Course No.: ECE F314 Course Title: Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Engineering Instructor-In-Charge: Harish V. Dixit

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Course Handout (Part-II)
May 14, 2018

Course No. : ECE F314

Course Title : Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Engineering
Instructor-in-charge : Harish V. Dixit
Course Description:
Electromagnetic waves; Maxwell's equations; Poynting theorem and wave equations;
propagation of EM waves; transmission lines; microstrip lines; wave guides; cavities and
antennas; microwave generators, microwave amplifiers; measurement at microwave frequencies.

Scope and objective of the course:

Electromagnetics is one of the most fundamental topics in Electrical Engineering. Maxwell’s
four simple equations form the basis for almost all phenomena in Electrical and
Communication Engineering. Thorough understanding of many areas such as VLSI, PCBs
operating at GHz clocks, rotating machines, microwaves and antennas depends upon
electromagnetics. The emphasis will be placed on both physical concepts and mathematical
equations. An effort will be made to show that electromagnetic is not a dull and dry area with
lot of mathematics but something beyond it. The objective of this course is to provide the
students with the basic understanding of electromagnetic fields and microwaves. The
material covered in this course is basic to the training of electrical engineers.

1. Text Book :
John D. Kraus and Daniel A. Fleisch, “Electromagnetics”, 5 th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York,

2. Reference Books :
i) RB1: Samuel Y. Liao, “Microwave devices and circuits” 3rd ed.,PHI 2008.
ii) RB2: Annapurna Das and Sisir Das, “Microwave Engineering”, TMH 2009.
iii) RB3: David Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, 4th edition,John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
iv) RB4: J.D Krauss, “Antennas and Wave Propagation”, 4th edition, TMH 2010.
v) RB5: Matthew N.O.Sadiku, “Principles of Electromagnetics” 4th ed. Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2009.
vi) RB6: David K.Cheng, “Field and Wave Electromagnetics” 2 nd ed. Pearson Education,
New Delhi, 2009.
vii) RB7: EDD Notes: “Smith Chart and its Applications”, BITS, Pilani, 2009.

3. Course Plan:
Topic to be covered Learning Objective Source*
Introduction to the course
1 -- --
and its components
To analyse the transmission
Class notes and
2-4 Transmission lines line characteristics
Chapter 3 (TB)
To analyse transmission lines
Graphical Evaluation of Class notes
5-8 and high frequency systems
Transmission Lines Chapter 3 (TB)
using graphical technique
Review of Maxwell Class notes and
9 Review of basic EM concepts
Equations chapter 4 (TB)
Maxwell’s equations, Plane
To qualitively and
wave propagation in Class notes and
10-12 quantitatively describe
conducting and dielectric chapter 4 (TB)
propagation of EM waves
Energy relations and
To quantitatively analyse the Class notes and
13-15 Poynting Vector& Wave
power in EM wave chapter 4 (TB)
Reflection & refraction of To describe various wave Class notes and
plane waves phenomenon quantitatively chapter 4 (TB)
To quantitatively analyse Class notes and
18-23 Waveguides
waveguide propagation Chapter 8 (TB)
Waveguide Devices and S To qualitatively describe Class notes and
parameters various waveguide devices Chapter 4 (RB1)
To qualitatively and
Microwave Generators and quantitatively analyse low and Class notes and
Amplifiers high power microwave Chapter 7 (RB1)
generators and amplifiers
To quantitatively and
Class notes and
38-42 Antennas qualitatively analyse RF and
Chapter 5 (TB)
microwave antennas
*The primary reference for the coverage (breadth and depth)/nomenclature/notations for
a particular topic would be as per the lecturers/tutorials. Students are advised to take class
notes during the lectures.

4. Evaluation Scheme:

Marks Evaluation
Component Duration Percentage Date & Time
Midsem Test 90 min 30 % 90 10/10, 3.30 -- 5.00 PM Open Book

Course Project-
Class Tests/
Take Home
--- 30 % 90 To be Announced in class
ments/Course Quiz-Closed
project Book

Comprehensive. 180
40 % 120 07/12 AN Closed Book
Exam. minutes
Total 300
*Open Book: Students would be allowed to keep only their class note book/class notes written in
their own handwriting and prescribed text book .

5. Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced in class

6. Notices: All notices concerning with the course will be put up on the CMS and/or would be
announced in the class.

7. Make-up Examination:

No make-up will be given for Assignments and Quizzes in any case. Makeup for mid-sem
and Comprehensive Examination will be as per ID rules only in extremely genuine cases (as
per the view of the IC) for which prior permission of the instructor-in-charge is required

ECE F314

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