the speed relay. As a result, the turbine is not on governor
The lift of the control valve relay piston can be limited by the L pilot valve if the operator wants
to limit the opening of the control valves for special purposes. This L pilot valve can be operated
by a handwheel mechanism, the control valve limit which is accessible at the turbine front
standard. Since this method of control is seldom used, no means of remote control for the control
valve limit is typically provided. Function
The bypass relay has the sole function of amplifying the force of the signal from the control
valve relay to the bypass valves. The bypass relay takes the signal of the V-3 point on the control
valve relay as an input and increases the force sufficiently to operate the camshaft at the bypass
valves (see Figure 15-7).
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Figure 15-7
Bypass relay
GE Reactor Pressure Control
The bypass relay is located in the turbine front standard. The relay is oil opened and spring
closed, with the oil supply coming from vacuum trip No. 2. Thus, tripping of vacuum trip No. 2
closes the bypass relay. The bypass relay is controlled by the pilot valve, which has a spring-
closed hydraulic relay that positions the bypass valves. The lift of this bypass relay represents the
desired bypass flow.
The bypass valves are opened when, due to limited turbine output, the steam flow into the
turbine is held at a smaller magnitude than the steam generated by the reactor. In normal turbine
operation, this might be due to a large frequency deviation on the grid that causes the turbine
control valves to move in the closing direction. An emergency situation that might require the
bypass valves to open would be a load rejection where the generator circuit breaker (or its
equivalent) is opened and the turbine control valves are closed to protect against a turbine
overspeed. Otherwise, this situation is encountered only during startup or shutdown.
As indicated in the description for the control valve relay, the position of the V-3 pilot valve of
the control valve relay unit serves as an input signal to the bypass relay. For this reason, the
floating lever of the bypass relay pilot valve is connected with the V-3 pilot valve of the control
valve relay unit by a suitable linkage system. As long as the V-3 primary relay pilot valve is on
port, the bypass relay is held at some minimum lift close to the point where the No. 1 bypass
valve begins to open. As soon as the V-3 pilot valve moves into the open end overtravel range,
the bypass relay piston is lifted, which opens the bypass valves in sequence.
Under steady-state conditions, the output of the bypass relay always conforms to the V-3 signal
that is generated by the V-3 pilot valve of the control valve relay unit.
In the event of the turbine-generator load rejection, the bypass relay has to open fast, requiring a
substantial flow of hydraulic fluid which is in excess of what the turbine shaft pump can supply.
A spring-loaded piston-type accumulator is provided to supplement the oil supply during the
rapid opening of the bypass relay.
On the input side of the relay, between the V-3 point and the pilot valve, there is an adjustable
lever, which may be shortened or lengthened. This lever makes it possible to adjust the input to
the bypass valves so that the characteristic of incremental bypass valve movement almost exactly
matches the characteristic of the control valves.
Figure 15-8 illustrates the bypass valve organization, showing just one cam assembly. The
number of cam assemblies varies as a function of the number of bypass valves required on a
specific BWR unit.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Figure 15-8
Bypass valves
GE Reactor Pressure Control
If you follow the signal from the bypass relay on the upper right, you can see that the bypass
relay rotates a cam shaft. The rotating cam provides an input to the bypass pilot valve. Note that
the supply of hydraulics is standard operating oil through an orifice and check valve. There is a
signal orifice in a separate supply to each of the bypass pilot valves. This orificed supply,
combined with the shown spring-loaded accumulator, results in the storage of oil pressure in case
there is a loss of operating oil (perhaps with the steam turbine coasting down and no ac power for
the auxiliary oil pump). The bypass pilot valve ports hydraulic fluid to the operating cylinder to
position the bypass valves as needed. Limit switches (the bypass valve closed switch [BVCS]
and the bypass valve open switch [BVOS]) normally provide feedback as to valve position. The
differential transformer for the bypass valve (DT-BV) provides exact intermediate position
15.4.1 Introduction
The force-restored pressure regulator, also known as the mechanical pressure regulator (MPR), is
a wide-range, high-precision pressure regulator. It operates the pilot control of an integrated
control mechanism to regulate a steam pressure within very close limits to the set point. Its
response characteristic can be adjusted within an extremely wide range to match the
requirements of the overall control system.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
15.4.3 Design
In this mechanical pressure regulator, the forces obtained by the pressure-sensitive element are
counterbalanced by permanent or temporary restoring forces. The pressure-sensing bellows
always have the same steady-state position, regardless of pressure and output piston stroke.
In Figure 15-9, the primary inputs to the mechanical pressure regulator are shown. These inputs
are summed on the control beam. The control beam is suspended at the right side by a
frictionless pivot, which makes the fulcrum free from friction and backlash. From this pivot
point, the control beam is free to deflect as a function of the inputs. The position of the control
beam is determined by relative signals from the inputs, as well as some internal signals.
Figure 15-9
Inputs to the force-stored pressure regulator
Immediately to the left of the pivot point and above the control beam is the feedback, the “to-be-
controlled” steam pressure input. This main steam header pressure is input to the pressure-
sensitive element (stainless steel bellows assembly) via a sensing line connection from a point in
front of the main stop valve. This figure also shows a connection to the main steam header,
normally at 950 psig, 540ºF.
The maximum stroke of this pressure-sensitive bellows is restricted to 0.062" ± 0.0015". This
bellows assembly provides pressure feedback to the control beam. An increase in reactor
pressure results in an increase in the downward force on this control beam. The operating
bellows stroke is set by the adjustment of two bolts with relation to the beam. The adjustment on
the bolts serves to limit the operating bellows travel to the proper value.
