2cmc ToR For Sewarage System Design Adama
2cmc ToR For Sewarage System Design Adama
2cmc ToR For Sewarage System Design Adama
March 2015
Terms of Reference (ToR)
ADAMA City Wastewater Management System
Feasibility Study and detail design
1. Following the completion of the National Water Supply and Sanitation program which was
started in May 2004 as a five years project with USD100 million (75 million USD credit and 25
million USD grant) from IDA and (later DFID joined as co financer with 70 million Great
Britain Pound in May 2007), IDA has made an agreement with Government of Ethiopia to
finance new program at a scope of US $ 205 Million for five years (2014 –2019) that has three
components of which Urban Water Supply and Sanitation is one of them.
2. The project implementation arrangements reflect the policy objectives of decentralization to the
lowest possible level, involvement of all stakeholders in the process, integration of sanitation
with improvements to water supply, and recognizing water as an economic as well as social
good. A demand responsive, performance-based approach will be followed so that communities
will receive assistance to put in place institutions and develop capacity for implementation and
will be able to access more resources for development of their water supply and sanitation
systems as they demonstrate capacity for implementation. A stepped approach will be
employed for both urban and rural water supply and sanitation to allow each community to
move at is own pace and receive further assistance when they are ready.
3. The One WASH National Program is the Government of Ethiopia’s (GoE) main instrument for
achieving the goals set out in the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP). Alongside the
national program, WB has simultaneously launched a WaSH II water supply and sanitation
program a continuation of the WaSH I. The program has started operation since July 2014 and
expected to stay three years of period.
4. The OWNP has mainly 4 components: 1) Rural and Pastoralist WaSH, 2) Urban WaSH, 3)
Institutional WaSH and 4) Program Management and Capacity Building. The Urban
WASH(for water supply and sanitation improvements) finances study and design, capacity
building and management support, environmental and resettlement safeguards, immediate
service improvements and expansion and augmentation of Sanitation and urban environmental
improvements which will include desludging equipment and facilities, latrine sludge/septage
treatment plant and public toilets construction, and development of wastewater management
systems in selected category I cities and towns.
5. Cities under this ToR consideration are ones eligible for WRDF loan to do actives and services
indicated in sub component 2: sanitation services which include mainly, for in
a) Development of wastewater master plan
b) Tendering for sanitation services, works and goods
c) Procurement of works and goods/supplies
d) Carrying out building capacity activities, including technical O&M capacity
e) Development of appropriate service delivery models for urban sanitation
6. The Employer is responsible for preparing and implementing the project, and therefore for
selecting the consultant, and awarding and subsequently administering the contract. The Bank,
for its part, is required by its Articles of Agreement to “ensure that the proceeds of any
loan/grants are used only for the purposes for which the loan was granted, with due
attention to considerations of economy and efficiency and without regard to political or
other non-economic influences or considerations,” and it has established detailed procedures
for this purpose.
7. While the specific rules and procedures to be followed for employing consultants depend
on the circumstances of the particular case, five main considerations guide the Bank’s policy
on the selection process: (a) the need for high-quality services, (b) the need for economy and
efficiency, (c) the need to give all eligible consultants an opportunity to compete in
providing the services financed by the Bank, (d) the Bank’s interest in encouraging the
development and use of national consultants in its developing member countries, and (e)
the need for transparency in the selection process.
8. The Bank considers that, in the majority of cases, these considerations can best be addressed
through competition among qualified short-listed firms in which the selection is based on the
quality of the proposal and, where appropriate, on the cost of the services to be provided.
9. Water is consumed as an essential life-support substance by all living beings, including
humans. The essentials of a sustainable life-support system are not only the life-generating
and sustaining elements: air, water, light, heat, food, fluid and living space, but also the
removal of waste products:, effluent, trash and sanitary waste, also known as sewage.
Sewage is disposed of in several ways, mainly two: removal in a waterborne sewer systems
(sewerage) or disposed via an on-site sanitation system (pit latrines or septic tanks).
10. The management of liquid waste at national level has been very weak. About half of the
households handle household liquid waste by openly discharging into any accessible public
properties, such as streets, drainage lines and nearby open space. Sewer line application is
not that much familiar in the country except in Addis Ababa.
11. Disposal system has arrangements to distribute the used water either to aquatic bodies such
as oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, or lagoons or to land by absorption systems, groundwater
recharge, and irrigation. Waste water must be mixed, diluted and absorbed before it is
discharged to the general body of water, so that the receiving environments do not lose its
beneficial usable characteristics.
12. The Ministry of water, Irrigation and energy has tried to indicate the concern of the issues in
its policy clearly. It is therefore essential to address these challenges in an integrated and
regional manner, the all complex and wide range of the problem with in the frame of its
National Plan UAP, MDG and GTP preparing strategic document is important with strong
and indicative action of the plan with the participation of key stakeholders including the
public and private sectors are actively engaged.
