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Into the Theldesia

The Eight Neighbors

of Yamato (1)
Living in this world as an Adventurer, you can’t forget the Landers
of the Crescent Archipelago of Yamato. It is crucial to cultivate a
relationship with them and understand each other.

and Fox Tails; the Race of Rituals that were

created to manipulate magic; and the posthu-
Adventurers were not the only ones affect- mous child of extinct Alv race, the Half-Alvs.
ed by the Catastrophe. Up until then, Landers
were merely NPCs that operated according to ◆ Races to be Introduced This Time
their programming. But now, it is clear that
This time, Into the Theldesia introduces
they are beings that have their own will.
the characteristics, livelihoods, unions, and
Now, Into the Theldesia will introduce the additional racial skills of two races, Humans
Landers, the people that are both the closest and Half-Alvs. Please make use of this to char-
and the most mysterious to the Adventurers. acterize and strengthen your player character,
To live in this different world, having a rela- to create scenarios, and to develop background
tionship with Landers is inevitable. I will be information.
delighted if these articles help you understand
Landers and build friendships with them.

The Eight Good Races

Mankind, both Landers and Adventurers,

consists of the Eight Good Races: Humans,
Text: Chord Joehausen, Tsugaru Amani, Nanami Yusuke,
who have the largest population; denizen of Tanukihara Makoto ◆ Data Creation: Souma Masaru
forest Elves; denizen of mountain Dwarves; Translation: Cuncator ◆ Skills: Yukamichi
◆ Editing: LHFF
the three beastmen of Wolf Fangs, Werecats,
ors, there is a wide variation in hue and shade.
In Yamato, typical skin tones range from pale
Humans yellow to white. Brown-skinned Landers are
more common in southern regions. Humans
Humans are a standard race without any
are unique precisely because they lack any
special points. They are easy to personalize
particular distinguishing physical character-
and their adaptability makes them suitable for
istics, making them easy to customize.
many things. A race that can be changed to
suit your wishes: that is the Human. In terms of abilities, Humans don’t have
anything particularly outstanding. On the flip
side, they also have no glaring faults, which
Before the Catastrophe
makes their dexterity and diversity a good fit
In the world of Elder Tale, Humans are for any class. Because of their ease of use and
the standard race in many ways. Their great- familiarity, they are the most popular race in
est features Elder Tale.
are their di- A race with hidden potential and possi-
versity, versa- bilities underneath its standard abilities and
tility, and above appearance. These are Humans.
all, population.
You can see large
numbers of Humans in nu-
merous cities and villages. They
have excellent fertility and thus, the
largest population among the Eight Good
Races. Because Humans don’t have any spe-
cial backstory, they were placed in various
locations as common NPCs. With many 3D
modeling variations, they have a wide range
of appearances. Humans are the most famil-
iar race to players.
In terms of appearance, they look no
different from real humans. They are
about 150–170cm (5–6 ft) tall, and weigh
about 55–110kg (121–142 lbs). Typical hair
colors range from black to blonde, and
some have gray or white hair. For eye col-
Human Guardian
ripheral villages under its authority, it has
Humans of Yamato a population of about 80,000. Since this city
faces the sea, its fishing industry and cargo
Humans in Yamato act as the repre-
business flourishes. In particular, the conces-
sentatives of the Good Eight Races due to
sions of the cargo business are the backbone of
their large numbers. They are highly so-
Maihama’s power.
ciable, and account for the majority of
nobles. Due to their large population, Humans Its current ruler is Duke Serjiad Cor-
cover many professions—farmer, craftsman, wen. The Corwen family is one of two
merchant, etc. distinguished families that traces its history to
the reign of the Westelande Imperial Dynasty.
They are relatively tolerant of other races,
