Cerebro de Mosca
Cerebro de Mosca
Cerebro de Mosca
[email protected]
In Brief
Electron microscopy imaging of the entire
adult fruit fly brain at synapse resolution
reveals circuitry spanning multiple
regions and connectivity between known
and previously unknown cell types.
d A complete adult Drosophila brain was imaged with EM and
has been made publicly available
*Correspondence: [email protected]
730 Cell 174, 730–743, July 26, 2018 ª 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Figure 1. Target Volume and EM Acquisition Infrastructure
(A) Oblique view of a surface model of the Drosophila brain (gray mesh) with specific neuropil compartments highlighted: AL (orange), MB (pink), and LH (green).
(B) Schematic of olfactory pathway. Approximately 150 PNs, divided into 50 subtypes based on their anatomically defined glomeruli of origin in the AL, project to
the MB calyx and LH (Grabe et al., 2016; Masse et al., 2009). Lateral horn is thought to mediate innate olfactory behaviors, whereas the MB is involved in learned
behaviors (Keene and Waddell, 2007). In MB calyx, PN collaterals terminate in boutons and synapse on KCs (Yasuyama et al., 2002). Most PN types project to the
MB calyx via the mALT, but several travel in secondary tracts (data not shown), and a few bypass calyx and project only to LH (Frank et al., 2015; Stocker et al.,
1990; Tanaka et al., 2012).
(C) Workflow for the generation of the whole-brain dataset. Blocks of brain tissue are incubated in heavy metals to label cell membranes, embedded in a resin
polymer, and screened with X-ray tomography. Blocks were then serially sectioned with a diamond knife (for an introduction to serial sectioning techniques, see
Harris et al., 2006). Groups of three serial sections are placed on metal slot grids for imaging in one of the two custom high-throughput TEM systems (TEMCA2 or
ATPS). The imaged sections were assembled into an aligned volume with the custom software pipeline described here. Reconstruction and analyses of neural
circuits in the volume were conducted with the CATMAID tracing environment (Saalfeld et al., 2009).
D, dorsal; V, ventral; A, anterior; P, posterior; M, medial; L, lateral; LH, lateral horn; mALT, medial antennal lobe tract. See also Figures S1, S2, and S3 and
Videos S1, S2, S3, and S4.
(PNs) provide the main sensory input to the MB; their connec- Independent tracing of Kenyon cell dendrites, which have some
tions with the MB intrinsic neurons, Kenyon cells (KCs), form a of the finest neurites in the fly brain (Yasuyama et al., 2002), pro-
crucial stage of a fan-out fan-in network analogous to brain vided a sensitive test of the consistency of neural reconstructions.
structures including the mammalian cerebellum (Farris, 2011; Retrograde tracing from KC dendrites provided a complete
Stevens, 2015). Furthermore the logic of PN to KC connectivity enumeration of olfactory PN input to the MB and yielded an
ratios has been the subject of detailed experimental and improved map of local circuitry in the calyx, the initial site for sam-
theoretical analysis as a model for the construction of high pling and processing of sensory information in the MB. This re-
dimensional sensory representations (e.g., Caron et al., 2013; vealed principles of coordinated organization that were invisible
Litwin-Kumar et al., 2017). KCs and PNs are brain spanning, in previous work using light level data assembled from many
morphologically stereotyped, and anatomically extremely well different brains; for example we found a high degree of clustering
described at the light level (Aso et al., 2014; Jefferis et al., of PN inputs, which may generate biases in PN-to-KC connectiv-
2007; Tanaka et al., 2012), making them well suited for vali- ity and therefore shape how olfactory PN input to the MB is
dating the accuracy of neural reconstructions in the volume. sampled. Although the MB has been intensively studied, we
We have developed software tools to enable co-visualization, also discovered a previously unknown, brain-spanning neuron
quantitative analysis, and rapid cell type identification by merg- that provides input to KCs and likely relays non-olfactory, multi-
ing EM reconstructions with existing large-scale light micro- modal information to the calyx. Finally, we show that KC dendrites
scopy (LM) databases of neuronal morphology (Chiang et al., make output synapses onto a small subset of available cell types,
2011; Costa et al., 2016; Milyaev et al., 2012). defining a specific local recurrent microcircuit in the calyx.
