Railway Electrification System - Wikipedia PDF
Railway Electrification System - Wikipedia PDF
Railway Electrification System - Wikipedia PDF
Direct current (DC)
Alternating current (AC)
Contact system
Third rail
Fourth rail
Overhead lines (catenary)
Overhead lines plus linear
Four rail system
Five rail system
Min. non- Min. Max. Max. non-
system Nominal
permanent permanent permanent permanent
Direct current
Railroad rotary converter at Illinois Railway Museum
Overhead systems
Class EM1 locos on the 1,500 V DC Woodhead Line
Third rail
A bottom-contact third rail on the Amsterdam Metro,
Fourth rail
Linear motor
Alternating current
Low-frequency alternating
Non-contact systems
It is possible to supply power to an electric
train by inductive coupling. This allows the
use of a high-voltage, insulated, conductor
rail. Such a system was patented in 1894
by Nikola Tesla, U.S. Patent 514,972 . It
requires the use of high-frequency
alternating current. Tesla did not specify a
frequency but George Trinkaus[13]
suggests that around 1,000 Hz would be
Inductive coupling is widely used in low-
power applications, such as re-chargeable
electric toothbrushes and more recently,
mobile telephones and wearable
computing devices (inductive charging).
The contactless technology for rail
vehicles is currently being marketed by
Bombardier as PRIMOVE.[14]
Energy efficiency
Electric vs Diesel
An early rail electrification substation at Dartford in
England, UK
World electrification
In 2006, 240,000 km (150,000 mi) (25% by
length) of the world rail network was
electrified and 50% of all rail transport was
carried by electric traction.
In 2012 for electrified kilometers, China
surpassed Russia making it first place in
the world with over 48,000 km (30,000 mi)
electrified.[33] Trailing behind China were
Russia 43,300 km (26,900 mi), India
30,012 km (18,649 mi),[34] Germany
21,000 km (13,000 mi), Japan 17,000 km
(11,000 mi), and France 15,200 km
(9,400 mi).
Sparks effect
Newly electrified lines often show a
"sparks effect", whereby electrification in
passenger rail systems leads to significant
jumps in patronage / revenue.[35] The
reasons may include electric trains being
seen as more modern and attractive to
ride,[36][37] faster and smoother service,[35]
and the fact that electrification often goes
hand in hand with a general infrastructure
and rolling stock overhaul / replacement,
which leads to better service quality (in a
way that theoretically could also be
achieved by doing similar upgrades yet
without electrification). Whatever the
causes of the sparks effect, it is well
established for numerous routes that have
electrified over decades.[35][36]
Diesel island
A "diesel island" is a relatively short
section of non-electrified railway which is
surrounded by or connected to electrified
lines. They are called diesel "islands"
because generally they can only be used
by diesel trains. Such sections pose a
disadvantage in terms of operation,
because electric trains from the
surrounding lines cannot run on the
isolated diesel section.
See also
Baltimore Belt Line, the first mainline
railroad electrification in the United
Battery electric multiple unit
Battery locomotive
Conduit current collection
Current collector
Dual electrification
Ground-level power supply
History of the electric locomotive
List of railway electrification systems
Multi-system (rail)
Overhead conductor rails
Stud contact system
Traction current pylon
Traction powerstation
Traction substation
1. "Railway Handbook 2015" (PDF).
International Energy Agency. p. 18.
Retrieved 4 August 2017.
2. EN 50163: Railway applications. Supply
voltages of traction systems (2007)
3. IEC 60850: Railway applications – Supply
voltages of traction systems, 3rd edition
4. P. Leandes and S. Ostlund. "A concept for
an HVDC traction system" in "International
conference on main line railway
electrification", Hessington, England,
September 1989 (Suggests 30 kV). Glomez-
Exposito A., Mauricio J.M., Maza-Ortega
J.M. "VSC-based MVDC Railway
Electrification System" IEEE transactions on
power delivery, v.29, no.1, Feb.2014.
(suggests 24 kV).
5. Donald G. Fink, H. Wayne Beatty
Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers
11th Edition, McGraw Hill, 1978 table 18-21.
See also Gomez-Exposito p.424, Fig.3
6. "[MétroPole] De la centrale électrique au
rail de traction" . 10 August 2004. Archived
from the original on 10 August 2004.
7. Dery, Bernard. "Truck (bogie) - Visual
Dictionary" . www.infovisual.info.
8. Linder, C. (2002). Umstellung der
Sollfrequenz im zentralen Bahnstromnetz
von 16 2/3 Hz auf 16,70 Hz [Switching the
frequency in train electric power supply
network from 16 2/3 Hz to 16,70 Hz].
Elektrische Bahnen (in German).
Oldenbourg-Industrieverlag. ISSN 0013-
5437 .
9. Southern Electric
10. History of Southern Electrification Part
11. History of Southern Electrification Part
12. Railway Technical Research Institute.
"Concurrent-feeding power switching
system for Shinkansen switching sections"
(PDF) (in Japanese). Retrieved 21 May 2011.
(in English)
(in Russian)
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machinery of railroad transportation),
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эффективность электрификации
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effectiveness of railway electrification
and application of diesel traction),
Москва, Транспорт 1976.
Дробинский В.А., Егунов П.М. "Как
устроен и паботает тенловоз" (How
the diesel locomotive works) 3rd ed.
Moscow, Транспорт, 1980.
Иванова В.Н. (ed.) "Конструкция и
динамика тепловозов" (Construction
and dynamics of the diesel locomotive).
Москва, Транспорт, 1968 (textbook).
Калинин, В.К. "Электровозы и
электроноезда" (Electric locomotives
and electric train sets) Москва,
Транспорт, 1991 ISBN 978-5-277-
Мирошниченко, Р.И., "Режимы
работы электрифицированных
участков" (Regimes of operation of
electrified sections [of railways]),
Москва, Транспорт, 1982.
Перцовский, Л. М.; "Энргетическая
эффективность электрической тяги"
(Energy efficiency of electric traction),
Железнодорожный транспорт
(magazine), #12, 1974 p. 39+
Плакс, А.В. & Пупынин, В. Н.,
"Электрические железные дороги"
(Electric Railways), Москва
"Транспорт" 1993.
Сидоров Н.И., Сидорожа Н.Н. "Как
устроен и работает эелктровоз" (How
the electric locomotive works) Москва,
Транспорт, 1988 (5th ed.) - 233 pp,
ISBN 978-5-277-00191-2. 1980 (4th ed.).
Хомич А.З. Тупицын О.И., Симсон А.Э.
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locomotives) - Москва: Транспорт,
1975 - 264 pp.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to
Electrically-powered rail transport.