intermingling with them and living in the It takes two days to get from Akiba to
same cities. However, this tolerance stems Maihama by horse, yet it is still one of the
from their numbers and strength. shortest distances between a Lander city
and an Adventurer City.
As a society of vocational specialization
progressed, people of many occupations gath- Incidentally, under Maihama, there is a
ered and formed urban areas, and there is an large ruin that was the stage for some quests.
active exchange between cities. Nowadays, the After the Catastrophe, its trackless sections
number of autarkic villages in Yamato are few were found; more and more Adventurers now
and far between. Some would say that Humans visit the Maihama Underground Relics.
are fairly cultured. As the closest Lander city to Akiba, Mai-
On the other hand, Humans tend to be hama has faced, while more moderate than
conservative and organized, keeping out of Akiba’s, unprecedented rapid development.
danger and preferring safety. Humans can’t (cont. on Page 5)
make many long journeys and are thus ill-
suited as merchants and traders compared to
other races. They lack adventurous spirit, so in ◆ Members of the Corwen Family
comparison to their population, there are few During the reign of the Westelande Imperial
Human heroes. Dynasty, there were seven dukedoms. However,
most of them were killed off by wars and natu-
ral disasters. Only two of them still remain, one
Representative Settlements of which is the Corwen family that is renowned
from the Ezzo Empire all the way to the Nine
Tails Dominion.
◆ Maihama This column introduces the members of the
Maihama is the largest settlement in the current Corwen Family. If you are an Akiban Ad-
venturer, you might be able to become acquainted
Eastal League, with a population of around with them.
30,000 in the city alone. Including the pe-
◆ Serjiad Ain-Arde Corwen youth, so she has a lot of smart advice for people
in distress. She claims she won’t have any love af-
The head of the Corwen family, one of the two
fairs anymore. She’s 30 years old.
Dukes of Yamato, ruler of Maihama, and de facto
chairperson of the Eastal League. Highly regard-
ed for his experience, practicality, and wisdom, ◆ Risselthea Cil-Arte Jaris
he made Maihama the city of cargo business by
Serjiad’s first granddaughter and Rayneshia’s
renovating the dilapidated Port Maihama and re-
older sister. She was expected to be a major role
forming the antiquated tax system.
in a diplomatic marriage to another Eastal lord.
When he was young, he performed many meri- Then, she met a young knight, and married him
torious deeds of slaying evil demi-humans, but in a grand love affair and against her family’s ve-
his age is getting to him now. Serjiad dotes on his hement opposition. The relationship between Ser-
granddaughter, Rayneshia, who closely resembles jiad and Risselthea deteriorated for a while, but
his departed wife. He’s 60 years old. they recently started restoring them. She seems to
have been well-received as a good young wife of
the Jaris family, and was blessed with a son.
◆ Saraliya Tsuleu-Arte Corwen
She lost her inheritance rights when she mar-
Serjiad’s eldest daughter and Rayneshia’s moth-
ried, so Rayneshia is the focus of the family’s ex-
er. She is known as a talented lady, helping her
pectations now. She’s 19 years old.
father with political matters when she was in her
teens. It was during this time that she became
acquainted with Feynail, fell in love with him at ◆ Rayneshia El-Arte Corwen
first sight, and married him. She is 36 years old, Serjiad’s granddaughter and the second daugh-
but her beauty as “The Pearl of Eastal” has not yet ter of Saraliya and Feynail. Bearing a strong re-
faded; she is the object of envy of society. semblance to her late grandmother, who was
She rarely attends to state affairs, but carries praised as the most beautiful woman in Eastal,
out various policies as one of Feynail’s advisers. she is a sweet girl who is called “The Winter Rose
In particular, she leads Maihama’s counterintel- of Eastal.” She has absolute popularity with com-
