Inventing The Professional Association of The Future: Strategic Plan - 2017
Inventing The Professional Association of The Future: Strategic Plan - 2017
Inventing The Professional Association of The Future: Strategic Plan - 2017
PMI has achieved much in its first 50 years. We are The heart of PMI’s new strategy is ensuring that
proud of our 10,000 dedicated volunteers who are we deliver individual value to our most important
passionate about advancing the profession we share. customers throughout their careers. Irrespective of
Volunteers are an essential part of PMI’s guiding star— industry or geography, PMI intends to provide significant
their work and commitment set the Institute apart support at key inflection points in our customers’
from other organizations. While PMI has been global professional journeys, from their first interaction to their
from its start, our impact continues to expand. Three retirement from the profession. This transformation is
hundred chapters in nearly every country in the world exciting for all of us at PMI as we look toward the future
deliver valuable benefits to stakeholders at a local level. of our profession!
Globally, PMI serves nearly 3 million people, as members
and certified professionals, through local chapters, live PMI is embarking on this transformation from a position
events, academic or other educational partners, and in of strength and an ongoing commitment to our
our active online communities. stakeholders and customers: to advance and advocate
for the project management profession with the support
To prepare for the future, PMI is redefining what of our global volunteer network.
it means to be a professional association, while
staying true to our roots. Taking a closer look at the The Board of Directors supports PMI’s strategic choices
individuals who practice project, program, and portfolio because we know that when we deliver value, we remain
management, we intend to understand their needs more relevant. And when we are relevant, we continue to
deeply and develop the capability to respond to their grow. That is the best way to secure the Institute’s
expectations more quickly. success for the next 50 years.
Yours truly,
2017 PMI Board of Directors
Due to the speed of change and the fierce market Nearly half of PMI’s customers do not consider project
competition, every organization, irrespective of industry, management their primary profession. Some are
is required to adjust much faster today than in the past. strategy consultants or trial lawyers, while others work
To do so, organizations launch projects1 and expect on developing drugs, or marketing consumer products
them to deliver results. There is also more emphasis on or services. The common denominator for all these
leadership and strategy, two critical skills required to professionals is that they rely on project management
become a more effective project leader. best practices, delivery skills, and techniques to be
successful in their respective fields.
How work is getting done is also changing. New
advances in technology are disrupting traditional How our customers prefer to acquire these skills is also
industries and thereby changing the functional roles and changing. Demand is increasing for faster, more flexible,
responsibilities of workers. and easier-to-learn project management methodologies
and approaches. There is a shift toward on-demand,
As the work changes, so do the workers. Millennials are customized, and problem-specific learning. With
quickly replacing the Baby Boomer generation and gone technology, it is possible for the new worker to learn
are the days of career-long employees climbing the anything, anytime, and anywhere.
corporate ladder. The new worker wants career choices,
control, and a sense of purpose. Career mobility is top As an organization, PMI needs to better understand
of mind and the associated upskilling that is needed to how these changes affect its primary stakeholders and
enable it has become more prevalent. customers so that the Institute can support their career
journeys and help them drive business results for their
These changes in the workplace and the need for organizations.
new skills have significant impacts on PMI’s customer
Throughout this strategic plan, for brevity and consistency, the term project management is used to cover project, program, and portfolio
management disciplines.
The following strategic objectives are those that will Strategic Focus
help PMI achieve its long-term vision: PMI has decided to narrow the institute's focus
from three markets (academic, organizational and
practitioner) to one: the individual. Going forward, PMI
will offer project professionals all the skills they need to
advance in their project management careers.
For more information on the framework, please see Playing to Win by A.G. Laffley and Roger Martin.
For our customers, the projects they manage at the organizations they work
for are about taking these ideas and turning them into a reality.
■■ Professionalism
Accountability and ethical behavior ensure our commitment to PMI
■■ Volunteerism
Volunteers and effective volunteer partnerships with staff are the
best way to accomplish the Institute's goals and objectives.
■■ Community
Bringing members of the global project management community
together is the best way to facilitate their growth and the
advancement of the project management profession.
■■ Engagement
PMI encourages diverse viewpoints and empowers individuals
to contribute to the project management profession and to the
As PMI hones its focus on individuals, we must also By tightening our focus and partnering with trusted
engage the organizations that employ our customers and organizations, PMI can research and develop new products
embrace the important role they play in our value chain. that target individuals and deliver exceptional value.
PMI will strive to serve individuals so well that they become champions in their
organizations and professional circles
Virtuous circle
1. individuals who view project management as a Expanding product distribution to reach those customer
career; and segments will require PMI to invest in new technology
2. individuals who view project management as a as well as better define and utilize our channel partners.
skill. This expansion includes establishing strong relationships
to increase incentives to sign-up new customers,
Segmentation will help inform our priorities as it relates support marketing and business development efforts,
to these customer segments and focus our resources on and collaborate to improve content quality.
creating customized products and experience journeys
that are relevant to the individual. Executing PMI’s targeted product strategy will help
us achieve a closer relationship with our customers
Instead of creating additional products within a category throughout their careers. The key to achieving success in
to meet short-term demands, we will continually this area is a need to simplify and improve the purchasing
enhance our select list of products with industry context experience for new and returning customers so that
and additional capabilities as innovations, market trends, engaging with PMI is productive and enjoyable, regardless
and partner insights dictate. of the channel that brings the customer to PMI.
7 Community Building
PMI is a global community of members, volunteers,
customers, and other stakeholders. Our most active
customers engage with PMI through their chapters
as well as through online channels. To ensure that all
customers receive the support they need we must
ensure that we deliver high-quality experiences
throughout our communities. To do so we must actively
improve the community-building capabilities of our staff
and stakeholders, build integrated digital experiences,
and leverage shared assets to encourage more
collaboration and communication.
PMI’s new strategic direction is about defining Not everyone who comes to PMI considers project
our core customer, the individual, and shifting to management their profession. There is a growing
a one-market strategy, where we maintain focus, population of professionals who place high value in
discipline, and alignment to inform product and go- project management skills and PMI needs to be a leader
to-market strategies. We will continue to engage with in connecting those individuals to the programs and
organizations, but as partners instead of buyers. resources that will enable them to develop those skills.
The one-market strategy is about serving our core PMI’s future is bright. If we can make it easier for
customers in a more substantive and integrated manner. our core customers to do business with us, we can
We need to take a proactive approach in guiding more effectively help them distinguish themselves
stakeholders through the PMI experience. This means in a meaningful way for their employers. By bringing
creating multiple touchpoints with stakeholders to stay value to our core customers’ careers, they will become
connected to their ongoing professional development. champions for our organization, thereby allowing us to
impact more individuals in the project management
The one-market strategy is also about recognizing that field, as well as individuals using project management
within our core customer group, there are different skills in other industries.
segments that have different wants and needs.
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