10-2 Sinnott-Armstrong+Behnke
10-2 Sinnott-Armstrong+Behnke
10-2 Sinnott-Armstrong+Behnke
Multiple Personality Disorder (“MPD”), now also known as
Dissociative Identity Disorder, presents vexing problems for courts as they
attempt to assess criminal responsibility. This challenge to the legal system
arises because traditional tests for criminal responsibility do not address the
unique—and sometimes bizarre—phenomenology of MPD. While the
criminal justice system looks to a variety of tests for assessing
responsibility, such as whether individuals could understand or appreciate
the consequences of their actions, or whether they were able to conform
their actions to the requirements of the law, the unique symptomatology of
MPD lies outside these traditional measures.
MPD is characterized by a dividedness of mind. Dividedness of mind,
by itself, is not a traditional basis for a finding of criminal
nonresponsibility. Yet, in certain instances, individuals who struggle with
MPD and who commit criminal acts appear to be excellent candidates for
an insanity or involuntariness defense.
This Article has four goals. First, it reviews the positions courts have
taken on the question of MPD and criminal responsibility. Second, it
explores arguments behind one commentator’s theory of why many
individuals with MPD should not be held responsible for their crimes, and
examines the theory of personhood upon which this commentator’s
argument is based. Third, it analyzes theories of personhood and personal
identity that challenge this commentator’s position of general
nonresponsibility. Finally, it discusses the relationship between MPD and
criminal responsibility.
Professor of Philosophy, Dartmouth College.
Instructor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School.
278 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal [Vol. 10:2
(American Psychiatric Press, 4 ed., 1994).
State v. Grimsley, 444 N.E.2d 1071, 1076 (Ohio App. 1982)
United States v. Denny-Shaffer, 2 F.3d 999 (10th Cir. 1993)
State v. Rodrigues, 679 P.2d 615 (Haw. 1984), cert. denied, 469 U.S. 1078 (1984)
Grimsley, 444 N.E.2d at 1075–76.
2001] Criminal Law and Multiple Personality Disorder 279
Denny-Shaffer, 2 F.3d at 1014.
Id. at 1016 (brackets in original).
280 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal [Vol. 10:2
The court remanded the case to the trial court to determine whether the
host personality should be held criminally accountable.
The second test for criminal responsibility, set forth by the Denny-
Shaffer case, focuses on the host personality. According to Denny-Shaffer, a
court should assess the host’s mental state at the time of the crime in order
to determine whether the individual should be held responsible. The host
personality—rather than the alter in control—is the touchstone for
The third and final test for criminal responsibility in cases of MPD
arises from the Rodrigues case, in which the court reasoned that “[s]ince
each personality may or may not be criminally responsible for its acts, each
one must be examined under the American Law Institute (ALI)-Model
Penal Code (MPC) competency test.”8 While the court did not explain what
to do when some alters are innocent and others complicit in the crime, the
import of the Rodrigues holding is clear: courts must assess the mental
state of each and every personality in order to determine whether a
defendant should be held criminally responsible.
The Grimsley, Denny-Shaffer, and Rodrigues decisions provide the
three tests for assessing the criminal responsibility of an individual with
MPD. No one test dominates American legal analyses, although the
Grimsley and Denny-Shaffer analyses have held sway over courts and
commentators alike.
Id. at 41–51.
282 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal [Vol. 10:2
Daniel Dennett, Conditions of Personhood, in THE IDENTITIES OF PERSONS 177–78 (Amélie
Oksenberg Rorty ed., 1976), cited in Elyn Saks, Multiple Personality Disorder and Criminal
Responsibility, 10 S. CAL. INTERDISC. L.J. 185, 190 (2001).
2001] Criminal Law and Multiple Personality Disorder 283
for example, both Robin and Jennifer use language, are self-conscious,
make rational choices and form rational beliefs (which is an intentional
predicate), have rights (including not to be hurt), and have duties as moral
agents (including not to lie). One might therefore conclude that each alter is
a separate person.
This argument fails because all of these observations can be explained
by someone who denies that Robin and Jennifer are separate persons.
Imagine a normal person without MPD named Norm. That part of Norm
that consists of Norm’s life on a certain day, or when he is in a certain
mood, can be called NormPart. NormPart uses language and is self-
conscious and rational, insofar as Norm uses language and is self-conscious
and rational on that particular day, or when he is in that particular mood.
