.Psi Speed:30: B) C) D) E)

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After 5000 stks following readings are observed on the choke panel :

Drill Pipe Pressure: 800 .psi F c1. = G3 \

Choke Pressure :2100 psi
Pump Speed :30 spm

What action should be taken?

ta)-Increase the choke opening

b) Decrease the chqke opening
c) Increase the pump rate t

d) decrease the pump rate

e) Continue everything - OK
6. Aiter 7900 stks following readings are observed on the choke panel :

Drill Pipe Pressure: 631 psi or

Choke Pressure : 0
Pump Speed :30 spm - orr
- t^]eLr t-rur*O
- Choke is fully oPen
What action should be taken?

a) Decrease the choke opening

b) Stop pump & resume drilling
pef Stop pump, shut well & observe pressures
d) Decrease the pump rate

163 "

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