13. For the coming GTP II plan, 36 towns will have feasibility study and detail design for
sewerage and for those which have greater than 200,000 population construction sewerage
system will be started.
14. Currently, urbanization has been accelerated, fuelled by rapid economic growth in the
Country, life standards have gradually improved. Urbanization and rapid economic growth
have resulted in demand for better water supply and sanitation services in the Country.
Because of all those reason Waste management is one of the urban basic services being
addressed by the Government of Ethiopia.
15. This is a lump sum contract for consultancy services.
16. Adama city is located in Oromia National Regional State, East Shewa Zone at a distance of
100 ከm from Addis Ababa. its astronomical location is 8º44’ North Latitude and 39º04’ East
17. Adama was founded in 1924. It is one of the reform cities in the region and has city
administration consisting of 14 urban and four rural kebeles. The city has structure plan which
was prepared in 2004.
18. Adama City Administration is an autonomous first grade urban local government established
following proclamation no.65/2003, for the establishment of local urban administrations issued
by the Regional State of Oromiya. It is, therefore, responsible to administer and develop the
city. For better management, the city administration is structured on a two-tier organizational
19. Currently there are almost 970 towns in the country; due to rapid growth of the economy and
Nr of population the towns require more water supply and wastewater disposal system to
have a clean and healthy environment. The main objective of the study is to produce
Feasibility and detailed design study documents for Sewerage /waste water management
system for Adama Town.
Specific objectives
Review previous and existing Study, Design and constructed sewerage systems of the
each town, evaluation of its functionality, and identification of basic issues / problems.
Assess the feasibility of constructing decentralized and centralized wastewater treatment
and collection infrastructure at the current major discharge points. Review alternative
wastewater treatment plant(WWTP) scenarios including these decentralized WWTPs
and different arrangements of collection system and possibility of combined
Selection of suitable route and design of force main of appropriate material to
carry out the sewerage due consideration of, Capable to conveyance the effluent through
gravity, accessible through existing infrastructure of roads / trails/tacks, least interference
with the social setup of the area, minimum social and environmental impacts, the
minimum damages to local Dug wells and other water resource, and Socially acceptable.
Recommend the most appropriate and cost effective wastewater investment scenario. The
approach should be an optimal one for managing the Town’s wastewater treatment
requirements, reflecting locations and land requirements, treatment technologies, the
operations and maintenance characteristics of each technology studied, capital and
recurrent costs, sustainability, affordability, and other related factors
Assess on-site sanitation facilities, septage collection and condition of septic tanks, fecal
sludge management strategies and effluent disposal fields.
Assess the requirement of transfer stations and injection points taking into consideration
the future expansion of the respective towns based on the revised master plan
Assess the current disposal practice of those hazardous wastes from hospitals and
Assess existing system management, manpower and infrastructure to control the
sewerage system.
Preparation of detail design and engineering drawings for the up gradation of the waste
water management system based on the preferred alternative.
Prepare a complete tender document for construction.
20. The scope of consultancy services is divided in the following Tasks under Part I & II:
Task I: The details of the task will be not limited to
o Submission of inception report. The inception shall clearly indicate initial desk review,
field observations, existing situation, revised methodologies and approach to the
consulting services, revised schedule for activities, expert program, next deliverable
schedule and contacted individuals and references used. The inception report shall be
discussed and approved by the Client.
o Detail review report (1) the existing study and design reports including the sewerage
system functioning in the city. It shall include the assessment of on-site and off-site
complete sanitation chain facilities in the town to identify waste water management
o Detail report (2) on the design approach to Wastewater demand of the city, Where
does the wastewater come from?, Components of a Community’s Wastewater:
a)domestic (sanitary)- residential, institutional and commercial b) industrial),
c)Infiltration to Sanitary Sewer Systems d) Inflow to Sanitary Sewer Systems, also
identify quality of untreated wastewater for each categories; asses existing rivers
crossing the city and deep wells sources for level of contamination; propose the
computer software to be used and the current disposal practice of those hazardous wastes
from hospitals and industries ;
o Prepare design criteria and concept plan for component of the town waste water
management project. Include also choice of technology and material to use. Concept
plan will be to provide a sound planning basis and finalize the criteria for detailed
engineering design under each subproject. Two or three scenarios to be delivered for the
client final choice. It shall indicate the economic analysis and sensitivity test for each
scenario (with centralized and decentralized treatment, separate or combined sewerage
systems). The size of the topography survey required and alternate choices shall be
o Appraisal workshop presentation before stepping to stage II.) (The panel shall have
specialists from MoWIE, MoH, Regional Bureau (Water and Health), Environmental
protection Office.
