Into The Theldesia - Eight Neighbors of Yamato PDF
Into The Theldesia - Eight Neighbors of Yamato PDF
Into The Theldesia - Eight Neighbors of Yamato PDF
◆ Ikoma
Ikoma is a court city built in the moun-
tains, lined with the magnificent mansions
of nobles. Originally, this city was a rest stop
before going to Kyou, but it has since lost its
significance as a villa when the Westelande
Entrusted Hope
Racial Skills Combat
Humans None
Self Close
– –
Prerequisite: Only characters with the
[Human] tag can use these skills. Effect: During a combat scene, if an ally within 20
Sq. of you is [Incapacitated], you gain a +1D bonus
to all checks. (Bonus): You gain +8 [Max HP].
Description: Humans are a highly
adaptable race, and their skills increase
Description: You possess the ability to draw out
their versatility. your latent strength during a crisis. The wills and
wishes entrusted to you by your fallen comrades
doubles your strength.
Cleanup Refer
None None
Effect: You may make a [Safe Move] of 1 Sq. (Fate Effect: Use this skill just before you make a
1): If you have reached your Limit for this skill, you Treasure Roll. You may make the Treasure Roll
may pay this cost to use it again. twice, and take either result.
Description: A skill that allows you to travel Description: A skill that uses your intuition and
quickly by gauging distance. expert eye, allowing you to pick out a lucky find
among treasure.
Constant Cleanup
None None
Effect: Out of the items that you can normally equip, Effect: When you acquire this skill, select one of the following:
you become able to use items with the [Sword] Athletics, Endurance, Disable, Operate, Perception, Negotia-
[Katana] [Spear] [Hafted] [Whip] [Martial Arts] [Bow] tion, Knowledge, or Analyze. Change the name of this skill
to be like «Skill Practice: Athletics». You can acquire this skill
[Throwing] [Instrument] and [Light] tags that have an
multiple times, but each one must be under a different name.
Item Rank equal to your [CR+2] or lower. You gain a +1D bonus to checks using the chosen attribute.
Description: Resize various weapons to fit your Description: There is one talent in which you particularly
hand. excel. However, you can’t train in any other field.
Checking their tongues is an infallible meth-
Half-Alvs od for distinguishing between these two, but
most Half-Alvs will shirk away if you try.
The Half-Alvs have a unique history as They have a high affinity for magic items,
a race born from a mutation, reviving the including ancient Alven ruins. In particular,
blood of an extinct race. The circumstances the large magical devices that have safeguard-
surrounding their birth and their affinity for ing “authentication” systems can only be used
ancient technology will doubtlessly give your by Half-Alvs. Healer and Mage classes are
character a dramatic background and splen- well-suited for them.
did opportunities.
A race born with the special powers of a
long-gone race, yet have the appearance of a
Before the Catastrophe Human. These are the Half-Alvs.
◆ Ikebukuro
Ikebukuro is
one of the largest
Lander settle-
ments near
Akiba, and is
also famous for
having a Half-Alv
community. Calling
themselves the “Exca-
vators,” they live a quiet
life in an abandoned sky-
scraper named the Tower of
Sunshine and its surrounding
areas while excavating and researching.
Half-Alv Sorcerer
They are somewhat exclusive and don’t
want to have relationships with other Landers another says it is on a desert island surround-
except when they need to sell excavated arti- ed by shore reefs. All the villagers are friendly
facts and buy necessaries of life. However, they and will warmly treat Adventurers that have
are relatively friendly towards Adventurers, gone astray. So only few people can find the
who aren’t prejudiced against Half-Alvs and dark side of this village.
are willing to be their bodyguards. As descendants of the Alv’s “Twilight
Princess,” they call themselves the Oenother-
▶ Tower of Sunshine
an and worship the deified Alv Princess. They
The Tower of Sunshine that rises at the center
of Ikebukuro is a 60-floor skyscraper ruin from believe their princess will reincarnate to re-
the Age of Myth. Inhabitant Landers insist that lieve the oppressed Half-Alvs.
this tower is a paradise without any monsters, but
of course, such a good thing isn’t possible. Areas The “relief” of Oenotheran is vengeance
that can be said to be safe are only the basement against mankind and the creation of a Half-
floor and Floors 1–8.
Alv utopia. Of course, the villagers won’t talk
The basement floor is a mushroom plantation
and Floor 1 is a field, so inhabitants can be self- about these things in front of you, so if you
sufficient to a certain extent. witness them holding a strange meeting in the
In Floors 2 and 3, almost all monsters were middle of the night, I urge you to leave the vil-
eliminated by Adventurers, and excavations of
magical artifacts are prosperous. lage immediately. There is no guarantee that
Floors 4–7 are ruins that already “dried up,” they won’t go out of their way to eliminate
and about 2,000 Landers live there. those who know their secret. (This is unreli-
Floor 8 is the Fortress of Sunshine, the choke able information that was recorded in a travel
point for defending against monsters from high-
er floors. Anything above Floor 9 is infested with book. The author went missing later on.)
monsters, so Landers don’t dare to enter. How-
ever, for Adventurers, this tower is an attractive
dungeon because higher floors have many pow-
erful magical items and treasures.
