Safety Engineering: The Task of Safety Engineers

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Safety engineering

Safety engineering is an applied science strongly related to systems

Safety engineering aims to insure that a life-critical system behaves as needed even when pieces
In the real world the term "safety engineering" refers to any act of accident prevention by a person
qualified in the field.
Safety engineering is often reactionary to adverse events, also described as "incidents," as reflected
in accident statistics.
This arises largely because of the complexity and difficulty of collecting and analysing data on "near
Increasingly, the importance of a safety review is being recognised as an important risk
managament tool.
Failure to identify risks to safety, and the according inability to address or "control" these risks, can
result in massive costs, both human and economic.
The multidisciplinary nature of safety engineering means that a very broad array of professionals are
actively involved in accident prevention or safety engineering.

Safety engineering is an applied science closely related to systems engineering and its subset,
System Safety Engineering. Safety engineering assures that a life-critical system behaves as
needed even when other components fail. In practical terms, the term "safety engineering"
refers to any act of accident prevention by a person qualified in the field. Safety engineering is
often reactionary to adverse events, also described as "incidents," as reflected in accident
statistics. This arises largely because of the complexity and difficulty of collecting and analyzing
data on "near misses."
Increasingly, the importance of a safety review is being recognized as an important risk
management tool. Failure to identify risks to safety, and the according inability to address or "control"
these risks, can result in massive costs, both human and economic. The multidisciplinary nature of
safety engineering means that a very broad array of professionals are actively involved in accident
prevention or safety engineering.

The task of safety engineers

The majority of those practicing safety engineering are employed in industry to keep
workers safe on a day to day basis.
Safety engineers distinguish different extents of defective operation. A failure is "the
inability of a system or component to perform its required functions within specified
performance requirements," while a fault is "a defect in a device or component, for
example: A short circuit or a broken wire".[1]System-level failures are caused by lower-
level faults, which are ultimately caused by basic component faults. (Some texts reverse
or confuse these two terms.[2]) The unexpected failure of a device that was operating
within its design limits is a primary failure, while the expected failure of a component
stressed beyond its design limits is a secondary failure. A device which appears to
malfunction because it has responded as designed to a bad input is suffering from
a command fault.[2]
A critical fault endangers one or a few people. A catastrophic fault endangers, harms,
or kills a significant number of people.
Safety engineers also identify different modes of safe operation: A probabilistically
safe system has no single point of failure, and enough redundant sensors, computers,
and effectors so that it is very unlikely to cause harm (usually "very unlikely" means, on
average, less than one human life lost in a billion hours of operation). An inherently
safe system is a clever mechanical arrangement that cannot be made to cause harm—
obviously the best arrangement, but this is not always possible. A fail-safe system is
one that cannot cause harm when it fails. A fault-tolerant system can continue to
operate with faults, though its operation may be degraded in some fashion.
These terms combine to describe the safety needed by systems: For example, most
biomedical equipment is only "critical," and often another identical piece of equipment is
nearby, so it can be merely "probabilistically fail-safe." Train signals can cause
"catastrophic" accidents (imagine chemical releases from tank-cars) and are usually
"inherently safe." Aircraft "failures" are "catastrophic" (at least for their passengers and
crew) so aircraft are usually "probabilistically fault-tolerant." Without any safety
features, nuclear reactors might have "catastrophic failures," so real nuclear reactors
are required to be at least "probabilistically fail-safe," and some, such as pebble bed
reactors, are "inherently fault-tolerant."

