SIP Instructions
SIP Instructions
SIP Instructions
Vendor Support Center
Schedules Input Program (SIP)
Version 8.x Documentation
October 2017
1.1 Introduction
The Schedules Input Program (SIP) Version 8.x Users Guide defines the process, procedures and
tools used to maintain and support the SIP software by the General Services
Administration/Federal Acquisition Services (GSA/FAS) Vendor Support Center (VSC).
GSA Advantage! is the online shopping and ordering system used by vendors to provide their
products and/or services to government buyers. GSA Advantage allows vendors to sell to the
government without obtaining agency specific contracts.
SIP is a proprietary software program provided by GSA to assist contract holders with uploading
their electronic catalog to GSA Advantage.
The VSC supports GSA contract holders that use SIP to upload their data. The VSC also
supports password related issues concerning eBuy and 72A Quarterly Reporting System.
Any contractor interested in providing products and/or services to the government may benefit
from obtaining a GSA contract. Most government buyers use GSA Advantage! to search and
shop for products and/or services. Companies that wish to acquire a GSA contract must contact a
GSA Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO) to obtain the necessary documentation. GSA e-
Offers is another tool used to obtain a GSA contract.
After a contract is awarded, the contract must be registered with the VSC. Following registration,
a unique password will be assigned to the contract. This password will be used for electronic
catalog submission via SIP. Catalog information is then entered into SIP and uploaded. The PCO
will receive the file and check for consistency between the electronic file and the written
contract. After verification and approval in CORS (Contract Officer Review System) the file is
posted in GSA Advantage..
Acronym Definition
ATSM/EPA Acute Traumatic Stress Management/Environmental
Protection Agency
CPG Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
FOB Freight On Board
FAS Federal Acquisition Service
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GBL Government Bills of Lading
GSA General Services Administration
MB Megabyte
NSN National Stock Number
PCO Procurement Contracting Officer
QTY/VOL Quantity Volume
SIN Special Items Numbers
SIP Schedules Input Program
VER Version
VSC Vendor Support Center
You must register your contract before you can upload your catalog. To register, visit the VSC
website at (
The SIP registration form is shown below. All required information is indicated by
an asterisk (*):
*Before you can access eBuy, you must upload a catalog using the SIP software or EDI. The file
must then be approved by your GSA Contracting Officer. If your products or services are not
posted on, you will not have access to eBuy.
* Note – Depending on the amount of product data, more disk space may be required.
The SIP program is available in two formats (.exe and .zip). The download files are
approximately 9.6 MB is size. Vendors with firewalls that will not allow the download of .exe
file will want to download the .zip format.
Note: You must have full administrative rights on your computer to install the SIP software. If
you do not or encounter an error during installation, please contact your IT department. They
may need to install the software for you.
Step 2: Select ”Next” on each of the dialog boxes to accept the default settings.
If you have a newly installed SIP program you will receive the following dialog box when you
open the software. If you have used SIP before, you will not see the below dialog box.
If your company has already registered using the steps in section 2, select “Already Registered”.
If your company is brand new and have not registered, select “Register”. If you selected
“Already Registered” proceed to section 3.1 “Contractor Information”. If you have not
registered, select “Register” and go back to section 2
In the Contractor Information screen you will enter information such as DUNs number,
password provided by GSA (Password you received after you registered your contract in
section 2) and company address.
Step 1: Select “File” → “Open” → “Contractor” or select the “Contractor” icon shown below.
This icon is located in the top left corner of the SIP software.
Step 3: Enter contractor information and click “Save” at the top of the program.
Step 1: Select → “File” →”Open” → “Contracts” or select the “Contracts” icon shown below.
If this is the first time you are using SIP, it will automatically take you to the SIN Maximum
Order screen (Step 5).
Some SIN may require “Sub SIN’s” or sub-categories. Not all SIN have sub SIN’s. At least one
of these sub SIN’s must be selected (checked) in order for the selected SIN to be saved.
NOTE: For each sub SIN selected, it must be attached to at least 1 product. For a list of SIN’s
that require sub SIN’s please see the index.
Step 6: The Dealer/Sales Office Addresses screen will appear. If the address for receiving orders
and/or payments is the same as the address entered in the “Contractor Screen”, select No and do
not complete this screen. Select Yes if you have Dealer/sales offices and then fill out the
information and then select “Save”
Note: Dealers/Sales offices are other locations or authorized entities to make transactions on your
behalf. If you not have dealers DO NOT complete this screen.