ligence agency with her skills. moners, civil servants, and knights alike, and has
become a symbol of the Corwen family. Among
◆ Feynail Tsuleu-Arde Corwen the Landers, there is an already-legendary anec-
dote that she defeated the Adventurer Krusty in a
Saraliya’s husband and the father of Rayneshia duel of wits.
and Iselus. He is descended from a Maihaman
earldom, and was adopted by his wife’s family. She pretends to be a perfect princess in front of
Because Serjiad has no son, it was decided that Is- others, but in reality, she’s a lazy princess who sees
elus will become his successor. Until Iselus is old her bed and pajamas as her friends, which exas-
enough, Feynail is serving as his guardian. perates her handmaiden and closest friend Elissa
to no end. She’s 16 years old.
Feynail is 180cm tall, but he isn’t good at fight-
ing; he is just a civil officer in financial affairs. He
is 40 years old.
◆ Iselus El-Arde Corwen
◆ Langrissa Cil-Arte Corwen The younger brother of Rayneshia and the first
in line to succeed Serjiad. He is a fair-skinned,
Serjiad’s youngest daughter, Saraliya’s younger
girly-looking boy who yearns for heroic tales and
sister, and Rayneshia’s aunt. She is unmarried and
chivalric romances. Recently, the Adventurers
spends her days as a nun. Since she genuinely lis-
have piqued his interest, and he can be heard pes-
tens to people’s worries and answers courteously,
tering the people around him, saying “I want to
she is renowned as a saint.
live in Akiba with my sister!” He’s 8 years old.
She used to be a rather naughty lady in her
The Corwen family feels the heavy re- Imperial Dynasty became the Holy Empire
sponsibility of tiding over this large wave, but Westelande. Currently, Ikoma serves as the
various troubles, large and small, have broken headquarters of both the Saiguu family and
out nonetheless. Maihama’s Imperial Guard, the duke.
the Glass Greaves, has taken the role of pro- The main road runs from east (to Kyou)
tecting the people. In this world rampant with to west (to Minami) in the midst of the Ikoma
Mountain Holy Shrine. Although it’s in the
▶ The Glass Greaves mountains, its infrastructure is in good con-
The famous imperial guard of Maihama.
dition and water for daily use is fully provided.
It is composed of 80 regular members and
210 yeomen, and its role is to protect Corwen It is an extremely comfortable city for nobles,
Family. As chosen elites, its members serve as their servants, and Adventurer visitors.
Maihama’s core of defense.
In the Glass Greaves, military actions are However, the Holy Empire Westelande is
based on the commander’s orders, and having the paying a painful price for it: not a few Landers
Extra Move ability is essential to join. They sub-
are imposed laborers in Ikoma as part of their
mit themselves to rigorous foot march training
and run around the mountain to strengthen the taxes, never to return to their homelands.
muscles in the lower half of the body so they can
move speedily on the battlefield.
Typical Tags
The emblem of the Glass Greaves is a pair
of crystal greaves based on the magic shoes
Maihama, Akiba, Ikoma, Kyou, Minami,
that a hero of Maihama wore, and sometimes
Eastal League, Holy Empire Westelande,
you can see the Grand Master actually wear-
Westelande Imperial Dynasty, Glass Greaves,
ing it in ceremonies. The knights have inher-
Saiguu Family, Ikoma Mountain Holy
ited the hero’s indomitable spirit. Children ad-
Shrine, Ezzo Empire, Fourland Dukedom,
mire their sparkling shoes, and their feet that
Nine Tails Dominion, Wet Nurse, Vendor,
run throughout Maihama have the trust and
Chimney Sweeper, Retainer, Housekeeper,
respect of the citizens.
Wigmaker, Knight, Aristocrat, Waiter, Shoe-
maker, Town Crier, Negotiator, Miller, Baby-
sitter, Tailor, Fishmonger, Chairman, Execu-
monsters, having Eastal’s strongest knight or- tioner, Mayor, Servant, Barkeeper, Landlord,
der pledge its allegiance to the Corwen fam- Inquisitor, Washerwoman, Charwoman,
Undertaker, Village Elder, Magistrate, Tax
ily gives the people of Maihama some peace of
Collector, Apprentice, Butcher, Farmer, Bak-
mind. er, Praetor, Maid, Barber, Fisherman, Chef,
Candlemaker, Ropemaker

