MacKenzie - Wirelessness
MacKenzie - Wirelessness
MacKenzie - Wirelessness
“Wirelessness is a brilliant and nuanced proposal for a ‘radical network empiricism’ based on experiments
media-technological change, and Mackenzie moves from in wireless Internet over the last decade and more. Running through the book is a subtle mesh of new
wireless cities through signals, devices, networks, maps, thinking about technology, philosophy, network life, and the possibility of invention. Wirelessness moves R A D I C A L E M P I R I C I S M I N N E T W O R K C U LT U R E S
and products to the global belief in the expansion of wire- with magnificent curiosity and insight from superlative analyses of chipsets and algorithm design to
less worlds. aesthetics, urbanism, the politics of protocols, and the experience of the world.” ADRIAN MACKENZIE
MATTHEW FULLER, University of London, author of Media Ecologies: Materialist Energies in Art
Adrian Mackenzie is Reader and Codirector at the Centre for and Technoculture How has wirelessness—being connected to objects and infra-
Science Studies at Lancaster University, U.K. structures without knowing exactly how or where—become
“Wirelessness remains a work in progress, a mutable technology still mutating. Mackenzie is the best a key form of contemporary experience? Stretching across
guide we have to its intricacies and effects. Adopting a radical empiricist approach, he shows the way routers, smart phones, netbooks, cities, towers, Guangzhou
in which wirelessness not only configures but experiences the world differently by concentrating on a workshops, service agreements, toys, and states, wireless
range of cases, each of which provides its own particular means of enlightenment. A book that asks technologies have brought with them sensations of change,
proximity, movement, and divergence. In Wirelessness, Adrian
different questions and provides different answers from the gloop of network-speak that sometimes
Mackenzie draws on philosophical techniques from a century
threatens to engulf us. Terrific.”
ago to make sense of this most contemporary postnetwork
NIGEL THRIFT, University of Warwick
condition. The radical empiricism associated with the prag-
matist philosopher William James, Mackenzie argues, offers
“Wirelessness opens a new chapter in network theory. Mackenzie’s project is to account for the structure
fresh ways for matching the disordered flow of wireless net-
of networks and the experience of them—how they work and how they feel—at the same time and in the
works, meshes, patches, and connections with felt sensations.
same terms, while avoiding both reductive simplification and theoretical overkill. The ‘radical empiri-
For Mackenzie, entanglements with things, gadgets,
cal’ approach he suggests for understanding the intertwining of technology and experience lives up to
infrastructures, and services—tendencies, fleeting nuances,
its name. The book is both theoretically radical and exhaustively empirical—a major contribution to
and peripheral shades of often barely registered feeling that
technology studies and cultural theory.”
cannot be easily codified, symbolized, or quantified—mark
BRIAN MASSUMI, Department of Communication, University of Montreal
the experience of wirelessness, and this links directly to
James’s expanded conception of experience. “Wirelessness”
designates a tendency to make network connections in dif-
ferent times and places using these devices and services.
Equally, it embodies a sensibility attuned to the prolifera-
The MIT Press Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142
tion of devices and services that carry information through
radio signals. Above all, it means heightened awareness of
978-0-262-01464-9 ongoing change and movement associated with networks,
Adrian Mackenzie
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any
electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information
storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher.
This book was set in Stone Sans and Stone Serif by Toppan Best-set Premedia
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Acknowledgments vii
1 Introduction 1
Notes 215
References 229
Index 251
I owe the idea for this book to Celia Roberts. Many thanks to her for
encouraging me to develop a reluctant and ambivalent interest in post-
dot-com Internet cultures into something constructive. I continue to
benefit from talking with colleagues at Lancaster University. Particular
thanks are due to John Urry for healthy scepticism concerning mobile
technologies, and Lucy Suchman for her critical acuity on all matters tech-
nological. Many people in the Centre for Science Studies, and Cesagen
(Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics; a UK Economic and
Social Research Council funded research centre), have conversed long and
often about underlying themes of the book, especially those concerning
the affects and promises of contemporary technoscience. Warm thanks to
Maureen McNeil, John Law, Ruth McNally, Richard Tutton and Brian
Wynne. Friends and colleagues in Australia, particularly Andrew Murphie,
Gerald Goggins and John Jacobs, have been supportive in the face of the
various theoretical and practical anomalies of this project.
The encouragement and incisive suggestions of initially anonymous
readers of the manuscript have shaped the final version in significant ways.
Thanks to Anna Munster and Chris Kelty for positive feedback.
Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to Connor and Callum.
1 Introduction
Motion, to take a good example, is originally a turbid sensation, of which the native
shape is perhaps best preserved in the phenomenon of vertigo. (James 1996a, 62)
Figure 1.1
The Wi-Fi brand (Wi-Fi 2009)
Introduction 3
products under the category “wireless.” These range from a Cisco WLAN
(Wireless Local Area Network) controller worth tens of thousands of dollars
to a GZ Wireless FM transmitter for an iPod or a Sierra Wireless 595U EVDO
USB Modem, both selling for the inexplicably low price of £0.01, presum-
ably because they are tied to service plans or other contractual arrange-
ments. Despite the abundance of Wi-Fi devices—five billion Wi-Fi chips
by 2012, according to market analysts (ABIResearch 2007)—the bare fact
of network connectivity seems dull and listless. What amid this technologi-
cal spindrift is worth comment? Across the face of this avalanche of
wireless commodities, various degrees of openness, reconfigurability, or
plasticity can be found. In general, Wi-Fi devices exhibit a high degree of
openness to modification, hybridization, reconfiguration, and the widest
variety of instantiations (commercial, personal, portable, citywide, envi-
ronmental, etc.). Wi-Fi connections, intermittent, unstable, and uneven as
they often are, act as a kind of patch or infill at the edges and gaps in
telecommunications and network infrastructures. Wi-Fi is seen as most
likely to practically deliver on the promise of the “Internet of things,” the
idea that all electronic devices will connect to the Internet (Itu 2006).
Although many competing wireless “solutions” to the problem of connect-
ing devices to the Internet can be found (Bluetooth, Zigbee, femtocells,
pico-cells, 3G, LTE, WiMax), Wi-Fi continues to grow in popularity, partly
because it is relatively cheap, and partly because it is “out of control” (that
is, it requires little centralized infrastructural management).
Sometimes a single wireless device crystallizes something of the undoing
and intensification of networks. It can superimpose waves of media prac-
tice and network culture on each other, with sometimes surprising effec-
tiveness. A Wi-Fi Internet radio refers at once to the history of broadcast
radio, Internet media and contemporary wireless culture. Historically, the
very term wireless dates from the late nineteenth century, yet it languishes
on the periphery of media studies and media theory. As Timothy Campbell
argues, apart from voice-centered radio, wireless media have largely been
occult in cultural and media studies (Campbell 2006, x–xi), even though
wireless devices precede broadcast radio by several decades.2 Radio com-
munication and information networks have an intimate historical associa-
tion. AlohaNet, a packet radio system developed in 1970 to allow
communication between computers at seven island campuses of the Uni-
versity of Hawaii, furnished a basic approach to network traffic handling
and collision avoidance still used in many parts of the Internet, and in
particular, in all local area networks such as Ethernet (Abbate 2000, 115–
117). The configuring of the Internet as space of reroutable flows of infor-
Introduction 5
mation owes something to wireless here. Finally, from 1999 onward, a set
of very rapid changes associated with wireless devices affected how people
use the Internet, where the Internet can be found, what kinds of devices
belong to the networks, and indeed, what the Internet is for.
The key claim of this book is that the contemporary proliferation of
wireless devices and modes of network connection can best be screened
against the backdrop of a broadly diverging and converging set of tenden-
cies that I call “wirelessness.” Wirelessness designates an experience trend-
ing toward entanglements with things, objects, gadgets, infrastructures,
and services, and imbued with indistinct sensations and practices of net-
work-associated change. Wirelessness affects how people arrive, depart,
and inhabit places, how they relate to others, and indeed, how they
embody change. In floating such an awkward term as wirelessness, I would
invite readers to attend mostly to the suffix ness. Ness seems to me to do
a better job than wireless of capturing the tendencies, fleeting nuances, and
peripheral shades of often barely registered feeling that cannot be easily
codified, symbolized, or quantified. As a suffix, ness also tends to convey
something about a state, condition, or mode of existence (light-ness, heavi-
ness, weak-ness, happi-ness, etc.). In this respect, the messy, fragile, and
often ill-suited aspects of Wi-Fi are actually useful. Wi-Fi’s limitations and
surprising potentials highlight wirelessness as a composite experience ani-
mated by divergent processes, by relations that generate transitions and
create expectations of more change to come. “More” includes the “less” of
wirelessness: there will be less wires, less obstacles, less difficulty, less
weight, and in general much more of less. The diaphanous fabric of wire-
lessness spans several strands of media-technological change. The structure
of this experience is diffuse, multiple and hazy in outline.3
Accepting that the banality and inadequacies of Wi-Fi are worth thinking
about, what would this mean practically? In writing this book, the Wi-Fi
watch was not the only form of minimal connectivity I encountered.
Another connection problem ran across the desk I often work at. It con-
cerns a wireless keyboard and mouse, licensed by the U.S. Federal Com-
munications Commission to operate at radio frequencies around 27 MHz
(Federal Communications 2004). Although the wireless connection
between the mouse and computer, or keyboard and computer, works well
most of the time, sometimes it mysteriously fails. Wireless mice often share
radio spectrum with cordless phones, remote control toys, microwave
6 Chapter 1
ovens, as well as other Bluetooth devices. For a long time, I thought the
metal in-tray next to the computer monitor somehow acted as an electro-
magnetic Faraday shield for the wireless mouse receiver near the computer.
I moved the in-tray around a lot until one day crawling under the desk, I
found that the receiver’s plugs into the back of the computer were slightly
wobbly, and that by touching them lightly, the keyboard and mouse
started working again. Sometimes I have to crawl under my desk to touch
the plugs running into the back of the computer.
Is crawling around in the dust jiggling plugs a matter of wirelessness?
For a start, it suggests that there is no pure experience of wirelessness, no
subject whose interiority could be the foundation or anchor point for such
an experience.4 Feelings of wirelessness are site-specific and attach to a
mass of things, images, projects, products, enterprises, plans, and politics
concerning not only wireless networks but forms of urban, economic,
work, institutional, and everyday life more generally. So the “subject” who
experiences wirelessness is not very salient. Wirelessness is not a strongly
personal or intimate zone of experience, at least in the usual senses of these
terms. The layers, intensities, resistances, and vectors of a wireless subject
have a somewhat ephemeral and nebulous character. In all the variations
in tendency and direction it triggers, wirelessness puts detours and obsta-
cles on the path toward the point where all differences converge and
coalesce in pure, total networks.
Many, if not all, readers of this book will have wide-ranging, firsthand
experience of wireless connections. They will have sat in airport terminals
and hotel lobbies using a laptop or some other device (BlackBerry, iPhone,
netbook, etc.) to do e-mail or browse the Web. In houses and apartments,
they might have set up or found a wireless network to access. They might
have heard of a café shutting their wireless networks off on weekends to
discourage all-day occupation of tables or they might have complained to
their friends about the exorbitant cost of using in-room hotel wireless
networks in business hotels. Someone living in the countryside might have
established a long-distance wireless connection allowing them to work
from home. Who hasn’t felt annoyance and frustration at the sudden,
seemingly random difficulty of connecting to a wireless access point? Or
perhaps they will have noticed access-point lights flickering rapidly in the
middle of the night when no one in the house is using the Internet.
Many people will have seen the accounts, anecdotes, and reports of
wireless network use. Wireless networks such as Wi-Fi have been heavily
discussed in electronic, print, and online media, especially as different
kinds of wireless connections coalesce in single devices. So much media
Introduction 7
Wirelessness struggles against wires, and the extensive tying and knotting
of wires called “networks.” In this struggle, the question is: Which wires
go where, or who wires what? In 2002, Nicholas Negroponte, founder of
MIT’s Media Lab and long-standing contributor to Wired magazine,
announced in an article titled “Being Wireless” that “everything you
assumed about telecommunications is about to change. Large wired and
wireless telephone companies will be replaced by micro-operators, millions
of which can be woven into a global fabric of broadband connectivity”
(Negroponte 2002).
The global fabric Negroponte envisions will be made of free-associating
Wi-Fi access points. In 2009, many aspects of this change are tangible. Take
the Cradlepoint PHS300 Personal Wi-Fi Hotspot, an ideal piece of technol-
ogy for the mobile “micro-operator”: “The PHS300 Personal WiFi Hotspot
is a true plug ‘n’ play solution that creates a powerful WiFi network almost
anywhere. Connect all your WiFi enabled devices by simply plugging in
your activated USB data modem and turning on the PHS300. It’s that easy!
No more searching for a hotspot, you are one!” (Cradlepoint 2009).
Micro-operators do not search for or connect to networks, they make
networks for themselves. The PHS300 fits a niche in the contemporary
wireless ecology since it links Wi-Fi networks to 3G/4G mobile broadband
services provided by telephone companies. It bridges the computer indus-
try and the telecommunications industry. The hitch here is that the devices
requires an additional USB data modem—that is, “a 3rd party data modem
and active data plan.” Instead of the complete replacement imagined by
Negroponte, the PHS300 represents the interface between different wireless
networks in the same space. Rather than a “global fabric of broadband
connectivity,” wireless networks became one style of connection among
many. There are so many ways to connect: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi (a, b, g, n),
WiMax, GSM, LTE, EVDO, 3G, 4G, and so forth. The average home user
may discover half a dozen “wireless networks” in the vicinity, their mobile
phone may also be a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth device, and their laptop com-
puter may have a mobile broadband USB data modem that connects it to
mobile broadband networks operated by telephone companies.
Any struggle against wires faces the fact and figure of existing networks,
particularly the Internet but also those of commercial telecommunications
operators, broadband service providers, and institutional network admin-
istrators on which the Internet actually relies. Networks of different kinds
overconnect a given location.5 Hence, wirelessness in all its contemporary
Introduction 9
save the network from itself. As the sociologist Andrew Barry (2001, 16)
also argues, “The social world should not be imagined and acted upon as
if it were a system of networks and flows, which can be grasped and
managed as a whole. This is a typically modern political fantasy. The
specificities and inconsistencies of the social demand careful attention.”
Wireless networking could be seen as one venue in which the contem-
porary world is both imagined as a network flow that can be grasped and
managed, and yet falls prey to constant inconsistencies and interruptions.
Barry highlights that networks will always be “a part of, and yet not con-
tained by, other collective arrangements or networks” (p. 18). Inconsis-
tency and lack of containment very much typify wireless networks as they
float in a foam of other media, settings, and environments, including the
Internet and cities.
Recent work on networks such as Shaviro 2003, Galloway and Thacker
2007, Terranova 2004, and Chun 2006 alloy an awareness of the minimal-
ist sheen of network formalism with sober attempts to identify edges and
creases where the fabric of the network frays, and the crisp figure of
network relationality crinkles. I take as a crucial point of departure Steven
Shaviro’s (2003, 249–250) conclusion that “what’s missing [from life in the
network society] is what is more than information: the qualitative dimension
of experience or the continuum of analog space in between all those ones
and zeroes. From a certain point of view, of course, this surplus is nothing
at all. It is empty and insubstantial, almost by definition. . . . But this
nothing is precisely the point. Because of this nothing, too much is never
enough, and our desires are never satisfied.”
In that case, what remains to be done with the figure of the network?
Alexander Galloway and Eugene Thacker (2007) urge attention to protocol
in network analysis and network politics. Their notion of “protocological
control” enjoins detailed attention to, for instance, the “question of how
discrete nodes (agencies) and their edges (actions) are identified and
managed as such.” From a different angle, Tiziana Terranova (2004, 90)
suggests that the glitz and dazzle of high-profile websites such as MySpace.
com or should be understood in relation to the practices
and pattern of network labor that animate them: “It is the labour of the
designers and programmers that shows through a successful web site and
it is the spectacle of that labour changing its product that keeps the users
coming back.” Or turning to the “user,” the slightly careworn figure who
lingers around any discussion of contemporary digital media, Wendy
Chun (2006, 249) draws our attention to the ways many accounts of net-
works dim our awareness of the uncomfortable fact that “all electronic
Introduction 11
Take for instance the waves of change associated with Wi-Fi as it has
moved through different versions in the last ten years. In each version—
802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and now 802.11n—wireless networks changed.
There were changes in rate as the rate of information transfer increased
16 Chapter 1
as James puts it, “variations in rates and direction.” The kind of awareness
that might emerge from radical empiricism is distinguished by an experi-
mental interest in tendencies. Radical empiricism does not offer much by
way of an ontology, let alone a worldview of a subject. Rather it is a way
of inhabiting transitions. James (1996a, 69) writes: “Our experience, inter
alia, is of variations of rate and of direction, and lives in these transitions
more than in the journey’s end. The experiences of tendency are sufficient
to act upon.”
This sounds incredibly general, a flat truism that is hard to disagree
with. Is James saying that we inhabit “transitions” more than ends in
general, just like people often say, rightly perhaps, that the journey is more
important than the destination? James offers more than an opinion on the
value of experience. The feeling of continuous or discontinuous transition
is, for him, what gives consistency to any experience, what allows it to
flow. This feeling of change, transition, or in particular, tendency, is the
fabric of any experience of acting or being acted up. Empiricism is radical
to the extent that it manages to hold onto “the passing of one experience
into another” (p. 50), and this means holding onto tendencies, tendencies
that operate like differentials expressing rates and directions of change.
The key challenge in adhering to the rule of direct experience is accessing
these kernel transitions. They can be minimal, since they tend play a quasi-
infrastructural role. The continuity of transition relies on, as James (1996b,
96) puts it, “the through-and-through union of adjacent minima of experi-
ence, of the confluence of every passing moment of concretely felt experi-
ence with its immediately next neighbors.”
Tendencies have something profuse, overflowing, or excessive in them.
James’s emphasis on variations of rate and direction target apparently
nonpractical, nonuseful, excessive, or irrelevant components that appear
only as tendencies or potentials in experience. If experience comprises
“variations of rate and direction,” and if these variations are lived as the
passing or transitioning of experience, what can be done with them? How
can they be evaluated? How can they be known?8 How can they be pro-
longed enough to register consciously?9
a ‘more’ to come, and before the more has come, the transition, neverthe-
less, is directed towards it.”
As a form of knowing, radical empiricism pivots on analysis and untan-
gling of conjunctions. We should recognize that both thinking and things
work with and process via conjunctive relations. Wherever we look, we
find conjunctions, that aspect of experience that triggers expectations of
more to come, in movement. For instance, by sorting and reordering con-
junctive relations of “before” and “after” in elements of a data stream,
signal-processing techniques handle the “severe channel conditions”
found in crowded cities. Or, by sorting and reordering relations of “inside”
and “outside,” wireless infrastructures affect sensations of the presence of
In its insistent attention to conjunctive relations, radical empiricism is
intimately stitched into experience, into impersonal, preindividual, and
intimate, subjectified dimensions of experience. In much of the following
discussion of conjunctive relations, we will see this conjunctive underside
of experience overflowing psychological or perceptual engagements. It
pervades organizations, institutions, transactions, apparatus, and infra-
structures, and it propels a gamut of improvisations, temporary fixes, and
modifications associated with wireless communication and networks. It
brings different scales into surprising contact. For instance, many people
might say that they have no interest in, let alone experience of, the algo-
rithmic signal-processing techniques implemented in wireless networks
such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or 3G cell phones. Despite that, their sensations
of connection, their awareness of service availability, and their sometimes
conscious preoccupation with connecting their wireless devices via service
agreements or other devices all derive from the handling of conjunctive
relations in data streams implemented in wireless signal-processing chips.
