Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) : Design & Technology For Examination From 2020
Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) : Design & Technology For Examination From 2020
Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) : Design & Technology For Examination From 2020
These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers. They should be applied alongside the specific
content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these marking
© UCLES 2017
•• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
•• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
•• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.
Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).
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•• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the
scope of the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
•• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
•• marks are not deducted for errors
•• marks are not deducted for omissions
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) – Mark Scheme
•• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these features are specifically assessed by the
question as indicated by the mark scheme. The meaning, however, should be unambiguous.
Rules must be applied consistently e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed instructions or in the application of generic level
Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question (however; the use of the full mark range may
be limited according to the quality of the candidate responses seen).
from 2020
For examination
Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade
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descriptors in mind.
Each question contains some marks which are awarded using the following performance description tables.
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1–2 Simple drawings and limited annotations show little
0 No creditable response.
understanding of the requirements.
0 No creditable response.
Marking should be positive, rewarding achievement where possible but clearly differentiating across the whole range of marks available.
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In approaching the assessment process, examiners should look at the work and then make a ‘best fit’ judgement as to which level statement it fits. In
practice the work does not always match one level statement precisely so a judgement may need to be made between two or more level statements.
Once a ‘best fit’ level statement has been identified the following guide should be used to decide on a specific mark:
•• Where the candidate’s work convincingly meets the level statement, the highest mark should be awarded.
•• Where the candidate’s work adequately meets the level statement, the most appropriate mark in the middle of the range should be awarded.
•• Where the candidate’s work just meets the level statement, the lowest mark should be awarded.
•• The symbol / separates alternative answers that could be given for the same mark(s).
•• Square brackets around a number show partial marks that can be awarded.
•• Square brackets around text show extra information not needed for the mark(s) to be awarded.
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Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) – Mark Scheme
from 2020
For examination
Question Answer Marks Guidance
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1(a) Award 1 mark each for any four additional specification points – easy to 4 Each specification point – 1 mark
move around / easy to access DVDs / DVDs do not fall out / keep out dust / No repeats from question
easy to see display / has impact. [4 × 1 mark] Any other valid response
1(b) Award up to 2 marks each for drawings of any two corner joints – dovetail/ 4 Maximum of 2 marks for each drawing:
rebate/butt/dowel/finger. [2 × 2 marks] Appropriate joint – 1 mark
Clear drawing – 1 mark
Any other valid response
1(c) Any three suitable ideas. 12 At least three different ideas for maximum
marks. Pro rata if fewer.
Award up to 6 marks for communication of ideas using the ‘Communication
of ideas’ table.
Award up to 6 marks for suitable designs using the ‘Suitable designs’ table.
1(d) Award up to 6 marks for evaluation of the ideas: 8 Simple repeats of same points for each idea
not rewarded.
Evaluation [3 × 2 marks] Specific not generic justification.
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e.g. advantage + disadvantage explained for each of three ideas. Award maximum marks if only either
advantage or disadvantage given for each as
Selection [1] long as includes sophisticated reasoning.
Justification [1]
1(e) Award up to 4 marks for quality of drawing using the ‘Quality of drawing’ 12 Additional detail of dimensions might show
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) – Mark Scheme
© UCLES 2017
Award 2 marks for any appropriate reason for choice of each material. not accepted.
[2 × 1 mark] Appropriate reason for each material –
1 mark
Materials must be appropriate for the design
shown in (e).
1(g) Accept any suitable manufacturing method. [1 × 1 mark] 6 Method must be appropriate for design in (e).
Award up to 2 marks for names of tools used. Not just basic tools such as pencil, rule, etc.
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products sold / will go through a letter box easily. [4 × 1 mark] Any other valid response
2(b) Award up to 2 marks each for drawings of any two features – pop-up 4 Maximum of 2 marks for each drawing:
/ window to open / font size or colour / slider photo of shop / raised or Feature – 1 mark
embossed products. [2 × 2 marks] Clear drawing – 1 mark
Any other valid response
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) – Mark Scheme
2(c) Any three suitable ideas. 12 At least three different ideas for maximum
marks. Pro rata if fewer.
Award up to 6 marks for communication of ideas using the ‘Communication
of ideas’ table.
Award up to 6 marks for suitable designs using the ‘Suitable designs’ table.
from 2020
For examination
Question Answer Marks Guidance
2(d) Award up to 6 marks for evaluation of the ideas: 8 Simple repeats of same points for each idea
not rewarded.
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Evaluation [3 × 2 marks] Specific not generic justification.
e.g. advantage + disadvantage explained for each of three ideas. Award maximum marks if only either
advantage or disadvantage given for each as
Selection [1] long as includes sophisticated reasoning.
Justification [1]
2(e) Award up to 4 marks for quality of drawing using the ‘Quality of drawing’ 12 Additional detail of dimensions might show
table. thickness of materials, diameters, etc.
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Award 2 marks for any two suitable specific materials. [2 × 1 mark] 4
2(g) Accept any suitable manufacturing method. [1 × 1 mark] 6 Method must be appropriate for design in (e).
Award up to 2 marks for names of tools used. Not just basic tools such as pencil, rule, etc.
from 2020
For examination
Question Answer Marks Guidance
© UCLES 2017
3(a) Award 1 mark each for any four additional specification points – adjustable in 4 Each specification point – 1 mark
length / takes different sizes and shapes / lightweight to hold / comfortable to No repeats from question
hold / easy to store / simple to operate. [4 × 1 mark] Any other valid response
3(b) Award up to 2 marks each for drawings of any two gripping mechanisms – 4 Maximum of 2 marks for each drawing:
screw clamps / jaws / levers / flexible clips / spring clips. [2 × 2 marks] Mechanism – 1 mark
Clear drawing – 1 mark
Any other valid response
3(c) Any three suitable ideas. 12 At least three different ideas for maximum
marks. Pro rata if fewer.
Award up to 6 marks for communication of ideas using the ‘Communication
of ideas’ table.
Award up to 6 marks for suitable designs using the ‘Suitable designs’ table.
3(d) Award up to 6 marks for evaluation of the ideas: 8 Simple repeats of same points for each idea
not rewarded.
Evaluation [3 × 2 marks] Specific not generic justification.
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e.g. advantage + disadvantage explained for each of three ideas. Award maximum marks if only either
advantage or disadvantage given for each as
Selection [1] long as includes sophisticated reasoning.
Justification [1]
3(e) Award up to 4 marks for quality of drawing using the ‘Quality of drawing’ 12 Additional detail of dimensions might show
Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) – Mark Scheme
© UCLES 2017
Award 2 marks for any appropriate reason for choice of each material. not accepted.
[2 × 1 mark] Appropriate reason for each material –
1 mark
Materials must be appropriate for the design
shown in (e).
3(g) Accept any suitable manufacturing method. [1 × 1 mark] 6 Method must be appropriate for design in (e).
Award up to 2 marks for names of tools used. Not just basic tools such as pencil, rule, etc.
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Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) – Mark Scheme
from 2020
For examination
0979/01 Cambridge IGCSE (9–1) – Mark Scheme For examination
SPECIMEN from 2020