Magic Magnets - Celia Garcia Gomez
Magic Magnets - Celia Garcia Gomez
Magic Magnets - Celia Garcia Gomez
This book does not intend to substitute a doctor, and should never be a replacement for a visit
to a doctor. The author does not bear responsibility for any harm caused due to an improper
use of this book.
Please do not use the magnets if you have previously received chemotherapy.
Candida................................................................................................................................ 18
Intestinal parasites .............................................................................................................. 18
Cough .................................................................................................................................. 19
Tuberculosis ........................................................................................................................ 19
General Table ......................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Chapter 4: .................................................................................................................................... 21
Other really interesting points that could help you… ................................................................. 21
4.1 Difficulty breathing… ................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Throat pain .......................................................................................................... 21
4.2.2 Cough .................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.3 General cold ........................................................................................................ 22
4.2.4 Pneumonia .......................................................................................................... 22
4.2.5 It itches! (skin conditions) ................................................................................... 23
4.2.6 Detox ................................................................................................................... 24
Little table to print ................................................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
4.2.7 Overweight .......................................................................................................... 27
4.2.8 Femenine ............................................................................................................. 27
4.2.9 How do you digest? ............................................................................................. 29
4.2.10 Parasites .............................................................................................................. 30
4.2.11 Fungi .................................................................................................................... 31
Chapter 5 : The emotional journey ............................................................................................. 32
5.1 Fear.............................................................................................................................. 32
5.2 Anger, frustration, depression: ................................................................................... 33
5.3 Solitude, shyness, sadness .......................................................................................... 34
5.4 Anxiety, distress: ......................................................................................................... 34
5.5 Chronic stress, fatigue ................................................................................................. 34
5.5 Worry-cure: ................................................................................................................. 35
Chapter 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Magnets and chacras .................................................................................................................. 37
The first 3 Chakras (Matter) .................................................................................................... 37
The Fourth Chakra: The Connection Between Matter and Spirit ........................................... 38
The 3 Chakras of Spirit ............................................................................................................ 38
Chapter 7 ..................................................................................................................................... 39
FRECUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS................................................................................................. 39
Can I use the magnets just by reading this book? .................................................................. 39
Can magnets harm me? What is the limit for using them? .................................................... 39
How many times a day can I use the magnets? ...................................................................... 39
Can I use the magnets if I have a cardiac pacemaker? ........................................................... 39
Can I use the magnets if I have cancer? .................................................................................. 39
Can the magnets harm electrical devices?.............................................................................. 39
Can I use the magnets being pregnant?.................................................................................. 39
Can I use the magnets on my dog? ......................................................................................... 39
Can you also run a session from distance? ............................................................................. 40
The Hands in this body… ............................................................................................................. 41
If you are reading this book, it is probably not because of your interest in magnets, but
because we have had a session together. After the session you must have felt amazing,
and sufficiently encouraged to take health into your own hands…
Congratulations! This book means we will sit together for a while, and I will explain to
you all of the practicalities, for dummies”, so to speak. That is, as you read along, you
will start being able to apply magnets. Please do not look for scientific demonstrations
and detailed explanations of how the magnets work. These you can find elsewhere if
you have an interest (see appendix 1.1 Recommended reading). Rather, my intention
for this book is that it be “practice in action”.
I want to save you time. I would like you to start reading, and get a real taste of how to
start functioning with the magnets, and last but not least, I’D LIKE TO SHARE a way of
healing that …
1. Most importantly, DOES not hurt, does not use chemicals, and is non-invasive;
2. will help you deal with the footprint that emotions leave in your body;
3. you can share with your friends and family (even with your pets, if you feel sure
enough where the organs are);
4. will help you deal with stress and anxiety;
5. once you have magnets, is so CHEAP (and the magnets are not expensive in and
of themselves) that it is AFFORDABLE and ACCESSIBLE for EVERYBODY.
But there is something more to a session than the magnets. Maybe I will be ready to
explain more in a second book, about this inner listening that transforms the space in
which we are when we meet.
Chapter 1
Big problems lead to big evolution in life, if you are ready to listen…
… And I had a big problem. I was working as an interpreter in Chennai, India, at the
Oneness University, and nobody could help me. Nobody?