Below the control beam and the pressure input is the setpoint mechanism input. This pressure-
adjusting mechanism is used to load the springs to the proper compression to counterbalance all
steady-state forces on the control beam, mainly those steady-state forces exerted by the bellows
(sensing steam pressure). The setpoint mechanism is limited by a stop at both the lower and
GE Reactor Pressure Control
upper ends of the lead screw. These two stops are the minimum pressure (150 psig) and the
maximum pressure (1050 psig) adjustments, respectively. Signals indicating the position of the
pressure changer are transmitted to the control room by a position transducer (shown as DT-RH
in Figure 15-9).
The operating speed of the pressure changer motor, in combination with its reduction gear, is
selected so that the pressure can be changed at a maximum rate of 1 psig per second. By using
the handwheel, the pressure change can be done appreciably faster.
The demand signal creates an upward force on the control beam. The feedback signal (steam
pressure) creates a downward force on the control beam. Vertical position of the control beam
represents the error as the control beam deflects from the pivot point due to these two inputs. At
the left side of the control beam are located limiters, outputs, and feedback.
At the far left end of the control beam, Figure 15-10 shows two adjustable stops (unlabeled)
above and below the control beam. These adjustable stops are rate limits that limit the travel of
the pilot valve and, therefore, the flow to the output piston. These adjustable stops are mounted
and gapped to the control beam. They also prevent large rate feedback forces from damaging any
parts connected to the control beam. These forces could occur during improper manipulations of
the regulator.
On the left side of the control beam, just to the right of the rate limits, is the servomotor pilot
valve. The pilot valve positions the relay piston, and this relay piston position is the demand
signal that is sent to the mechanical pressure regulator. A dashpot assembly is connected to the
control beam, toward the center of the beam. Above the control beam and to the left of the oil
bellows, the control beam is connected to the proportional feedback spring.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Figure 15-10
Mechanical pressure regulator I/O
The pilot valve is a three-land design operating in a bushing that is rotated continuously by a
small oil turbine. A needle valve is used to adjust the rotational speed of the oil turbine that is
driving the rotating bushing. This needle valve should always be open during operation. The
bushing is held in place axially by ball thrust bearings. The rotation of the bushing eliminates
any static friction between the pilot valve and bushing, allowing improved response of the pilot
valve to a pressure change. Oil is supplied to the pilot valve across a needle valve to the center
land of the pilot valve. The oil passageways from the pilot valve to the servomotor originate
between the center land and the upper or lower land respectively, and drain oil is released from
the pilot valve across the upper and lower ports controlled by the respective lands of the pilot
GE Reactor Pressure Control
The servomotor relay piston is a low-friction device with balancing grooves for an oil seal. The
relay piston output operates the lever connected to the compound control mechanism. The relay
piston is the mechanical pressure regulator input to this high-value gating mechanism. The
fulcrum point is suspended on a link that can be shifted with respect to the connection point on
the servomotor to adjust the point of lift to match the overall control system. Signals indicating
the position of the servomotor are transmitted to the control room by a position transducer
(labeled in Figure 15-10 as DT-RS).
The proportional feedback of the regulator is obtained by the connections of the linkage and
through the proportional feedback spring. The magnitude of the proportional feedback can be
adjusted by shifting the fulcrum to a new location left or right (one of five possible adjusting
hole locations). The proportional feedback can be adjusted between 2.1% and 8.3% steady-state
The rate feedback system is operated by a link and a lever to the right of the pilot valve that
positions the dashpot piston. The dashpot piston is pushed down by a spring and displaces oil
into, or out of, the rate feedback chamber. This action accomplishes two things:
• It displaces the bottom plate of the expandable rate feedback bellows and, therefore, builds
up a positive or negative pressure in the rate feedback chamber.
• It exerts a force on the rate feedback bellows because of this pressure change and moves the
control beam by means of the rate feedback rod.
The magnitude of the rate feedback can be adjusted by shifting the link fulcrum, which is done
by loosening the bolt and moving the link fulcrum to a new location. Shifting the link fulcrum
toward the dashpot piston decreases the effect of the rate feedback.
A needle valve adjusts the time in which the effect of the rate feedback dies out. This needle
valve is used to adjust the lead-time constant of the pressure regulator.
The bottom portion of the regulator, underneath the hydraulic mechanism, is enclosed to protect
the mechanism and provide an oil level that lubricates the worm gear and acts as a speed
limitation for the oil turbine. The oil turbine is provided with a favorable torque-speed
characteristic because the braking effect of the oil, in which the lower half of the paddle wheel
runs, is proportional to its speed.
Located to the left of the frictionless pivot is a bellows assembly. This bellows assembly is part
of a rate feedback system that initiates at the primary control valve servomotor and terminates at
the control beam.
This rate feedback system is similar to the one internal to the regulator as described above. The
rate feedback system is taken out of service when the No. 1 bypass valve just starts to open. This
is accomplished by adjusting the pilot valve (located on the bypass relay) so that it shuts off the
oil supply to the piston when the No. 1 bypass valve cracks. The piston (which is at its top stop
when the bypass valves are closed) moves down and raises the orifice plug out of the way so that
pressure cannot be built up under the bellows.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
When this feedback system is in operation, the feedback-damping orifice-adjusting screw can be
adjusted to change the effect of the orifice plug and, thus, change the feedback time constant.
A pressure increase on the sensing bellows causes the control beam to lower, which lowers the
piston, which opens the primary control valve servomotor. If the bypass valves are closed, the
upper motion of the primary control valve piston moves the piston and bellows assembly
upward; thus creating a negative pressure under bellows (which is attached to the control arm).