revealed symmetrical arborization in the equivalent contralateral CP2 receives input from g KCs (Figure 6B) and gd KCs, a sub-
neuropil compartments, which is typical of most cell types in the type originating in the ventral accessory calyx known to receive
fly brain (Aso et al., 2014; Chiang et al., 2011; Jenett et al., 2012; visual inputs (Yagi et al., 2016; data not shown). Many areas
Ohyama et al., 2015). This confirmed MB-CP2 as a bona fide where MB-CP2 is purely postsynaptic are innervated by multi-
morphological cell type (Figure 6; Video S5). modal sensory and motor neurons (e.g., SMP and PLP; Hsu
MB-CP2 boutons are presynaptic to all five known olfactory and Bhandawat, 2016; Namiki et al., 2017). Therefore, MB-CP2
KC subtypes (g, abc, abs, a0 b0 m, a0 b0 ap) in MB main calyx (Aso neurons likely relay multimodal, non-olfactory input to KCs,
et al., 2014). In the dorsal accessory calyx (dAC), MB-CP2 bou- and provide recurrent feedback from KC axons in the MB pedun-
tons also provide input to abp KCs (data not shown). In all brain culus to KC dendrites in the MB main calyx, adding to the set of
regions where MB-CP2 makes output synapses, its neurites also known recurrent circuits in the MB (Aso et al., 2014; Owald and
receive input synapses (Figure 6F). In the MB pedunculus, MB- Waddell, 2015).
Identification of Cell Types Postsynaptic to KCs in the aptic targets (Figure 7; Table S2). Intriguingly, a0 b0 KCs (which are
MB Calyx dispensable for memory retrieval) (Krashes et al., 2007) were
In addition to their canonical input from PN boutons, KC den- even more selective, only synapsing onto APL and other KCs.
drites make synaptic outputs to unknown targets in the MB ca- This selectivity could arise because either the neglected cell
lyx, forming a poorly understood local microcircuit (Butcher types or a0 b0 KCs arborize sparsely in the MB calyx; alternatively,
et al., 2012; Christiansen et al., 2011). To validate use of the they could be specifically neglected despite extensive arbor
whole-brain dataset for anterograde mapping of synaptic con- overlap and high availability of potential synapses (Stepanyants
nectivity, we reconstructed and identified the postsynaptic tar- and Chklovskii, 2005). To distinguish between these alternatives,
gets of 15 KCs in the MB calyx. All dendritic presynaptic release future work should sample more KCs and reconstruct to comple-
sites were annotated on three KCs from each of the five subtypes tion available postsynaptic cell types.
in MB main calyx. Consistent with immunohistochemical data
(Christiansen et al., 2011), most (82%) presynaptic release sites DISCUSSION
arise from abc-, abs-, or g KCs, and 87% of all release sites are
distributed along KC dendrites outside the claws (Figure 7; Here, we contribute a complete EM volume of an adult female
Table S2). Fourteen percent of fine postsynaptic neurites were Drosophila brain for free use by the research community. Valida-
too difficult to trace to a parent backbone with high confidence. tion reconstructions demonstrated the reliable tracing of local
All KC presynaptic release sites divergently target multiple post- and long-range connectivity, revealing both known and new ele-
synaptic processes, which in many cases arise from identified ments in the MB circuitry underlying associative learning and
MB intrinsic and extrinsic neurons and form local recurrent mi- recall. We conclude this volume is suitable for tracing brain-
crocircuits (Figures 7E and 7F). spanning neuronal circuits at synaptic resolution. Reconstruc-
We found that KCs preferentially target a subset of potential tions of the neurons reported here are included in a preconfig-
partner cell types in the MB calyx, with only four of the 14 avail- ured, downloadable tracing environment to serve as entry points
able cell types (STAR Methods) making up 75% of the postsyn- for further investigation.
of odor representation (Dasgupta et al., 2017; Litwin-Kumar Schürmann, 2016; Takemura et al., 2017a; Tobin et al., 2017;
et al., 2017; Stevens, 2015; but see Koulakov et al., 2011; Pehle- data not shown), and may turn out to be pervasive in the fly brain.