As this book was obviously not on the market, (with all the information I needed to
start functioning with the magnets), I had to study from zero. So I abandoned my life
as a translator and interpreter, and went to study with Isaac Goiz, the father of this
What follows is a summary of what I would have needed to know at the time!
Your magnets have a positive pole (+) and a negative one (-). To make it easy for you
they are marked on the leather that covers them. In the notes I share with my patients,
whenever you see a (-) in a diagram, or the funny drawings I do, you need to apply the
negative against the skin.
Issac Goiz’s research indictates that the magnets need only 13 minutes to take full
effect, but people tend to round that up to 15 minutes just to be sure.
Well, first you need to try it. So first: trust in the diagrams in the book. Then, after
gaining some experience, you will suddenly realize that your right leg contracts slightly
such that it becomes a touch shorter when you place the negative pole of the magnet
against the skin in the point shown on the diagrams. When you place the positive pole
in the place indicated (in my diagrams) you will see that your legs balance out.
I treated more than 50 people before gaining the trust to actually see what was
happening, TAKE IT EASY, and ask if you have any doubts.
Chapter 2
Close your eyes. Imagine a swimming pool. The water has a pH and you have to take
care of it. When you check the pH levels, you have some tools to do so. My father
added some of the water to a little plastic box and if the water was acidic it turned red;
if it was alkaline, the water turned blue. He had different chemicals to add to the
water, so it was always clear, and the pH was neutral.
So I have to confess that the first time we talk, I close my eyes and I see a little pond
with a mouth that says things, and two legs which help it move. With the magnets, and
my hands, I can find acidic and alkaline spots.
Let’s come back to the swimming pool. If we stop taking care of the water it turns
green, and AFTER THAT, we have a dragonfly coming, mosquitos, and all the rest.
SOON, we have a pond.
I’ve met some real ponds over the last few years. Acidity is the perfect environment
for virus and fungi, and alkalinity is the perfect one for parasites and bacteria.
When you apply the magnets you allow balance to be restored, and when pH is
balanced, there is no room for pathogens. In this sense, you might experience a little
healing crisis (the pathogen dies and your body has to cleanse it out).
Did you not say, “you were going to cut straight to the point?
The pictures of people in this book usually include a heart and this indicates the left
part of your body. Remember, “Heart is positive”. A negative symbol (-) means that
the negative pole of the magnets goes against your skin.
For any kind of problem on the right side of your body:
Place the negative pole of the magnet against the skin in the palm of
your right hand.
Place the positive pole of the magnet against the skin on the sole of
your left foot.
Wait for 15 minutes.
3.2.1 Inflammation
This is probably one of the most advisable magnet positions, so please pay attention. If
possible take the magnets in your hands and start practicing right after reading the
instructions. This video shows some examples.
This position helps you to reduce inflammation anywhere. Place the negative pole of a
magnet against the inflamed area of your body, and the positive pole of a magnet
against the opposite kidney.
For a twisted right ankle, place the negative pole of a magnet against the right ankle,
and the positive pole of another magnet against the left kidney. Wait for 15 minutes. I
have a video here that explains this very well. I allow my self some publicity here: ;)
Please subscribe to Biomagcelia on Youtube if you feel curious and you would like to
know more.
3.2.2 Improve your immune system
Your immune system reflects your stress level. There is a magnet position that could
help you(combined with a healthy diet, meditation, and quality sleep, diet is also a
very important factor…
a. Negative pole of the magnet on the thymus gland, (above your heart) and the
positive on the appendix.
b. Healthy diet: The three pillars are: no refined sugars, no pasteurized / non-
organic dairy, and no gluten or refined grains.
If you can go organic (or mostly) you are on a good path. If you need advice, I know
amazing professional coaches. Just ask!
Constipation/ diarrhea
On the mouth
On the nose
Note: In one session I use up to 5 pairs of magnets. You can put the magnets in the
nose area first, and after on your forehead.
Intestinal parasites
Attention: The negative is between the shoulder and the neck. If you were carrying a
backpack it would be on the line where the strap of the backpack goes.
To print…
Here I present you with a table that has a description of all the positions. You may wish
to print a copy so you have it near and it’s easy to check.
(under the waist magnet you experience intestinal
line, to the left). positioned. discomfort.
Diarrhoea/constipation Descendent colon Under your
(under the belt, coccyx
towards the left).