No doubt, the paths along which sensations of transition move are highly
complex, and cross multiple scales. The passing of experience can take very
circuitous routes. Substantive and disjunctive relations backfill the vectors
of transition. There are many circuitous conjunctive relations present in
are antipragmatic practices, practices that patrol and cordon off the buried
potentials in any situation for displacement, divergence, and decoupling
of contexts.
Nearly every instance of wirelessness has product-related dimensions.
Chapter 6 treats wirelessness in relation to products, and the claims, prom-
ises, skepticism, awareness, and incredulity associated with wireless prod-
ucts. Wirelessness is pitched in the form of products, as goods and services.
What would a radical empiricism do with wireless products? Where is there
room for experiment, for construction, for testing of ideas or claims in
relation to a tumult of wireless products? The key claim of the chapter
pivots on James’s claim that the difference between inner and outer aspects
of experience depends on a sorting process. “Things” appear as inner or
outer depending on how they act on their neighbors. Using techniques of
listing and sorting of wireless products, the chapter analyzes how neigh-
bors and neighborhoods of relations take shape. Each product gesticulates
a set of promises. Promises—of connectivity, of ease of use, of freedom
from constraint, of speed, of pleasurable sensations of touch, seeing, and
hearing, and so on—bind the product. Strongly antipragmatist tendencies
disguise the potential of products to germinate unexpected change. Yet the
presence of many different promises and products in a neighborhood of
relations tends to trigger uncontrollable jumps. These jumps blur and erase
boundaries, and entangle products, services, and wireless forms of subjec-
tivity. Importantly, maintaining equivocal differences between inner and
outer, between pure promise and actual reality, serves the purpose of gen-
erating ongoing transitions.
Chapter 7 follows a strand of wirelessness associated with normative
notions of “world,” “globe,” and development. The chapter discusses and
contrasts a number of wireless development projects on different scales.
Often the most advanced or adventurous wireless platforms are tested in
Africa, South America, or South Asia. Since 1999, wireless networking
projects have rapidly multiplied in many places and on many scales. These
public, private, and public-private partnerships projects sometimes avow
global ambitions (for example, “to connect the next billion people”). The
arguments of this chapter are framed by existing critiques of technological
development, and by a desire to understand the sheer number and variety
of globally oriented wireless development projects from the perspective of
a spectator. I regard these projects as made to be seen. The question then
is how to situation their performance pragmatically. In what ways do wire-
less networks for global “others” vouch for or validate “our” connectivity?
In what ways do wireless networks verify the plural and uncontainable
Introduction 29
In such a world transitions and arrivals (or terminations) are the only events that
happen, though they happen by so many sorts of path. The only function that one
experience can perform is to lead into another experience; and the only fulfilment
we can speak of is the reaching of a certain experienced end. When one experience
leads to (or can lead to) the same end as another, they agree in function. (James
1996a, 63)
As a matter of fact, and in a general way, the paths that run through conceptual
experiences, that is, through “thoughts” or “ideas” that “know” the things in which
they terminate, are highly advantageous paths to follow. Not only do they yield
inconceivably rapid transitions; but, owing to the “universal” character which they
frequently possess, and to their capacity for association with each other in great
systems, they outstrip the tardy consecutions of the things in themselves, and sweep
us on towards our ultimate termini in a far more labor-saving way than following
of trains of sensible perception ever could. (James 1996a, 64)
and places. They seemed to have the potential to associate with each in
“great systems” such as the Internet, and they promised to sweep people
and things to their “ultimate termini” faster than other trains of perception
or conduct. (Although the sense of the term terminal as “computer termi-
nal” is rather dated, in wirelessness, it seemed, “terminals”—handheld
devices, laptop computers, Wi-Fi/cellular phones, wireless game consoles,
real-time location tracking tags, sensor nodes, and so on—would be every-
where in the city. Conversely, wherever terminals or termini in any sense
of the term were to be found, so would the experience of wirelessness.) It
was hardly surprising that the city itself should then become wireless. In
late 2004, Taipei announced it would transition to a wireless city because
it had installed a citywide wireless information network grid (see “know,
don’t” 2004) called “WiFly.” In announcing Taipei’s wireless mesh, sup-
posedly at that time the world’s largest Wi-Fi agglomeration, Mayor Ma
Ying-Jiu laid down two fairly simple premises: “Taiwan is the best com-
puter-hardware manufacturer in the world and more than 90 percent of
wireless Internet ports are made here. Plus, because of the government’s
support of such a plan, Taipei is becoming a wireless city” (Mo 2005). For
Taiwan’s state planners, producing wireless hardware is economically
important. Taipei needs to have the biggest wireless network in order
to demonstrate its capacity to produce wireless hardware. Hence, with
government support, Taipei’s “WiFly” mesh signifies the excellence of
Taiwan’s electronics and IT hardware manufacture. Taipei, with 4,000
access points, was often cited as the leading Wi-Fi city in the world (Kim
2007). But how is a “wireless city” actually inhabited, especially in light of
such an indirect and weak association between microelectronics produc-
tion capacity, state power, and city life? Several years later the practical
significance of the city’s wireless network was in doubt. After two years in
full operation, Taipei’s “WiFly” network was used by only 30,000 subscrib-
ers in a city population of 2.6 million (Kim 2007). It seems that less than
1 percent of the population had begun to inhabit the wireless city. No
significant mobilization of Taipei’s inhabitants through the wireless mesh
had occurred. The modest subscription costs are said to have been an
obstacle (Belson 2006). More importantly, an ecosystem of free Wi-Fi hot-
spots in cafés (approximately 1,300 according to throughout
the city provided a reliable substitute for the citywide mesh. Even if these
hotspots lacked the technically sophisticated connectivity of the WiFly
mesh, even if they were not integrated into single citywide networks, their
locations and availability made them more immediately present in the
lives of Taipei’s inhabitants.
34 Chapter 2
for customers by offering similar services that are only separated by spec-
trum allocations and service contracts. Few people have more than one
mobile phone contract. By contrast, wireless networks populate gaps
between existing urban infrastructures of transport, communication,
energy, and habitation, and can serve very different functions. They are
often interstitial rather than infrastructural in the sense of energy, trans-
port, and other grids. The ways they take place, alter space, and modify
the daily trajectories of people inside and outside are highly mutable.
In some ways their interstitial existence richly epitomizes the thesis of
“splintering urbanism” described by Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin
(2001, 33):
“A parallel set of processes are under way within which infrastructure
networks are being ‘unbundled’ in ways that help sustain the fragmenta-
tion of the social and material fabric of cities. Such a shift, which we label
with the umbrella term splintering urbanism, requires a reconceptualisation
of the relations between infrastructure, services and the contemporary
development of cities.”
While the splintering-urbanism thesis has many aspects I cannot discuss
here, it is not hard to see that wireless networks “unbundle” telecommu-
nications from the twentieth-century public utilities or monopoly service
providers. In some ways they offer an extreme case of this unbundling or
splintering process. Wireless networks, as they spread along lampposts,
corridors, cafés, apartment buildings, hotels, train cars, and parks, easily
disappear into the crevices of the architectures, infrastructures, and land-
forms that Graham and Marvin identify as the fabric of urban life. If “much
of the material and technological fabric of cities, then, is networked infra-
structure” and “at the same time, most of the infrastructural fabric is urban
‘landscape’ of various sorts” (p. 13), then the theoretical problem addressed
in this chapter concerns how such interstitial formations intersect with the
idea of a wireless city, and conversely how such interstices are imagined
and configured in wireless cities.
The presence of wireless networks in the interstices of urban infrastruc-
tures, architectures, and landscapes, I will suggest, is deeply entwined with
transitions, departures, and arrivals, inflected or steered through ideas. Here
ideas are understood in a radical empiricist sense as a way of establishing
a trajectory or modulating a movement by substituting experiential short-
cuts. Through ideas, transitions imperceptibly overlap and associate with
each with greater rapidity. An idea is, for James, a substitute movement.
Because of the increasingly profuse multiplicity of wireless connections
present in many cities, the idea of a wireless city embodies a particularly
36 Chapter 2
Walking through city streets has been a standard point of reference for
urban sociology since the nineteenth century (Tonkiss 2005). (As I will
show, movement in the city is also a guiding thread in James’s account of
an idea as substitute movement.) The sensation of city walking, although
mundane, has often been characterized as overwhelming, chaotic, excit-
ing, dazzling, or enervating. In November 2003, Broadreach Ltd, a UK-
based Wi-Fi Internet service provider (ISP), opened a free Wi-Fi “hotzone”
centered on Piccadilly Circus, London. The shopping streets of Convent
Garden and the entertainment precinct of London’s West End meet at
Piccadilly Circus. This is a very busy part of the city throughout the day.
Broadreach was one of dozens of businesses seeking to capitalize on Wi-Fi
networks by offering pay-by-the-minute wireless Internet connections in
various public and semipublic places such as railway stations, departure
lounges, hotel lobbies, train cars, service stations, McDonald’s restaurants,
cruise liners, trailer parks, public parks, and cafés. In most cases, these
services consisted of a wireless access point providing high-bandwidth
Substitutions 37
the recent past and near future needs to carefully examine arrivals and
departures, especially those from wireless networks to seemingly unrelated
substitutes—for example, from hotzones to dog walkers. The basic tech-
nique of exploration in radical empiricism, or the operation that makes it
empiricist, is to always attend to transitions, and feelings of being in transi-
tion, and to rate them as just as real as things, substances, or persons. There
are difficulties in doing this. Feelings are not necessarily connected, smooth,
or continuous in their transitions. They encounter all kinds of borders and
boundaries. While on some occasions, the feeling of transition is not very
pronounced, feelings of transition always do somehow accompany transi-
tion. James, as Massumi (2002, 6) writes, “made transition and the feeling
of self-relation a central preoccupation of his latter-day ‘radical’ empiri-
cism” (Massumi 2002, 16).
Who in the conjunction of dog, crowds, pedestrians, and hotzone
embodies the feeling of self-relation in the transition to wireless network-
ing? Transitions generate sensations because conjunctive relations shift or
modulate. As we will see in later chapters, James’s insistence on conjunc-
tive relations as the ongoing fabric of experience diverges from most social
and cultural theories that tend to cut realities into things, selves, locations,
and relations. Nevertheless, a feeling of self-relation associated with this
transition may be difficult to detect. Sensations of changing conjunctive
relations may not register consciously. A feeling that does not register
consciously throws up complications for radical empiricism, but in itself,
that difficulty does not mean that such feelings are irrelevant. Feelings of
relation that are not large enough to register consciously may still be deci-
sive tendencies. Moreover, feelings that do not commonly consciously
register for everyone may well be keenly felt in certain situations or by
certain people.
The higher the wireless signal strength of close encrypted networks, the tighter the
corset becomes. Closed network points improve the pleasurable play of tight lacing
the performer’s bustier [sic]. Thus, constituting the aether as a space of possible
pregnancy, filled with potential access-points to the networks of communication.
Everyday walks between home, work and leisure are recompiled into a schizogeo-
graphic pain-map [see figure 2.1] which is fetched from GoogleMaps servers with
automated scripts (Savicic 2008).
Substitutions 41
Currently, there are nearly (almost) 5000 WIFLY wireless “hotspots” in Taiwan
allowing users to access the Internet, including Taipei city’s seven main shopping
areas, all lines of the underground system (Metro Railway Taipei), 7-11, and chain
cafe shops such as Is Coffee and Starbucks café . . . etc., as well as including other
chain stores in all cities in Taiwan. The entire WIFLY hotspots in Taipei enables
users to get away from the restrictions of cables, access the Internet via wireless at
any time and place, and sustain people’s working and daily needs. (Qware Com-
munications 2008)4
While the access points in the Taipei’s WiFly network were numerous (in
every 7-Eleven store, in shopping malls, in certain coffee shop chains, in
Taipei’s MRT subway, as well as in around 5,000 points dotted throughout
the city), and offered the possibility of connecting anytime and anywhere
to the Internet, they remained largely unused by city inhabitants. Taipei’s
inhabitants and visitors preferred to use free wireless networks scattered in
cafés throughout the city. Perhaps more importantly, there are only a
limited number of settings in which wireless network access might be
practically relevant to people who nearly all have cell phones, many of
them enabled for some kind of Internet access.5
Substitutions 45
The shape of the city dogs the contours of thought. (Tonkiss 2005, 130)
In the background of all the wireless city projects, enterprises, and experi-
ments lies a common problem: Who is connecting to what? Jean-Luc
Nancy (2000, 23) writes that “the city is not primarily ‘community,’ any
more than it is primarily ‘public space.’ The city is at least as much the
bringing to light of being-in-common as the dis-position (dispersal and
disparity) of the community represented as founded in interiority or
If the Internet, and access to the Internet, came to stand in the 1990s
for “community . . . founded in interiority or transcendence” (user groups,
online communities of many different kinds, etc.), we might say that the
wireless city embodies being-in-common as dispersal and disparity. The
wireless city was bound to be an unstable, quasi-chaotic entity. Like experi-
ence in general, it is not something that simply could be, but a set of
tendencies or dispositions. The notion of “wireless network” itself offers
sufficiently divergent possibilities to accommodate numerous different
desires, practices, embodiments, perceptions, and products. Sometimes
wireless networks were intimately entwined with the imaginings of neo-
liberal-market-saturated rhetorics of mobility, consumption, and choice
through Internet access (e.g., the Broadreach Network, like many other
wireless networks, promised that). For instance, if 2003 saw wireless net-
works extending throughout heavily frequented parts of London such as
Piccadilly, in 2004 the Westminster City Council in London announced
its “Wireless City” project in terms of social opportunity combined with
“real-time” security, public hygiene, and safety service management. In the
same parts of the city as the free networker’s Wireless London, the City
Council project had slightly different aims:
The concept of the Wireless City is potentially one of the most exciting develop-
ments in Westminster’s history. It will allow us to offer opportunity to our residents
through community education schemes on our housing estates and integrated social
service provision across the city. We will be better able to reduce the threat and the
fear of crime through a flexible approach to community safety, cleansing and
CCTV—reacting to events and developments as they happen. It will also help us
maintain low taxes through the savings that the scheme can offer. (Westminster
City Council 2004)
The mixture of uses here goes well beyond the forms of access to the
Internet envisaged in the hotspot model or the alternative infrastructures
46 Chapter 2
Here, the control systems through which the city government manages
the noise, traffic, crowds, and crime of urban street life became central to
the idea of the wireless city. A year later, in 2005, as the network started
to materialize, its framing directly linked entrepreneurial acumen with
changes in the administrative control of city life. It became the “Wireless
City Partnership.” Announcing its partnership with a telecommunications
service provider, BT, and the wireless network equipment makers Intel and
Cisco Systems, the Westminster Council claimed:
This is the first deal of its kind in the UK and will establish Westminster City Council
as a world leader for technology and innovation. The Wireless City will benefit those
who live and work in Westminster by improving the street environment through
reducing crime and disorder, improving the delivery and effectiveness of council
services and enabling us to maintain low tax through delivering significant cost
savings. BT is the ideal partner for us, combining in-depth communications exper-
tise with a strong experience of working with other local authorities to provide
wireless technology. (Westminster City Council 2006)
The wireless city network idea expanded here to include the arrange-
ments and “partnerships” between telecommunications businesses and the
local governments. It also began to encompass a set of relationships
between different entities in the city. Crucially, while the municipality of
Westminster, an important part of central London, was very publicly fur-
nished with a wireless mesh network constructed by Cisco Systems, only
employees of the municipal council could make use of the network.
In the same years, other versions of wireless networks followed in the
wake of the Westminster Wireless City with slightly different motivations.
The Cloud, a UK-based wireless Internet service provider, was granted
access to publicly owned lampposts, benches, and road signs to install
wireless infrastructure for most of the municipal area controlled by the
City of London Corporation. According to the City of London Corpora-
tion’s press release,
Substitutions 47
The City of London is the world’s leading financial and business centre and has
always benefited from a world class communications infrastructure. It is therefore
important that we provide the latest technology that will benefit those working in
or visiting the City. The Square Mile is a fast-moving, dynamic environment and
we are responding to the increasing time pressures faced by City workers by provid-
ing the technology for them to stay up to date, wherever they are in the City. (City
of London Corporation 2007)
In many ways, this statement echoes Taipei’s, only now it is not wireless
hardware manufacture, but the pressures of being “the world’s leading
finance and business center” that justifies the communication infrastruc-
ture. As in Taipei, the wireless network in the City of London is run com-
mercially, this time by The Cloud, one of Europe’s largest wireless Internet
service providers. Taipei’s city government made no attempt to justify the
network in terms of why anyone would use it. By contrast, the City of
London Corporation, like the Westminster City Council, very explicitly
nominates “time pressures faced by City workers” (that is, people working
in the finance and banking precinct of the City in London) as the justifica-
tion for the network. So the “world-class communications infrastructure”
answers to the needs of finance workers and the demands of the financial
transactions they conduct.
Finally, in a slightly different part of London, stretching between central
London along the Thames between Millbank and Greenwich, a different
kind of wireless network—this time operated by a business branded as
“”—appeared in 2007. The network “gives users free
access if they agree to view a 15 to 30 second advert every 15 minutes. If
users don’t want to view the adverts, they are charged one of a range of
tariffs, including £2.95 per hour or £9.95 a month” (Daily Mail Online
Here the zone of wireless connections along the river sells advertising
space to advertisers, and offers them “viewers” in return. Similar “free”
wireless networks appeared at the same time in various guises. The failed
Google and EarthLink proposal to provide San Francisco with free wireless
Internet access relied on a similar mechanism: advertising would be context
specific (see Andrejevic 2007).
All of this was taking place against a background of well-publicized
“community network” activity in North America, Europe, and Australia.
Community or free wireless networks appeared in very many places. In
London, Consume was a prominent example of an attempt to create a wire-
less mesh that would cover a whole city. As Priest (2005) writes, “The
original idea of Consume was to create a metropolitan meshed network that
48 Chapter 2
would link users at the edge of the network together into a coherent local
infrastructure. This connection would allow collective bargaining for back
haul bandwidth, and a free local infrastructure that could support local
content and an autonomous media.”
The possibility of sharing networks between neighbors in apartments
and more densely built-up areas took on multiple significance. Sometimes
shared networks were explicitly organized in the form of community wire-
less networks that sought to enhance access to the Internet for parts of the
city that were not so well connected to the Internet (for instance, East
London). Community Wi-Fi networks and Wi-Fi user groups could be
found in many smaller towns for the same reason. The topology of these
networks was different in several ways. As Priest (2005) writes of the ambi-
tions of Consume, “This meshed-edge network would provide a challenge
to existing telecoms providers by being able to escape from the star topol-
ogy and its built-in control points. Using an agreement between local
network neighbors, the plan was to encourage a systemic de-centralisation
and distribution of network ownership and operation.” They entailed a
different sociality since they were often put together and maintained by
groups of volunteers who helped their neighbors join or access a wireless
node that itself was connected to a commercial broadband Internet con-
nection. These attempts to build suburb, town, or citywide infrastructures
were fragile, sometimes temporary accomplishments. To get information
to flow across the network along many different paths, rather than just to
and from periphery to center, community wireless groups experimented
with different topologies such as meshes and grids. Free networks envis-
aged a different topology because they sought to do more than connect
people to the Internet.
