Complex Neutrosophic Concept Lattice and Its Applications To Air Quality Analysis

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Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 109 (2018) 206–213

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Complex neutrosophic concept lattice and its applications to air

quality analysis
Prem Kumar Singh
Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University, Sector-125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201313, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the current year, the precise measurement of uncertainty and fluctuation exists in a complex fuzzy at-
Received 1 September 2017 tributes is addressed as computationally and mathematically expensive tasks with regard to its graphical
Revised 30 January 2018
analytics. To deal with this problem the calculus of complex neutrosophic sets are recently introduced to
Accepted 26 February 2018
characterize the uncertainty and its changes based on its truth, indeterminacy, and falsity membership–
value, independently. This given a way to represent the given data sets in form of complex neutrosophic
Keywords: matrix for further analysis towards knowledge processing tasks. In this process, a major problem arises
Air Quality Index(AQI) when an expert wants to find some of the interesting patterns in the given complex neutrosophic data
Complex fuzzy sets sets to solve the particular problem. To resolve this issue, the current paper proposes a method for step
Complex neutrosophic set
by step demonstration to investigate the complex neutrosophic concepts and their graphical structure vi-
Concept lattice
sualization based on their Lower Neighbors. One of the suitable examples of the proposed method is also
Formal Concept Analysis(FCA)
Three–way fuzzy concept lattice given for precise measurement of uncertainty exists in Air Quality Index (AQI) and its pattern at given
phase of time.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction based on applied abstract algebra [1,2,15,21,37–39]. Towards this

extension recently, Singh [26–28] introduces properties of neutro-
Recently, the calculus of complex vague set concept lattice sophic [26,27] and complex vague set [25] based concept lattice for
[25] and its properties [26–28,34,35] is introduced for measuring precise approximation of computational linguistics exists in three–
the changes in uncertainty using amplitude and phase term of a way decision space [47,48]. In this process a problem is addressed
complex set. It has given a new mathematical way to character- while handling the changes in three–way fuzzy attributes based on
ize the uncertainty and vagueness in attributes more understand- its truth, indeterminacy and falsity membership–values [3–5,10].
able manner when compared to approaches available in unipolar One of the suitable example is 22 °C temperature used to con-
fuzzy space [11,16,23,24]. The reason is that the calculus of com- sider as a cool in summer seasons, warm in winter season whereas
plex set [12,13] and concept lattice theory [15,24] provides a well- fair (or uncertain) in spring season. This interpretation of human
established mathematical framework to measure the human cogni- cognitive thought used to exists in several real life examples from
tive thought [14]. To measure the fluctuation in uncertainty exists morning to evening while taking veg, non-veg or indeterminant
in fuzzy attributes the calculus of complex fuzzy sets [12,13] be- spices. The precise representation of these types of attributes us-
come more helpful in its precise representation using amplitude ing a mathematical model is rigorous tasks for the research com-
and phase term in bipolar [22–25] or three–way space [26,27] for munities. This problem is dovetail which affect the human life di-
multi–decision process [28]. In this process, an important problem rectly in form of Air Quality Index (AQI)1 or Bushfire.2 All of these
was addressed while handling the three–way fuzzy attributes [26– cases characterizing the uncertainty and fluctuations based on its
28] that how to measure their changes at given phase of time. acceptation, rejection and uncertain part is major concern. Second
To achieve this goal, properties of complex neutrosophic sets [3– problem arises with their mathematical representation and graph-
5] and its graphs [10] are introduced for handling multi–decision ical analytics for further analysis. Hence the current paper focuses
attributes [9,25,28,33]. This extensive version of complex fuzzy set on solving these issues of complex fuzzy attributes. The motiva-
[1,2,29,30] and its properties in the neutrosophic or three–way po- tion is to provide a mathematical model for easier of understand-
lar space [31–33] given a new orientation to analyze the data sets ing the information contained in complex neutrosophic data sets

E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] 2
0960-0779/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
P.K. Singh / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 109 (2018) 206–213 207

Table 1
Some necessary conditions for the uses of complex neutrosophic set.

