The Steradian. This is like a three dimensional radian, sometimes called the unit solid
angle. The steradian is the solid angle subtended at the centre of a sphere by surface
areas equal to r2.
There are 2π radians in a circle and 4π steradians in a sphere. Consider a sphere of
radius one metre, with a symmetrical point light source of 1 candela intensity at its
centre, the surface area of the sphere = 4πr2
Therefore the surface area of a 1 metre radius sphere = 4 π m2
E= -- = 1 lux = 1 lm/m2
If there area is 4π m2 then the source must produce 4π lumens in order to produce
an average illuminance of 1 lumen/m2 on the surface of the sphere.
A lamp with an intensity of 1 candela produces 4π
lumens of light flux.
A 500 watt Tungsten Halogen lamp has an efficacy of 20 lumens per watt.
Calculate its mean spherical intensity.
φ 10000
I = ---- = ------ = 796. cd
4π 4π
• Light sources are seldom symmetrical in output. We have already seen that the light
output in a given direction is called the luminous intensity.
• If the light source was symmetrical in output, then 80 cd/1000 lm would be its intensity
in all directions as shown in Fig. 1.18 by curve A.
• A more realistic output for a bare lamp would be as shown in the same diagram by
curve B.
• If reflectors were used, the output would be concentrated even more as shown by
curve C.
Polar diagrams are used to provide the designer with information on light intensity in a
given direction when using the point to point method of calculation.
A point light source has an output of 2000 lumens and intensity as shown by curve C in Fig.
1.18 calculate the illuminance on a horizontal surface which is 2 metres beneath the source:
(i) The illuminance on the working plane directly under the lamp
(ii) The illuminance on the working plane 2 metres to one side.
(i) From polar diagram I = 750 x ------------ = 1125 cd.
I 1125
E = ----- = -------- = 281.25 lux
𝑑2 22
(ii) I = 450 x -------- = 675 cd
d = 2.828 m
Cos θ = 2/2.828 = 0.707
I Cos θ
E = --------
675 x 0.707
E= ------------- = 60 lux