Water Problems Production PDF
Water Problems Production PDF
Water Problems Production PDF
Prepared by:
1. Abdallah Abdelhafeez abakor Mohamed
2. Ahmed Mohamed Elamin Ahmed Mahjoub
3. Hasab elrasool Abdelmajeed Adam Edris
4. Mohammed Ahmed Hamad Ahmed
Supervised by:
Dr. Elradi Abass
September 2014
Research about:
Prepared by:
1. Abdallah Abdelhafeez abakor Mohamed
2. Ahmed Mohamed Elamin Ahmed Mahjoub
3. Hasab elrasool Abdelmajeed Adam Edris
4. Mohammed Ahmed Hamad Ahmed
This project is accepted by College of Petroleum Engineering
and Technology to Department of Petroleum Engineering
Project Supervisor ………..……………...……………………………....
Signature ………………..………………………………………………..
Head of Department ……………………………………………………..
Signature …………………………………………………………………
Dean of College ……………………………...…………………………...
Signature …………………………………………………………………
Date: / / 2014
Our Parents;
Our teachers;
Our Classmates
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Thanking to Allah before and after...
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Excessive water production is one of the major problems in
Sudanese oil fields.
The main purpose of this project is to diagnose the
excessive water production mechanisms as case of a Sudanese
oil field.
The diagnostic plots derivative method is applied using
Microsoft Excel format on calculating and plotting the
derivative response to understand the mechanisms that create the
problem, considering seven examples of a Sudanese oil well's
data. As a result of this research, channeling is the main reason
for water production in five wells, and normal with high water
cut is the other phenomenon for wells.
KEYWORDS: excess water production problems, methods of
diagnosing problems, diagnostic plots derivative method.
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إن إنتاج المياه المتزايد من أكبر المشاكل التي تواجه حقول النفط
السودانية على وجه العموم ،لذلك يهدف هذا المشروع إلى تشخيص
ومعرفة آلية إنتاج المياه في أحد الحقول السودانية.
لتحقيق هذا الهدف تم استخدام طريقة الرسم التفاضلية لنسبة الماء الى
النفط ( )WOR derivative plotsباستخدام برنامج Microsoft Excel
وذلك من بيانات اإلنتاج لعدد سبعة آبار سودانية ،وقد وجد أن السبب
الرئيسي إلنتاج المياه في خمسة آبار هو ظاهرة القنوات (،)channeling
بينما في بقية االبار كانت المشكلة هي الزيادة العالية في نسبة المياه بصورة
طبيعية (.)normal with high water cut
……………………………………………………………… اإلستلال...…………… I
Dedication ……………………………………………………………………….…. II
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………….…….…… IV
………………………………………………………………… التجريد....…….....….. V
CONTENTS …………………………………………………...………………….. VI
NOMENCLATURE ……………………………………………………………….. X
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
- VI -
REFERENCES …..................................................................................................... 34
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cum days cumulative days
t time
wc water cut
Chapter 1
1.1. Excess water production in oil wells:
In petroleum production, a certain amount of water production is expected and
sometimes even necessary in the initial phases of the life of the reservoir or well.
A petroleum engineer will have to be able to decide when water control
solutions should be applied. If the costs associated with a water production rate still
allow for an acceptable operating profit from produced oil or gas, that water
production rate is considered acceptable. If the costs associated with a water
production rate are too high to allow for an acceptable operating profit margin, the
water rate is considered excessive.
Excessive water production can be caused by the natural depletion of a reservoir
where an active water drive (either natural or artificial) has simply swept away most
of the oil that the reservoir can produce, and there is little left to produce but water.
The best completions and production practices can delay, but not stop this water
production. Most cases where water production rates have become a problem could
have been avoided or delayed. Understanding reservoir behavior provides a basis for
determining whether excessive water production is a concern and to determine if
current water production is excessive.
Excessive water production is one of the major technical, environmental, and
economical problems associated with oil and gas production. Water production can
limit the productive life of the oil and gas wells and can cause severe problems
including corrosion of tubular, fines migration, and hydrostatic loading. Produced
water represents the largest waste stream associated with oil and gas production. The
environmental impact of handling, treating, and disposing of the produced water can
seriously affect the profitability of oil and gas production.
Reservoir rocks normally contain both petroleum hydrocarbons and connate
water. Once the production starts, this water call connate water is also produced into
the wellbore comingled with oil. In addition to the connate water contained in
reservoir rocks, many petroleum reservoirs are bounded by or are adjacent to large
aquifers. These aquifers can provide the natural drive for petroleum production. Once
the aquifer pressure is depleted, additional water also injected into the reservoir to
provide further pressure to the hydrocarbon reserves to move towards to production
wells. Water from these various sources can flow into the wellbore and co-produced
with the hydrocarbon stream. Such water is referred to as produced water.
The mechanism and the volume of the water produced into a wellbore mainly
depends on petrophysical properties, pressure and temperature conditions of the
reservoir, geometry and conditions of the aquifers, trajectory and location of the
drilled wells within reservoir structure, type of completion and stimulation methods.
Depending on the characteristics of the reservoir, type of the diagnosed problem
and objectives of the water production treatment, a variety of mechanical, chemical
and well construction techniques can be applied to stop or reduce the flow of water
into the wellbore.
