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AHA/ASA Guideline

2018 Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients

With Acute Ischemic Stroke
A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart
Association/American Stroke Association
Reviewed for evidence-based integrity and endorsed by the American Association of Neurological
Surgeons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons

Endorsed by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine and Neurocritical Care Society

The American Academy of Neurology affirms the value of this guideline

as an educational tool for neurologists.

William J. Powers, MD, FAHA, Chair; Alejandro A. Rabinstein, MD, FAHA, Vice Chair;
Teri Ackerson, BSN, RN; Opeolu M. Adeoye, MD, MS, FAHA;
Nicholas C. Bambakidis, MD, FAHA; Kyra Becker, MD, FAHA; José Biller, MD, FAHA;
Michael Brown, MD, MSc; Bart M. Demaerschalk, MD, MSc, FAHA; Brian Hoh, MD, FAHA;
Edward C. Jauch, MD, MS, FAHA; Chelsea S. Kidwell, MD, FAHA;
Thabele M. Leslie-Mazwi, MD; Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, MAS, MBA, FAHA;
Phillip A. Scott, MD, MBA, FAHA; Kevin N. Sheth, MD, FAHA;
Andrew M. Southerland, MD, MSc; Deborah V. Summers, MSN, RN, FAHA;
David L. Tirschwell, MD, MSc, FAHA; on behalf of the American Heart Association Stroke Council
Background and Purpose—The purpose of these guidelines is to provide an up-to-date comprehensive set of recommendations
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for clinicians caring for adult patients with acute arterial ischemic stroke in a single document. The intended audiences
are prehospital care providers, physicians, allied health professionals, and hospital administrators. These guidelines
supersede the 2013 guidelines and subsequent updates.
Methods—Members of the writing group were appointed by the American Heart Association Stroke Council’s Scientific
Statements Oversight Committee, representing various areas of medical expertise. Strict adherence to the American
Heart Association conflict of interest policy was maintained. Members were not allowed to participate in discussions or
to vote on topics relevant to their relations with industry. The members of the writing group unanimously approved all
recommendations except when relations with industry precluded members voting. Prerelease review of the draft guideline
was performed by 4 expert peer reviewers and by the members of the Stroke Council’s Scientific Statements Oversight

The American Heart Association makes every effort to avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside
relationship or a personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the writing panel. Specifically, all members of the writing group are
required to complete and submit a Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be perceived as real or potential conflicts of
This guideline was approved by the American Heart Association Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee on November 29, 2017, and the American
Heart Association Executive Committee on December 11, 2017. A copy of the document is available at by using
either “Search for Guidelines & Statements” or the “Browse by Topic” area. To purchase additional reprints, call 843-216-2533 or e-mail kelle.ramsay@
Data Supplement 1 (Evidence Tables) is available with this article at
Data Supplement 2 (Literature Search) is available with this article at
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Powers WJ, Rabinstein AA, Ackerson T, Adeoye OM, Bambakidis NC,
Becker K, Biller J, Brown M, Demaerschalk BM, Hoh B, Jauch EC, Kidwell CS, Leslie-Mazwi TM, Ovbiagele B, Scott PA, Sheth KN, Southerland AM,
Summers DV, Tirschwell DL; on behalf of the American Heart Association Stroke Council. 2018 Guidelines for the early management of patients with
acute ischemic stroke: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke. 2018;49:e46–
e99. doi: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000158.
The expert peer review of AHA-commissioned documents (eg, scientific statements, clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews) is conducted by
the AHA Office of Science Operations. For more on AHA statements and guidelines development, visit Select the
“Guidelines & Statements” drop-down menu, then click “Publication Development.”
Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and/or distribution of this document are not permitted without the express
permission of the American Heart Association. Instructions for obtaining permission are located at
Copyright-Permission-Guidelines_UCM_300404_Article.jsp. A link to the “Copyright Permissions Request Form” appears on the right side of
the page.
© 2018 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000158

Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e47

Committee and Stroke Council Leadership Committee. These guidelines use the American College of Cardiology/
American Heart Association 2015 Class of Recommendations and Levels of Evidence and the new American Heart
Association guidelines format.
Results—These guidelines detail prehospital care, urgent and emergency evaluation and treatment with intravenous and
intra-arterial therapies, and in-hospital management, including secondary prevention measures that are appropriately
instituted within the first 2 weeks. The guidelines support the overarching concept of stroke systems of care in both the
prehospital and hospital settings.
Conclusions—These guidelines are based on the best evidence currently available. In many instances, however,
only limited data exist demonstrating the urgent need for continued research on treatment of acute ischemic
stroke. (Stroke. 2018;49:e46–e99. DOI: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000158.)
Key Words: AHA Scientific Statements ◼ secondary prevention ◼ stroke ◼ therapeutics

N ew high-quality evidence has produced major changes

in the evidence-based treatment of patients with acute
ischemic stroke (AIS) since the publication of the most
These guidelines use the American College of Cardiology
(ACC)/AHA 2015 Class of Recommendations (COR) and
Levels of Evidence (LOE) (Table 1) and the new AHA guide-
recent “Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients lines format. New or revised recommendations that supersede
With Acute Ischemic Stroke” in 2013.1 Much of this new previous guideline recommendations are accompanied by
evidence has been incorporated into American Heart 250-word knowledge bytes and data supplement tables sum-
Association (AHA) focused updates, guidelines, or scientific marizing the key studies supporting the recommendations in
statements on specific topics relating to the management of place of extensive text. Existing recommendations that are
patients with AIS since 2013. The purpose of these guide- unchanged are reiterated with reference to the previous pub-
lines is to provide an up-to-date comprehensive set of rec- lication. These previous publications and their abbreviations
ommendations for clinicians caring for adult patients with used in this document are listed in Table 2. When there is no
acute arterial ischemic stroke in a single document. These new pertinent evidence, for these unchanged recommenda-
guidelines address prehospital care, urgent and emergency tions, no knowledge byte or data supplement is provided. For
evaluation and treatment with intravenous (IV) and intra- some unchanged recommendations, there are new pertinent
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arterial therapies, and in-hospital management, including data that support the existing recommendation, and these are
secondary prevention measures that are often begun during provided. Additional abbreviations used in this guideline are
the initial hospitalization. We have restricted our recommen- listed in Table 3.
dations to adults and to secondary prevention measures that Members of the writing group were appointed by the AHA
are appropriately instituted within the first 2 weeks. We have Stroke Council’s Scientific Statements Oversight Committee,
not included recommendations for cerebral venous sinus representing various areas of medical expertise. Strict adher-
thrombosis because they were covered in a 2011 scientific ence to the AHA conflict of interest policy was maintained
statement and there is no new evidence that would change throughout the writing and consensus process. Members were
those conclusions.2 not allowed to participate in discussions or to vote on topics
An independent evidence review committee was commis- relevant to their relationships with industry. Writing group
sioned to perform a systematic review of a limited number of members accepted topics relevant to their areas of expertise,
clinical questions identified in conjunction with the writing reviewed the stroke literature with emphasis on publications
group, the results of which were considered by the writing since the prior guidelines, and drafted recommendations. Draft
group for incorporation into this guideline. The systematic recommendations and supporting evidence were discussed by
reviews “Accuracy of Prediction Instruments for Diagnosing the writing group, and the revised recommendations for each
Large Vessel Occlusion in Individuals With Suspected topic were reviewed by a designated writing group member.
Stroke: A Systematic Review for the 2018 Guidelines for the The full writing group then evaluated the complete guidelines.
Early Management of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke”3 The members of the writing group unanimously approved all
and “Effect of Dysphagia Screening Strategies on Clinical recommendations except when relationships with industry pre-
Outcomes After Stroke: A Systematic Review for the 2018 cluded members voting. Prerelease review of the draft guideline
Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients With Acute was performed by 4 expert peer reviewers and by the mem-
Ischemic Stroke”4 are published in conjunction with this bers of the Stroke Council’s Scientific Statements Oversight
guideline. Committee and Stroke Council Leadership Committee.
e48  Stroke  March 2018

Table 1.  Applying ACC/AHA Class of Recommendation and Level of Evidence to Clinical Strategies, Interventions, Treatments, or
Diagnostic Testing in Patient Care* (Updated August 2015)
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Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e49

Table 2.  Guidelines, Policies, and Statements Relevant to the Management of AIS
Publication Abbreviation Used
Document Title Year in This Document
“Recommendations for the Implementation of Telemedicine Within Stroke Systems of Care: A Policy 2009 N/A
Statement From the American Heart Association”5
“Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Guideline for Healthcare 2013 2013 AIS Guidelines
Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association”1
“Interactions Within Stroke Systems of Care: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association/ 2013 2013 Stroke Systems of Care
American Stroke Association”6
“2014 AHA/ACC/HRS Guideline for the Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: Executive Summary: 2014 N/A
A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice
Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society”8
“Recommendations for the Management of Cerebral and Cerebellar Infarction With Swelling: A Statement 2014 2014 Cerebral Edema
for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association”9
“Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Stroke: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American 2014 2014 Palliative Care
Heart Association/American Stroke Association”10
“Clinical Performance Measures for Adults Hospitalized With Acute Ischemic Stroke: Performance Measures 2014 N/A
for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association”12
“Part 15: First Aid: 2015 American Heart Association and American Red Cross Guidelines Update for 2015 2015 CPR/ECC
First Aid”13
“2015 American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Focused Update of the 2013 Guidelines 2015 2015 Endovascular
for the Early Management of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Regarding Endovascular Treatment:
A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke
“Scientific Rationale for the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria for Intravenous Alteplase in Acute Ischemic 2015 2015 IV Alteplase
Stroke: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke
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“Guidelines for Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery: A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the 2016 2016 Rehab Guidelines
American Heart Association/American Stroke Association”16
ACC indicates American College of Cardiology; AHA, American Heart Association; AIS, acute ischemic stroke; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ECC, emergency
cardiovascular care; HRS, Heart Rhythm Society; IV, intravenous; and N/A, not applicable.
e50  Stroke  March 2018

Table 3.  Abbreviations in This Guideline Table 3.  Continued

ACC American College of Cardiology ICH Intracerebral hemorrhage
AHA American Heart Association IPC Intermittent pneumatic compression
AIS Acute ischemic stroke IV Intravenous
ARD Absolute risk difference LDL-C Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol

ASCVD Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease LMWH Low-molecular-weight heparin

ASPECTS Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography LOE Level of evidence
Score LVO Large vessel occlusion
BP Blood pressure M1 Middle cerebral artery segment 1
CEA Carotid endarterectomy M2 Middle cerebral artery segment 2
CeAD Cervical artery dissection M3 Middle cerebral artery segment 3
CI Confidence interval MCA Middle cerebral artery
CMB Cerebral microbleed MI Myocardial infarction
COR Class of recommendation MRA Magnetic resonance angiography
CS Conscious sedation MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
CT Computed tomography mRS Modified Rankin Scale
CTA Computed tomographic angiography mTICI Modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction
CTP Computed tomographic perfusion NCCT Noncontrast computed tomography
DTN Door-to-needle NIHSS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
DVT Deep vein thrombosis NINDS National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
DW-MRI Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging OR Odds ratio
ED Emergency department OSA Obstructive sleep apnea

EMS Emergency medical services RCT Randomized clinical trial

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EVT Endovascular therapy RR Relative risk

GA General anesthesia rtPA recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator

GWTG Get With The Guidelines sICH Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage

HBO Hyperbaric oxygen TIA Transient ischemic attack

HR Hazard ratio UFH Unfractionated heparin

(Continued )
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e51

1. Prehospital Stroke Management and Systems of Care

1.1. Prehospital Systems
1.1. Prehospital Systems COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. P
 ublic health leaders, along with medical professionals and others, Recommendation revised from 2013 Stroke
should design and implement public education programs focused on Systems of Care. COR and LOE added.
stroke systems and the need to seek emergency care (by calling 9-1-1) I B-R
in a rapid manner. These programs should be sustained over time and
designed to reach racially/ethnically, age, and sex diverse populations.
Early stroke symptom recognition is essential for seeking timely care. Unfortunately, knowledge of stroke See Tables I and II in online Data Supplement 1.
warning signs and risk factors in the United States remains poor. Blacks and Hispanics particularly have
lower stroke awareness than the general population and are at increased risk of prehospital delays in seeking
care.17 These factors may contribute to the disparities in stroke outcomes. Available evidence suggests that
public awareness interventions are variably effective by age, sex, and racial/ethnic minority status.18 Thus,
stroke education campaigns should be designed in a targeted manner to optimize their effectiveness.18
2. Activation of the 9-1-1 system by patients or other members of the Recommendation and Class unchanged
public is strongly recommended. 9-1-1 dispatchers should make from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
stroke a priority dispatch, and transport times should be minimized. to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
Emergency medical services (EMS) use by stroke patients has been independently associated with earlier See Table I in online Data Supplement 1.
emergency department (ED) arrival (onset-to-door time ≤3 hours; adjusted odds ratio [OR], 2.00; 95%
confidence interval [CI], 1.93–2.08), quicker ED evaluation (more patients with door-to-imaging time ≤25
minutes; OR, 1.89; 95% CI, 1.78–2.00), more rapid treatment (more patients with door-to-needle [DTN] time
≤60 minutes; OR, 1.44; 95% CI, 1.28–1.63), and more eligible patients being treated with alteplase if onset is
≤2 hours (67% versus 44%; OR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.33–1.64),18 yet only ≈60% of all stroke patients use EMS.19
Men, blacks, and Hispanics are less likely to use EMS.17,19 Thus, persistent efforts to ensure activation of the
9-1-1 or similar emergency system by patients or other members of the public in the case of a suspected stroke
are warranted.
3. To increase both the number of patients who are treated and the Recommendation and Class unchanged
quality of care, educational stroke programs for physicians, hospital from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
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personnel, and EMS personnel are recommended. to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
On 9-1-1 activation, EMS dispatch and clinical personnel should prioritize the potential stroke case, minimize See Table I in online Data Supplement 1.
on-scene times, and transport the patient as quickly as possible to the most appropriate hospital. A recent
US-based analysis of EMS response times found that median EMS response time (9-1-1 call to ED arrival) in
184 179 cases in which EMS provider impression was stroke was 36 minutes (interquartile range, 28.7–48.0
minutes).20 On-scene time (median, 15 minutes) was the largest component of this time, and longer times were
noted for patients 65 to 74 years of age, whites, and women and in nonurban areas. Dispatch designation of
stroke was associated with minimally faster response times (36.0 versus 36.7 minutes; P<0.01). Notably, only
52% of cases were identified by dispatch as stroke.

1.2. EMS Assessment and Management

1.2. EMS Assessment and Management COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. T he use of a stroke assessment system by first aid providers, Recommendation reworded for clarity from
including EMS dispatch personnel, is recommended. 2015 CPR/ECC. Class and LOE unchanged.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
2. E MS personnel should begin the initial management of stroke in Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
the field. Implementation of a stroke protocol to be used by EMS I B-NR Guidelines.
personnel is strongly encouraged.
In 1 study, the positive predictive value for a hospital discharge diagnosis of stroke/transient ischemic attack See Table III in online Data Supplement 1.
(TIA) among 900 cases for which EMS dispatch suspected stroke was 51% (95% CI, 47–54), and the positive
predictive value for ambulance personnel impression of stroke was 58% (95% CI, 52–64).21 In another study of
21 760 dispatches for stroke, the positive predictive value of the dispatch stroke/TIA symptoms identification
was 34.3% (95% CI, 33.7–35.0), and the sensitivity was 64.0% (95% CI, 63.0–64.9).22 In both cases, use of a
prehospital stroke scale improved stroke identification, but better stroke identification tools are needed in the
prehospital setting.
e52  Stroke  March 2018

1.2. EMS Assessment and Management (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
3. E MS personnel should provide prehospital notification to the Recommendation reworded for clarity from
receiving hospital that a suspected stroke patient is en route so 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
that the appropriate hospital resources may be mobilized before amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
patient arrival. I B-NR Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
In the Get With The Guidelines (GWTG) registry, EMS personnel provided prearrival notification to the destination ED See Table I in online Data Supplement 1.
for 67% of transported stroke patients. EMS prenotification was associated with increased likelihood of alteplase
treatment within 3 hours (82.8% versus 79.2%), shorter door-to-imaging times (26 versus 31 minutes), shorter
DTN times (78 versus 80 minutes), and shorter symptom onset-to-needle times (141 versus 145 minutes).23

1.3. EMS Systems

1.3. EMS Systems COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. EMS leaders, in coordination with local, regional, and state agencies Recommendation reworded for clarity from
and in consultation with medical authorities and local experts, should 2013 Stroke Systems of Care. Class and
develop triage paradigms and protocols to ensure that patients with a LOE added to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
known or suspected stroke are rapidly identified and assessed by use I B-NR Recommendation Classification System.
of a validated and standardized instrument for stroke screening, such See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
as the FAST (face, arm, speech test) scale, Los Angeles Prehospital for original wording.
Stroke Screen, or Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale.
See Table IV in online Data Supplement 1.
2. R
 egional systems of stroke care should be developed. These should Recommendation reworded for clarity
consist of the following: (a) Healthcare facilities that provide initial from 2015 Endovascular. Class and LOE
emergency care, including administration of IV alteplase, and, (b) unchanged.
Centers capable of performing endovascular stroke treatment with See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
comprehensive periprocedural care to which rapid transport can be for original wording.
arranged when appropriate.
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3. P
 atients with a positive stroke screen and/or a strong suspicion Recommendation reworded for clarity from
of stroke should be transported rapidly to the closest healthcare 2013 AIS Guidelines.
facilities that can capably administer IV alteplase. I B-NR
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
The 2013 recommendation referred to initial emergency care as described elsewhere in the guidelines, which
specified administration of IV alteplase as part of this care. The current recommendation is unchanged in intent
but reworded to make this clear.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e53