NormPart also has a right not to be hurt and a duty not to lie insofar as
Norm has those rights and duties on that particular day (or when he is in
that particular mood). All of these characteristics of persons can be
ascribed to NormPart, because they can be ascribed to Norm during the
time when that part of Norm exists.
Now compare Norm with alters in a case of MPD. If alters are parts of
a person, instead of separate persons, then they can meet all of Dennett’s
criteria of persons simply because the persons of whom they are parts have
those properties during times when those alters are in control of the person.
Even if different alters exist at the same time, they perform different
individual acts, and each act can be ascribed to a particular alter only
because the person of whom that alter is a part does that act. In this way,
those theorists who claim that different alters are parts of the same person
can explain why we ascribe Dennett’s criteria when we do. Thus, Dennett’s
criteria do not favor one view of individuation over the other.
Technically, the problem with this argument is that it confuses different
contrast classes. Dennett’s criteria are intended to distinguish a person from
a non-person, such as an object, plant, or lower animal. Dennett never
intended his criteria to be used to distinguish one person from another to
individuate persons. Moreover, Dennett’s criteria are ill-suited for
individuation. Suppose all we know is that Mark Twain is a rational, self-
conscious language user and a moral object and subject; and so is Samuel
Clemens. This tells us that Mark is a person and that Sam is a person, but it
does not tell us whether Mark and Sam are the same person. “Mark” might
be a nom-de-plum for “Sam,” in which case Mark is the same person as
Sam. This person might go by the name “Mark” in some contexts at some
times, such as when writing, but by the name “Sam” in other contexts at
other times, such as when dining. Similarly, if “Robin” and “Jennifer” are
simply different names for different parts of a single person’s life, then each
can fully meet Dennett’s criteria but still be the same person. Thus, even if
284 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal [Vol. 10:2
identity depends on the mind rather than the body. Saks uses Locke’s
example in this way.
Such examples seem more realistic when one considers the possibility
of a brain transplant. In Shoemaker’s example,13 while performing two
brain transplants at once, a surgeon inadvertently puts Brown’s brain in
Robinson’s body, thereby producing a combination called Brownson, which
has all of Brown’s memories and personality traits. The surgeon also puts
Robinson’s brain in Brown’s body, but that combination dies. Shoemaker
and his followers claim that Brown is the same person as Brownson. Again,
this example is intended to demonstrate that personal identity follows the
mind rather than the body.
It is crucial, however, that Brownson has Brown’s brain, even though
Brownson no longer has Brown’s body. As Bernard Gert argues,14 if
Robinson were hypnotized in such a way that Robinson’s body assumed all
of Brown’s memories, personality traits, and other mental features, then
nobody would say that the result was identical to Brown, especially if
Brown still existed with all of the same memories, personality traits, and
other mental features. Thus, brain identity still seems necessary for
personal identity.
It also seems sufficient. This point is clearest when brain transfer
follows hypnosis:
[P]rior to brain transfer between Brown and Robinson, Brown had been
hypnotized and told that he was Robinson. He then makes memory claims
to be Robinson and assumes the personality and character of Robinson.
Thus, prior to the brain transfer, Brown has the psychological features of
Robinson. If, while in this state, Brown’s brain is put in Robinson’s body,
we would have a person who would have Robinson’s body, Brown’s brain,
and Robinson’s psychological
features. Yet I should want to say that this
person is really Brown.
This person would not be Brown if any mental features were necessary
for personal identity, since the body with Brown’s brain has none of
Brown’s mental features. Thus, if the resulting person really is Brown, then
mental features are not necessary, and brain identity is sufficient for
personal identity.
Why is it sufficient? The answer appears to be that the brain is the part
of the body associated with psychological features. (It would be more
precise to refer to only part of the brain, but we will speak of the brain as a
whole for simplicity.) If the heart were the seat of the mind, then heart
Bernard Gert, Personal Identity and the Body, X DIALOGUE 458, 472 (1971). For a more recent
Gert, supra note 14, at 472.
