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‘Just Gaming’: On Being Differently Literate

Alex Kendall
University of Wolverhampton
United Kingdom
[email protected]

Julian McDougall
Newman University College, Birmingham
United Kingdom
[email protected]

How do videogame players who are ‘by day’ engaged in formal media and
literacy education understand the boundaries between playing, reading and
writing in the sphere of ‘Media 2.0’ (Merrin, 2007) in relation to the kinds of
reading practices they are obliged to be immersed in during formal learning?
How might empirical witness to such cultural practices usefully inform current
educational policy debates in the United Kingdom in relation to the current
‘Media Literacy’ agenda and its attendant discourses?

This paper presents findings from a qualitative research study undertaken

with a small group of 16-17 college Media students who are regular players of
Grand Theft Auto IV. It attempts to explore the multiplicity of their ways of
telling (about being, in the game) in relation to poststructuralist theories of
difference and in particular Lyotard’s (1985) notion of ‘gaming’ – whereby the
rules of literacy are always-already local, fluid, changing and contested.
Drawing on approaches from critical discourse analysis the thoughts and
reflections of the students in relation to what they think it means to read, and
be a reader and to play and be a player are explored.

Whilst a plethora of player blogs, fan fiction and various ‘prosumer’ activity
already circulates in relation to GTA in a range of web 2.0 domains, this
research seeks to more formally critique such ‘performance’ in a specific time
frame and constructed context. In so doing we inevitably constrain the
outcomes through the conceit of the obligation on the participants (via
incentives). And yet by giving voice to game players who are often spoken for,

this paper offers findings that will be informative for colleagues with an interest
in Media Literacy as social practice, as opposed to a set of competences.
Thus we suggest that the use of poststructuralist critical theory (informed by
Lyotard’s ‘Just Gaming’ intervention) for such discussion is neither abstract
nor ‘only’ theoretical but, because the videogame as a media form resists
‘orthodox’ representational concepts, that such a theoretical context is an
obligation, and of direct ‘practical’ value in the development of policy and
practice around Media Literacy.


We are dealing with judgements that are not regulated by categories. I judge. But if I am
asked by what criteria do I judge, I will have no answer to give. (Lyotard, 1985: 14)

This article is informed by three domains in which the ways that people
attribute meaning to Grand Theft Auto 4 are articulated and discussed. The
first is the body of academic writing about GTA as text / experience (see
Jarvienen, 2003, Juul, 2005 and Barrett, 2006). The second is the online
proliferation of gamer discourse in response to the game (see gtaforums.com;
thatvideogameblog.com; gtagaming.com; fanfiction.net and grandtheftwiki).
And the third is the emerging field of research into Game Literacy (Klimmt,
2009), itself a category of Media Literacy (Buckingham, 2003) and the
manifestation of these in policy (OFCOM, 2009). Here we offer a dialogue
between these strands of social practice by applying discourse analysis to a
forum constructed for the empirical research (and thus, of course, coded by it)
in order to give a more theorised voice to the player/ writer or - in our framing
– the performer (Butler, 1990) in the context of critical literacy.

Our previous work (Kendall, 2008; McDougall and O’Brien, 2008) has
illuminated the impact of media 2.0 (Gauntlett 2007) on young people’s
literacy identities and our data has been rich with the ‘trace’ of gaming and
online participation as we have invited our research participants to express
their pleasures and preferences and to ‘play’ a little at the boundaries of what
it means to be ‘properly literate’ in order that we might explore the sometimes
disorientating dislocations that they experience in different domains of
practice (most particularly home/school). In our findings we have speculated
on the drivers of their preferences;

As readers of books they seemed to feel ‘subject to’ particular ways of being that
encouraged an organised, linear response and deprived them of agency and choice, as
players of games they felt licensed to be creative and innovative. As gamers they are
perhaps more enabled to “accept risks, and choose possible future actions by
anticipating outcomes” (Gauntlett, 2002: 98) behaviours that Gauntlett associates with
Giddens (1991) notion of late modernity. As such it is interesting to conjecture as to
whether the practice of gaming offers these students a more tentative, provisional
reality within which the relationship between reader and text (player/game) is differently

mediated so that the ‘player as reader’ of the ‘game as text’ is positioned as an agent in
knowledge making practice rather than a recipient of ‘knowledge’. (Kendall, 2008b:18)

This study takes this conjecture as its focus and attempts a more detailed
study of the ways in which young adult Media students experience games and
how they understand this activity in relation to other aspects of their literacy
and learning lives, particularly schooled cultures. It goes on to consider the
relevance of this work to policy debates around media literacy.

