0118 Gearsolutions PDF
0118 Gearsolutions PDF
0118 Gearsolutions PDF
Bevel Gears (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Your Resource for Machines, Services, and Tooling for the Gear Industry gearsolutions.com
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Whatever your needs, we’ve got you covered!
We’re all g-EARS
Perfect Fit
By Kenneth Carter
Bevel Gears (India) Pvt. Ltd. has designed and manufactured bevel gears
and bevel gearboxes for more than 40 years
JANUARY 2018 3
Manufacturers of:
15 American
In this section, the premier supporter of gear manufacturing in the United States
and beyond shares news of the organization’s activities, upcoming educational and
training opportunities, technical meetings and seminars, standards development,
Gear Manufacturers
and the actions of AGMA councils and committees. Association
Will Terry
Mike Burnett
Taking material modifications into consideration can play an
JTEKT Toyoda Americas Corporation
important role in reducing overall machining costs. Here are
some helpful tips.
Brian Dengel
There are different types of gears to choose from depending
on the orientation of the application.
Gear Solutions (ISSN 1933 - 7507) is published monthly by Media Solutions, Inc., 266D Yeager Parkway,
Pelham, AL 35124. Phone (205) 380-1573 Fax (205) 380-1580 International subscription rates: $72.00 per year.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Pelham AL and at additional mailing offices. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to Gear Solutions magazine, P.O. Box 1210, Pelham, AL 35124. Publications mail
agreement No. 41395015 return undeliverable Canadian addresses to P.O. Box 503 RPO West Beaver Creek,
D. Scott MacKenzie, Ph.D., FASM Richmond Hill, ON L4B4R6. Copyright®© 2006 by Media Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
THE CHEMISTRY (PART I) No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage-and-retrieval system without
This installment explores the chemistry of oil quenchants permission in writing from the publisher. The views expressed by those not on the staff on Gear Solutions
and the effects of additive packages on quenching magazine, or who are not specifically employed by Media Solutions, Inc., are purely their own. All “Industry
News” material has either been submitted by the subject company or pulled directly from their corporate web
performance, to be followed in February by a discussion site, which is assumed to be cleared for release. Comments and submissions are welcome, and can be submitted
of base oils. to [email protected].
VOLUME 16 / NO. 1
Cover Courtesy: Oerlikon
JANUARY 2018 5
LETTER David C. Cooper
Chad Morrison
Gear Solutions magazine BRIAN DENGEL
[email protected] MATT CROSON
(800) 366-2185 x204
6 gearsolutions.com
Y ea h , w e ’v e got t h at!
343 JOHN DOWNEY DRIVE • NEW BRITAIN, CT 06051-2907 • PHONE 860-223-7778 • FAX 860-223-7776 • [email protected]
Companies wishing to submit materials for inclusion in Industry News should contact the editor, Kenneth Carter, at [email protected]. Releases
accompanied by color images will be given first consideration.
8 gearsolutions.com
are waived for individual speakers presenting at can also access the technical papers and pre- artifact using a laser scanner. Speakers
the conference. In the case of multiple authors, sentations via the CMSC website. Authors hailed from NASA (Johnson Space Center),
the CMS will waive one conference registra- and researchers are also encouraged to cite Triumph Aerostructures (Vought Aircraft
tion and membership fee. Contact Daniel CMSC technical papers if referenced in their Division), IK4-TEKNIKER (Spain), Idaho
Sawyer, Scott Sandwith, or Michelle Edwards, own technical papers. Virtualization Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley
Technical Presentations Coordinators, at pre- The Coordinate Metrology Society dedi- National Laboratory, Brookhaven National
[email protected] for more information. cates itself to serving the education and Laboratory, National Institute for Standards
After the conference, the CMS Executive career needs of expert and novice metrolo- and Technology (NIST), National Physical
Committee will select the top technical papers gists. An impressive array of authoritative Laboratory (NPL- UK), Los Alamos National
presented at CMSC 2018 for publication in white papers and presentations were deliv- Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
the prestigious Journal of the CMSC. The ered at its 2017 conference, covering topics UNC Charlotte, University College London,
technical journal provides additional coverage from close-range photogrammetry in space Academy of Opto-electronics, Chinese
of the published work to an even larger global to metrology-guided wing join automation Academy of Sciences, Tianjin University, and
audience. CMS members in good standing to point cloud measurements on a CMM other leaders in the field.
supports North American manufacturing with a full
line of Niigata horizontal machining centers and parts.
(Courtesy: Niigata)
Aerospace supplier
collaborates with Fives
to advance titanium cutting
Acromil Corporation, a primary supplier of
complex structural components and assem-
blies to the aerospace and defense indus-
tries, has ordered two advanced Cincinnati
Wide-Range (WR)Titanium Profilers and a
Giddings & Lewis Horizontal Boring Mill
(HBM) from Fives as the start of a two-
phase expansion. Acromil and Fives will
also collaborate to establish a world-class
hard metals manufacturing center with the
latest 5-Axis high metal removal technology,
with a goal of developing the most produc-
tive titanium cutting machines available.
The new Cincinnati WR profiler version is
optimized for difficult to machine materials,
Fives Cincinnati (Courtesy: Fives)
such as titanium and stainless steel.
“Our expansion demonstrates a commit- to be a Tier 1 supplier supporting customer dent. “We believe our collaboration with Fives
ment to the defense and aerospace industries, needs for detail parts and assemblies,” said Group will change the way aerospace manu-
with the primary goal of developing Acromil Ed Hatcher, Acromil’s executive vice presi- facturers approach titanium machining.”
12 gearsolutions.com
The Cincinnati WR Titanium Profilers machines. It’s also a great opportunity for serving the aerospace industry; Fives Liné
are designed, manufactured, and delivered by us to work with industry veterans like Ed Machines in Granby, Quebec, Canada,
Fives Cincinnati, Hebron, Kentucky, while Hatcher from Acromil.” and Fives Machining in France, specializ-
the Giddings & Lewis HBM is produced and Within Fives, Metal Cutting | Composites ing in machine tools for aerospace, indus-
shipped from Fives Giddings & Lewis in Fond business line, is comprised of Fives trial, and rail sectors. The Metal Cutting
du Lac, Wisconsin. Machining Systems Inc., which includes | Composites teams also operate Global
“The new profilers have been tested exten- Fives Cincinnati in Hebron, Kentucky, Aftermarket Machine Services, with more
sively with excellent results,” said Steve specializing in machines and systems for than 20 service centers worldwide, includ-
Thiry, president and general manager of the aerospace and industrial sectors and ing seven in North America in Hebron,
Fives Machining Systems Inc. “The HBM Fives Giddings & Lewis in Fond du Lac, Kentucky; Seattle, Washington; Valencia,
will handle titanium structural components Wisconsin, specializing in machine tools for California; Wichita, Kansas; Charlotte,
(for a major aerospace OEM) that will high- the industrial, aerospace, and automotive North Carolina; Fond du Lac, Wisconsin;
light the versatility of the Giddings & Lewis sectors; Fives Lund Engineering in Seattle, and Cambridge, Ontario.
JANUARY 2018 13
the machine around its automation and die- such machines as a System 3R WorkPartner highest level of precision at speeds that allow
sinking EDM lines to provide customers with 1+ and an AgieCharmilles FORM P 250. for doubled production capacity and up to
a complete manufacturing solution, making The result of these innovations is a machine 200 percent more profit when compared to
it easy to pair the HSM 500 Graphite with that can reliably and repeatedly provide the competing graphite mills.
Why ETC? The new Leica Absolute Scanner LAS-XL defines a new
market segment with a larger scanning field than any
other laser scanner. (Courtesy: Hexagon Manufacturing
product director at Hexagon Manufacturing
Choose the stick that works, Intelligence. “The LAS-XL is our attempt
cause work doesn’t stop! to meet the needs of this part of the market
that has until now been under-served by
2710 West Caro Rd. the metrology industry. Absolute accuracy
Caro, MI 48723 Engineered Tools Corporation is a key part of our product philosophy, but
Phone: (989) 673-8733 Complete line of Bevel Gear Tooling sometimes really great accuracy done really
1307 E. Maple Rd., Suite “G” Cutter Body Reconditioning to O.E.M. Specifications quickly is the better solution.”
Troy, MI 48083 Cutter Body Maintenance Program The LAS-XL is compatible with all Leica
Phone: (248) 619-1616 Precise Wire EDM Forms for Stick Blades
Absolute Tracker AT960 models and is avail-
able to order worldwide.
AGMA’s direction focused on value creation
AGMA’s strategic plan is not sitting on a bookshelf collecting dust. In the past year, we connected hundreds of professionals together
It hasn’t been placed in the bottom of the filing cabinet, or checked at global events such as Hannover Messe.
off as “done” after the vote took place in November 2016. In the past year, AGMA has produced two new classes to expand
AGMA’s strategic plan is a living, breathing document — re-ener- our program to offer more opportunities.
gizing our 102-year-old association by focusing on critical business We have expanded communications to include a presence on the major
challenges and opportunities facing the industry today. social media platforms including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and with
AGMA defined a global opportunity where AGMA is present a new blog called Gears Matter.
in countries that are significant opportunities. In 2018, this means The vision for AGMA is that AGMA and its members drive power
AGMA will hold its first-ever Steels for Gears class in Mumbai, India, transmission innovation.
in February. It also means we will take 20-plus members to China on I have demonstrated examples of how AGMA is supporting this
a trade mission to understand our supply chain in October. vision with new and innovative approaches. There is a lot to do yet,
AGMA defined an emerging technology opportunity whereby the and 2018 is the year to make it work.
