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A Theoretical Study of the Performance Improvement in GSM Networks Due

to Slow Frequency Hopping

A Sathyendranl and P J Smith'
* - BellSouth New Zealand, ## - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
BellSouth New Zealand, Level 6,21 Pitt Street, Private Bag 92161, Auckland, New Zealand
Ph. No. +64 9 357 0326, Fax No. +64 9 379 3451,
Email : [email protected]

frequency reuse factor used. In this paper this model is

Abstract generalised to made non specific to the frequency reuse factor.
This paper presents a theoretical method to study the This paper is organised as follows. The system model and
performance improvement in GSM networks due to slow the method of analysis are presented in Section 11. The results
frequency hopping when a limited number of hopping and the parameters used in the calculation of results are
channels are available. By comparing the performance outlined in Section 111. Conclusions are presented in Section
improvement offered by frequency hopping with intra-timeslot IV. The derivation of probability density function (pdf) of
handover, new design thresholds and capacity gain figures are carrier to interference ratio (C/I) is presented in the Appendix.
derived for GSM networks.
The analysis shows that to gain an advantage from 11. System Model and Method of Analysis
frequency hopping it is necessary to deploy more than two Frequency hopping improves the system performance by
hopping channels. Frequency hopping enables the network providing immunity to fast fading (Rayleigh fading [4]) and
designer to reduce the C/I protection margin by about 5dB cochannel interference. Fast fading in the mobile radio
when the channel occupancy is low and by about 3dB when environment is caused by multi-path propagation of the signal
the channel occupancy is high. This reduction in protection by local scatterers. The path length as a multiple of the
margin results in the improvement in spectral efficiency of wavelength is different at different frequencies. Due to this
82% when channel occupancy is low and 54% when channel difference the fading experienced by different frequencies
occupancy is high. Frequency hopping can be used to improve varies at a particular location. By continuously changing the
the network quality where significant improvements can be carrier frequency, hopping reduces the duration of deep fades.
achieved. The improvement in network quality depends on the Similarly frequency hopping also reduces the duration of
channel occupancy. severe interference. The immunity provided by frequency
hopping depends on the number of hopping channels and the
I. Introduction correlation bandwidth of the channel. In this paper it is
Frequency hopping is one of the many techniques that are assumed that the consecutive hopping channels are
being considered to improve the spectral efficiency of GSM uncorrelated. (i.e. consecutive hopping channels are separated
cellular networks. To gain the maximum benefit from by more than the correlation bandwidth).
frequency hopping it is necessary to modify the traditional In cellular environments the signal undergoes fast fading,
design parameters to take into account the effect of frequency shadowing and path loss. In this paper the performance of a
hopping. This paper presents a theoretical method for mobile at the cell boundary is considered. At a particular
determining the new design parameters. location the signal variation due to shadow fading is negligible
A number of studies have been carried out to quanti@ or minimal. Therefore in this analysis the effect of shadow
performance improvement in GSM networks due to slow fading is ignored. However, in the determination of cell
frequency hopping [ 1,2]. Generally these studies have assumed boundaries a protection margin is added to take into account
that there are a large number of hopping channels and this has the log-normal shadowing.
enabled the use of various approximations that can be applied In order to estimate the improvement offered by frequency
with large numbers. However, in practical networks there are hopping the C/I is estimated as a function of the number of
only a limited number of channels available and the accuracy hopping channels. In GSM speech bursts are interleaved over
of these approximations are questionable. A previous paper [3] eight bursts, thus the bit error rate of the transmitted
studied the performance improvement in GSM networks due information depends on the mean carrier to interference ratio
to slow frequency hopping when a limited number of hopping (C/I) of the eight bursts rather than on that of individual bursts
channels were available. In this paper simulation techniques [5]. It is assumed that the channel conditions do not change
were used and the model developed was specific to the over the period when the eight bursts are received. The
average C/I (power) is given by
0-7803-4320-4/98/$5.00 0 1998 IEEE 2207 VTC '98
a2 interference is experienced by the mobile. The C/I is evaluated
C / I =- Y using the following expression
n m L
,=1 k=O
where a i is the desired signal voltage of the ith hop, a jk is
where a, is the desired signal voltage of the ith measurement
the interference signal from thejth cochannel cell of the ith
received on the SACCH (slow associated control channel)
hop, n is the number of hopping channels, p is the probability
of channel occupancy and L is the number of cochannel burst, a ik is the signal strength of the jth interferer of the ith
interferers. In (1) only one C/I sample is taken over the eight SACCH burst, p is the probability of channel occupancy, L is
burst period. Due to the assumption that the channel condition the number of cochannel interferers and m is the number of
does not change over the eight burst period only one sample is SACCH bursts over which average C/I is calculated. Intra-
needed to represent the average C/I over the eight burst period. timeslot handover is assumed to only occur on the serving base
Both a i and a jk are Rayleigh distributed random variables station. In an actual system, intra-timeslot handover will occur
on both the serving and interfering cells. As a result collisions
[4]. The Rayleigh distribution is given by [4,6]