1.5. Hospital Stroke Teams

1.5. Hospital Stroke Teams COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. A
 n organized protocol for the emergency evaluation of patients with Recommendation and Class unchanged
suspected stroke is recommended. from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
2. It is recommended that DTN time goals be established. A primary Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
goal of achieving DTN times within 60 minutes in ≥50% of AIS I B-NR Guidelines.
patients treated with IV alteplase should be established.
In GWTG-Stroke hospitals, median DTN time for alteplase administration decreased from 77 minutes (interquartile See Table VII in online Data Supplement 1.
range, 60–98 minutes) during the 2003 to 2009 preintervention period to 67 minutes (interquartile range,
51–87 minutes) during the 2010 to 2013 postintervention period (P<0.001). The percentage of alteplase-treated
patients having DTN times of ≤60 minutes increased from 26.5% (95% CI, 26.0–27.1) to 41.3% (95% CI,
40.8–41.7) (P<0.001). Comparing the quarter immediately before the intervention (quarter 4 of 2009) to the final
postintervention quarter (quarter 3 of 2013) showed that DTN times of ≤60 minutes increased from 29.6% (95%
CI, 27.8–31.5) to 53.3% (95% CI, 51.5–55.2) (P<0.001).35 In a subsequent study evaluating a cohort of hospitals
from 2014 to 2015, 59.3% of patients received IV alteplase within a DTN time of 60 minutes.36
3. It may be reasonable to establish a secondary DTN time goal of New recommendation.
achieving DTN times within 45 minutes in ≥50% of patients with IIb C-EO
AIS who were treated with IV alteplase.
In a cohort of 888 GWTG-Stroke hospitals surveyed between June 2014 and April 2015, 16 901 patients with See Table VII in online Data Supplement 1.
ischemic stroke were treated with IV alteplase within 4.5 hours of symptom onset. The patient-level median DTN
time was 56 minutes (interquartile range, 42–75 minutes), with 30.4% treated within 45 minutes after hospital
arrival.36 This recommendation mirrors Target: Stroke phase II objectives.37
4. Designation of an acute stroke team that includes physicians, Recommendation wording modified from 2013 AIS
nurses, and laboratory/radiology personnel is recommended. Guidelines to match Class I stratifications. Class
Patients with stroke should have a careful clinical assessment, unchanged. LOE added to conform with ACC/AHA
including neurological examination. 2015 Recommendation Classification System.
5. Multicomponent quality improvement initiatives, which include ED New recommendation.
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education and multidisciplinary teams with access to neurological I A

expertise, are recommended to safely increase IV thrombolytic treatment.
Multicomponent quality improvement programs to improve stroke care have demonstrated utility in safely increasing See Tables VIII and IX in online Data
alteplase use in the community hospital setting. The US cluster-randomized INSTINCT trial (Increasing Stroke Supplement 1.
Treatment Through Interventional Change Tactics) demonstrated increased rates of alteplase use among all stroke
patients. In the intervention group hospitals, alteplase use increased from 59 of 5882 (1.00%) before intervention to
191 of 7288 (2.62%) after intervention. This compared favorably with the change in the control group hospitals from
65 of 5957 (1.09%) to 120 of 6989 (1.72%), with a relative risk (RR) of 1.68 (95% CI, 1.09–2.57; P=0.02). Safety
was also demonstrated with symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (within 36 hours) in 24 of 404 (5.9%) treated
strokes.38 In the PRACTISE trial (Penumbra and Recanalisation Acute Computed Tomography in Ischaemic Stroke
Evaluation), a multilevel intervention was conducted in a sample of 12 Dutch hospitals. After implementation of an
intensive stroke treatment strategy, intervention hospitals treated 393 patients with IV thrombolysis (13.1% of all
patients with acute stroke) versus 308 (12.2%) at control hospitals (adjusted OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.93–1.68).39
e54  Stroke  March 2018

1.6. Telemedicine
1.6. Telemedicine COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. F or sites without in-house imaging interpretation expertise, Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
teleradiology systems approved by the US Food and Drug Guidelines.
Administration are recommended for timely review of brain imaging
in patients with suspected acute stroke.
2. W
 hen implemented within a telestroke network, teleradiology Recommendation reworded for clarity from
systems approved by the US Food and Drug Administration are 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
useful in supporting rapid imaging interpretation in time for IV I A revised.
alteplase administration decision making. See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
Studies of teleradiology to read brain imaging in acute stroke have successfully assessed feasibility; agreement See Table X in online Data Supplement 1.
between telestroke neurologists, radiologists, and neuroradiologists over the presence or absence of radiological
contraindications to IV alteplase; and reliability of telestroke radiological evaluations.40–45
4. Telestroke/teleradiology evaluations of AIS patients can be effective New recommendation.
for correct IV alteplase eligibility decision making.
The STRokEDOC (Stroke Team Remote Evaluation Using a Digital Observation Camera) pooled analysis supported See Table XI in online Data Supplement 1.
the hypothesis that telemedicine consultations, which included teleradiology, compared with telephone-only
resulted in statistically significantly more accurate IV alteplase eligibility decision making for patients exhibiting
symptoms and signs of an acute stroke syndrome in EDs.46
5. Administration of IV alteplase guided by telestroke consultation for New recommendation.
patients with AIS may be as safe and as beneficial as that of stroke IIb B-NR
A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of IV alteplase See Table XII in online Data Supplement 1.
delivered through telestroke networks in patients with AIS. Symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) rates
were similar between patients subjected to telemedicine-guided IV alteplase and those receiving IV alteplase
at stroke centers. There was no difference in mortality or in functional independence at 3 months between
telestroke-guided and stroke center–managed patients. The findings indicate that IV alteplase delivery through
telestroke networks is safe and effective in the 3-hour time window.47
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6. Providing alteplase decision-making support via telephone New recommendation.

consultation to community physicians is feasible and safe and may
be considered when a hospital has access to neither an in-person
stroke team nor a telestroke system.
The advantages of telephone consultations for patients with acute stroke syndromes are feasibility, history of See Table XIII in online Data Supplement 1.
use, simplicity, availability, portability, short consultation time, and facile implementation.48
7. Telestroke networks may be reasonable for triaging patients with New recommendation.
AIS who may be eligible for interfacility transfer in order to be IIb B-NR
considered for acute mechanical thrombectomy.
An observational study compared clinical outcomes of endovascular treatment (EVT) between patients with See Table XII in online Data Supplement 1.
anterior circulation stroke transferred after teleconsultation and those directly admitted to a tertiary stroke
center. The study evaluated 151 patients who underwent emergency EVT for anterior circulation stroke. Of
these, 48 patients (31.8%) were transferred after teleconsultation, and 103 (68.2%) were admitted primarily
through an ED. Transferred patients were younger, received IV alteplase more frequently, had prolonged
time from stroke onset to EVT initiation, and tended to have lower rates of symptomatic intracranial
hemorrhage and mortality than directly admitted patients. Similar rates of reperfusion and favorable
functional outcomes were observed in patients treated by telestroke and those who were directly admitted.
Telestroke networks may enable the triage and the delivery of EVT to selected ischemic stroke patients
transferred from remote hospitals.49
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e55

1.7. Organization and Integration of Components

1.7. Organization and Integration of Components COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. It may be useful for primary stroke centers and other healthcare Recommendation reworded for clarity from
facilities that provide initial emergency care, including 2015 Endovascular. Class unchanged. LOE
administration of IV alteplase, to develop the capability of amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
performing emergency noninvasive intracranial vascular imaging IIb C-LD Recommendation Classification System.
to most appropriately select patients for transfer for endovascular See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
intervention and to reduce the time to EVT. for original wording.
Between 2006 and 2010, the proportion of ischemic strokes undergoing computed tomography (CT) angiography
(CTA) increased from 3.8% to 9.1% (P<0.0001). CT perfusion (CTP) increased from 0.05% to 2.9% over the
same period (P<0.0001). Reperfusion treatment was more common among those who were imaged with CTA
(13.0%) and CTP (17.6%) compared with those with CT of the head alone (4.0%; P<0.0001).50 However, when
considering implementation of multimodal CT imaging at small or remote access hospitals, resource availability
and realistic expectations for gains in efficiency should be taken into account.
2. Mechanical thrombectomy requires the patient to be at an Recommendation reworded for clarity from
experienced stroke center with rapid access to cerebral 2015 Endovascular. Class unchanged. LOE
angiography, qualified neurointerventionalists, and a amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
comprehensive periprocedural care team. Systems should be Recommendation Classification System.
designed, executed, and monitored to emphasize expeditious I C-EO See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
assessment and treatment. Outcomes for all patients should be for original wording.
tracked. Facilities are encouraged to define criteria that can be
used to credential individuals who can perform safe and timely
intra-arterial revascularization procedures.
3. All hospitals caring for stroke patients within a stroke system Recommendation unchanged from 2013
of care should develop, adopt, and adhere to care protocols that Stroke Systems of Care. COR and LOE
reflect current care guidelines as established by national and I C-EO added to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
international professional organizations and state and federal Recommendation Classification System.
agencies and laws.
4. Different services within a hospital that may be transferring Recommendation unchanged from 2013
patients through a continuum of care, as well as different Stroke Systems of Care. COR and LOE
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hospitals that may be transferring patients to other facilities, added to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
should establish hand-off and transfer protocols and procedures Recommendation Classification System.
that ensure safe and efficient patient care within and between
facilities. Protocols for interhospital transfer of patients should
be established and approved beforehand so that efficient patient
transfers can be accomplished at all hours of the day and night.
5. It may be beneficial for government agencies and third-party Recommendation revised from 2013 Stroke
payers to develop and implement reimbursement schedules for Systems of Care.
patients with acute stroke that reflect the demanding care and
expertise that such patients require to achieve an optimal outcome,
regardless of whether they receive a specific medication or
Multiple studies evaluating fibrinolytic therapy and mechanical thrombectomy, alone or in combination,
have demonstrated substantial cost-effectiveness of acute stroke treatment across multiple countries. Pre–
mechanical thrombectomy era data demonstrate that, in the United States, cost savings of approximately US $30
million would be realized if the proportion of all ischemic stroke patients receiving thrombolysis was increased to
8%. This excludes any gain from increased quality-adjusted life-years gained, a source of tremendous additional
economic and patient value. Before the implementation of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services diagnosis-
related group 559 payment in 2005, treatment of acute stroke was economically discouraged at a hospital
level because of a high hospital cost-reimbursement ratio. Diagnosis-related group 559 favorably altered the
cost-reimbursement ratio for stroke care. In a single-hospital study, this ratio decreased from 1.41 (95% CI,
0.98–2.28) before diagnosis-related group 559 to 0.82 (95% CI, 0.66–0.97) after diagnosis-related group 559.
The subsequent years corresponded to a period of rapid growth in the number of primary stroke centers and
increasing total stroke treatment cases. Addressing emerging economic barriers to treatment is important as
acute stroke care complexity evolves.51–56
e56  Stroke  March 2018

1.8. Establishment of Data Repositories

1.8. Establishment of Data Repositories COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. Participation in a stroke data repository is recommended to New recommendation.
promote consistent adherence to current treatment guidelines,
to allow continuous quality improvement, and to improve patient
In GWTG-Stroke hospitals, participation in a stroke data repository as 1 part of a quality improvement See Table XIV in online Data Supplement 1.
process was associated with improved timeliness of IV alteplase administration after AIS, lower in-hospital
mortality and intracranial hemorrhage rates, and an increase in the percentage of patients discharged

1.9. Stroke System Care Quality Improvement Process

1.9. Stroke System Care Quality Improvement Process COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. H
 ealthcare institutions should organize a multidisciplinary quality Recommendation and Class unchanged
improvement committee to review and monitor stroke care quality from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
benchmarks, indicators, evidence-based practices, and outcomes. to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
The formation of a clinical process improvement team and the Recommendation Classification System.
establishment of a stroke care data bank are helpful for such I B-NR
quality of care assurances. The data repository can be used to
identify the gaps or disparities in quality stroke care. Once the
gaps have been identified, specific interventions can be initiated
to address these gaps or disparities.
In GWTG-Stroke hospitals, a multidisciplinary quality improvement committee, as 1 part of a quality improvement See Tables VIII and IX in online Data
process, was associated with improved timeliness of IV alteplase administration after AIS, lower in-hospital Supplement 1.
mortality and intracranial hemorrhage rates, and an increase in the percentage of patients discharged home.35,57
Identification of stroke treatment barriers with targeted interventions has demonstrated benefit in improving
stroke treatment in community hospitals.38
2. Continuous quality improvement processes, implemented by each Recommendation revised from 2013
major element of a stroke system of care and the system as a Stroke Systems of Care. Class and LOE
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whole, can be useful in improving patient care or outcomes. added to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
3. Stroke outcome measures should include adjustments for baseline Recommendation revised from 2013 Stroke
severity. Systems of Care. Class and LOE added to
conform with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Classification System.
Data indicate continuous quality improvement efforts along the stroke spectrum of care, from initial patient See Tables VIII, IX, and XIV in online Data
identification to EMS activation, ED evaluation, stroke team activation, and poststroke care, can be useful in Supplement 1.
improving outcomes.35,38,57 Stroke outcome measures are strongly influenced by baseline stroke severity as
measured by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS).58–61 Other identified predictors of poor
outcomes include age, blood glucose, and infarct on imaging.61 Quality improvement efforts should recognize
these predictors in order to have meaningful comparisons between stroke care systems.

2. Emergency Evaluation and Treatment

2.1. Stroke Scales
2.1. Stroke Scales COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. T he use of a stroke severity rating scale, preferably the NIHSS, is Recommendation reworded for clarity from
recommended. 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
I B-NR Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
Formal stroke scores or scales such as the NIHSS (Table 4) may be performed rapidly, have demonstrated utility, See Table III in online Data Supplement 1.
and may be administered by a broad spectrum of healthcare providers with accuracy and reliability.63,64 Use
of a standardized scale quantifies the degree of neurological deficit, facilitates communication, helps identify
patients for thrombolytic or mechanical intervention, allows objective measurement of changing clinical status, and
identifies those at higher risk for complications such as intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).59–61,65
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e57

Table 4.  National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale

Tested Item Title Responses and Scores
1A Level of consciousness 0—Alert
1B Orientation questions (2) 0—Answers both correctly
1—Answers 1 correctly
2—Answers neither correctly
1C Response to commands (2) 0—Performs both tasks correctly
1—Performs 1 task correctly
2—Performs neither
2 Gaze 0—Normal horizontal movements
1—Partial gaze palsy
2—Complete gaze palsy
3 Visual fields 0—No visual field defect
1—Partial hemianopia
2—Complete hemianopia
3—Bilateral hemianopia
4 Facial movement 0—Normal
1—Minor facial weakness
2—Partial facial weakness
3—Complete unilateral palsy
5 Motor function (arm) 0—No drift
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a. Left 1—Drift before 10 s

b. Right 2—Falls before 10 s
3—No effort against gravity
4—No movement
6 Motor function (leg) 0—No drift
a. Left 1—Drift before 5 s
b. Right 2—Falls before 5 s
3—No effort against gravity
4—No movement
7 Limb ataxia 0—No ataxia
1—Ataxia in 1 limb
2—Ataxia in 2 limbs
8 Sensory 0—No sensory loss
1—Mild sensory loss
2—Severe sensory loss
9 Language 0—Normal
1—Mild aphasia
2—Severe aphasia
3—Mute or global aphasia
10 Articulation 0—Normal
1—Mild dysarthria
2—Severe dysarthria
11 Extinction or inattention 0—Absent
1—Mild loss (1 sensory modality lost)
2—Severe loss (2 modalities lost)
Adapted from Lyden et al.62 Copyright © 1994, American Heart Association, Inc.
e58  Stroke  March 2018

2.2. Brain Imaging

2.2. Brain Imaging COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. All patients admitted to hospital with suspected acute stroke Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
should receive brain imaging evaluation on arrival to hospital. In Guidelines.
most cases, noncontrast CT (NCCT) will provide the necessary
information to make decisions about acute management.
Diagnostic testing is most cost-effective when it leads to a change in treatment that improves outcomes, not just See Table XV in online Data Supplement 1.
a change in treatment. Although diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) is more sensitive than
CT for detecting AIS,66,67 routine use in all patients with AIS is not cost-effective.68,69 NCCT scanning of all patients
with acute stroke has been shown to be cost-effective primarily because of the detection of acute ICH and the
avoidance of antithrombotic treatment in these patients.70 In many patients, the diagnosis of ischemic stroke can be
made accurately on the basis of the clinical presentation and either a negative NCCT or one showing early ischemic
changes, which can be detected in the majority of patients with careful attention.66,71,72 In some patients with negative
NCCT such as those with puzzling clinical presentations or those with uncertain clinical stroke localization for early
carotid endarterectomy (CEA) or stenting, demonstration of an area of restricted diffusion on DW-MRI may lead to a
change in treatment that improves outcomes. There are inadequate data at this time to establish which patients will
benefit from DW-MRI, and more research is needed to determine criteria for its cost-effective use.
2. S
 ystems should be established so that brain imaging studies can be New recommendation.
performed within 20 minutes of arrival in the ED in at least 50% of
patients who may be candidates for IV alteplase and/or mechanical
The benefit of both IV alteplase and mechanical thrombectomy is time dependent, with earlier treatment within the See Table XVI in online Data Supplement 1.
therapeutic window leading to bigger proportional benefits.32,73 A brain imaging study to exclude ICH is recommended as
part of the initial evaluation of patients who are potentially eligible for these therapies. Reducing the time interval from ED
presentation to initial brain imaging can help to reduce the time to treatment initiation. Studies have shown that median
or mean door-to-imaging times of ≤20 minutes can be achieved in a variety of different hospital settings.74–76
3. There remains insufficient evidence to identify a threshold of acute Recommendation revised from 2015 IV
CT hypoattenuation severity or extent that affects treatment response Alteplase.
to IV alteplase. The extent and severity of acute hypoattenuation or III: No Benefit B-R
early ischemic changes should not be used as a criterion to withhold
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therapy for such patients who otherwise qualify.

Analysis of data from randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of IV alteplase for AIS has shown no statistically significant See Table XVII in online Data Supplement 1.
deleterious interaction on clinical outcomes between alteplase treatment and baseline CT hypodensity or
hypoattenuation.77–81 In the National Institute of Neurological Disorders (NINDS) rtPA (recombinant tissue-type
plasminogen activator) trial, subsequent analysis showed there was no significant modification of the effect of alteplase
by the following findings on baseline CT: early ischemic changes (loss of gray/white matter distinction, hypoattenuation,
or compression of cerebrospinal fluid spaces), the Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score
(ASPECTS), or the Van Swieten score for leukoaraiosis.78 In both ECASS (European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study) II and
IST (International Stroke Trial)-3, there was no interaction with baseline ASPECTS.77,79 A meta-analysis of NINDS rtPA,
ECASS II, PROACT (Intra-Arterial Prourokinase for Acute Ischemic Stroke) II, and IST-3 showed no significant interactions
for IV alteplase with functional outcomes for ASPECTS subgroups.77 A pooled analysis of NINDS rtPA, ECASS I, ECASS II,
and IST-3 showed no significant interaction between baseline CT leukoaraiosis and the effect of IV alteplase.82
Patients with baseline CT hypoattenuation of greater than one third of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory
were excluded from both ECASS I and ECASS II but not from NINDS rtPA and IST-3.
4. The CT hyperdense MCA sign should not be used as a criterion to New recommendation.
III: No Benefit B-R
withhold IV alteplase from patients who otherwise qualify.
Analyses of data from RCTs of IV alteplase for AIS have shown no statistically significant deleterious interaction on See Table XVIII in online Data Supplement 1.
clinical outcomes between alteplase treatment and the hyperdense MCA sign on baseline CT. In the NINDS rtPA
trial, there was no interaction between hyperdense MCA sign and treatment for outcomes at 3 months measured by
any of the 4 clinical scales (modified Rankin Scale [mRS] score 0–1, NIHSS score 0–1, Barthel Index ≥95, Glasgow
Outcome Scale score 0–1) or for death.83 In IST-3, no significant interaction of the hyperdense MCA sign with
benefit of alteplase measured by the Oxford Handicap Score at 6 months was observed.77,84
5. Routine use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to exclude New recommendation.
cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) before administration of IV alteplase III: No Benefit B-NR
is not recommended.
No RCTs of IV alteplase in AIS with baseline MRI to identify CMBs have been conducted, so no determination See Table XIX in online Data Supplement 1.
of the effect of baseline CMB on the treatment effect of alteplase with CMB is available. Two meta-analyses of
the association of baseline CMBs on the risk of sICH after IV alteplase have shown that sICH is more common
in patients with baseline CMBs (OR, 2.18; 95% CI, 1.12–4.22; OR, 2.36; 95% CI, 1.21–4.61).85,86 However, sICH
in patients with baseline CMBs is not more common (6.1%, 6.5%)85,86 than in the NINDS rtPA trial (6.4%).87 One
meta-analysis reported that the sICH rate was 40% in patients with >10 CMBs, but this was based on only 6
events in 15 patients, and patients with >10 CMBs constituted only 0.8% of the sample.86
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e59