Association focuses time and energy on disruptive technologies that are What we need now is our innovators who want to collaborate with
both challenges and opportunities. In 2018, this means AGMA will us and keep this momentum going. That is why you will start to see
feature a robotics panel at the Annual Meeting; we will collaborate with some marketing and communications focused on the “Innovators
DMDII to address additive manufacturing capabilities, and we will Wanted” framework. Let us know where you want to jump in to
bring subject matter experts to other events in order to ensure members focus on one simple but important thing: Innovation!
are aware of what will be affecting them in the coming months. Here is what AGMA is planning to do:
AGMA defined an industry voice opportunity where we can • We are putting members in front of industry leaders and subject
partner with new and different groups to expand the leading Power matter experts on a global level. We want members to learn from
Transmission Trade Show in the U.S. to include mechanical, elec- the best, so they can innovate anywhere in the world.
trical, and fluid power solutions sets, which all customers need to • We are jumping into the middle of complicated emerging technolo-
consider in order to innovate their power transmission technology. gies to ensure members can respond with innovative strategies by
AGMA defined an education opportunity whereby we produce embracing the opportunities.
new classes that support our
design engineers, as well as our
line operators. AGMA recently
received IACET accreditation
ensuring that our programming
is now more valuable and can be
leveraged by employees to secure
continuing education credit.
In the past year, we have
grown our trade show and will
partner with organizations for
continued growth while incor-
porating the customer’s view-
point on technology.
In the past year, we have pro-
duced emerging technology pan-
els, information sheets, and links
Bevel Gears India listens to a presentation at the 2017 Annual Meeting.
via agma.org that keep members (Courtesy: AGMA)
informed in new and different ways.
JANUARY 2018 15
The 2018 AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting
registration is now open.
The 2018 Annual Meeting combines the expert knowledge of the
gear and bearing industries with the latest emerging technologies that
influence manufacturers and suppliers. More than 300 executives will
gather in Naples, Florida, in April to experience the information-
packed week full of top-tier speakers. Members will be connected
to innovation and opportunities in the industry with potential to
strengthen business connections and relationships. Join AGMA
and ABMA for an event that is tailored directly for our members to
address trends, successes, and future possibilities.
Dean Burrows and Jim Bregi at the 2017 Annual Meeting. (Courtesy: AGMA) Be a sponsor
Are you going to attend the Annual Meeting? Wouldn’t you like your
• We are collaborating in new ways with other groups to ensure logo to be visible for all to see? Sponsor one of the many parts to the
AGMA events are the platform for engineers to find com- Annual Meeting and get your company name out there.
mercial innovation. All sponsors will receive:
• We are producing new education programming, so our members’ • Company logo on the annual meeting web page with links to
employees have the tools they need to innovate the products they your company’s website from the time of securing the sponsorship
design. through the post-meeting press activities.
• Your company’s logo will be printed in all materials for the meet-
You wonder how this will benefit your business? ing and in the onsite program. The earlier you sponsor, the more
Give it a try. Join a committee and start figuring out why times your logo will be seen.
hundreds of AGMA members are participating in one. We have • Printed signs and video screen recognition during the event
the Emerging Technology Committee, Tradeshow Committee, • Specific recognition for the item/event.
Annual Meeting, and SRN Committees that many are already
involved in. Find out why they are volunteering on the Education Visit www.agma.org/events/agma-abma-annual-meeting/ to see the
Committee, Industry Voice Committee, and Membership spaces available and fill out the sponsorship form to get started.
Committee, too. And let’s not forget the 23 different Technical Please contact Madelaine Morgan for any sponsorship inquiries at
Committees we oversee and manage on behalf of our industry. [email protected].
There is something for everyone.
Gear Manufacturers
Don’t forget to Dean Burrows presents
nominate your Joel Neidig with the Next
Generation Award in 2016
outstanding at the Annual Meeting.
There are some great events planned for 2018, go to www.agma.org for the full schedule and details.
AGMA has over 1,000 Twitter followers! Join the conversation @agma
1001 N. Fairfax Street | Suite 500 | Alexandria, VA 22314 | (703) 684-0211 | www.agma.org
JANUARY 2018 17
Whether you’re looking for technical education, networking opportunities, or a way for your voice to be heard
in the standards process, AGMA has something to offer you. If you would like more information on any of the
following events, visit www.agma.org or send an email to [email protected].
Events are open to AGMA members only. Not a member? Send an email to [email protected].
John E. Grazia: Chairman, BMEC Michael McKernin: Circle Gear and Machine Company
GearTec Inc.
Todd Praneis: Chairman, TDEC Cory Ooyen: Global Gear & Machining, LLC
Cotta Transmission Company, LLC Carl D. Rapp: The Timken Company
Dean Burrows: Chairman Emeritus
Gear Motions Inc. Tania Sabados: Rapid Gear
Andrea Scanavini: Somaschini North America
Matt Croson: President
Greg Schulte: Bonfiglioli USA
Amir Aboutaleb: Vice President, Technical Division
Jenny Blackford: Vice President, Marketing Brian Schultz: Great Lakes Industry, Inc.
Jill Johnson: Director, Member Services George Thomas: Bison Gear & Engineering Corp.
Casandra D. Blassingame: Director, Education Hastings Wyman: Klingelnberg America, Inc.
General requests: [email protected] | Membership questions: [email protected] | Gear Expo information: [email protected]
Technical/Standards information: [email protected] | AGMA Foundation: [email protected]
18 gearsolutions.com
We’ll Keep You
Forest City Gear’s exceptional reliability means you’ll sleep
better at night. Safeguard your next gear production project.
A) B) C)
D) E) F)
Figure 1: Representative photomicrographs of ferrite/pearlite A) low carbon, B) medium carbon and C) high carbon steels, and ferrite/bainite D) low carbon, E) medium carbon
and F) high carbon steels.
20 gearsolutions.com
Figure 2: Comparison of the effect of carbon level (a) and hardness (b) on the number potential gears that can be broached between tool regrinds for both structure types
One such operation that lends itself well to material optimiza- and hardness levels, as compared to the pearlitic conditions.
tion to reducing machining costs is broaching of gear teeth, and These results allow for significant flexibility in steel selection and
in particular internal helical ring gears. Broaching is a machining core hardness levels, while maintaining reasonable broach costs
technique commonly used to cut gear teeth where the tooth profiles throughout. The non-pearlitic conditions develop an entirely
can be formed in a single machining operation with minimal overall different carbide structure as compared to the pearlitic carbides.
time, making it ideal for cost-sensitive applications [1]. However, The fine, spheroidal type carbides present in these tempered and
in order to accomplish the broaching operation in a single station non-tempered steels are much less abrasive to the broach tool,
and operation, the broach machine must perform the entire rough- allowing for greatly enhanced tool life results. As such, using this
ing, shaping, and finishing of the desired part profile in one step technology would allow for achieving the low cost structure of
using a long, multi-piece, high-speed steel broach tool. The precise the low carbon carburizing grades with the core properties and
broaching and tooling cost per manufactured part is highly depen- hardening characteristics required for higher carbon induction
dent upon the number of parts that can be manufactured between hardened gears. See Figure 2.
broach tool redressings. With tooling and redressing costs over the
life of a helical broach bar on the order of $70,000 to $100,000, SUMMARY
and total parts manufactured on a single broach bar currently in The costs associated with gear machining can be quite high, and
the range of 10,000 to 80,000 parts, the cost to broach a part is where improvements with tooling advances alone are insufficient,
typically in the range of 60 cents to $5 or more. Hence, the broach material modifications may be useful to further reduce the overall
tooling cost represents around 15 percent to 50 percent of the total machining costs. Whereas historically the raw material going into
manufacturing cost for a finished part. gear machining operations were annealed in a grade specific fashion,
Reduction of broaching costs is normally accomplished through that is now sometimes being modified to result in the lowest overall
developments of tooling materials, coatings, lubricants, and process- cost to manufacture the gear application. These modified process
ing parameters without as much attention given to the influence of routes are typically driven by improvements in machine tool and
the material condition of the part being broached [2]. In order to tooling advances, but additionally optimization of the gear blank
study the influence of steel material condition on broach tooling life, material can result in large improvements in machining costs or
a laboratory broach test machine was conceived, developed, built, and increased options for manufacturing options and routes. The example
used to perform numerous studies on the broaching characteristics of of what has been accomplished for helically broached gears is sum-
various steel grades. This test method and results are described fully marized here, which can be used to improve broach tool life for a
in References 3 and 4 and will be summarized here to illustrate the given application or used to determine cost optimized materials and
material impacts on machining costs. process routes for new gears.