Incorrect, inadequate, or lack of proper diagnosis usually leads to ineffective
water control treatments. Several analytical and empirical techniques using
information such as production data, water/oil ratio and logging measurements have
been developed to determine the type of water production problem, locating the water
entry point in the well and choosing the candidate wells to perform treatment
methods. Water/oil ratio diagnostic plots are probably the most widely used technique
in reservoir performance studies.
This is water that is produced into the well bore at a rate below the water /oil
ratio (WOR) economic limit. It is an inevitable consequence of water flow through the
reservoir and it cannot be shut off without losing reservoir.
Good water production occurs when the flow of oil and water is commingled
through the formation matrix the fractional water flow is dictated by the natural
mixing behavior that gradually increases the WOR.
Other form of acceptable water production is caused by converging flow lines
into the well bore for example in one quadrant of a five spot injection pattern an
injector feeds a producer, Flow from injector can be characterized by an infinite series
of flow lines the shortest is a straight line from injector to producer and longest
follows the on flow boundaries from injector to producer.
1.3. The objectives of research:
The objectives of this research can be summarized as follows:
1. Study different diagnostic techniques of excessive water production to find out
the practical and feasible one of these techniques as a function of the accuracy for the
water source identification.
2. Applied most appropriate method of diagnosis of excess water production
3. Make a comparison analysis between the diagnostic results of water production
problems achieved by the derivative method.
Chapter 2
displacement at intermediate time. Though the work by Chan and Yortsos et al are to
date, one of the best technique for diagnosing the possible source or origin of
produced water, it is still affected by noise since the analyses were conducted in the
time domain.
Egbe and Appah (2005) proposed a model for diagnosing water coning problem
in oil wells using spectral analysis of production data. They based their work on a
modification of WOR plots in which they used Fourier transformation to convert
surface WOR from time domain to a spectrum of frequencies. They used
autocovariance function and the spectral density function to obtain information about
the spectral bandwidth, the correlation structure and energy distribution for coning
and non-coning mechanisms. They concluded that wells with coning problem
represented periodic spectrums with narrow spectral width.
Applicability of WOR plots for excess water production diagnosis in horizontal
wells was investigated by Al Hasani et al (2008). They used simulation models to
examine the behavior of WOR plots in water coning and water channeling problems
in vertical and horizontal wells. They reported that the WOR trends in their simulated
models were in agreement with Chan’s diagnostic plots and concluded that these plots
could be used for problem identification in horizontal wells.
Gasbarri et al (2008) proposed a diagnosis technique using transient test and
multiphase flow meters. They used reservoir simulations to build three base cases of
water production mechanism models of coning, water channeling and flow behind
casing. With different ranges of production rate, API gravity, permeability ratio and
diameter of the flow channel behind casing were used to generate various instances of
the mentioned base cases.
In a recent work by Ayeni (2008) an empirical method was developed for
modeling and predicting edge–water coning problem. He ran a number of reservoir
simulations by varying different model variables from which he derived empirical
correlations between reservoir characteristics and model parameters. These empirical
correlations were suggested for estimation of critical flow rate, breakthrough time and
WOR performance after water breakthrough.
M.Rabiei et al (2009) applies a Meta learning classification technique called
Logistic Model Trees (LMT) to diagnose water production mechanisms based on
WOR data and static reservoir parameters. Synthetic reservoir models are built to
simulate excess water production due to coning, channeling and gravity segregated
flows. Various cases are then generated by varying some of the input parameters in
each model. A number of key features from plots of WOR against oil recovery factor
are heuristically extracted by segmenting these plots at certain points. LMT classifiers
are then applied to integrate these features with reservoir parameters to build
classification models for predicting the water production mechanism in different
scenarios of pre and post water-production stages.
Reyes et al (2010) use operational reliability and optimization six sigma tools to
establish cause-and-effect relationship between production of water, reservoir
characteristics and configuration of wells. These relationships are used to determine
the corresponding effects of Water Production Mechanism. For identification of water
production origin they first review the key variables used to model typical oil wells
including the volume of produced fluids, water injection, WOR, water cut, mobility
ratio, reservoir pressure, wellhead pressure, pressure drop at drainage area, injectivity
index, remaining reserves, oil prices, water production cost, reservoir depletion, water
invasion and effect of specific gravity. Then, they use casual loop diagrams for
modeling cause and effect relationships.
M.Tabatabaei et al (2011) present methodologies for interpreting numerous
conditions in wells from temperature profiles. The most fundamental well property
that can often be obtained from a temperature profile is the well's inflow profile. They
illustrate how such water or gas inflows can be quantitatively identified by applying
standard inversion methods to the measured temperature profiles, yielding the
locations and rates of water or gas entries. This method can be applied before a
stimulation treatment to aid the stimulation design, or post-job to evaluate treatment
Concerning the application of the diagnostic plots derivative method, Elradi
Abass and Satti Merghany (2011) prepared a paper which provided a simplified
computation and quick technique for engineers; by using Microsoft Excel format on
calculating and plotting the derivative response, considering two case examples of a
Sudanese oil well's data.
2.2. Excess Water Production Problems:
Water production causes can be divided into several categories including
mechanical, completion related, and reservoir related problems.
Poor mechanical integrity of casing, tubing, and packers such as holes from
corrosion, wear and splits due to flow, excessive pressure, or formation deformation
contribute to leaks.
Leaks result in unwanted entry of water and unexpected rise in water
production. In addition, the water entry in the wellbore can cause damage to the
producing formation due to fluid invasion.