◆ Ikoma
Ikoma is a court city built in the moun-
tains, lined with the magnificent mansions
of nobles. Originally, this city was a rest stop
before going to Kyou, but it has since lost its
significance as a villa when the Westelande
Entrusted Hope
Racial Skills Combat


Humans None

Self Close
– –
Prerequisite: Only characters with the
[Human] tag can use these skills. Effect: During a combat scene, if an ally within 20
Sq. of you is [Incapacitated], you gain a +1D bonus
to all checks. (Bonus): You gain +8 [Max HP].
Description: Humans are a highly
adaptable race, and their skills increase
Description: You possess the ability to draw out
their versatility. your latent strength during a crisis. The wills and
wishes entrusted to you by your fallen comrades
doubles your strength.

Extra Move Picky Choice

General Mvmt General

Cleanup Refer

None None

Self Close Self Close

– 1/scenario – 2/scenario

Effect: You may make a [Safe Move] of 1 Sq. (Fate Effect: Use this skill just before you make a
1): If you have reached your Limit for this skill, you Treasure Roll. You may make the Treasure Roll
may pay this cost to use it again. twice, and take either result.

Description: A skill that allows you to travel Description: A skill that uses your intuition and
quickly by gauging distance. expert eye, allowing you to pick out a lucky find
among treasure.

Custom Weapon Skill Practice

General General Training

Constant Cleanup

None None

Self Close Self Close

– – – 1/scenario

Effect: Out of the items that you can normally equip, Effect: When you acquire this skill, select one of the following:
you become able to use items with the [Sword] Athletics, Endurance, Disable, Operate, Perception, Negotia-
[Katana] [Spear] [Hafted] [Whip] [Martial Arts] [Bow] tion, Knowledge, or Analyze. Change the name of this skill
to be like «Skill Practice: Athletics». You can acquire this skill
[Throwing] [Instrument] and [Light] tags that have an
multiple times, but each one must be under a different name.
Item Rank equal to your [CR+2] or lower. You gain a +1D bonus to checks using the chosen attribute.

Description: Resize various weapons to fit your Description: There is one talent in which you particularly
hand. excel. However, you can’t train in any other field.
Checking their tongues is an infallible meth-
Half-Alvs od for distinguishing between these two, but
most Half-Alvs will shirk away if you try.
The Half-Alvs have a unique history as They have a high affinity for magic items,
a race born from a mutation, reviving the including ancient Alven ruins. In particular,
blood of an extinct race. The circumstances the large magical devices that have safeguard-
surrounding their birth and their affinity for ing “authentication” systems can only be used
ancient technology will doubtlessly give your by Half-Alvs. Healer and Mage classes are
character a dramatic background and splen- well-suited for them.
did opportunities.
A race born with the special powers of a
long-gone race, yet have the appearance of a
Before the Catastrophe Human. These are the Half-Alvs.