Although they had mixed and partial success, the local, online, and
print media visibility of the community networks was important. They
became visible as networks just as the free networking groups began to
change what they hoped to do. As Priest (2005) says, “The Freenetworking
Movement has begun to coalesce around new concerns, with recent dis-
courses putting freenetworks and ownership and control of media infra-
structure in a freedom of expression context. Control of a network means
ultimate control over network traffic.”
As movements, they have been concerned to activate different kinds of
political space through wireless networks. Treating information infrastruc-
tures themselves as a key political stake, free networking diverges from
alternative media or independent media with its focus on independent
content or opinion. However, in taking infrastructure as a key site of con-
Substitutions 49
We can track some of the processes of the feeling of transition to the wire-
less city by returning to James’s own account of what it means to know a
thing in thinking of it. James describes this in terms of different itineraries
in a city. He describes sitting in his library at 95 Irving Street, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, and imagining Memorial Hall, a landmark building at
Harvard University: “Suppose me to be sitting here in my library at Cam-
bridge, at ten minutes’ walk from ‘Memorial Hall,’ and to be thinking truly
of the latter object” (James, 1996a, 54–55). He asks himself how the mere
possession of an idea or even an image of the thing in mind could ever be
said to constitute knowledge of the thing. What is interesting and useful
in James’s answer is his insistence on the role of “special experiences of
conjunction” (p. 55) in giving the idea of Memorial Hall its “knowing
office.” A “special experience of conjunction” could include walking to
Memorial Hall along with the reader (“I can lead you to the hall, and tell
you of its history” (pp. 55–56)). What is “made” during that imagined walk
would be a series of felt transitions that act as intermediaries. The tissue
of experiencing these transitions—out of the library onto the street, the
street signs, the tower of the hall gradually coming into view—connects
the starting point of the knower to the known. The knower—James in his
library thinking of Memorial Hall—connects with perception of a thing by
undergoing these felt transitions. There is no other way, at least in a radical
empiricist account, of knowing a thing.
Now, suppose James sat in a library in Cambridge today thinking of
Memorial Hall. He might try to conduct “special experiences of conjunc-
tion” through wireless networks. For the imagined ten-minute walk, he
might substitute a series of felt transitions to Memorial Hall that went
via his laptop through his home wireless network or other available net-
works in the precinct, accessing web pages, blogs, webcams, and geobrows-
ers that showed images, directions, maps, descriptions, history, and
contact details for Memorial Hall. But that point is fairly obvious. We do
not need James to tell us that wireless networks open up different paths
for experience to thread along since that is inevitable with networked
media. However, in that series of felt transitions from library to Memorial
Substitutions 51
Figure 2.2
95 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Figure 2.3
iPass wireless network access system (iPass Inc. 2007)
to pay for an hour or a day’s connection at the UPS Store or at the Star-
buck’s (no. 810) situated 500 meters away. Felt transitions could range
from a familiar, habitual irritation at the demand to enter once again the
same old user name and half-remembered password details, through frus-
tration at not being to connect to a network that “should work,” to a
secretive pleasure at gaining access to a network that belongs to someone
else. “Relations are of different degrees of intimacy” (p. 44), he might say
to himself. Supposing James were a business traveler, he might have an
iPass subscription that allowed him to access many networks in his vicin-
ity. The felt transitions would go via something of the architecture shown
in the iPass system (see figure 2.3).
In short, James’s movements toward the known thing, Memorial Hall,
would pass through an externalized series of transitions. In connecting to
any of these networks, the transition from unconnected to connected,
from unassociated to associated, could be felt in many different ways.
Substitutions 53
When municipal or city wireless networks first became popular, they were,
like Taipei’s WiFly network, imagined as connecting city inhabitants and
54 Chapter 2
Utility meters, SCADA devices, and parking meters have one thing in common—
they need to be read regularly. This is normally a manually intensive process. For-
tunately the convergence of intelligent, digital meters with networking technology
means they can often now be read from a distance, saving human effort, time and
cost. When coupled with a city-wide MetroMesh network, these devices can now
be read totally automatically, with no human intervention, from one side of the
city to the other. (Tropos Networks 2006)
AMR Wireless Connection
Figure 2.4
SkyPilot city wireless administration (SkyPilot Networks 2009)
56 Chapter 2
Never have so many, so diverse and such demented operations been multiplied in
order to draw from the depths an intensive spatium a serene and docile extensity,
and to dispel a Difference which subsists in itself even when it is cancelled outside
itself. (Deleuze 2001, 234)
At the end of 2007, one billion IEEE 802.11 or Wi-Fi® chipsets were in the
world. One billion such chipsets will be produced each year by 2012,
according to market researchers (ABIResearch 2007). Most of these will not
go into computers. Two-thirds will find their way into electronic devices,
especially consumer electronics and telephones, and many will percolate
into wireless network infrastructures in cities, in industrial and institu-
tional facilities, and in environmental sensor networks. Recent market
projections envisage a trillion wireless devices in use by 2015. This is called
“teraplay” (Gabriel 2009). In terms of sheer scale of communication net-
works, never have so many, and so diverse, operations been multiplied.
What kind of assemblage is in the making here? What kinds of feelings or
sensations do these numbers scale to?
We can imagine the architecture of wireless chipsets as a site of intense
conjunction. This architecture is daunting in its technical and mathemati-
cal complexity. However, the apotropaic effect of technical architectures
presents, in James’s terms, a problem to be explored, not shunned. The
key analytical problem is to find a path through this technical complexity
that allows us to sense how it allows worlds to “hang together.” In wireless
devices, chipsets perform digital signal processing (DSP) on radio-frequency
signals. As wireless chipsets multiply, they envelop an indefinite number
of processes that alter sensations of location and situation. I will argue that
60 Chapter 3
varied, and they heighten and diminish across different settings and cir-
cumstances. Different chipsets configure these sensations differently.
Whatever turns and twists in experience or feeling of wirelessness we
examine, contemporary wirelessness is framed by a large-scale communica-
tion shift to the medium of electromagnetic waves. This is itself based on
Maxwellian physics that dates from around 150 years ago, and its unifica-
tion of electrical, magnetic, and optical phenomena in the key concept of
the electromagnetic field (Maxwell 1865). By 1900, many different rela-
tions of connection, transfer, proximity, and influence were imagined
around electromagnetic or wireless waves. As Sungook Hong (2001, 2)
argues in his history of wireless invention, there was no single inventor of
wireless communication because there was no single problem. Wireless
telegraphy was a key commercial application, but wireless communication
was also a scientific challenge, a way of experimentally vindicating Max-
wellian physics, and an important component of military, colonial empire.
Many people were trying to invent wireless communication for different
reasons in Britain, Russia, India, Germany, and the United States (Marconi
in Italy/the United Kingdom, Tesla in the United States, Braun in Germany,
Popov in Russia, Bose in India, etc.). There were some common elements
to the problem, such as how to create a continuous signal (a periodic
waveform), how to propagate it effectively (antenna design), and how to
pick up and amplify the signal at a distance. But the significance of wireless
communication was not clear. In contrast to wired media, as the 2007 IEEE
802.11 standard states, wireless is “a medium that has neither absolute nor
readily observable boundaries” (IEEE 2007, 23). Electromagnetic oscillation
is an event whose scope could be measured by the multiplicity of its inter-
pretations, as Isabelle Stengers (2000, 67) would say.3
Philosophical understandings of experience were oscillating too. Phe-
nomenology was questioning the givenness of time and space as a geomet-
ric continuum, psychoanalysis was questioning the primacy of conscious
thought, and philosophers such as Henri Bergson, William James, and John
Dewey were rethinking the relation between thought and action, thinking
and things. In particular, James’s radical empiricism was dismantling any
pregiven distinction between inner and outer, between experience and
thing. For him, relations exist just as much as things. Indeed, James has a
very general notion of experience that easily embraces things and thought.
Thinking and things are not very far apart for him: “thoughts in the concrete
are made of the same stuff as things are” (James 1996a, 37). James expands
experience to envelop diverse “inner” and “outer” processes: “To be radical,
an empiricism must neither admit into its constructions any element that
62 Chapter 3
is not directly experienced, nor exclude from them any element that is
directly experienced. For such a philosophy, the relations that connect experi-
ences must themselves be experienced relations, and any kind of relation experi-
enced must be accounted as ‘real’ as anything else in the system” (p. 42).
This rule of always including relations between experiences, and any
experience of relation, almost defines the core of radical empiricism as a
technique of philosophically reconstructing experience. It also allows
James’s work to be read as a philosophy of movement and mobility in
several ways that I find interesting and relevant to the problem of “why
so many chips? why so much DSP?”
For an analysis of wireless signal processing as experienced relation, two
facets of radical empiricism are immediately relevant. First, James often
uses wave- or waveform-based understandings of experience to expand the
envelope of relations comprising experience: “We live, as it were, upon the
front edge of an advancing wave-crest, and our sense of a determinate
direction in falling forward is all we cover of the future of our path. It is
as if a differential quotient should be conscious and treat itself as an
adequate substitute for a traced-out curve. Our experience, inter alia, is of
variations of rate and of direction, and lives in these transitions more than
in the journey’s end. The experiences of tendency are sufficient to act
upon” (p. 69).
This is a well-known passage from James. The problem is that James
is easily read as if he is speaking as a psychologist rather than as a philo-
sopher, or as a metaphysician rather as an empiricist, as if this predomi-
nance of tendency was an attribute of an experience interior to a subject.
The wave crest is usually understood as something that rolls across the
mind, not outside it, not in the world. We could say, however, that early
twentieth-century wireless cultures begin to channel that wave crest of
experience in multiple directions. In the state of wirelessness, experiences
of tendency or of advancing wave-crest situations become just as important
as things or thoughts.
There is a second aspect of James’s radical empiricism that lends itself
to wirelessness, and more immediately, offers a way of thinking about what
is happening in the proliferation of signal processing. By virtue of the
primacy it adamantly attributes to conjunctive relations, radical empiri-
cism closely follows the paths that connect parts of a world:
Radical empiricism takes conjunctive relations at their face value, holding them to
be as real as the terms united by them. The world it represents as a collection, some
parts of which are conjunctively and others disjunctively related. Two parts, them-
selves disjoined, may nevertheless hang together by intermediaries with which they
Wireless Chips 63
are severally connected, and the whole world may hang together similarly, inas-
much as some path of conjunctive translation by which to pass from one of its parts
to another may always be discernible. Such determinately various hanging-together
may be called concatenated union. (p. 107)
What he describes here, particularly the way the world “hangs together”
as concatenated union through conjunctive paths, could be seen as a
philosophically couched description of the growth of wirelessness on
many scales. As we will see in chapter 7, even a “world” for James is a set
of connected conjunctive relations (“concatenated union”).
What is “radical” here is the pragmatic importance given to conjunctive
relations. In philosophical logic, James argues, conjunctive relations such
as “next to,” “in,” “between,” “beneath,” and “behind” are normally seen
as less accidental or vestigial in comparison to the disjunctive relations of
difference and distinction that define what really exists. By revaluing con-
junctive relations, James offers an extremely lightly structured way of
accounting for the streamlike nature of experience, prior to any opposition
or sorting of experience as “inner” or “outer,” “thought” or “feeling,”
“doing” or “thinking.” Relations of proximity, intimacy, availability, and
separation take on much greater potency in radical empiricism. Linked
together (“concatenated”) in sets (“union”), they make worlds. Hence,
radical empiricism offers a way of following networks and wires, wiring
and unwiring, without subordinating them to the figure of the network.
Guglielmo Marconi claimed that he received the three letters “SSS” trans-
mitted from Poldhu in Cornwall, England, at St. John’s, Newfoundland,
on December 12–13, 1901 (Hong 2001, 54–55). Some scholars today argue
that he may well have mistaken atmospheric noise for a Morse code
message. The immense apparatus at Poldhu emitted quite powerful, chaotic
or “dirty” electromagnetic discharges (25 kilowatts; Aitken 1985, 265). By
today’s regulatory standards, they would certainly be illegal. Jumping a
century from Marconi and Tesla’s wireless telegraphy to wireless networks,
we are confronted with a very different social-technical-architectural-
corporeal assemblage. Although the antennae, even the amplifiers, are
similar in principle (but not scale), the algorithmic complexity of wireless
networks looks very different from the Morse code Marconi and Tesla
transmitted. Today, in 2009, it is just possible to use a wireless network
while flying across the Atlantic. Various airlines have been offering this
service for the last five years. But wireless networks are much more densely
64 Chapter 3
clustered in cities and urban places. What has happened in the last century
to radio signals?
Today, billions of chipsets wind a tight knot of DSP around radio
antennae. Wireless chipsets, produced by Broadcom, Intel, Texas Instru-
ments, or Airgo, are tiny (1 cm2) fragments that cram highly convoluted
and concatenated paths into the small “form factors” associated with
wireless devices and gadgets such as Wi-Fi USB sticks, Wi-Fi/3G mobile
phones, or Wi-Fi-enabled SD memory cards for cameras. From a radical
empiricist perspective, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and mobile phones (but also
including DAB, DVB, etc.), with their billions of miniaturized chipsets,
proliferate conjunctive relations. Today, in the wake of the dispersion of
electronic broadcast media into digital communications and information
networks, the paths of translation that make up the world are incredibly
numerous, and inevitably very entwined with each other. As we have
already seen in the previous chapter, urban life and contemporary patterns
of global mobility travel generate constant conjunctions, concatenations,
collections, and other forms of “hanging together.” Cities in particular
are conjunctive as well as disjunctive places. Urban and media experiences
are loaded with “variations in rate and direction” associated with con-
junctively processed paths.
This proliferation of paths and conjunctions responds to the relational
problems of cities. As information and messages move around more on
many different scales, people move more too. The global movement of
images, messages, and data, and the movement of people, are closely
linked (a point made by Appadurai (1996) well over a decade ago). As com-
munication intensified during the twentieth century, the mobility of
people and the signals they transmitted and received became more densely
interwoven and mutually transformative. As patterns of movement in
cities, between cities, and between regions, countries, continents, and
hemispheres expanded (for so many different reasons), they took com-
munication on the move with them. Hence flows of information multi-
plied, and networks proliferated around those flows. Networks such as the
Internet, but also telephones, became more dense, and imbricated lived
spaces. The infrastructural problems of putting wires and cables every-
where have been increasingly albeit partially solved by multiplying radio-
frequency waves.
While the notion of wireless networks implies that there are fewer wires,
it could easily be argued that actually there are more wires. Rather than
wireless cities or wireless networks, it might be more accurate to speak of
the rewiring of cities through the highly reconfigurable paths of chipsets.
Wireless Chips 65
Figure 3.1
Typical contemporary wireless infrastructure DSP chip architecture PicoChip202.
Credit: PicoChip (PicoChip 2007)
The air interface is a term for that part of a wireless or mobile telephone
network that lies between the antennae of a device and a base station. It
is an elusive interface, one that shows no face apart from the tips of anten-
nae and the more or less conspicuous towers and masts of telecommuni-
cations and telephone service providers. The air interface, however, is
synthesized by technical processes expressed in algorithms. These algo-
rithms generate waveforms that support conjunctive pathways. DSP algo-
rithms are often regarded as complicated mathematical forms of abstraction
or mechanism. If acknowledged at all, they are regularly treated as the most
abstract aspect of electronic media and communication technologies, the
Wireless Chips 67
part that lies closest to mathematics. We need a much more sensitive treat-
ment of their becomings. They transduce diverse realities. In analyzing air
interfaces, we need to elicit what in wireless communication is not reduc-
ible to “mere calculation” because it multiplies calculation to such an
extent that it can longer be regarded as “mere.” They reorganize movement
and flow in very specific, and I will suggest, composite ways.4 In the wake
of James’s radical empiricism, and sociological work on postsocial relation-
alities in markets and sciences (Knorr-Cetina and Bruegger 2002; Latour
1999), we can regard them as ways in which worlds can be made to hang
together, at least partially. As a point of departure, we should not assume
that algorithms are either objects or subjects, or even intersubjective rela-
tions. Rather they are relational situations concerned with transitions
between states. They are marked by much thought or mental effort (in the
form of design, modeling, experimentation, and simulation); they operate
physically, amid states of affairs (institutions, residences, markets, public
spaces, transport, etc.); and they connect movements to each other (in the
form of streams of communication—conversation, collections of textual
and graphic elements, image flows, sensor data, control data). Algorithms
cast a certain shadowy subject position (embodied principally in the figure
of the electronics engineer, sometimes in a proper noun such as “Viterbi
decoding”), and they display certain collective attributes (for instance, by
being the object of intensive efforts of standardization, optimization, and
the target of intellectual property claims), but something in their architec-
ture creates unstable movement between “it” and “we,” between thing and
How can radical empiricism work with something like DSP algorithms?
They seem far from the felt realities and direct experience James discusses.
However, I would argue that the very architecture of the chips and the
algorithmic traits of wireless signal processing actually owe much to experi-
ences of moving through cities, of being surrounded by noise, of finding
the shortest route, and of forming constant impressions of potential
degrees of intimacy and distance from others. No doubt, the chipsets under
discussion here, such as the PicoChip “PC202 Integrated CPE/Access
Point PHY/MAC Processor” (PicoChip 2007) or the Broadcom “BCM4325
Low-Power 802.11a/b/g with Bluetooth® 2.1 + EDR and FM” (Broadcom
Corporation 2007), are somewhat opaque to analysis because their
“making” stretches across university research projects and publications,
sophisticated Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software, many simula-
tions and tests, complicated technical standards (such as IEEE802.11),
convoluted intellectual property portfolios, and chip “fabs” or foundries
68 Chapter 3
scattered across East Asia, North America, and Europe.6 The chips, more-
over, with all their algorithmic-architectural density, hardly appear in the
everyday world at all. Even though they are made in the millions (and
soon, according to numerous market projections, billions or trillions), they
quickly disappear into consumer devices and infrastructures. They are rela-
tively mature, noncontroversial albeit mutable facts. They “work” (mostly:
see the discussion of “bricking” in the next chapter). Yet if we regard the
chipsets as practically given, how do we have any experience of what goes
on in or around them? As Massumi (2002, 16) suggests, “A complication
for radical empiricism is that the feeling of the relation may very well not
be ‘large’ enough to register consciously.”
It is reasonably uncontentious to say that wirelessness as a mode of
contemporary experience depends on an algorithmic mosaic of calcula-
tions carried out to allow communication to occur in the presence of many
others. Saying this, however, does not mean that we have any experience
of algorithms as relational forms, or as architectures for conjunctive trans-
lation. What awareness, even marginal awareness of algorithmic complex-
ity of wireless, is possible when confronted with such a state of things? In
this chapter, my treatment of algorithms as generating a conjunctive enve-
lope is partly guided by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s (1994, 117)
account of the relation between philosophical problems and scientific
matters of fact: “When an object—a geometrical space for example—is
scientifically constructed by functions, its philosophical concept, which is
by no means given in the function, must still be discovered.”
