Ec 206 Computer Organisation

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Course Course Name L-T-P - Year of

code Credits Introduction

Prerequisite: EC207 Logic Circuit Design
Course Objectives
 To impart knowledge in computer architecture.
 To impart knowledge in machine language programming.
To develop understanding on I/O accessing techniques and memory structures.
Functional units of a computer, Arithmetic circuits, Processor architecture, Instructions and
addressing modes, Execution of program, Micro architecture design process, Design of data path
and control units, I/O accessing techniques, Memory concepts, Memory interface, Cache and
Virtual memory concepts.
Expected outcome .
The students will be able to:
i. Understand the functional units of a computer
ii. Identify the different types of instructions
iii. Understand the various addressing modes
iv. Understand the I/O addressing system
v. Categorize the different types of memories
Text Book:
1. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessey, Computer Organisation and Design, Fourth
Edition, Morgan Kaufmann
2. David Money Harris, Sarah L Harris, Digital Design and Computer Architecture,Morgan
Kaufmann – Elsevier, 2009
1. Carl Hamacher : “Computer Organization ”, Fifth Edition, Mc Graw Hill
2. John P Hayes: “Computer Architecture and Organisation”, Mc Graw Hill
3. William Stallings: “Computer Organisation and Architecture”, Pearson Education
4. Andrew S Tanenbaum: “Structured Computer Organisation”, Pearson Education
5. Craig Zacker: “PC Hardware : The Complete Reference”, TMH
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours Exam
Functional units of a computer
Arithmetic Circuits: Adder-carry propagate adder, Ripple carry
adder, Basics of carry look ahead and prefix adder, Subtractor,
I Comparator, ALU 15%
Shifters and rotators, Multiplication, Division 3
Number System: Review of Fixed point & Floating point number
Architecture : Assembly Language, Instructions, Operands,
Registers, Register set, Memory, Constants
II 15%
Machine Language: R-Type, I-Type, J-Type Instructions,
Interpreting machine language code
MIPS Addressing modes – Register only, Immediate, Base, PC-
III 3 15%
relative, Pseudo - direct
MIPS memory map, Steps for executing a program - Compilation,
Assembling, Linking, Loading
Pseudoinstuctions, Exceptions, Signed and Unsigned instructions,
Floating point instructions
MIPS Microarchitectures – State elements of MIPS processor 1
Design process and performance analysis of Single cycle
processor, Single cycle data path, Single cycle control for R – type 3
IV arithmetic/logical instructions. 15%
Design process and performance analysis of multi cycle processor,
Multi cycle data path, Multi cycle control for R – type 3
arithmetic/logical instructions.
I/O system – Accessing I/O devices, Modes of data transfer, 20%
Programmed I/O, Interrupt driven I/O, Direct Memory Access,
Standard I/O interfaces – Serial port, Parallel port, PCI, SCSI, and
Memory system – Hierarchy, Characteristics and Performance
analysis, Semiconductor memories (RAM, ROM, EPROM),
Memory Cells – SRAM and DRAM, internal organization of a
memory chip, Organization of a memory unit.
Cache Memory – Concept/principle of cache memory, Cache size, 20%
mapping methods – direct, associated, set associated, Replacement 3
VI algorithms, Write policy- Write through, Write back.
Virtual Memory – Memory management, Segmentation, Paging,
Address translation, Page table, Translation look aside buffer.

Question Paper Pattern

The question paper shall consist of three parts. Part A covers I and II module, Part B covers
III and IV module, Part C covers V and VI module. Each part has three questions, which may
have maximum four subdivisions. Among the three questions, one will be a compulsory
question covering both modules and the remaining from each module, of which one to be
answered. Part A & Part B questions shall carry 15 marks each and Part C questions shall
carry 20 marks each with maximum 80 % for theory and 20% for logical/numerical
problems, derivation and proof.

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