Deficit Sensoriomotor

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Number 400, pp. 98–104

© 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Sensorimotor Deficits Contributing to

Glenohumeral Instability
Joseph B. Myers, PhD; and Scott M. Lephart, PhD

The conventional perspective has been that cap- thermal techniques seem to restore the proprio-
suloligamentous structures act as a mechanical ceptive deficits that exist after joint injury.
restraint to humeral translation at the shoulder.
Although this is true, the capsuloligamentous
structures also have a sensorimotor influence on The mechanical role capsuloligamentous struc-
the musculoskeletal system, providing stability tures play in providing glenohumeral joint
at the shoulder. The purpose of the current study stability is commonly accepted in the ortho-
was to discuss the sensorimotor role that the cap- paedic community. Glenohumeral ligaments
suloligamentous structures play in providing and the joint capsule cradle the humeral head
stability, how these mechanisms are disrupted
to provide mechanical restraint to the humeral
with glenohumeral instability, and how surgical
intervention restores such mechanisms. Proprio-
translation, especially at end ranges of mo-
ceptive information transmitted from the mech- tion.7,18,45 However, capsuloligamentous struc-
anoreceptors embedded within the capsuloliga- tures cannot solely provide sufficient stability
mentous structures influence the coordinated for functional activities.4 Glenohumeral sta-
motor patterns, reflex activity, and joint stiffness bility is achieved by capsuloligamentous struc-
to provide enhanced joint stability. The capsu- tures working together with well-balanced
loligamentous injury that occurs with shoulder musculature.4 As such, capsuloligamentous
instability not only affects mechanical restraint, restraints also influence the behavior of the
but also alters this proprioceptive input to the shoulder musculature through neurologic mech-
central nervous system. As a result of these anisms, specifically the sensorimotor system.
deficits in proprioception, alterations in reflex
It is this synergistic relationship between the
activity and motor programs as evident by mus-
cle firing pattern alterations manifest. Although
capsuloligamentous structures and muscula-
the main goal of surgical intervention is to re- ture surrounding the shoulder where suffi-
store the mechanical restraint that is lost with cient stability is provided. The purpose of the
joint dislocation or subluxation, surgical inter- current review was to discuss the sensorimo-
vention whether through open, arthroscopic, or tor role that capsuloligamentous structures
play in providing joint stability, how these
sensorimotor mechanisms are disrupted by
From the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory, Muscu- glenohumeral instability, and how surgical
loskeletal Research Center, Department of Orthopaedic intervention restores such mechanisms.
Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Reprint requests to Joseph B. Myers, PhD, Neuromus- Role of the Sensorimotor System
cular Research Laboratory, UPMC Center for Sports
Medicine, 3200 South Water Street, Pittsburgh, PA Capsuloligamentous structures influence mus-
15203. culature thereby providing stability to the shoul-

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July, 2002 Sensorimotor Deficits Instability 99