Typical Tags
Since its inhabitants tend to avoid interperson-
al relationships with the outside world, Adven-
Tsukuba, Ikebukuro, Cradle of Stars, Mestre,
turers will face many difficulties. First, you must
Oenotheran, Witch, Star Mother, Academy,
win their trust. Participating in defensive battles
Excavator, Tower of Sunshine, Fortress of
with the soldiers of the Fortress of Sunshine and
Sunshine, Hermit, Guild Staff, Librarian, Tu-
providing necessities helps. Also, learning their
tor, Amanuensis, Historian, Mathematician,
odd sense of values and habits as ruin dwellers
Engineer, Officer of Arms, Archivist, Doc-
may be a shortcut to befriending them.
tor, Scholar, Scribe, Apprentice, Architect
◆ Village of Oenotheran
There’s a rumor about a hidden Half-Alv
village located in somewhere in Eastal. One
person says it is in the depths of the moun-
tains where even beasts don’t come near, while
Racial Skills Combat
Half-Alvs None
Self Close
– –
Prerequisite: Only characters with the
[Half-Alv] tag can use these skills. Effect: You gain a +1D bonus to [Hit Checks], and
checks made against a character’s [Identification
Difficulty], when those checks include characters with
Description: Half-Alvs are a race the [Construct] tag.
with profound knowledge of magical
technology and items. Their skills further Description: You are an expert in artificial weapons
created in ancient times. Unlike the descendants of its
enhance their technological prowess. former creators, the Alvs, these machines can only be
used for destruction.
Constant Constant
None None
Effect: You do not lose the ability to [Hinder] Effect: You gain a +1D bonus to [Operate Checks].
when you have the [Dazed] or [Rigor] conditions.
Constant Cleanup
None None
Effect: You become able to use items that have Effect: When you [Teleport] (not including forced
the [Toxin] [Charm] [Scroll] and [Gem] tags with movement), you may increase the distance you
an Item Rank equal to your [CR+2] or lower. move by +1 Sq.
Description: You have a high affinity for Description: An expert in the Alv’s transitory
consumable items said to come from the ancient magic, you can freely control distance by sensing
Alvs. You can even use complex items that cannot the world’s fluctuations.
be used by other races.
Into the Theldesia Notes
Interesting Notes:
▶ This ITT was the first time Risselthea and Iselus were ▶ The name for oenothera, in Japanese, means “twilight-
mentioned. They were later added into the main series. waiting flower.” As for the Twilight Princess, her real name
▶ Maihama is located where Cinderella Castle is. The Glass is Tokinagi, and she has already reincarnated. She is the
Greaves are an obvious reference to Cinderella. true personality of the amnesiac Lander Nagi, who appears
in the TRPG Replays and makes a couple of cameos in the
▶ The Tower of Sunshine, in real life, is Sunshine60 (サンシ
Season 2 anime. However, Tokinagi has no intentions on
ャイン60). Floors 1–9 are used as commercial spaces and
taking revenge, at least for now.
include various amenities. Floors 10–57 are office space,
58–59 are restaurants, and 60 is an observation deck. ▶ Mestre means “master” in Catalan and Portuguese.
Translation Changes:
▶ The original translation didn’t include hair or eye colors can mean either one, but “Phantasmagorical” alludes to
for Half-Alvs, for some reason. I added them back in. both her personality and her illusion magic specialty.
▶ Ninetails Dominion was changed to Nine Tails Domin- ▶ Cuncator used the term “College” for Tsukuba’s organi-
ion to reflect Yen On’s spelling. (Which is also why I chose zation, which I changed to “Academy.” I also rewrote the
Saraliya over Sarariya for Rayneshia’s mother’s name.) last two sections in the Tsukuba section to make it sound
▶ Originally, fans translated the name of Westelande’s rul- more like English vernacular.
ing family as Itsuki, but it seems that it is officially Saiguu. ▶ In the Half-Alv tags, I used Amanuensis in the place
I have changed it here accordingly. of Daihitsuya (代筆屋). The original word refers to a per-
▶ The Japanese version said that Iselus was going to suc- son who writes for somebody else, which describes both
ceed Feynail instead of Serjiad, for some reason, which is an amanuensis and a ghostwriter. Because I found it dif-
now fixed. ficult to find the definition of “daihitsuya” by searching it
in English, I changed it to an English equivalent instead of
▶ Sheiola’s title was changed from “Ever-Changing Witch”
leaving it as-is so its meaning is clear.
to “Phantasmagorical Witch.” The original Japanese term
▶ The descriptions for skills is new to this version.
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