Half-Alvs have the most singular back- Half Alvs of Yamato

ground in Elder Tale. Their distinguishing
characteristics are the marks on their tongues
As an atavistic mutant, Half-Alvs have a
and their high affinity for ancient techniques,
very small population and are hardly seen in
attributable to their blood.
Yamato. The birth of a Half-Alv is interpreted
They are atavistic race of the Alvs, an an- as an (usually bad) omen, especially in the su-
cient race that once ruled the whole world. perstitious countryside. Additionally, they are
They are a kind of mutation: Their parents’ persecuted by those who fear the Alvs, and
race doesn’t affect theirs, and a baby born to are sometimes forced to leave their homeland
two Half-Alv parents might not be a Half-Alv at an early age. Even those born into nobility
themselves. Moreover, it is naturally difficult usually cannot become the head of the fam-
for Half-Alvs to conceive. ily; they are either confined or forced to marry
Physically, they are very similar to Hu- into another family.
mans. They are around 150–185cm (5–6 ft) As a result, Half-Alvs can’t help but live a
tall, weigh about 55–90kg (121–198 lbs), and life without the bond of local community and
have the same builds as humans. Hair col- family. Therefore, they’re very unsentimen-
ors can range from black to blonde to white. tal about familial ties. Of course, it is derived
Eye colors range from black to brown, green from their harsh environment, but their indif-
to blue. Most skin colors range from pale yel- ference towards kinship societies invites con-
low to white, although there are more brown- flict with others, and it appears to have further
skinned Half-Alvs than with Humans. In isolated them in the Human-centric societies
any case, it’s nigh-impossible to distinguish of Yamato.
Humans and Half-Alvs by appearance alone.
On the other hand, in big royal courts and
densely-populated cities, Half-Alvs can pass
by a mestre, and most members never see oth-
themselves as “weird, unsociable humans.” er groups’ members save for their own mestre’s
Moreover, they are sometimes respected as mestre and their fellow pupils.
talented people in places where magical re- Still, there is a strong bond between them. If
two Half-Alvs meet by chance and notice that
search prospers. the other belongs to the Cradle of Stars, they will
In Yamato, the secret Half-Alven organi- help each other as “family.” After becoming inde-
pendent and leaving his mestre’s home, an erst-
zation, the Cradle of Stars, was formed to pro- while foster child starts an odyssey to find Half-
tect Half-Alvs from discrimination and perse- Alv orphans and take them under his protection
as his pupils. That’s how the legacy of the Cradle
cution. It’s a “secret organization” in that it isn’t
of Stars is carried over to the next generation.
generally known: It is a cross-regional benefit
society that does not partake in illegal activi-
ties. By nature, Half-Alvs are bad at manag-
ing organizations, but the chances that young
“Phantasmagoric Witch” Sheiola
Half-Alvs would otherwise be able to survive Half-Alv/Female/Cradle of Stars/Witch/Statesman/Mysterious
after being exiled from their hometown is low.
▶ Description:
As a part of their activities, the Cradle of Compared to former Star Mothers, the current
Stars takes in Half-Alv orphans and entrusts Star Mother, Sheiola, is somewhat young, but
she has shrewd political skill and un-Half-Alv-y
them to Half-Alv foster parents. Foster parents
sociability. Executive members of the Cradle of
are called mestres, and raise children as pupils. Stars judged that a young and energetic mestre is
Most mestres are magic engineers, and thus, advantageous for external negotiation, and broke
with the tradition that the Star Mother must be
foster children often become magic technique the oldest female mestre.
specialists. This is one of the reasons why Half- Officially, Sheiola is a professor at the Acad-
Alvs are suited for magic research. emy of Tsukuba (specializing in illusion magic)
and makes the most of her position to defend
and teach Half-Alvs. Before the Catastrophe, she
▶ Cradle of Stars occasionally came in contact with Adventurers
The Cradle of Stars has a long history. It is said through quests. Since Half-Alv Adventurers can
that the nucleus of the organization had already see her special conversations, some players real-
formed when the existence of Half-Alvs started ized that Sheiola has some kind of secret hidden
appearing in the pages of history. The founder’s behind her beautiful face.
name has long been forgotten, but the old tradi-
tions about “Witches” that secretly took charge of
Half-Alv orphans persecuted for their race exist ▶ Quotes:
all over Yamato. Most likely, one or a few of these
“Witches” founded this organization. Accord- “Have you ever wished to have an eternal dream
ingly, the leader of the Cradle of Stars, called the before?”
Star Mother, is always female by tradition. “A woman has many secrets. A witch like me,
While the Cradle of Stars claims to be a ben- much more.”
efit society, it is more accurate to call it a mod-
erate aggregation of groups. Every group is led
from the Age of Myth. Each tower is governed
Representative Settlements by an academic union and its subordinate
unions. Researchers in the Academy are ac-
◆ Tsukuba
quainted with Adventurers through quests
Located in eastern Eastal, Tsukuba is since before the Catastrophe; recently, they
known as a city of magic and knowledge since have started studying Adventurer technol-
the academic guilds have great influence there. ogy and trading technology with them. By
The cityscape is neatly organized because they the way, even though it is officially denied, it’s
are reusing ruins from the Age of Myth. This taken for fact that some organizations of dark
city had a lot of magic-related quests and items magic in the Academy are secretly conducting
before the Catastrophe, so Adventurers are fa- research on illegal spells.
miliar with it.
Tsukuba, which values knowledge and
At the center of the city wisdom and is not as discriminatory as other
is the “Academy,” a large places, holds a large population of Half-Alvs.
research facility com- The fact that many Half-Alvs have been ap-
posed of around 40 pointed to professorship in the Academy
various-sized towers is proof that people of Tsukuba aren’t as
prejudiced against them.

