R. McNeill Alexander-Dynamics of Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Giants-Columbia University Press (1989) PDF
R. McNeill Alexander-Dynamics of Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Giants-Columbia University Press (1989) PDF
R. McNeill Alexander-Dynamics of Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Giants-Columbia University Press (1989) PDF
R. M C N E I L L A L E X A N D E R
Dynamics of Dinosaurs
and Other Extinct Giants
N e w York G u i l d f o r d , Surrey
C o p y r i g h t © 1989 C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y Press
All rights reserved
Library of C o n g r e s s C a t a l o g i n g - i n - P u b l i c a t i o n D a t a
A l e x a n d e r , R. M c N e i l l .
D y n a m i c s of d i n o s a u r s a n d o t h e r e x t i n c t g i a n t s / R. M c N e i l l A l e x a n d e r .
p. cm.
Includes bibliographies and index.
ISBN 0 - 2 3 1 - 0 6 6 6 6 - X
1. D i n o s a u r s — L o c o m o t i o n .
2. Extinct a n i m a l s — L o c o m o t i o n .
3. Animal mechanics.
I. T i t l e .
Q E 8 6 2 . D 5 A 3 3 1989
567.9T—dcl9 88-20373
P r i n t e d in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s of A m e r i c a
C a s e b o u n d e d i t i o n s o f C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y Press b o o k s are S m y t h - s e w n
a n d p r i n t e d o n p e r m a n e n t a n d d u r a b l e acid-free paper
T tells what dinosaur fossils are like and how they are
cool during the night. This makes t h e m expand and contract, breaking
fragments off. Water seeps into cracks in rocks and freezes in winter,
swelling and splitting the rock. Sand grains carried along by streams
scour away the rock of the stream bed. These processes break rocks
down into sand grains and m u d particles which are washed away by
rainwater and streams, which carry t h e m down toward the sea. T h e
sand and mud settle out where the water runs more slowly, on flooded
plains or on sand banks or m u d flats at a river's m o u t h . Carcasses of
animals that die in these places may get buried in the sand or mud
(figure 1.5a-c). Carcasses also get buried in sand dunes: that is what
happened to the Psittacosaurus, w h i c h seem to have lived in a dry,
sandy area. Yet other carcasses get buried in the calcium carbonate
which, in certain circumstances, precipitates out in the sea. I do not
know of any dinosaur fossils that got preserved like that but m a n y of
the fossils of marine reptiles, described in chapter 9, are in limestones
formed from calcium carbonate precipitates. T h e flesh of carcasses rots
away but buried skeletons may be preserved. Skeletons that do not get
buried are generally destroyed, broken down by the same weathering
processes as erode rocks.
As time passes and more sediment accumulates, skeletons get buried
deeper and deeper (figure 1.5d). T h e sediments consolidate into rock:
F I G U R E 1.4. A r e c o n s t r u c t i o n of t h e s k e l e t o n of Psittacosaurus, b a s e d on t h e
s k e l e t o n s h o w n i n f i g u r e 1.3. T h e o v e r a l l l e n g t h o f t h e s k e l e t o n w a s 1.4 m e t e r s .
From O s b o r n 1924.
Each dinosaur species lived for only a small part of the Mesozoic.
For example, Compsognathus longipes (figure 1.2) lived late in the Jur-
assic period, about 140 million years ago, and Psittacosaurus mongo-
liensis lived in the Cretaceous period, about 90 million years ago. Ta-
ble 1.2 shows when these and other dinosaurs lived.
I gave each species its full n a m e in that paragraph, because I wanted
to emphasize that I was talking about single species. Every animal spe-
cies, w h e t h e r living or fossil, is given two names, which usually have
meanings derived from Latin or Greek. Psittacosaurus means "parrot-
lizard" (notice its parrot-like beak) and mongoliensis means "mongo-
l i a n " (telling where the fossils were found), so the two n a m e s together
mean "mongolian parrot-lizard." Similarly Compsognathus longipes
means "long-footed pretty jaw." The first name in each case is the name
of the genus, which may include several closely related species (for
example lions Panthera leo and tigers Panthera tigris are both m e m -
bers of the genus Panthera). If there are several species, the second
n a m e tells us which is m e a n t . It so happens that only one species of
Psittacosaurus is known, and one of Compsognathus, so it will gen-
erally be unnecessary to use the second names until more species are
discovered. However, several species of Brachiosaurus have been rec-
ognized, including Brachiosaurus altithorax from Colorado and Brach-
iosaurus brancai from Tanzania. Even in cases like this it is unnec-
essary to use the second n a m e if it does not m a t t e r which of the closely
similar species is being referred to. Most of the things that I might
F I G U R E 1.5. D i a g r a m s s h o w i n g h o w d i n o s a u r s h a v e b e e n f o s s d i z e d , a n d h o w
fossils are b r o u g h t t o t h e surface b y e a r t h m o v e m e n t s a n d e r o s i o n . T h e se-
q u e n c e of e v e n t s is described in t h e text.
Date of Beginning
Era Period (million years ago)
Cenozoic Quaternary 1
Tertiary 65
Late lurassic Cretaceous Late Cretaceous
thcropods Allosaurus Tyrannosaurus
sauropods Brachiosaurus Brachiosaurus
ornithopods Iguanodon Anatosaurus
ceratopians Psittacosaurus Triceratops
pachycephalosaurs Stegoceras
stegosaurs Stegosaurus
ankylosaurs Euoplocephalus
The next major group, the sauropods, includes the largest dinosaurs.
The best k n o w n ones lived late in the Jurassic period. Diplodocus (fig-
ure 1.9) was extraordinarily long (27 meters) but was m u c h skinnier
and presumably m u c h lighter than Brachiosaurus and the other giants
that have already been mentioned. It had a very long neck and an ex-
ceedingly long tail (I discuss their functions in chapter 5), with a rel-
atively short body between. Its head looks small compared to the rest
of the animal but is about the size of a rhinoceros head. Across the
front of each jaw it has a row of tall thin teeth, like the teeth of a huge
comb, which look suitable for plucking leaves and shoots from trees
and other plants. It cannot have eaten flowering plants (which did not
evolve until the Cretaceous) and probably ate the leaves of conifers,
the commonest trees of its time. Another sauropod has been found with
fossil stomach contents which consist (rather surprisingly) of frag-
m e n t s of woody twigs of about one c e n t i m e t e r diameter. Any leaves
that were eaten with the twigs have been digested or decayed.
Large leaf-eating m a m m a l s such as giraffes pluck leaves w i t h their
tongues and front teeth, and grind t h e m w i t h their back teeth, but
Diplodocus has no back teeth and its front ones seem unsuitable for
grinding food. It has been suggested that sauropods swallowed stones
and kept t h e m in their stomachs. M o v e m e n t s of a muscular stomach
wall could have rubbed the stones together, grinding any food that was
in the stomach at the time. Plant-eating birds hold stones in their giz-
zards and use t h e m in this way: for example, ostriches have up to 900
grams (two pounds) of pebbles.
Apatosaurus (figure 1.7) was shorter but stouter than Diplodocus.
There used to be confusion about its name, because a fossil named
Apatosaurus and another originally named Brontosaurus turned out to
be identical. Apatosaurus is accepted as the correct scientific name,
but people still speak informally of brontosaurs. One fossil of Apato-
class Reptilia
subclass Anapsida earliest reptiles, turtles, etc
subclass Lepidosauria lizards, snakes etc.
subclass Archosauria thecodonts
p t e r o s a u r s (ch. 8 )
subclass Euryapsida p l e s i o s a u r s (ch. 9). e t c .
subclass Ichthyopterygia i c h t h y o s a u r s (ch. 9 )
subclass Synapsida the ancestors of m a m m a l s
saurus has parallel scratches on its ribs, spaced about the same dis-
tance apart as the teeth of Allosaurus. Beside it was found a broken-
off Allosaurus tooth. It seems that an Allosaurus fed on the carcass,
but there is nothing to show w h e t h e r it killed the sauropod (which was
m u c h larger than it could have been) or found the sauropod already
Sauropods had elephant-like fore feet that would not have been much
use for handling things. It seems obvious that they walked on all fours
(unlike theropods), and there are fossil footprints that seem to confirm
this. (They are described in chapter 3). However, the shortness of the
fore legs of Diplodocus and Apatosaurus suggests that they may have
evolved from bipedal ancestors. Also, there are early members of the
FIGURE 1.7. Apatosaurus, Allosaurus (the biped), and a large African ele-
F I G U R E 1.8. Tyrannosaurus, f r o m N e w m a n 1 9 7 0 , a n d a b a s k e t b a l l n e t . T h e
m o u t h o f t h e n e t i s 3 . 0 5 m e t e r s (10 ft] f r o m t h e f l o o r .
group that may have been bipeds. Brachiosaurus (figure 1.1) was a dif-
ferently proportioned sauropod, with very long front legs and shorter
hind ones. Its vertebrae fit together best w i t h the neck nearly vertical,
suggesting that that was how the neck was carried. T h e long front legs
and near-vertical neck would have enabled it to reach high branches,
to feed like a giraffe. Its teeth were broader than Diplodocus' teeth but
still seem suitable only for plucking off leaves.
The theropods and sauropods together form the Saurischia, one of
the two main groups of dinosaurs. The remaining dinosaurs (all of t h e m
plant eaters) form the Ornithischia. T h e most obvious differences be-
tween saurischians and ornithischians are in their jaws and hips. Com-
pare the skull of Iguanodon (an ornithischian, figure 1.6c) w i t h that of
Compsognathus (a saurischian, figure 1.6b). T h e ornithischians had no
front teeth and presumably had horny beaks, like the beaks of birds
and turtles, on the fronts of their jaws. (I have already mentioned the
parrot-like beak of Psittacosaurus, another ornithischian.) Another pe-
F I G U R E 1.9. Diplodocus a n d a S a n F r a n c i s c o c a b l e c a r . T h e d i n o s a u r , w h i c h
is 25 m e t e r s long, is d r a w n from a m o d e l sold by the N a t u r a l H i s t o r y M u s e u m ,
F I G U R E 1.11. Anatosaurus, f r o m G a l t o n 1 9 7 0 , c h a s i n g a P o r s c h e . T h e d i n o -
s a u r i s 8.9 m e t e r s l o n g a n d t h e c a r 4 . 3 m e t e r s .
study of the structure of the jaws and their joints suggests that they
must have worked in this way. Further evidence has been obtained by
looking at the worn surfaces of the teeth through a microscope: the
fine scratches on t h e m run across the teeth, as they should if the jaws
moved as suggested.
The ceratopians or horned dinosaurs were another important group.
Psittacosaurus (figure 1.4) is a ceratopian, but it is unusual in two ways:
it had no horns, and it seems to have walked on two legs whereas other
ceratopians walked on all four. Triceratops (figure 1.13) is more typical,
and is one of the largest ceratopians. It has two long horns, one over
each eye, and a short one on its snout. It also has a great frill of bone
extending back from the skull over the neck. Some other ceratopians
have even longer frills. I discuss these horns and frills in chapter 6.
Ceratopians had impressive batteries of back teeth, arranged differ-
Iguanodon Triceratops
F I G U R E 1.12. D i a g r a m m a t i c s e c t i o n s t h r o u g h t h e j a w s o f a n o r n i t h o p o d a n d
a ceratopian. E n a m e l coatings on tooth surfaces arc represented by thick lines.
Arrows show how the jaws moved.
ently from the teeth of ornithopods. T h e upper and lower teeth did not
meet crown-to-crown w h e n the m o u t h closed, so they could not crush
or grind food. Instead, the lower teeth came up close inside the upper
ones (figure 1.12). We can be sure that they worked like this because
the worn surfaces of the teeth are vertical. T h u s the rows of teeth moved
like the blades of shears. They would have been very effective for chop-
ping up fibrous plant food, perhaps leaves of palms or cycads.
T h e pachycephalosaurs are a rather rare group of bipedal ornithis-
chains. T h e y have astonishingly thick skull roofs: some are 23 centi-
meters thick of solid bone. I have written about the function of this
thickening in chapter 6.
T h e stegosaurids, another group of ornithischian dinosaurs, have a
row of big bony plates along their backs (figure 1.13). I m e n t i o n a pos-
sible function of these plates in chapter 7. Stegosaurids have long hind
legs and short fore legs, but seem to have walked on all fours. Their
heads are relatively small and their teeth are m u c h less impressive than
those of ornithopods and ceratopians. T h e y have formidable spines on
their tails.
T h e ankylosaurs are the last group of dinosaurs in this list. They had
short legs and broad bodies, and walked on all fours. They had thick
plates of bone embedded as armour plating in their skin, as if they were
gigantic armadilloes. Some had club-like l u m p s of bone at the ends of
their tails. I discuss t h e m in chapter 5.
Dinosaurs lived on most of the earth's land mass throughout the
Mesozoic era, but different dinosaurs lived in different places, at dif-
ferent times. Tyrannosaurus never tried its strength against Apatosau-
rus, which had been extinct for 70 million years before Tyrannosaurus
evolved. Compsognathus, which lived in Europe, probably never met
Allosaurus, which lived in the western United States, although they
overlapped in t i m e . O t h e r groups of famous dinosaurs m u s t have met.
Allosaurus, Apatosaurus and Stegosaurus were all living in North
America at the same time, late in the Jurassic period. Seventy million
Principal Sources
C h a r i g (1979) i s a n e x c e l l e n t s h o r t i n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e d i n o s a u r s . N o r m a n (1985) i s
a r e m a r k a b l e m i n e o f i n f o r m a t i o n , b u t u n f o r t u n a t e l y i n c l u d e s n o references t o t h e
m o r e s p e c i a l i z e d scientific l i t e r a t u r e . B a k k e r (1986) is an i d i o s y n c h r a t i c a c c o u n t of
t h e d i n o s a u r s by a s c i e n t i s t w h o s e w o r k h a s s t i m u l a t e d a g r e a t deal of i n t e r e s t a n d
c o n t r o v e r s y . C z e r k a s a n d O l s o n (1987) s h o w s h o w s c i e n t i s t s ' v i e w s a b o u t d i n o s a u r s
h a v e c h a n g e d i n r e c e n t years. N o r m a n a n d W e i s h a m p e l (1985) d e s c r i b e t h e j a w
m e c h a n i s m of o r n i t h o p o d s . Paul (1988) c o m p a r e s t h e sizes of t h e largest d i n o s a u r s .
T h e o t h e r references i n t h e list t h a t f o l l o w s a r e s o u r c e s for i l l u s t r a t i o n s .
Weighing Dinosaurs
entists measure the quantity that they call weight in newtons. To us,
weight means the force exerted on an object by gravity. It is measured
in newtons, the unit of force. " M a s s " is our n a m e for the quantity that
we measure in kilograms. (We don't use pounds.) Weight is calculated
by multiplying mass by the gravitational acceleration g which is about
10 m e t e r s / s e c o n d : that means that the speed of a falling body, un-
these have been altered by the processes of fossilization. They have lost
water and protein and become impregnated w i t h minerals.
We want to estimate not just the mass of the skeleton but its mass
with all the guts, flesh, and skin that went w i t h it. It seems easiest to
base our calculations on models of the animals as we think they would
have looked in life. Many such models have been made. The best com-
mercially available ones that I k n o w are plastic models at 1:40 scale,
sold by the Natural History Museum, London. These seem to have been
made carefully and accurately. I have checked m a n y of their dimen-
sions and find that they are indeed about 1:40 of the corresponding
dimensions of the best-known fossil skeletons of the species they rep-
resent. I have used these models for estimating dinosaur masses. How-
ever, I once wanted to estimate the masses of moas (extinct ostrich-
like birds from N e w Zealand) and could not find suitable models. I
modeled the m a i n features of the skeleton to scale in soldered wire,
and used modeling clay to build up the flesh around it.
T h e masses of models depend on the densities of the materials used
to m a k e them, which may not be the same as the tissues of the ani-
mals. For this reason, the first stage in finding dinosaur masses is to
measure the volume, not the mass, of the model.
Edwin Colbert, a distinguished U.S. paleontologist, measured the
volumes of models in this way. He put a model in a box and packed
sand around it until the box was filled to the brim. T h e n he removed
the model, being careful to spill none of the sand, and added more sand
until the box was full again. This extra sand had the same volume as
the model.
Males Females
be denser than water. Plainly, crocodiles can vary their density by in-
flating and deflating their lungs, but they are probably always very close
to the density of water. I will therefore assume that dinosaurs had a
density of 1,000 kilograms per cubic meter. Colbert assumed a smaller
density, based on m e a s u r e m e n t s on small reptiles that were probably
T h e volume of Brachiosaurus was estimated to be 46.6 cubic meters.
If its density was 1,000 kilograms per cubic meter its mass was 46,600
kilograms, or 46.6 tonnes. This is colossal. It is about nine times the
mass of a large male African elephant, the largest modern terrestrial
animal. It is only half the mass of a large Blue whale, but whales live
submerged in water which supports their weight by buoyancy.
T h e m e t h o d of calculating masses from the volumes of models re-
quires a fairly complete skeleton, unless the model maker is prepared
to risk guessing the sizes of missing parts. An alternative approach us-
ing the dimensions of just a few selected bones was used in a recent
international project. T h e collaborators were J. F. Anderson, a U.S. zo-
ologist with a long-standing interest in the sizes of bones of different-
sized modern animals; A. Hall-Martin, w h o works at Kruger National
Park, South Africa; and Dale Russell, a Canadian dinosaur specialist.
Chapter 3 will show that dinosaurs stood and moved m u c h more
(If you want to use this equation to estimate the body mass of a par-
ticular animal from its h u m e r u s and femur circumferences, you will
have to use the y" button on your calculator to raise the total circum-
ference to the 2.73 power.)
All the black points lie close to the line, which suggests that it should
be possible to estimate the masses of m a m m a l s rather accurately, from
Body m a s s (tonnes)
F I G U R E 2.4. A g r a p h s h o w i n g ( h u m e r u s c i r c u m f e r e n c e p l u s f e m u r c i r c u m f e r -
e n c e ) p l o t t e d a g a i n s t b o d y m a s s , for v a r i o u s q u a d r u p e d a l m a m m a l s . D a t a f r o m
A n d e r s o n e t al. 1 9 8 5 .
F I G U R E 2.5. T h e s a m e d a t a a s i n figure 2.4 re-plotted o n l o g a r i t h m i c scales,
w i t h a d d i t i o n a l p o i n t s , i n c l u d i n g o n e for Brachiosaurus.
Colbert' 1
Alexander' Anderson et al.h
Allosaurus fragilis 2.3 1.4
Tyrannosaurus rex 7.7 7.4 4.5
Diplodocus carnegiei 11.7 18.5 5.8
Apatosaurus louisae 33.5 — 37.5
Brachiosaurus brancai 87.0 46.6 31.6
Iguanodon hernissartensis 5.0 5.4 —
'Anatosaurus' copei 3.4 — 4.0
Stegosaurus ungulatus 2.0 3.1 —
Styracosaurus alhertensis 4.1 4.1
Triceratops 'prorsus' 9.4 —
Principal Sources
T h e e s t i m a t e s o f d i n o s a u r m a s s e s c o m e from t h e p a p e r s o f C o l b e r t , 1962, A l e x a n d e r
1985, a n d A n d e r s o n e t al. 1985. T h e o t h e r p a p e r s i n t h e list b e l o w are s o u r c e s for
t h e m a s s e s of m o d e r n a n i m a l s g i v e n in t a b l e 2.1 a n d for figure 2 . 3 .