This negative pressure tends to pull the control beam back to its original position or in the
opposite direction from the force that created the disturbance. The length of time that this
negative pressure affects the control beam is a function of the primary control valve’s
servomotor piston movement and the setting of the orifice plug.
Assuming that the mechanical pressure regulator is in control and in a steady-state operation and
that the piston is somewhere between the bottom and top stop, the following happens if the
pressure outside the bellows increases (see Figure 15-11):
1. The increased force exerted by the bellows onto the control beam lowers the beam position.
2. The control beam lowers the pilot valve, which uncovers the oil supply and admits oil to the
upper chamber of the relay piston.
3. The relay piston moves downward. Oil from the lower piston chamber escapes through the
drain opening provided by the lower pilot valve land. The motion of the relay piston is
immediately transmitted to the output point, which, if the mechanical pressure regulator is in
control, moves the control valve relay and opens the control valves to allow for the increased
steam flow.
4. As the relay piston strokes, the proportional feedback spring is extended slightly. This action
puts an upward force on the control beam and counterbalances some of the forces imposed
by the steam bellows.
5. Simultaneously, the rate feedback system is operated in such a fashion that the dashpot piston
lowers, and the pressure in the chamber beneath the dashpot piston increases. The resulting
force, transmitted to the control beam, compensates for some of the force that the steam
bellows had introduced into the system.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Figure 15-11
Mechanical pressure regulator response to pressure change
At this point, the pressure built up in the dashpot piston chamber slowly releases across the
needle valve. This allows the control beam to be lowered by a very small amount, which again
moves the servomotor very slowly in the downward direction. After a certain time, determined
by the flow rate of the needle valve, the pressure chamber returns to atmospheric pressure, and
the pressure in the bellows is different from the pressure before the disturbance only by the
amount that is balanced by the proportional feedback spring.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
The electrical pressure regulator is composed of three electrically connected devices (See Figure
• A sensing unit, located near the area of the main steam lines, provides a pressure feedback
• An electronic hardware unit in the control or relay room area outputs to the servovalve.
• A hydraulic operating piston is located in the turbine front standard.
Figure 15-12
EPR signals
The sensing unit converts steam pressure into an electrical signal. This unit consists of a spring-
loaded bellows and a linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) position-sensing element
(labeled as DT-1 in Figures 15-12 and 15-13). The electronic hardware unit produces a dc output
signal to drive the servovalve in the hydraulic output unit. The servovalve, through control of the
hydraulic oil flow, positions the output piston, which acts on the torque shaft that is common to
all regulators and the bypass valve opening jack. The positions of the output piston, as well as
the control valve relay and bypass relay, are measured by additional LVDTs and fed back into
the electronic hardware unit. The output piston position should also be displayed on the turbine
reactor control boards by an electric indicator that is supplied by the OEM.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
The electrical pressure regulator will have a remote set point adjustment in the range of 950–
1050 psig. The pressure regulation will be adjustable between 20–40 psig, but is most often set at
30 psig.
The hydraulic output unit is equipped with an adjacent filter station for the conditioning of the
hydraulic oil to the servovalve. This can be seen in Figure 15-13. There are two parallel filter
groups: one of which is in operation and the other is on standby. A manual transfer valve
switches one or the other filter unit into service. This arrangement makes it possible to service
one filter unit while the other maintains operation.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Figure 15-13
Electrohydraulic pressure regulator (EPR)
GE Reactor Pressure Control
Each filter group consists of two filters (contained in one casing): a paper pre-filter and a wire-
mesh after-filter. Although the pre-filter will normally accomplish sufficient filtration, the after-
filter is provided as a backup in case of damage to the pre-filter. A differential pressure gage that
reads the pressure drop across the filter unit and a gage that reads the filter output pressure
permit occasional monitoring of the operation of the filter unit. The differential pressure gage
unit is also equipped with alarm contacts actuated at 12-psig differential pressure. When this
differential pressure is reached, it may be necessary to switch to the alternate filter unit and to
exchange the cartridge of the pre-filter that was in service.
The bypass valve opening jack is a manually control input to the control valve relay, as seen in
Figure 15-14. The bypass valve opening jack can be manually operated, but is most often motor
controlled (labeled BDJM in Figure 15-14) and is used to manually regulate reactor pressure at
values less than that where the mechanical pressure regulator might be brought into service.
Figure 15-14
Bypass valve opening jack
GE Reactor Pressure Control
A position transducer (labeled ST-31 in Figure 15-14) provides feedback as to the bypass valve
opening jack position. Limit switches (labeled BDJS-1 and BDJS-2 in Figure 15-14) provide
feedback as to when the bypass valve opening jack is in its most closed or most open position.
It is important to note that the bypass valve opening jack can override the mechanical pressure
regulator and the electrical pressure regulator. The bypass valve opening jack is most often used
to control bypass flow manually, during startup or cooldown, when the pressure is too low to be
controlled by the mechanical pressure regulator.
15.7.1 Overview
The pressure control unit is composed of two independent pressure regulators (the mechanical
pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator) and the bypass valve opening jack. Each
regulator is capable of overriding the other, and the regulator that calls for the greatest combined
opening of the control and bypass valves is the controlling regulator. The pressure regulator that
is set for the lower set pressure is in actual control.
The mechanical pressure regulator has a setpoint range of 150–1050 psig. Because of this lower
pressure setting, the mechanical pressure regulator is the regulator of choice during startup or
cooldown. The electrical pressure regulator’s setpoint range is typically 950–1050 psig and can
vary by unit.