will occur and additional intra-timeslot handovers will be
attempted. Therefore the performance of the intra-timeslot
pdf(a) = 2”
r exp[- , ...(2 ) handover presented in this paper would be the maximum that
could be obtained.
where a is the received signal voltage and r is the mean 111. Results
signal power. The mean signal strength can be calculated from

= PT -L p +G , ...(3)

where PT is the transmit power, Lp is the mean path loss and channel distance
G is the antenna gain of the transmitter. The Hata model has
been used to model the mean path loss [7] i.e.
L, = 69.55 + 26.1610g fc - 13.82 log h t cochannel cells
+ (44.9 - 6.5510ght)logd,
where f, is the carrier frequency in MHz, ht is the base
antenna height in meters, d is the distance between the base
station and the mobile in kilometers. The effect of mobile
interfering sectors
antenna height is ignored. The above expression applies only
to urban environments. In this paper only the urban
environment is considered. The method presented in this paper Figure 1 :Position of desired and cochannel sectors.
is not specific to any environment or frequency reuse factor. Figure 1 shows the position of the desired and cochannel
The urban environment is used to illustrate the method of sectors. The shaded sectors represent the interfering sectors. In
analysis. order to calculate the probability that C/I < x for different
The probability that the C/I is less than the desired mean C/I at the boundary, the cochannel distance was adjusted
threshold X ,is given by until the desired mean C/I is obtained at the boundary. To
estimate the performance of intra-timeslot handover, Rayleigh

Prob(C / I < X)=

“i 0
pdfr ( y ) d r . ...(5)
random variables are generated and the average signal strength
is calculated over 6 measurements received in SACCH bursts
[SI. This value is compared with a threshold before intra-
timeslot handover is attempted.
In order to estimate the probability that the C/I is less than Three channel occupancy figures, 0.45, 0.6 and 0.75 are
the desired values it is necessary to derive the pdf of . The considered in the calculation of results. Channel occupancy of
derivation of the pdf of y is given in the Appendix. 0.45 represents channel utilisation when low number of
channels are available (e.g. one transceiver with 7 channels).
The effective frequency hopping gain is calculated by
Channel occupancy of 0.6 represents channel utilisation when
comparing it to the performance of intra-timeslot handover.
networks are designed for low blocking (e.g. 2%) and when
Intra-time slot handover is currently used in GSM networks
large number of channels are available (e.g. three transceivers
which uses idle timeslot interference measurements to select
with 22 channels). Channel occupancy of 0.75 represents
the channel with the least interference whenever excess
0-7803-4320-4/98/$5.000 1998 EEE 2208 VTC ‘98
channel utilisation when networks are designed for medium 1
blocking (e.g. 5%).
The parameters used in the calculation of results are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1 : Parameters used in the calculation of results. 0.1
I Parameter I Value I &?

I 6
Receiver sensitivity - 102dBm se
I Minimum C/I required
Signal strength at the cell


I Base transmit power

Antenna height
Operating frequency
I 53dBm
Intra-timeslot handover C/I 6dB
J trigger threshold 8 12 16 20 24
m a n U I a t the cell boundary(&)

Figure 3 :Probability that the C/I < 9dB as a function

of C/I at the cell boundary with a channel
occupancy of 0.6.