Dinosaur Footprints
out in stipple) is very clear. It has huge hind footprints and smaller
fore ones. Each is the right shape to have been made by a sauropod
(figure 3.3c,d) and their size suggests an animal of 2 0 - 3 0 tonnes. T h e
biggest of the hind footprints are 76 centimeters (30 inches) long. There
are also footprints of smaller sauropods.
Even bigger footprints have been found elsewhere in Texas, with hind
prints 92 centimeters (36 inches) long.
T h e footprints in figures 3.1 and 3.4 are at exceptional sites, where
large numbers of dinosaur footprints have been found together. Less
impressive finds are quite c o m m o n . Large n u m b e r s of dinosaur foot-
prints have been found, all over the world. They can tell us a lot about
the lives of dinosaurs.
First, how did dinosaurs stand and move? Modern reptiles walk w i t h
their feet well out on either side of the body, so the lines of footprints
made by their left and right feet are well apart (figure 3.5a). Birds and
m a m m a l s walk with their feet under the body, and the lines of left and
right prints are close together (figure 3.5b,c). Dinosaur footprints show
that they walked like birds and m a m m a l s , w i t h their feet well under
the body. The shapes of dinosaur leg bones show the same thing. T h e y
would have dislocated their joints if they had tried to walk like modern
The footprints in figure 3.6 show an exception to the general rule.
There are large, ill-formed hind footprints (stippled) w i t h smaller fore
prints (black) on either side. T h e prints are too poor to show the shapes
of the feet that made them, but they were probably made by Iguano-
don, which was around at the t i m e . T h e hind feet were apparently un-
der the body, mammal-fashion, but the fore feet reached out to either
side. Iguanodon looks like a biped, but these tracks suggest that its
fore feet took a little of its weight.
One striking thing about dinosaur footprints is that there is seldom
any sign of marks made by the tail. Old pictures of dinosaurs show the
F I G U R E 3.2. D i a g r a m s s h o w i n g h o w t h e W i n t o n f o o t p r i n t s w e r e p r e s e r v e d .
Each d i a g r a m is a v e r t i c a l s e c t i o n t h r o u g h t h e l a y e r s of m u d (light stipple) a n d
sand (dense stipple).
and twice as wide, so they have four t i m e s the area (2 = 4). Eight 2
times the weight has to be supported on four times the area, so the
pressure under the big dinosaur's feet is twice as m u c h as under the
small one. The big dinosaur is more likely to sink in and get bogged
T h e argument seems clear, but it is a bit too simple. Suppose there
were a thick layer of soft m u d w i t h firm ground below. Small animals
might get bogged down but big ones w i t h longer legs might be able to
walk, with their feet sinking to the firm ground.
There is another complication. Different soils support loads in dif-
ferent ways. Wet clays depend m a i n l y on cohesion between the clay
particles, and the load they can support is about proportional to the
area carrying the load. Dry sand depends mainly on friction between
the grains and the load it can support is about proportional to the 1.5
power of the area: that m e a n s that four t i m e s the area can support
eight times the load. O u r big dinosaur would be more likely than the
small one to get bogged down in wet clay, but the danger of sinking
in dry sand would be about the same for both.
Real animals of different sizes are not the same shape, like these
imaginary dinosaurs. Table 3.1 shows masses and foot areas of various
animals, based on the best data I can find. Here is how the table works.
The mass of a particular Apatosaurus was probably about 35 tonnes
or 35,000 kilograms (table 2.2). Its weight (mass multiplied by gravi-
tational acceleration) was therefore 35,000 x 10 = 350,000 n e w t o n s or
350 kilonewtons. Some of the biggest k n o w n sauropod footprints are
about the right size to have been made by it. T h e area of each fore
footprint is 0.16 square meters and that of each hind print is 0.43 square
meters, giving a total (two fore and t w o hind feet) of about 1.2 square
meters. When the animal stood, this area supported 350 kilonewtons,
so (weight/area) was 290 kilonewtons per square meter. It is easy to
FIGURE 3.5. Rear views of (a) a lizard; (b) a bird; and (c) a mammal, and their
T h e other data in the table have been calculated in the same way.
The Tyrannosaurus footprint area comes from smaller theropod foot-
prints, scaled up to m a t c h the feet of the skeleton that was used for
estimating body mass. T h e Iguanodon area comes from m u c h clearer
prints than the ones s h o w n in figure 3.6.
Look at the values of (weight/area) in table 3.1. They tell us about
the danger of getting stuck in wet clay soils. In general, we expect big-
ger values for bigger animals, as the argument about the two dinosaurs
showed. Nevertheless, the value for elephants is lower than for cattle
because elephants have relatively large feet. T h e values for Tyranno-
saurus and Iguanodon are about the same as for cattle, so these ani-
mals would have been just about as good as cattle, at crossing soft wet
clay. T h e value for the huge Apatosaurus, however, is about twice as
high as for cattle. Apatosaurus might have got bogged down on ground
that was safe for cattle.
Another possible comparison is w i t h off-road vehicles such as trac-
tors and military tanks. Various t a n k s of 3 7 - 5 1 tonnes (a little heavier
than Apatosaurus) have peak pressures of 2 0 0 - 2 7 0 kilonewtons per
square meter, under their tracks. These seem close to Apatosaurus'
value of 290 kilonewtons per square m e t e r until you realize that Apa-
tosaurus would have to lift its feet in t u r n w h e n it walked. Peak forces
on the feet of people and animals during walking are generally about
double the standing values. T h e pressure under the feet of Apatosaurus
must have reached 580 kilonewtons per square meter, w h e n it walked.
It seems that the dinosaur would be less good than a tank at crossing
soft ground.
N o w look at the values for w e i g h t / j a r e a ) ' , which tell us about the
strides (figure 3.7). Notice how stride length is defined: it is the dis-
tance from one footprint to the same point on the next print of the
same foot. Figure 3.8 shows stride lengths and speeds for h u m a n adults.
If you find a set of footprints you can measure the stride length and
use this graph to estimate how fast the person was going.
T h e same graph shows the same thing for some animals. The faster
they go, the longer their strides. Watch an adult walking with a small
child. T h e adult takes a few long strides while the child takes a lot of
short ones. Similarly, small animals take shorter strides than large ones,
at the same speed. Dogs take shorter strides than camels (figure 3.7).
Does this mean that to estimate speeds from stride lengths we need
separate graphs for each species, and separate graphs for adults and young
of each species? If that were true, dinosaur footprints could tell us
nothing about dinosaur speeds because we could never get the data for
the special graphs for dinosaurs. Fortunately, it seems not to be true.
There is a general rule that applies to birds and m a m m a l s and probably
also to dinosaurs. It seems better to compare dinosaurs to birds and
m a m m a l s than to modern reptiles, because dinosaur footprints show
that they walked w i t h their feet well in under the body (figure 3.5).
How then should we look for a general rule? What we want to do is
to m a k e a graph like figure 3.8 that will apply to animals of different
sizes. We expect long-legged animals to take long strides and short-
legged animals to take short ones, so it seems sensible to calculate
relative stride lengths
TABLE 3.1 Data about the danger of getting stuck in soft ground.
FIGURE 3.7. Footprints of a man walking slowly, walking fast, and running.
Leg length could be defined in various ways, but we will use the height
of the hip joint from the ground in normal standing (figure 3.9).
We may expect animals of different sizes to have equal relative stride
lengths, when running at equivalent speeds. That begs a question: what
do we mean by equivalent speeds?
The same question faces ship designers, w h o w a n t to do tests on
models before building real ships. (That way they avoid expensive mis-
takes.) They want to build ships that are cheap to run, needing little
power to propel t h e m . Much of the power for driving a ship is needed
to push along the bow wave, that builds up in front of the bow and
spreads out to either side. When a model is being tested it m u s t be
moved at the right speed to m a k e a bow wave of the same height (rel-
ative to the size of the model) as the wave that the real ship will m a k e .
This is not the same as the speed of the full-sized ship: it is an equiv-
alent speed.
Physical theory says that equivalent speeds, for this purpose, m e a n
equal dimensionless speeds, calculated in this way:
Suppose a real ship, 300 meters long, is to travel at 15 meters per sec-
ond. T h e gravitational acceleration is 10 m e t e r s / s e c o n d so the di-
F I G U R E 3.9. D i a g r a m s s h o w i n g t h e m e a n i n g of leg l e n g t h .
to a nearby beach at low tide. T h e top of the beach was firm sand, and
we left only slight footprints there. Half way down the beach was sof-
ter sandy mud, and we made fairly deep footprints. At the bottom, near
the water's edge, was really horrible soft m u d and we sank in almost
to the tops of our rubber boots. At each of these levels we marked out
a 25-meter course. We walked and ran over these courses at various
speeds, in random order. We timed each other w i t h stop-watches and
counted our strides, so we were able to calculate stride lengths and
speeds. We found that we could not run fast in the soft mud—indeed,
we could hardly run in it at a l l — b u t at any speed we could manage,
softness seemed to have no effect on stride length. Each of us used the
same stride length at any particular speed, however firm or soft the
ground. This encouraged me to hope that a graph like figure 3.i0 would
give reliable estimates of dinosaur speeds, even if the dinosaurs were
on soft ground.
O n e more thing was needed, before the graph could be used. I needed
a way of estimating dinosaur leg lengths from their footprints. To find
one, I measured a lot of dinosaur skeletons. I measured the length of
the part of the foot that would rest on the ground and m a k e a footprint,
and also the height of the hip joint from the ground. (There is a danger
of error here, if the skeleton has been put together w i t h the knee un-
naturally bent or extended.) I found that leg length was about four times
foot length in a wide variety of dinosaurs, both bipeds and quadrupeds,
and decided to assume that as a general rule.
At last we are ready to estimate a speed. Take the case of the large
theropod in figure 3.1. Its foot length (measured from the m o s t com-
plete prints) was 0.64 meter, so its leg length can be estimated as 2.56
meters. Its stride length was 3.31 meters so its relative stride length
was 3.31/2.56 = 1.3. T h e graph (figure 3.10) shows that we can expect
this relative stride length when the dimensionless speed is 0.4. For an
animal of leg length 2.56 meters, that m e a n s a speed of 2.0 meters per
Per Miles
Meters Second Per Hour
d a t a f r o m D a v e n p o r t R a n c h (fig. 3.4)
d a t a f r o m W i n t o n (fig. 3 . 1
per second (27 miles per hour). T h e larger of these, made by an animal
of (probably) about 0.6 tonne, seems also to be the largest set of di-
nosaur footprints to show running. All footprints that I know of larger
dinosaurs seem to show walking.
The top dinosaur speed, of 12 meters per second, is fast. Good hu-
man athletes sprint at up to 10 meters per second, racehorses at up to
17 meters per second, and greyhounds at up to 16 meters per second.
These speeds are known accurately, because they are measured in races.
Remarkably little is k n o w n about top speeds of other animals. With
colleagues, I have measured the speeds of various African animals by
filming t h e m from a vehicle, while chasing t h e m across country on
the grassy plains of Kenya. Zebras, giraffes, and various antelopes gal-
loped at top speeds of 11 to 14 m e t e r s per second. Ostriches seemed
to be a little faster. It seems possible that the racers bred by man, race-
horses and greyhounds, are the fastest land animals. This would not
be surprising. They have been bred for speed alone, but the evolution
of wild animals has been guided by other needs, as well as speed.
Many books give higher top speeds for wild animals, up to an amaz-
ing (incredible?) m a x i m u m of 30 meters per second for cheetahs. N o n e
of the books that give these speeds explain in detail how they were
measured. There are m a n y possible sources of error. For example, imag-
ine you are driving in a vehicle alongside an animal, watching your
speedometer. It swerves away from you, and you swerve to keep up
with it. You are now traveling on the outside of a bend, w i t h it on the
inside. You m u s t drive faster than it is running, to keep beside it. Er-
rors of this kind were avoided in the experiments that gave top speeds
of 11 to 14 meters per second. T h e m e t h o d s used were explained in
detail in a scientific journal, so that other scientists could criticise t h e m
if they were faulty.
That means that the estimated top speed of 12 meters per second,
for the Texas theropods, would probably be a very creditable speed for
an antelope. Those dinosaurs were not particularly large, but they were
We will ask one more question of the footprints. T h e Winton foot-
prints (figure 3.1) and the Davenport Ranch ones (figure 3.4) were made,
in each case, by m a n y individual dinosaurs. Were these dinosaurs mov-
ing around in groups and, if so, w h a t were they doing?
In both cases they are suspected of moving in groups, but the evi-
dence is inconclusive. In both cases there are a lot of tracks running
in the same direction, which suggests group m o v e m e n t . All the prints
seem to have been fresh w h e n silted over and therefore (probably) were
made about the same time. There is no indication of some older prints
being more weathered by rain or other causes than later prints.
Principal Sources
T h e D a v e n p o r t R a n c h a n d W i n t o n t r a c k s h a v e b e e n d e s c r i b e d b y Bird ( 1 9 4 4 | and
T h u l b o r n a n d W a d e (1984), r e s p e c t i v e l y . N o r m a n (1980) d i s c u s s e d t h e s u p p o s e d
Iguanodon t r a c k . F a r l o w (1981) d e s c r i b e d t h e very fast t h e r o p o d t r a c k .
A l e x a n d e r , R. M c N . 1976. E s t i m a t e s of s p e e d s a n d d i n o s a u r s . Nature 2 6 1 : 1 2 9 - 3 0 .
A l e x a n d e r , R. M c N . 1985. M e c h a n i c s of p o s t u r e a n d gait of s o m e large d i n o s a u r s .
Zoological journal of the Linnean Society 8 3 : 1 - 2 5 .
A l e x a n d e r , R. M c N . a n d A. S. Jayes. 1983. A d y n a m i c s i m i l a r i t y h y p o t h e s i s for t h e
g a i t s of q u a d r u p e d a l m a m m a l s . Journal of Zoology 2 0 1 : 1 3 5 - 1 5 2 .
A l e x a n d e r , R. M c N . , V. A. L a n g m a n , a n d A. S. Jayes. 1977. Fast l o c o m o t i o n of s o m e
African u n g u l a t e s , lournal of Zoology 1 8 3 : 2 9 1 - 3 0 0 .
Bird, R. T. 1944. D i d b r o n t o s a u r u s e v e r w a l k on land? Natural History, New York
Farlow, J. O. 1 9 8 1 . E s t i m a t e s of d i n o s a u r s p e e d s from a n e w t r a c k w a y s i t e in T e x a s .
Nature 2 9 4 : 7 4 7 - 7 4 8 .
N o r m a n , D. B. 1980. On t h e o r n i t h i s c h i a n d i n o s a u r Iguanodon bernissartensis of
Bernissart (Belgium). Memoires de l'lnslitut Royal des Sciences Nalurelles de Bel-
gique 1 7 8 : 1 - 1 0 3 .
T h u l b o r n , R . A . a n d M . W a d e . 1984. D i n o s a u r t r a c k w a y s i n t h e W i n t o n for-
m a t i o n ( m i d - C r e t a c e o u s ) of Q u e e n s l a n d . Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
Dinosaur Strengths
as large for the larger animal. This m e a n s that the big animal is work-
ing nearer the limit than the small one, the limit set by the strengths
of its bones and muscles. If the two animals try something more stren-
uous, the small animal may succeed but the large one may not.
That argument does not apply directly to real animals, because an-
imals of different sizes are not the same shape, but it helps us to un-
derstand why buffaloes are less athletic than gazelles. It also m a k e s it
clear that athletic ability depends on the strengths of bones and m u s -
We do not know exactly h o w big dinosaur muscles were, because
they are not preserved in fossils, so we cannot easily estimate their
strengths. We have plenty of dinosaur bones but we cannot usefully
measure their strengths, because fossil bones are not made of the same
stuff as living ones. Bone consists largely of fibers of the protein col-
lagen reinforced by crystals of the mineral hydroxyapatite. In fossils
the protein has decayed and the bone m a y have been impregnated by
other materials seeping through the rock.
Though the composition of bones is changed by the processes of fos-
silization, their sizes are probably not. We can use the dimensions of
the fossil bones to estimate the strengths of the bones in the living
dinosaurs, if we assume that dinosaur bone was as strong as bone from
modern animals. T h a t assumption seems plausible. Slices of dinosaur
bone, examined under a microscope, look very like slices of bone from
modern m a m m a l s . Samples of bone from the shafts of leg bones of
various birds and m a m m a l s all have similar properties. (I cannot find
any records of strength tests on reptile bone.)
We need to know more about stresses and strains. These words are
used in rather vague ways by most people, but are given precise mean-
ings by engineers. Figure 4.1a represents a bar of some material; it does
not matter whether it is bone, plastic, rubber or s o m e t h i n g else. One
of its ends is firmly fixed by being embedded in a rigid wall. T h e grid
of squares will help us to see how the bar is deformed w h e n forces act
on it.
In figure 4.1b a force is pulling on the free end of the bar, stretching
it. The strain is the relative change of length:
change of length
strain = — —
initial length
stress =
cross-sectional area
If the stress reaches a certain limit, called the tensile strength of the
material, the bar will break.
In figure 4.1c a force is pushing on the free end of the bar, com-
pressing it. Strain and stress are defined in the same way as before but
in this case the strain is negative, because the bar has been made shorter.
Also, by convention, the stress is regarded as negative. If the stress
reaches a limit, called the compressive strength, the bar will break.
T h e tensile strength of m a m m a l bone is about 160 n e w t o n s per square
millimeter and the compressive strength is about - 2 7 0 newtons per
square millimeter.
In figures 4.1b and c the forces are in line with the bar but in figure
4.Id a force acts at right angles to the bar, bending it. Notice how the
bar is stretched on the outside of the bend and compressed on the in-
side. T h e strain and stress are positive on the outside of the bend, and
negative on the inside. If the stress on the outside reaches the tensile
FIGURE 4 . 2 . Possible shapes for the cross section of a beam: (a) is a solid rod,
(b) a tube and (c) an I-beam. All have the same cross-sectional area. The num-
bers are section moduli for bending by vertical forces, relative to the value for
the solid rod.
The only other forces on the foot act at the ankle joint, where the tibia
presses against the ankle bones. Notice that all the forces shown in
figure 4.3b are either parallel to the tibia or at right angles to it. T h e
forces in each of these directions m u s t balance. Forces M and P act
upward, parallel to the tibia, so the tibia m u s t press downward with a
balancing force M + P. Force R presses backward on the sole of the
foot so the tibia m u s t press forward at the ankle, with a force R.
N o w think about the forces on the lower end of the tibia. The tibia
presses downward on the foot w i t h a force M + P so the foot m u s t
press upward on the tibia with equal force (figure 4.3c). The tibia presses
forward on the foot with a force R so the foot presses backward on the
tibia w i t h an equal force. Force M + P, acting along the shaft of the
tibia, compresses the bone but force R acting at right angles to the shaft
of the tibia, bends it.
A cross section of the tibia is picked out by shading in figure 4.3c.
This section has area A and section m o d u l u s Z, and is at a distance x
from the end of the bone. Force [M + P), acting alone, would set up a
stress - [M + P)/A in the cross section (remember that compressive
stresses are negative). Force R, acting alone, would exert a bending mo-
m e n t Rx and set up stresses ranging from Rx/Z at one edge of the
section to -Rx/Z at the opposite edge. T h e stresses produced by the
two forces acting together can be calculated by adding up their separate
effects. T h u s the total stress ranges from — (M + P)/A + Rx/Z at one
edge of the section to - (M + P)/A - Rx/Z at the other.