Figure 2.1: Tubing, casing and packer leaks (After Elphick and Seright 1997)
The common completion related problems are flow behind casing, completion
into or close to water zone, and fracturing out of zone.
Poor bonding between cement–casing or cement–formation can cause unwanted
water to flow behind casing and enter the well. Completion into or close to water zone
leads to immediate production of water. Sometimes stimulation attempts can cause the
natural barriers between hydrocarbon bearing layers and water saturated zones to
heave and fracture near wellbore, allowing the water to migrate to the wellbore.
-8- Flow behind casing :
Failed primary cementing can connect water-bearing zones to the pay zone.
These channels allow water to flow behind casing in annulus. A secondary cause is
creation of a 'void' behind the casing as sand is produced. It can develop throughout
the life of well, but are most likely to occur immediately after the well is completed or
Figure 2.2: Flow behind casing (After Elphick and Seright 1997)
A uniform oil water contact moving up into a perforated zone in a well during
normal water-driven production can lead to unwanted water production. This happens
wherever there is very low vertical permeability.
Figure 2.3: Moving oil-water contact (After Elphick and Seright 1997)
-9- Fissures or fractures from a water layer :
Figure 2.4: Fissures/fractures from a water layer (After Elphick and Seright 1997)
Water channeling through high permeability layers or fractures and faults and
water coning from an adjacent water zone are major reservoir related problems.
Heterogeneities in the reservoir are one of the main causes of excess water production
in oil fields. Channeling :
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Figure 2.5: Channeling through high permeability layers (After Elphick and Seright 1997) Coning :
Water coning is caused by vertical pressure gradient near the well. The well is
produced so rapidly that viscous forces overcome gravity forces and draw the water
from a lower connected zone toward the wellbore. Eventually, the water can break
through into the perforated or open-hole section, replacing all or of the hydrocarbon
production. Once breakthrough occurs, the production tends to get worse, as higher
cuts of the water are produced. Although reduced production rates can curtail the
problem, they cannot cure it. Cusping, in an inclined zone up to a vertical well, and
water cresting in horizontal wells are similar phenomena to water conning.
The reservoir related problems of coning and channeling are the two major
causes of excess water production in oil wells.
- 11 - Fracture Communication Between Injector and
Natural fractures can provide a direct link between an injector and a producer,
allowing the water to flow primarily through these high-permeability channels, and
bypass oil within the adjacent rock matrix.
Figure 2.7: Fractures between injector and producer (After Elphick and Seright 1997)
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Chapter 3
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(WOR) versus cumulative oil production or time is a widely explored subject in the
literature. There are also other less common techniques for water production mechanism
diagnostics based on reservoir and fluid characteristics.
In fact, incorrect, inadequate, or lack of diagnoses has been cited as one of the
major reasons that water control treatments have been ineffective.
Proper diagnostic techniques significantly enhance success of traditional treatments,
both technically and commercially.
Identifying the source of excess produced water is important because water coning
or channeling can seriously impact the oil productivity because relative permeability
effects. In the other hand, lifting cost rise with introduce heavier wellbore fluids and
artificial lift needed. Furthermore, increasing produced water will result in additional cost
for expanding water handling capacity for treatment and disposal. Also, additional cost
will added for solving corrosion problems.
Delaying the encroachment of water is essentially the controlling factor in
maximizing the field's ultimate oil recovery. Early identifying of production mechanism
has an important influence on operations, recovery and economics.
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By using Microsoft Excel format on calculating and plotting the derivative
First, the value of water/oil ratio (WOR) is calculated by using the actual oil and
water production, and the equation is:
Then, the derivative value of water/oil ratio (WOR) is calculated by the following
Finally, the water problem is diagnosed with the help of table 3.1.
Table 3.1: different patterns source of producing water in the reservoir
WOR Slope WOR' Slope Reason for Water Production
positive Positive Channeling
positive Negative Coning
Positive linear slope horizontal line water/oil contact rising
The verification made by comparison result with standard diagnostic plot of Chan.
The plots for the 3 water problems are illustrated in the following figures:
Figure 3.1: Channeling, WOR & WOR' derivatives (After Chan, K.S. 1995)
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Figure 3.2: water coning, WOR & WOR' derivatives (After Chan, K.S. 1995)
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From the actual production history data, log-log plots of WOR and WOR derivative
versus time were generated. These plots give a picture of past and current production
This method can be an effective tool for the selecting of water control treatment
candidates, since there is a different job design for different mechanism.
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Chapter 4
4.3. Discussion:
Concerning the application of the diagnostic plots derivative methods to the
targeted data mentioned in chapter 3, the study provides an example for seven oil
wells. Using Microsoft Excel format, the production data and a simplified
computation WOR derivative given in tables from (4-1) to (4-7).
Figures from (4-1) through (4-5) show examples for water channeling wells with
positive slope which indicate to high horizontal permeability.
Commonly the diagnostic plot figures show the WOR increasing with time. The
rate of increase differs for a different problem mechanism. The degree of sharp or
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gradual rate of increase presents a signal difference between coning and channeling.
The other mechanisms can be recognized through derivative response.
Figure (4-1) shows that the water displacement process appeared to be quite
normal, after (250) days the rate of increase of the WOR is relatively fast approached
a constant value at the end of this period. During this time since WOR derivative
versus time showed a positive slope indicating initiation of water channeling.