◆ Ikebukuro
Ikebukuro is
one of the largest
Lander settle-
ments near
Akiba, and is
also famous for
having a Half-Alv
community. Calling
themselves the “Exca-
vators,” they live a quiet
life in an abandoned sky-
scraper named the Tower of
Sunshine and its surrounding
areas while excavating and researching.
Half-Alv Sorcerer
They are somewhat exclusive and don’t
want to have relationships with other Landers another says it is on a desert island surround-
except when they need to sell excavated arti- ed by shore reefs. All the villagers are friendly
facts and buy necessaries of life. However, they and will warmly treat Adventurers that have
are relatively friendly towards Adventurers, gone astray. So only few people can find the
who aren’t prejudiced against Half-Alvs and dark side of this village.
are willing to be their bodyguards. As descendants of the Alv’s “Twilight
Princess,” they call themselves the Oenother-
▶ Tower of Sunshine
an and worship the deified Alv Princess. They
The Tower of Sunshine that rises at the center
of Ikebukuro is a 60-floor skyscraper ruin from believe their princess will reincarnate to re-
the Age of Myth. Inhabitant Landers insist that lieve the oppressed Half-Alvs.
this tower is a paradise without any monsters, but
of course, such a good thing isn’t possible. Areas The “relief” of Oenotheran is vengeance
that can be said to be safe are only the basement against mankind and the creation of a Half-
floor and Floors 1–8.
Alv utopia. Of course, the villagers won’t talk
The basement floor is a mushroom plantation
and Floor 1 is a field, so inhabitants can be self- about these things in front of you, so if you
sufficient to a certain extent. witness them holding a strange meeting in the
In Floors 2 and 3, almost all monsters were middle of the night, I urge you to leave the vil-
eliminated by Adventurers, and excavations of
magical artifacts are prosperous. lage immediately. There is no guarantee that
Floors 4–7 are ruins that already “dried up,” they won’t go out of their way to eliminate
and about 2,000 Landers live there. those who know their secret. (This is unreli-
Floor 8 is the Fortress of Sunshine, the choke able information that was recorded in a travel
point for defending against monsters from high-
er floors. Anything above Floor 9 is infested with book. The author went missing later on.)
monsters, so Landers don’t dare to enter. How-
ever, for Adventurers, this tower is an attractive
dungeon because higher floors have many pow-
erful magical items and treasures.
Typical Tags
Since its inhabitants tend to avoid interperson-
al relationships with the outside world, Adven-
Tsukuba, Ikebukuro, Cradle of Stars, Mestre,
turers will face many difficulties. First, you must
Oenotheran, Witch, Star Mother, Academy,
win their trust. Participating in defensive battles
Excavator, Tower of Sunshine, Fortress of
with the soldiers of the Fortress of Sunshine and
Sunshine, Hermit, Guild Staff, Librarian, Tu-
providing necessities helps. Also, learning their
tor, Amanuensis, Historian, Mathematician,
odd sense of values and habits as ruin dwellers
Engineer, Officer of Arms, Archivist, Doc-
may be a shortcut to befriending them.
tor, Scholar, Scribe, Apprentice, Architect

◆ Village of Oenotheran
There’s a rumor about a hidden Half-Alv
village located in somewhere in Eastal. One
person says it is in the depths of the moun-
tains where even beasts don’t come near, while
Racial Skills Combat


Half-Alvs None

Self Close
– –
Prerequisite: Only characters with the
[Half-Alv] tag can use these skills. Effect: You gain a +1D bonus to [Hit Checks], and
checks made against a character’s [Identification
Difficulty], when those checks include characters with
Description: Half-Alvs are a race the [Construct] tag.
with profound knowledge of magical
technology and items. Their skills further Description: You are an expert in artificial weapons
created in ancient times. Unlike the descendants of its
enhance their technological prowess. former creators, the Alvs, these machines can only be
used for destruction.