2.2. Brain Imaging (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

6. Use of imaging criteria to select ischemic stroke patients who awoke Recommendation unchanged from 2015 IV
with stroke or have unclear time of symptom onset for treatment with Alteplase. Class and LOE amended to conform
III: No Benefit B-NR
IV alteplase is not recommended outside a clinical trial. with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Classification System.
7. M
 ultimodal CT and MRI, including perfusion imaging, should not New recommendation.
III: Harm B-NR
delay administration of IV alteplase.
Analysis of trials using advanced, multimodal pretreatment imaging (including CTP measures of penumbral See Table XX and XXI in online Data
imaging, diffusion-perfusion mismatch, or vessel imaging) for IV fibrinolytics has failed to demonstrate clinical Supplement 1.
efficacy in patients with various pretreatment imaging biomarkers compared with those without those markers.88–95
8. For patients who otherwise meet criteria for EVT, a noninvasive Recommendation reworded for clarity
intracranial vascular study is recommended during the initial from 2015 Endovascular. Class and LOE
imaging evaluation of the acute stroke patient, but should not delay unchanged.
IV alteplase if indicated. For patients who qualify for IV alteplase See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
according to guidelines from professional medical societies, initiating I A for original wording.
IV alteplase before noninvasive vascular imaging is recommended for
patients who have not had noninvasive vascular imaging as part of
their initial imaging assessment for stroke. Noninvasive intracranial
vascular imaging should then be obtained as quickly as possible.
A recent systematic review evaluated the accuracy of prediction instruments for diagnosing LVO.3 In the setting where
confirmed ischemic stroke patients would be assessed by a neurologist or emergency physician in the ED, the authors
suggested that the NIHSS is the best of the LVO prediction instruments. According to their meta-analysis, a threshold of
≥10 would provide the optimal balance between sensitivity (73%) and specificity (74%). To maximize sensitivity (at the
cost of lower specificity), a threshold of ≥6 would have 87% sensitivity and 52% specificity. However, even this low
threshold misses some cases with LVO, whereas the low specificity indicates that false-positives will be common.
9. For patients who otherwise meet criteria for EVT, it is reasonable New recommendation.
to proceed with CTA if indicated in patients with suspected
intracranial LVO before obtaining a serum creatinine concentration
in patients without a history of renal impairment.
Analyses from a number of observational studies suggest that the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy secondary See Table XXII in online Data Supplement 1.
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to CTA imaging is relatively low, particularly in patients without a history of renal impairment. Moreover, waiting
for these laboratory results may lead to delays in mechanical thrombectomy.96–101
10. In patients who are potential candidates for mechanical thrombectomy, New recommendation.
imaging of the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries, in addition to
the intracranial circulation, is reasonable to provide useful information
on patient eligibility and endovascular procedural planning.
Knowledge of vessel anatomy and presence of extracranial vessel dissections, stenoses, and occlusions may
assist in planning endovascular procedures or identifying patients ineligible for treatment because of vessel
tortuosity or inability to access the intracranial vasculature.
12. In selected patients with AIS within 6 to 24 hours of last known New recommendation.
normal who have LVO in the anterior circulation, obtaining CTP,
DW-MRI, or MRI perfusion is recommended to aid in patient
selection for mechanical thrombectomy, but only when imaging
and other eligibility criteria from RCTs showing benefit are being
strictly applied in selecting patients for mechanical thrombectomy.
The DAWN trial (Clinical Mismatch in the Triage of Wake Up and Late Presenting Strokes Undergoing See Table XXIII in online Data Supplement 1.
Neurointervention With Trevo) used clinical imaging mismatch (a combination of NIHSS and imaging findings on
CTP or DW-MRI) as an eligibility criterion to select patients with large anterior circulation vessel occlusion for
mechanical thrombectomy between 6 and 24 hours from last known normal. This trial demonstrated an overall
benefit in functional outcome at 90 days in the treatment group (mRS score 0–2, 49% versus 13%; adjusted
difference, 33%; 95% CI, 21–44; posterior probability of superiority >0.999).108 The DEFUSE 3 trial (Diffusion and
Perfusion Imaging Evaluation for Understanding Stroke Evolution) used perfusion-core mismatch and maximum
core size as imaging criteria to select patients with large anterior circulation occlusion 6 to 16 hours from last
seen well for mechanical thrombectomy. This trial showed a benefit in functional outcome at 90 days in the
treated group (mRS score 0–2, 44.6% versus 16.7%; RR, 2.67; 95% CI, 1.60–4.48; P<0.0001).109 Benefit was
independently demonstrated for the subgroup of patients who met DAWN eligibility criteria and for the subgroup
who did not. DAWN and DEFUSE 3 are the only RCTs showing benefit of mechanical thrombectomy >6 hours
from onset. Therefore, only the eligibility criteria from one or the other of these trials should be used for patient
selection. Although future RCTs may demonstrate that additional eligibility criteria can be used to select patients
who benefit from mechanical thrombectomy, at this time, the DAWN or DEFUSE 3 eligibility should be strictly
adhered to in clinical practice.
e60  Stroke  March 2018

2.2. Brain Imaging (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

13. It may be reasonable to incorporate collateral flow status into Recommendation revised from 2015
clinical decision making in some candidates to determine IIb C-LD Endovascular.
eligibility for mechanical thrombectomy.
Several studies, including secondary analyses from MR CLEAN and IMS (Interventional Management of Stroke) See Table XXIV in online Data Supplement 1.
III, provide data supporting the role of collateral assessments in identifying patients likely or unlikely to benefit
from mechanical thrombectomy.110,111

2.3. Other Diagnostic Tests

2.3. Other Diagnostic Tests COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. O
 nly the assessment of blood glucose must precede the initiation of Recommendation reworded for clarity from
IV alteplase in all patients. 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged.
I B-R Class unchanged. LOE amended to conform
with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Classification System.
Recommendation was modified to clarify that it is only blood glucose that must be measured in all patients.
Other tests, for example, international normalized ratio, activated partial thromboplastin time, and platelet
count, may be necessary in some circumstances if there is suspicion of coagulopathy. Given the extremely
low risk of unsuspected abnormal platelet counts or coagulation studies in a population, IV alteplase
treatment should not be delayed while waiting for hematologic or coagulation testing if there is no reason to
suspect an abnormal test.
2. B
 aseline ECG assessment is recommended in patients presenting Recommendation reworded for clarity from
with AIS, but should not delay initiation of IV alteplase. 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
I B-NR Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
3. B
 aseline troponin assessment is recommended in patients Recommendation reworded for clarity from
presenting with AIS, but should not delay initiation of IV alteplase. 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
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I B-NR revised.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
4. U
 sefulness of chest radiographs in the hyperacute stroke setting Recommendation reworded for clarity from
in the absence of evidence of acute pulmonary, cardiac, or 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
pulmonary vascular disease is unclear. If obtained, they should not amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
unnecessarily delay administration of IV alteplase. IIb B-NR Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
Additional support for this reworded recommendation from the 2013 AIS Guidelines comes from a cohort study See Table XXV in online Data Supplement 1.
of 615 patients, 243 of whom had chest x-ray done before IV thrombolytics. Cardiopulmonary adverse events in
the first 24 hours of admission, endotracheal intubation in the first 7 hours, and in-hospital mortality were not
different between the 2 groups. Patients with chest x-ray done before treatment had longer mean DTN times
than those who did not (75.8 versus 58.3 minutes; P=0.0001).112

3. General Supportive Care and Emergency Treatment

3.1. Airway, Breathing, and Oxygenation
3.1. Airway, Breathing, and Oxygenation COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. A
 irway support and ventilatory assistance are recommended for Recommendation and Class unchanged
the treatment of patients with acute stroke who have decreased from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended to
consciousness or who have bulbar dysfunction that causes conform with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
compromise of the airway. Classification System.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e61

3.1. Airway, Breathing, and Oxygenation (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
2. S
 upplemental oxygen should be provided to maintain oxygen Recommendation and Class unchanged
saturation >94%. from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended to
conform with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Classification System.
3. S
 upplemental oxygen is not recommended in nonhypoxic patients Recommendation unchanged from 2013
with AIS. AIS Guidelines. COR and LOE amended to
III: No Benefit B-R
conform with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Classification System.
Additional support for this unchanged recommendation from the 2013 AIS Guidelines is provided by an RCT of See Table XXVI in online Data Supplement 1.
8003 participants randomized within 24 hours of admission. There was no benefit on functional outcome at 90
days of oxygen by nasal cannula at 2 L/min (baseline O2 saturation >93%) or 3 L/min (baseline O2 saturation
≤93%) continuously for 72 hours or nocturnally for 3 nights.113
4. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) is not recommended for patients with AIS Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
III: No Benefit B-NR
except when caused by air embolization. Guidelines.
The limited data available on the utility of HBO therapy for AIS (not related to cerebral air embolism) show no See Table XXVII in online Data Supplement 1.
benefit.114 HBO therapy is associated with claustrophobia and middle ear barotrauma,115 as well as an increased
risk of seizures.116 Given the confines of HBO chambers, the ability to closely/adequately monitor patients may
also be compromised. HBO thus should be offered only in the context of a clinical trial or to individuals with
cerebral air embolism.

3.2. Blood Pressure

3.2. Blood Pressure COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. H ypotension and hypovolemia should be corrected to maintain New recommendation.
systemic perfusion levels necessary to support organ I C-EO
The blood pressure (BP) level that should be maintained in patients with AIS to ensure best outcome is See Table XXVIII in online Data Supplement 1.
not known. Some observational studies show an association between worse outcomes and lower BPs,
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whereas others have not.117–124 No studies have addressed the treatment of low BP in patients with
stroke. In a systematic analysis of 12 studies comparing colloids with crystalloids, the odds of death or
dependence were similar. Clinically important benefits or harms could not be excluded. There are no data
to guide volume and duration of parenteral fluid delivery.125 No studies have compared different isotonic
2. Patients who have elevated BP and are otherwise eligible for Recommendation reworded for clarity from
treatment with IV alteplase should have their BP carefully lowered 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
so that their systolic BP is <185 mm Hg and their diastolic BP is amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
<110 mm Hg before IV fibrinolytic therapy is initiated. I B-NR Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
The RCTs of IV alteplase required the BP to be <185 mm Hg systolic and <110 mm Hg diastolic before See Table XXIX in online Data Supplement 1.
treatment and <180/105 mm Hg for the first 24 hours after treatment. Options to treat arterial hypertension in
patients with AIS who are candidates for acute reperfusion therapy are given in Table 5. Some observational
studies suggest that the risk of hemorrhage after administration of alteplase is greater in patients with
higher BPs126–132 and in patients with more BP variability.133 The exact BP at which the risk of hemorrhage
after thrombolysis increases is unknown. It is thus reasonable to target the BPs used in the RCTs of IV
4. The usefulness of drug-induced hypertension in patients with AIS is Recommendation and Class unchanged from
not well established. 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE revised.
e62  Stroke  March 2018

Table 5.  Options to Treat Arterial Hypertension in Patients With AIS Who Are Candidates for Acute Reperfusion Therapy*
Class IIb, LOE C-EO
Patient otherwise eligible for acute reperfusion therapy except that BP is >185/110 mm Hg:
  Labetalol 10–20 mg IV over 1–2 min, may repeat 1 time; or
  Nicardipine 5 mg/h IV, titrate up by 2.5 mg/h every 5–15 min, maximum 15 mg/h; when desired BP reached, adjust to maintain proper BP limits; or
  Clevidipine 1–2 mg/h IV, titrate by doubling the dose every 2–5 min until desired BP reached; maximum 21 mg/h
  Other agents (eg, hydralazine, enalaprilat) may also be considered
If BP is not maintained ≤185/110 mm Hg, do not administer alteplase
Management of BP during and after alteplase or other acute reperfusion therapy to maintain BP ≤180/105 mm Hg:
  Monitor BP every 15 min for 2 h from the start of alteplase therapy, then every 30 min for 6 h, and then every hour for 16 h
If systolic BP >180–230 mm Hg or diastolic BP >105–120 mm Hg:
  Labetalol 10 mg IV followed by continuous IV infusion 2–8 mg/min; or
  Nicardipine 5 mg/h IV, titrate up to desired effect by 2.5 mg/h every 5–15 min, maximum 15 mg/h; or
  Clevidipine 1–2 mg/h IV, titrate by doubling the dose every 2–5 min until desired BP reached; maximum 21 mg/h
If BP not controlled or diastolic BP >140 mm Hg, consider IV sodium nitroprusside
AIS indicates acute ischemic stroke; BP, blood pressure; IV, intravenous; and LOE, Level of Evidence.
*Different treatment options may be appropriate in patients who have comorbid conditions that may benefit from acute reductions in BP such as acute coronary event,
acute heart failure, aortic dissection, or preeclampsia/eclampsia.
Data derived from Jauch et al.1

3.3. Temperature
3.3. Temperature COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. S
 ources of hyperthermia (temperature >38°C) should be identified Recommendation and Class unchanged
and treated, and antipyretic medications should be administered to from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
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lower temperature in hyperthermic patients with stroke. to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
Additional support for this recommendation unchanged from the 2013 AIS Guidelines is provided by a large See Tables XXX and XXXI in online Data
retrospective cohort study conducted from 2005 to 2013 of patients admitted to intensive care units in Australia, Supplement 1.
New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Peak temperature in the first 24 hours <37°C and >39°C was associated
with an increased risk of in-hospital death compared with normothermia in 9366 patients with AIS.134
2. The benefit of induced hypothermia for treating patients with Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
ischemic stroke is not well established. Hypothermia should be IIb B-R Guidelines.
offered only in the context of ongoing clinical trials.
Hypothermia is a promising neuroprotective strategy, but its benefit in patients with AIS has not been proven. See Tables XXXII and XXXIII in online Data
Most studies suggest that induction of hypothermia is associated with an increase in the risk of infection, Supplement 1.
including pneumonia.135–138 Therapeutic hypothermia should be undertaken only in the context of a clinical trial.

3.4. Blood Glucose

3.4. Blood Glucose COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. E vidence indicates that persistent in-hospital hyperglycemia during Recommendation and Class unchanged
the first 24 hours after AIS is associated with worse outcomes than from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
normoglycemia and thus, it is reasonable to treat hyperglycemia to IIa C-LD to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
achieve blood glucose levels in a range of 140 to 180 mg/dL and to Recommendation Classification System.
closely monitor to prevent hypoglycemia in patients with AIS.
2. H
 ypoglycemia (blood glucose <60 mg/dL) should be treated in Recommendation and Class unchanged
patients with AIS. from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e63

3.5. IV Alteplase
3.5. IV Alteplase COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. IV alteplase (0.9 mg/kg, maximum dose 90 mg over 60 minutes with initial Recommendation reworded for clarity
10% of dose given as bolus over 1 minute) is recommended for selected from 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class and LOE
patients who may be treated within 3 hours of ischemic stroke symptom I A unchanged.
onset or patient last known well or at baseline state. Physicians should See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
review the criteria outlined in Table 6 to determine patient eligibility. for original wording.
The safety and efficacy of this treatment when administered within the first 3 hours after stroke onset are solidly See Table XXXIV in online Data Supplement 1.
supported by combined data from multiple RCTs90,139,140 and confirmed by extensive community experience
in many countries.141 The eligibility criteria for IV alteplase have evolved over time as its usefulness and true
risks have become clearer. A recent AHA statement provides a detailed discussion of this topic.15 Eligibility
recommendations for IV alteplase in patients with AIS are summarized in Table 6. The benefit of IV alteplase is
well established for adult patients with disabling stroke symptoms regardless of age and stroke severity.73,142
Because of this proven benefit and the need to expedite treatment, when a patient cannot provide consent (eg,
aphasia, confusion) and a legally authorized representative is not immediately available to provide proxy consent,
it is justified to proceed with IV thrombolysis in an otherwise eligible adult patient with a disabling AIS. In a recent
trial, a lower dose of IV alteplase (0.6 mg/kg) was not shown to be equivalent to standard-dose IV alteplase for the
reduction of death and disability at 90 days.143 Main elements of postthrombolysis care are listed in Table 7.
2. IV alteplase (0.9 mg/kg, maximum dose 90 mg over 60 minutes with Recommendation reworded for clarity from
initial 10% of dose given as bolus over 1 minute) is also recommended 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
for selected patients who can be treated within 3 and 4.5 hours of amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
ischemic stroke symptom onset or patient last known well. Physicians I B-R Recommendation Classification System.
should review the criteria outlined in Table 6 determine patient eligibility. See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
One trial (ECASS-III) specifically evaluating the efficacy of IV alteplase within 3 and 4.5 hours after symptom onset144 See Table XXXIV in online Data Supplement 1.
and pooled analysis of multiple trials testing IV alteplase within various time windows90,139,140 support the value of IV
thrombolysis up to 4.5 hours after symptom onset. ECASS-III excluded octogenarians, patients taking warfarin regardless
of international normalized ratio, patients with combined history of diabetes mellitus and previous ischemic stroke, and
patients with very severe strokes (NIHSS score >25) because of a perceived excessive risk of intracranial hemorrhage in
those cases. However, careful analysis of available published data summarized in an AHA/American Stroke Association
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scientific statement indicates that these exclusion criteria from the trial may not be justified in practice (Table 6).15
3. For otherwise eligible patients with mild stroke presenting in the 3- New recommendation.
to 4.5-hour window, treatment with IV alteplase may be reasonable. IIb B-NR
Treatment risks should be weighed against possible benefits.
In ECASS III, there was no significant interaction of benefit (mRS score 0–1 at 90 days) or safety (sICH or death) with See Tables XXXV and XXXVI in online Data
stroke severity when patients were categorized by baseline NIHSS score of 0 to 9, 10 to 19, and >20.144 Patients Supplement 1.
with a minor neurological deficit were excluded. Only 128 patients with an NIHSS score of 0 to 5 were included,
and they were not analyzed separately.145 In SITS-ISTR (Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke–International
Stroke Thrombolysis Registry), good functional outcomes (mRS score 0–1 at 90 days) and risk of sICH were similar
or the same in mild stroke treated in 0 to 3 and 3 to 4.5 hours.146 Similarly, in the GWTG registry, good functional
outcomes, mortality, and risk of sICH were the same in mild stroke treated in 0 to 3 and 3 to 4.5 hours.147
4. In otherwise eligible patients who have had a previously New recommendation.
demonstrated small number (1–10) of CMBs on MRI, administration IIa B-NR
of IV alteplase is reasonable.
5. In otherwise eligible patients who have had a previously New recommendation.
demonstrated high burden of CMBs (>10) on MRI, treatment with IV
alteplase may be associated with an increased risk of sICH, and the IIb B-NR
benefits of treatment are uncertain. Treatment may be reasonable if
there is the potential for substantial benefit.
MRI with hemosiderin-sensitive sequences has shown that clinically silent CMBs occur in approximately one fourth See Table XIX in online Data Supplement 1.
of patients who have received IV alteplase. No RCTs of IV alteplase in AIS with baseline MRI to identify CMBs have
been conducted, so no determination of the effect of baseline CMB on the treatment effect of alteplase with CMB
is available. Two meta-analyses of the association of baseline CMBs on the risk of sICH after IV alteplase have
shown that sICH is more common in patients with baseline CMBs (OR, 2.18; 95% CI, 1.12–4.22; OR, 2.36; 95% CI,
1.21–4.61).85,86 However, sICH in patients with baseline CMBs is not more common (6.1%, 6.5%)85,86 than in the
NINDS rtPA trial (6.4%).87 In patients with >10 CMBs, the sICH rate was 40%, but this is based on only 6 events in
15 patients, and patients with >10 CMBs constituted only 0.8% of the sample.86 Meta-analysis of the 4 studies that
provided information on 3- to 6-month functional outcomes showed that the presence of CMBs was associated with
worse outcomes after IV alteplase compared with patients without CMBs (OR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.18–2.14; P=0.002).85
Thus, the presence of CMBs increases the risk of ICH and the chances of poor outcomes after IV alteplase, but it
is unclear whether these negative effects fully negate the benefit of thrombolysis. It is also unknown whether the
location and number of CMBs may differentially influence outcomes. These questions deserve further investigation.
e64  Stroke  March 2018