Juul (2005) suggests that GTA exists ‘between emergence and progression’
and as such shares characteristics of multiple player online worlds such as
World of Warcraft. This view resonates with Kyzywinska’s (2007) reflections
on her own identity-play in WoW and how she experiences the interplay of
agency and limitation in the virtual world. For Juul, game design is
fundamentally concerned with the facilitation of gameplay as a property of the
game with emergent and thus unpredictable (and thus interesting) elements

The advantage of structuring a game like this is that the player experiences a
predefined story by completing the missions, while having freedom to solve the tasks
in different ways. Even though the player is free to ignore the missions, most players
will try to complete them because they want to, because it is more interesting to
undertake the missions that not to. (Juul, 2005: 82-3)

Jarvienen (2003) presents a model of simulation in GTAl drawing on Frasca’s

partly semiotic approach to game representation. For Jarvinen, games are
actually more ‘closed off’ in terms of interpretation of what they represent,
since the player has to understand and accept the rules which carry with them
semiotic and representation of ‘afnal ‘ affordances’. Parody, a key
representational device in the GTA franchise, presents ideological dilemmas:

(GTA) … clearly operates in a particular domain of irony and parody with its retroish
pop-sensibility….its particular blend of nostalgia and parody brings us back to the
relationship of the underlying game system and its representation. Questions to ask
of this particular game-simulation include: Does parody as a rhetorical technique
reinforce what is parodies? … Do the manipulation rules and the causalities
implemented through them into the game resist or invite this kind of interpretation?
(Jarvienen, 2003: 10)

Again discussing the interplay of agency and limitation, progression and
emergence, Barrett (2006) offers a more explicit ‘take’ on the interplay
between performance and adoption of a representational construction in GTA:

Videogames offer narratives that are formative in terms of individual and social
understandings of race, youth and citizenship in the modern, neoliberal, globalized
world. They allow players to step into a new identity and to ‘perform’ the world from
the perspective of an ‘other’, so the way in which that world, as well as that ‘other’ is
constructed, is extremely important. Questions such as what these games have to
say about notions of agency, democratic participation, the role of public, democratic
spheres and so forth are all essential to understanding how these games function as
cultural, pedagogical machines. (2006: 96)

Barrett’s contribution is compelling in its deconstruction of the neoliberal

fantasy at work in GTA and how the conditions of possibility for the ‘war on
terror’ are configured in the gameplay. In comparison to the more simplistic
‘effects’ responses to GTA, his analysis is complex and powerful in its taking
Gee’s rather evangelical pedagogy-claims as a starting point, arguing that the
‘content’ of GTA must be scrutinised in way that Gee’s focus on the ‘how’ of
representation fails to address. However, Barrett’s conception of ‘what games
have to say’ is problematic in its failure to engage with players, who are
spoken for in this reading of GTA as a text, as opposed to a cultural
experience to which meaning is attributed through play.

‘Literacy’/‘Media Literacy’

In relating our findings to the emerging policy / practice agenda for Media
Literacy in the UK context, we must clearly set out what we mean by this. In
the UK, the regulatory body OFCOM, has given hitherto-absent credence to
Media Education through the development of a Media Literacy strategy,
created in collaboration with academics and industry professionals and
disseminated through the convening of regional ‘Media Literacy Task Force’
groups. This national body liaises with European Media Literacy groups,
UNESCO and, through International Media Literacy Research Seminars (at
which we have presented our work) academics from New Zealand, the United
States, Canada and Australia. Our sense that the Media Literacy agenda is
fraught with confusion and a reluctance to adequately ‘theorise’ media literacy
as literacy is twofold – firstly, the structural arrangement of the agenda by a

regulatory body inevitably provides, intentionally or not, a protectionist agenda
and secondly this protectionist impulse is amplified by the dialogue with
international groups for whom such a ‘risk reduction’ approach is
unproblematic and the assumed connection made to the recently published
Byron report (Byron, 2009) which was a Government commissioned
investigation into a ‘problem’ lacking a precise definition in which videogames
and virtual world experiences were ‘lumped together’ with cyber-bullying and
online paedophile grooming. The voices from research into how ‘digital
literacies’ are developed from early ages – for example Marsh (2007) and
Livingstone (2008) are insufficiently heard in the development of an overly
‘pragmatic’ agenda, as is evidenced by the framing statements of the research
group made by Robin Blake (2008) as distributed on youtube. Our intention
here, then, is to inform the Media Literacy agenda by offering data that might
lead to a more discursive, complex and theoretically grounded phase of ‘the

Klimmt ( 2009) attempts a ‘normative model’ of game literacy and explicitly

connects this to the emerging international Media Literacy agenda:
While there is a broad consensus about the importance of preventing negative effects
of game violence, other equally relevant dimensions of media literacy that competent
gamers need to develop in order to meet the challenges implied by the recent
developments of the digital game sector have received less attention.