Parallel Mind Native Operator

Combat General

Constant Constant

None None

Self Close Self Close

– – – –

Effect: You do not lose the ability to [Hinder] Effect: You gain a +1D bonus to [Operate Checks].
when you have the [Dazed] or [Rigor] conditions.

Description: You’re a natural at operating

Description: A skill where your thoughts run in various tools, from machines to apparatuses. Its
parallel, separating your physical movements complexity doesn’t matter; you can use a steering
from your mind when hit with a bad status. carriage to an ancient Alv defense mechanism.

Progressive Relic Dimension Walker

General General Training

Constant Cleanup

None None

Self Close Self Close

– – – –

Effect: You become able to use items that have Effect: When you [Teleport] (not including forced
the [Toxin] [Charm] [Scroll] and [Gem] tags with movement), you may increase the distance you
an Item Rank equal to your [CR+2] or lower. move by +1 Sq.

Description: You have a high affinity for Description: An expert in the Alv’s transitory
consumable items said to come from the ancient magic, you can freely control distance by sensing
Alvs. You can even use complex items that cannot the world’s fluctuations.
be used by other races.
Into the Theldesia Notes

Translation Notes (v.2)

Into the Theldesia (from now on, ITT) was created for the Log Horizon TRPG, hence the skill pages and tags. The
original translation of this ITT was by Cuncator on Because he didn’t include the skills, I used Yukamichi’s
skill translations from Doodenheimer’s TRPG Rulebook translation, and translated the skill descriptions myself.
Because Log Horizon is very side-material-heavy at times, some foreshadowing or references in the main series
are lost or less appreciable without awareness of side material. I decided to put highlight some things that you may find
interesting, as well as some major translation changes from Cuncator’s version (and v.1).

Interesting Notes:
▶ This ITT was the first time Risselthea and Iselus were ▶ The name for oenothera, in Japanese, means “twilight-
mentioned. They were later added into the main series. waiting flower.” As for the Twilight Princess, her real name
▶ Maihama is located where Cinderella Castle is. The Glass is Tokinagi, and she has already reincarnated. She is the
Greaves are an obvious reference to Cinderella. true personality of the amnesiac Lander Nagi, who appears
in the TRPG Replays and makes a couple of cameos in the
▶ The Tower of Sunshine, in real life, is Sunshine60 (サンシ
Season 2 anime. However, Tokinagi has no intentions on
ャイン60). Floors 1–9 are used as commercial spaces and
taking revenge, at least for now.
include various amenities. Floors 10–57 are office space,
58–59 are restaurants, and 60 is an observation deck. ▶ Mestre means “master” in Catalan and Portuguese.

Translation Changes:
▶ The original translation didn’t include hair or eye colors can mean either one, but “Phantasmagorical” alludes to
for Half-Alvs, for some reason. I added them back in. both her personality and her illusion magic specialty.
▶ Ninetails Dominion was changed to Nine Tails Domin- ▶ Cuncator used the term “College” for Tsukuba’s organi-
ion to reflect Yen On’s spelling. (Which is also why I chose zation, which I changed to “Academy.” I also rewrote the
Saraliya over Sarariya for Rayneshia’s mother’s name.) last two sections in the Tsukuba section to make it sound
▶ Originally, fans translated the name of Westelande’s rul- more like English vernacular.
ing family as Itsuki, but it seems that it is officially Saiguu. ▶ In the Half-Alv tags, I used Amanuensis in the place
I have changed it here accordingly. of Daihitsuya (代筆屋). The original word refers to a per-
▶ The Japanese version said that Iselus was going to suc- son who writes for somebody else, which describes both
ceed Feynail instead of Serjiad, for some reason, which is an amanuensis and a ghostwriter. Because I found it dif-
now fixed. ficult to find the definition of “daihitsuya” by searching it
in English, I changed it to an English equivalent instead of
▶ Sheiola’s title was changed from “Ever-Changing Witch”
leaving it as-is so its meaning is clear.
to “Phantasmagorical Witch.” The original Japanese term
▶ The descriptions for skills is new to this version.

See you
next tim

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