3.5. IV Alteplase (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

6. IV alteplase for adults presenting with an AIS with known sickle New recommendation.
cell disease can be beneficial.
A case-control analysis using the population from the AHA GWTG-Stroke registry, including 832 cases with See Table XXXVII in online Data Supplement 1.
sickle cell disease (all adults) and 3328 age-, sex-, and race-matched controls without sickle cell disease with
similar severity of neurological deficits at presentation, showed that sickle cell disease did not have a significant
impact on the safety or the outcome at discharge of treatment with IV alteplase.148
7. Abciximab should not be administered concurrently with IV Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
III: Harm B-R
alteplase. Guidelines.
8. IV alteplase should not be administered to patients who have Recommendation reworded for clarity
received a treatment dose of low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) from 2015 IV Alteplase. Class and LOE
within the previous 24 hours. amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
III: Harm B-NR Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
The recommendation refers to full treatment doses and not to prophylactic doses. The 2015 “Scientific
Rationale for the Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria for Intravenous Alteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke” stated,
“Intravenous alteplase in patients who have received a dose of LMWH within the previous 24 hours is not
recommended. This applies to both prophylactic doses and treatment doses (Class III; Level of Evidence B).”15
This statement was updated in a subsequently published erratum to specify that the contraindication does not
apply to prophylactic doses.
9. The potential risks should be discussed during thrombolysis Recommendation and Class unchanged from
eligibility deliberation and weighed against the anticipated benefits 2015 IV Alteplase. LOE amended to conform
during decision making. with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Classification System.
10. Given the extremely low risk of unsuspected abnormal platelet counts Recommendation and Class unchanged from
or coagulation studies in a population, it is reasonable that urgent IV 2015 IV Alteplase. LOE amended to conform
alteplase treatment not be delayed while waiting for hematologic or with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
coagulation testing if there is no reason to suspect an abnormal test. Classification System.
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11. T reating clinicians should be aware that hypoglycemia and Recommendation reworded for clarity from
hyperglycemia may mimic acute stroke presentations and 2015 IV Alteplase. Class and LOE amended to
determine blood glucose levels before IV alteplase initiation. IV conform with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
alteplase is not indicated for nonvascular conditions. III: No Benefit B-NR Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
12. B
 ecause time from onset of symptoms to treatment has such a Recommendation wording modified from 2015
powerful impact on outcomes, treatment with IV alteplase should IV Alteplase to match Class III stratifications
not be delayed to monitor for further improvement. and reworded for clarity. Class and LOE
III: Harm C-EO amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
13. In patients undergoing fibrinolytic therapy, physicians should be Recommendation reworded for clarity from
prepared to treat potential emergent adverse effects, including 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
bleeding complications and angioedema that may cause partial amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
airway obstruction. I B-NR Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
See Table 8 for options for management of symptomatic intracranial bleeding occurring within 24 hours
after administration of IV alteplase for treatment of AIS and Table 9 for options for management of orolingual
angioedema associated with IV alteplase administration for AIS.
14. B
 P should be maintained <180/105 mm Hg for at least the first 24 Recommendation reworded for clarity from
hours after IV alteplase treatment. 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
I B-NR Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e65

3.5. IV Alteplase (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

15. The risk of antithrombotic therapy within the first 24 hours after New recommendation.
treatment with IV alteplase (with or without EVT) is uncertain. Use
might be considered in the presence of concomitant conditions
for which such treatment given in the absence of IV alteplase
is known to provide substantial benefit or withholding such
treatment is known to cause substantial risk.
A retrospective analysis of consecutive ischemic stroke patients admitted to a single center in Seoul, South See Table XXXVIII in online Data Supplement 1.
Korea, found no increased risk of hemorrhage with early initiation of antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy (<24
hours) after IV alteplase or EVT compared with initiation >24 hours. However, this study may have been subject
to selection bias, and the timing of the initiation of antiplatelet therapy or anticoagulation should be based on an
individual level, balancing risk versus benefit.166
16. In patients eligible for IV alteplase, benefit of therapy is time Recommendation reworded for clarity
dependent, and treatment should be initiated as quickly as from 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class and LOE
possible. I A unchanged.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.

Table 6.  Eligibility Recommendations for IV Alteplase in Patients With AIS

Indications (Class I)
  Within 3 h* IV alteplase (0.9 mg/kg, maximum dose 90 mg over 60 min with initial 10% of dose given as bolus over 1 min) is recommended for
selected patients who may be treated within 3 h of ischemic stroke symptom onset or patient last known well or at baseline state.
Physicians should review the criteria outlined in this table to determine patient eligibility.† (Class I; LOE A)
 Age For otherwise medically eligible patients ≥18 y of age, IV alteplase administration within 3 h is equally recommended for patients
<80 and >80 y of age.† (Class I; LOE A)
 Severity For severe stroke symptoms, IV alteplase is indicated within 3 h from symptom onset of ischemic stroke. Despite increased risk of
hemorrhagic transformation, there is still proven clinical benefit for patients with severe stroke symptoms.† (Class I; LOE A)
For patients with mild but disabling stroke symptoms, IV alteplase is indicated within 3 h from symptom onset of ischemic stroke.
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There should be no exclusion for patients with mild but nonetheless disabling stroke symptoms, in the opinion of the treating
physician, from treatment with IV alteplase because there is proven clinical benefit for those patients.† (Class I; LOE B-R)‡
  3–4.5 h* IV alteplase (0.9 mg/kg, maximum dose 90 mg over 60 min with initial 10% of dose given as bolus over 1 min) is also
recommended for selected patients who can be treated within 3 and 4.5 h of ischemic stroke symptom onset or patient last known
well. Physicians should review the criteria outlined in this table to determine patient eligibility.† (Class I; LOE B-R)‡
 Age IV alteplase treatment in the 3- to 4.5-h time window is recommended for those patients ≤80 y of age, without a history of both
Diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus and prior stroke, NIHSS score ≤25, not taking any OACs, and without imaging evidence of ischemic injury
Prior stroke involving more than one third of the MCA territory.† (Class I; LOE B-R)‡
 Urgency Treatment should be initiated as quickly as possible within the above listed time frames because time to treatment is strongly
associated with outcomes.† (Class I; LOE A)
 BP IV alteplase is recommended in patients whose BP can be lowered safely (to <185/110 mm Hg) with antihypertensive agents, with
the physician assessing the stability of the BP before starting IV alteplase.† (Class I; LOE B-NR)‡
  Blood glucose IV alteplase is recommended in otherwise eligible patients with initial glucose levels >50 mg/dL.† (Class I; LOE A)
 CT IV alteplase administration is recommended in the setting of early ischemic changes on NCCT of mild to moderate extent (other than
frank hypodensity).† (Class I; LOE A)
 Prior antiplatelet IV alteplase is recommended for patients taking antiplatelet drug monotherapy before stroke on the basis of evidence that the
therapy benefit of alteplase outweighs a possible small increased risk of sICH.† (Class I; LOE A)
IV alteplase is recommended for patients taking antiplatelet drug combination therapy (eg, aspirin and clopidogrel) before stroke on
the basis of evidence that the benefit of alteplase outweighs a probable increased risk of sICH.† (Class I; LOE B-NR)‡
 End-stage renal disease In patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis and normal aPTT, IV alteplase is recommended.† (Class I; LOE C-LD)‡
However, those with elevated aPTT may have elevated risk for hemorrhagic complications.
Contraindications (Class III)
  Time of onset IV alteplase is not recommended in ischemic stroke patients who have an unclear time and/ or unwitnessed symptom onset and in
whom the time last known to be at baseline state is >3 or 4.5 h.† (Class III: No Benefit; LOE B-NR)‡§
(Continued )
e66  Stroke  March 2018

Table 6.  Continued

IV alteplase is not recommended in ischemic stroke patients who awoke with stroke with time last known to be at baseline state >3
or 4.5 h.† (Class III: No Benefit; LOE B-NR)‡§
 CT IV alteplase should not be administered to a patient whose CT reveals an acute intracranial hemorrhage.† (Class III: Harm; LOE
There remains insufficient evidence to identify a threshold of hypoattenuation severity or extent that affects treatment response
to alteplase. However, administering IV alteplase to patients whose CT brain imaging exhibits extensive regions of clear
hypoattenuation is not recommended. These patients have a poor prognosis despite IV alteplase, and severe hypoattenuation
defined as obvious hypodensity represents irreversible injury.† (Class III: No Benefit; LOE A)§
 Ischemic stroke within Use of IV alteplase in patients presenting with AIS who have had a prior ischemic stroke within 3 mo may be harmful.† (Class III:
3 mo Harm; LOE B-NR)‡§
 Severe head trauma In AIS patients with recent severe head trauma (within 3 mo), IV alteplase is contraindicated.† (Class III: Harm; LOE C-EO)‡§
within 3 mo
Given the possibility of bleeding complications from the underlying severe head trauma, IV alteplase should not be administered in
posttraumatic infarction that occurs during the acute in-hospital phase.† (Class III: Harm; LOE C-EO)‡§
(Recommendation wording modified to match Class III stratifications.)
 Intracranial/intraspinal For patients with AIS and a history of intracranial/spinal surgery within the prior 3 mo, IV alteplase is potentially harmful.† (Class III:
surgery within 3 mo Harm; LOE C-EO)‡§
 History of intracranial IV alteplase administration in patients who have a history of intracranial hemorrhage is potentially harmful.† (Class III: Harm;
hemorrhage LOE C-EO)‡§
 Subarachnoid IV alteplase is contraindicated in patients presenting with symptoms and signs most consistent with an SAH.† (Class III: Harm;
hemorrhage LOE C-EO)‡§
 GI malignancy or GI Patients with a structural GI malignancy or recent bleeding event within 21 d of their stroke event should be considered high risk,
bleed within 21 d and IV alteplase administration is potentially harmful.† (Class III: Harm; LOE C-EO)‡§
 Coagulopathy The safety and efficacy of IV alteplase for acute stroke patients with platelets <100 000/mm3, INR >1.7, aPTT >40 s, or PT >15 s
are unknown, and IV alteplase should not be administered.† (Class III: Harm; LOE C-EO)‡§
(In patients without history of thrombocytopenia, treatment with IV alteplase can be initiated before availability of platelet count
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but should be discontinued if platelet count is <100 000/mm3. In patients without recent use of OACs or heparin, treatment with IV
alteplase can be initiated before availability of coagulation test results but should be discontinued if INR is >1.7 or PT is abnormally
elevated by local laboratory standards.)
(Recommendation wording modified to match Class III stratifications.)
 LMWH IV alteplase should not be administered to patients who have received a treatment dose of LMWH within the previous 24 h.† (Class
III: Harm; LOE B-NR)‖
(Recommendation wording modified to match Class III stratifications.)
 Thrombin inhibitors or The use of IV alteplase in patients taking direct thrombin inhibitors or direct factor Xa inhibitors has not been firmly established but may be
factor Xa inhibitors harmful.† (Class III: Harm; LOE C-EO)‡§ IV alteplase should not be administered to patients taking direct thrombin inhibitors or direct factor
Xa inhibitors unless laboratory tests such as aPTT, INR, platelet count, ecarin clotting time, thrombin time, or appropriate direct factor Xa
activity assays are normal or the patient has not received a dose of these agents for >48 h (assuming normal renal metabolizing function).
(Alteplase could be considered when appropriate laboratory tests such as aPTT, INR, ecarin clotting time, thrombin time, or direct
factor Xa activity assays are normal or when the patient has not taken a dose of these ACs for >48 h and renal function is normal.)
(Recommendation wording modified to match Class III stratifications.)
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Antiplatelet agents that inhibit the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor should not be administered concurrently with IV alteplase outside a
receptor inhibitors clinical trial.† (Class III: Harm; LOE B-R)‡§
(Recommendation wording modified to match Class III stratifications.)
  Infective endocarditis For patients with AIS and symptoms consistent with infective endocarditis, treatment with IV alteplase should not be administered
because of the increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage.† (Class III: Harm; LOE C-LD)‡§
(Recommendation wording modified to match Class III stratifications.)
  Aortic arch dissection IV alteplase in AIS known or suspected to be associated with aortic arch dissection is potentially harmful and should not be
administered.† (Class III: Harm; LOE C-EO)‡§
(Recommendation wording modified to match Class III stratifications.)
 Intra-axial intracranial IV alteplase treatment for patients with AIS who harbor an intra-axial intracranial neoplasm is potentially harmful.† (Class III: Harm;
neoplasm LOE C-EO)‡§
Additional recommendations for treatment with IV alteplase for patients with AIS (Class II)
 Extended 3- to 4.5-h For patients >80 y of age presenting in the 3- to 4.5-h window, IV alteplase is safe and can be as effective as in younger patients.†
window (Class IIa; LOE B-NR)‡
(Continued )
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e67

Table 6.  Continued

For patients taking warfarin and with an INR ≤1.7 who present in the 3- to 4.5-h window, IV alteplase appears safe and may be
beneficial.† (Class IIb; LOE B-NR)‡
In AIS patients with prior stroke and diabetes mellitus presenting in the 3- to 4.5- h window, IV alteplase may be as effective as
treatment in the 0- to 3-h window and may be a reasonable option.† (Class IIb; LOE B-NR)‡
 Severity 0- to 3-h Within 3 h from symptom onset, treatment of patients with mild ischemic stroke symptoms that are judged as nondisabling may be
window considered. Treatment risks should be weighed against possible benefits; however, more study is needed to further define the risk-
to-benefit ratio.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
 Severity 3- to 4.5-h For otherwise eligible patients with mild stroke presenting in the 3- to 4.5-h window, IV alteplase may be as effective as treatment
window in the 0- to 3-h window and may be a reasonable option. Treatment risks should be weighed against possible benefits. (Class IIb;
The benefit of IV alteplase between 3 and 4.5 h from symptom onset for patients with very severe stroke symptoms (NIHSS > 25) is
uncertain.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)
  Preexisting disability Preexisting disability does not seem to independently increase the risk of sICH after IV alteplase, but it may be associated
with less neurological improvement and higher mortality. Thrombolytic therapy with IV alteplase for acute stroke patients with
preexisting disability (mRS score ≥2) may be reasonable, but decisions should take into account relevant factors, including
quality of life, social support, place of residence, need for a caregiver, patients’ and families’ preferences, and goals of care.†
(Class IIb; LOE B-NR)‡
Patients with preexisting dementia may benefit from IV alteplase. Individual considerations such as life expectancy and
premorbid level of function are important to determine whether alteplase may offer a clinically meaningful benefit.† (Class
  Early improvement IV alteplase treatment is reasonable for patients who present with moderate to severe ischemic stroke and demonstrate early
improvement but remain moderately impaired and potentially disabled in the judgment of the examiner.† (Class IIa; LOE A)
  Seizure at onset IV alteplase is reasonable in patients with a seizure at the time of onset of acute stroke if evidence suggests that residual
impairments are secondary to stroke and not a postictal phenomenon.† (Class IIa; LOE C-LD)‡
  Blood glucose Treatment with IV alteplase in patients with AIS who present with initial glucose levels <50 or >400 mg/dL that are subsequently
normalized and who are otherwise eligible may be reasonable. (Recommendation modified from 2015 IV Alteplase to conform to text
of 2015 IV Alteplase. [Class IIb; LOE C-LD])‡
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 Coagulopathy The safety and efficacy of IV alteplase for acute stroke patients with a clinical history of potential bleeding diathesis or coagulopathy
are unknown. IV alteplase may be considered on a case-by-case basis.† (Class IIb; LOE C-EO)‡
IV alteplase may be reasonable in patients who have a history of warfarin use and an INR ≤1.7 and/or a PT <15 s.† (Class IIb; LOE
  Dural puncture IV alteplase may be considered for patients who present with AIS, even in instances when they may have undergone a lumbar dural
puncture in the preceding 7 d.† (Class IIb; LOE C-EO)‡
  Arterial puncture The safety and efficacy of administering IV alteplase to acute stroke patients who have had an arterial puncture of a
noncompressible blood vessel in the 7 d preceding stroke symptoms are uncertain.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
  Recent major trauma In AIS patients with recent major trauma (within 14 d) not involving the head, IV alteplase may be carefully considered, with the
risks of bleeding from injuries related to the trauma weighed against the severity and potential disability from the ischemic stroke.
(Recommendation modified from 2015 IV Alteplase to specify that it does not apply to head trauma. [Class IIb; LOE C-LD])‡
  Recent major surgery Use of IV alteplase in carefully selected patients presenting with AIS who have undergone a major surgery in the preceding 14 d
may be considered, but the potential increased risk of surgical-site hemorrhage should be weighed against the anticipated benefits
of reduced stroke related neurological deficits.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
 GI and genitourinary Reported literature details a low bleeding risk with IV alteplase administration in the setting of past GI/genitourinary bleeding.
bleeding Administration of IV alteplase in this patient population may be reasonable.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD‡
(Note: Alteplase administration within 21 d of a GI bleeding event is not recommended; see Contraindications.)
 Menstruation IV alteplase is probably indicated in women who are menstruating who present with AIS and do not have a history of menorrhagia.
However, women should be warned that alteplase treatment could increase the degree of menstrual flow.† (Class IIa; LOE C-EO)
Because the potential benefits of IV alteplase probably outweigh the risks of serious bleeding in patients with recent or active
history of menorrhagia without clinically significant anemia or hypotension, IV alteplase administration may be considered.†
(Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
When there is a history of recent or active vaginal bleeding causing clinically significant anemia, then emergency consultation with a
gynecologist is probably indicated before a decision about IV alteplase is made.† (Class IIa; LOE C-EO)‡
 Extracranial cervical IV alteplase in AIS known or suspected to be associated with extracranial cervical arterial dissection is reasonably safe within 4.5 h
dissections and probably recommended.† (Class IIa; LOE C-LD)‡
 Intracranial arterial IV alteplase usefulness and hemorrhagic risk in AIS known or suspected to be associated with intracranial arterial dissection remain
dissection unknown, uncertain, and not well established.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
(Continued )
e68  Stroke  March 2018

Table 6.  Continued

 Unruptured intracranial For patients presenting with AIS who are known to harbor a small or moderate-sized (<10 mm) unruptured and unsecured
aneurysm intracranial aneurysm, administration of IV alteplase is reasonable and probably recommended.† (Class IIa; LOE C-LD)‡