According to Klimmt, these dimensions include the development of ‘resilience’

to effects, self-regulation of time spend and investment of energy in online
gaming (‘affordances’) and the management of game time in relation to ‘real-
life tasks’ (‘inertia effects’). Whilst this intervention takes the debate forward by
offering a more informed set of ‘competences’ exhibited by gamers (for
example the management of ‘social affordances’), its protectionist premise is
undermined by a failure to engage with the relationship between ‘coping’ and
performance and ‘knowing’ as a trait of criticality. Again, players lack a voice.

This article presents the outcomes of qualitative research undertaken with ten

16/17 year old players of Grand Theft Auto 4 who were recorded blogging

about the gaming experience and then interviewed to elicit data about their

perceptions of their performances and identity constructions in the narrative of

GTA4 and in the online spaces provided by the game. It explores the

multiplicity of their ways of telling (about being, in the game) in relation to

poststructuralist theories of difference and in particular Lyotard’s (1985) notion

of ‘gaming’ – whereby the rules of literacy are always-already local, fluid,

changing and contested. Drawing on approaches from critical discourse

analysis the thoughts and reflections of the students in relation to what they

think it means to read, and be a reader and to play and be a player are

witnessed. In mobilizing a discussion of performative identity in and around

the gameplay, we draw on Butler:

The limits of the discursive analysis of gender presuppose and preempt the
possibilities of imaginable and realizable gender configurations within culture. These
limits are always set within the terms of a hegemonic cultural discourse predicated on
binary structures that appear as the language of universal rationality. Constraint is
thus built into what that language constitutes as the imaginable domain of gender.
(1990: 12)

That the gendered body is performative suggests that it has no ontological status
apart from the various acts which constitute its reality. (1990: 185):

In Just Gaming (1985), Lyotard discusses the conditions of possibility for an

ethics of multiplicity, developing a judgmental politics from the notion of the

‘differend’ contextualized in an understanding of the postmodern as a way of

thinking difference (as opposed to a temporal conception). Benjamin (1992)

paraphrases the paradox thus:

The Idea of justice becomes, in a somewhat convenient linguistic turn, the ‘multiplicity
of justices’ (rules) of each game and the ‘justice of their multiplicity’….. the multiplicity
of justices (rules) must always depend on the regulative Idea of justice and resist it as
itself totalizing. The Idea is thus always already in conflict with the generalized justice
which it wants to articulate. (1992: 61).

The paradox is that, for Lyotard, theory obliges us to question even the idea of

a principle of multiplicity. The emerging semiotic domain of ‘Media Literacy’

(Buckingham, 2003:39) must attend to - and is yet constrained to delimit - the

ethics of bearing witness to different ways of being literate in the context of

the paradox of the idea of always-already ‘original’ literacy as a presence

which ‘new’ or ‘different’ rules must always already operate in a proximal

relation to.

Our working understanding of ‘literacy’ is always already under erasure and

signified by the plural ‘literacies’ which brings together social practice models
that see literacy as local, “historically situated…frequently changing” so that
“some literacies become more dominant, visible and influential than others”
and “patterned by social institutions and power relationships” (Barton and
Hamilton,1998:7) with poststructuralist theories of difference in particular
Lyotard’s (1985) notion of ‘gaming’ and Maclure’s (2006) ‘posture’ of ‘frivolity’.

This fusion allows us to notice the kinds of disconnects Tyner (1998) and
Bean (1999) draw our attention to between the kinds of literacies taught
through schooled systems and the kinds of literacy people are engaged in
when they access new media forms. ‘Adult cultures’ may often dismiss forms
of new media literacy such as texting, social networking and gaming as being
‘illegitimate’ forms of textual practice, as Kendall’s work (2008) elsewhere
shows us. Equally, we acknowledge that young people’s textual ecology is
founded on plurality, relativism and hybridity. Mackey’s longitudinal evidence
base shows that:

…young people moved easily within their own textual universe, giving meanings to texts
across media and resisting value judgements about one text versus another, preferring to
specify that one text would suit one social setting while another might work better in a
different environment, clearly happy with multiplicity and often not willing to opt for a singular
choice. (2002:17).