van et al., 2017). Although in the larval dataset KCs were Mixed I/O arrangements can be physiologically and behaviorally
comprehensively reconstructed at the EM level, adults have important; for example, in the antennal lobe, inhibitory inputs into
20x more KCs as well as additional KC subtypes (Aso et al., olfactory receptor neuron axons are known to mediate gain
2014; Eichler et al., 2017; Lin et al., 2007), and may therefore control and temporal sharpening (Olsen and Wilson, 2008; Rac-
have a different network structure. The adult LM data were cuglia et al., 2016; Root et al., 2008). The whole-brain EM dataset
pooled across many animals and, therefore, could be supports the identification of the cell types present at mixed I/O
confounded by inter-individual variability. More comprehensive synapses, an otherwise challenging class of information to
mapping of intra-animal PN-to-KC connectivity in the whole- obtain.
brain dataset will help resolve whether or not olfactory input to Drosophila exhibits a wide range of complex sensory- and
KCs in adult Drosophila is random. memory-guided behaviors. The algorithms underlying behavior
Kenyon cell dendrites in the MB calyx and MB-CP2 axons are implemented by neuronal circuits, and neuronal circuits are
contain a mixture of synaptic input and output. Mixed input/ defined, in large part (though not entirely; Bargmann and Marder,
output (I/O) neurites have previously been found in multiple re- 2013), by the synaptic connectivity between neurons. Therefore,
gions (Meinertzhagen and O’Neil, 1991; Rybak et al., 2016; connectome maps are necessary to analyze neuronal circuits
at the implementation level (Marr, 1982) and could aid in the B Analysis of Neuronal Geometry
inference of underlying algorithms as well. The dataset we share d DATA AND SOFTWARE AVAILABILITY
here should help establish a structural scaffold for future models d ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
of circuit function in the fly and enable comparisons of circuit ar-
chitecture across species. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION
STAR+METHODS Supplemental Information includes seven figures, two tables, and five videos
and can be found with this article online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.
Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper
A video abstract is available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2018.06.
and include the following: 019#mmc8.
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Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the Lead Contact, Davi D.
Bock ([email protected]). The following are available to nonprofit organizations upon request: control software for TEMCA2
and ATPS; CAD model files for the Automated Transport and Positioning System (ATPS), vacuum chamber extension to the FEI
T-12 TEM, sample support grids, and the Fast Stage.
Multiple brains of 7-day-old [iso] w1118 x [iso] Canton-S G1 adult female flies were screened and one was picked for EM imaging. By
this age, development has completed and flies are sexually mature (Ashburner et al., 2005). Females and males were maintained in
the same vials.
Sample Preparation
Brains from 7-day-old adult [iso] w1118 x [iso] Canton-S G1 flies were dissected in cold fly saline. The dissected brains were fixed with
2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1M sodium cacodylate for 1 h at 4 C, followed by 1 h at room temperature (RT). Following aldehyde fixation,
the brains were rinsed 6 3 5 min with sodium cacodylate buffer at RT, 3 3 10 min incubations in 0.02M 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (A-TRA)
(Sigma-Aldrich) in sodium cacodylate, the last on ice, followed by post-fixation with 1% OsO4 in sodium cacodylate containing 0.1M
A-TRA for 90 min on ice (Van Emburg and De Bruijn, 1984). The brains were then rinsed with cold sodium cacodylate buffer, allowed
to warm to RT followed by deionized or Milli-Q water at RT before being stained en bloc with 7.5% uranyl acetate (Figure S3A) in water
overnight at 4 C. Following en bloc staining, brains were rinsed with water at RT and then dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series
to 100% ethanol, followed by 100% propylene oxide. Samples were infiltrated with EmBed 812 resin using propylene oxide to resin
ratios of 2:1 and 1:2 for 30 min each followed by 2 3 1 h incubations in 100% resin and a third 100% resin incubation overnight. Sam-
ples were flat embedded between Teflon-coated glass slides and allowed to harden for 24 h at 65-70 C. Samples were subsequently
Electron Microscopy
Two types of acquisition systems were used to image the whole fly brain series, both of which used FEI Tecnai Spirit BioTWIN TEMs.