o Assess the technical, financial, social, and economic feasibility and sustainability and
priority of each subproject component, including the phasing of investments for
wastewater management including (a) sewage collection and treatment systems, (b)
septic tank sludge collection and treatment systems, and (c) other related investments.
o Assess in detail the operating utilities: (a) financial management capacity; and (b)
financial state including income statements, balance sheet and cash flow statements, and
existing loan repayments. Analyze major constraints to the financial sustainability and
the degree of operational subsidies from the local government. Prepare financial
projections including revenues, operating and capital expenditures, and debt repayment.
o Assess the costs of wastewater collection and treatment and level of cost recovery
possible, and determine tariffs needed to ensure sustainable operations. Discuss with the
city utility/Municipality a phased politically acceptable way of introducing cost recovery
tariffs. Assess options and the feasibility of transferring responsibility for wastewater
services to a dedicated wastewater utility.
o Review the impact and affordability of introducing full and partial cost recovery in
wastewater management services. Assess demand on the basis of price, income, and
access to alternative supplies. Analyze the affordability of wastewater services and
assess willingness to pay for them.
o Assess in detail (a) financial management capacity, and (b) financial performance
including borrowing capacity and debt service coverage ratios relating to existing and
potential new loans. Prepare financial projections including revenues, operating and
capital expenditures, and debt repayment.
o Investigate alternative financing schemes for improving urban sanitation, including for
example municipal bonds, and public-private partnerships.
o Prepare detailed cost estimates and financing plans for each of the project components
and the Project as a whole. Prepare the financial arrangements specifying the foreign
exchange and local currency costs as applicable.
o Conduct comprehensive economic and financial analyses for each subproject and the
overall Project, using relevant WB guidelines, and handbooks. Based on past and
projected financial statements, compute relevant financial indicators, including, but not
limited to, debt service coverage ratios, and operating ratios. Compute for each
subproject and the overall project financial internal rates of return (FIRRs), weighted
average cost of capital (WACC), and economic internal rates of return (EIRRs). Analyze
the impact of the Project on poverty reduction. Review in detail the distribution of
project benefits, net economic benefits, and poverty impact.
o Based on international experiences relevant to Ethiopian context, assess economically
and technically feasible technologies (with centralized and decentralized treatment) for
the town wastewater management and the service management options
o Identify quality of untreated waste water, final outlet quality, Wastewater Treatment
Options with appropriate technology recommended, Standards for Effluent Disposal and
electro mechanical components of the treatment plant based on t0he preferred alternative.
o Prepare detailed project implementation and phasing schedules for each component, and
investigate implementation options including integrated design-procure construct
packages to improve implementation efficiency.
o Develop management system proposal to manage the newly constructed system,
manpower facility to manage the system, manpower organization and structure with
different combination of specialists, capacity building necessary to the staff to manage
the new system and The type and number of auxiliary building necessary to the staff to
control the system with all cost break down.
o Prepare an effective project performance monitoring system (PPMS) that includes
monitoring of the project's performance, benefits, and impact on poverty reduction.
Identify the training needs to strengthen performance monitoring capacity.
o Hold discussions with the city stakeholders to identify key issues and obtain their views
on capacity-building needs, and develop concepts for the design of the capacity-building
components. Develop a capacity-building program, and outline training programs and
recommended interventions that should be included in the Project, and estimated costs.
o Recommend subproject interventions to address gender imbalances, and interventions to
support other vulnerable groups, which will result in poverty reduction and social
inclusion strategy under the project.
o Develop and recommend mechanisms and procedures for public consultation and
community participation in project planning, operation and maintenance, project
implementation and management, particularly in relation to levels of service
performance, tariffs, and environmental protection.
o Assess the need for land acquisition in the Project. Where land acquisition is required, the
Consultant shall inform the Utility of the location, outline the likely resettlement
requirements and the work required to prepare an action plan to acquire the land
(including the preparation of cadastral plans) and resettle residents in accordance with
procedures regulated by the Federal and Regional ESFW Regulation covering the matter.
o Assess the need for preparing an indigenous peoples development framework,
development plan, or specific action in accordance with WBs policy on indigenous
peoples. If required, prepare the necessary framework, plan, and specific action in
accordance with WBs requirements. (xvi) Justify the Project from the point of view of
social dimensions (social impact, impact on poverty, marginalized and vulnerable
groups, and gender specific issues).
o Each intervention shall be screened for its environmental impact. For each intervention,
the initial objective shall be to determine if there will be a significant impact from the
proposed investment, based on criteria established under ESFW.
o Review regulation and standards of the government at national, international and regional
level and the World Bank related to environmental quality, health, and safety, protection
of sensitive areas and endangered species.
o assess the extent to which expansion of the sewerage system would entail land
acquisition and resettlement and rehabilitation and to ensure that this is undertaken as per
the agreed resettlement Policy Framework for the project and the related lows and
proclamations of GoE
o The Consultant will concurrently prepare an initial environmental examination (IEE) or
environmental impact assessment (EIA), if warranted, for each individual subproject,
and a summary IEE or a summary EIA for the whole Project,
Task II: The details of the task work will be not limited to
o Detailed topographic surveys and drawings of plan & profile in A3 and Ao (general
layout) paper size. The topography coordinates shall be addendum UTM measurements.