In relation to ideas in the public domain about the uses of literacy (Hoggart
1961) Tyner, Mackey and other notable contributors (Barton and Hamilton,
1998; Gee 2003; Gauntlett, 2007; Buckingham, 2007; Green and Hannon,
2007; Hartley 2008) spend little if any time discussing whether people are
‘more’ or ‘less’ literate as a result of their immersion in virtual and / or
networked worlds. Instead they agree that they are differently literate.

Gee (2003), Peim (1993) and Lilis (2001) among many others have extended
this thinking to the discussion of pedagogical practice and a consideration of
how notions of multiple literacies might inform ways of thinking and being
within educational contexts and a shift towards re-situating practices is at
least theoretically imagined. However the recent thrust of ‘Media Literacy’
policy seems to have drawn little from these debates.

UNESCO (Moore, 2008:6) defines Media / Information Literacy as “a teaching

and learning process and application of critical thinking to receiving and
producing mass communication media”. In all policy and agenda-setting texts
relating to Media Literacy the word critical recurs and thus a distinction is
drawn between the media literate (critical) citizen and the deficient uncritical
‘other’. A theorised, evidenced discussion of critical thinking is lacking in these
documents and their subsequent manifestations in curriculum, where
assessment criteria often require professionals to make judgements about
students’ ability to ‘be critical’.

In the United Kingdom there has been a policy shift toward the development
of Media Literacy with a number of variant discourses in circulation. The
regulatory body OFCOM, working with academics and industry, offer a
definition that seeks to offer protection to the child and young adult in the new
‘digital world’, with particular concern for safety in social network sites and in
videogame worlds, as articulated in the Government commissioned Byron
report, 2008 and in keeping with Klimmt’s work, discussed above, and also
to define a set of competences in relation to both information filtering and
creative practices. Media education, as we have discussed elsewhere
(McDougall, 2006) is offered legitimacy by such a policy turn but find itself in a
state of confusion amidst this duality of protectionist and emancipatory
statements. What is lacking, it seems, is an adequately theorised dialogue
between ‘model’ of (criticresearch into al) media literacy as social practice and
the from which to development of new ‘moves’ in curriculum, pedagogy and
assessment. This paper seeks to contribute to an evidence base to inform the
development of such an approachinterventions.


This research was conducted in two stages. Eight 16-17 year olds were
recruited to the project from two Further (tertiary) education colleges in
England. The recruits, all male and following academic programmes in Media
Studies that include the exploration and analysis of a broad range of ‘textual
products’ including video game, were required to return signed parental
consent forms to confirm that they had already purchased and were permitted
to play GTA4. They then joined a Facebook group established exclusively for
the project and were asked to submit regular playblog accounts, based on
one hour gaming sessions, over a two week period. The only guidance
provided was that they should write about their playing experiences in each
case. They were free to respond to each other’s postings, or to ignore them
as they preferred. On several occasions reminder messages were sent to the
whole group but these reminders did not include any prompts for content or
structure. Individual students were never contacted and we did not comment
on any postings.

The second stage was a half hour interview with each player, who were all
asked the same questions but in each case their postings were referred to as
a prompt – either directly with regard to the participant - for example, “I
noticed you gave an example of….”, or more general - “towards the end of the
two weeks the postings became more ……”. The rationale for the use of the
Facebook group was threefold – firstly, using a web 2.0 context with which all
the participants were already familiar would avoid some of the unfamiliar and
awkward dynamics of this kind of research, secondly it would allow the
participants to take responsibility for the nature of their own literacy practices
and thirdly it would offer a ‘transliteracy’ bridge from playing to talking. To
protect anonymity the names of the participants have been changed.