Ex 1: Prices in VA, MD, DC, NC, PA are different from anywhere else in the country. In this
example VA, MD, DC, NC, PA would be Zone 1. All other states would be Zone 2. If you use
this table each state must have a zone.
EX 2: Prices in FL, GA, SC are $100. These would be Zone 1. Prices in CA, AZ, WA are $150.
These would be Zone 2. All other states are $125. The rest of the states would be Zone 3. All
stares must have a zone number if this table is used.
Note: Do not complete this table if your prices are the same across the country. Leave the entire
table blank
(Do not enter services in this screen. See section 6.1 on how to enter a text file.)
Step 1: Select “File” → “Open” →”Products” or select the “Products” icon shown below.
If you have quantity discounts/dollar volume discounts, select the “Qty/Vole” button shown
below and select “Edit”.
Save and close this screen. You will be redirected back to the “Price” screen.
Step 6: The Environmental/Special Features screen will appear as shown below. Complete this
screen various product features apply.
Step 7: Repeat steps 2 - 7 to add additional items.
The Accessory screen is identical to the Product screen, with the exception of the “Attach
Product” button
Photos can be added using the Product Information Screen or the Photo Screen.
NOTE: Image of photo will appear in Product Information Screen once selected. Some images
may seem distorted in the Product Information Screen; this is just a thumbnail image. This does
not indicate how the file will view on Advantage!. Images will show correctly on Advantage!.
NOTE: Follow steps 1, 2, and 3 from above to add photos in the Accessory Screen.
Step 2: Select File → Open → Photos. When Photo Screen appears, select “Continue”.
Step 3: Select the appropriate photo from the photo drop down menu.
Step 4: Double click in the last column of the table to attach/detach a photo.
Note: You can add a single photo to multiple products.
The import program is used to enter a large number of products into the SIP program at once. It
is suggested that vendors with 100 or more products, use the import program to enter their
product data into SIP.
The import program accepts three file types, ASCII text (.txt), Excel spreadsheets (.xls), and
Database files (.dbf). Import Templates are located in the C:\SIPV8\import\template folder.
Also refer to the SIP Import Excel document located at the VSC website for detailed information
on the Excel Import Templates. For further assistance in regards to ASCII text and dbf files,
contact the VSC.
The most efficient way to build your import templates is to manually fill out the first 4 screens in
the SIP software (Contractor, Contracts, SIN Max Order, Order Payment). Once those sections
are complete, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Select File → Open, → Products or select the “Product” icon shown below. You cannot
access the Product screen until the Contractor, Contracts, SIN Max Order and Order Payment
screens are complete.
Step 2: Follow steps 2 – 7 of the Product Information section and manually enter 10 products.
Step 3: Close the Product Information screen and select “File” → “Export”.
To open the SIP Import program, open SIP and select the “Import” icon. You can also access this
program by double-clicking the Import32.exe file located in the C:\SIPV8\import folder.
Step 1: Select Import → Move data into import or select the “Move data into import” icon
shown below.
Step 2: Import Data screen will appear. Select your file type and select Import.
Step 3: Once this process is complete you may receive errors with the file(s) if data was not
entered correctly. If this occurs, correct the error(s) indicated in the error report and begin import
process from Step 1.
(*NOTE: If you need assistance with this process, contact the Vendor Support Center.)
Step 4: If there are no errors or when the errors are corrected, select “Import” → “Import Data
into SIP” or select the “Import Data into SIP” icon shown in step 1.
Step 5: You will then be asked if you would like to append or replace the information currently
in SIP. If you are replacing the data in SIP with the information in IPRICE and IPROD, you will
need the following data in the import folder (IPROD, IPRICE, ICORPET, ICONTR, IMOLS,
and IPHOTO files). If you’re appending your data do not include ICORPET.
Step 6: Close the SIP import function and open SIP by selecting Step 8 on the import menu.
Note: If you have the ICORPET sheet in the import folder, it will always replace the data even if
you select append.
Vendors offering services to the Government use the text file feature to explain their services,
labor categories and pricing. This option may also be used to explain custom products with
approval from the Contracting Officer.