Complex Complex Complex

fuzzy vague neutrosophic
set set set

Domain Universe of Universe of Universe of

Discourse Discourse Discourse
Co–domain Unipolar–value Bipolar–valued Three–valued
in unit in unit in unit
circle [0, 1] in circle [0, 1] circle [0, 1]3
Truth Yes in Yes in Yes
membership [0, 1] [0, 1]2 in [0, 1]3
False No Yes in Yes
membership [0, 1] in [0, 1]3
Indeterminacy No 1–True Yes
membership –false in [0, 1]3
Amplitude Yes in Yes in Yes in
term [0, 1] [0, 1]2 [0, 1]3
Phase term Yes Yes Yes
Fig. 1. The motivation for introducing the complex neutrosophic concept lattice.
measurement [0, 2π ] [0, 2π ] in [0, 2π ]
Uncertainty Yes in Yes in Yes
measurement [0, 1] [0, 1]2 in [0, 1]3 tive is to extract some of the useful pattern in the given complex
Fluctuation Yes Yes Yes neutrosophic context for multi–decision process as shown in Fig. 1.
measurement It can be considered as one of the significant outputs of the pro-
Graph Yes Yes Yes
posed method in the field of complex data set analysis.
Remaining part of the paper is organized as follows:
based on its maximal acceptation, minimal rejection or uncertain Section 2 provides some basic preliminaries about complex neu-
regions, independently. To achieve this goal, the current paper fo- trosophic sets. Section 3 provides a method for generating
cuses on depth analysis of complex neutrosophic context and its the complex neutrosophic concepts using their Lower Neighbor.
graphical structure visualization based on applied abstract algebra. Section 4 provides illustration of the proposed method with an ex-
Recently, some of the researchers started analyzing the inde- ample. Section 5 contains discussions followed by conclusions, and
terminacy based on their partial ordering [17–20] graphical visual- references.
ization [26–28] to approximate it more prominently via three–way
decision space [40–42]. All of these approaches fail in precise mea- 2. Complex neutrosophic context and its graphical visualization
surement of periodic changes in three–way or neutrosophic fuzzy
attributes. One of the suitable example is Air Quality Index (AQI) of Recently, it seems that. handling complex neutrosophic data set
any country changes at each interval of time. In this case, measur- like measuring the quality of AQI is mathematically rigorous tasks.
ing the AQI based on its acceptation, rejection or uncertain regions To deal with these types of complex or seasonal data sets one so-
is a computationally expensive tasks for the researchers. The rea- lution is to represent them matrix format and try to visualize them
son is that the values of AQI used to change several times in a day in the graph. The current section contains some useful definitions
due to change in level of PM2.5 , PM10 , NO2 and other parameters. to achieve this goal as given below:
In this case precise representation of uncertainty and its changes
based on its acceptation, rejection and uncertain regions at given Definition 1 (Complex fuzzy set [21,29,30]). A complex fuzzy set
phase of time is mathematically expensive tasks. To conquer this Z can be defined over a universe of discourse U having a single
problem recently, some of the researchers tried to represent them fuzzy membership–value at given phase of time. The complex–
using the calculus of complex neutrosophic sets [3–5] and its graph valued grade of membership of an element z ∈ U can be charac-
theory [10] for multi–decision process [9,18,28,36] at δ –granulation terized by μZ (z). The membership–values that μZ (z) may receive
[43–48]. However, none of the available approaches described any all values within the unit circle of a√defined complex plane in the
ways to find some of the useful pattern exists in the complex neu- form μZ (z) =rz (x )eiwz (x ) , where i= −1, both rZ (z) and wZ (z) are
trosophic contexts for knowledge processing tasks. Due to which, real–valued and rZ (z) ∈ [0, 1]. The complex fuzzy set Z may be
the current paper focuses on introducing a method for finding represented as the set of ordered pairs:
some of the interesting pattern in complex neutrosophic contexts Z = {(z, μZ (z )) : z ∈ U }= (z, rZ (z )eiwZ (z ) ) : z ∈ U
based on applied lattice theory. The reason is it provides a more
descriptive measurement of uncertainty and its changes in the The union, intersection and other operator among complex
complex fuzzy attributes based on its truth, indeterminacy and un- fuzzy set can be studied in [1–3] with an illustrative example for
certain regions, independently when compared to other extensions better understanding.
of neutrosophic sets as shown in Table 1. To acquire this advan-
Example 1. Let us suppose, an expert wants to measure the level
tages the calculus of applied lattice theory [11,15,16,38,39] and its
of AQI index of the given geographical regions (i.e. object–x1 )
extensive properties [22–28] is utilized in this paper for generat-
based on its saturation value of PM10 (i.e. attribute y1 ). The user
ing the complex neutrosophic concepts and its hierarchical order
collected the data and saw that the saturation value of PM10
visualization in the concept lattice using their Lower Neighbors.
changes 50 percent in six to seven months. This complex fuzzy at-
The reason to utilize the Lower Neighbor method is that it pro-
tributes can be written using the properties of complex fuzzy set
vides an easier way to investigate the concepts within limited time
as follows: 0.5ei1.2π . In case the user want to represent the inde-
complexity when compared to other approaches [6–8]. In this way,
terminacy and falsity regions then properties of neutrosophic set
the proposed method provides a basis of an algorithm for com-
can be useful.
pressed graphical visualization of complex neutrosophic context in
the concept lattice. The motivation is to provide a mathematical Definition 2 (Neutrosophic set [32]). It provides a way to charac-
model to analyze the complex neutrosophic data sets more pre- terize the uncertainty and vagueness in attributes y ∈ Y based on
cisely when compared to its numerical representation. The objec- truth–membership function TN (y), a indeterminacy–membership
208 P.K. Singh / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 109 (2018) 206–213