The first, the TEMCA2 system (Figure S2A), was equipped with a custom single-axis Fast Stage (Figure S2B; patent pending) (Price
and Bock, 2016a, 2016b), vacuum extension, scintillator (5 mm Mylar on a support ring 9 5/8 inches in diameter, coated with 10 mg
fine-grained P43/cm2; Grant Scientific), and four Fairchild SciMOS 2051 Model F2 5.5 megapixel cameras (2560 3 2160 pixel sensor
size) configured in a 2 3 2 array (Figure S3E). The second type of system was an Automated Transport and Positioning System (ATPS)
(Figures S2E, S2F, and S3I; Videos S2 and S3) (Price and Bock, 2016a, 2016b), which was equipped with a custom scintillator (6 mg
fine-grain P43/cm2; Grant Scientific), and a single Fairchild SciMOS camera. In both systems, 4:1 minifying C-lenses (AMT Imaging)
were mounted on the SciMOS cameras. These systems were previously described in abstract form (Robinson et al., 2016). Sche-
matics and model files for the Fast Stage and ATPS are available to non-profit research organizations upon request.
TEMCA2 Fast Stage
The Fast Stage (Figure S2B; Video S1) of the TEMCA2 system has a single high-speed axis of motion. It interfaces seamlessly with the
commercial FEI CompuStage goniometer, which provides the other degrees of freedom necessary to position a sample in the TEM.
The Fast Stage sample holder is connected to a drive rod, which passes through a custom rolling-element bearing, vacuum sealing
bellows, and a rolling-element damper. The drive rod is connected to a slide-mounted encoder which provides nanometer-resolution
positional feedback. It is moved linearly by a precision piezo motor (Physik Instrument cat N301K151). The custom rolling-element tip
bearing provides rigid lateral support to the drive rod within the outer drive rod tube, while minimizing axial friction required to move
the driven mass of the system. The custom rolling-element dampers kill vibrations of the drive rod induced by the pulsed motion of the
piezo motor during moves, reducing settle time. Without these dampers, the drive rod would vibrate for hundreds of milliseconds
under the pulsed motion of a move, rendering the system unusable. With the dampers, 8-24 mm moves are reliably achieved
where all vibrations are damped to less than 5 nm in less than 50 ms (Figure S2C). The miniature vacuum bellows isolates the
Volume Reconstruction
Volume reconstruction includes stitching images from a single thin section into a coherent mosaic and aligning mosaics across all
sections. Stitching and alignment of ssTEM images into a traceable volume must overcome artifacts and distortions introduced in
sample preparation, serial sectioning, pickup, staining, and imaging of samples. During sectioning, ultrathin sections can be torn,
misfolded, or lost completely. EM-dense debris may be introduced during sectioning and/or post-staining of thin sections, obscuring
the sample during imaging (Figures S5D and S5E). This debris can charge and heat in the electron beam, putting the support film at
risk of rupturing. The sample can also deform during high-intensity imaging. These challenges have largely been addressed for
smaller EM volumes (Saalfeld et al., 2012), but the scale of the whole fly brain required the development of a cluster-backed software
alignment pipeline to successfully assemble the dataset. Importantly, the new alignment pipeline also enabled projection of traced
neuron reconstructions across different versions of the aligned dataset. This allowed tracing to begin before acquisition of the entire
series was complete, and preserving tracing done in previous versions of the aligned volume.