Figure (4-2) showed that for well (2) started to produce and until (40) days left
the WOR is very low indicating that most percentage of fluids produced are oil. After
(350) days the rate of increase of the WOR is relatively fast and gradually approached
a constant value at the end of this period. During this time since WOR derivative
versus time showed a positive slope indicating initiation of water channeling.
Figure (4-3) showed that until (130) days left the WOR is very low indicating
that most percentage of fluids produced are oil as the beginning of production of well
(3). After (400) days water cut increased and rate of increase of the WOR is
approached a constant value at the end of this period. The WOR plots show a linear
and positive slope, characteristics of a water channeling case.
Comparing Figure (4-4) and (4-5) showed that there are difference in WOR'
slope according to the degree of sharp or gradual rate of increase, in spite of The
WOR plots show a linear and positive slope, characteristics of a water channeling
From Figure (4-6), the initial WOR was very high. The reason could be a high
initial water saturation. Waterflood started in this well at about (700) days. The
overall WOR trend shows a linear slope indicative of a normal displacement with high
water cut.
Figure (4-7) has same description for figure (4-6), the slope indicative of a
normal with high water cut behavior. The reservoir may be depleted because of high
increase of water cut.
Wells (6) and (7) may be shut down or could convert into an injection wells
which may be having an effect on economic side.
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4.4. The Analysis results:
Reservoir is the kind of sandstone with high vertical and horizontal
permeability, high water saturation, set the channeling phenomenon as the main
reason of watery wells.
Reservoir depletion may be occur when water cut increase until hundred percent
with zero oil production.
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Table 4.1: production data and computation of WOR and WOR' - well (1)
Time Cum Qo Qw WC
Days Days stb/d stb/d %
30-Nov-10 30 30 7732.57 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000
31-Dec-10 31 61 6650.22 8.08 0.12 0.00121 0.000039
31-Jan-11 31 92 4827.97 3.64 0.08 0.00075
28-Feb-11 28 120 4249.49 9.42 0.22 0.00222 0.000052
31-Mar-11 31 151 4572.63 26.21 0.57 0.00573 0.000113
30-Apr-11 30 181 2486.82 3.18 0.13 0.00128
31-May-11 31 212 4064.65 5.87 0.14 0.00144 0.000005
30-Jun-11 30 242 3398.86 16.87 0.49 0.00496 0.000117
31-Jul-11 31 273 3110.25 96.89 3.02 0.03115 0.000845
31-Aug-11 31 304 3639.97 0.00 0.00 0.00000
30-Sep-11 30 334 91.67 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.000000
31-Oct-11 31 365 3535.87 3.94 0.11 0.00111 0.000036
30-Nov-11 30 395 4966.39 5.64 0.11 0.00114 0.000001
31-Dec-11 31 426 4911.15 5.82 0.12 0.00119 0.000002
31-Jan-12 31 457 4562.16 0.78 0.02 0.00017
29-Feb-12 29 486 3060.49 4.96 0.16 0.00162 0.000050
31-Mar-12 31 517 3222.80 25.58 0.79 0.00794 0.000204
30-Apr-12 30 547 2379.26 14.77 0.62 0.00621
31-May-12 31 578 831.28 15.59 1.84 0.01875 0.000405
30-Jun-12 30 608 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000
31-Jul-12 31 639 2165.92 1.21 0.06 0.00056 0.000018
31-Aug-12 31 670 3721.97 0.00 0.00 0.00000
30-Sep-12 30 700 3478.57 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.000000
31-Oct-12 31 731 3593.32 67.98 1.86 0.01892 0.000610
30-Nov-12 30 761 3845.69 120.32 3.03 0.03129 0.000412
31-Dec-12 31 792 3955.77 187.46 4.52 0.04739 0.000519
31-Jan-13 31 823 3499.50 231.73 6.21 0.06622 0.000607
28-Feb-13 28 851 2936.71 349.00 10.62 0.11884 0.001879
30-Mar-13 30 881 1655.50 56.20 3.28 0.03395
30-Apr-13 30 911 13473.81 1121.75 7.69 0.08325 0.001644
31-May-13 31 942 9115.55 1962.81 17.72 0.21533 0.004260
