Frequently Asked Questions (Faq) : Under National Pension System (NPS)
Frequently Asked Questions (Faq) : Under National Pension System (NPS)
Frequently Asked Questions (Faq) : Under National Pension System (NPS)
The greater the value of the contributions made, the greater the investments achieved, the
longer the term over which the fund accumulates and the lower the charges deducted, the
larger would be the eventual benefit of the accumulated pension wealth likely to be.
4) If a subscriber have invested in any other Provident Fund, can I still invest in NPS?
Yes. Investment in NPS is independent of subscribers’ contribution to any Provident Fund.
7) Which document can a Subscriber use as investment proof in order to avail the tax
The print out of the Transaction Statement could be used as a document for claiming tax
11) What are the different options in the IVR available to the subscribers?
Subscribers have the following options in IVR:
a) Change of T-PIN.
b) Check scheme preference and holding details.
c) Check the status of any change request (like change of address, nomination etc.).
d) Check details of last contribution credit and last withdrawal request (for Tier II only).
e) Request for SOT for any financial year
f) Check status of Subscriber Shifting
g) Speak to a customer service executive
12) What is the procedure for registration of Subscribers in the CRA system for Tier II
If the Subscriber is an existing PRAN Card holder, he/she can activate the Tier II account by
approaching his Nodal Office, or can contact the POPs to activate Tier II. The list of POPs is
available on our website ( Tier II can also activate
their Tier II account through eNPS (
13) What are the different Fund Management Schemes available to the subscriber?
The NPS offers two approaches to invest subscriber’s money:
a) Active choice – Here the individual would decide on the asset classes in which the
contributed funds are to be invested and their percentages (Asset class E(maximum
of 50%), Asset Class C, and Asset Class G )
b) Auto choice - Lifecycle Fund- This is the default option under NPS and wherein the
management of investment of funds is done automatically based on the age profile of
the subscriber. For full details, one may go through our website
wherein the full details of the investment choices and fund management details are
Currently, these options are available to Government subscribers only Tier II account.
16) How are the returns calculated in NPS? Is there any assured return / dividend / bonus?
For Central Government employees mandatorily covered under NPS, the total contribution
uploaded in an employee's Tier I account is divided among three PFMs. viz. SBI Pension
Funds Private Limited, UTI Retirement Solutions Limited and LIC Pension Fund Limited in
a predefined ratio and units are allotted in the subscribers account. For State Government
employees mandatorily covered under NPS, the total contribution uploaded in an
employee's Tier I account is divided among the three PFMs. viz. SBI Pension Funds Private
Limited, UTI Retirement Solutions Limited and LIC Pension Fund Limited in a ratio as
decided by the State Government and units are allotted in the subscribers account
accordingly. The PFMs invest the money in different financial instruments within the
investment guidelines laid down by PFRDA and declare Net Asset Value (NAV) at the end
of each business day. Accordingly, based on the NAV, units are credited in the subscriber's
account. The present value of the investment is arrived by the units held multiplied by the
The return under NPS is market driven. Hence, there is no guaranteed/defined amount of
return. The returns generated through investments are accumulated and is not distributed as
dividend or bonus.
17) What are the Assets permitted for NPS funds Investment?
a) Asset class E: "High return, High risk" (equity market instruments).
b) Asset class G: "Low return, Low risk" fixed income instruments. The best example of
this is central government bonds.
c) Asset class C: "Medium return for credit risk" bearing fixed income instruments.
Examples of these are bonds issued by firms.
20) Will the Subscriber get any Annual Account Statement for his/her PRAN?
The Annual Account Statement as of March 31st of every year will be sent to the registered
correspondence address. Also, if a subscriber wishes to have a transaction statement on an
adhoc basis, he/she can log into CRA system using the I-PIN and view the Transaction
Statement. Subscriber can also access the account details through the IVR or by getting in
touch with their Nodal Offices to get a copy of the Account Statement.
21) What are the details of the Subscriber a Nodal office can update?
Nodal Office can update the following requests of the employee/subscriber
Nodal office can also generate and print Transaction Statement and Statement of Holding
for an employee associated with it.
23) Who can be a Nominee and how are the details to be filled in the form?
Only an Individual can be a nominee. Subscriber can nominate a maximum of three
nominees. Subscriber cannot fill the same nominee details more than once. Percentage share
value for all the nominees must be integer. Decimals/fractional values are not accepted in
the nomination(s). Sum of percentage share across all the nominees must be equal to 100. If
sum of percentage is not equal to 100, entire nomination will be rejected. If a nominee is a
minor, then nominee's date of birth and guardian details shall be mandatory. The
registration of nominee details will not be done unless all details are duly filled up in the
form. A subscriber may refer the instructions for nominations available in the registration
Form CSRF1
25) What happens to the PRAN in case a Subscriber is transferred to another location?