This analysis tells us that the forces at the ankle would have both
a compressing effect on the tibia and a bending effect. It also shows
how the stresses could be calculated if the forces on the feet were known.
The tibia has been used as an example but similar calculations could
be made for the other long bones of the legs.
This could be the starting point for a fearsomely elaborate series of
F I G U R E 4 . 4 . O u t l i n e s o f Apatosaurus a n d a n A f r i c a n e l e p h a n t , w i t h s o m e o f
t h e b o n e s d r a w n in. T h e o u t l i n e of t h e e l e p h a n t h a s b e e n traced from a film
o f fast r u n n i n g . A l e x a n d e r e t al. 1 9 7 9 .
FIGURE 4.5. Stresses calculated from records of strain in the front and rear
surfaces of a leg bone (the radius) of a pony, which took off for a jump at "off"
and landed at "on." From Bicwener, Thomason, and Lanyon 1983.
ilar results in nearly every case. There seems to be a general rule that
bending m o m e n t s are usually m u c h more important than lengthwise
compression, in causing stresses in bones.
T h i n k about the example of the elephant h u m e r u s . The calculated
stresses at the surfaces of the bone were + 6 9 and - 8 5 newtons per
square millimeter. They were made up of -8 n e w t o n s per square mil-
limeter, in each case, due to lengthwise compression and + 77 or - 7 7
n e w t o n s per square m i l l i m e t e r due to the bending m o m e n t . ( - 8 + 77
= 69 and -8 - 77 = - 8 5 . ) If I had simplified my calculations by con-
sidering only the bending m o m e n t I would have obtained +77 and - 7 7
instead of - 6 9 and - 8 5 , and would not have been far wrong. We will
consider only stresses due to bending m o m e n t s .
T h e stresses due to bending m o m e n t s in a cross section of a bone
range from +Rx/Z to -Rx/Z (figure 4.3). Suppose that we measure the
distance x and the section m o d u l u s Z for corresponding sections of the
same bone, in t w o animals. If the animals m a k e dynamically similar
m o v e m e n t s , their forces R will be in proportion to the weight W that
the legs have to support. (If the animals are bipeds, W are the weights
of their bodies. If they are quadrupeds, W m e a n s the part of the body
weight supported by the fore or hind legs, whichever are being consid-
ered.) T h u s the stresses due to bending m o m e n t s will be proportional
to Wx/Z. T h e stresses in the two animals will be almost equal, when
they m a k e dynamically similar m o v e m e n t s , if they have equal values
of Wx/Z.
This suggests that we can use Z/Wx (which is Wx/Z turned upside
down) as an indicator of athletic ability. T h e bigger Z/Wx is, the less
stress will act, in any particular activity. Large values of Z/Wx mean
that strenuous activities are possible w i t h o u t setting up dangerous
stresses in the bones. We can estimate the athletic prowess of dino-
saurs by calculating values of Z/Wx and comparing t h e m w i t h values
for modern animals, whose athletic ability we know. Whichever ani-
mal has the larger values of Z/Wx is likely to be the more athletic.
We are going to apply this formula to quadrupedal dinosaurs, so we
need to know how to measure W, the weight supported by the fore or
hind legs. The m e a s u r e m e n t is easily made for living animals, if a force
plate is available. When the animal stands w i t h all four feet on the
plate, the vertical force registered by the plate is the total weight of
the animal. When it stands w i t h its fore feet on the plate and its hind
feet on the floor alongside, the force registered is the weight supported
by the fore feet. If the animal is too heavy for an ordinary force plate,
a weighbridge of the kind used for weighing trucks can be used instead.
Measurements on a weighbridge showed that an elephant carried 58
percent of its weight on its front legs and 42 percent on its hind legs.
We cannot get living dinosaurs to put on weighbridges so we have
to use models, and there is a problem about doing that. T h e models I
used were solid plastic, of the same density throughout, but different
parts of the living dinosaur had different densities. Bone is about twice
as dense as flesh and guts (i.e. the same volume is about twice as heavy).
If a dinosaur had a lot of bone at its front end and very little in its tail
(for example) its fore feet would have to support a bigger fraction of
the total weight than they do in a plastic model. T h e bones of dino-
saurs were not concentrated near one end, but distributed all through
the body, so we probably do not need to worry about the model not
having dense bones. Also if the front half of the dinosaur were filled
with air, the fraction of body weight carried by the fore feet would be
less than for a solid model. There m u s t have been quite a lot of air in
the lungs, which would have been in the front half of the body, and it
seemed necessary to take account of it. I therefore bored holes through
the models where the lungs would have been. Experiments on caimans
and on large m a m m a l s such as elands and camels had shown that their
lungs occupy about 8 percent of the v o l u m e of the body. I assumed
that the same would be true of dinosaurs and adjusted the sizes of the
holes so as to reduce the mass of each model by 8 percent.
Figure 4.6 shows how I did the experiment, using a letter balance
instead of a weighbridge. When I arranged the dinosaur model as shown,
the balance read 51 grams. I removed the model leaving the rubber pad
on the pan, and the reading fell to 5 grams. T h e m a s s of the model
Indian elephant 58 42
Horse 59 41
Diplodocus 22 78
Apatosaurus 30 70
Brachiosaurus 48 52
Triceratops 54 46
Stegosaurus 18 82
Buffalo 0.5 11 21
Apatosaurus 34 9 6 14
Ostrich 0.04 44 18
Man 0.06 15 15
Tyrannosaurus 8 9
sexual orifice separate from the anus, like h u m a n s and other mam-
mals, but have the t w o combined to form a single opening called the
cloaca. This is on the underside of the tail, a short distance behind the
legs. To copulate, the male m u s t press his cloaca against the female's.
T h a t m a y sound impossible to do from behind, but lizards manage by
twisting their tails together (figure 4.8b). Dr. Beverley Halstead, a Brit-
ish paleontologist, has suggested that dinosaurs also may have copu-
lated like this, w i t h the male lifting one hind leg and putting it over
the female's back.
If they did, bigger loads would act on their hind legs than in normal
standing. When the male lifted one hind leg, the other would have to
carry twice the standing load. If he rested his leg on the female's back,
her hind legs would have to carry an increased load. However, the loads
would be no bigger than in walking, when peak forces on the feet were
probably about twice as m u c h as in standing. (I explained at the be-
ginning of this chapter why peak forces on h u m a n feet are twice as
m u c h in walking as in standing.) If dinosaurs were strong enough to
walk they were also strong enough to copulate. They were presumably
strong enough to do both.
This chapter has told a complicated story. Here, briefly, is how it
went. T h e faster an animal runs or the more athletically it behaves the
bigger, in general, are the forces on its legs. It is harder for large animals
than for small ones to withstand these forces because doubling the length
Principal Sources
I have based this chapter on Alexander (1985) but have used a new method to es-
timate the weight supported by the fore and hind feet of dinosaurs. Consequently,
some of\the numbers given in the chapter are slightly different from those in the
original paper. The new method is not necessarily better than the old one but it is
more direct, and easier to explain. The information about elephants and buffaloes
comes from Alexander et al. (1979). The data from strain gauges glued to bones of
living animals are from Biewener, Thomason and Lanyon (1983).
A l e x a n d e r , R . M c N . 1 9 8 5 \ M e c h a n i c s o f p o s t u r e a n d gait o f s o m e large d i n o s a u r s .
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 8 3 : 1 - 2 5 .
A l e x a n d e r , R. M c N . , G. M.O. Maloiy, B. H u n t e r , A. S. Jayes, a n d J. N t u r i b i , (1979).
M e c h a n i c a l s t r e s s e s in f a s t l o c o m o t i o n of buffalo [Syncerus caffer) a n d e l e p h a n t
( L o x o d o n t a africana). Journal of Zoology 1 8 9 : 1 3 5 - 1 4 4 .
Biewener, A. A., J. T h o m a s o n , and L.E. L a n y o n , 1 9 8 3 . M e c h a n i c s of l o c o m o t i o n
a n d j u m p i n g in t h e f o r e l i m b of the h o r s e [Equus): In vivo s t r e s s d e v e l o p e d in t h e
r a d i u s a n d m e t a c a r p u s . Journal of Zoology 2 0 1 : 6 7 - 8 2 .
G r e e n b e r g , B. a n d / G . K. N o b l e , 1944. Social b e h a v i o r of t h e A m e r i c a n c h a m e l e o n
[Anolis carolinensis Voigt). Physiological Zoology 1 7 : 3 9 2 - 4 3 9 .
A LMOST ALL dinosaurs had long tails and some also had long necks.
In an extreme case, Diplodocus had a neck 7 meters (23 ft) long
(including the small head), a tail about 14 meters (46 ft) long and body
only 5 meters (16 ft) long. This chapter asks how dinosaurs used long
necks and tails.
I will start w i t h necks. T h e longest are those of sauropods, which
include the largest of all dinosaurs. Before the calculations about bone
strength had been done, m a n y people doubted w h e t h e r the biggest sau-
ropods could have supported their weight on land. They supposed that
they m u s t have lived in lakes, buoyed up by the water (figure 5.1).
Their long necks might have served as snorkels, enabling them to breathe
while standing on the b o t t o m in deep water.
The sauropods in figure 5.1 look like Diplodocus. If they are, their
lungs are 6 meters (20 ft) or more below the surface of the water. Their
necks are long enough to reach the surface but it would be very hard
for t h e m to breathe air in, because the lungs would have to be ex-
panded against a pressure difference of 6 meters of water. T h e snorkels
used by h u m a n divers are only about 30 centimeters (1 ft) long. The
dinosaurs in figure 5.1 would have needed e n o r m o u s chest muscles, to
breathe in.
It now seems clear that even the largest sauropods had legs strong
enough for walking on land, so there is no need to imagine t h e m living
submerged in lakes. Indeed, it has been argued that they probably lived
on dry land, keeping clear of marshy places where they could easily
have got bogged down because of the e n o r m o u s pressure on their feet
(chapter 3). If they lived on land, as is now generally believed, the long
neck cannot have been a snorkel. We m u s t look for some other func-
T h e shape of Brachiosaurus suggests that it lived like a giraffe, eat-
ing leaves from tall trees. N o t only was its neck very long, but the fore
legs were longer than the hind (a difference from other sauropods), so
its head could apparently be raised to the remarkable height of 13 me-
ters (43 ft). It was m u c h taller than any giraffe (figure 1.1).
If Brachiosaurus carried its head so high, its brain would be about 8
meters (26 ft) above its heart. T h e heart would have to p u m p blood at
very high pressure, to get it to the brain. If blood failed to get to the
brain even for a short time, the animal would collapse unconscious. A
fainting Brachiosaurus would come down w i t h a t r e m e n d o u s crash.
Blood pressure is conventionally measured in millimetres of mer-
cury because doctors used to use mercury m a n o m e t e r s to measure hu-
m a n blood pressure. It will be more convenient here to use meters of
water: a pressure of one meter of water equals 74 millimeters of mer-
cury. Modern reptiles p u m p blood out of their hearts at pressures that
are 0.5 to 1.0 meters of water above the pressure of the surrounding
tissues. This pressure difference is needed mainly to drive blood through
the capillaries, the fine blood vessels that permeate every tissue of the
body. Brachiosaurus would have needed an additional pressure of 8
meters of water to raise the blood to the brain, making a total of 8.5
or more meters of water. (Strictly speaking, the additional pressure would
be 8 meters of blood, not water, but this m a k e s little difference be-
cause the densities of blood and water are only slightly different.)
F I G U R E 5.2. P o s s i b l e p o s t u r e s o f s o m e d i n o s a u r s w h e n b r o w s i n g o n f o l i a g e :
(a) Haplocanthosaurus; (b) Brachiosaurus ( n o t a v e r y l a r g e o n e ) ; (c) Camara-
saurus; (d)Barosaurus: (e) Diplodocus-, (f) Apatosaurus-, (g) Stegosaurus :a n d (h)
( f e e d i n g f r o m t h e g r o u n d ) Camptosaurus. F r o m B a k k e r 1 9 7 8 . R e p r i n t e d b y p e r -
m i s s i o n . C o p y r i g h t © 1978 M a c m i l l a n M a g a z i n e s Ltd.
ber that circus elephants can be trained to balance on their hind legs,
and that the calculations in chapter 4 suggest that Apatosaurus may
have been as athletic as elephants. T h e stresses in the bones, while
standing on the hind legs, would probably be less for Apatosaurus t h a n
for elephants. This is because in its normal quadrupedal position Apa-
tosaurus, unlike elephants, carried most of its weight on its hind legs
(table 4.1). Standing on the hind legs alone would not increase the load
on t h e m very m u c h .
It might be easy for Apatosaurus to support itself, once it was stand-
ing on its hind legs, but could it get itself into that position? It would
have to get its center of gravity over its hind feet, to take the load off
its fore feet. To discover w h e t h e r that would be difficult we need to
know where the center of gravity was. We already k n o w that Apato-
saurus and Diplodocus carried most of their weight on the hind legs,
which implies that the center of gravity was nearer the hind legs than
the fore. We could calculate its position from the data in table 4.1 but
we can discover it more directly, by a simple experiment.
For this I used the same models as in chapter 4, the solid plastic
ones with holes bored to represent the air-filled lungs. Their centers of
gravity should be in approximately the same positions as in the living
dinosaurs. I suspended each model by a thread tied to its head and
photographed it in side view (figure 5.3a). T h e model was hanging mo-
tionless, in equilibrium, so its center of gravity m u s t have been in line
with the thread, somewhere on the line AB. Then I suspended the model
from its back and took another photograph (figure 5.3b). T h e center of
gravity m u s t again have been in line w i t h the thread, on the line CD.
Finally, I superimposed the two photographs, m a k i n g the outlines of
the model coincide (figure 5.3c). T h e center of gravity was both on AB
and on CD: it m u s t have been at the intersection of the t w o lines.
Figure 5.4 shows centers of gravity located in this way. Diplodocus
standing in the position shown had its center of gravity over the left
hind foot. If the animal had moved its right hind foot forward and set
it down beside the left one, both hind feet would have been under the
center of gravity and it would have been easy for it to rear up on its
hind legs.
Diplodocus could apparently have reared up easily because its long,
heavy tail counterbalanced the front part of the body and brought the
center of gravity well back. Brachiosaurus had a shorter tail and heavier
fore quarters, so its center of gravity was further forward. It would have
been harder for it to rear up and, as far as I know, neither Bakker nor
anyone else has suggested that it did. With its long front legs and neck
it could feed from great heights w i t h o u t rearing up.
Bakker suggested that Stegosaurus reared up on its hind legs to feed,
and it seems likely that it could have done: its center of gravity was
well back, near the hind legs. Triceratops had its center of gravity much
further forward (figure 5.4) and might have found it difficult to rear up.
However, elephants have their centers of gravity well forward, and can
rear up. (Table 4.1 shows that the centers of gravity of elephants are
far enough forward to put most of the weight on the front feet in nor-
mal standing.)
It is generally assumed that long-tailed sauropods such as Diplodo-
cus and Apatosaurus walked around with their necks nearly horizon-
tal. Most drawings show t h e m in that position, as do the m o u n t e d
skeletons in m u s e u m s . We will think about the problem of supporting
a long, heavy, horizontal neck.
I am going to suggest that these necks were supported in the same
way as the necks of horses, cattle, and their relatives. These animals
have a thick ligament called the l i g a m e n t u m nuchae running along the
backs of their necks (figure 5.5). Unlike most other ligaments it con-
sists mainly of the protein elastin, which has properties very like rub-
ber. It can be stretched to double its initial length without breaking
and snaps back to its initial length w h e n released.
The ligamentum nuchae is stretched when the animal lowers its head
F I G U R E 5.3. D i a g r a m s s h o w i n g h o w to l o c a t e t h e c e n t e r of gravity of a m o d e l .
T h e y are explained in the text.
F I G U R E 5 . 7 . S k e l e t o n o f Iguanodon, i n t h e p o s i t i o n i n w h i c h i t w a s f o u n d .
N o t i c e t h e crisscross t e n d o n s i n t h e b a c k and tail. F r o m N o r m a n 1980.
F I G U R E 5 . 8 . A n o s t r i c h , a m a n , a n d a s m a l l b i p e d a l d i n o s a u r [Hypsilophodon]
running, s h o w i n g the positions of their hips and their centers of gravity: O h i p ;
• c e n t e r of g r a v i t y .
dinosaurs but have also been found over the hips of Triceratops, in the
tail of the theropod Deinonychus and in several other dinosaurs.
The tail m u s t have had a major effect on the running m o v e m e n t s of
bipedal dinosaurs. Figure 5 . 8 compares a dinosaur w i t h two modern
bipeds, a bird and a h u m a n . T h e dinosaur, w i t h its long heavy tail, has
the center of gravity close to the hips, but the bird, w i t h only a tuft
of feathers for a tail, has its center of gravity well in front of the hips.
The h u m a n has no tail but the center of gravity is close to the hips
because the trunk is erect. If these bipeds are not to fall over, the av-
erage positions of their feet, while on the ground, m u s t in each case
be under the center of gravity. Each animal sets the foot down in front
of the center of gravity and does not lift it u n t i l it is behind the center
of gravity. The bird manages by holding its thigh almost horizontal and
swinging the leg from the knee. It seems likely that bipedal dinosaurs
moved their legs more like people than like birds, because of the po-
sition of the center of gravity.
The tails of kangaroos are thick and heavy, but they are flexible, and
they swing up and down as the animal hops. If flexible tails are suitable
for kangaroos, why should stiff ones have evolved in bipedal dinosaurs?
The answer may depend on the difference between running and hop-
ping and on a basic principle of mechanics.
I will use an example from gymnastics to explain the principle of
conservation of angular m o m e n t u m . A gymnast on a trampoline can
set his body spinning, while in mid air, by moving his arms. By swing-
ing his arms to the left he m a k e s his body spin to the right. A rotating
object has a property called angular m o m e n t u m that depends on the
masses of its parts and on its rate of rotation. T h e principle says that
F I G U R E 5.9. D i a g r a m of a k a n g a r o o h o p p i n g .
There are other dinosaur tails that seem more obviously to have been
weapons. Stegosaurus had sharp spikes on its tail up to half a meter
(20 in) long. Some of the ankylosaurs had big l u m p s of bone at the ends
of their tails and presumably used t h e m as clubs (figure 5.10).
This chapter has told a series of short stories. Sauropods are unlikely
to have used their long necks as snorkels. Very large breathing muscles
would be needed for snorkeling at any substantial depth, and in any
case it seems unlikely that they lived in water. It seems more likely
that they lived on land, raising their necks to feed from high branches.
Their hearts would then have had to p u m p blood out at high pressure,
to get it to the brain. Brachiosaurus probably fed like a giraffe but Di-
plodocus and similar sauropods may have reared up on their hind legs
to get their heads high. Their long, heavy tails would probably have
made it easy for these sauropods to get their hind feet under their cen-
ter of gravity. The long necks of Diplodocus and Apatosaurus may have
been supported by an elastin ligament running through the V-shaped
notches in their neural spines.
The tails of duck-billed dinosaurs had bony tendons or ligaments
alongside the neural spines and seem to have been stiff. T h e effect of
the tail on the position of the center of gravity probably made bipedal
dinosaurs move their legs more like people than like birds. T h e springy
tails of kangaroos may help to prevent the body from rocking too m u c h
during hopping but stiff tails seem suitable for running bipeds. The
tails of some dinosaurs seem to have served as weapons.