30-Jun-13 30 972 7932.19 2683.14 25.28 0.33826 0.004098
31-Jul-13 31 1003 6436.61 2682.62 29.42 0.41677 0.002533
31-Aug-13 31 1034 5817.14 2854.83 32.92 0.49076 0.002387
30-Sep-13 30 1064 6270.49 2583.75 29.18 0.41205
31-Oct-13 31 1095 6831.31 3596.72 34.49 0.52651 0.003692
30-Nov-13 30 1125 6278.44 3821.79 37.84 0.60872 0.002740
31-Dec-13 31 1156 7104.06 5303.90 42.75 0.74660 0.004448
31-Jan-14 31 1187 6093.30 5580.24 47.80 0.91580 0.005458
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Table 4.2: production data and computation of WOR and WOR' - well (2)
Time Cum Qo Qw WC
Days Days stb/d stb/d %
31-Jul-10 4 4 341.75 2 0.581818 0.005852 0.0000
31-Aug-10 31 34 845.5484 13.74194 1.599219 0.016252 0.000335
30-Sep-10 30 64 226.1667 1.9 0.83309 0.008401
31-Oct-10 31 95 720.9032 0.580645 0.080479 0.000805
30-Nov-10 30 125 830.8667 0.7 0.084178 0.000842 0.000001
31-Dec-10 31 156 741.9677 0.290323 0.039113 0.000391
31-Jan-11 31 187 0 0 0 0
28-Feb-11 28 215 0 0 0 0 0.000000
31-Mar-11 31 246 9.032258 0 0 0 0.000000
30-Apr-11 30 276 341.9333 0.066667 0.019493 0.000195 0.000006
31-May-11 31 307 2321.645 0.935484 0.040278 0.000403 0.000007
30-Jun-11 30 337 2618.3 204.6333 7.248961 0.078155 0.002592
31-Jul-11 31 368 2640.903 370.9032 12.31498 0.140446 0.002009
31-Aug-11 31 399 3284.419 794.8387 19.48488 0.242003 0.003276
30-Sep-11 30 429 1535.133 702.6667 31.39989 0.457724 0.007191
31-Oct-11 31 460 1275.71 650.0645 33.75601 0.509571 0.001672
30-Nov-11 30 490 1279.233 755.2333 37.12193 0.59038 0.002694
31-Dec-11 31 521 1194.065 904.0323 43.08821 0.757105 0.005378
31-Jan-12 31 552 1150.903 1000.516 46.50493 0.869331 0.003620
29-Feb-12 29 581 856.6897 1338.034 60.96595 1.561866 0.023881
31-Mar-12 31 612 531.7419 1704.613 76.22283 3.205715 0.053027
30-Apr-12 30 642 730.3333 1428.8 66.1747 1.956367
31-May-12 31 673 714.1613 1351.742 65.43104 1.892768
30-Jun-12 30 703 666.8333 1515.467 69.44355 2.272632 0.012662
31-Jul-12 31 734 734.8387 1454.968 66.44276 1.979982
31-Aug-12 31 765 845.7419 1394.258 62.24366 1.648562
30-Sep-12 30 795 953.3667 1432.5 60.04108 1.50257
31-Oct-12 31 826 940.5161 2089.258 68.95755 2.221395 0.023188
30-Nov-12 30 856 870.7333 2216.5 71.79567 2.545555 0.010805
31-Dec-12 31 887 852.4839 2201.774 72.08868 2.582775 0.001201
31-Jan-13 31 918 786.9032 2167.097 73.36143 2.753956 0.005522
28-Feb-13 28 946 843.4286 2122.357 71.56138 2.516345
30-Mar-13 30 976 714.6667 1833.9 71.95809 2.566091 0.001658
30-Apr-13 30 1007 846.4333 2285.533 72.97438 2.700193 0.004470
31-May-13 31 1038 842.0323 2624.032 75.70639 3.116308 0.013423
30-Jun-13 30 1068 760.8 3101.567 80.30223 4.076717 0.032014
31-Jul-13 31 1099 672.129 2961.774 81.50394 4.406556 0.010640
31-Aug-13 31 1130 406.9032 3059.548 88.26168 7.519106 0.100405
30-Sep-13 30 1160 528.5333 2212.167 80.71539 4.185482
31-Oct-13 31 1191 547.9677 2256.806 80.46304 4.118502
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Table 4.3: production data and computation of WOR and WOR' - well (3)
Time Cum Qo Qw WC
Days Days stb/d stb/d %
31-Dec-10 4 4 0 0 0 0 0.00000
31-Jan-11 31 34 0 0 0 0 0.000000
28-Feb-11 28 62 0 0 0 0 0.000000
31-Mar-11 31 93 2018.774 0 0 0 0.000000
30-Apr-11 30 123 1679.567 2.1 0.124876 0.00125 0.000042
31-May-11 31 154 2666.839 1.387097 0.051986 0.00052
30-Jun-11 30 184 3265.633 0 0 0
31-Jul-11 31 215 3656.258 2.645161 0.072294 0.000723 0.000023
31-Aug-11 31 246 4364.871 0 0 0
30-Sep-11 30 276 3155.933 0 0 0 0.000000
31-Oct-11 31 307 4366 16.64516 0.379797 0.003812 0.000123
30-Nov-11 30 337 4567.2 115.3 2.46236 0.025245 0.000714
31-Dec-11 31 368 4270.032 281.1613 6.177748 0.065845 0.001310
31-Jan-12 31 399 4127.226 413.6774 9.110025 0.100231 0.001109
29-Feb-12 29 428 4071.931 509.5172 11.12131 0.125129 0.000859
31-Mar-12 31 459 3560.097 365.5806 9.312549 0.102688
30-Apr-12 30 489 3200.767 438.6333 12.05235 0.13704 0.001145