One of the core attributes of NPS is portability of PRAN across sectors. The PRAN allotted
under NPS is unique and portable. This unique account number will remain the same for the
rest of Subscriber’s life. Subscriber will be able to use this account and this unique PRAN
from any location in India. For shifting PRAN from one sector to another sector, the
Subscriber is required to submit Form ISS-1 [(Inter Sector Shifting from). The form ISS1 is
available on the CRA website -] to the target Nodal Office i.e. to the
Nodal Office with whom he/she will be associated after shifting. The target Nodal Office
will facilitate the shifting of PRAN along with accumulated NPS contributions of source
sector in the CRA system.
However, the above process is applicable only for shifting the PRAN from one sector to
another. For shifting of PRAN within Central Government sector, the Subscriber is required
to intimate his PRAN to the target (new) office with whom he/she will be associated after
shifting. There is no need to fill form ISS-1. The new office will facilitate shifting of PRAN in
the CRA system. On successful processing of monthly NPS contributions by new office,
PRAN will get associated to new office in the CRA system. Further, the new office is
required to update Subscriber’s employment details in the CRA system.
26) I have a NPS account and have a grievance on the services provided. To whom shall I
report and how?
a) The subscriber can raise grievance through any of the modes mentioned below:
Call Centre/Interactive Voice Response System (IVR)
The Subscriber can contact the CRA call center at toll free telephone number 1-800-
222080 and register the grievance by using T-PIN.
Dedicated Call center executives.
b) Physical forms direct to CRA
The Subscriber may submit the grievance in a prescribed format to the POP – SP who
would forward it to CRA Central Grievance Management System (CGMS).
Subscriber can directly send form to CRA.
c) Web based interface
The Subscriber may register the grievance at the website with
the use of the I-pin allotted at the time of opening a Permanent Retirement Account.
A subscriber may also write to Grievance Redressal Cell, PFRDA, or Email: [email protected]
for taking appropriate action. The Subscriber can check the status of the grievance in CRA
website at Subscriber will receive an email alert when the grievance is
27) How can a Subscriber check the status of the grievance lodged by him/her?
When a subscriber registers a grievance in the CRA website (, an unique
token number is assigned to each and every grievance. Subscriber can use that token no. to
know about the status of the grievances either through the call centre or through the CRA
28) What are the types of grievances for which a Subscriber can approach the Nodal Office
A Subscriber can approach the Nodal Office in case of the following grievances:
29) What types of Withdrawals are allowed under the National Pension System?
As per Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority (PFRDA) Exit Rules, following
Withdrawal categories are allowed:
a) Upon Normal Superannuation – At least 40% of the accumulated pension wealth of the
Subscriber has to be utilized for purchase of annuity providing for monthly pension of
the Subscriber and the balance is paid as lump sum to the subscriber.
In case the total corpus in the account is less than Rs. 2 Lakhs as on the Date of
Retirement (Government sector)/attaining the age of 60 (Non-Government sector), the
Subscriber can avail the option of complete Withdrawal.
b) Upon Death – The entire accumulated pension wealth (100%) would be paid to the
nominee/legal heir of the Subscriber and there would not be any purchase of
annuity/monthly pension.
c) Exit from NPS Before the age of Normal Superannuation – At least 80% of the
accumulated pension wealth of the Subscriber should be utilized for purchase of an
annuity providing the monthly pension of the Subscriber and the balance is paid as a
lump sum to the Subscriber.
31) Can a Subscriber claim for 100% Withdrawal in case of Superannuation and Pre-mature
In case of Pre-mature Exit, if the total accumulated corpus is less than Rs. 1,00,000 then 100
% claim is possible. In case of Superannuation, a Subscriber can claim 100% Withdrawal if
the total accumulated corpus is less than Rs. 2,00,000 at the time of
Superannuation/attaining age of 60 years.
32) Who can claim the accumulated wealth in case of death of a Subscriber?
Nominee(s) registered in the CRA system can submit the Withdrawal request to CRA
through the Subscriber’s associated Nodal Office. If the Subscriber was Non – IRA (Non-
Individual Retirement Account) or Nominee was not registered with CRA, legal heir(s) can
submit the Withdrawal request.
33) In case of death of any NPS Subscriber who had nominated two nominees (one major and
second minor), can the claim be made by the major claimant only?
Withdrawal form needs to be submitted by all the nominees registered in CRA system. In
case the nominee is a minor, Withdrawal form has to be submitted by the guardian along
with the birth certificate of the minor.
34) Whether Withdrawal proceeds can be provided through Cash or Demand Draft?
No, Withdrawal proceeds are credited electronically to the bank account of the
Subscriber/Claimant, as the case maybe. It is necessary for the Subscriber /Claimant to have
a bank account.
35) How one can check the status of Withdrawal request?
Withdrawal status can be checked through the ‘Limited access View’ functionality which is
available at CRA website ( Nodal Office and Subscriber can also check
the status under the menu ‘Exit Withdrawal Request’ by logging into website.
41) What are the different types of annuities or annuity choices available to NPS subscriber?
The different type of Annuity options are:
For more NPS related information, please visit the following links: