Body Terminology Wks Answer Key
Body Terminology Wks Answer Key
Body Terminology Wks Answer Key
1. __A, B, C___ Which planes through the body can be produced by cutting the body from a superior to an
inferior direction? (In other words, begin the cut at the head and cut down to the toes.) List all 3 possible cuts.
2. __C__ In a sword fight, Sir Robert lost his ear as his opponent brought the sword down and cleanly sliced off
his ear. The cut which removed his ear from his head was made in the _____ plane.
3. ___D__ When a surgeon amputates a leg above the knee, the separation is made in the _____ plane.
4. __D___ The esophagus is a tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach, and runs along the midline
of the body. Which plane would make a cross section through the esophagus?
5. ___D__ You wish to make a cut which separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. Such a cut
would lie in the _____ plane.
6. ___A, D__ Which two planes, when passed through the body, would result in 2 sections, with each section
containing a piece of the heart and a piece of both lungs?
7. __A__ A cut which separates the dorsal body cavity from the ventral body cavity would lie in the _____ plane.
8. __C___ If you make a cut which separates the right iliac region form the hypogastric region, this would be in
the __8.__ plane,
9. __D__ but a cut which separates the right iliac region from the right lumbar region would be in the __9.__
10. ___C__ A plane which passed through the body, diving the left lung into right and left parts would be a
__10.__ plane,
11. __D___ while a plane which passes through the body so that the left lung is divided into superior and inferior
portions would be a __11.__ plane.
Anatomy & Physiology
Directional Terms
Matching: Please write the correct letter in the space to the right of each number. You may use each choice one,
more than once, or not at all. For all questions, assume the body is in anatomical position.
1. The top of the skull can be removed so that the inner features can be seen. Along which plane should one cut to open the top of a
human skull?
a. Sagittal d. Horizontal
b. Coronal e. B and D are correct
c. Frontal
2. An anatomist cuts a cadaver with a large saw in a way that divides the cadaver into equal left and right halves. The cut is along the
_______ plane.
a. A. sagittal d. Horizontal
b. Midsagittal e. A and B are correct
c. Frontal
4. Soccer players often wear shin protectors, which shield the ______ region of each leg.
a. Femoral d. Crural
b. Tibial e. Gluteal
c. Popliteal
6. A surgeon makes an incision medially from the left axillary region, turning inferiorly at the midline and proceeding to the pubic
region. The path of the cut can me mapped as looking on the patient’s chest as:
a. Г d. 7
b. + e. ---
c. L
11. The first finger is ________distal_____________ to the hand, no matter which position it is in.
14. The shoulder is ________proximal______________ to the elbow, no matter how one’s arm is held.
18. The thoracic wall is lined with the _____parietal____________ layer of the double layered pleural membrane.