31-May-12 31 520 2319.806 435.9355 15.81917 0.187919 0.001641
30-Jun-12 30 550 2157.033 336.2667 13.48681 0.155893
31-Jul-12 31 581 3310.742 646.7097 16.34157 0.195337 0.001272
31-Aug-12 31 612 3052.935 679.871 18.2134 0.222694 0.000882
30-Sep-12 30 642 2825.133 747 20.91187 0.264412 0.001391
31-Oct-12 31 673 3116.29 982.5161 23.97079 0.315284 0.001641
30-Nov-12 30 703 3031.767 1168.067 27.81221 0.385276 0.002333
31-Dec-12 31 734 3121.419 1132.774 26.62724 0.362904
31-Jan-13 31 765 2989.226 1167.548 28.08785 0.390586 0.000893
28-Feb-13 28 793 2868.393 1360.75 32.17555 0.474395 0.002993
30-Mar-13 30 823 2290.033 1354.9 37.17215 0.591651 0.003909
30-Apr-13 30 853 2411.8 1502.733 38.38857 0.623075 0.001047
31-May-13 31 884 2085.871 1461.806 41.2046 0.700813 0.002508
30-Jun-13 30 914 2096.433 1498 41.67555 0.714547 0.000458
31-Jul-13 31 945 1975.516 1755.871 47.05679 0.888816 0.005622
31-Aug-13 31 976 1913 1753.097 47.81916 0.916412 0.000890
30-Sep-13 30 1006 1553.233 1500.167 49.13102 0.965835 0.001647
31-Oct-13 31 1037 1070.452 1171.935 52.26285 1.094805 0.004160
30-Nov-13 30 1067 0 0 0 0
31-Dec-13 31 1098 1607.032 898.4194 35.85858 0.559055 0.018034
31-Jan-14 31 1129 948.7097 763.5484 44.59307 0.804828 0.007928
28-Feb-14 28 1157 118.7857 76.10714 39.05076 0.64071
- 23 -
Table 4.4: production data and computation of WOR and WOR' - well (4)
Time Cum Qo Qw WC
Days Days stb/d stb/d %
31-Dec-10 4 4 1 0 0 0 0
31-Jan-11 31 34 751.6129 0 0 0 0.000000
28-Feb-11 28 62 2375.571 13.39286 0.560614 0.005638 0.000201
31-Mar-11 31 93 299.6774 0 0 0
30-Apr-11 30 123 630 0 0 0 0.000000
31-May-11 31 154 2928.774 1.129032 0.038535 0.000385 0.000012
30-Jun-11 30 184 3666.667 0.966667 0.026357 0.000264
31-Jul-11 31 215 4311.968 37.87097 0.870629 0.008783 0.000275
31-Aug-11 31 246 4039.645 115.8065 2.786856 0.028667 0.000641
30-Sep-11 30 276 2901.1 435.6 13.05481 0.15015 0.004049
31-Oct-11 31 307 4537.742 699.0968 13.3496 0.154063 0.000126
30-Nov-11 30 337 4799.567 811.1 14.45639 0.168994 0.000498
31-Dec-11 31 368 4402.29 911.3226 17.15071 0.207011 0.001226
31-Jan-12 31 399 3399.581 1314.387 27.88282 0.386632 0.005794
29-Feb-12 29 428 2965.414 1521.897 33.91556 0.513216 0.004365
31-Mar-12 31 459 2733.484 1582.065 36.65964 0.578772 0.002115
30-Apr-12 30 489 2744.533 1852.033 40.29167 0.674808 0.003201
31-May-12 31 520 1912.323 2228.774 53.82087 1.16548 0.015828
30-Jun-12 30 550 1370.267 1821.5 57.06871 1.329303 0.005461
31-Jul-12 31 581 1486.613 1436.968 49.15095 0.966605
31-Aug-12 31 612 1839.419 1906.935 50.90109 1.036705 0.002261
30-Sep-12 30 642 2010.167 1897.8 48.56234 0.944101
31-Oct-12 31 673 1948.323 2179.613 52.80153 1.118713 0.005633
30-Nov-12 30 703 2124.867 2218.767 51.08089 1.044191
31-Dec-12 31 734 2091.968 2261.194 51.94371 1.080893 0.001184
31-Jan-13 31 765 2040.032 2313.774 53.14371 1.134185 0.001719
28-Feb-13 28 793 1984.107 2413.214 54.87919 1.216272 0.002932
30-Mar-13 30 823 1751.833 2014.767 53.49033 1.15009
30-Apr-13 30 854 1950.533 2273.333 53.82114 1.165493 0.000513
31-May-13 31 885 1862.452 2541.613 57.71062 1.36466 0.006425
30-Jun-13 30 915 1790.9 2559.333 58.83209 1.429077 0.002147
31-Jul-13 31 946 1654.226 2288.774 58.04652 1.383592
31-Aug-13 31 977 1517.71 2290.323 60.14452 1.509065 0.004048
30-Sep-13 30 1007 1232.267 2205.7 64.15711 1.789953 0.009363
31-Oct-13 31 1038 1658.032 2254.161 57.61886 1.35954
30-Nov-13 30 1068 1556.733 2016.467 56.43308 1.295319
31-Dec-13 31 1099 908.0645 3156.613 77.65962 3.476199 0.070351
31-Jan-14 31 1130 1122.032 2325.097 67.45024 2.072219
28-Feb-14 28 1158 1104.107 2738.357 71.26565 2.480155 0.014569
31-Mar-14 31 1189 1243.098 2460.45 66.43494 1.979289
- 24 -
Table 4.5: production data and computation of WOR and WOR' - well (5)
Time Cum Qo Qw WC
Days Days stb/d stb/d %
31-Jan-11 5 5 2672.976 7.024 0.26209 0.002628 0.00000