function IN (y) and a falsity–membership function FN (y). The TN (y), Table 2

A representation of PM10 and its fluctu-
IN (y) and FN (y) are real standard or non-standard subsets of
ation at the given areas using complex
]0− , 1+ [as given below: neutrosophic set.
TN : Y →]0− , 1+ [,
Vertex y1
IN : Y →]0− , 1+ [,
FN : Y →]0− , 1+ [. x1 (0.5ei0.7π , 0.3ei1.2π , 0.2ei1.8π )
The neutrosophic set can be represented as follows: x2 (0.7ei0.2π , 0.6ei1.6π , 0.1ei0.4π )
x3 (0.4ei0.4π , 0.5ei0.8π , 0.6ei2π )
N = {(x, TN (y ), IN (x ), FN (y )) : y ∈ Y } where 0− ≤ TN (y ) + IN (y ) x4 (0.8ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.7π , 0.3ei0.7π )
+ FN (y ) ≤ 3+ .
Table 3
It is noted that 0− = 0 −  where 0 is its standard part and  A complex neutrosophic relation among
is its non-standard part. Similarly, 1+ = 1 +  (3+ = 3 +  ) where the given areas using their PM10 .
1 (or 3) is standard part and  is its non-standard part. The real Edges y1
standard (0, 1) or [0, 1] can be also used to represent the neutro-
(x1 , x2 ) (0.5ei0.2π , 0.3ei1.2π , 0.1ei0.4π )
sophic set. The union and intersection among neutrosophic sets N1
(x1 , x3 ) (0.4ei0.4π , 0.3ei0.8π , 0.2ei1.8π )
and N2 can be computed as follows: (0.7ei0.2π , 0.6ei1.6π , 0.1ei0.4π )
 (x2 , x4 )
•N1 N2 = {(x, TN1 (x ) ∨ TN2 (x ), IN1 (x ) ∧ IN2 (x ), FN1 (x ) (x3 , x4 ) (0.4ei0.3π , 0.5ei0.8π , 0.3ei0.7π )
∧ FN2 (x )) : x ∈ X }
The intersection of N1 and N2 can be defined as follows: 
 rcT (vi × v j ).eiargc (vi ×v j ) ≤ min rcT (vi ), rcT (vi ) .eimin(argc (vi ),argc (v j ) ) .
•N1 N2 = {(x, TN1 (x ) ∧ TN2 (x ), IN1 (x ) ∨ IN2 (x ), FN1 (x )

∨ FN2 (x )) : x ∈ X }. rcI (vi × v j ).eiargc (vi ×v j ) ≥ max rcI (vi ), rcI (vi ) .eimax(argc (vi ),argc (v j ) ) .