Principal Sources
C h a p t e r 5 , l i k e c h a p t e r 4 , i s b a s e d largely o n A l e x a n d e r (1985), w i t h s o m e o f t h e
e x p e r i m e n t s m o d i f i e d . T h e d a t a a b o u t blood p r e s s u r e are from H o h n k e (1973). T h e
s u g g e s t i o n t h a t s o m e s a u r o p o d s m a y h a v e reared u p o n t h e i r h i n d legs w a s m a d e
by B a k k e r (1978). T h e e l a s t i n l i g a m e n t s in t h e n e c k s of birds w e r e i n v e s t i g a t e d by
B e n n e t t a n d A l e x a n d e r (1987). G a l t o n (1970) d e s c r i b e d t h e stiff tails of d u c k - b i l l e d
d i n o s a u r s . A l e x a n d e r a n d V e r n o n (1975) d i s c u s s e d t h e o s c i l l a t i o n s of t h e t a i l s of
X ons that dinosaurs had. I will n o w tell about horns and reinforced
heads, and about how they m a y have been used for fighting. I also spec-
ulate about how dinosaurs m a y have approached rivals, and about the
noises they may have made.
It seems likely that male dinosaurs fought rival males of the same
species, m u c h as stags fight w i t h their antlers and male antelope fight
with their horns. It may seem odd that animals fight, getting h u r t and
possibly killed. You may t h i n k that peaceful species should flourish
and quarrelsome ones should destroy themselves, and that evolution
by natural selection should m a k e all species peaceful.
To understand why it does not, you need to understand the principle
of the survival of the fittest. This principle is not about the survival
of species or even the survival of individual animals: it is about the
survival of genes, the basic u n i t s of heredity. Genes are complex mol-
ecules that carry information. Some carry patterns for m a k i n g other
molecules. Other genes or groups of genes carry instructions for mak-
ing parts of the body, or for patterns of behavior. Almost every animal
(there are some exceptions) inherits half its genes from its m o t h e r and
half from its father. In turn, it passes on copies of just half of its genes
in each egg or spermatozoon that it m a k e s . T h u s genes are transmitted
from generation to generation. Errors of copying produce new genes
from time to time, and the mixing of genes that happens in reproduc-
tion brings new combinations of genes together. Some genes or groups
of genes m a k e their possessors more successful in reproduction, and
are more likely than others to be passed on to successive generations.
Some of t h e m are obviously beneficial. For example, a gene that made
its possessors i m m u n e to disease, or enabled t h e m to run faster to es-
cape predators, would m a k e t h e m better able to survive and reproduce.
It would be more likely than alternative genes, that did not give these
advantages, to be passed on to successive generations. Once such a gene
had appeared it would be likely to become c o m m o n e r until, m a n y gen-
erations later, all m e m b e r s of the population had it.
O t h e r genes that are less obviously beneficial will also increase. Sup-
pose that a gene made its male possessors very aggressive, quick to grab
and copulate with every female they m e t and to chase other males
away. Males with that gene would be apt to get involved in a lot of
fights, to get hurt and to die young, but they might also get unusually
m a n y offspring. If they did, the gene would be favored by natural se-
It is m u c h more likely that males will fight for females than that
females will fight for males. T h e reason is that females have to put a
lot of energy and materials into m a k i n g each egg or embryo, so they
can produce only a limited n u m b e r of offspring. Males, however, can
produce e n o r m o u s n u m b e r s of sperm. A female can get all her eggs
fertilized by a single father but a male has plenty of sperm for many
mates. If the n u m b e r s of males and females are about equal (as they
are for most species) the females will easily get all the matings they
can use but the males will have plenty of sperm to spare. The males
could get more offspring (and pass more genes on to future generations)
if they could copulate with more females and keep other males away
from t h e m .
Triceratops has horns that m u s t surely have been weapons (figure
1.13). It m u s t have looked rather like a huge rhinoceros with a peculiar
arrangement of horns, but these are more like antelope than rhinoceros
horns. Antelopes have spikes of bone covered w i t h horn but rhinoceros
horns are consolidated tufts of hair with no bony core. Triceratops horns
are spikes of bone and were presumably covered w i t h horn when the
dinosaur was alive.
Many of the large, plant-eating m a m m a l s have horns of some kind.
Antelopes, cattle, and sheep have true, p e r m a n e n t horns, and deer have
antlers which they shed and re-grow annually. All these animals may
s o m e t i m e s use their horns to defend themselves against predators, but
their usual defense is to run away. T h e principal use of their horns and
antlers seems to be for fighting between males of the same species.
Red deer are a European species, closely related to the American
wapiti. Their stags assemble harems, usually of about six females but
s o m e t i m e s of twenty, and defend t h e m from other males. Only stags
that have harems breed, but each of t h e m may father many offspring.
Genes that help stags to get and keep large harems m u s t be favored by
natural selection.
Stags that have no harem try to get one and those that have a harem
F I G U R E 6 . 1 . (a) R e d d e e r s t a g s w i t h t h e i r a n t l e r s i n t e r l o c k e d , d r a w n f r o m a
p h o t o g r a p h i n C l u t t o n - B r o c k 1 9 8 2 ; (b) Triceratops f i g h t i n g w i t h t h e i r h o r n s i n -
terlocked, d r a w n from photographs of m o d e l s sold by the N a t u r a l History M u -
seum, London.
locked horns and wrestled like stags and antelopes, but it seems just
a little doubtful w h e t h e r their horns were strong enough.
Figure 6.3 shows that Triceratops had rather small horns for its size,
by antelope standards. Horn reach (figure 6.3a) m e a n s the straight-line
distance from horn base to horn tip. T h e reach of a 6-tonne Triceratops
is little different from that of an eland of one-tenth its mass, and far
less t h a n w h a t the lines suggests 6-tonne antelope would have, if an-
telope grew so big. However, the shortness of the horns might not mat-
ter, provided they were strong enough.
Figure 6.3b shows the cross-sectional areas of the bony cores of horns,
at the horn base. Female antelope have thinner horns than males of
the same species, or no horns at all (but w h e n they have horns they
are generally about as long as those of males). T h e graph shows that
Triceratops horns are t h i n n e r than would be expected on antelopes of
the same mass, w h e t h e r male or female. T h a t m e a n s that Triceratops
horns were rather weak, for the size of animal.
We need to be rather careful about the argument here, because short
horns may not need to be as strong as long ones would have to be on
the same animal. R e m e m b e r the passage in chapter 4 where I said that
long thin structures such as leg bones or horns are most easily broken
by forces acting at right angles to t h e m , which set up bending mo-
m e n t s in t h e m . T h e m a x i m u m stress at a distance x from a force R
acting at right angles to the horn is Rx/Z, where Z is the quantity
called the section m o d u l u s . A thin horn has a low section modulus
T h e a n t e l o p e d a t a a r e f r o m P a c k e r 1 9 8 3 . T h e Triceratops h o r n m e a s u r e m e n t s
a r e f r o m H a t c h e r 1 9 0 7 , a n d t h e Triceratops m a s s i s f r o m c h a p t e r 2 .
backward from the skull. There seem to have been big jaw muscles
whose a t t a c h m e n t s extended onto the bony frill, but the frill seems
too large to have evolved just for that. It m u s t have been a useful shield,
protecting the animal's neck from rivals' horns, but some other cera-
topian frills were supported by bone only round the edge and would
have been less good as shields unless their skin was very thick. T h e
frill of Styracosaurus w i t h its splendid row of spikes seems designed
as much for show as for protection (figure 6.4).
Perhaps we can find a parallel among deer. Red deer have fairly prac-
tical-looking antlers: the spikes are weapons and the branches (espe-
cially the ones over the eyes) give protection by catching rivals' antlers.
Moose, Fallow deer, and some others have palmated antlers, incorpo-
rating broad plates of bone that look most impressive but seem un-
necessary for any mechanical function. They may help to attract fe-
males, like the long tails of male widowbirds which I discuss later in
this chapter. Female Red deer m a t e w i t h the stags that win t h e m but
Moose and Fallow deer have different social systems, and their females
may have more choice of mate. Whatever the function of the bony
plates on palmated antlers, the function of the frill of Styracosaurus
was probably similar.
N o w we will look at another probable weapon, the thick skull roof
of the pachycephalosaurs (also called dome-headed dinosaurs). Figure
6.5 shows the skull of one of these animals [Stegoceras] and, for com-
parison, the skull of a similar-sized ornithopod. T h e huge bulge on the
top of Stegoceras' skull is solid bone. Though the skull is only 28 cen-
timeters long its roof is eight centimeters thick. Stegoceras is a small
dinosaur, about two meters long, but some other pachycephalosaurs
were m u c h larger.
Their thick skull roofs look like battering rams. It seems likely that
male pachycephalosaurs fought like Bighorn sheep, running at each other
with heads down (figure 6.2). The thick skull roofs would take the im-
pact, like the horns of the sheep. Some pachycephalosaur skulls have
thinner roofs than others that seem to be the same species, and may
be female. Similarly among sheep, ewes have smaller horns than rams.
We will think about the forces that might have acted when pachy-
The energy absorbed in the impact is the force multiplied by the de-
celeration distance
energy absorbed = force x deceleration distance.
mass x (speed) 2
force =
2 x deceleration distance
If the mass is measured in kilograms, the speed in meters per second
and the distance in meters, this equation gives the force in newtons.
The less rigid the dinosaur, the more it deforms, the bigger the deceler-
ation distance and so (from the equation) the smaller the force. The
same is true of colliding cars, which is why crumple zones save lives.
(Crumple zones are parts of a car body designed to crumple in an impact.)
A crumple zone is good for just one crash, but pachycephalosaurs
presumably clashed heads often. What they would have needed, to
moderate the forces, is some sort of elastic padding that would deform
in the impact but spring back into shape afterward. The bulging skull
roof m a y have been quite effective as padding. Sections cut through it
show that the bone was slightly spongy, suggesting that it could have
deformed quite a lot in an impact.
I want you to realize just how big the forces might have been, if the
dinosaur were too rigid. Imagine a 20-kilogram dinosaur (a very rough
estimate of the mass of Stegoceras) running at 3 meters per second.
This would be a slow jogging speed for a h u m a n , and is well within
the range of speeds estimated from dinosaur footprints in table 3.2.
Suppose that dinosaur were in a collision that stopped it in a distance
of one centimeter or 0.01 m e t e r (it is hard to imagine the skull roof
deforming more). T h e force would be (20 x 3 )/(2 x 0.01) = 9,000 new-
tons, or 0.9 tonnes force. The skull roof of Stegoceras looks strong enough
for that but I doubt w h e t h e r the neck vertebrae could have stood it.
(Unfortunately, no neck vertebrae have been found and we can only
guess their strength from the sizes of trunk vertebrae.)
The double lines in figure 6.5 show the angles at which the neck
vertebrae seem to have joined the skull. (This can be judged from the
shape of the a t t a c h m e n t area for the first vertebra, on the back of the
skull.) T h e angle between the skull and the neck of Stegoceras means
that, w h e n the head was down in the butting position, the neck would
have been more or less in line w i t h the force. T h e trunk vertebrae of
pachycephalosaurs interlock in a way that seems likely to have made
the spine rather rigid, and there were bony tendons or ligaments in the
back as well as the tail. Scientists have interpreted these signs as show-
ing that pachycephalosaurs had very stiff backs and have pictured t h e m
colliding w i t h their backs ramrod straight. I find that hard to believe
because the forces (for any likely r u n n i n g speed) would be so large.
They would be m u c h smaller if the backbone buckled at impact; the
skull would still be decelerated over a very short distance but most of
the mass of the body would travel further forward, before being stopped.
T h e neck could serve as a crumple zone, but one that could be straight-
ened after the impact and used again.
Some of the hadrosaurs (duck-billed dinosaurs) also have strange pro-
jections from their skulls. Anatosaurus (figure 1.11) has a relatively
plain skull but some other hadrosaurs with similar-shaped bodies have
extraordinary crests (figure 6.6). Corythosaurus' crest is an upward-
original length and used the cut-off feathers to lengthen the tails of
other males, by sticking t h e m on w i t h superglue. He left other birds
with normal-length tails, either leaving t h e m intact or cutting t h e m
off and sticking t h e m back on again to check for possible effects of
cutting and gluing. Before the experiment, each group had an average
of 1.5 nests per territory (figure 6.7a), but m a n y of the females had not
yet mated. During the following m o n t h , males w i t h elongated tails
gained an average of 1.8 additional nests each, but the other groups of
males gained only 0.5-1.0 additional nests per territory (figure 6.7b).
T h e unnaturally elongated tails seem to have attracted females. This
F I G U R E 6 . 7 . W i d o w b i r d s w i t h l o n g t a i l s a t t r a c t m o s t f e m a l e s : (a) t h e m e a n
n u m b e r s o f n e s t s p e r t e r r i t o r y for f o u r g r o u p s o f m a l e s , b e f o r e t h e e x p e r i m e n t ;
(b) t h e m e a n n u m b e r s o f e x t r a n e s t s b u i l t i n t h e m o n t h a f t e r t h e i r t a i l s h a d
b e e n s h o r t e n e d , e l o n g a t e d , c u t a n d g l u e d b a c k o n ( c o n t r o l I ) o r left u n a l t e r e d
( c o n t r o l II). F r o m A n d e r s s o n 1 9 8 2 . R e p r i n t e d b y p e r m i s s i o n . C o p y r i g h t © 1 9 8 2
M a c m i l l a n M a g a z i n e s Ltd.
FIGURE 6 . 8 . T h e c r e s t of a Parasaurolophus s k u l l s e c t i o n e d t o s h o w t h e n a s a l
cavities. T h i s is probably a female skull, and it is not the s a m e species as the
Parasaurolophus i n f i g u r e 6 . 6 . F r o m H o p s o n 1 9 7 5 .
out, compressing the air inside, which has elastic compliance. T h e air
in the neck behaves like the ball and the air in the m a i n cavity behaves
like the strand of rubber but the distinction between the two lots of
air is of course blurred. The distinction is even more blurred in figure
6.9c, which shows air vibrating in a tube that is closed at one end. T h e
air near the m o u t h of the tube functions as a vibrating mass and the
air near the closed end as an elastic compliance, but there is a gradation
between the two. However, it is clear that a long tube contains a greater
mass of air than a shorter tube of the same diameter. It also has higher
compliance, because a long c o l u m n of air is squeezed up more, by a
given force on its end, than a short c o l u m n would be. T h e air in a
longer tube has more mass and compliance, so its resonant frequency
is lower.
Figure 6.9d shows what happens in a tube open at both ends. T h e
air at the ends vibrates in and out, compressing the air in the middle
and allowing it to expand again. T h e resonant frequency is the same
as for a tube with one closed end, of half the length. T h e air in a clar-
inet vibrates as in figure 6.9c but the air in a flute vibrates as in figure
6.9d because of the big hole at the blowing end.
The hollow crest of Parasaurolophus would probably have resonated
as a tube open at both ends. T h e resonant frequency of such a tube is
given approximately by a simple rule:
frequency in cycles per second = 170 + length in meters
F I G U R E 6.9. D i a g r a m s o f r e s o n a n t s y s t e m s : (a) a b a l l s u s p e n d e d b y a s t r a n d
o f r u b b e r ; |b) a n a i r - f i l l e d c a v i t y ; (c) a t u b e w i t h o n e e n d c l o s e d ; a n d (d) a t u b e
open at both ends.
ence to the calculations. Their resonant frequency must have been about
170/2 = 85 cycles per second, close to the note
Females with shorter crests (figure 6.8) would have had higher-pitched
voices. T h e equation m a k e s it possible to estimate the pitch of the
dinosaur's voice but tells us nothing about the tone, whether it was a
pure single-frequency sound like a note from a French horn or enriched
by m a n y harmonics like a note from a bassoon.
A big dinosaur should have a deafening roar, or so you may think.
However, there is a problem. You need a big loudspeaker to play a low
note loudly, and t r u m p e t s would not be so loud if they were not flared
out at the ends. T h e general rule is that to be most effective, loud-
speakers and the m o u t h s of t r u m p e t s should have diameters of at least
one-sixth of the wavelength of the sound. T h e wavelength is the speed
of sound (330 meters per second) divided by the frequency, so it is large
for low frequency sounds. For a frequency of 85 cycles per second it is
four meters, so an ideal loudspeaker for that pitch would have a di-
a m e t e r of almost 70 centimeters (28 in). Parasaurolophus should ide-
ally have had nostrils flaring out like the m o u t h s of t r u m p e t s 70 cen-
timeters in diameter. They should have been at least as big as the m o u t h s
of tubas designed to play similar low notes. There is no sign of their
being like that, so the dinosaur may not have been terribly noisy (if it
sang at all): it m a y have been more like a bassoon (which plays low
notes rather quietly) than a tuba.
Parasaurolophus had a long crest w i t h a tube inside but the other
hadrosaurs in figure 6.6 had shorter crests w i t h bulbous cavities that
would have resonated like the chamber in figure 6.9b. They too could
have been used to produce sound.
Whether the resonators were tubular or bulbous, bigger ones would
resonate at lower frequencies: larger crests would give deeper voices.
If females preferred large crests they probably also evolved a preference
for the deeper notes they produced. The hadrosaurs with the bass voices
got the females.
T h e message of this chapter is that in m a n y animal species, males
compete for females. It seems likely that male ceratopians fought for
females by wrestling with their horns like stags, and that pachyce-
phalosaurs fought by butting like rams. T h e crested hadrosaurs, how-
ever, probably completed more peaceably, letting the females choose
t h e m . T h e females had evolved a preference for large crests and deep
voices, and chose males partly for those qualities.
Principal Sources
Hot-Blooded Dinosaurs?
T h e metabolic rates shown for lizards in figure 7.1 are resting rates
at 37°C. T h e lizards could not have stood m u c h higher temperatures,
so these are n e a r - m a x i m u m resting metabolic rates. T h e rates shown
for m a m m a l s and birds, however, are m i n i m u m rates measured at
comfortable environmental temperatures, at which the metabolism
needed for other essential processes is enough to maintain the tem-
perature of the body. T h e rates for m a m m a l s are nevertheless five to
eight times as high as for lizards of the same mass, and some birds
have even higher rates. M a m m a l s and birds are enabled to be endo-
thermic by their high metabolic rates. Even w h e n they are resting at
comfortable temperatures their metabolism produces heat fast enough
to w a r m t h e m quite a lot.
Dinosaurs are usually classed as reptiles. They are closely related to
the crocodiles which, like other modern reptiles, are ectotherms. How-
ever, they are also closely related to the endothermic birds. Dr. Robert
nosaurs, the predator mass could be far more than 2 percent of the prey
T h e second difficulty about deciding whether dinosaurs could have
been endotherms, by measuring the ratio of predators to prey, is that
the ratio is very difficult to estimate for extinct animals. The best di-
nosaurs to try w i t h (because there are lots of them) seem to be the ones
that have been found in Canada in some late Cretaceous rocks, the
O l d m a n Formation. A count of these dinosaurs gave 246 individual
herbivores (mainly ornithopods) estimated to have an average mass of
5 tonnes, and 22 carnivores (tyrannosaurs) averaging 2 tonnes. This
m a k e s 1,230 tonnes of herbivores to 44 tonnes of carnivores. However,
the c o m m o n e r herbivores in the O l d m a n Formation are so very com-
mon that the paleontologists who collected there probably did not bother
to collect the less good specimens. An informed guess about how m a n y
they left increases the estimated mass of herbivores to 2,110 tonnes.