Usefulness and risk of IV alteplase in patients with AIS who harbor a giant unruptured and unsecured intracranial aneurysm are not
well established.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
 Intracranial vascular For patients presenting with AIS who are known to harbor an unruptured and untreated intracranial vascular malformation the
malformations usefulness and risks of administration of IV alteplase are not well established.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
Because of the increased risk of ICH in this population of patients, IV alteplase may be considered in patients with stroke with
severe neurological deficits and a high likelihood of morbidity and mortality to outweigh the anticipated risk of ICH secondary to
thrombolysis.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
 CMBs In otherwise eligible patients who have previously had a small number (1–10) of CMBs demonstrated on MRI, administration of IV
alteplase is reasonable. (Class IIa; Level B-NR)‖
In otherwise eligible patients who have previously had a high burden of CMBs (>10) demonstrated on MRI, treatment with IV
alteplase may be associated with an increased risk of sICH, and the benefits of treatment are uncertain. Treatment may be
reasonable if there is the potential for substantial benefit. (Class IIb; Level B-NR)‖
 Extra-axial intracranial IV alteplase treatment is probably recommended for patients with AIS who harbor an extra-axial intracranial neoplasm.† (Class IIa;
neoplasms LOE C-EO)‡
  Acute MI For patients presenting with concurrent AIS and acute MI, treatment with IV alteplase at the dose appropriate for cerebral ischemia,
followed by percutaneous coronary angioplasty and stenting if indicated, is reasonable.† (Class IIa; LOE C-EO)‡
  Recent MI For patients presenting with AIS and a history of recent MI in the past 3 mo, treating the ischemic stroke with IV alteplase is
reasonable if the recent MI was non-STEMI.† (Class IIa; LOE C-LD)‡
For patients presenting with AIS and a history of recent MI in the past 3 mo, treating the ischemic stroke with IV alteplase is
reasonable if the recent MI was a STEMI involving the right or inferior myocardium.† (Class IIa; LOE C-LD)‡
For patients presenting with AIS and a history of recent MI in the past 3 mo, treating the ischemic stroke with IV alteplase may
reasonable if the recent MI was a STEMI involving the left anterior myocardium.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
  Other cardiac diseases For patients with major AIS likely to produce severe disability and acute pericarditis, treatment with IV alteplase may be reasonable†
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(Class IIb; LOE C-EO)‡; urgent consultation with a cardiologist is recommended in this situation.
For patients presenting with moderate AIS likely to produce mild disability and acute pericarditis, treatment with IV alteplase is of
uncertain net benefit.† (Class IIb; LOE C-EO)‡
For patients with major AIS likely to produce severe disability and known left atrial or ventricular thrombus, treatment with IV
alteplase may be reasonable.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
For patients presenting with moderate AIS likely to produce mild disability and known left atrial or ventricular thrombus, treatment
with IV alteplase is of uncertain net benefit.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
For patients with major AIS likely to produce severe disability and cardiac myxoma, treatment with IV alteplase may be reasonable.†
(Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
For patients presenting with major AIS likely to produce severe disability and papillary fibroelastoma, treatment with IV alteplase
may be reasonable.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
  Procedural stroke IV alteplase is reasonable for the treatment of AIS complications of cardiac or cerebral angiographic procedures, depending on the
usual eligibility criteria.† (Class IIa; LOE A)‡
  Systemic malignancy The safety and efficacy of alteplase in patients with current malignancy are not well established.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡ Patients
with systemic malignancy and reasonable (>6 mo) life expectancy may benefit from IV alteplase if other contraindications such as
coagulation abnormalities, recent surgery, or systemic bleeding do not coexist.
 Pregnancy IV alteplase administration may be considered in pregnancy when the anticipated benefits of treating moderate or severe stroke
outweigh the anticipated increased risks of uterine bleeding.† (Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
The safety and efficacy of IV alteplase in the early postpartum period (<14 d after delivery) have not been well established.†
(Class IIb; LOE C-LD)‡
 Ophthalmological Use of IV alteplase in patients presenting with AIS who have a history of diabetic hemorrhagic retinopathy or other hemorrhagic
conditions ophthalmic conditions is reasonable to recommend, but the potential increased risk of visual loss should be weighed against the
anticipated benefits of reduced stroke-related neurological deficits.† (Class IIa; LOE B-NR)‡
  Sickle cell disease IV alteplase for adults presenting with an AIS with known sickle cell disease can be beneficial. (Class IIa; LOE B-NR)‖
(Continued )
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e69

Table 6.  Continued

  Illicit drug use Treating clinicians should be aware that illicit drug use may be a contributing factor to incident stroke. IV alteplase is reasonable in
instances of illicit drug use–associated AIS in patients with no other exclusions.† (Class IIa; LOE C-LD)‡
  Stroke mimics The risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage in the stroke mimic population is quite low; thus, starting IV alteplase is probably
recommended in preference over delaying treatment to pursue additional diagnostic studies.† (Class IIa; LOE B-NR)
Clinicians should also be informed of the indications and contraindications from local regulatory agencies (for current information from the US Food and Drug
Administration refer to
For a detailed discussion of this topic and evidence supporting these recommendations, refer to the American Heart Association (AHA) scientific statement on the
rationale for inclusion and exclusion criteria for IV alteplase in AIS.15
AC indicates anticoagulants; ACC, American College of Cardiology; AIS, acute ischemic stroke; AHA, American Heart Association; aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin
time; BP, blood pressure; CMB, cerebral microbleed; CT, computed tomography; GI, gastrointestinal; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; INR, international normalized
ratio; IV, intravenous; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; LOE, level of evidence; MCA, middle cerebral artery; MI, myocardial infarction; MRI, magnetic resonance
imaging; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NCCT, noncontrast computed tomography; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; OAC, oral anticoagulant; PT,
prothromboplastin time; sICH, symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage; and STEMI, ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction.
*When uncertain, the time of onset time should be considered the time when the patient was last known to be normal or at baseline neurological condition.
†Recommendation unchanged or reworded for clarity from 2015 IV Alteplase. See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1 for original wording.
‡LOE amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation Classification System.
§COR amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation Classification System.
‖See also the text of these guidelines for additional information on these recommendations.

Table 7.  Treatment of AIS: IV Administration of Alteplase Table 9.  Management of Orolingual Angioedema Associated
With IV Alteplase Administration for AIS
Infuse 0.9 mg/kg (maximum dose 90 mg) over 60 min, with 10% of the
dose given as a bolus over 1 min. Class IIb, LOE C-EO
Admit the patient to an intensive care or stroke unit for monitoring. Maintain airway
If the patient develops severe headache, acute hypertension, nausea, or  Endotracheal intubation may not be necessary if edema is limited to
vomiting or has a worsening neurological examination, discontinue the infusion anterior tongue and lips.
(if IV alteplase is being administered) and obtain emergency head CT scan.
 Edema involving larynx, palate, floor of mouth, or oropharynx with rapid
Measure BP and perform neurological assessments every 15 min during
progression (within 30 min) poses higher risk of requiring intubation.
and after IV alteplase infusion for 2 h, then every 30 min for 6 h, then
hourly until 24 h after IV alteplase treatment.  Awake fiberoptic intubation is optimal. Nasal-tracheal intubation may be
Increase the frequency of BP measurements if SBP is >180 mm Hg or if required but poses risk of epistaxis post-IV alteplase. Cricothyroidotomy
DBP is >105 mm Hg; administer antihypertensive medications to maintain is rarely needed and also problematic after IV alteplase.
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BP at or below these levels (Table 5). Discontinue IV alteplase infusion and hold ACEIs
Delay placement of nasogastric tubes, indwelling bladder catheters, or intra-
Administer IV methylprednisolone 125 mg
arterial pressure catheters if the patient can be safely managed without them.
Administer IV diphenhydramine 50 mg
Obtain a follow-up CT or MRI scan at 24 h after IV alteplase before starting
anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents. Administer ranitidine 50 mg IV or famotidine 20 mg IV
AIS indicates acute ischemic stroke; BP, blood pressure; CT, computed If there is further increase in angioedema, administer epinephrine (0.1%)
tomography; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; IV, intravenous; MRI, magnetic
0.3 mL subcutaneously or by nebulizer 0.5 mL
resonance imaging; and SBP, systolic blood pressure.
Reprinted from Jauch et al.1 Copyright © 2013, American Heart Association, Inc. Icatibant, a selective bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist, 3 mL (30 mg)
subcutaneously in abdominal area; additional injection of 30 mg may be
Table 8.  Management of Symptomatic Intracranial Bleeding administered at intervals of 6 h not to exceed total of 3 injections in 24 h;
Occurring Within 24 Hours After Administration of IV Alteplase and plasma-derived C1 esterase inhibitor (20 IU/kg) has been successfully
for Treatment of AIS used in hereditary angioedema and ACEI-related angioedema
Class IIb, LOE C-EO Supportive care
Stop alteplase infusion ACEI indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; AIS, acute ischemic
stroke; IV, intravenous; and LOE, Level of Evidence.
CBC, PT (INR), aPTT, fibrinogen level, and type and cross-match Sources: Foster-Goldman and McCarthy,158 Gorski and Schmidt,159 Lewis,160
Emergent nonenhanced head CT Lin et al,161 Correia et al,162 O’Carroll and Aguilar,163 Myslimi et al,164 and Pahs
et al.165
Cryoprecipitate (includes factor VIII): 10 U infused over 10–30 min (onset in 1 h,
peaks in 12 h); administer additional dose for fibrinogen level of <200 mg/dL
Tranexamic acid 1000 mg IV infused over 10 min OR ε-aminocaproic acid 4–5
g over 1 h, followed by 1 g IV until bleeding is controlled (peak onset in 3 h)
Hematology and neurosurgery consultations
Supportive therapy, including BP management, ICP, CPP, MAP,
temperature, and glucose control
AIS indicates acute ischemic stroke; aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin
time; BP, blood pressure; CBC, complete blood count; CPP, cerebral perfusion
pressure; CT, computed tomography; ICP, intracranial pressure; INR,
international normalized ratio; IV, intravenous; LOE, Level of Evidence; MAP,
mean arterial pressure; and PT, prothrombin time.
Sources: Sloan et al,149 Mahaffey et al,150 Goldstein et al,151 French et al,152
Yaghi et al,153–155 Stone et al,156 and Frontera et al.157
e70  Stroke  March 2018

3.6. Other IV Thrombolytics and Sonothrombolysis

3.6. Other IV Thrombolytics and Sonothrombolysis COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. T he benefit of IV defibrinogenating agents and of IV fibrinolytic Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
agents other than alteplase and tenecteplase is unproven; Guidelines.
III: No Benefit B-R
therefore, their administration is not recommended outside a
clinical trial.
Randomized placebo-controlled trials have not shown benefit from the administration of IV streptokinase within See Table XXXIX in online Data Supplement 1.
6 hours or desmoteplase within 3 to 9 hours after stroke onset in patients with ischemic penumbra or large
intracranial artery occlusion or severe stenosis.92,95,167,168
2. Tenecteplase administered as a 0.4-mg/kg single IV bolus has New recommendation.
not been proven to be superior or noninferior to alteplase but
might be considered as an alternative to alteplase in patients IIb B-R
with minor neurological impairment and no major intracranial
IV tenecteplase has been compared to IV alteplase up to 6 hours after stroke onset in 3 phase II and 1 phase See Table XXXIX in online Data Supplement 1.
III superiority trials; tenecteplase appears to be similarly safe, but it is unclear whether it is as effective as
or more effective than alteplase.89,91,169,170 In the largest trial of 1100 subjects, tenecteplase at a dose of 0.4
mg/kg failed to demonstrate superiority and had a safety and efficacy profile similar to that of alteplase in a
stroke population composed predominantly of patients with minor neurological impairment (median NIHSS
score, 4) and no major intracranial occlusion.170 Tenecteplase is given as a single IV bolus as opposed to the
1-hour infusion of alteplase.
3. T he use of sonothrombolysis as adjuvant therapy with IV New recommendation.
III: No Benefit B-R
thrombolysis is not recommended.
Since the publication of the 2013 AIS Guidelines, a further RCT of sonothrombolysis as adjuvant therapy for IV See Table XL in online Data Supplement 1.
thrombolysis has shown no clinical benefit. NOR-SASS (Norwegian Sonothrombolysis in Acute Stroke Study)
randomized 183 patients who had received either alteplase or tenecteplase for AIS within 4.5 hours of onset to
either contrast-enhanced sonothrombolysis (93 patients) or sham (90 patients). Neurological improvement at 24
hours and functional outcome at 90 days were not statistically significantly different in the 2 groups, nor were
the rates of sICH.171 At this time, there are no RCT data to support additional clinical benefit of sonothrombolysis
as adjuvant therapy for IV thrombolysis.
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3.7. Mechanical Thrombectomy

3.7. Mechanical Thrombectomy COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. P
 atients eligible for IV alteplase should receive IV alteplase even if Recommendation reworded for clarity from
EVTs are being considered. 2015 Endovascular.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
2. In patients under consideration for mechanical thrombectomy, Recommendation revised from 2015
observation after IV alteplase to assess for clinical response should III: Harm B-R Endovascular.
not be performed.
In pooled patient-level data from 5 trials (HERMES [Highly Effective Reperfusion Evaluated in Multiple See Tables XXIII and XLI in online Data
Endovascular Stroke Trials], which included the 5 trials MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, REVASCAT, SWIFT PRIME, and Supplement 1.
EXTEND-IA), the odds of better disability outcomes at 90 days (mRS scale distribution) with the mechanical
thrombectomy group declined with longer time from symptom onset to expected arterial puncture: common
odds ratio (cOR) at 3 hours, 2.79 (95% CI, 1.96–3.98), absolute risk difference (ARD) for lower disability
scores, 39.2%; cOR at 6 hours, 1.98 (95% CI, 1.30–3.00), ARD, 30.2%; and cOR at 8 hours, 1.57 (95% CI,
0.86–2.88), ARD, 15.7%, retaining statistical significance through 7 hours 18 minutes.32 Among 390 patients
who achieved substantial reperfusion with endovascular thrombectomy, each 1-hour delay to reperfusion was
associated with a less favorable degree of disability (cOR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.76–0.93; ARD, −6.7%) and less
functional independence (OR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.71–0.92; ARD, −5.2%; 95% CI, −8.3 to −2.1) but no change
in mortality (OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 0.93–1.34; ARD, 1.5%; 95% CI, −0.9 to 4.2).32 These data do not directly
address the question of whether patients should be observed after IV alteplase to assess for clinical response
before pursuing mechanical thrombectomy. However, one can infer that because disability outcomes at 90
days were directly associated with time from symptom onset to arterial puncture, any cause for delay to
mechanical thrombectomy, including observing for a clinical response after IV alteplase, should be avoided.
Therefore, the recommendation is slightly modified from the 2015 Endovascular Update.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e71

3.7. Mechanical Thrombectomy (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

3. P
 atients should receive mechanical thrombectomy with a stent Recommendation revised from 2015
retriever if they meet all the following criteria: (1) prestroke mRS Endovascular.
score of 0 to 1; (2) causative occlusion of the internal carotid
artery or MCA segment 1 (M1); (3) age ≥18 years; (4) NIHSS score
of ≥6; (5) ASPECTS of ≥6; and (6) treatment can be initiated (groin
puncture) within 6 hours of symptom onset.
Results from 6 recent randomized trials of mechanical thrombectomy using predominantly stent retriever See Tables XXIII and XLI in online Data
devices (MR CLEAN, SWIFT PRIME, EXTEND-IA, ESCAPE, REVASCAT, THRACE) support Class I, LOE A Supplement 1.
recommendations for a defined group of patients as described in the 2015 guidelines.102–107 A pooled, patient-
level analysis from 5 of these studies reported by the HERMES collaboration showed treatment effect in the
subgroup of 188 patients not treated with IV alteplase (cOR, 2.43; 95% CI, 1.30–4.55); therefore, pretreatment
with IV alteplase has been removed from the prior recommendation. The HERMES pooled patient-level data
also showed that mechanical thrombectomy had a favorable effect over standard care in patients ≥80 years
old (cOR, 3.68; 95% CI, 1.95–6.92).172 In patient-level data pooled from trials in which the Solitaire was the
only or the predominant device used, a prespecified meta-analysis (SEER Collaboration [Safety and Efficacy
of Solitaire Stent Thrombectomy–Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials]: SWIFT PRIME,
ESCAPE, EXTEND-IA, REVASCAT) showed that mechanical thrombectomy had a favorable effect over standard
care in patients ≥80 years old (3.46; 95% CI, 1.58–7.60).173 In a meta-analysis of 5 RCTs (MR CLEAN,
ESCAPE, EXTEND-IA, SWIFT PRIME, REVASCAT), there was favorable effect with mechanical thrombectomy
over standard care without heterogeneity of effect across patient age subgroups (for patient age <70 and
≥70 years: OR, 2.41; 95% CI, 1.51–3.84; and OR, 2.26; 95% CI, 1.20–4.26, respectively).174 However, the
number of patients in these trials who were ≥90 years of age was very small, and the benefit of mechanical
thrombectomy over standard care in patients ≥90 years of age is not clear. As with any treatment decision
in an elderly patient, consideration of comorbidities and risks should factor into the decision making for
mechanical thrombectomy.
4. Although the benefits are uncertain, the use of mechanical Recommendation reworded for clarity from
thrombectomy with stent retrievers may be reasonable for carefully 2015 Endovascular. Class unchanged. LOE
selected patients with AIS in whom treatment can be initiated revised.
(groin puncture) within 6 hours of symptom onset and who have See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
causative occlusion of the MCA segment 2 (M2) or MCA segment 3 for original wording.
(M3) portion of the MCAs.
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In pooled patient-level data from 5 trials (HERMES, which included the 5 trials MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, REVASCAT, See Tables XXIII and XLI in online Data
SWIFT PRIME, and EXTEND-IA), the direction of treatment effect for mechanical thrombectomy over standard Supplement 1.
care was favorable in M2 occlusions, but the adjusted common OR was not significant (1.28; 95% CI,
0.51–3.21).172 In patient-level data pooled from trials in which the Solitaire was the only or the predominant
device used, a prespecified meta-analysis (SEER Collaboration: SWIFT PRIME, ESCAPE, EXTEND-IA, REVASCAT)
showed that the direction of treatment effect was favorable for mechanical thrombectomy over standard care
in M2 occlusions, but the OR and 95% CI were not significant.173 In an analysis of pooled data from SWIFT
(Solitaire With the Intention for Thrombectomy), STAR (Solitaire Flow Restoration Thrombectomy for Acute
Revascularization), DEFUSE 2, and IMS III, among patients with M2 occlusions, reperfusion was associated with
excellent functional outcomes (mRS score 0–1; OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.0–4.7).175 Therefore, the recommendation for
mechanical thrombectomy for M2/M3 occlusions does not change substantively from the 2015 AHA/American
Stroke Association focused update.
5. Although the benefits are uncertain, the use of mechanical Recommendation reworded for clarity from
thrombectomy with stent retrievers may be reasonable for carefully 2015 Endovascular. Class unchanged. LOE
selected patients with AIS in whom treatment can be initiated amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
(groin puncture) within 6 hours of symptom onset and who have IIb C-EO Recommendation Classification System.
causative occlusion of the anterior cerebral arteries, vertebral See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
arteries, basilar artery, or posterior cerebral arteries. for original wording.
6. A
 lthough its benefits are uncertain, the use of mechanical Recommendation unchanged from 2015
thrombectomy with stent retrievers may be reasonable for Endovascular.
patients with AIS in whom treatment can be initiated (groin
puncture) within 6 hours of symptom onset and who have IIb B-R
prestroke mRS score >1, ASPECTS <6, or NIHSS score <6, and
causative occlusion of the internal carotid artery (ICA) or proximal
MCA (M1). Additional randomized trial data are needed.
e72  Stroke  March 2018

