Effect of Cystone, a Herbal Formulation, on
Glycolic Acid-induced Urolithiasis in Rats
The effect of cystone, a herbal formulation, was studied on experimentally induced urolithiasis in rats.
Oxalate urolithiasis was produced by the addition of 3% glycolic acid to the diet for a period of 42 days.
Glycolic acid treatment resulted in a significant increase in the levels of calcium and oxalate in the kid-
ney as well as in the total kidney weight. Also, the urinary levels of calcium, oxalate and inorganic phos-
phorus were increased. Cystone treatment at 250, 500 and 750 mg/kg b.wt. p.o. for 42 days revealed a
dose-related effect in the reduction of lithogenic substances, following glycolic acid induced urolithiasis.
Simultaneous oral treatment with cystone at a dose of 500 and 750 mg/kg for 42 days, significantly re-
versed the glycolic acid-induced urolithiasis, presumably by preventing the urinary supersaturation of
lithogenic substances, especially of oxalate and calcium. The reduction of urinary and kidney oxalate
levels by cystone may be due to its inhibitory action on oxalate synthesizing liver enzyme glycolate oxi-
dase. These observations indicate that cystone can play an important role in the prevention of disorders
associated with kidney stone formation. # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Phytother. Res. 12, 372–374 (1998)
Table 2. Effect of cystone on calculi-forming constituents in urine following 3% glycolic acid for 42 days
Parameter Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Oxalate (mg/24 h) 12.30c 0.84 25.12 2.89 18.89 3.37 13.10b 2.95 12.92b 2.81
Calcium (mg/24 h) 4.26c 0.19 7.18 0.74 5.90 0.92 3.89b 0.36 3.87b 0.42
Inorganic phosphorus (mg/24 h) 0.923b 0.128 1.596 0.182 1.119 0.120 0.818b 0.136 0.800b 0.122
Sodium (mEq/24 h) 10.21c 0.94 4.23 0.79 6.58a 0.82 10.13c,d 1.12 10.48c,d 1.30
Potassium (mEq/24 h) 11.76c 0.91 6.49 0.69 8.46 1.54 10.81 1.98 10.02 2.14
Values are mean SE (n = 8).
p < 0.05, bp < 0.01 and cp < 0.001 compared with Group II.
Table 3. Effect of cystone on kidney weight and calculi-forming constituents in kidney following 3% glycolic acid for 42 days
Parameter Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V
Wet weight (g/100 g b.wt) 0.340c 0.0054 0.423 0.0084 0.400b 0.019 0.358c 0.012 0.350c,e 0.009
Dry weight (g/100 g b.wt) 0.087c,d 0.0018 0.119 0.0015 0.112b 0.0020 0.096c,g 0.0022 0.094c,g 0.0016
Oxalate (mg/100 mg tissue) 0.449c,d 0.018 1.103 0.056 0.895a 0.061 0.563c,g 0.031 0.548c,f 0.039
Calcium (mg/100 mg tissue) 0.168c,d 0.0061 0.359 0.012 0.309a 0.016 0.216c,g 0.013 0.211c,f 0.020
Values are mean SEM (n = 8).
p < 0.05, b p < 0.02 and c p < 0.001 compared with Group II; d
p < 0.01 Group I vs Group IV and V; e
p < 0.05, f p < 0.01 and
p < 0.001 Group III vs Group IV and V.
boiled in 10 mL of 1 N hydrochloric acid for 30 min. The and Gershoff, 1965). Our results are in agreement with
kidneys were then homogenized (Chow et al., 1974). The these studies, as shown by the significant increase in
homogenate was centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 10 min, and kidney weight. The increase in urinary calcium and
the supernatant separated. The estimation of oxalate and oxalate levels were also found to be highly significant.
calcium was carried out by the method of Hodgkinson Cystone treatment at a dose of 250, 500 and 750 mg/kg
and Williams (1972) and Tsuyoshi Ohnishi (1977), b.wt. revealed a dose related response. Cystone treatment
respectively. at dose levels of 500 and 750 mg/kg b.wt showed a better
protective effect. However, there was no significant
Statistical analysis. The data of urinary and renal difference observed between 500 and 750 mg/kg b.wt of
parameters were expressed as mean SEM. The results cystone treatment. These findings revealed that 500 mg/
were analysed statistically using ANOVA followed by kg b.wt of cystone is the minimum dose required for
Dunnett’s t-test. The minimum level of significance was eliciting an optimal activity. Cystone treatment signifi-
fixed at p < 0.05. cantly lowered the oxalate values (p < 0.01) probably by
its inhibitory action on glycolate oxidase. Urinary sodium
excretion was significantly elevated in the drug treated
animals. Urinary potassium excretion was also elevated,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION though not significantly (Table 2). The reduction in the
urinary oxalate level will be beneficial in preventing the
Urinary supersaturation with respect to stone-forming urinary supersaturation with respect to oxalate. Calcium
constituents is generally considered to be one of the and phosphorus play a vital role in renal calculogenesis.
causative factors in calculogenesis. In this context, the Calcium and inorganic phosphorus levels were also
changes in urinary oxalate levels are relatively much elevated in the rats receiving a calculi-producing diet.
more important than those of calcium (Robertson and The increase in calcium excretion may be due to
Peacock, 1980). In the present study, feeding 3% glycolic defective tubular reabsorption in the kidneys (Varalak-
acid resulted in hyperoxaluria, which is known to be due shmi et al., 1990). Cystone treatment markedly reduced
to the ready conversion of glycolic acid to oxalate by the the levels of calcium and phosphorus (p < 0.01) in urine
oxalate synthesizing liver enzyme glycolate oxidase (Table 2).
(Richardson and Tolbert, 1961). Hyperoxaluria is usually There was a significant increase in the kidney weight
the initiating factor of oxalate urolithiasis. Glycolic acid, of animals receiving 3% glycolic acid which was almost
the precursor of oxalic acid, is known to increase normalized in the cystone treated animals (Table 3).
significantly the incidence of oxalate lithiasis (Runyan Glycolic acid feeding for 42 days resulted in renal tissue
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 12, 372–374 (1998)
374 S. K. MITRA ET AL.
deposition of calcium and oxalate. The increased depo- urine and renal tissue brought about by cystone treatment
sition of calcium and oxalate in the renal tissue is known in calculosis is noteworthy. These effects could contri-
to lead to papillary calcification and eventual calculi bute to the antilithic and lithotriptic property of this
formation (Heutmann and Lehmann, 1980). A similar formulation.
elevation in renal stone forming constituents in rats fed
with CPD has been reported earlier (Baskar, et al., 1996.).
Cystone administration significantly reduced both cal-
cium and oxalate levels in kidneys, which is known to Acknowledgement
prove beneficial in preventing calculi formation due to
supersaturation of these lithogenic substances (Table 3). The authors express their thanks to Dr S. Farooq, botanist, The
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