286 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal [Vol. 10:2
with you on September 17 twenty years ago, even if I am not Joe. What I
cannot do, unless I am Joe, is remember having the experience of jumping
off the diving board with you that time. Similarly, only you can remember
having the experience of jumping off the board with Joe. We will call such
memories of having experiences “experiential memories.”
Experiential memories can fade just like other memories. I might not
be able to remember jumping off the board. A person can suffer complete
amnesia and lose all previous experiential memories. This would not show
that he was not the same person as he was before the amnesia. He would
still have the same parents, children, social security number, and so on,
even if his character or personality changed. Consequently, experiential
memories are not necessary for personal identity, and no lack of
experiential memory can be used to argue against personal identity.
This point is important because the experiential memories of people
with MPD are radically disconnected. If a connected chain of experiential
memories were necessary for personal identity, then alters in a case of
MPD would be different people, as would people with amnesia,
dissociative fugue, and blackouts during intoxication or after hypnosis.
Since this conclusion is implausible, disconnection among experiential
memories cannot be used to show lack of personal identity in cases of MPD
or anywhere else.
Experiential memories still might provide a sufficient condition of
personal identity. Suppose that on Wednesday, Ron remembers having his
experience of eating breakfast on Monday, although he does not remember
any experience on Tuesday. On Thursday he also remembers having the
same experience on Monday, although he does not remember having any
experience on Tuesday or Wednesday. Despite the disconnections among
his memories, the fact that his experiential memories on Wednesday and
Thursday are memories of having the same experience on Monday is
enough to show that the person who had that experiential memory on
Wednesday is the same as the person who had the experiential memory on
Thursday. More generally, when X and Y have memories of having at least
one common experience, then their memories are said to converge. A single
pair of convergent experiential memories is sufficient for personal identity.
This criterion can be extended if identity is transitive, so that, if X is
identical with Y, and Y is identical with Z, then X is identical with Z.
Suppose that each day Ron remembers the preceding day but nothing
before. On Friday, Ron remembers eating breakfast on Thursday, but not on
Wednesday, on Thursday, Ron remembers eating breakfast on Wednesday,
but not on Tuesday, and so on. Ron’s experiential memory chain shows that
Ron on Friday is the same person as Ron on Thursday, Ron on Thursday is
the same person as Ron on Wednesday, and so on. By transitivity, it follows
288 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal [Vol. 10:2
that Ron on Friday is the same person as Ron on Wednesday, and so on.
These identities hold even if no experiential memory is shared on Friday
and Tuesday. More generally, we can say that two experiential memory
chains converge when each chain contains one of a pair of convergent
experiential memories. Such convergence between experiential memory
chains is sufficient for personal identity, even between times when there are
no current convergent memories.
It is not important whether my experiential memory is distorted in
some ways, but it is not enough to have a similar experiential memory of
eating toast for breakfast on Monday at 8:00 a.m., since different people
can eat the same thing at the same time and later remember having a similar
experience of eating toast for breakfast on Monday at 8:00 a.m. On this
theory, different people cannot remember, or have memory chains that
converge on a memory of, having exactly the same experience of eating
breakfast on Monday. Thus, this test of personal identity rests on some test
of experience identity.
This reliance creates problems when we distinguish numerical identity
from exact phenomenological similarity. Two experiences are exactly
similar phenomenologically when they do not differ in any detail that is
observable or introspectable by the person having the experiences. Such
experiences still might not be numerically identical. Possibly through
hypnosis, Ron can have an experience of eating breakfast on Monday that
is exactly like Don’s in all detectable respects. Each sees the same people,
dishes, and decorations from the same angles, so each of their heads would
seem to have been in the same place at the same time looking in the same
direction. Each also experiences the same flavors, smells, sounds, and
feelings in exactly the same order. Later Ron and Don can have experiential
memories that are exactly similar phenomenologically, and they can
reliably describe them to me. Nonetheless, if Ron and Don are now
standing next to each other with different brains and personalities, then they
cannot be the same person. Thus, exact phenomenological similarity is not
enough for personal identity. What would be sufficient is that the
remembered experiences be numerically identical, which seems to require
that the same person had them. In this case, we need to know whether Ron
and Don were the same person while they were having the experience
before we can know whether they remember having the same experience
numerically and before we can use memories to determine personal identity
at a later time.