Playing and Telling

Ways of telling…

Last night I began the story of Nico Bellic…(Bill)

Like many of our bloggers, Bill quickly settled into the role of ‘story-teller’,
recounting dramatic tales of his adventures in Liberty City. Often postings
were weaved together through the imposition of a loose, traditional, narrative
thread with an ‘opener’:

A long night in liberty city, it seems for Nico Bellic and his cousin Roman. After the
mass bloodbath, which we created last night’s wild antics at the splitsides comedy club
in central liberty city, before the face off with police. (Justin)

… and a ‘grand’ finale’ clearly gestured:

So this is my last post, so i thought therefore i should go on a truely world class killing
rampage...this is how I got on (Justin)

I decided to go out with a bang. (Ben)

OK, its here. The fifth and final hour, the big one…oh yes, you know what I’m talking
about... (Sunny)

In the last of these examples Sunny feels the proximity of his onlookers and
addresses ‘us’ directly. Similarly self-conscious of audience, Andy, perhaps
our most accomplished story-teller, rejects the past-simple tense in favour of
grammar that invites the reader very much into his ‘present’ and encourages
us to experience his journey through Liberty City more immediately;

I hit the gas and aim my car at there wreckage, when i hit full speed i leap out the
vehicle and watch it carrear into the mess. With the remaining bullets i have i pump the
gas tank full of lead and gaze at the explosions as one the flaming carcases of my
enemies falls to my feet. (Andy)

The ‘in-between’ action was for Ben and Justin and their fellow bloggers a
fast-paced pastiche on the ‘action-movie’ genre, a melodrama of “mass
bloodbath”s (Justin), “killing sprees” (Justin & Dean), “guns blazing” (Andy)
and “mini riots” (Ben), the writers taking up - and savouring - the position of
the excessive action hero ‘posturing’ at the centre of the narrative - unnerved,
amoral, fearless and bloodthirsty:

i decided to do the impossible spawn a bike on the top of the building and try the
craziest jump i have ever performed on the game… (Justin)

I convinently snatch a women out of her car and when the male passenger challeges
my antics i make him run by pointing a gun at him and then shoot the back of his knees
making him slide across the pavement. I then approach him like a stereotypical russian
gangster and stand over him whinning and put him out of his misery with a single head
shot ( oh so delightful!!).

And there were moments of mock-chilling detail resonant of the Tarantino


i thort i would change my clothes for a killing spree a nice new suit. black with a red tie

There is something of the cartoonish 'baroque showman' about these

descriptions. They are self-conscious, outrageous, carnivalesque
‘performances’ to the wider blog community, an overlay of friends, college
peers and facebook contact trails:

…before I posted my first blog I did read what everyone else had written and I tried to
write in my own style, I did kind of stick to the same structure as other people (Ben);

I tried to stick to my own sort of style of writing an keep it sort of close to that but I
noticed a few of the blogs were out there (Dean).

And of course to ‘us’ - the researchers (outsiders?) - not blogging but palpably
listening to these wild adventures played out vicariously. Telling the story of
playing for these participants is an act of ‘playful artistry’, as Dean
summarises in his interview:

I think to a certain extent there was a kind of competition because everybody wants their blog
to be read and everyone wants people to laugh at their blog and they just want a chance to

This is at its most explicit when the gamers tell of ‘performing’ against others
in the multi-player online modes. Here is Dean again pitted against a group of
American gamers:

However I was subjected to being in a team of 4 with 3 Americans who were useless at
the game but talked like they were professors of super bowl. This resulted on us
arguing about what’s better rugby and American football after them saying rugby is a
girl’s sport in which I jumped out the car and sent 4 single bullets into the windscreen
and windows hoping they change their thoughts on rugby (Dean)

After shooting a few people down and evading various 1/2 wanted star levels, I get an
invite to play online, fun. With the invite accepted I found myself in a lobby full of rowdy

americans wanting to kill me (in the game of course), the game mode is GTA Race
meaning you race but can get out of your car at any point, picking up weapons along
your way. Just as the game started I heard an overly-enthused american shout the
words, "Holy shit, here we go! (Bill).

This more immediate, ‘live’ audience offers both Bill and Dean the opportunity
to perform their ‘gaming-selves’.

‘Gaming selves’

This version of the ‘macho’ male protagonist the bloggers ‘play’ out for us is,
they suggested in their interviews, remote from their everyday sense and
expression of self, agency and the ‘real’. Rather than the projection of any
deeper aspiration they described GTA4 as:

a fun thing to play with no restrictions. It’s just like a different world really which makes
it fun and interesting to play (Andy);

a sick and twisted fantasy really and it’s down to the human psychic really. People
wouldn’t actually go out and, get in a car and run over thirty people and jump out and it
on the body and do things like that” (Sunny).

This is contrasted with ‘real life’ where:

running away from the police often ends with you getting caught in real life. Somehow
you can end up like having a helicopter following you and just magically happen to
have a grenade launcher which can blow up the helicopter so that things are great. I
could never imagine doing that in real life. At least I hope not! (Dean).