This m a k e s the carnivore mass 2 percent of the herbivore mass.
If the dinosaurs had all been killed at once by a volcanic eruption or
some other calamity, we could conclude that the carnivore population
had had 2 percent of the m a s s of the herbivore population. There is no
sign of such a calamity and we m u s t suppose that the dinosaurs died
naturally of various causes. In that case the n u m b e r s of fossils probably
do not reflect the sizes of the living populations, but the rates at which
they died. T h e herbivores probably had shorter lives than the carni-
vores, because they were liable to be attacked and eaten, so there is
probably a bigger proportion of herbivores among the fossils than in
the living population. The carnivore population probably had more than
2 percent of the mass of the herbivore population, which makes it
doubtful w h e t h e r they could have had m a m m a l - l i k e metabolism.
We might conclude that the dinosaurs had reptile-like metabolism,
or at least that their m e t a b o l i s m was slower than would be expected
for m a m m a l s of equal size. However, I would be wary of reaching any
firm conclusion on this evidence. The conclusion could easily be changed
if it turned out that paleontologists had discarded even more of the
less-good herbivore fossils than has been supposed.
O n e argument that m i g h t be used against the suggestion that di-
nosaurs were endotherms is that they had neither fur nor feathers. Most
m a m m a l s have fur and birds have feathers to retain the heat produced
by metabolism, but the few fragments of dinosaur skin that have been
preserved as impressions in rocks are bare and scaly like the skin of
modern reptiles. However, these fragments are from the skin of large
dinosaurs, and very large modern m a m m a l s (elephants, rhinoceros, hip-
popotamus) also have no fur.
Endothermy is a m a t t e r of degree. A lizard might be able to metab-
olize fast enough to keep it a degree or two warmer than its environ-
ment, but that would not m a k e you want to call it an endotherm: it
could warm itself far more by the e c t o t h e r m i c m e t h o d of basking in
the sun. We would not call dinosaurs e n d o t h e r m s unless their metab-
olism could keep t h e m a good deal w a r m e r than their environments.
Could they have done this, in spite of their having no fur? If they
were warmer than their surroundings they would lose heat, and to keep
a constant temperature they would have to produce heat fast enough
by metabolism to replace the losses. I will try to calculate how w a r m
they could have kept themselves both if they had reptile-like metab-
olism and if they had faster, m a m m a l - l i k e metabolism. I will base the
calculations on the rates at which modern reptiles cool, w h e n moved
from a warm place to a cooler one, so we will need to k n o w s o m e t h i n g
about the physics of cooling.
To show how things cool, I baked a potato in its jacket in the oven.
When it had cooked I pushed a t h e r m o m e t e r into it and left it to cool
on the kitchen table. Figure 7.2 shows h o w its temperature fell. Ini-
tially it was 93°C, which was 72° above room temperature. After 40
m i n u t e s it was about 36° above room temperature, after 80 m i n u t e s it
was about 18° above room temperature and after 120 m i n u t e s it was
only about 9° above room temperature: the temperature difference halved
every 40 m i n u t e s . Hot objects in constant e n v i r o n m e n t s generally cool
F I G U R E 7.2. A g r a p h o f t e m p e r a t u r e a g a i n s t t i m e for a c o o l i n g p o t a t o .
like this, taking equal times for each successive halving of the tem-
perature difference (figure 7.3a). This is called exponential cooling.
Obviously, some things cool faster than others. We could use the
half t i m e (the t i m e the temperature difference takes to halve) as a mea-
sure of the rate of cooling. Instead, I am going to do something that
may seem capricious. I am going to use the t i m e taken for the differ-
ence to fall to 0.37 of its initial value. This t i m e is called the cooling
time constant.
There is something very special about that number, 0.37. It is the
reciprocal of the n u m b e r called e, the base of natural logarithms, which
is the second most useful n u m b e r in the whole of m a t h e m a t i c s . (The
most useful is the one called pi). Figure 7.3b shows w h y it is useful to
us here. T h e curve is exactly the same as in figure 7.3a. T h e temper-
ature difference starts at D and reaches 0.37D after t i m e T, so T is the
t i m e constant. Cooling starts fast and gradually gets slower, but the
sloping broken line shows that if it had continued at its initial rate the
temperature difference would have reached zero at time T. In other
words the cooling rate was D/T when the temperature difference
was D.
D/T is the rate of fall of temperature, but we want to calculate the
rate of loss of heat. We do this by multiplying by the heat capacity C,
the a m o u n t of heat energy that m u s t be gained or lost to change the
temperature of the object by one degree. T h u s the rate of heat loss from
an object, when its temperature is D above its surroundings, is CD/T.
We want to k n o w how m u c h dinosaurs would have been heated by
their own metabolism. To keep body temperature constant, their rates
of heat loss (CD/T) would have to be matched by their metabolic rates
[R): R = CD/T. D is the temperature difference between the dinosaur
and its environment, the quantity that we want to know. We get it by
rearranging the equation D = RT/C.
We will use figure 7.1 to estimate R for different-sized dinosaurs with
reptile-like or m a m m a l - l i k e metabolism. C is easy to estimate for a
dinosaur of any particular mass because the heat capacity of animal
tissue is about 3,500 joules per kilogram, a little less than for pure
water. Finally, we will get values for T from the results of experiments
on modern reptiles.
In these experiments, living reptiles were put somewhere warm un-
til their body temperatures (measured by a tiny electrical t h e r m o m e t e r
in the gut) had risen to 35 or 40°C. They were then moved to a cooler
place and their temperatures were recorded as they cooled. Their met-
abolic rates were too low to have a noticeable effect on their temper-
atures so they cooled exponentially, like the hot potato. Big ones cooled
F I G U R E 7 . 3 . (a) A g r a p h o f t e m p e r a t u r e d i f f e r e n c e a g a i n s t t i m e , s h o w i n g t h e
difference h a l v i n g in s u c c e s s i v e e q u a l i n t e r v a l s of t i m e . D is t h e initial t e m -
p e r a t u r e d i f f e r e n c e a n d t i s t h e t i m e i n w h i c h i t h a l v e s , (b) T h e s a m e g r a p h ,
s h o w i n g h o w the t i m e constant T is defined.
more slowly than small ones just as big potatoes cool more slowly than
small potatoes.
In some of the experiments, alligators and other semi-aquatic rep-
tiles were cooled in water. Each reptile cooled faster in water than in
air at the same temperature. This is what you might expect, but we
need to understand why. T h e reptile's body can be thought of as a cen-
tral core, kept at a uniform temperature by the circulating blood, and
an outer heat-insulating layer of skin (figure 7.4a). Heat loss is a two-
stage process. First the heat is conducted through the skin and then it
leaves the skin surface by convection and radiation. Convection means
the process of heat being carried away from the surface by moving air
or water. These m o v e m e n t s may be convection currents due to hot
fluid rising or winds or water currents due to other causes. Convection
works m u c h more effectively in water than in air because water has a
m u c h higher heat capacity than an equal volume of air. T h i s is why
reptiles cool faster in water.
Figure 7.4b shows cooling t i m e constants for a range of sizes of rep-
tiles. T h e lines for cooling in air and in water converge, as body mass
at the rate indicated by figure 7.1 for a reptile of its mass, resting with
its body at a temperature of 37°C. T h e " m a m m a l - l i k e " values assume
m e t a b o l i s m at the rate indicated for a m a m m a l resting in a comfort-
able w a r m e n v i r o n m e n t in w h i c h the metabolism necessary for other
purposes is enough to m a i n t a i n body temperature. The range of tem-
perature difference given in each case is from the value calculated from
the warming t i m e constant to the one calculated from the cooling t i m e
constant. It is the range that the animal could probably achieve by ad-
justing blood flow to the skin. Higher temperature differences would
be possible if the animals increased their metabolic rates, as modern
birds and m a m m a l s do in cold conditions. In experiments with Car-
dinal finches the birds doubled their resting metabolic rates when moved
from an e n v i r o n m e n t at 15°C to one at - 1 5 ° C . Lower temperature dif-
ferences than those s h o w n in the table would also be possible if the
animals panted to increase the a m o u n t of water lost by evaporation
into their breath. T h e heat needed to evaporate the water would be
lost from the body.
The table shows larger temperature differences for big dinosaurs than
for small ones w i t h the same type of metabolism, because bigger di-
nosaurs have longer t i m e constants. It also (obviously) shows larger
temperature differences for dinosaurs w i t h fast, m a m m a l - l i k e metab-
olism than for ones with slow, reptile-like metabolism. It indicates that
50- and even 500-kilogram dinosaurs with reptile-like metabolism would
be very little w a r m e r than their surroundings: they would not be ef-
fective endotherms. Fifty-tonne dinosaurs with reptile-like metabolism
would be quite good endotherms, up to 13° warmer than their sur-
roundings. Moderate-sized dinosaurs with m a m m a l - l i k e metabolism
would be endotherms, despite their lack of fur or feathers, and 50-tonne
dinosaurs w i t h m a m m a l - l i k e m e t a b o l i s m would be in danger of getting
so hot that they cooked themselves, in most climates.
Small dinosaurs could not have been endotherms, even with m a m -
mal-like metabolism. R e m e m b e r the baby Psittacosaurus in figure 1.2,
smaller t h a n a pigeon. It is m u c h too small to have been an effective
endotherm unless (which seems unlikely) it had fur or feathers. Some
other baby dinosaurs were bigger, even w h e n newly hatched, but it
seems doubtful w h e t h e r any were big enough to be endotherms from
the start. Fossil dinosaur eggs are big, but they are not enormous. Even
some thought to have been laid by a sauropod are only 25 centimetres
You would be wrong to assume that, because I have used scientific
arguments, I have got everything right. I have made rough calculations
involving extrapolation from the small reptiles used in experiments to
the big dinosaurs. I will try to check whether the results are plausible
by making some comparisons w i t h modern animals.
Table 7.1 indicates that 50- and even 500-kilogram dinosaurs w i t h
reptile-like metabolism would be effectively ectothermic. This fits what
we know of modern reptiles, all of w h i c h seem to be ectotherms. Even
large crocodiles are ectotherms.
No modern reptiles have m a m m a l - l i k e metabolism but it seems rea-
sonable to guess that m a m m a l s that have no fur have time constants
about equal to those of similar-sized reptiles. Most of these m a m m a l s
are large but the Naked mole rat [Heterocephalus) is small. It lives in
tropical Africa in underground burrows in w h i c h the temperature re-
mains very constant at about 30°C. Its body temperature is always close
to burrow temperature. It is in effect an ectotherm, as table 7.1 sug-
gests it would have to be. We ourselves are naked m a m m a l s with masses
of about 50 (women) or 70 kilograms (men). W i t h o u t clothes we are
comfortable only in w a r m climates, which seems consistent w i t h the
calculation in the table that 50-kilogram dinosaurs w i t h m a m m a l - l i k e
M e t a b o l i c r a t e ( w a t t s ) for
T i m e c o n s t a n t (days) f r o m
T e m p e r a t u r e d i f f e r e n c e (°C) for
ture at which the animal's body would eventually settle if it did not
metabolize or lose water by evaporation, and if conditions remained
In practice, conditions do not remain constant. It is warmer during
the day and colder at night. T h e body temperatures of modern ecto-
t h e r m s fluctuate accordingly. For example, an investigation of the liz-
ard Amphibolurus in Australia showed that its body cooled to 25°C
during s u m m e r nights but w a r m e d to almost 40°C during the day. T h e
temperatures of large dinosaurs m u s t have fluctuated far less, because
of their long t i m e constants. They would hardly have started heating
up during a hot day, before the cool night came. A 50-tonne Brachio-
saums, w i t h estimated t i m e constants of 8 to 20 days, m u s t have had
almost constant body temperature day and night. It may have got hot-
ter in s u m m e r and cooler in winter, but its daily temperature fluctua-
tions m u s t have been slight. Even if it had reptile-like metabolism it
could have maintained a high body temperature day and night, because
of its huge size.
We started with the question, were dinosaurs ectotherms or endo-
therms? I explained the t e r m s and showed that modern reptiles (which
are ectotherms) have m u c h slower metabolism than similar-sized birds
and m a m m a l s (which are endotherms). I explained why dinosaurs have
been thought to be e n d o t h e r m s . T h e most direct argument depended
on the relative c o m m o n n e s s of predatory dinosaurs and their prey.
I explained some of the basic physics of cooling and showed how
rates of heating and cooling of modern reptiles could be used to esti-
m a t e rates of heat loss from dinosaurs. The calculations seemed to show
that small dinosaurs w i t h reptile-like metabolic rates would be ec-
t o t h e r m s (like modern reptiles) but that very large ones would be quite
good e n d o t h e r m s . If dinosaurs had fast, m a m m a l - l i k e metabolism, very
small ones (including hatchlings) would nevertheless be ectotherms
unless they had fur or feathers. Moderate-sized ones would be endo-
t h e r m s and the largest would have been liable to overheat unless they
lost a lot of water by evaporation from their skin and in their breath.
Whether they had reptile-like or m a m m a l - l i k e metabolism, the body
temperatures of large dinosaurs would have remained almost constant,
day and night.
I have to admit after all this discussion that I do not know whether
dinosaurs were ectotherms or endotherms, and whether they had
m a m m a l - l i k e or reptile-like metabolic rates. Both questions remain
to puzzle us. I would however like to present one thought that I find
Suppose that the dinosaurs had reptile-like metabolism. Suppose also
that plants grew as lushly as they do now, so that there was as m u c h
Principal Sources
B a k k e r (1972) s u g g e s t e d t h a t t h e d i n o s a u r s w e r e e n d o t h e r m s a n d s t i m u l a t e d a great
deal of d i s c u s s i o n w h i c h he h a s r e v i e w e d in a r e c e n t b o o k (1986). F a r l o w (1976)
m a d e a m o r e t h o r o u g h i n v e s t i g a t i o n of t h e r a t i o of p r e d a t o r s to prey in a c o m m u n i t y
of large d i n o s a u r s . S o u r c e s for my d a t a on m e t a b o l i c r a t e s a n d on h e a t i n g a n d cool-
ing t i m e c o n s t a n t s c a n be f o u n d in C a l d e r (1984) a n d Bell (1980) r e s p e c t i v e l y . Spotila
et al. (1973) t o o k a different a p p r o a c h to d i n o s a u r h e a t b a l a n c e , m a k i n g a s s u m p t i o n s
a b o u t t h e t h i c k n e s s of t h e s k i n i n s t e a d of e x t r a p o l a t i n g from t i m e c o n s t a n t s of m o d -
e r n r e p t i l e s . Farlow et al. (1976) i n v e s t i g a t e d t h e p o s s i b i l i t y t h a t t h e p l a t e s of Ste-
gosaurus m a y h a v e b e e n c o o l i n g fins. 1 h a v e b e n e f i t e d g r e a t l y , in w r i t i n g t h i s c h a p -
ter, from h a v i n g s e e n s o m e m u c h m o r e e l a b o r a t e c a l c u l a t i o n s a b o u t d i n o s a u r h e a t
b a l a n c e , m a d e b y m y s t u d e n t (yrki H o k k a n e n .
Bakker, R. T. 1972. A n a t o m i c a l a n d e c o l o g i c a l e v i d e n c e of e n d o t h e r m y in d i n o s a u r s .
Nature 2 3 8 : 8 1 - 8 5 .
Bakker, R. T. 1986. The Dinosaur Heresies N e w Y o r k : M o r r o w .
Bell, C. J. 1980. T h e s c a l i n g of t h e t h e r m a l i n e r t i a of l i z a r d s , fournal of Experimental
Biology 8 6 : 7 9 - 8 5 .
Benedict, F. G. 1936. The Physiology of the Elephant. W a s h i n g t o n : C a r n e g i e Insti-
Calder, W. A. 1984. Size, Function, and Life History C a m b r i d g e M a s s . : H a r v a r d U n i -
v e r s i t y Press.
Farlow, ]. O. 1976. A c o n s i d e r a t i o n of t h e t r o p h i c d y n a m i c s of a late C r e t a c e o u s
l a r g e - d i n o s a u r c o m m u n i t y ( O l d h a m F o r m a t i o n ) . Ecology 5 7 : 8 4 1 - 8 5 7 .
Farlow, ]. O., C. V. T h o m p s o n , a n d D. E. R o s n e r . 1976. P l a t e s of t h e d i n o s a u r Ste-
gosaurus: Forced c o n v e c t i o n h e a t loss fins? Science 1 9 2 : 1 1 2 3 - 1 1 2 5 .
Spotila, J. R., P. W. L o m m e n , G. S. B a k k e n , a n d D. M. G a t e s . 1973. A m a t h e m a t i c a l
m o d e l for body t e m p e r a t u r e s of large r e p t i l e s : I m p l i c a t i o n s for d i n o s a u r e c o l o g y .
American Naturalist 107:391-404.
Flying Reptiles
but the fossils found so far are very incomplete. Pteranodon is the big-
gest flying animal that we know m u c h about, and m o s t of the rest of
this chapter is about it.
We cannot discuss how it lived w i t h o u t knowing something of aero-
dynamics, the basic science of flight. Figure 8.3a shows a section through
a wing of an airplane, pterosaur or bird: it does not m a t t e r which. T h e
air in front of the wing is stationary but the air behind is moving, set
in motion by the passage of the wing. Notice that this air is moving
forward and downward. It is moving forward because it has been dragged
along by the passing wing. It is moving downward largely because the
wing is tilted at an "angle of a t t a c k " to its direction of motion, but
the arched ("cambered") shape of the wing section also helps to drive
air downward. T h e air is being driven forward and downward so there
m u s t be backward and upward forces on the wing. T h e c o m p o n e n t that
acts backward along the direction of m o t i o n is called drag and the com-
ponent at right angles to the direction of m o t i o n is called lift. T h e lift
is useful (it supports the weight of the flying aircraft or animal) but
the drag is generally a nuisance. T h e lift can be made m u c h larger than
the drag by shaping the wing appropriately, and holding it at an ap-
propriate angle of attack.
Figure 8.3b shows an airplane flying horizontally. Its wings m u s t
produce enough lift to balance its weight. Its propeller blows air back-
ward, giving enough thrust to balance the drag on the wings plus the
additional drag that acts on the fuselage. Flying animals have no pro-
pellers but flap their wings in such a way as to provide thrust as well
as lift.
Figure 8.3c shows a glider. There is no propeller to give thurst but
the forces are nevertheless balanced. T h e glider is moving on a down-
ward slope, so the lift is tilted forward. T h e lift (acting upward and
forward) and the drag (upward and backward) together balance the glid-
er's weight.
Big wings can give more lift than small ones, at any particular speed.
The same wing can give more lift w h e n traveling fast, than w h e n trav-
eling slowly. T h u s lift depends on wing area and on speed. It also de-
pends on angle of attack: a bigger angle m e a n s more lift, up to a point,
but if the angle becomes too large the lift falls again. T h e m a x i m u m
F I G U R E 8.2. C o n t r a s t i n g v i e w s o f t h e s t r u c t u r e a n d p o s t u r e o f p t e r o s a u r s : (a)
Pteranodon, s h o w i n g a w i d e - w i n g e d r e c o n s t r u c t i o n o n t h e left a n d a n a r r o w -
w i n g e d o n e o n t h e r i g h t . F r o m P a d i a n 1 9 8 5 ; (b) Pteranodon r e c o n s t r u c t e d a s a
c l u m s y c r a w l e r . F r o m B r a m w e l l a n d W h i t f i e l d 1 9 7 4 ; (c) Dimorphodon r e c o n -
structed as a nimble runner, From Padian 1983. T h e length of the head was
a b o u t 1.8 m e t e r s ( i n c l u d i n g t h e c r e s t ) i n Pteranodon a n d 2 0 c e n t i m e t e r s i n Di-
FIGURE 8.3. (a) A vertical section through a wing, showing the forces that the
air exerts on it; (b) an airplane flying horizontally, with the forces that act on
it; (c) a glider gliding with the forces that act on it; (d) a front view of an air-
plane, showing the air that is driven downward as the wings pass through it.