This problem of circularity has led many philosophers to abandon
memory as a criterion of personal identity. It still suffices for personal
identity that a chain of experiential memories converges on the same
experience numerically. This phenomenon, however, cannot provide a
2001] Criminal Law and Multiple Personality Disorder 289
personal identity. At the very least, it is strong evidence that Robin and
Jennifer are parts of the same person. The same argument could be made in
all other real cases of MPD, refuting any multiple persons view of MPD.
Defenders of a multiple persons view respond that something more is
necessary to establish personal identity. If so, the conjunctive criterion is
not sufficient. If the added necessary condition were not met in cases of
MPD, then alters in cases of MPD would not be parts of the same person.
One condition that is often upheld as necessary is continuity or
similarity of personality or character. In this context, one’s personality is
the set of values or dispositions that constitutes or explains why one acts,
feels, and thinks in the general ways that one does. According to this view,
X is the same person as Y only when X’s personality is sufficiently similar
to that of Y. This theory inspires much common conversation, such as the
comment to one’s degenerate spouse, “You are not the person I married,”
meaning that the spouse’s personality has changed dramatically.
This criterion will not function in law. Suppose Joe is a heroine addict
who undergoes a religious conversion to fundamentalism, changing his
character or personality changes almost completely. We would and should
allow him to inherit what his grandfather left to him in a valid will. We
would and should find him guilty for crimes that he committed before his
conversion, even if we reduced or commuted his sentence. The same
applies to people with manic depression or bipolar disorder, who change
dramatically, unprompted by external factors. If a continuous personality
were required for personal identity, and if personal identity were required
for punishment, then one could escape punishment by changing one’s
personality after committing a crime. Criminals who plan such an escape
should not be excused. Moreover, one main purpose of criminal law is
deterrence. I can fear future punishment even if I know that I will have a
different personality by the time I am punished. Personality can vary in
degrees, but criminal law needs an on-off criterion as a necessary condition
of guilt, as courts cannot declare anyone partly guilty. For all of these
reasons, continuity of personality does not seem necessary for the kind of
personal identity that is necessary for criminal responsibility.
The vague idea of personality could be made more precise if one’s
personality is constituted or determined by one’s projects and how they
should fit together. That idea might lead to a test like that suggested by
Carol Rovane:
an individual person exists when there is a set of intentional episodes such
that: (1) these intentional episodes stand in suitable rational relations so as
to afford the possibility of carrying out sustained coordinated activities;
(2) the set includes commitment to particular unifying projects whose
execution involves the very sorts of sustained coordinated activities made
292 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal [Vol. 10:2
possible by (1); and (3) the commitment to carrying out these unifying
projects brings16 in train a commitment to achieving overall rational unity
within the set.
This analysis implies that an alter is an individual person if and only if
its intentional episodes meet conditions (1)–(3). It also suggests that two
alters are not parts of an individual person if and only if either suitable
relations do not hold between the intentional episodes of the alters or they
do not share any unifying project or they are not committed to achieving
rational unity between their projects.
This test does not seem sufficient to establish personal identity. My
wife and I execute sustained coordinated activities that make it possible for
us to execute our shared projects of raising our children and maintaining
our personal relationship. We are committed to achieving overall rational
unity within and between our projects. Nonetheless, my wife and I are still
separate persons. Rovane countenances group persons, but my wife and I
are not parts of a group person, at least in any way relevant to criminal law.
Moreover, the part of Norm that exists on Monday and the part of Norm
that exists on Tuesday might each meet Rovane’s three conditions if Norm
needs both days to complete a certain project. However, neither the part of
Norm that exists on Monday nor the conjunctive part of Norm that exists
through Monday and Tuesday is an individual person who is distinct from
Norm. If Rovane’s conditions were sufficient, they would yield so many
persons that we wouldn’t know which one to hold responsible.
More importantly, Rovane’s three conditions are not necessary for
personal identity over time. Even if no shared project or commitment
unifies me at age six with me now, I am still the same person now as I was
at age six. Rovane’s criteria might seem to work better within a short time
period, but consider the example of a man with extreme manic depression.
Sometimes he is suicidal, and sometimes he thinks that he is a great artist.