Step 1: Create a document explaining the services your company offers along with your prices.
The formats that are acceptable are Microsoft Word (.doc), Adobe Acrobat (.PDF), Excel
Spreadsheet (.xls) and Web Page (.htm/.html). NOTE: File names must not include spaces or
special characters and must not exceed 30 characters. This document may include but not
limited to the following:
a. Company’s Information (name, address, phone and fax numbers, web address, and point
of contact information)
b. Contract Information (contract number, schedule number and description, SIN numbers
and description)
c. Table of Contents
d. Terms and Conditions
e. Labor Categories
f. Labor Categories Description
g. Price List
NOTE: Check with your Contracting Officer for text file page format.
Step 2: Save or copy your text file into the C:\SIPV8\textfile folder.
Step 3: Open SIP, select “File” → “Open” → “Text Files” or select the text file icon.
Step 5: Select the drop down arrow and select your file.
NOTE: Any file in the text file folder will appear in the drop down list.
Step 6: Select “Save” at the top of the program.
SIP allows you to upload your product or service information and prices in six (6) file types. SIP
catalog file types are:
5. P80A, B, C…etc Photo File: Contains all photos you have attached in SIP
6. T80 Temporary Price File: Any temporary prices start and stop dates.
When uploading using SIP and you are on a network, please make sure you have full
administrative rights. FTP (port 22) should be open both inbound and outbound to our web
After all the products, service and price information are entered into SIP, and you are connected
to the internet:
2. When the program has notified you that the files were created successfully, Select →
“Communications” → “Send Catalog File(s)” → “Send”. At the top of the dialog
box, you will see “Select File Type”. Make sure “New Catalog” is selected. Select
the button labeled “Click Here to Start Upload” (upload times will vary depending on
the size of the files).
If you are behind a firewall or having connectivity issues with SIP, you can upload using our
Vendor Response Retrieval and Catalog Upload System website
The Vendor Response Retrieval and Catalog Upload System website is only used if you cannot
upload using SIP because of firewall issues, or connectivity issues.
2. Click on the browse button(s). From the “Choose File” box and browse to
C:\SIPV8\Upload folder.
3. Attach file(s) from this location. When attaching a photo file (P80A, B, C…) use the
browse button for photo. You can only upload A80, C80, R80, W80, P80A, B, C…,
T80 Or V80 extensions
4. After all files are attached to the website, click on button labeled “Upload Files”.
The website will notify you of a successful upload. After uploading catalog files, please log out
of website.
After files are uploaded successfully through SIP, a message will appear each time SIP is
accessed. This message will read, "SIP is waiting on a response file..." until the electronic
response file(s) are downloaded and processed. Electronic response files are available via SIP the
day after you receive a fax or e-mail response from your GSA contracting officer.
Download file types: .A80= Original file, .C80= Change file, .R80= Replacement file, .W80=
Text file
Step 1: Open SIP. A message will appear "SIP is waiting on a response file..."
Step 3: Select “Check for Response Files”. Must be connected to the internet to download
response file(s). If you experience connectivity problems or if file is not available for
download, send e-mail to [email protected] or call the Vendor Support Center at
Step 4: Once download is complete, click OK and close the dialog box
Step 5: Dialog box will appear stating, "Response files are ready to be processed." Select
“Process Now.” After processing is complete, you can review the file.
If you’ve uploaded using the Vendor Response Retrieval and Catalog Upload System, follow the
steps below.
Step 1: Go online to the Vendor Response Retrieval and Catalog Upload System
Step 2: Enter your contract number and username, select “Download”, and click “Login”.
Select “Yes”
The process created a file called backup.001. This file is located in the C:\SIPV8\backup folder.
Keep a copy of this file in another location (CD, floppy, network drive, etc.). If you lose your
SIP data and do not have a backup file, you must re-enter the entire catalog in SIP. We do not
keep copies of this file.
Copy the backup.001 file into C:\SIPV8\backup folder. Open SIP and select “Tools” →
Select “OK”
SIP version 8.x automatically searches for upgrades when the SIP program is opened and will
upgrade to version 8. For versions earlier than 8.x or for those with firewalls preventing
automatic upgrades please read below:
If SIP version 7.x does not upgrade automatically to the newest version of 8, follow section 6.1
“Back up SIP Data”. Download latest version of SIP from the Vendor Support Center website
(, and then follow section 6.2 “Restoring SIP Data”. After you backup your
data, save the backup.001 file on a different drive to prevent any data loss.
Contracts Screen
Schedule Number Y GSA Schedule Category Number
Contract Number Y Assigned GSA Contract Number
Modification N Required only when there is a modification to
Number original contract. Modification Number will be given
by assigned Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO).
Catalog Effective Y Date GSA contract was awarded
Name Y Company Contract Administrator’s name
Phone Y Company Contract Administrator’s phone number
Fax Y Company Contract Administrator’s fax number
E-Mail Y Company Contract Administrator’s e-mail address
Prompt Pay Info N Additional discount if payment is made within a
certain number of days
Warranty Y Warranty information; if no warranty applies select
“No Warranty” from drop down menu
Production Points Y Country(ies) where products are manufactured. If you
provide services use “US”
Minimum Order Y Minimum order amount
Time of Delivery Y Time of Delivery of products:
Shipped – Products will be shipped in indicated
number of days after the receipt of order
Delivered – Products will be delivered in the
indicated amount of days after the receipt of order
Products Screen
Contract Number Y Assigned GSA Contract Number
SIN Y Special Item Number
Manufacturer Y Manufacturer of Product
Manufacturer Y Manufacturer part/model number of product
Contractor part N Contractors that use their own part number scheme
number rather than the manufacturers part number
National Stock N National Stock Number
Number (NSN)
Product/Item Y Name of Product or Item
Photo Name N Filename of photo associated with product - Note:
The Photo Name field can only be entered when
all appropriate photos files have been placed in
the C \SIPV8\Photo folder and follow all photo
criteria. Please refer to the “Addding Product
Photos” section.
Product Y Detailed description of products. (1000 character
Description limit)
Product Specific N URL for webpage with product information or
Website company website
Product Length N Length of product packaging – NOTE: This field is
required when FOB point value is O or W.
Product Width N Width of product packaging – NOTE: This field is
required when FOB point value is O or W.
Product Height N Height of product packaging – NOTE: This field is
required when FOB point value is O or W.
Unit of N Unit of measurement used for product length, width,
Measurement and height - NOTE: This field is required when
Product Length, Width, and Height are entered.
Shipping Unit N Shipping weight of packaged product - NOTE:
Price Screen
Unit of Issue Y Cannot be edited in pricing screen. Must be edited in
product information screen.
Quantity per unit N Cannot be edited in pricing screen. Must be edited in
product information screen.
Order Increment N Cannot be edited in pricing screen. Must be edited in
or minimum product information screen.
Standard Pack N Cannot be edited in pricing screen. Must be edited in
product information screen.
Catalog Price Y Catalog/Commercial Price
GSA Price Y GSA Price
Temp Price N Temporary discount price – must be lower than GSA
Effective Date N Temporary discount start date – required if temp
From price is entered
Effective Date To N Temporary discount end date – required if temp price
is entered
Accessories Screen
Contract Number Y Assigned GSA Contract Number
SIN Y Special Item Number
Manufacturer Y Manufacturer of Accessory
Manufacturer Y Manufacturer part/model number of accessory
Contractor part N Contractors that use their own part number scheme
number rather than the manufacturers part number
National Stock N National Stock Number
Number (NSN)
Accessory/Item Y Name of Accessory or Item
Photo Name N Filename of photo associated with product - Note:
The Photo Name field can only be entered when
all appropriate photos files have been placed in
the C:\ SIPV8\Photo folder and follow all photo
criteria. Please refer to the “Adding Product
Photos” section.
Attach Product Y Attach a product to the accessory. All accessories
must be attached to at least one product.
Accessory Y Detailed description of accessory. (1000 character
Description limit)
Accessory N URL for webpage with accessory info or company
Specific Website website
Options Screen
Group Name Y Accessory group name
Manufacturer Part # Y Manufacturer’s accessory part number
Option Type Y How option will relate to base product. Values are
I=included, S=substituted, A=added, and O=none
can be selected for group. NOTE: Option type
“S” can only be used if first option in group has
an option type”I”.
Description Y Accessory description
Manufacturer Y Manufacturer of accessory
Price or Credit Y Price or credit of accessory
Quantity Y Number of accessory(s)
Unit Y Unit of measurement of accessory