8 12 16 20 24
m a n U1at the cell boundary(&)

0.001 Figure 4 :Probability that the C/I < 9dB as a hnction

8 12 16 20 24 of C/I at the cell boundary with a channel
m a n U1at cell boundary (a) occupancy of 0.75.
In the calculation of results a maximum of eight hopping
Figure 2 :Probability that the C/I < 9dB as a function channels are considered. The performance improvement when
of C/I at the cell boundary with a channel hopping over more than eight channels will be negligible as
occupancy of 0.45. consecutive hops are assumed to be uncorrelated. Some
interferer diversity can be achieved by hopping over more than
eight channels, however this improvement is minimal.
However, if the bursts are correlated, improvement may be
experienced when more than eight hopping frequencies are
used. Theoretically maximum improvement can be achieved
when an infinite number of channels is used.

0-7803-4320-4/98/$5.000 1998 IEEE 2209 VTC ‘98

Frequency hopping allows the use of a lower protection
margin in determining the cochannel distances (or tighter
frequency reuse than is possible with no hopping). Figures 2-4
can be used to determine the C/I margins required at the cell
boundary with different number of hopping channels to
achieve the same quality offered by the intra-timeslot No. of Hopping C/I K Improvement (YO)
handover. These C/I values required at the cell boundary are Channels
tabulated in Table 2. 4 I 16 I 3.7 I 8
Table 2 : C/I required at the boundary as a fbnction of 6 13.5 2.7 48
hopping channels and channel occupancy.
No. of Hopping Channels I Channel Occupancy I 12.5 2.3 74

I 0.45 I 0.6 I 0.75 I


I 6 13 13.5 14.75
No. of Hopping C/I K Improvement ( Y )
I 8 11.75 12.5 13.25 Channels
The results presented in Table 2 indicate that the gains 4 17 4.2 -5 I
from frequency hopping diminish as the channel occupancy
increases. The C/I required at the boundary can be reduced by 6 I 14.75 I 3.2 I 25 I
about 5dB in low channel occupancy scenarios and by about 8 13.25 2.6 54
3dB in high channel occupancy scenarios. The reduction in
protection margin at the cell boundary allows the use of tighter
frequency reuse factor which results in higher spectral
efficiency. The improvement in spectral efficiency
(channelsNHzlcel1) is given by
improvement = 1- ...(7)

where Kno-hoppingis the frequency reuse factor with no

frequency hoping and Khoppingis the frequency reuse factor No. of Hopping Prob(C/I < 9) lOlog(1mprovement)
with frequency hopping. The C/I required at the boundary, the Channels
reuse factor and the effective frequency hopping capacity
improvement are presented in Tables 3-4 for channel I Intra-timeslot I 0.0023 I 0 I
occupancies of 0.45, 0.6 and 0.75 respectively.
Table 3 : C/I required at the boundary, the reuse factor
I 1 I 0.13 I -17.5

and improvement in spectral efficiency as a 2 0.025 -10.4

function of hopping channels for channel 4 0.0016 1.6
occupancy of 0.45.
6 0.00014 12.2
No. of Hopping C/I K Improvement (“A)
Channels 8 0.00001 23.6

4 16 3.7 8 IV. Conclusions

6 13 2.5 60 The performance improvement offered by frequency
8 11.75 2.2 82 hopping depends on the number of hopping channels and on
channel occupancy. The analysis shows that intra-timeslot
handover provides better interference performance compared
to two channel hopping. Frequency hopping can be used to
reduce the protection margin. The C/I required at the boundary
can be reduced by about 5dB in low channel occupancy
scenarios and by about 3dB in high channel occupancy
scenarios. This reduction in protection margin translates to
improvement in spectral efficiency of 82% when channel

0 1998 EEE
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occupancy is low and 54% when channel occupancy is high. 00

Significant improvement in network quality can be achieved if

fiequency hopping is used to improve the network quality. The Ti (0) =,& JP
' dfy, (y i )exp(joy i )d~i . ...(11)
improvement in quality depends on the number of hopping -W

channels and on channel occupancy.

It can be shown that the expression for Yi
(a)reduces to
Further study is required to incorporate the effect of
correlation bandwidth on fiequency hopping, and the effect of
time slot collisions upon intra-timeslot handover performance.

Yi(W) =

Derivation of PDF of C/I ...(12)

In this appendix the pdf of y is derived. The derivation of
the pdf of y is done in two steps, first the pdf of y defined as

y '. =
is derived and fiom this the pdf of y is
where E [x] is the exponential integral.

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