Both the mechanical pressure regulator and the electrical pressure regulator sense the pressure in
the steam piping from the reactor to the turbine at a suitable straight pipe run location ahead of
the turbine main stop valves.
The pressure regulators are adjusted to achieve full stroke travel for a given change in applied
pressure. (This is the pressure regulation setting, and it is usually 30 psi for a 3% regulation
setpoint.) The design full stroke of the piston is 2.0" ± 0.1".
It is normally recommended that the backup pressure regulator be set for a pressure that is
2–3 psi higher than the controlling pressure regulator. This setting difference mitigates the
pressure transient upon failure of the primary regulator. To accomplish this setting difference,
the mechanical pressure regulator piston should be set at a nominal 10% (8%–12%) lower than
the electrical pressure regulator piston stroke. This would mean that there would be a paddle gap
of 0.150"–0.250" between the mechanical pressure regulator piston and the controlling lever.
This setpoint is adjusted to achieve reliable pressure regulator performance without the backup
pressure regulator taking control and provides adequate margin to reduce the probability of a
reactor scram due to the pressure deviation if the electrical pressure regulator were to fail.
GE Reactor Pressure Control
During plant startup, the bypass valve opening jack is used to regulate reactor pressure.
Assuming that the reactor is not pressurized, the mechanical pressure regulator setpoint would be
150 psig. (It should be verified that the mechanical pressure regulator rotating bushing is
operating properly.) As the reactor pressure builds, the bypass valve opening jack setting will
“bump” into the mechanical pressure regulator. At this time the bypass valve opening jack can be
driven to the full open position. The unit is now on pressure control, and the pressure can be
raised as required.
The electrical pressure regulator setpoint should be set at the plant normal startup value. When
the reactor pressure approaches the electrical pressure regulator setpoint, the electrical pressure
regulator will take control of reactor pressure.
Once the electrical pressure regulator piston is greater than about 20% travel, the mechanical
pressure regulator setpoint can be raised to the 2–3 psig value above the electrical pressure
regulator setpoint, as discussed above. This is accomplished by driving the mechanical pressure
regulator setpoint until the mechanical pressure regulator piston is about 10% less than the
electrical pressure regulator piston.
A few nuclear machines built by GE are equipped with a combination mechanical pressure
regulator (MPR) and electrical pressure regulator (EPR) to regulate reactor pressure. Figure 16-1
is an image of an actual mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator located at
the front standard of a nuclear unit. Figure 16-2 is a schematic of the mechanical pressure
regulator/electrical pressure regulator and their connections to the remaining turbine controls
Figure 16-1
GE MHC mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Figure 16-2
Mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator controls
The mechanical pressure regulator is used primarily for unit startup and shutdown and as a
backup to the electrical pressure regulator during normal at-load turbine-generator operations.
Before the start of a front standard (see Figure 16-1) outage, there are some key points that are
worth mentioning. These points are stressed throughout the following procedures, but their
importance is such that emphasis needs to be placed on them from the beginning and throughout
the disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of components:
• Pictures – As stated earlier, take plenty of pictures before and during disassembly of any
turbine components. The mechanical pressure regulator and the electrical pressure regulator
are no exception to this concept.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
• Match marks – Along with pictures, match marking of the attachment location of the
components, as well as piping, electrical and instrumentation connections, is imperative to
the success of the outage. If the component or connection already has a permanent, indelible
match mark, make note of the mark (capture an image of the mark), but do not make another
permanent mark.
In Figure 16-1, the color coding (which serves as match marks) on the electrical connections
for the mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator is very obvious and
speaks to the importance of assembling these devices correctly.
• Operational logs – How was the unit running before the scheduled outage? This should have
been discussed long before the outage, back in the outage planning stages, but is worth
mentioning again due to its importance. The operating logs are an invaluable source of
information and may point to areas of concern, areas that will require a closer-than-usual
examination of the potentially involved components. Items of interest would be:
– How well did the unit respond to load changes, both up and down?
– Were the controls quick to react or sluggish?
– Was the transition smooth or jumpy?
All of the operating log observations tell a story about how the controls are
responding/operating or, more accurately, about their condition.
• Lubricating oil system – As with the other front standard components, the lubricating oil
system on MHC units is the same oil that is used by the mechanical pressure regulator and
the electrical pressure regulator to regulate and control reactor pressure. It is imperative for
the oil system to be maintained as clean as possible. This is a critical point when it comes to
the mechanical pressure regulator and the electrical pressure regulator.
Cleanliness of the lubricating oil and, therefore, of the hydraulic control oil is of the upmost
importance and should be the number one preventive maintenance activity for the oil system.
• Parts storage and identification – All components and their associated parts must be clearly
marked, tagged, or otherwise identified and stored in a location where they are protected
from potential damage, and accidental loss.
• Wear points – Every pivot point, contact point, pilot valve and bushing, and other sliding
contact points in the mechanical linkage and hydraulic cylinders are a potential wear point
and, as such, need to be closely inspected upon disassembly.
In addition to the above, the first group to start removing components in preparation for
disassembly is the I&C technicians. Instrument wiring and instrument air lines must be
separated. The original design has provisions for separation to allow the upper standard cover to
be removed.
Special attention must be paid to any later additions around the area. Over the years, there may
have been many design changes or additions, which may have included the addition of junction
boxes. The design change may be associated with the conversion to non-OEM turbine
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
supervisory instruments. Many plants have added fire protection systems as well. The concern is
that many of these installations did not make provisions for ease of disassembly, and it may
involve significant work to move systems (wiring, air lines, pipes, sensors, etc.) out of the way.
