Ics 6 R2001 R2006 PDF
Ics 6 R2001 R2006 PDF
Ics 6 R2001 R2006 PDF
NEMA Standards Publication ICS 6-1993 (R2001, R2006)
Published by
© Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. All rights including
translation into other languages, reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne
Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, and the International and Pan
American Copyright Conventions.
The information in this publication was considered technically sound by the consensus of
persons engaged in the development and approval of the document at the time it was
developed. Consensus does not necessarily mean that there is unanimous agreement
among every person participating in the development of this document.
NEMA disclaims liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature
whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or
indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, application, or reliance on this document.
NEMA disclaims and makes no guaranty or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the
accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and disclaims and makes
no warranty that the information in this document will fulfill any of your particular purposes
or needs. NEMA does not undertake to guarantee the performance of any individual
manufacturer or seller’s products or services by virtue of this standard or guide.
In publishing and making this document available, NEMA is not undertaking to render
professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity, nor is NEMA
undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone
using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as
appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of
reasonable care in any given circumstances. Information and other standards on the topic
covered by this publication may be available from other sources, which the user may wish
to consult for additional views or information not covered by this publication.
NEMA has no power, nor does it undertake to police or enforce compliance with the
contents of this document. NEMA does not certify, test, or inspect products, designs, or
installations for safety or health purposes. Any certification or other statement of
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ICS 6-1993 (R2001, R2006)
Page i
Foreword ………………………………………………………………………………………………ii
Section 1 GENERAL
1.1 Referenced Standards …………………………………………………………………………………1
1.2 Scope …………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
1.3 Normative Standards …………………………………………………………………………………...2
1.4 General Requirements …………………………………………………………………………………2
Section 2 DEFINITIONS (See NEMA 250 for definitions applying to this standard.)
3.1 Standard Enclosure Types…………………………………………………………………..2
3.2 Multiple Type Designations………………………………………………………………….2
Section 6 SERVICE AND STORAGE CONDITIONS (See ICS 1, Part 6 for storage
This standards publication was prepared by a technical committee of the NEMA Industrial
Automation Control Products and Systems Section. It was approved in accordance with the
bylaws of NEMA and supersedes the indicated NEMA Standards Publication. This standards
publication supersedes ICS 6-1993 (R2001).
This standards publication provides practical information concerning ratings, construction, test,
performance and manufacture of industrial control equipment. These standards are used by the
electrical industry to provide guidelines for the manufacture and proper application of reliable
products and equipment and to promote the benefits of repetitive manufacturing and widespread
product availability.
NEMA standards represent the result of many years of research, investigation, and experience
by the members of NEMA, its predecessors, its sections and committees. They have been
developed through continuing consultation among manufacturers, users and national
engineering societies and have resulted in improved serviceability of electrical products with
economies to manufacturers and users.
One of the primary purposes of this standards publication is to encourage the production of
reliable control equipment which, in itself, functions in accordance with these accepted
standards. Some portions of these standards, such as electrical spacings and interrupting
ratings, have a direct bearing on safety; almost all of the items in this publication, when applied
properly, contribute to safety in one way or another.
Properly constructed industrial control equipment is, however, only one factor in minimizing the
hazards, which may be associated with the use of electricity. The reduction of hazard involves
the joint efforts of the various equipment manufacturers, the system designer, the installer and
the user. Information is provided herein to assist users and others in the proper selection of
control equipment.
The industrial control manufacturer has limited or no control over the following factors, which are
vital to a safe installation:
a) Environmental conditions
b) System design
c) Equipment selection and application
d) Installation
e) Operating practices
f) Maintenance
This publication is not intended to instruct the user of control equipment with regard to these
factors except insofar as suitable equipment to meet needs can be recognized in this publication
and some application guidance is given.
This standards publication is necessarily confined to defining the construction requirements for industrial
control equipment and to providing recommendations for proper selection for use under normal or certain
specific conditions. Since any piece of industrial control equipment can be installed, operated and
maintained in such a manner that hazardous conditions may result, conformance with this publication does
not by itself assure a safe installation. When, however, equipment conforming with these standards is
properly selected and is installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code and properly maintained,
the hazards to persons and property will be reduced.