Data migration
Camera images were written in a round-robin fashion across multiple high-speed storage servers. Mosaics selected for inclusion into
the final reconstructed volume were copied to a centrally managed distributed file system at Janelia Research Campus offering high-
throughput connectivity to the computational cluster as well as off-site backups. All images were checksum verified after file copy
Calibration mosaics
In our TEMCA2 system, we operated with a wider FOV than a conventional TEM which comes at the cost of individual images
showing significant non-linear distortion. This distortion is the accumulation of camera lens-distortion, variation in camera mounting,
and warping in the electron beam path. We compensated for this distortion using the lens-correction method available in TrakEM2
(Cardona et al., 2012; Kaynig et al., 2010) followed by affine normalization between all distortion models. For each individual camera,
we imaged a 3 3 3 mosaic of redundantly (60%) overlapping tiles of a neuropil compartment in one of our sample grids. This mosaic
was then used to estimate a non-linear distortion correction model in TrakEM2. To compensate for the remaining affine distortion
(scale and shear) of each of these camera models, we imaged a large reference mosaic in the neuropil compartment of three refer-
ence sections (to account for accidental section loss) that we then jointly aligned with TrakEM2. This way, we obtained a globally
consistent camera calibration model for each individual camera. We repeated the calibration step each time an imaging system
was adjusted.
Stitching and alignment
The image acquisition process provides partially overlapping images that are assumed to cover each entire section. Image mosaics
need to be stitched within each z section plane, as well as aligned across z to produce a seamless volume. The stitching and align-
ment process includes: (1) matching point-pairs within mosaics, (2) matching point-pairs across mosaics, (3) registering high-dose/
low-dose images, (4) section order correction, and (5) solving the volume.
Details of the methods and documentation of actively used code are available at:
Matching point-pairs within mosaics
The first step of the stitching process is to match putatively identical content between pairs of overlapping images; those matched
point-pairs are stored in a table. Matching was done within each of the serial sample sections (z-layers), considered independently of
any other sections. Two neighboring images would match essentially perfectly except for very slight differential beam heating.
TEM stage coordinates provide useful guesses about which pairs of images have overlaps worth characterizing, as well as the
expected relative transform between pair members that we can use to constrain content matching. For each prospective pair of im-
ages we first perform coarse matching using normalized fast fourier transform (FFT)-based cross-correlation to obtain a best rigid
transform between them: relative rotation and xy-translation. The expected constraint transform enters as a mask describing a
disc of preferred xy-translations within the correlation image.
The coarse transform between image A and B is then refined using a deformable mesh as follows. Within the overlap region of A
and B, the A-pixels remain at fixed coordinates. For the B-image pixels, we erect a mesh of triangles and each of the B-pixel coor-
dinates within are translated into barycentric coordinates (functions of the triangle vertices) which are variables. The normalized
cross-correlation between A and B can now be expressed as a function of mesh vertex coordinates. A gradient descent process
is used to find vertex positions that optimize correlation.
The reported point-pairs linking A to B are derived from the triangles of the mesh. Image-point A is defined as the centroid of a given
mesh triangle prior to optimization. Its corresponding B-image point is obtained by calculating the affine transform that takes the tri-
angle to its optimized counterpart, and applying that to the A-centroid.
Neuron Tracing
Neuron reconstructions are based on manual skeleton tracing of neuronal arbors and annotation of synapses from image stacks in
CATMAID (http://www.catmaid.org) as described in Schneider-Mizell et al. (2016). All neurons included in analyses are reconstructed
by at least two team members, an initial tracer and a subsequent proofreader who corroborates the tracer’s work. In the event that
any tracer or proofreader encounters ambiguous features (neural processes or synapses that are not identifiable with high confi-
dence), they consult other tracers and proofreaders to determine the validity of said features, climbing the experience ladder up
to expert tracers as needed. If any feature remains ambiguous after scrutiny by an expert tracer, then said feature is not included
in the neural reconstruction and/or flagged to be excluded from analyses. During the proofreading phase, the proofreader and tracer
iteratively consult each other until each neuron is deemed complete per the specific tracing protocol to which it belongs. An assign-
ment of completion does not necessarily entail that an entire neuron’s processes and synapses have been reconstructed (see
Tracing to classification and Tracing to completion). We traced 114 PNs, the APL, two MB-C1s, MB-CP1, and two MB-CP2 neurons
to classification (120 neurons in total). We also traced the calyx sub-arbors of the 15 KCs to completion, and their remaining sub-
arbors to morphological, but not synaptic, completion. The total cable length of the neurons above is 206.6 mm.