Hang over, liver Liver Right kidney
(Under the right
Sinusitis(1) Above the right Above the left
eyebrow eyebrow
Sinusitis (2) Under the right eye Under the left eye
Herpes At the right end of At the left end of This is the most
your lips your lips common mouth
Cándida Right side of your Left side of your
diaphragm (a palm diaphragm (a palm
under your right under your left
breast) breast
Intestinal parasites Right buttock Left buttock
Parasites in your ear Right ear Left ear If you grind your teeth
at night while you
sleep, this could be a
very pertinent point to
Cough AboveAdam’s apple Below Adam´s
Tuberculosis In the middle point In the middle
between your neck point between
and your right your neck and
shoulder. your left
REMEMBER: If you you’d like further clarification of where these points are, I have a
beautiful PDF illustrating everything. Or, simply contact me by email. I will be very
happy to hear from you:
Chapter 4:
4.2.2 Cough
4.2.3 Common cold
4.2.4 Pneumonia
Please note that there are other points associated with pneumonia, for example in the
esophagus area, this one is the most common
4.2.5 It itches! (Skin conditions)
False psoriasis:
This means that you believe you have psoriasis, or the doctor said so, but all you have
is an unbalance with symptoms that resemble psoriasis. I have seen various cases…
Please remember that you can always try the magnets, and observe if the symptoms
False psoriasis 2
Herpes 1
Herpes 2
4.2.6 Detox
If you feel you need to detox your body and you start some kind of fasting or detox
program, you can speed up the process and make it easy for your body with the
magnets. Put them in the following places, depending on which organ you think needs
more help.
If your condition, lifestyle or circumstances (being a mother, for example), don’t allow
you to fast, you can try having breakfast later and dinner earlier. This will lengthen the
period your body has to cleanse itself.
Please check online, or in any anatomy/ physiology book for the location of the organs.
There is a short description in table form below.
Symptom Negative pole of the magnet Positive pole against skin Note
against skin
Pancreas One palm above the naval, to To the left of the first magnet you
the left positioned.
Liver Under the right breast Under the first magnet you
Kidneys Above the right lumbar region Above the left lumbar region
Intestines Under the naval, to the right Under the belly bottom, to the left.
Spleen One palm under the left breast To the right of the first magnet you
4.2.7 Overweight
Something that I find in almost all my patients carrying extra weight is a problem with
the thyroid. Therefore, the first points that I treat are those related to stress.
In her beautiful book, Green for life, Victoria Boutenko remarks that your body
conserves extra fat in order to store toxins until it is able to eliminate them (which can
take a while in the case of persistent organic pollutants originating from insecticides,
fungicides and chemicals found in building and cleaning materials. Farmed Salmon
from Norway has particularly high levels of POPs.) For me, it was very nice to change
is very intelligent. Once you eliminate toxins, it doesn’t need the extra fat, and you
won’t hold it for long.
4.2.8 Female
Let’s get down to practical matters! Place the negative on the pineal gland (on the
crown chakra) and the positive in the pelvic floor.
This pair works very well for period pains and cramps during your period. This pair is
also good for premenstrual pain or menopause.
If you have very acute pain in your genital area, apply both magnets, negative poles
against the skin, one next to the other, on the affected area.
If you feel there is inflammation, place the negative pole of a magnet on the inflamed
area, and the positive of another on the opposing kidney. If you feel pain, for example
on the right ovarie position the negative there, and the positive on the left kidney.
This is a very complex and extremely delicate topic. I have treated several women
hoping to have a baby, and it was very helpful to have a couple of sessions, making use
of the magnets. There are certain points in the body where if there is a pH unbalance,
becoming pregnant can be very difficult. In these cases, magnets help the body to
eliminate magnetic barriers that were making pregnancy all the more elusive.
According to Isaac Goiz, the founder of this treatment, the ovule has a negative
magnetic charge, and the sperm has a positive magnetic charge. They are meant to
meet because they feel attraction to each other. If a Ph unbalance occurs in your body
along the path that the sperm follows to meet the ovule, then we can restore balance
with the magnets.
Some of the women I have encountered searching for pregnancy advice, didn’t really
believe in the magnets, but came rather for my hands to be on their body; or to have a
couple of coaching sessions in which we explored many habits and topics related to
fertility. We addressed a lot of emotional issues and, as far as I know, there was
success afterwards.