3.7. Mechanical Thrombectomy (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

7. In selected patients with AIS within 6 to 16 hours of last known New recommendation.
normal who have LVO in the anterior circulation and meet other DAWN
or DEFUSE 3 eligibility criteria, mechanical thrombectomy is
8. In selected patients with AIS within 16 to 24 hours of last known New recommendation.
normal who have LVO in the anterior circulation and meet other IIa B-R
DAWN eligibility criteria, mechanical thrombectomy is reasonable.
The DAWN trial used clinical imaging mismatch (a combination of NIHSS score and imaging findings on CTP See Table XXIII in online Data Supplement 1.
or DW-MRI) as eligibility criteria to select patients with large anterior circulation vessel occlusion for treatment
with mechanical thrombectomy between 6 and 24 hours from last known normal. This trial demonstrated
an overall benefit in function outcome at 90 days in the treatment group (mRS score 0–2, 49% versus 13%;
adjusted difference, 33%; 95% CI, 21–44; posterior probability of superiority >0.999).108 In DAWN, there were
few strokes with witnessed onset (12%).The DEFUSE 3 trial used perfusion-core mismatch and maximum
core size as imaging criteria to select patients with large anterior circulation occlusion 6 to 16 hours from
last seen well for mechanical thrombectomy. This trial showed a benefit in functional outcome at 90 days in
the treated group (mRS score 0–2, 44.6% versus 16.7%; RR, 2.67; 95% CI, 1.60–4.48; P<0.0001).109 Benefit
was independently demonstrated for the subgroup of patients who met DAWN eligibility criteria and for the
subgroup who did not. DAWN and DEFUSE 3 are the only RCTs showing benefit of mechanical thrombectomy
>6 hours from onset. Therefore, only the eligibility criteria from one or the other of these trials should be used
for patient selection. Although future RCTs may demonstrate that additional eligibility criteria can be used to
select patients who benefit from mechanical thrombectomy, at this time, the DAWN or DEFUSE-3 eligibility
should be strictly adhered to in clinical practice.
9. The technical goal of the thrombectomy procedure should be Recommendation reworded for clarity from
reperfusion to a modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction 2015 Endovascular.
(mTICI) 2b/3 angiographic result to maximize the probability of a I A
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
good functional clinical outcome. for original wording.
Mechanical thrombectomy aims to achieve reperfusion, not simply recanalization. A variety of reperfusion scores
exist, but the mTICI score is the current assessment tool of choice, with proven value in predicting clinical
outcomes.176,177 All recent endovascular trials used the mTICI 2b/3 threshold for adequate reperfusion, with high
rates achieved. In HERMES, 402 of 570 patients (71%) were successfully reperfused to mTICI 2b/3.172 Earlier
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trials with less efficient devices showed lower recanalization rates, 1 factor in their inability to demonstrate
benefit from the procedure (IMS III, 41%; MR RESCUE, 25%). The additional benefit of pursuing mTICI of 3 rather
than 2b deserves further investigation.
10. A
 s with IV alteplase, reduced time from symptom onset to Recommendation revised from 2015
reperfusion with endovascular therapies is highly associated with Endovascular.
better clinical outcomes. To ensure benefit, reperfusion to TICI I B-R
grade 2b/3 should be achieved as early as possible within the
therapeutic window.
In pooled patient-level data from 5 trials (HERMES, which included the 5 trials MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, REVASCAT, See Tables XXIII and XLI in online Data
SWIFT PRIME, and EXTEND-IA), the odds of better disability outcomes at 90 days (mRS scale distribution) Supplement 1.
with the mechanical thrombectomy group declined with longer time from symptom onset to expected arterial
puncture: cOR at 3 hours, 2.79 (95% CI, 1.96–3.98), ARD for lower disability scores, 39.2%; cOR at 6
hours, 1.98 (95% CI, 1.30–3.00), ARD, 30.2%; cOR at 8 hours, 1.57 (95% CI, 0.86–2.88), and ARD, 15.7%,
retaining statistical significance through 7 hours 18 minutes.32 Among 390 patients who achieved substantial
reperfusion with endovascular thrombectomy, each 1-hour delay to reperfusion was associated with a less
favorable degree of disability (cOR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.76–0.93; ARD, −6.7%) and less functional independence
(OR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.71–0.92; ARD, −5.2%; 95% CI, −8.3 to −2.1).32 In the DAWN trial, the likelihood of
achieving an mRS score of 0 to 2 at 90 days in the mechanical thrombectomy group declined with time
since last known normal.108 Therefore, reduced time from symptom onset to reperfusion with endovascular
therapies is highly associated with better clinical outcomes. A variety of reperfusion scores exist, but the mTICI
score is the current assessment tool of choice, with proven value in predicting clinical outcomes.129,130 All
recent endovascular trials used the mTICI 2b/3 threshold for adequate reperfusion, with high rates achieved.
In HERMES, 402 of 570 patients (71%) were successfully reperfused to TICI 2b/3.172 Earlier trials with less
efficient devices showed lower recanalization rates, 1 factor in their inability to demonstrate benefit from the
procedure (IMS III, 41%; MR RESCUE, 25%).
11. U
 se of stent retrievers is indicated in preference to the Mechanical Recommendation unchanged from 2015
Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia (MERCI) device. Endovascular.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e73

3.7. Mechanical Thrombectomy (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

12. The use of mechanical thrombectomy devices other than stent Recommendation revised from 2015
retrievers as first-line devices for mechanical thrombectomy may Endovascular.
be reasonable in some circumstances, but stent retrievers remain
the first choice.
The ASTER trial (Contact Aspiration vs Stent Retriever for Successful Revascularization) compared the contact See Table XXIII in online Data Supplement 1.
aspiration technique and the standard stent retriever technique as first-line EVT for successful revascularization
within 6 hours among patients with acute anterior circulation ischemic stroke and LVO. The proportion of
patients with successful revascularization at the end of all interventions was 85.4% (n=164) in the contact
aspiration group versus 83.1% (n=157) in the stent retriever group (OR, 1.20; 95% CI, 0.68–2.10; P=0.53;
difference, 2.4%; 95% CI, −5.4 to 9.7%). The secondary clinical end point of mRS score of 0 to 2 at 90 days was
achieved by 82 of 181 (45.3%) in the contact aspiration group versus 91 of 182 (50.0%) in the stent retriever
group (OR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.54–1.26; P=0.38). The primary end point in ASTER was technical (successful
revascularization after all interventions), and the trial was not powered to detect a smaller yet potentially
clinically important difference between groups. Given its superiority design to detect a 15% difference in the
primary end point, this trial was not designed to establish noninferiority.178
13. The use of a proximal balloon guide catheter or a large-bore Recommendation and Class unchanged from
distal-access catheter, rather than a cervical guide catheter 2015 Endovascular. LOE amended to conform
alone, in conjunction with stent retrievers may be beneficial. with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Future studies should examine which systems provide the Classification System.
highest recanalization rates with the lowest risk for nontarget
14. U
 se of salvage technical adjuncts including intra-arterial Recommendation reworded for clarity from
thrombolysis may be reasonable to achieve mTICI 2b/3 2015 Endovascular. Class unchanged. LOE
angiographic results. amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
IIb C-LD Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
Intra-arterial lytic therapy played a limited role in the recent endovascular trials but was used as rescue therapy,
not initial treatment. In MR CLEAN, the EVT method was at the discretion of operator, with 40 of 233 treated
with alternative stent retrievers to Trevo and Solitaire or intra-arterial alteplase. Details are not available, but no
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patients were treated with intra-arterial alteplase alone. Twenty-four of 233 (10.3%) had treatment with a second
modality. Treatment method had no impact on outcomes in this trial.179 In THRACE, an intra-arterial lytic was used
to a maximum dose of 0.3 mg/kg and allowed to establish goal reperfusion, only after mechanical thrombectomy
was attempted. A mean dose of 8.8 mg was administered in 15 of 141 patients receiving mechanical
thrombectomy (11%). There was no effect on outcomes compared with mechanical thrombectomy alone.
15. E VT of tandem occlusions (both extracranial and intracranial Recommendation revised from 2015
occlusions) at the time of thrombectomy may be reasonable. Endovascular.
Tandem occlusions were considered in recent endovascular trials that showed benefit of mechanical See Tables XXIII and XLI in online Data
thrombectomy over medical management alone. In the HERMES meta-analysis, 122 of 1254 tandem occlusions Supplement 1.
(RR, 1.81; 95% CI, 0.96–3.4) and 1132 of 1254 nontandem occlusions (RR, 1.71; 95% CI, 1.40–2.09) were
reported compared with medical management.172 In THRACE, 24 of 196 tandem occlusions (RR, 1.82; 95% CI,
0.55–6.07) and 172 of 196 nontandem occlusions (RR, 1.34; 95% CI, 0.87–2.07) were treated compared with IV
alteplase alone.106 In HERMES, there is heterogeneity of treatment methods directed to the proximal extracranial
carotid occlusion (no revascularization of the proximal lesion versus angioplasty versus stenting). Multiple
retrospective reports detail the technical success of EVT for tandem occlusions but do not provide specifics
on comparative approaches. No conclusions about the optimum treatment approach for patients with tandem
occlusions are therefore possible.
16. It is reasonable to select an anesthetic technique during Recommendation revised from 2015
endovascular therapy for AIS on the basis of individualized Endovascular.
assessment of patient risk factors, technical performance of the IIa B-R
procedure, and other clinical characteristics. Further randomized
trial data are needed.
Conscious sedation (CS) was widely used in the recent endovascular trials (90.9% of ESCAPE, 63% of SWIFT See Tables XLII and XLIII in online Data
PRIME) with no clear positive or negative impact on outcome. In MR CLEAN, post hoc analysis showed a 51% Supplement 1.
(95% CI, 31–86) decrease in treatment effect of general anesthesia (GA) compared with CS.180 In THRACE, 51
of 67 patients receiving GA and 43 of 69 patients receiving CS achieved TICI 2b/3 (P=0.059) with no impact
on outcome.106 Thirty-five of 67 patients with GA and 36 of 74 with CS had mRS scores of 0 to 2 at 90 days.
Although several retrospective studies suggest that GA produces worsening of functional outcomes, there are
limited prospective randomized data. Two small (≤150 participants) single-center RCTs have compared GA with
CS. Both failed to show superiority of either treatment for the primary clinical end point.181,182 Until further data
are available, either method of procedural sedation is reasonable.
e74  Stroke  March 2018

3.7. Mechanical Thrombectomy (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

17. In patients who undergo mechanical thrombectomy, it is New recommendation.
reasonable to maintain the BP ≤180/105 mm Hg during and for 24 IIa B-NR
hours after the procedure.
18. In patients who undergo mechanical thrombectomy with New recommendation.
successful reperfusion, it might be reasonable to maintain BP at a IIb B-NR
level <180/105 mm Hg.
There are very limited data to guide BP therapy during and after the procedure in patients who undergo See Table XXIII in online Data Supplement 1.
mechanical thrombectomy. RCT data on optimal BP management approaches in this setting are not available.
The vast majority of patients enrolled in under 6-hour RCTs received IV alteplase and the trial protocols
stipulated management according to local guidelines with BP ≤80/105 during and for 24 hours after the
procedure for these participants. Two trial protocols provided additional recommendations. The ESCAPE protocol
states that systolic BP ≥150 mm Hg is probably useful in promoting and keeping collateral flow adequate
while the artery remains occluded and that controlling BP once reperfusion has been achieved and aiming
for a normal BP for that individual is sensible. Labetalol or an IV β-blocker such as metoprolol in low doses is
recommended.104 The DAWN protocol recommends maintaining systolic BP <140  mm Hg in the first 24 hours in
subjects who are reperfused after mechanical thrombectomy (defined as achieving more than two thirds MCA
territory reperfusion).183

3.8. Other EVTs

3.8. Other EVTs COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. Initial treatment with intra-arterial thrombolysis is beneficial for Recommendation and Class unchanged from
carefully selected patients with major ischemic strokes of <6 2015 Endovascular. LOE amended to conform
hours’ duration caused by occlusions of the MCA. with the ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Classification System.
2. R
 egarding the previous recommendation about intra-arterial Recommendation reworded for clarity from
thrombolysis, these data are derived from clinical trials that no 2015 Endovascular. Class unchanged. LOE
longer reflect current practice, including the use of fibrinolytic amended to conform with the ACC/AHA 2015
drugs that are not available. A clinically beneficial dose of intra- Recommendation Classification System.
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arterial alteplase is not established, and alteplase does not have See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
US Food and Drug Administration approval for intra-arterial use. As for original wording.
a consequence, mechanical thrombectomy with stent retrievers is
recommended over intra-arterial thrombolysis as first-line therapy.
3. Intra-arterial thrombolysis initiated within 6 hours of stroke onset Recommendation reworded for clarity from
in carefully selected patients who have contraindications to the 2015 Endovascular. Class unchanged. LOE
use of IV alteplase might be considered, but the consequences are amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
unknown. IIb C-EO Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.

3.9. Antiplatelet Treatment

3.9. Antiplatelet Treatment COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. Administration of aspirin is recommended in patients with Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
AIS within 24 to 48 hours after onset. For those treated with Guidelines.
IV alteplase, aspirin administration is generally delayed until
24 hours later but might be considered in the presence of I A
concomitant conditions for which such treatment given in the
absence of IV alteplase is known to provide substantial benefit or
withholding such treatment is known to cause substantial risk.
The safety and benefit of aspirin in the treatment of patients with AIS were established by 2 large clinical trials See Table XXXVIII in online Data Supplement 1.
administering doses between 160 and 300 mg.184,185 This has recently been confirmed by a large Cochrane review
of aspirin trials.186 In patients unsafe or unable to swallow, rectal or nasogastric administration is appropriate.
Limited data exist on the use of alternative antiplatelet agents in the treatment of AIS. However, in patients with a
contraindication to aspirin, administering alternative antiplatelet agents may be reasonable. A retrospective analysis
of consecutive ischemic stroke patients admitted to a single center in Seoul, South Korea, found no increased risk of
hemorrhage with early initiation of antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy (<24 hours) after IV alteplase or EVT compared
with initiation >24 hours. However, this study may have been subject to selection bias, and the timing of initiation
of antiplatelet therapy or anticoagulation should be made on an individual level, balancing risk versus benefit. The
recommendation was modified from the previous guideline to remove the specific dosing recommendation, “initial
dose is 325 mg,” because previous clinical trials supporting its use for AIS included doses of 160 to 300 mg.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e75

3.9. Antiplatelet Treatment (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

2. A
 spirin is not recommended as a substitute for acute stroke Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
treatment in patients who are otherwise eligible for IV alteplase or III: No Benefit B-R Guidelines.
mechanical thrombectomy.
Recommendation was modified to eliminate wording about “acute interventions,” which are broadly defined, and
to specify that aspirin is a less effective substitute for the treatment of AIS in patients who are otherwise eligible
for IV alteplase or mechanical thrombectomy.
3. T he efficacy of IV tirofiban and eptifibatide is not well established. Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
Further clinical trials are needed. Guidelines.
Prospective, randomized, open-label phase II trials of tirofiban187 and eptifibatide188 have suggested safety for See Table XLIV in online Data Supplement 1.
treatment in patients with AIS. Single-arm studies of eptifibatide as adjunctive therapy to IV alteplase support
ongoing RCTs to establish safety and efficacy.189,190
4. The administration of other glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
antagonists, including abciximab, in the treatment of AIS is Guidelines.
potentially harmful and should not be performed. Further research III: Harm B-R
testing the safety and efficacy of these medications in patients with
AIS is required.
A recent Cochrane review of IV glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists in the treatment of AIS found that these See Table XLV in online Data Supplement 1.
agents are associated with a significant risk of ICH without a measurable improvement in death or disability.191
The majority of trial data apply to abciximab, which was studied in the AbESTT trial (A Study of Effectiveness and
Safety of Abciximab in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke). The phase III trial was terminated early because of
an unfavorable risk-benefit analysis.192
5. In patients presenting with minor stroke, treatment for 21 days with New recommendation.
dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and clopidogrel) begun within 24
hours can be beneficial for early secondary stroke prevention for a
period of up to 90 days from symptom onset.
The CHANCE trial (Clopidogrel in High-Risk Patients With Acute Nondisabling Cerebrovascular Events) was a See Table XLV in online Data Supplement 1.
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted in China to study the efficacy of short-term dual
antiplatelet therapy begun within 24 hours, clopidogrel plus aspirin for 21 days followed by clopidogrel alone to
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90 days, in patients with minor stroke (NIHSS score ≤3) or high-risk TIA (ABCD2 [Age, Blood Pressure, Clinical
Features, Duration, Diabetes] score ≥4). The primary outcome of recurrent stroke at 90 days (ischemic or
hemorrhagic) favored dual antiplatelet therapy over aspirin alone (hazard ratio [HR], 0.68; 95% CI, 0.57–0.81;
P<0.001).193 A subsequent report of 1-year outcomes found a durable treatment effect, but the HR for secondary
stroke prevention was only significantly beneficial in the first 90 days.194 The generalizability of this intervention
in non-Asian populations remains to be established, and a large phase III multicenter trial in the United States,
Canada, Europe, and Australia is ongoing.195
6. Ticagrelor is not recommended (over aspirin) in the acute treatment New recommendation.
III: No Benefit B-R
of patients with minor stroke.
The recently completed SOCRATES trial (Acute Stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack Treated With Aspirin See Table XLV in online Data Supplement 1.
or Ticagrelor and Patient Outcomes) was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of ticagrelor
versus aspirin begun within 24 hours in patients with minor stroke (NIHSS score ≤5) or TIA (ABCD2 [Age,
Blood Pressure, Clinical Features, Duration, Diabetes] score ≥4). With a primary outcome of time to the
composite end point of stroke, myocardial infarction (MI), or death up to 90 days, ticagrelor was not found to
be superior to aspirin (HR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.78–1.01; P=0.07).196 However, because there were no significant
safety differences in the 2 groups, ticagrelor may be a reasonable alternative in stroke patients who have a
contraindication to aspirin.