The criteria to identify a chemical synapse include at least three of the four following features, with the first as an absolute require-
ment: 1) an active zone with vesicles; 2) presynaptic specializations such as a ribbon or T-bar with or without a platform; 3) synaptic
clefts; 4) postsynaptic membrane specializations such as postsynaptic densities (PSDs). In flies, PSDs are variable, clearer at
postsynaptic sites of KCs in a microglomerulus but often subtle, unclear, or absent in other atypical synaptic contacts (Prokop
Neuronal Informatics
Electron-Light Microscopy registration tools (ELM)
The ELM tool provides a user interface to interactively define a thin plate spline 3D warp field between an LM dataset and the
whole-brain EM dataset by manually specifying corresponding landmark points. It was built on top of the BigWarp Fiji plugin
The background level of the image, B, was determined by taking the mean of these noise-dominated regions (again taking a mean
over the three pixel neighborhood), following on from the assumption of symmetric noise, giving
B = hhIðplow ± 1Þii: (2)
The level of signal was then taken to be the mean of the (absolute) difference of the mean of these three pixel neighborhoods around
phigh, and the background. This resulted in the SNR being given by
I phigh ± 1 B
S N= : (3)
As most images lack large areas that consist of only resin, this simple background selection is not perfect. Therefore, the SNRs gener-
ated should be considered lower limits in most cases. We show the SNR as a function of the acquisition rate for a variety of EM tech-
niques in Figure 2G.
To validate the feature-based method, we examined the effect of varying resolutions and confirmed that SNR changed in the ex-
pected manner for the additive Gaussian noise model. The feature-based method works reasonably well when combining voxels pro-
ducing SNRs within 20% (1.5 dB) of the expected based on additive Gaussian noise (Figure S4C), although the ATUM-SEM data of
Kasthuri et al. (2015) increases by more than others, a possible sign of their voxels (3 3 3 nm in x-y) under-sampling biological fea-
tures. This method produces the expected increase when scaling down images producing equivalent normalized SNRs (Figure S4C).
Increasing the size of images also increases the SNR, but this is due to the generation of new pixels with similar values to old ones
inside the regions considered for noise due to the fact that creation of these new pixels functions as a pseudo-low pass filter. As
expected this measure reports larger SNR values when Gaussian blurring is applied (as noise is disproportionately removed when
a low pass filter is applied) (Figure S4C). In images generated by super resolution techniques therefore, this method may be inappro-
priate and should be modified to, for example, use distance based regions rather than pixel based regions.
Cell membrane SNR
Although the feature-based SNR measure avoids many human biases in the selection of regions used to calculate background and
signal levels, it unfortunately can often incorporate biological structure (our signal of interest) into these calculations.
We therefore introduced a complementary measure to compare the SNR of biological EM data and verified that the feature-based
SNR calculation is valid. At its heart, this is simply a comparison between the signal level at a cell membrane and the background
nearby, taken at multiple points within an image.
Quantification of Artifacts
In order to examine the quality of the dataset, an assessment of missing and degraded tiles was undertaken. Using the losslessly
compressed tiles, we examined each 1024 3 1024 pixel region from which the CATMAID image tile pyramid is built, and checked
if this region was first, present, and second, if it was degraded due to an artifact in the data. We plot the total number of tiles and
number of degraded tiles per section in Figure S5K. A section was considered to have missing tiles, if its tile count was 5% below
that of the median of the neighboring five sections on each side. Qualitatively, this was the threshold at which biology is noticeably
impacted and not arising due to a tighter ROI around the brain. Within the core region of the brain (sections 2000-6000), 3% of sec-
tions had tile loss above this threshold, with 1% of all sections having extensive tile loss exceeding 20%. In addition to these missing
tiles, a tile was considered degraded if the standard deviation of its grayscale histogram either exceeded 40, or was below 20 and had
a mean grayscale value below 50. These thresholds included small-scale precipitate, folds and intensity correction artifacts in the
former and large-scale precipitate errors in the latter. These degraded tiles comprised 0.5% of the entire dataset with 1% of sections
having over 5% of degraded tiles.
All files and videos are available through the following website: http://www.temca2data.org.
Access to the full adult fly brain dataset is available at: http://www.temca2data.org.
Analysis code is available at: https://github.com/bocklab/temca2data.