der via the sensorimotor system. The sensori- mechanoreceptors were present in the subacro-
motor system includes the sensory, motor, and mial bursa or glenoid labrum.59
central integration and processing components Afferent proprioceptive information origi-
of the central nervous system.34 Sensory infor- nating from the mechanoreceptors travels to
mation provided by the shoulder (propriocep- the spinal cord through afferent neurons. These
tion) travels through afferent pathways to the afferent neurons may synapse directly with the
central nervous system, where it is integrated alpha motor neurons, gamma motor neuron, or
with information from other levels of the ner- interneurons.10 Many of the interneurons pro-
vous system.33,58 The central nervous system, vide the basis for sensory integration and mo-
in turn, elicits efferent motor responses (neu- tor control at the spinal level, whereas others
romuscular control) vital to coordinated move- form the ascending tracts (spinocerebellar and
ment patterns and functional stability. dorsal lateral) leading to higher central nervous
Although proprioception has gained atten- system structures, such as the cerebellum and
tion only within the past decade, Sherrington52 cerebral cortex. The cerebellum provides con-
first discussed this concept approximately 1 cen- trol over dynamic restraints by planning and
tury ago. Proprioception is defined as the affer- modifying motor activities and comparing the
ent neural input originating from mechanore- intended movements with the outcome of ac-
ceptors about the shoulder.34,42 Neural input tual movement whereas the cerebral cortex
concerning joint position sense, kinesthesia provides conscious appreciation of tissue de-
( joint movement sense), and forces application formation about the joint.10
to the joint can be appreciated consciously. Popular opinion has been that the primary
However, this information also is received function of capsuloligamentous receptors is to
subconsciously and used for joint stability elicit direct reflexive activation of the alpha mo-
mechanisms described in the current study.34,42 tor neuron. Through direct electrical and me-
Mechanoreceptors are sensory neurons present chanical stimulation of joint ligaments, capsule,
within the ligaments, joint capsule, muscle, ten- or both,3,28,29,46,55,56 several investigators have
don, and skin about the shoulder.15,27,59 These shown that a spinal reflex exists between fi-
mechanically sensitive neuronal endings trans- brous joint capsule and musculature about the
duce mechanical tissue deformation as fre- glenohumeral joint in felines.17,29,55,56 Jerosch
quency modulated signals to the central nervous et al22 followed up the feline model research by
system through afferent pathways.15 As tissue showing a similar reflex arc between the shoul-
deformation occurs, either through voluntary der capsule and the deltoid, trapezius, pectoralis
movement or joint perturbation (unexpected major, and rotator cuff musculature in a human
joint position changes), release of stored sodium model. Some criticisms exist when describing
by the mechanoreceptors provides neural input this capsuloligamentous reflex as a provider of
to the central nervous system.15,38 Specifically, stability. Correlating reflex activity resulting
at the shoulder, Vangsness et al59 reported that from electrical stimulation of the capsule to
neural endings exist in the capsuloligamen- normal physiologic function remains specula-
tous structures. Low threshold, slow adapting tive and uncertain at best. A common criticism
Ruffini afferents were most abundant overall, with mechanical stimulation studies is that the
except in the glenohumeral ligaments where relative high loading required to elicit alpha
low threshold, rapid adapting Pacinian type af- motor neuron responses is above those forces
ferents outnumber Ruffini afferents.59 Ruffini experienced during in vivo situations.21,24,49
afferents are thought to be stimulated only in ex- Also, the latency associated with reflexive con-
tremes of motion through tensile force, acting as traction from the alpha motor neuron stimula-
limit detectors.15 Similar to Ruffini receptors, tion may be too long to provide stability. This
Pacinian corpuscles respond in extremes of latency consists of the interval that exists be-
motion, but through compressive and tensile tween application of a perturbing force, and
mechanisms, rather than stretching alone.15 No the myoelectrical phenomenon associated with
Clinical Orthopaedics
100 Myers and Lephart and Related Research

muscle contraction.2,24,47,49 Electromechanical amentous laxity, stiffer muscles also may re-
delay also must be considered. Electromechan- duce the incidence of joint instability.
ical delay is the latency between myoelectrical Using an in vivo perturbation model, the
onset and the actual force production within authors’ laboratory currently is examining the
the muscle necessary for stability.9,13,14,30 The role that reflex activity plays in joint stiffness
force resulting from the reflexive response for providing glenohumeral stability. Prelimi-
probably will not sufficiently absorb the energy nary observations suggest that reflex latencies
necessary to protect the joint.47 decreased whereas stiffness increases because
Capsuloligamentous mechanoreceptors also of increased muscle activity. These changes in
seem to directly influence gamma motor neuron stiffness and reflex latency probably result
activation, which may be the most functional from the increased intrafusal muscle fiber (mus-
aspect related to joint proprioception. Using cle spindle) sensitivity existing as a function
traction forces ( 5 N) below those associated of coactivation accompanying extrafusal mus-
with tissue damage and nociceptor stimulation cle fiber activation.
has produced potent effects on gamma motor
neuron by capsuloligamentous mechanorecep- Sensorimotor Deficits With
tors.11,23,25,26,41,49,54 The increased gamma mo- Shoulder Instability
tor neuron activation facilitates joint stability Disruption of the stabilizing structures, static
by controlling muscle spindle sensitivity and and dynamic, whether caused by a traumatic
indirectly adjusts muscle stiffness. Increased or nontraumatic mechanism results in gleno-
muscle stiffness yields enhanced joint stiffness humeral joint stability. This joint instability is
and therefore is thought to augment joint sta- accompanied by decreased proprioception as
bility through an elevated potential to resist mechanoreceptor stimulation is diminished from
sudden joint displacements.16,24,37,40 This en- either deafferentation or soft tissue lengthen-
hanced ability to absorb additional energy from ing.32,57 The combination of capsuloligamen-
destabilizing forces may shield the ligaments tous disruption and proprioceptive deficits
from bearing the responsibility of stability in contribute to functional instability. Figure 1
isolation. In unstable joints with associated lig- shows the cyclic role that mechanical instabil-