3.10. Anticoagulants
3.10. Anticoagulants COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. U
 rgent anticoagulation, with the goal of preventing early recurrent Recommendation and LOE unchanged
stroke, halting neurological worsening, or improving outcomes after from 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class
III: No Benefit A
AIS, is not recommended for treatment of patients with AIS. amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
Further support for this unchanged recommendation from the 2013 AIS Guidelines is provided by 2 updated See Table XLV in online Data Supplement 1.
meta-analyses that confirm the lack of benefit of urgent anticoagulation.197,198 An additional study, not included in
these meta-analyses, investigated the efficacy of LMWH compared with aspirin in preventing early neurological
deterioration in an unblinded RCT. Although there was a statistically significant difference in early neurological
deterioration at 10 days after admission (LMWH, 27 [3.95%] versus aspirin, 81 [11.82%]; P<0.001), there was
no difference in 6-month mRS score of 0 to 2 (LMWH, 64.2% versus aspirin, 62.5%; P=0.33).199
e76  Stroke  March 2018

3.10. Anticoagulants (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

2. T he usefulness of urgent anticoagulation in patients with severe Recommendation and Class unchanged
stenosis of an internal carotid artery ipsilateral to an ischemic from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
stroke is not well established. to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
3. T he safety and usefulness of short-term anticoagulation for New recommendation.
nonocclusive, extracranial intraluminal thrombus in the setting of IIb C-LD
AIS are not well established.
The optimal medical management of patients with AIS and radiologic evidence of nonocclusive, intraluminal See Table XLVII in online Data Supplement 1.
thrombus (eg, cervical carotid, vertebrobasilar arteries) remains uncertain. Several small observational studies
have suggested the safety of short-term IV heparin or LMWH in this setting,203,204 but further research is required
to establish safety and efficacy.
4. At present, the usefulness of argatroban, dabigatran, or other Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
thrombin inhibitors for the treatment of patients with AIS is not well IIb B-R Guidelines.
established. Further clinical trials are needed.
Several observational studies have demonstrated the safety and feasibility of treating AIS with thrombin See Table XLVII in online Data Supplement 1.
inhibitors, as either a single or an adjunct therapy to alteplase. The oral direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran
was studied in 53 patients with TIA or minor stroke (NIHSS score ≤3) with no occurrences of sICH up to
30 days.201 ARTSS (Argatroban With Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Acute Stroke)-1 was
an open label, pilot safety study of argatroban infusion plus IV alteplase in 65 patients with complete or
partially occlusive thrombus diagnosed by transcranial Doppler.205 In the ARTSS-2 phase II study, patients
with AIS treated with alteplase (n=90) were randomized to receive placebo or argatroban (100-μg/kg bolus),
followed by infusion of either 1 (low dose) or 3 (high dose) μg/kg per minute for 48 hours. Rates of sICH were
similar among the control, low-dose, and high-dose arms: 3 of 29 (10%), 4 of 30 (13%), and 2 of 31 (7%),
5. The safety and usefulness of factor Xa inhibitors in the treatment of New recommendation.
AIS are not well established. Further clinical trials are needed.
Limited data exist on the use of factor Xa inhibitors (eg, rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban) in the acute treatment See Table LXXVII in online Data Supplement 1.
of patients with ischemic stroke.207 Several prospective observational studies and early-phase trials are ongoing
(NCT02279940, NCT02042534, NCT02283294).
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3.11. Volume Expansion/Hemodilution, Vasodilators, and Hemodynamic Augmentation

3.11. Volume Expansion/Hemodilution, Vasodilators, and
Hemodynamic Augmentation New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. H
 emodilution by volume expansion is not recommended for Recommendation and LOE unchanged
treatment of patients with AIS. from 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class
III: No Benefit A
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
A recent Cochrane review of 4174 participants from multiple RCTs confirmed the previous guideline See Table XLVIII in online Data Supplement 1.
recommendation that hemodilution therapy, including varying methods of volume expansion with or without
venesection, demonstrates no significant benefit in patients with AIS.208
2. The administration of high-dose albumin is not recommended for Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
III: No Benefit A
the treatment of patients with AIS. Guidelines.
The ALIAS (Albumin in Acute Ischemic Stroke) part II trial of high-dose albumin infusion versus placebo See Table XLVIII in online Data Supplement 1.
in patients with AIS was terminated early for futility.209 Combined analysis of the ALIAS parts I and II trials
demonstrated no difference between groups in 90-day disability.210
3. The administration of vasodilatory agents, such as pentoxifylline, is Recommendation and LOE unchanged
not recommended for treatment of patients with AIS. from 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class
III: No Benefit A
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
4. At present, use of devices to augment cerebral blood flow for Recommendation reworded for clarity from
the treatment of patients with AIS is not well established. These 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
devices should be used only in the setting of clinical trials. amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
IIb B-R Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e77

3.12. Neuroprotective Agents

3.12. Neuroprotective Agents COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. A
 t present, no pharmacological or non-pharmacological treatments Recommendation reworded for clarity from
with putative neuroprotective actions have demonstrated efficacy 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE unchanged. COR
in improving outcomes after ischemic stroke, and therefore, other amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
neuroprotective agents are not recommended. III: No Benefit A Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
Recent trials of both pharmacological and nonpharmacological neuroprotective treatments in AIS have been See Table XLVIII in online Data Supplement 1.
negative. The FAST-MAG trial (Field Administration of Stroke Therapy–Magnesium) of hyperacute magnesium
infusion was the first acute stroke neuroprotection drug trial to enroll participants during ambulance transport,
but no differences were seen between the intervention group and placebo control subjects.103 A recent Cochrane
review of neuroprotection trials in AIS further confirms the recommendation of no benefit with previously studied
interventions to date.114

3.13. Emergency CEA/Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting Without Intracranial Clot

3.13. Emergency CEA/Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting Without
Intracranial Clot New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. T he usefulness of emergent or urgent CEA when clinical indicators Recommendation and Class unchanged
or brain imaging suggests a small infarct core with large territory from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
at risk (eg, penumbra), compromised by inadequate flow from to conform with the ACC/AHA 2015
a critical carotid stenosis or occlusion, or in the case of acute Recommendation Classification System.
neurological deficit after CEA, in which acute thrombosis of the
surgical site is suspected, is not well established.
2. In patients with unstable neurological status (eg, stroke-in- IIb B-NR Recommendation reworded for clarity from
evolution), the efficacy of emergency or urgent CEA is not well 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
established. amended to conform with the ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
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for original wording.

3.14. Other
3.14. Other COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. T ranscranial near-infrared laser therapy is not recommended for Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
III: No Benefit B-R
the treatment of AIS. Guidelines.
Previous data suggested that transcranial near-infrared laser therapy for stroke held promise as a therapeutic See Table XLIX in online Data Supplement 1.
intervention through data published in NEST (Neurothera Effectiveness and Safety Trial)-1 and NEST-2.211–213
Such basic science and preclinical data culminated in the NEST-3 trial, which was a prospective RCT. This
trial investigated the use of transcranial laser therapy for the treatment of ischemic stroke between 4.5
and 24 hours of stroke onset in patients with moderate stroke (NIHSS score 7–17) who did not receive IV
alteplase.214 This study was terminated because of futility after analysis of the first 566 patients found no
benefit of transcranial laser therapy over sham treatment. There is currently no evidence that transcranial
laser therapy is beneficial in the treatment of ischemic stroke.

4. In-Hospital Management of AIS: General Supportive Care

4.1. Stroke Units
4.1. Stroke Units COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. T he use of comprehensive specialized stroke care (stroke units) Recommendation unchanged from 2013 AIS
that incorporates rehabilitation is recommended. Guidelines.
2. T he use of standardized stroke care order sets is recommended to Recommendation and Class unchanged
improve general management. from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
e78  Stroke  March 2018

4.2. Supplemental Oxygen

4.2. Supplemental Oxygen COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. A
 irway support and ventilatory assistance are recommended for Recommendation and Class unchanged
the treatment of patients with acute stroke who have decreased from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
consciousness or who have bulbar dysfunction that causes to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
compromise of the airway. Recommendation Classification System.
2. S
 upplemental oxygen should be provided to maintain oxygen Recommendation and Class unchanged
saturation >94%. from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
3. S
 upplemental oxygen is not recommended in nonhypoxic patients Recommendation reworded for clarity from
hospitalized with AIS. 2013 AIS Guidelines. COR and LOE amended to
conform with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
III: No Benefit B-R Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
Additional support for this unchanged recommendation from the 2013 AIS Guidelines is provided by an RCT of See Table XXVI in online Data Supplement 1.
8003 participants randomized within 24 hours of admission. There was no benefit on functional outcome at 90
days of oxygen by nasal cannula at 2 L/min (baseline O2 saturation >93%) or 3 L/min (baseline O2 saturation
≤93%) continuously for 72 hours or nocturnally for 3 nights.113

4.3. Blood Pressure

4.3. Blood Pressure COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. In patients with AIS, early treatment of hypertension is indicated New recommendation.
when required by comorbid conditions (eg, concomitant acute
coronary event, acute heart failure, aortic dissection, postthrombolysis I C-EO
sICH, or preeclampsia/eclampsia). Lowering BP initially by 15% is
probably safe.
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Patients with AIS can present with severe acute comorbidities that demand emergency BP reduction to prevent
serious complications. However, it is important to keep in mind that excessive BP lowering can sometimes
worsen cerebral ischemia.215 Ideal management in these situations should be individualized, but in general,
initial BP reduction by 15% is a reasonable goal.
3. In patients with BP ≥220/120 mm Hg who did not receive IV New recommendation.
alteplase or EVT and have no comorbid conditions requiring acute
antihypertensive treatment, the benefit of initiating or reinitiating
treatment of hypertension within the first 48 to 72 hours is
uncertain. It might be reasonable to lower BP by 15% during the
first 24 hours after onset of stroke.
Patients with severe hypertension (most commonly >220/120 mm Hg) were excluded from clinical trials See Table L in online Data Supplement 1.
evaluating BP lowering after AIS.218,219,222,223,225,228 BP reduction has been traditionally advised for these cases, but
the benefit of such treatment in the absence of comorbid conditions that may be acutely exacerbated by severe
hypertension has not been formally studied.
4. Although no solid data are available to guide selection of Recommendation/table revised from 2013 AIS
medications for BP lowering after AIS, the antihypertensive IIa C-EO Guidelines.
medications and doses included in Table 5 are reasonable options.
There are no data to show that 1 strategy to lower BP is better than another after AIS. The medications and
doses in Table 5 are all reasonable options.
5. Starting or restarting antihypertensive therapy during New recommendation.
hospitalization in patients with BP >140/90 mm Hg who are
neurologically stable is safe and is reasonable to improve long-term
BP control unless contraindicated.
Starting or restarting antihypertensive medications has been shown to be associated with improved control of See Table L in online Data Supplement 1.
the BP after discharge in 2 trials.223,225 Therefore, it is reasonable to start or restart antihypertensive medications
in the hospital when the patient remains hypertensive and is neurologically stable. Studies evaluating this
question included only patients with previous diagnosis of hypertension223 or enrolled mostly patients with
previous hypertension.225 However, because hypertension is not uncommonly first diagnosed during the
hospitalization for stroke, it is reasonable to apply this recommendation also to patients without preexistent
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e79

4.3. Blood Pressure (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

6. H
 ypotension and hypovolemia should be corrected to maintain New recommendation.
systemic perfusion levels necessary to support organ function.
The BP level that should be maintained in patients with AIS to ensure the best outcome is not known. Some See Table XXVIII in online Data Supplement 1.
observational studies show an association between worse outcomes and lower BPs, whereas others do not.117–124
No studies address the treatment of low BP in patients with stroke. In a systematic analysis of 12 studies
comparing colloids with crystalloids, the odds of death or dependence were similar. Clinically important benefits
or harms could not be excluded. There are no data to guide volume and duration of parenteral fluid delivery.125
No studies have compared different isotonic fluids.

4.4. Temperature
4.4. Temperature COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. S
 ources of hyperthermia (temperature >38°C) should be identified Recommendation and Class unchanged
and treated. Antipyretic medications should be administered to from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
lower temperature in hyperthermic patients with stroke. to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
Additional support for this recommendation unchanged from the 2013 AIS Guidelines is provided by a large See Tables XXX and XXXI in online Data
retrospective cohort study conducted from 2005 to 2013 of patients admitted to intensive care units in Supplement 1.
Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Peak temperature in the first 24 hours <37°C and >39°C
was associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death compared with normothermia in 9366 patients
with AIS.134
2. The benefit of induced hypothermia for treating patients with Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
ischemic stroke is not well established. Hypothermia should be IIb B-R Guidelines.
offered only in the context of ongoing clinical trials.
Hypothermia is a promising neuroprotective strategy, but its benefit in patients with AIS has not been See Tables XXXII and XXXIII in online Data
proven. Most studies suggest that induction of hypothermia is associated with an increase in the risk of Supplement 1.
infection, including pneumonia.135–138 Therapeutic hypothermia should be undertaken only in the context of
a clinical trial.
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4.5. Glucose
4.5. Glucose COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. E vidence indicates that persistent in-hospital hyperglycemia during Recommendation and Class unchanged
the first 24 hours after AIS is associated with worse outcomes than from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
normoglycemia, and thus, it is reasonable to treat hyperglycemia to IIa C-LD to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
achieve blood glucose levels in a range of 140 to 180 mg/dL and to Recommendation Classification System.
closely monitor to prevent hypoglycemia.
2. H
 ypoglycemia (blood glucose <60 mg/dL) should be treated in Recommendation and Class unchanged
patients with AIS. from 2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE amended
to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
e80  Stroke  March 2018

4.6. Dysphagia Screening

4.6. Dysphagia Screening COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
2. It is reasonable for dysphagia screening to be performed by a Recommendation reworded for clarity from
speech-language pathologist or other trained healthcare provider. 2016 Rehab Guidelines. Class unchanged.
LOE amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
IIa C-LD Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
3. A
 n instrumental evaluation is reasonable for those patients Recommendation wording modified from
suspected of aspiration to verify the presence/absence of aspiration 2016 Rehab Guidelines to match Class
and to determine the physiological reasons for the dysphagia to IIa B-NR IIa stratifications. Class unchanged. LOE
guide the treatment plan. amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
4. It is not well established which instrument to choose for evaluation Recommendation reworded for clarity from
of swallowing with sensory testing, but the choice may be based 2016 Rehab Guidelines. Class unchanged.
on instrument availability or other considerations (ie, fiberoptic LOE amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
endoscopic evaluation of swallowing, videofluoroscopy, fiberoptic IIb C-LD Recommendation Classification System.
endoscopic evaluation). See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.

4.7. Nutrition
4.7. Nutrition COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. E nteral diet should be started within 7 days of admission after an New recommendation.
acute stroke.
2. For patients with dysphagia, it is reasonable to initially use nasogastric New recommendation.
tubes for feeding in the early phase of stroke (starting within the first
7 days) and to place percutaneous gastrostomy tubes in patients with
longer anticipated persistent inability to swallow safely (>2–3 weeks).
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The FOOD RCTs (Feed Or Ordinary Diet; phases I–III), completed in 131 hospitals in 18 countries,235 showed See Table LIII in online Data Supplement 1.
that supplemented diet was associated with an absolute reduction in risk of death of 0.7% and that early
tube feeding (within 7 days of admission) was associated with an absolute reduction in risk of death of
5.8% and a reduction in death or poor outcomes of 1.2%. When nasogastric feeding and percutaneous
endoscopic gastrostomy feeding were compared, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding was
associated with an increase in absolute risk of death of 1.0% and an increased risk of death or poor
outcomes of 7.8%. The conclusion was that stroke patients should be started on enteral diet within the first
7 days of admission.235 In 2012, a Cochrane review analyzed 33 RCTs involving 6779 patients to assess the
intervention for dysphagia treatment, feeding strategies and timing (early [within 7 days] versus later), fluid
supplementation, and the effects of nutritional supplementation on acute and subacute stroke patients.236
The conclusion was that, although data remained insufficient to offer definitive answers, available
information suggested that percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding and nasogastric tube feeding
do not differ in terms of case fatality, death, or dependency, but percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is
associated with fewer treatment failures (P=0.007), less gastrointestinal bleeding (P=0.007), and higher
food delivery (P<.00001).
3. Nutritional supplements are reasonable to consider for patients Recommendation and Class unchanged
who are malnourished or at risk of malnourishment. from 2016 Rehab Guidelines. LOE
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e81

4.7. Nutrition (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged

4. Implementing oral hygiene protocols to reduce the risk of New recommendation.
pneumonia after stroke may be reasonable.
Limited studies suggest that intensive oral hygiene protocols might reduce the risk of aspiration pneumonia. In See Tables LIV and LV in online Data
patients with acute stroke, Sørensen et al237 showed that intervention with standardized dysphagia screening Supplement 1.
and diet and standardized oral hygiene with antibacterial mouth rinse with chlorhexidine reduced pneumonia
(7% versus 28%) compared with a historical control group in which patients were unsystematically screened
for dysphagia within 24 hours and received unsystematic and arbitrary oral hygiene without chlorhexidine.
In this experimental design, the efficacy of the standardized oral hygiene portion in the intervention group
could not be separated from the standardized dysphagia screening and diet. Furthermore, because of the
historic nature of the control group, it is possible that other changes in care that could have occurred between
the historical control subjects and the intervention group might have affected the risk for development of
pneumonia. A Cochrane review that included 3 studies found that oral care and decontamination gel versus
oral care and placebo gel reduced the incidence of pneumonia in the intervention group (P=0.03).238 Wagner et
al239 conducted a cohort study comparing rates of pneumonia in hospitalized stroke patients before and after
implementation of systematic oral hygiene care. The unadjusted incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia
was lower in the group assigned to oral hygiene care compared with control subjects (14% versus 10.33%;
P=0.022), with an unadjusted OR of 0.68 (95% CI, 0.48–0.95; P=0.022). After adjustment for confounders,
the OR of hospital-acquired pneumonia in the intervention group remained significantly lower at 0.71 (95% CI,
0.51–0.98; P=0.041).

4.8. Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis

4.8. Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. In immobile stroke patients without contraindications, intermittent Recommendation revised from 2016 Rehab
pneumatic compression (IPC) in addition to routine care (aspirin Guidelines.
and hydration) is recommended over routine care to reduce the risk
of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
CLOTS (Clots in Legs or stockings After Stroke) 3 was a multicenter trial enrolling 2867 patients in 94 centers See Table LVI in online Data Supplement 1.
in the United Kingdom and comparing the use of IPC with routine care to no IPC with routine care in immobile
stroke patients for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. Eligible patients were enrolled within 3 days of the
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acute stroke and could not mobilize to the toilet without the help of another person. Routine care was defined
as the use of aspirin for nonhemorrhagic stroke, hydration, and possible compression stockings. A total of 31%
of the patients received prophylactic or full-dose heparin or LMWH, but these patients were evenly distributed
between both groups. After the exclusion of 323 patients who died before any primary outcome and 41 who
had no screening, the primary outcome of DVT occurred in 122 of 1267 IPC participants (9.6%) compared with
174 of 1245 no-IPC participants (14.0%), giving an adjusted OR of 0.65 (95% CI, 0.51–0.84; P=0.001). Among
patients treated with IPC, there was a statistically significant improvement in survival to 6 months (HR, 0.86;
95% CI, 0.73–0.99; P=0.042) but no improvement in disability. Skin breaks were more common in the IPC group
(3.1% versus 1.4%; P =0.002). Contraindications to IPC include leg conditions such as dermatitis, gangrene,
severe edema, venous stasis, severe peripheral vascular disease, postoperative vein ligation, or grafting, as well
as existing swelling or other signs of an existing DVT.403 A meta-analysis including this trial and 2 smaller trials
confirmed these results.240
2. The benefit of prophylactic-dose subcutaneous heparin New recommendation.
(unfractionated heparin [UFH] or LMWH) in immobile patients with IIb A
AIS is not well established.
The most recent and comprehensive meta-analysis of pharmacological interventions for venous thromboembolism See Table LVI in online Data Supplement 1.
prophylaxis in AIS included 1 very large trial (n=14 578) and 4 small trials of UFH, 8 small trials of LMWHs or
heparinoids, and 1 trial of a heparinoid.240 Prophylactic anticoagulants were not associated with any significant
effect on mortality or functional status at final follow-up. There were statistically significant reductions
in symptomatic pulmonary embolisms (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.49–0.98) and in DVTs, most of which were
asymptomatic (OR, 0.21; 95% CI, 0.15–0.29). There were statistically significant increases in symptomatic
intracranial hemorrhage (OR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.11–2.55) and symptomatic extracranial hemorrhages (OR, 1.65;
95% CI, 1.0–2.75). There may be a subgroup of patients in whom the benefits of reducing the risk of venous
thromboembolism are high enough to offset the increased risks of intracranial and extracranial bleeding; however,
no prediction tool to identify such a subgroup has been derived.197,198,240
e82  Stroke  March 2018

4.8. Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
3. W
 hen prophylactic anticoagulation is used, the benefit of New recommendation.
prophylactic-dose LMWH over prophylactic-dose UFH is uncertain.
The most recent and comprehensive meta-analysis comparing LMWH or heparinoid with UFH for venous See Table LVI in online Data Supplement 1.
thromboembolism prophylaxis in AIS included 1 large trial (n=1762) and 2 smaller trials comparing LMWH with
UFH and 4 small trials comparing heparinoids with UFH. There were no significant effects on death or disability
for LMWH/heparinoids compared with UFH.240 The use of LMWH/heparinoid was associated with a statistically
significant reduction in DVTs (OR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.44–0.70), which were mostly asymptomatic, at the expense
of a greater risk of major extracranial hemorrhages (OR, 3.79; 95% CI, 1.30–11.03). LMWH can be administered
once a day and thus is more convenient for nurses and comfortable for patients. Higher cost and increased
bleeding risk in elderly patients with renal impairment are disadvantages of LMWH that should be kept in mind.
4. In ischemic stroke, elastic compression stockings should not be Recommendation wording modified
used. from 2016 Rehab Guidelines to match
III: Harm B-R Class III stratifications. COR and LOE
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.