To continue to serve the best interests of users of Industrial Control and Systems equipment, the Industrial
Automation Control Products and Systems Section is actively cooperating with other standardization
organizations in the development of simple and more universal metrology practices. In this publication, the
U.S. customary units are gradually being supplemented by those of the modernized metric system known as
the International Systems of Units (SI). This transition involves no changes in standard dimensions,
tolerances, or performance specifications.
NEMA standards publications are subject to periodic review. They are revised frequently to reflect user input
and to meet changing conditions and technical progress.
Section 1
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provision of this NEMA
Standard Publication. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of
applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below:
FB 1-1993 Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit
and Cable Assemblies
The standards in this publication apply to enclosures used for all enclosed products within the scope
of the Industrial Automation Control Products and Systems Section.
The definitions and standards of NEMA Standards Publications No. 250 and ICS 1 apply, except that
the 1,000-volt maximum limitation does not apply to enclosures for industrial control and systems.
Enclosure types for products within the scope of the Industrial Automation Control Products and
Systems Section shall meet all the requirements of NEMA Standards Publication No. 250 and also
the requirements contained herein except that the enclosure with its enclosed equipment for
hazardous locations need only meet the requirements of UL 698.
See NEMA Standards Publication No. 250 for definitions applying to this standard.
Enclosure types for products within the scope of the Industrial Controls and Systems Section shall be Types 1, 2,
3, 3R, 3S, 4, 4X, 5, 6, 6P, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 12K and 13 as defined by NEMA Standards Publication No. 250.
Enclosures shall be designated by the type number indicating the external conditions for which they are suitable.
A single enclosure which meets the requirements for more than one type of enclosure shall be permitted to be
designated by a series of type numbers, the lesser number being given first.
Conductive material which encloses electric conductors or equipment or forms part of such equipment must be
Metal enclosures in fixed installations are normally grounded by connection via armored cable, metal conduit, or
metal raceway.
Tapered pipe threads provided for installation of rigid conduit are intended to be made up wrench-tight with a
sealant to prevent spiral leakage through the gaps at the crests and roots of the mating threads.
The external environmental limits for the enclosure are established by the enclosure design test procedures of
NEMA Standards Publication No. 250.
This part constitutes the Industrial Automation Control Products and Systems Section manufacturing standards
for enclosures as referenced in NEMA Standards Publication No. 250.
The minimum thickness required for sheet metal enclosures varies with the size of the enclosure. Based on the
use of solid sheet metal without any openings other than those required for operating handles or shafts or for
ventilation, the thickness shall be not less than that given in Table 7-1 and Table 7-2 and, at points where conduit
or armored cable is connected, not less than 0.032 inch (0.81 mm) where made of steel and not less than 0.045
inch (1.14 mm) where made of nonferrous metal. For large enclosures, such as those used for complex
multicomponent controllers, where the enclosure surface does not contribute to the structural integrity of the
enclosure and deformation would not increase electrical hazards, Table 7-1 and Table 7-2 do not apply.
Cast metal, other than die-cast metal, shall be at least 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) thick at every point and of greater
thickness at reinforcing ribs and door edges and shall be at least 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick at threaded holes for
conduit. Die-cast metal shall be not less than 3/32 inch (2.4 mm) thick for an area which is greater than 24
square inches (155 cm2) or in which any dimension is greater than 6 inches (152 mm), and shall be not less than
1/16 inch (1.6 mm) thick for an area which is 24 square inches (155 cm2) or less in which no dimension is greater
than 6 inches (152 mm), and shall be at least 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) thick at threaded holes for conduit.
Removable or hinged parts of enclosures such as doors, covers, etc., shall be provided with means for firmly
securing them in place.