28-Feb-11 28 33 3055.23 12.27 0.4 0.004016 0.00005
31-Mar-11 31 64 2618.769 10.51714 0.4 0.004016
30-Apr-11 30 94 1828.113 33.55333 1.802328 0.018354 0.00048
31-May-11 31 125 1298.975 132.9932 9.287446 0.102383 0.00271
30-Jun-11 30 155 444.2556 28.14444 5.957757 0.063352
31-Jul-11 31 186 0 0 0 0
31-Aug-11 31 217 0 0 0 0 0.00000
30-Sep-11 30 247 948.7333 44.6 4.489933 0.04701 0.00157
31-Oct-11 31 278 1205.543 276.469 18.65497 0.229331 0.00588
30-Nov-11 30 308 919.5195 456.7139 33.18579 0.496688 0.00891
31-Dec-11 31 339 0 0 0 0
31-Jan-12 31 370 11.12903 0 0 0 0.00000
29-Feb-12 29 399 0 0 0 0 0.00000
31-Mar-12 31 430 16.98065 4.245161 20 0.25 0.00806
30-Apr-12 30 460 0 0 0 0
31-May-12 31 491 279.8097 771.7452 73.39086 2.758107 0.08897
30-Jun-12 30 521 647.5267 1403.91 68.43545 2.168111
31-Jul-12 31 552 986.1161 2182.323 68.87691 2.213048 0.00145
31-Aug-12 31 583 759.6129 1481.935 66.11213 1.950909
30-Sep-12 30 613 498.8333 1119.203 69.17046 2.243642 0.00976
31-Oct-12 31 644 891.0742 2436.803 73.22395 2.734681 0.01584
30-Nov-12 30 674 799.4467 2660.613 76.89501 3.328069 0.01978
31-Dec-12 31 705 875.4774 2766.329 75.96035 3.159795
31-Jan-13 31 736 665.6774 2981.484 81.74807 4.478872 0.04255
28-Feb-13 28 764 654.4821 2701.089 80.49566 4.127063
30-Mar-13 30 794 648.7 2583.733 79.93153 3.98294
30-Apr-13 30 825 857.82 3008.18 77.81117 3.506773
31-May-13 31 856 503.4065 1583.921 75.88272 3.146405
30-Jun-13 30 886 0 0 0 0
31-Jul-13 31 917 0 0 0 0 0.00000
31-Aug-13 31 948 0 0 0 0 0.00000
30-Sep-13 30 978 0 0 0 0 0.00000
31-Oct-13 31 1009 0 0 0 0 0.00000
30-Nov-13 30 1039 0 0 0 0 0.00000
- 25 -
Table 4.6: production data and computation of WOR and WOR' - well (6)
Time Qo Qw WC
Days stb/d stb/d %
31-Jul-10 1 1 761 0 0 0 0
31-Aug-10 31 32 825.0968 0 0 0 0
30-Sep-10 30 62 673.7333 0 0 0 0
31-Oct-10 31 93 756.9677 0 0 0 0
30-Nov-10 30 123 818.9 0 0 0 0
31-Dec-10 31 154 802.6452 0 0 0 0
31-Jan-11 31 185 669.2258 0 0 0 0
28-Feb-11 28 213 679.8571 39.75 5.523847 0.058468 0.002088
31-Mar-11 31 244 587.7742 0.580645 0.09869 0.000988
30-Apr-11 30 274 2451.667 90 3.540984 0.03671 0.001191
31-May-11 31 305 3596.129 449.6452 11.11395 0.125036 0.002849
30-Jun-11 30 335 2932.7 496.3 14.47361 0.16923 0.001473
31-Jul-11 31 366 2896.839 279.5806 8.801755 0.096512
31-Aug-11 31 397 2367.355 591.8387 20 0.25 0.004951
30-Sep-11 30 427 1686 379.8667 18.38776 0.225306
31-Oct-11 31 458 1803.613 546.2581 23.2463 0.302869 0.002502
30-Nov-11 30 488 1653.433 789.1 32.30662 0.477249 0.005813
31-Dec-11 31 519 1421.484 766.1935 35.02315 0.53901 0.001992
31-Jan-12 31 550 1407.258 799.4194 36.22729 0.568069 0.000937
29-Feb-12 29 579 1573.379 900.6207 36.40342 0.572412 0.00015
31-Mar-12 31 610 1569.581 1519.419 49.18807 0.968042 0.012762
30-Apr-12 30 640 1204.233 1750.833 59.24852 1.453899 0.016195
31-May-12 31 671 1297.581 1552.935 54.4791 1.196793
30-Jun-12 30 701 1483.9 1535.067 50.84742 1.034481
31-Jul-12 31 732 1662.484 1424.258 46.14114 0.856705
31-Aug-12 31 763 1365.226 1537.645 52.96981 1.126294 0.008696
30-Sep-12 30 793 1278.967 1624.867 55.95592 1.270453 0.004805
31-Oct-12 31 824 1425.452 1740.742 54.97901 1.221186
30-Nov-12 30 854 1423.8 1497.333 51.25864 1.051646
31-Dec-12 31 885 1268.839 1708.613 57.38508 1.346596 0.009515
31-Jan-13 31 916 1235.645 1562.258 55.83674 1.264326
28-Feb-13 28 944 1273.536 1543.036 54.78419 1.211616
30-Mar-13 30 974 1091.7 1123.067 50.70813 1.028732
30-Apr-13 30 1004 1637.233 1278.9 43.85602 0.781135
31-May-13 31 1035 2022.452 1621.29 44.4952 0.801646 0.000662
30-Jun-13 30 1065 2031.567 1664.233 45.03039 0.819187 0.000585
31-Jul-13 31 1096 1605.839 1706.29 51.51642 1.062554 0.007851
31-Aug-13 31 1127 1475.516 1638.806 52.6216 1.110667 0.001552
30-Sep-13 30 1157 1332.367 1254.667 48.49828 0.941683
31-Oct-13 31 1188 1298.935 1293.065 49.88675 0.99548 0.001735
- 26 -