Lmax =
constant x Av 2
W/A, the weight divided by the wing area, is called the wing loading,
so if the constant is 0.9 kilograms per cubic meter
(In this equation, speed is in meters per second and wing loading in
newtons per square meter.) This equation tells us w h y jumbo jets need
long runways. Imagine two airplanes of the same shape, one twice as
long as the other. T h e big one has eight t i m e s the volume and so, prob-
ably, eight times the weight of the small one. However, its wings have
only four times the area. Therefore it has twice the wing loading and
1.4 times the m i n i m u m speed (1.4 is the square root of two). Jumbo
jets are not the same shape as small executive jets any more than swans
are the same shape as sparrows, but the general conclusion holds: large
aircraft cannot fly as slowly as small ones and so have to taxi to higher
speeds to take off. Pteranodon was m u c h bigger than modern flying
animals. Would it have had trouble taking off?
Flying animals have an advantage over airplanes. T h e y can flap their
wings, moving t h e m rapidly through the air although the body may be
moving slowly. To take off, a small bird has only to jump into the air
and start flapping its wings, but this needs a lot of power. Large birds
cannot do this, but m u s t get their bodies moving fast before they can
take off. A large bird taking off from a cliff or branch can get up speed
by diving from its perch, but to take off from level ground it m u s t run
like a taxiing airplane. It helps to run into the wind because the speed
that matters is not the speed over the ground but the speed of the wings
relative to the air.
The Kori bustard, found in the East African plains, is possibly the
heaviest flying bird, with masses up to 16 kilograms. It seems to be a
big effort for it to get airborne. It has to m a k e a taxiing run, and often
simply runs away w h e n people approach, without bothering to take off.
Vultures similarly run to take off, and swans and pelicans taking off
from water run on the water surface to get up speed. All these groups
include species that reach masses of 10 kilograms or more.
This suggests that it might have been difficult for the enormous
Pteranodon to get airborne. Would it have had to run fast to take off,
and if so could it take off at all? I cannot imagine the clumsy beast
shown in figure 8.2b running, but Pteranodon m a y have moved more
like the pterosaur in Padian's reconstruction (figure 8.2c), which looks
quite fast.
It will help us to judge h o w difficult take-off would have been if we
calculate Pteranodon's m i n i m u m flying speed. For this we need to know
its wing loading, body weight divided by wing area.
We can measure the wing area from figure 8.2a, but should we use
the wide-winged reconstruction (on the left) or the narrow-winged one
(on the right)? They give very different wing areas, 4.6 and 2.5 square
meters. I will consider both possibilities.
Body weight could be calculated from the volume of a model, as has
been done for dinosaurs (chapter 2), but I do not think this has been
tried. Instead, scientists have calculated the mass from the dimensions
of bones and of drawings of the animal as they believe it looked in life,
w i t h o u t actually m a k i n g a model. T h e y got a surprizing result: Pter-
anodon'^ mass was probably only about 15 kilograms, about the same
as a Kori bustard. This is only a rough estimate and may be quite badly
wrong, but Pteranodon seems to have been a lot lighter than might
have been guessed from the huge size of its wings. Its body was small,
and remarkably lightly built.
A mass of 15 kilograms m e a n s a weight of 150 newtons. (Multiply
mass by gravitational acceleration to get weight.) This gives a wing
loading of 150/4.6 = 33 n e w t o n s per square meters for the wide wings
and 150/2.5 = 60 n e w t o n s per square meter for the narrow ones. These
give m i n i m u m speeds of meters per second for wide
wings and 8 meters per second for narrow ones.
These are remarkably low values, for such a large animal. T h e big-
gest albatrosses and vultures have smaller masses than Pteranodon but
their wing loadings are about 150 and 100 newtons per square meter,
F I G U R E 8.5. S e c t i o n s o f a t y p i c a l m a m m a l b o n e ( a c a m e l t i b i a ) a n d o f t h e first
p h a l a n x o f t h e l o n g f i n g e r o f Pteranodon. M o d i f i e d f r o m C u r r e y a n d A l e x a n d e r
gains height if its rate of sinking, relative to the air, is less t h a n the
rate at which the air is rising. T h e r m a l soaring is done by circling for
a while in a thermal, gaining height, and t h e n gliding to the next ther-
mal (figure 8.7a). Thermals are often easy to find because cumulus clouds
(the fluffy kind) form at the top of t h e m . Glider pilots find thermals
by looking for the clouds, and birds presumably do the same.
Vultures soar all day in thermals, looking for carcasses to feed on.
Some also travel long distances between nests and feeding sites by
thermal soaring. Storks migrate between Europe and Africa largely by
thermal soaring, m a k i n g large detours to avoid the Mediterranean Sea,
which has no thermals.
However, thermals do form over the sea in the parts of the tropics
and subtropics where the trade winds blow. These thermals are pro-
duced by a different m e c h a n i s m from the ones over land. T h e trade
winds blow constantly and fairly gently from the northeast in the
northern hemisphere and from the southeast in the southern hemi-
sphere, carrying cool air toward the equator. This air is heated by the
warm sea, and thermals form. Frigate birds soar in these thermals.
Thermal soaring over land or sea requires the ability to glide in small
circles, because m a n y thermals are only a few tens of meters across.
Slope soarers have to be able to glide fast and thermal soarers have
to be able to glide in small circles. We m a y get clues about Pterano-
don's flying habits by asking which of these things it could do well.
Every glider glides well only in a limited range of speeds. If it glides
slowly, near its m i n i m u m speed, it inevitably loses height rather rap-
idly. If it glides fast it again loses height rapidly. However, there is an
intermediate range of speed at which low sinking speeds (relative to
the air) are possible. I have already s h o w n that the m i n i m u m air speed
is proportional to the square root of wing loading. T h e air speed at
which the sinking speed has its lowest value is also proportional to the
square root of wing loading. This m e a n s that low wing loading is best
for slow gliding and high wing loading for fast gliding. Slope soarers,
which need to glide fast, should have high wing loading.
To glide in a circle, a bird needs a centripetal force pulling toward
the center of the circle. (Similarly, a stone whirled on the end of a
string is prevented by tension in the string from flying off at a tangent.)
Birds get the necessary centripetal force by banking (figure 8.7b), so
that the lift on their wings pulls inward (providing centripetal force)
as well as upward (balancing body weight). Plainly, the lift m u s t be
bigger than the required centripetal force which is mv /i for a glider
F I G U R E 8.7. D i a g r a m s of t h e r m a l soaring.
M a x i m u m lift = constant x Av 1
pect ratio (long, narrow) wings of an albatross with the low aspect ra-
tio (relatively short, broad) wings of a vulture. As a general rule, glid-
ers with high aspect ratios perform better than ones with lower aspect
ratios: they are capable of lower sinking speeds and of gliding at shal-
lower angles. However, it would obviously not be sensible to build wings
with a span of a few kilometers and a chord of a few millimeters: ex-
cessively large aspect ratios would mean awkwardly long wings which
would be difficult to m a k e strong enough.
I am going to explain why high aspect ratios are best, but first I will
have to explain one of the most basic laws of mechanics, N e w t o n ' s
Second Law of Motion. T h e m o m e n t u m of a moving body is its mass
multiplied by its velocity. (Please do not confuse this linear m o m e n -
t u m with the angular m o m e n t u m mentioned in chapter 5.) A force is
needed to change the m o m e n t u m of a body, and N e w t o n ' s Second Law
says that the force equals the rate of change of m o m e n t u m . Acceler-
ation is rate of change of velocity, so if mass is constant, mass times
acceleration is rate of change of m o m e n t u m . For most purposes we can
express the law in its most familiar form, force equals mass times ac-
celeration, but in this section it is more convenient to mention mo-
T h e wings of an aircraft get lift by pushing on the air they pass
through, giving it m o m e n t u m (figure 8.3a). If they push on a mass M
of air in each unit of time, giving it downward velocity w, the mo-
m e n t u m given to the air in each unit of time is Mw. This is the rate
of change of m o m e n t u m and is equal to the lift force. T h e air is also
given kinetic energy, a m o u n t i n g to /-zMw in each unit of time. This
l 2
airplane will need less power and a glider will lose height less fast, if
they are designed so that their wings push on as m u c h air as possible.
Figure 8.3d shows the air that the wings push on. The bigger the
wing span, the more air gets pushed. High aspect ratio (long, narrow)
wings have larger spans than low aspect ratio ones, for the same wing
area. T h a t m e a n s that, in general, high aspect ratios are best.
Figure 8.8b shows aspect ratio plotted against body mass. T h e slope
soaring albatrosses etc. have high aspect ratios and so also do the frig-
ate birds, the marine thermal soarers. However the storks, vultures,
etc., that soar in thermals over land, have relatively low aspect ratios.
One possible reason is that longer, higher aspect ratio wings, that would
give better gliding performance, might be awkward when the bird was
taking off from land. T h e point for the wide-winged reconstruction of
Pteranodon, in figure 8.8b, is between the lines for slope soarers and
land thermal soarers, but the point for the narrow-winged one is above
the line for slope soarers.
Whether the wings of Pteranodon were broad or narrow, the wing
loading is low enough to suggest that it soared in thermals. It is not
so clear whether it soared inland or over the sea. T h e wide-winged re-
construction is not too different from the large land soarers, with an
aspect ratio only a little higher than theirs and w i t h an even lower
wing loading than any of t h e m have. T h e narrow-winged model seems
like a larger version of the frigate birds, marine soarers w i t h high as-
pect ratios and low wing loadings. I have already said that I prefer the
narrow-winged reconstruction, on anatomical grounds. N o w we will
test the hypothesis, that Pteranodon was a marine thermal soarer.
The hypothesis suggests that Pteranodon fossils should be found in
rocks formed from sediments laid down in the sea. T h e y are actually
found in the central and western United States and southern Russia,
mostly in places that are now well away from the sea. However, the
same rocks contain fossils of sharks and other fishes, plesiosaurs (see
Chapter 9) and turtles so it seems clear that they were formed in the
sea and that coastlines have been moved around by subsequent earth
This is not enough to show that the hypothesis is plausible. It is
only in the trade wind zones that there are likely to be enough ther-
mals over the sea for soaring to be feasible. Nowadays the trade winds
blow only in and near the tropics, from about 25°N (the latitude of
Miami) to 25°S (a little south of Rio de Janiero). Pteranodon is found
further north. It is particularly abundant in Kansas (about 40°N) but is
also found in Alberta (55°N). T h e c o n t i n e n t s have moved a little over
the earth's surface since the Cretaceous period, but the latitudes of the
Pteranodon sites have not been changed m u c h . There is a lot of evi-
dence that climates were generally w a r m e r than they are now, but I
have not been able to find any reliable opinion as to how far north it
would have been possible to soar in thermals over the sea.
The hypothesis, that Pteranodon was a marine thermal soarer, also
suggests that it would have eaten food from the sea. Fish scales and
bones have been found in some fossils, in the position of the stomach.
Another fossil had remains of fish and a leg of a crustacean in its throat.
Pteranodon probably fed mainly on fish, and its bird-like beak seems
suitable for catching them, though perhaps rather narrow.
Principal Sources
B r a m w e l l a n d W h i t f i e l d (1974) i n v e s t i g a t e d t h e a e r o d y n a m i c s o f t h e w i d e - w i n g e d
r e s t o r a t i o n of Pteranodon a n d B r o w e r (1983) did t h e s a m e for t h e n a r r o w - w i n g e d
r e s t o r a t i o n . P a d i a n (1983, 1985) a r g u e d t h a t t h e n a r r o w - w i n g e d r e s t o r a t i o n w a s t h e
m o r e r e a l i s t i c . P e n n y c u i c k (1983) i n v e s t i g a t e d t h e flight of frigate birds a n d R a y n c r
(1987) h a s s h o w n h o w t h e w i n g l o a d i n g s a n d a s p e c t r a t i o s o f b i r d s are r e l a t e d t o
t h e i r s t y l e s of flying. W c l l n h o f e r (1975) is t h e s o u r c e for figure 8 . 1 .
Marine Reptiles
W E WILL now discuss the giant reptiles that lived in the sea in the
Mesozoic era, w h e n the dinosaurs were living on land. They had
flippers instead of feet and would probably have been pretty helpless
on land. We k n o w that they lived in the sea rather than in fresh water
because the other fossils found in the same rocks include sea urchins
and squid-like molluscs, m e m b e r s of groups whose modern members
are found only in the sea.
I am going to start w i t h the ichthyosaurs—reptiles that looked re-
markably like fish (figure 9.1). Most of t h e m were at least a meter long
and some were as m u c h as 15 meters. I have a model of one of the
larger kinds, Ichthyosaurus, bought from the Natural History Mu-
seum, London. I measured its volume and calculated the mass of the
living animal in the same way as for dinosaurs (chapter 2). This par-
ticular animal was 8 meters long and I calculate that its mass was 6
tonnes. Adult Killer whales have about the same length and mass.
Most ichthyosaur fossils are skeletons and nothing more, but a few
have dark m a r k s showing the outline of the body and of the fins and
flippers. These m a r k s show that the flippers were a good deal broader
than you might guess from the skeletons, and that at least some ich-
thyosaurs had a fin on the back. Some ichthyosaurs had straight ta-
pering tails but the best k n o w n kinds, including the one in figure 9.1,
had a sharp kink in the backbone where it entered the tail fin. Dark
m a r k s on a few fossils show that these ichthyosaurs had tails shaped
like crescent m o o n s .
There are t w o groups of modern fish that look very like these ich-
thyosaurs: the t u n n i e s and the porbeagle sharks (figure 9.2). As well as
being shaped like ichthyosaurs they overlap the ichthyosaur size range.
For example, Bluefin tuna reach lengths of 4 meters and masses of 0.8
tonnes. Great w h i t e shark grow to m a x i m u m lengths of about 11 me-
ters. Whales also look like ichthyosaurs, but w i t h a very obvious dif-
ference. Ichthyosaurs had vertical tail fins (like t u n n i e s and sharks and
presumably beat t h e m from side to side w h e n they swam. Whales have
horizontal tail flukes and beat t h e m up and down.
In one respect ichthyosaurs were even more like dolphins than like
tunnies or sharks: they had long narrow jaws with a lot of simple pointed
teeth. Dolphins eat fishes and squid, and ichthyosaurs seem to have
eaten similar things. Many ichthyosaurs have been found w i t h their
fossilized stomach contents still in place inside t h e m , enclosed by their
ribs. Some fish scales have been found in them, and e n o r m o u s n u m b e r s
of hooks from the suckers of squid-like m o l l u s k s .
Tunnies, porbeagle sharks, and whales, the modern animals shaped
like ichthyosaurs, swim fast. T h e m o s t reliable speed m e a s u r e m e n t s
have been made with dolphins trained to s w i m as fast as possible over
a marked course, or to follow a lure towed by a fast boat. T h e highest
speed on record seems to be 11 meters per second (25 mph) for a Spot-
ted porpoise 2 meters long, and slightly slower speeds have been re-
corded for other species. These are sprint speeds, maintained for only
a few seconds. They are astonishingly fast for m o v e m e n t in water, and
equal the top speeds (on land) of h u m a n sprinters.
Speeds of tunnies have been measured, both by filming t h e m and by
catching t h e m on a rod with an i n s t r u m e n t e d reel, that recorded the
rate at which the fish pulled out the line. Several records of 5 to 13
meters per second were obtained in this way, and also two of 21 meters
per second for a Wahoo and a Yellowfin tuna. I find these last t w o
records hard to believe because they are so m u c h higher than any oth-
ers. I wonder whether some error was made: for example, a mistake
could conceivably have been made about the speed at which the re-
in smoothly after the body has passed. Torpedoes and submarines are
shaped like this, and so also are ichthyosaurs, whales, and m a n y fish.
When airships were used, the engineers w h o designed t h e m set out
to discover the best shape. The carrying capacity of an airship depends
on its volume because it is supported by the buoyancy of gases that
are lighter than air, so the basic problem was to find the shape that
gave least drag for given volume, at any particular speed. T h e answer
turned out to be a streamlined shape with the length 4.5 t i m e s the
diameter at the fattest part (figure 9.2, bottom).
The same shape seems likely to be best for s w i m m i n g animals, so
it is not surprizing to find that ichthyosaurs, tunnies etc. are very nearly
this shape. The Ichthyosaurus model (already mentioned) has its length
5.0 times the m a x i m u m diameter, Yellowfin tuna are 4.5 diameters
long, and Porbeagle sharks and Bottle-nosed dolphins are both about
5.5 diameters long. (The diameter that I have used in these calculations
is the mean of the m a x i m u m height of the body and the m a x i m u m
Figure 9.3 shows how tunnies swim. T h e y beat their tails from side
to side as they move forward, so the tail takes a wavy path through
the water. It is held at an angle of attack so that lift acts on it as well
as drag. (Lift acts on hydrofoils in water, just as on aerofoils in air.)
While the tail is moving to the right, the lift acts forward and to the
left. While it is moving to the left, the lift acts forward and to the right.
The components to left and right cancel out, over a complete cycle of
tail movements, so the net effect is a forward thrust, driving the fish
through the water. T h e drag on the tail acts backward all the time,
reducing the thrust, but if the hydrofoil is well designed (as t u n n y tails
seem to be) the drag is relatively small. Ichthyosaurs like the one in
figure 9.1 presumably swam like this but it has been suggested that
some of the ones w i t h narrow tapering tail fins m a y have depended
more on flipper m o v e m e n t s .
pressure at the surface and would halve the volume of the air at 20 ;
It has been suggested that the damage m a y have been caused by the
bends, a serious hazard of diving.
Here is how the bends happens to h u m a n divers. The air they breathe
has to be compressed to m a t c h the pressure of the water where they
are working. T h e extra pressure m a k e s extra gas dissolve in the blood.
When the diver returns to the surface the extra gas comes out of so-
lution, forming bubbles that may block blood vessels, causing damage,
pain and even death. H u m a n divers avoid the bends by returning slowly
to the surface but a diving mosasaur would have to get to the surface
reasonably soon, for its next breath. Whales avoid the bends largely by
having small lungs and a big windpipe: the high pressures that they
meet when they dive collapse their lungs, forcing the air back into the
windpipe whether there is less danger of too m u c h gas being absorbed
into the blood.
F I G U R E 9.4. A s h o r t - n e c k e d p l e s i o s a u r [Kronosaurus] a n d a l o n g - n e c k e d o n e
(Elasmosaurus) f r o m R o m e r 1 9 6 8 , w i t h a f r o g m a n .