Fig 1. A shoulder functional stability paradigm shows the insidious cycle that results from the combi-
nation of mechanical instability, proprioceptive deficits, and neuromuscular alterations of dynamic re-
straints. Surgical intervention blocks this cycle by restoring the mechanical restraint and proprioceptive
mechanisms. (Modified with permission from Lephart S, Henry T: The physiological basis for open and
closed kinetic chain rehabilitation for the upper extremity. J Sport Rehabil 5:71–78 1996.)
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July, 2002 Sensorimotor Deficits Instability 101

ity, proprioceptive deficits, and alterations in movement at other joints along the kinetic
the neuromuscular mechanisms play in caus- chain by altering the motor program.
ing joint instability. The resulting deficits in proprioception after
Smith and Brunolli53 were the first to show joint injury seem to contribute to alterations in
decreased proprioception (kinesthetic deficits) the motor program and muscle recruitment pat-
after shoulder injury using individuals with terns during movement in humans. Glousman
unilateral instability. Lephart et al35 compared et al12 measured muscle activity during pitch-
the subjects’ ability to detect passive motion ing using fine wire electromyography in sub-
(kinesthesia) and passively reproduce joint po- jects with anterior glenohumeral instability.
sitions in healthy individuals, individuals with The authors showed increased compensatory
instability, and individuals who had surgical re- supraspinatus and biceps brachii activity in in-
pair. Significant deficits in kinesthesia and joint dividuals with instability to accommodate for
position sense were present in subjects with in- a lack of glenohumeral stability. In addition,
stability as compared with healthy subjects and Glousman et al12 reported decreased subscapu-
those who had reconstruction. Forwell and Car- laris, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and
nahan8 showed the inability of individuals with serratus anterior activity during the late cock-
instability to do a manual-pointing task. Using ing phase of pitching in individuals with insta-
cortical evoked potentials, Tibone et al57 re- bility. This decreased activity may be prob-
ported that no significant differences existed lematic because the shoulder relies on activation
between healthy subjects and subjects with in- by these muscles for anterior stability espe-
stability; indicating that, although the mechan- cially in positions of vulnerability, such as the
ical properties of the capsuloligamentous struc- late cocking phase of pitching.12 Kronberg et
tures were compromised, the afferent pathways al31 showed decreased anterior and middle del-
still were intact. These results suggest that cap- toid activity with shoulder flexion and shoulder
sular laxity alone, rather than mechanoreceptor abduction in subjects with instability. This dis-
trauma resulting in deafferentation, is responsi- rupted deltoid activity may alter the force cou-
ble for the proprioception deficits as seen with ple action that exists between the deltoid and
kinesthesia and joint position sense testing. rotator cuff muscle vital to functional stability.
Blasier et al5 reported decreased kinesthetic McMahon et al39 showed that individuals with
sense in subjects diagnosed with hypermobility anterior instability have decreased supraspina-
but no history of instability or injury. In the ab- tus muscle activity during abduction and scap-
sence of mechanoreceptor trauma, the results tion, and decreased serratus anterior activity
again indicate that capsular laxity (resulting during abduction, scaption, and forward flex-
from hypermobility) decreases proprioception. ion. This disrupted activity data suggest that
Allegrucci et al1 focused on kinesthetic aware- force couple mechanisms existing between
ness in athletes who participate in overhead ac- the deltoid and rotator cuff and scapular sta-
tivities. Those authors reported decreased bilization mechanisms vital to functional sta-
kinesthesia in the dominant limb of athletes bility and coordinated movement patterns are
who participate in overhead activities when effected. Although proprioceptive deficits and
compared with the nondominant limb. This de- resulting alterations in the motor programs as-
crease may result from the general capsular sociated with instability have been shown, no
laxity present in athletes who participate in data exist that examine alterations in the influ-
overhead activities and again indicates that in- ence of capsuloligamentous laxity on the stiff-
creased capsular laxity may account for proprio- ness characteristics of the shoulder.
ceptive deficits.1 Sainburg et al50 showed that
patients lacking proprioception were unable to Surgical Restoration of
do multijoint movements that mimic a slicing Sensorimotor Mechanisms
gesture. The results suggest that a proprio- Surgical treatment disrupts the insidious cycle of
ceptively deficient joint disrupts coordinated instability by restoring capsuloligamentous in-
Clinical Orthopaedics
102 Myers and Lephart and Related Research

tegrity and restoring proprioceptive capabilities sults previously reported by Lephart et al35 be-
(Fig 1). Surgical techniques such as variations of cause subjects treated with thermal capsulor-
the capsular shift and thermal capsulorraphy ad- raphy had similar results for joint position
dress the capsuloligamentous trauma that results sense and kinesthesia measures compared
from injury, restoring mechanical restraint.6,48 with subjects who had traditional surgical pro-
Surgical treatment also plays a significant role in cedures and healthy subjects. In addition,
restoring the proprioceptive capabilities of the these subjects returned to near normal daily
shoulder after injury. Surgery retensions the function as measured with a shoulder rating
capsuloligamentous structures, facilitating questionnaire36 at the time of testing. Prospec-
proprioceptive feedback by allowing mechani- tive investigation with long-term followup
cal stimulation of the afferents present within ( 2 years) of thermal capsulorraphy and its
the joint capsule and ligaments.35,57 effect on proprioception, neuromuscular con-
Restoration of joint position sense and trol, and function still needs to be addressed.
kinesthesia has been shown in individuals with Similarly, no data currently exist to focus on
instability who had open or traditional arthro- the restoration of joint stiffness properties af-
scopic capsular shifts.35 These data indicate that ter surgical intervention.
restoration of capsular tension also restores Stability at the shoulder results from not
proprioceptive feedback. Zuckerman et al60 did only the mechanical restraint provided by the
a prospective study in which 30 individuals capsuloligamentous structures that surround
with unilateral glenohumeral instability of trau- the joint, but also the role these structures play
matic origin were measured with a joint posi- by influencing on the dynamic restraints that
tion sense and kinesthetic testing protocol 1 surround the shoulder joint. Proprioceptive in-
week before surgery, and at 6 and 12 months af- formation transmitted from the mechanore-
ter surgery. The subjects had a significant de- ceptors embedded within the capsuloligamen-
crease in joint position sense and kinesthesia tous structures influence the motor programs,
compared with healthy subjects before surgery, reflex activity, and the stiffness present at the
partial restoration by 6 months, and full restora- joint to provide stability. Capsuloligamentous
tion 12 months after surgery.60 injury that occurs with joint subluxation or
A contemporary surgical procedure gaining dislocation not only affects mechanical re-
popularity in the orthopaedic community is straint, but also alters proprioceptive input.
the use of thermal energy through radiofre- From these deficits in proprioception, alter-
quency devices and/or lasers to address me- ations in the motor program become manifest.
chanical instability (thermal capsulorraphy).6,44 Although the main goal of surgical interven-
Although thermal capsulorraphy has been re- tion is to restore the mechanical restraint that
ceived with much enthusiasm, data concerning is lost with joint dislocation or subluxation,
its effectiveness are anecdotal. No substantial surgical intervention (whether through open,
clinical studies exist addressing the efficacy of arthroscopic, or thermal techniques) seems to
this new technique. Given that thermal energy restore the proprioceptive deficits that exist af-
denatures the collagenous infrastructure of the ter joint injury. Future directions should focus
shoulder capsule,19,20,51 much controversy ex- on establishing the role that joint injury has on
ists as to whether the mechanoreceptors present the reflexive characteristics and stiffness prop-
within the shoulder capsule also may be altered. erties associated with joint stability and how
Myers et al43 evaluated joint position sense, well surgical intervention restores such mech-
kinesthesia, and shoulder function in subjects anisms associated with joint stability.
who had thermal capsulorraphy for shoulder
instability. These data revealed no significant References
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