It is recommended that the outage plans include a single point of contact for the mechanical
pressure regulator systems. This assignment might best be made to a machinist. This person
should document all work activities as they are performed. Documentation should include, as
mentioned above, all as-found orientations and application of match marks that will be used for
reassembly. Although all methods necessary should be used to aid in the inspection and
reassembly, the best way to ensure competent performance is to have one person responsible for
the MHC system maintenance and continuous coverage or, at least, continuous awareness.
Prior to the removal of any inspection door to gain access to the internals, detailed procedures
must be in place to ensure foreign material exclusion (FME). Tools used near any openings must
be properly secured for retrieval (in case the tool is accidently dropped). Exercise great caution
as pins are removed, especially near any of these openings.
The frequency of the maintenance inspections should be based on unit operational history and/or
OEM recommendations.
To disassemble and inspect the mechanical pressure regulator, follow these steps:
1. Unbolt and remove the inspection cover on the left forward side of the front standard as
shown in Figure 16-3.
Figure 16-3
Mechanical pressure regulator/electrical pressure regulator
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
2. Reach inside and close the oil supply valve to the mechanical pressure regulator, and remove
the mechanical pressure regulator drain plug to allow the mechanical pressure regulator oil to
drain inside the front standard.
3. Disconnect the electrical supply cords shown in Figure 16-4 and remove the two access
covers toward the bottom of the mechanical pressure regulator base. One of the covers is
shown in Figure 16-4, but the other is out of sight on the front side of the mechanical
pressure regulator base at approximately the same elevation as the visible one.
Figure 16-4
Mechanical pressure regulator
As a mechanical device, the mechanical pressure regulator is equipped with several different
types of mechanical apparatus. These include, but are not limited to:
• Universal joints
• Heim joints
• Pins and bushings
• Pilot valves and bushings
• Relay pistons
• Bellows
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
All of these items are subjected to repetitive movement, and this movement can and does cause
wear at the contact/pivot points.
To disassemble the pilot valve and rotating bushing, follow these steps while referring to Figure
Figure 16-5
Pilot valve, bushing, and oil turbine
1. Disconnect the pilot valve from the floating lever (Item 1).
2. Unbolt and remove the oil turbine and spur gear assembly (Item 2).
3. Remove the rotating bushing drive gear retaining ring and drive gear (Item 2).
4. Unbolt and remove the rotating bushing cover, thrust bearing preload spring, and upper thrust
bearing (Item 3).
5. Lift out the pilot valve and rotating bushing as an assembly, and move it to a clean, secure
area for further disassembly and inspection.
6. Remove the lower thrust bearing assembly.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
7. Remove the pilot valve from the rotating bushing, and remove the pipe plug from the bottom
of the rotating bushing.
8. Measure the pilot valve outside diameter (OD) measurements as shown in Figure 16-6, and
record them as “as-found” measurements on the appropriate data sheet.
Figure 16-6
Pilot valve and rotating bushing
9. Set the pilot valve on V-blocks and, using a dial indicator, measure and record the pilot valve
10. Measure and record the rotating bushing outside diameter (OD) and inside diameter (ID)
11. Measure and record the mechanical pressure regulator body ID
12. Record the pilot valve-to-bushing and bushing-to-body clearances
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Figure 16-7
Fingernail shavings on sharp pilot valve land
This test is the same for all pilot valve and bushing combinations found in or on the GE front
standard components.
Take care in the disassembly and handling of the pilot valves and bushings to prevent
damage to the parts (especially the sharp edges) and to prevent personal injury. If the pilot
valve and/or bushing clearances are out of tolerance or if the land edges are dull or rounded,
replace the parts, usually as a fixed pair or set.
13. Clean all mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator mechanical
components with mineral spirits and store them in a clean, safe environment after inspection.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Next on the list for disassembly and inspection is the mechanical pressure regulator servomotor,
which is shown in Figure 16-8. To disassemble and inspect the mechanical pressure regulator
servomotor, follow these steps:
Figure 16-8
Mechanical pressure regulator servomotor
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Figure 16-9
Servomotor data sheet
The piston-to-cylinder and rod-to-cover hole clearances are based on a standard of 0.001" per
inch of diameter with a +0.001" to +0.002" tolerance depending on the actual measured
diameter. For example; with a diameter of from 1" to 2", the tolerance would be +0.001" (the
total clearance increase, not per inch of diameter) and with diameters of 3" to 4", the tolerance
would be +0.002" (again, the total increase).
The rate feedback transmitting dashpot assembly consists of the components shown in Figure
16-10. The dashpot is comprised of a piston and cylinder, chevron packing, two relief valves,
and a bellows.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Figure 16-10
Dashpot assembly
To disassemble, clean, and inspect the dashpot assembly, follow these steps:
1. Visually inspect the chevron packing and replace it if it shows damage or excessive wear.
2. Pressure test the relief valves and set them to relieve at 4 psig.
3. Check the bellows by turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol to test for
leaks. Place the bellows on a dry, white piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit for
approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows leaks, replace it.
4. More than likely, the bellows will be “jumpered,” that is, it will have narrow metal strips
silver-soldered to the OD of some of the bellows volutes. Penetrant test (PT) these “jumpers”
to ensure that there are no cracks or separations of the jumpers to the bellows volutes.
The purpose of the jumpers is to control the rate or amount that the bellows can expand
and/or contract within the limits of the control settings.
5. Inspect the connection of the dashpot to the bearing and pin arrangement that connects to the
rate feedback lever. Replace the bearing or pin as needed based on their condition.