4.9. Depression Screening

4.9. Depression Screening COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. A
 dministration of a structured depression inventory is Recommendation revised from 2016 Rehab
recommended to routinely screen for poststroke depression, but the I B-NR Guidelines.
optimal timing of screening is uncertain.
A meta-analysis of studies assessing poststroke depression screening tools (24 studies, n=2907) found several See Table LVII in online Data Supplement 1.
inventories with high sensitivity for detecting poststroke depression.241 However, further research is needed to
determine the optimal screening method and timing to diagnose and treat poststroke depression.242
2. Patients diagnosed with poststroke depression should be treated Recommendation and Class unchanged
with antidepressants in the absence of contraindications and from 2016 Rehab Guidelines. LOE
closely monitored to verify effectiveness. amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
Downloaded from by on August 6, 2018

4.10. Other
4.10. Other COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. R
 outine use of prophylactic antibiotics has not been shown to be Recommendation unchanged from 2013 AIS
beneficial. Guidelines. COR and LOE amended to conform
III: No Benefit B-R
with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Classification System.
2. R
 outine placement of indwelling bladder catheters should not be Recommendation wording modified
performed because of the associated risk of catheter-associated from 2013 AIS Guidelines to match
urinary tract infections. III: Harm C-LD Class III stratifications. COR and LOE
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
3. D
 uring hospitalization and inpatient rehabilitation, regular skin Recommendation and Class unchanged
assessments are recommended with objective scales of risk such from 2016 Rehab Guidelines. LOE
as the Braden scale. amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
4. It is recommended to minimize or eliminate skin friction, to minimize Recommendation and Class unchanged
skin pressure, to provide appropriate support surfaces, to avoid from 2016 Rehab Guidelines. LOE
excessive moisture, and to maintain adequate nutrition and hydration amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
to prevent skin breakdown. Regular turning, good skin hygiene, and Recommendation Classification System.
use of specialized mattresses, wheelchair cushions, and seating are
recommended until mobility returns.
5. It is reasonable for patients and families with stroke to be directed to New recommendation.
palliative care resources as appropriate. Caregivers should ascertain and
include patient-centered preferences in decision making, especially during
prognosis formation and considering interventions or limitations in care.
The AHA scientific statement for palliative care in stroke10 outlines, in detail, a number of palliative care considerations
for patients with AIS. The consensus is that patient- and family-centered care, aimed at improving the well-being
of survivors and family members while preserving the dignity of patients, is the cornerstone of care. Appropriate
consultations, educational resources, and other aids should be identified in order to support patients and families.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e83

4.11. Rehabilitation
4.11. Rehabilitation COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. It is recommended that early rehabilitation for hospitalized Recommendation unchanged from 2016
stroke patients be provided in environments with organized, I A Rehab Guidelines.
interprofessional stroke care.
2. It is recommended that stroke survivors receive rehabilitation at an Recommendation and Class unchanged
intensity commensurate with anticipated benefit and tolerance. from 2016 Rehab Guidelines. LOE
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
3. H
 igh-dose, very early mobilization within 24 hours of stroke onset Recommendation wording modified from
should not be performed because it can reduce the odds of a 2016 Rehab Guidelines to match Class
favorable outcome at 3 months. III: Harm B-R III stratifications. LOE revised. Class
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
The AVERT RCT (A Very Early Rehabilitation Trial) compared high-dose, very early mobilization with standard-of- See Table LVIII in online Data Supplement 1.
care mobility.243 High-dose mobilization protocol interventions included the following: Mobilization was begun
within 24 hours of stroke onset whereas usual care typically was 24 hours after the onset of stroke; there was
a focus on sitting, standing, and walking activity; and there were at least 3 additional out-of-bed sessions
compared with usual care. Favorable outcome at 3 months after stroke was defined as an mRS score of 0 to 2.
A total of 2104 patients were randomly assigned (1:1). The results of the RCT showed that patients in the high-
dose, very early mobilization group had less favorable outcomes (46% versus 50%) than those in the usual care
group: 8% versus 7% of patients died in the very early mobilization group and 19% versus 20% had a nonfatal
serious adverse event with high-dose, very early mobilization.
4. It is recommended that all individuals with stroke be provided a Recommendation and Class unchanged
formal assessment of their activities of daily living and instrumental from 2016 Rehab Guidelines. LOE
activities of daily living, communication abilities, and functional amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
mobility before discharge from acute care hospitalization and the Recommendation Classification System.
findings be incorporated into the care transition and the discharge
planning process.
5. A
 functional assessment by a clinician with expertise in Recommendation and Class unchanged
Downloaded from by on August 6, 2018

rehabilitation is recommended for patients with an acute stroke from 2016 Rehab Guidelines. LOE
with residual functional deficits. amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
Recommendation Classification System.
6. T he effectiveness of fluoxetine or other selective serotonin reuptake Recommendation and Class unchanged from
inhibitors to enhance motor recovery is not well established. IIb C-LD 2016 Rehab Guidelines. LOE revised from
2016 Rehab Guidelines.

5. In-Hospital Management of AIS: Treatment of Acute Complications

5.1. Cerebellar and Cerebral Edema
5.1. Cerebellar and Cerebral Edema COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. V
 entriculostomy is recommended in the treatment of obstructive Recommendation revised from 2014 Cerebral
hydrocephalus after a cerebellar infarct. Concomitant or Edema.
subsequent decompressive craniectomy may or may not be
necessary on the basis of factors such as infarct size, neurological
condition, degree of brainstem compression, and effectiveness of
medical management.
Ventriculostomy is a well-recognized effective treatment for the management of acute obstructive hydrocephalus See Table LIX in online Data Supplement 1.
and is often effective in isolation in relieving symptoms, even among patients with acute ischemic cerebellar
stroke.244,245 Thus, in patients who develop symptoms of obstructive hydrocephalus from a cerebellar stroke,
emergency ventriculostomy is a reasonable first step in the surgical management paradigm. If cerebrospinal
diversion by ventriculostomy fails to improve neurological function, decompressive suboccipital craniectomy
should be performed.244–246 Although a risk of upward herniation exists with ventriculostomy alone, it can be
minimized with conservative cerebrospinal fluid drainage or subsequent decompression if the cerebellar infarct
causes significant edema or mass effect.244,245
e84  Stroke  March 2018

5.1. Cerebellar and Cerebral Edema (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
2. Decompressive suboccipital craniectomy with dural expansion should Recommendation revised from 2014 Cerebral
be performed in patients with cerebellar infarction causing neurological Edema.
deterioration from brainstem compression despite maximal medical I B-NR
therapy. When deemed safe and indicated, obstructive hydrocephalus
should be treated concurrently with ventriculostomy.
The data support decompressive cerebellar craniectomy for the management of acute ischemic cerebellar See Table LIX in online Data Supplement 1.
stroke with mass effect.244–246 This surgery is indicated as a therapeutic intervention in cases of neurological
deterioration caused by cerebral edema as a result of cerebellar infarction that cannot be otherwise managed
with medical therapy or ventriculostomy in the setting of obstructive hydrocephalus.244,245
3. When considering decompressive suboccipital craniectomy Recommendation and Class unchanged from
for cerebellar infarction, it may be reasonable to inform family 2014 Cerebral Edema. Wording revised and
members that the outcome after cerebellar infarct can be good after LOE amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
sub-occipital craniectomy. Recommendation Classification System.
4. Patients with large territorial supratentorial infarctions are at high risk New recommendation.
for complicating brain edema and increased intracranial pressure.
Discussion of care options and possible outcomes should take place
quickly with patients (if possible) and caregivers. Medical professionals I C-EO
and caregivers should ascertain and include patient-centered
preferences in shared decision making, especially during prognosis
formation and considering interventions or limitations in care.
Cerebral edema can cause serious and even life-threatening complications in patients with large territorial
supratentorial infarctions. Although less severe edema can be managed medically, surgical treatment may be the only
effective option for very severe cases; in such instances, timely decompressive surgery has been shown to reduce
mortality.247 Nevertheless, there is evidence that persistent morbidity is common and individual preexisting decisions
about end-of-life and degree of treatment performed in the face of severe neurological injury must be considered.
5. Patients with major infarctions are at high risk for complicating brain Recommendation revised from 2013 AIS
edema. Measures to lessen the risk of edema and close monitoring of Guidelines. LOE revised.
the patient for signs of neurological worsening during the first days
after stroke are recommended. Early transfer of patients at risk for
Downloaded from by on August 6, 2018

malignant brain edema to an institution with neurosurgical expertise

should be considered.
6. In patients ≤60 years of age with unilateral MCA infarctions who Recommendation revised from 2014 Cerebral
deteriorate neurologically within 48 hours despite medical therapy, Edema.
decompressive craniectomy with dural expansion is reasonable because
it reduces mortality by close to 50%, with 55% of the surgical survivors
achieving moderate disability (able to walk) or better (mRS score 2 or 3)
and 18% achieving independence (mRS score 2) at 12 months.
The pooled results of RCTs demonstrated significant reduction in mortality when decompressive craniectomy See Tables LIX and LX in online Data
was performed within 48 hours of malignant MCA infarction in patients <60 years of age, with an absolute risk Supplement 1.
reduction in mortality of 50% (95% CI, 34–66) at 12 months.247 These findings were noted despite differences
in the clinical trials in terms of inclusion and exclusion criteria, percent of MCA territory involved, and surgical
timing.248,249 At 12 months, moderate disability (ability to walk) or better (mRS score 2 or 3) was achieved in 43%
(22 of 51) of the total surgical group and 55% (22 of 40) of survivors compared with 21% (9 of 42; P=0.045) of
the total nonsurgical group and 75% (9 of 12; P=0.318) of the nonsurgical survivors. At 12 months, independence
(mRS score 2) was achieved in 14% (7 of 51) of the total surgical group and 18% (7 of 40) of survivors compared
with 2% (1 of 42) of the total nonsurgical group and 8% (1 of 12) of the nonsurgical survivors.245,247–250
7. In patients >60 years of age with unilateral MCA infarctions Recommendation revised from 2014 Cerebral
who deteriorate neurologically within 48 hours despite medical Edema.
therapy, decompressive craniectomy with dural expansion may be
considered because it reduces mortality by close to 50%, with 11% IIb B-R
of the surgical survivors achieving moderate disability (able to walk
[mRS score 3]) and none achieving independence (mRS score ≤2)
at 12 months.
There is evidence that patients >60 years of age can have a reduction in mortality of ≈50% (76% in the See Tables LIX and LX in online Data
nonsurgical group versus 42% in the surgical group in DESTINY [Decompressive Surgery for the Treatment Supplement 1.
of Malignant Infarction of the Middle Cerebral Artery] II) when decompressive craniectomy for malignant MCA
infarction is performed within 48 hours of stroke onset.248,249,251–255 However, functional outcomes in elderly
patients seem to be worse than those in patients <60 years of age. At 12 months, moderate disability (able
to walk; mRS score 3) was achieved in 6% (3 of 47) of the total surgical group and 11% (3 of 27) of survivors
compared with 5% (3 of 22) of the total nonsurgical group and 20% (3 of 15) of the nonsurgical survivors. At
12 months, independence (mRS score ≤2) was not achieved by any survivors in either group.
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e85

5.1. Cerebellar and Cerebral Edema (Continued) COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
8. A
 lthough the optimal trigger for decompressive craniectomy Recommendation, Class, and LOE unchanged
is unknown, it is reasonable to use a decrease in level of IIa A from 2014 Cerebral Edema.
consciousness attributed to brain swelling as selection criteria.
9. U
 se of osmotic therapy for patients with clinical deterioration from Recommendation reworded for clarity from
cerebral swelling associated with cerebral infarction is reasonable. 2014 Cerebral Edema. Class unchanged. LOE
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
IIa C-LD Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
10. Use of brief moderate hyperventilation (Pco2 target 30–34 New recommendation.
mm Hg) is a reasonable treatment for patients with acute severe
neurological decline from brain swelling as a bridge to more
definitive therapy.
Hyperventilation is a very effective treatment to rapidly improve brain swelling, but it works by inducing
cerebral vasoconstriction, which can worsen ischemia if the hypocapnia is sustained or profound.256 Thus,
hyperventilation should be induced rapidly but should be used as briefly as possible and avoid excessive
hypocapnia (<30 mm Hg).
11. H
 ypothermia or barbiturates in the setting of ischemic cerebral Recommendation and LOE revised from 2014
or cerebellar swelling are not recommended. Cerebral Edema. COR amended to conform
III: No Benefit B-R
with ACC/AHA 2015 Recommendation
Classification System.
The data on the use of hypothermia and barbiturates for the management of AIS continue to be limited. Such See Tables LIX and LX in online Data
data include only studies with small numbers of patients and unclear timing of intervention with respect to Supplement 1.
stroke onset. Hypothermia use has recently been shown to have no impact on stroke outcomes in a meta-
analysis of 6 RCTs.257 Further research is recommended.
12. B
 ecause of a lack of evidence of efficacy and the potential to Recommendation wording modified from
increase the risk of infectious complications, corticosteroids (in 2013 AIS Guidelines to match Class III
conventional or large doses) should not be administered for the III: Harm A stratifications. LOE unchanged. Class
Downloaded from by on August 6, 2018

treatment of cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
complicating ischemic stroke. Recommendation Classification System.

5.2. Seizures
5.2. Seizures COR LOE New, Revised, or Unchanged
1. R
 ecurrent seizures after stroke should be treated in a manner Recommendation reworded for clarity from
similar to when they occur with other acute neurological conditions, 2013 AIS Guidelines. Class unchanged. LOE
and anti-seizure drugs should be selected based upon specific amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
patient characteristics. I C-LD Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.
2. P
 rophylactic use of anti-seizure drugs is not recommended. Recommendation reworded for clarity from
2013 AIS Guidelines. LOE revised. COR
amended to conform with ACC/AHA 2015
III: No Benefit B-R Recommendation Classification System.
See Table LXXXIII in online Data Supplement 1
for original wording.

Additional reference support for this guideline is provided in online Data Supplement 1.200,202,216,217,220,221,224,226,227,229,322.323.325.326.336-402,404-421
e86  Stroke  March 2018

Writing Group Disclosures
Other Speakers’ Consultant/
Writing Group Research Bureau/ Ownership Advisory
Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Expert Witness Interest Board Other
William J. University of North NIH (coinvestigator None None Cleveland Clinic*; None None None
Powers Carolina, Chapel on grant to develop Wake Forest
Hill MR CMRO2 University*; Ozarks
measurement)*; NIH Medical Center*
(coinvestigator on
clinical trial of dental
health to prevent
Alejandro A. Mayo Clinic None None None None None None None
Teri Ackerson Saint Luke’s Health None None None None None None None
System, AHA/ASA
Opeolu M. University of NIH/NINDS* None None None Sense None None
Adeoye Cincinnati Diagnostics,
Nicholas C. University None None None None None None None
Bambakidis Hospitals,
Cleveland Medical
Kyra Becker University of None None None Various law firms† None Icon† None
School of Medicine
Medical Center
Downloaded from by on August 6, 2018

José Biller Loyola University Accorda (DSMB None None None None None Journal of
Chicago committee member)* Stroke and
Disease (family)†;
(Editorial Board
member)*; editor
(self; Journal
of Stroke and
Disease, unpaid)*
Michael Brown Michigan State None None None Wicker Smith None None None
University O’Hara McCoy &
College of Ford PA*; Anthony
Human Medicine, T. Martino, Clark,
Emergency Martino, PA*
Bart M. Mayo Clinic None None None None None None None
Demaerschalk Neurology, Mayo
Clinic Hospital
Brian Hoh University of None None None None None None None
Edward C. Medical University Genentech (Executive None None Defense* Jan Medical* None None
Jauch of South Carolina Committee for PRISMS
Study)*; Ischemia
Care (Biomarker
research study)*; NIH
(PI StrokeNet hub)†
Chelsea S. University of None None None None None None None
Kidwell Arizona
(Continued )
Powers et al   2018 Guidelines for Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke   e87

Writing Group Disclosures Continued

Other Speakers’ Consultant/
Writing Group Research Bureau/ Ownership Advisory
Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Expert Witness Interest Board Other
Thabele M. Massachusetts None None None None None None None
Leslie-Mazwi General Hospital
Bruce Medical University NIH (U01 NS079179, None None None None None None
Ovbiagele of South Carolina U54 HG007479)†
Phillip A. Scott University of NIH/NINDS (PI for None None Medical legal None None None
Michigan, NINDS Regional consultant,
Department Coordinating Stroke defense and
of Emergency Center grant RCC- plaintiff*
Medicine 17)†
Kevin N. Sheth Yale University None Remedy None Defense and None None None
School of Medicine (grant for PI Plaintiff*
on Clinical
Trial)†; Bard
(grant for PI
on Clinical
Andrew M. University of HRSA None AHA/ASA* Legal expert US provisional None Neurology®
Southerland Virginia GO1RH27869-01-00 review* patent journal*
(investigator, research application
salary support)†; serial No.
American Academy of 61/867,477*
Neurology (PI, project
support)*; American
Downloaded from by on August 6, 2018

Board of Psychiatry
and Neurology (Faculty
Fellowship, research
and salary support)†;
(U01 HL088942)
Surgical Trials
Deborah V. St. Luke’s Health None None None None None None None
Summers System
David L. University of None None None None None St. Jude/ None
Tirschwell Washington– Abbott*
Medical Center
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person
receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the
entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.

Reviewer Disclosures
Other Speakers’
Research Research Bureau/ Ownership Consultant/
Reviewer Employment Grant Support Honoraria Expert Witness Interest Advisory Board Other
Karen L. Furie Rhode Island Hospital None None None None None None None
Steven J. Veterans Affairs Maryland None None None None None None None
Kittner Health Care System;
University of Maryland
(Continued )
e88  Stroke  March 2018

Reviewer Disclosures Continued

Other Speakers’
Research Research Bureau/ Ownership Consultant/
Reviewer Employment Grant Support Honoraria Expert Witness Interest Advisory Board Other
Lawrence R. University of Pittsburgh None None None None None None None
Babu G. Welch UT Southwestern Medical None None Stryker None None Stryker None
Center Neurovascular* Neurovascular*
This table represents the relationships of reviewers that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure
Questionnaire, which all reviewers are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person receives $10 000 or more during
any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns $10 000 or
more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.

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9. Wijdicks EF, Sheth KN, Carter BS, Greer DM, Kasner SE, Kimberly
American Heart Association Stroke Council; Council on Cardiovascular
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