A series of steels typical of both carburizing and induction harden-
ing gear applications were selected for testing. The steels were tested REFERENCES:
in both the typical baseline, ferrite/pearlite, and modified conditions 1. C.V. De Motter, “The Art and Science of Broaching,” Gear
(ferrite/non-pearlite or bainitic), with the intent to improve upon Solutions, March 2007, pp. 30-35, 50.
the baseline broach life results. These steels and the heat chemistries 2. V. Schulze, H. Meier, T. Strauss and J. Gibmeier, “High Speed
include low- to medium-carbon grades (0.20 to 0.60 wt. percent C), Broaching of Case Hardening Steel SAE 5120,” SciVerse Science
with varying alloying combinations (Mo, Cr, Cr-Mo, Cr-Ni-Mo, Direct, 5th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting
Mn, Mn-V) and hardness levels. The broach life results are shown 2012, pp. 431-436.
in the attached plots for varying carbon and hardness levels and the 3. M. E. Burnett, “Enhanced Broaching Steel Technology,” SCT
two variant starting structures (ferrite/pearlite vs ferrite/non-pearlite). 2014, 4th Intl Conference on Steels on Cars and Trucks, June
See Figure 1. 15-19, 2014, Braunschweig, Germany, pp. 141-148.
The non-pearlitic structure has been shown to achieve greatly 4. M. E. Burnett, “Improved Broaching Steel Technology,” Gear
increased broach life conditions over a similar range in carbon Technology, July 2016, pp. 44-49
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mike Burnett is a technologist at TimkenSteel. Learn more at www.timkensteel.com.
JANUARY 2018 21
helix angle needs to increase if the center distance is to remain the bevel gear; however, the pinion sits offset to the intersecting axis,
same. Another type of nonparallel-nonintersecting gear is the screw and its tooth form resembles a tapered thread. Similar to worm gear
gear (also known as a crossed helical gear). This is a helical gear set pairs, the speed ratio of a hypoid set is determined by the number
in which the gears operate any angle greater than zero degrees. The of thread starts on the pinion relative to the number of teeth on the
most common angle is 45 degrees. As with helical gears, an infinite mating gear. As such, a hypoid configuration can result in very high
variety of fractional speed ratios are possible, but due to the mesh speed ratios in a very compact space.
being point contact, these gears have a limited load capacity. As detailed in these examples, there are many distinct styles of
A specialty case of nonparallel-nonintersecting axes gearing is the gearing. Each has a purpose, and each application will dictate what
hypoid bevel pair. In this set, the larger gear looks similar to a spiral style should be selected.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian Dengel is general manager of KHK-USA, which is based in Mineola, New York. Go online to www.khkgears.us.
Temperature, °C
thermal and oxidative stability
of the base oil. These packages
reduce the formation of sludge 400
and minimize the formation of
organic acids upon thermal aging 300
of the oil.
In this column the different types
of quench oil were described, and 0
the constituents in commercially 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
available quench oil examined. Time, sec
Part 2 will address base oils,
Slow Speed Oil Medium Speed Oil Fast Speed Oil
while the oxidation of oils and
the interaction of anti-oxidants
will be discussed in upcoming Figure 1: Comparison of cooling curves of slow-, medium-, and fast-quench oils. Oils were tested at 60° C per ASTM D6200.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: D. Scott MacKenzie, Ph.D., FAS, is senior research scientist-metallurgy at Houghton International Inc.
Go online to www.houghtonintl.com.
JANUARY 2018 25
GearSol_KISSsoft_Rel_03_2017_Highlights_92_25x123_83mm.indd 1 30.03.2017 13:35:56
26 gearsolutions.com
Bevel Gears (India) Pvt. Ltd. has designed and manufactured bevel
gears and bevel gearboxes for more than 40 years.
By Kenneth Carter
Editor | Gear Solutions
a “niche within a niche” when it comes to making and
supplying bevel gears.
“Our niche is bevel gears,” said Mushtaq Jamal, vice
president of engineering and business development with
Bevel Gears (India). “We manufacture straight, spiral,
hypoids, and high ratio hypoids.”
That niche within a niche comes from being able to
offer a wide variety of bevel gears, according to Jamal.
“If a company does straight bevel gears, it doesn’t
mean that they can do spirals,” he said. “And if they
do spirals, it doesn’t mean they can do hypoids. And if
they can do hypoids and spirals, it doesn’t mean they
can do spiral grinding or angular bevels. We also offer
straight bevel grinding that is a capability that normally
has customers asking us to repeat what we said because
so few companies offer the service. We manufacture
4-tooth hypoid pinions and recently developed high
ratio hypoids for a 1:60 set with a single-tooth pinion.
It’s all a niche within a niche. When you factor into
that the different sizes, then what really sets us apart is
the fact that we do all these types of bevel gears and all
these different aspects and sizes of them. Add the bevel
gearbox line and it is an additional dimension for our Bevel Gears (India) can specifically produce a single gear set for a
customers to leverage.” customer if needed. (Courtesy: Bevel Gears (India))
might need gears for an industrial gearbox for a 50-year-old design prior to when India was considered a global gearing provider. In 2012,
with only a rough sketch to work with. we hosted and coordinated an AGMA delegation to India,” Jamal
said. “About 22 AGMA members came across. We coordinated visits
“It may be the same product, but what they want out of it is entirely
to several different companies around the country, and it allowed
different — strength or part fit and function or vibration sensitivity
the participants to see and assess firsthand the gearing capabilities.
at high rpm’s,” Jamal said. “The job specific aspects can vary, but the
quality is a constant that has to be maintained, and we continually Sulaiman Jamal, the company founder and managing director, was
strive to improve this area.” invited to join the AGMA board of directors in 2011, which I believe
is the first time someone from the Indian subcontinent has been asked
MADE TO PRINT to do so. That was a very proud moment for all of us.”
About 90 to 95 percent of the gears Bevel Gears (India) produces are Sulaiman Jamal’s endeavor has definitely come a long way since
made to print, according to Jamal. he began the company in 1976 in a 200-square-foot office, and the
“So the customers already have what they want, and they come to company’s recognition has increased exponentially within the gear
us for the execution,” he said. industry, according to Jamal.
The remaining percentage of the company’s gear work involves “Originally, he used to work for another gear manufacturer,” he
reverse engineering, design, and standard bevel gearboxes. said. “And that company was higher-production-quantity focused.”
“This is something that not every bevel gear shop has,” Jamal
said. “In certain instances, if customers want improved strengths, A NEW FUTURE
ratio changes, stronger materials, or design analysis to be done, But Sulaiman Jamal had a vision to branch out and get into produc-
then we provide that value as well. It’s not just, ‘give us your ing smaller bevel gears, and when the company he worked for wasn’t
print, we’ll make you a part.’ If they want a deeper dive, then we interested in going down that path, he left and pursued that dream
can do that.” on his own.
“Sulaiman started out with a single 2-tool straight bevel generator
AGMA ACTIVE he bought at an auction,” Jamal said. “His first customer was actually
Bevel Gears (India) is also active with the American Gear IBM in the ’70s, who required gears for the punch card machines.
Manufacturers Association (AGMA). This was at a time when the domestic market was in its infancy.
“AGMA has been an invaluable association for us. From the net- Today we have over 75 bevel and bevel-related machines and have
working to the Gear Expos to the standards and committees, the team a team of nearly 100 people. He still maintains that you have to be
has been welcoming and the Association as a whole has been very very passionate about this business to persevere and succeed, and it
rewarding. We have been participating at Gear Expo since the 1980s is sound advice.”
28 gearsolutions.com
“We have manufactured bevel sets for truck prototypes to washing machines, master ground spiral sets to robotics
to ratio changes for ATV’s and rally cars, to reverse engineering legacy jet engines,” said Mushtaq Jamal, vice
president of engineering and business development. (Courtesy: Bevel Gears (India))
JANUARY 2018 29
Printed with permission of the copyright holder, the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 500, Alexandria, Virginia
22314. Statements presented in this paper are those of the authors and may not represent the position or opinion of the American Gear Manufacturers
Association. (AGMA) This paper was presented October 2017 at the AGMA Fall Technical Meeting in Columbus, Ohio. 17FTM15
30 gearsolutions.com
Fatigue Performance and
Cleanliness of Carburizing
Steels for Gears
This investigation shows that steels with a higher cleanliness level reach
a higher performance level as well, both in terms of increased loads
and longer service life.
By Joakim Fagerlund, MSc, and Lily Kamjou, MSc
The cleanliness of steels used for gears is of great impor-
tance when looking to improve their life or increase
loads. In this paper, carburizing steels with the same
basic chemical composition, but with a varying cleanli-
ness level, are compared in regards to cleanliness and
performance. Steel cleanliness can be described as size
and frequency of non-metallic inclusions in steel, such as
Al2O3-MgO particles. Rotating bending fatigue has been
used to evaluate the fatigue performance of carburized
samples. For this purpose, samples are taken transverse to
the rolling direction of the bar, whereas normally, samples
Figure 1: Empirical relationship between inclusion size, stress, and the
are taken in the longitudinal direction. The aim has been
number of cycles to failure in rotating bending fatigue testing.
to test the method in itself, as well as the most critical
loading direction, since this determines the worst-case
scenario of the inclusion orientation when forging a gear
out of a steel blank.
To determine material cleanliness, a standard micro-
inclusion rating method such as ASTM E45 has been
used in combination with automated inclusion assessment
by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and 10MHz
immersed ultrasonic evaluation. The investigations show
a good qualitative correlation between fatigue perfor-
mance and inclusion assessment made by ultrasonic
evaluation and SEM. The results also show that tradi-
tional micro-inclusion rating methods are not sensitive
enough (i.e., the evaluated areas are too small) to give a
good indication of material performance. Fatigue testing
in the transverse direction of the bar proves to be a good Figure 2: Fracture surface of sample exposed to cyclic bending (cause
technique that can more relevantly determine fatigue of fracture spherical inclusion with surrounding void).
performance of steels for gears without involving costly
and somewhat complicated gear manufacturing.