The whole proposed route shall be surveyed. The soil investigation along selected
topographic survey routes and selected treatment sites; detailed working drawings in
international standard using CAD and arc GIS. The drawings should contain all the
details required for execution of the project.
o Zonal( where applicable) hydrological data analysis, Wastewater characterization,
and volume quantification based the sub catchment of the city sewerage flow;
o detailed designing of sewerage Network, the route confirm to the master plan
layout recommendation and local development plan of the city; The specification shall
confirm to the latest material production standard, equipment output and method of for
all system components readable with bill of quantity pay items. The presentation shall
follow standard numbering method quantity surveying.
o Preparation of bid document based on the WB procurement requirements for works
and goods & related works; The Bill of quantities shall be detailed and specific to each
item of material uit od activity required and no lumped activities are allowed to be
submitted. Engineering Estimates derived from cost rate analysis prepared on Excel
spreadsheet correlated with outputs (manpower and equipment) and material. Production
3-D view of all treatment structures in appropriate CAD format. The ArcGIS report
whether soft or hard copy shall have complete presentation of the design pipe routes,
stations, major junction boxes, proposed treatment plants separated by implementation
o Appraisal workshop presentation before stepping to preparation of quantities.
o The Regional Bureau shall seek No Objection for the final document.
21. The Consulting firm shall be legally established firm and committed to put together a team
of highly qualified experts with direct experience and excellent understanding of technical,
economic, financial and environmental issues related to water supply and sewerage services
of major cities in the country.
22. The team will also need to have experience in conducting Feasibility Studies under the
conditions and regulations which exist in Major similar cities.
23. Resumes of the qualifications and experience of the key members of the team will be the key
criteria used to evaluate proposals.
No of Person
S/No. Position Qualification/Experience
person Month
1 Team Leader Wastewater/Sanitary Engineer/Civil :MSc or above
in Sanitary Engineering or related with 12 years or
1 above experience in the sanitation sub-sector with a 12
high credit to experiences in project manager for
study and designing of similar nature project
2 Wastewater/ MSc or above in wastewater/ sanitary/ or related
sanitary fields with 8 years or above experience in the
specialist 2 Sanitation sub-sector with a high credit to 12
experiences of development of sanitary systems of
similar nature project .
3 Hydraulic MSc or above in /civil Engineering or related with
Engineer 1 8 years or above experience in the water supply 12
and sanitation sub-sector with a high credit to
No of Person
S/No. Position Qualification/Experience
person Month
experiences in study and designing of of similar
nature project
4 Structural MSc or above in civil Engineering or related with 8
Engineer years or above experience in the water supply and
1 sanitation sub-sector with a high credit to 4
experiences in study and designing of of similar
nature project
5 Socio-Economist BSc or above in economics with 8 yrs of
1 4
experience in similar nature projects
5 Mechanical MSc or above in mechanical Engineering or
Engineer related with 8 years or above experience in the
1 wastewater with a high credit to experiences in 4
Engineer study and designing of similar nature project
7 Environmental MSc or above in Environmental Engineering or
specialist related with 8 years or above experience in the
1 water supply and sanitation sub-sector with a high 4
credit to experiences in study and designing of
different projects
8 Topographic Minimum Technical diploma in surveying and 8
Surveyor 2 yrs relevant experience 4
24. The consultant firm is accountable to the Regional Water Supply and Sanitation Bureau at
the Regional Level. The sewerage system design and development Focal Person at MoWIE
in the Directorate will facilitate the execution of the assignment as project coordinator.
Submission copies
Nr. Deliverables Timing Day Pages
Duration finish
1 Contract effectiveness 1
2 Inception Report 30 30 30 +Appendices 5 + CD
Three reports( each 5 + CD
max 100 pages +
3 Part I draft report 90 120 appendices)
4 Appraisal and part I Final report 20 140 5 + CD
Four reports ( each max 5 + CD
5 Part II draft report 160 300 100 pages + appendices)
Four reports( each max 5 + CD
6 Appraisal and Part I Final report 20 320 100 pages + appendices)
Specification, and BoQ,, 5 + CD
7 Bid Document including Dwgs 20 340 Bid document, Dwgs
8 No Objection 25 365
26. The Consulting firm shall recommend order of the activity deliverables in order of
presentation and respective timeline.