Table 7–1
Without Supporting Frame* With Supporting Frame Minimum Thickness
or Equivalent Reinforcing*
*A supporting frame structure is an angle or channel or a folded rigid section of sheet metal which is rigidly attached
to and has essentially the same outside dimensions as the enclosure surface and which has sufficient torsional rigidity
to resist the bending moments applied via the enclosure surface when it is deflected. Construction which is considered
to have equivalent reinforcing may be accomplished by a multiplicity of designs that will produce a structure which is
as rigid as one built with a frame of angles or channels. Constructions considered to be "without supporting frame"
a. A single sheet with single formed flanges (formed edges)
b. A single sheet which is corrugated
c. An enclosure surface loosely attached to a frame as, for example, with spring clips
** The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular sheet metal piece which is part of an enclosure and supported
at all four edges; where a surface is supported at fewer than four edges, the width is to be considered the maximum
dimension between supporting edges. Supported at the edge means fastened to or otherwise having a relatively solid
support, stiffened member, or reinforcing by forming so as to prevent or minimize the deflection of the sheet metal.
Adjacent surfaces shall be permitted to have supports in common and be made of a single sheet.
†"Not limited" applies only if the edge of the surface is flanged at least 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) or fastened to adjacent
surfaces not normally removed in use.
‡Sheet steel for an enclosure intended for outdoor use shall be not less than 0.034 inch (0.86 mm) thick if zinc coated
and not less than 0.032 inch (0.81 mm) thick if uncoated.
Table 7-2
Without Supporting Frame* With Supporting Frame or Equivalent Reinforcing*
*A supporting frame structure is an angle or channel or a folded rigid section of sheet metal
which is rigidly attached to and has essentially the same outside dimensions as the enclosure
surface and which has sufficient torsional rigidity to resist the bending moments applied via the
enclosure surface when it is deflected. Construction which is considered to have equivalent
reinforcing may be accomplished by a multiplicity of designs that will produce a structure which
is as rigid as one built with a frame of angles or channels. Constructions considered to be
"without supporting frame" include:
a. A single sheet with single formed flanges (formed edges)
b. A single sheet which is corrugated
c. An enclosure surface loosely attached to a frame as, for example, with spring clips
**The width is the smaller dimension of a rectangular sheet metal piece which is part of an
enclosure and supported at all four edges; where a surface is supported at fewer than four
edges, the width is to be considered the maximum dimension between supporting edges.
Supported at the edge means fastened to or otherwise having a relatively solid support,
stiffened member, or reinforcing by forming so as to prevent or minimize the deflection of the
sheet metal. Adjacent surfaces shall be permitted to have supports in common and be made of
a single sheet.
†"Not limited" applies only if the edge of the surface is flanged at least 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) or
fastened to adjacent surfaces not normally removed in use.
‡Sheet copper, brass, or aluminum for an enclosure intended for outdoor use shall be not less
than 0.029 inch (0.74 mm) thick.
7.2.1 General
Ventilating openings shall be designed to prevent entry of a rod having the diameter specified in NEMA Standards
Publication No. 250 for the type of ventilated enclosure.
Except as noted in the following paragraph, the thickness of sheet metal employed in expanded metal mesh and
perforated sheet metal shall be not less than 0.042 inch (1.07 mm) where made of steel and 0.058 inch (1.47
mm) where made of nonferrous material. Where the mesh openings or perforations are greater than 1/2 square
inch (323 mm2) in area, the thickness of the metal shall be not less than 0.080 inch (2.03 mm) where made of
steel and 0.112 inch (2.84 mm) where made of nonferrous material.
An expanded metal mesh of not less than 0.020 inch (0.51 mm) steel or not less than 0.029 inch (0.74 mm)
non-ferrous material shall be permitted to cover an opening where an indentation will not affect the operation of a
movable part or the clearance between uninsulated current-carrying parts and grounded metal provided that
a. The total area of the exposed mesh on any one side of the enclosure is not greater than 72
square inches (464 cm 2 ) and has no dimension which is greater than 12 inches (305 mm).
b. The width of an opening so protected is not greater than 3-1/2 inches (89 mm).
All enclosures which are composed of wire mesh, perforated screens, or grill work shall be provided with a
supporting frame.
Where openings are screened, the wire gauge of the screen shall be not less than No. 16 AWG. Where the
screen mesh openings are greater than 1/2 square inch (323 mm2) in area, the wire gauge shall be not less than
No. 12 AWG.