And this playing at the ‘other’ within the ‘unreal’ provides a source of
enjoyment and pleasure:

What appeals to me about it? I think its just real light hearted fun and you can get a
good laugh out of it even though its crime and its probably not morally correct, you
know there’s not really that much of a consequence you know? You just get to have a
little bit of fun and have a little joke with your mates when you’re playing it (Dean).

This playfulness is observable throughout the blogs which show a constant

fracturing of the ‘in-game’ narrative with ‘out of game’ observations and
critiques prompted, for example, by moments of intertextual signification,
‘moral’ compromise or technical novelty. So although some of our players
described themselves as immersed in Nico’s ‘time’/‘reality’, for example:

I just put myself in the character. You are Nico (Justin)


I do get pretty involved when I play games and when I do get into the cover thing I dont
actually notice myself kind of ducking into cover when I’m actually playing the game
yes so you can get really involved and think that you are Nico (Sunny),

… the blog entries offer less ‘resolved’ narratives. Peppered by moments of

internal, meta-aware commentary they play out instead a more complex

At times meta-awareness is prompted by a sense of ‘wonder’ at what’s new.

Here for example Justin describes his first encounter with an in-game

After collecting him , I then took my eastern uropean cousin for a drink in Blarneys irish
pub , before a game of darts, where I participated in a sensation , which I have never
discovered before on a video game, my character being drunk. Whilst walking around
the beer garden of the pub I found another feature which makes GTA a favourite of
mine , not just due to the reveloutionary aspects of gameplay, but the humour, as I
chuckled to myself while reading a umbrella on one of the tables with a sign for a mock
german beer, Pißwasser, GTA never ceases to amaze me, or to make me laugh.

This intertextual moment adds a further fracturing layer. Luke shares a similar
moment of surprise, enjoyment and reflection as he marvels at the incidental
but closely observed, and to him fascinating detail of the animated cup:

One particluar sad thing to do is knock a cup out of someones hand on a hill and watch
the cup gain momentum and speed down the hill, a tribute to the physics engine

… as does Dean when he contemplates the introduction of ‘consequences’

which he seems to appreciate as a sort of ‘maturation’ of the GTA series:

Finally they have built in the concept of consequences into GTA. I had to step out and
face the music…(Dean).

At other times it is an emotional - even moral - challenge that prompts critique,

as Ben’s tendency to acknowledge the innocence of his victims to a perhaps
judgmental audience might suggest:

Despite being briefly distracted by the lure of slaughtering innocent bystanders (Ben);

I passed the time by climbing onto a high surface and taking pot shots at innocent
civilians. (Ben)

Equally Justin’s revoke in the codicil below - which seems to begin with a
silent “don’t worry” to his audience - perhaps indicates a gentle slippage from
his otherwise bravado-fuelled narrative:

I decide to leave him to his watery grave, (he will be fine next time i get wasted or
busted, I hope!). (Justin)

However the moments of disruption are most apparent when the ‘in game’
male characters interact with female characters. It is at these moments that
many of the bloggers express either a comedy bravado, like Justin, that plays
to the blog audience:

After this i was distracted by my in game relationship with the character michelle, like a
real girlfriend she clearly only wanted to drain my patience aswell as my wallet (Justin)

… or a more self-conscious tentativeness, like Ben here, that may be more

‘out of game’:

The date looked to be ending in disaster when the taxi drivers erratic driving upset her
stomach, but she seemed to enjoy the burgers and I managed to get invited inside.

A hectic nights drinking led to me surprisngly leading Michelle back to her flat
unscathed, although after my embarassing behaviour I didn't even ask to go inside.

Ben is surprised by his success with ‘in game’ girlfriend Michelle as he

'manages' to get invited inside whilst his embarrassment at his behaviour in
front of her would seem to play against the direction of the ‘moral framework’
of the game.