rcF (vi × v j ).eiargc (vi ×v j ) ≥ max rcF (vi ), rcF (vi ) .eimax(argc (vi ),argc (v j ) ) .
Example 2. Example 1 represents the acceptation part of PM10 in
the given year. In case, the expert wants to measure the accepta- The given complex fuzzy graph is complete iff:
tion, rejection or indeterminacy part exists in AQI then the prop- rc (vi × v j ).eiargc (vi ×v j ) = min(rc (vi ), rc (vi ) ).eimin(argc (vi ),argc (v j ) )
erties of neutrosophic set can be useful. To illustrate the problem, for the truth, indeterminacy and falsity membership functions,
let us consider an expert founds that the level of PM10 in the given independently.
area is 60 percent accepted, 20 rejected and 10 percent uncertain
Example 4. Let us suppose, the expert wants to analyze the four
for the health of citizens. This neutrosophic value can be written
given areas x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 based on the level of PM10 and its changes
as (0.6, 0.2, 0.1) where 0.6 represents the truth–membership value,
as shown in Table 2. The corresponding relationship among them
0.2 indeterminacy–membership value, and 0.1 falsity–membership
is shown in Table 3. The obtained complex neutrosophic contexts
value. Now suppose the user want to measure the changes on the
shown in Tables 3 and 4 can be visualized in using the vertices V
acceptation, rejection and uncertain regions of neutrosophic value
and edges E of a defined complex neutrosophic graph as shown in
at the given year. In this case, the properties of complex neutro-
Fig. 2.
sophic set can be useful.
Definition 5 (Lattice structure of neutrosophic set [31,32]). Let N1
Definition 3 (Complex neutrosophic set [3–5]). A complex neutro-
and N2 be neutrosophic sets in the universe of discourse X. Then
sophic set Z can be defined over a universe of discourse U. The un-
N1 ⊆N2 iff TN1 (x ) ≤ TN2 (x ), IN1 (x ) ≥ IN2 (x ), FN1 (x ) ≥ FN2 (x ) for any
certainty in the attributes z ∈ U can be characterized by true − 0 <
x ∈ X. (N, ∧, ∨) is bounded lattice. Also the structure (N, ∧, ∨, (1, 0,
rTz < 1+ , indeterminacy − 0 ≤ rIz < 1+ and falsity membership–
0), (0, 1, 1), ¬) follow the D–Morgan algebra. Similarly, this lattice
value − 0 ≤ rFz < 1+ , independently with a given phase of time
structure can be used to represent the three–way fuzzy concept
(0, 2π ). It can be observed that, the “amplitude” term in com-
lattice and their concept using Gödel logic.
plex neutrosophic set satisfies the property − 0 ≤ rTz + rIz + rFz ≤ 3+
whereas the “phase” term can be characterized by wrTz , wrIz and Definition 6 (Neutrosophic fuzzy concepts [26,27]). Let us sup-
wrFz in real–valued interval [0, 2π ]. It can be represented as Z = pose, a set of attribute i.e. (B) = {yj , (TB (yj ), IB (yj ), FN (yj )) ∈ [0, 1]3 :
r r r
(z, (rTz ewTz , rIz ewIz , rFz ewFz )) : z ∈ U . ∀yj ∈ Y} where j ≤ m. For the selected three–polar attribute set find
their covering objects set in the given fuzzy context i.e.
Example 3. Let us extend the Example 1, that the expert agreed (A)= {xi , (TA (xi ), IA (xi ), FA (xi )) ∈ [0, 1]3 : ∀xi ∈ X} where i ≤ n.
that quality of PM10 (i.e. y1 ) is accepted 60 percent at the end of
six to seven months, 20 percent rejected at the end of four to five The obtain pair (A, B) is called as a neutrosophic fuzzy concept
months whereas the user is uncertain 10 percent at the end of nine iff: A↑ = B and B↓ = A. It can be interpreted as neutrosophic set of
to tenth month of a year. This complex query can be written using objects having maximal truth membership value, minimum inde-
the complex neutrosophic set as given below: terminacy and minimum falsity membership value with respect to
x1 = (0.6e1.2π , 0.2e0.7π , 0.1e1.6π )/y1 where 2π is considered as integrating the information from the common set of neutrosophic
phase term to represent the year. attributes in the defined three–way fuzzy space [0, 1]3 using the
component–wise Gödel residuated lattice. After that, none of the
Definition 4 (Complex neutrosophic graph [10,25]). A com- neutrosophic set of objects (or attributes) can be found which can
plex neutrosophic fuzzy graph G=(V, μc , ρ c ) is a non– make the membership value of the obtained neutrosophic set of
empty set in which the value of vertices μc : V → attributes (or objects) bigger. Then obtained pair of neutrosophic
(rcT (v ).eiargc (v) , rcI (v ).eiargc (v) , rcF (v ).eiargc (v) ) and edges ρ c : V × V
set (A, B) is called as a formal concepts, where A is called as extent,
→ (rcT (v × v ).eiargc (v×v ) , rcI (v × v ).eiargc (v×v ) , rcF (v × v ).eiargc (v×v ) ). It
and B is called as intent. In this process, a problem arises when the
means the membership–values can be characterized by the truth, truth, falsity and indeterminacy value of a neutrosophic attributes
indeterminate and falsity membership–values within the unit changes at each given phase of time. To overcome from this issue,
circle [0, 1] at given period of time. It can be represented through a method is proposed in the next section for generating the com-
amplitude and phase term of defined complex neutrosophic set as plex neutrosophic concepts based on their Lower Neighbors [6] as
follows: it is considered as one of the easier and cost effective method.
P.K. Singh / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 109 (2018) 206–213 209

Table 4
A proposed algorithm for building the complex neutrosophic concept lattice.

Input: A three–way complex fuzzy context K=(X, Y, R˜)

where |X|=n, |Y|=m.
Output: The set of three–way complex fuzzy concepts
1. Find the maximal covering attributes for the objects set (X) using (↑):

wrTx wrIx wrFx

wrTy wrIy wrFy

(i) xi , ( rRxi e i , rIxi e i , rFxi e i ) = y j , ( rRy j e j , rIy j e j , rFy j e j ) .
(ii) Compute the neutrosophic membership–value for the obtained attributes:
min (y j , rTy j e xj
) for true membership,
max (y j , rIy j e j ) for indeterminacy membership,
max (y j , rFy j e j ) for false membership,
(iii) Apply the operator (↓) on the obtained attribute set:

wrTy wrIy wrFy

wrTx wrFx

y j , ( rRy j e j , rIy j e j , rFy j e j ) = xi , ( rRxi e i , rIxi e i , rFxi e i )
(iv) This gives first complex neutrosophic concept (A, B).
2. Find its Lower Neighbor:
3. for (k=0 to m)
Yk = Y − y j where j, k ≤ m
(i). New attribute set: yk = {yj , yk }
(ii). Set maximal acceptance for the complex neutrosophic attributes
i.e. Amplitude = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) and Phase=(0, 2π )
(iii). Apply the operator (↓) on the attributes

wrTy wrIy wrFy

wrTx wrFx

y j , ( rRy j e j , rIy j e j , rFy j e j ) = xi , ( rRxi e i , rIxi e i , rFxi e i )
(iv). Compute the membership of the obtained objects using Step 1 (ii):
(v). Apply the operator (↑) on the constituted set of objects:

wrTy wrIy wrFy

wrTx wrxx wrFx
xi , ( rRxi e i , rIxi e i , rFxi e i ) = y j , ( rRy j e j , rIy j e j , rFy j e j ) .
(vi). Compute the membership of obtained attributes as per Step 1 (ii).
End for.
4. Distinct Lower Neighbor is considered as Next Neighbor.
5. Similarly, generate all the Next Neighbor using uncovered attributes.
6. Build the complex neutrosophic concept lattice for knowledge extraction.