As inclusions act as nucleation sites for crack growth
under cyclic loading, steel cleanliness is an increasingly
important factor for gears as well. This effect can be
observed in both torsion/bending/axial loading and con-
tact loading (e.g., gears and bearings). Steel cleanliness
can be described as the size and frequency of non-metallic
inclusions such as oxides (e.g., Al2O3, MgO, and CaO)
and sulphides (e.g., MnS and CaS). Since the presence
of inclusions correlates strongly to fatigue performance,
it is essential to have a good enough knowledge of the
inclusion population in steel that is used for a critical Figure 3: Section of sample exposed to cyclic contact loading (center
component. of picture inclusion with associated crack).
JANUARY 2018 31
In Figures 1 to 3, examples are presented
to illustrate the effect of stress and inclusion
size on the number of cycles to failure for
hardened bearing steel (∼62 HRC). As can
be seen, inclusion size has a dramatic effect
on the number of cycles to failure (fatigue
This way of reasoning can be directly trans-
ferred to carburizing steels, due to their hard-
ened surface and the fact that high-strength
steels are limited by fatigue; i.e., they do not
have infinite life.
It is essential to be able to quantify the
presence of critical-sized inclusions in steel,
since inclusions strongly affect fatigue and
therefore the ability to assure product per-
formance. Several methods currently exist
to quantify steel cleanliness. For smaller-
sized inclusions, micro-inclusions, polished
samples are investigated with a light opti-
cal microscope (manually or automatically).
Figure 4: Stringer inclusion (Al2O3-MgO), elongated in the rolling direction (longitudinal direction of the bar).
Examples of such methods are: ASTM E45,
DIN 50602, and ISO 4967. Typically, these
methods involve examination of areas in the
range of 100–1,000 mm 2 (0.155–1.55 in.2).
It is obvious that these areas are too small to
detect infrequently occurring inclusions and
therefore cannot be seen to represent the true
inclusion population. For macro-inclusions,
blue fracture testing, which can still be
called for in many specifications, is an inad-
equate evaluation method for clean steels,
since the method is not sensitive enough
and rarely finds inclusions. In order to over-
come the limitations of such methods, other
rating methods can be used to investigate
larger areas. Automatic scanning by the use
of scanning electron microscope (SEM) is
an alternative that can cover approximately
3,000 mm 2 in a few hours. Another way to
find less frequent inclusions is to investigate
volumes instead of areas, and for that type
of examination, ultrasonic inspection is a
possibility. It is, however, necessary to be
aware that some available standards are not
Figure 5: Manganese sulphide inclusion (MnS), elongated in the rolling direction (longitudinal direction of the bar).
stringent enough to find inclusions in clean
steel and that for this method to be useful,
many steel suppliers use other limits than
specified in current standards.
The objective of the investigation was to
evaluate the cleanliness and how it is related
to the fatigue performance of carburizing
steels with similar basic chemistry but with
a varying degree of cleanliness, seeing as this
type of steel is commonly used for different
types of gear applications. Table 1: Chemical composition and production route of investigated steels.
32 gearsolutions.com
Figure 7: Orientation and position of the center of the
fatigue sample taken from a steel bar.
Figure 6: Rotating bending machine. Figure 8: Sample preparation. Red line = friction weld.
The thesis is that steel cleanliness is con- an alternating stress with an R value of −1 (R
sidered the limiting factor and will therefore = smin / smax). The staircase method was used to
have a larger impact on performance than evaluate the endurance limit with a maximum
steel chemistry, as long as they are of similar number of cycles of 10 million (runout).
type. For this paper, different cleanliness levels
have been tested, and the chemistry has varied SAMPLE PREPARATION
somewhat, although all tested materials have Testing fatigue performance in the transverse Figure 9: Finished fatigue specimen.
been of a carburizing type steel. direction is normally more challenging than
As some inclusion types are deformed or testing the longitudinal direction, due to speci- A cylindrical bar with the same diameter
crushed and elongated in the rolling direction men length being 120 mm, and therefore quite was then friction-welded onto both ends of
(see Figures 4 and 5) during hot working, the often exceeds the diameter of steel bars to be the center sample and then soft-machined
result is lower fatigue performance transverse tested. In this study, the test specimens were close to final shape, see Figures 8 and 9. Heat
to the rolling direction, compared to the lon- produced from bars in the range of 60 mm to treatment followed soft-machining, carbu-
gitudinal direction. This is the main reason 90 mm. The fatigue specimens were manufac- rizing for approximately 50 hours, in order
for evaluating the transverse fatigue proper- tured as follows: The center part of the fatigue to get a through hardening. The reason for
ties, because it is the worst case of the inclu- specimen was cut out from the steel bar (the through hardening is to avoid fatigue failures
sion orientation in a forged gear. Cleanliness material to be tested, Figure 7), and turned into unrelated to inclusions, for example failures
evaluation has been performed by using SEM a cylindrical sample (transverse orientation). from the transition zone.
evaluation and 10 MHz ultrasonic immersion
testing [1], as well as micro-inclusion assess-
ment. Fatigue performance was evaluated by
rotating bending fatigue testing.
For this investigation, steels from an ingot
cast route with higher area reduction as well
as steel from a continuous cast route with a
lower reduction ratio were included, as pre-
sented in Table 1. For all steels, a number of
samples has been investigated, and the figures
in the report are the results of these tests.
Fatigue testing through rotating bending has
been performed (see Figure 6 for setup), in
which hourglass-shaped specimens are exposed
to alternating tension and compression stresses
whilst rotating, thus the specimen is exposed to Figure 10: Hardness profile, Steel 1, pre-turned and heat treated.
JANUARY 2018 33
An example of the measured hardness pro-
file as seen in Figure 10, and the surface
hardness of the tested samples can be seen
in Figure 11.
Figure 13: Results of rotating bending fatigue testing. Figure 14: Average size of inclusions that initiated the fatigue failures.
34 gearsolutions.com
Table 2: Results from ASTM E45 micro-inclusion rating.
For automated SEM evaluation, a sample was
cut out from the center of the bar according
to Figure 15, then ground and polished and
set up according to Figure 16.
An example of the measured hardness pro-
file as seen in Figure 10, and the surface
hardness of the tested samples, can be seen
in Figure 11.
The investigated area is approximately
3,000 mm 2 , and only inclusions larger than
10 μm have been detected. A simple approach
is used to assess tested material: a total
number of defects larger than
10 μm per
3,000 mm2 as well as the longest, or largest,
inclusion. In Table 3, the results of the SEM
Figure 17: Example of oxide found in Steel 4.
evaluation are presented, and as can be seen,
Steels 1 to 3 have significantly fewer and testing equipment can be seen. The steel and 21 in the form of C-Scans. The ultrasonic
smaller inclusions in the examined area than sample is placed in a tank filled with water, cleanliness evaluations reveal that there is a
Steel 4. Figure 17 shows an example of oxides and the testing is carried out by scanning the dramatic difference in macroscopic cleanli-
present in Steel 4. ultrasonic transducer over the sample, with a ness between the steels tested.
specified distance and step size of 0.25 mm. Results from the ultrasonic inspection
ULTRASONIC EVALUATION A 10 MHz ultrasonic transducer was used can be found in Table 4. For the evalua-
Ultrasonic evaluation has a major advan- and calibrated so a 100 percent reflection corre- tion of inclusion content in the inspected
tage compared to other methods used to sponds to a ∅0.20 mm flat bottom hole (FBH). area, a more stringent specification has been
determine steel cleanliness, namely that with Two samples with a length of 200 mm developed, compared to the standards cur-
this technique, a volume of steel is examined (Figure 19) from the different steels were eval- rently available, such as the SEP 1927 [5].
instead of an area. In Figure 18, the ultrasonic uated, and the results are shown in Figures 20 This specification has been applied in this
JANUARY 2018 35
Figure 18: Ultrasonic immersion testing equipment. Figure 19: Sample geometry for ultrasonic evaluation.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Joakim Fagerlund, MSc, and Lily Kamjou, MSc, are with Ovako AB. Learn more at www.ovako.com. This paper copyright ©
2017, American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA), ISBN: 978-1-55589-664-5 (17FTM15). The statements and opinions contained herein are
those of the author and should not be construed as an official action or opinion of the AGMA.
JANUARY 2018 37
38 gearsolutions.com
Advanced Thermal Processing
for Enhanced Gear Tribology
TriboNite technology can help improve gear performance by combining
the well-known advantages of nitriding with the superior tribological
performance profile of solid lubricant coatings.
By Boris Zhmud, Johan Blomkvist, and Mikael Fallström
Friction, wear, and scuffing load measure-
ments were carried out using discs (SS2172),
rods (SS0727), and standard “A” profile gears
(20MnCr5, carburized) meeting the specifi-
cations of ASTM D 4998-95 and 5182-97
tests. As reference, regular case hardened (car-
burized) and nitrocarburized components of
varying surface roughness — ranging from
Ra 0.5 μm down to 0.05 μm — were used.
Tribological performance was evaluated both
for symmetrical and asymmetrical pairs, includ-
ing standard pinion — standard gear, standard
pinion — TriboNite gear and TriboNite pinion
— TriboNite gear back-to-back combinations.