Table 4.7: production data and computation of WOR and WOR' - well (7)
Time Cum Qo Qw WC
Days Days stb/d stb/d %
31-Jul-10 4 4 292.25 0 0 0 0.00000
31-Aug-10 31 35 996.7097 0 0 0 0.00000
30-Sep-10 30 65 10321 0 0 0 0.00000
31-Oct-10 31 96 4157.29 0 0 0 0.00000
30-Nov-10 30 126 0 0 0 0 0.00000
31-Dec-10 31 157 5958.161 0 0 0 0.00000
31-Jan-11 31 188 9846.871 0 0 0 0.00000
28-Feb-11 28 216 3382.429 41.03571 1.198661 0.012132 0.00043
31-Mar-11 31 247 2252.452 0 0 0
30-Apr-11 30 277 6197.433 7.566667 0.121945 0.001221 0.00004
31-May-11 31 308 3982.419 1 0.025104 0.000251
30-Jun-11 30 338 154.9667 2.9 1.836993 0.018714 0.00062
31-Jul-11 31 369 10011.13 152.5161 1.500605 0.015235
31-Aug-11 31 400 9905.032 412.7097 4 0.041667 0.00085
30-Sep-11 30 430 7673.167 443.5667 5.464842 0.057808 0.00054
31-Oct-11 31 461 5068.645 1178.484 18.86441 0.232505 0.00564
30-Nov-11 30 491 4260.8 1251.1 22.69816 0.29363 0.00204
31-Dec-11 31 522 2383.032 1087.516 31.33557 0.456358 0.00525
31-Jan-12 31 553 2128.839 1047.097 32.96971 0.491863 0.00115
29-Feb-12 29 582 1396.034 0 0 0
28-Mar-12 28 610 0 0 0 0 0.00000
22-Sep-12 22 788 986.4545 87.09091 8.112457 0.088287 0.00401
31-Oct-12 31 827 849.5806 13.48387 1.562325 0.015871
30-Nov-12 30 857 51.73333 1.6 3 0.030928 0.00050
31-Dec-12 31 888 0 0 0 0
31-Jan-13 31 919 0 0 0 0 0.00000
28-Feb-13 28 947 0 0 0 0 0.00000
30-Mar-13 30 977 3988.967 95.96667 2.349284 0.024058 0.00080
30-Apr-13 30 1008 2582.967 203.7667 7.312026 0.078889 0.00183
31-May-13 31 1039 8737.065 2211.452 20.19864 0.253112 0.00562
30-Jun-13 30 1069 7232.133 2550.4 26.07096 0.352648 0.00332
31-Jul-13 31 1100 5838.645 3422.903 36.95822 0.58625 0.00754
31-Aug-13 31 1131 5462.161 3431 38.58021 0.62814 0.00135
30-Sep-13 30 1161 4031.8 3102.7 43.48868 0.769557 0.00471
31-Oct-13 31 1192 4719.935 4157.871 46.83444 0.880917 0.00359
30-Nov-13 30 1222 4898.833 4842.833 49.71257 0.988569 0.00359
31-Dec-13 31 1253 4926 5896 54.48161 1.196914 0.00672
31-Jan-14 31 1284 5144.258 6411.645 55.48372 1.246369 0.00160
28-Feb-14 28 1312 5372.036 7091.643 56.89847 1.320103 0.00263
- 27 -
1 10 100 1000 10000
Cumulative days
Figure 4.1: WOR and WOR' derivatives plot for well (1)
0.001 WOR'
1 10 100 1000 10000
Cumulative days
Figure 4.2: WOR and WOR' derivatives plot for well (2)
- 28 -
1 10 100 1000 10000
Cumulative days
Figure 4.3: WOR and WOR' derivatives plot for well (3)
1 10 100 1000 10000
Cumulative days
Figure 4.4: WOR and WOR' derivatives plot for well (4)
- 29 -
1 10 100 1000 10000
Cumulative days
Figure 4.5: WOR and WOR' derivatives plot for well (5)
1 10 100 1000 10000
Cumulative days
Figure 4.6: WOR and WOR' derivatives plot for well (6)
- 30 -
1 10 100 1000 10000
Cumulative days
Figure 4.7: WOR and WOR' derivatives plot for well (7)
- 31 -
Chapter 5
- 32 -
5.2. The recommendations:
From the outcomes of research, the recommendations can be:
1. Choosing the optimum solution for the specified problem to reduce or
prevent excess water production.
2. Close monitoring using logs and well test will improve the understanding of
reservoir flow behavior and identify excessive water production
mechanisms during the life of the well.
3. The WOR diagnostic plots can easily misunderstand and therefore should
not be considered alone to achieve high accurately results on diagnosis the
specific cause of a water production problem.
4. According to point number (3), one of the objectives of this research was
trying to use another method for verifications from the results of derivative
method, that method was spectral analysis which prepared by Egbe and
Dulu (2005). But because of lack of information and short time, our study
stopped at the middle of the project.
If there are sufficient information about spectral analysis method and
enough time, there will be good results.
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