Proposal For TVET Malaysia
Proposal For TVET Malaysia
Proposal For TVET Malaysia
(1) Introduction 2
(2) Sutera Analytics Education Package for Institution 3-9
(3) Sutera Analytics collaboration package for Institution (Plan B) 10-11
(4) Our product users = Your student future employers 12
(5) Value Proposition for Higher Learning Institution (General) 13-15
(6) Technical Proposal for UTHM Consultancy & Training 16-21
(7) Which institutes owned our solution? 22-22
(8) Internship program 23-24
Sutera Analytics Sdn Bhd (Sutera Analytics) partner of Hexagon PPM Corporation is a provider of
engineering IT solutions and services. Established in 2012, we offer complete solutions for customers
in construction, petrochemical, power, fabrication, Oil and Gas industries as well as education.
Together with industry leading software solutions such as CADWorx, CAESAR II, PV Elite, TANK,
SmartPlant P&ID, Smart 3D and etc. Sutera Analytics has skilled engineers to provide training,
consulting, implementation and support services.
Sutera Analytics’ capabilities are in our professional engineers and ability to deliver and support highly
complex engineering solutions. Partnering with industry technology leaders like Intergraph Process
Power and Marine, Sutera Analytics is the choice for implementing engineering IT solutions.
We are your partner in engineering – Making Engineering Solutions Happen for you.
Construction Petrochemcial
Education Fabrication
Sutera Analytics Education package for Institution
Sutera Analytics offers an attractive package for the institutions who are interested to design a new
course related to design, engineering, operation and maintenance of oil & gas facility such as offshore
platform and process plant. Furthermore, our solution can enhance your current engineering course
with state of art technology. The following are some of the courses that are closely related to our
facility design solution.
(1) Petroleum Engineering
(2) Chemical Engineering
(3) Biochemical Engineering
(4) Bio Technology
(5) Pharmaceutical Engineering
(6) Power Plant Engineering
(7) Marine Engineering
(8) Plant Engineering
Other than tertiary academic program, our education package is also applicable for skill based
learning programs especially those related to drafting, project management, equipment design, pipe
stress analysis , operation and maintenance for various types of facility for oil & gas exploration,
refinery, petrochemical, biochemical , power generation, water treatment , semiconductor ,
pharmaceutical and food processing.
Our education package consists of the following items to make your plan workable and profitable.
(1) Facility design solution (software) for design, drafting, engineering, operation and
maintenance purposes. We offer the software at the price which is must more below than
industrial option with same features and specifications.
(2) Industrial training by our experience engineers who will guide your lecturers on how to use the
software to complete a specific number of projects according to industrial standard and
(3) Implementation of our plant design solution to existing courses or new engineering program.
Implemen Package Industrial
tation Training
1.0 Plant Design Solution (Software)
SmartPlant® P&ID helps you develop and manage your piping and instrumentation diagrams with a
focus on the facility asset. The piping and instrumentation diagram, or P&ID, is the "process roadmap"
of the facility like process plant and is developed, accessed, shared, and modified throughout the
plant life cycle. Therefore, it is critical that the P&ID is kept up-to-date, accurately reflecting the as-
built plant because other disciplines base their design decisions on the data from P&IDs.
SmartPlant® P&ID helps you develop and manage your P&IDs with a focus on the plant asset rather
than the document representation. It exercises rules and connectivity checks to speed the entire
engineering process, helping you save money without compromising design quality or integrity.
SmartPlant P&ID also facilitates faster project start up because several engineering standards are
included with the software.
In addition to engineering phase, the P&ID plays a key role in operational tasks such as safety,
inspections, turn-around planning and much more.
1.2 Smart 3D
Smart 3D, the most advanced facility such as offshore platform and process plant design software
offered in two decades, is Hexagon Process, Power & Marine's next-generation, data-centric, rule-
driven solution for streamlining engineering design processes while preserving existing data and
making it more usable/re-usable. A member of Hexagon's SmartPlant® family of plant modelling
software, Smart 3D is a full suite of complementary software that provides all the capabilities needed
to design a facility such as offshore platform & process plant, and then keep it as-built throughout its
life cycle.