The process
Ideally, safety engineers take an early design of a system, analyze it to find what faults
can occur, and then propose safety requirements in design specifications up front and
changes to existing systems to make the system safer. In an early design stage, often a
fail-safe system can be made acceptably safe with a few sensors and some software to
read them. Probabilistic fault-tolerant systems can often be made by using more, but
smaller and less-expensive pieces of equipment.
Far too often, rather than actually influencing the design, safety engineers are assigned
to prove that an existing, completed design is safe. If a safety engineer then discovers
significant safety problems late in the design process, correcting them can be very
expensive. This type of error has the potential to waste large sums of money.
The exception to this conventional approach is the way some large government
agencies approach safety engineering from a more proactive and proven process
perspective. This is known as System Safety. The System Safety philosophy, supported
by the System Safety Society and many other organizations, is to be applied to complex
and critical systems, such as commercial airliners, military aircraft, munitions and
complex weapon systems, spacecraft and space systems, rail and transportation
systems, air traffic control system and more complex and safety-critical industrial
systems. The proven System Safety methods and techniques are to prevent, eliminate
and control hazards and risks through designed influences by a collaboration of key
engineering disciplines and product teams. Software safety is fast growing field since
modern systems functionality are increasingly being put under control of software. The
whole concept of system safety and software safety, as a subset of systems
engineering, is to influence safety-critical systems designs by conducting several types
of hazard analyses to identify risks and to specify design safety features and
procedures to strategically mitigate risk to acceptable levels before the system is
Additionally, failure mitigation can go beyond design recommendations, particularly in
the area of maintenance. There is an entire realm of safety and reliability engineering
known as "Reliability Centered Maintenance" (RCM), which is a discipline that is a direct
result of analyzing potential failures within a system and determining maintenance
actions that can mitigate the risk of failure. This methodology is used extensively on
aircraft and involves understanding the failure modes of the serviceable replaceable
assemblies in addition to the means to detect or predict an impending failure. Every
automobile owner is familiar with this concept when they take in their car to have the oil
changed or brakes checked. Even filling up one's car with gas is a simple example of a
failure mode (failure due to fuel starvation), a means of detection (fuel gauge), and a
maintenance action (filling the tank).
For large scale complex systems, hundreds if not thousands of maintenance actions
can result from the failure analysis. These maintenance actions are based on conditions
(for example, gauge reading or leaky valve), hard conditions (for example, a component
is known to fail after 100 hrs of operation with 95 percent certainty), or require
inspection to determine the maintenance action (such as metal fatigue). The Reliability
Centered Maintenance concept then analyzes each individual maintenance item for its
risk contribution to safety, mission, operational readiness, or cost to repair if a failure
does occur. Then the sum total of all the maintenance actions are bundled into
maintenance intervals so that maintenance is not occurring around the clock, but rather,
at regular intervals. This bundling process introduces further complexity, as it might
stretch some maintenance cycles, thereby increasing risk, but reduce others, thereby
potentially reducing risk, with the end result being a comprehensive maintenance
schedule, purpose built to reduce operational risk and ensure acceptable levels of
operational readiness and availability.

Analysis techniques
The two most common fault modeling techniques are called "failure modes and effects
analysis" and "fault tree analysis." These techniques are just ways of finding problems
and of making plans to cope with failures, as in Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA or
PSA). One of the earliest complete studies using PRA techniques on a commercial
nuclear plant was the Reactor Safety Study (RSS), edited by Prof. Norman

Failure modes and effects analysis

In the technique known as "failure mode and effects analysis" (FMEA), an engineer
starts with a block diagram of a system. The safety engineer then considers what
happens if each block of the diagram fails. The engineer then draws up a table in which
failures are paired with their effects and an evaluation of the effects. The design of the
system is then corrected, and the table adjusted until the system is not known to have
unacceptable problems. It is very helpful to have several engineers review the failure
modes and effects analysis.

Fault tree analysis

First a little history to put FTA into perspective. It came out of work on the Minuteman
Missile System. All the digital circuits used in the Minuteman Missile System were
designed and tested extensively. The failure probabilities as well as failure modes well
understood and documented for each circuit. GTE/Sylvania, one of the prime
contractors, discovered that the probability of failure for various components were easily
constructed from the Boolean expressions for those components. (Note there was one
complex digital system constructed by GTE/Sylvania about that time with no logic
diagrams only pages of Boolean expressions. These worked out nicely because logic
diagrams are designed to be read left to right the way the engineer creates the design.
But when they fail the technicians must read them from right to left.) In any case this
analysis of hardware lead to the use of the same symbology and thinking for what (with
additional symbols) is now known as a Fault Tree. Note the de Morgan's equivalent of a
fault tree is the success tree.
In the technique known as "fault tree analysis," an undesired effect is taken as the root
('top event') of a tree of logic. There should be only one Top Event and all concerns
must tree down from it. This is also a consequence of another Minuteman Missile
System requirement that all analysis be Top Down. By fiat there was to be no bottom up
analysis. Then, each situation that could cause that effect is added to the tree as a
series of logic expressions. When fault trees are labeled with actual numbers about
failure probabilities, which are often in practice unavailable because of the expense of
testing, computer programs can calculate failure probabilities from fault trees.