This injunction to discover the philosophical concept from the states
of affairs referenced in scientific functions is somewhat onerous.7 However,
James offers a relatively slender yet strong way of doing that. Exploring
wireless algorithms as conjunctive relations tells us nothing about what it
means to actually live wirelessly in some city. Yet algorithms already carry
many of the tendencies described in James’s philosophy of overabundance,
and, as we will see, the algorithms themselves in important ways express
awareness of contemporary urban life. Hence to treat the loops and knots
of wireless network DSP as conjunctive means nothing more than to locate
the “objective distribution of the singular and ordinary” that defines it
(Delanda 2002, 116). “Objective” here, I take in a pragmatist sense: a
quality is “objective” if “it in some way reacts to its neighbors” (Redding
2001, 259). This search for something “objective” in wireless algorithms
does not aspire to produce a higher knowledge of signal processing, or a
transcendental philosophy of wirelessness. Rather, the view of wireless
signal processing as a “conjunctive envelope” attempts to convey some-
Wireless Chips 69
Coding Interleaving Mapping IFFT
Wave GI Addition
(a) Transmitter
(b) Receiver
Figure 3.2
Concatenated algorithms in wireless computation
A S(f)
(A 3)/2
(A 2)/2
A1 + A 2 + A 3
–f –f 1 –f 2 –f 3 0 f3 f2 f1 +f
–t 0 +t
Time Frequency
Figure 3.3
Fourier analysis
74 Chapter 3
admit into their constructions any element that is not directly experienced,
nor exclude from them any element that is directly experienced” (James
1996a, 10).
When this now well-understood technique is brought into play, how
does it affect a wireless signal? In what way does the FFT generate a con-
junctive envelope? We have already seen that James describes transitions
in experience using the metaphor of a “differential quotient.” The differ-
ential quotient expresses the variations in rate and direction of a waveform.
Such a conception of experience accommodates unexpected changes, shifts
in direction, and altering circumstances as normal events. Its responsive-
ness to change is apt for networked, urban ecologies, where tangential
encounters, veering off, and crowding in abounds. The cardinal consider-
ation for a radical empiricist account of DSP is that the FFT literally treats
all time-varying signals as expressing a set of tendencies. The relative size
of component waveforms index the principal tendencies of the images,
sounds, or other signals in process. In a sense, Fourier analysis and the
Fourier transform express the waveform as a set of partial tendencies (partial
differentials) rather than a single tendency. They literalize James’s meta-
phor of experience as a waveform in a limited domain. The component
waveforms are relatively simple to manipulate, to record, and to recreate
because they are simple regular waveforms. Once a signal has been trans-
formed into a set of components, these components can be assembled,
circulated, and synthesized again in different ways. The FFT detaches the
signal from its immersion in one flow of sensations, perceptions, gestures,
and movements, and wraps it in another, that of a signal-processing
James offers the differential-quotient-wave metaphor as a way of express-
ing “experiences of tendency.” Tendencies and partial tendencies produce
“variations in rate and direction” that are “sufficient to act upon” (p. 69).
When James wrote of “a ‘differential quotient’ becoming ‘conscious of
itself’” (p. 69), he could well have been describing what the FFT brings to
wireless signals. A waveform produced by FFT is “conscious of itself” to the
extent that the data stream entering at the start of the process has been
parceled in such as way as minimize the effects of their inevitable collisions
with and alteration by other signals in a given setting. In the ways it spaces
and times the signal, the algorithm imprints into the waveform a certain
awareness of possible encounters as well as variations in direction and
speed typical of urban life and mobilities. Any contemporary sense of
media streaming or constantly-on communications in the city relies on
such differential quotients and tendencies. These tendencies express rela-
Wireless Chips 77
How does a world hang together in the pure experience of radical empiri-
cism? How do many tendencies occur at once without becoming chaotic
sensation? James attributes the consistency or cohesion of a world to pat-
terns of conjunctive relations. Conjunctive relations connect the world as
“concatenated union.” There is a characteristic flatness to many of the
formulations of being-with in James’s thought that conceals a sensitive
awareness of a relational plurality and entangled pathways. In wireless
communication, nearly all signals are marked by the presence of other
signals. The situation is overwhelmingly relational in comparison to the
relatively narrowly constricted flows of networks. This openness was
known from early wireless experiments onward. The effect is especially
great in urban zones, but also in deep space missions. Due to crowding of
signals by many other forms of electromagnetic radiation, “severe channel”
conditions often prevail in cities (and in deep space). In contemporary
cities and built environments, the pressure exerted by the ideal figure of
the network means that more messages have to move in more directions.
With the growth of network environments in the last several decades, the
problem of coexistence has taken on heightened urgency: How to transmit
signals without destroying other people’s transmission capabilities? The
military-state solution has been to requisition large portions of the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum for exclusive use. Civil society has to work out how
to share the spectrum. The limited spectrum made available by states to
wireless networks needs to be habitable by many.
We could say that wireless signal processing solves this problem for
networks by remaking the flow of data in an information network into
very different images. It sets itself the task of discerning a path that passes
78 Chapter 3
from one point to another amid a myriad of crowded paths. It pays a high
cost in technical complexity in order to hold the ideal of a network
together with urban space. We can see this complexity in the case of the
Viterbi algorithm. This algorithm occurs in many network media as well
in bioinformatics. The algorithm dating from 1967 (Viterbi 1967) is widely
used in telecommunications networks to maintain the sequence of infor-
mation flows. It has become a fundamental element in commercial wire-
less, satellite, and space communications. Andrew Viterbi, a now retired
telecommunications engineer, designed the algorithm and started a
company (Qualcomm 2005) that designs and fabricates semiconductors
based around the algorithm. In telecommunications applications, these
chips enable satellite, cellular phone, and wireless networks to communi-
cate despite high levels of electromagnetic noise. In bioinformatics, the
Viterbi algorithm is currently used to find weak similarities and evolution-
ary kinship between protein or amino acid sequences within families of
functionally related biomolecules (Lesk 2002).
If the FFT is like a courier company that resorts to bicycle couriers in
downtown areas, the Viterbi algorithm is like the recipient of a deluge of
partly addressed parcels trying to work out who they are meant for, and
which was sent first. The Viterbi algorithm deals with situations where the
source of signals cannot be directly observed. This could be because a signal
transmitted in the crowded environment of a city (or interplanetary space)
has reflected or bounced off some obstacle, and this changed the order of
information received at the receiver. The Viterbi decoder has the task of
rediscovering the sequence as transmitted. It was originally conceived as
an error-correction scheme for noisy digital communication links, and
then found application in digital cellular telephones, cable modems, satel-
lite and deep-space communications, and 802.11 wireless LANs.10 In
general, the algorithm finds the most likely series of “hidden states” that
could have given rise to the observed events.
The basis of the Viterbi application to language, life, and media hinges
on the idea of finding the most probable hidden states that would account
for the currently observed behavior in a system. For instance, in an 802.11
wireless network (IEEE 1999), in a GSM cellular telephone network, or in
any situation where severe channel conditions prevail, the data itself may
have changed during transmission. A short burst of interference may intro-
duce errors in the data stream. To cope with this, all data are encoded using
“convolutional coding,” a type of “forward error correction.” Convolu-
tional coding can be understood as a kind of sequence label imprinted
within the signal itself rather than on its packaging. The IEEE standards
Wireless Chips 79
document for Wi-Fi networks enjoins engineers strictly: “The DATA field
. . . shall be coded with a convolutional encoder of coding rate R = 1/2,
2/3, or 3/4, corresponding to the desired data rate. The convolutional
encoder shall use the industry-standard generator polynomials, g0 = 133
and g1 = 171, of rate R = ½” (IEEE 1999, 16).
In convolutional coding, the computational processing capacity of the
transmitter and receiver is used to compensate for noise and errors pro-
duced in the transmission channel. When encoding the information, the
transmitter infuses extra data in the sequence of data by applying a care-
fully chosen mathematical function: the “generator polynomial.”
Convolutional coders take their name from the way they base what they
transmit at the current point in time on what has been transmitted earlier.
They begin to build a “state of mind” concerning what has preceded the
current moment in the data stream: “We have states of mind and so do
encoders. We are depressed one day and perhaps happy the next from the
many different states we can be in. . . . We can say that encoders act this
way too. What they output depends on . . . their state of mind” (Langton
1999, 3).
The “convolution” consists in this folding of the data stream to
incorporate information about what was transmitted before. Each packet,
m1 m0 m –1
Figure 3.4
Convolutional encoder (“Convolutional Encoder Diagram” 2007)
80 Chapter 3
Manhattan distance. Definition: The distance between two points measured along
axes at right angles. In a plane with p1 at (x1, y1) and p2 at (x2, y2), it is |x1
+ |y1
y2|. (Black 2006)
Figure 3.5
Conjunctive relations in Viterbi decoding (“Viterbi Algorithm” 2008)
number of blocks to walk to visit all the popular sights), dynamic program-
ming algorithms build a table or array containing the best scores for all
possible movements (for instance, between all known tourist destinations
in Manhattan). A new, conventional order, that of the table or matrix,
replaces the topology of the network or the topography of the city. Move-
ments in the ordered space can be carried out without repetition because
the table precalculates the cost of different movements. By solving the
general problem of movements between many different points, dynamic
programming makes finding the best movement between two chosen
points much more efficient. By envisaging all possible moves in advance,
it accelerates the process of finding which one in particular is the shortest.
The creative “hack” is to reverse the intuitive approach that would start
with the particular and move to the general case. Dynamic programming
imagines the general case of movement in order to discern a particular
movement that maximizes the conjunctive connections. This description
of the algorithm, it should be remembered, renders the problem of what
sequence of bits have been transmitted as what is the shortest path passing
a set of destinations in a city. To communicate in the city, a model of
urban planning and delivery logistics has been internalized in the algo-
rithms of signal processing.
Being-with Is Multipath?
Much of the work done on wireless devices focuses on the gap between
what a network is and what it is not, between what we might call a “bad
network” and a “good network.” The difference between a bad network
and a good network drives many interesting dynamics of wirelessness.
Take, for instance, the popular WRT54G wireless routers made by Linksys,
a brand name now owned by Cisco Networks, a globally significant manu-
facturer of networking equipment. A router is a piece of network equip-
ment that decides where on the network to send packets of information
it receives. (More technically, a router connects two networks or “subnets.”
It might connect two wireless subnets or, more typically, a wireless subnet
and a wired subnet.) Until the arrival of wireless devices, homes and cafés
did not need routers. Their arrival suggests that networks, in the plural,
have entered domestic spaces. It might be hard to feel at all excited by
Linksys routers since they do not seem to do very much. Their chunky
blue-and-black plastic enclosures squat on shelves and tables in houses,
Devices and Their Boundaries 89
apartments, cafés, and offices. As devices, they entirely lack the sharp
design edge of the latest Motorola Razr mobile or Apple iPhone. Their
half-dozen small flashing LEDs hardly match the media extravaganza on
offer in a Sky+ digital video broadcast satellite television box. They do not
upend the living-room furniture like a Nintendo Wii game controller (itself
a Bluetooth wireless device). Yet Linksys routinely sells several hundred
thousand routers each month (Asadoorian and Pesce 2007, 3), so they can
be found in the millions. Given its innocuous status, you would think that
Linksys could control the production of the Linksys WRT54G wireless
router in such a way as to guarantee a predictable modulation of wireless
signals and calculable growth of the Internet. Actually, the Linksys WRT54G
wireless router encompasses a series of devices built of many components
that are constantly changing, and not always according to the manufac-
turer’s wishes. Since 2002, there have been approximately fourteen major
versions of the WRT54G, and each has a number of minor versions, so
that overall there are around forty-five versions of this one product line,
the Linksys WRT54G (the Wikipedia entry gives a good sense of the version-
ing; see “Linksys WRT54G Series” 2008). The series of devices are all called
WRT54G (Wireless Router 54M/bs 802.11g). The devices all look broadly
similar, and ostensibly, they do similar things. It is actually sometimes
quite difficult to know which one you are buying.
As a variety of pragmatism, we would expect radical empiricism to say
a lot about practical differences. Pragmatism has primarily been under-
stood as a method of settling metaphysical disputes in terms of practical
differences. As James (1978, 16) define it, “The pragmatic method . . . is
to try to interpret each [metaphysical] notion by tracing its respective
practical consequences. What difference would it practically make to
anyone if this notion rather than that notion were true? If no practical
difference whatever can be traced, then the alternatives mean practically
the same thing, and all dispute is idle.”
For notion in the above formulation, we might substitute device. The
pragmatic method would ask: What difference does it make it to anyone
if one version of a wireless router rather than another is made, sold,
bought, or brought into existence? Any such difference would only occur
if people had different ideas of what makes a bad network and what makes
a good network. If they want to move from bad to good networks, a device
might make the difference. A gap exists between the ideal of a totally
networked world and a provisional, unstable reality tangled with wires,
buildings, everyday habits, and the presence of others, between, in short,
meaning and praxis. That gap exists, according to Jean-Luc Nancy (2007,
90 Chapter 4
54), because meaning does not exist outside practice: “Meaning is always
in praxis, although no practice is limited to enacting a theory and although
no theory is able to diminish practice.” Things and practices cannot be
fully interpreted or rendered meaningful, and conversely, meaning cannot
be entirely put into practice. Consequently, an excess immanent to experi-
ence generates work “whose principle is not determined by a goal of
mastery (domination, usefulness, appropriation), but exceeds all submis-
sion to an end—that is, also exposes itself to remain without end” (Nancy
2007, 54). Although mastery, usefulness, and “appropriation” (of value)
are writ large on wireless devices, some of the work done on them cannot
be captured by such ends.
From the outside, almost everything about the router is generic. For
example, some lights flash to indicate power, connectivity, and network
activity (see figure 4.1). Apart from some general physical similarities
(although even these are subject to radical alteration, as we will see), the
only thing that links different versions of the WRT54G is the quasi-abstract
center of envelopment described in the last chapter—the IEEE 802.11a/b/g
(and n) WLAN standard. In different ways, all WRT45Gs instantiate that
convoluted center of envelopment. Various features of the objects refer to
the signal processing and networking protocols. Most visibly, the name of
the device, and various Wi-Fi Alliance–approved labels on the different
versions all refer to “g” or specifically to “802.11g,” a somewhat later,
higher-speed version of 802.11 wireless networks.
Despite being so generic, or, perhaps because they are so generic, these
devices harbor surprising degrees of relationality and support a wide variety
of experimental (and antiexperimental) modifications. Unexpectedly
sophisticated webs of relationality unfold out of and around them. They
are constantly being remade, both by Linksys and its component suppliers,
and by others in, for instance, various antenna modifications, in changes
to the firmware, or in replacing the enclosure. Practices of making and
unmaking (preventing change) deeply affect how the contemporary expe-
rience of wirelessness takes place.
Isn’t experience something that is just pragmatically given, that we
perceive in some ways, that we ideate or remember in others? And in rela-
tion to wireless communication, doesn’t the presence of the wireless net-
works in houses, cafés, airports, hotels, and city streets simply deliver
connection to information networks in a way that we can quickly take for
granted, or that we at least hope to take for granted? There are number of
problems and obstacles in taking experience as just given. First, wireless-
ness has a texture that intensifies certain aspects of experience. Second, in
Devices and Their Boundaries 91
Figure 4.1
A Linksys WRT54G wireless router.
Credit: Jonathan Zander.
92 Chapter 4
Wireless spaces fluctuate readily, sometimes even with the weather, but
particularly in the presence of others. Changes affect wireless devices, even
just a single wireless device such as a wireless card (see figure 4.2),
There is an uncertain spatiality to wirelessness that comes from the
encounter between the conjunctive envelope described in the previous
chapter and network topologies. In network topologies, connections and
relations are often centrally managed. The uncertain limits of wirelessness
have already been a matter of public concern in various forums. For
instance, a “spectrum-commons” debate began in the late 1990s, particu-
larly around the auctions for the mobile phone spectrum. This debate was
Devices and Their Boundaries 93
Figure 4.2
“AirStation” in the kitchen.
times new components come and open the device to whole worlds or
realities that were previously not part of the object. (For instance, as dis-
cussed below, a larger flash memory might change the kind of software
that can be installed in the router.) These changes alter the boundaries
within which the devices operate.
If it seems that infrastructures exist relatively inertly in comparison to
experience, we need only think of the work of maintenance and repair
that goes on in contemporary cities around communication and transport.
Stephen Graham and Nigel Thrift (2007, 8) argue that maintenance and
repair form an increasingly important component of the life of “cities of
repair” today. Frequent cycles of replacement and disposal of electronic
equipment such as computers and telephones bring severe problems of
configuration, maintenance, and upgrading, as well as geopolitical prob-
lems of waste management, energy supply, and pollution into play. This
means that an experience of infrastructure includes transitions between
working and not-working, between emerging and the taken-for-granted,
between old and new: “The inherent and continuous unreliabilities within
all infrastructure systems, which necessitate continuous efforts of repair
and maintenance to actually allow them to sustain the distantiated
connections and flows that they are designed to deliver, still tend to be
rendered invisible both culturally and analytically” (Graham and Thrift
2007, 10).
While Graham and Thrift see the inherent unreliabilities of infrastruc-
ture as something largely negative, and as therefore tending to be “invisible
both culturally and analytically,” I would argue that in the certain respects
wireless networks overflow this observation. Their unreliable transitioning
has been heavily mediatized (see the following chapters), partly because
their value and status as infrastructures have not been able to stabilize. For
instance, in the case of municipal or metropolitan wireless networks, their
outlines or boundaries as public, private, or commercial infrastructures
cannot be readily fixed and have repeatedly shifted.
Occasionally devices affect infrastructure itself, especially if that infra-
structure is “interwoven with the existing physical structure of space.” We
need not assume the possibility of concretely separating technology and
experience at the outset. Experience, following James’s account of it at
least, cannot be easily corralled or concretized as either social or physical.
Importantly, as discussed previously, experience has many impersonal
aspects that do not feed directly into meaning, that hover on the edge of
intelligibility as sensations or feelings. No doubt, social and cultural struc-
tures identify, fix, isolate, and abstract certain aspects of experience. But
98 Chapter 4
phonic, and now radio media are folded into computing, and hence into
other mobile and consumer electronics devices. They sometimes attest to
the divergent realities, needs, and desires articulated together in technical
objects. Whereas the notion of convergence emphasizes reduction to a
well-defined context or state of affairs, “kludge” gestures toward relational-
ity, to ongoing changes in nature stemming from juxtapositions.
Massumi’s (2000, 191) concept of relationality captures certain aspects
of a kludge well: “Call the openness of an interaction to being affected
by something new in a way that qualitatively changes its dynamic
nature relationality. Relationality is a global excess of belonging-together
enabled by but not reducible to the bare fact of having objectively
Relationality in this sense of transcontextual anomaly or excessive
belonging-together occurs whenever differences come into play. In the case
of wireless networks, the “complaint” about the Wi-Fi kludge is quite spe-
cific: it is directed at the Wi-Fi standards, 802.11b (IEEE 1999) (and presum-
ably would also apply to more recent versions (IEEE 2003)). One way of
understanding what might be excessive in a standard is to look at how its
limits are defined. Without delving too deeply into technicalities here, IEEE
Standard 802.11b or Wi-Fi is defined as part of a larger suite of standards
dealing with digital communications in networks that use packets to trans-
mit data, the IEEE 802 family. Other members of the 802 family include
WiMax, Bluetooth, and Ethernet. These interlocking standards, usually
implemented in computer code, sometimes built directly into semiconduc-
tor hardware, form the fabric of the Internet. The standards document for
802.11b published by the IEEE is titled “Wireless LAN Medium Access
Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Higher Speed
Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4GHz Band” (IEEE 1999).
Although specifications are intended to reduce ambiguity and eliminate
openness to unexpected interactions, sometimes they have the opposite
effect. As the title of the IEEE document states, the 802.11b standard
describes a way for computers to be networked together using an unregu-
lated portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, 2.4GHz. This is described
as a “Physical Layer Extension.” Like most contemporary standards and
protocols, the 802.11b standard is enmeshed in a web of other standards
and protocols. In its very title, Wi-Fi standard refers to and relies on a
broader model for communications known as OSI, the Open Systems
Interconnection model (on the significance of OSI in the history of the
Internet, see Abbate 2000, 167–177). In this model (as well as in the main
model for the architecture of the Internet, TCP/IP), the phrase “Physical
100 Chapter 4
the potential for increased opacity and anonymity. From the standpoint
of medium access control or network management, the proliferation of
wireless access points has been viewed as a security problem. At industry
trade shows such as the “WLAN Event” staged at the Olympia Exhibition
Centre in London each year (WLAN 2003), many of the best-attended
seminars on the schedule have addressed Wi-Fi security. Network adminis-
trators and technical information technology directors have regarded Wi-Fi
warily because Wi-Fi spreads network topology from the controlled spaces
of cables, conduits, and switching rooms. Only after major changes in how
users gained access through more secure encryption schemes (from Wired
Equivalent Privacy (WEP) to Wireless Protected Access (WPA)) could
network administrators in corporations and organizations begin to accept
and invest in wireless networks for commercial and institutional settings.
From the perspective of the MAC idiom, the world of freedom also means
excluding unwanted participants from the networks. Freedom of access
comes with freedom from the presence of unwanted others.
The prominence of security as problematic highlights the difficulty in
saying who the subject of wirelessness is. Technicians and administrators
from corporate IT departments regard Wi-Fi as putting the boundaries of
their organization’s networks, and in particular, the question of who is
inside and outside those boundaries in question. While connections to
wires and cable can be visually traced like railway lines, wireless networks
spread out diffusely and invisibly, even if they do not go very far. (How
far a wireless network can reach depends on the sensitivity of the antennae
in use and the local terrain.) The seminars on security, handbooks, and
many articles usually figure the “threat” in terms of different possible
vulnerabilities and attacks on the integrity of the corporate body. The
arrest by the FBI of Wi-Fi hackers in a shopping mall carpark in Detroit
(Poulsen 2003), the trial of a hacker who accessed a county court Wi-Fi
network in Texas, the largest security breach involving credit card numbers
to date (Espiner 2007), or the sentencing of a teenager in Singapore who
played online games using a wireless access point in the apartment next
door (Chua Hian 2007), all highlight sensitivities about unauthorized
access to wireless networks. Unauthorized outside access to the networks
is only part of the worry. Danger arises from inside organizations. The
software and hardware tools on display at trade shows, and written about
extensively in the myriad how-to computer books (Edney and Arbaugh
2004; Barken 2004; Miller 2003), trade publications, and websites, also
concern themselves with controlling access within the organization. For
instance, myriad network analysis tools such as AiroPeek allow Wi-Fi
106 Chapter 4
As you sit at a cafe eating your lunch, you may be completely unaware of the dozens
of people simultaneously using the environment around you to communicate with
people around the world. I believe that is largely this mysterious, intangible aspect
of unseen global communications that draws people to embark on their own
108 Chapter 4
antenna projects. The deeply rewarding feeling of making something useful out of
virtually nothing is worth much more than saving a few dollars on a network com-
ponent. (p. 172)
The “making something useful out of virtually nothing” here refers mainly
to antennae. In a time when most digital or electronic technology is fab-
ricated in plants in Southeast Asia, the possibility of altering a device using
cans, old satellite TV dishes, various pieces of wire, cable aluminum foil,
and wire mesh seems for some people “deeply rewarding.” It almost seems
a privilege to make something. Although many interventions and engage-
ments with wireless networking and digital media more generally focus on
making things in software, hardware modifications of antennae in particu-
lar provide a stronger sense of agency, a more pronounced sense of making
Indeed, antennae become key elements in making wireless devices into
wireless networks. Linksys WRT54 Ultimate Hacking argues that altering the
antenna “can be one of the make-or-break activities that will determine
the success of your network. . . . By changing our antennas, we can
achieve some very impressive results” (Asadoorian and Pesce 2007, 268).
Probably the most iconic modification of wireless routers is the “Pringles
Can Waveguide.” Although it does not change the power of the signal
transmitted, it points it in a narrower beam in a chosen direction, so
that widely separated points can be wirelessly linked. By changing the
antenna on a wireless access point, the range of the networks can be
readily extended to several kilometers, in some special cases up to several
hundred kilometers. The upsurge of community wireless networks, munici-
pal or metropolitan wireless networks (discussed in later chapters), and
commercial federations of wireless networks such as Meraki (see also
chapter 7) and FON (FON 2006) largely depends on substituting different
Connecting a “home-brew” or separately purchased antenna to a wire-
less router seems fairly mundane, if not slightly fiddly DIY, work. It hardly
seems to invert relations between devices and infrastructure, between expe-
rience and the conditions of experience. However, these mundane modi-
fications explore the intersection between the DSP-defined topology of
signal envelopes and the Internet protocol–defined topology of the
network. Antenna modifications alter signal propagation (longer links,
connection through walls, etc.) in the interests of extending a network
topology. Changing the antenna changes the range or speed at which
information moves. In this sense, it alters the boundaries influencing how
the device operates. It affects the kinds of networks of relations that can
Devices and Their Boundaries 109
Figure 4.3
Linksys WRT54G Network Setup screen.
112 Chapter 4
lowering the transmit power of the wireless radio. More exploratory pos-
sibilities come from installing software that completely changes the func-
tionality of the device, effectively making it into a different device. For
instance, hacks described in Asadoorian and Pesce 2007 can reconfigure
Linksys WRT54G to no longer act solely as a wireless router, but also as a
DNS server (which resolves hostnames to IP addresses) or as a wireless
switch that connects different network segments together. In these kinds
of configuration work, the physical layer begins to extensively modify
medium access control. The tensions between these different kinds of space
can be seen as generative of new relational topologies.
Sustaining, persevering, striving, paying with effort as we go, hanging on, and finally
achieving our intention—this is action, this is effectuation in the only shape in
which, by a pure experience philosophy, the whereabouts of it anywhere can be
discussed. (James 1996a,183–184)
Consume, a Wi-Fi project active in East London during 2002–2004 and still
visible on the Web, sought to add “whereabouts” to the act of connecting
to the Internet. Consume’s equipment at that time included a wireless
access point transmitting from a larger antenna on the roof of the former
Greenwich Town Hall, a website representing the current state of wireless
connections in a geographic area centered on London (Consume 2003),
and a series of public events and exhibition booths based around setting
up wireless equipment. The project attracted substantial media attention
during 2002–2005. Its motto was an injunction to act: “Trip the loop, make
your switch, consume the net.” One key figure in Consume, James Stevens,
was regularly interviewed by newspapers (Priest 2005). Consume’s website
at shows a map of London with each wireless access
node marked. It provides technical information about how to connect to
the node and an e-mail address for each node owner. These wireless access
points are scattered across London. In some places their coverage overlaps;
in others there are wide gaps in between with no coverage (although again,
this depends on the sensitivity of the antennae in use). These nodes are
marked as having different operational status—some are active, some are
still being set up, some have been taken off air for various reasons.
The Consume project introduced localized, more or less temporary con-
nections between people living in some neighborhoods of London, and
relatively short-lived networked connectivity at events in specific places in
East London. The “Wireless Clinics” that Consume ran between February
2002 and July 2003 made temporary, local alterations in the topology of
networked communications. What did people gather around in these
118 Chapter 5
Figure 5.1
Consume the Net, London
The ¼ wavelength ground plane antenna is very simple in its construction and is
useful for communications when size, cost and ease of construction are important.
This antenna is designed to transmit a vertically polarized signal. It consists of a
¼ wave element as half-dipole and three or four ¼ wavelength ground elements
bent 30 to 45 degrees down. This set of elements, called radials, is known as a
ground plane. This is a simple and effective antenna that can capture a signal
Figure 5.2
Ground-plane antenna (
Acting Wirelessly 125
equally from all directions. To increase the gain, the signal can be flattened out to
take away focus from directly above and below, and providing more focus on the
horizon. The vertical beamwidth represents the degree of flatness in the focus. This
is useful in a Point-to-Multipoint situation, if all the other antennas are also at
the same height. The gain of this antenna is in the order of 2–4 dBi. (Flickenger
et al. 2006, 95)
Locating Practices
People enter some basic information (see table 5.1) about the wireless
access points where they live or work. They annotate a fragment of a
potential network. Then, for other people, the node database gathers infor-
mation about where and how to connect to the Internet. The key elements
of this network making—the pieces that allow the form of the network to
appear—are map coordinates. Either a GPS receiver or an Ordnance Survey
map has been used to find the grid reference for every node in the Consume
database. The database and Web backend then generate the table of values
describing the location and bearing of other nodes. In 2002–2003, the
Consume database helped a fledgling, patchy network infrastructure begin
to materialize. The infrastructure takes shape as a mixture of different
Acting Wirelessly 131
Table 5.1
Nodes within 4 km of this node
Mildmay Grove 0 0
Earl Of Radnor 84 211
burderLodge 424 134
englefield 673 204
EssexRoad 678 218
Southgate Road 900 194
Brad 985 256
ShackleNet 1001 55 1038 158
kings 1042 158
forms. Some of them are geographic (the map and the list of adjacent
nodes), some are concerned with device attributes (the access-point descrip-
tion), and some mix commercial or financial matters with social relations.
These forms do not always mix easily. Acting wirelessly in this context
means making the location of the wireless access points known to the
others through the medium of the node database and the web pages gener-
ated from that database. The very existence of the NodeDB system as a
way of registering and searching for nodes suggests that so-called wireless
networks at that time (2001–2004) were not actually wireless networks.
They were wireless access points, connected to other network infrastruc-
tures (such as broadband or local area networks). The wireless access points
largely remain disjointed or disconnected. They are potentially linked by
the parameters of database queries that retrieve the node information, and
calculate distances and bearings between nodes. Only the Consume
website, with its map and geographic coordinate systems, collects and
concatenates the multiple nodes.
Setting up an actual link to a node in the Consume database was bound
to be complicated. The Consume database did not really undertake to
include relevant topographic data about elevation of the access points it
lists (compare NoCatNet, whose modest goal is “to bring you Infinite Band-
width Everywhere for Free”: its node database in Sonoma, California, offers
information on elevations of antennae (NoCat 2007)). Perhaps only
someone who was prepared to begin experimenting with an outside
antenna would have been able to establish a connection. This does not
mean that participants in Consume were not acting wirelessly. Perhaps just
132 Chapter 5
the opposite. The absence of an actual wireless network was precisely the
reason to try to make the scattered wireless nodes visible on a map, no
matter how crude. Moreover, if it was not possible to make a connection
to a particular node, there was also the possibility of the “personal con-
nection” via the social events organized in South London by Consume. In
setting up the node database, in registering nodes, in trying to connect to
nodes, wireless praxis precisely concerned the possibility of the develop-
ment of the autonomy of others, autonomy in relation to the telephone
and cable enterprises that run much of the infrastructure of the Internet
(for instance, in the form of broadband services).
The same situation, in which there are no wireless networks, prevails
today. There are very few purely wireless networks. Wireless mingles with
wires. Pure wirelessness is a tendency produced at the intersection of mul-
tiple forces. Thus, if we turn to the many commercial wireless networking
node databases, there too, wireless networks take a form akin to what we
have already seen in Consume—that is, a node database. For instance, one
of the leading commercial wireless node databases is JiWire, a “Wi-Fi Finder
and Hotspot Directory” (JiWire Inc. 2008).
JiWire offers people help in finding a wireless access point in a given
geographic place. By clicking on a map or searching for a place or postcode,
people can find a list of locations in the vicinity with Wi-Fi access points.
Here location takes on a new value. The locations of several hundred
thousand access points that JiWire records in its database are nearly all
places of business. In contrast to the Consume database where nearly all
the nodes were in houses, apartments, meeting rooms, and studios, the
nodes in JiWire belong to hotels, airports, cafés, and in a small number of
cases, cities. While JiWire offers free connection information to users, it
sells location-specific advertising space to advertisers linked to specific
locations—a Hyatt hotel, a Barnes and Noble store, JFK New York or LHR
London airports. So something is exchanged when someone locates a wire-
less node they want to use. Their use of the JiWire website translates into
a location-specific advertising mechanism—in fact, a networked form of
advertising: “The JiWire advertising network spans premier worldwide
locations. Major international airports, hotel chains, cafes and citywide
networks all use our unique Ads for Access™ advertising formats to engage
Wi-Fi users no matter where they connect to the Internet” (JiWire Inc.
Although there is no wireless network as such, only a large set of wire-
less access points, there is an “advertising network” that allows JiWire to
“monetize users throughout each Internet session” (JiWire Inc. 2008).
Acting Wirelessly 133
Figure 5.3
JiWire node database
134 Chapter 5
Figure 5.4
Sydney Wireless ( 2007)
Acting Wirelessly 135
service for locations the world over.”7 If the Sydney Wireless group started
by undertaking a modest form of praxis that developed the autonomy of
local others as consumers of Internet bandwidth, their subsequent ambi-
tion to become a worldwide project gets entangled not only with the
database and mapping services of Google, but with a heightened sense of
their own commercial promise.
We Become It
Staging wireless action globally has a cost. The “we” of the node data-
base can gradually become “it.”8 The organization of action on global scales
makes it much more permeable to global systems of marketing and pro-
ductization, configured to provide services to users. We have already seen
this affect Sydney Wireless as it became It becomes more
obvious if we move to a final species of the wireless node database: wireless
social networking enterprises such as FON, WeFi ( 2008), and
Whisher (Whisher Solutions 2008). FON is “the largest WiFi community
in the world. FON is a Community of people making WiFi universal and
free. Our vision is WiFi everywhere made possible by the members of the
Community, Foneros. We share some of our home Internet connection
and get free access to the Community’s FON Spots worldwide!” (FON
FON, based in Spain, after a minor blaze of publicity in early 2006
managed to register tens of thousands of users, especially in Europe and
North America. People (“Foneros”) agree to open their home wireless access
points for free to anyone else who belongs to FON: “Fon is WiFi for every-
one” (FON 2006), or at small(ish) cost to anyone who does not belong.
Their home wireless access points, as well as a personal profile, then appear
on the FON maps produced by the FON node database. It is important to
note that FON also supplies modified wireless access-point hardware (“la
Fonera”), as well as special-purpose antennae to people who sign up to it
(“la Fontenna”).
What does this overlay of belonging and technical infrastructure do (see
figure 5.5)? FON tries to use the node database system of coordination to
create a quasi-global (“WiFi everywhere”) collection of access points. Such
projects attempt to create a technical infrastructure that can support com-
mercial services by overlaying a social network on it. Like many other
social software or Web 2.0–styled entities that attempt to generate revenue
by enrolling the work or actions of indentured users, FON uses a social
networked form of individual identity to attach a technical infrastructure
to places. It thereby generates services sold to other people. Again the node
database is the primary site of coordination for the different technical,
social, and commercial layers of action. However, all of this occurs in the
name of a form of service provision. The product that FON sells is access,
but now in a way that mixes the act of belonging and earning money:
“FON will pay you 50% of the net revenue that we get every time a visitor
purchases a FON Access Pass through your FON Spot! There’s more. To
help you promote your FON Spot, visitors can get 15 minutes of free access
138 Chapter 5
Figure 5.5
FON node database
Acting Wirelessly 139
to trial the service before they start purchasing FON Access passes from
you! And we even pay you for this!” (FON 2006).
Wireless node database enterprises that explicitly juxtapose technical
and social networks are apparatuses that capture social relations in the
interests of marketing or selling services. Network cultures and informatic
formations are deeply imbued with the logics of exchange. In this case, we
could say that the node databases and the ideal of universal free access to
Wi-Fi everywhere have been transformed into equipment for marketing
products and services.
If resistance is met, its agent complicates the situation. (James 1996a, 165)
Nancy suggests a different analytical path that does not seek to simply
substitute a different origin of sense (in the self, in interiority, in the other,
in the “we”). Rather he suggests that we need to attend to how the rela-
tions are practiced. Sense of meaning originates in the praxis of coappear-
ing, in making networks of external relations. While the point of departure
of Nancy’s work lies a long way from James’s pragmatism, both Nancy’s
notion of being-with and James’s concatenated paths of conjunctive rela-
tions center on the praxis of relations. The node databases collect places,
things, and people that remain external to each other. The maps with their
overlays suggest many possible movements, trajectories, and forms of
belonging. Node databases attempt to make visible on the Web the geo-
graphic, technical, and social locations of wireless network access. This
attempt can never be entirely successful. Indeed, the node databases also
make visible the fact that wireless networks are fragmentary, incomplete,
and highly transient sites of network connectivity. They show that wireless
networks do not remain networks for long. At most, they are collections
of access points whose consistency or relationality relies on local orienta-
tions and elevations. One way to frame the contrasts is in terms of the
intrinsic heterogeneity of networks. Galloway and Thacker (2007, 34)
maintain that “the network contains within it antagonistic clusterings,
divergent subtopologies, rogue nodes. (This is what makes them networks;
if they were not internally heterogeneous, they would be known as integral
wholes).” As we have seen, each of the sample databases contains a variety
of different network forms and different ways of coping with the incon-
sistencies and incompleteness of the network. Commercial, technical,
social, and political forms mingle quite freely, and are sometimes coupled
to each other deliberately. One way to frame their differences is to situate
them in terms of wireless action. Following James’s radical empiricism, we
could say that any sense of acting wirelessly stems from the fact that expe-
rience is a “member of diverse processes.” The mixture or inconsistency of
experience makes action possible and gives rise to practices. We only act
insofar as something is not quite right or does not fit, or there is a problem,
an obstruction, or resistance.13
In this chapter, I have argued that acting wirelessly means locating con-
nections via technogeographic practices such as antenna modification and
registration in node databases. The node databases do this in different
ways. In some ways they seek to create a technogeographic milieu in which
a network could emerge from connections. The node entries in Consume
provide instructions on line of sight, elevation, and bearings that help to
connect. The modified hardware does this in a different, yet complemen-
Acting Wirelessly 143
tary way. The technology itself is modified with new antennae that allow
access points to connect to each other, to create new “multipoint situa-
tions. Adapting Gilbert Simondon’s account of technogeographic milieus,
we should understand the node databases and antenna modifications as
give rising to a milieu or environment in which wireless connections con-
cretize. Many of the shifts between the different databases could be seen
as concretizations that generate and structure milieus of action. All of this
seeks to actuate a network.
A technogeographic milieu comes into being alongside the technical
object. Following Miller and Slater, I argued that wirelessness, like other
Internet media, forces people to think of themselves and their actions on
ever more global stages. The increasing presence of world-spanning maps
based on the Google Maps API is one symptom of this. The overlaying of
social networks on node databases in enterprises such as Fon, WeFi, and
Whisher is another. But on these increasingly global stages, the scope of
action becomes unstable and open to question. It is no longer simply about
where or how to connect. This point allows us to think of the node data-
bases as presentations of action at different scales. Nancy’s account of
praxis is interesting because it suggests that the most bare, external collec-
tions of relations still generate sense. Wireless networks could be seen as
literal instances of the external relations Nancy attributes to the working
of capital. His account of capital as externalizing networks of relations
prompts us to begin to situate wireless action differently. Wireless actions
can be seen in terms of a making and praxis of the conjunctive relation
“with.” As node databases and antenna modifications externalize conjunc-
tive relations, the question of how to make sense through such external
networks is the topic of the next chapter.
