Chapter II Page 17-24
Chapter II Page 17-24
Chapter II Page 17-24
comprehension. The two groups are given pre-test at the beginning in order to
measure the students reading comprehension before treatment. Then after the
E X1 XX Y2
C X1 O Y2
E: Experimental Group
C: Control Group
X1: Pre-test
Y2: Post-test
XX: Treatment toward experimental group using Jeopardy Game
O: No treatment
The table shows that both pre-test and post-test are administered. The pre-
test is used to determine whether experimental and control group really have
increased or not their initial reading comprehension. After doing the pre-test, the
experimental group and control group. The result is analyzed by using t-test to
2.2 Variables
There are two variables which are investigated; independent variable and
dependent variable. In this research, the independent variable was jeopardy game
and the dependent variable was students’ reading comprehension. The variable
was observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable.
The population of this study was the second grade students of SMA
Kristen Petra Malang, located in Jalan 58 Moh.Yamin. The second grade of SMA
Kristen Petra Malang consisted of 2 classes (XI IPA and XI IPS), XI IPA
took class XI IPS as an experimental class that is given the treatment by using
Jeopardy Game on students reading comprehension. Class XI IPA was the control
class that was not given the treatment or without game. The researcher chose this
school because SMA Kristen Petra Malang is one of Senior High School in
Malang and the researcher want to know the reading comprehension using
achieve the accuracy of the data and can indicate that the writer is succesful or not
in her research. The instruments which are used in this study are testing which
2.4.1. Test
The test in this study is devided into two kinds of test they are:
1. Pre-test
Pre-test is a test that is given to the control group and experimental group
2. Post-test
Post-test is a test that is given to the control group and the experimental
group after the researcher did the treatment. The post-test is used to
measure the effect of the treatment. If the result of the experimental group
is higher than the control group, it means that the treatment make greater
2.4.2 Questionnaire
2.5.1 Validity
accurately applied and interpreted. The validity data of this study was taken from
the test which is given to the students and consulted to the English teacher based
on the curriculum and students’ cumpulsory books. The content validity of the test
is gotten from curriculum and syllabus that are used in education place, the
researcher give the test depend on the curriculum and syllabus that is used.
2.5.2 Reliability
score on different testing occasions or with different raters. Since the type of test
weather the test is reliable. Inter-rater reliability refers to the degree of consistency
σof scores given by two or more scorers to the same set of oral or written texts
(Sarosdy et al. 2006, p.135). Inter-rater is achieved when two scorers or two raters
do the scoring. Then, to find out the reliability, two sets of scores gotten from the
two raters are calculated by using Pearson Product-Momentat SPSS 16.0 for
𝐾 𝛴𝜎𝑏2
r11=( ) (1 − )
(𝑘−1) 𝜎𝑡 2
Notes :
The data collection is collected the researcher from the test. The researcher
give two kinds of the test. On the previous explanations, researcher give pre-test
and post-test to differenciate the result after and before doing treatment by using
game. The pre-test itself to know the score before, which is determine the students
reading English mastery. Before doing post-test the researcher apply the treatment
in significant different to the control group and experimental group and giving
post-test for both of two groups in the last meeting, and after doing pre-test and
post-test the researcher given questionnaire. There are four steps to collect the
data those are doing observation, conducting pre-test, giving treatment, and
conducting post-test.
students’ reading ability, their interest in reading and to know how the teacher
teach the students and to know the effectiveness of Jeopardy game on their
reading comprehension.
and experiment group. It is conducted to find out initial equivalent between two
After doing the treatment, the researcher gives post-test to control and
experimental class. It is conducted to know the students ability after given the
The table activities for experimental and control group are presented in
a. Experimental Group
b. Control Group
difference on the students’ scores before and after being taught by using
Reading comprehension, the data was collected from students’ score in pre-test
and post-test. Then, the data which was gained from those two tests was
Sample T-test is used when the samples are paired or correlated where each
individual results in two data. In other words, the scores for “pre-test” and
“post-test” are correlated because those scores are resulted by one individual.
In this study, the writer used SPSS version 16.0 for Windows to test the
normality. In SPSS, there are two kinds of normality test: Kolmogrov Smirnov
Test and Shapiro Wilk Test. The criterion of SPSS: a. If respondents > 50, the
normality test uses Kolmogrov Smirnov. b. If respondents < 50, the normality test
used Shapiro Wilk In this study, the respondents were below 50, the normality test
that can be used was Shapiro Wilk Test. If the significant value of the Shapiro-
Wilk Test is higher than 0.05, the data is normally distibuted. Then, if it is below
0.05, the data significantly deviate from a normal distribution. The criterion of
hypothesis is:
H0: Significant Score > 0.05 means the data is normally distributed.
H1: Significant Score < 0.05 means the data is not normally distributed.
If the level og significance < 0.05, the variance in every sample is not