As lubricants, a synthetic SAE 75W-90 API Figure 2: Fracture SEM images of the surface layer of TriboNite-treated components: (a) and (b) - steel rods made
of SS0727; (c) and (d) - steel discs made of SS2172.
GL-5 gear oil, a viscosity matched SAE 75W-90
additive-free oil, and a dual-clutch transmission
fluid were used. Surface chemical analysis of
components in the study was carried out using
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and surface
layer morphology was studied by fracture SEM.
Surface layer morphology and composition
Figure 2 shows cross sections of the surface
layer of TriboNite-treated components. The
40 gearsolutions.com
Figure 4: Effect of the TriboNite treatment on friction and wear in a lubricated
Figure 5: Effect of the TriboNite treatment on scuffing performance measured using
contact. Linear reciprocating friction and wear test similar to ASTM G133 was used
the FZG A/8,3/90 back-to-back gear test rig.
with the following test conditions: 10 mm 100Cr6 steel ball, 1 cm stroke, 20 N load, 1
Hz frequency. Wear loss was quantified for the ball only.
TriboNite treated surfaces demonstrate significantly reduced axle lubricants, DCT fluids have both lower viscosity (7 cSt at 100C
wear levels both in fully formulated API GL-5 gear oils and in for a typical DCT fluid vs 16 cSt for a typical SAE 75W-90 gear oil)
viscosity matched additive-free oils, see Figure 4. and lower EP/AW additive level (0.25 wt.% S for DCT fluid vs ca
ii. FZG back-to-back gear test. The standard FZG test A/8,3/90 is 2.5 wt.% S for API GL-5 oil).
widely used for the evaluation of the scuffing properties of indus- Furthermore, notwithstanding the lubricant type, the TriboNite
trial gear oils. Automotive gear oils of GL-4 level can be tested in treated gear sets showed invariably lower oil sump temperature,
the step test A10/16.6R/90, axle oils of GL-5 level in the shock indicating reduced friction during the test. Therefore, it is believed
test S-A10/16.6R/90 [4], and usually will show no scuffing in the that TriboNite effectively reduces dependency on the EP/AW additive
standard test. For the purpose of the present study, the standard test package. The benefits of TriboNite treatment can likely be further
has been adapted to evaluate the effect on the scuffing properties of boosted by optimizing gear metallurgy, surface finish, and the back-
gear surface treatment instead of the EP/AW performance of the oil. ground heat treatment process.
For that purpose, a few standard “A” type gear sets were treated by
using the TriboNite process, still a few gear sets were isotropically 4. CONCLUSIONS
finished to Ra ca 0.03 um, and still a few were used “as they are” TriboNite thermal processing and coating technology combines the
to serve as a natural reference. It should be noted that nitriding of well-known advantages of nitriding with the superior tribological
carburized parts is not a practically meaningful application scenario, performance profile of solid lubricant coatings. TriboNite-treated
and it was used for research purposes only. One extra measurement gears produce less friction, exhibit higher resistance to bending and
(marked “TP&C1/2”) was also carried out where a TriboNite treated rolling fatigue, withstand higher loads and are less sensitive to lubri-
24-teeth gear was put in contact with a standard carburized 16-teeth cant quality than reference stock components.
pinion. All the aforesaid types of gear sets were tested for the scuffing
performance in a fully formulated SAE 75W-90 API GL-5 gear oil REFERENCES:
and a viscosity matched additive free oil. The results are presented 1. Zhmud, B., Blomkvist, J., Fallström, M., An Advanced Thermal
in Figure 5. When the additive free oil is used, both isotropically Processing & Coating Process for Enhancing Gear Tribology,
finished and reference gear sets reveal scuffing quite early, already in Proc. Int. Conf. Gear Production, Sep. 13-15, 2017, Munich,
at A/8.3/90 load stages 4 to 6. However, with the fully formulated Germany.
API GL-5 oil, no scuffing occurs even at the highest load stage 12. 2. Troel, E., Kristoffersen, H., Olsson, P., et al. Stål och värmebe-
The gear sets featuring the TriboNite™ treatment showed no scuffing handling - En handbok. 2015. Available from: http://14494.shop.
no matter which oil was used, see Figure 5. textalk.se/bocker/process-och-produktion/varmebehandling/
In a more aggressive A10/16.6R/90 test setup, TriboNite treated 3. Davis, J.R. Gear Materials, Properties and Manufacture, ASM
gears have exhibited higher scuffing resistance and reduced wear in International, 2005.
combination with dual-clutch transmission (DCT) fluids. These 4. Hoehn, B.-R., Oster, P., Tobie, T., Michaelis, K. Goriva i Maziva,
results are not unexpected: as compared to SAE 75W-90 API GL-5 47 (2008) 129-152.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Boris Zhmud, Ph.D., FRSC ([email protected]), is the CTO and Johan Blomkvist, M.Sc., is the
development engineer at Applied Nano Surfaces Sweden AB, Uppsala, Sweden. Mikael Fallström, M.Sc., is the technical director at Bodycote
Värmebehandling AB, Alvsjö, Sweden. Learn more at www.appliednanosurfaces.com and www.bodycote.com, or by contacting Andreas Waller at
[email protected]. This is a revised version of the paper [1] presented at the International Conference on Gear Production,
Sep. 13-15, 2017, in Munich, Germany.
JANUARY 2018 41
There are several carbon-based coatings available that provide a unique combination of
extreme surface hardness, low friction coefficient and anti-corrosion properties from
global coating provider Oerlikon Balzers.
42 gearsolutions.com
Extending gear life
in demanding applications
Specialized PVD coatings increase the surface hardness and durability of gears,
thereby increasing their lifespan under high-load conditions.
By Jeff Elliott
ALTHOUGH GEARS AND OTHER PRECISION COM- the surface of a ferrous metal and oxidizing salts. After a
ponents are generally made of hardened steel or metal post-treatment with oil, the surface provides protection
alloys, those used in high load applications still can fail against corrosion, improved lubricity and prevents galling
due to excessive wear, surface fatigue, pitting, galling, during metal-to-metal interactions. However, black oxide
and corrosion. This is exacerbated in applications with is not durable and can be worn away quickly in repetitive,
metal-to-metal interaction, repetitive friction at high high load applications.
speeds or where little to no lubrication is present. Other PTFE, another popular coating alternative, is known for
factors include the presence of contaminants, the prevail- its low coefficient of friction but is not recommended for
ing service temperatures, the loads applied, and loading high load applications where it, too, can wear away. Hard
modes such as sliding, rolling, oscillating, and pulsating. chrome and chemical nickel plating are often specified
To address this problem, product engineers and com- as well to provide protection against wear and corrosion.
ponent manufacturers often turn to specialized PVD Although hard chrome is suitable for components that
(physical vapor deposition) coatings that can be applied experience abrasive wear, microcracking inherent to the
in thicknesses of 0.5 to 4 micrometers to further harden process limits its use against corrosion. Although this can be
the surface of these parts. By applying coatings optimized addressed with thin coatings that increase surface hardness,
for these types of punishing environments, components these solutions only offer limited wear resistance. Chemical
benefit from increased surface hardness and a much lower nickel can be applied over a range of hardnesses. However,
coefficient of friction. As a result, these critical parts do the maximum is only 600 HV (Vickers Pyramid Number).
not have to be replaced as frequently, if at all, reducing Concerns over polluting compounds, emissions, or
maintenance and unplanned downtime while improving residues are also associated with these plating techniques.
machinery performance.
Today, these coated components are used for a variety SPECIALIZED PVD COATINGS
of applications from performance automotive and rac- Physical vapor deposition (PVD) describes a variety of
ing to wind-turbine shaft bearings and planetary gears; vacuum deposition methods that can be used to produce
stainless steel cutting blades and piston pumps for food thin coatings. PVD is typically used to coat components
processing; and sliding components in filling and bot- at relatively low coating temperatures of 200° to 500° C.
tling operations. The coatings are also a proven technique These temperatures are ideal because they are below the
for upgrading critical rotating parts in hydraulic drives, tempering temperature of steels so as to avoid altering the
pumps, and valves. fundamental material properties.
Many components are not coated at all.
Instead, these parts are often made of heat-
treated, nitrided, or case-hardened steels,
along with durable high performance mate-
rials such as titanium or nickel based alloys.
Even those used in high-load, high-wear
applications are subject to wear and prema-
ture failure under poor lubrication. Some
industries allow no lubrication at all, such as
cryogenic and vacuum systems, clean rooms,
food, and pharmaceutical equipment. When
this is the case, engineers often turn to a vari-
ety of coating, plating, or nitriding options
to modify the surface to improve wear and
corrosion resistance.
Examples include coating the parts with
black oxide. Black oxide is a coating produced Today, these coated components are used for a variety of applications from performance
by a chemical reaction between the iron on automotive and racing to wind turbine shaft bearings and planetary gears.
JANUARY 2018 43
By applying coatings optimized for these types of punishing environments, components benefit from increased surface hardness and a much lower coefficient of friction.
(Courtesy: Oerlikon)
Fortunately there are several carbon-based has a high load-bearing capacity even under These and other coatings within the Balinit
coatings available that provide a unique conditions of deficient lubrication or dry family tailored to specific requirements can
combination of extreme surface hardness, contact. Due to its low friction coefficient, it be applied to a variety of case-hardened or
low-friction coefficient, and anti-corrosion acts to reduce pitting and fretting corrosion. tempered steels, austenitic stainless steel as
properties such as those provided by global Another example is the Balinit DLC coat- well as nickel, titanium, copper, magnesium,
coating provider Oerlikon Balzers. ing, a metal-free, carbon-based coating that is and aluminum alloys.