F I G U R E 9 . 5 . S k e l e t o n s o f t w o l o n g - n e c k e d p l e s i o s a u r s . Cryptoclidus ( l e n g t h 4
m e t e r s ) i s s h o w n i n s i d e v i e w a n d Thaumatosaurus ( l e n g t h 3.4 m e t e r s ) i s s h o w n
from below. From Brown 1981, by courtesy of the British M u s e u m (Natural
History), a n d R o m e r 1966, respectively.
surface cannot do that.) Notice that in the power stroke the flipper
blade is moving backward through the water so the drag on it (the force
opposite to the direction of m o v e m e n t ) acts forward. Rowing boats and
rowing animals are propelled by forward-acting drag on backward-mov-
ing oars.
Figures 9.6b and 9.7b show a different m e t h o d of swimming, which
is called underwater flight because the m o v e m e n t s are like those of
flying birds. Penguins, which cannot fly in air, use their wings in this
way to swim underwater. Sea turtles also swim this way, using their
flippers. T h e flippers beat up and down. On the downstroke they are
held at an angle of attack so that lift acts on them, forward and upward
(figure 9.7b). For the upstroke the angle is adjusted so that the lift acts
forward and downward. T h e upward and downward c o m p o n e n t s cancel
out over the complete cycle of m o v e m e n t s so that the net effect is a
forward thrust (which is reduced a bit by the drag on the flipper). No-
tice how similar figure 9.7b is to the diagram of a t u n n y s w i m m i n g in
figure 9.3. T u n n i e s and presumably ichthyosaurs swim by m e a n s of
their tails, beating t h e m from side to side, and turtles and possibly
plesiosaurs swim by means of their flippers, beating t h e m up and down,
but the basic principle is the same in both cases.
I would like to emphasize that rowing and underwater flight are ut-
terly different techniques. In rowing, the flippers or oars are moved
backward and forward and the propulsive thrust comes from the drag
on t h e m in their backward strokes. In underwater flight the m o v e m e n t
is up and down and the thrust comes from lift: in this case, the drag
is simply a hindrance.
I have been assuming that plesiosaurs had about the same density
as water, so that an upward force at one stage of the cycle of flipper
m o v e m e n t s m u s t be balanced by a downward force at another. In figure
9.7b this balance comes from an upward-sloping force in the down-
stroke and a downward-sloping force in the upstroke. Figure 9.7c shows
another possible way of avoiding unbalanced vertical forces. T h e flip-
per is moved almost vertically downward, held at an angle of attack
so as to give forward lift. It is then raised on a sloping path, moving
edge-on, with no angle of attack, so that the forces on it are very small.
The downstroke gives horizontal thrust and the upstroke very little
force. Figure 9.6c shows on the left how the flippers would have to
move relative to the animal's trunk, to follow the appropriate path
through the water: they would have to beat down and back, t h e n for-
ward and up. T h e thrust, in this s w i m m i n g technique, comes from lift,
so it is a form of underwater flight. Sea lions seem to swim rather
like this.
Plesiosaurs would have had to drive water backward, to propel them-
F I G U R E 9 . 6 . T h r e e p o s s i b l e s w i m m i n g t e c h n i q u e s for p l e s i o s a u r s : (a) r o w i n g ;
a n d (b) a n d (c) u n d e r w a t e r f l i g h t . T h e d i a g r a m s o n t h e left s h o w h o w t h e flip-
pers w o u l d have been m o v e d relative to the body and those on the right s h o w
s u c c e s s i v e p o s i t i o n s o f t h e a n i m a l m o v i n g t h r o u g h t h e w a t e r . O n l y t h e fore
flippers are s h o w n .
selves forward. In rowing, the flippers would push fairly small lumps
of water backward (figure 9.8a). In underwater flight the flippers, beat-
ing up and down through a large angle, would affect m u c h more water
(figure 9.8b). When I wrote about the aspect ratios of wings (chapter 8)
I explained that less energy is needed to get a force by accelerating a
large m a s s of fluid to a low velocity, than by accelerating a small mass
to a high one. T h i s argument says that underwater flight should be
more economical than rowing. It should need less energy for swim-
ming at the same speed.
T h a t is one reason for thinking underwater flight more likely than
rowing. Animals tend to evolve efficient ways of doing things. There
are animals that row, but at least some of t h e m (freshwater turtles,
and ducks) use their legs for walking as well as for rowing. It would
be very difficult to design a foot which was both effective for walking
on land and suitably streamlined for use in underwater flight.
Another reason for thinking underwater flight more likely is that
plesiosaur flippers taper at the tips. There is no advantage in tapering
the tip of an oar blade, and the oars used in rowing races are made
with square ends. However, there is an advantage in giving aerofoils
and hydrofoils tapered, rounded ends: such shaping can spread the lift
out over the span of the hydrofoil in the best possible way, so as to
get lift with as little drag as possible. Bird and airplane wings, and pro-
peller blades, generally taper toward their tips. T h e shape of plesiosaur
flippers suggests that their function was to provide lift, not drag.
For underwater flight, plesiosaurs would have to have been able to
flap their flippers up and down. T h e shapes of the joints seem to show
that they could have done this, though they probably could not have
raised the flippers very high above their backs. They would also have
FIGURE 9 . 8 . A plesiosaur (a) rowing and (b) "flying" under water. Broken out-
lines show the water driven backward by the swimming movements.
needed appropriate muscles. Scientists have tried to work out how the
flipper muscles were arranged, by looking at plesiosaur skeletons. Fig-
ure 9.5 shows big plates of bone to which muscles could have attached
in the chest (between the fore flippers) and on the underside of the
abdomen (between the hind flippers). These are the ventral parts of the
pectoral and pelvic girdles. T h e y seem excellent areas of a t t a c h m e n t
for muscles that would pull the flippers down, in a powerful down-
stroke, but there does not seem to be m u c h to attach upstroke muscles
to. T h e big plates of bone are all below the shoulder and hip joints.
T h e upward extensions of the pectoral and pelvic girdles (seen in the
side view) seem to be attached rather weakly to the ribs and backbone.
Strong upstroke muscles could have been attached to the backbone,
but there is little to prevent t h e m pulling the girdles bodily upward
instead of flapping the flippers. T h e symmetrical style of underwater
flight, shown in figures 9.6b and 9.7b, needs equally strong upstroke
and downstroke muscles. T h e style shown in figure 9.6c and 9.7c needs
big forces for the downstroke but only small forces for the upstroke,
and seems the more likely s w i m m i n g technique for plesiosaurs.
Plesiosaurs probably could not s w i m very fast. One reason for think-
ing this is that the v o l u m e of flipper muscle that it seems possible to
fit into their bodies is relatively small, compared to the volume of tail
small one and has eight times as m u c h limb muscle, able to do eight
times as m u c h work to accelerate the limbs at the beginning of each
stroke. This work is used to give the limbs kinetic energy (half mass
t i m e s speed squared) but its limbs, plus any water moved by them,
have eight t i m e s the mass of the smaller animal's ones, so can only
be accelerated to the same speed. The big animal's limbs have to travel
twice as far as the small ones to m a k e each stroke, so their cycle of
m o v e m e n t s takes twice as long. This argument says that doubling the
length of an animal should halve its frequency of limb movements, and
figure 9.9 shows that this is roughly true for flying birds and s w i m m i n g
I have argued that the style of underwater flight shown in figure 9.6c
is unlikely to be very fast, because the flippers have to move back,
relative to the body, as fast as the body advances through the water.
Penguins and sea turtles use more symmetrical styles, like the one
shown in figure 9.6b which is not limited in this way, but even so they
are not very fast. The highest speed s h o w n in films of penguins swim-
ming in Detroit Zoo was 3.4 m e t e r s per second (for a King penguin,
about 90 centimeters long) and adult Green turtles seem to swim no
faster than 2.0 meters per second.
Penguins and sea turtles move their left and right wings or fore flip-
pers in unison. If they did not they would waste energy by s w i m m i n g
a slightly zigzag route. Plesiosaurs probably also moved the left and
right flippers of a pair together. Sea turtles swim mainly with their big
fore flippers, beating their small hind flippers only occasionally. Ple-
siosaurs had big hind flippers as well as big big fore ones and probably
used both pairs about equally.
I have argued that the downstroke was the power stroke. If so, there
might be an advantage in beating the fore and hind flippers out of phase
with each other as shown in figure 9.8b. Fore-power strokes would al-
ternate with hind-power strokes, keeping the animal moving at a steady
speed. This might save energy; drag is about proportional to speed
squared, so the average drag is greater w h e n s w i m m i n g at a fluctuating
speed than when s w i m m i n g steadily at the same average speed. How-
ever, there might be a very serious disadvantage in beating the fore and
hind flippers alternately. T h e hind flippers might find themselves mov-
ing in water that had already been accelerated by the fore flippers. They
might accelerate this water further, but it would be more efficient for
t h e m to work on different water. This is another application of the
principle we have already m e t several times: it is more efficient to get
thrust by accelerating a lot of water to a low velocity, than less water
to a higher velocity.
The long-necked plesiosaurs had extraordinarily long necks, some of
t h e m longer than the whole of the rest of the body. If they s w a m under
water with the long neck stretched out in front it would have been
quite tricky for t h e m to steer a straight course: if the animal acciden-
tally veered slightly to one side, the water, striking the neck obliquely,
would tend to m a k e it veer more. This is the opposite to the effect of
flights on an arrow, w h i c h tend to correct any deviation, pulling the
arrow back to a straight course. T h e difference is that the neck has a
big surface area in front of the animal's center of gravity and the flights
have a big area behind the arrow's one. It seems possible that plesio-
saurs often avoided this problem by s w i m m i n g at the surface with their
necks out of the water. More energy is needed to s w i m at the surface
than to swim well submerged, because an animal at the surface pushes
a bow wave in front of it like a boat, but this might not be a big dis-
advantage if the plesiosaur swam slowly, and in any case it would have
to visit the surface frequently to breathe.
If plesiosaurs had eaten w o r m s or clams, we might suppose that they
used their necks to reach down to the bottom, dabbling like ducks or
swans, but their spiky teeth seem more suitable for catching fishes and
squid-like animals which would probably have been too active to be
caught easily that way. It seems likely that they darted at prey, ex-
tending their long necks to catch things as they swam by. T h e move-
m e n t could have been fast, if the neck was held out of water. Herons
use their long necks to dart at fish, though they stand in the water
instead of floating as plesiosaurs presumably did.
been taken that show monster-shaped images, but it never seems cer-
tain that the image is not a floating log or an odd pattern of ripples.
Some sonar traces have detected unexplained objects about 15 meters
long and there are a few hazy underwater photographs (hazy even after
computer enhancement) that show shapes like the neck and flippers
in figure 9.10. If the monster is 15 meters long and has the shape shown
in the picture, it m u s t weigh well over 10 tonnes. If there is one mon-
ster there m u s t be several, or at least there m u s t have been several
until quite recently: no animal is immortal, and very small populations
are in danger of dying out. If there really are monsters there, it seems
odd that we have not got better evidence of their existence.
This chapter has been about three groups of fossil reptiles. The ichth-
yosaurs were beautifully streamlined, like t u n n i e s and dolphins, and
probably swam fast. They may have been e n d o t h e r m s (like tunnies),
they may have dived deep (like dolphins), and they m a y have porpoised
when s w i m m i n g at the surface.
The mosasaurs were giant lizards with flippers instead of legs. Some
have damaged vertebrae that look like s y m p t o m s of the bends, a hazard
of diving.
The plesiosaurs used flippers to swim, probably by underwater flying
rather than rowing. T h e y probably s w a m rather differently from turtles
and penguins, getting thrust only from the downstroke. If so, they must
have been rather slow. Some had remarkably long necks, which may
have been held out of the water and used for darting at prey.
As for the Loch Ness monster, I am not convinced that it exists.
Are you?
Principal Sources
C l a r k , B. D. a n d W. B c m i s . 1979. K i n e m a t i c s of s w i m m i n g of p e n g u i n s at t h e De-
t r o i t Z o o . journal of Zoology 1 8 8 : 4 1 1 - 4 2 8 .
D a v e n p o r t , )., S. A. M u n k s , a n d P. J. Oxford. 1984. A c o m p a r i s o n of t h e s w i m m i n g
of m a r i n e a n d f r e s h w a t e r t u r t l e s . Proceedings of the Royal Society B 2 2 0 : 4 4 7 -
Godfrey, S. |. 1984. P l e s i o s a u r s u b a q u e o u s l o c o m o t i o n : a re-appraisal. Neues jahr-
buch fur Ceologie und Paldontologie. Monatshefte. 1984:661-672.
Hoar, W. S. a n d D. J. R a n d a l l . 1978. Fish Physiology. VII: Locomotion. N e w York:
A c a d e m i c Press.
Lang, T. G. and K. Prior. 1966. H y d r o d y n a m i c p e r f o r m a n c e of porpoises [Stenella
attenuata). Science 152:531—533.
R o b i n s o n , |. A. 1975. T h e l o c o m o t i o n of p l e s i o s a u r s . Neues jahrbuch fur Geologie
und Paldontologie, Abhandlungen 149:286-332.
R o m e r , A. S. 1966. Vertebrate Palaeontology. 3d ed. C h i c a g o : U n i v e r s i t y of C h i c a g o
R o m e r , A. S. 1968. The Procession of Life. L o n d o n : W e i d e n f e l d and N i c h o l s o n .
R o t h s c h i l d , B. a n d L. D. M a r t i n . 1987. A v a s c u l a r n e c r o s i s : o c c u r r e n c e in d i v i n g Cre-
t a c e o u s m o s a s a u r s . Science 2 3 6 : 7 5 - 7 7 .
Scott, P. and R. R i n e s . 1975. N a m i n g t h e Loch N e s s m o n s t e r . Nature 2 5 8 : 4 6 6 - 4 6 7 .
W h e e l e r , A. 1969. The Fishes of the British Isles and North-West Europe. L o n d o n :
W i t c h e l l , N. 1975. The Loch Ness Story. H a r m o n d s w o r t h : P e n g u i n Books.
the American billion, not the larger British one). T h a t m a y seem too
little to get excited about, but it is 30 times higher than in the lime-
stone immediately below or a short distance above (figure 10.1). Iridi-
um concentrations are generally exceedingly low in the earth's crust
but m u c h higher in meteorites, typically 500 parts per billion. Could
the iridium in the clay have come from a meteorite?
After the Italian rocks had been analyzed, samples of rock were taken
from other places, scattered around the world, where Cretaceous and
Tertiary deposits meet w i t h no apparent interruption. These were ana-
lyzed in the same way, and high iridium concentrations were found in
t h e m all. T h e iridium layer seemed to be everywhere.
A meteorite hitting the earth might explode, scattering iridium-rich
dust, but any ordinary explosion would scatter material only over a
restricted area. Here we have material scattered all over the world. T h e
Alvarez team suggested that a huge meteorite might have disintegrated
in a collossal explosion, throwing dust m a n y kilometers up into the
atmosphere. If this dust were fine enough it would be slow to settle,
and might get scattered all over the earth.
It is quite easy to calculate how big the meteorite would have had
to be, to scatter so m u c h iridium. First we need to know h o w m u c h
extra iridium there is, above w h a t would be expected in the same
thickness of ordinary rock. Analyses from twenty-one widely scattered
places give an average of 0.6 milligrams of extra iridium per square
meter of the earth's surface. T h e area of the earth is 5 x 1 0 (500 14
T h e meteorite would probably have contained about 500 parts per bil-
lion of iridium (1 part in 2 million), so we m u s t multiply the 300,000
tonnes by 2 million to get an estimate for the total m a s s of the me-
teorite, 600 billion tonnes.
Typical meteorites have densities of about 2.2 tonnes per cubic me-
ter (which is rather lower than m o s t other rocks) so a 600-billion-tonne
one would have a volume of 270 billion cubic meters. A sphere of that
volume would have a diameter of 9 kilometers. It would be similar in
size to M a n h a t t a n Island (which is about 20 kilometers long and 4 kilo-
meters wide).
It may seem far-fetched to imagine such a thing hitting the earth,
but it is not too improbable. As well as planets orbiting the sun, there
are a lot of smaller bodies called asteroids, a few kilometers in diam-
eter. The meteorites that have been observed landing on earth seem to
be fragments from collisions between asteroids, but there is a constant
danger of whole asteroids hitting us. It has been estimated from tele-
scope observations that there are about a thousand, w i t h diameters of
a kilometer or more, whose orbits take t h e m inside the earth's orbit
at times and outside it at others. N o n e of these asteroids have collided
with the earth in historic t i m e s (so far we have been lucky), but even-
tually some will. A few craters have been found that are believed to
have been made in the distant past by small asteroids, and it has been
calculated that the earth is likely to be hit by an asteroid of 10 kilo-
meters or more diameter about once every 100 million years. T h a t is
very seldom, but the event we are trying to explain happened just once,
65 million years ago.
T h e earth, traveling its orbit round the sun, is hurtling through space
at 30 kilometers per second (one hundred times the speed of sound in
air). Asteroids travel round the sun in the same direction, so there will
be careful about units. Six hundred billion tonnes is 600 million mil-
lion kilograms. T w e n t y kilometers per second is 20,000 meters per sec-
ond. If we put into the formula the mass in kilograms and the speed
in meters per second we get the energy in joules; it is about 10 ' (100,000 1
earth's surface would get cold. T h e effect on the oceans would not be
great because of their e n o r m o u s heat capacity, but there would be se-
vere frosts on land that might be lethal to many plants and animals.
A third possible effect would be acid rain. T h e high temperatures of
the explosion would m a k e some of the nitrogen in the atmosphere
combine with oxygen to form nitrogen oxides. These would react with
water and more oxygen to form nitric acid, which would fall from the
atmosphere in rain.
Acid rain due to very different causes is a serious modern problem.
Nitrogen oxides are formed in the engines of m o t o r vehicles and re-
leased into the atmosphere w i t h the exhaust. Sulphur dioxide is emit-
ted by coal-burning power stations. T h e nitrogen and sulphur oxides
react w i t h oxygen and water to form nitric and sulphuric acids, which
fall in rain. T h e acid rain falling on trees m a k e s leaves yellow and fall
off. When it drains into lakes it m a k e s t h e m acid, sometimes too acid
for fish to survive. Many forests in industrial countries are in poor health
and m a n y lakes have lost their stocks of fish. T h e acid rain after the
asteroid explosion would have had similar effects.
T h e asteroid explosion would have had disastrous effects on many
kinds of animals and plants. Nevertheless, the asteroid hypothesis for
the extinctions at the end of the Cretaceous has several problems. One
is that the high iridium concentrations are not limited to very thin
layers of rock as would be expected if they had been formed by dust
settling in the few m o n t h s after the explosion. Instead, they extend
through thicknesses of 30 to 100 centimeters, that probably took sev-
eral tens of thousands of years to form. Indeed, some American sam-
ples show several iridium-rich layers sandwiched between iridium-poor
ones. Another problem is that the extinctions do not seem to have
happened all at once. T h e n u m b e r s of a m m o n i t e and dinosaur species
seem to have declined gradually during the last few million years of
the Cretaceous, and the last N o r t h American dinosaurs are in rocks
above the iridium-rich layer, formed 40,000 years after it.
These observations seem to favor the volcanic hypothesis, which
postulates a few tens of thousands of years of intense volcanic activity.
Volcanoes throw up material from deep inside the earth, where iridium
concentrations are m u c h higher than in surface rocks, though lower
than in meteorites. The iridium-rich layers may have come from vol-
Major eruptions throw enough dust into the upper atmosphere to
dim sunlight perceptibly, but eruptions big enough to black out the
sun and stop photosynthesis seem unlikely. Volcanoes seem more likely
to cause extinctions by way of acid rain. They emit sulphur dioxide
and other gases as well as m o l t e n rock. T h e sulphur dioxide (like the
and would have survived if they spent their days in burrows and were
active mainly at night.