The first area (the most common) that I check for unbalances is on the ureter, negative
pole of the magnet on the left side of the naval and positive pole of the magnet on the
right side of the naval. Wait for 15 minutes.
It is worth having a session in order to check all the different possibilities out.
At the end of the book there are some recommendations for further reading and
resources that some of my patients have found useful.
It seems incredible that magnets can help you with so many things. More than once,
they have saved me from indigestion by simply applying the negative pole of the
magnet against the pit of the stomach and the positive right under. This position also
helps with heartburn or reflux. Try it! It is so good when you are travelling.
If you feel nausea and the urge to vomit, try putting the negative pole against the
spleen (under the left breast) and the positive on the transverse colon (under your
4.2.10 Parasites
Here I would like to share with you the most common magnet position for parasites:
If you are pregnant, this is quite an important position to know! Apply the negative
pole to the right ear and positive pole on the left ear. Wait for 15 minutes.
Some people advise not to use the magnets when you are pregnant. Personally, I took
the course on magnets with Isaac Goiz being 6 months pregnant, and magnets helped
me to get rid of bacteria infection, without using drugs. I would trust your own
intuition. In my experience, if you believe something is going to harm you… it will! I
had total faith and the magnets helped me indeed.
It’s wise to repeat this position every day for 21 days, to break the parasite cycle.
Consuming plenty of grapefruit extract is also helpful, as is of course, paying attention
to hand hygiene. .
Please try to eliminate as much as you can your sugar consumption.
4.2.11 Fungi
If you know for sure that your skin condition is a consequence of a fungus, the first
thing to do is apply bicarbonate of sodium to the affected area. If the fungus is on the
feet, apply the negative pole of the magnet to the right toe, and the positive to the left
Chapter 5
Every single emotion we experience leaves a footprint in our physical body. Addressing
and treating these footptints is the absolute key to preventing future illness. As such,
the emotions are one of my main focuses of attention when I first treat somebody.
Next, I would like to provide you with the keys to start treating yourself, at home.
Magnets are not going to eliminate what you think is the cause of a painful emotion
(they won’t change or destroy your boss, or your ex-husband’s new girlfriend), but
they will clear up the pH unbalances produced while you were feeling the emotion. It is
like a clear up; an opportunity to start again, stronger. For example, if fear produces
an unbalance in your kidneys, anger and frustration in your liver… But, let’s start from
the very beginning (‘a very good place to start’).
5.1 Fear
Fear is one of our core emotions. I can say out loud (very loud) that I am an expert in
fear. All my life I have been scared of big things, and small things.
The most important thing is to transit this fear. To realize that fear wears costumes;
the costume of jealousy, anxiety, or sadness. To realize that, it is just your mind looking
for reasons to feed this emotion.
When we are afraid, when we feel fear, the pH in our kidneys becomes unbalanced,
and sometimes also affects our knees (as if our body wanted us to stop walking, or
moving). Carry on Reading…
You just need to place the negative pole of a magnet against the right kidney, and the
positive of another against the left kidney. As usual, for 15 minutes.
After this, moving on to your knees, place the negative against your left kneecap, and
the positive against your right kneecap.
5.2 Anger, frustration, depression
This little terrible group affects mainly your liver. We always find somebody who
makes us angry and frustrates us (usually somebody at work, our family, our partner,
our daughter or son). Does our anger harm them? I think, first and foremost, it harms
We are the first in line to experience the effect of our emotions, so that alone should
make us want to change those emotions, or to regard them differently.
“Yeah, but while you observe, can you do something with the magnets?” a good friend
asked me one day.
Of course!! I gave you a clue already: THE LIVER. This organ is so big, you can’t miss it.
Put both magnets on the liver, one with the negative pole against the skin, and the
other with the positive against the skin.
If we were sitting together, I would ask you, ‘Was it frustration triggered by somebody
you love (your husband, son, or daughter)? Or hate (also your husband, son or
daughter, or your work colleague)? Then place the negative facing towards the liver
and the positive towards the heart.
Is there a situation in which you don’t see a way out? Or are you just not capable of
letting go of things, situations, or people that are harming you? Then place the
negative on the liver and the positive on the intestines (under your naval).
Do you drink alcohol? (To cover up your boredom, frustration or depression?) Place
the negative pole against the liver, and the positive against your right kidney.