6 Sorting Inner and Outer: Wirelessness as Product,
Wirelessness as Affectional
“Outer” and “inner” are names for two groups into which we sort experiences
according to the way in which they act upon their neighbours. (James 1996a, 139)
Henri Bergson would say that perception reflects the scope of our possible
movement and action, the sorting of experiences into inner and outer
reflects pragmatic concerns. However, sometimes but not always, this
sorting is suspended into a sort of metastable state. This happens in “affec-
tional experiences”: “With the affectional experiences . . . , the relatively
pure condition lasts. In practice no urgent need has yet arisen for deciding
whether to treat them as rigorously mental or as rigorously physical facts.
So they remain equivocal; and, as the world goes, their equivocality is one
of their great conveniences” (James 1996a, 146).
We might understand the ways certain products appeal to pragmatic
purposes and emotional interests along these lines. While a product can
still urge itself on us as affectionally, there is no urgent need to sort the
images, figures, and sensations associated with it as either “mental” or
“physical,” as belonging to “us” or “it.” Something in this state remains
“relatively pure” in the sense that it retains “unverbalized sensation.”
(As James writes, “‘Purity’ [of experience] is only a relative term, meaning
the proportional amount of unverbalized sensation which it still
embodies” (94).)
What affectional experiences occurs in the media of wirelessness? Every
time an announcement, image, or forecast appears, a claim is made on
someone’s attention. Any attempt to figure a thing (a product or a service)
through images, words, or performances makes connections to other expe-
riences—of home, work, education, travel, war, illness, sport, death or
family, government, and so forth. In other words, to figure something
means to locate it in conjunction with something more or less adjacent or
remote. As we have seen in the preceding chapters, locations are vital in
wirelessness, and location above all concerns the position, movement, and
habits of bodies. Wirelessness is perhaps nothing else but a series of
complex conjunctions concerning proximity and remoteness to bodies in
states of tension, movement, sensation, and excitation. Some of these
conjunctions can be seen in play in table 6.1. It lists some of the different
locations in which wireless connections were to be found in the years in
The locations listed in the table are certainly not remarkable in them-
selves.1 Faced with this panoply of contexts, it is not possible to make
exhaustive claims or conduct multisited observations about what was actu-
ally happening in those places. For the most part, it is hard to say what
actually happened in the Wi-Fi-equipped truck stops, department stores,
caravan parks, or train stations. It may be that for many of the newly
networked places of 2001–2004 (apart from houses, apartments, and
schools), actual Wi-Fi usage was lower than expected. Regardless, the sheer
150 Chapter 6
Table 6.1
Wireless locations
Entanglements as Translocations
Table 6.2
Wireless things
In this and many other online discussions, questions about where the
boundaries of a wireless network lie were difficult to answer conclusively.
Existing legal and contractual controls of data movements come into
conflict with new arrangements of people and equipment. While “secu-
rity” was the major discursive operator in many of the announcements,
158 Chapter 6
“added extras,” through placement on the shelf in the shop, and so on.
Given that Wi-Fi products during 2001–2004 all claimed to be implementa-
tions of the same technical standard (IEEE 802.11b/g), singularization
achieved through Wireless Alliance certification and the use of the trade-
mark Wi-Fi were important dimensions of wirelessness. “Attachment”
describes processes that actually result in preferences for one product over
another, or perhaps for one way of consuming a product over another.
Attachments occur through an “apparatus of distributed cognition”: “This
attachment to a singularized product cannot be disassociated from the
configuration—through supply and demand—of an apparatus of distrib-
uted cognition in which information and reference are spread out between
many elements. The consumer’s preferences are tied into this apparatus”
(Callon, Meadel, and Rabeharisoa 2005, 38). Attachments particularly seek
to bring “beneficiaries” (Callon, Meadel, and Rabeharisoa 2005, 45) closer
to the product in question. If a product results, singularization, detach-
ment, and attachment are the processes producing that result.
Viewing the list of wireless things from the perspective of processes of
qualification yields several observations. The qualities of a thing are estab-
lished by mixing materials and mixing practices. Qualities are generated
in media in the conventional sense (print, television, radio, the Web);
through events (conferences, festivals, parties); in documents, announce-
ments, or hybrid forms (Wi-Fi-equipped bicycle); or via materials and
things. These materials and practices crisscross boundaries between pro-
duction, distribution, and consumption. Much of the print and online
media discussion of Wi-Fi adopts familiar formats of organization and
circulation of the meanings of Wi-Fi. An industry report such as the
Rethink Associates (2005) report consists of a series of product-release
announcements, investment opportunities, and summaries of the sales of
different equipment and services. Such a report would be read mainly by
people involved in the corporate buying and selling of wireless equipment
and services. (Indeed, the report itself has to be paid for through a relatively
expensive subscription.) By contrast, a report on the IT pages of a daily
newspaper is read by many more people but will often focus on a com-
munity project in a particular city, region, or place (Wainwright 2003) or
on consumer product releases. Here readers are both consumers (they may
buy some equipment or service) and citizens (interested in how social
problems can be solved).
Qualification embodied in processes of singularization and attachment/
detachment continues well after products are sold. Here is an excerpt from
a website explaining how to modify a Palm Treo PDA so that it can access
wireless networks:
160 Chapter 6
After realizing that the Treo 650 and Tungsten T5 are practically siblings internally,
and the T5 already works with the WiFi SDIO card, he [Shadowmite, a hacker]
developed a new set of drivers that enable the 650 to work with it. I’m sure the folks
at PalmOne, and the wireless carriers will love him for that. VoiP, here we come!
No more wireless internet access charges. . . . It’s not perfect . . . and the only way
to get things right is with a hard reset, but it completely blew PalmOne’s garbage
press release out of the water. (PIC 2004)
difficult to reach. The variety of locations listed above (table 6.1) indicates
that. The variety of wireless qualifications or entanglements (table 6.2)
suggests how different locations undergo qualification through processes
of attachment, detachment, and singularization. Putting networks in dif-
ferent places immediately raises the question: Who will be there? Many
important aspects of the expansion and opening of network infrastructures
associated with Wi-Fi can be analyzed in terms of the resorting of experi-
ence as inner and outer, or in terms of “which meanings have reached
where and when” (Hannerz 1992, 81). In analyzing the sorting of wireless-
ness as inner and outer, we need to ask how ideas of data moving in dif-
ferent spaces, and externalized in a variety of media and mediations, were
themselves figured as matters of subjective experience.
“Everybody’s connecting™” is a trademark of Netgear, a manufacturer
of wireless equipment. Wirelessness is inseparable from the distribution of
ideas and meanings associated with being connected. As a promise to
redistribute access to information, wirelessness configures different embodi-
ments of access and connection. For instance, although many projects
work to bring wireless networks to places that currently have scant access
to the Internet (Waltner 2003; Wainwright 2003; Jhai Foundation 2003;
BBC 2003), ideas of access in remote places are mainly distributed among
individuals and groups who already have relatively high-level access to the
Internet, and who visit websites reporting on the projects. Can variations
in subjectification associated with wireless connection be listed in the same
way as locations and forms of qualification were in tables 6.1 and 6.2?
While it is difficult to represent overall social distributions of meaning, it
is possible to outline Wi-Fi as a set of overlapping, mixed, and sometimes
competing distributions of ideas of access to networked communication
associated with different subjectifications. This leads to a third and final
list (table 6.3), a nonexhaustive list of wireless subjectifications.
Different aspects of wirelessness provisionally attached to these figures
as they appeared in mass and online media, in advertising and publicity,
and in various public forums during 2001–2004. These figures can be seen
as temporary, often equivocal stabilizations of attachments/detachments,
singularizations, and entanglements associated with Wi-Fi networks in that
period. Certain figures here have been the focus of more detailed empirical
study by social scientists and market research. For instance, Grubesic and
Murray (2004) studied “802.11b activity for one of the more impoverished
and violent neighborhoods in Cincinnati” (p. 15), compared it other
neighborhoods, and found that affluent neighborhoods showed “a remark-
able amount of 802.11b activity” (p. 22). We could imagine other studies
Sorting Inner and Outer 163
Table 6.3
Wireless figures
he is, but it is possible to use the technique of “holding fast to the relation
just as we feel it” slightly differently. We can treat it as a way of attending
to the processes of subjectification that accompany the assorted entangle-
ments, attachments, or suspension of definitive categorization of inner and
outer. These figures can be seen as points of subjectification, sites where
practices concerning ethical substance and technocorporeal techniques
attach and take shape. Nobody durably or fully embodies any of these
figures. However, many people pass through such figures. Maurizio Laz-
zarato (2002, 142) usefully observes that “it is in the metamorphoses and
variations of action of subjectification and not in the metamorphoses and
variations of value that one must look for the immanent dynamics of
capitalism.”5 One way to understand the list in table 6.3, then, is as varia-
tions of wireless subjectification. While, like Callon, I would be hesitant
about reading the list as a direct expression of any macrostructure called
“wireless capitalism,” variations and metamorphoses in the action of sub-
jectification do occur wirelessly. They are indissociable from the process of
qualification that Callon ascribes to contemporary products because these
products depend on attachments and detachments that act as subjectifying
Lazzarato’s claim appears in his discussion of notions of subjectivity,
action, and work in the nineteenth-century French sociologist Gabriel
Tarde’s “economic psychology.” Like Callon’s work on products, the model
of subjectification developed by Tarde does not oppose ethics and economy,
labor and action, instrumental and communicative action, or even work
and leisure. (Much social theory maintains such oppositions in the service
of notions of freedom, democracy, or ethics.) Tarde, according to
Lazzarato, puts these oppositions in question by affirming the force of
feelings, affects, beliefs, desires, and passions in constituting not only the
experience of individual subjects, but in the very process of subject forma-
tion (or subjectification). Like conjunctive relations in James, the forces of
subjectification in Tarde are strongly marked by impersonal, prelinguistic,
pre-subject-object, and nonrepresentative attractions and repulsions, affir-
mations and negations (Lazzarato 2002, 123).7 Tarde brings to the fore-
ground variations and metamorphoses in the “action of subjectification,”
and draws our attention to the dependency of the value (economic, aes-
thetic, cognitive) of wirelessness on these variations and metamorphoses.
In Tarde’s thought, forces of subjectification work via the “affectability” of
feeling. In a formulation highly resonant with James’s treatment of “affec-
tional experiences,” Lazzarato (2002, 21) writes: “It is through affectability,
through pure feeling, the common base of desire and belief that Tarde
Sorting Inner and Outer 165
Thought and thing, subject and object, are not separate entities or substances. They
are the irreducibly temporal modes of relation of experience to itself. (Massumi 2002,
You can’t lay cable. . . . It’s difficult, expensive, and someone is going to pull it up
out of the ground to sell it. (Greene 2008)
is that through wireless networks, others (“they”) at the edges of the world
may quickly become like “us” in the world cities and their environs. Nearly
all of these projects seek to generate sensations of rapid change or transi-
tion: from remoteness to nearness, from poverty to prosperity, from exclu-
sion to inclusion, from corruption to probity, from despotism to democracy,
from rural to urban, and so on. As we will see, even as the very idea of
development remains a somewhat fraught fantasy in many parts of the
South, such a belief in wireless networks as world-changing impels wireless-
ness to overflow its existing location in cities, in houses, and in institutions
in the North.
Drawing on global civil society literatures and recent network theory,
this chapter analyzes how civil society and commercial wireless networks
generate feelings of transnational or cosmopolitan relationality that allow
wirelessness to create a sense of ongoing change and expansion. More
philosophically it asks: How can we differentiate the senses of world at
work in wirelessness as a contemporary determination of a world? It would,
in many ways, be valuable to carry out empirical research closer to the rich
and complex local practices involved in wireless development projects. I
have not done that, relying instead on readings of accounts of wireless
development that appear forthcoming releases, articles, field reports, and
policy documents. The selection of different cases or projects is not meant
to be exhaustive or very representative. Rather, my selection reflect events
that attract the attention of newspapers or current affairs magazines, televi-
sion shows, and websites. However, radical empiricist research differs from
most newspapers, television, and websites in that it attempts to ascertain
the “amount of either unity and plurality” in what counts as “the world.”
What connections may be perceived concretely or in point of fact, among the parts
of the collection abstractly designated as our “world”?
There are innumerable modes of union among its parts, some obtaining on a larger,
some on a smaller scale. (p.126)
network change that have been occurring for the last few decades. Amid
an abundance of networked media, there is something particularly capti-
vating about places that lie a long way from well-developed infrastructures
of telecommunications and transport to network connectivity and its asso-
ciated forms of liberalized markets. Such locations include deserts, oceans,
and mountains, as well as war zones and slums. Wireless development
projects make these differences become visible, and perform them as sig-
nificant. As I will argue, making transnational and global differences sig-
nificant has been a constitutive dynamic in wirelessness, a major component
in rendering of change in network connections as especially rapid, effec-
tive, cheap, and indeed, potentially universal. This instrumental significa-
tion of development wirelessness runs alongside another component of
wirelessness that is less easy, yet arguably vital to also identify. In augment-
ing a radical empiricist sense of the world, I read Nancy’s account of
being-with, and of the experience of being-with, against what happens at
the edge of “our” experience, in places that function as peripheries or
Mesh Network
Right out of the box, the XO laptop’s antenna ears can sense other neighboring
XO laptops and connect to them, creating an instantaneous “mesh” network for
Overconnected Worlds 179
SOTELMA and Ikatel. . . . Relative to other remote cities in the country, Timbuktu
has a fair number of trained IT staff, three existing telecentres, plus the newly
installed telecentre at the radio station. The city is to some degree over saturated
with Internet, precluding any private, commercial interests from being sustainable.
(Flickenger et al. 2006, 213)
In this installation the client site is only 1 km away directly by line of sight. Two
modified Linksys access points, flashed with OpenWRT and set to bridge mode, were
installed. One was installed on the wall of the telecentre, and the other was installed
5 meters up the radio station’s mast. The only configuration parameters required
on both devices were the ssid and the channel. Simple 14 dBi panel antennas (from were used. (Flickenger et al. 2006, 213)
This description is quite heavily laden with detail intended for other
people working in wireless development. There is a “client,” the “rural
radio station,” which is in line of sight of the telecenter at the mayor’s
office. The construction of a 5-meter-high mast, something whose ongoing
existence would be very much taken for granted in the global North, can
be a significant technical challenge in its own right in certain settings.
While setting up a wireless network is not too hard, connection to the
Internet via satellite remains very expensive. However, the next points of
the description invoke a whole bundle of features that cannot be reduced
to the topography or everyday life in Timbuktu. Compressed in this brief
description are the algorithmic folds of 802.11 wireless digital signal pro-
cessing with all the complications of chip economies, the version of the
Linux operating system known as OpenWRT that can be installed
(“flashed”) on certain brands of wireless access points such as Linksys, and
the antennae purchased from a company in Florida that specializes in
“disaster recovery and rapid deployment communication products”
(HyperlinkTech 2007). Most of these components—the chips, the access
points, the operating system, the antennae—were not created to be used
in developing countries. Rather they stem from the practices of connecting
and modifying wireless networking components that we have seen in
earlier chapters. It is as if these practices now search for validation in
development work.
The technical details described in the project both grapple with the
antecedent performances of connecting or communicating in Timbuktu,
but at the same time idealize a technical expansion of wireless networking.
Looking back on the project, the developers conclude, “As it stands,
182 Chapter 7
for these events often vouch for the presence of a mixture of entrepreneurs,
NGO activists, academics, technicians, and engineers.
However, the most visible wireless development projects plan on a
large scale, say a billion people or so. The much discussed $100 or XO
laptop, or Meraki “Free the Net” systems, would be examples of these
more ambitious projects. For instance, Meraki Networks Inc., a wireless
Internet equipment and service management business, was founded in
2006 by MIT graduate students. It hopes to add another billion people
to the existing 1.5 billion Internet users. Based in San Francisco and
funded by venture capital from Sequoia Capital and Google, Meraki sells
wireless hardware adapted for outdoor use and wireless network manage-
ment services:
Meraki Outdoor
How would Meraki Outdoors fare in Africa today? This can only be a matter
to ascertain empirically. The ambition or hope for the “next billion people”
(or in the case of the recently announced 03B “Other Three Billion”
project, the “other three billion” (O3B Networks 2008)) motivates experi-
ments with wireless equipment in remote, disconnected, or impoverished
locales. Why remoteness as the primary criterion? One answer to this ques-
tion lies in the very notion of the “global.” Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing (2005,
76) writes that “since the 1990s, every ambitious world-making project has
wanted to show itself able to forge new scales.” Scales can be made, pro-
posed, practiced, and evaluated in different ways. Sometimes new scales
are forged very literally. Development projects have competed to extend
the range of networks well beyond the few hundred meters envisaged by
Overconnected Worlds 187
the IEEE standards. Attempts to make Wi-Fi work on a different scale have
been numerous, and they continue. They often involve modifying anten-
nae and towers to work over several hundred kilometers (e.g., the world
distance record for a wireless link is held by Berkeley’s Technology and
Infrastructure for Emerging Regions project (TIER 2008) in Venezuela);
redesigning power supplies (solar, batteries, etc.) to allow wireless infra-
structure to work unattended in rural or remote locations; developing
software control of signal propagation (e.g., the Intel Research Group in
San Francisco has worked on software control of direction and now sells a
product, the Rural Connectivity Platform (Greene 2008), so that networks
maintain links when even wind, children, or animals move the towers);
mixing wireless networks and other means of transport (e.g., United Vil-
lages Inc. based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, uses wireless buses to collect
and deliver e-mail in villages in Orissa, India (United Villages Inc. 2008))
to intermittently connect places to communication networks. In the
context of development work, spatial scale, topology (for instance, Meraki
Mesh’s ability to automatically form networks), and time become the focus
of much technical work. Some of these projects have truly global ambi-
tions. Eric Brewer, a computer scientist who works at Berkeley, envisages
TIER’s Wireless Long Distance (WiLD) projects in India and Africa as a way
to “give people in rural areas hope and mitigate the urban migration”
(Merrit 2008).
But wireless development projects forge scale in other, less obviously
world-spanning ways. By far the most common form of development
wirelessness takes the form of “projects” involving at most several hundred
people. These projects are usually located in village settings, and they
connect schools, hospitals, small businesses, health clinics, medical centers,
telecenters, and cybercafés to the Internet (for e-mail, Web, and VoIP).
Occasionally in Africa they can be found in larger urban settings such as
Accra or Kinshasa. At least insofar as they are visible on the Internet, these
projects rely heavily on donations of time, equipment, or expertise from
the North. Because such projects always have a prospective aspect, it is
hard to track exactly what happens to them over time. The smallness of
the project does not necessarily mean that they are of little importance.
The difficulty of seeing on what scale wireless development moves also
stems from the problem of actually locating a development “project.” As
discussed above, the viability of many development projects, and the very
idea of a development “project” itself has been critically contested. But
there is something more to this instability than local contingencies or
large-scale economic, political, or social challenges. When Kofi Annan
188 Chapter 7
decreed that wireless networking was the way forward for developing
countries to participate in the information revolution (BBC 2003), he may
or may not have envisaged the “infrastructural inversion” (Bowker 1994)
occurring today in wireless development. Rather than wireless develop-
ment bringing “our world” to “their world,” it would be possible to argue
that in certain respects wirelessness validates itself worldwide.