Enclosure Types 5 and 12 may include sections or compartments that are ventilated. These sections or
compartments need not meet the dust test requirements but should meet the test requirements for Type 1 and
Type 2 enclosures. In such a case either a separate designation for each type compartment should be placed on
each compartment or a single nameplate may state: Type 12 with Type 1 compartment.
7.3.1 Knockouts
Table 7-3 lists the ranges of conduit sizes for which knockouts are to be provided in enclosures for AC controllers
Size 5 or smaller. The table is based on using one conduit entrance for line wires and one conduit entrance for
load wires.
Table 7–3
Knockouts for three Line or three Load
Range of Wire Sizes Required for Line and Range of Sizes of Ranges of Sizes of
Load*, Conduit for Copper Conduit for
Wire Alone Aluminum and
AWG or kcMil Copper Wire
Copper Aluminum
00 14 12 ½ ½
0 14-10 12-8 ½ ½, ¾
1 14-8 12-6 ½, ¾ ½, ¾, 1
1P 8-6 8-4 ½, ¾ ½, ¾, 1
2 10-4 10-3 ½, ¾, 1 ½, ¾, 1, 1-¼
3 8-1/0 8-3/0 ¾, 1, 1-¼, 1-½ ¾, 1, 1-¼, 1-½, 2
4 4-3/0 2-250 1, 1-¼, 1-½, 2 1, 1-¼, 1-½, 2, 2-½
5 2/0-500 4/0-700 1-½, 2, 2-½, 3 1-½, 2, 2-½, 3, 3-½
*Derating factors for 60ºC and 75ºC wire in a 40ºC ambient are 0.82, and 0.88 respectively, with not more than
three conductors in raceway. The maximum wire size shown is for a 40ºC ambient based on the ampacity required
for service limit current or 125 percent of maximum motor full load current corresponding to horsepower whichever
is greater. The minimum wire size shown is for 75ºC insulation in a 30ºC ambient and minimum motor full load
current corresponding to horsepower.
**Largest knockout is based on use of 60ºC wire for controller sizes 00 through 3 and 75ºC wire for controller sizes
4 and 5.
Table 7-4 shows the knockout diameters and conduit bushing dimensions to be taken into consideration when
designing enclosures and mounting the enclosed apparatus (See Figure 7-1).
Where provided, conduit entrances for type 3, 3R, 3S, 4, 4X, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 enclosures shall be in the top and
in the bottom of the enclosure. Where provisions are made for threaded conduit connections in these enclosures
for AC controllers Size 5 or smaller, there shall be one 3/4-inch conduit entrance in the bottom of magnetic
controllers for control wires plus one conduit entrance in the top of manual and magnetic controllers for line
conductors and one conduit entrance in the bottom of manual and magnetic controllers for load conductors in
accordance with Table 7-5.
Table 7–4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
*These diameters apply to single or concentric types only and exclude any projection of breakout ears or tabs.
**It is desirable the diameter of the knockout be held as close as possible to the nominal diameter given in Column 2.
†These diameters at the flange of the conduit bushing are minimum in order to obtain the overlap shown in Column 6
with maximum knockout diameter.
Figure 7–1
Table 7–5
Size of Controller Conduit Sizes for Line
or Load Wires,
00 ¾
0 ¾
1 1
1P 1
2 1½
3 2
4 2½
5 3½
Tapered pipe threads for rigid steel electrical conduit and conduit connections are a special application of pipe
threads where a longer engagement is desirable for grounding and strength considerations.
The pitch diameter of the external thread on the conduit remains the same as for standard pipe threads, but the
pitch diameter at the entrance to the internal thread is made larger to provide for longer thread engagement.
Table 7-6 specifies the tapered internal thread engagement which should be provided for in enclosures designed
with integral bushings to accept rigid conduit. The turns engagement method of gauging determines that an
adequate number of threads are available. The plug gauge is screwed hand-tight into the enclosure. A threaded
hole with integral bushings is acceptable if the hand-tight engagement of the gauge is within the limits given in
Table 7-6 and there is a minimum of one full thread available beyond the end of the plug gauge. This clearance
ensures that the smallest permissible external thread will tighten against the thread, and not bottom against the
bushing. See Figure 7-2. Some recommended hole sizes for rigid conduit threads with integral bushings are
shown in Table 7-7 (See Figure 7-3 and 7-4). The sizes shown permit tapping to meet the ANSI Standards
requirements of Table 7-6.