5.3 Solitude, shyness, sadness
Many of us experience a very deep sadness, like grief. Some of us know where it
comes from. Others were just born with it…
For sadness, I treat the lungs. Place a magnet over the right lung, negative pole to the
skin, and another with the positive to the skin over the left lung. When I feel that
sadness is breaking someone’s heart, I face negative to the right lung, and positive to
the heart.
Shyness makes the lungs feel cold. When this occurs, some people feel the urge to
smoke. We can calm down the lungs by applying heat: dry heat (a heated seed bag), or
wet heat (a hot water bottle). If you are trying to stop smoking, ask yourself any time
you are about to light a cigarette, “What am I hiding or trying to hide from now? What
is this smoke cloud covering?”And then, please take 3 conscious breaths.
you live with it, and you even feel exasperated when your beloved ones don’t have the
same stress-reactions that you experience.
Do you know what is actually happening in your body, when you feel stress?
Understanding our body’s natural response to threat will help us dealing with it.
The fight or flight response refers to a specific biochemical reaction that both humans and
animals experience during intense stress or fear. The sympathetic nervous system releases
hormones that cause changes to occur throughout the body.
During this reaction, certain hormones like adrenalin and cortisol are released, speeding the
heart rate, slowing digestion, shunting blood flow to major muscle groups, and changing
various other autonomic nervous functions, giving the body a burst of energy and strength.
Originally named for its ability to enable us to physically fight or run away when faced with
danger,basically, your body thinks you have a lion in front of you, and creates the
conditions for you to have all the energy that you need to run. RUN for your life!!!!
So all this energy goes to your blood, but… Actually? What is happening? NOTHING. It
is all in your mind. It was only an encounter with your boss or an invoice that you were
not expecting…
Your thyroid starts working, secreting thyroxin (T4), which I like to imagine as a calming
energy, just stroking all the organs, and telling them, “Don’t you worry, everything is
alright….” But this takes a lot of energy.
I recommend you placing the magnets on the thyroid as described before (the stress
point). And try to find a place where is quiet (even a toilet would do), try to sit with a
straight spine, inhaling while expanding your abdomen, and move the breath into your
rib cage, and all the way into your upper chest. Exhale by reversing this action; begin at
the collarbones and exhale down through your rib cage and into your abdomen.
Contract your abdominal muscles as you finish exhaling.
This technique helps to eliminate shallow chest breathing and encourages full
exhalation and inhalation.
Once again, there's no need to push yourself or judge yourself for being anxious. The
idea is simply to be quiet for a short time and notice your breath.
I have found in my sessions that stress is very linked to the use of modern
communication technology, and work. That is, people who have to answer their emails
a.s.a.p. (or they think so). So much energy, plus the Wi-Fi, and all the electromagnetic
fields formed.
5.5 Worry-cure:
Worry usually likes to mix itself with anxiety, and from my hands’ point of view, affects
mainly the stomach and spleen.
Apply the negative face of a magnet to the pit of the stomach, and the positive just
As a therapist, it is very easy to look at the person and think, ‘Why is he worrying about
that?’ and say, ‘Come on, do not worry…’
Well, that is IMPOSSIBLE, and will only increase the chance of the patient worrying
I usually ask the person to go off and explore, to identify the worry triggers, and then
write them down.
Awareness is the mother of the solution. Once you become aware of what is
worrying you, you don’t go on automatic pilot so easily.
What also really works for me, is to do something with my hands, like pressing my right
ear sing a song, or make a sound with my tong (click). That breaks the energy flow
going from the stomach to the brain. (Again, I am talking from the perspective of what
my hands perceive when I am in contact with a person who is worrying).
Salto de página
The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates as wheel or disk. There are seven main
chakras, which align with the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the
crown of the head.
In this image, you can see where they are all located. Chakra number one is by your
bottom, and chakra number 7 is on the crown of your head.
These swirling wheels of energy correspond to massive nerve centres in the body. Each
of the seven main chakras contains bundles of nerves and major organs as well as our
psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Since everything is moving, it’s
essential that our seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and fluid. If there is a
blockage, energy cannot flow.
The first three chakras, starting at the base of the spine are chakras of matter. They are
more physical in nature.
First Chakra: The Muladhara is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. It
encompasses the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon. When this chakra is
open, we feel safe and fearless.