The proliferation of high-speed commercial WiMax and other wireless
technology trials and networks in Africa, Southeast Asia, and less affluent
parts of Eastern Europe would be one example of this validation. Although
technologically akin to Wi-Fi, WiMax takes on very different forms and
infrastructural roles. Because it has much greater range, it can readily
support infrastructures that either compete with cellular phone and fixed-
line telecommunications or form hybrid infrastructures with them. While
WiMax is a product of the computer and network industries rather than
the telecommunications industry, unlike Wi-Fi, it sometimes use expensive
licensed segments of the radio spectrum. When market competition
becomes fierce or regulation too restrictive, the telecommunications indus-
try can use places such as South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East to vet
wireless technologies in trimmed down, lightly regulated forms. Just as in
the clinical trials of pharmaceuticals in South Asia and East Africa (Rajan
2003), wireless development becomes a leading edge of an innovation
thrust, rather than an afterthought to it.
From 2001 onward, advanced forms of wireless connectivity can be seen
appearing in fairly unexpected locations alongside attempts to verify much
more localized, low-tech wireless networks. For instance, we would expect
Taipei to have advanced wireless networking given its location and its
high-tech economy. Taipei’s advanced wireless network (as we saw in
chapter 2), and indeed Meraki’s “Free the Net” in San Francisco, like many
municipal networking projects, are “mesh” networks (Herman 2005). Mesh
networks (or simply “wireless mesh”) differ from the star or the hub-spoke
arrangements of many wireless and wired infrastructures. By contrast, the
wireless development projects usually present much simpler connectivity.
Wireless networks are found in and around African cities such as Kigali
(Rwanda), Abuja or Lagos (Nigeria), Addis Ababa (Ethopia), or Porto Novo
(Benin). Here Wi-Fi networks are said to be growing rapidly. The networks
in these places, we would expect, lack the concentrated network density
of First World global-city wirelessness with its wireless meshes. Yet if we
focus just on Kigali, Rwanda, connectivity is a complicated issue. Rwanda
is “East Africa’s number one ICT nation,” according to the UN Conferer-
Overconnected Worlds 189
media. For instance, in the West African state of Benin, a 2007 government
announcement attempted to corral a proliferation of different networks,
including wireless networks:
The study reveals that a total of 47 operators on 50 inspections, carrying out “all or
part of their activities in violation of regulations,” deprive the State of Benin of
“significant receipts” and cause “a powerful financial haemorrhage damaging to the
State of Benin.” . . .
The state, according to the communique is going to also suspend all “orders authoris-
ing provision of telecommunications services such as VoIP, local loop radio, wifi,
wimax, adsl, pre-paid cards with the exception of internet service providers and
cybercafe operators who conduct their activities legally.” (Ouestaf 2007)7
Although Wi-Fi and WiMax are merely mentioned among many other
networking technologies (such as ADSL, local radio loops, cybercafés, etc.),
Benin’s response is not unusual, or asymptomatic. The government of
Benin is not alone in reacting harshly toward the “anarchic state” that has
emerged as a result of people becoming involved in setting up and running
wireless networks. There are many other examples in Africa and the Middle
East where wireless networks are heavily regulated or even prohibited.
Rwanda’s situation is, in fact, atypical. In neighboring countries, wireless
networks have a much more precarious position. In Gabon, a US$65,000
license fee is imposed. In 2007, Niger still prohibited both voice and images
on Wi-Fi networks. Loss of telecommunications revenue through unli-
censed wireless networks can affect the fiscal stability of developing coun-
tries. For different reasons, the situation in the Middle East, with the
exception of Iraq and its commercial-military infrastructures, is even more
restrictive. (See Stichting Open Spectrum 2007 for comparisons of licensing
and regulation of Wi-Fi networks in various countries.)
It would be a mistake to regard this ambivalence on the part of states
concerning wireless networks as confined to the global South. At the same
time that development agencies were promoting wireless networks as a
path to economic development, U.S. federal government agencies were
starting to treat wireless networks as a risk to national security. In 2002
one could read in Wired magazine that “‘(an attack) could bring down the
network of this country very quickly. Once you’re on the network, it
Overconnected Worlds 191
doesn’t matter where you got in,’ said Daniel Devasirvatham, who headed
the Homeland Security task force for the Wireless Communications Asso-
ciation International trade association” (Boutin 2002). In response, “[The
U.S. Department of] Homeland Security is putting people in place who will
be in a position to say, ‘If you’re going to get broken into . . . we’re going
to start regulating,’ said Cable and Wireless security architect Shannon
Myers in a panel dubbed ‘Homeland Security vs. Wi-Fi’” (Boutin 2002).
Wirelessness here lies close to the potential telecommunications anarchy
of Benin, it seems (and this is borne out in more recent events: the Mumbai
bombings in India in 2008 involved the use of unsecured wireless networks
to send e-mails and the use of VoIP services to maintain contact between
the attackers (Cox 2009)). Hence, a year or so later, U.S. Deputy Secretary
of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, soon to move to the World Bank, signed a
directive, Directive number 8100.2 Use of Commercial Wireless Devices, Ser-
vices, and Technologies in the Department of Defense (DoD) Global Information
Grid (GIG) (Wolfowitz 2004). Given that the U.S. military already accesses
and controls many parts of the usable radio-frequency electromagnetic
spectrum, it is ironic that its most global communication system was
dogged in places such as Iraq by a profuse array of commercial wireless
devices dangling off its networks. Wolfowitz’s directive responded point-
edly to the growth of unregulated and unmanaged wireless networks in
the hands of U.S. troops in Iraq. Media and communication devices had
a very ambivalent status in that war. While the conduct of the war relied
deeply on global communication, communication networks also allowed
troops to communicate with each other and with their friends and families.
This led to an unplanned, unmanaged expansion of the global network-
centric warfare platform, GIG, through consumer electronic devices such
as laptops, digital cameras, and mobile phones. Unable to enforce a com-
plete decoupling of the consumer gadgets from the military GIG, the
8100.2 directive made a compromise.8 “Commercial wireless devices,” such
as Wi-Fi, can be attached to the GIG if everything is encrypted. The most
core platform of contemporary networkcentric warfare, the GIG, can
henceforth include consumer electronics gadgets and perhaps rely on
devices such as Wi-Fi routers and network cards? Henceforth, GIG is an
“enterprise service (ES),” and GIG is referred to as GIG ES in Department
of Defense documents. A notion of the enterprise runs deep in the con-
temporary state.
Even if wireless networks constantly evade regulation by states, the
rapid transition to wirelessly networked cities can be too rapid and over-
connected for some purposes. Put differently, wireless connectivity,
192 Chapter 7
is the term used by wireless operators, but it derives from urban planning,
where it designates an estimate of the amount and location of potential
development for an area. In other words, “build out” is not the process of
installing infrastructure, but a process of deciding what development
potential an area offers.) However, their planning seems to be falling awry
of much of the way that wirelessness works. Enormous industry invest-
ment has focused on increasing bandwidth. Belief in bandwidth motivates
national government policies, investment by mobile network operators, as
well as the projects and policies of international bodies such as the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and IEEE (Institute of Elec-
trical and Electronics Engineers). Actually, although large chunks of data
(video, music, images, files, etc.) are moving through networks more, the
major unanticipated form of growth in mobile data appears to consist of
the flood of small messages generated by many different kinds of applica-
tions rapidly or periodically polling for updates (Ghadialy 2009). E-mail
and location-based services make up only a small part of network traffic
(“bandwidth”), yet consume large amounts of signaling capacity
(“airtime”).2 Different applications have very different impacts on the wire-
less network. “Airtime” (“the radio network access time to deliver applica-
tions” (Ghadialy 2009)) and “bandwidth” usage display very disparate
perspectives on what is happening in wireless networks. “Data is not data
in a wireless network,” explains Mike Schabel, general manager of Alcatel-
Lucent’s network analysis product, 9900 Network Guardian (Alcatel-Lucent
2008). If that is the case, and analyses of contemporary network traffic
suggest it is, then belief in continually growing network bandwidth as the
defining feature of better networks begins to seem crude. The billions of
devices populating wireless networks seem to both heighten such a belief
and make it less tenable. In some ways, wireless mobile devices (such as
iPhone, etc.) highlight the irreducibility of wirelessness to the networks
even as, in other ways, they obscure it.
wirelessness, but they also necessitate new habits and skills in mainte-
nance, configuration, and modification of the compartments ascribed to
devices and infrastructures. In many domains, we encounter hesitant,
tenuous trajectories of networked action that do not originate in human
actors but come from entanglements with signals, locations, and others.
As networked devices sink deeper into the conduct of a life, as forms-of-life
become device-intensive, desires to set and realign boundaries on devices
operate with greater intensity. In these bifurcations, new kinds of crimes,
ethical dilemmas, policies, controls over access and security, and new
senses of proximity and distance arise.
• Recursive overflows of networked mediation Wireless experiments, vari-
Belief in Wirelessness
In the Will to Believe, James (1960, 4) concludes that belief is required when
we face a choice between two or more “live, forced, momentous hypoth-
eses.” His account of the nonideological production of belief begins by
making some philosophical distinctions. James defines a “hypothesis” as
any notion open to belief. “Live,” in this context, is used in an electrical
sense (“just as electricians speak of live and dead wires”). In general, it is
only really worth exploring “live hypotheses” (James 1960, 2). A dead
hypothesis refuses to “scintillate with any credibility” (p. 2) and would
only be of relevance to “absolute duffers” or to one “who has no interest
whatever” (p. 21). All of this is consistent with radical empiricism’s under-
standing of ideas as particularly rapid or advantageous pathways. The
degree of liveness of a hypothesis correlates with its propensity to lead to
decisive action: “The maximum of liveness in an hypothesis means willing-
ness to act irrevocably” (p. 3). In turn, a choice is “forced” when there is
no way not to choose: “go out or stay in” is a forced option since you have
to choose one path, and by not choosing, have a choice imposed on you.
James pays “momentous” little attention, simply opposing “momentous”
Live, Forced, Momentous Options and Belief in Wirelessness 203
Forced Belief
Beneath the local transfer there is always a conveyance of another nature. (Deleuze
1988, 47)
taken here is to show how pragmatic attempts to work with the conjunc-
tive relations generated at the interfaces between air and wires, between
airtime and network time, generate a power to intervene. Wireless net-
working is a domain pervaded by commercial realization and antiprag-
matic tendencies. It perhaps comes into existence as a commercial-public
project in the same way that “open-source” software is a commercial-public
phenomenon. (We could also include the free software projects of the late
1990s, or sound artists and musicians working with electronics and soft-
ware.) The powers to intervene in wireless networks are perhaps few and
far between. Whatever specificity of means they establish is likely to be
quickly appropriated and subsumed (and we have seen many cases of this
in earlier chapters: hardware modifications, software modifications, ways
of organizing groups, certain practices, hybridization of devices—all of
these have been quickly “productized”).
In the last decade, the problem of “what it means to live in the network
society” has been widely investigated. In the critical literature, there is a
broad consensus that digital information networks produce a certain
monotonous reduction of networks to systems of control. Sober sociologi-
cal accounts conclude: “It is arguable that the penetration of network
technologies into workplaces, sites of production, the infrastructure of
global commerce and the practice of warfare—in a phrase, their use as
technologies of systems control—will ultimately be more important to the
shape of the network society that their use as technologies of interpersonal
and mass communication” (Barney 2004, 60).
This argument readily fits wireless networks. Yet any such conclusion
is weakened to the extent that it still assumes that production (workplaces,
sites of production) and consumption/communication (“interpersonal and
mass communication”) remain in principle separable. Similarly, critical
media theory responses, such as Steven Shaviro’s Connected, or, What It
Means to Live in the Network Society, end by saying: “So this is what it means
to live in the network society. We have moved out of time and into space.
Anything you want is yours for the asking. . . . The one real innovation of
the network society is this: now surplus extraction is at the center of con-
sumption as well as production” (Shaviro 2003, 249).
The move out of time into space and the gratification of any desire
through connectivity both pivot around the extraction of surplus value
from “consumption and production.” The movements initiate shifts in
embodiment, subjectification, and value that crystallize distinctly in many
of the practices, actions, maps, architectures, topologies, databases, and
ideas of wirelessness.
Live, Forced, Momentous Options and Belief in Wirelessness 213
features of those things, antennae and signal processing stand out as what
make wireless media different from, say, gaming consoles or cameras
(although these, of course, are becoming increasingly wireless). The wire-
less antennae and algorithms seek to generate certain conjunctive relations
(“with,” “to,” “for”) that hold experience together. They intensively reorder
signals in the name of a connectivity that can tolerate interference or the
presence of others. Yet, once we begin to explore wireless media in practice,
it seems that the kinds of conjunctive relations they recruit are not easily
controlled, corralled, or limited. They overflow in equivocal proximities—
into other things, into living bodies, and across legal, physical, and social
boundaries. These overflows all affect transitions. They constitute changes
in the ways that transitions happen.
There is no ground for wirelessness, not even the mostly unfelt reaches
of the electromagnetic spectrum. Instead, the radical empiricist account of
experience allows us to say that the most intimate and most impersonal
can sometimes come close to each other. Things and sensations are not at
opposite poles of experience. This almost brings us full circle. We have
glimpsed the mediatized, materialized, contested, commodified, politi-
cized, normalized, and ignored kaleidoscopic cascade of changes associated
with wireless networks. Many of these changes seek to connect or align
what was previously separated or misaligned. But in almost every attempt
to converge, they disturb the rankings of conjunctive relations between
impersonal and personal, between remote and intimate. The flow of experi-
ence has to be reconfigured.
Chapter 1
1. The “wireless sniffing and monitoring” software Kismet runs on a laptop (Kershaw
2008). For instance, a Kismet scan for wireless devices in a train car typically shows
several active Wi-Fi devices.
2. In many respects, the figure and practice of the network distinguish wirelessness
today from the telegraphic wirelessness of the early twentieth century. The sensa-
tions of wireless movement and relation that excited so much interest a hundred
years ago (for instance, in futurist writings on radio analyzed by Timothy Campbell
(2006)) recapitulate themselves today in the much more dispersed or extensively
distributed network forms.
and relevant. However, it does take quite a strong interest in the increasing overlap
between techniques used to construct and manage mobile phone infrastructures
and Internet networks.
4. At this point, many readers might be feeling uneasy. Surely concepts of experi-
ence are just too philosophically depleted for further use. Aren’t they so engrained
with the figure of the human that any actual encounter with change glances off
them? Yes and no. If wirelessness is a form of experience, it is not one that leaves
the subject of experience, the one who experiences, unchanged. It does not leave
experience itself unchanged, and because of that, the one who experiences, also
changes. (The subject, or subjectivity, is always one who experiences something,
even if only themselves as a subject.) It is on this point that James’s radical empiri-
cism can make a crucial difference. One of the basic questions of this book is how
we make sense of changes in the fabric or texture of experience, without understand-
ing that change in terms of pregiven notions of experience and its subjects. I am
very much in sympathy with those strands of critical work on media and technology
that call for accounts of human subjects and technological objects co-constituting
hand in hand (see Mackenzie 2002). However, one of the interests in promoting an
account based on experience and experiments in rapid change is to see how that
encounter can generate specific changes, or channel inmixing of both living and
nonliving things in forms of unexpected otherness or alterity.
6. This phrase comes from one of the reviewers of the manuscript of this book.
7. “Tout y est pris sur un même plan: idées, propositions, impressions, choses,
individus, sociétés. L’expérience, c’est cet ensemble diffus, enchevêtré, de choses, de
mouvements, de devenirs, de relations, sans distinction première, sans principe
fondateur” (Debaise 2005, 104).
8. The point of this variation on James’s account of the rationale of radical empiri-
cism lies along similar lines to that proposed by Elizabeth Grosz (2005, 143) when
she suggests that Bergson helps us reapprehend the thing: “to orient technology not
so much to knowing and mediating as to experience and the rich interdeterminacy
of duration, to a making without definitive end or goal.”
While I turn to Bergson at several points in the following chapters, and specifically
in the conclusion, James’s work also emphasizes a superabundance of the real and
experience. Bergson’s (1934, 240) highly affirmative regard for James centers on just
this point: “Whereas our motto to us is only what is needed, that of nature is More
than is needed, too much of this, too much of that, too much of everything. Reality,
as James sees it, is redundant and superabundant.”
However, if Bergson’s work has facilitated diverse and wide-ranging interventions
in debates around audiovisual media such as cinema, video, and interactive or digital
art (Hansen 2004; Rodowick 2001), James’s work, much less known in media and
cultural studies, stresses a specific set of relations that I find conducive to the
problem of wireless technologies. James’s emphasis on conjunctive relations lends
much greater weight to the wirelessness of wireless technologies. Even in simply
pointing to conjunctive relations, and bringing them into the flow of experience,
radical empiricism moves in the direction set out by Grosz.
9. The word consciously evokes unconsciously, and can thereby switch on the para-
digm of subjectivity. The complementary term best substituted here would be
10. For a fully developed account of James’s political philosophy, see Ferguson 2007.
11. How many different aspects of wirelessness will we need to examine? The treat-
ment in the following chapters marks out space, action, belonging, awareness, and
globality as key facets of wirelessness. In choosing different scales of analysis for this
book, I have attempted to remain alert to the problem discussed by historian of
information technology Paul Edwards (2003) in an essay on infrastructures and
modernity. Because we live “within multiple, linked infrastructures,” we also
“inhabit and traverse multiple scales of force, time and social organization” (p. 222).
Confining analysis to any one scale (typically the micro for media, cultural, and
social studies of uses and practices; the meso for analyses of institutions, organiza-
tions, and systems; the macro for studies of capitalism, modernity, etc.) jeopardizes
the possibility of following these traversals, and jettisons any chance of finding out
what transformations and translations come of it. Edwards argues that multiscale
(micro-, meso-, and macroscale) analyses of technology, society, and nature are
218 Notes to Chapter 1
12. For an extended discussion of Nancy on capital and Being, see Ross 2007.
13. Nancy’s work derives from a French deconstructionist reading of Heidegger. The
match between his style of writing and James’s is, to say the least, rather poor.
However, while Nancy’s elliptical style and heavy hyphenation pose certain reading
challenges, his intensive development of the conjunction “with” in framing of
Being-with offers, it seems to me, a highly useful expression of the most extreme
forms of capture of conjunctive relations. This will be particularly useful in under-
standing “global wireless” or “wireless worlds.”
Another way to go here would be to examine the contemporary appropriation of
intersubjective relations in communicative processes. This has been analyzed exten-
sively in Marxist and post-Marxist political economy, cultural, and media theory,
particularly in the work of Paolo Virno and Maurizio Lazzaratto (Lazzaratto 1998;
Terranova 2000; Virno 2004).
14. Given all possible permutations, the following seven chapters could be read in
a thousand or so different orders. The order in which I have arranged the chapters
moves from the city to chipset/algorithm, to device, to networks, to media and
markets, and then to wirelessness writ large in global development projects. But the
chapters could be read in a different order: from small to large, from chip (chapter
3) to globe (chapter 7), via devices (chapter 3), network actions (chapter 4), media
markets (chapter 5), and (chapter 2) cities. That order would reflect a gradually
broadening theoretical argument that begins with minute sensations and moves to
global awareness of others.
Chapter 2
2. The urban grid reappears, as the next chapter discusses, in the architectural layout
of digital signal-processing chips, as well as in the algorithms used to shape wireless
3. In The Meaning of Truth, James (1909, 45) writes: “To call my present idea of my
dog, for example, cognitive of the real dog means that, as the actual tissue of experi-
ence is constituted, the idea is capable of leading into a chain of other experiences
on my part that go from next to next and terminate at last in vivid sense-perceptions
of a jumping, barking, hairy body.”
