Civil Review Notes by Atty. Serfino PDF
Civil Review Notes by Atty. Serfino PDF
Civil Review Notes by Atty. Serfino PDF
Can acquire the materials by paying their Entitled to payment for the value of the
value [Art. 447] materials OR he may remove the
materials if he can do so without injury to
the work constructed
B. Bad Faith Good Faith
Can acquire the materials by paying their Entitled to payment for the value of the
value plus damages materials plus damages OR he may
remove the materials even if there is
injury to the work constructed plus
C. Good Faith Bad Faith
Can acquire the materials without paying Loses the materials completely without
for their value and is entitled to receiving any indemnity
consequential damages due to the defects
in the materials
D. Bad Faith Bad Faith
Option #1
to appropriate as his own the works, To receive the indemnity provided for in
sowing or planting, after payment of the articles 546 and 548 and he has a right to
indemnity provided for in articles 546 and retain the land (without having to pay
548 (the indemnity includes the value of rent) until the Landowner pays
what has been built, planted, or sowed
and the value of the materials): Can remove the useful improvements
provided it does not cause any injury
▪ necessary expenses
▪ useful expenses If the LO does not choose to appropriate
▪ luxurious expenses (if the LO the luxurious improvements, he can
wishes to appropriate the same) remove the luxurious improvements
provided it does not cause any injury to
the principal thing
Option # 2
to oblige the one who built or planted to To buy the land (at fair market value
pay the price of the land (except when its when the value is not considerably more
value is considerably more than that of the than the value of the buildings or trees)
building or trees), and the one who sowed, or, in case of sowing, the proper rent
the proper rent
If the value of the land is considerably
more than the value of the building or
trees, he cannot be compelled to buy the
land, but shall pay reasonable rent if the
LO does not choose Option # 1
Option #1
To acquire whatever has been built, Loses what has been built, planted or sown
planted, or sown without paying but he is entitled to indemnity for
indemnity necessary expenses (without any right of
(except for necessary expenses) [Art. retention); and expenses for pure luxury
449]. He must also pay for the value of should the LO appropriate these items
expenses for pure luxury if he wants to
appropriate these. Has no right of reimbursement for useful
expenses and cannot remove useful
expenses even if no injury will be caused
To oblige the BP to pay the price of the To pay the price of the land
land and the S to pay proper rent [Art. (even if the value of the land is
450] considerably higher) plus damages
Demand the demolition of the work, or Has to demolish or remove plus pay
that the planting or sowing be removed, damages
in order to replace things in their former
condition at the expense of the person
who built, planted or sowed [Art. 450]
He is entitled to damages
To acquire what has been built, planted To receive indemnity from the LO and
or sown by paying the indemnity and damages
damages to BPS [Art. 454 in relation to
Art. 457] If LO does not acquire, he can remove
whatever has been built or planted
whether or not it will cause injury plus
Option #1
Option # 2
to oblige the one who built To buy the land or, in case To receive indemnity only
or planted to pay the price of sowing, the proper rent from the BPS (LO no longer
of the land (except when its subsidiarily liable having
value is considerably more sold the property)
than that of the building or
trees), and the one who ~ or ~
sowed, the proper rent
to remove the materials if
he can do so without injury
to the work constructed, or
without the plantings,
constructions or works
being destroyed
B. Good Faith Good Faith Bad Faith
Option #1
To acquire whatever has Loses what has been built, (Since both the BPS and
been built, planted, or planted or sown but he is OM are in bad faith, they
sown without paying entitled to indemnity for are treated as being both in
indemnity necessary expenses; and good faith)
(except for necessary expenses for pure luxury
expenses) [Art. 449]. He should the LO appropriate Whatever is the choice of
must also pay for the value these items the LO, he has a right to
of expenses for pure luxury receive indemnity for the
if he wants to appropriate Has no right of removal value of the materials from
these. even if no injury will be the BPS (LO has no liability
caused whatsoever)
To oblige the BP to pay the To pay the price of the land He has a right to receive
price of the land and the S (even if the value of the indemnity for the value of
to pay proper rent [Art. land is considerably higher) the materials from the BPS
450] (LO has no liability)
To acquire what has been To receive indemnity from To receive indemnity for
built, planted or sown by the LO and damages the value of the materials
paying the indemnity and primarily from BPS; if the
damages to BPS [Art. 454 in Cannot insist that he BPS is insolvent, LO would
relation to Art. 447] purchase the land be subsidiarily liable
Can demand for separation of the things Can demand for separation of the things
[Art. 469]
If the accessory is much more precious Can demand separation of the accessory
than the principal thing thing, even though principal may suffer
some damage
Good Faith Bad Faith
Acquires the accessory and can demand Loses the thing incorporated plus
damages obligation to pay damages
1. Intent – that which the other is attached to as the ornament, or for its use, or
perfection (regardless of value or volume) is the principal;
2. Value – the thing of greater value is the principal
3. Volume - the thing of greater volume is the principal
4. Comparative merits, utility and volume
By chance By chance
Good Faith
Acquires the thing belonging to owner in Loses the thing belonging to him plus has
bad faith plus can demand damages the obligation to pay damages
Acquires the work plus may demand for Loses the materials plus obligation to pay
damages for damages (due to defective materials)
Bad Faith Bad Faith
1. Reimbursement by:
While ownership has for its attributes the right to enjoy (jus utendi, jus fruendi, jus
abutendi), the right to dispose (jus disponendi), and the right to vindicate or recover the
property (jus vindicandi), usufruct is limited merely to the enjoyment of the property
(jus utendi and jus fruendi)