Fig. 2. A three–way complex neutrosophic graph visualization of Tables 2 and 3.

3. A proposed method for generating the complex The membership–value for the complex neutrosophic set of at-
neutrosophic concept tributes can be computed as follows:

Generating the complex neutrosophic concepts is addressed as
min (y j , rTy ) for true membership,
one of the major issues for precise analysis of complex data sets j

based on its acceptation, rejection, and uncertain regions. To deal max (y j , rIy ) for indeterminacy membership,
with this problem recently subset based algorithms are introduced max (y j , rFy ) for false membership,
to handle the neutrosophic context [25–28]. This paper focuses
on generating the complex neutrosophic concepts based on their Phase term:
Lower neighbor algorithm. One of the most suitable reason behind wrT
min (y j , e ) for true phase term,
this method is that it provides an easier way to understand the
concept generation when compared to other algorithms. The steps max (y j , e
) for indeterminacy phase term.
of the proposed method are as follows: wrF
Step (1) The first complex neutrosophic concepts can be inves- max (y j , e
) for false phase term.
tigated by exploring all the objects set ↑ i.e.
Step (2) The Lower Neighbor of the complex fuzzy concepts
↑ generated at Step (1) can be investigated using uncovered at-
wrT wrI wrF
xi , ( rRx e xi
, rIx e xi
, rFx e xi
) tributes i.e.: yk = Y − y j where j ≤ m and k ≤ m|.
i i i
Step (3) The obtained complex neutrosophic set of attributes set
wrT wrI wrF
= y j , ( rRy e
, rIy e
, rFy e
) . can be explored using the Galois connection (↓) on Amplitude =
j j j
210 P.K. Singh / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 109 (2018) 206–213

(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) and Phase=(0, 2π ) term. The covering objects set can Table 5
be found by (↓) as follows: A truth complex membership value for
the PM10 , PM2.5 and NO2 .

wrT wrI wrF y1 y2 y3
y j , ( rRy e )
yj yj yj
, rIy e , rFy e

j j j
x1 0.5ei0.7π 0.8ei1.7π 0.4ei0.4π
wrT wrxx wrF x2 0.3ei0.5π 0.4ei0.3π 0.5ei0.4π
= xi , ( rRx e xi
, rIx e i , rFx e xi
) . x3 0.4ei1.5π 0.6ei1.6π 0.3ei0.5π
i i i
x4 0.4ei0.2π 0.2ei0.9π 0.7ei1.2π
Compute the membership–values for the obtained objects:
Table 6
min (xi , rTx ) for true membership, An indeterminacy complex membership
value for the PM10 , PM2.5 and NO2 .
max(xi , rIx ) for Indeterminacy membership,
max(xi , rFx ) for false membership, y1 y2 y3
x1 0.3ei1.6π 0.7ei1.1π 0.5ei0.2π
Phase term: x2 0.5ei1.3π 0.1ei0.8π 0.4ei1.4π
wrT x3 0.6ei1.9π 0.6ei1.2π 0.3ei1.4π
min (xi , e xi
) for true phase term, x4 0.7ei0.2π 0.1ei0.5π 0.2ei0.7π
max (xi , e xi
) for indeterminacy phase term.
max (xi , e xi
) for false phase term.
4. Complex neutrosophic concept lattice in context of AQI
Step (4). Apply the up operator ↑ on the constituted objects set: measurement

wrT wrxx wrF Recently, Singh [25–28] has paid attention towards analysis of
xi , ( rRx e xi
, rIx e i , rFx e xi
i i i uncertainty in data beyond the unipolar [23] or bipolar fuzzy space

wrT wrI wrF [22]. In this process, a major problem was addressed when the un-
y j , ( rRy e ) .
yj yj yj
= , rIy e , rFy e certainty and vagueness in the attributes changes at each given
j j j