When integral bushings are not provided in enclosures designed to accept rigid conduit, the enclosure wall
thickness should be held to the values shown in Table 7-8 so that sufficient threads will protrude through the wall
for attachment of a separate bushing, without requiring additional threading of the conduit. (See Figure 7-5.)
Table 7–6
Nominal ANSI Publications CSA Publications
or Trade
Size of Applicable to NEMA UL UL CSA C22.2-0- C22.2-0.5
Conduit all ANSI FB 1 508 698 M*
Inches Threads Min. Max.† Minimum Other Class Min. Turns Max. Turns Other Class
per Inch ** Than 1 Penetration Penetration than 1
Class Haz. Class Haz.
1 Loc. Loc. 1 Loc. Loc.
½ 14 6 9 5 3½ 5 3½ 5 5 7 3½ 5
¼ 14 6 9 5 3½ 5 3½ 5 5¼ 7¼ 3½ 5
1 11½ 6 9 5 3½ 5 3 5 5 7⅛ 3 5
1¼ 11½ 6 10 5 3½ 5 3 5 5⅜ 7⅜ 3 5
1½ 11½ 6 10 5 3½ 5 3 5 5⅜ 7⅜ 3 5
2 11½ 6 10 5 3½ 5 3 5 5½ 7½ 3 5
2½ 8 6 10 5 3½ 5 3 5 6 8 3 5
3 8 6 10 5 3½ 5 3 5 6⅝ 8⅝ 3 5
3½ 8 7 11 5 3½ 5 3 5 7⅛ 9½ 3 5
4 8 7 11 5 3½ 5 3 5 7¼ 9½ 3 5
4½ 8 7 11 5 3½ 5 3 5 7½ 9½ 3 5
5 8 7 11 5 3½ 5 3 5 8 10 3 5
6 8 7 11 5 3½ 5 3 5 8⅛ 10½ 3 5
Figure 7–2
Table 7–7
Without Undercut With Undercut Throat Diameter
Nominal Threads (Figure 7-3) (Figure 7-4) D3
or Trade per Inch
Size of Entrance Entrance Undercut Undercut
Conduit Diameter Depth Diameter Depth Diameter Depth
Minimum Maximum
D1 L1 D1 L1 D2 L2
½ 14 0.723 0.929 0.723 0.786 0.840 0.214 0.560 0.622
¾ 14 0.932 0.929 0.932 0.786 1.050 0.214 0.742 0.824
1 11.5 1.170 1.130 1.170 0.957 1.315 0.261 0.944 1.047
1¼ 11.5 1.514 1.217 1.514 1.044 1.660 0.261 1.242 1.380
1½ 11.5 1.753 1.217 1.753 1.044 1.900 0.261 1.449 1.610
2 11.5 2.226 1.217 2.226 1.044 2.375 0.261 1.860 2.067
2½ 8 2.658 1.750 2.658 1.500 2.875 0.375 2.222 2.467
3 8 3.279 1.750 3.279 1.500 3.500 0.375 2.761 3.066
3½ 8 3.783 1.875 3.783 1.625 4.000 0.375 3.193 3.548
4 8 4.280 1.875 4.280 1.625 4.500 0.375 3.623 4.026
4½ 8 4.810 1.875 4.810 1.625 5.032 0.375 4.084 4.537
5 8 5.337 1.875 5.337 1.625 5.563 0.375 4.542 5.045
6 8 6.392 1.875 6.392 1.625 6.625 0.375 5.458 6.065
Throat D3 D1 Entrance Throat D3 D1 D2
3/4"/Ft 3/4"/FT.
Diameter Diameter Diameter Undercut
L1 L1
Table 7–8
Nominal or Trade Threads Enclosure Wall Thickness
Size of Conduit per Inch Cored or Reamed
Minimum Maximum
(Taper ¾in/ft)
T h r e a d e d B u s h in g T h r e a d le s s B u s h in g
Lock N ut
C o n d u it
T h r e a d e d B u s h in g T h r e a d le s s b u s h in g
Figure 7–5
Spacings between any live part and the enclosure wall shall be as shown in ICS 1, Part 7, except that a greater
spacing is required if the enclosure is not rigid. The spacings shall be permitted to be less than those shown in ICS 1,
Part 7 if the enclosure is lined with an insulating material.