Second Chakra: The Svadhisthana chakra is our creativity and sexual centre. It is
located above the pubic bone, below the navel, and is responsible for our creative
Third Chakra: The Manipura chakra is the area from the navel to the breastbone. It is
our source of personal power.
Located at the heart centre, the fourth chakra, Anahata is in the middle of the seven
and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. It is also
spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The
heart chakra is our source of love and connection.
When we work through our physical chakras, or the first three, we can open the
spiritual chakras more fully.
Fifth Chakra: The Vishuddha chakra is the fifth chakra, located in the throat area. This
is our source of verbal expression and the ability to speak our highest truth. It includes
the neck, thyroid, and parathyroid glands, jaw, mouth, and tongue.
Sixth Chakra: The Ajna chakra is located between the eyebrows. It is also referred to as
the “third eye” chakra. Ajna is our centre of intuition. We all have a sense of intuition
but we may not listen to it or heed its warnings. Focussing on opening the sixth chakra
will help you hone this ability.
Seventh Chakra: The Sahaswara chakra or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra is found
at the crown of the head. This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to
our higher self others, and ultimately, to the divine. In a session I trust my hands to
apply magnets where I feel. But there is a general rule of thumb that works for
Chapter 7
Yes, and on your cat, horse, or donkey; as long as you know where their organs are. I
think my only limitation would be the size of the magnet and the animal…
Can you also hold a session from distance?
My hands…
Here I present a bit of storytelling for curious people, who not only want to learn about the
magnets, but also about the author of this book.
My hands are almost like another person sharing my body with me. They can listen,
and talk. They do it in their way, of course. And I have to say, in the beginning I didn’t
like it at all. In fact, I politely ignored this part of my being for way too long…
I started my working life as an interpreter (German and English into Spanish), then I
moved on to the translation of texts, and then teaching Spanish as a foreign language. I
was living the city life in Berlin, Barcelona, and finally Budapest before coming back to
Spain when I was 28. I broke off my engagement to my German boyfriend, and moved
into my best-friend’s house in Granada. There, I started feeling connected and it was a
beautiful feeling, like a very warm bath on a cold day… I learned reflexology, Reiki,
Shiatsu, and meditation. My best friend became my husband.
When I had a session, I always felt I could give much more, but somehow, because I
didn’t understand the source of the knowledge flowing through me, I dismissed it. I
also felt the need to combine all the techniques I had been studying.
In the meantime, we moved to the region known as Las Alpujarras, in the mountains of
southern Spain, where we learned a completely different way of life. I found my place
in Kaliyoga, a retreat centre in the capital village of the region, Órgiva. I was able to
treat a lot of people there by checking their pH levels. After 5 years of boredom (it
became very very boring to just treat bacteria, virus, parasites and fungi), I had a very
funny encounter with a healer, considered a Saint in his village, who has people from
all over Spain coming to visit him. I have to confess that it was destiny. I had no
intention of visiting him. I remember thinking, ‘What am I doing here?’ But when I sat
in front of him, and he started yelling all the things I “should” be doing that I was not,
my heart first shrank smaller (in fear) and then grew bigger (in trust).
From that moment on, my sessions have never been the same again. I become an
instrument for the person. I say “I serve”, or I call it “my service”. And it is beautiful.
In the sessions where people come to see me, I use my hands constantly. One hand
searches, and the other listens (like in Shiatsu). To my surprise, I can really listen to
peoples bodies!!!
Some bodies transmit more serious messages than other bodies. For example, some
people’s bodies want to stop living. Other people’s bodies just have a very grumpy
liver that wants some help, love and attention…
How do I know this? I just sit down and listen very carefully, ignoring my mind’s noise.
(Yuppi! All these years of meditation are finally paying off!)
And after a few seconds, I just start talking to you, and also asking you information and
telling it to your body.
But this cannot be taught in a book, so I am now concentrating on sharing with you my
notes on magnets. They are a very powerful tool; the main one that I use with my
patients, although NEVER IF THERE IS A HISTORY OF CHEMOTHERAPY. Biomagnetic
Pair is something I feel I can share and explain, and so I came up with the idea of
writing this book. It is like my notes on magnets; like sitting next to me, having a very
long chat about the positions I mostly use in my sessions. Now, after some years, I feel
I am working as interpreter AGAIN (for your body and mind).
The time has come that I have less time than patients and I feel compelled to share
what I know with you, especially as it is so useful and I am not always available for