A fault tree diagram

The Tree is usually written out using conventional logic gate symbols. The route through
a Tree between an event and an initiator in the tree is called a Cutset. The shortest
credible way through the tree from Fault to initiating Event is called a Minimal Cutset.
Some industries use both Fault Trees and Event Trees (see Probabilistic Risk
Assessment). An Event Tree starts from an undesired initiator (loss of critical supply,
component failure etc) and follows possible further system events through to a series of
final consequences. As each new event is considered, a new node on the tree is added
with a split of probabilities of taking either branch. The probabilities of a range of "top
events" arising from the initial event can then be seen.
Classic programs include the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) CAFTA
software, which is used by almost all the U.S. nuclear power plants and by a majority of
U.S. and international aerospace manufacturers, and the Idaho National Laboratory's
SAPHIRE, which is used by the U.S. Government to evaluate the safety and reliability
of nuclear reactors, the Space Shuttle, and the International Space Station.

Safety certification
Usually a failure in safety-certified systems is acceptable if, on average, less than one
life per 109 hours of continuous operation is lost to failure. Most Western nuclear
reactors, medical equipment, and commercial aircraft are certified to this level. The cost
versus loss of lives has been considered appropriate at this level (by FAA for aircraft
under Federal Aviation Regulations).

Preventing failure
Probabilistic fault tolerance: Adding redundancy to
equipment and systems
Once a failure mode is identified, it can usually be prevented entirely by adding extra
equipment to the system. For example, nuclear reactors contain dangerous radiation,
and nuclear reactions can cause so much heat that no substance might contain them.
Therefore reactors have emergency core cooling systems to keep the temperature
down, shielding to contain the radiation, and engineered barriers (usually several,
nested, surmounted by a containment building) to prevent accidental leakage.
Most biological organisms have a certain amount of redundancy: Multiple organs,
multiple limbs, and so on.
For any given failure, a fail-over, or redundancy can almost always be designed and
incorporated into a system.

When does safety stop, where does reliability

Assume there is a new design for a submarine. In the first case, as the prototype of the
submarine is being moved to the testing tank, the main hatch falls off. This would be
easily defined as an unreliable hatch. Now the submarine is submerged to 10,000 feet,
whereupon the hatch falls off again, and all on board are killed. The failure is the same
in both cases, but in the second case it becomes a safety issue. Most people tend to
judge risk on the basis of the likelihood of occurrence. Other people judge risk on the
basis of their magnitude of regret, and are likely unwilling to accept risk no matter how
unlikely the event. The former make good reliability engineers, the latter make good
safety engineers.
Perhaps there is a need to design a Humvee with a rocket launcher attached. The
reliability engineer could make a good case for installing launch switches all over the
vehicle, making it very likely someone can reach one and launch the rocket. The safety
engineer could make an equally compelling case for putting only two switches at
opposite ends of the vehicle which must both be thrown to launch the rocket, thus
ensuring the likelihood of an inadvertent launch was small. An additional irony is that it
is unlikely that the two engineers can reconcile their differences, in which case a
manager who does not understand the technology could choose one design over the
other based on other criteria, like cost of manufacturing.

Inherent fail-safe design

When adding equipment is impractical (usually because of expense), then the least
expensive form of design is often "inherently fail-safe." The typical approach is to
arrange the system so that ordinary single failures cause the mechanism to shut down
in a safe way. (For nuclear power plants, this is termed a passively safe design,
although more than ordinary failures are covered.)
One of the most common fail-safe systems is the overflow tube in baths and kitchen
sinks. If the valve sticks open, rather than causing an overflow and damage, the tank
spills into an overflow.
Another common example is that in an elevator the cable supporting the car keeps
spring-loaded brakes open. If the cable breaks, the brakes grab rails, and the elevator
cabin does not fall.
Inherent fail-safes are common in medical equipment, traffic and railway signals,
communications equipment, and safety equipment.

Containing failure
It is also common practice to plan for the failure of safety systems through containment
and isolation methods. The use of isolating valves, also known as the Block and bleed
manifold, is very common in isolating pumps, tanks, and control valves that may fail or
need routine maintenance. In addition, nearly all tanks containing oil or other hazardous
chemicals are required to have containment barriers set up around them to contain 100
percent of the volume of the tank in the event of a catastrophic tank failure. Similarly,
long pipelines have remote-closing valves periodically installed in the line so that in the
event of failure, the entire pipeline is not lost. The goal of all such containment systems
is to provide means of limiting the damage done by a failure to a small localized area.

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