When he is manic, he sees no value in suicide. When he is depressed, he
sees no value in his art. In neither phase is he actually committed to rational
unity within this set of projects, nor is he able to sustain coordinated
activities through both phases. Still, neither phase by itself is a person, and
the man is the same person in both phases, because he meets the body and
memory conditions. If he commits a crime while manic, then we may
legitimately hold him responsible and punish him while he is depressed.
Thus, unifying projects cannot be necessary for any kind of personal
identity that is crucial to criminal responsibility.
Rovane might respond that such objections misinterpret commitment as
a psychological state, whereas her notion of commitment is normative.17 In
We are indebted to Isaac Levi for pressing this response.
2001] Criminal Law and Multiple Personality Disorder 293
past. If I do not now remember doing it, then I might not be aware of it.
This does not mean that I am not the person who did it, or that I cannot be
punished for doing it. The same theory applies to control over the future.
Even if I am not able on Monday to control what I eat for dinner on
Tuesday, and even if I am not aware of what I will eat, much less aware of
eating it, that I am still the same person on both days. Thus, personal
identity can hold over time without neither awareness nor control.
Alters in a case of MPD are analogous in relevant respects to different
parts of a single person’s consciousness at different times. If each alter is
aware of and can control what it does at a certain time, but is unaware of
and cannot control what the other alter does at a different time, then the
alters are related much like temporal parts of a single person when one
temporal part is aware of and can control what it does at a certain time, but
is unaware of and cannot control what another temporal part does at a
different time. Thus, if awareness and control are not necessary for personal
identity over time, then awareness and control are also not necessary for
personal identity between alters.
One might respond that this analogy is irrelevant, because it is
important that alters can exist consciously at the same time in some cases.
It is not clear, however, why this fact destroys the analogy to temporal parts
of a single person. It is true that we do not hold individuals responsible for
an action that they cannot control at the time, but alters who commits
crimes in a case of MPD are often able to control what they do at the time.
In the Denny-Shaffer case, the alter who took the baby could have stopped
herself from taking the baby. The other alter, Bridget, who became
conscious later, could not then change the past, but none of us can change
what our past selves did. If lack of control over past selves removed
criminal responsibility, then all criminals would go free. Thus, lack of
control over a past alter also should not remove criminal responsibility.
Opponents might still object that one alter should not be held
responsible for what another alter did when the former could not control
the latter, any more than one person should be held responsible for what
another person does when the former cannot control the latter. But this
response blatantly assumes that different alters are or are like different
persons. That begs the question addressed herein, which is precisely
whether alters are or are like different persons. It makes sense to deny such
criminal responsibility in cases of MPD if one assumes that different alters
are different persons, but we need an independent test to show that they in
fact are different persons. No criterion of awareness and control can show
the lack of personal identity among alters, because that criterion itself
remains suspect at best.
2001] Criminal Law and Multiple Personality Disorder 295
We have argued that alter personalities are parts of the same person in
any way that is required for criminal responsibility. Thus, we believe there
is reason to reject Saks’ argument for nonresponsibility, insofar as it is
based on assigning the status of personhood to alter personalities. Our
rejection of the personhood of alters, however, may be relevant to other of
Saks’ arguments for nonresponsibility, even though these arguments do not
depend on the personhood of alters.
If alter personalities are not persons, then the alternative left to the
criminal law is to view alter personalities as mental states. This way of
viewing alter personalities is consistent with traditional concepts of insanity
and involuntariness, which look to a person’s mental state at the time of the
crime in order to determine whether that person should be held criminally
accountable. Thus, assessing the responsibility of an individual with MPD
becomes very similar to assessing the responsibility of any other defendant.
DAVID HUME, A TREATISE OF HUMAN NATURE bk. I, pt. IV, sec. VI (L.A. Selby-Bigge ed.
296 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal [Vol. 10:2
The court attempts to determine whether the individual met the relevant
standard at the time the crime took place. The Grimsley court came to
precisely this conclusion.
Saks argues that the dividedness of individuals with MPD will often
serve to vitiate responsibility. Yet, if the personhood question is foreclosed,
then the question is not how divided the person was, but whether, at the
time of the crime, the person knew, appreciated, understood, could control,
or whatever the jurisdiction calls for. This view of assessing responsibility
seems consistent with philosophy, psychology, and precedent in criminal
law. Given the complexity of MPD, however, our position will hardly
foreclose the debate.