Just ‘messin’

Justice does not consist merely in the observance of the rules; as in all the games, it
consists in working at the limits of what the rules permit; in order to invent new
moves, perhaps new rules and therefore new games. (Lyotard, 1985: 100)

The participants shared an explicit and ‘knowing’ meta-awareness of how to

play against the narrative or despite it, a frivolity and playfulness that
resonates with Gauntlett’s (2002) idea of the postmodern ‘pick and mix’ reader
of gender magazines. Such clearly understood ‘parology’ (Lyotard, 1985) –
new moves in the game that disrupt orthodox analyses of ‘effects’ and of
reading itself - are perhaps our most compelling evidence that there is no
singular ‘way of being’ in a game:

Having completed the game the other day, i dedided there wasnt much else to do, but
to start the entire thing again. I completed the first few missions with no problem
whatsoever, but then, probly out of impatience i started messing the missions up by just
generally messing about on them, including punching the women in the face in "first
date". After about half an hour i got bored and decided to load the completed file and
just mess about for a while. this messing about included shootouts with the police, and
doing some stunt jumps, a noteable one was jumping from one island to another, but
doing a complete flip in the process; (Sunny)

My gaming started in Party Mode with a few friends…as can imagine structured games
take a while to start. We were basically doing nothing for half an hour just driving cars,
motorbikes, helicopters and shooting each other. I did find an 'easter egg', the Statue of
Happiness has a beating heart, wow, there is no way I would of found this if I wasn't
crashing a helicopter around the statue trying to land it on the happy statue's head

Maclure’s notion of ‘frivolity’ offers a provocative lens through which to begin

to make sense of the ‘playing with’. Like many other aspects of gamers’
experience described above such playfulness “threatens the serious
business of establishing foundations, frames, boundaries, generalities or
principles” (Maclure 200:1) that define the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ of gaming and
the different identities (sexualities, masculinities etc) that Media 2.0 ‘players’
are facilitated to perform.

Flow and Learning

Our inclusion of videogames in the ‘Media 2.0’ intervention (absent from

Gauntlett’s set of examples) is based on their distinction from non-interactive
stories, as most helpfully described by Csikszentmihalyi (1997) in terms of the
‘own sakeness’ of gaming and by Dovey and Kennedy (2006:102) here:

Meaning generated by play is different to meaning generated by reading. To read is to

create meaning cognitively in the encounter with the text. To play is to generate
meaning, to express it through play. Play allows us to actively express meaning (to be
part of your clan, to be a stealth assassin or princess rescuing plumber). By playing

out these roles we are temporarily inhabiting an avatar that functions as part of the
gameplay and offers consumers a point of entry in to the game world. Players clearly
have interpretive responses to game worlds, and computer games in their wider
circulation are clearly meaningful.

When comparing their literacy experiences in Liberty City with traditional

reading practices, the participants did not (as the Media 2.0 thesis might
assume) ‘other’ reading books but they were largely in agreement about the
differences between these textual practices:

It’s more engaging and I find the time passes more quickly when I’m playing a video
game than reading a book or watching a film. Not necessarily because it’s more
enjoyable but because you’re constantly engaged in doing something and it’s your
choice with what you’re doing…you’re in control when playing a game. But I guess you
make your own story…you could write a book about it…you could quite a good book I
think. (Andrew)

I would say it’s quite a lot like a film although they do try and make it more interactive to
sort of separate because in this game you can make decisions so you sort of feel more
involved in the game so you have a say in what’s going to happen. (Tom)

You kind of make the story up as you go along against what they’ve already given you,
you kind of add more and I think that’s why everybody’s experience is slightly different
because some people want you to go and be the good guy and others just want you to
be a monster (Dean)

A linear story is easier to understand but if you have an open world, you are making the
story, you feel more involved definitely because you’re going to places, you’re having to
literally get out and travel to see those places so you’re getting to learn the area.

The last of these examples shifts the focus of the question to compare
different types of games, seeing GTA as a cultural product offering a linear
narrative within a virtual space. Such a critical awareness of the plurality of
what the game offers seems to connect with the notions of ‘risk’ and ‘play’ that
we conjecture may make gaming so attractive to young adults, as Gee (2003)
describes as crucial to both active and critical learning, asserting that gaming
potentially offers both conditions. Gee identifies three key things that are “at
stake” when we learn actively. Firstly that we “learn to experience (see, feel
and operate on) the world in new ways”; secondly that “since domains are
usually shared by groups of people who carry them on as distinctive social
practices, we gain the potential to join this group, to become affiliated with
such kinds of people (even though we may never see all of them, or any of
them face to face)” and thirdly “we gain resources that prepare us for future

learning and problem solving in the domain and, perhaps, more important, in
related domains.” (Gee, 2003: 23).