Enclosures shall be constructed so that, after the apparatus has been mounted within the enclosure, there will be
adequate room for wiring (see Table 7-9, Table 7-10, and Table 7-11). This wiring space is the distance between the
end of the lug, pressure wire connector, or terminal screw (whichever is least) and the point on the wall of the
enclosure toward which the conductor will be initially directed. Where a conductor is restricted from bending, by
means of barriers or otherwise, as it leaves the lug, the distance shall be measured from the end of the restriction.
Nonmetallic enclosures and enclosures used as pendants require a terminal to bond the apparatus to a grounding
conductor included in the cable or nonmetallic conduit. The fundamental requirement is a continuous low-impedance
circuit between all metal conduit and all metallic parts which project through the enclosure.
Where a grounding conductor is furnished by the apparatus manufacturer, it should be green with or without a yellow
stripe. Where a screw is furnished for the installer to use in making a grounding connection, a screw with a slotted
hexagonal green-colored head is preferred.
Legends and instruction information appearing on the exterior of the enclosure should be applied in such a manner as
to have a degree of permanence and legibility commensurate with the environment and application for which the
enclosure is intended.
See NEMA Standards Publication No. 250 for enclosure test requirements.
See 7.2.5.
Table 7–9
Maximum Wire Minimum Bending Space, Inches
1 wire per pole 2 wires per
AWG or MCM pole*
14-10 AWG Not …
8-6 1½ …
4-3 2 …
2 2½ …
1 3 …
0 5 5
00 6 6
000-0000 MCM 7 7
250 8 8
300 10 10
350-500 12 12
600-700 14 16
750-900 18 19
Table 7–10
Wire Size Minimum Bending Space*, Inches (mm)
AWG or 1 Wire per Terminal 2 Wires per Terminal 3 Wires per Terminal 4 or More Wires per
MCM Terminal
14-10 AWG Not Specified
8 1½ (38.1) … … …
6 2 (50.8) … … …
4 3 (76.2) … … …
3 3 (76.2) … … …
2 3½ (88.9) … … …
1 4½ (114) … … …
0 5½ (140) 5½ (140) 7 (178) …
2/0 6 (152) 6 (152) 7½ (191) …
3/0 6½ (165) [6] 6½ (165) [6] 8 (203) …
4/0 7 (178) [6] 7½ (191) [6] 8½ (216) [8] …
250 MCM 8½ (216) [6½] 8½ (216) [6½] 9 (229) [8] 10 (254)
300 10 (254) [7] 10 (254) [8] 11 (279) [10] 12 (305)
350 12 (305) [9] 12 (305) [9] 13 (330) [10] 14 (356) [12]
400 13 (330) [10] 13 (330) [10] 14 (356) [11] 15 (381) [12]
500 14 (356) [11] 14 (356) [11] 15 (381) [12] 16 (406) [13]
600 15 (381) [12] 16 (406) [13] 18 (457) [15] 19 (483) [16]
700 16 (406) [13] 18 (457) [15] 20 (508) [17] 22 (559) [19]
750 17 (432) [14] 19 (483) [16] 22 (559) [19] 24 (610) [21]
800 18 (457) 20 (508) 22 (559) 24 (610)
900 19 (483) 22 (559) 24 (610) 24 (610)
1000 20 (508) … … …
1250 22 (559) … … …
1500-2000 24 (610) … … …
*Bending space at terminals shall be measured in a straight line from the end of the lug or wire connector (in the direction that
the wire leaves the terminal) to the wall, barrier, or obstruction.
For removable wire terminals intended for only one wire, bending space shall be permitted to be reduced by the number of
inches shown in brackets.
Table 7–11
Size of Wire Wires per Terminal
AWG or MCM 1 2 3 4 5
NOTE: Bending space at terminals shall be measured in a straight line from the end of the lug
or wire connector (in the direction that the wire leaves the terminal) to the wall, barrier, or