Notes to Chapter 2 219
The idea of a dog and real dogs appear often in James’s writings about truth and
knowledge. As a methodological point, in my handling of radical empiricism, I try
to treat epistemological problems as problems of ambulation and tethers. Hence a
dog off the leash in a crowded city street posed problems of coordination and direc-
tion, not of knowing that it is a dog. Given that the idea of wireless city responds
to people moving in communication, the jumping, barking, hairy body in Leicester
Square and wireless London are part of the same chain of experience.
4 . W I F LY 目 前 除 了 臺 北 市 七 大 商 業 區 、 捷 運 全 線 、 7 - E L E V E N 、 星 巴 克 咖 啡 、
5. Belatedly, Beijing came to have a public wireless network. At the 2008 Beijing
Olympics, Beijing launched itself as a wireless city, and only in a very limited version
around important tourist and business precincts (see map on CECT—China Com-
munications Ltd. 2008).
In a network culture, the differentiating power of image flows achieves a kind of hydrodynamic
status characterized by a local sensitivity to global conditions. . . . The result seems to be a
political field that cannot be made to unite under a single signifier . . . or even under a stable
consensus; while at the same time it cannot really be split off into separate segments with
completely socio-cultural identities (even hybrid ones)—a space that is common without being
homogeneous or even equal.
Terranova theorizes the “differentiating image flows” in the context of mass com-
munication, and a mass audience’s capacity to defy reason, analysis, or classification
in the process of their responses. The “hydrodynamic status” of these image flows,
while not discussed in detail, might be something like a turbulent flow, a flow of
images in which many vortices, eddies, and cascades are seen. Something similar, I
would argue, applies to wirelessness.
Chapter 3
3. “The scope of the event is part of its effects, of the problem posed in the future
it creates. Its measure is the object of multiple interpretations, but it can be measured
by the very multiplicity of these interpretations” (Stengers 2000, 67).
In epistemological terms to extract an ideal event from an actually occurring one is, basically,
to define what is problematic about it, to grasp what about the event objectively stands in need of
explanation. This involves discerning in the actual event what is relevant and irrelevant for its
explanation, what is important and what is not. That is, it involves correctly grasping the objec-
tive distribution of the singular and the ordinary defining a well-posed problem.
While I find Delanda’s reading of Deleuze and Guattari on science overly vigorous
in some respects, it can be rendered pragmatically. The following discussion of signal
processing could be read as extraction of “an ideal event.” Isabelle Stengers (2005)
puts the same point a different way. As she writes, “A philosophical ‘counter-
effectuation’ would not be a strange ‘Mime,’ but would create by its own means
what busy scientists so easily forget, namely the ‘dignity of event’ that makes them
busy” (p. 158).
8. Humanities and social science work on the fast Fourier transform is hard to find,
even though the FFT-IFFT couplet is the common mathematical basis of much
contemporary digital image, video, and sound compression, and hence conditions
most digital multimedia (in JPEG, MPEG, and MP3 file formats and in DVDs, for
instance). In the early 1990s, Friedrich Kittler wrote an article that discussed it
(Kittler 1993). His key point was largely that there is no real time in digital signal
processing. The FFT works by defining a sliding window of time for a signal. It treats
a complicated signal as a set of blocks that it lifts out of the time domain and trans-
forms into the frequency domain. The FFT effectively plots an event in time as a
graph in space. The experience of real time is epiphenomenal. In terms of the FFT,
a signal is always partly in the future or the past. Although Kittler was not referring
to the use of FFT in wireless networks, the same point applies—there is no real-time
communication. While this point about the impossibility of real-time calculation
was important to make during the 1990s, it seems well established now. I think an
analysis of how FFT is used in wireless networks (but also in many wideband com-
munication systems such as ADSL, DVB, and DAB) can do more than critique naive
notions of real time.
Notes to Chapter 3 221
9. Deleuze and Guattari (1994, 188) write of the scientific function, “It relinquishes
the infinite, infinite speed, in order to gain a reference able to actualize the virtual.”
In their terms, the FFT here is an attempt to actualize the virtuality of networks in
urban or severe signal environments.
11. Probabilistic processes have been of great interest ever since population became
a thinkable entity in the nineteenth century, something that could be counted and
controlled (Thrift 2004a, 588). Probability and randomness have a number of dif-
ferent conceptual layers in the Viterbi algorithm. First, the algorithm regards all
signals, sequences, or systems in probabilistic terms. In particular, it treats them as
a hidden Markov model. A Markov model is a way of understanding stochastic
processes. It models situations by assuming that the next state or event in the system
is dependent only on the present state, not past states, and by assuming that the
most probable next state can be known. For instance, the game of snakes and ladders
can be modeled as a Markov process because the next move depends entirely on
the present state of the board and on a roll of the dice. (More formally, the condi-
tional probability distribution of next moves in snakes and ladders depends on a
current state and roll of the dice.) Similarly, in convolutional coding, the next bit
in a data stream relates to the preceding bits. The explanatory analogy supplied by
Wikipedia under “Viterbi algorithm ” is useful:
Assume you have a friend who lives far away and who you call daily to talk about what each
of you did that day. Your friend has only three things he’s interested in: walking in the park,
shopping, and cleaning his apartment. The choice of what to do is determined exclusively by
the weather on a given day. You have no definite information about the weather where your
friend lives, but you know general trends. Based on what he tells you he did each day, you try
to guess what the weather must have been like.
You believe that the weather operates as a discrete Markov chain. There are two states, “Rainy”
and “Sunny,” but you cannot observe them directly, that is, they are hidden from you. On each
day, there is a certain chance that your friend will perform one of the following activities,
depending on the weather: “walk,” “shop,” or “clean.” Since your friend tells you about his
activities, those are the observations. The entire system is that of a hidden Markov model (HMM).
You know the general weather trends in the area and you know what your friend likes to do
on average. . . .
You talk to your friend three days in a row and discover that on the first day he went for a walk,
on the second day he went shopping, and on the third day he cleaned his apartment. You have
two questions: What is the overall probability of this sequence of observations? (“Viterbi
Algorithm” 2008)
12. Every algorithm, apart from so-called brute-force algorithms, contains a twist
or kink that affects the flow of the computational process. (The fast Fourier trans-
form is fast because it applies a “divide-and-conquer” strategy to synthesize or
analyze the components of a signal.) The hidden Markov model is one twist or kink
at the heart of the Viterbi algorithm. It treats the received signal as a set of states
that correspond to a Markov model that cannot be observed directly. Via the hidden
Markov model, the Viterbi algorithm turns the communication situation inside out.
The combination of a known and finite set of system states and probability is turned
inside out by the algorithm because it treats the Markov model as hidden. The object
of making a hidden Markov model is to deduce the most probable sequence of
internal states that could have given rise to the observed sequence of signals.
Chapter 4
2. Other symptoms would also include circuit bending for music and sound,
dorkbot events (dorkbot 2008), hacklabs (London Hacklabs Collective 2008), and,
indeed, the many art, activist, and community-based wireless network projects of
4. This can be traced back to Heidegger’s (1967) distinction in Being and Time
between two different modes of being: present-to-hand and ready-to-hand.
6. Actually, despite their proliferation, the hotspots have not, it seems, been very
hot. The bar employees often do not know of the hotspot’s existence. Many hotspots
are rarely used due to their excessive cost and because they remain, ironically, rela-
tively invisible and difficult to access (Frankston 2003).
7. The many attempts to federate or associate wireless devices with each other in
networks or “wireless mesh” would be one main consequence. This will be discussed
in the following chapter.
Notes to Chapter 5 223
Chapter 5
1. The basic opposition between globalizing network and resistant locality seems to
structure network society literature, as many commentators have remarked (Couldry
2004; Miller and Slater 2000).
2. “Chaque expérience est une action et chaque action a un center qui la désigne
comme réalité singulère” (Debaise 2007, 13).
6. Some locative artworks such as Loca (Hemment et al. 2006), a work installed in
city streets and art galleries to log and message passing Bluetooth-enabled mobile
devices, addressed issues like surveillance and control. Such works I would argue
sometimes shy away from the more challenging aspects of Tarkka’s question about
potentialities for thinking and acting.
7. Moreover, the enmeshing of the community wireless node database with provid-
ing services for consumers goes deeper. The developers affirm their
relation to commercial node databases by quoting someone else’s response:
Is the source code available? (following was written by the website author, for website, a HAM mapping site. However this is the exact feeling of those that have
contributed to the project, and couldn’t have written it better if we tried.)
No. Commercialization is the primary reason I’ve not open-sourced my code. I’ve gotten a
surprising number of requests from persons inside the GIS industry to either give or sell them
my code, or consult for them. ( 2007)
This is a slightly confusing comment in some ways. The developers explain their
decision not to release the source code using someone else’s explanation for why
they have decided not to release their source code. The justification offered by the
author of the website becomes the expression of a collective decision.
What I find interesting in the comment is the acknowledgment that the node data-
base has changed the way the developers think of their own actions: others may
224 Notes to Chapter 5
ask them for their work, or ask them to act as consultants on presumably commercial
8. As Felix Guattari (1984, 135) writes, “One can always replace any pronoun with
‘it,’ which covers all pronominality, be it personal, demonstrative, possessive, inter-
rogative or indefinite, whether it refers to adjectives or verbs.”
In a sense, this chapter traces the process of that replacement in node databases.
9. For instance, as Wendy Chun (2006, 37) has argued, the Internet acquired a
sociopolitical aura of the “medium of freedom” only by becoming cyberspace in the
11. As Marcel Mauss or Pierre Bourdieu do. Bourdieu (2000, 148) writes: “Action is
neither ‘purely reactive,’ as in Weber’s phrase, nor purely conscious and calculated.
Through the cognitive and motivating structures that it brings into play (which
always depend, in part, on the field, acting as a field of forces, of which it is the
product), habitus plays its part in determining things to be done, or not to be done,
the urgencies, etc., which trigger action.”
12. Nancy (2000, 64) writes in relation to capital and “with”: “The intuition buried
in Marx’s work is undoubtedly located in the following ambivalence: at one and
the same time, capital exposes the general alienation of the proper—which is the
generalized disappropriation, or the appropriation of misery in every sense of the
word—and it exposes the stripping bare of the with as a mark of Being, or as a mark
of meaning.”
My use of Nancy here attempts to identify “with” as a conjunctive relation. If
being-with-another is the only irreducible “mark of meaning,” the one thing that
cannot be alienated, then careful analysis of forms of “with” might be valuable.
13. This point also applies to things. As Simondon (1989, 52) writes, “The technical
object is at the meeting point of two milieus, and it must be integrated into two
milieus at once” (L’objet technique est au point de rencontre de deux milieux, et il
doit être intégré aux deux milieux à fois).
Chapter 6
1. Sometimes the listing of places goes in strange directions. Wi-Fi has been the
object of some slightly absurd visioning or “hype.” The somewhat confusingly
named Wi-Fi TV is a “new generation social software Internet TV” (Wi-iFi TV 2008).
In other words, it is a website where registered users can subscribe to many (hun-
dreds, it is claimed) “TV stations.” Why name a TV-oriented website “Wi-Fi TV”?
Somehow the name was meant to convey an idea of convergence between broadcast
and network media. Should we dismiss this as just another of the ceaseless attempts
Notes to Chapter 6 225
to sell services on the Internet by harnessing desires and beliefs, albeit this time a
bit misleadingly?
2. The network society of the 1980s and 1990s involved moving ever-mounting
quantities of information between points on the relatively fixed networks. The
development of wireless networks, however, changes the stakes, according to
Mitchell (2003). It is a question of “reactivating” public spaces by bending network
fixtures to suit different kinds of local movements:
3. Several years later, it seemed that Intel’s hype had paid off: “Intel has thanked
strong demand for its Centrino [Wi-Fi-equipped] laptop processors for a 29% rise in
quarterly profits. The world’s largest chip maker saw net income for its first quarter
ending 2 April increase to $2.2bn (£1.1bn), against $1.7bn a year earlier” (BBC 2005).
6. This is consistent too, at least in key respects, with Jean-Luc Nancy’s account of
how the appropriating processes of capital inadvertantly expose relations of coap-
pearing or “with.” In this context, the list literally puts variations in subjectification
“with”each other, despite the fact that they might not belong together.
7. The recently reawakened interest in Tarde surveyed in Barry and Thrift 2007
emphasizes this point: the basic “social fact” is fluxes in relation.
8. “C’est par l’affectionabilité, par le sentir pur, fonds commun de désirs et de croy-
ances, que Tarde décrit la différence à la fois de nature et de degré entre les activités
de creation et de reproduction” (Lazzarato 2002, 21).
9. “Le pensée et la chose, le sujet et l’objet ne sont pas des entités séparées, ou des
substances. Ils sont des modes irréductiblement temporels de relation de l’expérience
à elle-même.”
10. The general point about how technologies become background or infrastruc-
tural is well known from social studies of technology (Bowker and Star 1999),
but the process of making something visible in some forms so that it can become
226 Notes to Chapter 7
invisible in others is much less well understood. Here, the process of sorting experi-
ence as inner and outer, and equivocations in this sorting, play a key role.
Chapter 7
1. Many of the most visible wireless development projects are actually public-pri-
vate partnerships. These partnerships take many forms. Sometimes these partner-
ships themselves are highly complex networks. For instance, NetHope describes
itself as
While it is hard to judge what “new generation” means in the context of develop-
ment, NetHope seeks to federate NGOs into a consortium that shares ICT kits for
use in relief efforts for disasters and war. They offer advice to NGOs on how to
establish network connectivity among teams, and communication between the
disaster or war zone and other parts of the planet. While they do use wireless tech-
nologies such as Wi-Fi, aid agencies mainly use satellite connections equipment to
communicate via the four VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) satellites owned by
Inmarsat. As Télécoms Sans Frontières (2007) describes their own equipment, “The
Inmarsat BGan [Broadband Global Area Network] is the latest innovation in satellite
communication equipment. It permits 10 computers to the Broadband Internet and
also offers voice and fax services. The BGan is light (less than 4 kg) and mobile
(deployable within minutes).”
The satellite networks invoked here were first developed for shipping and mineral
exploration use, but are now reconfigured as part of a “broadband global area
network.” Each term of this Bgan contraction makes a claim to do something quite
surprising since it brings together broadband (a claim to high-volume communica-
tion), global (as in covering the earth), area (now expanded to include the globe),
and network (the standard model-figure-practice of communication).
3. Jean-Luc Nancy (2000, 69) writes: “The being-in-itself of ‘society’ is the network
and cross-referencing [le renvoi mutuel] of co-existence, that is, of coexistences. That
is why every society gives itself its spectacle and gives itself as spectacle, in one form
or another.”
Notes to Chapter 7 227
4. See the chapters on “one or many worlds” in Some Problems of Philosophy (James
1911). For a more general framing of James in the context of political theory, see
Ferguson 2007.
Une étude commanditée par l’Etat du Bénin dans le secteur des télécommunications dans le
pays a fait “l’amer constat” de la grande anarchie qui y prévaut, incitant le gouvernement à
annoncer une série de mesures drastiques, a appris Ouestafnews de source officielle.
L’étude révèle qu’un total de “47 opérateurs sur 50 visités,” exercent “tout ou partie de leurs
activités en violation des textes” privant ainsi l’Etat béninois “d’importantes recettes” et provo-
quant “une forte hémorragie financière au préjudice de l’Etat béninois,” affirme un communiqué
du Conseil des ministres parvenu à Ouestafnews. . . .
L’Etat, selon le communiqué va également suspendre tous les “arrêtés portant autorisation de
prestation de services de télécommunications telles que la Voix sur IP, la boucle locale radio, le
wifi, le wimax, l’adsl, les cartes prépayées à l’exception des fournisseurs d’accès internet et des
opérateurs de cybercafé qui exploitent légalement leurs activités.”
Les conditions de la récente “mutation des Telecel vers Moov” (opérateurs privés) seront égale-
ment examinées, promet le gouvernement béninois qui annonce plusieurs autres mesures dont
notamment le démantèlement “sans délai” d’installations techniques opérées sans autorisation,
le relèvement des prix de licences accordées de “manière fantaisiste.” (Ouestaf 2007)
8. “Wireless devices shall not be used for storing, processing, or transmitting clas-
sified information without explicit written approval of the cognizant DAA [Desig-
nated Approving Authority]. If approved by the DAA, only assured channels
employing National Security Agency (NSA)-approved encryption shall be used to
transmit classified information. Classified data stored on PEDs must be encrypted
using NSA-approved encryption consistent with storage and treatment of classified
information” (Wolfowitz 2004, 3).
Chapter 8
1. “Nous baignons, d’aprés James, dans une atmosphére que traversent de grands
courants spirituels” (Bergson 1934, 243).
2. This is because most mobile devices unpredictably transit in and out of dormancy
in order to extend battery life. Each time they rejoin the network, a series of signals
have to be exchanged to set up a connection.
3. “La reàlité coule; nous coulons avec elle; et nous appelons vraie toute affirmation
qui, en nous dirigeant à travers la reàlité mouvante, nous donne prise sur elle et
nous place dans de meilleures conditions pour agir.”
4. This convergence runs in both directions between James and Bergson. For
instance, in The Pluralistic Universe, James (1909, 231–236) discusses at length how
228 Notes to Chapter 8
for Bergson’s ideas and concepts themselves are of practical value. See Ferguson
2007, chapter 4, for an account of the bilateral exchanges between Bergson and
5. Much work in feminism, cultural theory, media studies, and film studies filters
Bergson via Gilles Deleuze (Boundas 1996; Grosz 2005; Mullarkey 1999; Rodowick
7. Bergson (1934, 23) writes: “Mais si l’on commence par écarter les concepts déjà
faits, si l’on se donne une vision direct de réel, si l’on subdivise alors cette réalité
en tenant compte de ses articulations, les concepts nouveaux qu’on devra bien
former pour s’exprimer seront cette taillés à l’exacte mesure de l’objet.”
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Lapoujade, David, 14, 20 Nancy, Jean-Luc, 23, 45, 69, 142, 143,
“Last-mile problem,” 7 175, 176
Lazzarato, Maurizio, 147, 164 Negroponte, Nicholas, 8, 150–151
Linksys, 88–89, 91, 107, 110–112 Network connectivity, 3–4, 19, 103. See
Linux, 110 also Wireless networks
Lists, 147–148 Network culture, 121
Localization, 126–128 Network society, 10–11
Local versus global, 113, 120 Network theory, 9–10
Locating wireless access points, Node databases, 117–119, 129–135,
117–119, 129–135 140, 142
Location types, 149–150, 153 NodeDB software, 130, 135
Locative media, 122, 127–128, 132
LocustWorld MeshBoxes, 114 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI),
London, 36–39, 45–49 100
Lovink, Geert, 9, 198 Open wireless networks, 12
Open Wireless Real Time (OpenWRT),
Maintenance and repair, 97 110–112
Mali, Timbuktu, 179–180, 181–182 Operating systems, 110, 181
Management. See Regulation; Security Overflow, 15, 21, 122–123, 201,
Manhattan distance, 81–82 213–214
Marketing, 139, 152–153. See also
Advertising Parasitic wireless model, 180–181
Markets, 145, 146–147, 154, 158–159. Pathways, 32–33
See also Development projects Pay-by-the-minute connections, 36–37
Meadel, Cecile, 147, 158, 159 Perceiving, 85, 96, 176
Media convergence, 98–99 Philadelphia, 34, 54, 56
254 Index