6. As with the other components of the mechanical or electrical pressure regulator and the
remainder of the front standard, thoroughly clean all of the dashpot parts with mineral spirits,
and wipe them dry with clean lint-free rags. Prior to reassembly, lubricate these and the other
parts with a light coating of lubrication oil (unless otherwise noted).
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
The rate feedback bellows assembly is shown here in Figure 16-11. It consists of a bellows and
linkage to the control beam/floating lever. It is connected to the beam by way of a frictionless
Figure 16-11
Rate feedback bellows assembly
To disassemble, inspect, and clean the rate feedback actuating bellows assembly, follow these
1. Disconnect the attachment clevis. Unbolt the bellows cover, and remove the bellows
assembly from the mechanical pressure regulator base. Do not discard the old O-ring until
you match its size up with the new one.
2. Clean and inspect the bellows.
3. Check the bellows by turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol to test for
leaks. Place the bellows on a dry, white piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit for
approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows leaks, replace it.
The rate feedback throttle valve is a needle valve and is located alongside the dashpot as shown
in Figure 16-12.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Figure 16-12
Throttle valve assembly
To disassemble, inspect, and clean the rate feedback throttle valve, follow these steps:
1. Record the number of turns it takes open the valve fully (wide open). Remove and
disassemble the valve, discarding the old O-rings only after matching them up with the new
2. Clean the valve with mineral spirits, and inspect its components, including the seating
surfaces, for any signs of excessive wear. Repair or replace worn parts as needed.
3. Replace the O-rings, and assemble the valve to the as-found position by turning the valve
toward “closed” the number of turns that it took to move it to “wide open” at disassembly.
This is the second of three needle valves that are located in the mechanical pressure regulator.
See Figure 16-13. Record the number of turns it takes to open the valve fully (wide open).
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Figure 16-13
PV throttle valve
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
This is the third of three needle valves that are located in the mechanical pressure regulator. See
Figure 16-14. Record the number of turns it takes open the valve fully (wide open).
Figure 16-14
Drive turbine oil throttling valve
To inspect the bushing drive turbine oil throttling valve, follow these steps:
1. Disconnect and remove the valve operating shaft (reach rod), and remove the valve from the
mechanical pressure regulator base by unscrewing it.
2. Remove the old O-rings, and remove the valve stem from the valve body.
3. Clean and inspect the components, and match the new O-rings up with the old ones before
throwing them away.
4. Inspect the valve components for any signs of excessive wear including the seating surfaces.
Repair or replace worn parts as needed.
5. Replace the O-rings, and assemble the valve to the as-found position by turning the valve
toward “closed” the number of turns it took to move it to “wide open” at disassembly.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
The bean valve is located in the main steam sensing line, upstream from the main steam pressure
sensing bellows. The purpose of the bean valve is to dampen any potential pressure-wave
influence on main steam valve movement that might exist in the steam pressure sensing line.
Record the as-found bean throttling valve (see Figure 16-15) position by counting the number of
turns it takes to open or close the valve fully. Close the valve fully after recording the information.
Figure 16-15
Bean (needle) valve
This is a needle valve, but its configuration is different from the other needle valves discussed
previously. The normal valve position is from 1-½ to 2 turns open, but is based mainly on
operating conditions.
To disassemble, inspect, and clean the steam pressure sensing bellows assembly (see Figure
16-16), follow these steps:
1. Using Figure 16-16 as a guide, unbolt the sensing line flange (1) at the mechanical pressure
regulator sensing bellows assembly, and unbolt the pivot housing (2) from the floating lever (3).
2. Unbolt and remove the bellows and housing Assembly (red box) from the mechanical
pressure regulator, and remove the housing bottom cover to complete the disassembly.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Figure 16-16
Steam pressure sensing bellows assembly
3. Check the bellows by turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol to test for
leaks. Place the bellows on a dry, white piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit for
approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows leaks, replace it.
4. Inspect the frictionless pivot assembly (4) for damage, alignment, and/or distortion, and
realign as needed.
5. Clean and lightly lubricate the components with turbine oil.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
To disassemble, inspect, and clean the pressure setpoint adjusting components (see Figure 16-
18), follow these steps:
Figure 16-17
Pressure setpoint components
1. Disassemble and inspect the pressure setpoint adjusting components, located in the red box in
Figure 16-17.
2. Clean the components with mineral spirits and lightly lubricate with turbine oil for
3. Unplug and remove the pressure setpoint drive motor, located in the green box in Figure
16-17, and test/inspect its operation.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
4. Disassemble, clean, and inspect the drive couplings, angled gear box, gear reducer, and
friction clutch assembly, also located within the green box. The clutch should be set to slip at
100–125 inch-pounds of torque.
5. Lubricate the gear boxes with the recommended gear oil (for example, Mobile 632 gear oil or
an equivalent), and lubricate the clutch assembly with the recommended grease (for example,
Mobile EP2 or an equivalent). Lightly lubricate the remaining components with clean turbine
Reassembly of the mechanical pressure regulator is in the reverse order of disassembly. Lightly
lubricate all of the components if that has not already been done. Replace all of the old gaskets,
O-rings, spiral-wound gaskets, and the like with new one that have been matched for size and
compatible use.
All sliding, pivoting, and turning devices, and components should operate freely or with the
correct amount of friction for their application.
The electrical pressure regulator, located within the red box in Figure 16-18, is used to control
reactor pressure at normal loads. Remember that the mechanical pressure regulator controls
reactor pressure during startup and shutdown operations and acts as a backup to the EPR during
normal operating conditions (at load).