T h e volcanic hypothesis seems quite attractive but there is at least
one observation that it seems unable to explain. Damaged sand grains
have been found wherever they have been looked for, in samples from
the iridium-rich layer from various places, scattered around the world.
Sand grains are small quartz crystals, made of neatly stacked layers of
atoms. T h e damaged ones look cracked (when examined under the mi-
croscope) because some of their layers of a t o m s have been thrown into
disarray. Similar damage is found in sand grains from meteorite craters
and is believed to have been caused by shock waves. T h e volcanic hy-
pothesis seems unable to explain shocked quartz being scattered widely
round the world.
Both hypotheses seem reasonably plausible. Collision of an asteroid
with the earth, and a prolonged period of fierce volcanic activity, would
each have had dire consequences, and would probably have caused
widespread extinctions. T h e volcanic hypothesis is possibly the better
of the two, in explaining why the extinctions were so selective: acid
rain would kill foraminiferans but not dinoflagellates, and ultraviolet
radiation would be more damaging for diurnal dinosaurs than for noc-
turnal m a m m a l s . However, the asteroid hypothesis seems better able
to explain the shocked quartz. T h e supporters of the two hypotheses
are still arguing fiercely, and it is quite possible that neither is right.
Indeed, it has recently been suggested that the extinctions were due to
another cause, a shower of comets hitting the earth. The effects of comet
impacts would be m u c h like those of asteroid impacts: comets are
massive bodies travelling at exceedingly high speeds, and contain more
iridium than the surface rocks of the earth. A series of comet impacts
could explain extinctions spaced out in time, and there are theoretical
reasons for expecting comets to come in showers lasting about a mil-
lion years. T h e implications of the comet shower hypothesis have not
yet been worked out in as m u c h detail as those of the asteroid and
volcano hypotheses. It remains to be seen which (if any) of the three
hypotheses t r i u m p h s .
Principal Sources
for t h e C r e t a c e o u s - T e r t i a r y e x t i n c t i o n . Science 2 0 8 : 1 0 9 5 - 1 1 0 8 .
Bohor, B. F., P. ). M o d r e s k i , and E. E. Foord. 1987. S h o c k e d q u a r t z in t h e C r e t a c e o u s -
T e r t i a r y b o u n d a r y c l a y s : E v i d e n c e for a global d i s t r i b u t i o n . Science 2 3 6 : 7 0 5 - 7 0 9 .
H u t , P. and o t h e r s (1987). C o m e t s h o w e r s as a c a u s e of m a s s e x t i n c t i o n s . Nature
Officer, C. B., A. H a l l a m , C. L. D r a k e , a n d J. D. D e v i n c . 1987. L a t e C r e t a c e o u s and
p a r o x y s m a l C r e t a c e o u s / T e r t i a r y e x t i n c t i o n s . Nature 3 2 6 : 1 4 3 - 1 4 9 .
Silver, L. T. a n d P. H. S c h u l t z . eds. 1982. G e o l o g i c a l i m p l i c a t i o n s of i m p a c t s of large
a s t e r o i d s a n d c o m e t s on t h e e a r t h . Geological Society of America Special Paper
Sloan, R. E., J. K. Rigby, L. M. Van Valen, a n d D. G a b r i e l . 1986. G r a d u a l d i n o s a u r
e x t i n c t i o n and s i m u l t a n e o u s u n g u l a t e r a d i a t i o n i n t h e H e l l C r e e k F o r m a t i o n . Sci-
ence 2 3 2 : 6 2 9 - 6 3 3 .
Giant Birds
off from the graph: 14 kilograms for Teratornis merriami and 80 ki-
lograms (heavier than most men) for Argentavis.
That 80 kilograms is the best estimate that has been made of the
mass of Argentavis, but there is a lot of uncertainty about it. Birds of
equal mass, of different species, m a y have considerably different bone
thicknesses. Statistical analysis of the data tells us that the conclusion
should be no more precise than this: there is 95 percent probability
(the odds are 19 to 1) that the mass of Argentavis lay between 37 and
166 kilograms. Even w i t h that m u c h uncertainty it is clear that Ar-
gentavis was much heavier than the Californian condor (about 10 ki-
lograms) or even the Kori bustard, which reaches about 16 kilograms
and seems to be the heaviest modern flying bird.
Argentavis was also m u c h heavier than Pteranodon, the giant ptero-
saur (figure 8.2), which was so lightly built that its m a s s seems to have
been no more than about 15 kilograms. However, Pteranodon had the
larger wing span (7 meters. We estimated the span of Argentavis as
only 6 meters). T h e few fragments that have been found of the even
larger pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus, suggest a span of about 12 meters and
a mass of possibly about 60 kilograms. Argentavis and Quetzalcoatlus
are rivals for the title of the biggest flying animal of all time.
T h e largest modern birds cannot fly . They are the ostrich (up to 120
kg), cassowaries (60 kg), the e m u (50 kg) and the Emperor penguin (40
kg). With the exception of the penguin, these are members of the group
called the ratites, which also includes the rheas and kiwis.
Ostriches and other ratites are like enormously overgrown chicks.
They have tiny wings, useless for flight, and well-developed legs. They
have fluffy plumage instead of the blade-like feathers of other adult
birds. T h e y also have some chick-like features in their skeletons. They
are believed to have evolved by processes of development getting out
of step w i t h each other: they grow large and sexually mature while
keeping a lot of juvenile features.
T h e biggest extinct birds are also ratites. They are the moas, which
lived in N e w Zealand, and the elephant birds, in Madagascar. The big-
gest moa is Dinornis maximus, 3.5 meters tall (twice the height of an
average man, figure 11.2). T h e biggest elephant birds looked very sim-
ilar and were about 3 meters tall. There were also some giant birds
that were not ratites. Diatryma, a wicked-looking predator that lived
in N o r t h America, was about 2 meters tall (figure 11.2). It lived quite
early in the Cenozoic era but the moas and elephant birds are more
recent. Indeed, the moas survived in New Zealand until after the Maoris
I have made scale models of moas and used t h e m to estimate the
FIGURE 11.2. Dinornis maximus (the largest moa), Diatryma steini, and an
a d u l t m a n , all t o t h e s a m e scale.
TABLE 11.1. Strength indicators [Z/W\, see p. 53) for leg bones of
an ostrich and the moa Pachyornis elephantopus.
ostrich 45 18 17
moa 94 17 39
A stronger bridge is less likely to fail but costs more to build. Beyond
a certain point, the slight advantage of extra safety obtained by m a k i n g
it stronger still is not worth the extra cost. T h e ideal strength depends
on the cost of the materials. If we had to m a k e bridges of p l a t i n u m we
would make t h e m weaker and live more dangerously. If cheap second-
hand steel were available we might m a k e a bridge extra strong.
The evolution of skeletons has also involved balancing safety against
cost. In this case the cost is partly the cost in energy and materials of
growing a stronger bone, but is largely the penalty of having to carry
extra bone around. Thick leg bones may be less likely to break in a
fall, but they make it harder to run fast, just as people find it hard to
sprint in heavy boots. M e a s u r e m e n t s and calculations on ostriches and
several kinds of m a m m a l have shown that their leg bones are about
three times as strong as is necessary to withstand the forces involved
in strenuous activities such as running and jumping. These bones are
built to safety factors of about three, and so can stand m a n y of the
larger forces that occur accidentally, for example in falls and collisions.
Moas may have had larger safety factors. However strong their bones,
there would always be some danger of an accident bad enough to break
them. If they had no need to run, they might not be inconvenienced
much by heavy bones. T h e cost of extra strength might be less for t h e m
than for ostriches, which have to run to escape from lions. If strength
were cheap, ideal safety factors would be high, w h i c h may explain the
remarkably thick leg bones of Pachyornis and (to a lesser extent) other
Several sets of moa footprints have been found and I have calculated
speeds for them, in the same way as for dinosaurs (chapter 3). All of
t h e m seem to have been moving between 0.8 and 2.0 meters per sec-
ond, which would have been walking speeds. This does not prove that
they never ran, but at least it does not contradict the suggestion that
they were not very athletic.
My belief, that moa leg bones had high safety factors, has been chal-
lenged. Palaeontologists in Tubingen have suggested that moas may
have lived in thick undergrowth and may have needed very strong legs
to force their way through. I find that hard to believe. An animal that
behaved like a bulldozer would use a lot more energy than one that
slipped through small gaps, or avoided the densest patches of vegeta-
tion, and might be a poor competitor. Nevertheless, the possibility should
be considered.
T h e legs of elephant birds are little less remarkable than the legs of
moas, but it is their eggs that I w a n t to write about, the biggest of all
k n o w n eggs. Quite a lot of elephant-bird egg shells have been found in
Madagascar, some with the bones of embryos still inside them. The
eggs of the biggest species are 30 centimeters long with a volume of 9
liters (2.4 U.S. gallons). Ostrich eggs are only about half as long, with
a volume of 1.3 liters, and the eggs of all modern reptiles are m u c h
smaller. Even k n o w n dinosaur eggs are smaller than elephant bird eggs:
the biggest I know of are only 25 centimeters long.
Let us t h i n k what problems there might be, for very large eggs. First
there is the problem of ventilation. Bird embryos are not hermetically
sealed in their eggs, like cans of soup. T h e eggshell is porous, allowing
gases to diffuse in and out. This enables the embryo to get the oxygen
it needs for respiration, and to get rid of waste carbon dioxide.
T h i n k of two eggs, one twice the length of the other. It has eight
times the volume of the smaller egg, and the embryo in it, just before
hatching (when it uses oxygen fastest), is eight times as heavy. The big
embryo uses oxygen faster than the small one, but not eight times as
fast, because rates of oxygen c o n s u m p t i o n are not strictly proportional
to body mass either for adult animals (figure 7.1) or for embryos. The
large embryo will probably use oxygen only four or five times as fast
as the small one.
T h e more pores there are, or the wider the pores, the faster oxygen
can diffuse in. However, the thicker the shell, the further the oxygen
has to diffuse and the lower the rate of diffusion. T h e m a x i m u m rate
of diffusion that a shell allows is proportional to
or five times as fast. This tells us that big eggs need more porous shells
than small ones. An excessively big egg would need a shell so riddled
with pores as to be seriously weakened. If this shell were made thicker,
to strengthen it, it would have to be more porous still. T h e need to be
sufficiently porous m u s t set an upper limit to the sizes of eggs.
Even elephant bird eggs are probably a long way from that limit.
Chicken eggs have very sparse pores, piercing only 0.02 percent of the
are of the shell. Ostrich eggs have to be m u c h more porous, w i t h 0.2
percent of their area accounted for by pores. Elephant bird eggs m u s t
have been more porous still, but even if the pores were 2 percent of
their area the shells would not be seriously weakened. I know no mea-
surements of their pores so I cannot state the exact percentage.
Elephant bird eggs may be near an upper size limit, for a different
reason. Eggs have to be strong enough to withstand the forces that act
on them, when the parent birds get on and off the nest, but they m u s t
be weak enough for the hatching chick to break its way out. T h i n k
again of two eggs, one twice as long as the other and eight t i m e s as
heavy. It probably needs to be more than eight t i m e s as strong. T h i s
is because big birds are heavier, relative to the masses of their eggs,
than small ones: very small birds are about five t i m e s as heavy as their
eggs but ostriches are fifty t i m e s as heavy as their eggs. T h e big egg
seems to need to be more than eight t i m e s as strong, but if its shell is
just twice as thick, it will only be four t i m e s as strong. (It is a general
rule for objects of the same shape, made of the same material, that
strength is proportional to (length) ). This m e a n s that bigger eggs need
small bird eggs hatch in about 15 days, and ostrich and e m u eggs take
about 50 days. If the trend continues, elephant bird eggs would have
taken about 90 days to hatch.
This chapter has been about three groups of giant birds: the teratorns,
moas, and elephant birds. T h e teratorns had well-developed wings and
could presumably fly, though the biggest seem to have been five times
as heavy as any modern flying bird.
T h e moas and elephant birds were like outsize ostriches and could
not fly. Some moas had astonishingly thick leg bones which seem un-
necessarily strong, for animals that do not look very athletic. I suggest
that they m a y have evolved unusually high safety factors because extra
m a s s in the legs would be little disadvantage, if moas did not have to
run. T h e y were not threatened by any predator until h u m a n s arrived
in N e w Zealand.
Elephant birds laid the biggest k n o w n eggs. These needed thick shells
to protect t h e m from damage by the parents, but thick shells need to
be very porous (to let oxygen diffuse in fast enough) and are difficult
for the hatching chick to break out of. Elephant bird eggs may have
been near the limit of size set by the difficulty of hatching.
Principal Sources
C a m p b e l l a n d T o n n i (1983) d i s c u s s e d t h e flying a b i l i t y o f t e r a t o r n s . T h e d i s c u s s i o n
of m o a s is based on t w o p a p e r s of my o w n , o n e (1983) on Pachyornis a n d o n e (1981)
o n safety factors i n a n i m a l s k e l e t o n s g e n e r a l l y . M o s t o f m y i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t egg-
shells c o m e s from A n d e r s o n , Rahn, and Prange (1979), R a h n , Ar, and Paganclh (1979),
a n d T u l l e t t (1984).
Giant Mammals
The scientists responsible for the picture estimated the mass of the
animal to be 20 tonnes, but I think it m a y have been even more. T h e
head and body (excluding the tail) are 9.2 m e t e r s long, measured along
the curve of the back. T h e same m e a s u r e m e n t in 0.75-tonne African
buffalo is 2.6 meters. T h e Indricotherium has a body of roughly buf-
falo-like shape, so if it ws (9.2/2.6) t i m e s as long as the buffalo it was
(9.2/2.6) t i m e s as heavy: about 34 tonnes. I have tried calculating its
mass in other ways and obtained even larger estimates. If the resto-
ration is accurate, Indricotherium had about the same mass as Apa-
tosaurus (figure 1.7).
When we discussed the heat balance of large dinosaurs (chapter 7)
we were uncertain whether they had reptile-like or m a m m a l - l i k e m e -
tabolism. We concluded that a large sauropod w i t h m a m m a l - l i k e me-
tabolism would have to evaporate a lot of water to avoid overheating
in hot climates. Indricotherium is obviously a m a m m a l and presum-
ably had m a m m a l - l i k e metabolism, but the climate in Mongolia m u s t
have been reasonably cool in its time, as it is now. T h e continents had
by then reached their present positions on the earth's surface.
Indricotherium is the only land-living m a m m a l k n o w n to have grown
to the size of large sauropods, but there are bigger m a m m a l s in the sea.
The Blue whale [Balaeonoptera musculus) grows to an average adult
mass of about 100 tonnes and is the biggest animal k n o w n to have
lived, at any time. Its n u m b e r s have been very seriously reduced by
whaling but, happily, it survives, so it needs no further discussion in
this book on extinct giants.
Principal Sources
T HIS BOOK about gigantic animals has highlighted some of the spe-
cial problems of large size, m a n y of which depend on the rule of
squares and cubes. T h e weights of geometrically similar animals of dif-
ferent sizes are proportional to the cubes of their lengths, but the areas
of corresponding body surfaces are proportional only to the square of
length: an animal twice as long as another animal of the same shape
is eight times as heavy but has only four t i m e s the area. This is why
large animals get bogged down in m u d more easily than small ones
(chapter 3): their weights are proportional to the cube of length but the
areas of the soles of their feet only to the square. It is why large flying
animals m u s t fly fast, to keep themselves airborne, and may have trou-
ble taking off (chapter 8): their weights are proportional to the cube of
length but the areas of their wings only to the square. It is also why
large animals are not as athletic as small ones (chapter 4): the forces
that act on t h e m in dynamically similar activities are proportional to
body weight and so to the cube of length but the strengths of bones
and muscles (which depend on cross-sectional area) only to the square.
This last example is a little more complicated than the others because
the transverse force that a bone can stand, acting on its end, is not
directly proportional to area but to the ratio Z / x : however, Z / x is pro-
portional to the square of length in geometrically similar animals.
We depart further from the simple rule of squares and cubes in ques-
tions of heat balance (chapter 7). Rates of metabolic heat production
are not proportional to body mass but more nearly to (body m a s s ) . 07S
b a l a n c e , 99, 104 n e c k , 60
; 66, 6 7 ; tail of, 70
B r a m w e l l , Dr. C , 120 D i s p l a y , 77
Brontosaurus, 9 D i v i n g , 127
B u o y a n c y , 60, 127 D o m e - h e a d e d d i n o s a u r s , 14, 80
P o p u l a t i o n , 105 Strain, 45
Porpoising, 126 S t r e a m l i n i n g , 124
P r e d a t o r s and prey, 93 Stress, 46, 5 1 , 52
Protoceratops, 4, 77 S t r e n g t h , 44, 153
Psittacosaurus, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 100 S t r i d e l e n g t h , 34, 36, 38
Pteranodon, 107, 108, 113, 119, 120, Styracosaurus, 79, 80
151 Supersaurus, 1
P t e r o s a u r s , 106
Tails, 67
Quetzelcoatlus, 107, 151 Take-off, 111
T e e t h , 8, 12, 13
Radioactive dating, 5
T e m p e r a t u r e , body, 90, 104, 126
Rain, acid, 146
Tendons, 68
R a t i t e s , 152
Teratornis, 151
Reptile classification, 7, 8
Thaumatosaurus, 130
R e s o n a n c e , 86
Thecodonts, 7
Rhamphorhynchus, 107
T h e r m a l s , 114, 116
Running, 39
T h e r o p o d s , 8, 28
Russell, Dr. D., 20
T h u l b o r n , Dr. R., 42
T i m e , geological, 7
Sabre t o o t h , 159
T i m e c o n s t a n t , 96, 98, 101
Safety factor, 153
T o n n e , 17
S a u r i s c h i a n , 10. 11, 12
T r a d e w i n d s , 115, 119
Sauropods, 9, 29
Triceratops, 13, 14, 15, 57, 6 4 ; h o r n s
Sea lions, 131
of, 75, 80
Section m o d u l u s , 47, 76
T u n a , 124
Sexual s e l e c t i o n , 8 3
T u r t l e s , 131, 137
Shark, 124
Tyrannosaurus, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 30,
Sheep, 75, 76
3 4 , 49
Similarity, d y n a m i c , 36, 5 0 ; g e o m e t r i c ,
Ultrasaurus, 1
Skin i m p r e s s i o n s , 4, 94
Sloth, giant, 160
Smilodon, 159 Voice, 88
Soaring, 113 V o l c a n o e s , 144, 146
Sound production, 85 V u l t u r e s , 115
Species, 6
Speed, d i m e n s i o n l e s s , 3 5 ; of flight, W a d e , Dr. M., 42
112; of r u n n i n g , 3 3 , 40, 4 1 , 9 1 ; of Walking, 39
s w i m m i n g , 123, 134, 137 Warm-blooded, 90
S q u a r e s and c u b e s , 162 W a t e r loss, 102
Stegoceras, 76 W e a p o n s , 70, 74, 80
Stegosaurus. 14, 6 3 , 7 1 , 103 Whitfield, Dr. G. R., 120
S t o m a c h c o n t e n t s of d i n o s a u r s , 4, 8, 9; Widowbirds, 83
of o t h e r a n i m a l s , 119, 123, 153; W i n g l o a d i n g , 111, 115, 117
stones, 9 W i n g s , 106