Smart 3D is a forward-looking product that is changing the way oil & gas facility are engineered and
designed. It breaks through the constraints imposed by traditional plant modelling software and
design technology. Rather than focusing on simply achieving design, Smart 3D effectively enables
optimized design, increasing productivity and shortening project schedules.
The world’s most widely used pipe flexibility and stress analysis software, CAESAR II® is a complete
solution that enables quick and accurate analysis of piping systems subjected to a wide variety of
loads, taking into account weight, pressure, thermal, seismic and other static and dynamic conditions,
based on user-defined variables and accepted industry guidelines. CAESAR II® analyzes piping
systems of any size or complexity, whether the need is to design a new system or trouble-shoot an
existing one. CAESAR II features the only bi-directional link between analysis and CAD design,
allowing engineers and designers to easily share information while keeping the drawing and related
data in sync.
1.4 PVELite ®
This pressure vessel and heat exchanger design software is easy to learn and use. PV Elite® gives
users fast start-up and confidence in their safety code calculations. PV Elite® provides engineers,
designers, estimators, fabricators and inspectors with solutions that match their pressure vessel and
heat exchanger design needs. Because the program is easy to learn and use, it is perfect for both
regular and occasional users requiring fast start up and confidence in their safety code calculations.
PV Elite is a complete solution for the quick and intuitive design of new pressure vessels, and it also
evaluates and re-rates existing vessels, including Fitness for Service analysis. The program considers
the whole vessel, addressing all of the wall thickness rules and stress analysis requirements for
vertical towers, horizontal vessels and heat exchangers.
2.0 Industrial Training
Industrial training is conducted by our experience engineers who have been using the solution for
design, drafting and engineering tasks since early of their career. For each of the software, the trainer
will focus on the following parts so the lecturers can capture knowledge and skills effectively:-
(1) Fundamental of design (e.g. Type of components at a oil & gas facility such as offshore
platform or process plant and their application, Type of loadings at process equipment and
piping and their safety requirements.)
(2) Industrial code and standard (e.g. Common practices for facility such as offshore platform and
process plant layout design, ASME SEC VIII Div 1 for pressure vessel design, ASME B31.3
for process pipe stress analysis )
(3) De factor solution application. (e.g. Application of Smartplant P & ID for schematic drawings
and Smart 3D for plant layout design , application of PVElite for pressure vessel design and
CAESAR II for pipe stress analysis )
Fundamental of Industrial
of design de factor
Industrial Code
and Standard
3.0 Implementation
Implementation of new technology into teaching & learning process or produce a new academic or
training course needs a lot of time and resource. We will provide services to assist Institute to plan
and execute the program at the following areas:-
(1) Produce program structure and subject syllabi according to institute plan as well as MQA
(2) To become the panels for the institute for program approval and accreditation.
(3) To assist institute in students job placement (only for new course) with term and conditions.
New New
program program
outline approval
Our product users = Your student future employers
We have more than 150 customers within Malaysia, ranging from oil & gas operator, EPCC to
medium and small fabrication companies as well as higher learning institutions. They can be your
students future employers !
Value Proposition for Higher Learning Institution (General)
Design a new program which create demanding workforce for national key economic areas
High percentage of student employability is no longer a motivator but a hygiene factor in today low
unemployment climate. Instead, high income nation has become one of the popular word for
developing country like Malaysia to indicate their people strength in term integrity, productivity,
competitiveness and innovativeness.
High quality +
genuine +
Productivity reasonable
priced product
or service
This is even more important, as China has significantly elevated their economy from manufacturing
oriented to a high value production and consumer nation like US, Europe and Japan. China
responsibility as a “world factory” will be shifted to South East Asia countries, and Malaysia have a
lot of advantages over other SEA countries in term of accessibility of quality higher education,
diversification of industry, regional hub for oil & gas, electrical component manufacturing, halal food
production. The existing local heavy industries like automotive maker –Proton and Perodua,
shipbuilding – MMHE needs further restructuring and reengineering process to become a world class
From Malaysia External Trade Statistic (Dec 2017), our country total trade surpassed RM1.7 trillion.
Among the great contribution are from exporting E&E products, petroleum products, palm oil
products, rubber products, liquefied natural gas (LNG), chemicals and chemical products,
optical and scientific equipment, manufactures of metal as well as natural rubber as shown as
diagram below (Highly export products need more workforce for production and R & D).