According to Manfred Berger, market even more durable. Applied through plasma- “These materials provide an excellent com-
segment manager of General Engineering assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD), bination of low coefficient of friction like
Components for Oerlikon Balzers, the com- this coating is designed for more severe wear PTFE, but with the hardness of a ceramic,”
pany’s Balinit C coating is a WC/C ductile conditions and high relative sliding speeds Berger said.
carbide carbon coating that is highly resistant to protect against abrasion, scuffing, and The coatings also have the advantage
to adhesive wear (scuffing) in particular. It cold welding. of being thin, typically 0.5 to 4 μm. This
44 gearsolutions.com
feature, in conjunction with close toleranc- ability and performance by reducing wear on thickness and hardness, properties such as struc-
ing, means the component retains its form, both the worm and the bronze gear. ture, chemical and temperature resistance, and
fit, and dimensions after coating without the adhesion can be precisely controlled.
need for re-machining. CUSTOMIZED SOLUTIONS In most cases, no alteration of the formula
Gears experience wear conditions. The In addition to designing and manufacturing for the coatings is required, as it is already opti-
PVD coating significantly reduces scuffing PVD coating equipment, Oerlikon Balzers mized for high load, high friction environments.
and pitting in gears. In fact, Balinit C has offers coating services at more than 140 coat- “I find engineers are most surprised about
been shown to quadruple the service life of ing centers worldwide, including 16 locations two factors when learning about these spe-
high-speed gears. The standard FZG C test throughout the United States. cialized PVD coatings,” Berger said. “First,
shows that the fatigue strength is increased According to Florian Rovere, director of sales that the coating can be applied in a thickness
by 10-15 percent over case-hardened but for Precision Components in North America, as low as 0.5 or 1 micrometers. The other is
uncoated gears. In the test, the failure the company has the research and development that these coatings can last the lifetime of
criterion for gear-service life was defined capabilities to tailor coating solutions to meet the machine or systems it is in, despite the
as single-tooth wear of 4 percent due to unique requirements. In addition to coating difficult operating conditions.”
pitting. The main factors in these improved
figures were the lower local surface pres-
sure (Hertzian pressure), which resulted
from reduced friction in the rolling contact,
and the superior running-in behavior of
Balinit C.
High Tech is our Business
Coatings can also benefit worm gears,
where lubrication is not always enough to
protect helical-gear transmissions against fric- ALD is a leader in vacuum
tion and wear. The sliding motion and the process technology and Heat
force between the worm and gear faces make treatment services.
it difficult for a lubricant film to form. For
this reason, the gear is most often made of LEADERS IN THE
bronze in order to avoid scuffing. CONTROL OF DISTORTION
In service, however, the teeth of the bronze ALD Thermal Treatment, Inc.
gear wear away quickly, and the gear must be + Low Pressure Carburizing
realigned or replaced. Coating the steel worm + High pressure gas quenching
with a carbon-based coating can improve reli- + Gas Nitriding
+ Ferritic Nitro-Carburizing
+ Plasma Carburizing
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jeff Elliott is a technical + Normalizing
writer based in Torrance, California. For + Hardening
more information about coating solutions for + Annealing
components go to www.oerlikon.com/balzers.
+ Brazing
+ Cryogenic Treatments
+ Engineering services and
process development
+ Prototype and trials
JANUARY 2018 45
(Photos courtesy: Klingelnberg)
46 gearsolutions.com
Closed Loop Machining
of Cylindrical Gears
Looking to raise the quality and accuracy of your gearing? Consider Closed Loop
design and manufacturing, which has done away with the error-prone data
transfer from the measuring sheet.
By Dr. Markus Brumm
LEONHARD EULER’S 1760 INVENTION OF MAKING requires a description of the gear geometry based on the
cylindrical gears with an involute profile was the begin- tool profile and the manufacturing kinematics. For this
ning of a success story. As a tooth profile, the involute has
reason, Klingelnberg has been applying the core idea
many advantages that are still being used by engineers to of Industry 4.0 to bevel gear manufacturing since the
design high-performance transmissions that even func- early 1990s and has created a cyber-physical system that
tion under high loads and the consequential deformation produces digital images of the gear along the entire value
of the shaft bearing system. creation chain, therefore making it possible to introduce
However, the convention of designing cylindrical gears objective quality gates.
with an involute profile also represents an obstacle for Figure 1 shows the value creation chain of a bevel gear
innovative solutions. For many years, the CAD-CAM set. It starts with the engineering of the gearing, which
process has been state-of-the-art in the metal-cutting also includes the material specification. The gearing is
production of general components. The workpiece is first first optimized in order to comply with the required speci-
described as a 3D model, and tools are then selected and fication in a given environment consisting of bearings,
NC files generated in the CAM process that follows. The gear housing, and operating conditions. The result is a
digitally described workpiece is then produced on the digital twin of the bevel gear, which does not just contain
machining tool on the basis of these files. This principle all of its geometrical information; due to the particular
cannot be used with cutting machines because the gear nature of a bevel gear’s description, all of the information
is not described as a 3D model. about the tool and the description of the manufacturing
Based on the theory of involutes and other curves for movement of a virtual cutting machine is present for
gear drives proposed by Euler, a gear is always described both soft machining and hard machining. This data is
by the geometry of the tool edge and a relative motion automatically supplied by Klingelnberg’s KIMoS program
between this tool and the gear to be produced. Even system, and represents the digital backbone of all stages
though we now have five-axis machining principles capa- of manufacturing. Horizontal integration of all machines
ble of producing gears, this particular gear description is and program systems involved in the process has been
always the basis, and therefore the reason for the special realized in this way, whereby the central database contains
nature of the cutting machine species. the digital images and the geometry-determining tech-
nological parameters for every stage of manufacturing.
LEARNING FROM BEVEL GEARING Unlike bevel gear manufacturing, which is based on
The geometry of bevel gears is not based on the involute, a database system, paper is the dominant data medium
but on the octoid. A clear description of the flank profile in cylindrical gear manufacturing. This simple and
JANUARY 2018 47
seemingly unambiguous description means One example is the sign for the lead angle
that toothing data still has to be manually deviation fhβ, which can have opposing signs.
entered into cutting machines and measuring The value of the respective parameters also
devices multiple times. The many manufac- depends on the underlying evaluation section,
turers of cutting machines and measuring meaning that a parameter is only unambigu-
devices have not been able to agree on inter- ous if the evaluation section and the applied
faces for data communication to date. directive are specified. Misunderstandings
and erroneous entries are commonplace due
CLOSING THE LOOP to this heterogeneity. Many users counter
The seemingly simple description of involute these errors by defining additional in-house
gearing leads to a false sense of security. conventions. Dealing with the error suscep-
Ultimately, mistakes occur during manual tibility of the antiquated data transfer from
data transfer. Not least because the DIN, VDI, paper with additional processes unnecessarily
and ISO standards can differ in key points. complicates the transfer of the measuring
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Markus Brumm is director of the Cylindrical Gear Division at Klingelnberg. Learn more at www.klingelnberg.com.