Compute the neutrosophic membership–value for the obtained phase of time. In this case, characterization of uncertainty based
attributes: on its acceptation, rejection and uncertain regions is computation-
Amplitude: ally expensive tasks. One of the most suitable example to under-
stand this situation is Air Quality Index. It used to change each
min (y j , rTy ) for true membership, phase of time which effect the human life directly in India.3 Hence
max (y j , rIy ) for indeterminacy membership, it is a major problem for the researchers to measure the pattern
of AQI to control or reduce its effect on human life via providing
max (y j , rFy ) for false membership,
j some guidelines. To deal with this type of data sets recently one
Phase term: of the researcher tried to measure the uncertainty and its fluctu-
ations based on its acceptation, rejection and uncertain part [3–
min (y j , e ) for true phase term,
5]. This method gives a way to characterize the complex data set
wrI based on its truth, falsity and indeterminacy–membership–values,
max (y j , e
) for indeterminacy phase term, independently with their periodic phase of time in the graphs [10].
max (y j , e
) for false phase term. This paper put forward effort to extract some meaningful pattern
in the complex neutrosophic data sets using the properties of ap-
Step (5) The obtained pair of complex neutrosophic set of ob- plied lattice theory as shown previously [26,27]. To achieve this
jects and attributes (A, B) represents the Lower Neighbor of given goal, the current paper introduces a method in Section 3 for dis-
concept. The distinct Lower Neighbors having maximal acceptance covery of complex neutrosophic concepts based on properties of
of complex neutrosophic membership value while integrating the Next Neighbor algorithm as shown in Table 4. To illustrate the
information among objects and attributes set can be considered as proposed method one of the real–life examples for measuring the
Next Neighbor. changes in AQI and its pattern is illustrated below:
Step (6) Similarly, all the complex neutrosophic concepts can be
discovered using the uncovered attributes. Example 5. Let us suppose, an expert wants to analyze the
Step (7) The complex neutrosophic concepts lattice can be build Air Quality Index (AQI) of four geographical regions (x1 , x2 , x3 ,
using their Next Neighbor. x4 ) based on periodic changes in several parameters like PM10 ,
Step (8) Extract some of the meaningful information from the PM2.5 , NO2 , Carbon monoxide (Co), Lead (Pb), Ozone (O3 ), Sul-
obtained lattice. The pseudo code for the proposed algorithm is phur dioxide(So2 ), Ammonia (NH3 ) etc.4 To illustrate the proposed
shown in Table 4. method first three parameters PM10 (y1 ), PM2.5 (y2 ), NO2 (y3 ) is
Complexity: Let us suppose, the number of objects and the considered in this paper. The expert can write the changes in the
number of attributes in the given three–way complex fuzzy con- level of these parameters at the given year based on acceptation,
text is n and m, respectively. To discover the Lower Neighbor of rejection and indeterminacy regions as shown in Tables 5–7, re-
three–way complex fuzzy attributes takes O(n3 .m) time complex- spectively. Table 8 represents the compact form of these contexts
ity for the amplitude and phase term, respectively. The removal using the properties of complex neutrosophic sets. It can be called
of similar Lower Neighbor takes at most O(n3 ∗ m3 ) time complex- as three–way complex fuzzy context which is central notion of this
ity for the amplitude and phase term, independently. This com- paper. To understand the entries in Table 8 let us suppose: R˜(x ,y ) 1 1
putation gives the proposed method takes O(|C|.n6 .m6 ) where, C =(0.5ei0.7π , 0.3ei1.6π , 0.3ei1.4π ). This entry shows that the saturation
is Lower Neighbor. In this way the proposed method shown in
Table 4 takes less computation when compared to any of the avail- 3
able approaches for processing the complex neutrosophic data sets.
delhi- air- pollution- smog- health- effects- 3739848/.
P.K. Singh / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 109 (2018) 206–213 211

Table 7
A falsity complex membership value for
the PM10 , PM2.5 and NO2 .

y1 y2 y3

x1 0.3ei1.4π 0.2ei0.5π 0.4ei0.7π

x2 0.4ei1.3π 0.4ei1.7π 0.3ei0.5π
x3 0.5ei0.2π 0.8ei0.9π 0.4ei1.5π
x4 0.2ei0.5π 0.9ei1.9π 0.4ei0.2π

Fig. 4. A three–way complex neutrosophic concept lattice generated from Table 8.

Fig. 3. The three–way complex neutrosophic line diagram build at Step 2 using the It provides {(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y1 + (0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π ,
proposed algorithm. 0.7ei1.9π )/y2 + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y3 }.

(ii) {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 + (0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π ,

