Healthy Lifestyles Assessment - Enhance Health, Safety and Wellbeing of Others
Healthy Lifestyles Assessment - Enhance Health, Safety and Wellbeing of Others
Healthy Lifestyles Assessment - Enhance Health, Safety and Wellbeing of Others
ShineSA social media team Followers on your page (80k Instagram post Consent and sexual activity
followers) awareness post.
Public speaker promoting Students aged 15-18 Oral presentation (can be Drugs/alcohol information
‘knowledge is power’ recorded 4-5 mins) session (promoting awareness
about a drug or alcohol)
An employee of the South South Australian community Health promotion poster or Safe partying campaign, that
Australian government asked to members with a target audience flyer promotes a strategy that young
produce a public health of 15-25 adults can implement when
campaign. partying.
Task sheet
Marking Rubric
Year 10 Healthy lifestyles Assessment task 1
Rubric: enhance health, safety and wellbeing of others
Criteria for assessment: A B C D E
Task descriptions:
Magazine journalist:
You are a magazine journalist for the popular magazine ‘Healthy Lifestyles’. You have been asked by your editor to write an advice column on
“Positive and negative relationships”. It is important that your column highlights a modern perspective that highlights what a positive and
negative relationship is and strategies to identify issues within a relationship. You will aim to give your readers understanding a knowledge
around relationship health so they are able to make positive choices.
Requirements: the post must include an image and a strong engaging caption.
Public speaker:
You are a public speaker promoting ‘knowledge is power’ surrounding drug/alcohol use for students ages 15-18. This will be presented as a
recorded oral presentation.
need to create a health promotion poster that uses both images and short paragraphs providing information on the topic of safe partying that
promotes strategies that young adults can implement when our partying.
If there is an area of interest you believe would fit the theme of this activity please speak to the teacher and negotiate an alternative topic and
come up with an outline together.