JANUARY 2018 49
Barber Colman 4-4, Index Plates, Very Light Use, Excellent REF#102 GEAR GRINDERS
FEATURED SUPPLIERS Gleason 538, 18” Shaper Blades, Makes Blades from Blanks, Light Use, Extras REF#102
Star 2VHS, 6” x 6”, Coolant, Change Gears REF#102 #27, #137, and #463 Gleason Hypoid Spiral Bevel gear grinder generating Cams
Gibbs Machinery Company – REF #102 (2 full sets) REF#105
Phone: 586-755-5353 Fax: 586-755-0304 GEAR SHAPERS CNC Springfield Vertical Grinder, 62" Table, #62AR/2CS, 3.5A Rail Type, 70" Swing REF#105
Reishauer NZA, 12”, Fassler Dresser, Many Extras, 1994 REF#102
Email: [email protected]
36” Shapers, 14” Throat Risers, 53” of Swing, Qty 3 REF#105 Reishauer RZP, 4-8”, Auto Loading, High Production, Use in Lab REF#102
Website: www.gibbsmachinery.com
FELLOWS #10-4/10-2, Qty 150 REF#105 Reishauer RZ301AS CNC, 13” Measuring System (3) REF#102
Havlik International Machinery, Inc. – REF #103 HYDROSTROKE #50-8, Qty 2 REF#105 Reishauer ZB, 27.5” PD Gears, Coolant REF#102
Phone: 519-624-2100 • Fax: 519-624-6994 HYDROSTROKE #20-8, Qty 5 REF#105 Gleason 120 Curvic Coupling, 24” Max. Dia., Index Plates, Extras REF#102
HYDROSTROKE #FS630-125, Qty 1 REF#105 Csepel FKP-326, Fassler Dresser, Like A Hogland NZA Reishauer, Super Cond. REF#102
Email: [email protected]
HYDROSTROKE #FS400-90, Qty 2 REF#105 National Broach SGK-24, Max. OD 31”, ID 24”, Spur & Helical, From Aircraft REF#102
Website: www.havlikinternational.com
FELLOWS #20-4, Qty 6 REF#105 Maag SH150, 60”, Change Gears, 2-Pitch, Max. Face 23-1/2”, Navy Surplus REF#102
General Tool & Engineering Company - REF #107 FELLOWS #48-8Z, Qty 1 REF#105 ZSTZ 800 WMW Niles REF#107
Phone: 501-945-7111 • Fax: 501-945-7111
Email: [email protected] GEAR SHAPERS GEAR SHAVERS
Midwest Gear Corporation – REF #104 FELLOWS #10-2, (10” Dia), 2” Face REF#105 Red Ring GCU 12” Crowning, 1956 to 1988 (6) REF#102
Phone: 330-425-4419 • Fax: 330-425-8600 FELLOWS #10-4, (10” Dia), 4” Face REF#105 Rex Ring GCX 24”, Crowning, 12” Cutter Head, Taper Attachment, Long Table REF#102
Email: [email protected] FELLOWS (200) 10-4 / 10-2 Shapers REF#105 Mitsubishi FB30, 12.2 CNC Fanuc, 1997 REF#102
Website: www.mwgear.com FELLOWS (1) 50-8 Hydrostroke Shaper s/n 36607 w/ 6 axis 16iMB Fanuc (2009) REF#105 Michigan 870, Crowning, Power Stocks, Very Light Use, Excellent REF#102
FELLOWS (1) 20-8 Hydrostroke Shaper s/n 35932 w/ 6 axis 16iMB Fanuc (2009 REF#105 National Broach GCY 18”, Crowning, Max. 19=1/2”, Rebuilt or Under Power REF#102
New England Gear – REF #105 FELLOWS (1) #7 125A Face Gear Machine REF#105 National Broach GFF, Crowning, Heidenhein Scales, Servo Drives, 1993 REF#102
Phone: 860-223-7778 • Fax: 860-223-7776 FELLOWS (2) #3 Face Gear Machine REF#105 Raso Sicmat 400 CNC, Fanuc 16iM, Chip Separator, 2001 REF#102
Email: [email protected] (1) 4ags with adjustable Helical Guide s/n 30634 REF#105
Website: www.newenglandgear.com (1) #7 125A adjustable Helical Guide REF#105 GEAR TESTERS/CHECKERS (INCL CNC)
FELLOWS (3) Tilt Table 10-4 / 10-2 w/ 4 axis 21i Fanuc Controller (2009) REF#105
Phoenix Tool & Thread Grinding – REF #106 FELLOWS (2) Swing-away center support for 10-2 / 10-4 REF#105 FELLOWS (1) RL-600 Roll Tester s/n 35814 REF#105
Phone: 216-433-7008 • Fax: 216-433-7067 FELLOWS (1) FS630-170 Hydrostroke Shaper s/n 36732 w/ 6 axis 16iMB Fanuc FELLOWS (1) 24H Lead Checker s/n 32289 REF#105
Email: [email protected] (2009) REF#105 GLEASON (1) #14 Tester s/n 31907 REF#105
Website: www.phoenixthreadgrinding.com FELLOWS (2) FS400-170 Hydrostroke Shaper w/ 6 axis 16iMB Fanuc (2009) REF#105 GLEASON (1) #6 Tester s/n 19316 REF#105
FELLOWS (4) FS400-125 Hydrostroke Shaper w/ 6 axis 16iMB Fanuc (2009) REF#105 FELLOWS (1) 20 M Roller Checker REF#105
FELLOWS (1) 20-4 Shaper s/n 35687 w/ 4 axis 21i Fanuc Controller (2009) REF#105 FELLOWS (1) 20 M w/ 30” Swing Roller Checker REF#105
GEAR ACCESSORIES, PARTS & TOOLING FELLOWS (1) 48-8Z Shaper w/ 14” throated riser (53” of swing) REF#105 FELLOWS (1) #8 Micaodex s/n 36279 REF#105
FELLOWS (1) Horizontal Z Shaper s/n 21261 REF#105 Fellows 24M Involute, Response Electronic Recorder, Hot Pen REF#102
FELLOWS Model #10-4/10-2, All Parts Available REF#105 FELLOWS (1) 4-B Steering Sector Gear Shaper w/ 18iMB 4 axis Fanuc controller Fellows 36” Space Tester, Hot Pen Guaranteed REF#102
Tilt Tables for 10-2/10-4, Qty 2 REF#105 s/n 34326 REF#105 Fellows 8M Redliner, 13 5/8”, Recorder (2) REF#102
FELLOWS (1) 36-10 Gear Shaper REF#105 Gleason 6, 7-1/2” Indicator Check, Pinion .00015, Gear .00001 REF#102
GEAR HOBBERS/CUTTERS CNC FELLOWS (1) 10x6 Horizontal Z Shaper REF#105 Gleason 17A Running or Rebuilt Guaranteed REF#102
FELLOWS (1) 36-6 Gear Shaper w/ 13” riser s/n 27364 REF#105 Gleason 511, 20” Reconditioned in 2010 Guaranteed REF#102
Pfauter PE150, 15MB Fanuc, Chip Conveyor, Auto Load REF#102 FELLOWS (1) 10-4 Shaper w/ 3” riser w/ 4 axis 21i Fanuc Controller (2009) REF#105 Gleason 502, 10”, Hydraulic Chucking, Automatic Backlash, Eliminator REF#102
Pfauter PE150, Siemens 3M, Magnetic Chip Conveyor, Oil Chiller REF#102 All Parts for 10-4/10-2 Fellows Gear Shapers REF#105 Gleason 513 20” Gear, 10’ Pinion Electronic Meter Reading of Sound (3) REF#102
Pfauter PE150, Fanuc 15, with light hob slide 8” REF#102 Gleason 515, 24” REF#102
Pfauter PE80, 15MB Control, Auto Load, Light Curtain REF#102 GEAR DEBURRING/CHAMFERING/POINTING Gleason 520, 30”, Hyd. Chucking, Auto Splash Doors/Backlash, Eliminator REF#102
Liebherr LC82 15M Fanuc Control, Auto Load REF#102 Gleason 523, 20” Reconditioned, 2010 REF#102
Liebherr LC502, 20”, Fanuc 16im, 2007 REF#102 Cross 55 Gear Rounder, 18” Chuck, Hydraulic Unit REF#102 Gleason 528 Cutter Inspection, Proximity Type Gage, 3.5”-25”, Conventional REF#102
Liebherr LC380, 440mm W/100mm Hob, 2008 REF#102 Cross 65, 10” Gear Pointer, Power Cylinder, Cutter, Change Gears REF#102 Illinois 1731-3C, Hob & Worm Lead Tester, Electronic Recorder, Master Hob REF#102
Cross 85 10” Chamfer, (2) Cutter Heads, Bevel, Spur, Helical REF#102 Illinois 3412B-3C, 12” Involute with 1606 Electronic Recorder, Master Gauge REF#102
GEAR HOBBERS/CUTTERS Samputensili SCT3 13.7”, SM2TA 10”, (5), 2003 REF#102 Illinois 3824-1-3B Spline & Spur Lead Tester, Max. Centers 52”,
Samputensili SM2TA, 10”, Max. Face Width 4”, Hyd. Work Clamping, 1983-2003 REF#102 1606 Recorder REF#102
TOS OFA Series Conventional Gear Hobbers, 12” & 40” Dia REF#103 Mitsubishi MA30 CNC, 11”PD, Fanuc Control, Powermate, 1999 (2) REF#102 Illinois 3912-3C Lead Tester, 12”, 1607 Electronic Recorder, 1980 REF#102
TOS OHA Series Conventional Gear Shapers, 12” & 40” Dia REF#103 Klingelnberg PFS600 W/Masters, Recorder, Extras, 23.6”, 0.59-23.6” REF#102
PFAUTER P1251 Hobbers s/n 25-276 and 25-277 REF#105 GEAR HONERS M&M 3015, 15” Gear Analyzer, P2 Computer Software, 12”Mag. Chuck REF#102
PFAUTER (1) RS-00 s/n 17593 REF#105
BARBER COLEMAN (1) 16-36 multi cycle s/n 4404 REF#105 National Broach GHG 18”, Power Stock, Crowning, Variable Speed REF#102 GEAR THREAD & WORM, MILLERS/GRINDERS
Lees Bradner 7VH, 8”PD, 10” Face, , Magnetic Chip Conveyor , Hob Shift REF#102 Toyo T465 CNC, 160M Fanuc 5-Axis, Power Stock, Uses Fassler Tooling, REF#102
Lees Bradner 7VH, 8”PD, 4PD, Magnetic Chip Conveyor, Hob Shift REF#102 Ex-Cell-O 36 External Thread Grinder REF#106
Barber C. 16-15, 4” Hob, Crowning, Differential, Double Cut, 3 DP, 1977 REF#102 GEAR GENERATORS Jones & Lamson 12 x 45 Automatic Thread Grinder REF#106
G & E 36H, 36”, Hi-Column, Differential, From AEM Toolroom, Excellent REF#102 Lees Bradner HT 12 x 54 Thread Miller REF#106
G & E Model 48HS, 48”PD, 18” Face, 2.5 DP, Hi-Column, Heavy Duty, 8” Hob REF#102 Gleason 11 Spiral Bevel, 13”, Stock Divider, Hyd. Chucking, Roughers & Finishers REF#102
Liebherr L301, 12” Crowning, Double Cut, Differential, Hob Shift REF#102 Gleason 12”, Gears, Gauges Tool Blocks REF#102 MISCELLANEOUS
Liebherr L401, 16”, Differential, 2-Cut Cycle, Chip Conveyor, 7.566” Hob Dia. REF#102 Gleason 16 Spiral Bevel, 18”, 2-1/2 DP, Modified Roll, Chip Conveyor REF#102
Liebherr L402, 2-Cut, Infeed, Differential, Tangential Feed, 19.3 OD W/4” Hob REF#102 Gleason 24 Rougher, Gears, Finishing Tool Holder REF#102 WARNER & SWAYSEY #4A M-3580 Turret Lathe, 28 1/4 Swing, 80” Centers,
Cleveland 1886, Hi-Helix, Hob Head, Auto Hob Shift, 4-Pitch, 1975 REF#102 Gleason 116 Rougher & Finisher (6) REF#102 12” Spindle Hole 50/25 Motors, 480/3 Phase, Year 1965 REF#104
Gleason Phoenix 175HC CNC – 1994 REF#102 Springfield Vertical Grinder, 62" Table, #62AR/2CS, 3.5A Rail Type, 70" Swing REF#105
GEAR HOB & CUTTER SHARPENERS (INCL CNC) Gleason 22 Rougher & Finisher (8) REF#102 TOS SU & SUS Series Conv Lathes REF#103
Gleason 26 Spiral Bevel, 33-36”, Mod. Roll, Stock Divider, Coolant, Change Gears REF#102 TOS SUA Series CNC Flat-Bed Lathes REF#103