However active learning does not necessarily manifest critical learning, for
critical learning to occur Gee proposes that an additional feature is needed:

For learning to be critical as well as active, one additional feature is needed. The
learner needs to learn not only how to understand and produce meanings in a
particular semiotic domain, but, in addition, how to think about the domain at a “meta”
level as a complex system of interrelated parts. The learner also needs to learn how to
innovate in the domain – how to produce meanings that, while recognizable, are seen
as somehow novel or unpredictable. (Gee, 2003:23)

The conditions of criticality Gee further argues are made possible through
gaming as the player is ‘licensed’ within the domain, or social practice of
gaming to take up a position as ‘expert’ and play at the margins of what is
already possible or knowable to produce new meanings. The meaning of the
game as ‘text’ becomes shape-able as well as knowable and the reader is re-
situated to learn in relation to relationships and social justice. This aspect of
Gee’s occasionally evangelical celebration of games and learning is
controversial (see Barrett, 2006, discussed above) in that it deliberately
ignores the issue of subject matter. How can a player of GTA, or Call of Duty
or any other game with what looks like (from outside of its realisation in play)
a dubious ideology be mobilised to learn in relation to social justice? Our
research has attempted at least to ask this, through direct engagement with
players and their ‘retelling’ of their experiences in such a volatile and
contested cultural space. In Lyotard’s ‘politics’, this gesture is to resist the
attribution of the performances to a regulatory Idea (of literacy, or of
competence) but instead to bear witness to the plurality of the ways of being
(with others) in such literacy practices:

Can there be a plurality of justices? Or is the idea of justice the idea of a plurality?
That is not the same question. I truly believe that the question we now face is that of
a plurality, the idea of a justice that would at the same time be that of a plurality, and it
would be a plurality of language games. (Lyotard: 1985: 95).

Conclusion: towards a theorized media literacy

Whilst we have discovered no one way of being Nico, there are some shared

storytelling conventions that are of interest to us in our wish to theorise Media
Literacy, as follows:

Switching and Splicing – with the game, against or alongside the game.
Players had different reasons for doing this, sometimes expressed as critical
literacy about intertextual comparison, sometimes as a practice of multimodal
variation – from the linear game as a personal challenge to the social
pleasures of the online domain, sometimes as morality – to make use of
cheats first to complete the game, then to return to do it honestly and
sometimes as a shifting between the gaming experience and the desire to
perform on the facebook blog (though participants never explicitly ‘confessed’
this showmanship in the interviews). Bloggers moved between the past and
present and the diegetic game ‘I’ (Nico) and the detached, evaluative expert,
expressing novelty, surprise, a critical ‘take’ on the flow of the game. They
adopted multiple positions both in their approaches to play and in their
recounting of their play. The narratology/ludology debate aside, what these
bloggers are ‘doing’ with the game here is telling stories about their in-game
experience that offer some insight into what they value and enjoy about

Performance – bloggers evidently took pleasure in taking centre stage in

these baroque performances and some further enjoyed the opportunity to re-
tell their stories; sorting, selecting, editing and glossing their experiences for
maximum reader impact. For these participants it seems that gaming offers an
opportunity for performance and achievement but at the same time some
reflection, with ‘knowingness’ as important to the performance as the events in
the game.

Identity - whilst the content of GTA and the ‘effects’ debate that surrounds it is
not our concern here and nor is the ideology of the game (if such a stable
fixed entity were conceivable), the fact that all of our participants are male
cannot be ignored. The blog postings in particular tended to share the
conventions of the ‘baroque showman’ and whilst the absence of females
(both from the research and from the majority of the gaming encounters)

along with their circulation as ‘other’ appears to reinforce conservative textual
practices, it was clear from both the blogs and the interview expositions that a
highly performed and playful ‘male showing’ was at work.

Reflection – the use of follow up interviews informed by the blog yielded

interesting comparisons between these different modes of telling. In the
interviews, the participants offered more reflective, sensitive contexts for their
previous blogged performances.

Social practice in this emerging field, whether mobilised in research,

curriculum or pedagogy must bear witness to forms of literacy as difference.
In Just Gaming, Lyotard conceives of the ethical dimension of bearing witness
to difference – a justice of multiplicity, itself an inevitable paradox (along with
postmodernity). Hence, in keeping with Lyotard’s ethics, we wish to offer a set
of conclusions that resist reducing these multiple ways of reading GTA4 to a
set of competences or ‘levels’ of critical engagement with ‘the text’. Instead
we seek to bear witness to the various ways that the young men participating
in our research attribute meaning to the game. In so doing we suggest that
Media Literacy, as practiced in educational contexts, ought to be concerned
with discovering and giving voice to such ‘local practices’ in reading, telling
and meaning-making and in so doing without recourse to a principle of
Literacy as a regulatory Idea.


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