0.7 e i1.9π )/y + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y }
 2  3
∪ (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y2 .
values of PM10 is 50 percent acceptable in third to fourth months,
30 percent unacceptable in ninth to tenth months whereas it is 30 It provides: {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 +
percent unpredictable in sixth to the seventh month of the given (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y2 + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y3 }.
year. Similarly, other entries of three–way complex fuzzy matrix (iii) {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 + (0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π ,
can be interpreted. Fig. 3 represents its graphical visualization us- 0.7 e i1.9π )/y + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y }
 2  3
ing the proposed method. ∪ (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y3 .
It provides: {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 +
(0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π , 0.7ei1.9π )/y2 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y3 }
Step 1. The proposed algorithm shown in Section 3 starts
the investigation for three–way complex fuzzy concepts using Now following Lower Neighbor can be generated from above
those attributes which covers the objects set maximally. The at- obtained complex neutrosophic attribute using the Galois connec-
tribute which covers objects set maximally i.e. {(1.0, 1.0 )/x1 + tion (as illustrated in Step 1):
(1.0, 1.0 )/x2 + (1.0, 1.0 )/x3 + (1.0, 1.0 )/x4 } can be found using the 2. Extent:
operator (↑) as shown below: {(0.5ei0.7π , 0.3ei1.6π , 0.3ei1.4π )/x1 + (0.3ei0.5π , 0.5ei0.4π , 0.4ei1.3π )/x2+
(0.4ei1.5π , 0.6ei1.9π , 0.5ei0.2π )/x3 + (0.4ei0.2π , 0.7ei0.2π , 0.2ei0.5π )/x4 }
{(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x1 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x2
+ (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x3 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x4 }↑ Intent:
= {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 + (0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π ,
{(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y1 + (0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π , 0.9ei1.4π )/y2 +
0.7ei1.9π )/y2 + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y3 }.
(0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y3 }
Now, apply the operator ↓ to find maximal vague set of objects 3. Extent: {(0.8ei1.7π , 0.7ei1.1π , 0.2ei0.5π )/x1 +
while integrating the information from these constitutes attributes (0.4ei0.3π , 0.1ei0.8π , 0.4ei1.7π )/x2 + (0.6ei1.6π , 0.6ei1.2π , 0.8ei0.9π )/
as given below: x3 + (0.2ei0.9π , 0.1ei0.5π , 0.9ei1.9π )/x4 }
Intent: {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 +
{(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 + (0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π , 0.7ei1.9π )/ (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei1.9π )/y2 + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y3 }
y2 + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y3 }↓ = 4. Extent: {(0.4ei0.4π , 0.5ei0.2π , 0.4ei0.7π )/x1 +
{ ( 1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/ (0.5ei0.4π , 0.4ei1.4π , 0.3ei0.5π )/x2 + (0.3ei0.5π , 0.3ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/
x1 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x2 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x3 + x3 + (0.7ei1.2π , 0.2ei0.7π , 0.4ei0.2π )/x4 }
(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x4 }. Intent: {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 +
It provides following three–way complex neutrosophic con- (0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π , 0.7ei1.9π )/y2 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y3 }
cepts: 1. Extent: It can be observed that each of the obtained Lower Neighbors
{(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x1 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x2 + are distinct. In this case, each of them can be considered as Next
(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x3 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/x4 } Neighbor as shown in Fig. 4.
Step 3 Similarly, following concepts can be generated using the
Intent: Next Neighbor of concept generated at Step 2:
{(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 + (0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π , 0.7ei1.9π )/ 5. Extent: {(0.5ei0.7π , 0.7ei1.6π , 0.3ei1.4π )/x1 +
y2 + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y3 } (0.3ei0.3π , 0.5ei0.8π , 0.4ei1.7π )/x2 + (0.4ei1.5π , 0.6ei1.9π , 0.8ei0.9π )/
x3 + (0.2ei0.2π , 0.7ei0.5π , 0.9ei1.4π )/x4 }
Step 2. The Lower Neighbors of concepts shown in Step 1 can
Intent: {(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y1 +
be found as follows:
(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y2 + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y3 }
(i) {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 + (0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π , 6. Extent: {(0.4ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.6π , 0.4ei1.4π )/x1 +
0.7 e i1.9π )/y + (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )/y } (0.3ei0.4π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.3π )/x2 + (0.3ei0.5π , 0.6ei1.9π , 0.8ei1.5π )/
 2  3
∪ (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y1 . x3 + (0.4ei0.2π , 0.7ei0.7π , 0.9ei1.9π )/x4 }
212 P.K. Singh / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 109 (2018) 206–213

Table 8
A complex neutrosophic context representation of Tables 5–7.

y1 y2 y3

x1 (0.5ei0.7π , 0.3ei1.6π , 0.3ei1.4π ) (0.8ei1.7π , 0.7ei1.1π , 0.2ei0.5π ) (0.4ei0.4π , 0.5i0.2π , 0.4ei0.7π )

x2 (0.3ei0.5π , 0.5ei0.4π , 0.4ei1.3π ) (0.4ei0.3π , 0.1ei0.8π , 0.4ei1.7π ) (0.5ei0.4π , 0.4i1.4π , 0.3ei0.5π )
x3 (0.4ei1.5π , 0.6ei1.9π , 0.5ei0.2π ) (0.6ei1.6π , 0.6ei1.2π , 0.8ei0.9π ) (0.3ei0.5π , 0.3i1.4π , 0.4ei1.5π )
x4 (0.4ei0.2π , 0.7ei0.2π , 0.2ei0.5π ) (0.2ei0.9π , 0.1ei0.5π , 0.9ei1.9π ) (0.7ei1.2π , 0.2i0.7π , 0.4ei0.2π )

Table 9
Significant distinction of the proposed method when compared to other approaches.