TOS OHA Series CNC Gear Shapers, 12” & 40” Diameter REF#103 Gleason Phoenix 450HC, Spiral Bevel, 150MB Fanuc REF#102 Gleason: Change Gears, Cutter Heads, Cams, Index Plates, Workholding REF#102
TOS OFA Series CNC Gear Hobbers, 12” & 40” Diameter REF#103 Gleason 610 Combination Rougher & Finisher, 1988 REF#102 G & E: Change Gears, Arbors REF#102
Barber Colman 10-12, Water Guards, Dresser, Index Plates REF#102 Gleason 608 & 609 Rougher & Finisher REF#102 Barber Colman: Change Gears, Arbors, Parts for All Models REF#102
Star 2VHS, 6”x6”, Coolant, Change Gears, REF#102 Gleason 645 Spiral Bevel, Helical Motion, Chip Conveyor, Variable Rate of Roll REF#102 Liebherr: Change Gears, Parts REF#102
Star 4 x 4 (G691), 0-7000 Spindle Speeds, Auto Cycle, Coolant REF#102 Gleason Cutters, 3” to 25” in stock, 1000 REF#102 Reishauer: Wheel Mounts REF#102
JANUARY 2018 53
KORO for Quality
Hob Sharpening Service
Quick Turnaround 2 Day Service
Spur Shaper Cutter Sharpening · Custom gear racks in AMERICAN and
HSS & Carbide Hob with center hole METRIC standards, STRAIGHT and
HELICAL, VARIOUS materials, FINE and
and straight flutes
COARSE pitch (254 D.P. – 0.5 D.P.; 0.10
Thin Film Coatings Module – 50 Module); hard-cut (up to
60 Rc) and soft-cut (up to 40 Rc); 32”
Length up to 7 inches face width; Up to 82” lengths – longer
lengths through resetting
· Custom gears in AMERICAN and
METRIC standards (3 D.P. – 72 D.P., 10”
Contact Gear Solutions Diameter up
to 5 Inches
· Precision Quality up to AGMA 12
at 800-366-2185 to feature your Precise rake · Prototype & Production quantities
· Breakdown Service Available
and spacing guaranteed · Reverse Engineering
business in the Marketplace! to AGMA standards
· Unique Tooth Configurations
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VACUUM HEAT TREATING Achieving Increased Profits
& BRAZING SERVICES and Response Times
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As such, any new equipment they
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54 gearsolutions.com
American Precision Gear Co................................................................25 • Analyze Inspection Data
• Compare Data and Process Behavior
Circle Gear & Machine Co Inc..............................................................11
• Customized Reporting
• Real-Time Reporting
Russell Holbrook & Henderson Inc......................................................23 Precision Gear Products (up to AGMA Q14):
Spur Gears, Helical Gears, Worm Gears, Anti-Backlash Gears, Cluster Gears, Clutch Gears,
Solar Atmospheres...............................................................................54
Face Gears, Planetary Gears, Gear Assemblies, Gear Boxes, Bevel Gears, Miter Gears,
Metric Gears, Internal Gears, Idler Gears, Gear Rack & Pinion, Worms, Wormshafts,
Splines, Spline Shafts, Serrated Shafts.
STD Precision Gear & Instrument Inc..................................................55
JANUARY 2018 55
What’s a typical day like as JTEKT Toyoda Americas Toyoda’s innovation combines
Corporation’s product manager of special purpose cutting processes, like gear cut-
machines — and the leading expert on the award- ting, chamfering, milling, turn-
winning Gear Skiving Horizontal Machining Centers? ing, and deburring, typically
Let’s start by explaining what a special purpose machine is. spread amongst several different machines, into one compact and
Special purpose machines are not necessarily industry-specific, like powerful machine. This saves our customers money not only in the
automotive grinders, but instead are machines designed with a par- number of machines needed to produce a part, but in training, servic-
ticular product in mind. This includes Toyoda’s GS300H, GS700H, ing the machine, spare parts inventory, man power, and shop floor
and our newest, most compact model, the GS200H. The division real estate. This is the game changer for our customers.
was conceptualized by combining the mechanical implementations
and control strategies found on the GC20 grinder for camshafts, What products and services does Toyoda Americas offer?
the GF50 grinder for crankshafts, and the FH500J Horizontal Toyoda’s lineup includes horizontal and vertical machining centers,
Machining Center. cylindrical grinders mills, lathes, gear skiving horizontal machining
My whole career has been intimately involved in manufacturing. centers, bridge mills, gantry mills, boring mills, automation solu-
I came to Toyoda as a service engineer — replacing a customer’s tions, and more.
machine components, improving processes, or writing new programs.
Now as product manager for special purpose machines, I work inten- Aside from receiving the prestigious PACE award, what
sively with customers to match them with their ideal CNC solution are some of the corporation’s proudest moments?
setting them up for maximum profitability. Anybody who’s ever played on a team knows that there are a lot of
people, besides the ones who score the points, who contribute to a
Tell us about winning the 2017 Automotive News victory. I haven’t been at Toyoda as long as others, so I asked my VP,
PACE Award for the High-Speed Axis Synchronization ‘What are some of our proudest moments?.’ He was really stumped
technology on the Gear Skiving Horizontal Machining and that speaks to that team mentality. Anytime Toyoda wins a big
Centers. How did you come to be included in the order, the whole corporation lights up; it spreads like wildfire. That
nominations? is what we consider a proud moment. The PACE award really show-
The PACE Awards recognize technologies that are basically game cased that team mentality, bringing together applications, marketing,
changers to the automotive industry for both the consumer and the sales, upper management, facilities, to bring forth the best Toyoda
manufacturer. In 2017, there were hundreds of applicants, which has to offer in innovation — a great example of what we’re trying to
were then narrowed down to 32 finalists. Judges from the PACE accomplish with day-to-day sales.
panel visited each of the finalists, which provided Toyoda with the
fantastic opportunity of really diving into the unique mechanics of What sets Toyoda apart when it comes to what you can
our submission, showing first-hand our enthusiasm and excitement offer a customer?
for this innovation, and showcasing the technology supporting our Simply put? Service and support. Toyoda machines are backed by an
machine that makes profitable high-speed axis synchronization a unparalleled team of service experts each with a unique set of specializa-
reality. This past year, in April 2017, Toyoda was announced as one tions which is atypical to the industry where everyone is expected to be
of 11 winners, the first machine tool builder in nearly two decades an expert on everything. This unique feature allows our customers to
to be nominated for the award! The overall process was truly amaz- receive a higher level of expertise for their problem. Also, supporting
ing, emotional, and quite the experience! We really are honored to our customers is a huge team of product experts with access to over
have our hat in the ring with other big automotive game changers. $26 million in inventory, on the shelf, in America, right now, including
Gear skiving is a perfectly coordinated process that takes a high parts our customers may need on antiquated equipment.
level of synchronization. It’s almost like an orchestra, if the wood-
winds are a little flat or sharp; they’re going to make the whole band Where do you see the company in the next 10 years?
sound terrible, right? With gear skiving, every component on the Toyoda customers love their machines because they’re so depend-
machine has to work in harmony with every other component. Toyoda able and have proven time and time again to have a less expensive
released the gear skiving machine to the market at IMTS 2016 but cost of ownership when compared to lower-quality machines. It’s
we really started this journey in 1986 with camshaft grinding. Our the reliability behind our product, the technologies we patent, and
fundamental software and electronic components that make skiving the Toyoda team as a whole that continues to make our customers
possible have been under constant development literally for the last money and ultimately makes Toyoda machines great investments. In
30 years now. With the latest iteration of our control technology, it the next 10 years, I see Toyoda taking more of the market share by
made gear skiving really, really attractive. continuing to raise these expectations, pushing industry standards.
56 gearsolutions.com
Toyoda’s Gear Skiving Series.
Award Winning
CNC Gear
Machine 2
Programming: Input Cutter Data
Easy as
from cutter drawing
or box.
1-2-3 3
Cutting speeds and
feeds automatically
calculated as well
as cutter paths.