Figure 16-18
Electrical pressure regulator
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
The electrical pressure regulator has a limited number of mechanical devices that need to be
disassembled, cleaned and inspected. As with any mechanical linkages, mark and/or measure for
reassembly the setpoints before disconnecting and/or disassembling any of these components.
Like the mechanical pressure regulator, the electrical pressure regulator is equipped with a drive
motor, reduction gear, and clutch assembly that must be disassembled, cleaned, and inspected.
As with the mechanical pressure regulator assembly, grease and/or oil them as needed upon
reassembly with the correct grease and oil. The clutch assembly should be adjusted to slip at the
same 100–120 inch-pounds as the mechanical pressure regulator clutch assembly and assembled
using Mobile EP2 grease or an equivalent.
The electrical pressure regulator is equipped with a steam pressure sensing bellows, shown in the
red box in Figure 16-19, not unlike the one in the mechanical pressure regulator.
Figure 16-19
EPR pressure bellows assembly
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Disassemble, clean and inspect the assembly. Check the bellows by turning it open side up and
filling it with denatured alcohol to test for leaks. Place the bellows on a dry, white piece of paper
after filling it, and allow it to sit for approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows leaks, replace it.
Figure 16-20 is another schematic of the pressure sensing bellows assembly in a more simplified
Figure 16-20
EPR pressure bellows schematic
The electrical pressure regulator servomotor shown here in Figure 16-21 is similar to the one
located within the mechanical pressure regulator and requires the same attention with regard to
maintenance of the device.
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Figure 16-21
EPR servomotor
Disassemble, clean and inspect the servomotor being sure to measure the piston OD, cylinder ID,
piston rod OD, and cover hole IDs.
Record the “as found” readings dimensions on the appropriate data sheet (Figure 16-22), and
repair or replace as needed the components that fall outside the accepted tolerances.
Figure 16-22
Servomotor data sheet
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Both the mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator are equipped with
numerous bellows, pivot points, pistons and operating cylinders, pilot valves and bushings, and
the like. Regardless of the size and or location of the bellows, the procedure for inspecting them
is the same.
Clean the bellows and check it by turning it open side up and filling it with denatured alcohol to
test for leaks. Place the bellows on a dry, white piece of paper after filling it, and allow it to sit
for approximately 30 minutes. If the bellows leaks, replace it. It would be beneficial if there were
spare (new) bellows on hand prior to the unit outage because they may not be easy to get on
short notice.
Some bellows are constructed from thin brass sheet material, and minor leaks may be repaired by
silver soldering the indication. The process calls for only the “right” amount of heat and sparing
application of silver solder in order not to affect the operation (flexibility) of the bellows. Too
much heat will cause the bellows to crack more easily, and too much silver solder will cause the
action of the bellows to be too stiff.
The repair process is best left to those with extensive expertise in silver soldering/brazing
techniques. Oxy-acetylene gas heating with a J-27 torch body (or any other mini-torch with small
tips) and either a #1 or #2 tip is recommended for the repair operation.
Prior to attempting a silver solder repair, thoroughly clean the bellows with denatured alcohol or
some other type of cleaner that does not leave a residue after drying. Apply flux to the area to be
soldered and just enough heat to melt the required amount of solder to the bellows. Use “EASY”
solder (60% silver) or an equivalent with a melting point of 771°F, and heat the bellows—not the
solder—until the solder melts when it contacts the bellows and flows into the crack.
If the crack in the bellows is too large, silver soldering will not work because it does not fill
gaps. The two edges of the crack in the bellows must be touching for the silver solder repair to
work. If the crack is too large to allow the surfaces/edges to make contact, the bellows must be
replaced. Additionally, if the crack is 1/6th or more of the circumference of the bellows, the
bellows should be replaced. You might be able to repair it, but it probably will not last for very
Some bellows are manufactured from stainless steel, and these must be replaced if they are
Other areas and wear points of the mechanical pressure regulator that should be closely
examined during and after disassembly include the following:
• Any and all pivot points (pins and bushings)
• Universal joints
• Pilot valves and their associated bushings
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
For the basic pivot points with replaceable pins and/or bushings; maintenance is as simple as
measuring the pin OD and bushing ID and repairing or replacing those that are out of tolerance.
Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to ream the existing bushing or control beam
pin hole ID and replace just the pin with a new slightly larger diameter pin. Take care that the
larger pin diameter does not cause problems as a result of its larger diameter interfering with
movement of the controls.
A number of universal joints are associated with the reach rods (valve stem extensions) that are
used to control/adjust the needle valves located within the mechanical pressure regulator and
electrical pressure regulator.
Numerous Heim joints (Figure 16-23) are also located on the mechanical pressure regulator and
electrical pressure regulator, some of which are shown in Figure 16-24. Heim joints are swivel
(ball & socket) type pivot points.
Figure 16-23
Heim joint
Mechanical Pressure Regulator and Electrical Pressure Regulator Maintenance
Figure 16-24
Mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator Heim joints
In Figure 16-24, six Heim joints are indicated within the red circles with a few more that are not
visible without disassembling the mechanical pressure regulator and electrical pressure regulator.
As pivot points, the Heim joints should be inspected like any other pivot point in the mechanical
turbine control system. If the ball spins freely in the socket or there is any slop/clearance
between the ball and socket, it should be replaced. Likewise, the attachment pin fit should be
repaired or the Heim joint replaced as needed.
“Safety First” is a rule to be followed by everyone. Your company’s safety rules must be
followed; they were carefully thought out with the company’s particular situation in mind. Even
more important is the right mental attitude.