Complex Complex vague Complex Proposed

fuzzy set set [25] neutrosophic set method
[29,30] [24–35] [2,10]

Domain Universe of Universe of Universe of Universe of

Discourse Discourse Discourse Discourse
Co–domain Three–polar Three–polar Unit Three–polar
Single–valued Interval–valued circle circle
True–region [0, 1] [0, 1] [0, 1] [0, 1]
False–region [0, 1] [0, 1] [−1, 0) [0, 1]
Uncertain [0, 1] [0, 1] 1-true [0, 1]
regions -false
Amplitude Yes Yes Yes Yes
Phase No No Yes Yes
Pattern Yes Yes Yes Yes
Graph Yes Yes No Yes
Lattice Yes Yes No Yes
Methodology Subset Subset δ –equal Lower
Time complexity O(2m .n) O(2m .n) O(2m .n2 ) O(|C|.n6 .m6 )

Intent: {(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y1 + The region x4 has 20 percent acceptance level of each parameter in
(0.2ei0.3π , 0.7ei1.2π , 0.7ei1.9π )/y2 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y3 } the month of first, 70 percent un–acceptable level in the month of
7. Extent: {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.1π , 0.5ei0.7π )/x1 + third to fourth whereas 90 percent un–predictable in the month of
(0.4ei0.3π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.7π )/x2 + (0.3ei0.5π , 0.6ei1.2π , 0.8ei1.5π )/ tenth to eleven. It can be observed that, these extracted patterns
x3 + (0.2ei0.9π , 0.2ei0.7π , 0.9ei1.4π )/x4 } are more helpful in controlling or measuring the effect of AQI on
Intent: {(0.3ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.9π , 0.5ei1.3π )/y1 + the health of citizens in those areas. This will help in reducing the
(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y2 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y3 } level of AQI and its fluctuation in those particular months to the
8. Extent: {(0.4ei0.4π , 0.7ei1.6π , 0.4ei1.4π )/x1 + certain levels using following methods:
(0.3ei0.3π , 0.5ei1.4π , 0.4ei1.7π )/x2 + (0.3ei0.5π , 0.6ei1.9π , 0.8ei1.5π )/ 1. Controlling emission from coal based power station,
x3 + (0.2ei0.2π , 0.7ei0.7π , 0.9ei1.9π )/x4 } 2. Controlling hospitals waste,
Intent: {(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y1 + 3. Controlling diesel vehicles,
(1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y2 + (1.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π , 0.0ei2π )/y3 } 4. Controlling road or building construction dust,
It can be observed that the above generated three–way com- 5. Controlling the old and private vehicles etc.
plex fuzzy concepts and their compact visualization is shown in
It is one of the major and significant advantages of the pro-
Fig. 4 using the properties of complex neutrosophic graph. This
posed method towards measuring the pattern of AQI and its re-
graph shows that concept 1 is most generalized concept whereas
duction which will help to the society.
concept number 8 is most specialized concepts. The concept num-
Table 9 shows that, the proposed method has several advan-
ber 1 represents that each of the chosen regions has 20–30 per-
tages while dealing with complex neutrosophic context when com-
cent acceptable saturation value for the PM10 in month of sec-
pared to recently introduced methods. One of the most signifi-
ond to four months, 50–70 percent un–acceptable level in month
cant output of the proposed method provides a compressed line
of seventh to eighth whereas 40–70 percent uncertain from ninth
diagram and graphical analytics of the given complex neutro-
to eleven months. In this case, the expert can refer to authorized
sophic context O(|C|.n6 .m6 ) time complexity. However, the pro-
government body for extra preparation in those months to reduce
posed method unable to provide a mechanism to incorporate the
their health effects on the citizen. In a more precise way the ex-
opinion of all experts in one model to refine the pattern at user
pert may interpret the concept numbers 8. It represents that, the
required information granules. To overcome from this problem the
region x1 has 40 percent acceptance level of each parameter in the
author will focus on introducing connection of granular computing
month of second, 70 percent un–acceptable level in the month of
[46–48] to refine the multi–valued neutrosophic [9,33] contexts for
ninth whereas 40 percent unpredictable in the month of seventh.
multi–decision process [19,20,28] at user required complex granu-
The region x2 has 30 percent acceptance level of each parameter
in the month of first to second, 50 percent un–acceptable level in
the month of eighth to ninth whereas 40 percent un–predictable 5. Conclusions and future research
in the month of ninth to tenth. The region x3 has 30 percent ac-
ceptance level of each parameter in the month of second to third, This paper aimed at measuring changes in complex fuzzy at-
60 percent un–acceptable level in the month of tenth to eleven, tributes and its pattern based on truth, false and indeterminacy
whereas 80 percent un–predictable in the month of ninth to tenth. membership–values at given phase of time using the properties
of complex neutrosophic concept lattice. To achieve this goal, a
P.K. Singh / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 109 (2018) 206–213 213

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