From both macro and micro economies angles, first we need to enhance our current most contributing
and heavy industries through the following improvements.
Capital – Government shall allocate industrial enhancement grants or funds for all related industries.
The utilization of grants or funds shall be monitored progressively. The final results shall be audited to
measure the effectiveness.
Technology – After the capital is allocated, the relevant companies shall search for the most suitable
technology to improve their productivity as well as the quality of their product or services.
Human power – Government shall encourage academic and industry collaboration in term of human
resource development. Where all the science, technical and engineering students will be train on how
to use the latest de facto technology to improve the productivity and quality of an industrial product.
(Note: Currently, most of the engineering students are trained in using relevant software, tool,
equipment and machinery to produce an end product (i.e drawing, prototype or end product ).
However, the knowledge and skill on how to improve their work productivity and product quality is not
been taught).
and Metal Enhancement solution
scientific products
Ship building
Aircraft parts
heavy and
We believe the number of enrolled students for the above mentioned programs will be increased, if
local institution can turn their students to become high income nation. The students are targeted to
receive above average salary compare to their peers (estimated: RM3,500 starting salary). This can
be achieved if the students are equipped with the relevant soft skills and industrial competency (at
least intermediate level), especially dealing with industrial de facto technology (hardware, software)
for most job demanding sectors.
(Note: Our Hexagon PPM solutions are widely used by the red circled areas)
Technical Proposal for TVET univeristy
Why TVET univeristy shall consider extending their learning process to plant detail design and
engineering ?
By referring to the course structure, BEng of Mechanical Engineering Technology (Plant) with
Honours at UTHM provides students with essential technical knowledge and skill in design,
engineering, operation and maintenance for power and process plants. Our Hexagon PPM plant
design solution can enhance your current program at the following areas:-
Plant Engineering
(1) After the design of the chemical plant has been completed, next your students need to
perform engineering analysis to ensure all facilities will operate safely. In this case, your
students need to check the structure strength against all possible loadings like internal/
external pressure, temperature, wind / wave/ seismic forces, self –contained weight
and etc. The diagram below shows few engineering analysis solutions which are commonly
used by EPCCs and O/Os. User friendly environment with build in standard component
templet and industrial codes will ease your student learning process while minimize
modeling time and maximize analysis time to reach cost optimization for the chemical
plant at initial investment stage.
(3) Students will learn on how to produce deliverables like engineering drawings, MTO and
other engineering reports for development stage. All these information can be easily
produced by our plant design solutions as mentioned.
Plant Operation and Maintenance
(1) For power and process plant operation, the plant turn over can be minimized while
unpredicted shutdown can be prevented if accurate qualitative analysis on process
equipment ,piping and others can be accessed using industrial code such as API 579. In
this case, most of our engineering solution like PV Elite®, CAESAR II ® and TANK®
have this features.
1. 2 Training courses for local industry
(1) You can provide training courses related to plant design, engineering, operation and
maintenance for nearby EPCCs or plant operators within Pengerang RAPID. Our
current users like Petronas Carigali, Petronas Gas , Petronas Chemical, Petronas Gas,
Technip, Toyo Engineering , MMC, Dialog are using PVElite® and CAESRA II ® for their
design and analysis job. However, most of them still do not utilise fitness of service
function in the software.
(2) You can provide operation, maintenance and safety training for the plant engineers
using our Smartplant 3D plant model with VR tool. Furthermore, you can offer your
services to Petronas to prepare 3D plant model with training content to improve their
plant engineers competency.
1. 3 Teaching and Learning tool for relevant program involve facility design
(1) You can build your electronic plant model for various industries like oil & gas refinery,
petrochemical, chemical, fertilizer, biofuel, oleo chemical, water treatment, food processing
and pharmaceutical plants for your teaching purpose using IPad or VR. I believe this
feature will inspire your students and accelerate their learning process.
1.4 Prepare UTHM students for Industry 4 revolution
(1) The electronic data build from design, engineering , operation and maintenance will
be collected as a big data and then it will be further filtered and grouped for
“supporting business activities “especially operation & maintenance (O & M)
O/Os or project costing & schedule for EPCCs. In future, there is a possibility that
artificial intelligent will be created based on the matured big data to assist engineer in
making accurate decision through data analytics. You student will be prepared to
adopt technology related industry 4.