Certain safety ideas are especially important for those working on MHC controls. These ideas
also fit into the larger picture of company rules and a safety-minded attitude:
• Use the regular clearance procedure faithfully. This procedure is sometimes frustrating to
those trying to get a job done on the controls under time pressure, and there is a temptation to
take short cuts. Do not be tempted to shortcut.
• Do not continue to run a unit if there is any doubt regarding the functioning of both lines of
defense against overspeed.
• As a general rule, the generator breaker should not intentionally be opened when the unit is
carrying load. Never allow it to be opened intentionally if there is any suspicion of stuck
valves or control system trouble.
• Stay clear of all control system moving parts when the hydraulic oil pressure is on or about to
be turned on, and keep everyone else away. If the system is not tagged out, treat it as if the
components can move at any time. Very fast, powerful, unexpected movements are a serious
• Never disconnect or connect an MHC mechanical joint, link, etc., when the hydraulic
pressure is on. Even when it is off, spring tension, bearing header oil pressure, or simply a
head of standing oil could provide enough force to be dangerous. Be sure there is no
“tension” on the connection when you separate it, and be alert for sudden movements.
• Avoid making disconnections in the feedback linkage between a hydraulic cylinder and the
pilot valve. The loss of feedback with oil under pressure could cause violent and powerful
• Many MHC system components and practically all steam valves have powerful springs in
them. Be sure that you understand and follow the correct procedures when disassembling any
spring-loaded device.
• Never leave a test pressure gauge in the system unless it is inside the guarded drain system.
Nuclear Mechanical Pressure Regulator Troubleshooting
• Fire prevention should be a high priority for everyone, and plans for responding to a fire
should be part of work planning any time, whether the unit is on-line or off-line.
• Environmental protection should be in place to contain possible oil spills
See the earlier sections of this report for a discussion of mechanical-hydraulic issues and general
The bypass valves should normally not open unless the control valves are no longer regulating
reactor pressure. The purpose of the bypass valves is to regulate reactor pressure when the
turbine control valves are not available to do so. Follow these steps:
1. The first question to ask might be “What is in control of the turbine control valves?” Review
the electrical grid operation, and look for the possibility of a grid frequency change (increase)
that required the speed/load control section of the turbine controls to take control of the
control valves. If this were the case, the bypass valves would open to regulate reactor
pressure (the control valves are regulating turbine load due a frequency change). In effect
then, all aspects of the turbine controls are doing their job: control valves are responding to a
frequency deviation, and the bypass valves are regulating reactor pressure while this action is
2. Consider another possibility that brings speed/load control into control: if additional flow
were demanded from the reactor and the pressure control circuit “bumped” into the
speed/load control. In this case, again the bypass valves would open to meet the pressure
control demand.
Note: Arbitrarily raising the speed load changer position to avoid this situation can result in
reducing the capability of the speed/load control system to respond to an overspeed following
a load rejection scenario.
Nuclear Mechanical Pressure Regulator Troubleshooting
bean valve may require adjustment or replacement. Depending upon the design of the EPR,
there may be an electronic steamline resonance compensator that serves the same role as the
bean valve and may require adjustment.
4. If the EPR has dual LVDTs and the electrical pressure regulator is in control, it is possible
that the dual LVDTs are generating a “beat frequency.” Check to see if the excitation
frequencies are close together. If they are, consider the adjustment of the frequencies away
from each other, lessening the “beat.”
5. Another possibility might be the control valve cams. If one control valve is operating on the
“break point” of the cam curve, there will be a difference in gain, depending on the direction
of the valve stroke. A quick check is to vary the unit load to force the questionable control
valve more or less open (off the “crack point). If this minor adjustment resolves the issue
(and if there is no parallel event), the cams may be the cause. The solution is to not operate at
that load position or to redesign and manufacture new cams.
6. If it appears the oscillation is from the pressure control devices, transfer control from the
electrical pressure regulator to the MPR. If the oscillation goes away, the electrical pressure
regulator is probably at fault. If the oscillation continues, then the source is between the
electrical pressure regulator output rod and the control valve relay (assuming that you have
already eliminated the control valve servomotor as the problem).
7. Remember, any sticking mechanism, loose lever/link connections, or worn pilot valve could
seriously exaggerate the situation. In other words, the source of the problem might be other
than those listed in this step, but the problem exists due to the exaggeration of these
The unit is operating on the mechanical pressure regulator or speed/load control. Follow these
1. One possibility has to do with the integrity of the servovalve. The servo valve typically has
very tight clearances, and any foreign materials in the oil could result in the servo valve’s
failing to respond. Check the filter system ahead of the servo valve for evidence of dirty oil.
2. If accumulators are used in your installation, check the precharge.
3. Other possibilities are electronic in nature and can vary according to the design and age of
the electrical pressure regulator.
The problem has to do with the failure of the electrical pressure regulator and the mechanical
pressure regulator doing its assigned task.
Was there a decrease in reactor pressure that coincided with the mechanical pressure regulator
acting? If yes, one possibility might be that the steam sensing bellows assembly of the
mechanical pressure regulator is not responding to a pressure change. This would imply that the
Nuclear Mechanical Pressure Regulator Troubleshooting
electrical pressure regulator was responding normally, calling for closure of the control valves
when the electrical pressure regulator interacted with the nonresponding mechanical pressure
regulator, which is asking for the control valves to be more open.
17.2.5 The MPR Is Failing to Take Over Pressure Control When It Should.
17.2.6 The Bypass Opening Jack Is Failing to Take Over Pressure Control When It
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Steam Turbines, Generators, and Balance-of-Plant
Nuclear Steam Turbine Generator Initiative
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